Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods—Norfolk Island) Determination 2016

made under subsection 174(1) of the

Biosecurity Act 2015

Compilation No. 2

Compilation date:    21 December 2017

Includes amendments up to: F2017L01672

Registered:    10 January 2018


About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods—Norfolk Island) Determination 2016 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 21 December 2017 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name

3 Authority

4 Purpose and application of this instrument

5 Definitions

Part 2—Conditionally nonprohibited goods

Division 1—Animals, plants, biological material and infectious agents

6 Classes of goods to which this Division applies

7 Conditions—general

8 Alternative conditions—dead animals, animal parts and related goods

8A Alternative conditions—live animals

9 Alternative conditions—dead fish, crustaceans and related goods

10 Alternative conditions—meat and meat products

11 Alternative conditions—dairy products

12 Alternative conditions—eggs and egg products

13 Alternative conditions—miscellaneous goods for human consumption

14 Alternative conditions—honey and bee products

15 Alternative conditions—foods and supplements for animals

16 Alternative conditions—cosmetics and related goods

17 Alternative conditions—live plants for use as nursery stock

18 Alternative conditions—miscellaneous plant materials and plant products

19 Alternative conditions—nuts for human consumption

20 Alternative conditions—cereals, grains, legumes, pulses and oil seeds for human consumption

21 Alternative conditions—packaging

22 Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners and growing media of plant origin

23 Alternative conditions—produce for human consumption

24 Alternative conditions—seeds

25 Alternative conditions—timber and timber products

26 Alternative conditions—starter cultures

27 Alternative conditions—highly refined organic chemicals and substances for certain purposes

28 Alternative conditions—biological material intended for human therapeutic use or veterinary therapeutic use

29 Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners, soil growth supplements and growing media made of animal material, plant material or biological material

30 Alternative conditions—other biological material for certain purposes

30A Alternative conditions—gelatine and its derivatives intended for certain purposes

31 Alternative conditions—bioremedial products

Division 2—Other goods

32 Soil

33 Water

34 Chemical or mined fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements

35 Used beehives and used beekeeping equipment

35A Equipment that has directly or indirectly come into contact with horses

36 Tyres

37 Used machinery and equipment (other than certain beekeeping equipment, veterinary equipment or equipment that has come into contact with horses)

38 Used veterinary equipment other than from New Zealand or Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

39 Used clothes and cloth rags in commercial consignments

40 Mineral and metal ores, rocks and sand

41 Human blood, human tissue and similar goods

42 Hair, teeth or bones from a human’s body (other than human remains)


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history



























Part 1Preliminary


1  Name

  This is the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods—Norfolk Island) Determination 2016.

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under subsection 174(1) of the Biosecurity Act 2015.

4  Purpose and application of this instrument

 (1) For subsection 174(1) of the Act, this instrument provides that specified classes of goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless specified conditions are complied with.

Note: Goods included in a class of goods specified in Part 2 are conditionally nonprohibited goods for the purposes of the Act.

 (2) This instrument applies in relation to goods that are, or are intended to be, brought or imported into Norfolk Island, whether or not the goods are, or are intended to be, brought or imported from outside Australian territory or from another part of Australian territory.

Note 1: Section 174 of the Act applies in relation to the movement of goods to Norfolk Island from another part of Australian territory. See item 7 of the table in section 5 of the Biosecurity (Movements between Parts of Australian Territory) Declaration 2016 (made under subsection 618(2) of the Act) and sections 619 and 620 of the Act.

Note 2: Norfolk Island is part of Australian territory on and after 1 July 2016.

Note 3: The Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Determination 2016 deals with goods that are, or are intended to be, brought or imported into a part of Australian territory other than Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands or Norfolk Island.

Note 4: The Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods—Christmas Island) Determination 2016 deals with goods that are, or are intended to be, brought or imported into Christmas Island.

Note 5: The Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods—Cocos (Keeling) Islands) Determination 2016 deals with goods that are, or are intended to be, brought or imported into Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Note 6: The Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods—Torres Strait) Determination 2016 deals with goods that are, or are intended to be, moved from the protected zone area, or the Torres Strait permanent biosecurity monitoring zone, to another part of Australian territory.

5  Definitions

Note: A number of expressions used in this instrument are defined in the Act, including the following:

(a) animal;

(b) Australian territory;

(c) goods;

(d) plant.

 (1) In this instrument:

Act means the Biosecurity Act 2015.

listed fresh produce for human consumption (Norfolk Island) means a plant (or a part of a plant) or a fungus (or a part of a fungus) of a species that is listed in the List of Fresh Produce for Human Consumption with Alternative Conditions (Norfolk Island) prepared by the Director of Biosecurity and published on the Agriculture Department’s website, as existing on 21 December 2017.

Note: A plant (or a part of a plant) or a fungus (or a part of a fungus) of a particular species is listed in the List of Fresh Produce for Human Consumption with Alternative Conditions (Norfolk Island) if the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied that the level of biosecurity risk associated with the plant (or the part of the plant) or the fungus (or the part of the fungus) is acceptable.

 (2) A word or phrase that is used in this instrument and in the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Determination 2016 has the same meaning in this instrument as it has in that instrument.

Note: The following expressions are defined in the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Determination 2016:

(a) animal part;

(b) animal tissue;

(c) dairy product;

(d) egg;

(e) egg product;

(f) import permit;

(g) meat;

(h) meat product;

(i) shelfstable;

(j) viable.



Part 2Conditionally nonprohibited goods

Division 1Animals, plants, biological material and infectious agents

6  Classes of goods to which this Division applies

Classes of goods to which this Division applies

 (1) This Division applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) animals;

 (b) plants;

 (c) biological material;

 (d) infectious agents;

 (e) fungi;

 (f) goods that contain animals, plants, biological material, infectious agents or fungi;

 (g) goods that contain an ingredient that is an animal, a plant, biological material, an infectious agent or a fungus;

 (h) goods that are made of, or are made from, an animal, a plant, biological material, an infectious agent or a fungus.

Note 1: Animal includes a dead animal and any part of an animal (see the definition of animal in section 9 of the Act).

Note 2: Plant includes a dead plant and any part of a plant (see the definition of plant in section 9 of the Act).

Note 3: Biological material and infectious agent are defined in section 5 of the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Determination 2016.


 (2) However, the classes of goods referred to in subsection (1) do not include any of the following:

 (a) biscuits, breads and cooked cakes (other than cakes covered by item 4 of the table in section 11);

 (b) goods sourced from the ocean, or the ocean floor, within the exclusive economic zone of Australia that have not left the exclusive economic zone of Australia before being brought or imported into Norfolk Island;

 (e) biological additives in unused blood collection tubes;

 (f) a dye or colouring agent of animal origin (for example, cochineal) that is used on, or is an ingredient of, goods included in a class of goods to which this Division applies;

 (g) lactose or any derivative of lactose (other than lactose, or a derivative of lactose, that is intended for animal consumption, veterinary therapeutic use or use as fertiliser);

 (h) a plant or goods produced by, or made from, a plant (excluded plant goods) specified in the table in subsection (3).

Excluded plant goods

 (3) The following table specifies excluded plant goods for paragraph (2)(h).


Excluded plant goods


Excluded plant goods


Bamboo, cane, rattan and willow, including:

(a) dried bamboo articles (including as packaging); and

(b) cane and rattan articles; and

(c) willow and wicker articles; and

(d) dried wisteria articles


Processed hop pellets or extract




Plywood, veneer articles and sheets of veneer


Timber packaging and dunnage


Barkcloth and fine mats made from bark


Dried plant material, for use as thatching, fencing or screening, from any of the following species and places:

(a) Calluna vulgaris;

(b) Baeckea frutescens grown in a country where the pathogen Puccinia psidii (guava or eucalyptus rust) is known not to occur;

(c) Kochia scoparia;

(d) Bassia scoparia;

(e) Cunninghamia lanceolata grown in China;

(f) Coniogramme spp.;

(g) Belis lanceolata grown in China;

(h) Dicranopteris spp.;

(i) Pinus lanceolata grown in China;

(j) Gleichenia spp.;

(k) Pteridium spp.;

(l) Pteris spp.


Sphagnum moss


Dried apricot kernels (Prunus armeniaca)


Almond nuts or kernels (Prunus amygdalus or Prunus dulcis) for human consumption


Brazil nuts or kernels (Bertholletia excelsa) for human consumption


Candle nuts or kernels (Aleurites moluccana) for human consumption


Cashew nuts or kernels (Anacardium occidentale) for human consumption


Hazelnuts or kernels (Corylus spp.) for human consumption


Hickory nuts or kernels (Carya spp.) for human consumption


Macadamia nuts or kernels (Macadamia spp.) for human consumption


Ngali and galip nuts or kernels (Canarium spp.) for human consumption


Pecan nuts or kernels (Carya illinoensis) for human consumption


Pili nuts or kernels (Canarium commune) for human consumption


Pistacia nuts or kernels (Pistacia vera) for human consumption


Walnuts or kernels (Juglans spp.) for human consumption


Charoli nuts or kernels (Buchanania lanzan) for human consumption


Plantbased fabrics, textiles and yarns


Paper and cardboard


Black and green tea (Camellia sinensis)






Reconstituted wood

7  Conditions—general

General rule

 (1) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), goods included in a class of goods to which this Division applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (b) if alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are specified in a provision in this Division—the alternative conditions are complied with.

 (2) Paragraph (1)(b) does not limit paragraph (1)(a).

Goods that are made of, or are made from, or contain, 2 or more different kinds of goods

 (3) If:

 (a) goods included in a class of goods to which this Division applies (the relevant goods) are made of, or are made from, or contain, 2 or more different kinds of goods (the component goods); and

 (b) any of the component goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless they are covered by an import permit (and no alternative conditions are specified for those component goods);

the relevant goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless they are covered by an import permit.

Example: A person wishes to bring or import into Norfolk Island goods (the relevant goods) containing avian meat from New Zealand and honey. Avian meat from New Zealand must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless it is covered by an import permit. Therefore, the relevant goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless they are covered by an import permit. The alternative conditions specified for any quantity of honey in section 14 do not apply in relation to the relevant goods.

