Note: See sections 5 and 6.
Permissible ingredients and requirements | |||
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
Item | Ingredient Name | Purpose | Specific requirements |
2864 | KALMIA LATIFOLIA | A, H | Beta-arbutin is a mandatory component of Kalmia latifolia. When for oral use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not provide more than 500 mg of beta-arbutin. When for dermal application exclusively to the face: a) the concentration of beta-arbutin in the medicine must not be more than 7%; b) hydroquinone is a mandatory component; and c) the concentration of hydroquinone must not be more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%. When for use other than oral or dermal application exclusively to the face, the concentration of beta-arbutin in the medicine must not be more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%.
2865 | KAOLIN | E |
2866 | KELP DRY | A, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Kelp dry. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
2867 | KELP POWDER | A, E, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Kelp powder. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
2868 | KERATIN | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
2869 | KEROSENE | E, H | Only for use as a homoeopathic ingredient. When used in liquid preparations, the concentration in the medicine must be no more than 25%.
2870 | KHAYA SENEGALENSIS | A, E | The maximum daily dose of the medicine must not contain more than the equivalent of 1 g dry bark of Khaya senegalensis. The following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (PREGNT2) 'Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant' (or words to that effect); - (LONGUSE) ‘Not for prolonged use. May harm liver'; - (GEN2) ‘If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional’; - (CHILD3) ‘Use in children under 12 years is not recommended’; and - (7DAYS) 'Do not use for more than 7 days'.
2871 | KIDNEY BEAN | E |
2872 | KIRSCH | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
2873 | KIWI FRUIT | E |
2879 | KUNZEA AMBIGUA | A | Only for use when the plant preparation is essential oil. Only for use when the route of administration is topical or inhalation. When the dosage form is essential oil, a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container and the medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' - (EXTERN) 'For external use only' - (UNDILU) 'Not to be applied undiluted to the skin except on the advice of a health care practitioner'. When the dosage form is other than essential oil, the maximum concentration in topical medicines must be no more than 25% w/w and the medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' - (EXTERN) 'For external use only'.
2880 | L-BORNEOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2881 | L-BORNYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used as in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
2882 | L-CARVONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2883 | L-LIMONENE | E | L-limonene must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation or a fragrance proprietary excipient formulation. The total concentration of flavour proprietary excipient formulations containing l-limonene must not be more than 5% of the total medicine. The total concentration of fragrance proprietary excipient formulations containing l-limonene must not be more than 1% of the total medicine.
2884 | L-LINALOOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
2885 | L-MENTHONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2886 | L-MENTHYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2887 | L-ROSE OXIDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2888 | LABDANUM ABSOLUTE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
2889 | LABDANUM GUM EXTRACT ETHYL ESTER | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance and the total fragrance concentration in a medicine is no more than 1%.
2890 | LABDANUM OIL | A, E, H |
2891 | LABURNUM ANAGYROIDES | A, H | Sparteine is a mandatory component of Laburnum anagyroides. The concentration of sparteine in the medicine must be no more than 0.001%.
2892 | LACTALBUMIN | E |
2893 | LACTIC ACID | A, E, H | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing form time to time. Sponsors should consider the impact of excipients containing alpha hydroxy acids on the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and should ensure the finished medicine is safe for its intended purpose.
2894 | LACTITOL | E |
2896 | LACTO-N-NEOTETRAOSE | A | Only to be used in a medicine where Glycom A/S (Client ID 76983), who applied to have the ingredient included in this Determination, is the sponsor of the medicine or has given written authorisation to the sponsor of a medicine to include the ingredient in the medicine. This paragraph ceases to be a requirement for this ingredient after 20 August 2023. Lactose is a mandatory component of lacto-N-neotetraose. The route of administration for medicines that contain lacto-N-neotetraose must be limited to oral. The maximum recommended daily dose of the medicine must not provide more than: (a) 1.5 g of lacto-N-neotetraose to individuals aged 4 years and older; and (b) 0.6 g of lacto-N-neotetraose to individuals aged up to 3 years (inclusive). The requirements specified in paragraph (a) below apply to a medicine that contains the ingredient that is released for supply after 20 August 2023: (a) One of the following statements is required on the medicine label: (i) When the medicine is only for use in individuals aged 2 years and above: ‘Not to be taken on the same day with other products containing lacto-N-neotetraose' (or words to that effect); or (ii) When the medicine is for use in children aged less than 2 years: ‘Not to be taken on the same day with breastmilk or other products containing lacto-N-neotetraose’ (or words to that effect).
2897 | LACTO-N-TETRAOSE | A | Only to be used in a medicine where Glycom A/S (Client ID 76983), who applied to have the ingredient included in this Determination, is the sponsor of the medicine or has given written authorisation to the sponsor of a medicine to include the ingredient in the medicine. This paragraph ceases to be a requirement for this ingredient after 24 January 2024. Lactose is a mandatory component of lacto-N-tetraose. The route of administration for medicines that contain lacto-N-tetraose must be limited to oral. The maximum recommended daily dose of the medicine must not provide more than: a) 2 g of lacto-N-tetraose to individuals aged 1 year and older; and b) 0.6 g of lacto-N-tetraose to individuals aged more than 6 months to 11 months (inclusive); and c) 0.8 g of lacto-N-tetraose to individuals aged up to 6 months (inclusive). One of the following statements (or words to that effect) is required on the medicine label: a) When the medicine is only for use in individuals aged above 2 years: 'Not to be taken on the same day with other products containing lacto-N-tetraose'; or b) When the medicine is for use in children aged less than 2 years: 'Not to be taken on the same day with breastmilk or other products containing lacto-N-tetraose'.
2921 | LACTOBIONIC ACID | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2922 | LACTOSCATONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
2923 | LACTOSE | E |
2925 | LACTUCA SATIVA | A, H |
2926 | LACTUCA VIROSA | A, H |
2927 | LACTULOSE | E |
2928 | LACTULOSE SOLUTION | A | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing form time to time.
2930 | LAMINARIA CLOUSTONI | A, E, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Laminaria cloustoni. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
2931 | LAMINARIA DIGITATA | A, E, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Laminaria digitata. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
2932 | LAMINARIA JAPONICA | A, E, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Laminaria japonica. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
2933 | LAMIUM ALBUM | A, H |
2934 | LANETH-5 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2935 | LANOLIN ALCOHOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2936 | LANOLIN OIL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2937 | LANOLIN WAX | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2938 | LANTANA CAMARA | A, H | The maximum recommended daily dose must contain no more than 1mg of the equivalent dry herbal material of Lantana camara.
2939 | LARIX ARABINOGALACTAN | A, E | The concentration of polysaccharides in the ingredient must be greater than or equal to 85%. The ingredient must be derived from Larix occidentalis or Larix larcinia. Only for use in oral medicines or topical medicines for dermal application, and not to be included in topical products intended for use in the eye. The maximum recommended daily dose of Larix arabinogalactan in oral medicines must not be more than 15 grams. The concentration of Larix arabinogalactan in topical medicines for dermal application must not exceed 5.0%.
2940 | LARIX DECIDUA | A, H |
2941 | LARIX KAEMPFERI | A, H | The maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 1 mg of the equivalent dry herbal material of Larix kaempferi.
2942 | LARREA TRIDENTATA | A, H | The requirement specified in paragraph (a) below applies to a medicine that contains the ingredient that is: - listed in the Register before 1 March 2023; and - released for supply before 1 March 2024: (a) One of the following warning statements is required on the medicine label: (i) (CHAP) 'WARNING: Chaparral may harm the liver in some people - use only under supervision of a health care professional'; or (ii) (CHAP1) 'In rare cases, Larrea tridentata may harm the liver. Stop use and see a doctor if you have yellowing skin/eyes or unusual: fatigue, nausea, appetite loss, abdominal pain or dark urine.' The requirement specified in paragraph (b) below applies to a medicine that contains the ingredient that is: - listed in the Register on or after 1 March 2023; or - released for supply on or after 1 March 2024. (b) The following warning statement is required on the medicine label: (CHAP1) 'In rare cases, Larrea tridentata may harm the liver. Stop use and see a doctor if you have yellowing skin/eyes or unusual: fatigue, nausea, appetite loss, abdominal pain or dark urine.'
2943 | LATHYRUS SATIVUS | A, H | The maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 1mg of the equivalent dry herbal material of Lathyrus sativus. The medicine must not contain lathyrogenic amino acids.
2945 | LAUREL LEAF OIL | A, H | When the total concentration of bay oil in the medicine is more than 25%: (a) the nominal capacity of the container must not be more than 25 mL; (b) the container must be fitted with a restricted flow insert; (c) the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'; and (d) when the nominal capacity of the container is greater than 15 mL, the container must also be fitted with a child resistant closure.
2946 | LAURETH-10 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2947 | LAURETH-12 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2948 | LAURETH-2 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.4%. Residual levels of ethylene oxide (and related substances) must be kept below the level of detection.
2949 | LAURETH-23 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2950 | LAURETH-3 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2951 | LAURETH-4 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2952 | LAURETH-7 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2953 | LAURETH-8 | E |
2954 | LAURIC ACID | A, E | When for use as an active ingredient is for use in oral medicines only and the maximum recommended daily dose must not exceed 1500 mg.
2955 | LAURIL MACROGOL 400 DIMETICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
2956 | LAUROMACROGOL 400 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2957 | LAUROYL LYSINE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5.0%.
2958 | LAURUS NOBILIS | A, E, H | When the plant preparation is oil or distillate, and the concentration of bay oil or distillate in the medicine is greater than 25%: (a) the nominal capacity of the container must not be more than 25 mL; (b) the container must be fitted with a restricted flow insert; (c) the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'; and (d) when the nominal capacity of the container is greater than 15 mL, the container must also be fitted with a child resistant closure.
2959 | LAURYL ALDEHYDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a coating solution, flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2960 | LAURYL BETAINE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2961 | LAURYL GLUCOSIDE | E | Only for use as an excipient ingredient in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in topical medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 12%.
2962 | LAURYL LACTATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 3%. Sponsors should consider the impact of excipients containing alpha hydroxy acids on the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and should ensure the finished medicine is safe for its intended purpose.
2963 | LAURYL PCA | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 1%.
2964 | LAURYL PEG-10 TRIS(TRIMETHYLSILOXY)SILYLETHYL DIMETICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 2%.
2965 | LAURYL PEG-9 POLYDIMETHYLSILOXYETHYL DIMETICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 3.5%.
2966 | LAURYL PEG/PPG-18/18 METHICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 9%. Residual levels of ethylene oxide (and related substances) must be kept below the level of detection.
2967 | LAURYL POLYGLUCOSE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration must not exceed 1% in leave-on medicines and 3% in wash-on/wash-off medicines.
2968 | LAURYL PYRROLIDONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2969 | LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYSED COLLAGEN | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2970 | LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYSED SOY PROTEIN | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.007%.
2971 | LAURYLMETICONE COPOLYOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
2972 | LAVANDIN OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2974 | LAVANDIN OIL GROSSO | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
2975 | LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA | A, E, H | Camphor is a mandatory component of Lavandula angustifolia. In solid and semi solid preparations, the concentration of camphor must be no more than 12.5%. In liquid preparations other than essential oils or distillates, the concentration of camphor must be no more than 2.5%.
2976 | LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA SUBSP. ANGUSTIFOLIA | A, E, H | Camphor is a mandatory component of Lavandula angustifolia subsp. angustifolia. In solid and semi solid preparations, the concentration of camphor must be no more than 12.5%. In liquid preparations other than essential oils or distillates, the concentration of camphor must be no more than 2.5%.
2977 | LAVANDULA X INTERMEDIA | A, E, H | Camphor is a mandatory component of Lavandula x intermedia. In solid and semi solid preparations, the concentration of camphor must be no more than 12.5%.
2978 | LAVENDER OIL | A, E, H |
2980 | LEAD | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.001%.
2981 | LEAD ACETATE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
2982 | LEAF ACETAL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used as a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
2983 | LECITHIN | A, E |
2985 | LEDUM PALUSTRE | A, H | Beta-arbutin is a mandatory component of Ledum palustre. When for dermal application exclusively to the face: a) the concentration of beta-arbutin in the medicine must not be more than 7%; b) hydroquinone is a mandatory component; and c) the concentration of hydroquinone must not be more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%. When for topical use other than dermal application exclusively to the face, the concentration of beta-arbutin in the medicine must not be more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%. When the route of administration is other than topical, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 0.001 mg of the equivalent dry herbal material of Ledum palustre.
