Australian Coat of Arms



Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 79/04 — Emission Control for Light Vehicles) 2011

made under Section 12 of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018


Compilation: 2 (up to and including Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule) Amendment Instrument 2021 (No.2))


Compilation Date: 30/11/2021


Volume 1 contains Clauses 0.1–6 and the Compilation Notes

Volume 2 contains Appendix A


Compiled by: Vehicle Safety, Policy and Partnerships, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications





United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No. 83 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements, Revision 4, incorporating the 06 series of amendments



Certain clauses of this Appendix A have been amended from the published UN ECE Regulation 83/06 by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications as indicated in the table below.




Section 2, paragraph 2.5.1

The words “23 mm diameter” amended to read “23 nm diameter”


Annex 11, paragraph

The sentence “By way of derogation the requirement of monitoring the reduction in the efficiency of the catalytic converter with respect to NOx emissions shall only apply from the dates set out in paragraph 12.1.4.” is deleted.


Annex 11 – Appendix 1, paragraphs 7.1.6 and 7.1.7


References to “paragraph 3.6” amended to read “paragraph 7.6”.

Annex 11 – Appendix 1, paragraph 7.3.1

References to “paragraph 3.5” and “paragraph 3.7” amended to read “paragraph 7.5” and “paragraph 7.7” respectively.


Annex 11 – Appendix 1, paragraph 7.3.2

Reference to “paragraph 3.3.1” amended to read “paragraph 7.3.1”


Annex 11 – Appendix 1, paragraph 7.6.5

Reference to “paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3” amended to read “paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3”.

Reference to “paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5” amended to read “paragraphs 7.4 and 7.5”.


Annex 11 – Appendix 1, paragraph 7.7.4

Reference to “paragraph 3.5” amended to read “paragraph 7.5”.



Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions[*]

(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)


  Addendum 82: Regulation No. 83

  Revision 4

Incorporating all valid text up to:

Corrigendum 1 to Revision 3 - Erratum (English and Russian only)

Corrigendum 2 to Revision 3 - Erratum (French only)

Supplement 6 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 2 February 2007

Corrigendum 1 to Revision 3 - Date of entry into force: 14 November 2007

Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 6 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 25 June 2008

Supplement 7 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 26 February 2009

Supplement 8 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 22 July 2009

Supplement 9 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 17 March 2010

06 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 9 December 2010

Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 7 to the 05 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 23 December 2010

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements




Regulation No. 83

  Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements


1. Scope......................................................... 6

2. Definitions..................................................... 6

3. Application for approval............................................ 10

4. Approval...................................................... 12

5. Specifications and tests............................................. 14

6. Modifications of the vehicle type....................................... 26

7. Extensions to type approvals.......................................... 26

8. Conformity of production (COP)....................................... 29

9. In-service conformity.............................................. 33

10. Penalties for non-conformity of production................................ 37

11. Production definitely discontinued...................................... 37

12. Transitional provisions............................................. 37

13. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible

 for conducting approval tests, and of Administrative Departments................. 37


1. Procedure for verifying the conformity of production requirements if

 the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer is satisfactory........... 38

2. Procedure for verifying the conformity of production requirements if

 the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer is either

 not satisfactory or not available........................................ 40

3. In-service conformity check.......................................... 43

4. Statistical procedure for in-service conformity testing......................... 47

5. Responsibilities for in-service conformity................................. 53

6. Requirements for vehicles that use a reagent for the exhaust after-treatment system...... 54


1. Engine and vehicle characteristics and information concerning
 the conduct of tests................................................ 59

 Appendix 1: Information on test condition................................. 72

2. Communication.................................................. 74

 Appendix 1: OBD related information................................... 80

 Appendix 2: Manufacturer’s certificate of compliance with the OBD
   in-use performance requirements.............................. 81


3. Arrangements of the approval mark..................................... 82

4a. Type I Test
 (Verifying exhaust emissions after a cold start).............................. 84

 1. Applicability

 2. Introduction

 3. Test conditions

 4. Test equipment

 5. Determination of vehicle road load

 6. Emissions test procedure

  Appendix 1: Chassis dynamometer system.......................... 107

  1. Specification

  2. Dynamometer calibration procedure

  3. Verification of the load curve

  Appendix 2: Exhaust dilution system.............................. 111

  1. System specification

  2. CVS Calibration procedure

  3. System verification procedure

  Appendix 3: Gaseous emissions measurement equipment................. 122

  1. Specification

  2. Calibration procedures

  3. Reference gases

  Appendix 4: Particulate mass emissions measurement equipment............ 130

  1. Specification

  2. Calibration and verification procedures

  Appendix 5: Particle number emissions measurement equipment............ 136

  1. Specification

  2. Calibration/validation of the particle sampling system

  Appendix 6: Verification of simulated inertia......................... 144

  1. Object

  2. Principle

  3. Specification

  4. Verification procedure

  Appendix 7: Measurement of vehicle road load....................... 146

  1. Object of the methods

  2. Definition of the road

  3. Atmospheric conditions

  4. Vehicle preparation

  5. Methods

5. Type II Test
 (Carbon monoxide emission test at idling speed)............................ 152

6. Type III Test
 (Verifying emissions of crankcase gases)................................. 155


7. Type IV Test
 (Determination of evaporative emissions from vehicles

 with positive-ignition engines......................................... 158

 Appendix 1: Calibration of equipment for evaporative emission testing............ 171

 Appendix 2: .................................................. 176

8. Type VI Test
 (Verifying the average exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
 after a cold start at low ambient temperature)............................... 177

9. Type V Test

 (Description of the endurance test for verifying the durability

 of pollution control devices).......................................... 184

 Appendix 1: Standard Bench Cycle (SBC)................................ 192

 Appendix 2: Standard Diesel Bench Cycle (SDBC).......................... 197

 Appendix 3: Standard Road Cycle (SRC)................................ 198

10. Specifications of reference fuels....................................... 201

 1. Specifications of reference fuels for testing vehicles to the emission limits

 1.1. Technical data on the reference fuel to be used for testing vehicles equipped

  with positive-ignition engines

 1.2. Technical data on the reference fuel to be used for testing vehicles equipped
  with diesel engine

 2. Specifications of reference fuels to be used for testing vehicles equipped with
  positive-ignition engines at low ambient temperature - Type VI Test

10a. Specifications of gaseous reference fuels.................................. 207

 1. Specifications of gaseous reference fuels

 1.1. Technical data of the LPG reference fuels used for testing vehicles to the emission
  limits given in Table 1 in paragraph – Type I Test

11. On-Board diagnostics (OBD) for motor vehicles............................. 208

 Appendix 1: Functional aspects of on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems............ 219

 Appendix 2: Essential characteristics of the vehicle family.................... 229

12. Granting of an ECE type approval for a vehicle fuelled by LPG or NG/biomethane...... 230

13. Emissions test procedure for a vehicle equipped with a periodically regenerating system.. 233

14. Emissions test procedure for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)..................... 240

 Appendix 1: Electrical energy/power storage device State Of Charge (SOC) profile

   for OVC HEV Type I Test................................ 253

  1.  Scope

  This Regulation establishes technical requirements for the type approval of  motor vehicles.

  In addition, this Regulation lays down rules for in-service conformity,  durability of pollution control devices and on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems.

1.1.  This Regulation shall apply to vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a  reference mass not exceeding 2,610 kg[1].

  At the manufacturer's request, type approval granted under this Regulation  may be extended from vehicles mentioned above to M1, M2, N1 and N2               vehicles with a reference mass not exceeding 2,840 kg and which meet the               conditions laid down in this Regulation.

  2.  Definitions

   For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply:

2.1.  "Vehicle type" means a group of vehicles that do not differ in the following    respects:

2.1.1.  The equivalent inertia determined in relation to the reference mass as prescribed in Annex 4a, Table 3; and

2.1.2.   The engine and vehicle characteristics as defined in Annex 1;

2.2.  "Reference mass" means the "unladen mass" of the vehicle increased by a uniform figure of 100 kg for test according to Annexes 4a and 8;

2.2.1.  "Unladen mass" means the mass of the vehicle in running order without the uniform mass of the driver of 75 kg, passengers or load, but with the fuel tank 90 per cent full and the usual set of tools and spare wheel on board, where applicable;

2.2.2. "Running order mass" means the mass described in Paragraph 2.6. of Annex 1 to this Regulation and for vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of more than 9 persons (in addition to the driver), the mass of a crew member (75 kg), if there is a crew seat amongst the nine or more seats.

2.3.  "Maximum mass" means the technically permissible maximum mass declared by the vehicle manufacturer (this mass may be greater than the maximum               mass authorised by the national administration);

2.4.  "Gaseous pollutants" means the exhaust gas emissions of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen expressed in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) equivalent and hydrocarbons assuming ratio of:

  (a) C1H2.525 for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

  (b) C1H4 for natural gas (NG) and biomethane

  (c) C1H1.89O0.016 for petrol (E5)

  (d) C1H1.86O0.005 for diesel (B5)

  (e) C1H2.74O0.385 for ethanol (E85)

2.5.  "Particulate pollutants" means components of the exhaust gas which are removed from the diluted exhaust gas at a maximum temperature of 325 K (52 °C) by means of the filters described in Annex 4a; Appendix 4.

2.5.1. "Particle numbers" means the total number of particles of a diameter greater than 23 nm diameter present in the diluted exhaust gas after it has been conditioned to remove volatile material, as described in Annex 4a, Appendix 5.

2.6. "Exhaust emissions" means

                 For positive-ignition (P.I.) engines, emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants;

                 For compression-ignition (C.I.) engines, emissions of gaseous pollutants, particulate pollutants and particle numbers;

2.7.  "Evaporative emissions" means the hydrocarbon vapours lost from the fuel system of a motor vehicle other than those from exhaust emissions;

2.7.1.  "Tank breathing losses" are hydrocarbon emissions caused by temperature changes in the fuel tank (assuming a ratio of C1H2.33).

2.7.2.  "Hot soak losses" are hydrocarbon emissions arising from the fuel system of a stationary vehicle after a period of driving (assuming a ratio of C1 H2.20 );

2.8.  "Engine crankcase" means the spaces in or external to an engine which are connected to the oil sump by internal or external ducts through which gases and vapour can escape;

2.9.  "Cold start device" means a device that temporarily enriches the air/fuel mixture of the engine thus assisting the engine to start;

2.10.  "Starting aid" means a device which assists engine start up without enrichment of the air/fuel mixture of the engine, e.g. glow plug, injection timing change, etc.;

2.11.  "Engine capacity" means:

2.11.1. For reciprocating piston engines, the nominal engine swept volume;

2.11.2. For rotary piston engines (Wankel), twice the nominal swept volume of a combustion chamber per piston;

2.12.  "Pollution control devices" means those components of a vehicle that control and/or limit exhaust and evaporative emissions.

2.13.  "OBD" means an on-board diagnostic system for emission control, which has the capability of identifying the likely area of malfunction by means of fault               codes stored in computer memory;

2.14.  "In-service test" means the test and evaluation of conformity conducted in accordance with paragraph 9.2.1 of this Regulation;

2.15.  "Properly maintained and used" means, for the purpose of a test vehicle, that such a vehicle satisfies the criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle laid down in paragraph 2. of Appendix 3 to this Regulation;

2.16.  "Defeat device" means any element of design which senses temperature, vehicle speed, engine rotational speed, transmission gear, manifold vacuum or any other parameter for the purpose of activating, modulating, delaying or deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system, that reduces the effectiveness of the emission control system under conditions which may reasonably be expected to be encountered in normal vehicle operation and use. Such an element of design may not be considered a defeat device if:

2.16.1.  The need for the device is justified in terms of protecting the engine against damage or accident and for safe operation of the vehicle; or

2.16.2.  The device does not function beyond the requirements of engine starting; or

2.16.3.  Conditions are substantially included in the Type I or Type VI test procedures.

2.17.  "Family of vehicles" means a group of vehicle types identified by a parent vehicle for the purpose of Annex 12;

2.18.  "Fuel requirement by the engine" means the type of fuel normally used by the engine:

  (a) Petrol E5);

  (b) LPG (liquefied petroleum gas);

  (c) NG/biomethane (natural gas);

  (d) Either petrol (E5) or LPG;

  (e) Either petrol (E5) or NG/biomethane;

  (f) Diesel fuel B5);

  (g) Mixture of ethanol (E85) and petrol (E5) (Flex fuel)

   (h) Mixture of biodiesel and diesel (B5) (Flex fuel)

   (i) Hydrogen

   (j) Either petrol (E5) or Hydrogen (Bi-fuel)

 2.18.1. "Biofuel" means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport, produced from biomass.

2.19.  "Approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the limitation of the following conditions[2]:

2.19.1. Limitation of exhaust emissions by the vehicle, evaporative emissions, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold start pollutant emissions and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with unleaded petrol, or which can be fuelled with either unleaded petrol and LPG or NG/biomethane or biofuels (Approval B);

2.19.2. Limitation of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, durability of pollution control devices and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with diesel fuel (Approval C) or which can be fuelled with either diesel fuel and biosuel or biofuel;

2.19.3. Limitation of emissions of gaseous pollutants by the engine, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold start emissions and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with LPG or NG/biomethane (Approval D);

2.20. "Periodically regenerating system" means an anti-pollution device (e.g. catalytic converter, particulate trap) that requires a periodical regeneration process in less than 4,000 km of normal vehicle operation. During cycles where regeneration occurs, emission standards can be exceeded. If a regeneration of an anti-pollution device occurs at least once per Type I test and that has already regenerated at least once during vehicle preparation cycle, it will be considered as a continuously regenerating system which does not require a special test procedure. Annex 13 does not apply to continuously regenerating systems.

 At the request of the manufacturer, the test procedure specific to periodically regenerating systems will not apply to a regenerative device if the manufacturer provides data to the type Approval Authority that, during cycles where regeneration occurs, emissions remain below the standards given in paragraph applied for the concerned vehicle category after agreement of the Technical Service.

2.21.  Hybrid vehicles (HV)

2.21.1.  General definition of hybrid vehicles (HV):

  "Hybrid vehicle (HV)" means a vehicle with at least two different energy  converters and two different energy storage systems (on vehicle) for the purpose of vehicle propulsion.

2.21.2.  Definition of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV):

  "Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)" means a vehicle that, for the purpose of mechanical propulsion, draws energy from both of the following on-vehicle sources of stored energy/power:

a) A consumable fuel;

b) An electrical energy/power storage device (e.g.: battery,  capacitor, flywheel/generator etc.).

2.22.  "Mono-fuel vehicle" means a vehicle that is designed to run primarily on one type of fuel;

2.22.1 "Mono-fuel gas vehicle" means a vehicle that is designed primarily for permanent running on LPG or NG/biomethane or hydrogen, but may also have a petrol system for emergency purposes or starting only, where the petrol tank does not contain more than 15 litres of petrol.

2.23.  "Bi-fuel vehicle" means a vehicle with two separate fuel storage systems that can run part-time on two different fuels and is designed to run on only one fuel at a time.

2.23.1.  "Bi-fuel gas vehicle" means a bi fuel vehicle that can run on petrol and also    on either LPG, NG/biomethane or hydrogen.

2.24. "Alternative fuel vehicle" means a vehicle designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived.

2.25. "Flex fuel vehicle" means a vehicle with one fuel storage system that can run on different mixtures of two or more fuels.

2.25.1. "Flex fuel ethanol vehicle" means a flex fuel vehicle that can run on petrol or a mixture of petrol and ethanol up to an 85 per cent ethanol blend (E85).

2.25.2. "Flex fuel biodiesel vehicle" means a flex fuel vehicle that can run on mineral diesel or a mixture of mineral diesel and biodiesel.

2.26. "Vehicles designed to fulfil specific social needs" means diesel vehicles of category M1 which are either:

  (a) Special purpose vehicles with reference mass exceeding 2,000 kg[3];

 (b) Vehicles with a reference mass exceeding 2,000 kg and designed to  carry seven or more occupants including the driver with the exclusion,               as from 1 September 2012, of vehicles of category M1G3;

  (c) Vehicles with a reference mass exceeding 1,760 kg which are built   specifically for commercial purposes to accommodate wheelchair use                             inside the vehicle.

  3.  Application for approval

3.1.  The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to exhaust emissions, crankcase emissions, evaporative emissions and durability of pollution control devices, as well as to its on-board diagnostic (OBD) system shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his authorized representative to the Approval Authority.

3.1.1.  In addition, the manufacturer shall submit the following information:

(a) In the case of vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engines, a declaration by the manufacturer of the minimum percentage of misfires out of a total number of firing events that would either result in emissions exceeding the limits given in paragraph 3.3.2. of Annex 11, if that percentage of misfire had been present from the start of a Type I test as described in Annex 4a to this Regulation, or that could lead to an exhaust catalyst, or catalysts, overheating prior to causing irreversible damage;

(b) Detailed written information fully describing the functional operation characteristics of the OBD system, including a listing of all relevant parts of the emission control system of the vehicle that are monitored by the OBD system;

(c) A description of the malfunction indicator used by the OBD system to signal the presence of a fault to a driver of the vehicle;

(d) A declaration by the manufacturer that the OBD system complies with the provisions of paragraph 7. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11 relating to in-use performance under all reasonably foreseeable driving conditions;

(e) A plan describing the detailed technical criteria and justification for incrementing the numerator and denominator of each monitor that shall fulfil the requirements of paragraphs 7.2. and 7.3. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11, as well as for disabling numerators, denominators and the general denominator under the conditions outlined in paragraph 7.7. of Appendix 1 to Annex XI;

(f) A description of the provisions taken to prevent tampering with and modification of the emission control computer;

  (g) If applicable, the particulars of the vehicle family as referred to in   Appendix 2 to Annex 11;

h) Where appropriate, copies of other type approvals with the relevant data to enable extension of approvals and establishment of deterioration factors.

3.1.2. For the tests described in paragraph 3. of Annex 11, a vehicle representative of the vehicle type or vehicle family fitted with the OBD system to be approved shall be submitted to the Technical Service responsible for the type approval test. Il the Technical Service determines that the submitted vehicle does not fully represent the vehicle type or vehicle family described in Annex 11, Appendix 2, an alternative and if necessary an additional vehicle shall be submitted for test in accordance with paragraph 3. of Annex.11.

