Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Defence Determination 2016/19, Conditions of service

made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903

Compilation No. 121

Compilation date:  11 April 2024

Includes amendments: Defence Determination 2024/3

This compilation is in 4 volumes

Volume 1  Chapter 1 – Chapter 5

Volume 2  Chapter 6 – Chapter 11

Volume 3  Chapter 12 – Chapter 17

Volume 4  Endnotes

Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of Defence Determination 2016/19, Conditions of service, that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 11/4/2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Selfrepealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.



Chapter 6: ADF relocation on posting in Australia

Part 1A: General provisions

6.1A.1    Purpose

6.1A.2    Definitions

Part 1: Relocation allowances

Division 1: Disturbance allowance

6.1.3    Purpose

6.1.4    Members eligible

6.1.5    Members not eligible

6.1.6    Amount of allowance

6.1.7    Number of current removal

6.1.8    Resident family removed at a later date

6.1.9    Removal on enlistment

6.1.10    Removals to and from overseas – number of removals

6.1.11    Death of a member

6.1.12    A child changing school – additional payment

6.1.13    Telephone installation or reconnection costs

6.1.14    Private vehicle transfer costs

6.1.15    Payment in special circumstances

Division 2: Childcare costs on removal

6.1.16    Purpose

6.1.17    Members eligible

6.1.18    Location of assistance

6.1.19    Amount of assistance

Division 3: Pet relocation

6.1.20    Purpose

6.1.21    Pet relocation

6.1.22    When costs may be reimbursed – member posted overseas

6.1.23    Limitations on pet relocations

Division 4: Relocation of other animals

6.1.24    Purpose

6.1.25    Members this Division applies to

6.1.26    Animal removals

6.1.27    Limitations on animal removals

Part 2: Loss on sale of furniture, effects and private vehicles

6.2.1    Purpose

6.2.1A    Loss on items obtained through a grant

6.2.2    Furniture and effects – loss on sale

6.2.3    Furniture and effects – amount of reimbursement

6.2.4    Private vehicles – loss on sale

6.2.5    Private vehicles – amount of reimbursement

Part 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia

6.3.1    Purpose

6.3.2    Member this Part applies to

6.3.3    Uplift travel benefits

6.3.4    Unpack travel benefits

Part 5: Removals and storage

Division 1: General provisions

6.5.3    Purpose

6.5.4    CDF approved removal

6.5.4A    Member of the Reserves eligible for a removal

6.5.5    Members not eligible for a removal

6.5.6    When a member’s partner is resident family and a member

Division 2: Removal of furniture and effects

6.5.8    Purpose

6.5.8A    COVID-19 pandemic – removal assistance payment

6.5.9    Removal of portable household items

6.5.9A    Compensation for loss or damage to items removed or stored

6.5.10    Limitations on removals

6.5.10A    Limitations on certain items during the COVID-19 pandemic

6.5.11    Items not removed

6.5.12    Removal of urgently required items

6.5.12A    Insurance for urgently required household items

6.5.13    Hire of replacement household items

6.5.14    Technical help for dismantling and installing items

6.5.15    Privately arranged removals – eligibility and conditions for assistance

6.5.16    Privately arranged removals – assistance

6.5.17    Unused removal benefit

Division 3: Removal to or from a family benefit location

6.5.18    Purpose

6.5.18A    Member this Division applies to

6.5.19    Compassionate removal to a family benefit location

6.5.19A    Removal to a family benefit location for employment or study

6.5.20    Removal to a family benefit location instead of a housing benefit location in a remote location

6.5.21    Removal to family benefit location on seagoing posting

6.5.22    Removal of resident family to a member’s housing benefit location

Division 4: Removal on commencing posting or deployment

6.5.24    Purpose

6.5.24A    Definitions

6.5.25    Resident child carer does not attract any benefit

6.5.26    Posting of 6 months or more

6.5.27    Posting of a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family

6.5.28    Removal of gap year members

6.5.29    Removal between residences in the same location in Australia

6.5.30    Removal in anticipation of a posting – before posting order issued

6.5.31    Posting to location other than anticipated location

6.5.32    Removal after posting authority issued, but before posting date

6.5.33    Primary service location changed for Service reasons after removal

6.5.34    Posting changed or cancelled at the member's request after removal

6.5.35    Removal deferred until after posting date

6.5.36    Removal on posting to a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine

6.5.37    Posting to a remote location

6.5.37A    Posting to RAAF Base Tindal

6.5.38    Removal on deployment

Division 6: Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service

6.5.45    Purpose

6.5.45A    Member this Division applies to

6.5.46    Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service

6.5.46A    Additional removal for members who have unaccompanied resident family

6.5.47    Removal if service continues after intended date of ceasing

6.5.48    Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service at own request

6.5.48A    Contributions for removal to chosen location

6.5.49    Removal of vehicle on ceasing continuous full-time service

Division 7: Storage of furniture and effects

6.5.50    Purpose

6.5.50A    Member this Division does not apply to

6.5.51    Period for which storage is provided – general

6.5.52    Storage for members who have accompanied resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.53    Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family

6.5.54    Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.54A    Posting to RAAF Base Tindal

6.5.55    Newly enlisted members

6.5.56    Storage of statutory officer's official Defence vehicle

6.5.57    Members with own home

6.5.58    Storage at a family benefit location at member's expense

6.5.59    Charges when removal is deferred

6.5.60    Storage on ceasing continuous full-time service

6.5.61    Storage on death of a member who had accompanied resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.62    Removal to and from a storage facility

6.5.63    Review of storage of furniture and effects

6.5.64    Discretion in special circumstances

Division 8: When a member becomes a member who has accompanied resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.65    Purpose

6.5.66    Marriage planned or common household started before posting

6.5.67    Removal after posting authority issued

6.5.68    Removal from outside housing benefit location

6.5.69    Removal from outside Australia

6.5.70    Removal of child's effects

6.5.71    Removal eligibility on next posting

6.5.72    Member's home not suitable to house additional resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.73    Removal only granted once on the recognition of the same relationship

Division 9: When a member no longer has resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.74    Purpose

6.5.75    Member ceases to have any resident family or recognised other persons (other than on death of the resident family or recognised other person)

6.5.75A    Member ceases to have resident family or recognised other persons – death of resident family or recognised other persons

Division 10: Assistance for non-Service partner on breakdown of relationship

6.5.76    Purpose

6.5.77    Person this Division does not apply to

6.5.78    Eligibility for removal

6.5.79    Removal of vehicles

6.5.80    Limits on cost of removal

6.5.81    Time limit for removal

6.5.82    Private arrangements for removal

6.5.83    Hire of household items

Division 11: Removal on death of a member

6.5.84    Purpose

6.5.85    Removal benefit for resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.86    Removal in Australia on death of member who has no resident family or recognised other persons

6.5.87    Limits on removals following death of a member

Part 5A: Vehicle removals and travel

Division 1: General provisions

6.5A.1    Purpose

6.5A.2    Definitions

6.5A.3    Recreation or hobby vehicle

6.5A.4    Member this Part applies to

6.5A.5    Measurement of distances

Division 2: Vehicle removal assistance

6.5A.6    Purpose

6.5A.7    Vehicle this Division does not apply to

6.5A.8    Vehicle removal assistance – general

6.5A.9    Vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven

6.5A.10    Vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being transported

6.5A.11    Rate of vehicle removal assistance

6.5A.12    Limits on vehicle removal assistance

6.5A.13    Additional vehicle removal assistance – collection and delivery of transported vehicles

6.5A.14    Additional vehicle removal assistance – delayed delivery of vehicles

Division 3: Removals of towable items

6.5A.15    Purpose

6.5A.16    Removal of towable items

6.5A.17    Removal of towable items during the COVID-19 pandemic

6.5A.18    Transportation of a towable item

Division 4: Storage of vehicles

6.5A.19    Storage of vehicles and towable items on deployment

6.5A.20   Storage of vehicles during isolation periods

Part 6: Expenses when a posting is cancelled

6.6.1    Purpose

6.6.2    When this Part applies

6.6.3    Amount of reimbursement

Chapter 7: ADF housing and meals

Part 1: General information and indexes

7.1.1    Purpose

7.1.2    Definitions

Division 1: Introduction

7.1.5    Purpose

7.1.6    Eligibility for housing assistance

7.1.7    Allowance not payable

7.1.8    Discretion in special circumstances

Division 3: Definitions and key concepts

7.1.14    Definitions

7.1.15    Flexible housing trial member

Division 4: House-hunting trips

7.1.18    Purpose

7.1.19    Member who is eligible

7.1.20    Member this Division does not apply to

7.1.21    How to apply for house-hunting trip

7.1.22    CDF may approve a house-hunting trip

7.1.23    House-hunting trip payments

7.1.24    Costs that will not be paid

7.1.25    Car hire for member returning to Australia

7.1.27    House not chosen during house-hunting trip

7.1.28    Evidence of house-hunting trip costs

Part 2: Suitable own home

7.2.1    Purpose

Division 1: Introduction to suitable own home

7.2.4    Purpose

7.2.5    Suitable own home

7.2.6    Own home bought with Defence assistance

7.2.9    When a member's home is unsuitable

Division 2: Home becomes unsuitable

7.2.10    Purpose

7.2.11    Member required to live in tied, appointment or assigned residence

7.2.12    A member's home is not suitable

7.2.13    Member’s home is outside the housing benefit location

Division 3: Home may be unsuitable if it is rented out

7.2.14    Purpose

7.2.15    Member to include release clause in lease

7.2.16    Member waiting for a tenant to leave their home

7.2.17    CDF discretion to grant assistance

7.2.18    Home leased for commercial purposes

Part 3: Home sale or purchase

7.3.1    Purpose

7.3.2    Member this Part applies to

7.3.3    Member this Part does not apply to

7.3.4    Definitions

Division 1: Initial home purchase

7.3.8    Purpose

7.3.10    Conditions of eligibility

7.3.11    Member this Division does not apply to

7.3.12    Purchase of land

7.3.13    When the home must be occupied

7.3.14    Amount of benefit

7.3.15    When a member must repay HPAS

Division 2: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – general

7.3.16    Purpose

7.3.17    Basis

7.3.19    Conditions of eligibility – sale

7.3.20    Conditions of eligibility – purchase

7.3.21    Members not eligible ‒ purchase

7.3.22    Continuity of selling and purchasing

7.3.23    Time limit on sale and purchase

7.3.25    CDF discretion in special circumstances

Division 3: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – particular situations and costs that may be reimbursed

7.3.26    Purpose

7.3.27    Purchasing land

7.3.28    Specified locations

7.3.29    Member returning to previous location

7.3.30    Reimbursement for sale on ceasing continuous full-time service or on a transition location agreement

7.3.31    Amounts and kinds of costs that may be reimbursed

7.3.32    Costs that may not be reimbursed

Part 4: Living-in accommodation

7.4.1    Purpose

7.4.1A    Member this Part does not apply to

7.4.2    Principles for the provision of living-in accommodation

7.4.3    Definitions

Division 2: Being required or choosing to live in

7.4.8    Member who is required to occupy living-in accommodation

7.4.9    Member who may choose to live in

7.4.10    Member with suitable accommodation who chooses to live in

7.4.11    Living-in accommodation not available

7.4.12    Responsibility for living-in accommodation

7.4.13    Condition reports

7.4.14    Revoking a licence to live in

Division 3: Suitable living-in accommodation

7.4.15    Suitable living-in accommodation

7.4.16    Classification of living-in accommodation by rank group and purpose

7.4.17    Change in member's rank group

7.4.18    CDF may decide that accommodation is unsuitable

7.4.19    Member required to share room

7.4.23    Living-in accommodation on deployment – 6 months or longer

Division 4: Contribution for living-in accommodation

7.4.24    Contribution for living-in accommodation

7.4.25    Contribution if accommodation is not at level for a member's rank group

7.4.27    Member on leave without pay

7.4.27A    Member on a flexible service determination

7.4.27B    Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination

7.4.27C    If a flexible determination ends early

7.4.28    Contribution on change of rank

7.4.29    Higher contribution for single bedroom apartments – Homebush and North Strathfield

7.4.30    Vacating living-in accommodation

7.4.31    Failure to make contributions

Division 5: Exemptions from contribution

7.4.32    Members who do not pay to occupy living-in accommodation

7.4.33    Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons living under field conditions, on a seagoing ship, a submarine or deployed

7.4.34    Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons required to occupy living-in accommodation temporarily

7.4.35    Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons on temporary duty in another location

7.4.36    Member on leave

Division 6: Members posted to seagoing ships and nuships

7.4.37    Purpose

7.4.38    Basis

7.4.40    Member this Division applies to

7.4.42    Licence to live on a ship

7.4.43    Accommodation on board for seagoing member

7.4.44    Accommodation ashore for seagoing member

7.4.45    Contributions for accommodation ashore – member who has no resident family or recognised other persons

7.4.46    Contributions for accommodation ashore – ship uninhabitable

7.4.47    Accommodation and contributions for seagoing member on temporary duty

7.4.48    Food allowance for seagoing member in temporary accommodation ashore

Annex 7.4.A: Licence to live in

Part 1: Quick guide

7.4.A.1    What is a licence to live in?

7.4.A.2    What you get

7.4.A.3    What you must do and not do

7.4.A.4    What happens if you don't comply with the conditions of the licence

Part 2: Conditions of licence to live in

7.4.A.5    Member must comply with the conditions in this form

7.4.A.6    Start of a licence to live in

7.4.A.7    Permitted use

7.4.A.8    Care of the living-in accommodation

7.4.A.9    Conduct and values

7.4.A.10    Conduct – animals

7.4.A.11    Conduct – damage

7.4.A.12    Conduct – disturbance

7.4.A.13    Conduct – lighting, heating and cooking

7.4.A.14    Conduct – security

7.4.A.15    Conduct – smoking

7.4.A.16    Conduct – vehicles

7.4.A.17    Conduct – visitors

7.4.A.18    Access to a member's room

7.4.A.19    Swapping rooms

7.4.A.20    Moving furniture and fittings

7.4.A.21    Absence from the accommodation

7.4.A.22    When a licence to live in ends

7.4.A.23    Vacating the accommodation

7.4.A.24    What happens if a member fails to comply with this Annex

7.4.A.25    Disputes

Annex 7.4.B: Rates of contribution for living–in accommodation

Part 5: Temporary accommodation allowance

Division 1: General provisions

7.5.1    Purpose

7.5.2    Definitions

7.5.3    Definitions – SAFE scheme

7.5.6    Members eligible

7.5.7    Approval under the SAFE scheme

7.5.8    Member not eligible

7.5.9    Member ceases continuous full-time service

7.5.10    Eligibility of resident family on death of member

7.5.11    Conditions on eligibility

Division 2: Types of accommodation

7.5.12    CDF direction to stay in a specified place

7.5.13    Serviced apartment preferred

7.5.13A    Required to isolate – Temporary accommodation

7.5.14    Member required to occupy temporary accommodation

7.5.15    Number of rooms in temporary accommodation

Division 3: Period of eligibility

7.5.16    Start date of period of eligibility

7.5.17    Period of eligibility

7.5.18    Member buying a home

7.5.19    Member temporarily out of a residence

7.5.20    Extension of period of eligibility

Division 4: Rates of allowance and advance payment

7.5.21    Rate of allowance – hotel or serviced apartment

7.5.21A    Rate of allowance – Quarantine residence

7.5.22    Amount of assistance – SAFE scheme

7.5.23    Standard of accommodation

7.5.24    Meals – hotel or serviced apartment

7.5.25    Rate of allowance – other temporary accommodation

7.5.26    Meals – other temporary accommodation

7.5.27    Advance payment of allowance

Division 5: Rate of contribution

7.5.28    Purpose

7.5.28A    Persons this Division does not apply to

7.5.29    Rate of contribution

7.5.30    Allowance and contribution for member couple

Part 6: Service residences

Division 1: General provisions

7.6.1    Purpose

7.6.2    Member this Part does not apply to

7.6.3    Definitions

Division 2: Suitable Service residence

7.6.4    Suitable Service residence

7.6.6    Members with special needs resident family or recognised other persons

7.6.7    Member with large number of accompanied resident family

7.6.8    Resident child carer

Division 3: Market-rent-based classification of a Service residence

7.6.10    Market-rent-based classification

7.6.12    Standard of service residence

7.6.13    Rent band for a member's rank group

Division 5: Rent band choice homes

7.6.18    Purpose

7.6.19    Rent band choice

7.6.20    Member living in a rent band choice home above their rank group

7.6.21    Member living in rent band choice home below their rank group

Division 6: Appointment, tied and assigned residences

7.6.23    Appointment residences

7.6.24    Tied residences

7.6.25    Assignment of other specific residences

7.6.26    Service residence alternative to tied or appointment residence

7.6.27    Furniture rental for appointment, tied and assigned residences

Division 7: When a member is eligible to live in a Service residence

7.6.28    Member eligible for a Service residence

7.6.28A    Member to become a member with accompanied resident family eligible for a Service residence

7.6.29    Member with unaccompanied resident family eligibility in two locations

7.6.30    Member with no resident family eligible for a Service residence

7.6.33    Acceptance or rejection of reasonable offer

7.6.34    Reasons for rejecting a reasonable offer

7.6.35    Changing Service residences

7.6.36    Pet ownership

7.6.37    Ineligible member can apply for surplus Service residence

7.6.38    Service residence for member on deployment

7.6.39    Service residence in family benefit location for member on deployment

Division 8: Contributions

7.6.40    Service residence contribution

7.6.41    Contribution for Service residence or rent band choice home

7.6.42    Suspended contributions for a member who has no resident family or recognised other persons

7.6.43    Higher contribution scheme, above rank group

7.6.44    Contribution for a home chosen at a lower rank group's rent band

7.6.45    Member allocated a Service residence above their rank group

7.6.46    Member allocated a Service residence below their rank group

7.6.48    Member promoted or commissioned

7.6.49    Member reduced in rank

7.6.50    Member on leave without pay

7.6.52    Member undergoing training

7.6.53    Service residence reclassified

7.6.54    Contribution for a partner who is also a member

7.6.55A    Contribution for member on a flexible service determination

7.6.55B    Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination

7.6.55C    If a flexible service determination ends early

Division 9: End of eligibility to live in a Service residence

7.6.56    No Service residence available

7.6.58    Member buys a suitable own home

7.6.59    Resident family or recognised other persons not at the Service residence

7.6.60    Member dies

7.6.61    Member keeps a Service residence at a losing location

7.6.62    Rejecting a Service residence – effect on temporary accommodation allowance

7.6.63    Special conditions on separation – statutory appointees

7.6.64     Resident family and other recognised persons at a family benefit location for a member on a seagoing posting

Part 7: Member choice accommodation

Division 1: General provisions

7.7.1    Purpose

7.7.3    Definitions

7.7.4    Member who is eligible

7.7.5    Member not eligible

7.7.6    Member ceases to be eligible

7.7.7    Members sharing accommodation

7.7.8    Member gains accompanied resident family

7.7.9    Storage of furniture and effects

7.7.10    Advances and repayments

7.7.11    Effect on accommodation when a member is deployed

Division 2: Offer of accommodation and rent ceilings

7.7.12    Accommodation offer

7.7.13    Rent ceilings

Division 3: Contributions

7.7.14    Contributions for accommodation

7.7.14A    Contribution for member on a flexible service determination

7.7.14B    Member who has unaccompanied resident family on a flexible service determination

7.7.14C    When a flexible service determination ends early

7.7.15    Change in classification of accommodation under this Part

7.7.16    Member promoted

7.7.17    Member reduced in rank

7.7.18    Exemptions from contributions

7.7.19    Contribution for member on leave without pay

7.7.21    How visiting members affect contributions

7.7.22    Contribution when one member leaves a shared home

Part 8: Rent allowance

Division 1A: General provisions

7.8.2    Purpose

7.8.3    Definition – sharing a home

Division 1: Member eligible for rent allowance

7.8.5    Member eligible and period of eligibility

7.8.5A    Continued rent allowance if Service residence is rejected

7.8.5B    Rent allowance for a member who has accompanied resident family who is also member

7.8.6    Member not eligible

7.8.7    How to apply for rent allowance

Division 2: Rent ceilings

7.8.8    Purpose

7.8.9    Rent ceilings – living in rental accommodation

7.8.10    Rent ceiling – member living in rental accommodation with no resident family or recognised other persons

7.8.10A    Rent ceiling for overlapping housing benefit locations

7.8.11    No rent ceiling set for location

7.8.11A    Rent ceiling for certain members of the Navy

7.8.12    CDF may increase rent ceiling

7.8.13    Applications for a rent allowance ceiling increase

7.8.14    Member who cannot apply for increased rent ceiling

7.8.15    Increased rent ceiling – effect on rent allowance

7.8.16    Reduction in rent ceiling – effect on rent allowance

Division 3: Contributions

7.8.17    Contribution for rented home

7.8.17A   Contributions for a member who has unaccompanied resident family who is also a member

7.8.18    When rent contribution ceases for a member who has no resident family or recognised other persons

7.8.18A    Rent contribution for member on a flexible service determination

7.8.18B    Rent contribution for member with who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination

7.8.18C    If a flexible service determination ends early

Division 4: How rent allowance is worked out

7.8.19    Rent allowance – General

7.8.20    Rent allowance – sharing a home

7.8.21    House-sitter for absent member

7.8.22    Resident child carer

7.8.23    Rent allowance – sublet home

7.8.25    Furniture rental

7.8.26    Major General – reduced rent allowance

7.8.27    Member promoted

7.8.28    Member reduced in rank

7.8.29    Changing homes at the housing benefit location or family benefit location

Division 5: Events that will end or limit eligibility

7.8.30    Member moves to other suitable accommodation

7.8.31    Rent allowance on deployment

7.8.32    Member with less than 12 months until ceasing continuous full-time service

7.8.33    Resident family or recognised other persons removed before member ceases full-time service

7.8.34    Member on leave without pay

7.8.35A    Contribution for member on a flexible service determination

7.8.36    Resident family not at a rented home

7.8.37    Member dies

7.8.38    Rent allowance audit

7.8.39    Member who fails to respond to audit

Division 6: Advances and repayments

7.8.40    Purpose

7.8.41    Assistance with payments for rental home

7.8.42    Advance payment of bond when sharing

7.8.44    Member to give evidence of payment

7.8.45    Unused advances to be repaid

7.8.46    Method of repayment

7.8.47    Rent paid before member moves in

7.8.48    Rent paid after member moves out

Part 9: Meals

Division 1: Contribution for meals

7.9.3    Purpose

7.9.4    Provision of meals

7.9.5    Casual meal charges

7.9.6    Fortnightly meal charges

7.9.7    Fortnightly meal charge rate

7.9.8    Member on leave without pay

Division 2: Food allowances for certain members who live out

7.9.9    Purpose

7.9.10    Eligibility and rate of food allowance

7.9.11    Member not eligible for food allowance

Part 10: Utilities

Division 1: General provisions

7.10.3    Members this Division applies to

7.10.4    Eligible member – reimbursement for utilities

Division 2: Contributions for utilities

7.10.5    Member temporarily away from home

7.10.6    Member who must contribute to the cost of utilities

7.10.7    Contribution for water – Service residence

7.10.8    Contribution for energy costs – tied or Service residences

7.10.9    Contribution for utilities – member occupying living-in accommodation

7.10.9A    Contribution for utilities – member occupying living-in accommodation on a flexible service determination

Division 3: Assistance with utilities connections and bonds

7.10.10    Assistance with utility connection deposits

7.10.11    Advance payment of utility connection deposit when sharing

7.10.12    Member to give evidence of payment

7.10.13    Unused advances to be repaid

Annex 7.A: Contributions for Service residence or rent band choice accommodation

Part 1: Contribution for a Service residence – member accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family

Part 2: Higher contribution scheme – contribution for a Service residence where a member chooses a property above their benefit

Part 3: Contribution for member with no resident family or recognised other persons and is not sharing

Part 4: Contribution for member with no resident family or recognised other persons and is sharing

Annex 7.D: Contributions for rent allowance

Part 1: Contribution for rent allowance – resident family and recognised other persons live in rental accommodation

Part 2: Contribution for rent allowance – members in rental accommodation without resident family and recognised other persons

Annex 7.E: Rent ceilings

Part 1    Rent ceilings – member's resident family and recognised other persons live in rental accommodation

Part 1.1    Rent ceiling for member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family – 3–bedrooms

Part 1.2    Member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family and chooses a 2–bedroom rent ceiling

Part 2    Rent ceilings – members live in rental accommodation without resident family or recognised other persons

Part 2.1    Member who lives alone

Part 2.2    Member who shares with one other person

Part 2.3    Member who is sharing with 2 other people

Part 2.4    Member who is sharing with 3 other people

Annex 7.F: Contributions for food – temporary accommodation allowance

Part 11: Evacuation assistance

7.11.1    Purpose

7.11.2    Members this part applies to

7.11.3    Period of evacuation assistance

7.11.4    Accommodation assistance

7.11.5    Meals assistance

7.11.6    Transport assistance

7.11.7    Additional funds

Chapter 8: Assistance for recognised family

Part 4: Education assistance

Division 1: General information on education assistance

8.4.4    Purpose

8.4.5    Definitions

8.4.6    Changes to eligibility periods

8.4.7    Assistance in special circumstances

Division 2: School students at the gaining location

8.4.8    Purpose

8.4.8A    School changes that apply to this Division

8.4.9    Member this Division applies to

8.4.10    Oneonone tutoring

8.4.11    Web-based tutoring

8.4.12    Conditions for reimbursement to member

8.4.13    Payments to tutor

8.4.14    Children with special needs

8.4.15    Education assistance extension

Division 3: Loss of scholarship

8.4.16    Purpose

8.4.17    Member this Division applies to

8.4.18    Loss of scholarship

Division 4: School students not at a housing benefit location or family benefit location

8.4.19    Purpose

8.4.20    Member this Division applies to

8.4.21    Tuition and accommodation costs

8.4.22    Period of reimbursement

Division 5: Tertiary students not at the housing benefit location or the family benefit location

8.4.23    Purpose

8.4.24    Member this Division applies to

8.4.25    Rate and period of assistance

Part 5: Emergency Support for Families Scheme

8.5.1    Purpose

8.5.2    Definitions

8.5.3    Emergency support

8.5.4    Emergency support

8.5.5    When emergency support has been approved

8.5.6    Types of services available

Part 6: Resident family who have special needs

Division 1: Assistance on removal

8.6.1    Purpose

8.6.2    Member this Division applies to

8.6.3    Limitations on assistance

8.6.4    Payment

8.6.5    Special needs pre-posting visits

8.6.6    Assistance with respite, personal care or therapy services

8.6.7    Assistance with equipment hire

8.6.8    Special housing needs

8.6.9    Unpacking assistance during removal

Division 2: Assistance when there is no removal to a new housing benefit location or family benefit location

8.6.10    Purpose

8.6.11    Member this Division applies to

8.6.12    Additional assistance

Part 7: Family assistance for attendance at a Court of Inquiry

8.7.1    Purpose

8.7.2    Definitions used in this Part

8.7.3    Persons who this Part applies to

8.7.4    Persons this Part does not apply to

8.7.5    When assistance under this Part ceases

8.7.5A    Assistance for attendance at a briefing

8.7.6    Assistance with domestic travel

8.7.7    Assistance with accommodation

8.7.8    Assistance with meals

8.7.9    Assistance with incidental expenses

8.7.10    Assistance with resident family or child care

8.7.12    Accountability

Part 7A: Assistance for attendance at a Royal Commission

8.7A.1    Purpose

8.7A.2    Definitions

8.7A.3    Persons who this Part applies to

8.7A.4    When assistance under this Part ceases

8.7A.5    Assistance with transport

8.7A.6    Assistance with accommodation

8.7A.7    Assistance with meals

8.7A.8    Assistance with incidental expenses

8.7A.9    Assistance with dependant or child care

Part 8: Family assistance for attendance at a coronial inquest

8.8.1    Purpose

8.8.2    Definitions

8.8.3    Persons who this Part applies to

8.8.4    Assistance with travel

8.8.5    Assistance with legal representation

Part 9: ADF family health program

8.9.1    Purpose

8.9.2    Definitions

8.9.3    Members this Part applies to

8.9.4    Registration of newborns

8.9.5    Application for reimbursement

8.9.6    Reimbursement – General practice setting

8.9.6A    Reimbursement benefit

8.9.7    Reimbursable items – Specialists, allied health services and related products

8.9.7A    Reimbursable items – Nicotine dependency reduction

8.9.7B    Reimbursable items – Ambulance cover

8.9.7C    Reimbursable items – Healthy eating programs

8.9.7D    Reimbursable items – Physical activity

8.9.7E    Reimbursable items – Cancer screening and prevention

8.9.8    Continuation of benefits following the death of a member

Part 10: Reserve Assistance Program

8.10.1    Overview

8.10.2    Person this Part applies to

8.10.3    Counselling sessions

8.10.4    Multiple benefits

8.10.5    Benefits

Chapter 9: ADF travel in Australia

9.0.1    Overview

9.0.3    Definitions

Part 1: Basic travel benefits

9.1.1    Purpose

9.1.3    Most economical means of travel

9.1.4    Air as the most economical means of travel

9.1.5    Lowest practical fare

9.1.6    Travel by own means

9.1.7    Normal departmental liability

9.1.8    Cost of air travel for working out normal departmental liability

9.1.9    Class of travel

9.1.10    Baggage – general

9.1.11    Extra baggage

9.1.12    Door-to-door travel

9.1.13    Travel costs not otherwise payable under this Chapter

Part 2: Travel in specific circumstances

Division 2: Travel on temporary duty

9.2.5    Purpose

9.2.6    Travel by the most economical means

9.2.7    Travel by means that are not the most economical

Division 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia

9.2.8    Purpose

9.2.9    Travel for first removal after entry into Service

9.2.10    Subsequent eligibility for removal travel

9.2.11    Resident family or recognised other persons move before member's posting date

9.2.12    Members who has no resident family or recognised other persons – away from their primary service location

Division 4: Travel on posting

9.2.13    Purpose

9.2.14    Rail as the most economical means of travel

9.2.15    Air as the most economical means of travel

9.2.16    Coach as the most economical means of travel

9.2.17    Reimbursement of personal expenditure on travel

9.2.18    Members travelling without resident family or recognised other persons

9.2.19    Delayed or interrupted travel

9.2.19A    Rerouted travel

9.2.20    Dual benefit

9.2.21    Cost limits on travel on posting and removal to certain destinations

Division 5: Travel in particular situations

9.2.22    Purpose

9.2.23    Rejoining a ship that has sailed

9.2.24    Recall for emergency duty

9.2.25    Travel during a medical absence

9.2.26    Specialist medical or dental treatment for resident family in remote locations

Division 6: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – general

9.2.27    Purpose

9.2.28    Members this Division applies to

9.2.29    Members this Division does not apply to

9.2.30    Additional baggage for travel on ceasing continuous full-time service

9.2.31    Meals and accommodation

9.2.32    Travel by private vehicle

9.2.33    Dual benefit

Division 7: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – specific circumstances

9.2.34    Travel in advance of ceasing continuous full-time service

9.2.35    Limits to travel on leaving a family benefit location

9.2.36    Involuntary separation through member's fault

9.2.37    Recruit who chooses free discharge

9.2.38    Deferral of travel benefit

9.2.39    Failure to complete service

Division 8: Members of the Reserves – duty travel

9.2.40    Purpose

9.2.41    Benefits under this Division

9.2.42    Limit on Commonwealth expense

Part 3: Travel and resident family

Division 1: Travel on marriage or ADF recognition of partnership

9.3.3    Purpose

9.3.4    Overview

9.3.5    Basic benefits

9.3.6    When a member travels at their own expense

9.3.7    Member's partner also a member

9.3.8    Marriage planned or common household started before posting

9.3.9    Travel from other location in Australia

9.3.10    Travel from outside Australia

9.3.11    Change of family status in special circumstances

9.3.12    Travel for a child

9.3.13    Special baggage arrangements for travel

9.3.14    Travel on next posting

Division 2: Travel on breakdown of relationship

9.3.15    Purpose

9.3.17    Members this Division does not apply to

9.3.18    Travel on breakdown of relationship

9.3.19    Accommodation during travel

9.3.20    Meals during travel

9.3.21    Travel by private vehicle

9.3.22    Baggage

9.3.23    Pet relocation costs

Division 3: Travel on maternity leave

9.3.24    Purpose

9.3.25    Member this Division applies to

9.3.26    Travel on maternity leave

9.3.27    Transfer of benefit

Division 4: Reunion travel

Subdivision 1: General provisions

9.3.28    Purpose

9.3.29    Limits on reunion travel within a 12month period

9.3.31    Using reunion travel credits

9.3.32    How reunion travel credits are reduced

9.3.33    Benefit for each reunion travel credit

9.3.33A    Using multiple reunion travel credits

9.3.33B    Additional benefits for each reunion travel credit – COVID-19

Subdivision 2: Reunion travel — reuniting with resident family

9.3.33C    Member this Subdivision applies to

9.3.33D    Reunion travel credits — general

9.3.33E    Reunion travel credits — member on a flexible service determination

9.3.33F    Reunion travel credits — when flexible service determination is varied

