Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Direction 2021
made under subsection 41A(2) of the
Fisheries Management Act 1991
Compilation No. 2
Compilation date: 1 May 2023
Includes amendments up to: F2023L00439
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Direction 2021 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 May 2023 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.
Self‑repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
1 Name
3 Authority
4 Definitions 1
5 To whom this applies
6 Direction not to engage in fishing
7 Exemption to the prohibitions – Small Pelagic Fishery concession holders
8 Exemption to the prohibitions – Orange Roughy
9 Exemption to the prohibitions – Hydraulic Hand Reel Droplining
10 Exemption to the prohibitions – Danish Seine Trawl
Schedule 1—Murat Bay Closure
Schedule 2—Bass Strait – Trawl Closure
Schedule 3—Head of the Great Australian Bight Closure
Schedule 4—East Coast Deepwater Trawl Sector Exclusion Zone
Schedule 5—South Australian Gillnet Closure – Backstairs Passage
Schedule 6—South Australian Shark Closure – Kangaroo Island
Schedule 7—South Australian Shark Closure – Victor Harbor to the Victorian Border
Schedule 8—Freycinet Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure
Schedule 9—Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closures
Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure – West
Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure – East
Schedule 10—Commonwealth Gulper Shark Closure – Southern Dogfish
Schedule 11—Gulper Shark Closure – Endeavour Dogfish
Schedule 12—Gulper Shark Closure – Harrisson’s Dogfish
Schedule 13—South East Trawl Deepwater Closure
Schedule 14—Eastern South Australia Trawl Closure
Schedule 15—Portland Area Trawl Closure
Schedule 16—GAB Deepwater Closure – Central East Zone
Schedule 17—GAB Deepwater Closure – Salisbury Canyon
Schedule 18—GAB Deepwater Closure – Far West
Schedule 19—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Albany
Schedule 20—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Bremmer
Schedule 21—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Humdinger West
Schedule 22—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Humdinger/Magic
Schedule 23—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Lomvar Gully
Schedule 24—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – United Nations
Schedule 25—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – The Knob
Schedule 26—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Racetrack/Hamburger
Schedule 27—GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Kangaroo Island Hill
Schedule 28—GAB Far West Gulper Shark Closure
Schedule 29—Barcoo and Taupo Seamounts’ Closure
Barcoo Seamount
Taupo Seamount
Schedule 30—Queensland and Britannia Seamounts’ Closure
Schedule 31—Derwent Hunter Seamount Closure
Schedule 32—Port MacDonnell Closure
Schedule 33—Murray Dogfish Closure
Schedule 34—Pedra Branca Orange Roughy Management Area
Schedule 35—Australian Sea Lion Closures
Kangaroo Island gillnet strip closure
Head of the Great Australian Bight gillnet strip closure
4nm radius Australian sea lion gillnet closures
11nm radius Australian sea lion gillnet closures
Schedule 36—Gillnet Deepwater Closure
Schedule 37—Automatic Longline Shallow Water Closure
Schedule 38—Western Deepwater Shark Closure
Schedule 39—Flinders Research Zone Closure
Schedule 40 Gabo Trawl Closure
Schedule 41 Conran Trawl Closure
Schedule 42 Flounder/Kingfisher Trawl Closure
Schedule 43 Babel Island Trawl Closure
Schedule 44 South East Tasman Trawl Closure
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
This instrument is the Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Direction 2021.
This Direction is made under subsection 41A(2) of the Act.
Note: A number of expressions used in this instrument are defined in the interpretation section of the Act, including the following:
(a) AFZ;
(b) boat;
(c) coastal waters;
(d) fishery;
(e) fishing;
(f) fishing concession;
(g) holder;
(h) statutory fishing right (SFR);
(i) take.
Terms used in this Direction that are defined for the purposes of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery Management Plan 2003 or the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009 have the same meanings in this Direction as they have in the Plans.
In this instrument:
Act means the Fisheries Management Act 1991.
Adjacent Area Boundary means the offshore State and Northern Territory boundaries established under Schedule 8 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.
Automatic baiting equipment means any mechanical operation that automatically positions bait on the hooks without the need for each hook/snood to be individually clipped onto the mainline directly by hand during the setting of the gear.
Hydraulic hand reel droplining means a method of individual droplines which stay attached to the boat, with a maximum soak time of 90 minutes and no more than 25 hooks per individual line.
All geographic coordinates contained within the schedules attached to this document are in terms of the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94).
Unless otherwise stated, the lines between coordinates are geodesics.
(1) This Direction applies to the holder of a fishing concession (or a person acting on behalf of that holder) in:
(a) The Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery;
(b) The Small Pelagic Fishery.
(a) Fishing is not to be engaged in using gillnet methods in the area described in Schedule 1.
(b) Fishing is not to be engaged in using demersal otter trawl methods in the area described in Schedule 2.
(c) Fishing is not to be engaged in the area described in Schedule 3.
(d) Fishing is not to be engaged in using trawl methods in the area described in Schedule 4.
(e) Fishing is not to be engaged in using gillnet methods in the area described in Schedule 5.
(f) Fishing is not to be engaged in the areas described in Schedule 6 and Schedule 7.
(g) If a concession holder takes more than three Harrisson’s dogfish (Centrophorus. harrissoni), three southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) or three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) and southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) combined in the area described in Schedule 8 under a fishing concession in a season, the holder must not engage in fishing in the area described in Schedule 8 under that fishing concession for a period of 12 months commencing from the date the concession holder caught the third Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani). If the concession holder takes a species of dogfish that cannot be identified by AFMA,
for the purposes of this condition it will be deemed to be a Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani).
(h) If a concession holder takes more than three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni), three southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) or three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) and southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) combined in the area described in Schedule 9 under a fishing concession in a season, the holder must not engage in fishing in the area described in Schedule 9 under that fishing concession for a period of 12 months commencing from the date the concession holder caught the third
Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani). If the concession holder takes a species of dogfish that cannot be identified by AFMA, for the purposes of this condition it will be deemed to be a Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani).
(i) Fishing is not to be engaged in using hook or trawl methods in the area described in Schedule 10.
(j) Fishing is not to be engaged in the areas described in Schedule 11 and Schedule 12.
(k) Fishing is not to be engaged in using trawl methods in the Commonwealth South East Trawl Sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery within the areas described in Schedule 13, 40, 41, 42, and 44.
(l) Fishing is not to be engaged in using demersal otter trawl methods in the areas described in Schedule 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
(m) Fishing is not to be engaged in using trawl methods in the areas described in Schedule 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29.
(n) If a concession holder takes more than three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni), three southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) or three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) and southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) combined in the area described in Schedule 29 under a fishing concession in a season, the holder must not engage in fishing in the area described in Schedule 29 under that fishing concession for a period of 12 months commencing from the date the concession holder caught the third
Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani). If the concession holder takes a species of dogfish that cannot be identified by AFMA, for the purposes of this condition it will be deemed to be a Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani).
(o) Fishing is not to be engaged in the area described in Schedule 30.
(p) Fishing is not to be engaged in the area described in Schedule 31 and Schedule 32.
(q) Fishing is not to be engaged in using trawl methods in the area described in Schedule 33.
(r) If a concession holder takes more than three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni), three southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) or three Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) and southern dogfish (C. zeehaani) combined in the area described in Schedule 33 under a fishing concession in a season, the holder must not engage in fishing in the area described in Schedule 33 under that fishing concession for a period of 12 months commencing from the date the concession holder caught the third Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani). If the
concession holder takes a species of dogfish that cannot be identified by AFMA, for the purposes of this condition it will be deemed to be a Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni) or southern dogfish (C. zeehaani).
(s) Fishing is not to be engaged in using gillnet methods in the area described in Schedules 35 and 36.
(t) Fishing is not to be engaged in using automatic baiting equipment if fishing under the authority of a scalefish hook boat statutory fishing right in the area described in Schedule 37.
(u) Fishing is not to be engaged in by trawl methods in the area described in Schedule 38 in a season if an aggregated amount of 25 tonnes of orange roughy (western) (Hoplosthethus atlanticus) has been taken in the area described in Schedule 38 for the fishing season beginning on 1 May and ending on 30 April of the following year.
(v) Fishing is not to be engaged in the area described in Schedule 39.
(w) Fishing is not to be engaged in using trawl methods in the Commonwealth South East Trawl Sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery within the areas described in Schedule 43.
(1) Clauses 6(d), 6(i), 6(j), 6(k), 6(m), 6(o), 6(p), 6(q), 6(u) and 6(v) do not apply to holders fishing under a concession granted in accordance with the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009 using the mid‑water trawl method.
(2) Clause 6 does not apply to fishing by the purse seine, jigging or minor line methods.
(3) If the holder of a Small Pelagic Fishery concession takes more than three
Harrisson’s dogfish (C. harrissoni), southern dogfish (C. zeehaani), Endeavour dogfish (C. harrissoni) or greeneye spurdog dogfish (S. chloroculus) combined in a fishing season in the areas specified in Schedules 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 while fishing under the authority of a concession granted in accordance with the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009, the holder must notify AFMA and not engage in fishing in the area described in the relevant Schedule under that fishing concession until further notified by AFMA in writing.
(4) If the holder of a Small Pelagic Fishery concession finds any evidence of benthic impacts while fishing under the authority of a concession granted in accordance with the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009 in the area specified in Schedule 4 the holder must notify AFMA and not engage in fishing in the area described in the relevant Schedule under that fishing concession until further notified by AFMA in writing.
(1) Despite clause 6(k), fishing using trawl methods is permitted within the area described in Schedule 34, known as the Pedra Branca Orange Roughy Management Area.
(1) Clauses 6(g), 6(h), 6(n), 6(o) and 6(r) do not apply to fishing by the hydraulic hand reel droplining method.
Clause 6 (w) does not apply to concession holders using the Danish seine trawl method with a codend mesh size of at least 80mm.
The area of the Murat Bay Closure is that part of the AFZ and part of the coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the southern coastline of South Australia at mean low water and the meridian of longitude 133° 50.83’ east, in the vicinity of Point Brown and running progressively;
b) north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 32° 28.33’ south, longitude 133° 37.83’ east, near the southernmost point of the Franklin Island group at mean low water;
c) then north westerly along the geodesic to the intersection of the southern coastline of South Australia at mean low water and the meridian of longitude 133° 07.60’ east, in the vicinity of Point Bell;
d) then generally easterly and southerly along that mean low water line to the point of commencement.