3.2. A model of the information document relating to exhaust emissions, evaporative emissions, durability and the on-board diagnostic (OBD) system is given in Annex 1. The information mentioned under paragraph of Annex 1 is to be included in Appendix 1 "OBD - RELATED INFORMATION" to the type-approval communication given in Annex 2.

3.2.1. Where appropriate, copies of other type approvals with the relevant data to enable extensions of approvals and establishment of deterioration factors shall be submitted.

3.3. For the tests described in paragraph 5. of this Regulation a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to the Technical Service responsible for the approval tests.

3.4.1. The application referred to in paragraph 3.1. shall be drawn up in accordance with the model of the information document set out in               Annex 1.

3.4.2.  For the purposes of paragraph 3.1.1.(d), the manufacturer shall use the  model of a manufacturer's certificate of compliance with the OBD in-use               performance requirements set out in Appendix 2 of Annex 2.

3.4.3.  For the purposes of paragraph 3.1.1.(e), the Approval Authority that grants the  approval shall make the information referred to in that point available to the               approval authorities upon request.

3.4.5.  For the purposes of points (d) and (e) of paragraph 3.1.1., approval authorities shall not approve a vehicle if the information submitted by the manufacturer is inappropriate for fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 7. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11. Paragraphs 7.2., 7.3. and 7.7. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11 shall apply under all reasonably foreseeable driving conditions. For the assessment of the implementation of the requirements set out in the first and second subparagraphs, the approval authorities shall take into account the state of technology.

3.4.6.  For the purposes of paragraph 3.1.1.(f), the provisions taken to prevent tampering with and  modification of the emission control computer shall include the facility for updating using a manufacturer-approved programme or calibration.

3.4.7.  For the tests specified in Table A, the manufacturer shall submit to the Technical Service responsible for the type approval tests a vehicle representative of the type to be approved.

3.4.8.  The application for type approval of  flex-fuel vehicles shall comply with the additional requirements laid down in paragraphs 4.9.1 and 4.9.2.

3.4.9.  Changes to the make of a system, component or separate technical unit that occur after a type approval shall not automatically invalidate a type approval, unless its original characteristics or technical parameters are changed in such a way that the functionality of the engine or pollution control system is affected.

  4.  Approval

4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval following this amendment meets the requirements of paragraph 5. below, approval of that vehicle type shall be granted.

4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved.

 Its first two digits shall indicate the series of amendments according to which the approval was granted. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to another vehicle type.

4.3. Notice of approval or of extension or refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

4.3.1. In the event of amendment to the present text, for example, if new limit values are prescribed, the Parties to the Agreement shall be informed which vehicle types already approved comply with the new provisions.

4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:

4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country that has granted approval[4].

4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle described in paragraph 4.4.1.

4.4.3. The approval mark shall contain an additional character after the type approval number, the purpose of which is to distinguish vehicle category and class for which the approval has been granted. This letter should be chosen according to the Table 1 in Annex 3 to this Regulation.

4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved, under one or more other Regulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. need not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.

4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.

4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.

4.8. Annex 3 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of the approval mark.

4.9.  Additional requirements for approval of flex fuel vehicles

4.9.1. For the type approval of a flex fuel ethanol or biodiesel vehicle, the vehicle manufacturer shall describe the capability of the vehicle to adapt to any mixture of petrol and ethanol fuel (up to an 85 per cent ethanol blend) or diesel and biodiesel that may occur across the market.

4.9.2.  For flex fuel vehicles, the transition from one reference fuel to another between the tests shall take place without manual adjustment of the engine settings.

4.10.  Requirements for approval regarding the OBD system

4.10.1.  The manufacturer shall ensure that all vehicles are equipped with an OBD system.

4.10.2.  The OBD system shall be designed, constructed and installed on a vehicle so as to enable it to identify types of deterioration or malfunction over the entire life of the vehicle.

4.10.3.  The OBD system shall comply with the requirements of this Regulation during conditions of normal use.

4.10.4.  When tested with a defective component in accordance with Appendix 1 of Annex 11, the OBD system malfunction indicator shall be activated. The OBD system malfunction indicator may also activate during this test at levels of emissions below the OBD threshold limits specified in Annex 11.

4.10.5.  The manufacturer shall ensure that the OBD system complies with the requirements for in-use performance set out in paragraph 7. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11 of this Regulation under all reasonably foreseeable driving conditions.

4.10.6.  In-use performance related data to be stored and reported by a vehicle's OBD system according to the provisions of item 7.6. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11 shall be made readily available by the manufacturer to national authorities and independent operators without any encryption.

  5.  Specifications and tests

  Small volume manufacturers

  As an alternative to the requirements of this paragraph, vehicle manufacturers whose world-wide annual production is less than 10,000 units may obtain approval on the basis of the corresponding technical requirements specified in the table below.

Legislative Act


The California Code of Regulations, Title 13, paragraphs 1961(a) and 1961(b)(1)(C)(1) applicable to 2001 and later model year vehicles, 1968.1, 1968.2, 1968.5, 1976 and 1975, published by Barclay's Publishing.

Type approval shall be granted under the California Code of Regulations applicable to the most recent model year of light duty vehicle.

 The emissions tests for roadworthiness purposes set out in Annex 5 and the requirements for access to vehicle OBD information set out in paragraph 5. of Annex 11 shall still be required to obtain type approval with regard to emissions under this paragraph.

  The Approval Authority shall inform the other approval authorities of Contracting Parties of the circumstances of each type approval granted under this paragraph.

5.1.  General

5.1.1.  The components liable to affect the emission of pollutants shall be so designed, constructed and assembled as to enable the vehicle, in normal use, despite the vibration to which they may be subjected, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.

5.1.2.  The technical measures taken by the manufacturer shall be such as to ensure that in conformity with the provisions of this Regulation, exhaust gas and evaporative emissions are effectively limited throughout the normal life of the vehicle and under normal conditions of use. This will include the security of those hoses and their joints and connections, used within the emission control systems, which shall be so constructed as to conform with the original design intent. For exhaust emissions, these provisions are deemed to be met if the provisions of paragraphs and respectively are complied with. For evaporative emissions, these conditions are deemed to be met if the provisions of paragraphs and respectively are complied with. The use of a defeat device is prohibited.

5.1.3. Inlet orifices of petrol tanks Subject to paragraph, the inlet orifice of the petrol or ethanol tank shall be so designed as to prevent the tank from being filled from a fuel pump delivery nozzle which has an external diameter of 23.6 mm or greater. Paragraph shall not apply to a vehicle in respect of which both of the following conditions are satisfied, i.e.: The vehicle is so designed and constructed that no device designed to control the emission of gaseous pollutants shall be adversely affected by leaded petrol; and The vehicle is conspicuously, legibly and indelibly marked with the symbol for unleaded petrol, specified in ISO 2575:1982, in a position immediately visible to a person filling the petrol tank. Additional markings are permitted.

5.1.4.  Provision shall be made to prevent excess evaporative emissions and fuel spillage caused by a missing fuel filler cap.

  This may be achieved by using one of the following: An automatically opening and closing, non-removable fuel filler cap; Design features which avoid excess evaporative emissions in the case of a missing fuel filler cap; Any other provision which has the same effect. Examples may include, but are not limited to, a tethered filler cap, a chained filler cap or one utilising the same locking key for the filler cap as for the vehicle's ignition. In this case, the key shall be removable from the filler cap only in the locked condition.

5.1.5.  Provisions for electronic system security Any vehicle with an emission control computer shall include features to deter modification, except as authorised by the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall authorise modifications if these modifications are necessary for the diagnosis, servicing, inspection, retrofitting or repair of the vehicle. Any reprogrammable computer codes or operating parameters shall be resistant to tampering and afford a level of protection at least as good as the provisions in ISO DIS 15031-7, dated October 1998 (SAE J2186 dated October 1996), provided that the security exchange is conducted using the protocols and diagnostic connector as prescribed in paragraph 6.5. of Annex II, Appendix 1. Any removable calibration memory chips shall be potted, encased in a sealed container or protected by electronic algorithms and shall not be changeable without the use of specialised tools and procedures. Computer-coded engine operating parameters shall not be changeable without the use of specialised tools and procedures (e. g. soldered or potted computer components or sealed (or soldered) computer enclosures). In the case of mechanical fuel-injection pumps fitted to compression-ignition engines, manufacturers shall take adequate steps to protect the maximum fuel delivery setting from tampering while a vehicle is in service. Manufacturers may apply to the Approval Authority for an exemption to one of these requirements for those vehicles which are unlikely to require protection. The criteria that the Approval Authority will evaluate in considering an exemption will include, but are not limited to, the current availability of performance chips, the high-performance capability of the vehicle and the projected sales volume of the vehicle. Manufacturers using programmable computer code systems (e.g. Electrical Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, EEPROM) shall deter unauthorised reprogramming. Manufacturers shall include enhanced tamper protection strategies and write protect features requiring electronic access to an off-site computer maintained by the manufacturer. Methods giving an adequate level of tamper protection will be approved by the authority.

5.1.6. It shall be possible to inspect the vehicle for roadworthiness test in order to determine its performance in relation to the data collected in accordance with paragraph 5.3.7. of this Regulation. If this inspection requires a special procedure, this shall be detailed in the service manual (or equivalent media). This special procedure shall not require the use of special equipment other than that provided with the vehicle.

5.2.  Test procedure

  Table A illustrates the various possibilities for type approval of a vehicle.

5.2.1.  Positive ignition engine-powered vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles equipped with a positive-ignition engine shall be subject to the following tests:

  Type I (verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start);

  Type II (carbon monoxide emission at idling speed);

  Type III (emission of crankcase gases);

  Type IV (evaporation emissions);

  Type V (durability of anti-pollution devices);

 Type VI (verifying the average low ambient temperature carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon exhaust emissions after a cold start);


5.2.2.  Positive ignition engine-powered vehicle and hybrid electric vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engine fuelled with LPG or NG/biomethane (mono or bi-fuel) shall be subjected to the following tests (according to Table A):

 Type I (verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start);

 Type II (carbon monoxide emissions at idling speed);

 Type III (emission of crankcase gases);

 Type IV (evaporative emissions), where applicable;

 Type V (durability of anti-pollution devices);

   Type VI (verifying the average low ambient temperature carbon monoxide                 and hydrocarbon exhaust emissions after a cold start), where applicable,

 OBD test.

5.2.3.  Compression ignition engine-powered vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine shall be subject to the following tests:

 Type I (verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start);

   Type V (durability of anti-pollution control devices);

   OBD test.

Table A. Requirements

Application of test requirements for type approval and extensions


Vehicles with positive ignition engines including hybrids

Vehicles with C.I. engines including hybrids

Mono fuel

Bi fuel1

Flex fuel1

Flex fuel

Mono fuel




NG/ Biomethane






Diesel (B5)

Diesel (B5)


NG/ Biomethane


Ethanol (E85)


Gaseous pollutants

(Type I test)






(both fuels)


(both fuels)


(petrol only) (2)


(both fuels)


(B5 only)2



(Type I test)


(direct injection)





(direct injection) (petrol only)


(direct injection)

(petrol only)


(direct injection)

(petrol only) 2


(direct injection)

(both fuels)


(B5 only)2


Idle emissions

(Type II test)






(both fuels)


(both fuels)


(petrol only) 2


(both fuels)



Crankcase emissions

(Type III test)






(petrol only)


(petrol only)


(petrol only) 2





Evaporative emissions

(Type IV test)






(petrol only)


(petrol only)


(petrol only) 2






(Type V test)






(petrol only)


(petrol only)


(petrol only) (2)




(B5 only)2


Low temperature emissions

(Type VI test)






(petrol only)


(petrol only)


(petrol only) 2


(both fuels)3



In-service conformity






(both fuels)


(both fuels)


(petrol only) 2


(both fuels)


(B5 only)2


On-board diagnostics









(B5 only)


1 When a bi fuel vehicle is combined with a flex fuel vehicle, both test requirements are applicable.

2 This provision is temporary, further requirements for biodiesel and hydrogen shall be proposed later on.

3 For this test, fuel applicable to low ambient temperatures should be used. In the absence of a winter grade reference fuel specification, the applicable winter grade fuel for this test should be agreed between the Approval Authority and the manufacturer according to the existing market specifications. Development of a reference fuel for this application is underway.

5.3.  Description of tests

5.3.1.  Type I test (Simulating the average exhaust emissions after a cold start). Figure 1 illustrates the routes for Type I test. This test shall be carried out on all vehicles referred to in paragraph 1.and its sub-paragraphs. The vehicle is placed on a chassis dynamometer equipped with a means of load and inertia simulation. A test lasting a total of 19 minutes and 40 seconds, made up of two parts, One and Two, is performed without interruption. An unsampled period of not more than 20 seconds may, with the agreement of the manufacturer, be introduced between the end of Part One and the beginning of Part Two in order to facilitate adjustment of the test equipment. Vehicles that are fuelled with LPG or NG/biomethane shall be tested in the Type I test for variation in the composition of LPG or NG/biomethane, as set out in Annex 12. Vehicles that can be fuelled either with petrol or LPG or NG/biomethane shall be tested on both the fuels, tests on LPG or NG/biomethane being performed for variation in the composition of LPG or NG/biomethane, as set out in Annex 12. Notwithstanding the requirement of paragraph, vehicles that can be fuelled with either petrol or a gaseous fuel, but where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol will be regarded for the test Type I as vehicles that can only run on a gaseous fuel. Part One of the test is made up of four elementary urban cycles. Each elementary urban cycle comprises fifteen phases (idling, acceleration, steady speed, deceleration, etc.). Part Two of the test is made up of one extra-urban cycle. The extra-urban cycle comprises 13 phases (idling, acceleration, steady speed, deceleration, etc.). During the test, the exhaust gases are diluted and a proportional sample collected in one or more bags. The exhaust gases of the vehicle tested are diluted, sampled and analysed, following the procedure described below, and the total volume of the diluted exhaust is measured. Not only the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions but also the particulate pollutant emissions from vehicles equipped with compression-ignition engines are recorded. The test is carried out using the procedure of Type I test as described in Annex 4a. The method used to collect and analyse the gases is prescribed in Appendix 2 and 3 of Annex 4a, and the method to sample and analyse the particulates shall be as prescribed in Appendix 4 and 5 of Annex 4a. Subject to the requirements of paragraph the test shall be repeated three times. The results are multiplied by the appropriate deterioration factors obtained from paragraph 5.3.6. and, in the case of periodically regenerating systems as defined in paragraph 2.20., also must be multiplied by the factors Ki obtained from Annex 13. The resulting masses of gaseous emissions and, in the case of vehicles equipped with compression-ignition engines, the mass of particulates obtained in each test shall be less than the limits shown in the Table 1 below:

Table 1

Emissions limit

Limit values


Reference mass(RM)


Mass of carbon monoxide

Mass of total hydrocarbons

Mass of non- methane hydrocarbons (NMHC)

Mass of oxides of nitrogen

Combined mass of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen

(THC + NOx)

Mass of particulate matter

Number of particles








L2 + L3



















PI 1




















6.0 x 1011



RM ≤ 1,305














6.0 x 1011


1,305 < RM ≤ 1,760














6.0 x 1011


1,760 < RM














6.0 x 1011

















6.0 x 1011

Key: PI = Positive Ignition, CI = Compression Ignition

(1) Positive ignition particulate mass standard shall apply only to vehicles with direct injection engines. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, for each pollutant or combination of pollutants, one of the three resulting masses obtained may exceed, by not more than 10 per cent, the limit prescribed, provided the arithmetical mean of the three results is below the prescribed limit. Where the prescribed limits are exceeded for more than one pollutant, it is immaterial whether this occurs in the same test or in different tests. When the tests are performed with gaseous fuels, the resulting mass of gaseous emissions shall be less than the limits for petrol-engined vehicles in the above table. The number of tests prescribed in paragraph is reduced in the conditions hereinafter defined, where V1 is the result of the first test and V2 the result of the second test for each pollutant or for the combined emission of two pollutants subject to limitation. Only one test is performed if the result obtained for each pollutant or for the combined emission of two pollutants subject to limitation, is less than or equal to 0.70 L (i.e. V1  0.70 L). If the requirement of paragraph is not satisfied, only two tests are performed if, for each pollutant or for the combined emission of two pollutants subject to limitation, the following requirements are met:

V1   0.85 L and V1 + V2  1.70 L and V2  L.


Figure 1

Flow chart for Type I type approval

5.3.2.  Type II test (Carbon monoxide emission test at idling speed) This test is carried out on all vehicles powered by positive-ignition engines having: Vehicles that can be fuelled either with petrol or with LPG or NG/biomethane shall be tested in the test Type II on both fuels. Notwithstanding the requirement of paragraph, vehicles that can be fuelled with either petrol or a gaseous fuel, but where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol will be regarded for the test Type II as vehicles that can only run on a gaseous fuel.  For the Type II test set out in Annex 5, at normal engine idling speed, the maximum permissible carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gases shall be that stated by the vehicle manufacturer. However, the maximum carbon monoxide content shall not exceed 0.3 per cent vol.

  At high idle speed, the carbon monoxide content by volume of the exhaust gases shall not exceed 0.2 per cent, with the engine speed being at least 2,000 min-1 and Lambda being 1 ±0.03 or in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer.

5.3.3. Type III test (verifying emissions of crankcase gases) This test shall be carried out on all vehicles referred to in paragraph 1. except those having compression-ignition engines. Vehicles that can be fuelled either with petrol or with LPG or NG should be tested in the Type III test on petrol only. Notwithstanding the requirement of paragraph, vehicles that can be fuelled with either petrol or a gaseous fuel, but where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol will be regarded for the test Type III as vehicles that can only run on a gaseous fuel. When tested in accordance with Annex 6, the engine's crankcase ventilation system shall not permit the emission of any of the crankcase gases into the atmosphere.

5.3.4. Type IV test (Determination of evaporative emissions) This test shall be carried out on all vehicles referred to in paragraph 1. except those vehicles having a compression-ignition engine, vehicles fuelled with LPG or NG/biomethane. Vehicles that can be fuelled either with petrol or with LPG or with NG/biomethane should be tested in the Type IV test on petrol only. When tested in accordance with Annex 7, evaporative emissions shall be less than 2 g/test.

5.3.5. Type VI test (Verifying the average low ambient temperature carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon exhaust emissions after a cold start). This test shall not be applied to compression ignition vehicles.

   However, for compression ignition vehicles when applying for type approval, manufacturers shall present to the Approval Authority information showing that the NOX after treatment device reaches a sufficiently high temperature for efficient operation within 400 seconds after a cold start at -7 °C as described in Type VI test.

  In addition, the manufacturer shall provide the Approval Authority with information on the operating strategy of the exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR), including its functioning at low temperatures.

  This information shall also include a description of any effects on emissions.

  The Approval Authority shall not grant type approval if the information provided is insufficient to demonstrate that the after treatment device actually reaches a sufficiently high temperature for efficient operation within the designated period of time. The vehicle is placed on a chassis dynamometer equipped with a means of load an inertia simulation. The test consists of the four elementary urban driving cycles of Part One of the Type I test. The Part One test is described in paragraph 6.1.1. of Annex 4a, and illustrated in figure 1 of the same annex. The low ambient temperature test lasting a total of 780 seconds shall be carried out without interruption and start at engine cranking. The low ambient temperature test shall be carried out at an ambient test temperature of 266 K (-7°C). Before the test is carried out, the test vehicles shall be conditioned in a uniform manner to ensure that the test results may be reproducible. The conditioning and other test procedures are carried out as described in Annex 8. During the test, the exhaust gases are diluted and a proportional sample collected. The exhaust gases of the vehicle tested are diluted, sampled and analysed, following the procedure described in Annex 8, and the total volume of the diluted exhaust is measured. The diluted exhaust gases are analysed for carbon monoxide and total hydrocarbons. Subject to the requirements in paragraphs and the test shall be performed three times. The resulting mass of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission shall be less than the limits shown in the table below:

 Emission limit for the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon tailpipe emissions after a cold start test

Test temperature 266 K (-7 °C)

Vehicle catgory


Mass of carbon monoxide

L1 (g/km)

Mass of hydrocarbons (HC)
L2 (g/km)


















3.2 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, for each pollutant, not more than one of the three results obtained may exceed the limit prescribed by not more than 10 per cent, provided the arithmetical mean value of the three results is below the prescribed limit. Where the prescribed limits are exceeded for more than one pollutant, it is immaterial whether this occurs in the same test or in different tests. The number of tests prescribed in paragraph may, at the request of the manufacturer, be increased to 10 if the arithmetical mean of the first three results is lower than 110 per cent of the limit. In this case, the requirement after testing is only that the arithmetical mean of all 10 results shall be less than the limit value. The number of tests prescribed in paragraph may be reduced according to paragraphs and Only one test is performed if the result obtained for each pollutant of the first test is less than or equal to 0.70 L. If the requirement of paragraph is not satisfied, only two tests are performed if for each pollutant the result of the first test is less than or equal to 0.85 L and the sum of the first two results is less than or equal to 1.70 L and the result of the second test is less than or equal to L.

(V1  0.85 L and V1 + V2  1.70 L and V2  L).

5.3.6. Type V test (Durability of anti-pollution devices) This test shall be carried out on all vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 to which the test specified in paragraph 5.3.1. applies. The test represents an ageing test of 160,000 km driven in accordance with the programme described in Annex 9 on a test track, on the road or on a chassis dynamometer. Vehicles that can be fuelled either with petrol or with LPG or NG should be tested in the Type V test on petrol only. In that case the deterioration factor found with unleaded petrol will also be taken for LPG or NG. Notwithstanding the requirement of paragraph, a manufacturer may choose to have the deterioration factors from the following table used as an alternative to testing to paragraph

Engine Category

Assigned deterioration factors





HC + NOx


Matter (PM)


















 At the request of the manufacturer, the Technical Service may carry out the Type I test before the Type V test has been completed using the deterioration factors in the table above. On completion of the Type V test, the Technical Service may then amend the type approval results recorded in Annex 2 by replacing the deterioration factors in the above table with those measured in the Type V Test. Deterioration factors are determined using either procedure in paragraph or using the values in the table in paragraph The factors are used to establish compliance with the requirements of paragraphs and

5.3.7. Emission data required for roadworthiness testing This requirement applies to all vehicles powered by a positive-ignition engine for which type approval is sought in accordance with this amendment. When tested in accordance with Annex 5 (Type II test) at normal idling speed:

(a) The carbon monoxide content by volume of the exhaust  gases emitted shall be recorded;

(b) The engine speed during the test shall be recorded, including any tolerances. When tested at "high idle" speed (i. e. > 2,000 min.-1)

(a) The carbon monoxide content by volume of the exhaust gases emitted shall be recorded;

(b) The Lambda value (*) shall be recorded;

(c) The engine speed during the test shall be recorded, including any tolerances.

(*) The Lambda value shall be calculated using the simplified Brettschneider equation  as follows:


[ ]


concentration in per cent volume,




conversion factor for NDIR measurement to FID measurement (provided by manufacturer of measuring equipment),



Atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon,




(a) for petrol (E5) 1.89

(b) for LPG 2.53

 (c) for NG/biomethane 4.0

(d) for ethanol (E85) 2.74




Atomic ratio of oxygen to carbon,




(a) for petrol (E5) 0.016

(b) for LPG 0.0

(c) for NG/biomethane 0.0

(d) for ethanol (E85) 0.39 The engine oil temperature at the time of the test shall be measured and recorded. The table in item 2.2 to Annex 2 shall be completed. The manufacturer shall confirm the accuracy of the Lambda value recorded at the time of type approval in paragraph as being representative of typical production vehicles within 24 months of the date of the granting of type approval by the Competent Authority. An assessment shall be made based on surveys and studies of production vehicles.

5.3.8. On-board diagnostics OBD - test

 This test shall be carried out on all vehicles referred to in paragraph 1. The test procedure described in Annex 11, paragraph 3. shall be followed.

  6.  Modifications of the vehicle type

6.1.  Every modification of the vehicle type shall be notified to the Technical Service that approved the vehicle type. The department may then either:

6.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle still complies with the requirement; or

6.1.2. Require a further test report from the Technical Service responsible for conducting the tests.

6.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.

6.3. The type Approval Authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series number to the extension and inform thereof the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

  7.  Extensions to type approvals

7.1.  Extensions for tailpipe emissions (Type I, Type II and Type VI tests)

7.1.1.  Vehicles with different reference masses The type approval shall be extended only to vehicles with a reference mass requiring the use of the next two higher equivalent inertia or any lower equivalent inertia. For category N vehicles, the approval shall be extended only to vehicles with a lower reference mass, if the emissions of the vehicle already approved are within the limits prescribed for the vehicle for which extension of the approval is requested.

7.1.2.  Vehicles with different overall transmission ratios The type approval shall be extended to vehicles with different transmission ratios only under certain conditions. To determine whether type approval can be extended, for each of the transmission ratios used in the Type I and Type VI tests, the proportion,

  E = |(V2 − V1)|/V1

  shall be determined where, at an engine speed of 1,000 min-1, V1 is the speed of the type of vehicle approved and V2 is the speed of the vehicle type for which extension of the approval is requested. If, for each transmission ratio, E ≤ 8 per cent, the extension shall be granted without repeating the Type I and Type VI tests. If, for at least one transmission ratio, E > 8 per cent, and if, for each gear ratio, E ≤ 13 per cent, the Type I and Type VI tests shall be repeated. The tests may be performed in a laboratory chosen by the manufacturer subject to the approval of the Technical Service. The report of the tests shall be sent to the Technical Service responsible for the type approval tests.

7.1.3.  Vehicles with different reference masses and transmission ratios

  The type approval shall be extended to vehicles with different reference masses and transmission ratios, provided that all the conditions prescribed in paragraphs 7.1.1. and 7.1.2. are fulfilled.

7.1.4.  Vehicles with periodically regenerating systems

  The type approval of a vehicle type equipped with a periodically regenerating system shall be extended to other vehicles with periodically regenerating systems, whose parameters described below are identical, or within the stated tolerances. The extension shall only relate to measurements specific to the defined periodically regenerating system. Identical parameters for extending approval are:

 (a) Engine;

 (b) Combustion process;

 (c) Periodically regenerating system (i.e. catalyst, particulate trap);

 (d) Construction (i.e. type of enclosure, type of precious metal, type of substrate, cell density);

 (e) Type and working principle;

 (f) Dosage and additive system;

 (g) Volume ±10 per cent;

 (h) Location (temperature ±50 °C at 120 km/h or 5 per cent difference of max. temperature/pressure). Use of Ki factors for vehicles with different reference masses

  The Ki factors developed by the procedures in paragraph 3. of Annex 13 of this Regulation for type approval of a vehicle type with a periodically regenerating system, may be used by other vehicles which meet the criteria referred to in paragraph and have a reference mass within the next two higher equivalent inertia classes or any lower equivalent inertia.

7.1.5.  Application of extensions to other vehicles

  When an extension has been granted in accordance with paragraphs 7.1.1. to 7.1.4., such a type approval shall not be further extended to other vehicles.

7.2.  Extensions for evaporative emissions (Type IV test)

7.2.1.  The type approval shall be extended to vehicles equipped with a control system for evaporative emissions which meet the following conditions: The basic principle of fuel/air metering (e.g. single point injection,) is the same. The shape of the fuel tank and the material of the fuel tank and liquid fuel hoses is identical. The worst-case vehicle with regard to the cross-paragraph and approximate hose length shall be tested. Whether non-identical vapour/liquid separators are acceptable is decided by the Technical Service responsible for the type approval tests. The fuel tank volume is within a range of ±10 per cent. The setting of the fuel tank relief valve is identical. The method of storage of the fuel vapour is identical, i.e. trap form and volume, storage medium, air cleaner (if used for evaporative emission control), etc. The method of purging the stored vapour is identical (e.g. air flow, start point or purge volume over the preconditioning cycle). The method of sealing and venting the fuel metering system is identical.

7.2.2.  The type approval shall be extended to vehicles with: Different engine sizes; Different engine powers; Automatic and manual gearboxes; Two and four wheel transmissions; Different body styles; and Different wheel and tyre sizes.

7.3.  Extensions for durability of pollution control devices (Type V test)

7.3.1.  The type approval shall be extended to different vehicle types, provided that the vehicle, engine or pollution control system parameters specified below are identical or remain within the prescribed tolerances: Vehicle:

  Inertia category: the two inertia categories immediately above and any inertia category below.

  Total road load at 80 km/h: +5 per cent above and any value below. Engine

 (a) Engine cylinder capacity (15 per cent);

 (b) Number and control of valves;

 (c) Fuel system;

 (d) Type of cooling system;

 (e) Combustion process. Pollution control system parameters:

 (a) Catalytic converters and particulate filters:

  (i) Number of catalytic converters, filters and elements;

  (ii) Size of catalytic converters and filters (volume of monolith   ±10 per cent);

  (iii) Type of catalytic activity (oxidizing, three-way, lean NOx trap,   SCR, lean NOx catalyst or other);

  (iv) Precious metal load (identical or higher);

  (v) Precious metal type and ratio (±15 per cent);

  (vi) Substrate (structure and material);

  (vii) Cell density;

 (viii) Temperature variation of no more than 50 K at the inlet of the  catalytic converter or filter. This temperature variation shall               be checked under stabilized conditions at a speed of 120 km/h               and the load setting of the Type I test.

 (b) Air injection:

    (i) With or without;

    (ii) Type (pulsair, air pumps, other(s)).

  (c) EGR:

    (i) With or without;

    (ii) Type (cooled or non cooled, active or passive control, high                 pressure or low pressure). The durability test may be carried out using a vehicle, which has a different body style, gear box (automatic or manual) and size of the wheels or tyres, from those of the vehicle type for which the type approval is sought.

7.4.  Extensions for on-board diagnostics

7.4.1.  The type approval shall be extended to different vehicles with identical engine and emission control systems as defined in Annex 11, Appendix 2. The type approval shall be extended regardless of the following vehicle characteristics:

  (a) Engine accessories;

  (b) Tyres;

  (c) Equivalent inertia;

  (d) Cooling system;

  (e) Overall gear ratio;

  (f) Transmission type; and

  (g) Type of bodywork.

  8.  Conformity of production (COP)

8.1.  Every vehicle bearing an approval mark as prescribed under this Regulation shall conform, with regard to components affecting the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants by the engine, emissions from the crankcase and evaporative emissions, to the vehicle type approved. The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the 1958 Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements set out in the paragraphs below.

8.1.1.  Where applicable the tests of Types I, II, III, IV and the test for OBD shall be performed, as described in Table A to this Regulation. The specific procedures for conformity of production are set out in the paragraphs 8.2. to 8.10.

8.2.  Checking the conformity of the vehicle for a Type I test

8.2.1.  The Type I test shall be carried out on a vehicle of the same specification as described in the type approval certificate. When a Type I test is to be carried out for a vehicle type approval that has one or several extensions, the Type I tests shall be carried out either on the vehicle described in the initial information package or on the vehicle described in the information package relating to the relevant extension.

8.2.2.  After selection by the Approval Authority, the manufacturer shall not undertake any adjustment to the vehicles selected. Three vehicles shall be selected at random in the series and tested as described in paragraph 5.3.1. of this Regulation. The deterioration factors shall be used in the same way. The limit values are set out in paragraph, Table 1. If the Approval Authority is satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 1 of this Regulation. If the Approval Authority is not satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 2 of this Regulation. The production of a series shall be deemed to conform or not to conform on the basis of a sampling test of the vehicles once a pass decision is reached for all the pollutants or a fail decision is reached for one pollutant, according to the test criteria applied in the appropriate appendix.

  When a pass decision has been reached for one pollutant, that decision shall not be changed by any additional tests carried out to reach a decision for the other pollutants.

  If no pass decision is reached for all the pollutants and no fail decision is reached for one pollutant, a test shall be carried out on another vehicle (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

8.2.3.  Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 5.3.1. of this Regulation, the tests shall be carried out on vehicles coming straight off the production line. However, at the request of the manufacturer, the tests may be carried out on vehicles which have completed:

 (a) A maximum of 3,000 km for vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine;

 (b) A maximum of 15,000 km for vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine.

  The running-in procedure shall be conducted by the manufacturer, who shall undertake not to make any adjustments to these vehicles. If the manufacturer wishes to run in the vehicles, ("x" km, where x ≤ 3,000 km for vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine and x ≤ 15,000 km for vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine), the procedure shall be the following:

 (a) The pollutant emissions (Type I) shall be measured at zero and at "x" km on the first tested vehicle;

 (b) The evolution coefficient of the emissions between zero and "x" km shall be calculated for each of the pollutant:

   Emissions "x" km/Emissions zero km

  This may be less than 1; and

 (c) The other vehicles shall not be run in, but their zero km emissions shall be multiplied by the evolution coefficient.

    In this case, the values to be taken shall be:

    (i) The values at "x" km for the first vehicle;

   (ii) The values at zero km multiplied by the evolution coefficient   for the other vehicles. All these tests shall be conducted with commercial fuel. However, at the manufacturer's request, the reference fuels described in Annex 10 or Annex 10a may be used.

8.3.  Checking the conformity of the vehicle for a Type III test

8.3.1.  If a Type III test is to be carried out, it shall be conducted on all vehicles selected for the Type I conformity of production test set out in paragraph 8.2. The conditions laid down in Annex 6 shall apply.

8.4.  Checking the conformity of the vehicle for a Type IV test

8.4.1.  If a Type IV test is to be carried out, it shall be conducted in accordance with Annex 7.

8.5.  Checking the conformity of the vehicle for On-board Diagnostics (OBD)

8.5.1.  If a verification of the performance of the OBD system is to be carried out, it shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements: When the Approval Authority determines that the quality of production seems unsatisfactory, a vehicle shall be randomly taken from the series and subjected to the tests described in Appendix 1 to Annex 11. The production shall be deemed to conform if this vehicle meets the requirements of the tests described in Appendix 1 to Annex 11. If the vehicle taken from the series does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph, a further random sample of four vehicles shall be taken from the series and subjected to the tests described in Appendix 1 to Annex 11. The tests may be carried out on vehicles which have been run in for no more than 15,000 km. The production shall be deemed to conform if at least three vehicles meet the requirements of the tests described in Annex 11, Appendix 1.

8.6.  Checking the conformity of a vehicle fuelled by LPG or NG/biomethane

8.6.1.  Tests for conformity of production may be performed with a commercial fuel of which the C3/C4 ratio lies between those of the reference fuels in the case of LPG, or of which the Wobbe index lies between those of the extreme reference fuels in the case of NG/biomethane. In that case a fuel analysis shall be presented to the Approval Authority.

  9.  In-service conformity

9.1.  Introduction

  This paragraph sets out the in-service conformity requirements for vehicles type approved to this Regulation.

9.2.  Audit of in-service conformity

9.2.1.  The audit of in-service conformity by the Approval Authority shall be conducted on the basis of any relevant information that the manufacturer has, under the same procedures as those for the conformity of production defined in Appendix 2 to Agreement E/ECE/324//E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2. Information from Approval Authority and Contracting Party surveillance testing may complement the in-service monitoring reports supplied by the manufacturer.

9.2.2.  The figures 4/1 and 4/2 of Appendix 4 to this Regulation illustrate the procedure for in-service conformity checking. The process for in-service conformity is described in Appendix 5 to this Regulation.

9.2.3.  As part of the information provided for the in-service conformity control, at the request of the Approval Authority, the manufacturer shall report to the type Approval Authority on warranty claims, warranty repair works and OBD faults recorded at servicing, according to a format agreed at type approval. The information shall detail the frequency and substance of faults for emissions related components and systems. The reports shall be filed at least once a year for each vehicle model for the duration of the period of up to 5 years of age or 100,000 km, whichever is the sooner.

9.2.4.  Parameters defining the in-service family

  The in-service family may be defined by basic design parameters which shall be common to vehicles within the family. Accordingly, vehicle types may be considered as belonging to the same in-service family if they have in common, or within the stated tolerances, the following parameters: Combustion process (two stroke, four stroke, rotary); Number of cylinders; Configuration of the cylinder block (in-line, V, radial, horizontally opposed, other). The inclination or orientation of the cylinders is not a criteria); Method of engine fuelling (e.g. indirect or direct injection); Type of cooling system (air, water, oil); Method of aspiration (naturally aspirated, pressure charged); Fuel for which the engine is designed (petrol, diesel, NG/biomethane, LPG, etc.). Bi-fuelled vehicles may be grouped with dedicated fuel vehicles providing one of the fuels is common; Type of catalytic converter (three-way catalyst, lean NOX trap, SCR, lean NOX catalyst or other(s)); Type of particulate trap (with or without); Exhaust gas recirculation (with or without, cooled or non cooled); and Engine cylinder capacity of the largest engine within the family minus 30 per cent.

9.2.5.  Information requirements

  An audit of in-service conformity will be conducted by the Approval Authority on the basis of information supplied by the manufacturer. Such information shall include in particular, the following: The name and address of the manufacturer; The name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the authorized representative within the areas covered by the manufacturer's information; The model name(s) of the vehicles included in the manufacturer's information; Where appropriate, the list of vehicle types covered within the manufacturer's information, i.e. the in-service family group in accordance with paragraph 9.2.1.; The vehicle identification number (VIN) codes applicable to these vehicle types within the in-service family (VIN prefix); The numbers of the type approvals applicable to these vehicle types within the in-service family, including, where applicable, the numbers of all extensions and field fixes/recalls (re-works); Details of extensions, field fixes/recalls to those type approvals for the vehicles covered within the manufacturer's information (if requested by the Approval Authority); The period of time over which the manufacturer's information was collected; The vehicle build period covered within the manufacturer's information (e.g. vehicles manufactured during the 2007 calendar year); The manufacturer's in-service conformity checking procedure, including:

 (a) Vehicle location method;

 (b) Vehicle selection and rejection criteria;

 (c) Test types and procedures used for the programme;

 (d) The manufacturer's acceptance/rejection criteria for the in-service family group;

 (e) Geographical area(s) within which the manufacturer has collected information;

 (f) Sample size and sampling plan used. The results from the manufacturer's in-service conformity procedure, including:

 (a) Identification of the vehicles included in the programme (whether tested or not). The identification shall include the following:

  (i) Model name;

  (ii) Vehicle identification number (VIN);

  (iii) Vehicle registration number;

  (iv) Date of manufacture;

  (v) Region of use (where known);

  (vi) Tyres fitted.

 (b) The reason(s) for rejecting a vehicle from the sample;

 (c) Service history for each vehicle in the sample (including any re-works);

 (d) Repair history for each vehicle in the sample (where known);

 (e) Test data, including the following:

  (i) Date of test;

  (ii) Location of test;

  (iii) Distance indicated on vehicle odometer;

  (iv) Test fuel specifications (e.g. test reference fuel or market fuel);

  (v) Test conditions (temperature, humidity, dynamometer inertia   weight);

  (vi) Dynamometer settings (e.g. power setting);

  (vii) Test results (from at least three different vehicles per family).  Records of indication from the OBD system.

9.3.  Selection of vehicles for in-service conformity

9.3.1.  The information gathered by the manufacturer shall be sufficiently comprehensive to ensure that in-service performance can be assessed for normal conditions of use as defined in paragraph 9.2. The manufacturer's sampling shall be drawn from at least two Contracting Parties with substantially different vehicle operating conditions. Factors such as differences in fuels, ambient conditions, average road speeds, and urban/highway driving split shall be taken into consideration in the selection of the Contracting Parties.

9.3.2.  In selecting the Contracting Parties for sampling vehicles, the manufacturer may select vehicles from a Contracting Party that is considered to be particularly representative. In this case, the manufacturer shall demonstrate to the Approval Authority which granted the type approval that the selection is representative (e.g. by the market having the largest annual sales of a vehicle family within the applicable Contracting Party). When an in-service family requires more than one sample lot to be tested as defined in paragraph 9.3.5., the vehicles in the second and third sample lots shall reflect different vehicle operating conditions from those selected for the first sample.

9.3.3.  The emissions testing may be done at a test facility which is located in a different market or region from where the vehicles have been selected.

9.3.4.  The in-service conformity tests by the manufacturer shall be continuously carried out reflecting the production cycle of applicable vehicles types within a given in-service vehicle family. The maximum time period between commencing two in-service conformity checks shall not exceed 18 months. In the case of vehicle types covered by an extension to the type approval that did not require an emissions test, this period may be extended up to 24 months.

9.3.5.  When applying the statistical procedure defined in Appendix 4, the number of sample lots shall depend on the annual sales volume of an in-service family in the territories of a regional organization (e.g. European Community), as defined in the following table:

Registrations per calendar year

Number of sample lots

Up to 100,000


100,001 to 200,000


Above 200,000


9.4.  On the basis of the audit referred to in paragraph 9.2., the Approval Authority shall adopt one of the following decisions and actions:

 (a) Decide that the in-service conformity of a vehicle type or a vehicle in-service family is satisfactory and not take any further action;

 (b) Decide that the data provided by the manufacturer is insufficient to reach a decision and request additional information or test data from the manufacturer;

 (c) Decide that based on data from the Approval Authority or Contracting Party surveillance testing programmes, that information provided by the manufacturer is insufficient to reach a decision and request additional information or test data from the manufacturer;

 (d) Decide that the in-service conformity of a vehicle type, that is part of an in-service family, is unsatisfactory and proceed to have such vehicle type tested in accordance with Appendix 3.

9.4.1.  Where Type I tests are considered necessary to check the conformity of emission control devices with the requirements for their performance while in service, such tests shall be carried out using a test procedure meeting the statistical criteria defined in Appendix 2.

9.4.2.  The Approval Authority, in cooperation with the manufacturer, shall select a sample of vehicles with sufficient mileage whose use under normal conditions can be reasonably assured. The manufacturer shall be consulted on the choice of the vehicles in the sample and allowed to attend the confirmatory checks of the vehicles.

9.4.3.  The manufacturer shall be authorized, under the supervision of the Approval Authority, to carry out checks, even of a destructive nature, on those vehicles with emission levels in excess of the limit values with a view to establishing possible causes of deterioration which cannot be attributed to the manufacturer (e.g. use of leaded petrol before the test date). Where the results of the checks confirm such causes, those test results shall be excluded from the conformity check.

  10.  Penalties for non-conformity of production

10.1.  The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this amendment, may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1. above are not complied with or if the vehicle or vehicles taken fail to pass the tests prescribed in paragraph 8.1.1. above.

10.2.  If a Contracting Party which applies this Regulation withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation, by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

  11.  Production definitely discontinued

 If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the type Approval Authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of copies of the communication form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

  12.  Transitional provisions

12.1. General provisions

12.1.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 06 series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant approval under this Regulation as amended by the 06 series of amendments.

12.2. Special provisions

12.2.1. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may continue to grant approvals to those vehicles which comply with previous levels of this Regulation, provided that the vehicles are intended for export to countries to apply the relating requirements in their national legislations.

  13.  Names and addresses of Technical Services     responsible for conducting approval tests, and of                                           Administrative Departments

 The Parties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.

Appendix 1

  Procedure for verifying the conformity of production requirements if the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer is satisfactory

1. This appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify the production conformity for the Type I Test when the manufacturer's production standard deviation is satisfactory.

2. With a minimum sample size of 3, the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a lot passing a test with 40 per cent of the production defective is 0.95 (producer's risk = 5 per cent) while the probability of a lot being accepted with 65 per cent of the production defective is 0.l (consumer's risk
= 10 per cent).

3. For each of the pollutants given in Table 1 of paragraph of this Regulation, the following procedure is used (see Figure 2 of this Regulation).


 L = the natural logarithm of the limit value for the pollutant,

 xi = the natural logarithm of the measurement for the i-th vehicle of the   sample,

 s = an estimate of the production standard deviation (after taking the   natural logarithm of the measurements),

 n = the current sample number.

4.  Compute for the sample the test statistic quantifying the sum of the standard deviations from the limit and defined as:

5.  Then:

5.1.  If the test statistic is greater than the pass decision number for the sample size given in Table 1/1 below, the pollutant is passed;

5.2.  If the test statistic is less than the fail decision number for the sample size given in Table 1/1 below, the pollutant is failed; otherwise, an additional vehicle is tested and the calculation reapplied to the sample with a sample size one unit greater.








Table 1/1

Cumulative number
of tested vehicles (current sample size)

Pass decision threshold

Fail decision threshold




























































































Appendix 2

  Procedure for verifying the conformity of production requirements if the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer is either not satisfactory or not available

1. This Appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify the production conformity requirements for the Type I test when the manufacturer's evidence of production standard deviation is either not satisfactory or not available.

2.  With a minimum sample size of 3, the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a lot passing a test with 40 per cent of the production defective is 0.95 (producer's risk = 5 per cent) while the probability of a lot being accepted with 65 per cent of the production defective is 0.l (consumer's risk = 10 per cent).

3. The measurements of the pollutants given in Table 1 of paragraph of this Regulation are considered to be log normally distributed and shall first be transformed by taking their natural logarithms. Let m0 and m denote the minimum and maximum sample sizes respectively (m0 = 3 and m = 32) and let n denote the current sample number.

4.  If the natural logarithms of the measurements in the series are x1,x2..., xi and L is the natural logarithm of the limit value for the pollutant, then define:

  d1 = x1 – L




5. Table 1/2 shows values of the pass (An) and fail (Bn) decision numbers against current sample number. The test statistic is the ratio n/Vn and shall be used to determine whether the series has passed or failed as follows:

  For mo  n  m

  (i) Pass the series if 

  (ii) Fail the series if 

  (iii) Take another measurement if 

6.  Remarks

  The following recursive formulae are useful for computing successive values of the test statistic:

Table 1/2

Minimum sample size = 3

Sample size

Pass decision threshold

Fail decision threshold




























































































Appendix 3

  In-service conformity check

1.  Introduction

 This appendix sets out the criteria referred to in paragraph 8.2.7. of this Regulation regarding the selection of vehicles for testing and the procedures for the in-service conformity control.

2.  Selection criteria

 The criteria for acceptance of a selected vehicle are defined in paragraphs 2.1. to 2.8. of this appendix. Information is collected by vehicle examination and an interview with the owner/driver.

2.1. The vehicle shall belong to a vehicle type that is type approved under this Regulation and covered by a certificate of conformity in accordance with the 1958 Agreement. It shall be registered and used in a country of the Contracting Parties.

2.2. The vehicle shall have been in service for at least 15,000 km or 6 months, whichever is the later, and for no more than 100,000 km or 5 years, whichever is the sooner.

2.3. There shall be a maintenance record to show that the vehicle has been properly maintained, e.g. has been serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

2.4. The vehicle shall exhibit no indications of abuse (e.g. racing, overloading, misfuelling, or other misuse), or other factors (e.g. tampering) that could affect emission performance. In the case of vehicles fitted with an OBD system, the fault code and mileage information stored in the computer is taken into account. A vehicle shall not be selected for testing if the information stored in the computer shows that the vehicle has operated after a fault code was stored and a relatively prompt repair was not carried out.

2.5. There shall have been no unauthorised major repair to the engine or major repair of the vehicle.

2.6. The lead content and sulphur content of a fuel sample from the vehicle tank shall meet applicable standards and there shall be no evidence of misfuelling. Checks may be done in the exhaust, etc.

2.7. There shall be no indication of any problem that might jeopardise the safety of laboratory personnel.

2.8. All anti-pollution system components on the vehicle shall be in conformity with the applicable type approval.

3.  Diagnosis and maintenance

 Diagnosis and any normal maintenance necessary shall be performed on vehicles accepted for testing, prior to measuring exhaust emissions, in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraphs 3.1. to 3.7. below.

3.1.  The following checks shall be carried out: checks on air filter, all drive belts, all fluid levels, radiator cap, all vacuum hoses and electrical wiring related to the anti-pollution system for integrity; checks on ignition, fuel metering and anti-pollution device components for maladjustments and/or tampering. All discrepancies shall be recorded.

3.2. The OBD system shall be checked for proper functioning. Any malfunction indications in the OBD memory shall be recorded and the requisite repairs shall be carried out. If the OBD malfunction indicator registers a malfunction during a preconditioning cycle, the fault may be identified and repaired. The test may be re-run and the results of that repaired vehicle used.

3.3. The ignition system shall be checked and defective components replaced, for example spark plugs, cables, etc.

3.4. The compression shall be checked. If the result is unsatisfactory the vehicle is rejected.

3.5. The engine parameters shall be checked to the manufacturer's specifications and adjusted if necessary.

3.6. If the vehicle is within 800 km of a scheduled maintenance service, that service shall be performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Regardless of odometer reading, the oil and air filter may be changed at the request of the manufacturer.

3.7. Upon acceptance of the vehicle, the fuel shall be replaced with appropriate emission test reference fuel, unless the manufacturer accepts the use of market fuel.

3.8. In the case of vehicles equipped with periodically regenerating systems as defined in paragraph 2.20., it shall be established that the vehicle is not approaching a regeneration period. (The manufacturer must be given the opportunity to confirm this).

3.8.1. If this is the case, the vehicle must be driven until the end of the regeneration. If regeneration occurs during emissions measurement, then a further test must be carried out to ensure that regeneration has been completed. A complete new test shall then be performed, and the first and second test results not taken into account.

3.8.2. As an alternative to paragraph 3.8.1., if the vehicle is approaching a regeneration the manufacturer may request that a specific conditioning cycle is used to ensure that regeneration (e.g. this may involve high speed, high load driving).

 The manufacturer may request that testing may be carried out immediately after regeneration or after the conditioning cycle specified by the manufacturer and normal test preconditioning.

4.  In-service testing

4.1. When a check on vehicles is deemed necessary, emission tests in accordance with Annex 4a to this Regulation are performed on pre-conditioned vehicles selected in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 2. and 3. of this Appendix. Pre-conditioning cycles additional to those specified in paragraph 6.3. of Annex 4a to this Regulation will only be allowed if they are representative of normal driving.

4.2. Vehicles equipped with an OBD system may be checked for proper in-service functionality of the malfunction indication, etc., in relation to levels of emissions (e.g. the malfunction indication limits defined in Annex 11 to this Regulation) for the type approved specifications.

4.3. The OBD system may be checked, for example, for levels of emissions above the applicable limit values with no malfunction indication, systematic erroneous activation of the malfunction indication and identified faulty or deteriorated components in the OBD system.

4.4. If a component or system operates in a manner not covered by the particulars in the type approval certificate and/or information package for such vehicle types and such deviation has not been authorised under the 1958 Agreement, with no malfunction indication by the OBD, the component or system shall not be replaced prior to emission testing, unless it is determined that the component or system has been tampered with or abused in such a manner that the OBD does not detect the resulting malfunction.

5.  Evaluation of results

5.1. The test results are submitted to the evaluation procedure in accordance with Appendix 4.

5.2. Test results shall not be multiplied by deterioration factors.

5.3. In the case of periodically regenerating systems as defined in paragraph 2.20., the results shall be multiplied by the factors Ki obtained at the time when type approval was granted.

6.  Plan of remedial measures

6.1.  When more than one vehicle is found to be an outlying emitter  that either,

(a) Meets the conditions of paragraph 3.2.3. of Appendix 4 and where both the Approval Authority and the manufacturer agree that the excess emission is due to the same cause; or

(b) Meets the conditions of paragraph 3.2.4. of Appendix 4 where the Approval Authority has determined that the excess emission is due to the same cause.

 The Approval Authority must request the manufacturer to submit a plan of remedial measures to remedy the non-compliance.

6.2. The plan of remedial measures shall be filed with the type approval authority not later than 60 working days from the date of the notification referred to in paragraph 6.1. above. The type approval authority shall within 30 working days declare its approval or disapproval of the plan of remedial measures. However, where the manufacturer can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the competent type approval authority, that further time is required to investigate the non-compliance in order to submit a plan of remedial measures, an extension is granted.

6.3. The remedial measures shall apply to all vehicles likely to be affected by the same defect. The need to amend the type approval documents shall be assessed.

6.4. The manufacturer shall provide a copy of all communications related to the plan of remedial measures, and shall also maintain a record of the recall campaign, and supply regular status reports to the type approval authority.

6.5. The plan of remedial measures shall include the requirements specified in paragraphs 6.5.1. to 6.5.11. The manufacturer shall assign a unique identifying name or number to the plan of remedial measures.

6.5.1. A description of each vehicle type included in the plan of remedial measures.

6.5.2. A description of the specific modifications, alterations, repairs, corrections, adjustments, or other changes to be made to bring the vehicles into conformity including a brief summary of the data and technical studies which support the manufacturer's decision as to the particular measures to be taken to correct the non-conformity.

6.5.3. A description of the method by which the manufacturer informs the vehicle owners.

6.5.4. A description of the proper maintenance or use, if any, which the manufacturer stipulates as a condition of eligibility for repair under the plan of remedial measures, and an explanation of the manufacturer's reasons for imposing any such condition. No maintenance or use conditions may be imposed unless it is demonstrably related to the non-conformity and the remedial measures.

6.5.5. A description of the procedure to be followed by vehicle owners to obtain correction of the non-conformity. This shall include a date after which the remedial measures may be taken, the estimated time for the workshop to perform the repairs and where they can be done. The repair shall be done expediently, within a reasonable time after delivery of the vehicle.

6.5.6. A copy of the information transmitted to the vehicle owner.

6.5.7. A brief description of the system which the manufacturer uses to assure an adequate supply of component or systems for fulfilling the remedial action. It shall be indicated when there will be an adequate supply of components or systems to initiate the campaign.

6.5.8. A copy of all instructions to be sent to those persons who are to perform the repair.

6.5.9. A description of the impact of the proposed remedial measures on the emissions, fuel consumption, derivability, and safety of each vehicle type, covered by the plan of remedial measures with data, technical studies, etc. which support these conclusions.

6.5.10. Any other information, reports or data the type approval authority may reasonably determine is necessary to evaluate the plan of remedial measures.

6.5.11. Where the plan of remedial measures includes a recall, a description of the method for recording the repair shall be submitted to the type approval authority. If a label is used, an example of it shall be submitted.

6.6. The manufacturer may be required to conduct reasonably designed and necessary tests on components and vehicles incorporating a proposed change, repair, or modification to demonstrate the effectiveness of the change, repair, or modification.

6.7. The manufacturer is responsible for keeping a record of every vehicle recalled and repaired and the workshop which performed the repair. The type approval authority shall have access to the record on request for a period of 5 years from the implementation of the plan of remedial measures.

6.8. The repair and/or modification or addition of new equipment shall be recorded in a certificate supplied by the manufacturer to the vehicle owner.

Appendix 4

  Statistical procedure for in-service conformity testing

1. This appendix describes the procedure to be used to verify the in-service conformity requirements for the Type I test.

2. Two different procedures are to be followed:

 (i) One dealing with vehicles identified in the sample, due to an emission- related defect, causing outliers in the results (paragraph 3. below);

 (ii) The other deals with the total sample (paragraph 4. below).

