Shire of Christmas Island Repeal Local Law 2018



I, GORDON SINCLAIR THOMSON, President of the Shire of Christmas Island, publish the Shire of Christmas Island Repeal Local Law 2018 under subsections 3.12 (5) of the Local Government Act 1995 (W A) as applied by the Christmas Island Act 1958.



Dated 12 April 2018













MARCH 2018



Shire of Christmas Island





Under the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1995, and under all other powers enabling it, the Council of the Shire of Christmas Island resolved on 27 March 2018 to make the following local law.


Part 1 - Introducing Matters

1.1 Title

This local law may be cited as the Shire of Christmas Island Repeal Local Law 2017.


1.2 Commencement

In accordance with section 74A of the Interpretation Act 1984 (WA) (CI) (Amendment) Ordinance 1992, the local law must be registered as a notifiable instrument and comes into operation once it has been registered as a notifiable instrument. Notifiable instruments are published in the Federal Register.


1.3 Content and Intent

(1) This local law;

(a) Provides for the repeal of obsolete local laws;

(b) Identifies the obsolete local laws by giving their names, date they were first published in the Gazette and any date of subsequent amendments.

(2) This local law is intended to result in;

(a) More efficient and effective Local Government, by removing obsolete local laws.


Part 2 - Substance of this Law

2.1 Repeal

The following local laws and all subsequent amendments are hereby repealed;

(a)       Standing Orders Local Law published in the Government Gazette on 18 February 2000 and the Standing Orders Amendment Local Law 2010 published in the Indian Ocean Territories Government Gazette on 15 June 2010.

(b)       Health Local Law published in the Government Gazette on 31 August 2000 and the Health Amendment Local Law 2010 published in the Indian Ocean Territories Government Gazette on 15 June 2010.

(c)       Dogs Local Law published in the Government Gazette on 16 April 2001 and the Dogs Amendment Local Law 2010 published in the Indian Ocean Territories Government Gazette on 15 June 2010.

(d)       Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law published in the Government Gazette on 29 November 2002 and the Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2010 published in the Indian Ocean Territories Government Gazette on 15 June 2010.

2.2           Amend

(a)       Cats Local Law published in the Indian Ocean Territories Government Gazette on 30 September 2010.