The area of the Bass Strait – Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 39° 00.00’ south, longitude 143° 55.00’ east and running progressively;
b) east along the parallel of latitude 39° 00.00’south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 144° 50.00’ east;
c) then south along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 39° 30.00’ south;
d) then east along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146° 34.00’ east;
e) then south along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 39° 36.00’ south;
f) then east along that parallel to the intersection with meridian of longitude 147° 28.00’ east;
g) then north along that meridian to the intersection with parallel 39° 22.00’ south;
h) then generally north westerly to the point of latitude 39° 06.00’ south, longitude 147° 06.00’ east;
i) then north easterly to the point of latitude 38° 40.00’ south, longitude 147° 50.00’ east;
j) then south south easterly to the point of latitude 39° 25.05’ south, longitude 148° 32.36’ east;
k) then south south easterly to the point of latitude 39° 45.001’ south, longitude 148° 34.30’ east;
l) then south easterly to the point of latitude 40° 02.10’ south, longitude 148° 36.40’ east;
m) then south easterly to the point of latitude 40° 24.10’ south, longitude 148° 48.60’ east;
n) then south westerly to the point of latitude 40° 27.917’ south, longitude 148° 35.20’ east;
o) then south along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 40° 51.017’ south;
p) then west along that parallel to its intersection with the outer limit of the coastal waters of Tasmania, close to longitude 148° 19.573’ east;
q) then initially northerly but generally westerly along the outer limit of the coastal waters of Tasmania (along the northern coast of Tasmania) to the intersection of that outer limit with the meridian of longitude 144° 40.00’ east, close to latitude
40° 19.283’ south;
r) then generally westerly along the geodesic, diverting northerly but generally westerly from this geodesic, around the outer limit of the coastal waters of Tasmania, surrounding Reid Rocks, before re‑joining the geodesic and continuing to the intersection of the outer limit of the coastal waters of Tasmania (in the vicinity of the southern tip of King Island, Tasmania), with the meridian of longitude 143° 56.00’ east, close to latitude 40° 12.888’ south;
s) then initially easterly but generally northerly along the outer limit of the coastal waters of Tasmania (adjacent to King Island, Tasmania) to the intersection of these coastal waters with the meridian of longitude 143° 55.00’ east;
t) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the Head of the Great Australian Bight Closure is that part of the AFZ and coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the southern coastline of the mainland of Australia at mean low water with the meridian of longitude 129° 00.135’ east and running progressively;
b) south along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 31° 44.268’ south;
c) then east along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 129° 05.868' east;
d) then north along that meridian to its intersection with a line every point of which is two nautical miles seaward of the mean low water line of the southern coast of the mainland of Australia, near latitude 31° 42.218' south;
e) then generally easterly, north easterly and then south easterly along that two nautical mile line to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 132° 42.888' east;
f) then north along that meridian to its intersection with the mean low water line of the southern coast of the mainland of Australia, in the vicinity of Eyre Bluff, South Australia;
g) then generally westerly along that mean low water line to the point of commencement.
The area of the East Coast Deepwater Trawl Sector Exclusion Zone is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 24° 29.90’ south, longitude 155° 30.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south along the meridian of longitude 155° 30.00’ east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 27° south;
c) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 30° south, longitude 157° east;
d) then south along the meridian of longitude 157° east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 33° 34.90’ south;
e) then west along that parallel of latitude to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153° 16.966’ east;
f) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 29° 59.90’ south, longitude 154° 40.067’ east;
g) then north along that meridian of longitude to latitude 24° 29.90’ south;
h) then east along that parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the South Australian Gillnet Closure – Backstairs Passage is that part of the AFZ and the coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the southern coast line of mainland Australia at mean low water with the meridian of longitude 137° 40.649’ east in the vicinity of Troubridge Point, South Australia and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the southern coast line of mainland Australia at mean low water with the parallel of latitude 35° 36.231’ south in the vicinity of Cape Jervis;
c) then initially southerly but generally easterly along the mean low water line of the coast to the intersection of this line with the meridian of longitude 138° 31.336’ east in the vicinity of Newland Head;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the intersection of the coastline of Kangaroo Island, South Australia at mean low water with the meridian of longitude 138° 08.082’ east in the vicinity of Cape Willoughby;
e) then generally north westerly along the mean low water line of that coast to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 137° 37.922’ east in the vicinity of Point Marsden, South Australia;
f) then northerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the South Australian Shark Closure – Kangaroo Island is that part of the AFZ and coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the coastline of Kangaroo Island, South Australia at mean low water with the parallel of latitude of 35° 50.494’ south, in the vicinity of Cape Willoughby and running progressively;
b) generally south westerly along the mean low water line of the southern coastline of Kangaroo Island to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 136° 42.310’ east in the vicinity of Cape du Couedic;
c) then south along that meridian to its intersection with a line every point of which is one nautical mile seaward of the mean low water line of the southern coastline of Kangaroo Island;
d) then generally north easterly along that one nautical mile line to its intersection with the parallel of latitude of 35° 50.494’ south;
e) then west along the parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the South Australian Shark Hook and Shark Gillnet Closure – Victor Harbor is that part of the AFZ and the coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the southern coastline of mainland Australia at the mean low water with the meridian of longitude passing though the southernmost point on the boundary between Victoria and South Australia and running progressively;
b) south along that meridian of longitude to its intersection with the outer limit of coastal waters;
c) then generally north westerly along that outer limit of coastal waters to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 138° 38.350’ east;
d) then north along that meridian to the point of intersection with the mainland at the mean low water line, in the vicinity of Victor Harbor;
e) then generally south easterly along the mean low water line of the coastline of South Australia to the point of commencement.
The area of the Freycinet Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 41° 45.66' south, longitude 148° 34.38' east and running progressively;
b) easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 41° 44.94' south and longitude 148° 40.14' east;
c) then generally southerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 42° 6.36' south, longitude 148° 39.36' east;
d) then generally westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 42° 6.30' south, longitude 148° 36.30' east;
e) then generally northerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 41° 59.76' south, longitude 148° 35.70' east;
f) then generally north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 41° 58.98' south, longitude 148° 37.14' east;
g) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure – West is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 36° 31.95' south, longitude 136° 48.10' east;
b) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 36° 40.20' south, longitude 137° 10.20' east;
c) then south along the geodesic to the point of latitude 36° 54.333' south, longitude 137° 10.20' east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 36° 44.00' south, longitude 136° 42.00' east;
e) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve Closure – East is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 37° 0.42' south, longitude 137° 44.88' east;
b) then easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 3.30' south, longitude 137° 58.56' east;
c) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 5.04' south, longitude 138° 2.52' east;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 7.50' south, longitude 138° 0.36' east;
e) then westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 6.72' south, longitude 137° 47.52' east;
f) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 4.56' south, longitude 137° 41.16' east;
g) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Commonwealth Gulper Shark Closure – Southern Dogfish is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 35° 21.433’ south, longitude 134° 45.00’ east (Point 1);
b) then south along the meridian of longitude 134° 45.00’ east, to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 35° 29.133’ south (Point 2);
c) then generally north westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
3 | 35° 28.90’ south | 134° 44.70’ east |
4 | 35° 28.50’ south | 134° 43.80’ east |
5 | 35° 28.033’ south | 134° 43.217’ east |
6 | 35° 27.65’ south | 134° 42.00’ east |
7 | 35° 26.667’ south | 134° 41.417’ east |
8 | 35° 26.383’ south | 134° 41.10’ east |
9 | 35° 26.00’ south | 134° 40.033’ east |
10 | 35° 25.40’ south | 134° 39.30’ east |
11 | 35° 24.867’ south | 134° 37.85’ east |
12 | 35° 23.967’ south | 134° 36.95’ east |
13 | 35° 23.283’ south | 134° 35.70’ east |
14 | 35° 22.617’ south | 134° 35.05’ east |
15 | 35° 22.067’ south | 134° 33.90’ east |
16 | 35° 21.033’ south | 134° 33.33’ east |
17 | 35° 20.65’ south | 134° 33.00’ east |
18 | 35° 20.367’ south | 134° 32.35’ east |
19 | 35° 19.817’ south | 134° 31.517’ east |
20 | 35° 19.50’ south | 134° 30.283’ east |
21 | 35° 19.217’ south | 134° 30.067’ east |
22 | 35° 18.35’ south | 134° 29.75’ east |
23 | 35° 17.667’ south | 134° 29.033’ east |
24 | 35° 17.367’ south | 134° 28.20’ east |
25 | 35° 16.783’ south | 134° 25.80’ east |
26 | 35° 15.867’ south | 134° 25.283’ east |
27 | 35° 15.55’ south | 134° 24.90’ east |
28 | 35° 15.033’ south | 134° 22.20’ east |
29 | 35° 14.783’ south | 134° 21.783’ east |
30 | 35° 14.233’ south | 134° 21.183’ east |
31 | 35° 13.883’ south | 134° 20.583’ east |
32 | 35° 13.25’ south | 134° 18.117’ east |
33 | 35° 12.517’ south | 134° 16.80’ east |
34 | 35° 11.70’ south | 134° 13.85’ east |
35 | 35° 11.383’ south | 134° 13.417’ east |
36 | 35° 10.467’ south | 134° 12.917’ east |