3.  Procedure to be followed with outlying emitters in the sample

3.1. With a minimum sample size of three and a maximum sample size as determined by the procedure of paragraph 4., a vehicle is taken at random from the sample and the emissions of the regulated pollutants are measured to determine if it is an outlying emitter.

3.2. A vehicle is said to be an outlying emitter when the conditions given in paragraph 3.2.1. are met.

3.2.1. In the case of a vehicle that has been type-approved according to the limit values given in Table 1 in paragraph, an outlying emitter is a vehicle where the applicable limit value for any regulated pollutant is exceeded by a factor of 1.5.

3.2.2. In the specific case of a vehicle with a measured emission for any regulated pollutant within the "intermediate zone"[5]. If the vehicle meets the conditions of this paragraph, the cause of the excess emission must be determined and another vehicle is then taken at random from the sample. Where more than one vehicle meets the condition of this paragraph, the Administrative Department and the manufacturer must determine if the excess emission from both vehicles is due to the same cause or not. If the Administrative Department and the manufacturer both agree that the excess emission is due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having failed and the plan of remedial measures outlined in paragraph 6. of Appendix 3 applies. If the Administrative Department and the manufacturer can not agree on either the cause of the excess emission from an individual vehicle or whether the causes for more than one vehicle are the same, another vehicle is taken at random from the sample, unless the maximum sample size has already been reached. When only one vehicle meeting the conditions of this paragraph has been found, or when more than one vehicle has been found and the Administrative Department and the manufacturer agree it is due to different causes, another vehicle is taken at random from the sample, unless the maximum sample size has already been reached. If the maximum sample size is reached and not more than one vehicle meeting the requirements of this paragraph has been found where the excess emission is due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having passed with regard to the requirements of paragraph 3. of this appendix. If, at any time, the initial sample has been exhausted, another vehicle is added to the initial sample and that vehicle is taken. Whenever another vehicle is taken from the sample, the statistical procedure of paragraph 4. of this appendix is applied to the increased sample.

3.2.3. In the specific case of a vehicle with a measured emission for any regulated pollutant within the "failure zone"[2]. If the vehicle meets the conditions of this paragraph, the Administrative Department shall determine the cause of the excess emission and another vehicle is then taken at random from the sample. Where more than one vehicle meets the condition of this paragraph, and the Administrative Department determines that the excess emission is due to the same cause, the manufacturer shall be informed that the sample is regarded as having failed, together with the reasons for that decision, and the plan of remedial measures outlined in paragraph 6. of Appendix 3 applies. When only one vehicle meeting the conditions of this paragraph has been found, or when more than one vehicle has been found and the Administrative Department has determined that it is due to different causes, another vehicle is taken at random from the sample, unless the maximum sample size has already been reached. If the maximum sample size is reached and not more than one vehicle meeting the requirements of this paragraph has been found where the excess emission is due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having passed with regard to the requirements of paragraph 3. of this appendix. If, at any time, the initial sample has been exhausted, another vehicle is added to the initial sample and that vehicle is taken. Whenever another vehicle is taken from the sample, the statistical procedure of paragraph 4. of this appendix is applied to the increased sample.

3.2.4. Whenever a vehicle is not found to be an outlying emitter, another vehicle is taken at random from the sample.

3.3.  When an outlying emitter is found, the cause of the excess emission shall be determined.

3.4.  When more than one vehicle is found to be an outlying emitter, due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having failed.

3.5.  When only one outlying emitter has been found, or when more than one outlying emitter is found, but due to different causes, the sample is increased by one vehicle, unless the maximum sample size has already been reached.

3.5.1.  When in the increased sample more than one vehicle is found to be an outlying emitter, due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having failed.

3.5.2.  When in the maximum sample size not more than one outlying emitter is found, where the excess emission is due to the same cause, the sample is regarded as having passed with regard to the requirements of paragraph 3. of this appendix.

3.6.  Whenever a sample is increased due to the requirements of paragraph 3.5., the statistical procedure of paragraph 4. below is applied to the increased sample.

4.  Procedure to be followed without separate evaluation of outlying emitters in the sample

4.1. With a minimum sample size of three the sampling procedure is set so that the probability of a batch passing a test with 40 per cent of the production defective is 0,95 (producer's risk = 5 per cent) while the probability of a batch being accepted with 75 per cent of the production defective is 0,15 (consumer's risk = 15 per cent).

4.2. For each of the pollutants given in the Table 1of paragraph of this Regulation, the following procedure is used (see Figure 4/2 below).




the limit value for the pollutant,



the value of the measurement for the i-th vehicle of the sample,



the current sample number.

4.3. The test statistic quantifying the number of non-conforming vehicles, i.e. xi > L, is computed for the sample.

4.4. Then:

(i) If the test statistic does not exceed the pass decision number for the sample size given in the following table, a pass decision is reached for the pollutant;

(ii) If the test statistic equals or exceeds the fail decision number for the sample size given in the following table, a fail decision is reached for the pollutant;

(iii) Otherwise, an additional vehicle is tested and the procedure is applied to the sample with one extra unit.

 In the following table the pass and fail decision numbers are computed in  accordance with the International Standard ISO 8422:1991.

5.  A sample is regarded as having passed the test when it has passed both the requirements of paragraphs 3. and 4. of this appendix.

Table 4/1

Table for acceptance/rejection sampling plan by attributes

Cumulative sample size (n)

Pass decision number

Fail decision number
























































Figure 4/1

In-service conformity checking - audit procedure


Figure 4/2

In-service conformity testing - selection and test of vehicles






Appendix 5

  Responsibilities for in-service conformity

1. The process of checking in-service conformity is illustrated in Figure 1

2. The manufacturer shall compile all the information needed to comply with the requirements of this annex. The approval authority may also take information from surveillance programmes into consideration.

3. The approval authority shall conduct all the procedures and tests necessary to ensure that the requirements regarding the in-service conformity are met (Phases 2 to 4).

4. In the event of discrepancies or disagreements in the assessment of information supplied, the approval authority shall request clarification from the technical service that conducted the type approval test.

5. The manufacturer shall establish and implement a plan of remedial measures. This plan shall be approved by the approval authority before it is implemented (Phase 5).

 Figure 1

Illustration of the in-service conformity process




Appendix 6

  Requirements for vehicles that use a reagent for the exhaust after-treatment system

1.  Introduction

  This annex sets out the requirements for vehicles that rely on the use of a reagent for the after-treatment system in order to reduce emissions.

2.  Reagent indication

2.1. The vehicle shall include a specific indicator on the dashboard that informs the driver of low levels of reagent in the reagent storage tank and of when the reagent tank becomes empty.

3.  Driver warning system

3.1. The vehicle shall include a warning system consisting of visual alarms that informs the driver when the reagent level is low, that the tank soon needs to be refilled, or the reagent is not of a quality specified by the manufacturer. The warning system may also include an audible component to alert the driver.

3.2. The warning system shall escalate in intensity as the reagent approaches empty. It shall culminate in a driver notification that can not be easily defeated or ignored. It shall not be possible to turn off the system until the reagent has been replenished.

3.3. The visual warning shall display a message indicating a low level of reagent. The warning shall not be the same as the warning used for the purposes of OBD or other engine maintenance. The warning shall be sufficiently clear for the driver to understand that the reagent level is low (e.g. "urea level low", "AdBlue level low", or "reagent low").

3.4. The warning system does not initially need to be continuously activated, however the warning shall escalate so that it becomes continuous as the level of the reagent approaches the point where the driver inducement system in paragraph 8. comes into effect. An explicit warning shall be displayed (e.g. "fill up urea"', "fill up AdBlue", or "fill up reagent"). The continuous warning system may be temporarily interrupted by other warning signals providing important safety related messages.

3.5. The warning system shall activate at a distance equivalent to a driving range of at least 2,400 km in advance of the reagent tank becoming empty.

4.  Identification of incorrect reagent

4.1. The vehicle shall include a means of determining that a reagent corresponding to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer and recorded in Annex 1. to this Regulation is present on the vehicle.

4.2. If the reagent in the storage tank does not correspond to the minimum requirements declared by the manufacturer the driver warning system in paragraph 3. shall be activated and shall display a message indicating an appropriate warning (e.g. "incorrect urea detected", "incorrect AdBlue detected", or "incorrect reagent detected"). If the reagent quality is not rectified within 50 km of the activation of the warning system then the driver inducement requirements of paragraph 8. shall apply.

5.  Reagent consumption monitoring

5.1. The vehicle shall include a means of determining reagent consumption and providing off-board access to consumption information.

5.2. Average reagent consumption and average demanded reagent consumption by the engine system shall be available via the serial port of the standard diagnostic connector. Data shall be available over the previous complete 2,400 km period of vehicle operation.

5.3. In order to monitor reagent consumption, at least the following parameters within the vehicle shall be monitored:

 (a) The level of reagent in the on-vehicle storage tank;

 (b) The flow of reagent or injection of reagent as close as technically  possible to the point of injection into an exhaust after-treatment               system.

5.4. A deviation of more than 50 per cent between the average reagent consumption and the average demanded reagent consumption by the engine system over a period of 30 minutes of vehicle operation, shall result in the activation of the driver warning system in paragraph 3., which shall display a message indicating an appropriate warning (e.g. "urea dosing malfunction", "AdBlue dosing malfunction", or "reagent dosing malfunction"). If the reagent consumption is not rectified within 50 km of the activation of the warning system then the driver inducement requirements of paragraph 8. shall apply.

5.5. In the case of interruption in reagent dosing activity the driver warning system as referred to in paragraph 3. shall be activated, which shall display a message indicating an appropriate warning. This activation shall not be required where the interruption is demanded by the engine ECU because the vehicle operating conditions are such that the vehicle's emission performance does not require reagent dosing, provided that the manufacturer has clearly informed the approval authority when such operating conditions apply. If the reagent dosing is not rectified within 50 km of the activation of the warning system then the driver inducement requirements of paragraph 8. shall apply.

6.  Monitoring NOx emissions

6.1. As an alternative to the monitoring requirements in paragraphs 4. and 5., manufacturers may use exhaust gas sensors directly to sense excess NOx levels in the exhaust.

6.2. The manufacturer shall demonstrate that use of these sensors, and any other sensors on the vehicle, results in the activation of the driver warning system as referred to in paragraph 3., the display of a message indicating an appropriate warning (e.g. "emissions too high – check urea", "emissions too high – check AdBlue", "emissions too high – check reagent"), and the driver inducement system as referred to in paragraph 8.3., when the situations referred to in paragraph 4.2., 5.4. or 5.5. occur.

7.  Storage of failure information

7.1. Where reference is made to this paragraph, a non-erasable Parameter Identifier (PID) shall be stored identifying the reason for the inducement system activation. The vehicle shall retain a record of the PID and the distance travelled by the vehicle during the inducement system activation for at least 800 days or 30,000 km of vehicle operation. The PID shall be made available via the serial port of a standard diagnostic connector upon request of a generic scan tool.

7.2. Malfunctions in the reagent dosing system attributed to technical failures (e.g. mechanical or electrical faults) shall also be subject to the OBD requirements in Annex 11.

8.  Driver inducement system

8.1. The vehicle shall include a driver inducement system to ensure that the vehicle operates with a functioning emissions control system at all times. The inducement system shall be designed so as to ensure that the vehicle can not operate with an empty reagent tank.

8.2. The inducement system shall activate at the latest when the level of reagent in the tank reaches a level equivalent to the average driving range of the vehicle with a complete tank of fuel. The system shall also activate when the failures in paragraphs 4., 5. or 6. have occurred, depending on the NOx monitoring approach. The detection of an empty reagent tank and the failures mentioned in paragraphs 4., 5. or 6. shall result in the failure information storage requirements of paragraph 7. coming into effect.

8.3. The manufacturer shall select which type of inducement system to install. The options for a system are described in paragraphs 8.3.1., 8.3.2., 8.3.3. and 8.3.4.

8.3.1. A "no engine restart after countdown" approach allows a countdown of restarts or distance remaining once the inducement system activates. Engine starts initiated by the vehicle control system, such as start-stop systems, are not included in this countdown. Engine restarts shall be prevented immediately after the reagent tank becomes empty or a distance equivalent to a complete tank of fuel has been exceeded since the activation of the inducement system, whichever occurs earlier.

8.3.2. A "no start after refuelling" system results in a vehicle being unable to start after re-fuelling if the inducement system has activated.

8.3.3. A "fuel-lockout" approach prevents the vehicle from being refuelled by locking the fuel filler system after the inducement system activates. The lockout system shall be robust to prevent it being tampered with.

8.3.4. A "performance restriction" approach restricts the speed of the vehicle after the inducement system activates. The level of speed limitation shall be noticeable to the driver and significantly reduce the maximum speed of the vehicle. Such limitation shall enter into operation gradually or after an engine start. Shortly before engine restarts are prevented, the speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 50 km/h. Engine restarts shall be prevented immediately after the reagent tank becomes empty or a distance equivalent to a complete tank of fuel has been exceeded since the activation of inducement system, whichever occurs earlier.

8.4. Once the inducement system has fully activated and disabled the vehicle, the inducement system shall only be deactivated if the quantity of reagent added to the vehicle is equivalent to 2,400 km average driving range, or the failures specified in paragraphs 4., 5., or 6. have been rectified. After a repair has been carried out to correct a fault where the OBD system has been triggered under paragraph 7.2., the inducement system may be reinitialised via the OBD serial port (e.g. by a generic scan tool) to enable the vehicle to be restarted for self-diagnosis purposes. The vehicle shall operate for a maximum of 50 km to enable the success of the repair to be validated. The inducement system shall be fully reactivated if the fault persists after this validation.

8.5. The driver warning system referred to in paragraph 3. shall display a message indicating clearly:

 (a) The number of remaining restarts and/or the remaining distance; and

 (b) The conditions under which the vehicle can be restarted.

8.6. The driver inducement system shall be deactivated when the conditions for its activation have ceased to exist. The driver inducement system shall not be automatically deactivated without the reason for its activation having been remedied.

8.7. Detailed written information fully describing the functional operation characteristics of the driver inducement system shall be provided to the approval authority at the time of approval.

8.8. As part of the application for type approval under this Regulation, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the operation of the driver warning and inducement systems.

9.  Information requirements

9.1. The manufacturer shall provide all owners of new vehicles written information about the emission control system. This information shall state that if the vehicle emission control system is not functioning correctly, the driver shall be informed of a problem by the driver warning system and that the driver inducement system shall consequentially result in the vehicle being unable to start.

9.2. The instructions shall indicate requirements for the proper use and maintenance of vehicles, including the proper use of consumable reagents.

9.3. The instructions shall specify if consumable reagents have to be refilled by the vehicle operator between normal maintenance intervals. They shall indicate how the driver should refill the reagent tank. The information shall also indicate a likely rate of reagent consumption for that type of vehicle and how often it should be replenished.

9.4. The instructions shall specify that use of, and refilling of, a required reagent of the correct specifications is mandatory for the vehicle to comply with the certificate of conformity issued for that vehicle type.

9.5. The instructions shall state that it may be a criminal offence to use a vehicle that does not consume any reagent if it is required for the reduction of emissions.

9.6. The instructions shall explain how the warning system and driver inducement systems work. In addition, the consequences of ignoring the warning system and not replenishing the reagent shall be explained.

10.  Operating conditions of the after-treatment system

 Manufacturers shall ensure that the emission control system retains its emission control function during all ambient conditions, especially at low ambient temperatures. This includes taking measures to prevent the complete freezing of the reagent during parking times of up to 7 days at 258 K (-15 °C) with the reagent tank 50 per cent full. If the reagent has frozen, the manufacturer shall ensure that reagent shall be available for use within 20 minutes of the vehicle starting at 258 K (-15 °C) measured inside the reagent tank, so as to ensure correct operation of the emission control system.

Annex 1

  Engine and vehicle characteristics and information concerning the conduct of tests

The following information, when applicable, shall be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents.

If there are drawings, they shall be to an appropriate scale and show sufficient detail; they shall be presented in A4 format or folded to that format. Photographs, if any, shall show sufficient detail.

If the systems, components or separate technical units have electronic controls, information concerning their performance shall be supplied.

0. General

0.1. Make (name of undertaking):.......................................

0.2. Type:......................................................

0.2.1. Commercial name(s), if available:....................................

0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle[a]:...................

0.3.1. Location of that mark:...........................................

0.4. Category of vehicle[b]:...........................................

0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:...................................

0.8. Name(s) and address(es) of of assembly plant(s):..........................

0.9. Name and address of manufacturer's authorized representative

 where appropriate:..........................................................

1. General construction characteristics of the vehicle

1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle:.....................

1.3.3. Powered axles (number, position, interconnection):........................

2. Masses and dimensionsc (in kg and mm) (refer to drawing
where applicable)..............................................

2.6. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork and, in the case of a towing vehicle of category other than M1, with coupling device, if fitted by the manufacturer, in running order, or mass of the chassis or chassis with cab, without bodywork and/or coupling device if the manufacturer does not fit the bodywork and/or coupling device (including liquids, tools, spare wheel, if fitted, and driver and, for buses and coaches, a crew member if there is a crew seat in the vehicle)[d] (maximum and minimum for each variant):             

2.8. Technically permissible maximum laden mass as stated by the manufacturere,*:

3. Description of energy converters and power plantf (In the case of a vehicle that can run either on petrol, diesel, etc., or also in combination with another fuel, items shall be repeated**)             

3.1. Engine Manufacturer:............................................

3.1.1. Manufacturer's engine code (as marked on the engine, or other
means of identification):..........................................

