Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012
as amended
made under section 238‑10
Higher Education Support Act 2003
This compilation shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 28 August 2018 (the compilation date), taking into account amendments up to Other Grants Guidelines (Education) Amendment (No. 1) 2018 (F2018L01172).
Compilation No. 4
Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra
Commonwealth of Australia
Higher Education Support Act 2003
Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012
These Guidelines may be cited as the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012.
These Guidelines are made under section 238‑10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (the Act) for the purposes of Part 2‑3 of the Act.
These Guidelines take effect on the day after the Guidelines are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
The revocation of the Former Guidelines does not affect the validity of a payment or decision made under those guidelines. A decision made under the Former Guidelines is taken to continue to have effect as if it were made under the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012.
1.5 Description of programs in this chapter
1.15 Program description and objectives
1.20 Extra conditions of eligibility
1.25 Total program funds and indexation
1.30 Payment to higher education providers
1.40 Program objectives and structure
1.50 Distribution of HEPPP funds
1.55 Component A – Participation objectives
1.60 Formula for distribution of Component A – Participation funds
1.70 Component B – Partnership objectives
1.75 Formula for distribution of Component B – Partnership funds
1.95 Total program funds and indexation
1.100 Additional support for students with Disabilities
1.100.5 Description of component
1.100.10 Extra conditions of grant
1.105 Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training
1.110 Performance‑Based Disability Support funding
1.110.10 Extra conditions of grant
4.4 Grants under the Program may cover…………………………………..…..………22
4.5 Grants under the Program will not cover……………………………………………22
5.10 Total program funds and allocation
5.20 Organisations that are eligible for grants under the Diversity Fund
5.45 Total program funds and allocation
6.5 Program objectives and outcomes
7.5 Description of the programs in this chapter
7.10 Program description and structure
7.20 Component A – Reward Funding for Table A providers meeting performance targets
7.30 Payment dates and reporting
7.35 Calculation of Component A
7.40 Calculations by indicator
7.45 Component B – unallocated reward funding from Component A
7.50 Organisations eligible for grants
7.55 Distribution of Component B
7.60 Component C – Quality Initiatives
7.65 Organisations eligible for grants
7.70 Distribution of Component C – quality initiatives
7.90 Amount spent on the program in a particular year
7.100 Payment to higher education providers
7.105 Bodies corporate eligible for grants
7.125 Total ETMST Program allocation
7.130 Allocation of ETMST Program Funding
7B.15 Total Program allocation
7B.20 Distribution of the Funds
PART 1—REGIONAL STUDY HUBS PROGRAM...................................35
7C.1 Purpose..............................................35
7C.5 Program objective.......................................35
7C.10 Eligibility..............................................36
7C.15 Conditions of grant.......................................36
The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide for Other Grants under
Part 2‑3 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (the Act).
The terms within the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 have the same meaning as in the Act.
The following terms are defined specifically for these Guidelines:
access In respect of the programs in Chapter 1, access means commencing domestic students in higher education. The access rate for a particular group of students is that group’s percentage share of all commencing domestic higher education students.
the Act means the Higher Education Support Act 2003
AMC Institute has the same meaning as in the Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 2007
Commonwealth means a person undertaking tertiary education and receiving any
assisted student of the following kinds of assistance from the Commonwealth:
a) assistance under Chapter 3 of the Act;
b) a VET student loan;
c) a payment or loan (however described) under any of the following Acts, for which the person qualifies because he or she is undertaking study:
(i) Social Security Act 1991;
(ii) Student Assistance Act 1973;
(iii) Trade Support Loans Act 2014;
d) a payment under the ABSTUDY Scheme (within the meaning of the Student Assistance Act 1973).
domestic student means a student with a permanent home address in Australia who is:
a) an Australian citizen;
b) a New Zealand citizen;
c) a diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative; or
d) a student with an Australian permanent visa.
the Department means the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
HESDC means Higher Education Student Data Collection
ISP means Indigenous Support Program
Minister means the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research
participation In respect of Chapter 1, participation means total domestic undergraduate student enrolments. The indicator used to measure participation is the total number of domestic undergraduate students.
Permanent home refers to the address of the home where the student has
address come from, not a temporary semester or term address.
provider means a Table A provider
Remoteness means the Remoteness Structure described in the document titled
Structure “Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 5—Remoteness Structure, July 2016”, published by the Australian Statistician.
retention In respect of Chapter 1, the indicator used to measure retention is the Apparent Retention Ratio (ARR).
The ARR is the ratio between the retention rate for a particular sub‑group of domestic undergraduate students and retention rate of all other domestic undergraduates.
Retention rate means the number of domestic undergraduate students who re‑enrol at a higher education provider in a given year, as a proportion of all domestic undergraduate students enrolled in the previous year, less those who completed their qualification. It does not count as retained those students who deferred study or transferred successfully to another institution.
RSHP means the Regional Study Hubs program.
people or refers to people or domestic undergraduate students who
student from a ‑ are, on the basis of the low SES indicator as set out in
low socio‑ subsection 1.60.1, from a low SES background.
economic (SES)
success In respect of Chapter 1, the indicator used to measure success is the Student Success Ratio (SSR).
The SSR is the ratio between the student success rate for a particular sub‑group of domestic undergraduate students and the student success rate of all other domestic undergraduate students.
The student success rate means the proportion of units passed within a year compared with the total units enrolled.
The success indicator refers to the ratio of the SSR for a particular sub‑group of students from low socio‑economic backgrounds to the SSR for all other students.
undergraduate In respect of Chapter 1, undergraduate students are those students who are enrolled and are studying for approved undergraduate qualifications at eligible higher education providers. Approved undergraduate qualifications include Bachelor Degree, Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma and Diploma courses of study. Enabling courses do not qualify.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) extends, as far as possible, the right of the Australian community to access information in the possession of the Government of the Commonwealth, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions necessary for the protection of the essential public interests and the private and business affairs of those of whom the information is collected.
All documents held or created by the Department in relation to the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 are subject to the FOI Act. Unless a document falls under an exemption provision, it will be made available to the general public if requested under the FOI Act.
All Freedom of Information (FOI) requests are to be referred immediately to the FOI Team Leader in the Administrative Law Branch, Legal, Investigations and Procurement (LIP) Group, in the National Office of the Department. Decisions regarding requests for access will be made by the authorised decision maker in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act.
It is very important that FOI requests are forwarded immediately upon receipt to the Administrative Law Branch in the Department, as there are strict statutory timelines that apply to FOI requests.
An overview of the Department’s FOI policy is available at:
Under subsection 19‑60(1) of the Act, providers that obtain personal information for the purposes of section 36‑20 or Chapter 3 or 4 of the Act are required to comply with the information privacy principles (IPPs) set out in section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).
Providers are also required by subsection 19‑60(2) of the Act to have a procedure under which a student enrolled with the provider may apply for and receive a copy of personal information that the provider holds in relation to that student.
