Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—CFI Mapping Tool and Minor Corrections) Methodology Determination Variation 2018
I, Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy, make the following legislative instrument.
Josh Frydenberg
Minister for the Environment and Energy
2 Commencement
3 Authority
4 Amendment of methodology determinations
Schedule 1—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Reforestation by Environmental or Mallee Plantings—FullCAM) Methodology Determination 2014
Schedule 2—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest—1.1) Methodology Determination 2013
Schedule 3—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Native Forest from Managed Regrowth) Methodology Determination 2013
Schedule 4—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Avoided Clearing of Native Regrowth) Methodology Determination 2015
Schedule 5—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Estimating Sequestration of Carbon in Soil Using Default Values) Methodology Determination 2015
Schedule 6—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fertiliser in Irrigated Cotton) Methodology Determination 2015
Schedule 7—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Sequestering Carbon in Soils in Grazing Systems) Methodology Determination 2014
This is the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—CFI Mapping Tool and Minor Corrections) Methodology Determination Variation 2018.
(1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.
Commencement information | ||
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Provisions | Commencement | Date/Details |
1. The whole of this instrument | The day after this instrument is registered. |
Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.
(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this instrument.
This instrument is made under subsection 114(1) of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
4 Amendment of methodology determinations
Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or revoked as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.
Schedule 1—Amendments of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Reforestation by Environmental or Mallee Plantings—FullCAM) Methodology Determination 2014
[1] Paragraph 1.2(a)
Omit “Legislative Instruments”, substitute “Legislation”.
[2] Paragraph 1.2(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments Act 2003”, substitute “Legislation Act 2003”.
[3] Section 1.3 (definition of CFI Mapping Tool)
Repeal the definition.
[4] Subsection 2.3(6)
Omit “long term average rainfall map layer in the CFI Mapping Tool”, substitute “Long Term Average Rainfall Map Layer”.
[5] After subsection 2.3(6)
(6A) In subsection (6):
Long Term Average Rainfall Map Layer means the online data layer of that name, as published on the Department’s website and as in force from time to time.
Note: In 2018, the Department’s website was
[6] Section 4.1
Omit “the project area”, substitute “all project areas”.
[7] Subsection 4.9(1)
Omit “subsection (2)”, substitute “subsection 4.8(2) or subsection 4.8(3)”.
[8] Section 4.10 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
4.10 Calculating initial carbon stock for project area
[9] Subsection 4.10(2)
Omit “the first offsets report”, substitute “a project area”.
[10] Paragraph 4.10(2)(a)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
(a) if:
(i) the project area was a project area of an eligible offsets project to which this Determination applied at the declaration date of that project; and
(ii) the project commenced in that project area before that date;
equal to the carbon stock for the project area calculated in accordance with subsection (3); and
[11] Paragraph 4.10(2)(b)
Omit “projects”, substitute “project areas”.
[12] Subsection 4.10(3)
Omit “The initial carbon stock specified in paragraph (2)(a) must be calculated for each reporting period”, substitute “For paragraph (2)(a), the initial carbon stock for the project area must be calculated”.
[13] Subsection 4.10(3) (table for equation 11a—cell at item, value of CDi)
Repeal the cell, substitute:
initial carbon stock for the th carbon estimation area at the relevant declaration date,
(in tonnes C)—see Equation 12a.
[14] Subsection 4.10(3) (table for equation 11a—cell at item, value of nD)
Omit the table item, substitute:
total number of carbon estimation areas in the project area at the relevant declaration date |
[15] Section 4.11 (table for equation 11b—item, value of n)
After “carbon estimation areas”, insert “in the project area”.
[16] Subsection 4.12(1)
Omit “For each reporting period, the”, substitute “The”.
[17] Subsection 4.12(1) (table for equation 12a—item, value of CDi)
Omit “the beginning of the first reporting period”, substitute “the declaration date ”.
[18] Division 4.4 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Division 4.4—Calculation of project area emissions
[19] Before subsection 4.15(1)
(1A) The carbon dioxide equivalent net amount for the reporting period for an eligible offsets project to which this Determination applies is equal to the sum of the amounts A calculated in accordance with subsection (1) for each project area.
[20] Subsection 4.15(1)
After “net abatement amount for”, insert “a project area of”.
[21] Subsection 4.15(1) (equation 18)
Omit “” , substitute “
[22] Subsection 4.15(1) (table for equation 18—items, values of CN and CV)
Omit the table items, substitute:
(a) for the first reporting period in which the project area has been reported on—the initial carbon stock for the project area (b) for a later reporting period—the carbon stock for the project area at the end of the previous reporting period (in tonnes CO2-e) (see the carbon stock value reported in the previous offsets report). |
[23] Subsection 4.15(2) (second note)
Repeal the note.
[24] Section 5.2
Omit “The CFI Mapping Tool or a”, substitute “A”.
[25] Section 5.8
After “the first offsets report for”, insert “each project area of”.
[26] Section 5.9
After “subsequent offsets reports for”, insert “each project area of”.
[27] Section 5.10
Repeal the section, substitute:
5.10 No division of project area
For subsection 77A(2) of the Act, the division of the overall project must not result in the division of a project area.
[28] Amendments of listed provisions—references to project area
Omit “the project area”, substitute “a project area” in the following provisions:
(a) section 1.3 (definition of “carbon estimation area (CEA)”);
(b) section 1.3 (definition of “stratification”);
(c) paragraph 5.4(a).
[29] Amendments of listed provisions—references to project area
Omit “the project area”, substitute “each project area” in the following provisions:
(a) section 2.4;
(b) section 3.2;
(c) section 3.7;
(d) paragraph 5.3(1)(c);
(d) paragraph 5.3(1)(d);
(e) paragraph 5.4(c);
(f) section 5.7 (first occurrence).