37 | 35° 10.017’ south | 134° 12.533’ east |
38 | 35° 09.133’ south | 134° 11.117’ east |
39 | 35° 08.883’ south | 134° 10.20’ east |
40 | 35° 08.683’ south | 134° 07.80’ east |
41 | 35° 08.017’ south | 134° 06.633’ east |
42 | 35° 07.483’ south | 134° 05.40’ east |
43 | 35° 07.067’ south | 134° 03.933’ east |
44 | 35° 06.55’ south | 134° 02.70’ east |
45 | 35° 06.30’ south | 134° 01.80’ east |
46 | 35° 06.10’ south | 134° 00.60’ east |
47 | 35° 05.667’ south | 133° 56.10’ east |
48 | 35° 05.30’ south | 133° 53.40’ east |
49 | 35° 04.633’ south | 133° 51.90’ east |
50 | 35° 03.75’ south | 133° 50.70’ east |
51 | 35° 03.35’ south | 133° 49.483’ east |
52 | 35° 02.55’ south | 133° 48.00’ east |
53 | 35° 01.95’ south | 133° 45.00’ east |
d) then north along the meridian of longitude 133° 45.00’ east, to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 34° 54.283’ south, (Point 54);
e) then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
55 | 34° 54.30’ south | 133° 45.617’ east |
56 | 34° 54.433’ south | 133° 46.20’ east |
57 | 34° 55.433’ south | 133° 47.10’ east |
58 | 34° 55.283’ south | 133° 48.00’ east |
59 | 34°55.817’ south | 133° 48.90’ east |
60 | 34° 55.483’ south | 133° 49.80’ east |
61 | 34° 55.567’ south | 133° 50.417’ east |
62 | 34° 56.217’ south | 133° 51.45’ east |
63 | 34° 57.133’ south | 133° 54.30’ east |
64 | 34° 58.067’ south | 133° 55.20’ east |
65 | 34° 57.933’ south | 133° 56.10’ east |
66 | 34° 58.067’ south | 133° 56.417’ east |
67 | 34° 59.05’ south | 133° 57.00’ east |
68 | 34° 59.10’ south | 133° 57.25’ east |
69 | 34° 58.933’ south | 133° 57.90’ east |
70 | 34° 58.983’ south | 133° 58.217’ east |
71 | 34° 59.533’ south | 133° 59.40’ east |
72 | 35° 00.267’ south | 134° 02.10’ east |
73 | 35° 00.267’ south | 134° 02.70’ east |
74 | 35° 00.017’ south | 134° 03.60’ east |
75 | 35° 00.017’ south | 134° 04.20’ east |
76 | 35° 00.35’ south | 134° 04.70’ east |
77 | 35° 00.85’ south | 134° 05.10’ east |
78 | 35° 01.067’ south | 134° 06.00’ east |
79 | 35° 01.667’ south | 134° 06.90’ east |
80 | 35° 01.90’ south | 134° 07.80’ east |
81 | 35° 02.367’ south | 134° 08.70’ east |
82 | 35° 02.333’ south | 134° 09.30’ east |
83 | 35° 02.517’ south | 134° 10.233’ east |
84 | 35° 02.60’ south | 134° 10.50’ east |
85 | 35° 03.133’ south | 134° 11.10’ east |
86 | 35° 03.233’ south | 134° 11.40’ east |
87 | 35° 02.733’ south | 134° 12.30’ east |
88 | 35° 03.283’ south | 134° 13.067’ east |
89 | 35° 03.40’ south | 134° 14.10’ east |
90 | 35° 03.60’ south | 134° 14.40’ east |
91 | 35° 04.30’ south | 134° 15.00’ east |
92 | 35° 04.717’ south | 134° 15.90’ east |
93 | 35° 04.95’ south | 134° 16.167’ east |
94 | 35° 05.367’ south | 134° 16.467’ east |
95 | 35° 06’.117 south | 134° 16.80’ east |
96 | 35° 06.217’ south | 134° 17.033’ east |
97 | 35° 06.10’ south | 134° 17.70’ east |
98 | 35° 06.367’ south | 134° 18.60’ east |
99 | 35° 06.483’ south | 134° 19.50’ east |
100 | 35° 07.00’ south | 134° 20.40’ east |
101 | 35° 07.85’ south | 134° 21.30’ east |
102 | 35° 08.05’ south | 134° 22.20’ east |
103 | 35° 08.70’ south | 134° 23.10’ east |
104 | 35° 08.833’ south | 134° 24.00’ east |
105 | 35° 09.00’ south | 134° 24.283’ east |
106 | 35° 09.25’ south | 134° 24.517’ east |
107 | 35° 10.183’ south | 134° 24.90’ east |
108 | 35° 09.917’ south | 134° 25.80’ east |
109 | 35° 10.467’ south | 134° 26.983’ east |
110 | 35° 10.367’ south | 134° 28.233’ east |
111 | 35° 10.467’ south | 134° 28.50’ east |
112 | 35° 10.767’ south | 134° 28.833’ east |
113 | 35° 11.483’ south | 134° 29.40’ east |
114 | 35° 11.60’ south | 134° 29.667’ east |
115 | 35° 11.633’ south | 134° 30.30’ east |
116 | 35° 12.067’ south | 134° 31.20’ east |
117 | 35° 12.05’ south | 134° 31.817’ east |
118 | 35° 12.15’ south | 134° 32.20’ east |
119 | 35° 12.567’ south | 134° 32.633’ east |
120 | 35° 13.50’ south | 134° 33.217’ east |
121 | 35° 13.90’ south | 134° 33.90’ east |
122 | 35° 14.833’ south | 134° 34.967’ east |
123 | 35° 15.20’ south | 134° 36.017’ east |
124 | 35° 15.60’ south | 134° 36.60’ east |
125 | 35° 15.883’ south | 134° 36.933’ east |
126 | 35° 16.533’ south | 134° 37.267’ east |
127 | 35° 16.767’ south | 134° 37.50’ east |
128 | 35° 17.217’ south | 134° 38.683’ east |
129 | 35° 17.983’ south | 134° 39.30’ east |
130 | 35° 18.567’ south | 134° 40.283’ east |
131 | 35° 19.417’ south | 134° 41.333’ east |
132 | 35° 19.683’ south | 134° 42.00’ east |
133 | 35° 20.35’ south | 134° 43.033’ east |
134 | 35° 20.80’ south | 134° 44.117’ east |
f) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Gulper Shark Closure – Endeavour Dogfish is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 33° 34.81' south, longitude 151° 53.84' east, (Point 1);
b) then generally south westerly along the geodesic sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 33° 40.56' south | 151° 49.71' east |
3 | 33° 47.69' south | 151° 43.40' east |
4 | 33° 52.27' south | 151° 39.78' east |
5 | 33° 57.46' south | 151° 35.81' east |
6 | 34° 04.08' south | 151° 31.16' east |
7 | 34° 10.98' south | 151° 26.24' east |
8 | 34° 15.31' south | 151° 22.95' east |
c) then generally south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 21.99’ south, longitude 151° 31.48’ east (Point 9);
d) then generally north easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
10 | 34° 17.88' south | 151° 34.90' east |
11 | 34° 13.58' south | 151° 36.66' east |
12 | 34° 1.55' south | 151° 46.41' east |
13 | 33° 56.03' south | 151° 51.93' east |
14 | 33° 50.38' south | 151° 55.90' east |
15 | 33° 43.76' south | 152° 00.71' east |
16 | 33° 39.53' south | 152° 01.54'east |
17 | 33° 34.78' south | 152° 06.78' east |
e) then westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Gulper Shark Closure – Harrisson’s Dogfish is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 40° 23.00’ south and the meridian of longitude 148° 52.00’ east and running progressively:
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 40° 21.25’ south and longitude 148° 58.80’ east;
c) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 40° 47.25’ south, longitude148° 51.55’ east;
d) then generally westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 40° 49.00’ south, longitude 148° 44.00’ east;
e) then generally northerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 40° 35.00’ south, longitude 148° 47.50’ east;
f) then generally north along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the South East Trawl Deepwater Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 33° 34.90’ south, longitude 152° 17.35’ east;
b) then east along the parallel of latitude 33° 34.90’ south, to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 156° 10.067’ east;
c) then south along that meridian to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ, close to the point of latitude 33° 52.067' south, longitude 156° 10.067' east;
d) then, generally southerly and westerly, along the outer limit of the AFZ to its intersection, south of Australia, with the meridian of longitude 138° 08.083’ east;
e) then, north along this meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 37° 08.783’ south;
f) then generally easterly and northerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points.
1 | 37° 11.633' south | 138° 24.817' east |
2 | 37° 14.617' south | 138° 35.583' east |
3 | 37° 16.55' south | 138° 53.10' east |
4 | 37° 17.617' south | 138° 53.267' east |
5 | 37° 19.417' south | 138° 54.467' east |
6 | 37° 23.433' south | 139° 01.60' east |
7 | 37° 33.133' south | 139° 04.517' east |
8 | 37° 35.15' south | 139° 06.55' east |
9 | 37° 37.75' south | 139° 12.90' east |
10 | 37° 37.317' south | 139° 25.20' east |
11 | 37° 39.583' south | 139° 30.00' east |
12 | 38° 03.717' south | 139° 30.00' east |
13 | 39° 18.00' south | 142° 01.033' east |
14 | 38° 58.933' south | 142° 15.95' east |
15 | 39° 13.533' south | 142° 39.017' east |
16 | 39° 16.733' south | 142° 40.517' east |
17 | 39° 21.367' south | 142° 44.75' east |
18 | 39° 25.083' south | 142° 49.283' east |
19 | 39° 29.217' south | 142° 52.15' east |
20 | 39° 32.033' south | 142° 54.80' east |
21 | 39° 36.20' south | 142° 58.217' east |
22 | 39° 40.517' south | 143° 01.35' east |
23 | 39° 47.533' south | 143° 07.30' east |
24 | 39° 58.378' south | 143° 10.722' east |
25 | 40° 01.633' south | 143° 00.907' east |
26 | 40° 54.00' south | 143° 30.00'east |
27 | 40° 54.00'south | 143° 42.067' east |
28 | 41° 05.033' south | 143° 52.483' east |
29 | 41° 10.267' south | 143° 58.267' east |
30 | 41° 14.633' south | 144° 02.50' east |
31 | 41° 16.717' south | 144° 05.483' east |
32 | 41° 21.85'south | 144° 12.85' east |
33 | 41° 24.517'south | 144° 17.117' east |
34 | 41° 25.633' south | 144° 18.233' east |
35 | 41° 30.217' south | 144° 20.933' east |
36 | 41° 30.217' south | 144° 02.50' east |
37 | 42° 09.783' south | 144° 28.983' east |
38 | 42° 09.783' south | 144° 41.35' east |
39 | 42° 23.867' south | 144° 46.833' east |
40 | 42° 23.867' south | 144° 29.35' east |
41 | 43° 24.00' south | 145° 05.083' east |
42 | 43° 24.917' south | 145° 05.083' east |
43 | 43° 24.917' south | 145° 15.083' east |
44 | 43° 34.917' south | 145° 15.083' east |
45 | 43° 34.917' south | 145° 20.083' east |
46 | 43° 44.917' south | 145° 20.083' east |
47 | 43° 44.917' south | 145° 52.683' east |
48 | 43° 53.15' south | 145° 58.467' east |
49 | 44° 00.083' south | 146° 06.583' east |
50 | 44° 04.542' south | 146° 19.921' east |
51 | 44° 17.780' south | 146° 10.542' east |
52 | 44° 24.20' south | 146° 53.867' east |
53 | 44° 09.683' south | 146° 55.167' east |
54 | 44° 10.367' south | 147° 04.267' east |
55 | 44° 08.30' south | 147° 12.383' east |
56 | 44° 05.117' south | 147° 19.717' east |
57 | 44° 03.567' south | 147° 31.30' east |
58 | 43° 57.383' south | 147° 42.517' east |
59 | 43° 56.153' south | 147° 45.25' east |
60 | 44° 03.998' south | 147° 58.157' east |
61 | 42° 21.303' south | 148° 52.358' east |
62 | 42° 15.869' south | 148° 35.685' east |
63 | 42° 13.25' south | 148° 36.483' east |
64 | 42° 10.767' south | 148° 37.633'east |
65 | 42° 03.15' south | 148° 39.067' east |
66 | 41° 52.45' south | 148° 37.933' east |
67 | 41° 44.783' south | 148° 36.417' east |
68 | 41° 41.917' south | 148° 37.433' east |
69 | 41° 37.00' south | 148° 38.50' east |
70 | 41° 36.30' south | 148° 39.00' east |
71 | 41° 35.00 south | 148° 39.15' east |
72 | 41° 35.00’ south | 148° 49.00’ east |
73 | 41° 11.00’ south | 148° 49.00’ east |
74 | 41° 11.00’ south | 148° 41.73’ east |
75 | 41° 11.45' south | 148° 41.783' east |
76 | 41° 07.817' south | 148° 41.35' east |
77 | 41° 04.017' south | 148° 42.867' east |
78 | 41° 05.117' south | 148° 55.067' east |
79 | 40° 46.05' south | 148° 58.417' east |
80 | 40° 47.898' south | 148° 48.752' east |
81 | 40° 18.00' south | 148° 56.00' east |
82 | 40° 08.00' south | 148° 56.00' east |
83 | 39° 46.00' south | 148° 53.00' east |
84 | 39° 34.00' south | 148° 52.00' east |
85 | 39° 29.00' south | 148° 49.00' east |
86 | 39° 25.033' south | 148° 48.117' east |
87 | 39° 25.033' south | 149° 08.733' east |
88 | 39° 06.05' south | 149° 11.283' east |
89 | 38° 51.55' south | 148° 43.117' east |
90 | 38° 53.483' south | 148° 36.25' east |
91 | 38° 49.00' south | 148° 34.00' east |
92 | 38° 43.00' south | 148° 36.00' east |
93 | 38° 33.00' south | 148° 35.00' east |
94 | 38° 25.033' south | 148° 41.017' east |
95 | 38° 28.933' south | 149° 15.55' east |
96 | 38° 18.733' south | 149° 24.117' east |
97 | 38° 17.45' south | 149° 33.783' east |
98 | 38° 30.00' south | 149° 51.00' east |
99 | 38° 06.108' south | 150° 05.346' east |
100 | 37° 46.00' south | 150° 15.00'east |
