ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010
Volume 2
This compilation was prepared on 20 March 2014 taking into account amendments up to ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) Amendment 2013 (No.2) that commenced on 9 February 2014. See the Notes at the end of these Rules.
Volume 1 contains Chapters 1 to 7.
Volume 2 contains the Schedule (Forms 1 to 8) and the Notes.
Form 1 Part 1
Form 1 Part 2
Form 2
Form 3 Part 1
Form 3 Part 2
Form 4 Part 1
Form 4 Part 2
Form 5
Form 6
Form 7
Form 8
Notes to ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010
As directors of ....................[entity name] ("the Participant"), we are responsible for maintaining an effective internal control structure, including establishing and maintaining accounting records and effective internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of Rule 2.2.6 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 in relation to clients' segregated accounts.
In carrying out this responsibility, we have had regard to the interests of the clients and owners of the Participant, and to the general effectiveness and efficiency of the operations of the Participant.
In the opinion of the directors, the Participant maintained, in all material respects, during the .......[insert number] month period ended ............[insert date] suitably designed and effective internal controls to comply with the requirements of Rule 2.2.6 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 in relation to clients' segregated accounts.
Authorised in accordance with Rule 2.3.5(2)
Authorised in accordance with Rule 2.3.5(2)
Annual Statement of Client Funds
Auditor's Report
We have audited the accounting records and internal control policies and procedures (“internal controls”) of ..............................[Entity Name] (the “Participant”) designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of Rule 2.2.6 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 ("ASX 24 Rules") in relation to clients’ segregated accounts (the “Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules”) in order to express an opinion about their effectiveness for the period/year ended .................[date] ("the Financial Year").
The directors of the Participant are responsible for maintaining an effective internal control structure, including establishing and maintaining accounting records and effective internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules. We have conducted an independent audit of the internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules in order to express an opinion on them to the directors of the Participant for the Financial Year ended.........................[insert date].
Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and accordingly included such tests and procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the Participant’s accounting records and operation of its internal controls in relation to compliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether in all material aspects, the Participant maintained suitably designed and effective internal controls to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules for the Financial Year.
This report has been prepared for the Participant in order to meet its obligations to give this report to ASIC in accordance with Rule 2.3.5(1)(b) of the ASX 24 Rules. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for reliance on this report to any person other than the Participant and ASIC, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.
Inherent Limitations
Because of the inherent limitations of any internal control structure it is possible that fraud, errors or non-compliance with laws and regulations may occur and not be detected. Further, the overall internal control structure, within which the internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules operate, has not been audited, and no opinion is expressed as to its effectiveness.
An audit is not designed to detect all weaknesses in internal controls or all instances of noncompliance with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules as it is not performed continuously throughout the period/year and the tests performed over the internal controls are on a sample basis having regard to the nature and size of the Participant.
Any projection of the evaluation of internal controls to future periods is subject to the risk that the internal controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with them may deteriorate.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
[Qualified] Auditor’s Opinion
In our opinion, [except for the matters referred to in the qualification below,] the Participant maintained, in all material respects during the Financial Year, suitably designed and effective internal controls to comply with the requirements of the Clients’ Segregated Accounts Rules
Qualification (if applicable)
Name of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Director's/Partner’s Signature ........................................................................................................
Name of /Director/Partner ........................................................................................................
Address of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Date ........................................................................................................