3.2. Internal combustion engine: .......................................

3.2.1. Specific engine information:....................................... Working principle: positive-ignition/compression-ignition,
four-stroke/two-stroke/rotary cycle1.................................. Number, arrangement of cylinders:................................... Firing order:.................................................. Engine capacity4:............................................cm3 Volumetric compression ratio2:..................................... Drawings of combustion chamber and piston crown and, in the case of ...........

 positive ignition engine, piston rings:............................................. Normal engine idling speed2:....................................... High idle engine speed2:.......................................... Carbon monoxide content by volume in the exhaust gas with
the engine idling (according to the manufacturer's

 specifications, positive ignition engines only)2..................................per cent Maximum net power2:............ kW at..............................min-1 Maximum permitted engine speed as prescribed by the manufacturer: ........min-1 Maximum net torqueg:………………Nm at: .........................min-1

 (manufacturer's declared value)

3.2.2. Fuel: diesel/petrol/LPG/NG-Biomethane/Ethanol (E85)/Biodiesel/Hydrogen1...... Research octane number (RON), unleaded:............................. Fuel tank inlet: restricted orifice/label1............................... Vehicle fuel type: Mono fuel/Bi-fuel/Flex-fuel1.......................... Maximum amount of biofuel acceptable in fuel (manufacturer's declared value):per cent by volume

3.2.4. Fuel feed By fuel injection (compression-ignition only): yes/no1 System description:............................................ Working principle: direct-injection/pre-chamber/swirl Chamber1.............. Injection pump Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Maximum fuel delivery1, 2...........mm3 stroke or cycle at an engine
speed of:1, 2...........min-1 or characteristic diagram:....................... Injection advance curve:2........................................ Governor Cut-off point:................................................ Cut-off point under load:......................................min-1 Cut-off point without load:.....................................min-1 Injector(s):.................................................. Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Cold start system.............................................. Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Description:................................................. Auxiliary starting aid Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... System description:............................................


g Determined in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 85. Electronic controlled injection: yes/no1............................... Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Description of the system, in the case of systems other than continuous
injection, give equivalent details:................................... Make and type of the control unit:................................... Make and type of the fuel regulator:................................. Make and type of air-flow sensor:................................... Make and type of fuel distributor:................................... Make and type of throttle housing:.................................. Make and type of water temperature sensor:............................ Make and type of air temperature sensor:.............................. Make and type of air pressure sensor:................................ By fuel injection (positive-ignition only): yes/no1 Working principle: intake manifold (single/multi-point)/direct
injection/other (specify)......................................... Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... System description, in the case of systems other than continuous injection
give equivalent details:.......................................... Make and type of the control unit:................................... Make and type of the fuel regulator:................................. Make and type of the air-flow sensor:................................ Make and type of the micro-switch:.................................. Make and type of the throttle housing:................................ Make and type of the water temperature sensor:.......................... Make and type of the air temperature sensor:............................ Injectors: Opening pressure:1, 2..................................kPa

 or characteristic diagram:........................................ Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Injection timing:.............................................. Cold start system:............................................. Operating principle(s):.......................................... Operating limits/settings1, 2....................................... Feed pump.................................................. Pressure1, 2.......kPa or characteristic diagram:..........................

3.2.5. Electrical system.............................................. Rated voltage: ……………………. V, positive/negative ground1 Generator Type:...................................................... Nominal output: ……………VA

3.2.6. Ignition.................................................... Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Working principle:............................................. Ignition advance curve:2......................................... Static ignition timing:2........degrees before TDC.........................

3.2.7. Cooling system: liquid/air1....................................... Nominal setting of the engine temperature control mechanism:................ Liquid Nature of liquid:.............................................. Circulating pump(s):yes/no1 Characteristics:.............................................,or Make(s): ................................................... Type(s): ................................................... Drive ratio(s): ................................................ Description of the fan and its drive mechanism: ......................... Air Blower: yes/no1 Characteristics: ............................................, or Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Drive ratio(s):................................................

3.2.8. Intake system:................................................ Pressure charger: yes/no1........................................ Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Description of the system (maximum charge pressure:...................kPa,

 waste-gate, if applicable)......................................... Inter-cooler: yes/no1............................................ Type: air-air / air-water1 Intake depression at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load (compression ignition engines only)

 Minimum allowable:......................................... kPa

 Maximum allowable:........................................ kPa Description and drawings of inlet pipes and their accessories
(plenum chamber, heating device, additional air intakes, etc.):................ Intake manifold description (drawings and/or photographs):.................. Air filter, drawings:............................................ , or Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Intake silencer, drawings........................................ , or Make(s):................................................... Type(s):....................................................

3.2.9. Exhaust system............................................... Description and/or drawing of the exhaust manifold:....................... Description and/or drawing of the exhaust system:........................ Maximum allowable exhaust back pressure at rated engine speed and at 100 per cent load (compression ignition engines only):                kPa Minimum cross-sectional areas of inlet and outlet ports: ....................

3.2.11. Valve timing or equivalent data:.................................... Maximum lift of valves, angles of opening and closing, or timing details
of alternative distribution systems, in relation to dead centres
(for variable timing system, minimum and maximum timing):................ Reference and/or setting ranges:1, 2.................................

3.2.12. Measures taken against air pollution:................................. Device for recycling crankcase gases (description and drawings):.............. Additional pollution control devices (if any, and if not covered

 by another heading:............................................ Catalytic converter: yes/no1....................................... Number of catalytic converters and elements (provide the information below for each separate unit:      Dimensions and shape of the catalytic converter(s) (volume,...):............... Type of catalytic action:......................................... Total charge of precious metal:..................................... Relative concentration:.......................................... Substrate (structure and material):................................... Cell density:................................................. Type of casing for catalytic converter(s):.............................. Positioning of the catalytic converter(s) (place and reference distances
in the exhaust system):.......................................... Heat shield: yes/no1 Regeneration systems/method of exhaust after-treatment systems,
description:.................................................. The number of Type I operating cycles, or equivalent engine
test bench cycles, between two cycles where regenerative
phases occur under the conditions equivalent to Type I test
(Distance "D" in figure 1 in Annex 13:................................ Description of method employed to determine the number of cycles
Between two cycles where regenerative phases occur:...................... Parameters to determine the level of loading required before regeneration

 occurs (i.e. temperature, pressure etc.):............................................................... Description of method used to load system in the test procedure described

 in paragraph 3.1., Annex 13:......................................................................... Normal operating temperature range (K):..............................      Consumable reagents (where appropriate):............................. Type and concentration of reagent needed for catalytic action
(where appropriate):............................................ Normal operational temperature range of reagent (where appropriate): .......... International standard (where appropriate): ............................ Frequency of reagent refill: continuous/maintenance1 (where appropriate): ....... Make of catalytic converter: ...................................... Identifying part number: ......................................... Oxygen sensor:yes/no1.......................................... Type...................................................... Location of oxygen sensor:....................................... Control range of oxygen sensor:2................................... Make of oxygen sensor:......................................... Identifying part number:......................................... Air injection: yes/no1........................................... Type (pulse air, air pump, etc...):.................................... Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR): yes/no1.............................. Characteristics (flow rate, etc...):.................................... Water cooled system: yes/no1..................................... Evaporative emission control system.yes/no1:........................... Detailed description of the devices and their state of tune:................... Drawing of the evaporative control system:............................. Drawing of the carbon canister:.................................... Mass of dry charcoal:..........................................g Schematic drawing of the fuel tank with indication of capacity and material:....... Drawing of the heat shield between tank and exhaust system:................. Particulate trap: yes/no1 Dimensions and shape of the particulate trap (capacity): Type and design of particulate trap and design:.......................... Location of the particulate trap (reference distances in the exhaustline):.......... Regeneration system/method. Description and/or drawing:................... The number of Type I operating cycles, or equivalent engine test bench cycle, between two cycles where regeneration phases occur under the conditions equivalent to Type I test (Distance 'D' in figure 1 in Annex 13):..........................................................      Description of method employed to determine the number of cycles between two cycles where regenerative phases occur:      Parameters to determine the level of loading required before regeneration occurs (i.e. temperature, pressure, etc.):      Description of method used to load system in the test procedure described in paragraph 3.1., Annex 13:      Make of particulate trap:......................................... Identifying part number:......................................... On-board-diagnostic (OBD) system: (yes/no)1.......................... Written description and/or drawing of the malfunction indicator (MI):........... List and purpose of all components monitored by the OBD system:............. Written description (general working principles) for:...................... Positive-ignition engines Catalyst monitoring:............................................ Misfire detection:.............................................. Oxygen sensor monitoring:....................................... Other components monitored by the OBD system:........................ Compression-ignition engines Catalyst monitoring:............................................ Particulate trap monitoring:....................................... Electronic fuelling system monitoring:................................ Other components monitored by the OBD system:........................ Criteria for MI activation (fixed number of driving cycles or statistical method):.... List of all OBD output codes and formats used (with explanation of each):........ The following additional information must be provided by the vehicle manufacturer for the purposes of enabling the manufacture of OBD-compatible replacement or service parts and diagnostic tools and test equipment, unless such information is covered by intellectual property rights or constitutes specific know-how of the manufacturer or the OEM supplier(s). A description of the type and number of the pre-conditioning cycles used for the original type approval of the vehicle. A description of the type of the OBD demonstration cycle used for the original type-approval of the vehicle for the component monitored by the OBD system. A comprehensive document describing all sensed components with the strategy for fault detection and MI activation (fixed number of driving cycles or statistical method), including a list of relevant secondary sensed parameters for each component monitored by the OBD system. A list of all OBD output codes and format used (with an explanation of each) associated with individual emission related power-train components and individual non-emission related components, where monitoring of the component is used to determine MI activation. In particular, a comprehensive explanation for the data given in service $05 Test ID $21 to FF and the data given in service $06 must be provided. In the case of vehicle types that use a communication link in accordance with ISO 15765-4 "Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Network (CAN) – Part 4: Requirements for emissions-related systems", a comprehensive explanation for the data given in service $06 Test ID $00 to FF, for each OBD monitor ID supported, must be provided. The information required by this paragraph may, for example, be defined by completing a table as follows, which shall be attached to this annex:


Fault code

Monitoring strategy

Fault detection criteria

MI activation criteria



Demonstration test



Oxygen sensor 1 and 2 signals

Difference between sensor 1 and sensor 2 signals

3rd cycle

Engine speed, engine load, A/F mode, catalyst temperature

Two Type I cycles

Type I Other systems (description and operation): .............................

3.2.13. Location of the absorption coefficient symbol (compression ignition engines only):..

3.2.14. Details of any devices designed to influence fuel economy (if not covered by other items):             

3.2.15. LPG fuelling system: yes/no1...................................... Approval number (approval number of Regulation No. 67):.................. Electronic engine management control unit for LPG fuelling Make(s):................................................... Type(s):.................................................... Emission-related adjustment possibilities:.............................. Further documentation:.......................................... Description of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-over from petrol to LPG or back:                    System layout (electrical connections, vacuum connections, compensation hoses, etc.) Drawing of the symbol:...........................................

3.2.16. NG fuelling system: yes/no1 Approval number (approval number of Regulation No. 110):.................. Electronic engine management control unit for NG fuelling Make(s):..................................................... Type(s):..................................................... Emission-related adjustment possibilities:............................... Further documentation:........................................... Description of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-over from petrol to NG or back: System layout (electrical connections, vacuum connections, compensation
hoses, etc.):................................................... Drawing of the symbol:...........................................

3.4. Engines or motor combinations

3.4.1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle:......................................yes/no1             

3.4.2. Category of Hybrid Electric vehicle
Off Vehicle Charging/Not Off Vehicle Charging1..........................             

3.4.3. Operating mode switch:…………. with/without1........................ Selectable modes...............................................      Pure electric:..............................................yes/no1      Pure fuel consuming:........................................yes/no1      Hybrid modes:............................................yes/no1             

 (if yes, short description)..........................................

3.4.4. Description of the energy storage device: (battery, capacitor,

   flywheel/generator...)............................................ Make(s):..................................................... Type(s):..................................................... Identification number:............................................ Kind of electrochemical couple:..................................... Energy: .......... (for battery: voltage and capacity Ah in 2 h, for capacitor: J, ..)....... Charger: on board/external/without1

3.4.5. Electric machines (describe each type of electric machine separately) Make:....................................................... Type: ...................................................... Primary use: traction motor/generator When used as traction motor: monomotor/multimotors (number):............... Maximum power: ........................ kW Working principle:.............................................. Direct current/alternating current/number of phases:........................ Separate excitation/series/compound1.................................. Synchronous/asynchronous1........................................

3.4.6. Control unit................................................... Make:....................................................... Type:....................................................... Identification number:............................................

3.4.7. Power controller................................................ Make:....................................................... Type:....................................................... Identification number:............................................

3.4.8. Vehicle electric range ...... km (according Annex 7 of Regulation No.101):.........

3.4.9. Manufacturer’s recommendation for preconditioning:

3.6. Temperatures permitted by the manufacturer

3.6.1. Cooling system Liquid cooling Maximum temperature at outlet: …… K Air cooling Reference point:................................................ Maximum temperature at reference point: …… K

3.6.2. Maximum outlet temperature of the inlet intercooler: …… K

3.6.3. Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to the outer flange(s) of the exhaust manifold: …… K

3.6.4. Fuel temperature Minimum: …… K Maximum: …… K

3.6.5. Lubricant temperature Minimum: …... K Maximum: …… K

3.8. Lubrication system

3.8.1. Description of the system Position of the lubricant reservoir: .................................... Feed system (by pump/injection into intake/mixing with fuel, etc.)1

3.8.2. Lubricating pump Make(s):..................................................... Type(s):.....................................................

3.8.3. Mixture with fuel Percentage: ...................................................

3.8.4. Oil cooler: yes/no1 Drawing(s):................................................., or Make(s):..................................................... Type(s):.....................................................

4. Transmission[h]

4.3. Moment of inertia of engine flywheel: .................................

4.3.1. Additional moment of inertia with no gear engaged:........................

4.4. Clutch (type):.................................................

4.4.1. Maximum torque conversion:.......................................

4.5. Gearbox:.....................................................

4.5.1. Type (manual/automatic/CVT (continuously variable transmission)1.............

4.6. Gear ratios...................................................


Internal gearbox ratios (ratios of engine to gearbox output shaft revolutions)

Final drive ratios (ratio of gearbox output shaft to driven wheel revolutions)

Total gear ratios

Maximum for CVT*
















4, 5, others




Minimum for CVT*[6]*








  * CVT - Continuously variable transmission

6. Suspension...................................................

6.6. Tyres and wheels...............................................             

6.6.1. Tyre / wheel combination(s)

  (a) For all tyre options indicate size designation, load-capacity index,
 speed category symbol;

  (b) For tyres of category Z intended to be fitted on vehicles whose
 maximum speed exceeds 300 km/h equivalent information shall be
 provided; for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s). Axles Axle 1:..................................................... Axle 2:..................................................... Axle 3:..................................................... Axle 4:...................................................etc.

6.6.2. Upper and lower limit of rolling radii/circumference5:...................... Axles Axle 1:..................................................... Axle 2:..................................................... Axle 3:..................................................... Axle 4:...................................................etc.

6.6.3. Tyre pressure(s) recommended by the manufacturer:.....................kPa

9.  Bodywork

9.1. Type of bodywork[i]:............................................

9.10.3.  Seats Number:....................................................



Annex 1 - Appendix 1

  Information on test conditions

1. Spark plug

1.1. Make: ..........................................................

1.2. Type: ...........................................................

1.3. Spark-gap setting: ..................................................

2. Ignition coil

2.1. Make: ..........................................................

2.2. Type: ...........................................................

3. Lubricant used

3.1. Make:...........................................................

3.2. Type: (state percentage of oil in mixture if lubricant and fuel mixed)..................

4. Dynamometer load setting information (repeat information for each dynamometer test)

4.1. Vehicle bodywork type (variant/version)....................................

4.2. Gearbox type (manual/automatic/CVT).....................................

4.3. Fixed load curve dynamometer setting information (if used).......................

4.3.1. Alternative dynamometer load setting method used (yes/no).......................

4.3.2. Inertia mass (kg):...................................................

4.3.3. Effective power absorbed at 80km/h including running losses of the vehicle on the dynamometer (kW)

4.3.4. Effective power absorbed at 50km/h including running losses of the vehicle on the dynamometer (kW)             

4.4. Adjustable load curve dynamometer setting information (if used)....................

4.4.1. Coast down information from the test track..................................

4.4.2. Tyres make and type:.................................................

4.4.3. Tyre dimensions (front/rear):............................................

4.4.4. Tyre pressure (front/rear) (kPa):..........................................

4.4.5. Vehicle test mass including driver (kg):.....................................


 4.4.6. Road coast down data (if used)

V (km/h)

V2 (km/h)

V1 (km/h)

Mean corrected coast down time (s)


























 4.4.7. Average corrected road power (if used)

V (km/h)

CPcorrected (kW)















Annex 2


(maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))



concerning:[2] APPROVAL GRANTED





of a vehicle type with regard to the emission of gaseous pollutants by the engine pursuant to Regulation No. 83, 06 series of amendments

Approval No. ……….    Extension No. ……………………………

       Reason for extension :……………………

Section I

0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): .............................

0.2. Type: .................................................

0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available): ..............................

0.3. Means of identification of type if marked on the vehiclea

0.3.1. Location of that marking: ....................................

0.4. Category of vehicleb

0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: ..............................

0.8. Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s): ......................

0.9. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative: ..........

  Section II

1. Additional information (where applicable): (see addendum)

2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests: ..............

3. Date of test report: ......................................

4. Number of test report: ....................................

5. Remarks (if any): (see addendum)

6. Place:...............................................

7. Date:................................................ 

8. Signature:............................................

Attachments: 1. Information package.

  2. Test report.


  Addendum to Type approval Communication No … concerning the type approval of a vehicle with regard to exhaust emissions pursuant to Regulation No. 83, 06 series of amendments

1. Additional information

1.1. Mass of the vehicle in running order: ..........................

1.2. Reference mass of the vehicle:...............................

1.3. Maximum mass of the vehicle:...............................

1.4. Number of seats (including the driver):.........................

1.6. Type of bodywork:

1.6.1. For M1, M2: saloon/ hatchback/ station wagon/coupé/convertible
/multipurpose vehicle2

1.6.2. For N1, N2: lorry, van2

1.7. Drive wheels: front, rear, 4 x 42

1.8. Pure electric vehicle: yes/no2

1.9. Hybrid electric vehicle: yes/no2

1.9.1. Category of Hybrid Electric vehicle: Off Vehicle Charging (OVC)/Not Off Vehicle charging (NOVC)2

1.9.2. Operating mode switch: with/without2

1.10. Engine identification:.....................................

1.10.1. Engine displacement:.....................................

1.10.2. Fuel supply system: direct injection/indirect injection2

1.10.3. Fuel recommended by the manufacturer:........................

1.10.4. Maximum power: ……………………… kW at....................min-1

1.10.5. Pressure charging device: yes/no2

1.10.6. Ignition system: compression ignition / positive ignition2

1.11. Power train (for pure electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle)2

1.11.1. Maximum net power: ………kW, at: ……………… to ...............min-1

1.11.2. Maximum thirty minutes power:..............................kW

1.12. Traction battery (for pure electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle)

1.12.1. Nominal voltage:........................................V

1.12.2. Capacity (2 h rate):......................................Ah

1.13. Transmission

1.13.1. Manual or automatic or continuously variable transmission:2, 3.........

1.13.2. Number of gear ratios:....................................

1.13.3. Total gear ratios (including the rolling circumferences of the tyres under load): road speeds per 1,000 min-1 (km/h)

 First gear: ……………………………Sixth gear:...................