101 | 37° 38.00' south | 150° 19.00' east |
102 | 37° 31.00' south | 150° 19.833’ east |
103 | 37° 11.00' south | 150° 24.00’ east |
104 | 36° 56.00' south | 150° 20.833’ east |
105 | 36° 48.002' south | 150° 22.229 ’ east |
106 | 36° 46.815' south | 150° 22.912’ east |
107 | 36° 46.164' south | 150° 22.118’ east |
108 | 36° 45.059' south | 150° 21.706’ east |
109 | 36° 42.308' south | 150° 21.228’ east |
110 | 36° 41.534' south | 150° 21.853’ east |
111 | 36° 40.375' south | 150° 21.704’ east |
112 | 36° 37.049' south | 150° 22.368’ east |
113 | 36° 35.173' south | 150° 21.824’ east |
114 | 36° 34.465' south | 150° 21.016’ east |
115 | 36° 33.336' south | 150° 21.028’ east |
116 | 36° 31.828' south | 150° 22.041’ east |
117 | 36° 30.888' south | 150° 21.797’ east |
118 | 36° 27.083' south | 150° 22.468’ east |
119 | 36° 26.919' south | 150° 22.146’ east |
120 | 36° 23.183' south | 150° 21.487’ east |
121 | 36° 20.827' south | 150° 22.285’ east |
122 | 36° 20.557' south | 150° 21.622’ east |
123 | 36° 19.875' south | 150° 21.821’ east |
124 | 36° 17.211' south | 150° 22.400’ east |
125 | 36° 15.945' south | 150° 23.760’ east |
126 | 36° 15.320' south | 150° 23.551’ east |
127 | 36° 13.028' south | 150° 25.035’ east |
128 | 36° 12.375' south | 150° 24.882’ east |
129 | 36° 10.717' south | 150° 25.664’ east |
130 | 36° 09.602' south | 150° 25.420’ east |
131 | 36° 09.034' south | 150° 25.854’ east |
132 | 36° 08.375' south | 150° 25.642’ east |
133 | 36° 07.497' south | 150° 25.315’ east |
134 | 36° 05.955' south | 150° 25.872’ east |
135 | 36° 06.248' south | 150° 26.675’ east |
136 | 36° 00.633' south | 150° 41.333' east |
137 | 35° 15.40' south | 151° 10.133' east |
138 | 35° 11.367' south | 151° 01.433' east |
139 | 35° 03.217' south | 151° 07.333' east |
140 | 34° 26.60' south | 151° 23.35' east |
141 | 34° 21.617' south | 151° 27.617' east |
142 | 34° 26.533' south | 151° 38.517' east |
143 | 34° 09.883' south | 151° 50.90' east |
144 | 34° 04.90' south | 151° 40.317' east |
145 | 33° 51.133' south | 151° 50.30' east |
146 | 33° 56.233' south | 152° 01.983' east |
g) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
h) The South East Trawl Deepwater Closure excludes:
i. the area within a circle of radius 15 nautical miles, centred at the point of latitude 43° 55.10’ south, longitude 150° 28.183’ east, known as the Orange Roughy Cascade Plateau Zone;
ii. the area described in Schedule 34, known as the Pedra Branca Orange Roughy Management Area.
The area of the Eastern South Australia Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the outer limit of the coastal waters of the state of South Australia and the meridian of longitude 138° 10.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south to point of longitude 138° 10.00’ east, latitude 36° 10.00’ south;
c) then south easterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the parallel of latitude 37° 11.00’ south, with the outer limit of the coastal waters of the state of South Australia;
d) then generally northerly, north westerly, south westerly along the outer limit of South Australian coastal waters back to the point of commencement.
The area of the Portland Area Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the outer limit of the coastal waters of the State of South Australia with the parallel of latitude 37° 17.00’ south and running progressively;
b) south westerly along the geodesic the point of latitude 37° 23.00’ south, longitude 139° 19.00’ east;
c) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 38° 16.00’ south, longitude 140° 36.00’ east;
d) then south easterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the outer limit of the coastal waters of the State of Victoria with the meridian of longitude 141° 23.00’ east;
e) then generally north westerly following the outer limit of the Victorian and South Australian coastal waters back to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Deepwater Closure ‑ Central East Zone is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 35° 6.042' south, longitude 134° 00.00' east;
b) then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
1 | 35° 06.10' south | 134° 00.60' east |
2 | 35° 06.30' south | 134° 01.80' east |
3 | 35° 06.55' south | 134° 02.70' east |
4 | 35° 07.067' south | 134° 03.933' east |
5 | 35° 07.483' south | 134° 05.40' east |
6 | 35° 08.017' south | 134° 06.633' east |
7 | 35° 08.683' south | 134° 07.80' east |
8 | 35° 08.883' south | 134° 10.20' east |
9 | 35° 09.133' south | 134° 11.117' east |
10 | 35° 10.017' south | 134° 12.533' east |
11 | 35° 10.467' south | 134° 12.917' east |
12 | 35° 11.383' south | 134° 13.417’ east |
13 | 35° 11.70' south | 134° 13.85' east |
14 | 35° 12.517' south | 134° 16.80' east |
15 | 35° 13.25' south | 134° 18.117' east |
16 | 35° 13.733' south | 134° 20.00' east |
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 134° 20.00’ east to its intersection with the outer limits of the AFZ;
d) then generally north westerly along the outer limits of the AFZ to the intersection of the meridian of longitude 134° 00.00' east and the AFZ;
e) then north along the meridian of longitude 134° 00.00' east to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Deepwater Closure – Salisbury Canyon is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 40.00’ south, longitude 123° 20.00’ east and running progressively;
b) east along the parallel of latitude 34° 40.00’ south;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 123° 40.00’ east to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ;
d) then generally westerly along the outer limit of the AFZ to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 123° 20.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Deepwater Closure – Far West is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 39.00’ south, longitude 120° 00.00’ east and running progressively;
b) easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 35.00’south, longitude 120° 47.00’ east;
c) then east along the parallel of latitude 34° 35.00’ south;
d) then south along the meridian of longitude 122° 00.00’ east to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ;
e) then generally westerly along the outer limit of the AFZ to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 120° 00.00’ east;
f) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Albany is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 35° 24.00’ south, longitude 118° 10.00’ east and running progressively;
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 08.00’ south, longitude 118° 44.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 118° 44.00’ east to the point of latitude 35° 30.00’ south, longitude 118° 44.00’ east;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 46.00’ south, longitude 118° 10.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Bremmer is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 50.00’ south, longitude 119° 16.00’east and running progressively;
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 44.00’ south, longitude 119° 30.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 119° 30.00’ east to the point of latitude 34° 56.00’ south, longitude 119° 30.00’ east;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 02.00’ south, longitude 119° 16.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Humdinger West is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 38.00’ south, longitude 123° 46.00’ east and running progressively;
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 24.00’ south, longitude 124° 06.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 124° 06.00’ east to the point of latitude 34° 48.00’ south, longitude 124° 06.00’ east;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 02.00’ south, longitude 123° 46.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Humdinger/Magic is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 15.00’ south, longitude 124° 36.00’ east and running progressively;
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 10.00’ south, longitude 125° 00.00’ east;
c) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 30.00’ south, longitude 126° 24.00’ east;
d) then south along the meridian of longitude 126° 24.00’ east to the point of latitude 34° 00.00’ south, longitude 126° 24.00’ east;
e) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 28.00’ south, longitude 125° 00.00’ east;
f) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 33.00’ south, longitude 124° 36.00’ east;
g) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Lomvar Gully is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 33° 32.00’ south, longitude 129° 40.00’ east and running progressively;
b) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 26.00’ south, longitude 130° 06.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 130° 06.00’ east to the point of latitude 33° 44.00’ south, longitude 130° 06.00’ east;
d) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 50.00’ south, longitude 129° 40.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – United Nations is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 33° 40.00’ south, longitude 131° 15.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 45.00’ south, longitude 131° 38.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 131° 38.00’ east to the point of latitude 34° 15.00’ south, longitude 131° 38.00’ east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 10.00’ south, longitude 131° 15.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – The Knob is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 23.00’ south, longitude 132° 26.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 41.00’ south, longitude 133° 00.00’ east;
c) then south along the meridian of longitude 133° 00.00’ east to the point of latitude 34° 59.00’ south, longitude 133° 00.00’ east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 34° 41.00’ south, longitude 132° 26.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Racetrack/Hamburger is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 48.00’ south, longitude 133° 12.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 02.00’ south, longitude 133° 45.00’ east;
c) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 06.00’ south, longitude 134° 00.00’ east;
d) then south along the meridian of longitude 134° 00.00’ east to the point of latitude 35° 24.00’ south, longitude 134° 00.00’ east;
e) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 20.00’ south, longitude 133° 45.00’ east;
f) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 35° 06.00’ south, longitude 133° 12.00’ east;
g) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Orange Roughy Zone – Kangaroo Island Hill is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 36° 44.517’ south, longitude 137° 10.00’ east and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 01.567’ south, longitude 137° 43.867’ east;
c) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 06.00’ south, longitude 137° 40.00’ east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 36° 54.367’ south, longitude 137° 10.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the GAB Far West Gulper Shark Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 34° 35.00’ south, longitude 122° 00.00’ east;
b) then west along the parallel to the point of latitude 34° 35.00’ south, longitude 121° 30.00’ east;
c) then north along the meridian of longitude 121° 30.00’ east, to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 34° 32.762’ south, then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