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Details Return Date:
Participant Type:
Participant Sub-Type:
Return Status:
Lodgement Date:
Original Lodgement Date:
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Statement of Net Tangible Assets
| Note | Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Current Assets | 1 |
less Current Liabilities | 2 |
Net Current Assets (working Capital) |
| |||||
Non Current Assets | 3 |
less Non Current Liabilities | 4 |
Net Assets |
Shareholder's Equity funded by: | |||||
Equity | 5 |
Reserves & Retained earnings | 6 |
Approved Subordinated Debt | 7 |
Total Shareholder's Equity |
less Excluded/Intangible Assets | 3f |
Net Tangible Assets |
| |||||
Contingent Liabilities | 8 |
Lease Commitments | 9 |
Capital Commitments | 10 |
Net Standby Credit Facilities | 11 |
Foreign Exchange Exposure | 12 |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Current Assets
Current Assets – Note 1
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Current Assets |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Receivables – Note 1(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % | ||||
| ||||||||
Futures Clients |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Other Clients |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Dealers |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Other Receivables |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Cash-Note 1(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Cash at Bank (general accounts) |
Clients' Segregated Account at Bank |
Trust Account at Bank |
Cash on Hand |
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Deposits – Note1(c)
| ||||
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits with ASX Clear - Client Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear - House Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) - Client Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) – House Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear Participant |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) Participant(s) - Client |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) Participant(s) - House |
Deposits with ASX Participant |
Deposits with ASX 24 Participant(s) – Client |
Deposits with ASX 24 Participant(s) - House |
Deposits with Overseas Brokers - Client |
Deposits with Overseas Brokers - House |
Client funds invested in accordance with legislation |
Deposits with a stock exchange |
Other (Provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Company Related
Current Assets: Related/Associated Company Receivables - Note 1(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Loans (maturing within 12 months) (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Receivables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Other Current Assets
Current Assets: Other - Note 1(e)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Listed Securities (at stated value) | ||||
At market value |
At cost value |
At other value (provide details) | ||||
Investment in subsidiaries |
Investment in associated Companies |
Bills of Exchange |
Government & semi-Government Securities |
Prepayments |
Loans to Directors |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities: Total - Note 2
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Current Liabilities |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Section Name
Current Liabilities: Trade & other Payables - Note 2(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Futures Clients - External |
Futures Clients - Related/Associated |
Other Clients |
Dealers |
Lease Liability |
Sundry Payables |
Other (provide details) |
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Short Term Borrowings
Current Liabilities: Short Term Borrowings - Note 2(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Bank Overdraft (provide lender names) | ||||
Bank Loans (provide lender names) | ||||
At call (provide lender names) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Related / Associated Company Payables
Current Liabilities: Related/Associated Company Payables - Note 2(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Loans (due within 12 months) (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Payables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Other Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities: Other - Note 2(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Provision for Income Tax |
Provision for Dividend |
Provision for Annual Leave |
Provision for long Service Leave |
Sundry Provisions |
Sundry Accruals |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Non Current Assets
Non Current Assets: Total - Note 3
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Non-Current Assets |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Property, Plant & Equipment
Non-Current Assets: Property, Plant & Equipment - Note 3(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % | ||||
Land & Buildings – at fair value/cost |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Leasehold Improvement - at fair value/cost |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Plant, Vehicles, fixtures & fittings |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
Other (provide details) | ||||||||
| ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Financial Assets
Non-Current Assets: Financial Assets - Note 3(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Government & semi-Government Securities |
Listed Securities (at stated value) | ||||
At market value |
At cost value |
At other value (provide details) | ||||
Investment in subsidiaries |
Investment in associated Companies |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Loans & Deposits
Non-Current Assets: Loans & Deposits - Note 3(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Due between 1-2 years (provide names of parties loan/deposit held with) | ||||
Due after 2 years (provide names of parties loan/deposit held with) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Related / Associated company Receivables
Non-Current Assets: Related/Associated Company Receivables - Note 3(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Loans (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Receivables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Other Non Current Assets