 (4) If:

 (a) goods included in a class of goods to which this Division applies (the relevant goods) are made of, or are made from, or contain, 2 or more different kinds of goods (the component goods); and

 (b) alternative conditions for bringing or importing the relevant goods into Norfolk Island are specified in another provision in this Division; and

 (c) alternative conditions for bringing or importing each of the component goods into Norfolk Island are specified in one or more provisions of this Division;

the relevant goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (d) the relevant goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (e) the alternative conditions specified for the relevant goods are complied with; or

 (f) the alternative conditions specified for each of the component goods are complied with.

Example: A person wishes to bring or import into Norfolk Island noodles that contain meatbased flavouring and eggs. Alternative conditions for bringing or importing noodles into Norfolk Island are specified in section 13. Alternative conditions for bringing or importing meatbased flavouring products and eggs into Norfolk Island are specified in sections 10 and 12. The noodles may be brought or imported into Norfolk Island if the noodles are covered by an import permit or:

(a) the alternative conditions for noodles in section 13 are complied with; or

(b) the alternative conditions for meatbased flavouring products and eggs in sections 10 and 12 are complied with.

 (5) If:

 (a) goods included in a class of goods to which this Division applies (the relevant goods) are made of, or are made from, or contain, 2 or more different kinds of goods (the component goods); and

 (b) alternative conditions for bringing or importing each of the component goods into Norfolk Island are specified in one or more provisions of this Division; and

 (c) subsection (4) does not apply in relation to the goods;

the relevant goods must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (d) the relevant goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (e) the alternative conditions specified for each of the component goods are complied with.

Example: A person wishes to bring or import into Norfolk Island goods (the relevant goods) that are made of fish and dairy products. Alternative conditions for bringing or importing fish into Norfolk Island are specified in section 9. Alternative conditions for bringing or importing dairy products into Norfolk Island are specified in section 11. The relevant goods may be brought or imported into Norfolk Island if the goods are covered by an import permit or:

(a) the alternative conditions for the fish in section 9 are complied with; and

(b) the alternative conditions for the dairy products in section 11 are complied with.

8  Alternative conditions—dead animals, animal parts and related goods

 (1) This section does not apply to dead animals, animal parts or related goods that are intended for:

 (a) animal consumption; or

 (b) use as a bioremedial agent or fertiliser; or

 (c) growing purposes; or

 (d) veterinary therapeutic use.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing certain dead animals, animal parts and related goods into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—dead animals, animal parts and related goods


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Animal (including fish) skins and hides

The goods:

(a) are preserved or tanned; or

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Goods made with rawhide

Any of the following:

(a) not more than 10 of the same kind of goods are brought or imported into Norfolk Island together;

(b) the goods have been treated by immersion in a lime solution at a pH of at least 12.5 and are accompanied by a declaration from the manufacturer of the goods stating that fact;

(c) the goods:

(i) have been treated with gamma irradiation to a level that achieves a minimum of 50 kGray at a facility that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied can treat goods made with rawhide so that biosecurity risks associated with the goods are managed to an acceptable level; and

(ii) are accompanied by written evidence stating the matter in subparagraph (i);

(d) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Animal bristles or hair, other than wool, goat fibre or other animal fibre


(a) the goods

(i) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil; and

(ii) are not for use in animal foods or fertilisers; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)



The goods:

(a) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Wool, goat fibre or other animal fibre


(a) the goods:

(i) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil; and

(ii) have been scoured to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and

(iii) if the goods are not for personal use—are accompanied by evidence stating that the goods have been scoured to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Catgut strings derived from animal intestines for use in musical instruments or sporting equipment

The goods:

(a) do not require refrigeration or any further processing; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Catgut derived from animal intestines


(a) all of the following:

(i) the goods were derived from bovine, caprine, ovine or porcine animals only;

(ii) the animals from which the goods were derived were free from diseases of biosecurity concern at the time they were slaughtered;

(iii) the goods were made from intestinal material only;

(iv) the goods are accompanied by a health certificate stating the matters referred to in subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii); or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Eggshells or eggshell ornaments

The goods:

(a) are clean and free of adhering materials; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Kopi luwak

The goods:

(a) are completely embedded in resin and are intended for display only; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Fishing flies

The goods:

(a) are clean and free of animal tissue; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


The following goods:

(a) sea shells, other than oyster shells that are not part of manufactured goods;

(b) natural or cultured pearls for jewellery, personal use or display purposes


(a) the goods:

(i) are not viable; and

(ii) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dead animals, animal parts, animal secretions or animal tissue, other than goods covered by another item in this table

Any of the following:

(a) the goods have been preserved by taxidermy for display;

(b) the goods have been cremated;

(c) the goods are completely embedded in resin and are intended for display only;

(d) all of the following:

(i) the goods are in a sealed container;

(ii) the goods have been preserved in a solution containing 70% alcohol or 10% formalin or a minimum of 2% glutaraldehyde, or the goods have been plastinated using curable polymers;

(iii) the goods are accompanied by a certificate from the laboratory or other facility that preserved or plastinated the goods stating that the goods have undergone complete preservation and fixation or the goods have been completely plastinated;

(iv) no animal is, or will be, exposed (whether directly or indirectly) to the goods or any derivatives of the goods;

(v) the goods are not intended to be used for isolation or synthesis of viable microorganisms or infectious agents or their homologues;

(e) if the goods are dead insects or arachnids:

(i) the goods have been preserved for collection or display; and

(ii) the goods are not intended to be used for isolation or synthesis of viable microorganisms or infectious agents or their homologues; and

(iii) no animal is, or will be, exposed (whether directly or indirectly) to the goods or any derivatives of the goods;

(f) the goods have been brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Casein glue or gelatine glue

The goods have been commercially prepared for industrial, commercial or hobby purposes


Untanned and partially processed game trophies, hides or skins that:

(a) are not derived from avian animals; and

(b) are from New Zealand

The goods:

(a) were derived from animals (other than avian animals) that resided and were slaughtered in New Zealand; and

(b) are accompanied by a health certificate stating the matter referred to in paragraph (a)


Untanned and partially processed game trophies, hides or skins that:

(a) are derived from avian animals; and

(b) are from New Zealand

The goods:

(a) were derived from avian animals that resided and were slaughtered in New Zealand; and

(b) have undergone one of the following processes:

(i) treatment with salt or borax;

(ii) immersion in an acid pickling solution at a pH of not more than 4;

(iii) immersion in an alcohol solution; and

(c) are accompanied by a health certificate stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b)


Animal trophies, artefacts or handicraft items

All of the following:

(a) the goods are more than 5 years old;

(b) the goods are preserved so that they do not require refrigeration;

(c) the goods are intended only for invitro use or display by a museum or scientific institute, or in a public exhibition;

(d) the goods, and any derivatives of the goods, must not come into contact with any animal;

(e) the goods must not be used for isolation of microorganisms or infectious agents;

(f) the goods are accompanied by a declaration from the manufacturer or supplier of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b);

(g) the goods are accompanied by a declaration from the person importing the goods stating the matter referred to in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e)


Bones, horns, antlers, tusks or teeth

The goods are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil

8A  Alternative conditions—live animals

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing certain live animals into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—live animals


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Live domestic cats or dogs brought or imported from Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

The animal is accompanied by a health certificate for the animal that was signed by an official veterinarian not more than 5 days before the day the animal left Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Live domestic cats or dogs brought or imported from New Zealand

The animal is accompanied by a health certificate for the animal that was signed by an official veterinarian not more than 5 days before the day the animal left New Zealand

9  Alternative conditions—dead fish, crustaceans and related goods

 (1) This section does not apply to dead fish, crustaceans or related goods that are intended for:

 (a) animal consumption; or

 (b) use as a bioremedial agent or fertiliser; or

 (c) growing purposes; or

 (d) veterinary therapeutic use.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing certain dead fish, crustaceans and related goods into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—dead fish, crustaceans and related goods


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Dead teleost fish, other than fish of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae

Any of the following:

(a) the goods have been processed to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level;

(b) the goods:

(i) are eviscerated or processed further than evisceration; and

(ii) are in a quantity of not more than 5 kilograms; and

(iii) are brought in as baggage;

(c) the goods:

(i) are eviscerated and the head and gills have been removed; and

(ii) are accompanied by a certificate from a body listed in the List of Overseas Authorities—Aquatic Animals for Import stating that the goods have been processed to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level;

(d) the goods:

(i) are eviscerated or processed further than evisceration; and

(ii) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dead teleost fish from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or (Cocos (Keeling) Islands), other than fish of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae

The goods:

(a) were caught in the exclusive economic zone of Australia (as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), or in international waters adjacent to the exclusive economic zone of Australia, by persons who were approved or registered to catch the goods in accordance with controls administered by the Commonwealth; and

(b) are accompanied by evidence showing that the goods were caught as described in paragraph (a)


Dead teleost fish from New Zealand, other than fish of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae

The goods:

(a) were caught in the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand (as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), or in international waters adjacent to the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand, by persons who were approved or registered to catch the goods in accordance with controls administered by the government of New Zealand; and

(b) are accompanied by a certificate given by an official of the government of New Zealand stating that the goods were caught as described in paragraph (a)


Dead elasmobranch fish or fish parts (including dried fish or fish parts), other than fish meal

Any of the following:

(a) the goods:

(i) are not viable; and

(ii) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil;

(b) the goods:

(i) have been processed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and

(ii) are fit for human consumption;

(c) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dead nonsalmonid finfish or finfish product

The goods can be stored at room or ambient temperature and do not need to be refrigerated or frozen before being used


Dead fish and fish products of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae, other than:

(a) roe or caviar; or

(b) salmon oil

Any of the following:

(a) the goods have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted;

(b) the goods:

(i) have been processed to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and

(ii) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(iii) if brought in as baggage—are in a quantity of less than 5 kilograms;

(c) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Roe or caviar of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae

The goods have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted


Salmon oil

The goods:

(a) are for human therapeutic use; and

(b) either:

(i) are for personal use and in a quantity of not more than 3 months’ supply; or

(ii) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dead crustaceans, other than:

(a) prawns; or

(b) freshwater crayfish; or

(c) crustacean meal

The goods:

(a) are not viable; and

(b) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil


Freshwater crayfish

The goods are cooked to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Prawns or prawn products, other than:

(a) dried prawns; or

(b) prawn meal; or

(c) prawnbased food products


(a) both of the following:

(i) the goods have been cooked and, as a result of the cooking process, all the protein in the prawn meat has coagulated and no raw prawn meat remains;

(ii) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) all of the following:

(i) the goods have been cooked in premises in the exporting country that are approved by, and under the control of, a body listed in the List of Overseas Authorities—Aquatic Animals for Import; and

(ii) as a result of the cooking process, all the protein in the prawn meat has coagulated and no raw prawn meat remains; and

(iii) the goods are accompanied by a certificate from the body referred to in subparagraph (i) stating that the conditions in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) have been met


Prawnbased food products

The goods are shelfstable


Dried prawns, other than crustacean meal

The goods:

(a) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Molluscs, other than:

(a) oysters in full or half shell; or

(b) snails

The goods:

(a) are not viable; and

(b) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil


Oysters in half shell from:

(a) a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or (Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) New Zealand

The goods:

(a) have been produced or cultivated in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or (Cocos (Keeling) Islands) or New Zealand; and

(b) are not viable; and

(c) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil


Cnidarians (coelenterates), other than coral sand

The goods:

(a) are not viable; and

(b) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil



The goods:

(a) are not viable; and

(b) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil



The goods:

(a) are not viable; and

(b) are clean and free from other animal or plant material and soil

10  Alternative conditions—meat and meat products

 (1) This section does not apply to meat products that are intended for:

 (a) animal consumption; or

 (b) use as bioremedial agents or fertiliser; or

 (c) growing purposes; or

 (d) veterinary therapeutic use.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing meat and meat products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—meat and meat products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Meatbased flavouring product


(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially manufactured and packaged; and

(ii) do not contain any discernible pieces of meat; and

(iii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Meat or meat products from New Zealand, other than:

(a) pork; or

(b) avian meat


(a) the goods:

(i) were produced from animals in New Zealand; and

(ii) are clearly labelled on the outermost of the largest packaged unit with the date of processing and the name and address of the place of production, and as a product of New Zealand; or

(b) the goods:

(i) are clearly labelled as a product of New Zealand; and

(ii) are for personal use


Pâté, whether or not egg is included as an ingredient


(a) the goods:

(i) the goods are shelfstable; and

(ii) the goods are for personal use; and

(iii) the quantity of the goods is not more than 1 kilogram or 1 litre; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Pork crackling or pork rind


(a) the goods:

(i) are shelfstable; and

(ii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Meat floss


(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially prepared; and

(ii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Meat jerky or biltong


(a) the goods:

(i) are shelfstable; and

(ii) are for personal use; and

(iii) are in a quantity of not more than 1 kilogram; and

(iv) if the goods are not from avian meat—have been manufactured in an FMDfree country; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Meat or meat products, other than meat or meat products covered by another item in this table

Any of the following:

(a) the goods:

(i) have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; and

(ii) contain less than 5% by weight of meat; and

(iii) are shelfstable;

(b) the goods:

(i) have been commercially manufactured and packaged; and

(ii) have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; and

(iii) are shelfstable; and

(iv) are for personal use;

(c) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

11  Alternative conditions—dairy products

 (1) This section does not apply to dairy products that are intended for:

 (a) animal consumption; or

 (b) use as bioremedial agents or fertiliser; or

 (c) growing purposes; or

 (d) veterinary therapeutic use.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing certain dairy products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—dairy products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Dairy products, other than:

(a) infant formula; or

(b) dairy products intended for use as stockfeed

Any of the following:

(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(ii) were manufactured in an FMDfree country; and

(iii) are for personal use;

(b) the goods:

(i) are shelfstable; and

(ii) are in a quantity of not more than 1 litre or 1 kilogram; and

(iii) are for personal use;

(c) if the goods contain one or more packets (for example, a box containing a cake mix)—the total dry weight of the components of the goods (other than added water) contains less than 10% of dairy products;

(d) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Infant formula

Any of the following:

(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(ii) were manufactured in one or more FMDfree countries only; and

(iii) are accompanied by evidence showing that the goods were manufactured in one or more FMDfree countries only; and

(iv) are for personal use;

(b) all of the following:

(i) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(ii) the goods are for personal use;

(iii) the person bringing in the goods is accompanied by one or more infants;

(iv) the goods are brought in as baggage;

(c) all of the following:

(i) the goods are shelfstable;

(ii) the goods are for personal use;

(iii) if the goods are not brought in as baggage—the quantity of the goods is not more than 1 kilogram or 1 litre;

(iv) if the goods are brought in as baggage—the quantity of the goods is not more than 5 kilograms or 5 litres;

(d) if the goods contain one or more packets—each packet contains less than 10% by dry weight (other than added water) of dairy products;

(e) the goods are brought or imported from:

(i) a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(ii) New Zealand


Commercial dairy products from New Zealand, other than dairy products intended for use as stockfeed


(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) the goods:

(i) are brought or imported directly from New Zealand; and

(ii) are made of ingredients that originated in, and were produced, processed and manufactured in, Australian territory or New Zealand only


Cheesecakes or cooked cakes containing dairy fillings or toppings


(a) the goods:

(i) were manufactured in an FMDfree country; and

(ii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dairybased beverages


(a) the goods:

(i) include tea, coffee or flavouring as an ingredient; and

(ii) are shelfstable; and

(iii) are for instant use; and

(iv) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)



The goods:

(a) have been commercially prepared and packaged; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Clarified butter oil or ghee

The goods:

(a) have been commercially prepared and packaged; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

12  Alternative conditions—eggs and egg products

 (1) This section does not apply to eggs or egg products that are intended for:

 (a) animal consumption; or

 (b) use as bioremedial agents or fertiliser; or

 (c) growing purposes; or

 (d) veterinary therapeutic use.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing eggs and egg products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—eggs and egg products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Whole eggs

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or

(a) the goods have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; and

(b) the goods are shelfstable; and

(c) the quantity of the goods is not more than 1 kilogram or 1 litre; and

(d) the goods are for personal use


Egg products, goods that include egg as an ingredient, or goods that contain egg

Any of the following

(a) the goods:

(i) contain less than 10% by weight (other than added water) of egg or egg product; and

(ii) do not contain discernible pieces of egg;

(b) the goods:

(i) have been processed so that they are not whole eggs; and

(ii) are shelfstable; and

(iii) are in a quantity of not more than 1 kilogram or 1 litre; and

(iv) are for personal use;

(c) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Egg waffles


(a) the goods:

(i) are shelfstable; and

(ii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Mooncakes that include egg


(a) the goods:

(i) do not contain meat as an ingredient; and

(ii) are shelfstable; and

(iii) are for personal use; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

13  Alternative conditions—miscellaneous goods for human consumption

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing miscellaneous goods for human consumption into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—miscellaneous goods for human consumption


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Luwak coffee (in any form)


(a) all of the following:

(i) the goods have been roasted;

(ii) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(iii) the quantity of the goods is not more than 1 litre or 1 kilogram; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Any of the following containing grain, seeds, dried fruits or nuts:

(a) muesli bars;

(b) uncooked readytobake bread mix;

(c) breakfast cereals

The goods:

(a) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(b) are ready for retail sale



The goods:

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) are shelfstable


Birds’ nests


(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially manufactured; and

(ii) have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Noodles or pasta that contain or include as an ingredient:

(a) eggs or egg products; or

(b) meatbased flavouring products


(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) the goods:

(i) are shelfstable; and

(ii) if the goods contain meat, meatbased flavouring products or discernible pieces of egg—are for instant use




(a) the goods have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; or

(b) the goods:

(i) are not viable; and

(ii) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Protein powders or supplements (which may include enzymes or egg proteins)


(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) the goods:

(i) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(ii) have been manufactured in an FMDfree country


Animal products for human consumption that were exported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) but did not clear customs or quarantine in another country

All of the following:

(a) the goods were commercially manufactured in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods were packaged in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) by the manufacturer;

(c) the packaging indicates that the goods are a product of Australia;

(d) the packaging has not been opened and is not broken

14  Alternative conditions—honey and bee products

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing honey and certain bee products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—honey and bee products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


The following goods:

(a) honey (whether or not containing honeycomb);

(b) bee venom;

(c) bee wax;

(d) honeycomb;

(e) propolis;

(f) royal jelly

The goods:

(a) unless paragraph (b) applies, are pure and free from extraneous material; or

(b) if the goods are an ingredient of other goods—were pure and free from extraneous material before being added to the other goods

15  Alternative conditions—foods and supplements for animals

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing foods and supplements for animals into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—foods and supplements for animals


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Food for consumption by domestic cats or domestic dogs

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or:

(a) the goods:

(i) do not contain any ingredients derived from ruminants (other than dairy products); or

(ii) contain ingredients derived from ruminants that originated from Australia or New Zealand only, and the goods were manufactured in, and exported from, New Zealand; and

(b) the goods have been retorted and the container in which the goods were retorted has not been opened since the goods were retorted; and

(c) the goods are shelfstable; and

(d) the goods are in a hermetically sealed container that is stamped or embossed in indelible ink with the identification number of the manufacturing facility and the batch number; and

(e) the goods are accompanied by commercial documentation that lists the trade names of the goods; and

(f) the goods are accompanied by an official government veterinary certificate from the country where the goods were manufactured, stating:

(i) that the conditions in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) have been met; and

(ii) if the food contains animal material (other than dairy, avian or fish material or products originating in Australia or New Zealand)—that the animal from which the material was derived was found to be free from contagious and infectious disease in antemortem and postmortem inspections; and

(iii) if the food contains avian material (other than egg or egg products)—that the animal from which the material was derived was found to be free from contagious and infectious disease in any inspections carried out (whether antemortem or postmortem); and

(iv) the identification number, or veterinary control number, of the establishment where the goods were manufactured


Rawhide chews for consumption by domestic cats or domestic dogs

All of the following:

(a) the goods are hide or skin that has been soaked in a liming solution of pH 14 for not less than 8 hours;

(b) the goods were made using hide or skin only with no other biological materials (for example, cartilage);

(c) unless the goods are brought or imported from a place in Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands—the goods are accompanied by:

(i) an official government veterinary certificate from the country in which the goods were manufactured stating that the conditions in paragraphs (a) and (b) have been met; or

(ii) a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods that has been endorsed by an official government veterinarian stating that the conditions in paragraphs (a) and (b) have been met



The goods:

(a) do not contain maize; and

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Cuttlefish bone


(a) the goods:

(i) are cuttlefish bone only; and

(ii) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that the goods are cuttlefish bone only; or

(b) if the goods contain ingredients other than cuttlefish bone—the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating:

(i) those ingredients; and

(ii) that any conditions specified in this Division for those ingredients have been complied with


Dead teleost fish from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or (Cocos (Keeling) Islands), other than fish of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae

The goods:

(a) were caught in the exclusive economic zone of Australia (as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), or in international waters adjacent to the exclusive economic zone of Australia, by persons who were approved or registered to catch the goods in accordance with controls administered by the Commonwealth; and

(b) are accompanied by evidence showing that the goods were caught as described in paragraph (a)


Dead teleost fish from New Zealand, other than fish of the family Salmonidae or Plecoglossidae


The goods:

(a) were caught in the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand (as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), or in international waters adjacent to the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand, by persons who were approved or registered to catch the goods in accordance with controls administered by the government of New Zealand; and

(b) are accompanied by a certificate given by an official of the government of New Zealand stating that the goods were caught as described in paragraph (a)


Dead cephalopods that were jig caught


(a) the goods:

(i) were jig caught; and

(ii) are in clean and new packaging; and

(iii) are accompanied by an official health certificate issued by the government of the exporting country stating that the cephalopods were jig caught; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Dead cephalopods that were caught using trawl or purse seine fishing methods


(a) the goods:

(i) were caught using trawl or purse seine fishing methods; and

(ii) contain no other ingredients; and

(iii) are in clean and new packaging; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Marine molluscs, other than oysters or snails

The goods are treated in Australian territory with gamma irradiation to a level that achieves a minimum of 50 kGray


Food for consumption by pet fish in enclosed aquariums or ponds

All of the following:

(a) the goods do not contain materials originating from terrestrial or avian animals, fish of the family Salmonidae, microalgae or macroalgae;

(b) the goods do not contain whole seeds or viable plant materials;

(c) the goods have been processed to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level;

(d) the goods are packed in individual containers of not more than 5 kilograms;

(e) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(f) the goods are ready for retail sale without any further processing;

(g) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)


Food or supplements for animals containing alcohol, citric acid, lactic acid or xanthan gum

The goods:

(a) are accompanied by documentation stating the ingredients in the product and the highly processed and purified nature of the goods; or

(b) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)


Purified amino acid that is a highly processed and purified extract from plant materials

All of the following:

(a) the goods have been processed in a way that ensures that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level;

(b) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the goods are a highly processed and purified extract from plant materials; and

(ii) no materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin have been used during manufacture; and

(iii) the goods have been manufactured to be compliant with the relevant monograph from at least one of the following published standards: United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia or USP Food Chemicals Codex; and

(iv) the level of purity of the goods (excluding any nonbiological carrier) has been shown to be at least 98%, calculated on a dry weight basis; and

(v) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(vi) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(vii) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(viii) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to standards of quality applicable to the production of stockfeed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Purified amino acid that is a highly processed and purified extract from a microbial fermentation process

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or all of the following:

(a) the goods have been processed in a way that ensures that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level;

(b) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the goods are a highly processed and purified extract from a microbial fermentation process and the culture media used in manufacture of the goods has been sterilised; and

(ii) no materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin have been used during manufacture; and

(iii) the goods have been manufactured to be compliant with the relevant monograph from at least one of the following published standards: United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia or USP Food Chemicals Codex; and

(iv) the level of purity of the goods (excluding any nonbiological carrier) has been shown to be at least 98%, calculated on a dry weight basis; and

(v) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(vi) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(vii) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(viii) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to standards of quality applicable to the production of stockfeed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Purified vitamins (other than vitamin D3) that are a highly processed and purified extract from plant materials

All of the following:

(a) the goods are free from extraneous material;

(b) the goods have been processed in a way that ensures that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level;

(c) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the goods are a highly processed and purified extract from plant materials; and

(ii) no materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin have been used during manufacture; and

(iii) the goods have been manufactured to be compliant with the relevant monograph from at least one of the following published standards: United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia or USP Food Chemicals Codex; and

(iv) the level of purity of the goods (excluding any nonbiological carrier) has been shown to be at least 96%, calculated on a dry weight basis; and

(v) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(vi) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(vii) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(viii) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to standards of quality applicable to the production of stockfeed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Purified vitamins (other than vitamin D3) that are a highly processed and purified extract from a microbial fermentation process

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or all of the following:

(a) the goods are free from extraneous material;

(b) the goods have been processed in a way that ensures that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level;

(c) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the goods are a highly processed and purified extract from a microbial fermentation process and the culture media used in manufacture of the vitamin has been sterilised; and

(ii) no materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin have been used during manufacture; and

(iii) the goods have been manufactured to be compliant with the relevant monograph from at least one of the following published standards: United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia or USP Food Chemicals Codex; and

(iv) the level of purity of the goods (excluding any nonbiological carrier) has been shown to be at least 96%, calculated on a dry weight basis; and

(v) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(vi) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(vii) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(viii) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to standards of quality applicable to the production of stockfeed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Purified vitamin D3 that is a highly processed derivative of wool grease

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or all of the following:

(a) the goods are free from extraneous material;

(b) the goods have been processed in a way that ensures that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level;

(c) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the goods are a highly processed derivative of wool grease; and

(ii) the only material of terrestrial animal or avian origin used during the manufacture of the goods was wool grease; and

(iii) the goods have been manufactured to be compliant with the relevant monograph from at least one of the following published standards: United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia or USP Food Chemicals Codex; and

(iv) the level of purity of the goods (excluding any nonbiological carrier) has been shown to be at least 96%, calculated on a dry weight basis; and

(v) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(vi) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(vii) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(viii) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to the standards of quality applicable to the production of stockfeed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Food or supplements for animals containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or all of the following:

(a) the goods contain, as the material of microbial origin, pure cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae or a derivative or extract of a pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae;

(b) the goods contain no materials of animal origin;

(c) the goods are free from extraneous material;

(d) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that:

(i) the conditions in paragraphs (a) and (b) have been met; and

(ii) the media used to propagate the Saccharomyces cerevisiae contained no materials of terrestrial, aquatic or avian animal origin; and

(iii) the goods are not on a grain or animalbased carrier; and

(iv) the goods have not been exposed to contamination after processing; and

(v) the goods have been packed in clean and new packaging only; and

(vi) the goods were manufactured in a facility that is operated according to the standards of quality applicable to the production of animal feed products, including appropriate standards for prevention of crosscontamination of production cultures or raw materials


Food or supplements for animals, other than food or supplements for animals covered by another item in this table

All of the following:

(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) if the goods contain material of animal or microbial origin—that material:

(i) was derived from animals or microbes in Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(ii) was brought or imported into Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) and was not brought in or imported in contravention of the Act;

(c) if the goods contain material of plant origin:

(i) the goods have been made into pellets; or

(ii) the material is not viable and does not include whole seeds;

(d) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(e) the goods are ready for retail sale;

(f) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island

16  Alternative conditions—cosmetics and related goods

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing cosmetics and related goods into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—cosmetics and related goods


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Cosmetics of animal origin for human use


(a) the goods:

(i) have been commercially manufactured, prepared and packaged; and

(ii) are ready for retail sale; and

(iii) are for personal use or contain, in total, less than 20% by mass of material of animal origin; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)




(a) the soap has been commercially prepared and the biological ingredients of the goods have undergone a process of saponification; or

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

17  Alternative conditions—live plants for use as nursery stock

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing live plants for use as nursery stock into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—live plants for use as nursery stock


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Live Orchidaceae (orchid) plant imported as tissue cultures

The goods:

(a) are growing in an aseptic nonanimalbased medium in a closed rigid and transparent container; and

(b) are well established in that medium and container; and

(c) are brought in as baggage

18  Alternative conditions—miscellaneous plant materials and plant products

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing miscellaneous plant materials and plant products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—miscellaneous plant materials and plant products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Processed plant products, other than goods that are covered by another provision in this Division

The goods have been processed so that they are not viable and there is no risk of contamination or infection from a disease or plant pathogen


Herbarium specimens, including of the following:

(a) vascular plants;

(b) nonvascular plants and fungi (including algae, lichens, mosses, liverworts and hornworts)

The goods:

(a) are in clean and new packaging; and

(b) are clearly labelled, and identifiable, as herbarium specimens; and

(c) are intended to be formally incorporated into a reference collection, or housed temporarily (on loan) for research, at one or more herbariums listed in the Index Herbariorum; and

(d) are to be treated immediately when received by the first herbarium to which they are delivered, and before the inner wrappings are opened, at minus 18°C for 7 consecutive days; and


(e) the goods are accompanied by a declaration that is clearly marked as being from the sending institution, stating the following:

(i) a list of the specimens in the consignment (including the classification of the specimens to at least family level), linked to either the herbarium accession numbers or collectors’ details or identifiers (for example, the accompanying loan listing);

(ii) that the specimens have been processed to their final state by a method other than freezing;

(iii) that the specimens were free from live insects and excess soil at the time of packaging, and are not known to be infected with pathogenic microorganisms; or

(f) the goods are delivered directly to a herbarium covered by an approved arrangement that provides for the containment of herbarium specimens


Unprocessed straw articles or products

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence:

(i) stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(ii) showing that the goods are of plant origin only


Purified plant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA)

Both of the following:

(a) the goods:

(i) are purified plant DNA or RNA; and

(ii) were derived from healthy plants that were not infected or contaminated with a pathogen; and

(iii) were extracted using a standard laboratory procedure that lyses cells and removes proteins from the nucleic acid preparation;

(b) the goods are accompanied by evidence stating the matters specified in subparagraphs (a)(i) to (iii)


Dried Tillandsia spp.

