CASA 36/19 — Making of Parachute Descents (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Authorisation 2019
(as amended)
This compilation was prepared on 27 November 2021 taking into account amendments up to CASA 99/21 — Parachute Descents (CASA 36/19) (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Amendment Instrument 2021. It is a compilation of CASA 36/19 — Making of Parachute Descents (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Authorisation 2019, as amended and in force on 27 November 2021.
Prepared by the Advisory and Drafting Branch, Legal, International & Regulatory Affairs Division, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra.
Compilation No. 2.
This instrument is CASA 36/19 — Making of Parachute Descents (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Authorisation 2019.
2 Duration
This instrument:
(a) commences on 1 July 2019; and
(b) is repealed at the end of 1 December 2023.
3 Definitions
In this instrument:
APF means the Australian Parachute Federation Ltd, ARN 205322.
APF Operational Regulations means the document titled Australian Parachute Federation Operational Regulations, version 01-2021, issued by the APF on 1 April 2021, as approved in writing by CASA and as existing at that date.
APF Regulatory Schedules means the document titled Australian Parachute Federation Regulatory Schedules, version 01-2021, issued by the APF on 1 April 2021, as approved in writing by CASA and as existing at that date.
Note At the time this instrument commences, the APF Operational Regulations and the APF Regulatory Schedules are freely available to view or download at
4 Authorisation
(1) For paragraph 152 (1) (a) of CAR, a member of the APF is authorised to make parachute descents.
(2) The authorisation in subsection (1) does not apply to parachute descents through cloud.
Note Parachute descents through cloud may be authorised by the APF under Regulatory Schedule 60 of the APF Regulatory Schedules.
(3)The authorisation in subsection (1) is subject to the conditions in section 6.
5 Specification
For paragraph 152 (1) (b) of CAR, a parachute descent must be made in accordance with the APF Operational Regulations.
6 Conditions
For regulation 11.056 of CASR, a member of the APF may only make a parachute descent if each person who performs a function incidental or preparatory to the descent:
(a) is a member of the APF or has agreed in writing to be bound by the APF Operational Regulations; and
(b) complies with the APF Operational Regulations.
Notes to CASA 36/19 — Making of Parachute Descents (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Authorisation 2019
Note 1
CASA 36/19 — Making of Parachute Descents (Australian Parachute Federation Ltd) Authorisation 2019 (in force under paragraphs 152 (1) (a) and (b) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and regulation 11.056 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) as shown in this compilation is amended as indicated in the tables below.
Table of instruments
Title | Date of FRLI registration | Date of | Application, saving or |
CASA 36/19 | 16 August 2019 | 1 July 2019 | — |
CASA 63/20 | 24 November 2020 | 25 November 2020 | — |
CASA 99/21 | 26 November 2021 | 27 November 2021 | — |
Table of Amendments ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted | |
Provision affected | How affected |
s. 2 | am. F2021N00296 |
s. 3 | am. F2020N00136, F2021N00296 |