Non-Current Assets: Other - Note 3(e)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Prepayments |
Loans to Directors |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Excluded / Intangible Assets
Non-Current Assets: Excluded/Intangible Assets - Note 3(f)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Formation Costs |
Goodwill |
Patents, Trademarks & Preliminary Expenses |
Deferred Tax Assets |
Participant Rights / Access Membership to: | ||||
ASX 24 |
ASX Clear (Futures) |
ASX Clear |
Other Exchanges / Clearing Houses (provide details) | ||||
Unlisted Securities (provide details) | ||||
ASX Clear Participant commitment |
ASX Clear (Futures) Participant commitment (cash only) |
Other commitments (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Non Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities - Note 4
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Long Term Borrowings
Non-Current Liabilities: Long Term Borrowings - Note 4(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Bank Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Other Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Subordinated Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Related/Associated Company Payables
Non-Current Liabilities: Related/Associated Company Payables - Note 4(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Loans (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Payables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Other Non Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities: Other - Note 4(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Provision for Income Tax |
Provision for Long Service Leave |
Provision for Dividend |
Deferred Taxation Liability |
Lease Liability |
Other Payables |
Other Accruals & Sundry Provisions |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Equity - Note 5
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Voting Shares |
Non-Voting Shares |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Reserves & Retained Earnings
Reserves & Retained Earnings - Note 6
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % | |
Accumulated Profits/ (Losses) at beginning of month |
| |
Profit/ (Loss) from Futures of Operations for the month |
| |
Profit/ (Loss) from Rest of Operations for the month |
| |
Accumulated Profits/ (Losses) at end of month |
| |
Adjustment to Retained Earnings - Increases (provide details) | |||||
| |
Adjustment to Retained Earnings - Decreases (provide details) | |||||
| |
Other Revenue Reserves |
| |
Capital Reserves |
| |
Dividend |
| |
Other (provide details) | |||||
| |
Total |
| |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Approved Subordinated Debt
Approved Subordinated Debt - Note 7
Lender | Maturity | Facility Limit | Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Contingent Liabilities
Contingent Liabilities - Note 8
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Guarantees (provide details) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Lease Commitments
Lease Commitments - Note 9
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Operating Leases (provide details) | ||||
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
CEC - Capital Expenditure Commitments
Capital Expenditure Commitments - Note 10
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
0 |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Standby Credit Facilities
Standby Credit Facilities - Note 11
| Limit Amount | |||
Type | Provider/Participant Name | Terms & Availability | Current Period | Prior Period |
Granted in favour of the Participant | ||||
Sub Total |
| ||
Granted by the Participant in favour of another | ||||
Sub Total |
| ||
Total |
Annual Audited NTA Return
Return Date:
Foreign Exchange Exposure
Foreign Exchange Exposure - Note 12
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Net Gain/Loss |
Net Tangible Asset Return (NTA Return)
Director's Declaration DRD Return Date:
This Return as at ……………….has been prepared pursuant to the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable) from accounting records and other records maintained by …………………………(the "Participant").
These accounting and other records have been properly and accurately maintained throughout the……….. month(s) ended ("the Reporting Period") and form an appropriate basis upon which to assess and regularly review the financial stability of the Participant. The statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
The Net Tangible Assets of the Participant have been maintained in accordance with the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 and/or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable) throughout the Reporting Period. The calculation provided by the Participant to ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) is an accurate reflection of the Participant's Net Tangible Asset position as at ………………………
In our opinion:-
(a) as at the date of this statement and having regard to the nature of the Participant's business and the associated risk, no events have occurred, or are anticipated, which, may result in a material deterioration in the financial position of the Participant;
(b) as at the date of this statement, the Participant confirms the attached financial information provided to ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) accurately reflects the Participant's Net Tangible Asset position having regards to the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 and/or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable);
(c) the internal controls for processing and monitoring the transactions were adequate throughout the Reporting Period and proper segregation of duties existed;
(d) the internal procedures designed to ensure compliance with all the conditions or restrictions imposed by ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) applicable to the Participant are adequate; and
(e) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Participant will be able to meet its obligations as and when they fall due based on the following sources of liquid funds ………………………….
We are aware that a false declaration may result in disciplinary action being taken against the Participant. We certify that the above information is to the best of our knowledge and belief true and correct.
