Instrument number CASA ADCX 011/21

I, DAVID PUNSHON, Manager, Continued Operational Safety, a delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, make this instrument under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

Signature of delegate

David Punshon
Manager, Continued Operational Safety

3 December 2021

CASA ADCX 011/21 - Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/RES/10 Amdt 4

1.                  Name of Instrument

 This instrument is CASA ADCX 011/21 - Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/RES/10 Amdt 4.

2.                  Commencement

 This instrument commences on 10 December 2021.

3.                  Repeal

 The Airworthiness Directive (AD) mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed on the date specified for it in the Schedule.


Repeal date

AD/RES/10 Amdt 4 Indiana Mills Safety Belts

10 December 2021