9.3.33G    Crediting of reunion travel credits

9.3.33H    Expiry of reunion travel credits

Subdivision 3: Reunion travel — reuniting with non-resident family

9.3.33I    Member this subdivision applies to

9.3.33J    Reunion travel credits

9.3.33K    Crediting of reunion travel credits

9.3.33L    Expiry of reunion travel credits

Division 5: Reunion travel for school students

9.3.34    Purpose

9.3.35    Member this Division applies to

9.3.36    Benefit

9.3.37    Mode of travel

Division 6: Student reunion travel to members in remote locations

9.3.38    Purpose

9.3.39    Member this Division applies to

9.3.40    Benefit

9.3.41    Period of eligibility

9.3.42    Additional travel beyond benefit

9.3.43    Mode of travel

Division 7: Reunion travel for tertiary students

9.3.44    Purpose

9.3.45    Member this Division applies to

9.3.46    Benefit

9.3.47    Mode of travel

Division 8: Compassionate travel

9.3.48    Purpose

9.3.49    Overview

9.3.50    Who this Division does not apply to

9.3.52    Who may be visited

9.3.52A    Attendance at memorial services – COVID-19

9.3.53    Exceptional reasons

9.3.54    Eligibility of member's partner – extra conditions

9.3.55    Travel overseas

9.3.56    Compassionate travel and leave

9.3.57    Means of travel

9.3.58    Reimbursement of member's costs

9.3.59    Transfer of benefit

9.3.60    Children accompanying the member or partner

9.3.60A    Additional benefits for compassionate travel – COVID-19

9.3.61    Other travel costs

Division 9: Australians dangerously ill scheme – within Australia

9.3.63    Purpose

9.3.64    Definitions

9.3.65    Member this Division applies to

9.3.66    Members who this Division does not apply to

9.3.67    People who may be an approved visitor

9.3.68    Approved period for visit

9.3.69    Long term illness

9.3.71    Assistance with domestic travel

9.3.72    Travel by private vehicle

9.3.73    Assistance with accommodation

9.3.74    Assistance with meals

9.3.75    When the member's condition changes

Division 10: Travel for resident family on death of a member

9.3.76    Purpose

9.3.77    Basic benefit

9.3.77A    Recognised other persons

9.3.78    Member not living with their resident family at time of death

9.3.79    Deceased member's partner also a member

9.3.80    Means of travel

9.3.81    Travel by coach

9.3.82    Class of travel

9.3.83    Baggage

9.3.84    Deferral of a resident family's travel

Division 11: Travel for representational purposes

9.3.85    Member accompanied on business travel within Australia

Part 4: Leave travel

9.4.1    Overview

9.4.3    Nominated family

9.4.4    CDF approval of closest relative

9.4.4A    Interaction with other travel and reunion benefits

Division 1: Recreation leave travel

9.4.5    Purpose

9.4.5A    Members this Division applies to

9.4.6    Eligibility for recreation leave travel within Australia

9.4.7    Recreation leave travel benefit

9.4.8    Number of recreation leave travel trips

9.4.9    Travel in advance of eligibility

9.4.10    Excess travel costs

9.4.11    Offset of benefit for travel to alternative destination

9.4.12    Vehicle allowance for trip to transport terminal

9.4.13    Transfer of benefit

9.4.14    Member with family overseas

9.4.15    Recreation leave travel – trainees

Division 2: Pre-deployment leave travel

9.4.16    Purpose

9.4.17    Benefit

9.4.18    Member not eligible

9.4.19    Offset of benefit

Division 3: Post-deployment leave travel

9.4.20    Purpose

9.4.21    Benefit

9.4.22    Member must use recreation leave travel if available

Division 4: Remote location leave travel

9.4.23    Purpose

9.4.25    Definitions

9.4.25A    Limits on using remote location leave travel benefits

9.4.26    Scheme A – member who has no resident family

9.4.27    Scheme A – member who has unaccompanied resident family

9.4.28    Scheme A – travel for unaccompanied resident family

9.4.29    Basic benefit – accompanied resident family

9.4.30    Scheme A – member accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family

9.4.31    Scheme B – accompanied resident family

9.4.32    Scheme A – offset of benefit to another destination

9.4.33    Schemes A and B – advances of benefit

9.4.34    Schemes A and B – lapsing of benefit

9.4.35    Schemes A and B – deferral of benefit

9.4.36    Schemes A and B – change in family circumstance

9.4.37    Schemes A and B – partner is a member

9.4.38    Schemes A and B – partner is a Defence APS employee

9.4.40    Schemes A and B – Tindal travel arrangements

9.4.40A    Schemes A and B – additional travel arrangements

9.4.41    Schemes A and B – resident family under the age of 18

Part 5: Payment of travel costs

Division 1: Members eligible and definitions

9.5.3    Purpose

9.5.4    Member this Part applies to

9.5.5    Member this Part does not apply to

9.5.8    Definitions

9.5.9    Travel period – business travel

9.5.10    Part-day travel period

9.5.11    Travel period – in connection with change in primary service location

9.5.12    Travel period – ceasing continuous full-time service

Division 2: Travel on Defence business

9.5.13    Purpose

9.5.14    Member this Division applies to

9.5.15    Meaning of normal accommodation stock

9.5.16    Accommodation while living out on a journey

9.5.17    Meals and incidentals while living out on a journey

9.5.18    Limits on payment for accommodation and meals

9.5.19    When there is no eligibility for incidentals

9.5.20    Member occupying living-in accommodation

9.5.21    Keeping accommodation while occupying living-in accommodation on temporary duty

9.5.22    Travel for more than 21 days

9.5.23    Limits on travel costs for journey longer than 21 days

9.5.24    Accommodation and meals for resident family

9.5.25    Incidentals for a member on a course

9.5.26    Overnight stay following a period of Reserve service

9.5.27    Eligibility for incidentals at annual Reserve camp

9.5.28    Recall from recreation leave or long service leave

9.5.29    Additional payment toward travelling costs

9.5.30    End of eligibility

Division 3: Travelling allowance

9.5.32    Purpose

9.5.33    Member this Division applies to

9.5.34    Members this Division does not apply to

9.5.35    Travel costs while living out on a journey

9.5.35A    Quarantine residence while living out on a journey

9.5.36    Limits on travelling allowance for accommodation and meals

9.5.37    When there is no eligibility for incidentals

9.5.38    Incidentals for a member on a course

9.5.39    Member occupying living-in accommodation

9.5.40    Keeping accommodation while occupying living-in accommodation on temporary duty

9.5.41    Travel for more than 21 days

9.5.42    Limits on travel costs for journey longer than 21 days

9.5.43    Accommodation and meals for resident family

9.5.44    Overnight stay following a period of Reserve service

9.5.45    Eligibility for incidentals at annual Reserve camp

9.5.46    Recall from recreation leave or long service leave

9.5.47    Additional travelling allowance

9.5.48    Confirming actual travel costs

Division 4: Travel allowance on removal

9.5.49    Member this Division applies to

9.5.50    Definitions

9.5.51    Travel allowance on removal

9.5.52    Measurement of distances

9.5.53    Accommodation on removal

9.5.54    Meals on removal

9.5.55    Incidentals on removal

9.5.56    Door-to-door travel on removal

Annex 9.5.A: Amounts for accommodation, meals and incidentals

Part 1:  Accommodation rates

Part 2:  High-cost country centres – accommodation

Part 3:  Medium-cost country centres

Part 4:  Meals and incidentals

Annex 9.5.B: Amounts for travel after 21 days

Part 1: Amounts for travel after 21 days – accommodation

Part 2: Amounts for travel after 21 days – meals

Part 6: Vehicle allowance

Division 1: General

9.6.4    Purpose

9.6.5    Member this Part applies to

9.6.6    Member this Part does not apply to

9.6.7    Definitions

9.6.8    Insurance

9.6.9    Journey varied or not made

Division 2: Authorised travel on duty and recall to duty from paid leave

9.6.10    Purpose

9.6.11    Authorised travel – on duty

9.6.12    Recall from leave

9.6.13    Benefit – travel on duty

Division 4: Authorised travel on other journeys

9.6.18    Purpose

9.6.19    Public transport stoppages

9.6.20    Recall outside normal working hours

9.6.21    Recreation leave travel by private vehicle

9.6.22    Marriage or ADF recognition of partnership

9.6.23    Benefit

Division 5: Vehicle allowance amounts and limits

9.6.24    Purpose

9.6.25    Amount of allowance and calculation of distance

9.6.26    Increased rate for passengers, equipment etc

9.6.27    Additional vehicle allowance

9.6.28    Limit to benefit

Part 7: Aircraft allowance

9.7.1    Purpose

9.7.2    Member this Part applies to

9.7.3    When this Part does not apply

9.7.4    Definitions

9.7.5    Authorised travel by private aircraft

9.7.6    Benefit

9.7.7    Amount of allowance

9.7.8    Limit to benefit

9.7.9    Insurance

Chapter 10: Clothing and personal effects

Part 1: General provisions

10.1.1    Definitions

Part 2: Personal purchase of uniform articles

10.2.1    Purpose

10.2.2    Member this Part applies to

10.2.3    Benefit

Part 3: Aide-de-camp, ADF advisor and other specified persons benefit

10.3.1    Purpose

10.3.2    Member this Part applies to

10.3.3    Clothing benefit

Part 4: Loss or damage to clothing or personal effects

10.4.1    Purpose

10.4.1A    Member this Part applies to

10.4.2    Payment for loss or damage

10.4.3    Amount of payment

Part 5: Plain clothes allowance

10.5.1    Purpose

10.5.2    Plain clothes allowance

10.5.3    Limits on reimbursement

Chapter 11: ADF-related compensation

Part 2: Additional military compensation

Division 1: General provisions

11.2.1    Purpose

11.2.3    Limits to application of benefits under this Part

11.2.4    Definitions

11.2.4A    Dependent child

11.2.5    Some aspects of dependency

11.2.6    Damages or compensation recovered or received for the benefit of a member’s resident family

Division 2: Additional death benefit

11.2.7    Entitlement to additional death benefit

11.2.8    Calculation of the ADB

11.2.9    Who the ADB is payable to

Division 3: Severe injury adjustment

11.2.10    Entitlement to a severe injury adjustment

11.2.11    Calculation of the SIA

11.2.12    Who the SIA is payable to

11.2.13    Interim payment of SIA

Division 4: Avoidance of double benefits

11.2.14    Notice of proceedings against a third party

11.2.15    SIA or ADB not payable if damages are recovered

11.2.16    No double benefit if State workers' compensation is received

11.2.17    No double benefit if State compensation is received

11.2.18    Statutory declaration as to State workers' compensation etc.

11.2.19    Reduction of SIA or ADB if similar compensation received before commencement

11.2.20    Recovery of SIA or ADB that is repayable

Division 5: Authorisation of payment and review of decisions

11.2.21    Payment of SIA or ADB

11.2.22    Notice of decisions

11.2.23    Reconsideration of decisions

11.2.24    Review by Tribunal of reconsidered decisions

Division 6: General

11.2.25    Reimbursement for cost of financial advice

11.2.26    Indexation of amounts

11.2.27    Exercise of powers by Secretary

Part 3: Payment of financial entitlements on death

11.3.1    Purpose

11.3.2   Entitlement for leave and other compensation

11.3.3    Bereavement payment

11.3.4    Payment for financial or legal advice

Part 4: Funeral and transportation costs on death

11.4.1    Purpose

11.4.2    Dual entitlement

11.4.4    Administration

11.4.4A   Legal personal representative

Division 1: Funeral costs, floral and non-floral tributes for deceased members or former members

11.4.5    Purpose

11.4.6    Member or former member this Division applies to

11.4.7    Member this Division does not apply to

11.4.9    Funeral costs

11.4.10    Funeral overseas

11.4.10A    Memorial services after the COVID-19 pandemic

11.4.11    Travel and accommodation

11.4.12    Floral and non-floral tributes

Division 2: Assistance on death of resident family in Australia

11.4.13    Purpose

11.4.14    Member this Division applies to

11.4.15    Assistance provided when resident family dies



This Chapter sets out the provisions relating to relocation benefits for members and their resident family and recognised other persons when they are relocating within Australia.


In this Chapter the following apply.


ADF gap year means a program on which a member, including a member of the Reserves, provides continuous full-time service in SERVOP G.


Essential household item means an item that meets all the following.



The absence of the item for more than 72 hours would unduly inconvenience the member, their resident family or a recognised other person.



The item is in everyday use in the normal household.



The member does not have an alternative item in their inventory.


Furniture and effects means portable household items ordinarily used for domestic purposes and convenience.


Non-portable item means an item that cannot be carried by two people and would require additional equipment, such as a crane or a forklift, to move it.


Private vehicle means a motor vehicle that is registered in the name of a member, their resident family or a recognised other person.


Suitable own home has the same meaning given by section 7.2.5.


Towable item means a caravan or trailer that is registered in the name of a member, their resident family, or a recognised other person, is roadworthy and is capable of being towed by the member's private vehicle.


A member may be compensated for some of the costs involved in a removal to a new dwelling within Australia. This Division outlines the kinds of costs covered, the conditions of eligibility and the amount payable.


A member is eligible for disturbance allowance if they are in either of the following situations.



The member meets both the following conditions.



They are granted a removal to a new home.



They are on continuous full-time service or cease continuous full-time service.



The member meets all the following conditions.




They are a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family, or a member with no resident family or recognised other persons.



They have been deployed for 6 months or longer.



The member chose under any of sections 7.4.23, 7.6.38, 7.7.11 or 7.8.31 to leave their accommodation.


Note: Section 1.6.1 applies to this section and may affect the payment of the allowance if a member and an adult who is recognised as resident family are both eligible for disturbance allowance for the same period.


A member is not eligible for disturbance allowance if any of the following apply.



They are moving from living-in accommodation in an establishment, unit or base to different living-in accommodation in the same establishment, unit or base.



They are moving overseas from Australia.



They are moving between two seagoing ships that have the same home port.



They are moving to another home because the combined total of resident family and recognised other persons has changed.



They meet all of the following.




They are a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident.




They are moving to reunite with their resident family.




The location they are moving to is specified in their alternate located work agreement.


The amount of disturbance allowance is the amount specified in column C of the following table which coincides with both of the following.



The circumstances of the member described in column A.



The number of the current removal, as defined in section 6.1.7, specified in column B.



Column A

Circumstances of member

Column B

Number of current removal

Column C



Member who has accompanied resident family or member with recognised other persons and no resident family


Removal to a new location

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or 6th removal


7th or subsequent removal



Removal within the same location

Each time



Removal from overseas

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or subsequent removal


Member who has unaccompanied resident family or the member who has no resident family or recognised other persons


Removal to a new location from living out to living out

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or 6th removal


7th or subsequent removal



Removal to a new location from living out to living-in accommodation, or from living-in accommodation to living out

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or 6th removal


7th or subsequent removal



Removal to a new location from living-in accommodation to living-in accommodation

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or 6th removal


7th or subsequent removal



Removal within the same location and any of the following apply:

a. from living-in accommodation to living-in accommodation, between different establishments, units or bases

b. from living out to living-in accommodation, or from living-in accommodation in to living out

Each time



Removal within the same location from living out to living out

Each time



Removal from overseas

1st or 2nd removal


3rd or 4th removal


5th or subsequent removal



Removal from storage to living-in accommodation, after deployment of more than 6 months.

Each time



Removal from storage to living-out accommodation, after deployment of more than 6 months.

Each time



The number of the current removal is defined as follows.

The number of removals for which a member has been eligible for disturbance allowance since they last began continuous full-time service. This number includes the current removal.

Note:  When a member re-enters the ADF after a break in service, the number of removals re-starts at 1. Their first removal is not added to the number of removals in their previous period of service.


The member may have a partner who is also a member and they move together. In this case, the number of the current removal is the greater of the number of removals that one or the other undertook since they began continuous full-time service. This number includes the current removal.


Separate removals to a new location by a member, their resident family and recognised other persons are treated as 1 removal.


A member who is removed without their resident family is eligible for an amount equal to the amount payable to a member under section 6.1.6 table item 2.


If the member’s resident family are removed to the same location as the member at a later date, the total amount payable for both removals must not be more that if they had been removed together.


A member who has no resident family and is granted a removal on enlistment is eligible for an amount equal to the amount payable to a member under section 6.1.6 table item 2.


A removal related to an overseas posting counts as only 1 move, even when both the following happen.



The member’s furniture is stored under this Determination in Australia.



Their furniture and effects are moved from storage to their posting when they return to Australia. This is whether they are accompanied on their return or not.


If a member dies and their resident family or recognised other persons are granted a removal, the resident family or recognised other persons are eligible for an amount of disturbance allowance. The amount is what the member would have been paid if the removal had been granted on ceasing continuous full-time service.


A member is eligible for an additional payment of $266 for each child if all of the following apply.



The member’s child is required to change schools because of a removal.



The child is a full-time student at a primary or secondary school.

Note: This does not include a child at a pre-school.


If the child’s change of school is postponed to a later date, payment will only be made on the date they change school.


If the member’s partner is also a member, only one member is eligible for the payment in respect of the child.


A member eligible for disturbance allowance for a removal may be eligible for assistance with costs of installing or reconnecting a private telephone in the dwelling they move to. They qualify if either of these conditions are met.



They had a private telephone disconnected from their former dwelling when they were removed from it.



They had a private telephone disconnected from another earlier dwelling when they were removed from it. Since that earlier removal, they continuously occupied a dwelling where either of the following conditions were met.



A telephone was provided.



They were on long-term posting overseas.


The member may be reimbursed the cost of the installation or reconnection service, up to a maximum of $299.


A member is eligible for assistance with the costs of transferring a private vehicle registration to another State or Territory. The vehicle may belong to the member, their resident family or a recognised other person.


The benefit is an amount up to $63 for each removal. It is for 1 private vehicle only. It is to assist with fees and costs for registration plates, roadworthiness inspection, administration fees and ownership tests. It is not to assist with the registration fee for the vehicle.


A member may qualify for an allowance or reimbursement under this Part even if they do not meet one or more of the criteria for qualification.


The CDF may approve payment if the following conditions are satisfied.



The member does not qualify for reasons beyond their control.



Paying an amount is consistent with the purpose of the allowance.


The CDF cannot approve an amount greater than the member would have received if they had been eligible for an allowance or reimbursement.


A member may be eligible for assistance with the costs of childcare when they are being removed. This Division outlines conditions and amounts payable.


A member granted a removal is eligible for assistance with childcare costs on removal if all these criteria are met.



They have a child who is resident family or a recognised other person and meets either of the following conditions.



Is under 11 years old.



Has a disability.



They must pay for the childcare.

Note: The childcare is not limited to recognised government or commercial day care facilities.



For family, Service or medical reasons, only the member or 1 adult who is recognised as resident family or as a recognised other person is able to help with the removal.


Medical reasons in paragraph 1.c include an adult who is recognised as resident family or as a recognised other person being unable to help with the removal because they have a medical condition. This must be supported by a medical certificate.


For the purpose of paragraph 1.c, family reasons include any of the following.



If any of the following are unable to help with the removal because of work commitments they cannot avoid.




The member.




The member’s partner.




An adult who is resident family or a recognised other person.



The member is a single parent who has no adults recognised as resident family or recognised other persons that can help with the removal.



The member, their partner or an adult who is resident family or as a recognised other person is absent to care for a close family member who is ill.

Note:  Claims should be supported by a medical certificate.


Note:  Section 1.6.1 applies to this section and may affect the payment of assistance if a member and an adult who is recognised as resident family are both eligible for assistance with childcare costs on removal for the same period.


The assistance is payable for childcare at either the new or the old location.


The member is eligible for a maximum of $47.40 a day. This is payable for up to 2 days of childcare per move for each eligible child who is resident family or a recognised other person. This means 2 days in total. It does not mean a maximum of 2 days at each of the new and old locations. 


