Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (MRL Standard for Residues of Chemical Products) Instrument 2023
made under section 7A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992.
Compilation No. 3
Compilation date: 1 March 2024
Includes amendments: F2024L00250
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (MRL Standard for Residues of Chemical Products) Instrument 2023 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 March 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self‑repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
1 Name
This instrument is the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (MRL Standard for Residues of Chemical Products) Instrument 2023.
This instrument is made under section 7A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992.
Preamble to Schedule
I Name
II Authority
III Background
IV Definitions
Schedule 1—The MRL Standard
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Explanation
2 Meat and milk [in the fat]
Part 2—The tables
1 Table 1—MRLs in food commodities
2 Table 2—Commodity portions
3 Table 3—Residue definitions
4 Table 4—Animal Feed Commodities
5 Table 5—MRLs not necessary
Table 1—MRLs in food commodities
Table 2—Portion of the commodity to which the MRL applies (and which is analysed)
Table 3—Residue definitions
Table 4—MRLs for pesticides in animal feed commodities
Table 5—Uses of substances where MRLs are not necessary
This instrument is the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (MRL Standard for Residues of Chemical Products) Instrument 2023.
This instrument is made under section 7A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992.
(1) The MRL Standard set out in the Schedule lists MRLs of substances which may arise from the approved use of those substances or other substances, and provides the relevant residue definitions to which these MRLs apply.
(2) The APVMA sets MRLs for agricultural and veterinary chemicals in agricultural produce, particularly produce entering the food chain. These MRLs are set at levels which are not likely to be exceeded if the agricultural or veterinary chemicals are used in accordance with their approved label instructions. At the time the MRLs are set the APVMA undertakes a dietary exposure evaluation to ensure the levels do not pose an undue hazard to human health.
(3) In addition to the MRLs set by the APVMA (and its predecessor, the National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (NRA)), the MRL Standard includes recommendations made by the former Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals Standing Committee (PACSC) of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
(4) The MRL Standard also includes recommendations by the former Chemicals Safety Unit (CSU) of the Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health. The CSU was responsible for recommending MRLs for agricultural chemicals in food and animal feedstuffs, and for maintaining the MRL Standard, from the disbandment of the PACSC until 30 June 1994, when this function was formally transferred to the then NRA on 1 July 1994. From 15 March 1994, the then NRA has set MRLs for agricultural chemicals in food and animal feedstuffs and has maintained the MRL Standard. On 30 July 2004 the name of the NRA was changed to the APVMA. Prior to the making of this Instrument, the APVMA published the MRL Standard on its website.
(1) An expression used in the Agvet Code and in this Instrument has the same meaning in this Instrument as in the Agvet Code.
(2) In this instrument:
Agvet Code Act means the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994;
extraneous residue limit (ERL) refers to a pesticide residue arising from environmental sources (including former agricultural uses) other than the use of the chemical directly or indirectly on the food, agricultural commodity or animal feed. ERL means the maximum concentration of the pesticide residue that is recommended to be legally permitted or recognised as acceptable in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed;
feed additive means any substance or agent added to the basic feed mix for continuous long-term administration to livestock for specific purposes, for example, enhancing production or maintenance or health above the levels obtained from the basic feed, improvement of storage qualities or the palatability of the basic feed mix;
good agricultural practice means the nationally recommended, authorised or registered use-pattern of chemicals, that is necessary for effective and reliable pest control under actual conditions at any stage of production, storage, transport, distribution and processing of food commodities and animal feed;
maximum residue limit (MRL) means the maximum concentration of a residue resulting from the registered use of an agricultural or veterinary chemical which is legally permitted or recognised as acceptable to be present in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed;
the MRL Standard means the MRL Standard ‑ Maximum Residue Limits in Food and Animal Feedstuff as set out in the Schedule;
primary feed commodity means a pasture, grain, forage or fodder in, or nearly in, its natural state intended for use by:
(a) farmers as stockfeed for use without further processing for livestock animals, or after silaging or similar farm processes; or
(b) stockfood manufacturers as a raw material for preparing compound feeds.
residue definition means the residue to which the MRL or ERL applies for each chemical as set out in Table 3 of the Schedule.
(1) An asterisk ‘*’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes that the MRL or the ERL is set at or about the limit of analytical quantitation.
(2) A ‘T’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes that the MRL or ERL, residue definition or use is temporary to enable further experimental work to be carried out in Australia or overseas, and will be reconsidered at some future date. This symbol is also used in cases where an MRL or ERL is being phased out.
(3) An ‘E’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes an ERL.
(4) The food commodity designations and their codes used in the Tables have been adopted from the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds (Part 4 of the Guide to Codex Recommendations Concerning Pesticide Residues, second edition, 1989) with minor modifications. The code is included in the MRL Standard entry to assist in associating Australian MRLs with Codex MRLs. Where a commodity does not have a Codex classification, it is entered in the MRL Standard without a code. Modification of a Codex classification is denoted by { }.
(5) MRLs set for `groups' of commodities are applicable to all members of the group as designated in the Codex classification.
(6) Methods of analysis for measuring residues in food commodities must be appropriate to the residues defined in Table 3. Such methods are in most cases available in published manuals or in the chemical literature. Appropriate sources of methods for many compounds are available in the Guide to Codex Recommendations Concerning Residues. While the analyses are not confined to any particular method, they are subject to the necessary quality control procedures, including adequate recovery, minimal blank, a sufficiently low limit of analytical quantitation and absence of significant interferences. The analyst may choose any method appropriate to the compound, the commodity and the equipment, facilities and expertise available in the laboratory.
(7) An MRL shall be regarded as being exceeded if the result of an analysis (by an experienced residue analyst on a sample taken according to official protocols), when rounded according to the Australian Standards SAA 2706-2003 to the number of significant figures in the MRL, exceeds the level set in the MRL Standard, taking into account the accuracy of the analysis.
(8) For a food which is not specified but consists of, or contains, or is manufactured from one or more of the foods specified (e.g. fruit juice), the presence of residues at a level not greater than the respective MRLs is considered acceptable where there is no evidence of concentration. Where there is evidence of concentration, separate MRLs may be set for the appropriate commodities (e.g. wine, wheat germ).
(9) The concentration of MRLs and ERLs are expressed in milligrams per kilogram of the food, agricultural commodity or animal feed or milligrams per litre for liquids.
(10) MRLs on food commodities (Table 1) are expressed on a "fresh-weight" or "as received" basis. MRLs on animal feeds (Table 4) are normally expressed on a "dry-weight" basis. Expression on a "dry weight" basis means that where the sample is analysed on a "fresh weight" basis, a moisture level is determined on a separate subsample and the residue is calculated as if it were all in the dried portion. However, it should be noted MRLs which apply to primary human food commodities also apply when these commodities are used as animal feed commodities.
(11) As a matter of policy, MRLs are not set for residues in tobacco or in agricultural commodities used primarily for fibre production, such as flax, cotton balls, hemp, wool or mohair, or hides of leather as these are not food commodities.
(12) In normal practice MRLs are not set for residues in agricultural commodities used primarily for human or veterinary drug or medicine production, since it is assumed that processing under good manufacturing practices will remove any residues which might constitute a toxicological hazard to human health.
(1) Where a MRL is determined for meat or milk and the chemical concerned is fat soluble, the commodity is designated with the qualification ‘[in the fat]’.
(2) ‘Meat’ MRLs are expressed on a fat basis rather than on a whole product basis.
(3) The approach followed in the MRL Standard is that a portion of adhering fat is analysed and the MRLs apply to the clean, dry fat.
(4) When a MRL for cattle milk or milks is qualified by ‘[in the fat]’, the MRL applies to the fat portion of the milk. Thus, MRLs are expressed on a fat basis. In a derived or manufactured milk product with a fat content of 2% or more, the MRL also applies to the fat portion. For a milk product with a fat content of less than 2%, the MRL applied should be 1/50 of that for ‘milk [in the fat]’ and should apply to the whole product.
1 Table 1—MRLs in food commodities
(1) Table 1 lists residues of substances which may occur in food commodities and for which a MRL or an ERL applies. The particular food commodity is set out in column 2 of Table 1 and the MRL (or the ERL) for that food commodity is in column 3.
(2) Residues of a substance may arise from approved uses of that or another substance, or from extraneous contamination.