 Second gear: …………………………Seventh gear:.................

 Third gear: …………………………Eighth gear:...................

 Fourth gear: …………………………Overdrive:...................

 Fifth gear:............................................

1.13.4. Final drive ratio: ........................................

1.14. Tyres: ...............................................

1.14.1. Type: ...............................................

1.14.2. Dimensions:...........................................

1.14.3. Rolling circumference under load:............................

1.14.4. Rolling circumference of tyres used for the Type I test

2. Test results

2.1. Tailpipe emissions test results:...............................

 Emissions classification: 06 series of amendments

Type approval number if not parent vehicle2:


Type I Result






THC+NOx (mg/km)



Measured(i) (iv)

























Measured mean value
(M) (i) (iv)









Ki (i) (v)









Mean value calculated with Ki
(M.Ki) (iv)









DF (i) (v)









Final mean value calculated with Ki and DF
(M.Ki.DF) (vi)









Limit value









(i) Where applicable

(ii) Not applicable

(iii) Mean value calculated by adding mean values (M.Ki) calculated for THC and NOx

(iv) Round to 2 decimal places

(v) Round to 4 decimal places

(vi) Round to 1 decimal place more than limit value

 Position of the engine cooling fan during the test:

  Height of the lower edge above ground:......................... cm

  Lateral position of fan centre:................................ cm

  Right/left of vehicle centre-line2

  Information about regeneration strategy

  D - Number of operating cycles between two (2) cycles where regenerative
  phases occur:

  d - Number of operating cycles required for regeneration:.............

  Type II:.........................................per cent

  Type III:............................................. 

  Type IV:..........................................g/test

  Type V:  Durability test type: whole vehicle test/bench ageing test/none2

   - Deterioration factor DF: calculated/assigned2

   - Specify the values (DF): .........................

  Type VI:

Type VI

CO (mg/km)

THC (mg/km)

Measured value



2.1.1. Repeat the table for mono fuel gas vehicles for all reference gases of LPG or NG/biomethane, showing if results are measured or calculated. In the case of a bi-fuel gas vehicle designed to run either on petrol or on LPG or NG/biomethane: repeat for petrol and all reference gases of LPG or NG/biomethane, showing if the result are measured or calculated and repeat the table for the (one) final result of the vehicle emissions on LPG or NG/biomethane. In the case of other bi-fuel and flex fuel vehicles, show the results on the two different reference fuels.

 OBD test

2.1.2. Written description and/or drawing of the malfunction indicator (MI):.....

2.1.3. List and function of all components monitored by the OBD system:......

2.1.4. Written description (general working principles) for:................ Misfire detectionc:....................................... Catalyst monitoringc:..................................... Oxygen sensor monitoringc:................................ Other components monitored by the OBD systemc:................. Catalyst monitoringd:..................................... Particulate trap monitoringd:................................ Electronic fuelling system actuator monitoringd:................... Other components monitored by the OBD system:..................

2.1.5. Criteria for MI activation (fixed number of driving cycles or statistical method):.....

2.1.6. List of all OBD output codes and formats used
(with explanation of each):.................................

2.2. Emissions data required for roadworthiness testing


CO value
(per cent vol.)


Engine speed

(min -1)

Engine oil temperature


Low idle test





High idle test





1 Lambda formula: see paragraph of this Regulation.

2.3. Catalytic converters: yes/no2

2.3.1. Original equipment catalytic converter tested to all relevant requirements of this Regulation yes/no2

2.4. Smoke opacity test resultse, 2

2.4.1. At steady speeds: See technical service test report number.............

2.4.2. Free acceleration tests Measured value of the absorption coefficient:....................m-1 Corrected value of the absorption coefficient:....................m-1 Location of the absorption coefficient symbol on the vehicle:...........

4. Remarks:


c For compression-ignition engine vehicles.

d For vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engines.

e Smoke opacity measurements to be carried out according to provisions laid out in Regulation No. 24.


1 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/withdrawn the approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation).

2 Delete or strike out what does not apply (there are cases where nothing needs to be deleted when more than one entry is applicable).

3 In the case of vehicles equipped with automatic-shift gearboxes, give all pertinent technical data.


Annex 2 – Appendix 1

  OBD – Related information

As noted in item of the information document in Annex 1 of this Regulation, the information in this appendix is provided by the vehicle manufacturer for the purposes of enabling the manufacture of OBD-compatible replacement or service parts and diagnostic tools and test equipment.

Upon request, the following information shall be made available to any interested component, diagnostic tools or test equipment manufacturer, on a non-discriminatory basis.

1.  A description of the type and number of the pre-conditioning cycles used for the original type approval of the vehicle.

2. A description of the type of the OBD demonstration cycle used for the original type approval of the vehicle for the component monitored by the OBD system.

3. A comprehensive document describing all sensed components with the strategy for fault detection and MI activation (fixed number of driving cycles or statistical method), including a list of relevant secondary sensed parameters for each component monitored by the OBD system and a list of all OBD output codes and format used (with an explanation of each) associated with individual emission related power-train components and individual non-emission related components, where monitoring of the component is used to determine MI activation. In particular, a comprehensive explanation for the data given in service $05 Test ID $21 to FF and the data given in service $06 shall be provided. In the case of vehicle types that use a communication link in accordance with ISO 157654 ‘Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Network (CAN) – Part 4: Requirements for emissions-related systems’, a comprehensive explanation for the data given in service $06 Test ID $00 to FF, for each OBD monitor ID supported, shall be provided.

 This information may be provided in the form of a table, as follows:


Fault code

Monitoring strategy

Fault detection criteria

activation criteria

Secondary parameters


Demonstration test



Oxygen sensor 1 and 2 signals

Difference between sensor 1 and sensor 2 signals

3rd cycle

Engine speed, engine load, A/F mode, catalyst temperature

Two Type I cycles

Type I


Annex 2 - Appendix 2

  Manufacturer's certificate of compliance with the OBD in-use performance requirements



(Address of the manufacturer): 



Certifies that:


1. The vehicle types listed in attachment to this Certificate are in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 7. of Appendix 1 to Annex 11 of this Regulation relating to the in-use performance of the OBD system under all reasonably foreseeable driving conditions;

2. The plan(s) describing the detailed technical criteria for incrementing the numerator and denominator of each monitor attached to this Certificate are correct and complete for all types of vehicles to which this Certificate applies.



Done at [……Place]

On […….Date]

[Signature of the Manufacturer's Representative]




 (a) List of vehicle types to which this Certificate applies;

 (b) Plan(s) describing the detailed technical criteria for incrementing the  numerator and denominator of each monitor, as well as plan(s) for disabling               numerators, denominators and general denominator.



Annex 3

  Arrangements of the approval mark

In the approval mark issued and affixed to a vehicle in conformity with paragraph 4. of this Regulation, the type approval number shall be accompanied by an alphabetical character assigned according to Table 1 of this Annex, reflecting the vehicle category and class that the approval is limited to.

This annex outlines the appearance of this mark, and gives an example how it shall be composed.

The following schematic graph presents the general lay-out, proportions and contents of the marking. The meaning of numbers and alphabetical character are identified, and sources to determine the corresponding alternatives for each approval case are also referred.



1. Number of country according to footnote in paragraph 4.4.1. of this Regulation.

2. According to Table 1 of this Annex.

The following graph is a practical example of how the marking should be composed.



The preceding approval mark affixed to a vehicle in conformity with paragraph 4. of this Regulation shows that the vehicle type concerned has been approved in the United Kingdom (E11), pursuant to Regulation No. 83 under approval number 2439. This mark indicates that the approval was given in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation with the 06 series of amendments incorporated. Furthermore, the accompanying letter (J) denotes that the vehicle belongs to vehicle category M or N1,I.


Table 1

Letters with reference to fuel, engine and vehicle category


Vehicle category and class

Engine type


M, N1 class I.




M1 to fulfill specific social needs
(excluding M1G)



N1 class II




N1 class III, N2





Annex 4a

  Type I Test

(Verifying exhaust emissions after a cold start)

1. Applicability

  This Annex effectively replaces former Annex 4.

2. Introduction

 This annex describes the procedure for the Type I test defined in paragraph 5.3.1. of this Regulation. When the reference fuel to be used is LPG or NG/biomethane, the provisions of Annex 12 shall apply additionally.

3. Test conditions

3.1. Ambient conditions

3.1.1. During the test, the test cell temperature shall be between 293 K and 303 K (20 °C and 30 °C). The absolute humidity (H) of either the air in the test cell or the intake air of the engine shall be such that:

   5.5 < H ≤ 12.2 (g H2O/kg dry air)

  The absolute humidity (H) shall be measured.

  The following temperatures shall be measured:

  Test cell ambient air

  Dilution and sampling system temperatures as required for emissions  measurement systems defined in Appendices 2 to 5 of this annex.

  The atmospheric pressure shall be measured.

3.2. Test vehicle

3.2.1. The vehicle shall be presented in good mechanical condition. It shall have been run-in and driven at least 3,000 km before the test.

3.2.2. The exhaust device shall not exhibit any leak likely to reduce the quantity of gas collected, which quantity shall be that emerging from the engine.

3.2.3. The tightness of the intake system may be checked to ensure that carburation is not affected by an accidental intake of air.

3.2.4. The settings of the engine and of the vehicle's controls shall be those prescribed by the manufacturer. This requirement also applies, in particular, to the settings for idling (rotation speed and carbon monoxide content of the exhaust gases), for the cold start device and for the exhaust gas cleaning system.

3.2.5. The vehicle to be tested, or an equivalent vehicle, shall be fitted, if necessary, with a device to permit the measurement of the characteristic parameters necessary for chassis dynamometer setting, in conformity with paragraph 5. of this annex.

3.2.6. The technical service responsible for the tests may verify that the vehicle's performance conforms to that stated by the manufacturer, that it can be used for normal driving and, more particularly, that it is capable of starting when cold and when hot.

3.3. Test fuel

3.3.1. The appropriate reference fuel as defined in Annex 10 to this Regulation shall be used for testing.

3.3.2. Vehicles that are fuelled either with petrol or with LPG or NG/biomethane shall be tested according to Annex 12 with the appropriate reference fuel(s) as defined in Annex 10a.

3.4. Vehicle installation

3.4.1. The vehicle shall be approximately horizontal during the test so as to avoid any abnormal distribution of the fuel.

3.4.2. A current of air of variable speed shall be blown over the vehicle. The blower speed shall be, within the operating range of 10 km/h to at least 50 km/h, or as an alternative, at the request of the manufacturer within the operating range of 10 km/h to at least the maximum speed of the test cycle being used. The linear velocity of the air at the blower outlet shall be within ±5 km/h of the corresponding roller speed within the range of 10 km/h to 50 km/h. At the range over 50 km/h, the linear velocity of the air shall be within ±10 km/h of the corresponding roller speed. At roller speeds of less than 10 km/h, air velocity may be zero.

 The above mentioned air velocity shall be determined as an averaged value of a number of measuring points which:

 (a) For blowers with rectangular outlets are located at the centre of each   rectangle dividing the whole of the blower outlet into 9 areas (dividing                             both horizontal and vertical sides of the blower outlet into 3 equal                             parts);

(b) For circular blower outlets, the outlet shall be divided into 8 equal arcs by vertical, horizontal and 45° lines. The measurement points lie on the radial centre line of each arc (22.5°) at a radius of two thirds of the total (as shown in the diagram below).


    Each value at those points shall be within 10 per cent of the averaged value of themselves.

 The device used to measure the linear velocity of the air shall be located at between 0 and 20 cm from the air outlet.

 The final selection of the blower shall have the following characteristics:

 (i) Area: at least 0.2 m2;

 (ii) Height of the lower edge above ground: approximately 0.2 m;

 (iii) Distance from the front of the vehicle: approximately 0.3 m.

 As an alternative, at the request of the manufacturer the blower speed shall be fixed at an air speed of at least 6 m/s (21.6 km/h).

 The height and lateral position of the cooling fan can also be modified at the request of the manufacturer.

4. Test equipment

4.1. Chassis dynamometer

 The chassis dynamometer requirements are given in Appendix 1.

4.2. Exhaust dilution system

 The exhaust dilution system requirements are given in Appendix 2.

4.3. Gaseous emissions sampling and analysis

 The gaseous emissions sampling and analysis equipment requirements are given in Appendix 3.

4.4. Particulate Mass (PM) emissions equipment

 The particulate mass sampling and measurement requirements are given in Appendix 4.

4.5. Particle Number (PN) emissions equipment

 The particle number sampling and measurement requirements are given in Appendix 5.

4.6. General test cell equipment

 The following temperatures shall be measured with an accuracy of 1.5 K:

 (a) Test cell ambient air;

 (b) Intake air to the engine;

 (c) Dilution and sampling system temperatures as required for emissions   measurement systems defined in Appendices 2 to 5 of this annex.

 The atmospheric pressure shall be measurable to within 0.1 kPa.

 The absolute humidity (H) shall be measurable to within 5 per cent.

5. Determination of vehicle road load

5.1. Test procedure

 The procedure for measuring the vehicle road load is described in Appendix 7.

 This procedure is not required if the chassis dynamometer load is to be set according to the reference mass of the vehicle.

6. Emissions test procedure

6.1. Test cycle

 The operating cycle, made up of a Part One (urban cycle) and Part Two (extra-urban cycle), is illustrated in Figure 1. During the complete test the elementary urban cycle is run four times followed, by Part Two.

6.1.1. Elementary urban cycle

 Part One of the test cycle comprises 4 times the elementary urban cycle which is defined in Table 1, illustrated in Figure 2, and summarized below.

Breakdown by phases:


Time (s)

per cent






Deceleration, clutch disengaged












Steady-speed periods












 Breakdown by use of gears:


Time (s)

per cent






Deceleration, clutch disengaged








First gear




Second gear




Third gear








 General information:

 Average speed during test:   19 km/h

 Effective running time:   195 s

 Theoretical distance covered per cycle: 1,013 km

 Equivalent distance for the four cycles: 4,052 km

6.1.2. Extra-urban cycle

 Part Two of the test cycle is the extra-urban cycle which is defined in Table 2, illustrated in Figure 3, and summarized below.

Breakdown by phases:


Time (s)

per cent




Deceleration, clutch disengaged









Steady-speed periods









 Breakdown by use of gears:


Time (s)

per cent




Deceleration, clutch disengaged






First gear



Second gear



Third gear



Fourth gear



Fifth gear






  General information:

  Average speed during test:   62.6 km/h

  Effective running time:   400 s

  Theoretical distance covered per cycle: 6.955 km

  Maximum speed:    120 km/h

  Maximum acceleration:   0.833 m/s2

  Maximum deceleration:   -1.389 m/s2

6.1.3. Use of the gearbox If the maximum speed which can be attained in first gear is below 15 km/h, the second, third and fourth gears shall be used for the urban cycle (Part One) and the second, third, fourth and fifth gears for the extra-urban cycle (Part Two). The second, third and fourth gears may also be used for the urban cycle (Part One) and the second, third, fourth and fifth gears for the extra-urban cycle (Part Two) when the manufacturer's instructions recommend starting in second gear on level ground, or when first gear is therein defined as a gear reserved for cross-country driving, crawling or towing.

 Vehicles which do not attain the acceleration and maximum speed values required in the operating cycle shall be operated with the accelerator control fully depressed until they once again reach the required operating curve. Deviations from the operating cycle shall be recorded in the test report.

 Vehicles equipped with semi-automatic-shift gearboxes shall be tested by using the gears normally employed for driving, and the gear shift is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Vehicles equipped with automatic-shift gearboxes shall be tested with the highest gear ("Drive") engaged. The accelerator shall be used in such a way as to obtain the steadiest acceleration possible, enabling the various gears to be engaged in the normal order. Furthermore, the gear-change points shown in Tables 1 and 2 of this annex shall not apply; acceleration shall continue throughout the period represented by the straight line connecting the end of each period of idling with the beginning of the next following period of steady speed. The tolerances given in paragraphs and below shall apply. Vehicles equipped with an overdrive that the driver can actuate shall be tested with the overdrive out of action for the urban cycle (Part One) and with the overdrive in action for the extra-urban cycle (Part Two). A tolerance of 2 km/h shall be allowed between the indicated speed and the theoretical speed during acceleration, during steady speed, and during deceleration when the vehicle's brakes are used. If the vehicle decelerates more rapidly without the use of the brakes, only the provisions of paragraph below shall apply. Speed tolerances greater than those prescribed shall be accepted during phase changes provided that the tolerances are never exceeded for more than 0.5 s on any one occasion. The time tolerances shall be ±1.0 s. The above tolerances shall apply equally at the beginning and at the end of each gear-changing period for the urban cycle (Part One) and for the operations Nos. 3, 5 and 7 of the extra-urban cycle (Part Two). It should be noted that the time of two seconds allowed includes the time for changing gear and, if necessary, a certain amount of latitude to catch up with the cycle.

6.2. Test preparation

6.2.1. Load and inertia setting Load determined with vehicle road test

 The dynamometer shall be adjusted so that the total inertia of the rotating masses will simulate the inertia and other road load forces acting on the vehicle when driving on the road. The means by which this load is determined is described in paragraph 5. of this annex.

 Dynamometer with fixed load curve: the load simulator shall be adjusted to absorb the power exerted on the driving wheels at a steady speed of 80 km/h and the absorbed power at 50 km/h shall be noted.

 Dynamometer with adjustable load curve: the load simulator shall be adjusted in order to absorb the power exerted on the driving wheels at steady speeds of 120, 100, 80, 60 and 40 and 20 km/h. Load determined by vehicle reference mass

 With the manufacturer's agreement the following method may be used.

 The brake is adjusted so as to absorb the load exerted at the driving wheels at a constant speed of 80 km/h, in accordance with Table 3.

 If the corresponding equivalent inertia is not available on the dynamometer, the larger value closest to the vehicle reference mass will be used.