2986 | LEMNA MINOR | A, H |
2987 | LEMON | E | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of lemon. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams.
2990 | LEMON OIL | A, E, H | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of lemon oil. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams. The warning statement (SENS) 'Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight' (or words to that effect) must be included on the medicine label unless the medicine is: a) steam distilled or rectified; or b) for internal use; or c) contains 0.05% or less of lemon oil; or d) for use in soaps or bath or shower gels that are washed off the skin.
2991 | LEMON OIL DISTILLED | A, E, H | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of lemon oil distilled. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams.
2992 | LEMON OIL TERPENELESS | A, E, H | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of lemon oil terpeneless. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams.
2993 | LEMON OIL TERPENES AND TERPENOIDS | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
2994 | LEMON PEEL DRIED | A, E, H | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of lemon peel dried. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams.
2995 | LEMONGRASS OIL | A, E, H |
2996 | LENS CULINARIS | A, H |
2997 | LENTIL | E |
2999 | LEONTOPODIUM ALPINUM | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 1%.
3003 | LEPIDIUM MEYENII | A | The route of administration for medicines that contain Lepidium meyenii must be limited to oral. The ingredient must consist of the dried tuber of Lepidium meyenii only. The maximum recommended daily dose of the medicine must not provide more than 3.5 g of Lepidium meyenii dried tuber (or its extract equivalent).
3004 | LEPTOSPERMUM PETERSONII | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application. The concentration in the medicine must be no more 5%.
3005 | LEPTOSPERMUM SCOPARIUM OIL | A | Only for use as an active ingredient when the route of administration is topical or oral application in a mouthwash preparation. If the concentration is more than 25%, the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25mL. When the concentration is more than 25%, and the nominal capacity of the container less than 15mL, a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container and requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) ‘Keep out of reach of children' (or word to that effect) - (NTAKEN) ‘Not to be taken’ When the concentration is more than 25%, the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 mL but no more than 25 mL, a child resistant closure and restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container and requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) ‘Keep out of reach of children' (or word to that effect) - (NTAKEN) ‘Not to be taken’
3007 | LETTUCE | E |
3008 | LEUCINE | A, E |
3016 | LEVOMEFOLATE CALCIUM | A | Available for medicines intended for internal use only. Levomefolic acid is a mandatory component of levomefolate calcium. The maximum recommended daily dose must not provide more than 500 micrograms of levomefolic acid from levomefolate calcium. When the medicine contains a combination of folic acid, folinic acid or levomefolic acid, the medicine must not provide more than a combined total of 500 micrograms of folic acid, folinic acid and levomefolic acid per maximum recommended daily dose.
3017 | LEVOMEFOLATE GLUCOSAMINE | A | Available for medicines intended for internal use only. Levomefolic acid is a mandatory component of levomefolate glucosamine. The maximum recommended daily dose must not provide more than 500 micrograms of levomefolic acid from levomefolate glucosamine. When the medicine contains a combination of folic acid, folinic acid or levomefolic acid, the medicine must not provide more than a combined total of 500 micrograms of folic acid, folinic acid and levomefolic acid per maximum recommended daily dose.
3018 | LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3019 | LEVULINIC ACID | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3020 | LIGHT KAOLIN | E |
3021 | LIGHT LIQUID PARAFFIN | A, E | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing from time to time.
3022 | LIGHT MAGNESIUM OXIDE | A, E, H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of light magnesium oxide. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3026 | LILIUM BROWNII | A, H |
3027 | LILIUM CANDIDUM | A, E, H |
3030 | LIME FRUIT | E |
3031 | LIME OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3032 | LIME OIL COLDPRESSED | A, E, H | The warning statement (SENS) 'Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight' (or words to that effect) must be included on the medicine label unless the medicine is: a) for internal use; or b) contains 0.5% or less of lime oil coldpressed; or c) for use in soaps or bath or shower gels that are washed off the skin.
3033 | LIME OIL DISTILLED | A, E, H | The warning statement (SENS) 'Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight' (or words to that effect) must be included on the medicine label unless the medicine is: a) for internal use; or b) contains 0.5% or less of lime oil distilled; or c) for use in soaps or bath or shower gels that are washed off the skin.
3034 | LIME OIL TERPENELESS | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3035 | LIME OIL TERPENES AND TERPENOIDS | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3038 | LIME, ESSENCE | E |
3039 | LIMES TERPENES | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3040 | LIMONENE | E | When for oral use, the quantity must be no more than 10 mg per maximum recommended daily dose.
3041 | LINALOOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3042 | LINALOOL OXIDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3043 | LINALYL ACETAL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3044 | LINALYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only: (a) in topical medicines for dermal application; and (b) in oral medicines in combination with other permitted ingredients as part of a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. When used in a flavour, the total flavour proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3045 | LINALYL BENZOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3046 | LINALYL BUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3047 | LINALYL CINNAMATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3048 | LINALYL FORMATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3049 | LINALYL ISOBUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3050 | LINALYL PROPIONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3052 | LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.5%.
3053 | LINOLEIC ACID | E |
3055 | LINSEED DRY | A, E, H |
3056 | LINSEED OIL | A, E, H |
3057 | LINSEED OIL FATTY ACIDS | E | Linseed oil fatty acids must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total concentration of flavour proprietary excipient formulations containing linseed oil fatty acids must not be more than 5% of the total medicine.
3058 | LINSEED POWDER | A, E, H |
3060 | LIPASE | A | Lipase must only be derived from Rhizopus oryzae and must comply with the relevant compositional guideline.
3061 | LIPPIA DULCIS | A, H |
3063 | LIQUID PARAFFIN | A, E | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing from time to time.
3067 | LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA RESIN | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3069 | LIQUORICE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3070 | LIQUORICE DRY | A, E, H |
3074 | LITHIUM CARBONATE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3075 | LITHOSPERMUM OFFICINALE | A, H | The maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 1mg of the equivalent dry herbal material of Lithospermum officinale.
3076 | LITSEA CUBEBA | A, E, H |
3077 | LITSEA CUBEBA OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3079 | LOBELIA DRY | A, H | The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.001% or 10mg/kg or 10ml/L or 10 ppm unless the medicine is administered by inhalation.
3080 | LOBELIA INFLATA | A, H | The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.001% or 10mg/kg or 10ml/L or 10 ppm unless the medicine is administered by inhalation.
3081 | LOBELIA POWDER | A, H | The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.001% or 10mg/kg or 10ml/L or 10 ppm unless the medicine is administered by inhalation.
3082 | LOLIUM PERENNE | A, H |
3084 | LONGIFOLENE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total longifolene concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3089 | LOQUAT | E |
3093 | LOVAGE OIL | A, E, H |
3094 | LOVAGE ROOT DRY | A, H |
3098 | LUFFA PURGANS | A, H |
3099 | LUTEIN | A, E, H | When used as an excipient, permitted for use only as a colour in medicines limited to topical and oral routes of administration.
3100 | LYCHEE | E |
3102 | LYCIUM CHINENSE | A, E, H |
3103 | LYCOPENE | A, E |
3104 | LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM | A, E, H | Steroidal alkaloids calculated as solanine is a mandatory component of Lycopersicon esculentum. The maximum daily dose must not provide more than 10 mg of steroidal alkaloids calculated as solanine.
3110 | LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS | A, H | Pulegone is a mandatory component of Lycopus virginicus. The concentration of pulegone in the medicine must be no more than 4%.
3114 | LYSINE | A, E |
3120 | MACADAMIA NUT | E |
3123 | MACE | E | Safrole is a mandatory component of Mace. When used internally, the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%. When used topically, the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 1.0%.
3124 | MACE OIL | A, H | Safrole is a mandatory component of Mace oil. When used internally, the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%. When used topically, the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 1.0%. When the concentration of mace oil in the preparation is more than 50% and the nominal capacity of the container is 25 mL or less, a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container.
3125 | MACROCYSTIS PYRIFERA | A, E, H | Iodine is a mandatory component of Macrocystis pyrifera. Only for external use when the concentration of iodine in the medicine (excluding salts derivatives or iodophors) is 2.5% or less. Only for internal use when the medicine contains less than 300 micrograms of iodine per maximum recommended daily dose.
3126 | MACROGOL 1000 | E |
3127 | MACROGOL 1450 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3128 | MACROGOL 1500 | E |
3129 | MACROGOL 1500 CASTOR OIL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 2%.
3130 | MACROGOL 200 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3131 | MACROGOL 20000 | E |
3132 | MACROGOL 300 | E |
3133 | MACROGOL 3000 | E |
3134 | MACROGOL 3350 | A, E | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing form time to time.
3135 | MACROGOL 40 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3136 | MACROGOL 400 | E |
3137 | MACROGOL 4000 | E |
3138 | MACROGOL 45000 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3139 | MACROGOL 600 | E |
3140 | MACROGOL 6000 | E |
3141 | MACROGOL 600000 | E |
3142 | MACROGOL 800 | E |
3143 | MACROGOL 8000 | E |
3144 | MACROGOL 900 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.95%.
3145 | MACROGOL POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) GRAFTED POLYMER | E | Only for use in oral medicines. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
3147 | MAGNESIUM AMINO ACID CHELATE | A, E, H | Only for use in oral medicines. The concentration of magnesium must be no more than 25% of the magnesium amino acid chelate.
3150 | MAGNESIUM ASCORBYL PHOSPHATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3155 | MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE 4.5-HYDRATE | A | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium chloride 4.5-hydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3156 | MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE HEXAHYDRATE | A, E, H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium chloride hexahydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3163 | MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE | A | Only for use in oral medicines.
3164 | MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE DIHYDRATE | A | Only for use in oral medicines. Magnesium is a mandatory component of Magnesium glycinate dihydrate. The percentage of Magnesium from Magnesium glycinate dihydrate should be calculated based on the molecular weight of Magnesium glycinate dihydrate.
3165 | MAGNESIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE | H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium hydrogen phosphate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3166 | MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE | A, E | When used as an active ingredient, can only be supplied as an uncompounded medicine substance packed for retail sale, and must comply with an uncompounded substance monograph of the British Pharmacopoeia, as in force or existing from time to time. Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium hydroxide. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3167 | MAGNESIUM LYSINATE | A | Only for use in oral medicines.
3168 | MAGNESIUM METHIONINATE | A | Only for use in oral medicines.
3169 | MAGNESIUM NITRATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3172 | MAGNESIUM OXIDE | A, E, H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium oxide. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3173 | MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE PENTAHYDRATE | A, E, H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium phosphate pentahydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3174 | MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE TRIBASIC | A, E, H | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium phosphate tribasic. The percentage of magnesium from magnesium phosphate tribasic should be calculated based on the molecular weight of magnesium phosphate tribasic. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3175 | MAGNESIUM PYRUVATE | A | Only for use in oral medicines. The maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 7 grams.
3177 | MAGNESIUM SULFATE DIHYDRATE | A, E, H | When used internally, the maximum recommended daily dose must not be more than 1.5g. Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium sulfate dihydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3178 | MAGNESIUM SULFATE HEPTAHYDRATE | A, E, H | When used internally, the maximum recommended daily dose must not be more than 1.5 g. Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3179 | MAGNESIUM SULFATE MONOHYDRATE | A, E, H | When used internally, the maximum recommended daily dose must not be more than 1.5 g. Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium sulfate monohydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3180 | MAGNESIUM SULFATE TRIHYDRATE | A, E, H | When used internally, the maximum recommended daily dose must not be more than 1.5 g. Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium sulfate trihydrate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3181 | MAGNESIUM TRISILICATE | E | Magnesium is a mandatory component of magnesium trisilicate. When used in a medicine: (a) with an oral route of administration; (b) not indicated for laxative (or related) use; and (c) where the maximum recommended daily dose for: (i) children aged between 1 and 3 years (inclusive) provides 65 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; (ii) children aged between 4 and 8 years (inclusive) provides 110 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; or (iii) individuals aged 9 years or older provides 350 mg or more total magnesium from inorganic magnesium salts; the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (LAX6) 'Contains magnesium, which may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea' (or words to that effect). When the route of administration is oral, the medicine must not be directed for use in infants younger than 12 months of age.
3187 | MAIZE | E |
3188 | MAIZE BRAN | E |
3189 | MAIZE OIL | A, E, H |
3190 | MAIZE STARCH | A, E, H |
3191 | MALACHITE GREEN | E | Permitted for use only as a colour for topical use.
3192 | MALIC ACID | E | Sponsors should consider the impact of excipients on the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and should ensure the finished medicine is safe for its intended purpose.
3194 | MALT EXTRACT | E |
3195 | MALTITOL | E |
3197 | MALTODEXTRIN | E | Gluten is a mandatory component of Maltodextrin where the ingredient is derived from gluten containing grains such as wheat, barley, rye and oats.
3198 | MALTOL | E |
3199 | MALTONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3200 | MALTOSE | E |
3201 | MALUS DOMESTICA | A, E, H | The concentration of amygdalin in the medicine must be no more than 0%.
3203 | MALVA MOSCHATA | A, H |
3206 | MANDARIN | E |
3207 | MANDARIN OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3208 | MANDARIN OIL COLDPRESSED | A, E, H | When used internally, oxedrine is a mandatory component of mandarin oil coldpressed. The quantity of oxedrine in the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 30 milligrams.
3209 | MANDARIN OIL TERPENES | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3210 | MANDARIN RESIDUE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3211 | MANDARINAL 32048 | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3212 | MANDRAGORA OFFICINARUM | A, H | Atropine, hyoscine and hyoscyamine are mandatory components of Mandragora officinarum. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mL/L or 0.001%. The concentration of atropine in the medicine must be no more than 100 micrograms/kg or 100 micrograms/L or 0.00001%. The concentration of hyoscine in the medicine must be no more than 300 micrograms/kg or 300 micrograms/L or 0.00003%. The concentration of hyoscyamine in the medicine must be no more than 300 micrograms/kg or 300 micrograms/L or 0.00003%.
3213 | MANGANESE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3214 | MANGANESE (II) DIASPARTATE | A, H | Only for use in oral medicines.
3215 | MANGANESE (II) GLYCINATE | A, H | Only for use in oral medicines.
3216 | MANGANESE ACETATE TETRAHYDRATE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3217 | MANGANESE AMINO ACID CHELATE | A, E, H | Only for use in oral medicines. The concentration of Manganese must be no more than 25% of the manganese amino acid chelate.
3219 | MANGANESE DIASPARTATE | A, E, H | Only for use in oral medicines.
3222 | MANGANESE OXIDE | A, E, H |
3226 | MANGO | E, H |
3228 | MANNITOL | E |
3230 | MARINE SPONGE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3231 | MARJORAM OIL SPANISH | A, E, H | When the concentration in the preparation is more than 50%, the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 50 mL, the medicine must have a restricted flow insert fitted to the container and requires the following warning statement on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect).
3232 | MARJORAM OIL SWEET | A, E, H | When the concentration in the preparation is more than 50%, the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 50 mL, the medicine must have a restricted flow insert fitted to the container and requires the following warning statement on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect).
3237 | MASSOIA LACTONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3238 | MASTIC | A, H |
3239 | MATE ABSOLUTE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3242 | MEADOWSWEET HERB DRY | A, H | Methyl salicylate is a mandatory component of meadowsweet herb dry. Not to be included in medicines for use in the eye or on damaged skin. When used internally, the concentration of methyl salicylate in the medicine must not be more than 0.001%. When the concentration of methyl salicylate in a liquid preparation is more than 5% and the dosage form is other than spray, the medicine requires child resistant packaging. When the concentration of methyl salicylate in a liquid preparation is more than 5% and the dosage form is spray, the medicine does not require child resistant packaging if: - the delivery device is engaged into the container in such a way that prevents it from being readily removed; - direct suction through the delivery device results in delivery of no more than one dosage unit; and - actuation of the spray device is ergonomically difficult for young children to accomplish. The following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (METSAL) 'Contains methyl salicylate' (or words to that effect). When for use in topical medicines for dermal application i) the concentration of methyl salicylate in the medicine must not be more than 25% ii) the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (PREGNT2) 'Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant' (or words to that effect); - (CHILD4) 'Do not use [this product/insert name of product] in children 6 years of age or less'; - (SENS) 'Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight.' (or words to that effect); - (AVOID) 'Avoid prolonged exposure in the sun' (or words to that effect); iii) if the concentration of methyl salicylate in the medicine is greater than 1%, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (IRRIT) 'If irritation develops, discontinue use'.
3243 | MECOBALAMIN (CO-METHYLCOBALAMIN) | A | Only for use in oral medicines.
3244 | MEDICAGO SATIVA | A, E, H | The level of l-canavanine must be no more than that of the dried leaf. When fresh leaf extract is used and the extraction ratio is between 34:1 and 46:1, the quantity of l-canavanine in the extract must not be more than that in the fresh leaf.
3246 | MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA | A, E, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca alternifolia. In liquid preparations when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3247 | MELALEUCA CAJUPUTI | A, E, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca cajuputi. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3249 | MELALEUCA DISSITIFLORA | A, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca dissitiflora. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3250 | MELALEUCA ERICIFOLIA | A, E, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca ericifolia. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3251 | MELALEUCA LINARIIFOLIA | A, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca linariifolia. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3252 | MELALEUCA OIL | A, E, H | Cineole and cajuput oil are a mandatory components of Melaleuca Oil. When the plant preparation is oil and the concentration in the medicine is more than 25%, the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 mL and the medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) ‘Keep out of reach of children’ (or word to that effect) - (NTAKEN) ‘Not to be taken’. When the nominal capacity of the container is 15 mL or less, then a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container. Where the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 mL but less than or equal to 25 mL, then a child resistant closure and restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container.
3253 | MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIA | A, E, H | Cineole is a mandatory component of Melaleuca quinquenervia. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25%: a) the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres; b) a restricted flow insert must be fitted on the container; and c) the container must include the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect); and - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'. In liquid preparations, when the concentration of cineole OR the concentration of oil or distillate in the preparation is more than 25% and the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres but less than or equal to 25 millilitres the medicine must also have a child resistant closure.
3255 | MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS | A, E, H | Coumarin is a mandatory component of Melilotus officinalis. The concentration of coumarin in the medicine must be no more than 0.001%.
3257 | MELON | E |
3259 | MENAQUINONE 7 | A | For oral use only. The medicine must not provide more than 180 micrograms per maximum daily dose in adults, 90 micrograms per maximum daily dose in children between 10-18 years, and 45 micrograms per maximum daily dose in children less than 10 years of age.
3261 | MENTHA AQUATICA | A, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha aquatica. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3262 | MENTHA ARVENSIS | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha arvensis. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3263 | MENTHA ARVENSIS LEAF OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation or fragrance proprietary excipient formulation. The total flavour proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must be no more than 5%. The total fragrance proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must be no more 1%. Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha arvensis leaf oil. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3264 | MENTHA ARVENSIS OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total flavour proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must not be more than 5%. Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha arvensis oil. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statements is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3265 | MENTHA HAPLOCALYX | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha haplocalyx. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3266 | MENTHA PULEGIUM | A, H | D-pulegone, menthol and volatile oil components (of Mentha pulegium) are mandatory components of Mentha pulegium. When the nominal capacity of the container is more than 15 millilitres, the concentration of d-pulegone in the medicine must be no more than 4%. When the concentration of d-pulegone in the preparation is more than 4% and the nominal capacity of the container is 15 millilitres or less, the medicine must have a child resistant closure and restricted flow insert fitted on the container. The medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (NTAKEN) 'Not to be taken'; - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or words to that effect). When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: a) the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 150 mg of Mentha pulegium oil or distillate; b) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; c) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; d) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). e) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. f) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use: a) the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 50 mg of Mentha pulegium oil or distillate; b) the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3267 | MENTHA SPICATA | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha spicata. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3268 | MENTHA X CARDIACA | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha x cardiaca. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3269 | MENTHA X PIPERITA | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of Mentha x piperita. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3270 | MENTHADIENYL ACETATE | E | Menthadienyl acetate must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total concentration of the flavour proprietary excipient formulation containing menthadienyl acetate must not be more than 5% of the total medicine.
3271 | MENTHANYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3272 | MENTHOFURAN | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3273 | MENTHOL | A, E | When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3274 | MENTHONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3275 | MENTHONE GLYCERINE ACETAL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3276 | MENTHONE THIOL FRACTION | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3277 | MENTHOXYPROPANEDIOL | E | For oral use only. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.04%.
3278 | MENTHYL 2-HYDROXYETHYL CARBONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3279 | MENTHYL 2-HYDROXYPROPYL CARBONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3280 | MENTHYL ANTHRANILATE | A | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must not be more than 5%. When used in primary sunscreen products, the following warning statements are required on the label: - (AVOID) 'Avoid prolonged exposure in the sun' (or words to this effect); and - (SUNPRO) 'Wear protective clothing - hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun' (or words to this effect).
3281 | MENTHYL ISOVALERATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3284 | MERCURIC CHLORIDE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient. Mercury is a mandatory component of mercuric chloride. The total concentration of mercury in the medicine must not be more than 1 mg/kg or 1 mg/L or 0.0001%.
3285 | MERCURY | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient. The total concentration of mercury in the medicine must not be more than 1 mg/kg or 1 mg/L or 0.0001%.
3286 | METACRESOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3287 | METHACRYLIC ACID COPOLYMER | E | Only for use in oral medicines.
3288 | METHANOL | E | The residual solvent limit is 30 mg per recommended daily dose. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.3%.
3289 | METHICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 1%.
3290 | METHIONINE | A, E |
3291 | METHYL 2,6,6-TRIMETHYLCYCLOHEX-2-ENE-1-CARBOXYLATE | E | Only for use in medicines in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance proprietary excipient formulation. The total fragrance proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must not be more than 1%.
3292 | METHYL 2-METHYLBUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3293 | METHYL 2-OCTYNOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3294 | METHYL 3,6-DIMETHYLRESORCYLATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3295 | METHYL ACETATE | E | The residual solvent limit is 50 mg per recommended daily dose. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.5%.
3296 | METHYL ACETOPHENONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3297 | METHYL ACETYL RICINOLEATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3298 | METHYL ANISATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3299 | METHYL ANTHRANILATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3300 | METHYL BENZOATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3301 | METHYL BUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3302 | METHYL CAPROATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3303 | METHYL CAPRYLATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3304 | METHYL CARBITOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3305 | METHYL CEDRYL KETONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3306 | METHYL CHAVICOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as part of a fragrance proprietary excipient formulation. The ingredient is not to be included in medicines intended for oral use. The quantity of methyl chavicol in a medicine must be no more than 0.01%. The total fragrance proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3307 | METHYL CINNAMATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3308 | METHYL CIS-5-OCTENOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3309 | METHYL CYCLOPENTENOLONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3310 | METHYL CYCLOPENTYLIDENEACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3311 | METHYL DI-TERT-BUTYL-4-HYDROXYHYDROCINNAMATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3312 | METHYL DIHYDROABIETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3313 | METHYL DIISOPROPYL PROPIONAMIDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3314 | METHYL ETHER | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3315 | METHYL ETHYL KETONE | E | The residual solvent limit is 50 mg per maximum recommended daily dose. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.5%.
3316 | METHYL EUGENOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3317 | METHYL FUROATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3318 | METHYL GLUCETH-10 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 3%. Residue levels of ethylene oxide are to be kept below the level of detection.
3319 | METHYL GLUCETH-20 | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3320 | METHYL GLUCETH-20 BENZOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3321 | METHYL GLUCETH-20 SESQUIHYDRATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3322 | METHYL GLUCOSE DIOLEATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3323 | METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUIOLEATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3324 | METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUISTEARATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3325 | METHYL HEPTANOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total flavour proprietary excipient formulation in a medicine must not be more than 5%.
3326 | METHYL HEPTENONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3327 | METHYL HEPTYL KETONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3328 | METHYL HEXYL CARBINOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3329 | METHYL HEXYL KETONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3330 | METHYL HYDROGENATED ROSINATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3331 | METHYL HYDROJASMONATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3333 | METHYL IONONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3334 | METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE | E | The residual solvent limit is 50 mg per maximum daily dose. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.5%.
3335 | METHYL ISOEUGENOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3336 | METHYL ISOVALERATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3337 | METHYL JASMONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3338 | METHYL LAURATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used as a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3339 | METHYL LINOLEATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3340 | METHYL LINOLENATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3341 | METHYL MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3342 | METHYL METHACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER | E | Methyl methacrylate is a mandatory component of methyl methacrylate crosspolymer. Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. When the concentration of methyl methacrylate crosspolymer is greater than 1%, the medicine must not be intended for use on damaged skin. The total concentration of methyl methacrylate crosspolymer in the medicine must not be more than 4.85%. The total concentration of methyl methacrylate as residual monomer in the medicine must not be more than 1%.
3343 | METHYL METHOXY PYRAZINE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3344 | METHYL MYRISTATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3345 | METHYL NAPHTHYL KETONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3346 | METHYL NONYL KETONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3347 | METHYL NONYLENATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3348 | METHYL OCTIN CARBONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3349 | METHYL PALMITATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3350 | METHYL PHENYL CARBINOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3351 | METHYL PHENYL CARBINYL-ISO-BUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3352 | METHYL PHENYL GLYCIDATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3353 | METHYL PHENYLACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3354 | METHYL PHENYLCARBINYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3355 | METHYL ROSINATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3356 | METHYL SALICYLATE | A, E | Not to be included in medicines for use in the eye or on damaged skin. When used internally, the concentration in the medicine must not be more than 0.001%. When the concentration of methyl salicylate in a liquid preparation is more than 5% and the dosage form is other than spray, the medicine requires child resistant packaging. When the concentration of methyl salicylate in a liquid preparation is more than 5% and the dosage form is spray, the medicine does not require child resistant packaging if: - the delivery device is engaged into the container in such a way that prevents it from being readily removed; - direct suction through the delivery device results in delivery of no more than one dosage unit; and - actuation of the spray device is ergonomically difficult for young children to accomplish. The following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (METSAL) 'Contains methyl salicylate' (or words to that effect). When for use in topical medicines for dermal application: i) the concentration of methyl salicylate in the medicine must not be more than 25%; ii) the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (PREGNT2) 'Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant' (or words to that effect); - (CHILD4) 'Do not use [this product/insert name of product] in children 6 years of age or less'; - (SENS) 'Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight' (or words to that effect); - (AVOID) 'Avoid prolonged exposure in the sun' (or words to that effect); iii) if the concentration of methyl salicylate in the medicine is greater than 1%, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (IRRIT) 'If irritation develops, discontinue use'.
3358 | METHYL THIOBUTYRATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3359 | METHYL TRIMETICONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
3360 | METHYL-3-METHYLTHIOPROPIONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3361 | METHYL-BETA-METHYL THIOLPROPIONATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3362 | METHYL-PARA-TERT-BUTYL PHENYLACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3363 | METHYLBENZYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3365 | METHYLCHLOROISOTHIAZOLINONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application that are rinsed off the skin. The total concentration of methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone in the medicine must be no more than 0.0015%.
3366 | METHYLCYCLOHEXADIENE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3367 | METHYLENE BIS-BENZOTRIAZOLYL TETRAMETHYLBUTYLPHENOL | A | Only for use as an active ingredient in sunscreens for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must not be more than 10%. When used in primary sunscreen products, the following warning statements are required on the label: - (AVOID) 'Avoid prolonged exposure in the sun' (or words to this effect); and - (SUNPRO) 'Wear protective clothing - hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun' (or words to this effect).
3368 | METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application that are rinsed off the skin. The total concentration of methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone in the medicine must be no more than 0.0015%.
3369 | METHYLMERCAPTAN | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3370 | METHYLPROPANEDIOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 10%.
3371 | METHYLSILANOL/SILICATE CROSSPOLYMER | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%.
3372 | METHYLSTYRENE/VINYLTOLUENE COPOLYMER | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3373 | MICA | E | Only for use when the route of administration is oral, dental or topical. The concentration in oral medicines must be no more than 2.5%. The concentration in dental toothpastes must be no more than 0.5%.
3375 | MICROCOCCUS LUTEUS LYSATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.005%.
3378 | MICROCRYSTALLINE WAX | E | Only for use as an excipient in medicines for topical, oral or oral application routes of administration. When microcrystalline wax is used as an excipient ingredient, the route of administration 'oral' is only permitted when the dosage form is 'chewing gum'.
3379 | MILK FAT | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3382 | MILLET | E |
3384 | MIMOSA ABSOLUTE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3386 | MINT OIL DEMENTHOLISED | A, E, H | Menthol is a mandatory component of mint oil dementholised. When the medicine is for topical use for dermal application: (i) the medicine must not be intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin; (ii) the medicine must not deliver more than 25% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use; (iii) the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: - (EYE) Avoid contact with eyes (or words to that effect). (iv) if the medicine delivers more than 1% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statements are required on the medicine label: - (SKTEST) If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a large area; - (IRRIT) If irritation develops, discontinue use. (v) if the medicine delivers more than 5% total menthol when administered according to the directions for use, the following warning statement is required on the medicine label: – (MENTH) Contains a high concentration of menthol, which can cause severe skin irritation. When the medicine is for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must not contain more than 1 gram of menthol.
3387 | MINTLACTONE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3391 | MIXED TERPENES | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3393 | MOLASSES | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3394 | MOLYBDENUM | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient. When Molybdenum is sourced from Molybdenum trioxide then the maximum daily dose must be no more than 125 micrograms. When Molybdenum is sourced from yeast - high molybdenum then the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 62.5 micrograms.
3395 | MOLYBDENUM TRIOXIDE | A | Molybdenum is a mandatory component of Molybdenum trioxide. The maximum daily dose of molybdenum from Molybdenum trioxide must be no more than 125 micrograms. The percentage of molybdenum from molybdenum trioxide should be calculated based on the molecular weight of molybdenum trioxide.
3399 | MONARDA DIDYMA | A, H |
3401 | MONOBASIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3403 | MONOBASIC POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE | A, E, H | When used in a solid medicine containing this ingredient, the pH of a 10 g/L aqueous solution must not be more than 11.5. When used in a liquid or a semi-solid medicine containing this ingredient, the pH of the medicine must be no more than 11.5.
3404 | MONOBASIC SODIUM PHOSPHATE | A, E, H | When used in a solid preparation, the pH of a 10 g/L aqueous solution must not be more than 11.5. When used in a liquid or a semi-solid preparation, the pH of the preparation must not exceed 11.5.
3405 | MONOBASIC SODIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE | E | When used in a solid preparation, the pH of a 10 g/L aqueous solution must not be more than 11.5. When used in a liquid or a semi-solid preparation, the pH of the preparation must not exceed 11.5.
3406 | MONOETHANOLAMINE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
3407 | MONOMENTHYL GLUTARATE | E | Monomenthyl glutarate must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total concentration of flavour proprietary excipient formulations containing monomenthyl glutarate must not be more than 5% of the total medicine. The maximum recommended daily dose of the medicine must not provide more than 1.8mg of monomenthyl glutarate.
3408 | MONOMENTHYL SUCCINATE | E | Monomenthyl succinate must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour proprietary excipient formulation. The total concentration of the flavour proprietary excipient formulation containing monomenthyl succinate must not be more than 5% of the total medicine.
3415 | MONTAN WAX | E |
3416 | MORDANT RED 11 | E | Permitted for use only as a colour for topical use. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.05%..
3417 | MORINDA CITRIFOLIA | A, H | Only for use when the plant part is fruit and the plant preparation is fruit juice or fruit powder. Fruit powder must be produced by freeze drying the whole fruit (excluding the seeds).
3420 | MORUS ALBA | A, H |
3421 | MORUS BOMBYCIS | A, H |
3422 | MORUS NIGRA | A, E, H |
3423 | MOSKENE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3426 | MUCUNA PRURIENS | A | Levodopa is a mandatory component of Mucuna pruriens. The concentration of levodopa in the medicine must not be more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%.
3427 | MULBERRY | E |
3428 | MUNG BEAN | E |
3432 | MUSK KETONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3433 | MUSK TIBETENE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3434 | MUSK XYLOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3435 | MUSKS | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3436 | MUSTARD | E | Allyl isothiocyanate is a mandatory component of mustard when the plant part is seed. The concentration of allyl isothiocyanate from all ingredients in the product must be no more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%.
3437 | MUSTARD OIL | E | Allyl isothiocyanate is a mandatory component of mustard oil when the plant part is seed. The concentration of allyl isothiocyanate from all ingredients in the product must be no more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%.
3438 | MUSTARD SEED OIL | E | Allyl isothiocyanate is a mandatory component of mustard seed oil when the plant part is seed. The concentration of allyl isothiocyanate from all ingredients in the product must be no more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/L or 0.001%.
3440 | MYRCENE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3441 | MYRCENYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3442 | MYRICA CERIFERA | A, E, H |
3443 | MYRISTIC ACID | E |
3444 | MYRISTIC ALDEHYDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3445 | MYRISTICA FRAGRANS | A, E, H | Safrole is a mandatory component of Myristica fragrans. When for internal use then the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%. When for topical use then the concentration of safrole in the medicine must be no more than 1%. When the plant preparation is oil or distillate and the concentration in the medicine is more than 50%, the nominal capacity of the container must be no more than 25 millilitres, the medicine must have a restricted flow insert fitted on the container and requires the following warning statement on the medicine label: - (CHILD) 'Keep out of reach of children' (or word to that effect).
3446 | MYRISTYL ALCOHOL | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3447 | MYRISTYL LACTATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3448 | MYRISTYL MYRISTATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3451 | MYRRH | A, H |
3452 | MYRRH OIL | A, E, H |
3453 | MYRRH RESIN | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3456 | MYRTENAL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3457 | MYRTENYL ACETATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3458 | MYRTLE ESSENCE MAX | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3459 | MYRTLE OIL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a fragrance. If used as a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more than 1%.
3460 | MYRTUS COMMUNIS | A, E, H |
3461 | N,N'-BIS(SALICYLIDENE)PROPYLENEDIAMINE | E | N,N'-Bis(salicylidene)propylenediamine must only be included in medicines when in combination with other permitted ingredients as a proprietary excipient formulation in medicines with a dermal route of administration for topical application.
3462 | N-BUTYL SULFIDE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3463 | N-GLUCONYL ETHANOLAMINE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3464 | N-HEXYL 2-BUTENOATE | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3465 | N-NONYL ALCOHOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour or a fragrance. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%. If used in a fragrance the total fragrance concentration in a medicine must be no more 1%.
3466 | NAPHTHALENE | H | Only for use as an active homoeopathic ingredient.
3468 | NARINGIN | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3470 | NATURAL FISH OIL | A, E | When therapeutic indications for this product are made against Vitamin A or colecalciferol (Vitamin D), they are mandatory components of natural fish oil. When for use in topical medicines, the concentration of Vitamin A in the medicine must be no more than 1%. When for internal use, the maximum daily dose must be no more than 3000 micrograms of Retinol Equivalents. When preparations for internal use in adults contain more than 33 micrograms of retinol equivalents per dosage unit in divided preparations or per gram of an undivided preparation, the medicine requires the following warning statements on the medicine label: - (VITA2) 'WARNING: If you are pregnant - or considering becoming pregnant - do not take vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist [or words to that effect].' NOTE: Position this warning at the beginning of the directions for use. - (VITA4) 'WARNING - When taken in excess of 3000 micrograms retinol equivalents - vitamin A can cause birth defects.' NOTE: Position this warning at the beginning of the directions for use. - (VITA3) 'The recommended daily amount of vitamin A from all sources is 700 micrograms retinol equivalents for women and 900 micrograms retinol equivalents for men.' When for internal use, the maximum recommended daily dose must be no more than 25 micrograms of Vitamin D.
3473 | NELUMBO NUCIFERA FLOWER WAX | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%.
3474 | NEOHESPERIDIN-DIHYDROCHALCONE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye or on damaged skin. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 0.1%
3475 | NEOMENTHOL | E | Permitted for use only in combination with other permitted ingredients as a flavour. If used in a flavour the total flavour concentration in a medicine must be no more than 5%.
3476 | NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIHEPTANOATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 25%.
3477 | NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIISOSTEARATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must be no more than 5%.
3478 | NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIOCTANOATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application and not to be included in medicines intended for use in the eye. The concentration in the medicine must not be more than 8.1%. When the concentration of neopentyl glycol dioctanoate is greater than 5%, the medicine must not be intended for use on damaged skin.
3479 | NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIOCTANOATE/DIDECANOATE | E | Only for use in topical medicines for dermal application.
3481 | NEPETA CATARIA | A, H | Pulegone is a mandatory component of Nepeta cataria and must be declared in the application. The concentration of pulegone in the medicine must be no more than 4%.
3482 |