(1) Table 2 lists the portion of the commodity to which the maximum residue limit applies (and which is analysed).
(2) Table 2 is derived from the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds, second edition, 1989.
(3) MRLs are in most cases stated in terms of a specific whole raw agricultural commodity as it moves in trade. In some instances a qualification is included that describes the part of the raw agricultural commodity to which the MRL applies. In other instances such qualifications are not provided. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, the portion of the raw agricultural commodity to which the MRL applies and which is to be prepared as the analytical sample for the determination of residues is as described in Table 2.
(1) MRLs for a commodity are set for residues measured by a valid method of analysis. This method may measure the chemical or a derivative of the chemical and may include metabolites originating from the parent compound or other chemicals. In some cases, the nominal concentration of the parent compound is calculated from the measured concentration of a metabolite, but in other cases a derivative or metabolite is used as a measure of the residue.
(1A) Unless otherwise stated, the residue definitions are established both for compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for dietary risk assessment. Where separate definitions for compliance and for dietary risk are established, they are identified and the compliance definition must be used for comparison with MRLs established in Table 1.
(2) Table 3 sets out the residue to which the MRL applies for each chemical compound. Residue definitions for compounds which no longer have entries in Tables 1, 4 or 5 have been retained in Table 3 for reference as analyses may still be required for compounds whose use is no longer permitted.
4 Table 4—Animal Feed Commodities
(1) Table 4 lists MRLs and ERLs for residues of substances that may occur in animal feed commodities. Residues of a substance may arise from approved uses of that or another substance, or from extraneous contamination. Entries in Table 4 are normally expressed on a dry weight basis.
(2) Feed commodities that are also primary human food commodities have not been included in Table 4 and the MRLs for these commodities will also apply as MRLs when they are used as animal feed commodities. Examples of such commodities are the cereal grains, pulses, oil seeds and any other food commodity that is used as a substantial animal feed commodity. The entries in Table 4 should therefore be read in conjunction with the relevant entries in Table 1 when considering the MRLs (or ERLs) that apply to animal feed commodities.
(1) Table 5 lists uses of substances where MRLs are not necessary.
(2) MRLs are not necessary in situations where residues do not or should not occur in foods or animal feeds; or where the residues are identical to or indistinguishable from natural food components; or otherwise are of no toxicological significance.
Table 1—MRLs in food commodities
FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) | |
Abamectin |
| |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | *0.002 |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.05 |
| Beetroot leaves | 0.5 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | 0.1 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T0.1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | 0.05 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, head | T0.05 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.005 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.02 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | 0.1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.01 |
SB 0715 | Cocoa beans | T0.07 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean (dry)] | *0.002 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 0.05 |
FB 0278 | Currant, black | 0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | *0.01 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 0.03 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits {except Cucumber; Squash, summer [zucchini]} | 0.02 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits {except Mushrooms; Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)} | 0.1 |
MF 0814 | Goat fat | 0.1 |
ML 0814 | Goat milk | 0.005 |
| Goat muscle | 0.01 |
| Goat, kidney | 0.01 |
| Goat, liver | 0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.01 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables {except Lettuce, leaf} | T0.5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables {except Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds)} | T0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T1 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 0.05 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T*0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | *0.002 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 0.05 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 0.1 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.01 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds) | 0.5 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | T0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 0.01 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.02 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T*0.002 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.01 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | T*0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | 0.1 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | T0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | *0.01 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.05 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, edible offal of | 0.05 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.002 |
VC 0431 | Squash, summer [zucchini] | 0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits {except Cherries} | T0.03 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.05 |
Acephate see also Methamidophos | ||
FI 0327 | Banana | 1 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) {except Sheep meat} | 0.2 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 5 |
Acequinocyl |
| |
DF 0240 | Apricot, dried | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | T10 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
DF 0247 | Peach, dried | 1 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | 1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.7 |
DF 0014 | Prunes | 1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.7 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 2 |
Acetamiprid |
| |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.2 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel | 0.2 |
FB 2005 | Cane berries | 1 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.05 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0305 | Olives for oil production | T0.5 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.3 |
FP 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T0.3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Field pea (dry); Lupin (dry)} | 0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits {except Cherries} | 0.5 |
FT 0305 | Table olives | T0.5 |
Acibenzolar-S-methyl |
| |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | T0.03 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
Acifluorfen |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
Aclonifen |
| |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | T*0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Afidopyropen |
| |
VS 0620 | Artichoke, globe | 0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.1 |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | *0.01 |
FB 2005 | Cane berries | 0.3 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | *0.01 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.7 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | 0.2 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 5 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 0.1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.2 |
GC 2090 | Sweet corns | *0.01 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Albendazole |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | *0.1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, edible offal of | 3 |
Aldrin and Dieldrin |
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | E0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | E0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | E0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.02 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | E0.05 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | E0.2 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant [aubergine] | E0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | E0.1 |