1 | 34° 34.633’ south | 121° 48.654’ east |
2 | 34° 34.039’ south | 121° 53.059’ east |
3 | 34° 34.633’ south | 121° 55.379’ east |
4 | 34° 34.149’ south | 121° 57.368’ east |
d) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Barcoo Seamount Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 32° 24.00’ south, longitude 156° 08.00’ east;
b) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 32° 36.00’ south, longitude 156° 35.00’ east;
c) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 32° 51.00’ south, longitude 156° 26.00’ east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 32° 36.00’ south, longitude 156° 00.00’ east;
e) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Taupo Seamount Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 32° 45.00’ south, longitude 156° 08.00’ east;
b) then south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 00.00’ south, longitude 156° 33.00’ east;
c) then south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 30.00’ south, longitude 156° 15.00’ east;
d) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 33° 15.00’ south, longitude 155° 49.00’ east;
e) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Queensland and Britannia Seamounts’ Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 27° 22.04' south, longitude 155° 01.665' east and running progressively;
b) south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 27° 28.79' south and longitude 154° 51.53' east;
c) then generally south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 04.88' south, longitude 155° 29.14' east;
d) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 40.47' south, longitude 155° 21.72' east;
e) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 47.89' south, longitude 155° 28.97' east;
f) then generally easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 46.88' south, longitude 155° 39.60' east;
g) then generally northerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 34.57' south, longitude 155° 40.11' east;
h) then generally north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 19.22' south, longitude 155° 46.74' east;
i) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 28° 14.33' south, longitude 155° 46.68’ east;
j) then generally north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 27° 52.91' south, longitude 155° 50.06' east;
k) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 27° 46.67' south, longitude 155° 27.96' east;
l) then generally northerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 27° 26.76' south, longitude 155° 21.05' east; and
m) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Derwent Hunter Seamount Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 30° 26.23' south, longitude 156° 07.67' east and running progressively:
b) south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 30° 42.88' south and longitude 155° 57.93' east;
c) then generally south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 31° 03.50' south, longitude 156° 04.74' east;
d) then generally easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 31° 05.49' south, longitude 156° 36.46' east;
e) then generally northerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 30° 37.75' south, longitude 156° 29.44' east; and
f) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Port MacDonnell Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 37° 57.66’ south, longitude 140° 03.12’ east (Point 1);
b) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 38° 02.75’ south, longitude 139° 57.52’ east (Point 2);
c) then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
3 | 38° 03.09' south | 139° 58.47' east |
4 | 38° 03.04' south | 139° 59.71' east |
5 | 38° 05.35' south | 140° 02.26' east |
6 | 38° 06.63' south | 140° 04.16' east |
7 | 38° 08.20' south | 140° 07.15' east |
8 | 38° 10.02' south | 140° 09.94' east |
9 | 38° 11.97' south | 140° 12.16' east |
10 | 38° 12.94' south | 140° 13.97’ east |
d) then generally north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 38° 09.07’ south, longitude 140° 17.63’ east (Point 11);
e) then generally north westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
12 | 38° 08.03' south | 140° 16.94' east |
13 | 38° 07.89' south | 140° 16.01' east |
14 | 38° 07.01' south | 140° 15.13' east |
15 | 38° 06.85' south | 140° 14.33' east |
16 | 38° 05.81' south | 140° 13.40' east |
17 | 38° 02.82' south | 140° 09.63' east |
18 | 38° 00.63' south | 140° 07.37' east |
f) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Murray Dogfish Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 37° 03.20' south, longitude 138° 27.35' east (Point 1);
b) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 04.41' south, longitude 138° 02.87' east (Point 2);
c) then generally south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 07.53' south, longitude 138° 00.19' east (Point 3);
d) then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
4 | 37° 09.38' south | 138° 05.00' east |
5 | 37° 13.81' south | 138° 10.96' east |
6 | 37° 15.02' south | 138° 11.06' east |
7 | 37° 16.68' south | 138° 12.40' east |
8 | 37° 17.32' south | 138° 16.80' east |
9 | 37° 16.11' south | 138° 18.90' east |
10 | 37° 17.38' south | 138° 20.91' east |
11 | 37° 17.41' south | 138° 23.36' east |
12 | 37° 16.17' south | 138° 27.09' east |
13 | 37° 18.98' south | 138° 29.51' east |
e) then generally north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Pedra Branca Orange Roughy Management Area is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 44° 00.00’ south, longitude 146° 30.00’ east and running progressively;
b) east along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 147° 03.22’ east;
c) then south easterly to the point of latitude 44° 33.00 south and longitude 147° 15.07 east;
d) then west along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146° 30.00’ east;
e) then north along that meridian to the point of commencement.
The area of the Kangaroo Island gillnet strip closure is the part of the AFZ and coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the coastline of Kangaroo Island, South Australia at mean low water with the parallel of longitude of 137° 43.50’ east, in the vicinity of Reynolds Point and running progressively;
b) generally south westerly and westerly along the mean low water line of the southern coastline of Kangaroo Island to its intersection with the parallel of longitude
136° 34.748’ east in the vicinity of Cape du Couedic;
c) then west along that meridian of latitude to its intersection with longitude 136° 31.304’ east;
d) then south along that meridian to latitude 36° 14.941’ south;
e) then east along that parallel to its intersection with longitude 137° 35.333’ east;
f) then north along that meridian to its intersection with a line every point of which is four nautical miles seaward of the mean low water line of the southern coastline of Kangaroo Island;
g) then generally north easterly along that four nautical mile line to its intersection with the parallel of longitude of 137° 43.50’ east;
h) then north along the parallel of longitude to the point of commencement.
The area of the Head of the Great Australian Bight gillnet strip closure is the part of the AFZ and coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the southern coastline of the mainland of Australia at mean low water with the meridian of longitude 129° 00.087’ east and running progressively;
b) south along that meridian to its intersection with a line every point of which is four nautical miles seaward of the mean low water line of the southern coast of the mainland of Australia;
c) then generally easterly and north easterly along that four nautical mile line to its intersection with the parallel of longitude of 129° 19.601’ east;
d) then south along that meridian to latitude 31° 48.413’ south;
e) then east along that parallel to its intersection with longitude 130° 45.742’ east;
f) then north along that meridian to its intersection with a line every point of which is four nautical miles seaward of the mean low water line of the southern coastline of Kangaroo Island;
g) then generally north easterly along that four nautical mile line to its intersection with the parallel of longitude of 131° 08.00’ east;
h) north along that parallel of longitude to its intersection with the mean low water line of the southern coastline of South Australia, in the vicinity of Twin Rocks;
i) then generally south westerly and westerly along the mean low water line of the southern coastline of South Australia to the point of commencement.
The area of the 4nm Australian sea lion gillnet closures is that part of the AFZ and/or coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line four nautical miles seaward of:
a) Purdie Island located near latitude 32° 16.183’ south, longitude 133° 13.70’ east;
b) Lounds Island located near latitude 32° 16.383’ south, longitude 133° 21.933’ east;
c) West Island located near latitude 32° 30.65’ south, longitude 133° 15.083’ east;
d) Fenelon Island located near latitude 32° 34.867’ south, longitude 133° 16.90’ east;
e) Blefuscu Island located near latitude 32° 28.167’ south, longitude 133° 38.633’ east;
f) Albatross Island located near latitude 35° 04.117’ south, longitude 136° 10.883’ east;
g) North Island located near latitude 35° 07.233’ south, longitude 136° 28.567’ east;
h) Peaked Rocks located near latitude 35° 11.10’ south, longitude 136° 28.917’ east;
i) Cap Island located near latitude 33° 56.683’ south, longitude 135° 07.033’ east;
j) Rocky South Island near latitude 34° 48.60’ south, longitude 134° 43.05’ east; and
k) Little Hummock Island near latitude 34° 45.15’ south, longitude 135° 04.917’ east.
The area of the 11nm Australian sea lion gillnet closures is that part of the AFZ and/or coastal waters of the state of South Australia contained within and bounded by a line eleven nautical miles seaward of:
a) Nuyts Reef (west) located near latitude 32° 07.117’ south, longitude 132° 07.883’ east;
b) Nuyts Reef (east) located near latitude 32° 08.317’ south, longitude 132° 08.483’ east;
c) Point Fowler located near latitude 32° 00.65’ south, longitude 132° 26.267’ east;
d) Olive Island located near latitude 32° 43.15’ south, longitude 133° 58.183’ east;
e) Nicolas Baudin Island located near latitude 33° 00.933’ south, longitude 134° 07.983’ east;
f) Jones Island located near latitude 33° 11.117’ south, longitude 134° 22.033’ east;
g) West Waldegrave Island located near latitude 33° 35.767’ south, longitude 134° 45.683’ east;
h) Ward Island located near latitude 33° 44.45’ south, longitude 134° 17.10’ east;
i) Dorothee Island located near latitude 34° 00.30’ south, longitude 134° 14.70’ east;
j) Rocky (North) Island located near latitude 34° 15.517’ south, longitude 135° 15.633’ east;
k) Four Hummocks (North) Island located near latitude 34° 45.467’ south, longitude 135° 02.533’ east;
l) Price Island located near latitude 34° 42.467’ south, longitude 135° 17.367’ east; and
m) Liguanea Island located near latitude 34° 59.90’ south, longitude 135° 37.183’ east;
n) Lewis Island located near latitude 34° 57.417’ south, longitude 136° 01.90’ east;
o) North Neptune (East) Island located near latitude 35° 13.683’ south, longitude 136° 04.617’ east.
p) South Pages Island located near latitude 35° 46.633’ south, longitude 138° 17.50’ east;
q) North Pages Island located near latitude 35° 45.533’ south, longitude 138° 18.067’ east; and
r) Western Isles located near latitude 35° 22.176’ south, longitude 138° 50.862’ east.