The goods:

(a) are for personal use; and

(b) are brought in as baggage


Dried or preserved cut flowers or foliage

Both of the following:

(a) the goods are listed dried or preserved cut flowers or foliage;

(b) the goods:

(i) have been completely covered by lacquering, painting or coating with metal, or have been dried or freezedried; or

(ii) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating how the goods have been preserved to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Plant material (including wood or bamboo, plant or plant parts with soil attached) embedded in a compound that has been fully sealed using a heat, moulding or chemical process

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating how the goods have been processed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Green coffee beans for processing, other than coffee beans that have been digested through an animal

The goods are free from fruit pulp and parchment


Herbal tea in tea bags or capsules

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or:

(a) the goods have been dried; and

(b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(d) if the goods contain seeds as ingredients—the seeds:

(i) are listed permitted seeds; or

(ii) have been processed so they are not viable; and

(e) the goods:

(i) are for personal use, are brought in as baggage or mail, and are labelled with an ingredients list specifying the botanical names (genus and species) or common names of the goods; or

(ii) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods that identifies all ingredients contained in the goods and their origin, and describes any processing that has occurred to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Loose leaf herbal mixtures for human consumption

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or:

(a) the goods have been dried and commercially prepared and packaged; and

(b) if the goods contain seeds as an ingredient—the seeds:

(i) are listed permitted seeds; or

(ii) have been processed so that they are not viable; and

(c) if the goods are in a quantity of not more than 1 kilogram—the ingredients contained in the goods have been finely chopped; and

(d) if the goods are in a quantity of more than 1 kilogram—the goods:

(i) are for personal use, are brought in as baggage or mail, and are labelled with an ingredients list specifying the botanical names (genus and species) or common names of the goods; or

(ii) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods that identifies all ingredients contained in the goods and their origin, and describes any processing that has occurred to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Dried hops (Humulus lupulus)

The goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), or the goods:

(a) were grown and produced in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) or New Zealand only; and

(b) are intended for processing; and

(c) are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate or commercial documentation stating the matters specified in paragraphs (a) and (b)


Artificial plants on natural stems

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the stem components of the goods


Plant fibres

Both of the following:

(a) the goods are listed plant fibres;

(b) the goods:

(i) are accompanied by evidence stating the botanical name (including genus and species) or common name of the goods; or

(ii) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail


Pine cones

The goods:

(a) are for personal use; and

(b) are brought in as baggage or mail


Unprocessed cotton including any of the following:

(a) raw or seed cotton;

(b) cotton lint;

(c) linters;

(d) cotton waste;

(e) waste cotton

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence:

(i) stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(ii) showing that the goods are of plant origin only


Grape vine articles

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence:

(i) stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(ii) showing that the goods are of plant origin only


The following plants:

(a) Hyparrhenia spp. (excluding H. gazensis);

(b) Imperata cylindrica;

(c) Miscanthus sinensis;

(d) Pennisetum purpureum;

(e) Thamnocalamus spp.;

(f) Thamnochortus spp.

The goods:

(a) are intended for use as thatching grass; and

(b) are accompanied by evidence stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods


Banana fibre articles

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence:

(i) stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(ii) showing that the goods are of plant origin only


Articles stuffed with herbs or seeds

The goods are accompanied by evidence:

(a) stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(b) showing that the goods are of plant origin only

19  Alternative conditions—nuts for human consumption

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing nuts for human consumption into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—nuts for human consumption


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


The following nuts:

(a) peanuts (Arachis hypogaea);

(b) pine nuts (Pinus spp.)

The goods:

(a) have been commercially prepared, processed and packaged; and

(b) either:

(i) are for personal use; or

(ii) are accompanied by commercial documentation stating the kind of nuts


Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) grown in New Zealand

The goods:

(a) were grown and produced in New Zealand; and

(b) are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country’s national plant protection organisation showing that:

(i) the goods were grown and produced in New Zealand; and

(ii) biosecurity risks associated with the goods (including any packaging) have been managed to an acceptable level


Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) grown in Australian territory

All of the following:

(a) the goods were grown in Australian territory;

(b) before being brought or imported into Norfolk Island, the goods were:

(i) processed; and

(ii) frozen at a core temperature of minus 18°C for at least 7 consecutive days; and

(iii) packaged;

(c) the goods are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country’s national plant protection organisation showing that biosecurity risks associated with the goods (including any packaging) have been managed to an acceptable level;

(d) the goods are accompanied by commercial documentation stating that biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level during the processing of the goods;

(e) the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating how biosecurity risks associated with the goods have been managed to an acceptable level

20  Alternative conditions—cereals, grains, legumes, pulses and oil seeds for human consumption

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing cereals, grains, legumes, pulses (other than peanuts) and oil seeds for human consumption into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—cereals, grains, legumes, pulses and oil seeds for human consumption


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Any of the following:

(a) grain;

(b) cereals;

(c) legumes and pulses, other than peanuts;

(d) oil seeds

The goods have been processed to the extent needed to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level

21  Alternative conditions—packaging

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing packaging into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—packaging


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Packaging for live plants including the following:

(a) buckwheat hulls (Fagopyrum esculentum);

(b) cardboard;

(c) cellulose wadding;

(d) charcoal;

(e) damp paper;

(f) granulated cork;

(g) perlite;

(h) peat moss;

(i) plastic foam;

(j) sawdust;

(k) shredded clean paper;

(l) synthetic material;

(m) wood shavings;

(n) wood wool;

(o) vermiculate;

(p) sphagnum pulp

The goods are clean and new


Packaging for produce, including cardboard boxes and any other packaging products

The goods are clean and new

22  Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners and growing media of plant origin

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing fertilisers, soil conditioners and growing media of plant origin into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners and growing media of plant origin


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Peat (being black peat, peat moss, sphagnum peat moss or white peat) that was grown, processed and packaged in, and brought or imported from, an FMDfree country

The goods are free from animals, fresh or viable plant material, animal material, soil, mud and clay


Peat (being black peat, peat moss, sphagnum peat moss or white peat) that:

(a) was not grown, processed or packaged in an FMDfree country; and

(b) is in a quantity of less than 10 kilograms

The goods are free from animals, fresh or viable plant material, animal material, soil, mud and clay


Peat (being black peat, peat moss, sphagnum peat moss or white peat) that:

(a) was not grown, processed or packaged in an FMDfree country; and

(b) is in a quantity of 10 kilograms or more

The goods are accompanied by:

(a) a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country’s national plant protection organisation showing that biosecurity risks associated with the goods (including any packaging) have been managed to an acceptable level; and

(b) a declaration (included in the phytosanitary certificate or in a certificate given by an official veterinarian) stating that:

(i) the goods were sourced from areas where there has been no footandmouth disease in the period of 12 months before the goods left the exporting country; or

(ii) the goods were not sourced from an area within a 3 kilometre radius of a place where there has been footandmouth disease in the period of 12 months before the goods left the exporting country


Coir peat (whether compressed or noncompressed), including in any of the following forms:

(a) bales;

(b) blocks;

(c) bricks;

(d) briquettes


(a) the goods:

(i) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); and

(ii) are free from animals, fresh or viable plant material, animal material, soil, mud and clay; or

(b) all of the following:

(i) the goods are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country’s national plant protection organisation showing that biosecurity risks associated with the goods (including any packaging) have been managed to an acceptable level;

 (iii) the phytosanitary certificate includes a declaration stating that there is no visible contamination from animal material on the goods, or the goods are accompanied by an official government certificate stating that there is no visible contamination from animal material on the goods

23  Alternative conditions—produce for human consumption

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing produce for human consumption into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—produce for human consumption


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Unprocessed fresh fruit, vegetables, fungi, leaves or herbs, other than goods covered by another item in this table

All of the following:

(a) the goods are listed fresh produce for human consumption (Norfolk Island);

(b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(c) the goods have been washed or brushed to remove all soil and other exogenous material, including stems and roots;

(d) the goods are free from visual symptoms of disease and of live insects;

(e) the goods are securely packed and wrapped in clean and new packaging that prevents infestation by insects;

(f) the goods are accompanied by a certificate that has been issued:

(i) under the Interstate Certification Assurance Scheme administered by a State or Territory body; or

(ii) by a Commonwealth body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health; or

(iii) by a State or Territory body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health in the State or Territory from which the goods are brought or imported;

(g) the certificate referred to in paragraph (f):

(i) describes the goods to which the certificate relates, including by reference to the common name of the goods, distinguishing marks such as the name of the brand or grower, and the volume (including the number of packages and weight) of the goods; and

(ii) states that the goods have been inspected and that the conditions in paragraphs (a) to (e) are met;

(h) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island



All of the following:

(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods have been washed or brushed to remove all soil and other exogenous material, including stems and roots;

(c) the goods are free from visual symptoms of disease and of live insects;

(d) the goods are securely packed and wrapped in clean and new packaging that prevents infestation by insects;

(e) the goods were sourced from areas where onion smut (Urocystis cepulae) is not known to occur;

(f) the goods are accompanied by a certificate that has been issued:

(i) under the Interstate Certification Assurance Scheme administered by a State or Territory body; or

(ii) by a Commonwealth body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health; or

(iii) by a State or Territory body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health in the State or Territory from which the goods are brought or imported;

(g) the certificate referred to in paragraph (f):

(i) describes the goods to which the certificate relates, including by reference to the common name of the goods, distinguishing marks such as the name of the brand or grower, and the volume (including the number of packages and weight) of the goods; and