| Fruits | E0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | E0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | E0.1 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | E0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.15 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including cephalopods | E0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | E0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | E0.1 |
HS 0792 | Pimento fruit | E0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | E0.2 |
VL 0494 | Radish leaves (including radish tops) | E0.1 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | E0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E*0.01 |
Aliphatic alcohol ethoxylates | ||
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.1 |
Altrenogest |
| |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.005 |
MO 0818 | Pig, edible offal of | 0.005 |
Ametoctradin |
| |
HH 0722 | Basil | T50 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.3 |
VA 2031 | Bulb onions | 0.7 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 3 |
VA 2032 | Green onions | 3 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 50 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 0.7 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
Ametryn |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.05 |
Amicarbazone |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.7 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.1 |
Aminocyclopyrachlor |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
Aminoethoxyvinylglycine | ||
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.05 |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.1 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits {except Cherries} | 0.2 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | *0.05 |
Aminopyralid |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) {except Kidney} | 0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Kidney (mammalian) | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.3 |
Amisulbrom |
| |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Amitraz |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.5 |
| Honey | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
Amitrole |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.01 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.01 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | *0.01 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | *0.01 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.02 |
Amoxycillin |
| |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
ML 0822 | Sheep milk | *0.01 |
Ampicillin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat | *0.01 |
MO 0816 | Horse, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Amprolium |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 4 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 1 |
Apramycin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 1 |
Asulam |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.1 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.4 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
Atrazine |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | T*0.1 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.02 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | T*0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.01 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.02 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.1 |
Avilamycin |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
Azamethiphos |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.5 |
Azaperone |
| |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.2 |
MO 0818 | Pig, edible offal of | 0.2 |
Azimsulfuron |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.02 |
Azoxystrobin |
| |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
| Anise myrtle leaves (dried) | T3 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 3 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
HH 0722 | Basil | T50 |
FB 2250 | Bayberries | T5 |
FT 2303 | Bayberry, red | T5 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T*0.005 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T5 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] {except Onion, bulb} | 5 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 3 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.05 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry) | T5 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.03 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant [aubergine] | T2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
VR 0583 | Horseradish | 0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 15 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 3 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves (dried) | T3 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.005 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T0.01 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 0.1 |
VO 0442 | Okra | T2 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T2 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 0.2 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
OC 0697 | Peanut oil, crude | 0.1 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T2 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | T2 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including prunes) | T0.8 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.3 |
VR 0494 | Radish | 0.5 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | T5 |
| Riberries | T1 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T7 |
GC 0650 | Rye | 0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T1 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts {except Almonds; Macadamia nuts} | 2 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.1 |
Bacitracin |
PF 0840 | Chicken fat | *0.5 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | *0.5 |
PO 0840 | Chicken, edible offal of | *0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.5 |
Bendiocarb |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 0.1 |
Benfluralin |
| |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | T*0.05 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T*0.05 |
Bensulfuron-methyl |
| |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.02 |
CF 0649 | Rice bran, processed | *0.05 |
Bentazone |
| |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | *0.1 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VP 0529 | Garden pea, shelled | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | T0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.03 |
Benzocaine |
| |
| Abalone | *0.05 |
| Finfish | *0.05 |
Benzofenap |
| |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.01 |
Benzovindiflupyr |
| |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 0.2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
GC 0650 | Rye | 0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.01 |
Benzyl G penicillin |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.06 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.06 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.0015 |
Benzyladenine |
| |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | *0.005 |
TN 0678 | Walnut | T*0.005 |
BHC (other than the g isomer, Lindane) | ||
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.1 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.01 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | E0.3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.01 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | E0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.1 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including cephalopods | E0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | E0.3 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E*0.005 |
Bicyclopyrone |
| |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milk | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.02 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.05 |
Bifenazate |
| |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.1 |
FS 0240 | Apricot | 0.5 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T2 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T7 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T7 |
