Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulations 2021

made under the

Health Insurance Act 1973

Compilation No. 16

Compilation date: 1 July 2024

Includes amendments: F2024L00573 and F2024L00576

Registered: 18 July 2024

This compilation is in 2 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–4

 Schedule 1 (clauses 1.1.1–4.2.2)

Volume 2: Schedule 1 (clauses 5.1.1–7.1.1)


Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulations 2021 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 July 2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Selfrepealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Schedule 1—General medical services table

Part 5—Therapeutic procedures

Division 5.1—Preliminary

5.1.1 Restriction on items in this Part—services connected with provision of pain pump for postsurgical pain management

Division 5.2—Group T1: Miscellaneous therapeutic procedures

5.2.1 Meaning of comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility

5.2.2 Meaning of embryology laboratory services

5.2.3 Meaning of treatment cycle

5.2.4 Items provided as part of treatment cycle relating to assisted reproductive services not to apply

5.2.5 Restriction on item 13104—timing

5.2.6 Restriction on items relating to assisted reproductive services—certain pregnancyrelated circumstances

5.2.6A Restriction on items 14217 and 14220—maintenance therapy

5.2.7 Restrictions on items 14227 to 14237—patients

5.2.8 Restrictions on item 14245—practitioner and timing

5.2.9 Restriction on item 13899—other services performed on the same day

5.2.10 Items in Group T1

Division 5.3—Group T2: Radiation oncology

5.3.1 Meaning of amount under clause 5.3.1

5.3.2 Meaning of radiation oncologist

5.3.3 Items in Group T2

Division 5.4—Group T3: Therapeutic nuclear medicine

5.4.1 Items in Group T3

Division 5.5—Group T4: Obstetrics

5.5.1 Definitions for item 16400

5.5.2 Meaning of practice midwife in items 16400 and 16408

5.5.3 Restrictions on item 16400—provider and timing

5.5.4 Items in Group T4

Division 5.6—Group T6: Examination by anaesthetist

5.6.1 Items in Group T6

Division 5.7—Group T7: Regional or field nerve blocks

5.7.1 Meaning of amount under clause 5.7.1

5.7.2 Items in Group T7

Division 5.8—Group T11: Botulinum toxin

5.8.1 Group T11 services do not include supply of botulinum toxin

5.8.2 Restrictions on items in Group T11

5.8.3 Items in Group T11

Division 5.9—Group T10: Anaesthesia performed in connection with certain services (Relative Value Guide)

5.9.1A Meaning of base unit

5.9.1 Meaning of amount under clause 5.9.1

5.9.2 Meaning of amount under clause 5.9.2

5.9.3 Meaning of service time

5.9.4 Restrictions on items in Group T10

5.9.5 Application of Subgroup 21 of Group T10

5.9.6 Meaning of anaesthesia, assistance and perfusion in Subgroups 21 to 25 of Group T10

5.9.7 Application of Subgroups 22 and 23 of Group T10

5.9.8 Application of Subgroups 24 and 25 of Group T10

5.9.9 Items in Group T10

Division 5.10—Group T8: Surgical operations

Subdivision A—Subgroup 1 of Group T8

5.10.1 Meaning of amount under clause 5.10.1

5.10.2 Meaning of amount under clause 5.10.2

5.10.3 Histopathological proof of malignancyitems 30196 and 30202

5.10.5 Items 30440, 30451, 30492 and 30495 do not include imaging

5.10.5A Meaning of treatment cycle

5.10.6 Restrictions on items 30688, 30690, 30692 and 30694—patient notes

5.10.7 Application of item 35412

5.10.8 Restrictions on items 31569, 31572, 31575, 31578, 31581, 31587 and 31590—services provided on same occasion

5.10.9 Items in Subgroup 1 of Group T8

Subdivision B—Subgroups 2 and 3 of Group T8

5.10.10 Meaning of foreign body in items 35360 to 35363

5.10.11 Application of items 32084 and 32087

5.10.12 Restrictions on items 32500 to 32517 and 35321—methods of providing services

5.10.13 Restrictions on items 35404, 35406 and 35408

5.10.15 Meaning of eligible stroke centre

5.10.16 Items in Subgroups 2 and 3 of Group T8

Subdivision C—Subgroups 4, 5 and 6 of Group T8

5.10.17 Restrictions on items in Subgroups 4 and 6 of Group T8—surgical techniques

5.10.17A Items 38244, 38247, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38316, 38317 and 38319—patient eligibility and timing

5.10.17B Items 38248 and 38249—patient eligibility

5.10.17C Items 38311, 38313, 38314, 38320, 38322 and 38323—patient eligibility

5.10.17D Restriction on items 38244, 38247, 38248, 38249, 38251, 38252, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38311, 38313, 38314, 38320, 38322, 38323, 38316, 38317 and 38319—reports and clinical notes

5.10.18 Items in Subgroups 4, 5 and 6 of Group T8

Subdivision D—Subgroups 7 to 11 of Group T8

5.10.19A Restrictions on items 39015, 39503, 39906 and 40104—services provided with intracranial stereotactic procedure

5.10.19AB Item 41764—additional application

5.10.19 Items in Subgroups 7 to 11 of Group T8

Subdivision E—Subgroups 12 and 13 of Group T8

5.10.20 Meaning of amount under clause 5.10.20

5.10.21 Meaning of NOSE Scale

5.10.21A Restrictions on items 46101 to 46111—services provided on the same occasion

5.10.22 Midface procedures

5.10.23 Items in Subgroups 12 and 13 of Group T8

Subdivision F—Subgroup 14 of Group T8

5.10.24 Items in Subgroup 14 of Group T8

Subdivision G—Subgroups 15, 16 and 17 of Group T8

5.10.25 Restrictions on items 50200 and 50201—provider and timing

5.10.26 Restrictions on items 51011 to 51112 and 51115 to 51171—services provided in conjunction with other services in Group T8

5.10.27 Restrictions on items 51061 to 51066—services provided in conjunction with certain other services

5.10.28 Meaning of motion segment

5.10.29 Items in Subgroups 15, 16 and 17 of Group T8

Subdivision H—Subgroups 18 to 21 of Group T8

5.10.30 Items in Subgroups 18 to 21 of Group T8

Division 5.11—Group T9: Assistance at operations

5.11.1 Meaning of amount under clause 5.11.1

5.11.2 Meaning of amount under clause 5.11.2

5.11.3 Meaning of amount under clause 5.11.3

5.11.4 Restrictions on items in Group T9—medical practitioner providing assistance at operations

5.11.5 Items in Group T9

Part 6—Oral and maxillofacial services

Division 6.1—Preliminary

6.1.1 Restriction on items Groups O1 to O11—providers of services

Division 6.2—Group O1: Consultations

6.2.1 Items in Group O1

Division 6.3—Group O2: Assistance at operation

6.3.1 Meaning of amount under clause 6.3.1

6.3.2 Restrictions on items in Group O2—approved dental practitioner providing assistance at operations

6.3.3 Items in Group O2

Division 6.4—Group O3: General surgery

6.4.1 Items in Group O3

Division 6.5—Group O4: Plastic and reconstructive

6.5.1 Meaning of maxilla

6.5.2 Items in Group O4

Division 6.6—Group O5: Preprosthetic

6.6.1 Items in Group O5

Division 6.7—Group O6: Neurosurgical

6.7.1 Items in Group O6

Division 6.8—Group O7: Ear, nose and throat

6.8.1 Items in Group O7

Division 6.9—Group O8: Temporomandibular joint

6.9.1 Items in Group O8

Division 6.10—Group O9: Treatment of fractures

6.10.1 Items in Group O9

Division 6.11—Group O11: Regional or field nerve blocks

6.11.1 Items in Group O11

Part 7—Dictionary

7.1.1 Dictionary


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Schedule 1General medical services table

Part 5Therapeutic procedures

Division 5.1Preliminary

5.1.1  Restriction on items in this Part—services connected with provision of pain pump for postsurgical pain management

  An item in Group T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T8, T9 or T10 does not apply to a service described in the item if the service is provided at the same time as, or in connection with, the provision of a pain pump for postsurgical pain management.

Division 5.2Group T1: Miscellaneous therapeutic procedures

5.2.1  Meaning of comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility

  In items 13015, 13020, 13025 and 13030:

comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility means a separate hospital area that, on a 24hour basis:

 (a) is equipped and staffed so that it is capable of providing to a patient:

 (i) hyperbaric oxygen therapy at a treatment pressure of at least 2.8 atmospheric pressure absolute (180 kilopascal gauge pressure); and

 (ii) mechanical ventilation and invasive cardiovascular monitoring within a monoplace or multiplace chamber for the duration of the hyperbaric treatment; and

 (b) is under the direction of at least one medical practitioner who is rostered, and immediately available, to the facility during the facility’s ordinary working hours if the practitioner:

 (i) is a specialist with training in diving and hyperbaric medicine; or

 (ii) holds a Diploma of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine of the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society; and

 (c) is staffed by:

 (i) at least one medical practitioner with training in diving and hyperbaric medicine who is present in the facility and immediately available at all times when patients are being treated at the facility; and

 (ii) at least one registered nurse with specific training in hyperbaric patient care to the published standards of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association, who is present during hyperbaric oxygen therapy; and

 (d) has admission and discharge policies in operation.

5.2.2  Meaning of embryology laboratory services

  In items 13200 and 13201:

embryology laboratory services includes:

 (a) egg recovery from aspirated follicular fluid; and

 (b) semen preparation; and

 (c) insemination; and

 (d) monitoring of fertilisation and embryo development; and

 (e) preparation of gametes or embryos for transfer or freezing.

5.2.3  Meaning of treatment cycle

  In clause 5.2.4 and items 13200 to 13209, 13215 and 13218:

treatment cycle, for a patient, means a series of treatments for the patient that:

 (a) begins:

 (i) if treatment with superovulatory drugs is given—on the day on which that treatment begins; or

 (ii) if treatment with superovulatory drugs is not given—on the first day of a menstrual cycle of the patient; and

 (b) ends:

 (i) if a service described in item 13212, 13215 or 13221 is provided in connection with the series of treatments—on the day after the day on which the last of those services is provided; or

 (ii) in any other case—not more than 30 days after the day mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii).

5.2.4  Items provided as part of treatment cycle relating to assisted reproductive services not to apply

 (1) This clause applies if:

 (a) a service to which an item (the first item) in Subgroup 3 of Group T1 applies is provided to a patient during a treatment cycle; and

 (b) a service described in an item (the second item) (other than an item in Subgroup 3 of Group T1 or item 73384, 73385, 73386 or 73387 of the pathology services table) is provided to the patient during the same treatment cycle; and

 (c) the service described in the second item is associated with the service to which the first item applies.

 (2) The second item does not apply to the service described in that item.

5.2.5  Restriction on item 13104—timing

  Item 13104 does not apply to a patient more than 12 times in a 12 month period.

5.2.6  Restriction on items relating to assisted reproductive services—certain pregnancyrelated circumstances

  Items 13200 to 13221 do not apply to a service provided in relation to a patient’s pregnancy, or intended pregnancy, that is, at the time of the service, the subject of an agreement, or arrangement, under which the patient makes provision for transfer to another person of the guardianship of, or custodial rights to, a child born as a result of the pregnancy.

5.2.6A  Restriction on items 14217 and 14220—maintenance therapy

  A service under item 14217 or 14220 cannot be provided to a patient as maintenance therapy for the prevention of further relapse of the patient’s depression.

5.2.7  Restrictions on items 14227 to 14237—patients

  Items 14227 to 14237 apply to a service in relation to a patient only if:

 (a) the patient has:

 (i) chronic spasticity of cerebral origin; or

 (ii) chronic spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury or spinal cord disease; and

 (b) oral antispastic agents have failed or have caused the patient to experience unacceptable side effects; and

 (c) an authority has been given by the Chief Executive Medicare to provide the service to the patient.

5.2.8  Restrictions on item 14245—practitioner and timing

 (1) Item 14245 applies only to a service provided by a medical practitioner who is registered by the Chief Executive Medicare to participate in the arrangements made, under paragraph 100(1)(b) of the National Health Act 1953, for providing an adequate pharmaceutical service for persons requiring treatment with an immunomodulating agent.

 (2) Item 14245 applies once per day.

5.2.9  Restriction on item 13899—other services performed on the same day

  Item 13899 does not apply to professional attendance by a specialist on a day for preparation of goals of care for a patient if, on that day, the specialist performs a service for the patient that is described in item 13870 or 13873.

5.2.10  Items in Group T1

  This clause sets out items in Group T1.

Note: The fees in Group T1 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T1—Miscellaneous therapeutic procedures

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)

Subgroup 1—Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for treatment of localised nonneurological soft tissue radiation injuries excluding radiationinduced soft tissue lymphoedema of the arm after treatment for breast cancer, performed in a comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility under the supervision of a medical practitioner qualified in hyperbaric medicine, for a period in the hyperbaric chamber of at least 1 hour 30 minutes and not more than 3 hours, including any associated attendance



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for treatment of decompression illness, gas gangrene, air or gas embolism, diabetic wounds (including diabetic gangrene and diabetic foot ulcers) or necrotising soft tissue infections (including necrotising fasciitis or Fournier’s gangrene), or for the prevention and treatment of osteoradionecrosis, performed in a comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility, under the supervision of a medical practitioner qualified in hyperbaric medicine, for a period in the hyperbaric chamber of at least 1 hour 30 minutes and not more than 3 hours, including any associated attendance



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for treatment of decompression illness, air or gas embolism, performed in a comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility, under the supervision of a medical practitioner qualified in hyperbaric medicine, for a period in the hyperbaric chamber greater than 3 hours, including any associated attendance—per hour (or part of an hour)



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy performed in a comprehensive hyperbaric medicine facility, if the medical practitioner is pressurised in the hyperbaric chamber for the purpose of providing continuous lifesaving emergency treatment, including any associated attendance—per hour (or part of an hour)


Subgroup 2—Dialysis


Supervision in hospital by a medical specialist of—haemodialysis, haemofiltration, haemoperfusion or peritoneal dialysis, including all professional attendances, if the total attendance time on the patient by the supervising medical specialist exceeds 45 minutes in one day



Supervision in hospital by a medical specialist of—haemodialysis, haemofiltration, haemoperfusion or peritoneal dialysis, including all professional attendances, if the total attendance time on the patient by the supervising medical specialist does not exceed 45 minutes in one day



Planning and management of home dialysis (haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) for a patient with endstage renal disease and supervision of the patient on selfadministered dialysis, if the attendance is by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of renal medicine



Haemodialysis for a patient with endstage renal disease if:

(a) the service is provided by a registered nurse, an Aboriginal health worker or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner on behalf of a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is supervised by the medical practitioner (either in person or remotely); and

(c) the patient’s care is managed by a nephrologist; and

(d) the patient is treated or reviewed by the nephrologist every 3 to 6 months (either in person or remotely); and

(e) the patient is not an admitted patient of a hospital; and

(f) the service is provided in a Modified Monash 7 area



Declotting of an arteriovenous shunt



Indwelling peritoneal catheter (Tenckhoff or similar) for dialysis—insertion and fixation of (Anaes.)



Indwelling peritoneal catheter (Tenckhoff or similar) for dialysis—removal of (including catheter cuffs) (Anaes.)


Subgroup 3—Assisted reproductive services


Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle proceeding to oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones, ultrasound examinations, all treatment counselling and embryology laboratory services but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13201, 13202, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle—initial cycle in a single calendar year



Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle proceeding to oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones, ultrasound examinations, all treatment counselling and embryology laboratory services but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13200, 13202, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle—each cycle after the first in a single calendar year



Assisted reproductive technologies superovulated treatment cycle that is cancelled before oocyte retrieval, involving the use of drugs to induce superovulation and including quantitative estimation of hormones and ultrasound examinations, but excluding artificial insemination, transfer of frozen embryos or donated embryos or ova or a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13203 or 13218 applies, being services rendered during one treatment cycle



Ovulation monitoring services for artificial insemination or gonadotrophin, stimulated ovulation induction, including quantitative estimation of hormones and ultrasound examinations, being services rendered during one treatment cycle but excluding a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13202, 13212, 13215 or 13218 applies



Biopsy of an embryo, from a patient who is eligible for a service described in item 73384 under clause 2.7.3A of the pathology services table, for the purpose of providing a sample for preimplantation genetic testing—applicable to one or more tests performed in one assisted reproductive treatment cycle



Planning and management of a referred patient by a specialist for the purpose of treatment by assisted reproductive technologies or for artificial insemination—applicable once during a treatment cycle



Oocyte retrieval for the purpose of assisted reproductive technologies—only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13200 or 13201 applies (Anaes.)



Transfer of embryos or both ova and sperm to the uterus or fallopian tubes, excluding artificial insemination—only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13200, 13201 or 13218 applies, being services rendered in one treatment cycle (Anaes.)



Preparation of frozen or donated embryos or donated oocytes for transfer to the uterus or fallopian tubes, by any means and including quantitative estimation of hormones and all treatment counselling but excluding artificial insemination services rendered in one treatment cycle and excluding a service to which item 13200, 13201, 13202, 13203 or 13212 applies (Anaes.)



Preparation of semen for the purpose of artificial insemination—only if rendered in connection with a service to which item 13203 applies



Open surgical testicular sperm retrieval, unilateral, using operating microscope, including the exploration of scrotal contents, with biopsy, for the purposes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, for male factor infertility, not being a service associated with a service to which item 13218 or 37604 applies (H) (Anaes.)



Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for the purpose of assisted reproductive technologies, for male factor infertility, excluding a service to which item 13203 or 13218 applies



Processing and initial cryopreservation (not including storage) of semen for fertility preservation treatment before or after completion of gonadotoxic treatment for malignant or nonmalignant conditions, in a postpubertal male in Tanner stages II–V, up to 60 years old, who is referred by a specialist or consultant physician—applicable to not more than 2 semen collection cycles



Semen, collection of, from a patient with spinal injuries or medically induced impotence, for the purposes of analysis, storage or assisted reproduction, by a medical practitioner using a vibrator or electroejaculation device including catheterisation and drainage of bladder if required


Subgroup 4—Paediatric and neonatal


Umbilical or scalp vein catheterisation in a neonate with or without infusion or cannulation of a vein



Umbilical artery catheterisation with or without infusion



Blood transfusion with venesection and complete replacement of blood, including collection from donor



Blood transfusion with venesection and complete replacement of blood, using blood already collected



Blood for pathology test, collection of, by femoral or external jugular vein puncture in infants



Central vein catheterisation by open exposure, in a patient under 12 years of age (Anaes.)



Central vein catheterisation in a neonate via peripheral vein (Anaes.)


Subgroup 5—Cardiovascular


Restoration of cardiac rhythm by electrical stimulation (cardioversion), other than in the course of cardiac surgery (H) (Anaes.)


Subgroup 6—Gastroenterology


Gastrooesophageal balloon intubation for control of bleeding from gastric oesophageal varices


Subgroup 8—Haematology


Harvesting of homologous (including allogeneic) or autologous bone marrow for the purpose of transplantation (Anaes.)



Transfusion of blood including collection from donor, when used for intraoperative normovolaemic haemodilution, other than a service associated with a service to which item 22052 applies



Transfusion of blood or bone marrow already collected



Therapeutic haemapheresis for the removal of plasma or cellular (or both) elements of blood, utilising continuous or intermittent flow techniques, including morphological tests for cell counts and viability studies, if performed; continuous monitoring of vital signs, fluid balance, blood volume and other parameters with continuous registered nurse attendance under the supervision of a consultant physician, other than a service associated with a service to which item 13755 applies—each day



Donor haemapheresis for the collection of blood products for transfusion, utilising continuous or intermittent flow techniques, including morphological tests for cell counts and viability studies; continuous monitoring of vital signs, fluid balance, blood volume and other parameters; with continuous registered nurse attendance under the supervision of a consultant physician—other than a service associated with a service to which item 13750 applies—each day



Therapeutic venesection for the management of haemochromatosis, polycythemia vera or porphyria cutanea tarda



In vitro processing with cryopreservation of bone marrow or peripheral blood, for autologous stem cell transplantation for a patient receiving highdose chemotherapy for management of:

(a) aggressive malignancy; or

(b) malignancy that has proven refractory to prior treatment



Subgroup 9—Procedures associated with intensive care and cardiopulmonary support


Central vein catheterisation, including under ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate, by percutaneous or open exposure, other than a service to which item 13318 applies (Anaes.)



Right heart balloon catheter, insertion of, including pulmonary wedge pressure and cardiac output measurement (Anaes.)



Intracranial pressure, monitoring of, by intraventricular or subdural catheter, subarachnoid bolt or similar, by a specialist or consultant physician—each day



Peripheral cannulation, including under ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate, for venoarterial cardiopulmonary extracorporeal life support



Veno–arterial cardiopulmonary extracorporeal life support, management of—the first day



Veno–arterial cardiopulmonary extracorporeal life support, management of—each day after the first



Venovenous pulmonary extracorporeal life support, management of—the first day



Venovenous pulmonary extracorporeal life support, management of—each day after the first



Arterial puncture and collection of blood for diagnostic purposes



Peripheral cannulation, including under ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate, for venovenous pulmonary extracorporeal life support



Intraarterial cannulation, including under ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate, for the purpose of intraarterial pressure monitoring or arterial blood sampling (or both)



Counterpulsation by intraaortic balloonmanagement, including associated consultations and monitoring of parameters by means of full haemodynamic assessment and management on several occasions on a day—each day



Ventricular assist device, management of, for a patient admitted to an intensive care unit for implantation of the device or for complications arising from implantation or management of the device—first day



Ventricular assist device, management of, for a patient admitted to an intensive care unit, including management of complications arising from implantation or management of the device—each day after the first day



Airway access and initiation of mechanical ventilation (other than initiation of ventilation in the context of an anaesthetic for surgery), outside of an intensive care unit, for the purpose of subsequent ventilatory support in an intensive care unit


Subgroup 10—Management and procedures undertaken in an intensive care unit


Management of a patient in an intensive care unit by a specialist or consultant physician who is immediately available and exclusively rostered to intensive care, including initial and subsequent attendances, electrocardiographic monitoring, arterial sampling, bladder catheterisation and blood sampling—management on the first day (H)



Management of a patient in an intensive care unit by a specialist or consultant physician who is immediately available and exclusively rostered to intensive care, including all attendances, electrocardiographic monitoring, arterial sampling, bladder catheterisation and blood sampling—management on each day after the first day (H)



Central venous pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, systemic arterial pressure or cardiac intracavity pressure—once per day for each type of pressure for a patient:

(a) when managed for the patient by a specialist or consultant physician who:

(i) is immediately available to care for the patient; and

(ii) is exclusively rostered to intensive care; and

(b) when the patient is continuously monitored by indwelling catheter in an intensive care unit (H)



Airway access and initiation of mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit by a specialist or consultant physician to enable subsequent ventilatory support—not in association with any anaesthetic service (H)



Ventilatory support in an intensive care unit, management of a patient:

(a) by:

(i) invasive means; or

(ii) noninvasive means, if the only alternative to noninvasive ventilatory support is invasive ventilatory support; and

(b) by a specialist or consultant physician who is immediately available and exclusively rostered to intensive care;

each day (H)



Continuous arterio venous or veno venous haemofiltration, management by a specialist or consultant physician who is immediately available and exclusively rostered to intensive care—on the first day (H)



Continuous arterio venous or veno venous haemofiltration, management by a specialist or consultant physician who is immediately available and exclusively rostered to intensive care—on each day after the first day (H)


Subgroup 10A—Preparation of goals of care by intensive care specialist outside intensive care unit


Professional attendance outside an intensive care unit for at least 60 minutes spent in preparation of goals of care for a gravely ill patient lacking current goals of care, by a specialist in the specialty of intensive care who takes overall responsibility for the preparation of the goals of care for the patient


Subgroup 11—Chemotherapeutic procedures


Parenteral administration of one or more antineoplastic agents, including agents used in cytotoxic chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody therapy but not agents used in antiresorptive bone therapy or hormonal therapy, by or on behalf of a specialist or consultant physician—attendance for one or more episodes of administration


Subgroup 12—Dermatology


UVA or UVB phototherapy administered in a whole body cabinet or hand and foot cabinet including associated consultations other than the initial consultation, if treatment is initiated and supervised by a specialist in the specialty of dermatology

Applicable not more than 150 times in a 12 month period



Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular abnormalities of the head or neck, including any associated consultation, if:

(a) the abnormality is visible from 3 metres; and

(b) photographic evidence demonstrating the need for this service is documented in the patient notes;

to a maximum of 4 sessions (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14106 to 14118 apply) in any 12 month period (Anaes.)



Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular malformations, infantile haemangiomas, caféaulait macules and naevi of Ota, other than melanocytic naevi (common moles), if the abnormality is visible from 3 metres, including any associated consultation, up to a maximum of 6 sessions (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14100 to 14118 apply) in any 12 month period—area of treatment less than 150 cm2 (Anaes.)



Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular malformations, infantile haemangiomas, caféaulait macules and naevi of Ota, other than melanocytic naevi (common moles), including any associated consultation, up to a maximum of 6 sessions (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14100 to 14118 apply) in any 12 month period—area of treatment 150 cm2 to 300 cm2 (Anaes.)



Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular malformations, infantile haemangiomas, caféaulait macules and naevi of Ota, other than melanocytic naevi (common moles), including any associated consultation, up to a maximum of 6 sessions (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14100 to 14115 apply) in any 12 month period—area of treatment more than 300 cm2 (Anaes.)



Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular malformations, infantile haemangiomas, caféaulait macules and naevi of Ota, other than melanocytic naevi (common moles), including any associated consultation, if:

(a) a seventh or subsequent session (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14100 to 14118 apply) is indicated in a 12 month period commencing on the day of the first session; and

(b) photographic evidence demonstrating the need for this service is documented in the patient notes



Subgroup 13—Miscellaneous therapeutic procedures


PolyLlactic acid, one or more injections of, for the initial session only, for the treatment of severe facial lipoatrophy caused by antiretroviral therapy, if prescribed in accordance with section 85 of the National Health Act 1953—once per patient



PolyLlactic acid, one or more injections of (subsequent sessions), for the continuation of treatment of severe facial lipoatrophy caused by antiretroviral therapy, if prescribed in accordance with section 85 of the National Health Act 1953



Hormone or living tissue implantation, by direct implantation involving incision and suture (Anaes.)



Hormone or living tissue implantation—by cannula



Intussusception, management of fluid or gas reduction for (Anaes.)



Professional attendance on a patient by a psychiatrist, who has undertaken training in Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), for treatment mapping for rTMS, if the patient:

(a) has not previously received any prior transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy in a public or private setting; and

(b) is at least 18 years old; and

(c) is diagnosed with a major depressive episode; and

(d) has failed to receive satisfactory improvement for the major depressive episode despite the adequate trialling of at least 2 different classes of antidepressant medications, unless contraindicated, and all of the following apply:

(i) the patient’s adherence to antidepressant treatment has been formally assessed;

(ii) the trialling of each antidepressant medication has been at the recommended therapeutic dose for a minimum of 3 weeks;

(iii) where clinically appropriate, the treatment has been titrated to the maximum tolerated therapeutic dose; and

(e) has undertaken psychological therapy, if clinically appropriate



Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment of up to 35 services provided by, or on behalf of, a psychiatrist who has undertaken training in rTMS, if the patient has previously received a service under item 14216each service up to 35 services



Implanted infusion pump, refilling of reservoir with a therapeutic agent or agents for infusion to the subarachnoid space or accessing the side port to assess catheter patency, with or without pump reprogramming, for the management of chronic pain, including cancer pain



Professional attendance on a patient by a psychiatrist, who has undertaken training in Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), for treatment mapping for rTMS, if the patient:

(a) is at least 18 years old; and

(b) is diagnosed with a major depressive episode; and

(c) has failed to receive satisfactory improvement for the major depressive episode despite the adequate trialling of at least 2 different classes of antidepressant medications, unless contraindicated, and all of the following apply:

(i) the patient’s adherence to antidepressant treatment has been formally assessed;

(ii) the trialling of each antidepressant medication has been at the recommended therapeutic dose for a minimum of 3 weeks;

(iii) where clinically appropriate, the treatment has been titrated to the maximum tolerated therapeutic dose; and

(d) has undertaken psychological therapy, if clinically appropriate; and

(e) has previously received an initial service under item 14217 and the patient:

(i) has relapsed after a remission following the initial service; and

(ii) has had a satisfactory clinical response to the service under item 14217 (which has been assessed by a validated major depressive disorder tool at least 4 months after receiving that service)



Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment of up to 15 services provided by, or on behalf of, a psychiatrist who has undertaken training in rTMS, if the patient has previously received:

(a) a service under item 14217 (which was not provided in the previous 4 months); and

(b) a service under item 14219

Each service up to 15 services



Long—term implanted device for delivery of therapeutic agents, accessing of, other than a service associated with a service to which item 13950 applies



Electroconvulsive therapy, with or without the use of stimulus dosing techniques, including any electroencephalographic monitoring and associated consultation (H) (Anaes.)



Implanted infusion pump, refilling of reservoir with baclofen for infusion to the subarachnoid or epidural space, with or without reprogramming a programmable pump, for the management of severe chronic spasticity



Infusion pump or components of an infusion pump, removal or replacement of, and connection to intrathecal or epidural catheter, and loading of reservoir with baclofen, with or without programming of the pump, for the management of severe chronic spasticity (H) (Anaes.)



Infusion pump or components of an infusion pump, subcutaneous implantation of, and intrathecal or epidural spinal catheter insertion, and connection of pump to catheter, and loading of reservoir with baclofen, with or without programming of the pump, for the management of severe chronic spasticity (H) (Anaes.)



Immunomodulating agent, administration of, by intravenous infusion lasting at least 2 hours



Subgroup 14—Management and procedures undertaken in emergency department


Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 30 minutes but less than 1 hour, by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019 (Anaes.)



Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 1 hour but less than 2 hours, by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019 (Anaes.)



Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 2 hours, by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019 (Anaes.)



Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 30 minutes but less than 1 hour, by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036 (Anaes.)



Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 1 hour but less than 2 hours, by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036 (Anaes.)



Resuscitation of a patient provided for at least 2 hours, by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036 (Anaes.)



Minor procedure on a patient by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019 (Anaes.)



Procedure (except a minor procedure) on a patient by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019 (Anaes.)



Minor procedure on a patient by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036 (Anaes.)



Procedure (except a minor procedure) on a patient by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital, in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036 (Anaes.)



Management, without aftercare, of all fractures and dislocations suffered by a patient that:

(a) is provided by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the specialist described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017 or 5019; and

(b) occurs at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital




Management, without aftercare, of all fractures and dislocations suffered by a patient that:

(a) is provided by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) in conjunction with an attendance on the patient by the practitioner described in item 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036; and

(b) occurs at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital




Application of chemical or physical restraint of a patient by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital



Application of chemical or physical restraint of a patient by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital



Anaesthesia (whether general anaesthesia or not) of a patient that:

(a) is managed by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital; and

(b) occurs in conjunction with an attendance on the patient that is described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017, 5019, 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036; and

(c) is not anaesthesia provided by a specialist anaesthetist to which an item in Group T7 or T10 applies



Anaesthesia (whether general anaesthesia or not) of a patient that:

(a) is managed by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital; and

(b) occurs in conjunction with an attendance on the patient that is described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017, 5019, 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036; and

(c) is not anaesthesia provided by a specialist anaesthetist to which an item in Group T7 or T10 applies



Emergent intubation, airway management or both of a patient that:

(a) is managed by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital; and

(b) occurs in conjunction with an attendance on the patient that is described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017, 5019, 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036; and

(c) is not anaesthesia provided by a specialist anaesthetist to which an item in Group T7 or T10 applies



Emergent intubation, airway management or both of a patient that:

(a) is managed by a medical practitioner (except a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of emergency medicine) at a recognised emergency department of a private hospital; and

(b) occurs in conjunction with an attendance on the patient that is described in item 5001, 5004, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5016, 5017, 5019, 5021, 5022, 5027, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5035 or 5036; and

(c) is not anaesthesia provided by a specialist anaesthetist to which an item in Group T7 or T10 applies


Division 5.3Group T2: Radiation oncology

5.3.1  Meaning of amount under clause 5.3.1

  In item 15954:

amount under clause 5.3.1 means the sum of:

 (a) the fee for item 15952; and

 (b) $22.00 for each anatomical site separately treated in excess of one.

5.3.2  Meaning of radiation oncologist

  In this Schedule:

radiation oncologist means a specialist practising in the specialist’s specialty of radiation oncology.

5.3.3  Items in Group T2

  This clause sets out items in Group T2.

Note: The fees in Group T2 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.

Group T2—Radiation oncology

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)

Subgroup 1—Targeted intraoperative radiation therapy


Breast, malignant tumour, targeted intraoperative radiation therapy, using an Intrabeam® or Xoft® Axxent® device, delivered at the time of breastconserving surgery (partial mastectomy or lumpectomy) for a patient who:

(a) is 45 years of age or over; and

(b) has a T1 or small T2 (less than or equal to 3 cm in diameter) primary tumour; and

(c) has a histologic grade 1 or 2 tumour; and

(d) has an oestrogenreceptor positive tumour; and

(e) has a node negative malignancy; and

(f) is suitable for wide local excision of a primary invasive ductal carcinoma that was diagnosed as unifocal on conventional examination and imaging; and

(g) has no contraindications to breast irradiation

Applicable once per breast per lifetime (H)


Subgroup 2—Megavoltage


Megavoltage planning—level 1.1

Simple complexity singlefield radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, without imaging for field setting, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) the simulation is to one site;

(ii) localisation is based on clinical markup and imagebased simulation is not required;

(iii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for twodimensional radiation therapy treatment, with wide margins and allowance for movement; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the planning process is required to deliver a prescribed dose to a point, either at depth or on the surface of the patient;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process does not require the differential of dose between target, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) delineation of structures is not possible or required, and field borders will delineate the treatment volume;

(iv) doses are calculated in reference to a point, either at depth or on the surface of the patient, from tables, charts or data from a treatment planning system

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 1.2

Simple complexity radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, with imaging for field setting, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for twodimensional radiation therapy dose planning;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for twodimensional radiation therapy treatment where interfraction reproducibility is required;

(iii) imaging datasets are acquired for the relevant region of interest to be planned; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the twodimensional planning process is required to calculate dose to a volume, however a dosevolume histogram is not required to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the twodimensional planning process is not required to maximise the differential between target dose and normal tissue dose;

(iii) the target (which may include gross, clinical and planning targets as a composite structure or field border outline), as defined in the prescription, is rendered as a twodimensional structure as field borders or a volume;

(iv) organs at risk are delineated if required, and assessment of dose to these structures is derived from dose point calculations, rather than full calculation and inclusion in a dosevolume histogram;

(v) dose calculations are calculated using a specialised algorithm, with prescription and plan details approved and recorded with the plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 2.1

Threedimensional radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, without motion management, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for threedimensional planning without consideration of motion management;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are reproducible for treatment;

(iii) a highquality dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned and treated with image verification; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the threedimensional planning process is required to calculate dose to threedimensional volume structures and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the threedimensional planning process (which must include multileaf collimatorbased shaping to achieve target dose conformity and organs at risk avoidance or dose management or reduction) is required to optimise the differential between target dose and normal tissue dose;

(iii) the planning target volume is rendered as a threedimensional structure on planning outputs (threedimensional plan review, threeplanar sections review or dosevolume histogram);

(iv) organs at risk are delineated, and assessment of dose to these structures is derived from calculation and inclusion in a dosevolume histogram

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 2.2

Threedimensional radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning with motion management, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for complex threedimensional planning with consideration of motion management;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are reproducible for treatment;

(iii) a highquality threedimensional or fourdimensional image volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned and treated with image verification; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the threedimensional planning process is required to calculate dose to threedimensional volume structures (which must include structures moving with physiologic processes) and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the threedimensional planning process (which must include multileaf collimatorbased shaping to achieve target dose conformity and organs at risk avoidance or dose management or reduction) is required to optimise the differential between target dose and normal tissue dose;

(iii) the planning target volume is rendered as a threedimensional structure on planning outputs (threedimensional plan review, threeplanar sections review or dosevolume histogram);

(iv) organs at risk are delineated, and assessment of dose to these structures is derived from full calculation and inclusion in a dosevolume histogram

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 3.1

Standard intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for singledose level IMRT planning without motion management;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for image volume data acquisition and reproducible IMRT treatment;

(iii) a highquality threedimensional image volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned and treated with image verification; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the IMRT planning process is required to calculate dose to a singledose level volume structure and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the IMRT planning process optimises the differential between target dose, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) all relevant gross tumour volumes, clinical target volumes, planning target volumes and organs at risk are rendered as volumes and nominated with planning dose objectives;

(iv) organs at risk are nominated as planning dose constraints;

(v) dose calculations and dosevolume histograms are generated in an inverse planned process using a specialised algorithm, with prescription and plan details approved and recorded with the plan;

(vi) a threedimensional image volume dataset is used for the relevant region to be planned and treated with image verification

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage replanning—level 3.1

Additional dosimetry plan for replanning of standard intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, if:

(a) an initial treatment plan described in item 15910 has been prepared; and

(b) treatment adjustments to the initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 3.2

Complex intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for multipledose level IMRT planning or singledose level IMRT planning requiring motion management;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for image volume data acquisition and reproducible IMRT treatment;

(iii) a highquality threedimensional or fourdimensional volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned and treated with image verification; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the IMRT planning process is required to calculate dose to multipledose level volume structures or singledose level volume structures (including structures moving with physiologic processes or requiring precise positioning with respect to beam edges) and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the IMRT planning process optimises the differential between target dose, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) all relevant gross tumour targets, clinical target volumes, planning target volumes, internal target volumes and organs at risk are rendered and nominated with planning dose objectives;

(iv) organs at risk are nominated as planning dose constraints;

(v) dose calculations and dosevolume histograms are generated in an inverse planned process using a specialised algorithm, with prescription and plan details approved and recorded with the plan;

(vi) a threedimensional or fourdimensional image volume dataset is used for the relevant region to be planned and treated, with image verification for a multipledose level IMRT planning or singledose level IMRT planning requiring motion management

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage replanning—level 3.2

Additional dosimetry plan for replanning of complex intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, if:

(a) an initial treatment plan described in item 15914 has been prepared; and

(b) treatment adjustments to the initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 4

Intracranial stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for multiple noncoplanar, rotational or fixed beam stereotactic delivery;

(ii) precise personalised patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for reliable imaging acquisition and reproducible SRT smallfield and ablative treatments;

(iii) a highquality threedimensional image volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the intracranial lesions to be planned and treated and verified; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the planning process is required to calculate dose to single or multiple target structures and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process maximises the differential between target dose, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) all relevant gross tumour volumes, clinical target volumes, planning target volumes and organs at risk are rendered and nominated with planning dose objectives;

(iv) organs at risk are nominated as planning dose constraints;

(v) dose calculations and dosevolume histograms are generated using a validated stereotactictype algorithm, with prescription and plan details approved and recorded with the plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 4

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for inverse planning with multiple noncoplanar, rotational or fixed beam stereotactic delivery or intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) stereotactic delivery;

(ii) personalised patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for reliable imaging acquisition and reproducible, including techniques to minimise motion of organs at risk and targets;

(iii) smallfield and ablative treatment is used;

(iv) a highquality threedimensional or fourdimensional image volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned, treated and verified (through daily planar or volumetric image guidance strategies); and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the planning process is required to calculate dose to single or multiple target structures and requires a dosevolume histogram to complete the planning process;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process maximises the differential between target dose, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) all relevant gross tumour volumes, clinical target volumes, planning target volumes and organs at risk are rendered and nominated with planning dose objectives;

(iv) organs at risk are nominated as planning dose constraints;

(v) dose calculations and dosevolume histograms are generated using a validated stereotactictype algorithm, with prescription and plan details approved and recorded with the plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage replanning—level 4

Additional dosimetry plan for replanning of intracranial stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) or stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatment, if:

(a) an initial treatment plan described in item 15918 or 15920 has been prepared; and

(b) treatment adjustments to the initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage planning—level 5

Specialised radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if both of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(a) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for a specialised case with general anaesthetic or sedation supervised by an anaesthetist;

(b) a highquality threedimensional or fourdimensional image volume dataset is acquired in treatment position for the relevant region of interest to be planned and treated with image verification

Applicable once per course of treatment (Anaes.)



Megavoltage planning—level 5

Specialised radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning, if:

(a) all of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) treatment setup and technique specifications are in preparation for a specialised application such as total skin electron therapy (TSE) or total body irradiation (TBI);

(ii) reproducible personalised patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable to implement threedimensional radiation therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) (including multiple noncoplanar, rotational or fixed beam treatment delivery) or a specialised total body treatment delivery method;

(iii) a specialised dataset of anatomical dimensions is acquired in the treatment position for TSE or TBI; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) total TSE, TBI, IMRT or multiple noncoplanar, rotational or fixed beam treatment is used;

(ii) the final dosimetry plan is validated by a radiation therapist and a medical physicist, using quality assurance processes;

(iii) the final dosimetry plan is approved, prior to treatment delivery, by a radiation oncologist

Applicable once per course of treatment



Megavoltage replanning—level 5

Additional dosimetry plan for replanning of specialised radiation therapy if:

(a) an initial treatment plan described in 15924 or 15926 has been prepared; and

(b) treatment adjustments to the initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment (Anaes.)



Megavoltage treatment—level 1.1

Radiation therapy for simple, singlefield treatment (including electron beam treatments), if:

(a) the treatment does not use imaging for field setting; and

(b) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(c) the treatment is delivered with a onedimensional plan; and

(d) a twodimensional singlefield treatment delivery mode is utilised

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 1.2

Radiation therapy and image verification for simple treatment, with imaging for field setting, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging is used to implement a twodimensional plan, and

(c) twodimensional treatment is delivered; and

(d) image verification decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 2.1

Radiation therapy and image verification for threedimensional treatment, without motion management, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging is used to implement a standard threedimensional plan; and

(c) threedimensional treatment is delivered; and

(d) image verification decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 2.2

Radiation therapy and image verification for threedimensional treatment, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging is used to implement a complex threedimensional plan; and

(c) complex threedimensional treatment is delivered with management of motion; and

(d) image decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 3.1

Standard singledose level intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment and image verification, without motion management, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging is used to implement a standard IMRT plan described in item 15910

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 3.2

Complex multipledose level intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, or singledose level IMRT treatment requiring motion management, and image verification, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging is used (with motion management functionality if required) to implement a complex IMRT plan described in item 15914; and

(c) radiation field positioning requires accurate dose delivery to the target; and

(d) image decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per plan per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 4

Intracranial stereotactic radiation therapy treatment and image verification, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) or minimally invasive stereotactic frame localisation is used to implement an intracranial stereotactic treatment plan described in item 15918; and

(c) radiation field positioning requires accurate dose delivery to the target; and

(d) image decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 4

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatment and image verification, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) is used (with motion management functionality if required) to implement a stereotactic body radiation therapy plan described in item 15920; and

(c) radiation field positioning requires accurate dose delivery to the target; and

(d) image decisions and actions are documented in the patient’s record

Applicable once per day



Megavoltage treatment—level 5

Specialised radiation therapy treatment and verification, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) a specialised technique is used with general anaesthetic or sedation supervised by an anaesthetist

Applicable once per plan per day




Megavoltage treatment—level 5

Specialised radiation therapy treatment and verification, if:

(a) the treatment is delivered using a device that is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; and

(b) a specialised technique, such as total skin electron therapy (TSE) or total body irradiation (TBI), is used to implement a treatment plan described in item 15926; and

(c) imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT) is used (with motion management functionality, if required) to implement:

(i) threedimensional radiation therapy; or

(ii) intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) (including multiple noncoplanar, rotational or fixed beam treatment); or

(iii) total skin electrons (TSE) where there is individualised treatment

Applicable once per day


Subgroup 3—Kilovoltage


Kilovoltage planning

Simple complexity singlefield radiation therapy simulation and dosimetry for treatment planning without imaging for field setting, if:

(a) both of the following apply in relation to the simulation:

(i) localisation is based on clinical markup and imagebased simulation is not required;

(ii) patient setup and immobilisation techniques are suitable for twodimensional radiation therapy treatment, with wide margins and allowance for movement; and

(b) all of the following apply in relation to the dosimetry:

(i) the planning process is required to deliver a prescribed dose to a point, either at depth or on the surface of the patient;

(ii) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process does not require the differential of dose between target, organs at risk and normal tissue dose;

(iii) delineation of structures is not possible or required, and field borders will delineate the treatment volume;

(iv) doses are calculated in reference to a point, either at depth or on the surface of the patient, from tables, charts or data from a treatment planning system

Applicable once per course of treatment



Delivery of kilovoltage radiation therapy (50 kV to 500 kV range) to one anatomical site (excluding orbital structures where there is placement of an internal eye shield), other than a service to which item 15954 applies



Delivery of kilovoltage radiation therapy (50 kV to 500 kV range) to 2 or more anatomical sites (excluding orbital structures where there is placement of an internal eye shield)

Amount under clause 5.3.1


Delivery of kilovoltage radiation therapy (50 kV to 500 kV range) to orbital structures where there is placement of an internal eye shield


Subgroup 4—Brachytherapy


Simple placement or insertion of any of the following kinds of brachytherapy device, without image guidance:

(a) intracavitary vaginal cylinder, vaginal ovoids, vaginal ring or vaginal mould;

(b) surface mould or applicator, with catheters fixed to or embedded into mould or applicator, on external surface of body;

including the removal of applicators, catheters or needles



Complex construction and manufacture of a personalised brachytherapy applicator or mould, derived from threedimensional image volume datasets, to treat intracavitary, intraoral or intranasal site, including the removal of applicators, catheters or needles



Complex insertion of any of the following kinds of brachytherapy device, with image guidance and if a radiation oncologist is in attendance at the initiation of the service:

(a) intrauterine tubes with or without ovoids, ring or cylinder;

(b) endocavity applicators;

(c) intraluminal catheters for treatment of bronchus, trachea, oesophagus, nasopharynx, bile duct;

(d) endovascular catheters for treatment of vessels;

including the removal of applicators, catheters or needles




Complex insertion and removal of hybrid intracavitary and interstitial brachytherapy applicators, or intracavitary and multicatheter applicators, with image guidance and if a radiation oncologist is in attendance at the initiation of the service (Anaes.)



Complex insertion of any of the following kinds of interstitial brachytherapy implants not requiring surgical exposure, with image guidance, and if a radiation oncologist is in attendance during the service:

(a) catheters or needles for temporary implants;

(b) radioactive sources for permanent implants;

(c) breast applicators, single channel and multichannel strut devices;

including the removal of applicators, catheters or needles (Anaes.)



Complex insertion of any of the following interstitial brachytherapy implants requiring surgical exposure (other than a service to which item 15900 applies), if a radiation oncologist is in attendance at the initiation of the service:

(a) catheters, needles or applicators to a region requiring surgical exposure;

(b) radioactive sources for permanent implants;

(c) surface moulds during intraoperative brachytherapy;

(d) plastic catheters or stainless steel needles, requiring surgical exposure;

including implantation and removal of applicators, catheters or needles




Simple level dosimetry for brachytherapy plans prescribed to surface or depth from catheter and library plans, if:

(a) the planning process is required to deliver a prescribed dose to a threedimensional volume, and relative to a single line or multiple channel delivery applicator; and

(b) the planning process does not require the differential of dose between the target, organs at risk and normal tissue dose; and

(c) delineation of structures is not required; and

(d) dose calculations are performed in reference to the surface or a point at depth (twodimensional plan) from tables, charts or data from a treatment planning system library plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Simple level dosimetry replanning of an initial brachytherapy plan described in item 15970 if treatment adjustments to that initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Intermediate level dosimetry calculated on a volumetric dataset for intracavitary or intraluminal or endocavity applicators, for brachytherapy plans that have threedimensional image datasets acquired as part of simulation, if:

(a) the planning process is required to deliver the prescribed dose to a threedimensional volume, and relative to multiple line for channel delivery applicators (excluding interstitial catheters and needles and multicatheter devices); and

(b) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process requires the differential of dose between target, organs at risk and normal tissue dose using avoidance strategies (which include placement of sources and/or dwelltimes or tissue packing); and

(c) delineation of structures is required as part of the planning process to produce a dosevolume histogram integral to the avoidance strategies; and

(d) dose calculations are performed on a personalised basis, which must include threedimensional dose calculation to target and organatrisk volumes; and

(e) dose calculations and the dosevolume histogram are approved and recorded with the plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Intermediate level dosimetry replanning of an initial brachytherapy plan described in item 15974 if treatment adjustments to that initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Complex level dosimetry for brachytherapy plans that contain multiple needles, catheters or radiation sources, calculated on the threedimensional volumetric dataset, if:

(a) the planning process is required to deliver a prescribed dose to a target volume relative to multiple channel delivery applicators, needles or catheters or radiation sources; and

(b) based on review and assessment by a radiation oncologist, the planning process requires the differential of doses between the target, organs at risk and normal tissue dose using avoidance strategies (which include the placement of sources and/or dwell times or tissue packing; and

(c) delineation of structures is required as part of the planning process, in order to produce a dosevolume histogram to review and assess the plan; and

(d) dose calculations are performed on a personalised basis, which must include threedimensional dose calculation to target and organ at risk volumes; and

(e) dose calculations and the dosevolume histogram are approved and recorded with the plan

Applicable once per course of treatment



Complex level dosimetry replanning of an initial brachytherapy plan described in item 15978 if treatment adjustments to the initial plan are inadequate to satisfy treatment protocol requirements

Applicable once per course of treatment



Brachytherapy treatment, if:

(a) the service is performed by radiation therapists and medical physicists; and

(b) a radiation oncologist is in attendance during the service; and

(c) the treatment is to implement a brachytherapy treatment plan described in any of items 15970, 15972, 15974, 15976, 15978 and 15980



Verification of position of brachytherapy applicators, needles, catheters or radioactive sources, if:

(a) a twodimensional or threedimensional volumetric image set, or a validated invivo dosimetry measurement, is required to facilitate an adjustment to the applicators, needles, catheters or dosimetry plan; and

(b) decisions using the acquired images are based on action algorithms and enacted immediately prior to, or during, treatment, where treatment is preceded by manipulation or adjustment of delivery applicator or adjustment of the dosimetry plan; and

(c) the service is associated with a service to which any of the following items apply:

(i) items 15958 to 15968;

(ii) item 15982



Division 5.4Group T3: Therapeutic nuclear medicine

5.4.1  Items in Group T3

  This clause sets out items in Group T3.

Note: The fees in Group T3 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T3—Therapeutic nuclear medicine

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)


Intracavitary administration of a therapeutic dose of Yttrium 90 (not including preliminary paracentesis and other than a service to which item 35404, 35406 or 35408 applies or a service associated with selective internal radiation therapy) (Anaes.)



Administration of a therapeutic dose of Iodine 131 for thyroid cancer by single dose technique



Administration of a therapeutic dose of Iodine 131 for thyrotoxicosis by single dose technique



Intravenous administration of a therapeutic dose of Phosphorous 32



Administration of Strontium 89 for the relief of bone pain due to skeletal metastases (as indicated by a positive bone scan), if systemic antineoplastic therapy is unavailable or has failed to control the patient’s disease and either:

(a) the disease is poorly controlled by conventional radiotherapy; or

(b) conventional radiotherapy is inappropriate, due to the wide distribution of sites of bone pain



Administration of 153 Smlexidronam for the relief of bone pain due to skeletal metastases (as indicated by a positive bone scan), if systemic antineoplastic therapy is unavailable or has failed to control the patient’s disease, and:

(a) the disease is poorly controlled by conventional radiotherapy; or

(b) conventional radiotherapy is inappropriate, due to the wide distribution of sites of bone pain



Division 5.5Group T4: Obstetrics

5.5.1  Definitions for item 16400

  In item 16400:

nurse means a person:

 (a) who is registered under a law of a State or Territory as a registered nurse or enrolled nurse; and

 (b) who is employed by, or whose services are otherwise retained by, a medical practitioner or a practice operated by a medical practitioner.

5.5.2  Meaning of practice midwife in items 16400 and 16408

  In items 16400 and 16408:

practice midwife means a midwife who is employed by, or whose services are otherwise retained by, a medical practitioner or a practice operated by a medical practitioner.

5.5.3  Restrictions on item 16400—provider and timing

 (1) Item 16400 applies to an antenatal service provided to a patient by a practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner only if:

 (a) the practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner has the appropriate training and skills to perform an antenatal service; and

 (b) the medical practitioner under whose supervision the antenatal service is provided retains responsibility for clinical outcomes and for the health and safety of the patient; and

 (c) the practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner complies with relevant legislative or regulatory requirements regarding the provision of the antenatal service in the State or Territory where the service is provided.

 (2) Item 16400 does not apply in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item for the same patient, on the same day by the same practitioner.

 (3) Item 16400 does not apply in conjunction with item 10990, 10991, 10992, 75855, 75856, 75857 or 75858.

 (4) For any particular patient, item 16400 applies not more than 10 times in a 9 month period.

5.5.4  Items in Group T4

  This clause sets out items in Group T4.

Note: The fees in Group T4 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T4—Obstetrics

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)


Antenatal service provided by a practice midwife, nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, applicable 10 times for a pregnancy, if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is provided at, or from, a practice location in a regional, rural or remote area; and

(c) the service is not performed in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item in Group T4 for the same patient on the same day by the same practitioner; and

(d) the service is not provided for an admitted patient of a hospital or approved day facility



Professional attendance at consulting rooms or a hospital by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of obstetrics after referral of the patient to the specialist—initial attendance in a single course of treatment



Professional attendance at consulting rooms or a hospital by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty of obstetrics after referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the initial attendance in a single course of treatment



Antenatal professional attendance by an obstetrician or general practitioner, as part of a single course of treatment when the patient is referred by a participating midwife

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Postnatal professional attendance (other than a service to which any other item applies) if the attendance:

(a) is by an obstetrician or general practitioner; and

(b) is in hospital or at consulting rooms; and

(c) is between 4 and 8 weeks after the birth; and

(d) lasts at least 20 minutes; and

(e) includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and

(f) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Postnatal attendance (other than attendance at consulting rooms, a hospital or a residential aged care facility or a service to which any other item applies) if the attendance:

(a) is by:

(i) a practice midwife (on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner who attended the birth); or

(ii) an obstetrician; or

(iii) a general practitioner; and

(b) is between 1 week and 4 weeks after the birth; and

(c) lasts at least 20 minutes; and

(d) is for a patient who was privately admitted for the birth; and

(e) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82130, 82135 or 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Antenatal attendance



External cephalic version for breech presentation, after 36 weeks, if no contraindication exists, in a unit with facilities for caesarean section, including pre and post version CTG, with or without tocolysis, other than a service to which items 55718 to 55728 and 55768 to 55774 apply—chargeable whether or not the version is successful and limited to a maximum of 2 ECVs per pregnancy



Polyhydramnios, unstable lie, multiple pregnancy, pregnancy complicated by diabetes or anaemia, threatened premature labour treated by bed rest only or oral medication, requiring admission to hospital—a professional attendance that is not a routine antenatal attendance, applicable once per day



Threatened abortion, threatened miscarriage or hyperemesis gravidarum, requiring admission to hospital, treatment of—an attendance that is not a routine antenatal attendance



Pregnancy complicated by acute intercurrent infection, fetal growth restriction, threatened premature labour with ruptured membranes or threatened premature labour treated by intravenous therapy, requiring admission to hospital—professional attendance (other than a service to which item 16533 applies) that is not a routine antenatal attendance, applicable once per day



Preeclampsia, eclampsia or antepartum haemorrhage, treatment of—professional attendance (other than a service to which item 16534 applies) that is not a routine antenatal attendance



Cervix, purse string ligation of (Anaes.)



Cervix, removal of purse string ligature of (Anaes.)



Antenatal cardiotocography in the management of high risk pregnancy (not during the course of the confinement)



Management of vaginal birth as an independent procedure, if the patient’s care has been transferred by another medical practitioner for management of the birth and the attending medical practitioner has not provided antenatal care to the patient, including all attendances related to the birth (Anaes.)



Management of labour, incomplete, if the patient’s care has been transferred to another medical practitioner for completion of the birth (Anaes.)



Management of labour and birth by any means (including Caesarean section) including postpartum care for 5 days (Anaes.)



Caesarean section and postoperative care for 7 days, if the patient’s care has been transferred by another medical practitioner for management of the confinement and the attending medical practitioner has not provided any of the antenatal care (Anaes.)



Management of labour and birth, or birth alone, (including caesarean section), on or after 23 weeks gestation, if in the course of antenatal supervision or intrapartum management one or more of the following conditions is present, including postnatal care for 7 days:

(a) fetal loss;

(b) multiple pregnancy;

(c) antepartum haemorrhage that is:

(i) of greater than 200 ml; or

(ii) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation;

(d) placenta praevia on ultrasound in the third trimester with the placenta within 2 cm of the internal cervical os;

(e) baby with a birth weight less than or equal to 2,500 g;

(f) trial of vaginal birth in a patient with uterine scar if there has been a planned vaginal birth after caesarean section;

(g) trial of vaginal breech birth if there has been a planned vaginal breech birth;

(h) prolonged labour greater than 12 hours with partogram evidence of abnormal cervimetric progress as evidenced by cervical dilatation at less than 1 cm/hr in the active phase of labour (after 3 cm cervical dilatation and effacement until full dilatation of the cervix);

(i) acute fetal compromise evidenced by:

(i) scalp pH less than 7.15; or

(ii) scalp lactate greater than 4.0;

(j) acute fetal compromise evidenced by at least one of the following significant cardiotocograph abnormalities:

(i) prolonged bradycardia (less than 100 bpm for more than 2 minutes);

(ii) absent baseline variability (less than 3 bpm);

(iii) sinusoidal pattern;

(iv) complicated variable decelerations with reduced (3 to 5 bpm) or absent baseline variability;

(v) late decelerations;

(k) pregnancy induced hypertension of at least 140/90 mm Hg associated with:

(i) at least 2+ proteinuria on urinalysis; or

(ii) proteincreatinine ratio greater than 30 mg/mmol; or

(iii) platelet count less than 150 x 109/L; or

(iv) uric acid greater than 0.36 mmol/L;

(l) gestational diabetes mellitus requiring at least daily blood glucose monitoring;

(m) mental health disorder (whether arising prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy or postpartum) that is demonstrated by:

(i) the patient requiring hospitalisation; or

(ii) the patient receiving ongoing care by a psychologist or psychiatrist to treat the symptoms of a mental health disorder; or

(iii) the patient having a GP mental health treatment plan; or

(iv) the patient having a management plan prepared in accordance with item 291;

(n) disclosure or evidence of domestic violence;

(o) any of the following conditions either diagnosed prepregnancy or evident at the first antenatal visit before 20 weeks gestation:

(i) preexisting hypertension requiring antihypertensive medication prior to pregnancy;

(ii) cardiac disease (comanaged with a specialist physician and with echocardiographic evidence of myocardial dysfunction);

(iii) previous renal or liver transplant;

(iv) renal dialysis;

(v) chronic liver disease with documented oesophageal varices;

(vi) renal insufficiency in early pregnancy (serum creatinine greater than 110 mmol/L);

(vii) neurological disorder that confines the patient to a wheelchair throughout pregnancy;

(viii) maternal height of less than 148 cm;

(ix) a body mass index greater than or equal to 40;

(x) preexisting diabetes mellitus on medication prior to pregnancy;

(xi) thyrotoxicosis requiring medication;

(xii) previous thrombosis or thromboembolism requiring anticoagulant therapy through pregnancy and the early puerperium;

(xiii) thrombocytopenia with platelet count of less than 100,000 prior to 20 weeks gestation;

(xiv) HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C carrier status positive;

(xv) red cell or platelet isoimmunisation;

(xvi) cancer with metastatic disease;

(xvii) illicit drug misuse during pregnancy

(H) (Anaes.)



Management of vaginal birth, if the patient’s care has been transferred by a participating midwife for management of the birth, including all attendances related to the birth (Anaes.)

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Caesarean section and postoperative care for 7 days, if the patient’s care has been transferred by a participating midwife for management of the birth (Anaes.)

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Management of pregnancy loss, from 14 weeks to 15 weeks and 6 days gestation, other than a service to which item 16531, 35640 or 35643 applies (Anaes.)



Management of pregnancy loss, from 16 weeks to 22 weeks and 6 days gestation, other than a service to which item 16530, 35640 or 35643 applies (Anaes.) (H)



Pregnancy complicated by acute intercurrent infection, fetal growth restriction, threatened premature labour with ruptured membranes or threatened premature labour treated by intravenous therapy, requiring admission to hospital—each professional attendance lasting at least 40 minutes that is not a routine antenatal attendance, applicable 3 times for a pregnancy (H)



Preeclampsia, eclampsia or antepartum haemorrhage, treatment of—each professional attendance lasting at least 40 minutes that is not a routine antenatal attendance, applicable 3 times for a pregnancy (H)



Evacuation of retained products of conception (placenta, membranes or mole) as a complication of confinement, with or without curettage of the uterus, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Management of postpartum haemorrhage by special measures such as packing of uterus, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Acute inversion of the uterus, vaginal correction of, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Cervix, repair of extensive laceration or lacerations (Anaes.)



Third degree tear, involving anal sphincter muscles and rectal mucosa, repair of, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Planning and management, by a practitioner, of a pregnancy if:

(a) the practitioner intends to take primary responsibility for management of the pregnancy and any complications, and to be available for the birth; and

(b) the patient intends to be privately admitted for the birth; and

(c) the pregnancy has progressed beyond 28 weeks gestation; and

(d) the practitioner has maternity privileges at a hospital or birth centre; and

(e) the service includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and

(f) a service to which item 16591 applies is not provided in relation to the same pregnancy

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Planning and management, by a practitioner, of a pregnancy if:

(a) the pregnancy has progressed beyond 28 weeks gestation; and

(b) the service includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and

(c) a service to which item 16590 applies is not provided in relation to the same pregnancy

Applicable once for a pregnancy



Amniocentesis, diagnostic



Chorionic villus sampling, by any route



Fetal blood sampling, using interventional techniques from umbilical cord or fetus, including fetal neuromuscular blockade and amniocentesis (Anaes.)



Fetal intravascular blood transfusion, using blood already collected, including neuromuscular blockade, amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling (Anaes.)



Fetal intraperitoneal blood transfusion, using blood already collected, including neuromuscular blockade, amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling—not performed in conjunction with a service described in item 16609 (Anaes.)



Fetal intraperitoneal blood transfusion, using blood already collected, including neuromuscular blockade, amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling—performed in conjunction with a service described in item 16609 (Anaes.)



Amniocentesis, therapeutic, when indicated because of polyhydramnios with at least 500 ml being aspirated



Amnioinfusion, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in the presence of severe oligohydramnios



Fetal fluid filled cavity, drainage of



Fetoamniotic shunt, insertion of, into fetal fluid filled cavity, including neuromuscular blockade and amniocentesis



Division 5.6Group T6: Examination by anaesthetist

5.6.1  Items in Group T6

  This clause sets out items in Group T6.

Note: The fees in Group T6 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T6—Examination by anaesthetist

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)


Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a brief consultation involving a targeted history and limited examination, including the cardiorespiratory system, lasting not more than 15 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems, involving a selective history and an extensive examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes, and lasting more than 15 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes, (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems involving a detailed history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems, and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes, and lasting more than 30 minutes, but not more than 45 minutes, (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems involving an exhaustive history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems, the formulation of a written patient management plan following discussion with relevant health care professionals and/or the patient, involving medical planning of high complexity documented in the patient notes, and lasting more than 45 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a specialist anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia, if the patient is referred to the specialist anaesthetist—a brief consultation involving a short history, a limited examination, and lasting not more than 15 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a specialist anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia, if the patient is referred to the specialist anaesthetist—a consultation involving a selective history and examination of multiple systems, the formulation of a written patient management plan, and lasting more than 15 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes, (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a specialist anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia, if the patient is referred to the specialist anaesthetist—a consultation involving a detailed history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems, and the formulation of a written patient management plan, and lasting more than 30 minutes, but not more than 45 minutes, (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a specialist anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia, if the patient is referred to the specialist anaesthetist—a consultation involving an exhaustive history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems, and the formulation of a written patient management plan following discussion with relevant health care professionals or the patient, involving medical planning of high complexity, and lasting more than 45 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia—a consultation immediately before the institution of a major regional blockade in a patient in labour, if no previous anaesthesia consultation has occurred (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



A medical service in association with an item in the range 17615 to 17625 if:

(a) the service is provided to a patient before an admitted patient episode of care involving anaesthesia; and

(b) the service is not provided to an admitted patient of a hospital or dayhospital facility; and

(c) the service is not provided on the day of admission to hospital for the subsequent episode of care involving anaesthesia services; and

(d) the service lasts more than 15 minutes;

(other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 apply)



Division 5.7Group T7: Regional or field nerve blocks

5.7.1  Meaning of amount under clause 5.7.1

 (1) In item 18219:

amount under clause 5.7.1 means the sum of:

 (a) the fee for item 18216; and

 (b) $21.65 for each additional period of 15 minutes, and part of a period of 15 minutes, of continuous attendance beyond the first hour of attendance.

 (2) In item 18227:

amount under clause 5.7.1 means the sum of:

 (a) the fee for item 18226; and

 (b) $32.60 for each additional period of 15 minutes, and part of a period of 15 minutes, of continuous attendance beyond the first hour of attendance.

5.7.2  Items in Group T7

  This clause sets out items in Group T7.

Note: The fees in Group T7 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T7—Regional or field nerve blocks

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)


Intravenous regional anaesthesia of limb by retrograde perfusion of local anaesthetic agent



Intrathecal, combined spinalepidural or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, including up to 1 hour of continuous attendance by the medical practitioner (Anaes.)



Intrathecal, combined spinalepidural or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, if continuous attendance by the medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour (Anaes.)

Amount under clause 5.7.1


Continuous infusion, or injection by catheter, of a therapeutic substance (not contrast agent) to maintain regional anaesthesia or analgesia, subsequent injection or revision of, if the period of continuous medical practitioner attendance is 15 minutes or less



Continuous infusion, or injection by catheter, of a therapeutic substance (not contrast agent) to maintain regional anaesthesia or analgesia, subsequent injection or revision of, if the period of continuous medical practitioner attendance is more than 15 minutes



Intrathecal, combined spinalepidural or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, including up to 1 hour of continuous attendance by the medical practitioner—for a patient in labour, if the service is provided between 8 pm to 8 am on any weekday, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday



Intrathecal, combined spinalepidural or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, if continuous attendance by a medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour—for a patient in labour, if the service is provided between 8 pm to 8 am on any weekday, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday

Amount under clause 5.7.1


Interpleural block, initial injection or commencement of infusion of a therapeutic substance, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Intrathecal or epidural injection of neurolytic substance (not contrast agent) by any route, including transforaminal route (Anaes.)



Intrathecal or epidural injection (including translaminar and transforaminal approaches) of therapeutic substance or substances (anaesthetic, steroid or chemotherapeutic agents):

(a) other than a service to which another item in this Group applies; and

(b) not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach (Anaes.)



Epidural injection of blood for blood patch (Anaes.)



Trigeminal nerve, primary branch (ophthalmic, maxillary or mandibular branches, excluding infraorbital nerve), injection of an anaesthetic agent or steroid, but not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless a targeted percutaneous technique is used (Anaes.)



Trigeminal nerve, peripheral branch (including infraorbital nerve), injection of an anaesthetic agent, but not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless a targeted percutaneous technique is used (Anaes.)



Facial nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent, other than a service associated with a service to which item 18240 applies, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Retrobulbar or peribulbar injection of an anaesthetic agent



Greater occipital nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)



Vagus nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Phrenic nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent



Spinal accessory nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent



Cervical plexus, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Brachial plexus, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Suprascapular nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent



Intercostal nerve (single), injection of an anaesthetic agent



Intercostal nerves (multiple), injection of an anaesthetic agent



Ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric or genitofemoral nerves, one or more of, injections of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach (Anaes.)



Pudendal nerve or dorsal nerve (or both), injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Ulnar, radial or median nerve, main trunk of, one or more of, injections of an anaesthetic agent, not being associated with a brachial plexus block, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Obturator nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent



Femoral nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent



Saphenous, sural, popliteal or posterior tibial nerve, main trunk of, one or more of, injections of an anaesthetic agent



Paravertebral nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent, (multiple levels)



Sciatic nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach



Sphenopalatine ganglion, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach (Anaes.)



Carotid sinus, injection of an anaesthetic agent, as an independent percutaneous procedure



Cervical or thoracic sympathetic chain, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)



Lumbar or pelvic sympathetic chain, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)



Coeliac plexus or splanchnic nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not in association with a service to which an item in Group T8 applies, unless the nerve block is performed using a targeted percutaneous approach (Anaes.)



Cranial nerve other than trigeminal, destruction by a neurolytic agent under image guidance, other than a service associated with the injection of botulinum toxin (Anaes.)



Nerve branch, destruction by a neurolytic agent under image guidance, other than a service to which another item in this Group applies or a service associated with the injection of botulinum toxin except a service to which item 18354 applies (Anaes.)



Coeliac plexus or splanchnic nerves, destruction by a neurolytic agent under image guidance (Anaes.)



Lumbar or pelvic sympathetic chain, destruction by a neurolytic agent under image guidance (Anaes.)



Assistance at the administration of an epidural blood patch (a service to which item 18233 applies) by another medical practitioner



Cervical or thoracic sympathetic chain, destruction by a neurolytic agent (Anaes.)



Division 5.8Group T11: Botulinum toxin

5.8.1  Group T11 services do not include supply of botulinum toxin

  A service described in any of items 18350 to 18379 does not include the supply of the botulinum toxin to which the service relates.

5.8.2  Restrictions on items in Group T11

 (1) Items 18350 to 18354, 18362 and 18369 to 18379 do not apply to an injection of botulinum toxin if the botulinum toxin is not supplied under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme.

 (2) A service described in item 18360 is applicable to the first 4 treatments, not exceeding 2 for each limb, on any one day.

 (3) Items 18360, 18366 and 18368 apply only to a service provided by a specialist or consultant physician in the practice of the specialist’s or consultant physician’s speciality.

5.8.3  Items in Group T11

  This clause sets out items in Group T11.

Note: The fees in Group T11 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T11—Botulinum toxin

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)


Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of hemifacial spasm in a patient who is at least 12 years of age, including all such injections on any one day



Clostridium Botulinum Type A ToxinHaemagglutinin Complex (Dysport), injection of, for the treatment of hemifacial spasm in a patient who is at least 18 years of age, including all such injections on any one day



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox) or Clostridium Botulinum Type A ToxinHaemagglutinin Complex (Dysport) or IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin), injection of, for the treatment of cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis), including all such injections on any one day



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox) or Clostridium Botulinum Type A ToxinHaemagglutinin Complex (Dysport), injection of, for the treatment of dynamic equinus foot deformity (including equinovarus and equinovulgus) due to spasticity in an ambulant cerebral palsy patient, if:

(a) the patient is at least 2 years of age; and

(b) the treatment is for all or any of the muscles subserving one functional activity and supplied by one motor nerve, with a maximum of 4 sets of injections for the patient on any one day (with a maximum of 2 sets of injections for each lower limb), including all injections per set (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox) or Clostridium Botulinum Type A Toxin Haemagglutinin Complex (Dysport), injection of, for the treatment of moderate to severe focal spasticity if:

(a) the patient is at least 18 years of age; and

(b) the spasticity is associated with a previously diagnosed neurological disorder; and

(c) the treatment is provided as:

(i) second line therapy when standard treatment for the condition has failed; or

(ii) an adjunct to physical therapy; and

(d) the treatment is for all or any of the muscles subserving one functional activity and supplied by one motor nerve, with a maximum of 4 sets of injections for the patient on any one day (with a maximum of 2 sets of injections for each limb), including all injections per set



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis, including all such injections on any one day, if:

(a) the patient is at least 12 years of age; and

(b) the patient has been intolerant of, or has not responded to, topical aluminium chloride hexahydrate; and

(c) the patient has not had treatment with botulinum toxin within the immediately preceding 4 months; and

(d) if the patient has had treatment with botulinum toxin within the previous 12 months—the patient had treatment on no more than 2 separate occasions (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of strabismus, including all such injections on any one day and associated electromyography (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of spasmodic dysphonia, including all such injections on any one day



Clostridium Botulinum Type A ToxinHaemagglutinin Complex (Dysport) or IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin), injection of, for the treatment of unilateral blepharospasm in a patient who is at least 18 years of age, including all such injections on any one day (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for unilateral blepharospasm in a patient who is at least 12 years of age, including all such injections on any one day (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of bilateral blepharospasm, in a patient who is at least 12 years of age, including all such injections on any one day (Anaes.)



Clostridium Botulinum Type A ToxinHaemagglutinin Complex (Dysport) or IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin), injection of, for the treatment of bilateral blepharospasm in a patient who is at least 18 years of age, including all such injections on any one day (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), intravesial injection of, with cystoscopy, for the treatment of urinary incontinence, including all such injections on any one day, if:

(a) the urinary incontinence is due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity as demonstrated by urodynamic study of a patient with:

(i) multiple sclerosis; or

(ii) spinal cord injury; or

(iii) for a patient who is at least 18 years of age—spina bifida; and

(b) the patient has urinary incontinence that is inadequately controlled by anticholinergic therapy, as manifested by having experienced at least 14 episodes of urinary incontinence per week before commencement of treatment; and

(c) the patient is willing and able to selfcatheterise; and

(d) the treatment is not provided on the same occasion as a service described in item 104, 105, 110, 116, 119, 11900 or 11919

Applicable only once unless the patient achieves at least a 50% reduction in urinary incontinence episodes from baseline at any time during the period of 6 to 12 weeks after first treatment

(H) (Anaes.)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), injection of, for the treatment of chronic migraine, including all injections in one day, if:

(a) the patient is at least 18 years of age; and

(b) the patient has experienced an inadequate response, intolerance or contraindication to at least 3 prophylactic migraine medications before commencement of treatment with botulinum toxin, as manifested by an average of 15 or more headache days per month, with at least 8 days of migraine, over a period of at least 6 months, before commencement of treatment with botulinum toxin

Applicable not more than twice unless the patient achieves and maintains at least a 50% reduction in the number of headache days per month from baseline after 2 cycles of treatment (each of 12 weeks)



Botulinum Toxin Type A Purified Neurotoxin Complex (Botox), intravesial injection of, with cystoscopy, for the treatment of urinary incontinence, including all such injections on any one day, if:

(a) the urinary incontinence is due to idiopathic overactive bladder in a patient; and

(b) the patient is at least 18 years of age; and

(c) the patient has urinary incontinence that is inadequately controlled by at least 2 alternative anticholinergic agents, as manifested by having experienced at least 14 episodes of urinary incontinence per week before commencement of treatment with botulinum toxin; and

(d) the patient is willing and able to selfcatheterise; and

(e) treatment is not provided on the same occasion as a service described in item 104, 105, 110, 116, 119, 11900 or 11919

Applicable only once unless the patient achieves at least a 50% reduction in urinary incontinence episodes from baseline at any time during the period of 6 to 12 weeks after first treatment

(H) (Anaes.)



Division 5.9Group T10: Anaesthesia performed in connection with certain services (Relative Value Guide)

5.9.1A  Meaning of base unit

  In an item in Group T10:

base unit means an amount of $22.55.

5.9.1  Meaning of amount under clause 5.9.1

 (1) In item 25025:

amount under clause 5.9.1 means 50% of the sum of:

 (a) the fee mentioned in any of items 20100 to 21997 or 22900 for the initiation of the management of anaesthesia in association with which the anaesthesia is performed; and

 (b) the fee mentioned in the item in the range 23010 to 24136 that applies to the anaesthesia; and

 (c) if any of items 25000 to 25014 applies to the anaesthesia—the fee mentioned in the item; and

 (d) if a service described in any of items 22002 to 22051 is performed in association with the anaesthesia—the fee mentioned in the item.

 (2) In item 25030:

amount under clause 5.9.1 means 50% of the sum of:

 (a) the fee mentioned in the item in the range 25200 to 25205 that applies to the assistance; and

 (b) the fee mentioned in the item in the range 23010 to 24136 that applies to the assistance; and

 (c) if any of items 25000 to 25014 applies to the anaesthesia—the fee mentioned in the item; and

 (d) if a service described in any of items 22002 to 22051 is performed in association with the assistance—the fee mentioned in the item.

 (3) In item 25050:

amount under clause 5.9.1 means 50% of the sum of:

 (a) the fee mentioned in item 22060; and

 (b) the fee mentioned in the item in the range 23010 to 24136 that applies to the perfusion; and

 (c) if any of items 25000 to 25014 apply to the perfusion—the fee mentioned in the item; and

 (d) if a service described in any of items 22002 to 22051 or 22065 to 22075 is performed in association with the perfusion—the fee mentioned in the item.

5.9.2  Meaning of amount under clause 5.9.2

In items 25200 and 25205:

amount under clause 5.9.2 means the sum of:

 (a) $112.85; and

 (b) the fee mentioned in the item in the range 23010 to 24136 that applies to the assistance; and

 (c) if any of the items 25000 to 25020 applies to the assistance—the fee mentioned in the item; and

 (d) if a service described in an item in the range 22002 to 22051 applies to the assistance—the fee mentioned in the item.

5.9.3  Meaning of service time

  In Subgroups 21, 24, 25 and 26 of Group T10:

service time means:

 (a) for the management of anaesthesia on a patient by an anaesthetist—the period that:

 (i) starts when the anaesthetist commences exclusive and continuous care of the patient for anaesthesia; and

 (ii) ends when the anaesthetist places the patient safely under the supervision of other personnel; and

 (b) for perfusion performed on a patient under anaesthesia—the period that:

 (i) starts when the anaesthetic commences; and

 (ii) ends with the closure of the chest of the patient; and

 (c) for assistance given by an assistant anaesthetist in the management of anaesthesia performed on a patient—the period when the assistant anaesthetist is actively attending on the patient.

5.9.4  Restrictions on items in Group T10

Items applying only to services connected with services described using “(Anaes.)”

 (1) Items 20100 to 21990 (other than item 21965), 22060, 23010 to 24136, 25200 and 25205 apply to a service only if the service is provided in connection with a service that:

 (a) is a professional service within the meaning of subsection 3(1) of the Act; and

 (b) is mentioned in an item that includes, in its description, “(Anaes.)”.

Items 22900 and 22905 applying only to services connected with dental services

 (2) Items 22900 and 22905 apply to a service only if the service is provided in connection with a dental service (other than a dental service that is a prescribed medical service under paragraph (b) of the definition of professional service in subsection 3(1) of the Act).

Services associated with certain diagnostic imaging services

 (3) An item in Group T10 does not apply to a service described in the item if the service is claimed in association with a service to which item 55026 or 55054 of the diagnostic imaging services table applies.

Restriction on item 22054

 (4) Item 22054 does not apply to a service if the service is performed on diagnostic imaging equipment that exceeds the applicable life age of the equipment within the meaning of the diagnostic imaging services table.

5.9.5  Application of Subgroup 21 of Group T10

 (1) Items 23010 to 24136 apply to perfusion.

 (2) Items 23010 to 24136 apply to assistance only as a component of item 25200 or 25205 and for the purpose of calculating the amount of fee for that item.

 (3) Items 23010 to 24136 apply to a service provided to a patient under anaesthesia, but only if the anaesthesia start and end times are recorded in writing.

5.9.6  Meaning of anaesthesia, assistance and perfusion in Subgroups 21 to 25 of Group T10

  In Subgroups 21 to 25 of Group T10:

anaesthesia means the management of anaesthesia performed in association with a service to which any of items 20100 to 21997, 22900 and 22905 applies.

assistance means assistance:

 (a) in the management of anaesthesia; and

 (b) to which item 25200 or 25205 applies.

perfusion means perfusion to which item 22060 applies.

5.9.7  Application of Subgroups 22 and 23 of Group T10

 (1) Items 25000 to 25020 apply to anaesthesia in addition to any other item that applies to anaesthesia.

 (2) Items 25000 to 25020 apply to perfusion in addition to any other item that applies to perfusion.

 (3) Items 25000 to 25020 apply:

 (a) to assistance only as a component of item 25200 or 25205; and

 (b) for calculating the amount of fee for the item.

5.9.8  Application of Subgroups 24 and 25 of Group T10

  Items 25025 to 25050 apply to anaesthesia, assistance or perfusion in addition to any other item that applies to the service.

5.9.9  Items in Group T10

  This clause sets out items in Group T10.


Group T10—Anaesthesia performed in connection with certain services (Relative Value Guide)

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)

Subgroup 1—Head


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, salivary glands or superficial vessels of the head, including biopsy, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for plastic repair of cleft lip

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on external, middle or inner ear, including biopsy, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for otoscopy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on eye, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lens surgery

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for retinal surgery

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for corneal transplant

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vitrectomy

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for biopsy of conjunctiva

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for squint repair

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for ophthalmoscopy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intranasal procedures on nose or accessory sinuses, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intranasal surgery for malignancy or for intranasal ablation

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for biopsy of soft tissue of the nose and accessory sinuses

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intraoral procedures, including biopsy, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for repair of cleft palate

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision of retropharyngeal tumour

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical intraoral surgery

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on facial bones, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for extensive surgery on facial bones (including prognathism and extensive facial bone reconstruction)

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intracranial procedures, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for subdural taps

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for burr holes of the cranium

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intracranial vascular procedures, including those for aneurysms or arteriovenous abnormalities

20 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for spinal fluid shunt procedures

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for ablation of an intracranial nerve

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for all cranial bone procedures

12 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the head or face

12 base units

Subgroup 2—Neck


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the neck, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for incision and drainage of large haematoma, large abscess, cellulitis or similar lesion or epiglottitis, causing life threatening airway obstruction

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on oesophagus, thyroid, larynx, trachea, lymphatic system, muscles, nerves or other deep tissues of the neck, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for laryngectomy, hemi laryngectomy, laryngopharyngectomy or pharyngectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for laser surgery to the airway (excluding nose and mouth)

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on major vessels of neck, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for simple ligation of major vessels of neck

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the neck

12 base units

Subgroup 3—Thorax


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the anterior part of the chest, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the breast, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for reconstructive procedures on breast, including implant reconstruction and exchange

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for axillary dissection or sentinel node biopsy

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for mastectomy

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for reconstructive procedures on the breast using myocutaneous flaps

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical or modified radical procedures on breast with internal mammary node dissection

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for electrical conversion of arrhythmias

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the posterior part of the chest, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous bone marrow biopsy of the sternum

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on clavicle, scapula or sternum, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical surgery on clavicle, scapula or sternum

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for partial rib resection, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for thoracoplasty

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical procedures on chest wall

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the anterior or posterior thorax

10 base units

Subgroup 4—Intrathoracic


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on the oesophagus

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for all closed chest procedures (including rigid oesophagoscopy or bronchoscopy), other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for needle biopsy of pleura

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for pneumocentesis

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for thoracoscopy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for mediastinoscopy

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for thoracotomy procedures involving lungs, pleura, diaphragm, or mediastinum, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for pulmonary decortication

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for pulmonary resection with thoracoplasty

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for intrathoracic repair of trauma to trachea and bronchi

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for:

(a) open procedures on the heart, pericardium or great vessels of the chest; or

(b) percutaneous insertion of a valvular prosthesis

20 base units

Subgroup 5—Spine and spinal cord


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on cervical spine or spinal cord, or both, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for posterior cervical laminectomy with the patient in the sitting position

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on thoracic spine or spinal cord, or both, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for thoracolumbar sympathectomy

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures in lumbar region, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lumbar sympathectomy

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for chemonucleolysis

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for extensive spine or spinal cord procedures, or both

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for manipulation of spine when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous spinal procedures, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units

Subgroup 6—Upper abdomen


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the upper anterior abdominal wall, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous liver biopsy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the nerves, muscles, tendons and fascia of the upper abdominal wall, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the anterior or posterior upper abdomen

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedures in the upper abdomen, including laparoscopic cholecystectomy, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the upper posterior abdominal wall, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for any of the following:

(a) upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures in association with acute gastrointestinal haemorrhage;

(b) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography;

(c) upper gastrointestinal endoscopic ultrasound;

(d) percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy;

(e) upper gastrointestinal endoscopic mucosal resection of tumour

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for hernia repairs to the upper abdominal wall, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for repair of incisional hernia or wound dehiscence, or both

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on an omphalocele

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for transabdominal repair of diaphragmatic hernia

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on major upper abdominal blood vessels

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures within the peritoneal cavity in the upper abdomen, including any of the following:

(a) open cholecystectomy;

(b) gastrectomy;

(c) laparoscopic assisted nephrectomy;

(d) bowel shunts

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bariatric surgery in a patient with clinically severe obesity

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for partial hepatectomy (excluding liver biopsy)

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for extended or trisegmental hepatectomy

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for pancreatectomy, partial or total

12 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for neuro endocrine tumour removal in the upper abdomen

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous procedures on an intraabdominal organ in the upper abdomen

6 base units

Subgroup 7—Lower abdomen


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the lower anterior abdominal walls, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lipectomy of the lower abdomen

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the nerves, muscles, tendons and fascia of the lower abdominal wall, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the anterior or posterior lower abdomen

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedures in the lower abdomen

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lower intestinal endoscopic procedures

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy to urinary tract

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin, its derivatives or subcutaneous tissue of the lower posterior abdominal wall

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for hernia repairs in lower abdomen, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for repair of incisional herniae or wound dehiscence, or both, of the lower abdomen

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for all open procedures within the peritoneal cavity in the lower abdomen, including appendicectomy, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bowel resection, including laparoscopic bowel resection, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for amniocentesis

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for abdominoperineal resection, including pull through procedures, ultra low anterior resection and formation of bowel reservoir

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical prostatectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical hysterectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for ovarian malignancy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for pelvic exenteration

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for caesarean section

12 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for caesarean hysterectomy or hysterectomy within 24 hours of birth

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in lower abdomen, including those on the urinary tract, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for renal procedures, including upper onethird of ureter

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for nephrectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for total cystectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for adrenalectomy

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for neuro endocrine tumour removal in the lower abdomen

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for renal transplantation (donor or recipient)

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on major lower abdominal vessels, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for inferior vena cava ligation

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous umbrella insertion

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous procedures on an intraabdominal organ in the lower abdomen

6 base units

Subgroup 8—Perineum


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the perineum, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for anorectal procedures (including surgical haemorrhoidectomy, but not banding of haemorrhoids)

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical perineal procedures, including radical perineal prostatectomy or radical vulvectomy

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the perineum

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vulvectomy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for transurethral procedures (including urethrocyctoscopy), other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for endoscopic ureteroscopic surgery including laser procedures

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumour or tumours

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for transurethral resection of prostate

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bleeding posttransurethral resection

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on external genitalia, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on undescended testis, unilateral or bilateral

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical orchidectomy, inguinal approach

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical orchidectomy, abdominal approach

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for orchiopexy, unilateral or bilateral

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for complete amputation of penis

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for complete amputation of penis with bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for complete amputation of penis with bilateral inguinal and iliac lymphadenectomy

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for insertion of penile prosthesis

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for per vagina and vaginal procedures (including biopsy of vagina, cervix or endometrium), other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vaginal procedures (including repair operations and urinary incontinence procedures)

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for transvaginal assisted reproductive services

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vaginal hysterectomy

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vaginal birth

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for purse string ligation of cervix, or removal of purse string ligature, or removal of purse string ligature

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for culdoscopy

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for hysteroscopy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for correction of inverted uterus

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for evacuation of retained products of conception, as a complication of confinement

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for manual removal of retained placenta or for repair of vaginal or perineal tear following birth

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for vaginal procedures in the management of postpartum haemorrhage, if the blood loss is greater than 500 ml

7 base units

Subgroup 9—Pelvis (except hip)


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the anterior pelvic region (anterior to iliac crest), except external genitalia

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin, its derivatives or subcutaneous tissue of the pelvic region (posterior to iliac crest), except perineum

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous bone marrow biopsy of the anterior iliac crest

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous bone marrow biopsy of the posterior iliac crest

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for percutaneous bone marrow harvesting from the pelvis

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the bony pelvis

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for body cast application or revision, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for interpelviabdominal (hindquarter) amputation

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical procedures for tumour of the pelvis, except hindquarter amputation

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the anterior or posterior pelvis

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures involving symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joint, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures involving symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joint

8 base units

Subgroup 10—Upper leg (except knee)


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skins or subcutaneous tissue of the upper leg

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia or bursae of the upper leg

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures involving hip joint, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedures of the hip joint

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures involving hip joint, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for hip disarticulation

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for primary total hip replacement

10 base units


Initiation of management of anaesthesia for revision total hip replacement

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bilateral total hip replacement

14 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures involving upper twothirds of femur, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures involving upper twothirds of femur, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for above knee amputation

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical resection of the upper twothirds of femur

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures involving veins of upper leg, including exploration

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures involving arteries of upper leg, including bypass graft, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for femoral artery ligation

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for femoral artery embolectomy

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the upper leg

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of upper leg

15 base units

Subgroup 11—Knee and popliteal area


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the knee or popliteal area, or both

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia or bursae of knee or popliteal area, or both

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on lower onethird of femur, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on lower onethird of femur

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on knee joint when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedures of knee joint

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on upper ends of tibia, fibula or patella, or any of them, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on upper ends of tibia, fibula or patella, or any of them

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on knee joint, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for knee replacement

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bilateral knee replacement

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for disarticulation of knee

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for cast application, removal or repair, involving knee joint, undertaken in a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on veins of knee or popliteal area, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for repair of arteriovenous fistula of knee or popliteal area

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on arteries of knee or popliteal area, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the knee or popliteal area

10 base units

Subgroup 12—Lower leg (below knee)


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of lower leg, ankle or foot

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons or fascia of lower leg, ankle or foot, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for all closed procedures on lower leg, ankle or foot

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of ankle joint

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for repair of Achilles tendon

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for gastrocnemius recession

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on bones of lower leg, ankle or foot, including amputation, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical resection of bone involving lower leg, ankle or foot

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for osteotomy or osteoplasty of tibia or fibula

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for total ankle replacement

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lower leg cast application, removal or repair, undertaken in a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on arteries of lower leg, including bypass graft, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for embolectomy of the lower leg

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on veins of lower leg, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for venous thrombectomy of the lower leg

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of lower leg, ankle or foot

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of toe

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the lower leg

10 base units

Subgroup 13—Shoulder and axilla


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder or axilla

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia or bursae of shoulder or axilla, including axillary dissection

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on humeral head and neck, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint or shoulder joint, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedures of shoulder joint

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on humeral head and neck, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint or shoulder joint, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical resection involving humeral head and neck, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint or shoulder joint

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for shoulder disarticulation

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for interthoracoscapular (forequarter) amputation

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for total shoulder replacement

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on arteries of shoulder or axilla, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures for axillarybrachial aneurysm

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bypass graft of arteries of shoulder or axilla

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for axillaryfemoral bypass graft

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on veins of shoulder or axilla

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for shoulder cast application, removal or repair, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies, when undertaken in a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for shoulder spica application, when undertaken in a hospital

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the shoulder or axilla

10 base units

Subgroup 14—Upper arm and elbow


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the upper arm or elbow

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia or bursae of upper arm or elbow, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open tenotomy of the upper arm or elbow

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for tenoplasty of the upper arm or elbow

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for tenodesis for rupture of long tendon of biceps

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on the upper arm or elbow, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedures of elbow joint

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on the upper arm or elbow, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radical procedures on the upper arm or elbow

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for total elbow replacement

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on arteries of upper arm, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for embolectomy of arteries of the upper arm

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on veins of upper arm, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the upper arm or elbow

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of upper arm

15 base units

Subgroup 15—Forearm wrist and hand


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the forearm, wrist or hand

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia, or bursae of the forearm, wrist or hand

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for closed procedures on the radius, ulna, wrist, or hand bones, when performed in the operating theatre of a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for open procedures on the radius, ulna, wrist, or hand bones, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for total wrist replacement

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedures of the wrist joint

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the arteries of forearm, wrist or hand, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for embolectomy of artery of forearm, wrist or hand

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for procedures on the veins of forearm, wrist or hand, other than a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for forearm, wrist, or hand cast application, removal or repair, when undertaken in a hospital

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microvascular free tissue flap surgery involving the forearm, wrist or hand

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of forearm, wrist or hand

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for microsurgical reimplantation of a finger

8 base units

Subgroup 16—Anaesthesia for burns


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves not more than 3% of total body surface

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves more than 3% but less than 10% of total body surface

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 10% or more but less than 20% of total body surface

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 20% or more but less than 30% of total body surface

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 30% or more but less than 40% of total body surface

11 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 40% or more but less than 50% of total body surface

13 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 50% or more but less than 60% of total body surface

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 60% or more but less than 70% of total body surface

17 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 70% or more but less than 80% of total body surface

19 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for excision or debridement of burns, with or without skin grafting, if the area of burn involves 80% or more of total body surface

21 base units

Subgroup 17—Anaesthesia for radiological or other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for hysterosalpingography

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for myelography—lumbar or thoracic

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for myelography—cervical

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for myelography—posterior fossa

9 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for discography—lumbar or thoracic

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for injection procedure for discography—cervical

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for peripheral arteriogram

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for arteriograms—cerebral, carotid or vertebral

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for retrograde arteriogram—brachial or femoral

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for computerised axial tomography scanning, magnetic resonance scanning or digital subtraction angiography scanning

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for retrograde cystography, retrograde urethrography or retrograde cystourethrography

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for fluoroscopy

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for bronchography

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for phlebography

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for heart—2 dimensional real time transoesophageal examination

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for peripheral venous cannulation

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for cardiac catheterisation (including coronary arteriography, ventriculography, cardiac mapping or insertion of automatic defibrillator or transvenous pacemaker)

7 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for cardiac electrophysiological procedures including radio frequency ablation

10 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for central vein catheterisation or insertion of right heart balloon catheter (via jugular, subclavian or femoral vein) by percutaneous or open exposure

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for lumbar puncture, cisternal puncture or epidural injection

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for harvesting of bone marrow for the purpose of transplantation

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for diagnostic muscle biopsy to assess for malignant hyperpyrexia

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for electroencephalography

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for brain stem evoked response audiometry

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for electrocochleography by extratympanic method or transtympanic membrane insertion method

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia as a therapeutic procedure if there is a clinical need for anaesthesia, not for headache of any etiology

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia during hyperbaric therapy, if the medical practitioner is not confined in the chamber (including the administration of oxygen)

8 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia during hyperbaric therapy, if the medical practitioner is confined in the chamber (including the administration of oxygen)

15 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for brachytherapy using radioactive sealed sources

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for therapeutic nuclear medicine

5 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for radiotherapy

5 base units

Subgroup 18—Miscellaneous


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia, being a service to which another item in this Subgroup or in Subgroups 1 to 17 or 20 would have applied if the procedure in connection with which the service is provided had not been discontinued

3 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia performed on a patient under the age of 10 years in connection with a procedure covered by an item that does not include the word “(Anaes.)”

4 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia in connection with a procedure covered by an item that does not include the word “(Anaes.)”, other than a service to which item 21965 or 21992 applies, if there is a clinical need for anaesthesia

4 base units

Subgroup 19—Therapeutic and diagnostic services performed in connection with the management of anaesthesia


Administration of homologous blood or bone marrow already collected, when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia

4 base units


Endotracheal intubation with flexible fibreoptic scope associated with difficult airway, when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia

4 base units


Double lumen endobronchial tube or bronchial blocker, insertion of, when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia

4 base units


Monitoring that:

(a) is of one of the following types of blood pressure:

(i) central venous blood pressure;

(ii) pulmonary arterial blood pressure;

(iii) systemic arterial blood pressure;

(iv) cardiac intracavity blood pressure; and

(b) is conducted by indwelling catheter; and

(c) is performed in association with the administration of anaesthesia for a procedure and not as a service to which item 13876 applies; and

(d) is performed, on a day, on a patient who:

(i) is categorised as having a high risk of complications; or

(ii) during the procedure develops either complications or a high risk of complications; and

(e) has not previously been performed in those circumstances on the day on the patient for that type of blood pressure

3 base units


Monitoring that:

(a) is of one of the following types of blood pressure:

(i) central venous blood pressure;

(ii) pulmonary arterial blood pressure;

(iii) systemic arterial blood pressure;

(iv) cardiac intracavity blood pressure; and

(b) is conducted by indwelling catheter; and

(c) is performed in association with the administration of anaesthesia for a procedure (the current procedure) and not as a service to which item 13876 applies; and

(d) is performed, on a day, on a patient:

(i) who is categorised as having a high risk of complications or develops during the current procedure either complications or a high risk of complications; and

(ii) for whom monitoring of that type of blood pressure to which item 22012 applies has already been performed on the day in association with the administration of anaesthesia for another discrete procedure; and

(e) has not previously been performed in association with the current procedure for that type of blood pressure

3 base units


Right heart balloon catheter, insertion of, including pulmonary wedge pressure and cardiac output measurement, when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia

6 base units


Central vein catheterisation by percutaneous or open exposure, other than a service to which item 13318 applies, when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia

4 base units


Intraarterial cannulation when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia for a procedure for a patient who:

(a) is categorised as having a high risk of complications; or

(b) develops a high risk of complications during the procedure

4 base units


Intrathecal or epidural injection (initial) of a therapeutic substance, with or without insertion of a catheter, in association with anaesthesia and surgery, for postoperative pain management, other than a service associated with a service to which item 22036 applies

5 base units


Intrathecal or epidural injection (subsequent) of a therapeutic substance, using an insitu catheter, in association with anaesthesia and surgery, for postoperative pain, other than a service associated with a service to which item 22031 applies

3 base units


Introduction of a plexus or nerve block proximal to the lower leg or forearm, perioperatively performed in the induction room, theatre or recovery room, for postoperative pain management

2 base units


Introduction of a regional or field nerve block performed via retrobulbar, peribulbar or subTenon’s block injection of an anaesthetic agent, or other complex eye block, when administered by an anaesthetist perioperatively

1 base unit


Intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography—monitoring in real time the structure and function of the heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures, including assessment of blood flow, with appropriate permanent recording during procedures on the heart, pericardium or great vessels of the chest, other than a service associated with a service to which item 55130, 55135 or 21936 applies

9 base units


Transfusion of blood by an anaesthetist, including collection from donor, when used for intraoperative normovolaemic haemodilution, where the service is provided on the same occasion as the administration of anaesthesia by the same anaesthetist, other than a service associated with a service to which item 13703 applies

6 base units


Insertion of lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drain, by an anaesthetist at the request of the treating specialist, where the service is provided on the same occasion as the administration of anaesthesia by the same anaesthetist, other than a service associated with a service to which item 40018 applies

6 base units


Intraoperative twodimensional or threedimensional real time transoesophageal echocardiography by an anaesthetist, where the service:

(a) is provided on the same day as a service to which item 38477, 38484, 38499, 38516 or 38517 applies; and

(b) includes Doppler techniques with colour flow mapping and recordings on digital media; and

(c) is performed during cardiac valve surgery (replacement or repair); and

(d) incorporates sequential assessment of cardiac function and valve competence before and after the surgical procedure; and

(e) is not associated with a service to which item 21936, 22051, 55118, 55130 or 55135 applies; and

(f) is provided on the same occasion as the administration of anaesthesia by the same anaesthetist

18 base units


Perfusion of limb or organ using heartlung machine or equivalent, other than a service associated with anaesthesia to which an item in Subgroup 21 applies

12 base units


Whole body perfusion, cardiac bypass, if the heartlung machine or equivalent is continuously operated by a medical perfusionist, other than a service associated with anaesthesia to which an item in Subgroup 21 applies

30 base units


Induced controlled hypothermia—total body, that is:

(a) a service to which item 22060 applies; and

(b) not a service associated with anaesthesia, to which an item in Subgroup 21 applies

5 base units


Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, with core temperature less than 22°c, including management of retrograde cerebral perfusion (if performed), other than a service associated with anaesthesia to which an item in Subgroup 21 applies

15 base units

Subgroup 20—Management of anaesthesia in connection with a dental service


Initiation of the management by a medical practitioner of anaesthesia for extraction of tooth or teeth, with or without incision of soft tissue or removal of bone

6 base units


Initiation of the management of anaesthesia for restorative dental work

6 base units

Subgroup 21—Anaesthesia, perfusion and assistance at anaesthesia (time component)


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is not more than 15 minutes

1 base unit


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes

2 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes

3 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 45 minutes but not more than 1 hour

4 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 1 hour but not more than 1:15 hours

5 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 1:15 hours but not more than 1:30 hours

6 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 1:30 hours but not more than 1:45 hours

7 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 1:45 hours but not more than 2:00 hours

8 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:00 hours but not more than 2:10 hours

9 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:10 hours but not more than 2:20 hours

10 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:20 hours but not more than 2:30 hours

11 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:30 hours but not more than 2:40 hours

12 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:40 hours but not more than 2:50 hours

13 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 2:50 hours but not more than 3:00 hours

14 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:00 hours but not more than 3:10 hours

15 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:10 hours but not more than 3:20 hours

16 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:20 hours but not more than 3:30 hours

17 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:30 hours but not more than 3:40 hours

18 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:40 hours but not more than 3:50 hours

19 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 3:50 hours but not more than 4:00 hours

20 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:00 hours but not more than 4:10 hours

21 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:10 hours but not more than 4:20 hours

22 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:20 hours but not more than 4:30 hours

23 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:30 hours but not more than 4:40 hours

24 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:40 hours but not more than 4:50 hours

25 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 4:50 hours but not more than 5:00 hours

26 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:00 hours but not more than 5:10 hours

27 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:10 hours but not more than 5:20 hours

28 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:20 hours but not more than 5:30 hours

29 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:30 hours but not more than 5:40 hours

30 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:40 hours but not more than 5:50 hours

31 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 5:50 hours but not more than 6:00 hours

32 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:00 hours but not more than 6:10 hours

33 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:10 hours but not more than 6:20 hours

34 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:20 hours but not more than 6:30 hours

35 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:30 hours but not more than 6:40 hours

36 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:40 hours but not more than 6:50 hours

37 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 6:50 hours but not more than 7:00 hours

38 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:00 hours but not more than 7:10 hours

39 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:10 hours but not more than 7:20 hours

40 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:20 hours but not more than 7:30 hours

41 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:30 hours but not more than 7:40 hours

42 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:40 hours but not more than 7:50 hours

43 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 7:50 hours but not more than 8:00 hours

44 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:00 hours but not more than 8:10 hours

45 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:10 hours but not more than 8:20 hours

46 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:20 hours but not more than 8:30 hours

47 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:30 hours but not more than 8:40 hours

48 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:40 hours but not more than 8:50 hours

49 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 8:50 hours but not more than 9:00 hours

50 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:00 hours but not more than 9:10 hours

51 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:10 hours but not more than 9:20 hours

52 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:20 hours but not more than 9:30 hours

53 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:30 hours but not more than 9:40 hours

54 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:40 hours but not more than 9:50 hours

55 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 9:50 hours but not more than 10:00 hours

56 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:00 hours but not more than 10:10 hours

57 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:10 hours but not more than 10:20 hours

58 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:20 hours but not more than 10:30 hours

59 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:30 hours but not more than 10:40 hours

60 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:40 hours but not more than 10:50 hours

61 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 10:50 hours but not more than 11:00 hours

62 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:00 hours but not more than 11:10 hours

63 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:10 hours but not more than 11:20 hours

64 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:20 hours but not more than 11:30 hours

65 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:30 hours but not more than 11:40 hours

66 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:40 hours but not more than 11:50 hours

67 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 11:50 hours but not more than 12:00 hours

68 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:00 hours but not more than 12:10 hours

69 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:10 hours but not more than 12:20 hours

70 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:20 hours but not more than 12:30 hours

71 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:30 hours but not more than 12:40 hours

72 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:40 hours but not more than 12:50 hours

73 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 12:50 hours but not more than 13:00 hours

74 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:00 hours but not more than 13:10 hours

75 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:10 hours but not more than 13:20 hours

76 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:20 hours but not more than 13:30 hours

77 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:30 hours but not more than 13:40 hours

78 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:40 hours but not more than 13:50 hours

79 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 13:50 hours but not more than 14:00 hours

80 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:00 hours but not more than 14:10 hours

81 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:10 hours but not more than 14:20 hours

82 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:20 hours but not more than 14:30 hours

83 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:30 hours but not more than 14:40 hours

84 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:40 hours but not more than 14:50 hours

85 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 14:50 hours but not more than 15:00 hours

86 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15:00 hours but not more than 15:10 hours

87 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15:10 hours but not more than 15:20 hours

88 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15:20 hours but not more than 15:30 hours

89 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15:30 hours but not more than 15:40 hours

90 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than15:40 hours but not more than 15:50 hours

91 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 15:50 hours but not more than 16:00 hours

92 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:00 hours but not more than 16:10 hours

93 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:10 hours but not more than 16:20 hours

94 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:20 hours but not more than 16:30 hours

95 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:30 hours but not more than 16:40 hours

96 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:40 hours but not more than 16:50 hours

97 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 16:50 hours but not more than 17:00 hours

98 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:00 hours but not more than 17:10 hours

99 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:10 hours but not more than 17:20 hours

100 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:20 hours but not more than 17:30 hours

101 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:30 hours but not more than 17:40 hours

102 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:40 hours but not more than 17:50 hours

103 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 17:50 hours but not more than 18:00 hours

104 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:00 hours but not more than 18:10 hours

105 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:10 hours but not more than 18:20 hours

106 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:20 hours but not more than 18:30 hours

107 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:30 hours but not more than 18:40 hours

108 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:40 hours but not more than 18:50 hours

109 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 18:50 hours but not more than 19:00 hours

110 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:00 hours but not more than 19:10 hours

111 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:10 hours but not more than 19:20 hours

112 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:20 hours but not more than 19:30 hours

113 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:30 hours but not more than 19:40 hours

114 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:40 hours but not more than 19:50 hours

115 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 19:50 hours but not more than 20:00 hours

116 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:00 hours but not more than 20:10 hours

117 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:10 hours but not more than 20:20 hours

118 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:20 hours but not more than 20:30 hours

119 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:30 hours but not more than 20:40 hours

120 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:40 hours but not more than 20:50 hours

121 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 20:50 hours but not more than 21:00 hours

122 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:00 hours but not more than 21:10 hours

123 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:10 hours but not more than 21:20 hours

124 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:20 hours but not more than 21:30 hours

125 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:30 hours but not more than 21:40 hours

126 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:40 hours but not more than 21:50 hours

127 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 21:50 hours but not more than 22:00 hours

128 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:00 hours but not more than 22:10 hours

129 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:10 hours but not more than 22:20 hours

130 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:20 hours but not more than 22:30 hours

131 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:30 hours but not more than 22:40 hours

132 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:40 hours but not more than 22:50 hours

133 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 22:50 hours but not more than 23:00 hours

134 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:00 hours but not more than 23:10 hours

135 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:10 hours but not more than 23:20 hours

136 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:20 hours but not more than 23:30 hours

137 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:30 hours but not more than 23:40 hours

138 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:40 hours but not more than 23:50 hours

139 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance, if the service time is more than 23:50 hours but not more than 24:00 hours

140 base units

Subgroup 22—Anaesthesia, perfusion and assistance at anaesthesia (modifying components—physical status)


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient has severe systemic disease (equivalent to ASA physical status indicator 3)

1 base unit


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient has severe systemic disease which is a constant threat to life (equivalent to ASA physical status indicator 4)

2 base units


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient is not expected to survive for 24 hours, with or without the associated operation (equivalent to ASA physical status indicator 5)

3 base units

Subgroup 23—Anaesthesia, perfusion and assistance at anaesthesia (modifying components—other)


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient is aged under 4 years

1 base unit


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient is aged 75 years or more

1 base unit


Anaesthesia, perfusion or assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part—other than a service associated with a service to which item 25025, 25030 or 25050 applies

2 base units

Subgroup 24—Anaesthesia and assistance at anaesthesia (after hours emergency modifier)


Anaesthesia, if the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part and if more than 50% of the service time occurs between 8 pm to 8 am on any weekday, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday

Amount under clause 5.9.1


Assistance in the management of anaesthesia, if the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part and if more than 50% of the service time occurs between 8 pm to 8 am on any weekday, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday

Amount under clause 5.9.1

Subgroup 25—Perfusion (after hours emergency modifier)


Perfusion, if the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part and if more than 50% of the service time occurs between 8 pm to 8 am on any weekday, or on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday

Amount under clause 5.9.1

Subgroup 26—Assistance at anaesthesia


Assistance in the management of anaesthesia requiring continuous anaesthesia on a patient in imminent danger of death requiring continuous life saving emergency treatment, to the exclusion of attendance on all other patients

Amount under clause 5.9.2


Assistance in the management of elective anaesthesia, if:

(a) the patient has complex airway problems; or

(b) the patient is a neonate; or

(c) the patient is a paediatric patient and is receiving one or more of the following services:

(i) invasive monitoring, either intravascular or transoesophageal;

(ii) organ transplantation;

(iii) craniofacial surgery;

(iv) major tumour resection;

(v) separation of conjoint twins; or

(d) there is anticipated to be massive blood loss (greater than 50% of blood volume) during the procedure; or

(e) the patient is critically ill, with multiple organ failure; or

(f) the service time of the management of anaesthesia exceeds 6 hours and the assistance is provided to the exclusion of attendance on all other patients

Amount under clause 5.9.2


Division 5.10Group T8: Surgical operations

Subdivision ASubgroup 1 of Group T8

5.10.1  Meaning of amount under clause 5.10.1

  In item 30001:

amount under clause 5.10.1 means 50% of the fee that would normally apply for a surgical procedure if the surgical procedure had not been discontinued before completion.

5.10.2  Meaning of amount under clause 5.10.2

  In item 31340:

amount under clause 5.10.2, for the excision of muscle, bone or cartilage in association with the excision of a malignant tumour of skin under another item, means 75% of the fee payable under that other item.

5.10.3  Histopathological proof of malignancyitems 30196 and 30202

  For the purposes of items 30196 and 30202, the requirement for histopathological proof of malignancy is satisfied if:

 (a) multiple lesions are removed from a single anatomical region; and

 (b) a single lesion from that region is histologically tested and proven positive for malignancy.

5.10.5  Items 30440, 30451, 30492 and 30495 do not include imaging

  A service described in item 30440, 30451, 30492 or 30495 does not include imaging.

Note: The imaging services associated with these services are described in the diagnostic imaging services table.

5.10.5A  Meaning of treatment cycle

  In item 30665:

treatment cycle, for a patient, means a series of treatments for the patient that:

 (a) begins on the day of the initial failed attempt at biliary stone removal via ERCP extraction techniques; and

 (b) ends at the conclusion of the aftercare period for the procedure (being either the lithotripsy procedure or a definitive surgical management procedure) that has resulted in removal of the biliary stones.

5.10.6  Restrictions on items 30688, 30690, 30692 and 30694—patient notes

  Item 30688, 30690, 30692 or 30694 applies to a service only if the provider makes a record of the findings of the ultrasound imaging in the patient’s notes.

5.10.7  Application of item 35412

 (1) Intraoperative imaging is taken to be part of the service associated with the coiling of an aneurysm and cannot be charged in addition to item 35412.

 (2) Preoperative diagnostic imaging, including aftercare, under item 60009, 60072, 60075 or 60078 of the diagnostic imaging services table may be separately claimed.

5.10.8  Restrictions on items 31569, 31572, 31575, 31578, 31581, 31587 and 31590—services provided on same occasion

 (1) A service described in item 31569, 31572, 31575, 31578, 31581, 31587 or 31590 may only be claimed once for a patient for the same occasion.

 (2) If 2 or more services described in item 31569, 31572, 31575, 31578, 31581, 31587 or 31590 are performed in conjunction on a patient on the same occasion, only one of the services may be claimed for the patient for the occasion.

5.10.9  Items in Subgroup 1 of Group T8

  This clause sets out items in Subgroup 1 of Group T8.

Note: The fees in Group T8 are indexed in accordance with clause 1.3.1.


Group T8—Surgical operations

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)

Subgroup 1—General


Operative procedure, being a service to which an item in this Group would have applied had the procedure not been discontinued on medical grounds

Amount under clause 5.10.1


Burns, involving 1% or more but less than 3% of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), without anaesthesia, if medical practitioner is present—each attendance at which the procedure is performed

Not applicable for skin reactions secondary to radiotherapy



Burns, involving 3% or more but less than 10% of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), without anaesthesia, if medical practitioner is present—each attendance at which the procedure is performed

Not applicable for skin reactions secondary to radiotherapy



Burns, involving 10% or more of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), without anaesthesia, if medical practitioner is present—each attendance at which the procedure is performed

Not applicable for skin reactions secondary to radiotherapy



Burns, involving not more than 3% of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), in an operating theatre under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation, if medical practitioner is present (H) (Anaes.)



Burns, involving 3% or more but less than 20% of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), in an operating theatre under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation, if medical practitioner is present (H) (Anaes.)



Burns, involving 20% or more but less than 50% of total body surface, or burns of less than 20% of total body surface involving 1% or more of total body surface within the hands or face, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), in an operating theatre under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation, if medical practitioner is present (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Burns, involving 50% or more of total body surface, dressing of (including redressing of any related donor site, if required), in an operating theatre under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation, if medical practitioner is present (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Wound of soft tissue, traumatic, deep or extensively contaminated, debridement of, under general anaesthesia, or regional or field nerve block, including suturing of the wound if carried out (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Wound of soft tissue, debridement of an extensively infected postsurgical incision or Fournier’s gangrene, under general anaesthesia, or regional or field nerve block, including suturing of the wound if carried out (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, not on face or neck, small (not more than 7 cm long), superficial, other than a service to which another item in Group T4 applies (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, not on face or neck, small (not more than 7 cm in length), involving deeper tissue, other than a service to which another item in Group T4 applies (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, on face or neck, small (not more than 7 cm long), superficial (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, on face or neck, small (not more than 7 cm long), involving deeper tissue (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, not on face or neck, large (more than 7 cm long), superficial, other than a service to which another item in Group T4 applies (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, other than on face or neck, large (more than 7 cm long), involving deeper tissue, other than a service to which another item in Group T4 applies (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, on face or neck, large (more than 7 cm long), superficial (Anaes.)



Skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane, repair of wound of, other than wound closure at time of surgery, on face or neck, large (more than 7 cm long), involving deeper tissue (Anaes.)



Full thickness laceration of ear, eyelid, nose or lip, repair of, with accurate apposition of each layer of tissue (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Wounds, dressing of, under general, regional or intravenous sedation, with or without removal of sutures, other than a service associated with a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.)



Postoperative haemorrhage, control of, under general anaesthesia, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Superficial foreign body, removal of, (including from cornea or sclera) as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Etonogestrel subcutaneous implant, removal of, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Subcutaneous foreign body, removal of, requiring incision and exploration, including closure of wound if performed, as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Foreign body in muscle, tendon or other deep tissue, removal of, as an independent procedure (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Diagnostic biopsy of skin, as an independent procedure, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of mucous membrane, as an independent procedure, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of lymph node, muscle or other deep tissue or organ, as an independent procedure, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic drill biopsy of lymph node, deep tissue or organ, as an independent procedure, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of bone marrow by trephine using an open approach, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of bone marrow by trephine using a percutaneous approach, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of bone marrow by aspiration or punch biopsy of synovial membrane, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic biopsy of pleura, percutaneous, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination—one or more biopsies on any one occasion (Anaes.)



Diagnostic needle biopsy of vertebra, if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Diagnostic percutaneous aspiration biopsy of deep organ using interventional techniques (but not including imaging) if the biopsy specimen is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Personal performance of a Synacthen Stimulation Test, including associated consultation, by a medical practitioner with resuscitation training and access to facilities where life support procedures can be implemented, if:

(a) serum cortisol at 8.30 am to 9.30 am on any day in the preceding month has been measured at greater than 100 nmol/L but less than 400 nmol/L; or

(b) the patient is acutely unwell and adrenal insufficiency is suspected



Sinus, excision of, involving superficial tissue only (Anaes.)



Sinus, excision of, involving muscle and deep tissue (Anaes.)



Preauricular sinus, excision of, on a patient 10 years of age or over (Anaes.)



Preauricular sinus, excision of, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.)



Excision of ganglion, other than a service associated with a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.)



Removal of redundant abdominal skin and lipectomy, as a wedge excision, for functional problems following significant weight loss equivalent to at least 5 body mass index points and if there has been a stable weight for a period of at least 6 months prior to surgery, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30175, 30176, 30177, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070, 46072, 46080, 46082, 46084, 46086, 46088 or 46090 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Removal of redundant nonabdominal skin and lipectomy for functional problems following significant weight loss equivalent to at least 5 body mass index points and if there has been a stable weight for a period of at least 6 months prior to surgery, one or 2 nonabdominal areas, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30175, 30176, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070, 46072, 46080, 46082, 46084, 46086, 46088 or 46090 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical abdominoplasty, with repair of rectus diastasis, excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue, and transposition of umbilicus, not being a laparoscopic procedure, if:

(a) the patient has an abdominal wall defect as a consequence of pregnancy; and

(b) the patient:

(i) has a diastasis of at least 3cm measured by diagnostic imaging prior to this service; and

(ii) has either or both of the following:

(A) at least moderately severe pain or discomfort at the site of the diastasis in the abdominal wall during functional use and the pain or discomfort has been documented in the patient’s records by the practitioner providing the service;

(B) low back pain or urinary symptoms likely due to rectus diastasis and the pain or symptoms have been documented in the patient’s records by the practitioner providing the service; and

(iii) has failed to respond to nonsurgical conservative treatment, that must have included physiotherapy; and

(iv) has not been pregnant in the last 12 months; and

(c) the service is not a service associated with a service to which item 30166, 30169, 30176, 30177, 30179, 30651, 30655, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070, 46072, 46080, 46082, 46084, 46086, 46088 or 46090 applies

Applicable once per lifetime (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical abdominoplasty, with excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue, repair of musculoaponeurotic layer and transposition of umbilicus, not being a service associated with a service to which item 30166, 30169, 30175, 30177, 30179, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070 or 46072 applies, if the patient has previously had a massive intraabdominal or pelvic tumour surgically removed

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lipectomy, excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue associated with redundant abdominal skin and fat that is a direct consequence of significant weight loss, in conjunction with a radical abdominoplasty, with or without repair of musculoaponeurotic layer and transposition of umbilicus, not being a service associated with a service to which item 30166, 30175, 30176, 30179, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070, 46072, 46080, 46082, 46084, 46086, 46088 or 46090 applies, if:

(a) there is intertrigo or another skin condition that risks loss of skin integrity and has failed 3 months of conventional (or nonsurgical) treatment; and

(b) the redundant skin and fat interferes with the activities of daily living; and

(c) the weight has been stable for at least 6 months following significant weight loss prior to the lipectomy

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Circumferential lipectomy, as an independent procedure, to correct circumferential excess of redundant skin and fat that is a direct consequence of significant weight loss, with or without a radical abdominoplasty, not being a service associated with a service to which item 30175, 30176, 30177, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070, 46072, 46080, 46082, 46084, 46086, 46088 or 46090 applies, if:

(a) the circumferential excess of redundant skin and fat is complicated by intertrigo or another skin condition that risks loss of skin integrity and has failed 3 months of conventional (or nonsurgical) treatment; and

(b) the circumferential excess of redundant skin and fat interferes with the activities of daily living; and

(c) the weight has been stable for at least 6 months following significant weight loss prior to the lipectomy

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Axillary hyperhidrosis, partial excision for (Anaes.)



Axillary hyperhidrosis, total excision of sweat gland bearing area (Anaes.)



Palmar or plantar warts, removal of, by carbon dioxide laser or erbium laser, requiring admission to a hospital, or when performed by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty (5 or more warts) (Anaes.)



Warts or molluscum contagiosum (one or more), removal of, by any method (other than by chemical means), if undertaken in the operating theatre of a hospital, other than a service associated with a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.)



Angiofibromas, trichoepitheliomas or other severely disfiguring tumours of the face or neck (excluding melanocytic naevi, sebaceous hyperplasia, dermatosis papulosa nigra, Campbell De Morgan angiomas and seborrheic or viral warts), suitable for laser ablation as confirmed by the opinion of a specialist in the specialty of dermatology—removal of, by carbon dioxide laser or erbium laser ablation, including associated resurfacing (10 or more tumours) (Anaes.)



Angiofibromas, trichoepithelioma, epidermal naevi, xanthelasma, pyogenic granuloma, genital angiokeratomas, hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and other severely disfiguring or recurrently bleeding tumours (excluding melanocytic naevi, sebaceous hyperplasia, dermatosis papulosa nigra, Campbell De Morgan angiomas and seborrheic or viral warts), treatment of, with carbon dioxide/erbium or other appropriate laser (or curettage and fine point diathermy for pyogenic granuloma only), if confirmed by the opinion of a specialist in the specialty of dermatology, one or more lesions



Premalignant skin lesions (including solar keratoses), treatment of, by ablative technique (10 or more lesions) (Anaes.)



Malignant neoplasm of skin or mucous membrane that has been:

(a) proven by histopathology; or

(b) confirmed by the opinion of a specialist in the specialty of dermatology or plastic surgery where a specimen has been submitted for histologic confirmation;

removal of, by serial curettage, or carbon dioxide laser or erbium laser excisionablation, including any associated cryotherapy or diathermy (Anaes.)



Malignant neoplasm of skin or mucous membrane proven by histopathology or confirmed by the opinion of a specialist in the specialty of dermatology or plastic surgery—removal of, by liquid nitrogen cryotherapy using repeat freezethaw cycles



Skin lesions, multiple injections with glucocorticoid preparations (Anaes.)



Keloid and other skin lesions, extensive, multiple injections of glucocorticoid preparations, if undertaken in the operating theatre of a hospital (H) (Anaes.)



Haematoma, aspiration of (Anaes.)



Haematoma, furuncle, small abscess or similar lesion not requiring admission to a hospital, incision with drainage of, excluding aftercare



Large haematoma, large abscess, carbuncle, cellulitis or similar lesion, incision with drainage of, excluding aftercare (H) (Anaes.)



Percutaneous drainage of deep abscess using interventional techniques—but not including imaging (Anaes.)



Abscess drainage tube, exchange of using interventional techniques—but not including imaging (Anaes.)



Muscle, excision of (limited) or fasciotomy (Anaes.)



Muscle, excision of (extensive) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Muscle, ruptured, repair of (limited), not associated with external wound (Anaes.)



Muscle, ruptured, repair of (extensive), not associated with external wound (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Fascia, deep, repair of, for herniated muscle (Anaes.)



Bone tumour, innocent, excision of, other than a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Styloid process of temporal bone, removal of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Parotid duct, repair of, using microsurgical techniques (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Parotid gland, total extirpation of, including removal of tumour, other than a service associated with a service to which item 39321, 39324, 39327 or 39330 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Parotid gland, total extirpation of, with preservation of facial nerve, including:

(a) removal of tumour; and

(b) exposure or mobilisation of facial nerve;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 39321, 39324, 39327 or 39330 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Recurrent parotid tumour, excision of, with preservation of facial nerve, including:

(a) removal of tumour; and

(b) exposure or mobilisation of facial nerve;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 39321, 39324, 39327 or 39330 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Parotid gland, superficial lobectomy of, with exposure of facial nerve, including:

(a) removal of tumour; and

(b) exposure or mobilisation of facial nerve;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 39321, 39324, 39327 or 39330 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Submandibular ducts, relocation of, for surgical control of drooling (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Submandibular gland, extirpation of, other than a service associated with a service to which item 31423, 31426, 31429, 31432, 31435 or 31438 applies on the same side (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Sialendoscopy, of submandibular or parotid duct, with or without removal of calculus or treatment of stricture (Anaes.)



Sublingual gland, extirpation of (Anaes.)



Salivary gland, dilatation or diathermy of duct (Anaes.)



Salivary gland, removal of calculus from duct or meatotomy or marsupialisation, one or more such procedures (Anaes.)



Salivary gland, repair of cutaneous fistula of (Anaes.)



Tongue, partial excision of (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical excision of intraoral tumour, with or without resection of mandible, including dissection of lymph glands of neck, unilateral, other than a service associated with a service to which item 31423, 31426, 31429, 31432, 31435 or 31438 applies on the same side (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Tongue tie, repair of, other than:

(a) a service to which another item in this Subgroup applies; or

(b) a service associated with a service to which item 45009 applies




Tongue tie, mandibular frenulum or maxillary frenulum, repair of, in a person aged 2 years and over, under general anaesthesia, other than a service associated with a service to which item 45009 applies (Anaes.)



Ranula or mucous cyst of mouth, removal of (Anaes.)



Branchial cyst, removal of, on a patient 10 years of age or over (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Branchial cyst, removal of, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Branchial fistula, removal of, on a patient 10 years of age or over (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cervical oesophagostomy, or closure of cervical oesophagostomy with or without plastic repair (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cervical oesophagectomy with tracheostomy and oesophagostomy, with or without plastic reconstruction, or laryngopharyngectomy with tracheostomy and plastic reconstruction (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Thyroidectomy, total (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Thyroidectomy following previous thyroid surgery (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Sentinel lymph node biopsy or biopsies for breast cancer, involving dissection in an axilla, using preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and/or lymphotropic dye injection (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Sentinel lymph node biopsy or biopsies for breast cancer, involving dissection along internal mammary chain (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Total hemithyroidectomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Partial or subtotal thyroidectomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Sentinel lymph node biopsy or biopsies for cutaneous melanoma, using preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and/or lymphotropic dye injection, if:

(a) the primary lesion is greater than 1.0 mm in depth (or at least 0.8 mm in depth in the presence of ulceration); and

(b) appropriate excision of the primary melanoma has occurred; and

(c) the service is not associated with a service to which item 30075, 30078, 30299, 30305, 30329, 30332, 30618, 30820, 31423, 52025 or 52027 applies

Applicable to only one lesion per occasion on which the service is provided (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Thyroglossal cyst or fistula or both, radical removal of, including thyroglossal duct and portion of hyoid bone, on a patient 10 years of age or over (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. Removal of one or more parathyroid adenomas through a small cervical incision for an image localised adenoma, including thymectomy

Applicable only once per occasion on which the service is provided

Not applicable to a service performed in association with a service to which item 30317, 30318 or 30320 applies

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Redo parathyroidectomy. Cervical reexploration for persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism, including thymectomy and cervical exploration of the mediastinum

Applicable only once per occasion on which the service is provided

Not applicable to a service performed in association with a service to which item 30315, 30318 or 30320 applies

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Open parathyroidectomy, exploration and removal of one or more adenomas or hyperplastic glands via a cervical incision including thymectomy and cervical exploration of the mediastinum (when performed)

Applicable only once per occasion on which the service is provided

Not applicable to a service performed in association with a service to which item 30315, 30317 or 30320 applies

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Removal of a mediastinal parathyroid adenoma via sternotomy or mediastinal thorascopic approach

Applicable only once per occasion on which the service is provided

Not applicable to a service performed in association with a service to which item 30315, 30317 or 30318 applies

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Excision of phaeochromocytoma or extraadrenal paraganglioma via endoscopic or open approach (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Excision of an adrenocortical tumour or hyperplasia via endoscopic or open approach (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Thyroglossal cyst or fistula or both, radical removal of, including thyroglossal duct and portion of hyoid bone, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lymph nodes of groin, limited excision of (Anaes.)



Lymph nodes of groin, radical excision of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lymph nodes of axilla, limited excision of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lymph nodes of axilla, complete excision of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Enterocutaneous fistula, repair of, if dissection and resection of bowel is performed, with or without anastomosis or formation of a stoma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Open or minimally invasive excision of a retroperitoneal mass, 4 cm or greater in largest dimension, lasting more than 3 hours, other than a service to which another item in this Group applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Unplanned return to theatre for laparotomy or laparoscopy for control or drainage of intraabdominal haemorrhage following abdominal surgery (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparoscopy or laparotomy when an operation is performed on abdominal, retroperitoneal or pelvic viscera, excluding lymph node biopsy, other than a service to which another item in this Group applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy for abdominal trauma, including control of haemorrhage (with or without packing) and containment of contamination (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparoscopy, diagnostic, with or without aspiration of fluid, on a patient 10 years of age or over, if no other intraabdominal procedure is performed (H) (Anaes.) (Assist)



Radical or debulking operation for advanced intraabdominal malignancy, with or without omentectomy, as an independent procedure (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy or laparoscopy for generalised intraperitoneal sepsis (also known as peritonitis), with or without removal of foreign material or enteric contents, with lavage of the entire peritoneal cavity, with or without closure of the abdomen when performed by laparotomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparostomy, via wound previously made and left open or closed, including change of dressings or packs, with or without drainage of loculated collections (H) (Anaes.)



Laparostomy, final closure of wound made at previous operation, after removal of dressings or packs (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy with insertion of portacath for administration of cytotoxic therapy including placement of reservoir (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Paracentesis abdominis (Anaes.)



Peritoneo venous shunt, insertion of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver biopsy, percutaneous (Anaes.)



Liver biopsy by wedge excision when performed in association with another intraabdominal procedure (H) (Anaes.)



Liver biopsy by core needle, when performed in conjunction with another intraabdominal procedure (Anaes.)



Liver, subsegmental resection of, (local excision), other than for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, segmental resection of, other than for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver cysts, greater than 5 cm in diameter, marsupialisation of 4 or less (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver cysts, greater than 5 cm in diameter, marsupialisation of 5 or more (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, lobectomy of, other than for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver tumour, other than a hepatocellular carcinoma, destruction of one or more, by local ablation, other than a service associated with a service to which item 50950 or 50952 applies (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, extended lobectomy of, or central resections of segments 4, 5 and 8, other than for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, repair of superficial laceration of, for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, repair of deep multiple lacerations of, or debridement of, for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, segmental resection of, for trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, lobectomy of, for trauma (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver, extended lobectomy of, or central resections of segments 4, 5 and 8, for trauma (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver abscess, single, open or minimally invasive abdominal drainage of, excluding aftercare (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Liver abscess, multiple, open or minimally invasive abdominal drainage of, excluding aftercare (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Intraoperative ultrasound of biliary tract, or operative cholangiography, if the service:

(a) is performed in association with an intraabdominal procedure; and

(b) is not associated with a service to which item 30443 or 30445 applies

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cholangiogram, percutaneous transhepatic, and insertion of biliary drainage tube, using interventional imaging techniques, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30451 applies (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Intraoperative ultrasound for staging of intraabdominal tumours (H) (Anaes.)



Choledochoscopy in conjunction with another procedure (H) (Anaes.)



Cholecystectomy, by any approach, without cholangiogram (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cholecystectomy, by any approach, with attempted or completed cholangiogram or intraoperative ultrasound of the biliary system, when performed via laparoscopic or open approach or when conversion from laparoscopic to open approach is required (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cholecystectomy, by any approach, involving removal of common duct calculi via the cystic duct, with or without stent insertion (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cholecystectomy with removal of common duct calculi via choledochotomy, by any approach, with or without insertion of a stent (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Calculus of biliary tract, extraction of, using interventional imaging techniques (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Biliary drainage tube, exchange of, using interventional imaging techniques, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30440 applies (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Choledochoscopy with balloon dilatation of a stricture or passage of stent or extraction of calculi (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Choledochotomy without cholecystectomy, with or without removal of calculi (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Choledochotomy with cholecystectomy, with removal of calculi, including biliary intestinal anastomosis (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Choledochotomy, intrahepatic, involving removal of intrahepatic bile duct calculi (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Transduodenal operation on sphincter of Oddi, involving one or more of, removal of calculi, sphincterotomy, sphincteroplasty, biopsy, local excision of periampullary or duodenal tumour, sphincteroplasty of the pancreatic duct, pancreatic duct septoplasty, with or without choledochotomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Cholecystoduodenostomy, cholecystoenterostomy, choledochojejunostomy or RouxenY loop as a bypass procedure when no prior biliary surgery performed (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical resection of porta hepatis (including associated neurolymphatic tissue), for cancer, suspected cancer or choledochal cyst, including bile duct excision and biliaryenteric anastomoses, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30440, 30451 or 31454 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical resection of common hepatic duct and right and left hepatic ducts, with 2 duct anastomoses, for cancer, suspected cancer or choledochal cyst (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Radical resection of common hepatic duct and right and left hepatic ducts, for cancer, suspected cancer or choledochal cyst, involving either or both of the following:

(a) more than 2 anastomoses;

(b) resection of segment (or major portion of segment) of liver

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Biliary stricture, repair of, after one or more operations on the biliary tree (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Repair of bile duct injury, including immediate reconstruction, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30584 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagoscopy (other than a service associated with a service to which item 41822 applies), gastroscopy, duodenoscopy or panendoscopy (one or more such procedures), with or without biopsy, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30478 or 30479 applies (Anaes.)



Endoscopic dilatation of stricture of upper gastrointestinal tract (including the use of imaging intensification if clinically indicated) (Anaes.)



Oesophagoscopy (other than a service associated with a service to which item 41822 or 41825 applies), gastroscopy, duodenoscopy, panendoscopy or push enteroscopy, one or more such procedures, if:

(a) the procedures are performed using one or more of the following endoscopic procedures:

(i) polypectomy;

(ii) sclerosing or adrenalin injections;

(iii) banding;

(iv) endoscopic clips;

(v) haemostatic powders;

(vi) diathermy;

(vii) argon plasma coagulation; and

(b) the procedures are for the treatment of one or more of the following:

(i) upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding;

(ii) polyps;

(iii) removal of foreign body;

(iv) oesophageal or gastric varices;

(v) peptic ulcers;

(vi) neoplasia;

(vii) benign vascular lesions;

(viii) strictures of the gastrointestinal tract;

(ix) tumorous overgrowth through or over oesophageal stents;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 30473 or 30479 applies (Anaes.)



Endoscopy with laser therapy, for the treatment of one or more of the following:

(a) neoplasia;

(b) benign vascular lesions;

(c) strictures of the gastrointestinal tract;

(d) tumorous overgrowth through or over oesophageal stents;

(e) peptic ulcers;

(f) angiodysplasia;

(g) gastric antral vascular ectasia;

(h) postpolypectomy bleeding;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 30473 or 30478 applies (Anaes.)



Percutaneous gastrostomy (initial procedure):

(a) including any associated imaging services; and

(b) excluding the insertion of a device for the purpose of facilitating weight loss




Percutaneous gastrostomy (repeat procedure):

(a) including any associated imaging services; and

(b) excluding the insertion of a device for the purpose of facilitating weight loss




Gastrostomy button, caecostomy antegrade enema device (chait etc.) or stomal indwelling device:

(a) nonendoscopic insertion of; or

(b) nonendoscopic replacement of;

on a patient 10 years of age or over, excluding the insertion of a device for the purpose of facilitating weight loss (Anaes.)



Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, other than a service to which item 30664 or 30665 applies (Anaes.)



Endoscopic sphincterotomy with or without extraction of stones from common bile duct (Anaes.)



Small bowel intubation—as an independent procedure (Anaes.)



Oesophageal prosthesis, insertion of, including endoscopy and dilatation (Anaes.)



Bile duct, endoscopic stenting of (including endoscopy and dilatation) (Anaes.)



Bile duct, percutaneous stenting of (including dilatation when performed), using interventional imaging techniques (H) (Anaes.)



Endoscopic biliary dilatation (H) (Anaes.)



Percutaneous biliary dilatation for biliary stricture using interventional imaging techniques (H) (Anaes.)



Gastroenterostomy (including gastroduodenostomy), enterocolostomy or enteroenterostomy, as an independent procedure or in combination with another procedure, only if required for irresectable obstruction, other than a service to which any of items 31569 to 31581 apply (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Revision of gastroenterostomy, pyloroplasty or gastroduodenostomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Partial gastrectomy, not being a service associated with a service to which any of items 31569 to 31581 apply (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastric tumour, 2 cm or greater in diameter, removal of, by local excision, by laparoscopic or open approach, including any associated anastomosis, excluding polypectomy, other than a service to which item 30518 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastrectomy, total, for benign disease (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastrectomy, total, and removal of lower oesophagus, performed by open or minimally invasive approach, with anastomosis in the mediastinum, including any of the following (if performed):

(a) distal pancreatectomy;

(b) nodal dissection;

(c) splenectomy

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Antireflux operation by fundoplasty, with oesophagoplasty for stricture or short oesophagus (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Antireflux operation by cardiopexy, with or without fundoplasty (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagogastric myotomy (Heller’s operation) by endoscopic, abdominal or thoracic approach, whether performed by open or minimally invasive approach, including fundoplication when performed laparoscopically (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagogastric myotomy (Heller’s operation) via abdominal or thoracic approach, with fundoplasty, with or without closure of the diaphragmatic hiatus, by laparoscopy or open operation (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagus, local excision for tumour of (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophageal perforation, repair of, by abdominal or thoracic approach, including thoracic drainage (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Enterostomy or colostomy, closure of (not involving resection of bowel), on a patient 10 years of age or over (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Colostomy or ileostomy, refashioning of, on a patient 10 years of age or over (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Small intestine, resection of, without anastomosis (including formation of stoma) (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Appendicectomy, when performed in conjunction with another intraabdominal procedure and during which a specimen is collected and sent for pathological testing (H) (Anaes.)



Initial pancreatic necrosectomy by open, laparoscopic or endoscopic approach, excluding aftercare (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation, by open or minimally invasive approach (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple’s procedure), with or without preservation of pylorus, including any of the following (if performed):

(a) cholecystectomy;

(b) pancreaticobiliary anastomosis;

(c) gastrojejunal anastomosis

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreaticojejunostomy for pancreatitis or trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreaticojejunostomy following previous pancreatic surgery (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreatectomy, near total or total (including duodenum), with or without splenectomy (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreatectomy for pancreatitis following previously attempted drainage procedure or partial resection (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Splenorrhaphy or partial splenectomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Splenectomy, for massive spleen (weighing more than 1,500 g) or involving thoracoabdominal incision (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Emergency repair of diaphragmatic laceration or hernia, following recent trauma, by any approach, including when performed in conjunction with another procedure indicated as a result of abdominal or chest trauma (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Diaphragmatic hernia, congenital, or delayed presentation of traumatic rupture, repair of, by thoracic or abdominal approach, on a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service to which any of items 31569 to 31581 apply (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Portal hypertension, oesophageal transection via stapler or oversew of gastric varices with or without devascularisation (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Small intestine, resection of, with anastomosis, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Benign tumour of soft tissue (other than tumours of skin, cartilage and bone, simple lipomas covered by item 31345 and lipomata), removal of, by surgical excision, on a patient under 10 years of age, if the specimen excised is sent for histological confirmation of diagnosis, other than a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Strangulated, incarcerated or obstructed hernia, repair of, without bowel resection, on a patient 10 years of age or over (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lymph nodes of neck, selective dissection of one or 2 lymph node levels involving removal of soft tissue and lymph nodes from one side of the neck, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparoscopic splenectomy, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Repair of symptomatic umbilical, epigastric or linea alba hernia requiring mesh or other repair, by open or minimally invasive approach, in a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service to which item 30651 or 30655 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Caecostomy, enterostomy, colostomy, enterotomy, colotomy, cholecystostomy, gastrostomy, gastrotomy, reduction of intussusception, removal of Meckel’s diverticulum, suture of perforated peptic ulcer, simple repair of ruptured viscus, reduction of volvulus, pyloroplasty or drainage of pancreas, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy involving division of peritoneal adhesions (if no other intraabdominal procedure is performed), on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy involving division of adhesions in association with another intraabdominal procedure if the time taken to divide the adhesions is between 45 minutes and 2 hours, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparoscopy, diagnostic, if no other intraabdominal procedure is performed, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.)



Hydrocele, tapping of



Orchidectomy, radical, including spermatic cord, unilateral, for tumour, inguinal approach, without insertion of testicular prosthesis, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30631, 30635, 30641, 30643 or 30644 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Insertion of testicular prosthesis, at least 6 months after orchidectomy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Hydrocele, removal of, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30641, 30642 or 30644 applies (Anaes.)



Varicocele, surgical correction of, including microsurgical techniques, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30390, 30627, 30641, 30642 or 30644 applies—one procedure (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastrostomy button, caecostomy antegrade enema device (chait etc.) or stomal indwelling device, nonendoscopic insertion of, or nonendoscopic replacement of, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.)



Enterostomy or colostomy, closure of (not involving resection of bowel), on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Colostomy or ileostomy, refashioning of, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Repair of large and irreducible scrotal hernia, if surgery exceeds 2 hours, in a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service to which item 30615, 30621, 30648, 30651 or 30655 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Orchidectomy, simple or subcapsular, unilateral with or without insertion of testicular prosthesis (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Orchidectomy, radical, including spermatic cord, unilateral, for tumour, inguinal approach, with insertion of testicular prosthesis, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30631, 30635, 30641, 30643, 30644 or 45051 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Exploration of spermatic cord, inguinal approach, with or without testicular biopsy, with or without excision of spermatic cord lesion, for a patient under 10 years of age, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30629, 30630 or 30642 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Exploration of spermatic cord, inguinal approach, with or without testicular biopsy, with or without excision of spermatic cord lesion, for a patient at least 10 years of age, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30629, 30630 or 30642 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Appendicectomy, on a patient under 10 years of age, other than a service to which item 30574 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparoscopic appendicectomy, on a patient under 10 years of age (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Femoral or inguinal hernia or infantile hydrocele, repair of, by open or minimally invasive approach, on a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service to which item 30615 or 30651 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Haemorrhage, arrest of, following circumcision requiring general anaesthesia, on a patient under 10 years of age (Anaes.)



Ventral hernia repair involving primary fascial closure by suture, with or without onlay mesh or insertion of intraperitoneal onlay mesh repair, without closure of the defect or advancement of the rectus muscle toward the midline, by open or minimally invasive approach, in a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30175, 30621, 30655 or 30657 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Recurrent groin hernia regardless of size of defect, repair of, with or without mesh, by open or minimally invasive approach, in a patient 10 years of age or over (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Circumcision of the penis, with topical or local analgesia, other than a service to which item 30658 applies



Ventral hernia, repair of, with advancement of the rectus muscles to the midline using a retrorectus, preperitoneal or sublay technique, by open or minimally invasive approach, in a patient 10 years of age or over, other than a service associated with a service to which item 30175, 30621 or 30651 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Unilateral abdominal wall reconstruction with component separation, including transversus abdominus release and external oblique release for abdominal wall closure by mobilising the rectus abdominis muscles to the midline, by open or minimally invasive approach (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Circumcision of the penis, when performed under general or regional anaesthesia and in conjunction with a service to which an item in Group T7 or Group T10 applies (Anaes.)



Minor surgical repair following a complication from the circumcision of a penis, when performed in conjunction with a service to which an item in Group T7 or Group T10 applies, other than a service associated with a service to which item 45206 applies (H) (Anaes.)



Complex surgical repair following a complication from the circumcision of a penis, including single stage local flap, if indicated, to repair one defect, on genitals (other than a service associated with a service to which item 37819, 37822, 45200, 45201, 45202, 45203 or 45206 applies) (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Haemorrhage, arrest of, following circumcision requiring general anaesthesia, on a patient 10 years of age or over (Anaes.)



Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), with single operator, single use peroral cholangiopancreatoscopy (POCPS) and biopsy, for the diagnosis of biliary strictures for a patient for whom:

(a) a previous ERCP service has been provided; and

(b) results from guided brush cytology or intraductal biopsy (or both) are indeterminate

Applicable not more than 2 times in a 12 month period, or not more than 3 times in a 12 month period if the patient has been diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), with single operator, single use peroral cholangiopancreatoscopy (POCPS) and electrohydraulic or laser lithotripsy for the removal of biliary stones that are:

(a) greater than 10mm in diameter; or

(b) proximal to a stricture;

for a patient for whom there has been at least one failed attempt at removal via ERCP extraction techniques

Applicable not more than 2 times per treatment cycle

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Paraphimosis or phimosis, reduction of, under general anaesthesia, with or without dorsal incision, other than a service associated with a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.)



Coccyx, excision of (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pilonidal sinus or cyst, or sacral sinus or cyst, definitive excision of (Anaes.)



Pilonidal sinus, injection of sclerosant fluid under anaesthesia (Anaes.)



Balloon enteroscopy, examination of the small bowel (oral approach), with or without biopsy, without intraprocedural therapy, for diagnosis of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding if the patient:

(a) has recurrent or persistent bleeding; and

(b) is anaemic or has active bleeding; and

(c) has had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and a colonoscopy performed that did not identify the cause of the bleeding;

not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30682 or 30686) (Anaes.)



Balloon enteroscopy, examination of the small bowel (anal approach), with or without biopsy, without intraprocedural therapy, for diagnosis of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding if the patient:

(a) has recurrent or persistent bleeding; and

(b) is anaemic or has active bleeding; and

(c) has had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and a colonoscopy performed that did not identify the cause of the bleeding;

not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30680 or 30684) (Anaes.)



Balloon enteroscopy, examination of the small bowel (oral approach), with or without biopsy, with one or more of the following procedures—snare polypectomy, removal of foreign body, diathermy, heater probe, laser coagulation or argon plasma coagulation, for diagnosis and management of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding if the patient:

(a) has recurrent or persistent bleeding; and

(b) is anaemic or has active bleeding; and

(c) has had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and a colonoscopy performed that did not identify the cause of the bleeding;

not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30682 or 30686) (Anaes.)



Balloon enteroscopy, examination of the small bowel (anal approach), with or without biopsy, with one or more of the following procedures—snare polypectomy, removal of foreign body, diathermy, heater probe, laser coagulation or argon plasma coagulation, for diagnosis and management of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding if the patient:

(a) has recurrent or persistent bleeding; and

(b) is anaemic or has active bleeding; and

(c) has had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and a colonoscopy performed that did not identify the cause of the bleeding;

not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30680 or 30684) (Anaes.)



Endoscopy with radiofrequency ablation of mucosal metaplasia for the treatment of Barrett’s Oesophagus in a single course of treatment, following diagnosis of high grade dysplasia confirmed by histological examination (Anaes.)



Endoscopic ultrasound (endoscopy with ultrasound imaging), with or without biopsy, for the staging of one or more of oesophageal, gastric or pancreatic cancer, not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30484, 30485, 30491 or 30494) and other than a service associated with the routine monitoring of chronic pancreatitis (Anaes.)



Endoscopic ultrasound (endoscopy with ultrasound imaging), with or without biopsy, with fine needle aspiration (including aspiration of the locoregional lymph nodes if performed, for the staging of one or more of oesophageal, gastric or pancreatic cancer), not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30484, 30485, 30491 or 30494) and other than a service associated with the routine monitoring of chronic pancreatitis (Anaes.)



Endoscopic ultrasound (endoscopy with ultrasound imaging), with or without biopsy, for the diagnosis of one or more of pancreatic, biliary or gastric submucosal tumours, not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30484, 30485, 30491 or 30494) and other than a service associated with the routine monitoring of chronic pancreatitis (Anaes.)



Endoscopic ultrasound (endoscopy with ultrasound imaging), with or without biopsy, with fine needle aspiration for the diagnosis of one or more of pancreatic, biliary or gastric submucosal tumours, not in association with another item in this Subgroup (other than item 30484, 30485, 30491 or 30494) and other than a service associated with the routine monitoring of chronic pancreatitis (Anaes.)



Appendicectomy, on a patient 10 years of age or over, whether performed by:

(a) laparoscopy or right iliac fossa open incision; or

(b) conversion of a laparoscopy to an open right iliac fossa incision;

other than a service to which item 30574 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy or laparoscopy, or laparoscopy converted to laparotomy, with or without associated biopsies, including the division of adhesions (if performed, but only if the time taken to divide adhesions is 45 minutes or less), if no other intraabdominal procedure is performed (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy or laparoscopy, on a patient 10 years of age or over, including any of the following procedures (if performed, and including division of one or more adhesions, but only if the time taken to divide the adhesions is 45 minutes or less):

(a) colostomy;

(b) colotomy;

(c) cholecystostomy;

(d) enterostomy;

(e) enterotomy;

(f) gastrostomy;

(g) gastrotomy;

(h) caecostomy;

(i) gastric fixation by cardiopexy;

(j) reduction of intussusception;

(k) simple repair of ruptured viscus (including perforated peptic ulcer);

(l) reduction of volvulus;

(m) drainage of pancreas

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy, laparoscopy or extraperitoneal approach, for drainage of an intraabdominal, pancreatic or retroperitoneal collection or abscess (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy or laparoscopy with division of adhesions, lasting more than 45 minutes but less than 2 hours, performed either:

(a) as a primary procedure; or

(b) when the division of adhesions is performed in conjunction with another primary procedure—to provide access to a surgical field (but excluding mobilisation or normal anatomical dissection of the organ or structure for which the primary procedure is being carried out)

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Laparotomy or laparoscopy for intestinal obstruction or division of extensive, complex adhesions, lasting 2 hours or more, performed either:

(a) as a primary procedure; or

(b) when the division of adhesions is performed in conjunction with another procedure—to provide access to a surgical field, but excluding mobilisation or normal anatomical dissection of the organ or structure for which the other procedure is being carried out

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Small intestine, resection of, including either of the following:

(a) a small bowel diverticulum (such as Meckel’s procedure) with anastomosis;

(b) stricturoplasty

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Intraoperative enterotomy for visualisation of the small intestine by endoscopy, including endoscopic examination using a flexible endoscope, with or without biopsies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Peritonectomy, lasting more than 5 hours, including hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy with colon or jejunal interposition graft, by any approach, including:

(a) any gastrointestinal anastomoses (except vascular anastomoses); and

(b) anastomoses in the chest or neck (if appropriate)

One surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy with colon or jejunal interposition graft, by any approach, including:

(a) any gastrointestinal anastomoses (except vascular anastomoses); and

(b) anastomoses in the chest or neck (if appropriate)

Conjoint surgery, principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy with colon or jejunal interposition graft, by any approach, including:

(a) any gastrointestinal anastomoses (except vascular anastomoses); and

(b) anastomoses in the chest or neck (if appropriate)

Conjoint surgery, cosurgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy, by any approach, including:

(a) gastric reconstruction by abdominal mobilisation, thoracotomy or thoracoscopy; and

(b) anastomosis in the neck or chest

One surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy, by any approach, including:

(a) gastric reconstruction by abdominal mobilisation, thoracotomy or thoracoscopy; and

(b) anastomosis in the neck or chest

Conjoint surgery, principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Oesophagectomy by any approach, including:

(a) gastric reconstruction by abdominal mobilisation, thoracotomy or thoracoscopy; and

(b) anastomosis in the neck or chest

Conjoint surgery, cosurgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Antireflux operation by fundoplasty, with or without cardiopexy, by any approach, with or without closure of the diaphragmatic hiatus, other than a service to which item 30601 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Vagotomy, with or without gastroenterostomy, pyloroplasty or other drainage procedure (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Bleeding peptic ulcer, control of, by laparoscopy or laparotomy, involving suture of bleeding point or wedge excision (with or without gastric resection), including either of the following (if performed):

(a) vagotomy and pyloroplasty;

(b) gastroenterostomy

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastrectomy, subtotal or total radical, for carcinoma, by open or minimally invasive approach, including all necessary anastomoses, including either or both of the following (if performed):

(a) extended lymph node dissection;

(b) splenectomy

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Gastric tumour, 2cm or greater in diameter, removal of, by local excision, by endoscopic approach, including any required anastomosis, excluding polypectomy, other than a service to which item 30518 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Hydatid cyst of liver, peritoneum or viscus, complete removal of contents of, with or without suture of biliary radicles, with omentoplasty or myeloplasty (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Portal hypertension, portocaval, mesocaval or selective splenorenal shunt for (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Intrahepatic biliary bypass of left or right hepatic ductal system by RouxenY loop to peripheral ductal system (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreatic cyst anastomosis to stomach, duodenum or small intestine, by endoscopic, open or minimally invasive approach, with or without the use of endoscopic or intraoperative ultrasound (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Pancreatic necrosectomy, by open, laparoscopic or endoscopic approach, excluding aftercare, subsequent procedure (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy, by open or minimally invasive approach (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Splenectomy, by open or minimally invasive approach, other than a service to which item 30792 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Exploration of pancreas or duodenum for endocrine tumour, including associated imaging, either:

(a) followed by local excision of tumour; or

(b) when, after extensive exploration, no tumour is found

(H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)



Lymph node of neck, biopsy of, by open procedure, if the specimen excised is sent for pathological examination (Anaes.)



Mohs surgery of skin tumour located on the head, neck, genitalia, hand, digits, leg (below knee) or foot, utilising horizontal frozen sections with mapping of all excised tissue, and histological examination of all excised tissue by the specialist performing the procedure, if the specialist is recognised by the Australasian College of Dermatologists as an approved Mohs surgeon—6 or fewer sections (Anaes.)



Mohs surgery of skin tumour located on the head, neck, genitalia, hand, digits, leg (below