(ii) states that the goods have been inspected and that the conditions in paragraphs (a) to (e) are met;

(h) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island



All of the following:

(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods have been washed or brushed to remove all soil and other exogenous material, including stems and roots;

(c) the goods are free from visual symptoms of pests (including stem and bulb nematode), of disease (including pink rot, Rhizoctonia Canker (Rhizoctonia solani) and potato viruses) and of live insects;

(d) the goods are securely packed and wrapped in clean and new packaging that prevents infestation by insects;

(e) the goods were sourced from properties that are free from potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) and bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum);

(f) the goods are accompanied by a certificate that has been issued:

(i) under the Interstate Certification Assurance Scheme administered by a State or Territory body; or

(ii) by a Commonwealth body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health; or

(iii) by a State or Territory body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health in the State or Territory from which the goods are brought or imported;

(g) the certificate referred to in paragraph (f):

(i) describes the goods to which the certificate relates, including by reference to the common name of the goods, distinguishing marks such as the name of the brand or grower, and the volume (including the number of packages and weight) of the goods; and

(ii) states that the goods have been inspected and that the conditions in paragraphs (a) to (e) are met;

(h) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island


Species of mushrooms or truffles that:

(a) were grown in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) or New Zealand; and

(b) are not for use for medicinal purposes

The goods:

(a) are listed mushrooms or truffles (frozen); and

(b) have been frozen at a core temperature of minus 18°C for at least 7 consecutive days; and

(c) are accompanied by commercial documentation stating the following:

(i) the botanical name of the goods;

(ii) the country or place where the goods were grown;

(iii) that the goods have been frozen at a core temperature of minus 18°C for at least 7 consecutive days;

(iv) information describing how the goods have been processed;

(v) information describing the packaging used for the goods


Species of mushrooms or truffles that:

(a) were not grown in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) or New Zealand; and

(b) are not for use for medicinal purposes

The goods:

(a) are listed mushrooms or truffles (frozen); and

(b) have been frozen at a core temperature of minus 18°C for at least 7 consecutive days; and

(c) are accompanied by commercial documentation stating the following:

(i) the botanical name of the goods;

(ii) the country or place where the goods were grown;

(iii) whether the goods were produced at a farm or harvested in the wild;

(iv) that the goods have been frozen at a core temperature of minus 18°C for at least 7 consecutive days;

(v) information describing how the goods have been processed;

(vi) information describing the packaging used for the goods;

(vii) information relating to the phytosanitary condition of the goods


Species of mushrooms or truffles that are for use other than for medicinal purposes

The goods:

(a) are listed mushrooms or truffles (dried); and

(b) have been dried; and

(c) are labelled or accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods that states the scientific name of the goods


Species of mushrooms or fungi that are for use for medicinal purposes

The goods:

(a) are listed medicinal mushrooms; and

(b) have been securely packed in clean and new packaging; and

(c) have been dried and processed; and

(d) are accompanied by a declaration on commercial documentation stating the botanical name of the goods (including genus and species), and a description of the packaging used for the goods; and

(e) have been treated using a method that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied is appropriate to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level


Popping corn

The goods:

(a) have been commercially prepared and packaged in packets; and

(b) are ready for retail sale; and

(c) are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island

24  Alternative conditions—seeds

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing seeds into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—seeds


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Seeds, other than seeds covered by another item in this table

The goods:

(a) either:

(i) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(ii) are listed permitted seeds; and

(b) are labelled with their botanical name (genus and species); and

(c) are not a genetically modified organism



Allium spp.

The goods:

(a) either:

(i) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(ii) are listed permitted Allium spp. seeds; and

(b) are labelled with their botanical name (genus and species); and

(c) are not a genetically modified organism; and

(d) are being imported from a commercial source; and

(e) are accompanied by evidence that they are being imported from a commercial source



Arecaceae (palm) species for sowing

The goods:

(a) either:

(i) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(ii) are listed permitted Arecaceae (palm) seeds; and

(b) have no germinated seeds that have sprouts that are longer than 25 millimetres; and

(c) do not have expanded leaves present; and

(d) are labelled with their botanical name (genus and species); and

(e) are not a genetically modified organism



Maize seeds for sowing

The goods:

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); and

(b) have been commercially prepared and packaged in packets that each contain a quantity of up to 50 grams of the goods; and

(c) are ready for retail sale; and

(d) are labelled with the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods; and

(e) are not a genetically modified organism; and

(f) are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island


Maize seeds for sowing, other than maize seeds covered by item 4

All of the following:

(a) the goods were grown and packed in a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods have been commercially packed in clean and new packaging that is labelled with the botanical name (including genus and species) of the goods;

(c) the goods are free from visual symptoms of disease and from live insects, seeds of other plants (including weeds and crops), soil, and any other contaminants;

(d) the goods:

(i) were grown in an area in which boil smut (Ustilago maydis) is not known to occur; or

(ii) were sourced from crops that were inspected before they were harvested and were found to be free of boil smut (Ustilago maydis); or

(iii) have been treated with Vitavax 200FF flowable fungicide;

(e) the goods:

(i) were grown in an area in which sugarcane mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, cereal chlorotic mottle virus, johnsongrass mosaic virus, maize stripe virus, and wheat streak virus are not known to occur; or

(ii) were sourced from crops that were inspected before they were harvested and were found to be free of the viruses referred to in subparagraph (i);

(f) the goods are accompanied by a certificate that has been issued:

(i) under the Interstate Certification Assurance Scheme administered by a State or Territory body; or

(ii) by a Commonwealth body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health; or

(iii) by a State or Territory body that has responsibility for matters relating to plant health in the State or Territory from which the goods are brought or imported;

(g) the certificate referred to in paragraph (f) states that the goods have been inspected and that the conditions in paragraphs (a) to (e) are met;

(h) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island

25  Alternative conditions—timber and timber products

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing timber and timber products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—timber and timber products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Timber or timber mouldings, other than timber or timber mouldings of the Myrtaceae family the height, depth and width of which exceed 4 millimetres

The goods:

(a) are free from pests and disease; and

(b) either:

(i) have been manufactured to be less than 4 millimetres in height and width; or

(ii) have been manufactured to be between 4 millimetres and 200 millimetres in height and width and are accompanied by documentation identifying their botanical name (genus and species)


Manufactured wooden goods

Any of the following:

(a) the goods have been manufactured to be not more than 4 millimetres in height or width;

(b) the goods have been manufactured to be between 4 millimetres to 200 millimetres in height or width;

(c) the goods:

(i) are free from pest and disease; and

(ii) are for personal use; and

(iii) are brought in as baggage or mail


Charcoal of plant origin, other than charcoal intended for:

(a) animal consumption; or

(b) veterinary therapeutic use; or

(c) fertiliser; or

(d) aquaculture

The goods:

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) are accompanied by commercial documentation that describes the goods and all ingredients; or

(c) are in a quantity of not more than 5 kilograms


Wood pellets, briquettes or agglomerated logs of plant origin


(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) the goods:

(i) are made only from sawdust, wood powder or wood shavings that have been heated, extruded, pressed and pelletised; and

(ii) are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that the goods are made only from sawdust, wood powder or wood shavings that have been heated, extruded, pressed and pelletised


Bark for human consumption or human therapeutic use

The goods:

(a) are dried; and

(b) either:

(i) are accompanied by documentation that includes a detailed product description, a full list of ingredients including botanical names (genus and species) or common names of the goods, and a description of the packaging of the goods; or

(ii) are for personal use, are brought in as baggage or mail, and are labelled with the botanical names (genus and species) or common names of the goods


Sawdust and woodchips

The goods:

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

(b) are in a quantity of not more than 5 kilograms


Oak barrels (with or without chestnut bark hoops)

The goods:

(a) are for personal use and are brought in as baggage or mail; or

(b) are accompanied by evidence stating the botanical name (including genus and species) of the materials from which the goods are made

26  Alternative conditions—starter cultures

 (1) This section applies to the following goods:

 (a) starter cultures specified in the table in subsection (3);

 (b) derivatives of starter cultures specified in that table.

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are that the goods are intended for any of the following purposes:

 (a) use in human food or beverages;

 (b) cosmetic use;

 (c) invitro laboratory work;

 (d) invivo work in laboratory organisms;

 (e) human therapeutic use.

 (3) The following table specifies starter cultures for subsection (1).


Starter cultures


Starter cultures


Acetobacter spp.


Aspergillus brasiliensis


Aspergillus niger


Aspergillus oryzae


Bacillus acidopullulyticus


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens


Bacillus coagulans


Bacillus halodurans


Bacillus licheniformis


Bacillus subtilis


Baker’s yeast


Bifidobacterium spp.


Brevibacterium linens


Brewer’s yeast


Candida spp.


Chaetomium gracile


Citeromyces spp.


Clavispora spp.


Debaryomyces spp.


Dekkera spp.


Enterococcus durans


Enterococcus faecalis


Enterococcus faecium


Geotrichum candidum


Hansenula spp.


Hasagawaea spp.


Humicola insolens


Hypopichia spp.


Issatchenkia spp.


Kluyveromyces spp.


Lactic acid bacteria


Lactobacillus spp.


Lactococcus spp.


Leuconostoc spp.


Monascus spp.


Pediococcus pentasaceus


Penicillium camemberti (also known as Penicillium camembertii)


Penicillium funiculosum


Penicillium roqueforti (also known as Penicillium roquefortii)


Phaffia spp.


Pichia spp.


Propionibacterium spp.


Rhizopus spp.


Saccharomyces spp.


Schizosaccharomyces spp.


Schwanniomyces spp.


Staphylococcus carnosus


Staphylococcus xylosus


Streptococcus cremoris


Streptococcus diacetilactis


Streptococcus durans


Streptococcus faecalis


Streptococcus lactis


Streptococcus salivarius


Streptococcus thermophilus


Streptomyces olivaceus


Streptomyces olivochromogenes


Streptomyces mobaraensis (formerly Streptoverticillium mobaraensis)


Streptomyces murinus


Streptomyces rubiginosus


Streptomyces violaceoruber


Talaromyces emersonii (formerly Penicillium ermersonii)


Torulaspora spp.