VL 0510 | Cos lettuce | T20 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry) | T7 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits {except Mushrooms and Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)} | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes {except Wine-grapes} | T1 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | T3 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | T20 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T20 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 0.5 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 2 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 2 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including prunes) | 0.5 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | T7 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 2 |
VP 0544 | Yard-long bean (pods) | T1 |
Bifenthrin |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.1 |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.1 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T3 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas {except Cabbages, head} | 0.5 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, head | T0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T*0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Chia} | *0.02 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T0.5 |
GC 3084 | Chia | T0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T3 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) | 0.2 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | 0.7 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 0.5 |
FB 0021 | Currants, black, red, white | T3 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry) | T3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FT 0297 | Fig | T1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits {except Cucumber} | 0.1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | 0.5 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T*0.01 |
FB 0268 | Gooseberry | T3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables {except Chervil; Mizuna; Rucola [rocket]} | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.5 |
| Mizuna | T0.5 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T0.2 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | *0.02 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T0.5 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.5 |
VP 0063 | Peas | *0.01 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | 0.5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Common bean (dry); Mung bean (dry)} | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | T3 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits {except Cherries} | 1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.7 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | *0.05 |
VF 0371 | Truffle | T*0.01 |
Bitertanol |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Bixafen |
| All other foods | 0.03 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.3 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.7 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.2 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed {except Cotton seed} | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Lupin (dry)} | *0.01 |
Bixlozone |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) [faba bean (dry)] | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Boscalid |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T3 |
| All other foods | 0.5 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T10 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T15 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] {except Onion, bulb} | T5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T15 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T3 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T3 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T10 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry) | T10 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.3 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 4 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 30 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 3 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T3 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.3 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.7 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.1 |
OR 0697 | Peanut oil, edible | T0.7 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | T10 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 1 |
| Silvanberries | T10 |
FB 4094 | Youngberry | T10 |
Broflanilide |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 4 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.002 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | *0.04 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.04 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.04 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.04 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.04 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.04 |
Bromoxynil |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | T3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.05 |
SO 3154 | Hempseed | T*0.02 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T*0.01 |
| ||
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant [aubergine] | 1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 1 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | 0.7 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.3 |
Bupivacaine |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.07 |
MO 1288 | Sheep kidney | 0.02 |
MO 1289 | Sheep liver | 0.02 |
MM 0822 | Sheep muscle | 0.0005 |
Buprofezin |
| |
| All other foods | 0.1 |
HH 0722 | Basil | 5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
VA 2606 | Chives, Chinese | 2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.3 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | 0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | T2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits {except Tomato} | T2 |
VA 2609 | Garlic chives | 2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.3 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T10 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T0.5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.2 |
HH 0736 | Marjoram (oregano) | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
HH 0738 | Mints | 5 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed {except Cotton seed} | *0.01 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.2 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | T2 |
FP 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
HH 0750 | Thyme | 5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
FT 0312 | Tree tomato | T1 |
TN 0678 | Walnut | T0.05 |
Butafenacil |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Rice} | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
Butroxydim |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
Cadusafos |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | 0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.01 |
Captan |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.3 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits {except Blueberries; Grapes; Strawberries} | T30 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 20 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T0.1 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T5 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T15 |
FC 0003 | Mandarins | T3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VO 0444 | Peppers, chili | T7 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | T7 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | T7 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 10 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 15 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 10 |
FC 4029 | Tangelo, large-sized cultivars | T3 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts {except Almonds} | 3 |
Carbaryl |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 2 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 15 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.5 |
SB 0715 | Cacao beans | 0.02 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Barley; Rice; Sorghum} | 5 |
TN 0665 | Coconut | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FI 0335 | Feijoa | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
FT 0336 | Guava | *0.01 |
TN 0666 | Hazelnuts | 0.01 |
FT 0300 | Jaboticaba | *0.01 |
FI 0338 | Jackfruit | *0.01 |
FC 0204 | Lemon | 3 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | *0.01 |
FI 0342 | Longan | *0.01 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 2 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.07 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed {except Cotton seed} | 0.1 |
FC 0004 | Oranges, sweet, sour | 3 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | 2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.2 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 0.2 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
FI 0358 | Rambutan | *0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, red, black | 15 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 7 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 10 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits {except Cherries} | 0.5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | *0.01 |
VR 0497 | Swede | 2 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 0.1 |
VR 0506 | Turnip, garden | 2 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 10 |
Carbendazim |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.01 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
VF 0450 | Mushrooms | T1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
Carbetamide |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
Carbon disulfide |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 10 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T10 |
Carbonyl sulphide |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | T0.2 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.2 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | T0.2 |
Carboxin |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
Carfentrazone-ethyl |
| |
FT 0026 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - edible peel | *0.05 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel | *0.05 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits {except Grapes} | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.025 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
Ceftiofur |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | 2 |
Cefuroxime |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.1 |
Cephalonium |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.02 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.1 |
Cephapirin |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.02 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.02 |
Chlorantraniliprole |
| |
| All other foods | T0.1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T2 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
FB 2005 | Cane berries | T1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | T0.7 |
SB 0715 | Cocoa beans | T0.2 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T20 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.3 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.03 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits {except Peppers, Chili; Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)} | 0.3 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.3 |
SO 3154 | Hempseed | T1 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T20 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables {except Lettuce, head; Rucola [rocket]} | 15 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | 3 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | T0.5 |
GC 2091 | Maize cereals | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
| Mexican tarragon | T20 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | 0.7 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.02 |
VO 0444 | Peppers, chili | 1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Mung bean (dry)} | 0.07 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T0.3 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 5 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables {except Potato} | T0.5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T20 |
SO 0700 | Sesame seed | T0.5 |
GC 2089 | Sorghum grain and millet | T1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.5 |
SO 2091 | Sunflower seeds | T0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
Chlordane |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.02 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | E0.02 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | E0.05 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | E0.02 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.05 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | E0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.02 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | E0.05 |
OC 0693 | Linseed oil, crude | E0.05 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | E0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.05 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including cephalopods | E0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | E0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | E0.02 |
OC 0541 | Soya bean oil, crude | E0.05 |
OR 0541 | Soya bean oil, refined | E0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | E0.02 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | E0.1 |
| Vegetables {except Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits; Sugar beet} | E0.02 |
Chlorfenapyr |
| |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VL 0467 | Chinese cabbage | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Chlorfenvinphos |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | T*0.1 |
MM 0813 | Deer meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MO 0814 | Goat, edible offal of | T*0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, edible offal of | T*0.1 |
Chlorhexidine |
| |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | *0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.5 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, edible offal of | *0.5 |
Chloridazon |
| |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.05 |
| Beetroot leaves | 1 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | 1 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | 1 |
Chlormequat |
| |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 0.75 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.75 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 5 |
Chloropicrin |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
Chlorothalonil |
| |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.1 |
FS 0240 | Apricot | 7 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T*0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 3 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits {except Currants, black; Grapes} | T10 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 7 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 7 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 10 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 10 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T20 |
FB 0278 | Currant, black | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 7 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant [aubergine] | T10 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VS 0380 | Fennel, bulb | 5 |
HH 0731 | Fennel, leaf | 5 |
HS 0731 | Fennel, seed | 5 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 5 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, greater | T7 |
VR 0582 | Galangal, lesser | T7 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 10 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables {except Lettuce} | T100 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T10 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | T10 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T10 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 7 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 10 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T10 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 10 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T20 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 30 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.2 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 10 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T5 |
FP 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T5 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.1 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including prunes) | 10 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 3 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T*0.1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T10 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T10 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T*0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 10 |
FT 0312 | Tree tomato | T10 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T7 |
| Vegetables {except Asparagus; Brussels sprouts; Carrot; Celery; Fennel, bulb; Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits; Galangal, greater; Galangal, lesser; Garlic; Peas; Leafy vegetables; Leek; Onion, bulb; Potato; Pulses; Spring onion; Tomato} | T7 |
| Wasabi | T7 |
Chlorpropham |
| |
VR 0589 | Potato | 30 |
Chlorpyrifos |
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T0.5 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | T0.5 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | T0.5 |
FB 2005 | Cane berries | T*0.01 |
VR 0463 | Cassava | T*0.02 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Sorghum} | T0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | T0.5 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.05 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.2 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | T0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T1 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 2 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | T0.2 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed {except Peanut} | T0.01 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T*0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | 0.05 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | *0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.01 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | T1 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T1 |
FP 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits {except Persimmon, Japanese} | T0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | T0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | T0.1 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | T3 |
FI 0367 | Star apple | T*0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.1 |
VR 0497 | Swede | T0.3 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | T0.05 |
VR 0505 | Taro | 0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.5 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | T0.05 |
| Vegetables {except Asparagus; Brassica vegetables; Cassava; Celery; Leek; Peppers, sweet [capsicum]; Potato; Swede; Sweet potato; Taro; Tomato} | T*0.01 |
Chlorpyrifos-methyl |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Rice} | 10 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 10 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed {except Cotton seed} | 0.15 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Lupin (dry)} | 0.15 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 20 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 30 |
Chlorsulfuron |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
Chlortetracycline |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 0.6 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 0.3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.1 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 0.6 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | 0.6 |
Chlorthal-dimethyl |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | 2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
| Vegetables {except Lettuce} | 5 |
Cinmethylin |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Clavulanic acid |
| |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.01 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Clodinafop acid |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.1 |
Clodinafop-propargyl |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Clofentezine |
| |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | T*0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | T*0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
Clomazone |
| |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | *0.05 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.03 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.03 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.03 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.03 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.03 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.03 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.01 |
Clopyralid |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | T0.2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) {except Kidney} | 0.5 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 2 |
MO 0098 | Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T0.5 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.5 |
Cloquintocet-mexyl |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.1 |
Clorsulon |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle Milk | 1.5 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.1 |
Closantel |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, edible offal of | 5 |
Clothianidin |
| |
| All other foods | T0.1 |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T*0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains {except Maize; Popcorn; Sorghum} | *0.02 |
FI 0331 | Cherimoya | T0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.5 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean (dry)] | T0.1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | T0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits {except Sweet corn (corn on the cob); Mushrooms} | T0.7 |
FB 0269 | Grapes {except Wine-grapes} | 3 |
FI 0337 | Ilama | T0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 0.7 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T0.1 |
SO 0090 | Mustard seeds | T*0.01 |
SO 0305 | Olives for oil production | T0.3 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | 2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses {except Common bean (dry) [navy bean (dry)]; Soya bean (dry); Mung bean (dry)} | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.01 |
FI 0365 | Soursop | T0.1 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 3 |
FI 0368 | Sugar apple | T0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.01 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.02 |
FT 0305 | Table olives | T0.3 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | 0.07 |
Cloxacillin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
Coumaphos |
| |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | *0.02 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
FM 0812 | Cattle milk fat | 0.1 |
| Cattle muscle | *0.02 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | *0.02 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | *0.02 |
Coumatetralyl |
| |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | T*0.001 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | T*0.001 |
MO 0818 | Pig, edible offal of {except Liver} | T0.003 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | T0.004 |
Cyanamide |
| |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | *0.05 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T*0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.05 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | *0.1 |
FP 0230 | Pear | *0.1 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including prunes) | *0.02 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | *0.02 |
Cyanazine |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | *0.02 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
VA 0384 | Leek | 0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.02 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
Cyantraniliprole |
| |
| All other foods | 0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] {except Onion, bulb} | 7 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T7 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.7 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | 2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T*0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.7 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.07 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.03 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.01 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.7 |
GC 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | T0.05 |
Cyazofamid |
| |
HH 0722 | Basil | T30 |
DH 0722 | Basil, dry | T90 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead cabbages | 2 |
VL 0054 | Brassica Leafy Vegetables | 15 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | T10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T10 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T10 |
Cyclanilide |
| |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Cyclaniliprole |
| |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | 0.2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.01 |
Cyflufenamid |
| |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |