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This item is authorised by the following title:
Food Standards (Proposal P1028 – Infant Formula) Variation
Food Standards (Application A1265 – 2'-FL/DFL, LNT, 6'-SL sodium salt and 3'-SL sodium salt as nutritive substances in infant formula products) Variation
Food Standards (Proposal P1061 – Code Revision (2023)) Variation
Food Standards (Application A1253 – Bovine Lactoferrin in Infant Formula Products) Variation
Food Standards (Application A1251 – 2'-FL combined with galacto-oligosaccharides and/or inulin-type fructans in infant formula products) Variation
Food Standards (Application A1190 – 2'-FL in infant formula and other products)Variation
Food Standards (Application A1155 – 2'-FL and LNnT in infant formula and other products) Variation
Food Standards (Application A1173 – Minimum protein in follow-on formula) Variation
Food Standards (Proposal P1043 – Code Revision (2016)) Variation