 In the case of vehicles other than passenger cars, with a reference mass of more than 1,700 kg or vehicles with permanent all-wheel drive, the power values given in Table 3 are multiplied by a factor 1.3. The method used and the values obtained (equivalent inertia - characteristic adjustment parameter) shall be recorded in the test report.

6.2.2. Preliminary testing cycles

 Preliminary testing cycles should be carried out if necessary to determine how best to actuate the accelerator and brake controls so as to achieve a cycle approximating to the theoretical cycle within the prescribed limits under which the cycle is carried out.

6.2.3. Tyre pressures

 The tyre pressures shall be the same as that specified by the manufacturer and used for the preliminary road test for brake adjustment. The tyre pressure may be increased by up to 50 per cent from the manufacturer's recommended setting in the case of a two-roller dynamometer. The actual pressure used shall be recorded in the test report.

6.2.4. Background particulate mass measurement

 The particulate background level of the dilution air may be determined by passing filtered dilution air through the particulate filter. This shall be drawn from the same point as the particulate sample. One measurement may be performed prior to or after the test. Particulate mass measurements may be corrected by subtracting the background contribution from the dilution system. The permissible background contribution shall be  1mg/km (or equivalent mass on the filter). If the background exceeds this level, the default figure of 1 mg/km (or equivalent mass on the filter) shall be employed. Where subtraction of the background contribution gives a negative result, the particulate mass result shall be considered to be zero.

6.2.5. Background particle number measurements

 The subtraction of background particle numbers may be determined by sampling dilution air drawn from a point downstream of the particle and hydrocarbon filters into the particle number measurement system. Background correction of particle number measurements shall not be allowed for type approval, but may be used at the manufacturer's request for conformity of production and in service conformity where there are indications that tunnel contribution is significant.

6.2.6. Particulate mass filter selection

 A single particulate filter without back-up shall be employed for both urban and extra-urban phases of the cycle combined.

 Twin particulate filters, one for the urban, one for the extra-urban phase, may be used without back-up filters, only where the pressure-drop increase across the sample filter between the beginning and the end of the emissions test is otherwise expected to exceed 25 kPa.

6.2.7. Particulate mass filter preparation Particulate mass sampling filters shall be conditioned (as regards temperature and humidity) in an open dish that has been protected against dust ingress for at least 2 and for not more than 80 hours before the test in an air-conditioned chamber. After this conditioning, the uncontaminated filters will be weighed and stored until they are used. If the filters are not used within one hour of their removal from the weighing chamber they shall be re-weighed. The one hour limit may be replaced by an eight-hour limit if one or both of the following conditions are met: A stabilized filter is placed and kept in a sealed filter holder assembly with the ends plugged; or A stabilized filter is placed in a sealed filter holder assembly which is then immediately placed in a sample line through which there is no flow. The particulate sampling system shall be started and prepared for sampling.

6.2.8. Particle number measurement preparation The particle specific dilution system and measurement equipment shall be started and readied for sampling. Prior to the test(s) the correct function of the particle counter and volatile particle remover elements of the particle sampling system shall be confirmed according to Appendix 5, paragraphs 2.3.1. and 2.3.3.:

 The particle counter response shall be tested at near zero prior to each test and, on a daily basis, at high particle concentrations using ambient air.

 When the inlet is equipped with a HEPA filter, it shall be demonstrated that the entire particle sampling system is free from any leaks.

6.2.9. Checking the gas analysers

 The emissions analysers for the gases shall be set at zero and spanned. The sample bags shall be evacuated.

6.3. Conditioning procedure

6.3.1. For the purpose of measuring particulates, at most 36 hours and at least 6 hours before testing, the Part Two cycle described in paragraph 6.1. of this annex shall be used for vehicle pre-conditioning. Three consecutive cycles shall be driven. The dynamometer setting shall be indicated as in paragraph 6.2.1. above.

 At the request of the manufacturer, vehicles fitted with indirect injection positive-ignition engines may be preconditioned with one Part One and two Part Two driving cycles.

 In a test facility in which there may be possible contamination of a low particulate emitting vehicle test with residue from a previous test on a high particulate emitting vehicle, it is recommended, for the purpose of sampling equipment pre-conditioning, that a 120 km/h steady state drive cycle of 20 minutes duration followed by three consecutive Part Two cycles be driven by a low particulate emitting vehicle.

 After this preconditioning, and before testing, vehicles shall be kept in a room in which the temperature remains relatively constant between 293 and 303 K (20 °C and 30 °C). This conditioning shall be carried out for at least six hours and continue until the engine oil temperature and coolant, if any, are within ±2 K of the temperature of the room.

 If the manufacturer so requests, the test shall be carried out not later than 30 hours after the vehicle has been run at its normal temperature.

6.3.3. For positive-ignition engined vehicles fuelled with LPG or NG/biomethane or so equipped that they can be fuelled with either petrol or LPG or NG/biomethane, between the tests on the first gaseous reference fuel and the second gaseous reference fuel, the vehicle shall be preconditioned before the test on the second reference fuel. This preconditioning is done on the second reference fuel by driving a preconditioning cycle consisting of one Part One (urban part) and two times Part Two (extra-urban part) of the test cycle described in Appendix 1 to this annex. On the manufacturer's request and with the agreement of the technical service this preconditioning may be extended. The dynamometer setting shall be the one indicated in paragraph 6.2. of this annex.

6.4. Test procedure

6.4.1. Starting-up the engine The engine shall be started up by means of the devices provided for this purpose according to the manufacturer's instructions, as incorporated in the drivers' handbook of production vehicles. The first cycle starts on the initiation of the engine start-up procedure. In cases where LPG or NG/biomethane is used as a fuel it is permissible that the engine is started on petrol and switched to LPG or NG/biomethane after a predetermined period of time which cannot be changed by the driver.

6.4.2. Idling Manual-shift or semi-automatic gearbox, see Tables 1 and 2. Automatic-shift gearbox

 After initial engagement the selector shall not be operated at any time during the test except in the case specified in paragraph below or if the selector can actuate the overdrive, if any.

6.4.3. Accelerations Accelerations shall be so performed that the rate of acceleration is as constant as possible throughout the operation. If an acceleration cannot be carried out in the prescribed time, the extra time required shall be deducted from the time allowed for changing gear, if possible, but otherwise from the subsequent steady-speed period. Automatic-shift gearboxes

 If acceleration cannot be carried out in the prescribed time, the gear selector shall operate in accordance with requirements for manual-shift gearboxes.

6.4.4. Decelerations All decelerations of the elementary urban cycle (Part One) shall be effected by removing the foot completely from the accelerator with the clutch remaining engaged. The clutch shall be disengaged, without use of the gear lever, at the higher of the following speeds: 10 km/h or the speed corresponding to the engine idle speed.

 All decelerations of the extra-urban cycle (Part Two) shall be effected by removing the foot completely from the accelerator, the clutch remaining engaged. The clutch shall be disengaged, without use of the gear lever, at a speed of 50 km/h for the last deceleration. If the period of deceleration is longer than that prescribed for the corresponding phase, the vehicle's brakes shall be used to enable compliance with the timing of the cycle. If the period of deceleration is shorter than that prescribed for the corresponding phase, the timing of the theoretical cycle shall be restored by constant speed or an idling period merging into the following operation. At the end of the deceleration period (halt of the vehicle on the rollers) of the elementary urban cycle (Part One), the gears shall be placed in neutral and the clutch engaged.

6.4.5. Steady speeds "Pumping" or the closing of the throttle shall be avoided when passing from acceleration to the following steady speed. Periods of constant speed shall be achieved by keeping the accelerator position fixed.

6.4.6. Sampling

 Sampling shall begin (BS) before or at the initiation of the engine start up procedure and end on conclusion of the final idling period in the extra-urban cycle (Part Two, end of sampling (ES)) or, in the case of test Type VI, on conclusion of the final idling period of the last elementary urban cycle (Part One).

6.4.7. During the test the speed is recorded against time or collected by the data-acquisition system so that the correctness of the cycles performed can be assessed.

6.4.8. Particles shall be measured continuously in the particle sampling system. The average concentrations shall be determined by integrating the analyser signals over the test cycle.

6.5. Post-test procedures

6.5.1. Gas analyser check

 Zero and span gas reading of the analysers used for continuous measurement shall be checked. The test shall be considered acceptable if the difference between the pre-test and post-test results is less than 2 per cent of the span gas value.

6.5.2. Particulate filter weighing

 Reference filters shall be weighed within 8 hours of the test filter weighing. The contaminated particulate test filter shall be taken to the weighing chamber within one hour following the analyses of the exhaust gases. The test filter shall be conditioned for at least 2 hours and not more than 80 hours and then weighed.

6.5.3. Bag analysis The exhaust gases contained in the bag shall be analysed as soon as possible and in any event not later than 20 minutes after the end of the test cycle. Prior to each sample analysis, the analyser range to be used for each pollutant shall be set to zero with the appropriate zero gas. The analysers shall then be set to the calibration curves by means of span gases of nominal concentrations of 70 to 100 per cent of the range. The analysers' zero settings shall then be rechecked: if any reading differs by more than 2 per cent of the range from that set in paragraph above, the procedure shall be repeated for that analyser. The samples shall then be analysed. After the analysis, zero and span points shall be rechecked using the same gases. If these rechecks are within 2 per cent of those in paragraph above, the analysis shall be considered acceptable. At all points in this paragraph, the flow-rates and pressures of the various gases shall be the same as those used during calibration of the analysers. The figure adopted for the content of the gases in each of the pollutants measured shall be that read off after stabilisation of the measuring device. Hydrocarbon mass emissions of compression-ignition engines shall be calculated from the integrated HFID reading, corrected for varying flow if necessary, as shown in paragraph 6.6.6. below.

6.6. Calculation of emissions

6.6.1. Determination of volume Calculation of the volume when a variable dilution device with constant flow control by orifice or venturi is used.

 Record continuously the parameters showing the volumetric flow, and calculate the total volume for the duration of the test. Calculation of volume when a positive displacement pump is used

 The volume of diluted exhaust gas measured in systems comprising a positive displacement pump is calculated with the following formula:

  V = Vo · N




volume of the diluted gas expressed in litres per test (prior to correction),



volume of gas delivered by the positive displacement pump in testing conditions in litres per revolution,



number of revolutions per test. Correction of Volume to Standard Conditions

 The diluted exhaust-gas volume is corrected by means of the following formula:




  PB = barometric pressure in the test room in kPa,

   P1 = vacuum at the inlet to the positive displacement pump in kPa relative   to the ambient barometric pressure,

   Tp = average temperature of the diluted exhaust gas entering the positive  displacement  pump during the test (K).

6.6.2. Total mass of gaseous and particulate pollutants emitted

 The mass M of each pollutant emitted by the vehicle during the test shall be determined by obtaining the product of the volumetric concentration and the volume of the gas in question, with due regard for the following densities under above-mentioned reference conditions:

 In the case of carbon monoxide (CO): d = 1.25 g/l

 In the case of hydrocarbons:

  For petrol (E5) (C1H1.89O0.016)  d = 0.631 g/1

  For diesel (B5) (C1Hl.86O0.005)  d = 0.622 g/1

  For LPG (CH2.525)    d = 0.649 g/l

  For NG/biomethane (C1H4)   d = 0.714 g/l

  For ethanol (E85) (C1H2,74O0.385) d = 0.932 g/l

 In the case of nitrogen oxides (NOx): d = 2.05 g/1

6.6.3. Mass emissions of gaseous pollutants shall be calculated by means of the following formula:





mass emission of the pollutant i in grams per kilometre,



volume of the diluted exhaust gas expressed in litres per test and corrected to standard conditions (273.2 K and 101.33 kPa),



density of the pollutant i in grams per litre at normal temperature and pressure (273.2 K and 101.33 kPa),



humidity correction factor used for the calculation of the mass emissions of oxides of nitrogen. There is no humidity correction for HC and CO,



concentration of the pollutant i in the diluted exhaust gas expressed in ppm and corrected by the amount of the pollutant i contained in the dilution air,



distance corresponding to the operating cycle in kilometres.

6.6.4. Correction for dilution air concentration

 The concentration of pollutant in the diluted exhaust gas shall be corrected by the amount of the pollutant in the dilution air as follows:






concentration of the pollutant i in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in ppm and corrected by the amount of i contained in the dilution air,



measured concentration of pollutant i in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in ppm,



concentration of pollutant i in the air used for dilution, expressed in ppm,



dilution factor.

  The dilution factor is calculated as follows:

      for petrol (E5)  (5a)

      and diesel (B5) (5a)

      for LPG (5b)

      for NG/biomethane (5c)

      for Ethanol (E85) (5d)

  In these equations:



concentration of CO2 in the diluted exhaust gas contained in the sampling bag, expressed in per cent volume,



concentration of HC in the diluted exhaust gas contained in the sampling bag, expressed in ppm carbon equivalent,



concentration of CO in the diluted exhaust gas contained in the sampling bag, expressed in ppm.

 Non-methane hydrocarbon concentration is calculated as follows:

 CNMHC  = CTHC - (Rf CH4 CCH4)


 CNMHC  = corrected concentration of NMHC in the diluted exhaust gas,   expressed in ppm carbon equivalent,

 CTHC  =  concentration of THC in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in   ppm carbon equivalent and corrected by the amount of THC                             contained in the dilution air,

 CCH4  =  concentration of CH4 in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in   ppm carbon equivalent and corrected by the amount of CH4                             contained in the dilution air,

 Rf CH4 = is the FID response factor to methane as defined in  paragraph 2.3.3. of Appendix 3 of Annex 4a.

6.6.5. Calculation of the NO humidity correction factor

 In order to correct the influence of humidity on the results of oxides of nitrogen, the following calculations are applied:


   in which:





absolute humidity expressed in grams of water per kilogram of dry air,



relative humidity of the ambient air expressed as a percentage,



saturation vapour pressure at ambient temperature expressed in kPa,



atmospheric pressure in the room, expressed in kPa.

6.6.6. Determination of HC for compression-ignition engines

 To calculate HC-mass emission for compression-ignition engines, the average HC concentration is calculated as follows:



  = integral of the recording of the heated FID over the test    (t2-t1)

 Ce  = concentration of HC measured in the diluted exhaust in   ppm of Ci is substituted for CHC in all relevant equations.

6.6.7. Determination of particulates

 Particulate emission Mp (g/km) is calculated by means of the following equation:


 Where exhaust gases are vented outside tunnel;


Where exhaust gases are returned to the tunnel;




volume of diluted exhaust gases (see paragraph 6.6.1.), under standard conditions,



volume of exhaust gas flowing through particulate filter under standard conditions,



particulate mass collected by filter(s),



distance corresponding to the operating cycle in km,



particulate emission in g/km.

 Where correction for the particulate background level from the dilution system has been used, this shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 6.2.4. In this case, the particulate mass (g/km) shall be calculated as follows:


  Where exhaust gases are vented outside tunnel;


  Where exhaust gases are returned to the tunnel.




volume of tunnel air flowing through the background particulate filter under standard conditions,



particulate mass collected by background filter,



dilution factor as determined in paragraph 6.6.4.

 Where application of a background correction results in a negative particulate mass (in g/km) the result shall be considered to be zero g/km particulate mass.

6.6.8. Determination of particle numbers

 Number emission of particles shall be calculated by means of the following equation:







particle number emission expressed in particles per kilometre,



volume of the diluted exhaust gas expressed in litres per test and corrected to standard conditions (273.2 K and 101.33 kPa),



calibration factor to correct the particle number counter measurements to the level of the reference instrument where this is not applied internally within the particle number counter. Where the calibration factor is applied internally within the particle number counter a value of 1 shall be used for k in the above equation,


corrected concentration of particles from the diluted exhaust gas expressed as the average particles per cubic centimetre figure from the emissions test including the full duration of the drive cycle. If the volumetric mean concentration results () from the particle number counter are not output at standard conditions (273.2 K and 101.33 kPa), then the concentrations should be corrected to those conditions (),


mean particle concentration reduction factor of the volatile particle remover at the dilution setting used for the test,



distance corresponding to the operating cycle expressed in kilometres,


shall be calculated from the following equation:







a discrete measurement of particle concentration in the diluted gas exhaust from the particle counter expressed in particles per cubic centimetre and corrected for coincidence,



total number of discrete particle concentration measurements made during the operating cycle,



shall be calculated from the following equation:









time duration of the operating cycle expressed in seconds,



data logging frequency of the particle counter expressed in Hz.


6.6.9. Allowance for mass emissions from vehicles equipped with periodically regenerating devices

 When the vehicle is equipped with a periodically regenerating system as defined in Regulation No. 83, 06 series of amendments, Annex 13: Emissions test procedure for a vehicle equipped with a periodically regenerating system: The provisions of Annex 13 shall apply for the purposes of particulate mass measurements only and not particle number measurements. For particulate mass sampling during a test in which the vehicle undergoes a scheduled regeneration, the filter face temperature shall not exceed 192 °C. For particulate mass sampling during a test when the regenerating device is in a stabilized loading condition (i.e. the vehicle is not undergoing a regeneration), it is recommended that the vehicle has completed > 1/3 of the mileage between scheduled regenerations or that the periodically regenerating device has undergone equivalent loading off the vehicle.

 For the purposes of Conformity of Production testing, the manufacturer may ensure that this is included within the evolution coefficient. In this case, paragraph of this Regulation is replaced by paragraph of this annex. If the manufacturer wishes to run in the vehicles, ("x" km, where x  3,000 km for vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine and x  15,000 km for vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine and where the vehicle is at > 1/3 distance between successive regenerations), the procedure will be as follows:

 (a) The pollutant emissions (type I) will be measured at zero and at "x"   km on the first tested vehicle;

 (b) The evolution coefficient of the emissions between zero and "x" km   will be calculated for each of the pollutants:


 This may be less than 1,

 (a) The other vehicles will not be run in, but their zero km emissions will   be multiplied by the evolution coefficient.

 In this case, the values to be taken will be:

 (a) The values at "x" km for the first vehicle;

 (b) The values at zero km multiplied by the evolution coefficient for the   other vehicles.


Table 1

Elementary urban operating cycle on the chassis dynamometer (Part One)




Acceleration (m/s2)



Duration of each

Cumulative time (s)

Gear to be used in the case of a manual gearbox

Operation (s)

Phase (s)









6 s PM + 5 s K1 (*)











Steady speed


















Deceleration, clutch disengaged







K1 (*)









16 s PM + 5 s K1 (*)











Gear change
















Steady speed











