Therapeutic Goods Act 1989


Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2012 (No. 3)


I, JOHN SKERRITT, National Manager of the Therapeutic Goods Administration, delegate of the Minister for Health for the purposes of subsection 9A(5) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act) and acting under that provision, require the following therapeutic goods to be included in the part of the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (the Register) for listed goods:


Not to be taken, if on warfarin therapy, without medical advice.


This Notice commences from the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.


Pursuant to subsection 9A(6) of the Act, this Notice ceases to have effect on the day that amendments to the Regulations come into effect to require inclusion of the therapeutic goods listed in this Notice in the part of the Register for listed goods.




Dated this 9th day of November 2012



(Signed by)



Dr John Skerritt

Delegate of the Minister for Health