A copy of the IPPs may be found on the Privacy Commissioner’s website at:
Providers should be aware that failure to comply with the IPPs or any other provision of the Privacy Act relating to personal information may be referred to the Privacy Commissioner for investigation.
1.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify programs in accordance with subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act for the purpose of promoting equality of opportunity in higher education in accordance with item 1 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act, and to specify matters listed in subsection
41‑15(2) of the Act.
1.5.1 Programs in this chapter aim to assist with overcoming barriers to access and participation by domestic undergraduate students in higher education, in particular, those students who are Indigenous, who come from a low‑SES background, or who have a disability.
1.10.1 In accordance with item 1 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act, providers are eligible to receive grants under the equity programs specified in this chapter subject to any extra conditions of eligibility specified under this chapter.
1.10.5 Applications from consortia will be considered. However, the Department may require that:
(a) the consortia appoint a lead member which is authorised to deal on behalf of all members of the consortia; and
(b) consortia members subsequently execute statutory declarations stating that the lead member has the authority to bind other members.
1.15.1 The Indigenous Support Program provides funding to eligible higher education providers and aims to assist eligible higher education providers to meet the special needs of Indigenous Australian students and to advance the goals of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy.
1.15.5 Grants under the Indigenous Support Program assist with Indigenous support activities.
1.20.1 To be eligible to receive Indigenous Support Program grants in any one year, Table A providers must satisfy the Department that they meet all of the following criteria:
(a) the provider has implemented strategies for improving access, participation, retention and success of Indigenous Australian students;
(b) the provider has demonstrated increased participation of Indigenous people in the provider’s decision‑making processes; and
(c) the provider has an Indigenous employment strategy.
1.25.1 The total amount to be allocated under the Indigenous Support Program in any calendar year will be calculated by indexing the previous calendar year’s Indigenous Support Program grants total using the method set out in Part 5‑6 of the Act.
1.25.5 Grants under the Indigenous Support Program are in respect of a calendar year.
1.30.1 In accordance with section 164‑5 of the Act, grant amounts will be paid in such a way as the Minister determines, and at such times as the Secretary determines.
1.35.1 In addition to compliance with the quality and accountability requirements stipulated under subparagraph 41‑25(a) (ii) of the Act, which includes compliance with the financial reporting obligations under section 19‑10 of the Act, the following conditions of grant apply.
1.35.5 Higher education providers who receive grants under the Indigenous Support Program in respect of a year are required to provide the Department in the following year with a report on initiatives funded under the Program. This report must include
(a) details of expenditure of ISP funds, including:
(i) the proportion of ISP funding provided to the Indigenous Education Support Centre;
(ii) the proportion of ISP funding provided to individual facilities within the university; and
(iii) the proportion of ISP funding allocated to staff salaries, on‑costs and operating costs; and
(b) providers must make a written request of the Department for carrying forward unspent ISP funds, specifying the project or program to which the funds will be applied, and demonstrate consistency with the provisions in section 1.15 of these Guidelines; and
(c) details of all additional funding provided to the recipient to support the recipient’s Indigenous activities (for example, in kind support; financial support); including funding provided by the higher education provider and all additional funding provided by sources other than the higher education provider. This report must exclude funding received under any other Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Indigenous specific funding programs already reported on separately (for example the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme or the Away‑From‑Base Program).
1.35.10 Higher education providers who receive grants under the Indigenous Support Program in respect of a year must provide the Department, in the following year, with a report on the expenditure of the grant amount. The expenditure report must be included in the Indigenous Education Statement in the format prescribed in the Institutional Assessment Framework Information Collection Instructions and submitted to the Department by 31 May each year.
1.40.1 The Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) provides funding to providers to undertake activities and implement strategies that improve access to undergraduate courses for people from low SES backgrounds and improve their retention and completion rates.
The HEPPP aims to encourage and assist providers to meet the Commonwealth Government’s ambition that, by 2020, 20 per cent of domestic undergraduate students must be from low SES backgrounds.
1.40.5 The HEPPP has two components:
(a) Component A – the “Participation Component”
(see sections 1.55 to 1.65.1), and
(b) Component B – the “Partnership Component”
(see sections 1.70 to 1.85.25).
1.45.1 The total amount of funds available for allocation under the HEPPP in any given year is referred to as the “Allocation”.
1.45.5 For the years specified below, the Allocation will be as follows:
2010: $56,396,818
2011: $111,515,652
2012: $168,420,623
2013: $168,582,634
Note: these Allocation amounts are subject to indexation adjustment using the method of indexation set out in Part 5‑6, Division 198 of the Act. Funding is also subject to Parliamentary approval, where indexation may be varied accordingly.
1.45.10 The total funds available for the Participation and Partnership Components in any given year shall be as specified in this section, less any payments made under paragraph 1.50.1 (a) or (b) for the year:
2010: Participation: $42,297,613; Partnership: $14,099,204
2011: Participation: $83,636,739; Partnership: $27,878,913
2012: Participation: $126,315,468; Partnership: $42,105,156
2013: Participation: $126,436,975; Partnership: $42,145,658
1.50.1 In each calendar year, the Allocation will be available for:
(a) meeting existing grant commitments consistent with program objectives outlined in these Guidelines;
(b) meeting, but not extending, existing grant commitments made under the previous Higher Education Equity Support Program;
(c) grants in response to proposals invited by the Minister;
(d) distribution to eligible providers under the formula and terms and conditions set out in sections 1.55 to 1.65.1 of these Guidelines for Component A (the Participation Component); and
(e) distribution to eligible providers under the formula and terms and conditions set out in sections 1.70 to 1.80.35 of these Guidelines for Component B (the Partnership Component).
1.50.5 Providers may use Participation funding to supplement Partnership activities.
1.50.10 Funds are to be spent on initiatives which target current and prospective domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds, following the priorities for the two components of the Program set out in sections 1.55 and 1.70 of these Guidelines as appropriate. Providers should tailor their programs to address the specific disadvantage, as appropriate, to the demographics of their low SES student population and applicants.
1.50.15 Funds may not be spent on infrastructure, which includes all buildings, fixtures, roads, pathways and modifications thereof. Funds may not be used for general facilities and services and transport vehicles that are not principally for the benefit of students from low SES backgrounds.
1.50.25 Grants will be subject to the Minister’s approval (under section 41‑20 of the Act), and the Minister’s determination in writing of:
(a) the amount of the grant (under paragraph 41‑30(b) of the Act); and
(b) any conditions on which the grant is made (under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act), in addition to the condition specified in subparagraph 41‑25(b)(ii) of the Act.
1.50.30 Funding for grants may be made in relation to the total cost of a project or on a yearly basis, reviewed annually.
1.50.35 Funding for grants made under the HEPPP will be distributed each calendar year.
1.55.1 The objective of the Participation Component of the HEPPP is to increase the participation of current and prospective domestic students from low SES backgrounds in accredited undergraduate qualifications at providers.
1.55.5 Under this Component, providers receive funds based on their respective share of the indicator of domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds.
1.60.1 For this Component, the indicator of domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds at a provider is derived using the following formula:
C (Indicator of undergraduates from low SES backgrounds) | = | (2xA + B) / 3 |
Where: | A | is the total number of domestic undergraduate students enrolled at a provider who have home addresses in the lowest quartile of the SEIFA Education and Occupation Index based on the measure of low SES as determined by the Minister.
| B | is the number of domestic undergraduate students who meet relevant income support payment criteria in relation to the following payment types: (currently) Dependent Youth Allowance (full‑time students) ABSTUDY (Living Allowance), Austudy; Pensioner Education Supplement; ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement; and ABSTUDY Away from base assistance.
1.60.5 The measure of low SES in Component A and the mix of eligible payments listed in Component B in subsection 1.60.1 may be changed at the discretion of the Minister.
1.60.10 In any given year, the amount of funds specified for Participation funding under subsection 1.45.10, for that year, shall be available for distribution to eligible providers using the following formula:
Funding | = | (C / D) x E |
Where: | C | is the indicator of domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds enrolled at an eligible higher education provider as calculated in accordance with subsection 1.60.1. |
| D | is the total of the indicators of domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds, calculated in accordance with subsection 1.60.1, enrolled over all eligible providers. |
| E | is the Participation funding in that year |
1.65.1 Examples of acceptable Participation activities that an eligible provider may undertake include, but are not limited, to the following:
(a) developing and implementing appropriate support services and programs for domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds enrolled or seeking enrolment, such as, but not limited to:
(i) inclusive entry processes;
(ii) transition programs to support cultural and geographical issues of inclusion;
(iii) academic preparation;
(iv) modifications to teaching delivery and learning methods to better meet the needs of students from a low SES background;
(v) mentoring, peer support, tutoring and continued academic support;
(vi) education programs for parents of low SES students, particularly those with children who are first in their families to access higher education; and
(vii) monitoring of student progress.
(b) administering application and selection processes for Commonwealth Scholarships in accordance with the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines;
(c) continuing to offer institutional equity scholarships targeted at low SES students;
(d) undertaking research and monitoring the impact and effectiveness of activities aimed at improving the participation of current and prospective domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds in higher education, and
(e) developing and implementing partnership activities for the purpose of encouraging the aspirations and building the capacity of people from low SES backgrounds to access higher education
1.70.1 The objectives of the Partnership Component of the HEPPP are to increase the total number of people from low SES backgrounds who access and participate in higher education through effective outreach and related activities with appropriate stakeholders including, but not limited to, schools, State/Territory Governments, VET providers and community groups. Partnership activities for prospective domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds may:
(a) assist in improving the understanding and awareness of higher education as a viable post‑school option;
(b) assist in pre‑tertiary achievement, either at school or via an alternative pathway, to enable consideration for access to higher education;
(c) encourage an increase in the proportion of such people who apply for attendance at a provider; and
(d) support such people in linking with higher education providers.
1.70.5 Partnership activities undertaken by the provider are intended to:
(a) support collaboration between providers to ensure a coordinated approach to identifying and engaging with appropriate stakeholders including, but not limited to, schools, State/Territory Governments, VET providers and community groups to encourage the participation of prospective domestic undergraduate students from low SES backgrounds in higher education; and
(b) concentrate resources to most effectively target low SES communities where aspirations to enter higher education are low and where matriculation to universities is poor.
1.75.1 National Priorities Pool
(a) An amount to be determined by the Minister is available in Partnerships Funding for a National Priorities Pool in each year from 2014 for the duration of the program.
(b) Projects funded through the National Priorities Pool have the objective of supporting more effective implementation of HEPPP nationally and at an institutional level.
(c) Projects funded through the National Priorities Pool are to be approved by the Department. An annual investment plan approved by the Minister will govern the priorities for allocation of funding via the National Priorities Pool.
1.75.5 Partnership funds not distributed in accordance with paragraph 1.75.1 are available for distribution through:
(a) the same formula as applied under section 1.60; or
(b) another means determined by the Minister.
1.75.6 Where funds are distributed under formula, and total funding permits, eligible providers will each receive a minimum of $250,000 in a year.
1.80.1 To receive funding, Partnership programs must meet the Component B (Partnership Component) objectives outlined at section 1.70.1 and the principles outlined at section 1.80.5.
(a) Collaboration. Collaboration by providers with other key stakeholders at the local, regional and/or State/Territory levels which may include, but is not limited to, school staff, community groups, other universities and the VET sector, is encouraged. This includes collaboration in program design and implementation, and in terms of engaging student communities through programs, rather than targeting individuals. Providers should ensure that activities complement other existing similar programs and activities being undertaken in the same region. Where provider Partnership activities occur within the same region, competition is discouraged.
(b) Early intervention and continuing engagement. The program of activities should focus on the long‑term process of building awareness, aspiration and achievement by engaging with people from a low SES background early in their pre‑tertiary education years. Programs are to be targeted and age appropriate.
(c) Awareness. Providers are to ensure that programs promote awareness of, and either provide pathways to, or information on, accessing higher education.
(d) Integrated and multi‑layered. Providers are to ensure that duplication of effort does not occur. Partnership activities are to be complementary to other programs and activities already being undertaken. Partnership activities also need to be targeted toward the specific needs of prospective domestic undergraduate students from a low SES background.
(e) Participation focus. Partnership activities, strategies and messages from providers are to promote the benefits of and encourage participation in higher education, generally. They are not to be directed at promoting the benefits of a single provider.
(f) Evidence based. Providers will be required, as part of their Partnership programs, to provide an ‘evidence base’ for proposed programs. This will need to include intended program outcomes, methods for achieving these outcomes, and associated measures for tracking outcomes. For experimental and pilot projects, providers will need to demonstrate how the program will achieve the objectives outlined at section 1.70.1 and the principles outlined at section 1.80.5.
1.80.10 Taking budgetary constraints into consideration, priority for approval will be given to proposals which the Minister considers best fulfil the objectives of the Partnership Component (outlined at section 1.70.1).
1.80.15 The Minister may, as he or she deems appropriate, attach conditions, benchmarks and reporting requirements to approved proposals which he or she determines best fulfil the objectives of the Partnerships Component
1.85.1 Providers will be required to assist the Department in the evaluation of the HEPPP.
1.85.5 Providers are to report to the Department by 31 March 2011 on outcomes achieved in the 2010 calendar year in relation to Component A and Component B activities. The report must be in a format to be specified by the Department and will form part of the eligibility for payment from 2011 to 2013.