Financial Return Authorisation
Sole Director Company: |
Board Resolution Date |
Authorisation 1 |
Authorisation Date 1 |
Authorisation 2 |
Authorisation Date 2 |
As directors of ....................[entity name] ("the Participant"), we are responsible for maintaining an effective internal control structure, including establishing and maintaining accounting records and effective internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the net tangible asset rules in Chapter 5 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010.
In carrying out this responsibility, we have had regard to the interests of the clients and owners of the Participant, and to the general effectiveness and efficiency of the operations of the Participant.
In the opinion of the directors, the Participant maintained, in all material respects, during the .......[insert number] month period ended ............[insert date] suitably designed and effective internal controls to comply with the requirements of Chapter 5 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 in relation to the maintenance of net tangible assets.
Authorised in accordance with Rule 6.2.1(7)
Authorised in accordance with Rule 6.2.1(7)
Auditor’s Report on the Net Tangible Asset Rules
Independent Auditor’s Report To the Directors
We have audited the accounting records and internal control policies and procedures (“internal controls”) of .................................[Entity Name] (the “Participant”) designed to ensure compliance with the Chapter 5 of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2001 (ASX 24 Rules) in relation to the maintenance of net tangible assets (the “Net Tangible Assets Rules”) in order to express an opinion about their effectiveness for the period/year ended ...........................[date] (Financial Year).
The directors of the Participant are responsible for maintaining an effective internal control structure, including establishing and maintaining accounting records and effective internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules. We have conducted an independent audit of the internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules in order to express an opinion on them to the directors of the Participant for the Financial Year.
Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and accordingly included such tests and procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the Participant’s accounting records and operation of its internal controls in relation to compliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether in all material aspects, the Participant maintained suitably designed and effective internal controls to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules for the Financial Year.
This report has been prepared for the Participant in order to meet its obligations to give this report to ASIC in accordance with the ASX 24 Rules. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for reliance on this report to any person other than the Participant and ASIC or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.
Inherent Limitations
Because of the inherent limitations of any internal control structure it is possible that fraud, errors or non-compliance with laws and regulations may occur and not be detected. Further, the overall internal control structure, within which the internal controls designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules operate, has not been audited, and no opinion is expressed as to its effectiveness.
An audit is not designed to detect all weaknesses in internal controls or all instances of noncompliance with the requirements of the Net Tangible Assets Rules as it is not performed continuously throughout the period/year and the tests performed over the internal controls are on a sample basis having regard to the nature and size of the Participant.
Any projection of the evaluation of internal controls to future periods is subject to the risk that the internal controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with them may deteriorate.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
Auditor’s Opinion
In our opinion, [except for the matters referred to in the qualification below] the Participant maintained, in all material respects, during the Financial Year suitably designed and effective internal controls to comply with the requirements of Chapter 5 of the ASX 24 Rules in relation to the maintenance of net tangible assets.
Qualification (if applicable)
Name of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Director's/ Partner’s Signature ........................................................................................................
Name of /Director/Partner ........................................................................................................
Address of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Date ........................................................................................................
Auditor's Report on NTA Return
Independent Auditors Report to the Directors
We have audited the financial information set out in the Audited NTA Return ('Return') of ...........................(the 'Participant') excluding the Directors Statement Relating to Accounts of the Participant and “Prior Period” balances as shown in the Audited NTA Return (the “Return”) of the Participant for the Financial Year ended ..........................[ date] (Financial Year).
The Responsibility of the Directors for the Return
The directors of the Participant are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial information set out in the Return in accordance with the requirements of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 (ASX 24 Rules). This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial information set out in the Return to ensure that the Return is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial information set out in the Return based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance, whether the financial information set out in the attached Return, is free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures of the financial information set out in the Return. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial information set out in the Return whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the Participant’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial information set out in the Return in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Participant’s internal controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors of the Participant, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial information set out in the Return.
The Return has been prepared in accordance with Rule 6.2.1 of the ASX 24 Rules. The Return may not be suitable for another purpose. Our report is intended solely for the Participant and ASIC and should not be distributed to or used by parties other than the Participant and ASIC.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of APES 110: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
In our opinion, [except for the matters referred to in the qualification below], the Return of the Participant for the Financial Year presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial information of the Participant for the Financial Year as required by ASIC in accordance with the ASX 24 Rules that are relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Return.
Name of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Director's/ Partner’s Signature ........................................................................................................
Name of /Director/Partner ........................................................................................................
Address of Audit Firm ........................................................................................................
Date ........................................................................................................
Monthly Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Return Details
Participant Type:
Participant Sub-Type:
Return Status:
Lodgement Date:
Original Lodgement Date:
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
NTA Return Details
Statement of Net Tangible Assets
| Note | Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Current Assets | 1 |
less Current Liabilities | 2 |
Net Current Assets (working capital) |
| |||||
Non Current Assets | 3 |
less Non Current Liabilities | 4 |
Net Assets |
Shareholders Equity funded by: | |||||
Equity | 5 |
Reserves & Retained earnings | 6 |
Approved Subordinated Debt | 7 |
Total Shareholder's Equity |
less Excluded/Intangible Assets | 3f |
Net Tangible Assets |
| |||||
Contingent Liabilities | 8 |
Lease Commitments | 9 |
Capital Commitments | 10 |
Net Standby Credit Facilities | 11 |
Foreign Exchange Exposure | 12 |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Current Assets
Current Assets - Note 1
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Current Assets |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Receivables - Note 1(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % | ||||
| ||||||||
Futures Clients |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Other Clients |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Dealers |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Other Receivables |
| ||||
less provision for doubtful debts |
| = |
| = |
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Cash - Note 1(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Cash at Bank (general accounts) |
Clients' Segregated Account at Bank |
Trust Account at Bank |
Cash on Hand |
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Current Assets: Deposits - Note 1(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits with ASX Clear - Client Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear - House Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) - Client Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) - House Account |
Deposits with ASX Clear Participant |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) Participant(s) - Client |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) Participant(s) - House |
Deposits with ASX Participant |
Deposits with ASX 24 Participant(s) - Client |
Deposits with ASX 24 Participant(s) - House |
Deposits with Overseas Brokers – Client |
Deposits with Overseas Brokers – House |
Client funds invested in accordance with legislation |
Deposits with stock exchange |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Company Related
Current Assets: Related/Associated Company Receivables - Note 1(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Loans (maturing within 12 months) (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Receivables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Other Current Assets
Current Assets: Other - Note 1(e)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Listed Securities (at stated value) | ||||
At market value |
At cost value |
At other value (provide details) | ||||
Investment in subsidiaries |
Investment in associated Companies |
Bills of Exchange |
Government & semi-Government Securities |
Prepayments |
Loans to Directors |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities: Total – Note 2
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Current Liabilities |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Section Name
Current Liabilities: Trade & other Payables - Note 2(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Futures Clients – External |
Futures Clients – Related/Associated |
Other Clients |
Dealers |
Lease Liability |
Sundry Payables |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Short Term Borrowings
Current Liabilities: Short Term Borrowings - Note 2(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Bank Overdraft (provide lender names) | ||||
Bank Loans (provide lender names) | ||||
At call (provide lender names) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Related / Associated Company Payables
Current Liabilities: Related/Associated Company Payables - Note 2(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Loans (due within 12 months) (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Payables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Other Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities: Other - Note 2(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Provision for Income Tax |
Provision for Dividend |
Provision for Annual Leave |
Provision for long Service Leave |
Sundry Provisions |
Sundry Accruals |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Non Current Assets
Non-Current Assets: Total - Note 3
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Non-Current Assets |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Property, Plant & Equipment
Non-Current Assets: Property, Plant & Equipment - Note 3(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % | ||||
Land and Buildings – at fair value / cost |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Leasehold Improvement - at fair value / cost |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
| ||||||||
Plant, vehicles, fixtures & fittings |
| ||||
less accumulated depreciation |
| = |
| = |
Other (provide details) | ||||||||
| ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Financial Assets
Non-Current Assets: Financial Assets - Note 3(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Government & semi-Government Securities |
Listed Securities (at stated value) | ||||
At market value |
At cost value |
At other value (provide details) | ||||
Investment in subsidiaries |
Investment in associated Companies |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Loans & Deposits
On-Current Assets: Loans & Deposits - Note 3(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Due between 1-2 years (provide names of parties loan/deposit held with) | ||||
Due after 2 years (provide names of parties loan/deposit held with) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Related / Associated company Receivables
Non-Current Assets: Related/Associated Company Receivables - Note 3(d)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Deposits (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Loans (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Receivables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Other Non Current Assets
Non-Current Assets: Other - Note 3(e)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Prepayments |
Loans to Directors |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Excluded / Intangible Assets
Non-Current Assets: Excluded/Intangible Assets - Note 3(f)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Formation Costs |
Goodwill |
Patents, Trademarks & Preliminary Expenses |
Deferred Tax Assets |
Participant Rights / Access to Membership to: | ||||
ASX 24 |
ASX Clear (Futures) |
ASX Clear |
Other Exchanges / Clearing Houses (provide details) | ||||
Unlisted Securities (provide details) | ||||
ASX Clear Participant commitment |
ASX Clear (Futures) Participant commitment (cash only) |
Other commitments (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Non Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities - Note 4
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Long Term Borrowings
Non-Current Liabilities: Long Term Borrowings - Note 4(a)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Bank Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Other Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Subordinated Loans (provide names of lenders) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Related/Associated Company Payables
Non-Current Liabilities: Related/Associated Company Payables - Note 4(b)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Loans (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Payables (provide names of related parties) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Other Non Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities: Other – Note 4(c)
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Provision for Income Tax |
Provision for Long Service Leave |
Provision for Dividend |
Deferred Taxation Liability |
Lease Liability |
Other Payables |
Other Accruals & Sundry Provisions |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Sub Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Equity – Note 5
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Voting Shares |
Non-Voting Shares |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Reserves & Retained Earnings
Reserves & Retained Earnings - Note 6
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Accumulated Profits / (Losses) at beginning of month |
Profit / (Loss) from Futures Operations for the month |
Profit / (Loss) from Rest of Operations for the month |
Accumulated Profits / (Losses) at end of month |
Adjustment to Retained Earnings – Increases (provide details) | ||||
Adjustment to Retained Earnings – Decreases (provide details) | ||||
Other Revenue Reserves |
Capital Reserves |
Dividend |
Other (provide details) | ||||
Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Approved Subordinated Debt
Approved Subordinated Debt - Note 7
Lender | Maturity | Facility Limited | Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Contingent Liabilities
Contingent Liabilities - Note 8
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Guarantees (provide details) | ||||
Other (provide details) | ||||
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Lease Commitments
Lease Commitments - Note 9
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Operating Leases (provide details) | ||||
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
CEC - Capital Expenditure Commitments
Capital Expenditure Commitments - Note 10
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Standby Credit Facilities
Standby Credit Facilities - Note 11
| Limit Amount | |||