This Division provides members with assistance towards the cost of relocating pets in Australia.


Subject to section 6.1.23, a member is eligible for the cost of relocating a pet if the CDF is satisfied that the costs are reasonable having regard to subsection 2.


A relocation under subsection 1 is between the following locations.



If the member is posted within Australia — from the member’s losing location to their gaining location.



If the member is posted to an external territory or Thursday Island for more than 6 months — from the member’s losing location to one of the following locations.




The posting location.




A location within Australia chosen by the member.



If the member is posted from an external territory or Thursday Island to a location within Australia — from the location to which the pet was removed under paragraph b to the member’s gaining location.


The CDF must consider all these criteria.



The circumstances of the posting, removal and accommodation of the member and any resident family or recognised other persons.



The nature and number of the pets to be relocated.



The arrangements to transport and board the pets.



The availability of discounted transport rates to the member.



Any relevant information the member provides about why they own the animal. This includes information satisfying the CDF that the pets are not owned mainly for commercial or economic purposes.



The time taken for travel between the former and new locations. Only the time taken for travel between housing benefit locations will be considered. This does not include time spent travelling to or from recreation leave between postings.


In this section, pet relocation means the commercial transportation and boarding of a household pet by a service provider who meets all of the following.



They have an Australian Business Number.



They conduct a business for profit in the transportation or boarding of household pets.



They are registered or licenced to carry out the business, as required under relevant State or Territory law.


The benefit provided under subsection 1 may be paid in any of the following circumstances.



Before the pet is relocated — if the member provides a quote or invoice from the service provider for the proposed services.



After the pet is relocated — by reimbursement if the member provides a receipt for the services provided.


If the benefit is provided before the pet is relocated, all of the following apply.



The member must provide a copy of the receipt within 21 days of the benefit being provided.



The member must repay the benefit if they do not provide a copy of the receipt within 21 days of the benefit being provided.



The member must repay the amount of the benefit not used for the pet relocation of the pet if any of the following apply.




The pet relocation does not occur.




The cost of the pet relocation is less than the benefit provided.


If a member is posted overseas the CDF may reimburse the following costs, if satisfied that they are reasonable.



The commercial transportation of 1 or more household pets to a location within Australia.



The boarding costs of 1 or more household pets for the period the member is in receipt of temporary accommodation allowance in the losing posting location.


In deciding whether costs are reasonable, the CDF must consider all the criteria in subsections and


The cost of a pet relocation does not include the costs for any of the following.



The purchase of any of the following.




Equipment or other items used in the transportation or boarding of the pet.




Goods or services for the continued use, including pet containers and vaccinations.



A pet that is mainly used for economic or business purposes.



The costs of non-commercial transport or boarding of the pet.


If all of the following apply, the maximum cost of the pet relocation is the cost that would have been incurred if the pet were relocated to the member’s posting location.



The member is posted to an external territory or Thursday Island.



The pet is relocated to a location chosen by the member.


The Division provides a member who owns animals that are not household pets with the cost of transporting their animals that they would have driven from the member’s old housing benefit locations their next housing benefit locations as a part of their removal had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Division applies to a member who meets all of the following.



They are eligible for a removal under Part 5, Removals and Storage within Australia.



They, their resident family or recognised other persons fly to their next housing benefit locations.



The removal occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Subject to section 6.1.27, a member is eligible for the reasonable cost of the transportation of their animal from the member’s losing location to their gaining location.


The benefit provided under subsection 1 may be paid at any of the following circumstances.



Before the animal is removed — if the member provides a quote or invoice from the service provider for the proposed services.



After the animal is removed — by reimbursement if the member provides a receipt for the services provided.


If the benefit is provided before the animal is relocated all of the following apply.



The member must provide a copy of the receipt within 21 days of the benefit being given to the provided.



The member must repay the benefit if they do not provide a copy of the receipt within 21 days of the benefit being provided.



The member must repay the amount of the benefit not used for the animal if any of the following apply.




The removal of the animal does not occur.




The cost of the removal of the animal is less than the benefit provided.


The animal meets the following criteria.



The animal is not primarily used for commercial purposes.



The animal does not breach biosecurity regulations that apply in an area through which they travel.



The animal would have been moved by the member, their resident family or recognised other persons had the member, their resident family or recognised other persons driven.


The cost of transportation includes only the following.



The movement of the animal from the member’s old housing benefit locations to the member’s next housing benefit locations.



The boarding or agistment of the animal, however described, for necessary overnight breaks while the animal is being moved and for the days they arrive in the member’s next housing benefit locations until the earlier of the following days.




The day after the member ceases to occupy temporary accommodation.




The day the member is able to take possession of the animal.


The transportation of the animal must be undertaken by a service provider who meets the following.



They have an Australian Business Number (ABN).



Their primary purpose is to move animals from one location to another.



The business holds the necessary licences for the transportation of the animals.


This Part provides members with a reimbursement when they experience a financial loss associated with the sale of furniture, private vehicles, or other effects when they are relocated.

Note: Furniture and effects is defined in section 6.1A.2.


A member is not eligible for reimbursement under this Part for a financial loss associated with the sale of an item obtained through a grant.


A person who meets any of the following is eligible for the reimbursement of the financial loss on the sale of furniture and effects if they choose to sell the items instead of having them removed to another location in Australia.



A member.



A person recognised as resident family of a deceased member.



A person recognised as a recognised other person of a deceased member.


A reimbursement under this section is only payable to one person.


Note: Section 1.6.1 applies to this section and may affect the reimbursement provided if a member and an adult who is recognised as resident family are both eligible for reimbursement for loss on the sale of the same furniture and effects.


Subject to this section, the amount of reimbursement is the difference between what the member gets for the sale and the sum of these two amounts.



The current market value of the furniture and effects.



The incidental costs of selling the furniture and effects.

Note: Incidental costs are the standard charges of auctioneers and valuers, and reasonable advertising costs.


The amount of reimbursement must not be more than what the Commonwealth would pay to remove the furniture and effects.


If the member stores furniture and effects at Commonwealth expense and then sells them, the amount of reimbursement is reduced by the cost of the storage. If the cost of storage is greater than the loss, the member does not have to pay the Commonwealth the difference.


The amount is not to be reduced under subsection 3 in these circumstances.



It would cost more than the value of the reimbursement to continue to store the furniture and effects if they were not sold.



By reason only of postings that do not attract a removal, the member would not use the furniture and effects within 12 months of becoming eligible for the reimbursement.


This section applies in relation to any of the following vehicles.



A private vehicle that a member is (or would have been) eligible for removal to another location in Australia.



One private vehicle and one towable item owned by a member who meets all of the following conditions.




They are a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family, or a member with no resident family or recognised other persons.




They are deployed for 6 months or longer.




They have made a choice to vacate their accommodation under subsections,,, section 7.7.11, or the CDF has decided that the member must leave the living-in accommodation under subsection




They have not put the vehicle or towable item in storage.

Note: Storage includes on a Defence base or in non-commercial storage.


A person may choose to sell the vehicle instead of having it removed. They are eligible for reimbursement if they make a financial loss on the sale. In this subsection vehicle means a private vehicle or a registered item that can be towed.

Note: A member who is posted overseas is not eligible for reimbursement under this section.


The benefit is available to any of these persons.



A member on continuous full-time service.



A former member who was on continuous full-time service and is eligible for a removal of a vehicle when they complete their service.



A person legally entitled to own the vehicle of a deceased member who was on continuous full-time service.


Note: Section 1.6.1 applies to this section and may affect the reimbursement provided if a member and an adult who is recognised as resident family are both eligible for reimbursement for loss on the sale of the same vehicle.


The amount of reimbursement for a vehicle described in paragraph is the lesser of the following two amounts.



The cost to remove the vehicle if it were removed under Chapter 6 Part 5.



The difference between the valuation and the amount of the sale price after reasonable incidental costs have been deducted from it.


The amount of reimbursement for a vehicle or towable item described in paragraph or is the lesser of the following two amounts.



The cost to store the vehicle for the period of the member’s deployment if it were stored under Chapter 6 Part 5.



The difference between the valuation and the amount of the sale price after reasonable incidental costs have been deducted from it.


In subsections 1 and 2, valuation means a commercial valuation by a member of a recognised motor trades organisation.


The CDF must be satisfied that the person made reasonable efforts to sell the vehicle without making a loss. The CDF must consider these factors.



When and how widely the person advertised the vehicle for sale.



How the person tried to sell the vehicle.



The nature and extent of offers made for the vehicle.



The particulars of the sale.



Any other relevant aspect of the sale.


In the case of a deceased member (see paragraph, the amount depends on where the vehicle is to go. Payment is for the cost of transporting the vehicle to the relevant place listed below.



Within the location where the vehicle is already.



The location of the last permanent residence of the member, their resident family or a recognised other person when they enlisted or were appointed.



A specific place if the member was enlisted or appointed from outside Australia.


This Division provides members with travel benefits to assist with the uplift and unpack of their furniture and effects in connection with a removal under Chapter 6 Part 5 to return to the member’s old housing benefit location to accompany their resident family and recognised other persons to their housing benefit location.


This Part applies to a member who is eligible for a removal under Chapter 6 Part 5.


A member is eligible for vehicle allowance calculated under section 9.6.25 for the return travel between their housing benefit location and their previous housing benefit location if all of the following apply.



The purpose of returning to the pervious housing benefit location is any of the following.




To supervise the uplift of furniture and effects at their previous housing benefit location.




To accompany their resident family to the member’s housing benefit location.



The member has commenced duty in their primary service location before their removal from their previous housing benefit location commences.


Note 1: A member may only receive this benefit once for each removal.

Note 2: A member may be eligible for flights under section 9.2.10.


A member is eligible for vehicle allowance calculated under section 9.6.25 for return travel between their housing benefit location and their new housing benefit location if all of the following apply.



The purpose of the travel is to arrange accommodation and to supervise the unpacking of furniture and effects.



The member’s removal is to be delivered to their home in their new housing benefit location before they begin duty in the location.


Note 1: A member may only receive this benefit once for each removal.

Note 2: A member may be eligible for flights under section 9.2.11.


This Division gives an overview of eligibility for assistance with removal and storage in Australia.


A member or their resident family who are not eligible for a removal under a Division listed in subsection 2, is eligible for a removal under this Part if the CDF is satisfied that any of the following apply to the member, their resident family or recognised other persons.



The safety or welfare of the member, their resident family or recognised other persons would be at high risk if they stayed in their accommodation.



A change in family circumstances requires urgent action.



The removal is necessary to prevent an emergency from happening.



The member has specific housing needs during rehabilitation or as a result of an acquired injury.


For the purpose of subsection 1, the Divisions are as follows.



Division 4, Posting or deployments.



Division 6, Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service.



Division 8, When a member becomes a member who has accompanied resident family or recognised other persons



Division 9, When a member ceases to be a member who has resident family or recognised other persons



Division 11, Removal on death of a member.


A member of the Reserves is eligible for a removal on the following occasions.



When they are to begin continuous full-time service on a posting of more than 6 months.



When they cease continuous full-time service that was for a period of more than 6 months.


A member is not eligible for a removal in any of the following circumstances.



They are posted outside of the normal posting cycle because of a voluntary exchange of postings.



They are dismissed from the ADF under the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982.



The member is posted to a new primary service location and their current home is already in their new housing benefit location, unless they are required to move to another home by their Service.



Any of the following is revoked at the member’s request.




Extended housing benefit location.




Alternate located work agreement.



They are on a flexible service determination and choose to vacate their accommodation during their nonworking period.



They are on a flexible service determination and all of the following apply.




They had previously chosen to vacate their accommodation during a nonworking period.




The member returns to accommodation at the posting location.



They require a removal within their posting location and any of the following apply.




Before becoming a flexible housing trial member, they had a removal to their posting location.




They cease to be a flexible housing trial member.



Note: A member may become a flexible housing trial member under section 7.1.15.


If a member’s partner is also a member and both have the same housing benefit location, the following apply.



If both members are eligible for a removal to the same location under Part 5, only one member is eligible for the removal.

Note:  The removal is for the member and their resident family and other recognised other persons.



If the members are posted to adjacent housing benefit locations, all benefits apply to the location they choose to establish the family home.


This Division sets out what will and will not be removed.


This section applies to a member, other than a member ceasing continuous full-time service, if all of the following apply.



They are eligible for a removal of furniture and effects under Part 5 Division 4.



The removal occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Any of the following people who fly to the member’s gaining location in connection with the member commencing a posting.




The member.




The member’s resident family or recognised other persons moving to the gaining location.


The member is eligible for $250.00.

Note: This payment is only paid once for each removal.


A member is eligible to have their portable household items removed if they are furniture and effects normally used for domestic purposes.


The CDF may provide a scheme to compensate members for loss or damage to furniture or effects removed or stored under this Part.

Note: Compensation may be in the form of repair, replacement or payment.


The removal of furniture and effects listed in an item in column A of the following table is subject to the conditions for removal in column B of the same item.



Column A

Furniture and effects

Column B

Conditions for removal


A small boat, canoe, kayak or other small watercraft.

The item is no longer than 5.7m and no heavier than 51kg.


A larger boat capable of being carried on a trailer.

The item falls within the definition of a towable item.


A lawn locker or tool shed.

The item has been dismantled and packed securely by the member.


A motor bike, trail bike or mini-bike.

The item is:

a. packed and crated by the member, and

b. drained of all petrol and oil.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following.



They are eligible for a removal of furniture and effects under Division 4.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons owns an item that would not be removed under section 6.5.10.



They, their resident family or recognised other persons fly to the member’s next housing benefit location.



The removal occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The member is eligible for the reimbursement of one of the following if they would have moved the item themselves had they, their resident family or recognised other persons driven.



The removal of the item from the member’s previous housing benefit location to the member’s housing benefit location.



The storage of the item at the member’s previous housing benefit location.


Storage of items at the member’s old housing benefit location under paragraph 2.b will only be reimbursed for a period ending on the earlier of the following days.



The day the items are removed from storage.



The day 1 year after they were put into storage.


An item that is not portable and meets all of the following will not be removed.



It requires a crew of more than two people to move it, after dismantling if required.



Additional equipment, such as a crane or forklift, is needed to move it.


Items of the following types will not be removed.



Dangerous items.



Anything living, excluding pets.



Irreplaceable items.



Bulk fuel and building items.



Hard to trace items.



The CDF may grant a removal of essential household items before the bulk of the furniture and effects are removed. The items must be urgently required.


The member may organise the removal of the urgently required items through either of the following.



The Commonwealth removalist.



Private arrangements.


The CDF may approve private arrangements under subsection 2. The means chosen must be the most cost-effective within the required time frame.


If the CDF does approve them, the member is eligible for the reimbursement of the cost of the arrangements. Items approved for removal may be transported by road, rail or sea.


A person who is one of the following may be reimbursed an amount if they insure urgently required household items that are to be removed.



A member.



A person recognised as resident family of a deceased member.



A person recognised as a recognised other person of a deceased member.


Both of these conditions must be met.



Removal of the items is granted under section 6.5.12.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons insures the items for the purpose of the removal.


The amount reimbursed is the amount paid for the insurance up to the greater of these two amounts.






2% of the sum insured.


Note: Section 1.6.1 applies to this section and may affect the reimbursement provided if a member and an adult who is recognised as resident family are both eligible for the reimbursement for the cost of insurance on the removal of the same urgently needed household items.


An item of furniture or effects may be lost or damaged beyond use during a removal. If this happens, a member is eligible for the reimbursement of the cost of hiring a replacement item while they wait for a decision on an indemnity or insurance claim. They are eligible for the reimbursement of hiring costs if all of these criteria are met.



The item was a removed under this Part.



The item was useable at uplift.



The item was packed by the approved removalist.



The missing or damaged item is an essential household item.



The loss or damage is reported to the Commonwealth removalist at the new location.



A replacement item is not available from local Service sources.


The eligibility ends when either of the following happens.



The original item is delivered or repaired.



The member is given a payment to replace the item.


The member may be reimbursed the costs of using a laundromat washing machine and dryer if both of these criteria are met.



Their washing machine is lost or damaged during a removal.



They cannot hire a suitable replacement machine at the gaining location.


A member is eligible for the reimbursement of reasonable labour costs for technical help to dismantle and reinstall some items if it is not reasonable for the member, their resident family or recognised other persons to dismantle or reinstall the items.


A member may only be reimbursed for installation of an item if it was dismantled in a previous removal.


The member is not to be reimbursed under this section for the cost of any major alterations to windows or building structures.


To be reimbursed, the member must do both of the following.



Get any necessary approvals from relevant authorities. This includes landlords, the Commonwealth removalist and local councils.



Give the Commonwealth removalist a receipt from the service provider when the work is done.


A member may choose to make private removal arrangements instead of using the Commonwealth removalist. The member is eligible for assistance if they make private arrangements for either of these reasons.



For personal reasons.



Because they are urgently required to move for Service reasons.


They are not eligible for assistance if they make private arrangements for a removal in either of these circumstances.



In anticipation of posting before a posting authority is issued.



In advance of ceasing continuous full-time service.


The member must seek the advice of the CDF to confirm their eligibility for a private removal.


The removal may be arranged through a commercial removal company, or personally by the member.


For the purpose of section 6.5.15, assistance is the reimbursement of the lesser of the following.



The amount of the assistance the member would have received had they had a removal under this Part.



The actual cost of the privately arrange removal.


The member is eligible for storage expenses if all of the following are met.



The items are stored with the Commonwealth removalist.



The items would have been stored at no cost to the member if they had been removed under this Part.


If the member carries out the removal personally, the member is eligible to be reimbursed the following costs if the CDF is satisfied they are reasonable.



Costs of hire and fuel for a suitable removal vehicle.



Vehicle allowance for use of a private vehicle for the distance from the old to the new residences, up to the amount payable for vehicle allowance under Chapter 9 Part 5 Division 4.


A member may choose not to take up a removal benefit during a period of posting. This does not affect their eligibility for the next posting. They cannot add an unused benefit to their eligibility on a future posting.


This Division provides benefits to a member to assist their resident family and other recognised persons to move to or from a family benefit location.


This Division applies to a member who has resident family.


A member is eligible for a removal under Division 2 for their resident family and recognised other persons to a family benefit location if the CDF is satisfied of all of the following.



The member has substantial compassionate reasons for the removal.



That the removal is in the interests of the ADF.


For the purpose of subsection 1, the CDF must consider all of the following.



The seriousness of the reasons for the compassionate removal.



The nature of care or assistance required by the member’s resident family or the following recognised other persons.




An adult child.




A person recognised under paragraph 1.3.37.d.



Whether the circumstances are likely to be resolved after a reasonably short period of time or are enduring.



Whether the issue can only be addressed by relocating the member’s resident family and recognised other persons.



Whether the decision to relocate was prompted by personal or Service-related circumstances.



Whether the member has applied for discharge and is eligible for a discharge removal.


A member is eligible for a removal under Division 2 for their resident family and recognised other persons to a family benefit location if the CDF is satisfied of all of the following.



The move is necessary for the member's partner to undertake specified employment, other than home based employment, or a specified period of face-to-face study in the family benefit location.



The move occurs within 3 months before or after a member’s move to a new housing benefit location.



The member will be in the new housing benefit location for 6 months or more.



The family benefit location is closer to the member's housing benefit location than the former housing benefit location or family benefit location.


A member may have the period under paragraph 1.b extended if the CDF considers it is reasonable in the circumstances.


A removal granted under subsection 1 is subject to the following.



The removal for the member is a limited removal for the member from the former housing benefit location to the new housing benefit location.



The removal for the resident family is a removal of the member’s household furniture and effects from the former housing benefit location to the family benefit location.

Note:  The member’s household furniture and effects are not moved to the member’s new housing benefit location before being removed to the family benefit location.


A removal under this section is limited to what the member would have been eligible for under this Part to move their household furniture and effects to their new housing benefit location from both of the following locations.



The member's residence in the losing housing benefit location.



Any location where the member has goods stored under this Part.


The member must pay any costs above the amount Defence would have paid for a removal to a family benefit location for employment or study.


If the cost of removal to a family benefit location for employment or study is less than the cost of a removal to the member's new housing benefit location, the member is not eligible for the difference.


A member is eligible for a removal under Division 2 for their resident family and recognised other persons if all of the following apply.



The member is posted to a remote location for 6 months or more.



The remote location is the member’s housing benefit location.



The resident family choose to move to a family benefit location instead of the remote location.


A member in a situation set out in column A of the following table is eligible for the removal benefit provided in column B and must pay the amount set out in column C of the same item.



Column A

Member’s situation

Column B

Removal Benefit

Column C

Amount payable by the member


All of the following apply.

a.  The removal is of items that would have been removed to the remote location.

b.  The removal is from the member's residence and store in the previous housing benefit location to the family benefit location.

A removal under Division 2.

The difference between the following costs.

a. The amount it would have cost to remove the member’s resident family to the member's housing benefit location.

b. The amount it cost the member’s resident family to relocate to the family benefit location.  


All of the following apply.

a. The removal is of items that would not have been removed to the remote location.

b. The removal is to the Commonwealth removalist's store.

A removal to the Commonwealth removalist’s store.



All of the following apply.

a. The removal is of the member's effects, without furniture.

b. The removal is to the family benefit location

A removal under Division 2.

The difference between the following costs.

a. The amount it would have cost to remove the member’s resident family to the member's housing benefit location.

b. The amount it cost the member’s resident family to relocate to the family benefit location.  



A member is eligible for storage of items when any of the following apply.



The member has excess items that are not removed from the previous housing benefit location.



The member has items already in store at the time the posting authority is issued.


A member is eligible for a removal of their resident family and recognised other persons from the member’s housing benefit location to a family benefit location within Australia if all the following apply.



The member is posted to any of the following for a period greater than 6 months.




A seagoing ship.




A seagoing submarine.




A seagoing flight.



The CDF is satisfied the family benefit location is beneficial to the member or their resident family and recognised other persons after considering all of the following.




The availability of family or community support at the family benefit location.




The employment or education needs of the member's resident family and recognised other persons.




Any other factor relevant to the welfare of the member's resident family and recognised other persons.


The removal must be undertaken within 3 months before or 3 months after the member's posting date.


The CDF may extend the removal period under subsection 2 if it is considered reasonable in the circumstances.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following.



A member's resident family do not live with the member.



The resident family wish to rejoin the member.


A member who meets the criteria set out in column A of the following table is eligible for the removal benefit in column B and must pay the amount in column C of the same item.



Column A


Column B

Removal Benefit

Column C

Amount payable by the member


The member was provided a full removal for their resident family and recognised other persons.

A removal under Division 2 to their housing benefit location.



The member was provided a limited removal for their resident family and recognised other persons.

A removal under Division 2 to their housing benefit location.

The difference between the following costs.

a. The amount it would have cost to remove the member’s resident family to the housing benefit location.

b. The amount it cost the member’s resident family to relocate to the family benefit location.  



Despite subsection 2, a member is eligible for the full costs of the removal if the CDF is satisfied that it is in the interests of the ADF having regards to the direct and indirect costs of the removal.


This Division sets out a member’s eligibility for a removal when they are posted, have an alternate work location agreement or on deployment.


Cost of a removal under this Division includes the following.



The cost of removing furniture and effects under Division 2 for any of the following people being removed.




The member.




The member’s resident family.




The member’s recognised other persons.



One of the following in connection with the removal.




Vehicle removal assistance payable to the member under Part 5A.




The cost of removal travel for the member, resident family and recognised other persons under Chapter 9 Part 2 Division 3.


If a member eligible for a removal under this Division has a resident child carer, the resident child carer's furniture and effects are not removed or stored.


A member is eligible for a removal if all of the following apply.



The member is issued a new posting order for a period of 6 months or more.



They have a posting order that would require them to move outside of their current housing benefit location.


The member is eligible for a removal of the following.



If the residence in the new housing benefit location is furnished or partly furnished — necessary furniture and effects to their next housing benefit location.



If the residence in the new housing benefit location is unfurnished — all the member’s furniture and effects to their next housing benefit location.


The member must pay a contribution towards the cost of the removal if the cost of the removal to the new housing benefit location is greater than the cost of the removal from their housing benefit location to their service location to which they have been posted.


The contribution is calculated using the following formula.


Start formula contribution equals A minus B end formula





is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location to their next housing benefit location.



is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location to the location specified in the member’s next posting order.

Note: If the outcome is less than $0, the member is not eligible to receive the amount.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following.



One of the following applies.




The member goes on a posting for duty in Australia of 6 months or more.




The unaccompanied resident family is reuniting with the member.



They have unaccompanied resident family living in a family benefit location.


The member is eligible for one of the following.



If the member has 6 months or more of their posting period to serve at their primary service location and is relocating their resident family to their housing benefit location — removal under subsection 6.5.26 for their resident family.



If the member and their resident family are relocating to a housing benefit location — the removal of their and their resident family’s furniture and effects to the new housing benefit location.


The member must pay a contribution towards the cost of the removal if the cost of the removal to the new housing benefit location is greater than the cost of the removal from their housing benefit location to their service location to which they have been posted.


The contribution is calculated using the following formula.


Start formula contribution equals A minus B end formula





is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location to their next housing benefit location.



is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location to the location specified in the member’s next posting order.


Note: If the outcome is less than $0, the member is not eligible to receive the amount.


This section applies to a member who is participating in the ADF gap year and meets either of the following conditions.



The member is posted for less than 6 months.



The member is posted for 6 months or more and both the following apply.



A removal has been deferred until after the date of posting.



The member has less than 6 months to serve at the post.

Note: Gap year members are not subject to the limitations under section 6.5.35, Removal deferred until after posting date.


A member is eligible for a removal from the losing housing benefit location to the gaining housing benefit location if the CDF is satisfied the reason the member is otherwise not eligible for a removal is beyond their control.


A removal granted under this section is subject to the limitations set out in subsection


A member in the situation in an item in Column A of the following table is eligible for the benefit in Column B of the same item.



Column A

Member situation

Column B



The member is required to vacate any of the following for reasons beyond their control.

a. Living-in accommodation.

b. A Service residence.

c. Accommodation for which rent allowance is payable

Note:  Reasons beyond a member's control does not include the breakdown of a relationship.

A removal of furniture and effects from that accommodation to another residence or to an approved store in the same location.


The member acquires a suitable own home in the housing benefit location while occupying one of the following.

a. Living-in accommodation.

b. A Service residence.

c. Accommodation for which rent allowance is payable.

Subject to subsection 3, a removal of furniture and effects to that home if the location the home is in will be the member’s housing benefit location for 12 months or more.


The member meets all the following.

a. They have been on posting as a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.

b. Their resident family are occupying a Service residence or accommodation for which rent allowance is payable.

c. They acquire a suitable own home in the family benefit location.

Subject to subsection 3, a removal of furniture and effects to that home provided the location will be the members family benefit location for 12 months or more.


The member meets all the following.

a. They have an own home in their housing benefit location but are not required to live in it.

b. They must vacate a Service residence or accommodation for which rent allowance is payable.

c. The reason for the move is beyond their control.

d. They subsequently intend to occupy their suitable own home.

Note:  Reasons beyond a member's control does not include the breakdown of a relationship.

A removal of furniture and effects to the following.

a. To their suitable own home.

b. To an approved store while they wait for vacant possession of their own home and then to that home.


The member must vacate a suitable own home for reasons beyond their control.

A removal of furniture and effects to an approved store while they await repair of the home or alternative suitable accommodation, and then to that home.


The member meets all of the following and has been granted a removal for their resident family to the housing benefit location.

a. They have unaccompanied resident family.

b. They have no accompanied resident family.

A removal of furniture and effects to the following.

a. From the member's accommodation to the new home.

b. From the family benefit location to the new home.



The member is eligible for storage costs if the CDF is satisfied the member needs the storage for reasons beyond their control.


A member is not eligible for assistance for a removal between homes in the housing benefit location or family benefit location if all the following apply.



The member sells a home.



The member buys a new home in the same location



The member cannot take vacant possession of the new home.



The member lives in the old home until they can take vacant possession of the new home.



The member is paid rent allowance while they live in the old home.


Subject to subsection 3, a member is eligible to be reimbursed their removal costs if all of the following apply.



All of the following apply.




The member moves their resident family to an anticipated location specified in subsection 2 for compassionate reasons.




The member’s resident family and recognised other persons will live with the member at the anticipated location for 6 months or more.



The move happens before the member’s next posting order has been issued.



The CDF is satisfied that the move occurred for one of the following reasons.




The removal is the result of a resident family member’s illness and the removal has been supported by a civilian medical practitioner and endorsed by the Defence Health Service.




Suitable accommodation is not available in the member’s current housing benefit location.




Suitable secondary or higher education for the member’s child is not available in their current housing benefit location.




There are other exceptional reasons that require the member to move.


Note:  The member must provide copies of relevant documents to the CDF when applying for reimbursement.


For the purpose of subsection 1, the resident family must have been moved to one of the following locations.



The location that will be the member’s housing benefit location on their next posting.



The housing benefit location where the member will be serving for less than 12 months in anticipation of a long-term posting to that location.



The housing benefit location where they will be serving less than 12 months and then to a second housing benefit location in anticipation of a long-term posting at the second location.


The benefit under subsection 1 is payable from the day the member is issued the posting order.


The member must repay any amount received under this section if non-Service reasons prevent the posting from proceeding.

Note:  The member’s eligibility for reimbursement is not affected if the anticipated long-term posting does not occur due to Service reasons.


A member may move to an anticipated location but actually be posted to a different location. They will not be reimbursed the costs of moving from the original location to the anticipated location unless they are eligible for a removal for other reasons.


A member eligible for a removal is eligible for the lesser of the following.



The cost of a removal from the original location to the new location.



The cost of a removal from the anticipated location to the new location.


If 2.b above is less than 2.a, the member may be paid the difference. This will offset the costs of moving to the anticipated location.


A member is eligible for the removal of their furniture and effects before the effective date of posting if all of the following apply.



The posting authority has been issued.



The CDF is satisfied early removal is necessary in the circumstances.


This section applies to a member if all of the following occur.



A removal to the member’s housing benefit location has occurred.



The member’s primary service location is changed due to Service reasons.


A member posted for 6 months or more is eligible for the removal of all furniture and effects to one of the following or the expenses of storing their furniture and effects.



The housing benefit location.



The family benefit location.


A member posted for less than 6 months is eligible for all the following.



The removal of their effects from the location to which they were removed to the member’s housing benefit location or family benefit location.



The expenses of storing the furniture until their next posting.


This section applies to a member whose posting is changed or cancelled at their request. This table shows what happens to their benefits depending on when the change or cancellation is made.



If the change or cancellation is made…

then the Commonwealth will…


before the removal is completed

pay the lesser of these two amounts.

a. The cost of removal to the location of the changed or cancelled posting.

b. The cost of removal to the alternative housing benefit location.


after the removal is completed

not pay for a removal from the changed or cancelled housing benefit location to the actual housing benefit location.



Despite table item 2, the member is eligible for a removal if the CDF is satisfied that it is reasonable after considering all of the following.



If there are compassionate reasons to approve the removal.



Whether there are alternatives available to the member.


This table shows what happens when a removal is deferred until after the date of posting.



If, at the time of removal,
the member has…

then they are…


at least 6 months to serve on the posting

eligible for a removal.


less than 6 months to serve on the posting

not eligible for a removal until the next posting.

Exception: A member participating in the ADF gap year program may be eligible for a removal under section 6.5.28.


A member posted to a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine for 6 months or more is eligible for a removal of furniture and effects to one of the following.



The ship's home port.



The seagoing ship's or seagoing submarine's refitting port.


A member posted to a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine is eligible for a removal to the location of the refit if all the following apply.



The seagoing ship or seagoing submarine relocates to a refitting port for 6 months or more.



The member has 6 months or more remaining of their posting period.


A member is eligible for a removal to the ship's home port if all the following apply.



The member was granted a removal under subsection 2.



The member has 6 months or more of their posting remaining.


A member is eligible for a removal to a home they will occupy in a remote location.


A member is eligible for one of the following.



If the new residence is furnished — all of the following.




The removal of the furniture and effects they need and which are not provided at the residence.




The storage of the remaining furniture and effects.



If the new residence is unfurnished — all of the following.




The removal of the furniture and effects.




The storage of furniture and effects that are not needed and are not able to be housed at the residence.


The Commonwealth is not liable for deterioration of furniture removed and stored under tropical conditions.


This section applies to a member who meets all the following.



They meet one of the following.




They have no resident family or recognised other persons.




They have unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.



They are posted to RAAF Base Tindal for 6 months or longer.



They lived out at the losing location.



They choose to occupy living-in accommodation on commencing their posting at RAAF Base Tindal.


The member is eligible for the removal of their furniture and effects that meets all of the following.



The furniture and effects has not been removed to RAAF Base Tindal.



The furniture and effects could not be housed in their living-in accommodation at RAAF Based Tindal.


This section applies to a member who meets all the following conditions.



They meet one of the following.




They have no resident family or recognised other persons.




They have unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.



They are deployed for 6 months or longer.



They meet any of the following conditions.




They choose to vacate their accommodation under any of subsections,, or




The CDF decides that a member must leave the living-in accommodation under subsection


If subsection 1 applies, the member is eligible for the removal of their furniture and effects to storage at the member's housing benefit location under Division 7.


This Division describes the benefits for a member who is removed on ceasing continuous full-time service, or in advance of ceasing.


This Division applies to a member who meets one of the following.



They are ceasing continuous full-time service.



They are commencing a transition location (medical) agreement.



They are commencing a transition location (general) agreement.


This section applies to a member who is eligible for a removal on ceasing continuous fulltime service.


In this section ‘subsidised accommodation' means any of the following.



A Service residence.



Living-in accommodation.



Accommodation for which rent allowance is payable.


A member in a situation in an item in column A of the following table is eligible for a removal between the following locations, subject to the conditions and limits in column D of the same item.



From the location in column B of the same item.



To the location in column C of same item.



Column A

Member situation

Column B

Pick-up location

Column C

Drop-off location

Column D

Conditions and limitations


The member is to relocate from subsidised accommodation to another home in the same location.


Note: This includes a member of the Reserves on continuous fulltime service.

The subsidised accommodation.


A home within the same location as the subsidised accommodation.


Note: Section 6.5.60 provides when a member’s belongings may be removed to storage and then to their home.

The member must have occupied subsidised accommodation immediately before ceasing continuous full-time service.



The member is to relocate to a location within Australia that is not in the housing benefit location they last received a removal.

The housing benefit location the member last received a removal to.

A location in Australia chosen by the member.


Note: Section 6.5.60 provides when a member’s belongings may be removed to storage and then to their home.

All of the following.

1. The location cannot be within the same housing benefit location the member last received a removal to unless they meet the condition in table item 1.

2. This table item does not apply to a member of the Reserves on continuous fulltime service.


The member is to relocate overseas.

The housing benefit location the member last received a removal to.

The Australian capital city that is the nearest port of exit to the overseas location the member has chosen to live.

All of the following.

1. The items must be received by the member’s overseas removal agent.

2. This table item does not apply to a member of the Reserves on continuous fulltime service.


The member is a member of the Reserves on continuous full-time service, appointed or enlisted in Australia.

The housing benefit location the member last received a removal to.

A location chosen by the member subject to the limit in column D.

The maximum benefit payable is the lesser of the following.

a. The cost of the removal.

b. The cost of a removal to the location the member lived immediately before they began continuous fulltime service.


The member is a member of the Reserves on continuous full-time service, and was appointed or enlisted from an overseas country.

The posting location the member last received a removal to.

A location chosen by the member subject to the limit in column D.

The maximum benefit payable is the lesser of the following.

a. The cost of the removal.

b. The cost of a removal to the member's overseas removal agent at the member's port of entry to Australia.


The member has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family and is to relocate from subsidised accommodation to the family benefit location of their unaccompanied resident family

The housing benefit location they last received a removal to.

The family benefit location of their unaccompanied resident family.

The removal must occur before their unaccompanied resident family are removed to a location under paragraph 6.5.46A.1.b.



A member in a situation in an item in column A of the following table is eligible for a removal to be provided at a time in column B of the same item and subject to the conditions in column C of the same item.



Column A

Member situation

Column B

Time of removal

Column C



The member requests to be removed before ceasing continuous fulltime service and table item 2 does not apply.

Any time during the final 12 months of the member's continuous fulltime service.

The member must have received a discharge authority.


The member requests to be removed before ceasing continuous full-time service for one of the following reasons.

a. The removal is required as a result of a resident family member or recognised other persons’ illness that is confirmed by a medical practitioner.

b. Suitable accommodation is not available in the member’s housing benefit location.

c. Suitable secondary or higher education for the member’s child is not available in their housing benefit location.

d. The member is on a transition location (medical) agreement for more than 12 months.

e. There are exceptional reasons that require the member to move.

Any time before the member ceases continuous fulltime service.

All of the following.

a. The member must have received a discharge authority.

b. The CDF must be satisfied that, having considered the member’s request, the removal is reasonable.



The member has ceased continuous full-time service.

One of the following.

a. Up to 24 months from the day the member ceases continuous fulltime service.

b. A later day that the CDF considers reasonable after considering the member’s circumstances.



This section applies to a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.


The member is eligible for an additional removal in accordance with the following.



If the member receives a removal under subsection table item 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 — the member is eligible for a removal for their unaccompanied resident family between the following locations.




The unaccompanied resident family’s family benefit location.




The location the member received their removal to under subsection



If the member receives a removal under subsection table item 6 — the member is eligible for a removal for themselves and their unaccompanied resident family from the unaccompanied resident family’s family benefit location to one of the following. 




If the member and their unaccompanied resident family are to relocate overseas — the Australian capital city that is the nearest port of exit to the overseas location the member has nominated to live following ceasing continuous full-time service.




The location in Australia the member has nominated to live following ceasing continuous full-time service.



If the member is not eligible for a removal under subsection — the member is eligible for a removal for their unaccompanied resident family’s from the unaccompanied resident family’s family benefit location to one of the following. 




If the member and their unaccompanied resident family are to relocate overseas — the Australian capital city that is the nearest port of exit to the overseas location the member has nominated to live following ceasing continuous full-time service.




The location in Australia the member has nominated to live following ceasing continuous full-time service.


A removal under subsection 1 is subject to the same conditions and limitations that would have applied had the removal been for the member under column D of the table in subsection


This section applies to a member who had a removal in advance of ceasing continuous full-time service and continues to serve beyond the date notified in their discharge authority.


If the member’s next posting is to a new housing benefit location, the member is eligible for a removal that is limited to what a removal would cost between the following locations.



The member’s housing benefit location immediately before the removal in advance of ceasing continuous full-time service.



The member’s new housing benefit location.


Subsection 2 does not apply if any of the following apply.



The member was granted a compassionate removal for their resident family to a family benefit location



The removal in advance of ceasing continuous full-time service corresponds with a regular removal on posting during the final 12 months of the member’s service.


The member must pay a contribution towards the cost of the removal if the cost of the removal to the new housing benefit location is greater than the cost of the removal between the locations specified under subsection 2.


The contribution is calculated using the following formula.


Start formula contribution equals A minus B end formula





is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location to the location on the member’s new posting order.



is the cost of a removal between the locations specified under subsection 2.


A member is eligible for a removal if they cease continuous full-time service at their own request if one of the following apply.



They hold the rank of Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army or lower and one of the following applies.




They have completed their initial period of enlistment.




They have completed 6 years of continuous full-time service.




If they are a member in the Air Force, they have completed their initial minimum period of service.



They are an officer with a fixed period of service and one of the following applies.




They have completed their initial period of appointment.




They have completed 6 years of continuous full-time service.



They are an officer with an indefinite period of service and they have completed a total of 6 years of continuous full-time service.



They have compassionate reasons for ceasing continuous full-time service and the CDF is satisfied of all of the following.




The reason for ceasing continuous full-time service could not be resolved by other means.




The reasons are beyond the member’s control.




The circumstances leading to the compassionate reasons did not exist before the member joined the ADF or have significantly worsened since the member joined the ADF.



They are a trainee and cease continuous full-time service at their own request during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The following apply to removals under subsection 1.



If the removal is under paragraph 1.d, and the member has completed less than 3 years’ continuous full-time service, the removal is from the member’s location to a location chosen by the member.



If the removal is under paragraph 1.e, the removal is from the member’s location to a location chosen by the member.



In all other cases, the removal is between locations that would apply to the member under subsection


In this section, ceasing continuous full-time service at own request means the member’s service in the Permanent Forces is ended as a consequence of the member applying to voluntarily change or reduce their period of service under section 18 of the Defence Regulation.


This section applies to a member who is eligible for a removal under any of the following.








The member must pay a contribution if the cost of the removal to the location chosen by the member is greater than one of the following.



If the member is an overseas applicant — their port of entry to Australia.



The member’s place of enlistment or appointment.


The contribution under subsection 2 is the amount calculated using the following formula.


Start formula contribution equals A minus B end formula





is the cost of a the removal.



is the cost of a removal to one of the following had they not been removed to the location chosen by the member.




If the member is an overseas applicant — their port of entry to Australia.




The member’s place of enlistment or appointment.


A member who meets one of the following is eligible for the removal of a vehicle under Division 5.



They are eligible for a removal under section 6.5.46.



They are eligible for a removal under section 6.5.47.



They are eligible for a removal under section 6.5.48.


This Division sets out members' eligibility for storage of their furniture and effects.


This Division does not apply to a member who is on any of the following.



Transition location (medical) agreement.



Transition location (general) agreement.


A member's eligibility for storage starts on the date items are first put into storage.


A member's storage eligibility will be reviewed under section 6.5.63 on the earliest of the following dates.



The date of the member's next removal under this Determination.



Three years from the date the items were first put into storage.


If it is reasonable, all furniture and effects stored under this Determination are stored in the nearest available approved store in the location the member leaves.


The following table sets out the storage benefits for a member who meets one of the following and is eligible for a removal under this Chapter.



They are a member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family.



They are a member who has recognised other persons and no resident family.



If a residence in the new location is…

then the member is eligible for the storage of…


not available

all their furniture and effects.


a.  not available in a suitable size, and

b. the member finds a furnished or partly furnished residence

furniture and effects that are not needed in the residence or cannot be housed in it.


a. not available in a suitable size, and

b.  the member finds an unfurnished residence that cannot house all their furniture and effects 


the furniture and effects that the CDF considers cannot reasonably be housed in the residence. The CDF must consider both of the following.

a. The size of home that the member's standard housing benefit applies to. This size is a reasonable limit to use in working out what items are reasonable to store in each of the following storage options.

i. The residence the member has been allocated or has chosen to rent.

ii. Storage at Commonwealth expense.

iii. Storage at the member's own cost.

b. Items that are the same as non-portable items in the residence.


their own home

a. items of furniture the CDF is satisfied are the same as non-portable items in the home

b. furniture and effects under the conditions described in Division 4 subsection, table item 4.


an inner-city residence (‘Defence Choice housing’)

the furniture and effects the CDF considers cannot reasonably be housed in the residence. The CDF must consider both the following.

a. The size of home that the member's standard housing benefit applies to. This size is a reasonable limit to use in working out what items are reasonable to store in each of the following storage options.

i. The residence the member has chosen.

ii. Storage at Commonwealth expense.

iii. Storage at the member's own cost.

b. Items that are the same as non-portable items in the residence.



A member ceases to be eligible for storage if they reject an offer of a suitable Service residence and they become ineligible to receive temporary accommodation allowance or rent allowance.


A member is not eligible for storage for items not already in storage if the following apply.



They occupy suitable accommodation.



They are not eligible for a removal under Division 4 section 6.5.29.



They move at their own expense to alternative accommodation in the same housing benefit location.


For storage benefits when a member is posted to a remote location, see Division 4 section 6.5.37.


This section applies to a member who meets all the following conditions.



They meet all of the following.




They have unaccompanied resident family.




They have no accompanied resident family.



They are deployed for 6 months or longer.



They meet any of the following conditions.




They choose to vacate their accommodation under any of subsections,, section 7.7.11 or subsection




The member must leave the living-in accommodation under subsection


The member is eligible for storage of the following items.



Storage of their furniture and effects until the member is rehoused after the deployment.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following.



They have no resident family or recognised other persons.



They eligible for a removal under this Determination.


A member in a situation in an item in Column A of the following table is eligible for the storage benefit in Column B of the same item.



Column A

Member situation

Column B

Storage benefit


The member lives out and is eligible for rent allowance.

Storage of the furniture and effects that the CDF is satisfied cannot reasonably be housed in the residence.


The member is eligible for rent allowance but is required to occupy living-in accommodation.

Storage of their furniture and effects that cannot be housed in their living-in accommodation for the period they occupy the living-in accommodation.


The member is deployed for 6 months or longer and one of the following apply.

a. The member chooses to vacate their accommodation.

b. The member is directed to vacate their living-in accommodation.

If the member has not claimed a loss on a sale for a vehicle or towable item under section 6.2.4 — all of the following.

a. Storage of their furniture and effects until they are rehoused after the deployment.

b. Commercial storage of a vehicle and towable item that cannot be stored on base, while the member is deployed.



When making a decision under table item 1 the CDF must consider all the following.



The size of home that the member's standard housing benefit applies to in working out what items are reasonable to store.



Items that are the same as non-portable items in the residence.


A member is eligible for temporary storage of necessary items in these circumstances.



While they are waiting for suitable living-in accommodation.



While they are seeking living-out accommodation.


The member is eligible for temporary storage as long as they meet the conditions for temporary accommodation allowance.


This section applies to a member who is eligible for a removal under section 6.5.37A.

Note: Section 6.5.37A provides a removal of furniture and effects for a member posted to RAAF Base Tindal for 6 months or longer if they choose to occupy living-in accommodation.


The member is eligible for storage at the losing location of their furniture and effects that cannot be housed in their living-in accommodation.


A newly enlisted member who is not eligible for a removal is not eligible for the storage of their furniture and effects unless the CDF is satisfied that they cannot store the items with their family.


The eligibility for storage ends when the member becomes eligible for a removal.


This section applies to a member whose primary duties are to drive a statutory officer's official Defence vehicle on a regular basis.


If the member has less than 3 garage spaces, they are eligible for the storage of one vehicle so that they can use their vacant garage space to keep the statutory officer's official Defence vehicle at their home.


The member's accommodation is taken to be unsuitable for the purposes of Chapter 7 if any of these situations apply.



It does not have enough garage space for the statutory officer's official Defence vehicle and up to 2 other vehicles, owned by the member, their resident family or recognised other persons.



The garage space for the statutory officer's vehicle cannot be made secure.


A member living in a suitable own home in the housing benefit location or family benefit location is not eligible for storage unless the CDF is satisfied the items of furniture to be stored are the same as non-portable items in their own home.


Items in storage at a family benefit location may remain stored in either of these circumstances.



They are in storage at the member's expense.



The member's next posting would make the member eligible for storage.


Note: The Commonwealth removalist may remove the item to its own approved store with the member's consent.


The Commonwealth will continue to pay storage charges for a member whose removal is deferred under Division 4 section 6.5.35. Payment will stop on the earliest of these dates.



The date the removal takes place.



The date a new removal benefit comes about.



The date the member ceases continuous full-time service.


Despite subsection 1, a member who has deferred their removal as a result of meeting all of the following criteria is eligible for storage until such time that they do not meet the criteria.



They have unaccompanied resident family.



They have no accompanied resident family.


The Commonwealth will pay for removal of items to the Commonwealth removalist's store if both of these criteria are met.



A member is eligible for removal after ceasing continuous full-time service.



A suitable residence is not available.


The member must pay for all storage charges and related insurance costs from the date of delivery to the Commonwealth removalist's store.


Items already in store at Commonwealth expense at the time of the removal will stay in store at Commonwealth expense until the earlier of these two dates.



The day a residence becomes available.



The date the member ceases continuous full-time service.


Subject to subsection 5, a member is eligible for items to be removed from the Commonwealth removalist's store to the member's residence up until one of the following.



If the member's eligibility for a removal under subsection table item 3 has been extended — the day the extended period ends.



If paragraph a does not apply — the day 24 months after the member ceases continuous full-time service.


A member is not eligible for a removal under subsection 4 of stored items if any of the following apply.



The member meets all of the following.




The member’s items were removed to storage at the location the member has nominated to live following ceasing continuous full-time service.




The member decides to live at a different location to the one that was nominated under subparagraph i.



The member meets all of the following.




The member does not occupy a type of subsidised accommodation under subsection




The member is relocating to a home within the Australian posting location they last received a removal to.


A member’s resident family or recognised other persons are eligible to have their furniture and effects removed to and stored in one of the following locations if the member dies.



The Commonwealth removalist's store in the member's final housing benefit location.



The relevant location in the tables in section 6.5.85.


When accommodation becomes available, the resident family or recognised other persons are eligible for the removal of items removed under subsection 1 to the accommodation.


Storage under subsection 1 is ceases on the later of the following dates.



Six months from the date of the member’s death.



A date the CDF considers to be reasonable.


The member must pay for removal of furniture and effects to and from storage once they have been stored after a removal and before any later removal at Commonwealth expense. However, the Commonwealth will pay in these circumstances.



If the member's need for the items could not reasonably have been expected when the storage was arranged.



If the member puts some items in storage because they find the house at the posting location too small to fit all of them.


The Commonwealth will not pay for storage of items the member acquires during the posting. However, these items may be included with the other furniture and effects during the next removal.


The member may have furniture and effects in storage at their own cost at the time of posting. The Commonwealth will pay the storage charges from the date of their posting if both of these criteria are met.



The member is eligible for storage at the time of a new posting.



Their eligibility for storage continues under this Division.


The member may have furniture and effects in storage at Commonwealth cost at the time of posting. The Commonwealth will continue to pay storage charges if the items will not be needed at the new location.


The Commonwealth will pay to remove some or all of a member's furniture and effects from storage at the time of a new posting. The posting must be for at least 6 months after the removal. This table describes what can be removed to different types of housing.



If the housing is…

then the member is eligible for the removal from storage of…


an unfurnished residence of suitable size

all furniture and effects.


an unfurnished residence not large enough to house all furniture and effects

items that can be conveniently housed.


a furnished or partly furnished residence

items necessary for furnishing the residence.



The CDF may grant a removal of stored items to a different residence, for a member with less than 6 months to serve in a posting. The move may be to a residence different from those in the table above. The CDF must consider both of these criteria.



The furniture and effects required to occupy the residence.



Whether the removal is cost-effective.


The CDF will notify a member in writing when their storage benefit is under review.


When notified of a review of their storage benefit, the member may do either of the following.



Request in writing another period of storage.



Have the items removed to their residence.


If the member requests another period of storage, the CDF may do either of the following on the review.



Approve another period of storage of up to 3 years for the furniture and effects.



Refuse another period of storage of the furniture and effects.


The member can choose either of the following actions for items which will no longer be stored under paragraph 3.b.



Continue to store the items at that location, at the member's expense.



Relocate the items to the member's residence.


A member is eligible for storage costs or the costs of removal to and from storage if the CDF is satisfied that all of the following conditions are met.



The member is not eligible for the benefit for reasons beyond the member’s control.



The benefit would be consistent with the purposes of this Division.



The benefit would be a proper use of resources.


The purpose of this Division is to set out the removal and storage benefits for a member who goes from having no resident family or recognised other persons to having accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family.


A member is eligible for a removal as a member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family if they provide documentation under subsection 2 and either of these circumstances applies to them.



They have planned to be married or register their relationship but are posted before their planned event happens.



They have planned to apply for ADF recognition of a partnership but are posted before the application is granted.


To qualify, the member must provide documentary evidence that they had completed arrangements for the marriage or had started maintaining a common household before they received the posting authority.


A member must repay removal assistance provided under subsection 1 in relation to the partner, if that partner does not move to the housing benefit location to join the member.


A member is eligible for a removal to the new housing benefit location as a member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family in the following circumstances.



They marry or are recognised by the ADF as having a partner at their housing benefit location after a new posting authority has been issued.



They marry or are recognised by the ADF as having a partner at their housing benefit location before they are removed.


This section applies to a member who meets one of the following with a person from outside their housing benefit location



The member is married.



The member has a de facto relationship registered on a State or Territory register.



The member has a de facto relationship recognised under section 1.3.39.


The member is eligible for a removal if both of the following conditions are met.



It is reasonable to expect that the member would serve for at least 12 months after the date they have applied for the removal.



They are on a posting that would have made them eligible for a removal if their partner had been recognised family for Defence-provided benefit purposes when the member was posted.


The removal assistance under subsection 2 is limited to the following.



Removal of the member's partner's personal effects and any presents from the wedding or registered relationship celebration. This does not include the partner's furniture or whitegoods.



Removal of the member’s furniture and effects as follows.




From store and from a residence where they lived in the housing benefit location before the marriage or partnership was recognised.




To a Service residence or a rent allowance residence they will live in after the marriage or partnership is recognised.


A member serving in a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine is eligible for a removal to the ship's home port.


If a member serving in Australia marries or is recognised as having a partnership outside Australia, the removal benefits listed in section 6.5.68 apply. The partner's point of entry into Australia is taken to be the place of marriage.


A member is eligible for a removal of the effects of their partner's child at the time of marriage or ADF recognition of the partnership if all of the following are met.



The member is eligible for a removal of their partner's effects.



The child will be resident family of the member.


This section applies to a member if all the following occur during the posting period.



A person is recognised as recognised family by becoming a partner of the member.



The member was not eligible or did not accept a removal for the person under paragraph a. under this Division.


On the member's next posting, the member is eligible for a removal for the recognised family from any of the following locations to the member’s housing benefit location.



If the recognised family lives within Australia the removal is from any of the following.




The town in which they were married.




The town where the resident family lived when they were recognised as the member's resident family.




The town in which the relationship was registered.




The member's current housing benefit location.




The member's ship's home port, if the member posted to a seagoing ship or a seagoing submarine.



If the recognised family lives outside of Australia the removal is from the town where the recognised family first entered Australia.


The member must pay a contribution towards the cost of the removal if the cost of the removal from a location that is not specified under subsection 2 is greater than the cost of the removal from their housing benefit location.


The contribution is calculated using the following formula.


Start formula contribution equals A minus B end formula





is the cost of a removal from the location not specified under subsection 2 to the location on the member’s new posting order.



is the cost of a removal from the member’s housing benefit location or ship’s home port at the time they were recognised as the member’s resident family to their new housing benefit location.


For the purpose of this section a town includes a city, suburb or other distinct residential area.


A member is eligible for a removal to suitable housing in their housing benefit location or family benefit location if all of the following apply.



The combined number of people they have recognised as resident family and recognised other persons has increased.



The home where their resident family and recognised other persons reside is no longer suitable due to the number of resident family and recognised other persons it is to house.


The standard used to assess the suitability of the accommodation to house resident family is set out under paragraph


A member is eligible for a removal under this Division once for each person recognised as the member’s resident family.


This Division sets out removal and storage benefits of a member who ceases to have resident family or recognised other for any reason.


When a member ceases to have any resident family or recognised other persons, they may choose in writing one of these removal options.



Removal to a location in Australia where they intend to live after ceasing continuous full-time service.



Removal to the nearest store. Removal from the store will be to where they nominate they will live after ceasing continuous full-time service. Removal will be at the member's request.



Deferment of the option under paragraph a. until their next posting.



Deferment of the option under paragraph a. until they leave. This is if their current posting is the final posting before they leave.


If the member does not choose an option from subsection 1 above and continues to provide a residence, they are eligible for a removal on the next posting.


A member who meets the conditions in an item in Column A of the following table when they cease to have any resident family or recognised other persons for reasons other than the death of their resident family or recognised other persons is eligible for the benefit in Column B of the same item.



Column A


Column B



The member was occupying a furnished residence with their resident family and recognised other persons and has furniture and effects in storage at Commonwealth expense at another location.

Continued storage for another 3 months.


The member was a member who had unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.

Three months’ storage for items already in storage and for items removed into storage at Commonwealth expense at a location other than the posting location.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following conditions.



The member, their resident family and recognised other persons lived in a Service residence immediately before the resident family or recognised other persons died.



The member has no resident family or recognised other persons after the death of the person.


The member is eligible for a removal under Division 2 of their furniture and effects to accommodation in the housing benefit location.


The member is eligible for removal of their furniture and effects to storage under Division 7 in the housing benefit location.


The member is eligible for storage benefits that are additional to those provided under section 6.5.54 if the CDF is satisfied it reasonable in the circumstances.


This Division sets out removal and storage benefits for a non-Service partner when their relationship with a member posted in Australia breaks down.


This Division does not apply to a non-Service partner whose relationship breaks down when they are living overseas with a member, except as follows.



It does not apply for the overseas part of the removal.



It does apply for the Australian part of the removal.


The CDF may grant a removal to a non-Service partner when their relationship with a member posted in Australia breaks down. The CDF must consider all of these factors.



Evidence of the couple’s intention to establish separate living arrangements.



The accommodation arrangements available to the non-Service partner.



Any relevant decisions, rulings or orders made by the Family Court of Australia.



Any factor relevant to the non-Service partner's ability to make separate living arrangements.


The non-Service partner is only eligible for these benefits.



Removal costs mentioned in this Division and Division 7 of this Part.



Costs of pet relocation.



Costs of delivering and collecting a vehicle from a transporter's depot.



Compensation for loss or damage.


The non-Service partner is eligible for a removal of furniture and effects subject to the following. 



The non-Service partner must request the removal in writing.



The removal is limited to one of the following.




A removal within the same location.




If the member is in the Permanent Forces at the time the relationship breaks down — the removal is to a location set out in column A of the following table subject to the conditions in column B of the same item. 



Column A


Column B



The location of the last permanent residence the member and their resident family had at the time of enlistment or appointment.

This item only applies if the marriage or ADF recognition of the partnership took place in Australia.


The non-Service partner's point of entry into Australia.

This item only applies if all of the following conditions are met.

a.  The marriage or ADF recognition of the partnership took place outside Australia.

b.  The non-Service partner's journey to Australia was at Commonwealth expense.


Any other location in Australia where the partner has established or intends to establish a permanent home.






If the member is in the Reserves on continuous full-time service at the time the relationship breaks down — the removal is to a location set out in column A of the following table subject to the conditions in column B of the same item. 



Column A


Column B



Where they lived with the member immediately before the member started full-time service.

This item only applies if the member was appointed or enlisted in Australia.


Any other location in Australia.

The amount payable is limited to the cost of a removal to the location in item 1.


A non-Service partner is eligible for the removal of one private vehicle and one towable item to another location in Australia.


The eligibility under subsection 1 is limited to removal of one recreational or hobby vehicle, or one other towable item, but not both. This is because a recreational or hobby vehicle is classified as a towable item.


For a recreational or hobby vehicle to be removed, any of the following must apply.



It has normal or restricted registration for road use.



It is capable of being given normal or restricted registration for road use.


The CDF must determine whether a vehicle (and any associated trailer) to be removed under this section as a single unit is a recreational or hobby vehicle.


A non-Service partner's benefits for collection and delivery of a vehicle are the same as for a member under section 6.5A.13.


A non-Service partner is eligible for the removal of items if any of the following conditions applies.



Consent orders have been made and filed with the Family Court of Australia in relation to the items.



The Family Court of Australia has issued a property settlement ruling in relation to the items.



A property order has been made under relevant State or Territory legislation in relation to the items.



The member has given their written consent for the removal of the items.


A non-Service partner is eligible for only one removal on breakdown of a relationship. If the couple reunite and separate again, no removal will be granted for either event.


The non-Service partner is eligible for the storage of the items during the removal from the old location to the new location.


The non-Service partner must complete their removal by the later of the following days.



12 months from the day they become eligible for a removal under subsection



A day that the CDF is satisfied is reasonable.


A non-Service partner who makes private arrangements for a removal of their furniture and effects is eligible for one of the following.



If the private arrangements are urgent — reimbursement of the costs that the CDF considers reasonable.



If the private arrangements are not urgent — reimbursement of the costs up to the amount a member would be eligible for under subsection


A non-Service partner is eligible for to be reimbursed of the cost of hiring replacement household items up to the amount a member would be eligible for under section 6.5.13.


This Division sets out removal and storage benefits when a member dies.


This section applies to a member who met one of the following before they died.



They were a member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family.



They were a member who has recognised other persons and no resident family.


The member’s resident family or recognised other persons are eligible for a removal of furniture and effects limited to one of the following.



Within the same location.



If the member was in the Permanent Forces at the time of death — a location set out in column A of the following table subject to the conditions in column B of the same item. 



Column A


Column B



The location within Australia of the permanent residence the member and their resident family or recognised other persons had at the time of enlistment or appointment.

No conditions apply to this location.


The location outside Australia of the permanent residence the member and their resident family or recognised other persons had at the time of enlistment or appointment.

The removal is limited to one of the following.

a. If the member was appointed or enlisted from Norfolk Island — Sydney.

b. If the member was appointed or enlisted from any other external territory of Australia — a capital city nominated by the resident family.

c. If the member was appointed or enlisted from another country — the port at which the member first entered Australia.


Any other location in Australia.

The member’s partner must meet one of the following.

a. They have established a permanent home in the location.

b. They intend to establish a permanent home in the location.


An overseas country. 

The removal is limited to one of the following.

a. If all of the following are met — the reasonable costs of removal and travel to a location in a country that the resident family or recognised other persons wish to live.

i. The member was enlisted or appointed from another country.

ii. The resident family or recognised other persons choose to be removed before the end of the period that the member had agreed to serve in Australia.

b. In all other cases — costs up to the amount that would otherwise be payable under items 1 or 2.




If the all the following apply — a removal to a location set out in column A of the following table subject to the conditions in column B of the same item. 




The member was a member of the Reserves on continuous full-time service at the time of death.




The member was appointed or enlisted in Australia.



Column A


Column B



The location where the member lived immediately before starting full-time service.

No conditions apply to this location.


Any other location in Australia

The cost of the removal is limited to the amount that would otherwise be payable under item 1.




If the all the following apply — a removal to a location set out in column A of the following table subject to the conditions in column B of the same item. 




The member was a member of the Reserves on continuous full-time service at the time of death.




The member was appointed or enlisted from an overseas country.



Column A


Column B



The location of the port where the member first entered Australia.

No conditions apply to this location.


Any other location in Australia

The removal is limited to one of the following.

a. The amount that would otherwise be payable to remove the resident family to the location in Australia where the member lived immediately before starting full-time service. 

b. The cost of a normal service removal if the CDF is satisfied that the member’s resident family have established or intend to establish a permanent home in the location after considering all of the following.

i. Whether the resident family have extended family in the location.

ii. Whether the resident family have residential property in the location.

iii. Employment prospects for the resident family in the location.

iv. Whether there is evidence of plans to move to the location made before the member's death.



Note:  A removal under this section includes removal of furniture and effects from a store in any location.


If the member was not living with their resident family at the time of death, items in the member’s possession will be removed to the person legally entitled to receive them.


Any items in the resident family or recognised other persons’ possession or in storage at the time of the member’s death will be removed in the same way as items would be removed for a member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family.


A member who meets all of the following is eligible for a removal of their furniture and effects to the address of the person legally entitled to receive them.



They have no resident family or recognised other persons.



They died while serving in Australia.


Storage under subsection 2 is for the lesser of the following periods.



Until the furniture and effects are collected by a person legally entitled to take them.



Three months.



A longer period if the CDF is satisfied it is reasonable having regard to the following.




The length of time needed to administer the member’s estate.




The arrangements necessary to hand over the member’s furniture and effects.


Furniture and effects should be removed within 6 months of the date of death. The CDF may extend this period if satisfied it is reasonable.


This Part provides members, their resident family and recognised other persons with the removal and storage of their private vehicles and travel when they change housing benefit location, family benefit location or the member goes on deployment.


In this Part the following apply.


Recreation or hobby vehicle has the meaning given in section 6.5A.3.


Towable item includes, but is not limited to, the following that is registered in the member’s or their resident family’s name and is capable of being towed by the member’s vehicle.



A caravan.



A trailer.



A recreation or hobby vehicle.


A vehicle is a recreation or hobby vehicle if the CDF is satisfied, having considered the following, that the vehicle is used as a recreation or hobby vehicle.



If the member bought the vehicle to use it for recreational purposes.



If the member is a member of relevant clubs and associations.



If a recreation or hobby vehicle under restoration can be moved as a single unit.



If the member has an active interest in restoring the vehicle as indicated by these factors.




The make and model of the vehicle.




The date of acquisition.




The vehicle’s state of restoration.




The time the member has spent restoring the vehicle.




The expected completion date of restoration of the vehicle.




The final cost of restoration.




Whether the member owns special tools or equipment bought solely for restoration.


A recreation or hobby vehicle includes its trailer (if applicable) if all the following apply.



They must be moveable as a single unit.



They must be capable of being freighted by the normal commercial means for freighting motor vehicles and similar items.


Note: The vehicle and its trailer are transported as 1 item.


This Part applies to a member who is eligible for a removal under Chapter 6 Part 5.


For the purpose of this Part, a distance is the number of kilometres to be travelled by the most direct and practicable route.


This Division assists members, their resident family and recognised other persons to move between housing benefit locations. This may be either by driving their own vehicle or travelling by another mode of transport and having the vehicle transported by freight. Whether the vehicle is transported or driven is the choice of the member, but there may be implications on their benefits.


This Division does not apply for a vehicle to which any of the following apply.



The vehicle is not owned by the member, their resident family or recognised other persons.



The vehicle is not registered.



The vehicle is not roadworthy.



The vehicle is a recreation or hobby vehicle.

Note: Benefits for the removal of recreation or hobby vehicles are provided in Division 3.


A member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for up to 2 vehicles if any of the following apply.



If the member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven under section 6.5A.9.



If the member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being transported under section 6.5A.10.


A member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for an additional vehicle if all the following apply.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons own a vehicle that is registered and roadworthy.



The member, their resident family and recognised other persons fly to their next housing benefit location or family benefit location.



The removal occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


If the member is posted to an external territory or Thursday Island, vehicle removal assistance may be to one of the following locations.



The member’s housing benefit location.



A location in Australia chosen by the member.


Note: The member may choose a different location for each vehicle removed.


A member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven if all of the following apply.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons drives the vehicle.



The person driving the vehicle is licensed to drive the vehicle.


This section does not apply to a vehicle being removed to a location chosen by a member posted to an external territory or Thursday Island that is not their posting location.


A member is eligible for vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being transported if any of the following apply.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons are not able to drive the vehicle due to competency, illness or under law.



The vehicle may be damaged if driven because of the road conditions or route to be taken.



The journey includes a sea crossing.



The member, their resident family and recognised other persons travel to the destination in one vehicle.



If one vehicle is being driven and none of the following are able to drive the other vehicle.




The member.




Resident family or recognised other persons of the member.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons fly to the next housing benefit location or family benefit location during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Subject to section 6.5A.12, vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven is the sum of the following.



Vehicle allowance payable for the vehicle.



Travel allowances payable under Chapter 9 Part 5 Division 4 for the member, their resident family and recognised other persons travelling in the vehicle.


Note: A member may be eligible for vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven.


Subject to section 6.5A.12, vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being transported is the sum of the following.



The cost of transporting the vehicle.



Travel allowances payable under Chapter 9 Part 5 Division 4 for the member, their resident family and recognised other persons not travelling in the vehicle.


Note: A member may also be eligible for flights under Chapter 9 Part 2 Division 4 for themself and their resident family and recognised other persons.


For the purpose of paragraph 1.a, vehicle allowance for a vehicle is one of the following.



For the first vehicle, the amount payable under section 9.6.25 and 9.6.26.



For the second vehicle, the amount payable under section 9.6.25.


If a vehicle is to be driven, and the distance is more than the allowable distance, vehicle removal assistance must not be more than the sum of the following.



The cost of transporting the vehicle.



All of the following that would have been payable for each person travelling in the car.




Travel allowances payable under Chapter 9 Part 5 Division 4 that would have been payable had they flown.




The value of the normal departmental liability for flights between the airports they would have flown from and to had they flown.


If a vehicle is to be transported and the distance is less than the allowable distance, vehicle removal assistance must not be more than the sum of the following.



Vehicle allowance that would have been payable for the vehicle.



Travel allowances payable under Chapter 9 Part 5 Division 4 for each person that would have travelled in a vehicle had it been driven.


If the vehicle is to be transported and all of the following apply, the cost of the transportation must not exceed the cost of transporting the vehicle to the member’s posting location.



The member is posted to an external territory or Thursday Island.



The vehicle is to be removed to a location in Australia chosen by the member.


For the purpose of paragraph 2.a, vehicle allowance for a vehicle being transported is one of the following.



For first vehicle, the amount payable under section 9.6.25 and 9.6.26.



For the second vehicle, the amount payable under section 9.6.25.


In this section, allowable distance means one of the following.



If the vehicle is a car or a truck — 1,288 km.



If the vehicle is a motor bike (with or without a sidecar) — 483 km.



If the vehicle is a motor scooter — 322 km.


A member is eligible to be reimbursed the cost for delivering a vehicle to the transport agency’s depot, or collecting the vehicle from the transport agency’s depot if all of the following apply.



The member must arrange for the vehicle to be delivered to or picked up from the agency’s depot.



The CDF is satisfied the cost is reasonable.


The costs for delivering or collecting a vehicle include, but are not limited to, the following.



Drainage of fuel tanks.



Unavoidable storage charges.



Fares for the most economical means to and from the depot.


This section applies to a member who meets the following.



They are eligible for a removal of a vehicle under section 6.5A.8.2.



The member, their resident family or recognised other persons have arrived in their new housing benefit location or family benefit location



The vehicles being removed have been delayed from being delivered to the member.


The member is eligible for the hire of one vehicle that is reasonable for them, their resident family and recognised other persons for one of the following periods.



If they are not required to isolate — from the day they arrived in the member’s next posting location until the day their vehicle is delivered.



If they are required to isolate — from the day they leave isolation until the day their vehicle is delivered.


This Division provides members with benefits to tow, or have towed, certain items as a part of their removal.


Subject to subsection 2, a member is eligible for removal benefits for up to 2 towable items on each posting.


Only 1 of the towable vehicles can be a recreation or hobby vehicle.


Removal benefits for a towable item are one of the following.



If the towable item is transported — transportation of the towable item.



If the towable item is towed by a vehicle the member is receiving vehicle allowance for — additional travel time.

Note: Member is eligible for vehicle allowance for the vehicle being driven under Division 2.


If a member who meets all of the following has a partner who is also a member, the member and their partner combined are only eligible for the removal of 2 towable items to the new housing benefit location.



They have accompanied resident family.



They have no unaccompanied resident family.


This section applies to a member who meets the following.



They are eligible for a removal of a towable item under section 6.5A.16.



They fly to their next housing benefit location.



The removal occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


In addition to section 6.5A.16, a member is eligible for the freight of a towable item the member would have towed had they driven.

Note: The member does not have to receive vehicle allowance for the vehicle towing the towable item.


For the purpose of paragraph 6.5A.16.3.b, a member is eligible to have a towable item transported if one of the following applies.



The vehicle the member uses to tow the item is being transported under section 6.5A.10.



The member would be eligible to have their private vehicle transported by freight under section 6.5A.10, but decides not to do so.


If a member owns 2 towable items and is to tow one, the benefit is for the transportation of the towable item that costs less to transport.

Note: The transportation may be over all or part of the removal journey.


This section applies to a member who meets all of the following.



The member meets one of the following.




They have no resident family or recognised other persons.




They have unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family.



They are deployed for 6 months or longer.



They meet any of the following conditions.




They choose to vacate their accommodation.




The CDF decides that a member must vacate the living-in accommodation they occupy.


The member is eligible for storage of a vehicle and towable item for the duration of the deployment unless one of the following apply.



If the vehicle or towable item can be stored on base.



If the member has claimed loss on sale for a vehicle or towable item under section 6.2.4.


If the member’s vehicle or towable is not stored in any of the following places, the member is eligible for vehicle allowance from the member’s accommodation to the place where the vehicle is to be stored.



A commercial storage facility under paragraph 2.b.



On a base (or establishment).


For the purpose of subsection 3, vehicle allowance is the lesser of the following.



The amount of vehicle allowance calculated under section 9.6.25.



The cost of storing the vehicle for the length of the deployment in a storage facility approved by Defence Housing Australia.


This section applies to a member who meets the following.



They are eligible for a removal of a vehicle under subsection 6.5A.8.2.



The member has arrived in their new housing benefit location or family benefit location.



The member is unable to take possession of the vehicles due to a requirement to isolate.


The member is eligible for the storage of the vehicle until the last day of the requirement to isolate.


When a member's posting is cancelled before they start duty in the new location, they may be reimbursed what they spent preparing for it.


This Part applies when all the following conditions are met.



A member has received a posting authority.

Note: A posting authority includes written notification of a short-term mission overseas.



The posting authority is cancelled before they begin duty in the new posting.



The cancellation was not caused by their personal circumstances.



They spent money on goods and services as a direct result of the posting authority.



They are not eligible for a refund from a third party of what they spent.

Note: 'Third party' means the supplier of the goods or services, or the supplier who would normally provide a refund when a service is cancelled or goods are returned.



They cannot use those goods or services on their next posting.


A member who has had their posting cancelled is eligible for the reimbursement of some or all of their costs if they were eligible for under any of the following.



Disturbance allowance — Part 1 Division 1.



Reimbursement for loss on sale of a vehicle — Part 2.



Housing assistance — Chapter 7.



Reimbursement for loss of a child’s scholarship — Chapter 8 Part 4 Division 3.



Reimbursement for equipment costs — Chapter 13 Part 3 Division 2.



Transfer allowance — Chapter 14 Part 3 Division 3.


A reimbursement under subsection 1 must not be more than what the member would have been eligible for under the benefit listed in subsection 1.


The CDF may approve an amount for any costs considered reasonable and unavoidable in either of these circumstances.



The member was not eligible for an allowance.



The member was eligible for an allowance and the costs are more than the allowance would have paid.


The CDF must consider all these criteria.



What the money was spent on.



The circumstances under which the money was spent.



How the member continues to benefit from the goods and services.



Any other factor relevant to the costs.


This Chapter provides housing and meal benefits to members who are posted to locations within Australia.


Housing assistance helps members handle the hardships caused by the need to move location regularly or at short notice.


In this Chapter the following apply.


HPAS means the home purchase assistance scheme.


HPSEA means the home purchase or sale expenses allowance.


The purpose of this Division is to outline these issues.



The types of assistance a member can get to pay their housing and meal costs.



Who is eligible for housing assistance.



The kinds of accommodation a member may choose.


Housing assistance may be given to a member who needs suitable accommodation and does not have a suitable own home in their housing benefit location. The choice and type of suitable accommodation will depend on the member's category.


A member is not eligible for an allowance or reimbursement under this Chapter for any period they are not eligible for salary, unless any of the following apply.



The CDF has approved payment of an allowance during all or part of a period of leave without pay under subsection or



The member is subject to a flexible service determination and the member is not eligible for salary only for the reason that it is a nonworking day in their pattern of service.


A member is eligible for a benefit under this Chapter if the CDF is satisfied of all the following.



The member does not meet the eligibility criteria to receive the benefit. 



The reason the member does not meet the eligibility criteria is beyond their control.



It is reasonable in the circumstances to provide the member the benefit.



Providing the benefit is consistent with the purpose of the benefit.


The benefit under subsection 1 must not exceed what an eligible member would receive for the same benefit.


In this Chapter the following apply.


Agent means a person or organisation who is doing one of the following.



Conducting business as a real estate agent who is registered or licensed if that is required by the law of the state or territory where they do business.



Acting on behalf of an eligible person for the mortgage, purchase or sale of a home.


Contribution means the amount a member pays towards the cost of housing, meals and utilities.


Hotel includes a motel, boarding house or similar accommodation, and does not include a serviced apartment.


Incomplete cycle for a member who does not complete their cycle means the part of the member’s cycle that has been completed.


Land broker or conveyancer means a person licensed or authorised under the law of a state or territory to transact business relating to the registration of titles to land.


Member’s cycle means the repetitive pattern in the member’s flexible service determination that consists of the pattern of service and nonworking periods.


Own home means a home that the member, their recognised family or recognised other person holds an interest in as the owner of the home.


Ownership of a home includes when a member, their recognised family or recognised other person holds a legal or equitable controlling interest or equal share through a company, trust, partnership or joint venture.


Rank group means a group of ranks that includes a member’s rank.


Rent means a charge for a home for which rent allowance is payable and includes both the following.



A charge for a garage at the home.



A charge for rental of furniture or household appliances for the home.


Rent ceiling means an amount that is the maximum fortnightly rent that can be used to work out a member’s rent allowance as set out under Part 8 Division 2.


Resident child carer means a person who meets all of the following.



They are not resident family or a recognised other person of a member under this Determination.



They are living with a member’s resident family for the purpose of providing child care for the member’s children who are recognised as resident family.


Sale of a home means an eligible person has signed a contract to sell the home.


Service residence means a home provided by the Commonwealth.


Serviced apartment means accommodation that the CDF is satisfied is a serviced apartment after considering all the following.



Whether it has facilities that are similar to those generally available in an apartment or flat.



The level of services provided.



The level of cooking and dining facilities.


Utilities means the public supply, or equivalent private supply, of any of the following.












Garbage and sewage disposal.


Utility connection deposit means a deposit required before water, gas or electricity services can be supplied to a home.


A member is a flexible housing trial member if the CDF extends their housing benefit location under subsection 2.


The member is eligible to have their housing benefit location extended if the CDF is satisfied of all of the following.



The member will continue to commute to their primary service location.



The member’s daily attendance for duty will not be affected by the additional travel.



The purpose of extending the housing benefit location is to facilitate any of the following.




The member’s partner, who is resident family, is undertaking employment, other than home based employment.




The member is returning from a long-term posting overseas and their partner, who is resident family, is seeking employment other than home based employment.




The member’s partner, who is resident family, is undertaking a period of study on a face-to-face basis.




The member has resident family with a recognised special need who needs access to professional services.




The member’s child, who is resident family, attends early child care, preschool, primary school or secondary school and the extension will enable the child to continue to attend the early child care, pre-school, primary school or secondary school.



The trial will not exceed the maximum number of participants for the housing benefit location.


In this section early child care includes any of the following.



Long day care.



Family day care.








The CDF must not approve an extension of a member’s housing benefit location under subsection 2 after 31 December 2025.


House-hunting trips allow a member to visit a new housing benefit location to find a Service residence or home for which rent allowance is payable. The ADF and the member benefits in these ways.



A Service residence, or a home that attracts rent allowance, can be arranged before the member starts duty in the new location.



Members and accompanied resident family (if any) will spend less time in temporary accommodation at the new location.



Costs and stress levels are reduced because members are more likely to have a door-to-door removal.


A member who has accompanied resident family who meets all of the following conditions may apply for a house-hunting trip.



They are relocating to a new housing benefit location within Australia.



They are eligible for a full removal under Chapter 6 Part 5.



They are eligible for a Service residence or a home that attracts rent allowance.


Any other member who meets all these conditions may apply for a house-hunting trip.



They are relocating to a new housing benefit location within Australia.



They intend to live in a rented home at the new location.



They will be eligible for rent allowance for that home.


A member is not eligible for a house hunting trip under this Division if any of the following apply.



They are preparing for a removal in connection with ceasing continuous full-time service.



Note:  The removal may occur before or after ceasing continuous full-time service.



They are looking for a suitable own home to buy in the gaining location.



They are preparing their suitable own home to move into.



They are on one of the following.




A transition location (general) agreement.




A transition location (medical) agreement.


A member must use the approved form to apply for a house hunting trip.


The CDF may approve a house-hunting trip. Approval may only be given if the CDF is satisfied on these grounds.



The trip has the purpose of house-hunting stated in section 7.1.18.



At least one of these conditions applies.




There is a selection of Service residences available at the new location.




Rent allowance has been approved for the member and there are homes that rent allowance could be paid for available at the new location.



At least one of these conditions applies.




The member has been granted leave for the trip.




The member will be on a nonworking period during the trip.


The member may be unable to take leave for the trip because they are required to stay on duty. In this case, the CDF may give the benefit to the member’s partner.


The CDF may approve up to $600 each for the member and an adult who is resident family for the house-hunting trip. The total payment the CDF may approve to the member is $1,200.


The CDF may increase the individual limit in subsection 1 to $1,200, for a person travelling alone. The CDF must be satisfied that exceptional circumstances make this necessary.


A payment made under subsection 1 or 2 may be used to pay for these items.



Return travel to the new location by the most economical means, including Service transport if available. The normal departmental liability for travel to the location is the most that can be paid to the member for the travel.



Accommodation and meal costs up to what would be paid if the member and their accompanied resident family were eligible for travelling allowance, subject to the following.




Costs are payable only for accommodation that is commercially provided.




If the member and any accompanied resident family occupy other accommodation — the rate of travelling allowance for meals is reduced by half.




If the member travels alone — the member must occupy living-in accommodation, if practicable, and take meals from a mess at the new location.



Hire of a car to use for the house-hunting trip. This does not apply if the member or an adult who is resident family drives their own car.


Note: For travel under this Division, short absence for travel may be available under Chapter 5 Part 11 Division 6.


A member is not eligible for any of the following costs.



Costs for longer than 3 days and nights at the new location.



Costs for a person other than the member or an adult recognised as resident family.


This section applies to a member returning to Australia from a long-term posting overseas.


The CDF may approve the cost of the member hiring a self-drive motor vehicle to look for a home. The member must meet all these conditions.



They have no motor vehicle of their own because they sold or stored it for the overseas posting.



They do not have a suitable own home in the gaining location.



Suitable accommodation for the member and their accompanied resident family has not already been arranged.


The member will not be paid for more than 3 days' hire costs.


The member is not eligible for any other assistance or allowance for house-hunting.


The rules on accepting and rejecting a reasonable offer of a Service residence or rented home apply to a member on house-hunting trips.


If the member rejects a reasonable offer, they must repay any payment they received for the house-hunting trip.


A member may go on a house-hunting trip but be unable to secure suitable accommodation. Subject to section 7.1.28, they do not have to repay the payment they received for the trip.


If their circumstances change, a member can reject a house that they chose on an earlier house-hunting trip. This must be because it is no longer suitable accommodation.


House-hunting trip payments may be made before the member goes on the trip.


After the trip, the member must give copies of written records of the costs of the trip to the Toll Transitions Removal Administration Services Manager.


The member must repay any payment under this Part for which they do not provide a written record under subsection 2.


This Part sets out these matters.



What a member's suitable home is.



When a member who owns a suitable home in their housing benefit location or their family benefit location may or may not be eligible for housing assistance.


This Division defines a suitable own home and whether a member is eligible for housing assistance.


Subject to section 7.2.9, a home is a suitable own home if it meets all these conditions. 



It is owned by the member, their resident family, adult child or a person with an interdependent relationship with the member under paragraph



It is at the member's housing benefit location or family benefit location.



It has the minimum prescribed number of bedrooms.


For the purpose of paragraph 1.c the minimum number of prescribed bedrooms is the sum of each of the following.



For a member and their partner, if they have one — 1 bedroom.



For every 2 children who meet all of the following — 1 bedroom.




They are the member’s resident family.




They are of the same gender.




They have an age difference of 4 years or less.




They are in Year 6 or less at school.



For every person who is one of the following — 1 bedroom.




The member’s resident family who is not included in paragraph a or b.




A recognised other person.




An adult child.


Pets are not taken into account in working out whether a home is suitable.


The CDF may decide that a smaller home is suitable for exceptional reasons.


A suitable own home includes any of the following.



A home for which the member has received assistance under HPAS.



A home for which the member has received HPSEA.



A home that the member lives in at the housing benefit location and has a real or equitable interest that is not an equal or controlling interest.


This subsection applies to a member who has a suitable own home that they regard as unsuitable. Their eligibility for housing assistance is assessed on the basis that they have a suitable own home until a decision is made under section 7.2.12 to declare the home unsuitable.


Despite section 7.2.5, this section applies to a member who buys a home using any of the following.









A Defence Service Home Loan.



Defence Home Owner Scheme.



Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme.


The home is taken to be a suitable own home.


A home bought using a benefit listed under subsection 1 is a suitable own home if the home is in the member’s housing benefit location or family benefit location unless the home ceases to be suitable for any of the following reasons.



The number of the member’s resident family or other persons has increased since the member last occupied the home.



The member has an acquired disability and needs to be located near rehabilitation facilities.



The member has an acquired disability that cannot be accommodated in the home.


Subsections 2 and 3 apply even if one of these events occurs.



The member has been approved under section 1.3.11 to have their housing benefit location extended and purchases a home in it using a benefit listed under subsection 1.



The member's relationship status changes.


A home is not a suitable own home if any of the following apply.



The CDF has decided that the home is not suitable under Division 2 of this Part.



The member's own home is deemed unsuitable because it is rented out.



All of the following circumstances apply.




The member buys a new home in their housing benefit location.




The location will no longer be the member’s housing benefit location within 3 months of buying the home.


Note:  If the member lived in a Service residence or residence that the member receives rent allowance for before buying their new home, the member can remain in that residence until their removal to the new housing benefit location.


This Division sets out when a member's suitable own home may cease to be suitable. This may create an eligibility for housing assistance under Part 4, 6 or 8 of this Chapter.


This section applies to a member who is required by their Service to occupy a particular Service residence.


If the member owns a home at the housing benefit location, it is not a suitable own home. The member may not live in it during the period they are required to occupy the particular Service residence.


The member may live in their own home in the housing benefit location if the CDF is satisfied it is reasonable.


For approval under subsection 3, the CDF must consider the following factors.



Whether the residence is suitable for the member's representative duties.



The location of the residence.



The impact on any other members.



Any additional cost to the Commonwealth.


A home that is approved by the CDF under subsection 3 is taken to be the member's suitable own home.


A member’s home is not a suitable own home in any of the following circumstances.



The home does not have the minimum number of prescribed bedrooms under subsection



The member, their resident family or a recognised other person has medical needs that the home cannot meet and the CDF is satisfied that it is not reasonably practicable to modify the home to meet the medical needs.



The member's relationship has broken down and all of the following apply.




The member's partner lives in the home.




The member is unable to live in the home because of subparagraph i.




The member is not receiving rent for the home from their partner.



All of the following apply.



A qualified person has certified the home as uninhabitable, or recommended it not be lived in.



The member, their resident family or a recognised other person are likely to suffer a serious injury or illness if they remain in the home.



The member, their resident family or a recognised other person will not benefit from an insurance policy or compensation scheme intended to assist the member with replacement housing or remedy a problem.



The CDF is satisfied that the reason the home has been certified as uninhabitable, or recommended it should not be lived in, is not due to the failure of the member to take reasonable steps to prevent the home from becoming uninhabitable or a qualified person recommending the home not be lived in.



Seven days before the settlement of the contract for the sale of a suitable own home.



Both of the following apply.



The member commenced action to sell the home before the member arrived in the housing benefit location.



The CDF is satisfied that the member continues to take reasonable steps to sell the home.



The member has unaccompanied resident family and the home is in their housing benefit location.


In this section, partner includes a former partner.


A member’s own home is not a suitable own home if it is outside the housing benefit location or family benefit location.


This Division sets out how a member's own home may be deemed to be unsuitable because it is rented out and the member cannot get vacant possession. The member may be eligible for housing assistance under Part 4, 6 or 8 of this Chapter.


A member who rents out their own home must include a release clause in a fixed-term lease if State or Territory legislation permits it.

Note: This includes seeking approval by a Residential Tenancy Tribunal or a similar body, if necessary.


A member who leases their own home for longer than 12 months and choose not to include a release clause in the lease is not eligible for housing assistance when that own home is in the member’s housing benefit location or family benefit location.

Note 1: Housing assistance may be provided under 7.2.17 to a member in these circumstances.

Note 2: In some jurisdictions a member may not be able to include a release clause.


If a member does not include a release clause in a lease, they must tell the Defence Housing Australia Regional Operations Manager in writing all the following.



Why a release clause was not in the lease.