[30] Amendments of listed provisions—references to project area
After “project”, insert “area” in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 4.10(1);
(b) subsection 4.13(1);
(c) subsection 4.13(1) (table for equation 13—item, value of );
(d) subsection 4.13(2) (table for equation 14—item, value of );
(e) subsection 4.13(3);
(f) subsection 4.13(3) (table for equation 15—item, value of );
(g) subsection 4.13(3) (table for equation 15—item, value of );
(h) subsection 4.13(3) (table for equation 15—item, value of );
(i) subsection 4.15(1) (table for equation 18—item, value of A);
(j) subsection 4.15(1) (table for equation 18—item, value of CP);
(k) subsection 4.15(1) (table for equation 18—item, value of EB, second occurrence);
(l) subsection 4.15(1) (table for equation 18—item, value of EF, second occurrence);
(m) subsection 4.15(2) (definition of “previous offsets report”, first occurrence).
[31] Amendments of listed provisions—references to project area
Insert “for the project area” in the following provisions:
(a) in subsection 4.13(2), after “the reporting period”;
(b) in subsection 4.14(1), after “fuel use”;
(c) in subsection 4.14(2), after “for the reporting period”;
(d) in subsection 4.14(2) (table for equation 16—item, value of Efk), after “the reporting period”;
(e) in subsection 4.14(2) (table for equation 16—item, value of Qf), after “the reporting period”;
(f) in subsection 4.14(3), after “the reporting period”;
(g) in subsection 4.14(3) (table for equation 17—item, value of Ef), after “total fuel emissions”;
(h) in subsection 4.14(3) (table for equation 17—item, value of Efk), after “the reporting period”.
[1] Section 3 (definition of CFI mapping tool)
Repeal the definition (including the note).
[2] Section 24
Repeal the section, substitute:
For sections 10 and 17, mapping must be done using a geographic information system that meets the relevant geospatial information requirements of the CFI mapping guidelines.
[1] Paragraph 1.2(a)
Omit “Legislative Instruments”, substitute “Legislation”.
[2] Paragraph 1.2(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments Act 2003”, substitute “Legislation Act 2003”.
[3] Section 1.3 (definition of CFI Mapping Tool)
Repeal the definition.
[4] Paragraph 2.5(4)(a)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
(a) the 1990 forest extent layer; and
[5] After subsection 2.5(4)
(5) In subsection (4):
1990 forest extent layer means the online data layer of that name, as published on the Department’s website and as in force from time to time.
Note: In 2018, the Department’s website was
[6] Section 5.2
Omit “The CFI Mapping Tool or a”, substitute “A”.
[1] Paragraph 4(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments Act 2003”, substitute “Legislation Act 2003”.
[2] Section 5 (definition of Carbon Farming Mapping Tool)
Repeal the definition.
[3] Paragraph 10(3)(b)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
(b) the forest cover data layer.
[4] After subsection 10(4)
(5) In paragraph 10(3)(b):
forest cover data layer means the document described as the forest cover data layer and as published on the Department’s website, as in force from time to time.
Note: In 2018, the Department’s website was
[1] Paragraph 4(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments Act 2003”, substitute “Legislation Act 2003”.
[2] Section 5 (definition of CFI Mapping Tool)
Repeal the definition (including the note).
[3] Section 5
Sequestration Value Maps means the documents described as sequestration value maps and as published on the Department’s website, as in force from time to time.
Note: In 2018, the Department’s website was
[4] Section 5 (definition of SA2 region)
Omit “soil carbon maps published on the CFI Mapping Tool”, substitute “Sequestration Value Maps”.
[5] Section 5 (definition of sequestration value)
Omit “CFI Mapping Tool in accordance with the CFI Mapping Guidelines”, substitute “relevant Sequestration Value Maps”.
[6] Subsection 47(2) (note)
Omit “CFI Mapping Tool”, substitute “Sequestration Value Maps”.
[7] Amendments of listed provisions—Replacement of table to section 101
Omit “CFI Mapping Tool” and substitute “Sequestration Value Maps” in the following provisions:
(a) section 101 (table item 1, column headed “Description”);
(b) section 101 (table item 1, column headed “Measurement procedure (including frequency as required)”);
(c) section 101 (table item 2, column headed “Measurement procedure (including frequency as required)”).
[8] Section 101 (cell at table item 13, column headed “Measurement procedure (including frequency as required)”)
Repeal the cell, substitute:
Based on a geographic information system that meets the requirements of the CFI Mapping Guidelines
[9] Replacement of references to “soil carbon maps published on the CFI Mapping Tool”
Omit “soil carbon maps published on the CFI Mapping Tool” and substitute “Sequestration Value Maps” in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 12(2);
(b) subsection 49(1).
[10] Replacement of references to “soil carbon maps published on the CFI Mapping Tool”
Omit “soil carbon maps published on the CFI Mapping Tool” and substitute “relevant Sequestration Value Map” in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 49(3) (definition of “Sequestration value”);
(b) subsection 49(4) (definition of “Sequestration value”).
[1] Paragraph 4(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments Act 2003”, substitute “Legislation Act 2003”.
[2] Section 14 (note 1)
Repeal the note.
[3] Section 14 (note 2)
Omit “Note 2”, substitute “Note”.
[1] Paragraph 1.2(a)
Omit “Legislative Instruments”, substitute “Legislation”.
[2] Paragraph 1.2(b)
Omit “Legislative Instruments”, substitute “Legislation”.
[3] Section 1.3 (definition of CFI Mapping Tool)
Repeal the definition.
[4] Subsection 6.8(1) (Equation SC24)
Omit “”, substitute “
[5] Subsection 6.18(1) (Equation SC37)
Omit “”, substitute “