Commonwealth of Australia
Migration Act 1958
(Paragraph 5(1AA)(b))
I, PETER DUTTON Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under paragraph 5(1AA)(b) of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act):
SPECIFY the following classes of persons for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of fast track applicant in section 5(1) of the Act:
a) who is an unauthorised maritime arrival and transitory person: and
b) who during the period 13 August 2012 until 19 July 2013, was taken to a regional processing country under section 198AD of the Act; and
c) who has returned from the regional processing country to Australia; and
d) who is currently in the migration zone: and
e) who has made a valid application for a protection visa;
2. A person:
a) who was born in the migration zone or a regional processing country: and
b) who is a child of a person included in the class of persons described in paragraph 1 of this Instrument: and
c) who is currently in the migration zone: and
d) who has made a valid application for a protection visa.
This Instrument, Class of Persons Defined as Fast Track Applicants 2016/008, IMMI 16/008 commences the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
Dated: 24 March 2016
Peter Dutton
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection