Fisheries Management Act 1991

Subsection 41A(2)





I, James Findlay, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, as delegate under delegation No. 1 of 2011 made on 28th January 2011 from the Commission, make the following Direction under subsection 41A(2) of the Fisheries Management Act 1991.



Dated:   19 August 2013






James Findlay

Chief Executive Officer

Australian Fisheries Management Authority




  1. This Direction may be cited as the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (Closures) Direction No.1 2013.

2.      This Direction commences on the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.


3.  This Direction ceases to have effect as if it was repealed on 31 December 2014 unless earlier revoked.


4. Terms used in this Direction that are defined for the purposes of the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery Management Plan 2002 (the Plan) have the same meanings in this Direction as they have in the Plan.

Notes: 1. Terms defined in the Fisheries Management Act 1991 have the same meanings in this Direction.

5. This Direction applies to a holder of a fishing concession in the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery and to a person acting on behalf of the holder.


[Note: This means that the Direction does not apply to a person if the person is fishing in the area of the Fishery in accordance with a fishing concession that is subject to another plan of management in force under the Act, under a scientific permit, a permit issued in another fishery, or under a licence issued under a law of a State or Territory.]

6.   Fishing is not to be engaged in in the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery.

Exemption to the Prohibition in Clause 6

7. Until 31 January 2014, the prohibition in clause 6 does not apply to the following area of water in the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery:


The area of waters contained within and bounded by a line:


  1. Commencing at the point of intersection of the parallel of latitude 39o36.00’South and the meridian of longitude 148o22.00’East;
  2. and proceeding east along the parallel of latitude 39o36.00’South to the intersection with the meridian of longitude 148o29.00’East;
  3. then south along the meridian of longitude 148o29.00’East to the intersection with the parallel of latitude 39o42.00’South;
  4. then west along the parallel of latitude 39o42.00’South to the intersection with the meridian of longitude 148o22.00’East;
  5. then north along the meridian of longitude 148o22.00’East to the point of commencement.

8.  This Direction revokes the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (Closures) Direction No.1 2012 with effect from the commencement of this Direction.