1.85.10 As part of assessing outcomes, providers will be required to demonstrate the progression of domestic undergraduate students from a low SES background, by year, in terms of participation, retention and success.
1.85.15 For Component A, providers will be required to report on program activities undertaken, including engagement and support strategies and alternative pathways to university for students, consistent with the objectives at section 1.55.1 and the activities mentioned in subsection 1.65.1.
1.85.20 For Component B for 2010‑13, in relation to the base amount of funding set out in subsection 1.75.1, providers will be required to:
(a) explain how the Partnership activities undertaken link with their institution’s mission statement and strategic plan;
(b) provide an outline of their institution’s Partnership strategy and any MOU/agreements entered into with stakeholders such as schools, VET providers, community groups, state and territory governments, or industry;
(c) outline the key Partnership activities undertaken indicating:
(i) number, type and geographic location of schools or other institutions involved;
(ii) number of students who participated and, where possible, their age and/or year level for school attendees; and
(iii) activities directed towards other target groups.
(d) provide any information indicating how Partnership activities meet the objectives of the Partnerships Component outlined at section 1.70.1.
1.85.25 For Component B for 2011‑2013, in relation to the submission‑based funding allocation, reporting requirements will be set out as part of the relevant competitive grant process.
1.90.1 The Higher Education Disability Support Program consists of three components:
(a) Additional Support for Students with Disabilities;
(b) Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training; and
(c) Performance‑based Disability Support funding.
1.95.1 The total grants amount available for the Higher Education Disability Support Program in 2009 will be $6.102 million (the “2009 DSP Grants Total”). The total amount available under the Higher Education Disability Support Program in any subsequent year will be calculated by indexing the 2009 DSP Grants Total in accordance with Part 5‑6 of the Act.
1.95.5 Grants made under the Higher Education Disability Support Program are in respect of a calendar year.
1.100.1 Objectives The objectives of the Additional Support for Students with Disabilities component of the Higher Education Disability Support Program are to:
(a) provide funding support to eligible higher education providers to assist with high costs incurred in providing educational support and/or equipment to domestic students with a disability with high cost needs; and
(b) encourage efficient and effective use of equipment and resources to support students with a disability. Funds are provided to eligible higher education providers to assist them to meet the costs of providing support to students with a disability with high cost needs. The amount of grant paid to each higher education provider will be determined by adding together the proportion of the amount claimed that is payable, minus the threshold for eligible expenditure. Grants will be allocated annually on application by the higher education provider using a claim form which is available from the Department. Completed claim forms must be signed off as a true and accurate record at senior level within the higher education provider. Eligible higher education providers may claim for expenditure incurred for domestic students who are enrolled with the higher education provider, who have been assessed by the higher education provider as having a disability and who have received educational support related to that disability. Higher education providers may not claim for the costs of infrastructure, salaries or other costs relating to the ongoing operation of general disability support services or for the provision of personal care for students with a disability. For educational support, a proportion of costs over the minimum threshold level per student will be calculated and paid. The threshold level and the proportion of costs to be reimbursed above the threshold level will be determined after all claims have been received and analysed. The threshold will be no less than $500 per year but may be higher than $500. For equipment items a proportion of actual cost will be paid. The proportion will be determined after all claims have been received and analysed. Before providing an educational support service or equipment item to a student, higher education providers must obtain evidence of the student’s disability and support needs and must undertake a needs assessment process, in accordance with the higher education provider’s usual procedures. Higher education providers must maintain records of the evidence and assessment process, including details of the medical, specialist or other advice obtained in verifying disability and support needs. Higher education providers must publish their eligibility assessment procedures in a format that is readily available and accessible to people with a disability.
1.105.1 Objectives The objective of the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) component of the Higher Education Disability Support Program is to facilitate equitable access to education and training for people with a disability.
1.105.5 Description of component The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training is a website that provides information and other resources designed to promote inclusive teaching and learning practices for people with a disability. Funds will be provided to the higher education provider hosting the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training as determined by the Minister.
1.110.1 Objectives The objective of the Performance‑based Disability Support funding component of the Higher Education Disability Support Program is to encourage higher education providers to implement strategies to attract and support domestic students with a disability.
1.110.5 Description of component The Performance‑based component of funding comprises that amount of funding which remains after allocations for the Additional Support for Students with Disabilities component, the Regional Disability Liaison Officer component, and the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training component have been made to eligible providers. Remaining funds will be distributed according to the funding formula:
Grant | = | (A / B) x C |
Where: | A | is the number of domestic students with a disability enrolled at the higher education provider multiplied by the retention and success ratios for this group. |
| B | is the total number of domestic students with a disability enrolled at all eligible higher education providers, multiplied by the retention and success ratios. |
| C | is the total funding pool for the Higher Education Disability Support Program less the amount allocated to the Additional Support for Students with Disabilities and the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training components. | In addition to compliance with the quality and accountability requirements stipulated under subparagraph 41‑25 (a) (ii) of the Act, which includes compliance with the financial reporting obligations under section 19‑10 of the Act, the following conditions of grant apply. Grant funds must be spent on disability strategies as outlined in subsection Grant funds must not be spent on:
(a) Infrastructure, which includes all buildings, fixtures, roads, pathways and modifications thereof and generic facilities and services that are integral to the provision of education for all students; and
(b) The provision of personal care for students with a disability, which includes assistance provided by a paid or unpaid carer to ensure that basic activities of daily living and self‑care such as eating, dressing, toileting and mobilising are accomplished. The provision of personal care also includes providing assistance with medications and treatments.
2.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify the national institutes which may be supported by grants under item 4 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act.
2.5.1 The following national institutes are specified under item 4 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act (the Other Grants):
(a) The Australian National University;
(b) the AMC institute at the University of Tasmania;
(c) Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education; and
(d) Victorian College of the Arts at the University of Melbourne.
3.1.1 The purpose of these guidelines is to specify the Capital Development Pool (CDP) program as a program for the purposes of Part 2‑3 of the Act.
3.5.1 Grants under the CDP program are to support capital development projects of eligible higher education providers, as specified in item 5 of the table in section 41‑10(1) of the Act. The focus of the program is to encourage:
(i) Development of, or on, new campuses in suburban growth corridors and regional centres. Priority will be given to projects which support greater collaboration:
(ii) Capital developments that:
(iii) Information and communications technology infrastructure projects which improve the cost‑effectiveness and quality of educational delivery, for example:
(iv) The building or major refurbishment of capital infrastructure for student amenities;
(v) The rebuilding or restoration of campus facilities in circumstances which are, in the view of the Minister special and extraordinary; and
(vi) Capital developments which the Minister considers are priorities for particular higher education providers.
4.1.1 The purpose of these guidelines is to specify:
(a) in accordance with subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act the Higher Education Superannuation Program (the “Program”) as a program under which grants can be paid for the purpose of assisting with the cost of providers’ superannuation liabilities as specified in item 6 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act; and
(b) under subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act, other matters relevant to the Program.
4.2.1 The objective of the Program is to provide Commonwealth financial assistance to eligible Higher Education Providers to cover certain superannuation expenses.
4.2.2 The Commonwealth contributes to expenses incurred by eligible providers that have former employees who are members of an eligible superannuation scheme or fund.
4.3.1 Only the Higher Education Providers listed below are eligible to receive grants under this program:
4.3.2 To receive a grant under the program, a provider must have former employees who are members of one of the following superannuation schemes or funds:
4.4 Grants made under the Program may cover:
(a) ongoing superannuation expenses. This may include, but is not limited to administrative fees, management fees and applicable taxes; and/or
(b) paying out superannuation liabilities.
4.5 Grants made under the Program will not cover:
(a) superannuation employer contributions for current employees; and/or
(b) superannuation liabilities attributed to excess salary increases.
4.6.1 Grants will be approved by the Minister under section 41‑20 of the Act.
4.7.1 The Program grant amounts will be determined in writing by the Minister under paragraph 41‑30(b) of the Act.
4.8 Conditions that apply to grants
4.8.1 The Minister may determine conditions that apply to grants under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act.
4.9 Reconciliation
4.9.1 Grants provided to eligible providers will be reconciled with actual member entitlements paid by eligible providers for the eligible funds or schemes.
4.9.2 Eligible providers must:
(a) obtain evidential supporting documentation and/or information from the relevant superannuation fund or scheme or actuary and provide the information to the Department upon request. This may include but is not limited to invoices from the fund or scheme; and
(b) provide authority for the Commonwealth to obtain further information in relation to the expenses and liabilities covered under the Grant from the relevant superannuation fund or scheme or actuary.
5.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify the:
(a) Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund [the "Diversity Fund”] as a program, beginning in 2008, from which grants to support diversity and structural reform in higher education may be paid; and
(b) Clinical Outreach Program, beginning in 2009 and ending in 2013, from which grants to support clinical training for dentistry students at James Cook University may be paid;
in accordance with item 9A of the table in subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act, and to specify some of the matters listed in paragraphs 41‑15(2)(a) to (f) of the Act.
5.5.1 The objective of the Diversity Fund is to promote structural reform by eligible higher education providers that supports greater specialisation among providers, more diversity in the higher education sector and better responsiveness to labour markets operating in the local or national interest.
5.10.1 In this chapter, the total amount of funds available for allocation under the Diversity Fund in any particular year is referred to as the “Allocation”, calculated in accordance with paragraph 5.10.5.
5.10.5 The Allocation will be $49,991,000 in each of the calendar years 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, plus:
(a) some or all of the Allocation for the immediately preceding year that was not used in that year, subject to the Act and any relevant approvals of the Minister and the Prime Minister; and
(b) indexation calculated in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6 of the Act.
5.15.1 In each year the Allocation will be available for:
(a) meeting existing funding commitments made under the Diversity Fund for the year;
(b) meeting existing funding commitments made under the Collaboration and Structural Reform Fund;
(c) grants in response to proposals invited by the Department; and
(d) grants in response to proposals outside the submission‑based rounds referred to in subparagraph 5.15.1(c).
5.15.5 Grants will be made only in response to proposals that are consistent with the objectives of the program and address the program’s priorities.
5.15.10 Grants may be made in respect of a project or in respect of a year.
5.15.15 Grants will be subject to the Minister’s approval (under section 41‑20 of the Act), and the Minister’s determination in writing of:
(a) the amount of the grant (under paragraph 41‑30(b) of the Act); and
(b) any conditions on which the grant is made (under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act), in addition to the condition specified in subparagraph 41‑25(b)(ii) of the Act.
5.20.1 Table A providers, and Table B providers that are universities.
5.20.5 The following bodies corporate are eligible only for the purposes of meeting existing commitments made to them under the Collaboration and Structural Reform Fund:
(i) The General Sir John Monash Foundation;
(ii) Australian Power Institute Ltd;
(iii) International Water Centre Pty Ltd; and
(iv) the Australian Association of Graduate Employers Ltd.
5.25.1 Applications must be submitted on the specified application form.
5.30.1 The objective of the Clinical Outreach Program is to provide infrastructure and resources for the clinical training of James Cook University’s dentistry students in remote localities, to be determined by James Cook University. This will assist James Cook University to offer diverse clinical training for students as part of its establishment of the first Dental School in tropical Australia.
5.35.1 James Cook University is eligible to receive a grant under the Clinical Outreach Program.
5.45.1 The total allocation available for approval will be $2,000,000 in 2009 and that amount will be indexed in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6 of the Act for each of the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
5.50.1 Grants will be made in respect of a year.
5.50.5 Grants will be subject to the Minister’s:
(a) approval under section 41‑20 of the Act;
(b) determination in writing of the grant amount under section 41‑30 of the Act; and
(c) determination in writing of any conditions on which the grant is made (under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act), in addition to the condition specified in subparagraph 41‑25(b)(ii) of the Act.
6.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify the Structural Adjustment Fund as a program for the purposes of the Other Grants Guidelines in accordance with subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act under which grants to support structural adjustment may be paid in accordance with item 9B of the Table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act. The program will operate in accordance with Program Administrative Guidelines issued by the Minister.
6.1.2 The Structural Adjustment Fund comprises funding provided through the Act under this Chapter and funding provided through the Nation‑building Funds Act 2008 from the Education Investment Fund. Some projects may be funded under only this Chapter, some projects may be funded under both this Chapter and the Education Investment Fund and some projects may be funded from the Education Investment Fund only. See the Program Administrative Guidelines and below for more details.
6.5.1 The objective of the Structural Adjustment Fund program is to improve the financial sustainability and teaching and learning quality of universities and thereby to improve their ability to provide strong higher education outcomes across the country, particularly in regional Australia and outer metropolitan areas.
Grants under the program will do this by assisting eligible higher education providers (eligibility criteria are specified in the Program Administrative Guidelines) to carry out projects for significant structural adjustments to prepare for the move to a demand driven funding system.
6.5.5 Funded projects will contribute significantly to achievement of both of the following outcomes:
(i) Improved financial sustainability: institutions and campuses having the size, market alignment and agility necessary to be sustainable in a demand driven funding environment; and
(ii) Improved quality of teaching and learning provision: quality higher education provision regardless of student location and the mode of delivery of courses.
6.5.10 For the purposes of the Structural Adjustment Fund, structural adjustment will mean:
(i) consolidation of higher education institutions or campuses; and/or
(ii) significant collaboration with TAFE institutes and/or other universities; and/or
(iii) significant changes in the focus, organisation or operation of institutions or campuses;
directed at achievement of the outcomes specified in 6.5.5.
6.10.1 Eligible higher education providers will be invited to submit applications for a funding round that will be conducted on a competitive basis in accordance with this Chapter and the Program Administrative Guidelines.
6.10.5 All applications received in a competitive funding round will be assessed by the Department against the evaluation criteria specified in the Program Administrative Guidelines. The Department will make recommendations for funding to the Minister.
6.10.10 In the event that the competitive funding round does not result in commitment of the entirety of the funds available for that round, the Minister may direct the Department to enter into negotiations with particular eligible higher education providers with a view to developing projects which are in accordance with this Chapter and the Program Administrative Guidelines.
6.10.15 Apart from the funds allocated under the processes specified in paragraphs 6.10.1 ‑ 6.10.10 an amount of funds not exceeding $20,000,000 in total may be allocated for structural adjustment projects which the Minister considers are priorities for particular eligible higher education providers. Grants made in this manner will be for projects that will contribute to the outcomes specified in paragraph 6.5.5.
6.10.20 Grants will be approved by the Minister in accordance with section 41‑20 of the Act. Grants will be subject to conditions determined by the Minister under section 41‑25 of the Act. Before approving a grant, the Minister will give consideration to the recommendations of the Department.
7.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify programs in accordance with subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act for the purpose of assuring and enhancing the quality of Australia’s higher education sector in accordance with item 11 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act, and to specify matters listed in subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act.
7.5.1 Programs in this chapter aim to assure and enhance the quality of teaching and learning in Australia’s higher education sector, in particular to ensure that universities target their efforts to improve outcomes for students.
7.10.1 The Reward Funding program provides funding to eligible higher education providers and bodies corporate to improve outcomes for students and achieve national quality, participation and attainment objectives.
7.10.5 The Reward Funding program components:
(a) Component A – Reward Funding for Table A providers meeting performance targets (see section 8.20)
(b) Component B – Unallocated Reward Funding from Component A (see section 8.45)
(c) Component C – Quality Initiatives (see section 8.60)
7.15.1 The total amount of funding available for allocation under the Reward Funding program for 2012 is $32,449,462.
Reward Funding amounts will be indexed in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6, Division 198 of the Act.
7.15.5 The total funding available for components A, B and C for 2012 is outlined below:
2012: Component A: $27,590,462 (allocated as per section 8.20)
Component B: Any unallocated funds remaining from Component A
Component C: $4,859,000
Reward Funding amounts will be indexed in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6, Division 198 of the Act.
7.20 Purpose
7.20.1 Table A providers will be allocated Reward Funding on the basis of meeting university targets set out in the Compacts and eligibility requirements below at Clause 8.25 and set against a framework of performance indicators.
7.20.5 Mission‑based Compacts are three‑year agreements that show how each university’s mission contributes to the Government’s goals for higher education, and include details of major higher education and research funding and performance targets.
7.25.1 A provider is eligible for Reward Funding if:
(a) the university is a Table A provider; and
(b) the Minister has allocated a number of Commonwealth Supported Places to the provider for that year under section 30‑10 of the Act; and
(c) the provider has entered into a funding agreement with the Commonwealth under section 30‑25 of the Act in respect of that year (the 2011‑2013 Compact period).
7.25.5 For a provider to receive Reward Funding for an indicator in 2012 it must:
(a) agree to the performance targets relating to specific Commonwealth goals contained in clause 4.14 of the university’s 2011‑2013 Compact; and
(b) supply performance data to the Commonwealth for all indicators as per the requirements set out in the Performance Funding Technical Guidelines; and
(c) perform one of the following:
(i) in respect of the low SES indicator, achieve the relevant excellence or improvement target for the low SES indicator;
(ii) in respect of the other underrepresented group indicator, achieve the improvement target for the other underrepresented group indicator.
7.25.10 For a provider to receive Reward Funding for an indicator in 2013 it must:
(a) agree to the performance targets relating to specific Commonwealth goals contained in clause 4.14 of the university’s 2011‑2013 Compact; and
(b) supply performance data to the Commonwealth for all indicators as per the requirements set out in the Performance Funding Technical Guidelines; and
(c) perform one of the following:
(i) in respect of the low SES indicator, achieve the relevant excellence or improvement target for the low SES indicator;
(ii) in respect of the other underrepresented group indicator, achieve the improvement target for the other underrepresented group indicator.
7.30.1 Reward Funding payments to a provider will be paid in accordance with clause 4.1 headed Category 1 Participation and Social inclusion as outlined in the Compact.
7.30.5 Universities will report against their performance targets for performance Categories 1, 2 and 3 through the insertion of performance results in section 4.14 of the Compact.
7.35.1 Each provider’s maximum possible Reward Funding payment for Component A will be calculated based on their proportional share of the Basic Grant Amount distributed in the previous grant year, as at 31 December of that year (section 33‑5 of the Act).
7.40.1 Performance Category 1: Participation and Social Inclusion
7.40.5 Performance indicator 1A: Proportion of domestic undergraduates who are from a low SES background (low SES target)
The amount of funding payable to a Table A provider in 2012 and 2013 for achievement of the low SES excellence or improvement target agreed in the university’s 2011‑2013 Compact will be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
= | potential Reward Funding available to university i in a given year for the low SES target
| |
= | proportion of overall Reward Funding allocated to the low SES target (as outlined in the Performance Funding Administration Guidelines)
| |
E | = | The Component A Reward Funding available for achievement of performance targets in a given year
= | the Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for university i | |
= | the Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for university k (where k is all universities participating in Performance Funding during the 2011‑13 Compact period)
| |
= | the total Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for all universities participating in Performance Funding during the 2011‑13 Compact period |
7.40.10 Performance indicator 1B: Proportion of domestic undergraduates who are from another underrepresented group (other underrepresented group target)
The amount of funding payable to a Table A provider in 2012 and 2013 for achievement of the other underrepresented group improvement target agreed in the university’s 2011‑2013 Compact will be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
= | potential Reward Funding available to university i in a given year for the other underrepresented group target | |
= | proportion of overall Reward Funding allocated to the other underrepresented group target (as outlined in the Performance Funding Administration Guidelines) | |
E | = | the Component A Reward Funding available for achievement of performance targets in a given year |
= | the Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for university i | |
= | the Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for university k (where k is all universities participating in Performance Funding during the 2011‑13 Compact period) | |
= | the total Basic Grant Amount the previous grant year for all universities participating in Performance Funding during the 2011‑13 Compact period |
7.40.15 There is no Reward Funding for Performance Categories 2 and 3.
7.45 Purpose
7.45.1 This section provides for the dispersal of any Reward Funding not allocated under Component A.
7.50.1 Organisations eligible for grants under Component B include:
(a) Table A providers; and
(b) Other organisations as determined by the Minister.
7.55.1 The Minister will determine the conditions of grants to eligible organisations by Ministerial determination under paragraph s41‑25(b) of the Act.
7.55.5 Grants made under this component may be paid on a one‑off basis or paid over a project period.
7.55.10 Eligible organisations will be required to report on performance as specified in the Conditions of Grant.
7.60 Purpose
7.60.1 Reward Funding is available in 2012 and 2013 for quality initiatives to ensure that the growth in university enrolments is underpinned by a focus on quality. The funding is provided to help assure and strengthen the quality of teaching and learning in higher education.
7.65.1 Organisations eligible for grants under Component C include:
(a) Table A providers
(b) Graduate Careers Australia
(c) The Australian Council for Educational Research Limited
(d) The Council for Aid to Education
(e) Other organisations as determined by the Minister
7.70.1 The Minister will determine the conditions of grants to eligible organisations by Ministerial determination under s41‑25(b) of the Act.
7.70.5 Grants under this component may be paid on a one‑off basis or paid over a project period.
7.70.10 Eligible organisations will be required to report on performance as specified in the Conditions of Grant.
7.75.1 The purpose of this section is to establish the PELTHE as a program for the purposes of subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act for the purpose of assuring and enhancing the quality of Australia’s higher education sector in accordance with item 11(a) of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act and to specify matters listed in subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act.
7.80.1 The objective of the PELTHE Program is to promote excellence in learning and teaching in higher education in Australia through a suite of grants. It aims to focus universities’ efforts in enhancing academics’ teaching skills to improve student learning outcomes.
7.85.1 Higher education providers eligible for funding under the PELTHE Program are those specified in the Act as Table A providers and Table B providers and higher education providers which receive a grant under the part 2.2 – Commonwealth Grants Scheme of the Act.
7.90.1 Funding for the PELTHE Program is provided under Part 2‑3 of the Act. Subject to Parliamentary disallowance under section 41‑50 of the Act, the level of funding provided is $14.3 million in 2012.
7.95.1 Each year, the Minister will determine priority areas for grants to be paid under the PELTHE Program. Higher Education Providers defined as eligible for funding in section 7.85.1 of these guidelines will be able to apply/nominate for grants via a process to be determined by the Minister.
7.100.1 In accordance with section 164‑5 of the Act, amounts will be paid in such a way as the Minister determines, and at such times as the Secretary determines.
7.101.1 This section specifies bodies corporate eligible for grants, in accordance with item 11(a) of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act.
7.105.1 The following bodies corporate are eligible for grants under this Item:
(a) Graduate Careers Australia (GCA);
(b) The Australian Council for Educational Research Limited (ACER);
(c) Universities Australia (UA); and
(d) The Organisation for Economic, Co‑operation and Development (OECD).
7.105.5 The Minister will determine the conditions of grants to the GCA, ACER, UA and the OECD by Ministerial determination under s41‑25(b)(i) of the Act.
7.110 Purpose
7.110.1 The purpose of this section is to establish ETMST Program as a program for the purposes of subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act for the purpose of assuring and enhancing the quality of Australia’s higher education sector in accordance with item 11(a) of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act and to specify matters listed in subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act.
7.115.1 The objective of the ETMST Program is to drive a major improvement in the quality of mathematics and science teachers by supporting new teacher training programs in which faculties, schools or departments of science, mathematics and education:
a) collaborate on course design and delivery; and
b) focus on combining content and pedagogy so that mathematics and science are taught as dynamic, forward‑looking, and collaborative human endeavours.
7.125 Total ETMST Program allocation
7.125.1 In this chapter, the total amount of funds available for allocation under the ETMST Program in any given year is referred to as the “ETMST Allocation”.
7.125.5 The ETMST Allocation available to eligible higher education providers will be $12,408,620 for the period 2014 – 2016.
7.125.10 Indexation of the ETMST Allocation shall be calculated in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6, Division 198 of the Act.
7.130 Allocation of ETMST Program Funding
7.130.1 Grants will be subject to the Minister’s approval (under section 41‑20 of the Act), and the Minister’s determination in writing of:
a) the amount of the grant (under paragraph 41‑30(b) of the Act); and
b) any conditions on which the grant is made (under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act), in addition to the condition specified in subparagraph 41‑25(b)(ii) of the Act.
7B.5.1 The AMSPP provides funding to support innovative partnerships between universities, schools and other organisations to:
a) improve secondary students’ engagement in maths and science; and
b) increase the number of students participating in mathematics and science undergraduate courses.
7B.10.1 The higher education providers eligible to receive funding under the AMSPP are specified at item 11(b) of the table at Section 41‑10(1) of the Act, and Table B providers as listed at Section 16‑20 of the Act.
7B.15 Total Program allocation
7B.15.1 In this chapter, the total amount of funds available for allocation under the AMSPP in any given year is referred to as the “AMSPP Allocation”.
7B.15.5 The AMSPP Allocation available to eligible higher education providers will be $22.3m for the period 2013 – 2016.
7B.15.10 Indexation of the AMSPP Allocation shall be calculated in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6, Division 198 of the Act.
7B.20 Distribution of the Funds
7B.20.1 Grants will be subject to the Minister’s approval (under section 41‑20 of the Act), and the Minister’s determination in writing of:
a) the amount of the grant (under paragraph 41‑30(b) of the Act); and
b) any conditions on which the grant is made (under subparagraph 41‑25(b)(i) of the Act), in addition to the condition specified in subparagraph 41‑25(b)(ii) of the Act.
7C.1 Purpose
7C.1.1 This Part establishes the Regional Study Hubs program (RSHP) as a program for the purposes of subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act, and specifies matters listed in subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act in relation to that program.
7C.1.5 The purpose of the RSHP is to support open access to higher education across Australia, in accordance with item 11(c) of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act.
7C.5 Program objective
7C.5.1 The RSHP provides financial assistance to community based bodies corporate in regional and remote areas of Australia, to enable them to establish and maintain regional study hubs in regional areas that support local Commonwealth assisted students who are undertaking an undergraduate course of study.
7C.10 Eligibility
7C.10.1 The following entities are eligible for a grant under the RSHP:
(a) a body corporate that the Minister is satisfied has, or will have, a physical operational presence in a Remoteness Area categorised under the Remoteness Structure as Inner Regional Australia, Outer Regional Australia, Remote Australia or Very Remote Australia;
(b) a body corporate that is a registered entity (within the meaning of the Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Commission Act 2012);
(c) a Table A provider;
(d) a Table B provider; and
(e) a higher education provider to which the Minister has allocated Commonwealth supported places under section 30‑10 of the Act.
7C.10.5 However, a body corporate mentioned in paragraph 7C.10.1(a) or (b) is not eligible to receive a grant under the RSHP unless the Minister is satisfied that:
(a) the body corporate, and each person who makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the body’s affairs, is a fit and proper person within the meaning of the Act;
(b) the body corporate is financially viable.
7C.15 Conditions of grant
7C.15.1 A grant under the RSHP must only be used to establish, operate and maintain a facility in, and to provide services from, a location in a Remoteness Area categorised under the Remoteness Structure as Inner Regional Australia, Outer Regional Australia, Remote Australia or Very Remote Australia.
7C.15.5 The recipient of a grant under the RSHP must ensure that the facilities and services provided using the grant primarily support Commonwealth assisted students.
Note: Facilities and services described in this section may be provided to other students undertaking study, if there is spare capacity at the Regional Study Hub to do so.
7C.15.10 A grant under the RSHP must only be used to support students to undertake study, through provision of some or all of the following:
(a) infrastructure and facilities, including:
(i) study spaces, including facility rental, furniture and furnishings; and
(ii) internet access, including the cost of connection to, and maintenance of, internet services, and telecommunications hardware necessary to connect the facility to internet; and
(iii) computing facilities including computers, local network hardware, operating software and software licences, applications software and software licence, and computing peripherals such as printers and workstations; and
(iv) video‑conferencing facilities, including video‑conferencing equipment and software; and
(b) academic support services, including:
(i) library services, including licences for research databases, books and periodicals, shelving and storage systems, photocopiers, and reader support services; and
(ii) academic skills training and tutoring;
(c) administrative support, including student administration activities, IT support services, facilities management, and facility security (human and security systems); and
(d) pastoral care consistent with the Higher Education Standards Framework 2015, including:
(i) student wellbeing and safety; and
(ii) information on student obligations and behavioural standards; and
(iii) personal support services, cultural support and ancillary services, hours of availability, and how to access services and emergency contact details where applicable.
7C.15.15 The recipient of a grant under the RSHP must comply with any terms of the grant approval imposed by the Minister.
8.1.1 The purpose of this chapter is to specify:
(a) in accordance with subsection 41‑15(1) of the Act, the Transitional Costs Program as a program under which grants can be paid for the purpose of assisting with the transitional costs of changes to maximum student contribution amounts as specified in item 12 of the table in subsection 41‑10(1) of the Act; and
(b) under subsection 41‑15(2) of the Act, some other matters relevant to the Transitional Costs Program.
8.5.1 The objective of the Transitional Costs Program is to assist higher education providers with the transitional costs of the decrease in the Commonwealth contribution amount for accounting, administration, economics and commerce units of study that are undertaken by students who are pre‑2008 students.
8.10.1 A higher education provider is eligible for a grant under the Transitional Costs Program for a year, if the year is 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012 and the provider has:
(a) an allocation of Commonwealth supported places for that year; and
(b) students, who are classified as pre‑2008 students, are enrolled in units of study in accounting, administration, economics or commerce for that year.
8.10.5 Pre‑2008 students are those students to whom Item 7 of Schedule 7 of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Budget Measures) Act 2007 applies.
For 2008
8.15.1 The Transitional Costs Program grant amount that may be determined for an eligible higher education provider for 2008 will be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
A times B
A is the estimated EFTSL of pre‑2008 students to be enrolled in that year, as determined by the Department upon consultation with the relevant provider.
B is $1,083
For 2009 to 2012
8.15.5 The Transitional Costs Program grant for an eligible higher education provider that may be determined for a year being 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012 will be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
(A times B) plus (C times D)
A is the estimated EFTSL of pre‑2008 students to be enrolled in that year, as determined by the Department upon consultation with the relevant provider.
B is $1,083, indexed from 2009 in accordance with the method set out in Part 5‑6 of the Act.
C is the difference between the ‘actual EFTSL’ and estimated EFTSL for the preceding year and which may be negative.
D is the value of B for the preceding year.
8.15.10 For the purposes of calculating Transitional Costs Program grants in 2012, Commonwealth supported places at the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education will be considered to be Commonwealth supported places at Charles Darwin University. Any adjustments to Transitional Costs Program grants for 2011 or previous years will be a benefit or liability, as the case may be, to the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education.
8.15.15 ‘Actual EFTSL’ is the total pre‑2008 EFTSL enrolled in units of study in accounting, administration, economics or commerce for a year as verified by the provider through the student data collection required under subsection 19‑70(1) of the Act and accepted by the Department for publication in annual Higher Education Student Statistics.
Note to the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012
Note 1
The Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 in force under section 238‑10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 as shown in this compilation is amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Table of Instruments
Title | FRLI registration number | Date of FRLI registration | Date of | Application, saving or |
Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 | F2012L00281 | 13 February 2012 | 14 February 2012 | (iv) TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS The revocation of the Former Guidelines does not affect the validity of a payment or decision made under those guidelines. A decision made under the Former Guidelines is taken to continue to have effect as if it were made under the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012. |
Amendment No. 1 to the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 | F2012L02587 | 29 December 2012 | 30 December 2012 |
Amendment No. 2 to the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 | F2013L01622 | 26 August 2013 | 26 August 2013
Amendment No.3 to the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) 2012 | F2014L01633 | 4 December 2014 | 4 December 2014 |
Title | Registration number | Date of | Date of | Application, saving or transitional provisions |
Other Grants Guidelines (Education) Amendment (No. 1) 2018 | F2018L01172 | 27 August 2018 | 28 August 2018 |
Table of Amendments
ad. = added or inserted am. = amended ed. = editorial change LA = Legislation Act 2003 rep. = repealed | ||
Provision affected | How affected | |
Section (iv) (first occurring) | rep. LA s 48C | |
Section i.ii | am. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
| ed. C4 | |
Subsection 1.75.1 | rs. 2013 F2013L01622 | |
Subsection 1.75.5 | rs. 2013 F2013L01622 | |
Subsection 1.75.6 | ad. 2013 F2013L01622 | |
Chapter 4 | rs. 2014 F2014L01633 | |
Heading before section 7.110 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7.110 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7.115 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7.120 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7.125 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7.130 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Chapter 7B | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7B.1 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7B.5 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7B.10 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7B.15 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Section 7B.20 | ad. 2012 F2012L02587 | |
Chapter 7C | ad. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
Section 7C.1 | ad. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
Section 7C.5 | ad. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
Section 7C.10 | ad. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
Section 7C.15 | ad. 2018 F2018L01172 | |
Editorial changes
In preparing this compilation for registration, the following kinds of editorial change(s) were made under the Legislation Act 2003.
Section i.ii (definition of Commonwealth assisted student)
Kind of editorial change
Correct a typographical error
Details of editorial change
Schedule 1 item 1 of the Other Grants Guidelines (Education) Amendment (No. 1) 2018 instructs to insert definitions in section i.ii, including the definition of Commonwealth assisted student.
Subparagraph (c)(iii) to the inserted definition of Commonwealth assisted student appears as follows: “(iii) Trade Support Loans Act 2017”.
This compilation was editorially changed to omit “2017” and substitute “2014” in the definition of Commonwealth assisted student to correct this typographical error.