The area of the Gillnet Deepwater Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point on the Adjacent Area Boundary between the States of New South Wales and Victoria, off south eastern Australia, closest to the point of latitude 37° 35.91’ south, longitude 150° 12.53’ east;
b) then south easterly along that Adjacent Area Boundary to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ, close to the point of latitude 38° 58.28’ south, longitude 153° 46.72’ east;
c) then generally southerly and westerly along the outer limit of the AFZ to its intersection, south of Australia, with the Adjacent Area Boundary between the states of South Australia and Western Australia, close to the point of latitude 35° 19.25’ south, longitude 129° 00'.08’ east;
d) then northerly along that Adjacent Area Boundary to a point closest to latitude 33° 20.78’ south, longitude 129° 00.08’ east, (Point 1);
e) then generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 33° 20.53' south | 129° 42.92' east |
3 | 33° 18.65' south | 130° 05.28' east |
4 | 33° 21.27' south | 130° 50.42' east |
5 | 33° 26.67' south | 131° 29.47' east |
6 | 33° 31.75' south | 131° 47.73' east |
7 | 33° 39.05' south | 131° 58.08' east |
8 | 33° 40.60' south | 132° 03.47' east |
9 | 33° 51.22' south | 132° 19.83' east |
10 | 34° 11.02' south | 132° 35.10' east |
11 | 34° 50.40' south | 133° 25.40' east |
12 | 34° 55.92' south | 133° 49.07' east |
13 | 34° 59.32' south | 133° 56.32' east |
14 | 35° 03.72' south | 134° 13.25' east |
15 | 35° 12.65' south | 134° 30.20' east |
16 | 35° 27.35' south | 134° 52.07' east |
17 | 35° 32.93' south | 135° 07.22' east |
18 | 35° 38.55' south | 135° 17.70' east |
19 | 35° 36.53' south | 135° 20.58' east |
20 | 35° 49.52' south | 135° 37.90' east |
21 | 35° 53.18' south | 135° 44.25' east |
22 | 35° 58.95' south | 135° 44.12' east |
23 | 36° 07.60' south | 135° 53.43' east |
24 | 36° 17.28' south | 136° 00.08' east |
25 | 36° 19.03' south | 136° 05.15' east |
26 | 36° 26.05' south | 136° 08.65' east |
27 | 36° 30.68' south | 136° 20.18' east |
28 | 36° 22.82' south | 136° 28.20' east |
29 | 36° 24.38' south | 136° 29.38' east |
30 | 36° 32.00' south | 136° 27.58' east |
31 | 36° 37.35' south | 136° 41.25' east |
32 | 36° 31.75' south | 136° 41.20' east |
33 | 36° 31.07' south | 136° 43.50' east |
34 | 36° 34.63' south | 136° 44.70' east |
35 | 36° 38.77' south | 136° 56.87' east |
36 | 36° 37.35' south | 137° 00.92' east |
37 | 36° 41.45' south | 137° 03.23' east |
38 | 36° 48.22' south | 137° 24.90' east |
39 | 36° 56.23' south | 137° 37.52' east |
40 | 36° 57.15' south | 137° 41.37' east |
41 | 37° 01.27' south | 137° 46.55' east |
42 | 37° 03.82' south | 137° 53.38' east |
43 | 37° 03.07' south | 137° 58.52' east |
44 | 37° 05.75' south | 138° 02.98' east |
45 | 37° 03.98' south | 138° 14.55' east |
46 | 37° 05.40' south | 138° 30.93' east |
47 | 37° 11.33' south | 139° 00.20' east |
48 | 37° 17.73' south | 139° 10.95' east |
49 | 37° 26.50' south | 139° 16.82' east |
50 | 37° 33.75' south | 139° 30.85' east |
51 | 38° 01.98' south | 140° 09.12' east |
52 | 38° 16.62' south | 140° 31.00' east |
53 | 38° 32.47' south | 141° 11.08' east |
54 | 38° 37.55' south | 141° 17.10' east |
55 | 38° 45.03' south | 141° 32.97' east |
56 | 38° 49.22' south | 142° 02.12' east |
57 | 38° 51.02' south | 142° 04.48' east |
58 | 38° 53.75' south | 142° 16.63' east |
59 | 38° 58.92' south | 142° 21.90' east |
60 | 39° 02.60' south | 142° 31.10' east |
61 | 39° 23.62' south | 142° 52.72' east |
62 | 39° 25.70' south | 142° 53.22' east |
63 | 39° 27.72' south | 142° 56.65' east |
64 | 39° 37.77' south | 143° 05.28' east |
65 | 39° 57.90' south | 143° 14.37' east |
66 | 40° 02.42' south | 143° 15.43' east |
67 | 40° 02.97' south | 143° 18.27' east |
68 | 40° 05.97' south | 143° 17.20' east |
69 | 40° 09.02' south | 143° 20.42' east |
70 | 40° 10.67' south | 143° 19.50' east |
71 | 40° 14.10' south | 143° 22.23' east |
72 | 40° 25.20' south | 143° 25.57' east |
73 | 40° 43.68' south | 143° 37.70' east |
74 | 41° 04.82' south | 144° 01.03' east |
75 | 41° 20.38' south | 144° 20.70' east |
76 | 41° 19.73' south | 144° 25.53' east |
77 | 41° 32.03' south | 144° 26.02' east |
78 | 41° 40.25' south | 144° 30.48' east |
79 | 41° 45.85' south | 144° 31.43' east |
80 | 41° 44.12' south | 144° 35.30' east |
81 | 41° 52.78' south | 144° 35.02' east |
82 | 41° 55.40' south | 144° 40.38' east |
83 | 42° 01.98' south | 144° 44.55' east |
84 | 42° 08.13' south | 144° 44.43' east |
85 | 42° 17.92' south | 144° 52.92' east |
86 | 42° 25.45' south | 144° 51.30' east |
87 | 42° 37.88' south | 144° 56.57' east |
88 | 42° 48.53' south | 144° 56.67' east |
89 | 42° 53.78' south | 145° 02.30' east |
90 | 43° 00.23' south | 145° 06.72' east |
91 | 43° 08.38' south | 145° 24.27' east |
92 | 43° 16.63' south | 145° 25.57' east |
93 | 43° 24.08' south | 145° 41.37' east |
94 | 43° 34.95' south | 145° 52.23' east |
95 | 43° 37.18' south | 145° 51.60' east |
96 | 43° 39.48' south | 145° 55.32' east |
97 | 43° 44.88' south | 145° 55.47' east |
98 | 43° 47.08' south | 146° 00.55' east |
99 | 43° 50.60' south | 145° 59.87' east |
100 | 43° 59.72' south | 146° 19.98' east |
101 | 44° 00.38' south | 146° 33.72' east |
102 | 44° 03.07' south | 146° 33.70' east |
103 | 44° 04.43' south | 146° 37.53' east |
104 | 44° 03.03' south | 146° 39.45' east |
105 | 44° 02.68' south | 146° 47.67' east |
106 | 43° 59.13' south | 146° 52.80' east |
107 | 44° 05.17' south | 147° 00.03' east |
108 | 44° 07.97' south | 147° 01.92' east |
109 | 44° 05.43' south | 147° 04.62' east |
110 | 44° 00.12' south | 147° 21.88' east |
111 | 44° 00.65' south | 147° 25.27' east |
112 | 43° 58.45' south | 147° 31.88' east |
113 | 43° 54.17' south | 147° 37.57' east |
114 | 43° 52.43' south | 147° 42.72' east |
115 | 43° 40.40' south | 147° 52.30' east |
116 | 43° 32.52' south | 147° 55.72' east |
117 | 43° 27.20' south | 148° 00.82' east |
118 | 43° 24.73' south | 148° 07.80' east |
119 | 43° 02.78' south | 148° 14.07' east |
120 | 42° 51.68' south | 148° 20.17' east |
121 | 42° 44.98' south | 148° 22.02' east |
122 | 42° 43.18' south | 148° 21.02' east |
123 | 42° 41.37' south | 148° 23.92' east |
124 | 42° 30.33' south | 148° 29.10' east |
125 | 42° 13.20' south | 148° 34.73' east |
126 | 41° 57.27' south | 148° 36.90' east |
127 | 41° 41.37' south | 148° 34.03' east |
128 | 41° 34.18' south | 148° 36.25' east |
129 | 41° 31.58' south | 148° 35.42' east |
130 | 41° 25.43' south | 148° 38.30' east |
131 | 41° 10.78' south | 148° 37.62' east |
132 | 40° 52.58' south | 148° 44.42' east |
133 | 40° 36.05' south | 148° 47.00' east |
134 | 40° 27.50' south | 148° 51.82' east |
135 | 40° 15.53' south | 148° 53.00' east |
136 | 40° 13.80' south | 148° 51.45' east |
137 | 40° 11.87' south | 148° 52.58' east |
138 | 39° 57.40' south | 148° 50.50' east |
139 | 39° 54.60' south | 148° 47.90' east |
140 | 39° 50.83' south | 148° 48.82' east |
141 | 39° 48.20' south | 148° 47.00' east |
142 | 39° 45.30' south | 148° 47.65' east |
143 | 39° 38.82' south | 148° 45.65' east |
144 | 39° 34.35' south | 148° 47.22' east |
145 | 39° 26.72' south | 148° 44.25' east |
146 | 39° 20.52' south | 148° 43.65' east |
147 | 39° 19.20' south | 148° 41.70' east |
148 | 39° 22.05' south | 148° 39.10' east |
149 | 39° 21.43' south | 148° 37.05' east |
150 | 39° 16.25' south | 148° 38.88' east |
151 | 39° 10.08' south | 148° 38.30' east |
152 | 39° 09.38' south | 148° 36.68' east |
153 | 39° 07.70' south | 148° 36.90' east |
154 | 39° 04.40' south | 148° 35.67' east |
155 | 39° 04.73' south | 148° 33.23' east |
156 | 39° 03.62' south | 148° 32.37' east |
157 | 39° 00.73' south | 148° 33.52' east |
158 | 38° 51.82' south | 148° 26.10' east |
159 | 38° 52.75' south | 148° 22.27' east |
160 | 38° 48.33' south | 148° 18.10' east |
161 | 38° 38.33' south | 148° 23.92' east |
162 | 38° 32.07' south | 148° 24.37' east |
163 | 38° 22.20' south | 148° 28.73' east |
164 | 38° 16.12' south | 148° 37.17' east |
165 | 38° 17.87' south | 148° 41.58' east |
166 | 38° 16.17' south | 148° 53.88' east |
167 | 38° 13.25' south | 148° 57.80' east |
168 | 38° 14.02' south | 149° 05.22' east |
169 | 38° 12.23' south | 149° 15.10' east |
170 | 38° 08.32' south | 149° 16.68' east |
171 | 38° 07.93' south | 149° 22.50' east |
172 | 38° 05.12' south | 149° 20.85' east |
173 | 38° 02.92' south | 149° 23.05' east |
174 | 38° 08.95' south | 149° 33.82' east |
175 | 38° 06.02' south | 149° 51.63' east |
176 | 37° 57.18' south | 150° 01.23' east |
177 | 37° 49.12' south | 150° 03.22' east |
f) then north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Automatic Longline Shallow Water Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the outer limit of coastal waters off south eastern Australia with the Adjacent Area Boundary between the states of New South Wales and Victoria close to the point of latitude 37° 31.68’ south, longitude 150° 01.99’ east;
b) then south easterly along that Adjacent Area Boundary to its intersection with parallel of latitude 37° 34.90’ south, close to meridian of longitude 150° 10.07’ east’;
c) then east along that parallel of latitude to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 150° 12.72’ east, (Point 1). Then, initially south westerly, along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 37° 35.90' south | 150° 12.53' east |
3 | 37° 49.12' south | 150° 03.22' east |
4 | 37° 57.18' south | 150° 01.23' east |
5 | 38° 06.02' south | 149° 51.63' east |
6 | 38° 08.95' south | 149° 33.82' east |
7 | 38° 02.92' south | 149° 23.05' east |
8 | 38° 05.12' south | 149° 20.85' east |
9 | 38° 07.93' south | 149° 22.50' east |
10 | 38° 08.32' south | 149° 16.68' east |
11 | 38° 12.23' south | 149° 15.10' east |
12 | 38° 14.02' south | 149° 05.22' east |
13 | 38° 13.25' south | 148° 57.80' east |
14 | 38° 16.17' south | 148° 53.88' east |
15 | 38° 17.87' south | 148° 41.58' east |
16 | 38° 16.12' south | 148° 37.17' east |
17 | 38° 22.20' south | 148° 28.73' east |
18 | 38° 32.07' south | 148° 24.37' east |
19 | 38° 38.33' south | 148° 23.92' east |
20 | 38° 48.33' south | 148° 18.10' east |
21 | 38° 52.75' south | 148° 22.27' east |
22 | 38° 51.82' south | 148° 26.10' east |
23 | 39° 00.73' south | 148° 33.52' east |
24 | 39° 03.62' south | 148° 32.37' east |
25 | 39° 04.73' south | 148° 33.23' east |
26 | 39° 04.40' south | 148° 35.67' east |
27 | 39° 07.70' south | 148° 36.90' east |
28 | 39° 09.38' south | 148° 36.68' east |
29 | 39° 10.08' south | 148° 38.30' east |
30 | 39° 16.25' south | 148° 38.88' east |
31 | 39° 21.43' south | 148° 37.05' east |
32 | 39° 22.05' south | 148° 39.10' east |
33 | 39° 19.20' south | 148° 41.70' east |
34 | 39° 20.52' south | 148° 43.65' east |
35 | 39° 26.72' south | 148° 44.25' east |
36 | 39° 34.35' south | 148° 47.22' east |
37 | 39° 38.82' south | 148° 45.65' east |
38 | 39° 45.30' south | 148° 47.65' east |
39 | 39° 48.20' south | 148° 47.00' east |
40 | 39° 50.83' south | 148° 48.82' east |
41 | 39° 54.60' south | 148° 47.90' east |
42 | 39° 57.40' south | 148° 50.50' east |
43 | 40° 11.87' south | 148° 52.58' east |
44 | 40° 13.80' south | 148° 51.45' east |
45 | 40° 15.53' south | 148° 53.00' east |
46 | 40° 27.50' south | 148° 51.82' east |
47 | 40° 36.05' south | 148° 47.00' east |
48 | 40° 52.58' south | 148° 44.42' east |
49 | 41° 10.78' south | 148° 37.62' east |
50 | 41° 25.43' south | 148° 38.30' east |
51 | 41° 31.58' south | 148° 35.42' east |
52 | 41° 34.18' south | 148° 36.25' east |
53 | 41° 41.37' south | 148° 34.03' east |
54 | 41° 57.27' south | 148° 36.90' east |
55 | 42° 13.20' south | 148° 34.73' east |
56 | 42° 30.33' south | 148° 29.10' east |
57 | 42° 41.37' south | 148° 23.92' east |
58 | 42° 43.18' south | 148° 21.02' east |
59 | 42° 44.98' south | 148° 22.02' east |
60 | 42° 51.68' south | 148° 20.17' east |
61 | 43° 02.78' south | 148° 14.07' east |
62 | 43° 24.73' south | 148° 07.80' east |
63 | 43° 27.20' south | 148° 00.82' east |
64 | 43° 32.52' south | 147° 55.72' east |
65 | 43° 40.40' south | 147° 52.30' east |
66 | 43° 52.43' south | 147° 42.72' east |
67 | 43° 54.17' south | 147° 37.57' east |
68 | 43° 58.45' south | 147° 31.88' east |
69 | 44° 00.65' south | 147° 25.27' east |
70 | 44° 00.12' south | 147° 21.88' east |
71 | 44° 05.43' south | 147° 04.62' east |
72 | 44° 07.97' south | 147° 01.92' east |
73 | 44° 05.17' south | 147° 00.03' east |
74 | 43° 59.13' south | 146° 52.80' east |
75 | 44° 02.68' south | 146° 47.67' east |
76 | 44° 03.03' south | 146° 39.45' east |
77 | 44° 04.43' south | 146° 37.53' east |
78 | 44° 03.07' south | 146° 33.70' east |
79 | 44° 00.38' south | 146° 33.72' east |
80 | 43° 59.72' south | 146° 19.98' east |
81 | 43° 50.60' south | 145° 59.87' east |
82 | 43° 47.08' south | 146° 00.55' east |
83 | 43° 44.88' south | 145° 55.47' east |
84 | 43° 39.48' south | 145° 55.32' east |
85 | 43° 37.18' south | 145° 51.60' east |
86 | 43° 34.95' south | 145° 52.23' east |
87 | 43° 24.08' south | 145° 41.37' east |
88 | 43° 16.63' south | 145° 25.57' east |
89 | 43° 08.38' south | 145° 24.27' east |
90 | 43° 00.23' south | 145° 06.72' east |
91 | 42° 53.78' south | 145° 02.30' east |
92 | 42° 48.53' south | 144° 56.67' east |
93 | 42° 37.88' south | 144° 56.57' east |
94 | 42° 25.45' south | 144° 51.30' east |
95 | 42° 17.92' south | 144° 52.92' east |
96 | 42° 08.13' south | 144° 44.43' east |
97 | 42° 01.98' south | 144° 44.55' east |
98 | 41° 55.40' south | 144° 40.38' east |
99 | 41° 52.78' south | 144° 35.02' east |
100 | 41° 44.12' south | 144° 35.30' east |
101 | 41° 45.85' south | 144° 31.43' east |
102 | 41° 40.25' south | 144° 30.48' east |
103 | 41° 32.03' south | 144° 26.02' east |
104 | 41° 19.73' south | 144° 25.53' east |
105 | 41° 20.38' south | 144° 20.70' east |
106 | 41° 04.82' south | 144° 01.03' east |
107 | 40° 43.68' south | 143° 37.70' east |
108 | 40° 25.20' south | 143° 25.57' east |
109 | 40° 14.10' south | 143° 22.23' east |
110 | 40° 10.67' south | 143° 19.50' east |
111 | 40° 09.02' south | 143° 20.42' east |
112 | 40° 05.97' south | 143° 17.20' east |
113 | 40° 02.97' south | 143° 18.27' east |
114 | 40° 02.42' south | 143° 15.43' east |
115 | 39° 57.90' south | 143° 14.37' east |
116 | 39° 37.77' south | 143° 05.28' east |
117 | 39° 27.72' south | 142° 56.65' east |
118 | 39° 25.70' south | 142° 53.22' east |
119 | 39° 23.62' south | 142° 52.72' east |
120 | 39° 02.60' south | 142° 31.10' east |
121 | 38° 58.92' south | 142° 21.90' east |
122 | 38° 53.75' south | 142° 16.63' east |
123 | 38° 51.02' south | 142° 04.48' east |
124 | 38° 49.22' south | 142° 02.12' east |
125 | 38° 45.03' south | 141° 32.97' east |
126 | 38° 37.55' south | 141° 17.10' east |
127 | 38° 32.47' south | 141° 11.08' east |
128 | 38° 16.62' south | 140° 31.00' east |
129 | 38° 01.98' south | 140° 09.12' east |
130 | 37° 33.75' south | 139° 30.85' east |
131 | 37° 26.50' south | 139° 16.82' east |
132 | 37° 17.73' south | 139° 10.95' east |
133 | 37° 11.33' south | 139° 00.20' east |
134 | 37° 05.40' south | 138° 30.93' east |
135 | 37° 03.98' south | 138° 14.55' east |
136 | 37° 05.75' south | 138° 02.98' east |
137 | 37° 03.07' south | 137° 58.52' east |
138 | 37° 03.82' south | 137° 53.38' east |
139 | 37° 01.27' south | 137° 46.55' east |
140 | 36° 57.15' south | 137° 41.37' east |
141 | 36° 56.23' south | 137° 37.52' east |
142 | 36° 48.22' south | 137° 24.90' east |
143 | 36° 41.45' south | 137° 03.23' east |
144 | 36° 37.35' south | 137° 00.92' east |
145 | 36° 38.77' south | 136° 56.87' east |
146 | 36° 34.63' south | 136° 44.70' east |
147 | 36° 31.07' south | 136° 43.50' east |
148 | 36° 31.75' south | 136° 41.20' east |
149 | 36° 37.35' south | 136° 41.25' east |
150 | 36° 32.00' south | 136° 27.58' east |
151 | 36° 24.38' south | 136° 29.38' east |
152 | 36° 22.82' south | 136° 28.20' east |
153 | 36° 30.68' south | 136° 20.18' east |
154 | 36° 26.05' south | 136° 08.65' east |
155 | 36° 19.03' south | 136° 05.15' east |
156 | 36° 17.28' south | 136° 00.08' east |
157 | 36° 07.60' south | 135° 53.43' east |
158 | 35° 58.95' south | 135° 44.12' east |
159 | 35° 53.18' south | 135° 44.25' east |
160 | 35° 49.52' south | 135° 37.90' east |
161 | 35° 36.53' south | 135° 20.58' east |
162 | 35° 38.55' south | 135° 17.70' east |
163 | 35° 32.93' south | 135° 07.22' east |
164 | 35° 27.35' south | 134° 52.07' east |
165 | 35° 12.65' south | 134° 30.20' east |
166 | 35° 03.72' south | 134° 13.25' east |
167 | 34° 59.32' south | 133° 56.32' east |
168 | 34° 55.92' south | 133° 49.07' east |
169 | 34° 50.40' south | 133° 25.40' east |
170 | 34° 11.02' south | 132° 35.10' east |
171 | 33° 51.22' south | 132° 19.83' east |
172 | 33° 40.60' south | 132° 03.47' east |
173 | 33° 39.05' south | 131° 58.08' east |
174 | 33° 31.75' south | 131° 47.73' east |
175 | 33° 26.67' south | 131° 29.47' east |
176 | 33° 21.27' south | 130° 50.42' east |
177 | 33° 18.65' south | 130° 05.28' east |
178 | 33° 20.53' south | 129° 42.92' east |
d) then westerly along the geodesic to the point on the Adjacent Area Boundary between the states of South Australia and Western Australia closest to latitude 33° 20.78’ south, longitude 129° 00.08’ east;
e) then north along that Adjacent Area Boundary to its intersection with the outer limit of coastal waters off southern Australia close to a point of latitude 31° 44.50’ south, longitude 129° 00.08’east;
f) then generally easterly along the outer limit of the coastal waters of the states of South Australia and Victoria back to the point of commencement.
g) Also included in the Automatic Longline Shallow Water Closure is the area within a circle of radius 8.1 nautical miles centred at the point of latitude 33° 09.85’ south, longitude 156° 10.04’ east, in the vicinity of Taupo Seamount.
The area of the Western Deepwater Shark Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the intersection of the parallel of latitude 39°58’ 22.7” south and the meridian of longitude 143° 10’ 43.30” east (Point 1);
b) then generally along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 40° 01’ 38.00” south | 143° 00’ 54.40” east |
3 | 40° 54’ 00.00” south | 143° 30’ 00.00” east |
4 | 40° 54’ 00.00” south | 143° 42’ 04.00” east |
5 | 40° 47’ 26.00” south | 143° 35’ 55.00” east |
6 | 40° 43’ 00.00” south | 143° 31’ 23.00” east |
7 | 40° 35’ 42.00” south | 143° 26’ 40.00” east |
8 | 40° 26’ 33.00” south | 143° 21’ 15.00” east |
9 | 40° 04’ 05.00” south | 143° 13’ 01.00” east |
10 | 39° 58’ 24.00” south | 143° 10’ 44.00” east |
c) then generally north along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Flinders Research Zone Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 39° 26' south, longitude 148° 43.74' east (Point 1);
b) then generally southerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 39° 26.32' south | 148° 43.65' east |
3 | 39° 27.43' south | 148° 45.01' east |
4 | 39° 31.67' south | 148° 46.61' east |
5 | 39° 36.72' south | 148° 47.39' east |
6 | 39° 37.68' south | 148° 43.71' east |
7 | 39° 39.23' south | 148° 42.79' east |
8 | 39° 40.94' south | 148° 47.24' east |
9 | 39° 45.06' south | 148° 48.16' east |
10 | 39° 48.8' south | 148° 46.67' east |
11 | 39°50.09' south | 148° 48.39' east |
12 | 39° 51.86' south | 148° 49.04' east |
13 | 39° 54.63' south | 148° 48.23' east |
14 | 39°56.31' south | 148° 50.34' east |
15 | 40° 1.82' south | 148° 51.87' east |
16 | 40° 4.43' south | 148° 51.48' east |
17 | 40° 7.76' south | 148° 51.81' east |
18 | 40° 8.44' south | 148° 52.59' east |
19 | 40° 10.92' south | 148° 52.59' east |
20 | 40° 11.59' south | 148° 53' east |
21 | 40° 14.05' south | 148° 51.1' east |
22 | 40° 14.65' south | 148° 53.52' east |
23 | 40° 15.41' south | 148° 52.97' east |
24 | 40° 16.43' south | 148° 53.19' east |
25 | 40° 19.37' south | 148° 52.78' east |
26 | 40° 21.28' south | 148° 53.07' east |
27 | 40° 23.07' south | 148° 52.55' east |
c) then generally easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 40° 21.98' south, longitude 148° 56.35' east (Point 28) and then generally northerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
29 | 40° 19.16' south | 148° 55.18' east |
30 | 40° 16.58' south | 148° 56.52' east |
31 | 40° 6.87' south | 148° 57.02' east |
32 | 40° 3.87' south | 148° 58.69' east |
33 | 39° 54.7' south | 148° 56.72' east |
34 | 39° 47.67' south | 148° 54.11' east |
35 | 39° 45.63' south | 148° 54.29' east |
36 | 39° 43.16' south | 148° 53.75' east |
37 | 39° 42.32' south | 148° 53.14' east |
38 | 39° 37.68' south | 148° 52.36' east |
39 | 39° 36.68' south | 148° 53.06' east |
40 | 39° 29.18' south | 148° 51.97' east |
41 | 39° 28.75' south | 148° 50.81' east |
42 | 39° 27.73' south | 148° 51.46' east |
43 | 39° 25.98' south | 148°50.94' east |
d) then generally westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Gabo Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 37° 16.500' south, longitude 150° 10.374' east (Point 1) and running progressively;
b) east along the parallel of latitude 37° 16.500' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 150° 16.500' east (Point 2);
c) southerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 21.443' south, longitude 150° 16.491' east (Point 3);
d) south westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 41.428' south, longitude 150° 07.046' east (Point 4);
e) westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 37° 41.452' south, longitude 149° 59.047' east (Point 5);
f) north easterly to the point of commencement.
The area of the Conran Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 38° 13.500' south, longitude 148° 47.212' east (Point 1) and running progressively;
b) generally north easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
2 | 38° 01.917' south | 149° 19.630' east |
3 | 38° 03.000' south | 149° 37.500' east |
c) southerly to the point of latitude 38° 08.338' south, 149° 37.919' east (Point 4);
d) generally south westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
5 | 38° 09.000' south | 149° 31.500' east |
6 | 38° 05.188' south | 149° 23.875' east |
7 | 38° 13.017' south | 149° 18.385' east |
8 | 38° 14.675' south | 149° 14.082' east |
9 | 38° 16.117' south | 149° 06.298' east |
10 | 38° 15.991' south | 148° 59.099' east |
11 | 38° 18.637' south | 148° 48.991' east |
e) then north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement
The area of the Flounder/Kingfisher Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 38° 15.000' south, longitude 148° 34.500' east (Point 1) and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 38° 16.500' south, longitude 148° 37.500' east (Point 2);
c) generally south westerly along the geodesics sequentially connected by the following points:
3 | 38° 25.500' south | 148° 31.500' east |
4 | 38° 29.169' south | 148° 30.174' east |
5 | 38° 35.125' south | 148° 29.212' east |
6 | 38° 48.000' south | 148° 19.500' east |
d) west along the parallel of latitude 38° 48.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 148° 16.500' east;
e) generally north easterly along the geodesics sequentially connected by the following points:
8 | 38° 34.500' south | 148° 18.000' east |
9 | 38° 28.500' south | 148° 21.000' east |
10 | 38° 21.074' south | 148° 26.292' east |
f) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area of the Babel Island Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 38° 53.612' south, longitude 148° 24.545' east (Point 1) and running progressively;
b) east along the parallel of latitude 38° 53.612' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 148° 29.275' east (Point 2);
c) generally south easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
3 | 39° 00.940' south | 148° 35.532' east |
4 | 39° 04.999' south | 148° 35.400' east |
5 | 39° 06.865' south | 148° 38.053' east |
6 | 39° 21.109' south | 148° 44.923' east |
7 | 39° 25.024' south | 148° 45.469' east |
8 | 39° 28.542' south | 148° 46.570' east |
9 | 39° 35.138' south | 148° 47.972' east |
10 | 39° 38.986' south | 148° 46.941' east |
11 | 39° 43.725' south | 148° 48.369' east |
12 | 39° 48.094' south | 148° 48.295' east |
13 | 40° 02.101' south | 148° 52.652' east |
14 | 40° 22.500' south | 148° 52.800' east |
d) west along the parallel of latitude 40° 22.500' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 148° 49.500' east (Point 15);
e) generally north westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
16 | 40° 02.112' south | 148° 46.500' east |
17 | 39° 55.959' south | 148° 39.000' east |
18 | 39° 51.000' south | 148° 37.500' east |
19 | 39° 34.500' south | 148° 37.500' east |
20 | 39° 19.500' south | 148° 36.000' east |
21 | 39° 07.500' south | 148° 33.792' east |
22 | 39° 02.427' south | 148° 28.849' east |
f) north westerly along the geodesic to the point of commencement
The area of the South East Tasman Trawl Closure is that part of the AFZ contained within and bounded by a line:
a) commencing at the point of latitude 42° 54.114' south, 148° 10.728' east (Point 1) and running progressively;
b) south easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 42° 54.114' south, longitude 148° 10.728' east (Point 2);
c) generally south westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:
3 | 43° 01.033' south | 148° 15.481' east |
4 | 43° 04.364' south | 148° 14.334' east |
5 | 43° 13.500' south | 148° 09.666' east |
6 | 43° 19.934' south | 148° 07.653' east |
7 | 43° 36.864' south | 147° 53.056' east |
8 | 43° 52.797' south | 147° 40.986' east |
d) north westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 43° 47.101' south, longitude 147° 30.536' east (Point 9);
e) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 43° 23.729' south, longitude 147° 46.833' east (Point 10);
f) north easterly along the geodesic and outer limit of the coastal waters of the state of Tasmania to the point of latitude 43° 17.429' south, longitude 148° 02.211' east (Point 11);
g) north easterly along the curved boundary of the coastal waters of the state of Tasmania sequentially connecting the following points:
12 | 43° 17.381' south | 148° 02.333' east |
13 | 43° 17.329' south | 148° 02.453' east |
14 | 43° 17.275' south | 148° 02.570' east |
15 | 43° 17.218' south | 148° 02.685' east |
16 | 43° 17.158' south | 148° 02.797' east |
17 | 43° 17.096' south | 148° 02.906' east |
18 | 43° 17.030' south | 148° 03.012' east |
19 | 43° 16.962' south | 148° 03.117' east |
20 | 43° 16.890' south | 148° 03.218' east |
h) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 43° 16.500' south, longitude 148° 04.126' east (Point 21);
i) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of intersection with the outer boundary of the coastal waters of the state of Tasmania, latitude 43° 08.684' south, longitude 148° 07.135' east (Point 22);
j) north easterly along the curved boundary of the coastal waters of the state of Tasmania sequentially connecting the following points:
23 | 43° 08.390' south | 148° 07.270' east |
24 | 43° 08.296' south | 148° 07.313' east |
25 | 43° 08.202' south | 148° 07.353' east |
26 | 43° 08.107' south | 148° 07.388' east |
27 | 43° 08.011' south | 148° 07.419' east |
28 | 43° 07.914' south | 148° 07.446' east |
29 | 43° 07.817' south | 148° 07.469' east |
30 | 43° 07.816' south | 148° 07.469' east |
k) north easterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Abbreviation key—Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.
ad = added or inserted | o = order(s) |
am = amended | Ord = Ordinance |
amdt = amendment | orig = original |
c = clause(s) | par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s) |
C[x] = Compilation No. x | /sub‑subparagraph(s) |
Ch = Chapter(s) | pres = present |
def = definition(s) | prev = previous |
Dict = Dictionary | (prev…) = previously |
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament | Pt = Part(s) |
Div = Division(s) | r = regulation(s)/rule(s) |
ed = editorial change | reloc = relocated |
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have | renum = renumbered |
effect | rep = repealed |
F = Federal Register of Legislation | rs = repealed and substituted |
gaz = gazette | s = section(s)/subsection(s) |
LA = Legislation Act 2003 | Sch = Schedule(s) |
LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 | Sdiv = Subdivision(s) |
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given | SLI = Select Legislative Instrument |
effect | SR = Statutory Rules |
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment | Sub‑Ch = Sub‑Chapter(s) |
cannot be given effect | SubPt = Subpart(s) |
mod = modified/modification | underlining = whole or part not |
No. = Number(s) | commenced or to be commenced |
Name | Registration | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Direction 2021 | 16 Apr 2021 (F2021L00445) | 1 May 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) |
Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Amendment Direction No. 1 2022 | 7 Feb 2022 (F2022L00116) | 1 Mar 2022 (s 2) |
Fisheries Management (Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery and Small Pelagic Fishery Closures) Amendment Direction No. 1 2023 | 14 Apr 2023 (F2023L00439) | 1 May 2023 (s 2) |
Provision affected | How affected |
cl 2..................... cl 6(k)…………………………... cl 6 (w)…………………………... cl 10……………………………... | rep LA s 48D rs F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439 |
Schedules |
Schedule 35............... Schedule 40............... Schedule 41............... Schedule 42............... Schedule 43............... Schedule 44............... | am F2022L00116 ad F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439 ad F2023L00439