Torulopsis spp.


Trichoderma harzianum


Trichoderma reesei (formerly Trichoderma longibrachiatum)


Trichoderma viride


Wine culture


Yoghurt/Kefir culture


Zygoascus spp.


Zygosaccharomyces spp.

27  Alternative conditions—highly refined organic chemicals and substances for certain purposes

 (1) This section applies to highly refined organic chemicals and substances specified in the table in subsection (3) (the goods).

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are:

 (a) the goods are not intended for:

 (i) animal consumption; or

 (ii) use as bioremedial agents or fertiliser; or

 (iv) veterinary therapeutic use; and

 (b) the goods are highly processed; and

 (c) the goods are purified substances.

 (3) The following table specifies highly refined organic chemicals and substances for subsection (1).


Highly refined organic chemicals and substances


Highly refined organic chemicals and substances




Almondbased beverages


Amino acids (other than those derived from neural material)


Arabic gum






Cellulose, including wood cellulose


Coconut water








Enzymes (other than enzymes derived from animals or microbial fermentation)






Gamma oryzanol






Gum products


Hazelnutbased beverages


Instant coffee extracts


Isolated soybean protein




Lye water


Maize starch and maize starch powder




Maple syrup




Monosodium glutamate


Multigrainbased beverages


Neem oil


Oatbased beverages


Organic acids








Pine tar


Plant alcohols


Plant colours


Plant essences


Plant extracts


Plant flavours


Plant oils


Plant waxes


Plant derived lecithin


Pure agar










Soy milk


Soybean protein isolate








Sulfur compounds






Tomato powder




Vietnamese lacquer






Wood flour


28  Alternative conditions—biological material intended for human therapeutic use or veterinary therapeutic use

 (1) This section applies to any biological material (the goods).

Biological material for human therapeutic use—personal administration

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are:

 (a) the goods are intended for human therapeutic use; and

 (b) the goods do not contain bee pollen; and

 (c) the goods:

 (i) are for personal use by the person bringing in or importing the goods; or

 (ii) are for use by any spouse, de facto partner, child, parent or sibling of the person bringing in or importing the goods; and

 (d) the goods are in a quantity of not more than 3 months’ supply; and

 (e) the goods are accompanied by documentation stating that the goods are in a quantity of not more than 3 months’ supply.

Biological material for human therapeutic use—administration by health practitioner

 (3) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are:

 (a) the goods are intended for human therapeutic use; and

 (b) the goods do not contain bee pollen, Ganoderma spp. or slippery elm bark; and

 (c) the goods are intended to be administered by a medical practitioner or another kind of professional health practitioner.

Biological material for veterinary therapeutic use

 (4) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Islands are:

 (a) the goods are intended for veterinary therapeutic use; and

 (b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

 (c) the goods are ready for retail sale without any further processing; and

 (d) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands).

29  Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners, soil growth supplements and growing media made of animal material, plant material or biological material

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing fertilisers, soil conditioners, soil growth supplements and growing media made of animal material, plant material or biological material into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—fertilisers, soil conditioners, soil growth supplements and growing media made of animal material, plant material or biological material


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Fertilisers, soil conditioners and supplements that are intended for use to promote growth in soil

Both of the following:

(a) the only biological materials used to make the goods are one or more of the following:

(i) alcohols;

(ii) citric acid;

(iii) cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (for example, Baker’s yeast or Brewer’s yeast);

(iv) lactic acid;

(v) purified amino acids (other than those derived from neural material);

(vi) purified vitamins;

(vii) xanthan gum;

(b) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island


Fertilisers, soil conditioners and supplements that:

(a) are intended for use to promote growth in soil; and

(b) do not contain materials derived from terrestrial animals, avian animals or microbes

All of the following:

(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(c) the goods are ready for retail sale;

(d) the goods are free from soil;

(e) if the goods contain plant material—that material has been processed so that it is not viable (for example, the plant material is plant or seaweed extract);

(f) the goods are accompanied by documentation stating the ingredients contained in the goods;

(g) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island


Growing media made of plant material

The goods:

(a) are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); and

(b) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(c) are ready for retail sale; and

(d) are free from soil; and

(e) are accompanied by documentation stating the ingredients contained in the goods; and

(f) are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island

Note: Division 2 applies to chemical and mined fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements (see section 34).

30  Alternative conditions—other biological material for certain purposes

 (1) This section applies to biological material specified in the table in subsection (4) (the goods).

Biological material intended for human consumption, invitro purposes or human therapeutic use

 (2) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are:

 (a) the goods are:

 (i) intended for human consumption, invitro purposes or human therapeutic use; or

 (ii) contained in cosmetics for human use; and

 (b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

 (c) the goods are ready for retail sale without any further processing.

Biological material intended for veterinary therapeutic use or use as cosmetics for animals

 (3) For paragraph 7(1)(b), alternative conditions for bringing or importing the goods into Norfolk Island are:

 (a) the goods are intended for veterinary therapeutic use or use as cosmetics for animals; and

 (b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

 (c) the goods are ready for retail sale without any further processing; and

 (d) if the goods contain ingredients of animal, plant or microbial origin—those ingredients are biological material specified in the table in subsection 30(4); and

 (e) the goods are accompanied by:

 (i) documentation stating the ingredients contained in the goods; or

 (ii) if applicable, a declaration or other documentation from the manufacturer of the goods stating the matter referred to in paragraph (d).

Biological material

 (4) The following table specifies biological material for subsection (1).


Biological material


Biological material




Citric acid


Colloidal oatmeal


Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (or a derivative of a pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae)


Essential oils




Fish oil (other than salmon oil)


Glucosamine, chondroitin or chitosan of aquatic animal origin (except if derived from fish of the family Salmonidae or intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Green lipped mussel powder from New Zealand (except if intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Highly processed biochemicals derived from wool grease (including cholesterol, cholecalciferol vitamin D3, lanolin and lanolin alcohols)


Homeopathic preparations


Lactic acid


Lactose (except in products intended for administration to foodproducing animals in their feed or water ration)


Natural flavourings (except if manufactured using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin)


Neatsfoot oil, if present in products for topical application to humans or animals that are companion or performance animals (such as dogs, cats or horses)




Plant acids


Plant extracts (other than flours or powders)


Plant gums


Plant juices


Plant oils


Plant waxes


Purified amino acids (other than those derived from neural material)


Purified antibiotics or antimycotics manufactured without using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin (except if intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Purified avermectin compounds manufactured without using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin (except if intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Purified corticosteroid manufactured without using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin


Purified hyaluronic acid manufactured without using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin (except if intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Purified milbemycin compounds manufactured without using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin (except if intended for veterinary therapeutic use in aquatic animals)


Purified spinosyn compounds, if present in products for use in humans or animals that are companion or performance animals (such as dogs, cats or horses)






Sugars (other than lactose)


Tallow derivatives that are methyl oleate, oleic acid, glycerol or stearates, produced by hydrolysis, saponification or transesterification using high temperature (above 200°C) and pressure


Tinctures (except if manufactured using materials of terrestrial animal or avian origin)




Vitamins or provitamins




Xanthan gum

30A  Alternative conditions—gelatine and its derivatives intended for certain purposes

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing gelatine and its derivatives into Australian territory.


Alternative conditions—gelatine and its derivatives intended for certain purposes


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Gelatine intended for:

(a) human consumption; or

(b) human therapeutic use; or

(c) invitro purposes; or

(d) invivo work in laboratory organisms

The goods have been commercially prepared


Gelatine intended for culture media

Both of the following:

(a) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(b) if the goods were derived from bovines—the goods were derived from hides and skins only


Gelatine intended for veterinary therapeutic use or use in cosmetics for animals

The goods:

(a) were not derived from ruminant animals; and

(b) do not contain any biological material except gelatine or biological material specified in the table in subsection 30(4); and

(c) have been commercially prepared and packaged; and

(d) are ready for retail sale without any further processing; and

(e) are accompanied by a declaration or other documentation from the manufacturer of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d)

31  Alternative conditions—bioremedial products

  For paragraph 7(1)(b), the following table specifies alternative conditions for bringing or importing bioremedial products into Norfolk Island.


Alternative conditions—bioremedial products


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Bioremedial products, other than bioremedial products covered by item 2

The goods:

(a) contain, as the only biological material, any of the following ingredients:

(i) alcohols;

(ii) citric acid;

(iii) highly processed biochemicals derived from wool grease (including cholesterol, cholecalciferol vitamin D3, lanolin and lanolin alcohols);

(iv) lactic acid;

(v) cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (or a derivative or extract of a pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae);

(vi) purified amino acids (other than those derived from neural material);

(vii) purified vitamins;

(viii) xanthan gum; and

(b) contain no other material of animal, plant or microbial origin; and

(c) are packed in clean and new packaging


Bioremedial products brought or imported from Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

All of the following:

(a) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands);

(b) the goods have been commercially prepared and packaged;

(c) the goods are ready for retail sale;

(d) the goods are free from soil;

(e) if the goods contain plant material—that material has been processed so that it is not viable (for example, the plant material is plant or seaweed extract);

(f) the goods are accompanied by documentation stating the ingredients contained in the goods;

(g) the goods are presented to a biosecurity officer for inspection on arrival at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island

Division 2Other goods

32  Soil

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) soil (other than soil adhering to goods);

 (b) goods containing soil.


 (2) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (b) the goods have been treated using a method that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied is appropriate to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; or

 (c) the following conditions are complied with:

 (i) after arriving at a landing place or port in Norfolk Island, the goods must be delivered directly to premises for biosecurity activities to be carried out in relation to the goods in accordance with an approved arrangement;

 (ii) the goods must be used only for invitro purposes;

 (iii) the goods must not be used for isolation of infectious agents.

33  Water

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) water;

 (b) goods containing water.


 (2) However, the classes of goods referred to in subsection (1) do not include any of the following:

 (a) commercially packaged water;

 (b) rose water;

 (c) orange flower water;

 (d) holy water for personal use;

 (e) water included as an ingredient in a food product.


 (3) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Australian territory unless at least one of the following is complied with:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit;

 (b) the goods have been treated using a method that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied is appropriate to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level;

 (c) if the goods are sea or ocean water:

 (i) the quantity of the goods is less than 5 litres; and

 (ii) the goods are free from suspended and solid material; and

 (iii) the goods must be used only for invitro purposes.

34  Chemical or mined fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) chemical or mined fertilisers;

 (b) chemical or mined soil conditioners;

 (c) chemical or mined supplements used to promote growth in soil.

Note: Division 1 applies to fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements that are made of animal material, plant material or biological material (see section 29).

Conditions—liquid chemical fertilisers

 (2) Liquid chemical fertilisers (the goods) must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a)  the goods are accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods stating that the goods do not contain any ingredients of animal, plant or microbial origin; or

 (b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands).

Conditions—chemical and mined fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements (other than liquid chemical fertilisers)

 (3) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies (other than liquid chemical fertilisers) must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (b) the goods are brought or imported from a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands); or

 (c) the alternative conditions specified in the following table are complied with.


Alternative conditions—chemical and mined fertilisers, soil conditioners and soil growth supplements (other than liquid chemical fertilisers)


Column 1

Column 2
Alternative conditions


Chemical fertilisers (other than liquid chemical fertilisers), chemical soil conditioners and chemical soil growth supplements, if the net weight of each packed unit of the goods is not more than 100 kilograms

All of the following:

(a) the goods are in clean and new packaging;

(b) the goods do not contain any ingredients of animal, plant or microbial origin;

(c) the goods were packed at the place where they were produced;

(d) the goods have not been stockpiled in an open environment;

(e) the goods are accompanied by a commercial invoice, packing list or a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d)


Chemical fertilisers (other than liquid chemical fertilisers), chemical soil conditioners and chemical soil growth supplements, if the net weight of each packed unit of the goods is more than 100 kilograms

All of the following:

(a) the goods are not intended for processing (other than packaging) in Australian territory;

(b) the goods do not contain any ingredients of animal, plant or microbial origin;

(c) the goods are accompanied by a commercial invoice, packing list or a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b)


Mined fertilisers, mined soil conditioners and mined soil growth supplements

The goods:

(a) are not intended for processing (other than packaging) in Australian territory; and

(b) do not contain any ingredients of animal, plant or microbial origin; and

(c) are accompanied by a commercial invoice, packing list or a declaration by the manufacturer of the goods, stating the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b)

35  Used beehives and used beekeeping equipment

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) used beehives;

 (b) used beekeeping equipment (including protective clothing).


 (2) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the goods are covered by an import permit.

35A  Equipment that has directly or indirectly come into contact with horses

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) The class of goods to which this section applies is equipment that has directly or indirectly come into contact with horses, including the following:

 (a) grooming items, tools and other items and accessories used in caring for horses (for example, feed bags);

 (b) awards (for example, ribbons and garlands);

 (c) riding accessories (for example, collars, reins, bridles, blinkers and saddles);

 (d) horse shoes;

 (e) equestrian and horse riding clothing and accessories, including polo equipment, saddle rugs and pads, riding and stock whips, boots, spurs, jodhpurs, gloves and helmets;

 (f) any other clothing, footwear, accessories, tools or items, worn or used, that have been in contact with horses or exposed to areas where horses are or have been present.


 (2) Goods included in the class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (b) the goods:

 (i) have undergone treatment through the application of either gamma irradiation to a minimum of 50 kGray at a facility that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied can treat equipment that has directly or indirectly come into contact with horses so that biosecurity risks associated with the goods are managed to an acceptable level, or a disinfectant appropriate to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and

 (ii) have not been in contact with equine animals after being treated as referred to in subparagraph (i); and

 (iii) are accompanied by a governmentendorsed treatment certificate, stating the matters referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); or

 (c) the goods are treated, while subject to biosecurity control, using a method that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied is appropriate to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level.

36  Tyres

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) used tyres on rims;

 (b) used tyres off rims;

 (c) commercially retreaded tyres.

Conditions—used tyres on rims

 (2) Goods included in the class of goods referred to in paragraph (1)(a) must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the used tyres have been cleaned before export to remove contamination; and

 (b) the used tyres are inflated, on rims and with beading sealed; and

 (c) the goods are accompanied by a declaration from the exporter stating the matters specified in paragraphs (a) and (b).

Conditions—used tyres off rims

 (3) Goods included in the class of goods referred to in paragraph (1)(b) must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the goods:

 (a) have been fumigated to manage biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and

 (b) are accompanied by a declaration from the exporter stating that the used tyres have been cleaned before export to remove contamination.

Conditions—commercially retreaded tyres

 (4) Goods included in the class of goods referred to in paragraph (1)(c) must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the goods are covered by an import permit.

37  Used machinery and equipment (other than certain beekeeping equipment, veterinary equipment or equipment that has come into contact with horses)

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) used earthmoving, agricultural, construction or timber felling machinery or equipment (including assembled parts);

 (b) used mining machinery, including oilfield drilling machinery that has come into contact with soil or material of animal or plant origin;

 (c) used grainmilling machinery;

 (d) fieldtested agricultural machinery that has come into contact with soil or material of animal or plant origin;

 (e) food processing equipment.


 (2) However, the classes of goods referred to in subsection (1) do not include any of the following:

 (a) used beekeeping equipment;

 (b) used veterinary equipment;

 (c) used equipment that has directly or indirectly come into contact with horses.


 (3) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the goods:

 (a) were cleaned before export to be clean and free from animal and plant material and soil; and

 (b) are accompanied by documentation stating the method of cleaning.

38  Used veterinary equipment other than from New Zealand or Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands)

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) The class of goods to which this section applies is used veterinary equipment other than from New Zealand or a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands) (the goods).


 (2) Goods included in the class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island from a place (the exporting country), other than New Zealand or a part of Australian territory (other than Christmas Island or Cocos (Keeling) Islands), unless the goods:

 (a) are sealed in one or more bags with the exporting country’s official government seal or quarantine tape; and

 (b) were treated with Trisodium phosphate (Virkon or Virucidal X), or gamma irradiation at 50 kGray, within 72 hours before leaving the exporting country; and

 (c) are accompanied by a declaration, endorsed by an official government veterinarian of the exporting country, stating the following:

 (i) details of the flight for bringing the goods into Norfolk Island;

 (ii) a description of each piece of equipment;

 (iii) that the goods have been treated as referred to in paragraph (b) and the method used to treat the goods.

39  Used clothes and cloth rags in commercial consignments

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) commercial consignments of used clothes;

 (b) commercial consignments of used cloth rags.


 (2) A consignment of goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the consignment is accompanied by a supplier’s declaration stating that the consignment is clean and free from live insects, animal debris, seeds, bark, soil and any other contamination.

40  Mineral and metal ores, rocks and sand

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) mineral and metal ores;

 (b) rocks;

 (c) sand.


 (2) A consignment of goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless the consignment is accompanied by a declaration by the manufacturer, exporter or supplier, or a commercial invoice, stating that the consignment is clean and free from live insects, animal debris, seeds, bark, soil and any other contamination.

41  Human blood, human tissue and similar goods

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) human blood or blood components;

 (b) human enzymes;

 (c) human secretions, excretions or exudates;

 (d) human semen, embryos or ova;

 (e) human tissue extracts;

 (f) human tissue.


 (2) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are covered by an import permit; or

 (b) the goods:

 (i) are for human therapeutic use; and

 (ii) are not antibodies or cell lines.

42  Hair, teeth or bones from a human’s body (other than human remains)

Classes of goods to which this section applies

 (1) This section applies to the following classes of goods:

 (a) hair from a human’s body (other than human remains);

 (b) teeth from a human’s body (other than human remains);

 (c) bones from a human’s body (other than human remains).


 (2) Goods included in a class of goods to which this section applies must not be brought or imported into Norfolk Island unless:

 (a) the goods are clean and have no adhering tissue, blood or faeces; or

 (b) permission has been given by a human biosecurity official for the goods to be brought or imported into Norfolk Island.


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

    cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

    commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3—Legislation history





Application, saving and transitional provisions

Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Determination 2016

1 June 2016 (F2016L00932)

16 June 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)


Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Nonprohibited Goods) Amendment (Honey and Bee Products) Determination 2016

20 Dec 2016 (F2016L01995)

21 Dec 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)


Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods) Amendment (Lists) Determination 2017

29 June 2017(F2017L00802)

Sch 4: 30 June 2017 (s  2(1) item 1)


Biosecurity Legislation (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods) Amendment (Alternative Conditions) Determination 2017

19 Dec 2017 (F2017L01672)

Sch 1 (items 214–303): 21 Dec 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (items 9, 10): 1 Mar 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)


Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


s 2.....................

rep LA s 48D

s 5.....................

am F2017L01672 (Sch 2 item 9)

Part 2


Division 1


s 6.....................

am F2017L01672

s 7.....................

am F2017L01672

s 8.....................

am F2017L01672

s 8A....................

ad F2017L01672

s 9.....................

am F2017L01672

s 11....................

am F2017L01672

s 13....................

am F2017L01672

s 15....................

am F2017L01672

s 16....................

am F2017L01672

s 18....................

am F2017L01672

s 20A...................

ad F2017L01672

s 22....................

am F2017L00802; F2017L01672

s 23....................

am F2017L01672

s 24....................

am F2017L00802; F2017L01672

s 25....................

am F2017L00802; F2017L01672

s 26....................

am F2017L01672

s 27....................

am F2017L01672

s 28....................

am F2017L01672

s 29....................

rs F2017L01672

s 30....................

am F2017L01672

s 30A...................

ad F2017L01672

s 31....................

am F2017L01672

Division 2


s 32....................

am F2017L01672

s 33....................

am F2017L01672

s 34....................

rs F2017L01672

s 35A...................

ad F2017L01672

s 37....................

am F2017L01672