Type | Provider/Participant Name | Terms & Availability | Current Period | Prior Period |
Granted in favour of the Participant: | ||||
Sub Total |
| ||
Granted by the Participant in favour of other: | ||||
Sub Total |
| ||
Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Foreign Exchange Exposure
Foreign Exchange Exposure - Note 12
| Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Net Gain/Loss |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Receivables Analysis
Receivables Analysis - Attachment A
Amounts Owed by | Current | 30 Days | 60 Days | 90 Days+ | Total Outstanding |
Future Clients |
Other Clients |
Dealers |
Other Receivables |
Less Provision for Doubtful Debt |
Sub Total |
Ageing Analysis % |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Directors - Attachment B
Current Period | Prior Period |
Board Directors (Full Name) | |
Company Secretary (Full Name) | |
CEO (Full Name) | |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Shareholders - Attachment C
Voting |
| ||||
Class of Shares | Value per Share | Shareholder Name | Number of Shares | Current Period | Prior Period |
Voting Total |
Non-Voting |
| ||||
Class of Shares | Value per Share | Shareholder Name | Number of Shares | Current Period | Prior Period |
Non-Voting Total |
| ||
Total Contributed Equity |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Related/Associated Company Receivables
Related/Associated Company Receivables - Attachment D
Current Assets | |||
Name of Related/Associated Company | Evidence Provided | Current Period | Prior Period |
Sub Total |
| |
Non - Current Assets | |||
Sub Total |
| |
Total |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Net Liquid Assets
Statement of Net Liquid Assets - Attachment E
| Note | Current Period | Prior Period | Movement $ | Movement % |
Liquid Assets | |||||
Cash at Bank and on Hand |
Deposits with ASX Clear (Futures) |
Deposits with ASX Clear |
Deposits with other Participants |
Investments with authorised Institutions (24 hour call or better) |
Other Investments (24 hour call or better) |
Deposits with a Stock Exchange |
Government & Semi-Government Securities |
Bank Accepted Bills |
Listed Securities |
Other (provide details | |||||
Total Liquid Assets |
Liquid Liability | |||||
Other Clients |
Other Creditors - at call |
Client Credit Margins (if mark to market not used) |
Loans & Deposits - at call |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Bank Overdraft |
Other (provide details) | |||||
Total Liquid Liabilities |
Current Net Liquid Assets |
Net Tangible Asset Return
Return Date:
Secured Creditors
Statement of Secured Creditors - Attachment F
| Note | Nature & Extent of Security | Terms | Granted in favour of | Current Period | Prior Period |
Current Liabilities |
Bank Overdraft |
Bank Loans |
Loans & Deposits |
Related/Associated Company Payables |
Other (Provide details) | ||||||
Total Current Liabilities |
| ||||
Non-Current Liabilities | ||||||
Bank Overdraft |
Bank Loans |
Loans & Deposits |
Related/Associated Company Payables |
Other (provide details) | ||||||
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
| ||||
Total Secured Creditors |
Net Tangible Asset Return (NTA Return)
Director's Declaration DRD Return Date:
This Return as at ……………….has been prepared pursuant to the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable) from accounting records and other records maintained by …………………………(the "Participant").
These accounting and other records have been properly and accurately maintained throughout the……….. month(s) ended ("the Reporting Period") and form an appropriate basis upon which to assess and regularly review the financial stability of the Participant. The statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
The Net Tangible Assets of the Participant have been maintained in accordance with the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 and/or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable) throughout the Reporting Period. The calculation provided by the Participant to ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) is an accurate reflection of the Participant's Net Tangible Asset position as at ………………………
In our opinion:-
(a) as at the date of this statement and having regard to the nature of the Participant's business and the associated risk, no events have occurred, or are anticipated, which, may result in a material deterioration in the financial position of the Participant;
(b) as at the date of this statement, the Participant confirms the attached financial information provided to ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) accurately reflects the Participant's Net Tangible Asset position having regards to the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) 2010 and/or ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules (as applicable);
(c) the internal controls for processing and monitoring the transactions were adequate throughout the Reporting Period and proper segregation of duties existed;
(d) the internal procedures designed to ensure compliance with all the conditions or restrictions imposed by ASIC or ASX Clear (Futures) (as applicable) applicable to the Participant are adequate; and
(e) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Participant will be able to meet its obligations as and when they fall due based on the following sources of liquid funds ………………………….
We are aware that a false declaration may result in disciplinary action being taken against the Participant. We certify that the above information is to the best of our knowledge and belief true and correct.
Financial Return Authorisation
Sole Director Company: |
Board Resolution Date |