Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/0262/02 – Mechanical Connections Between VehiclesMechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 200720072007
Compilation: 1 (up to and including Amendment 11)
Compilation Date: 05/02/2010
Compiled by: Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
0. legislative provisions..............................................
1. SCOPE.........................................................
2. APPLICABILITY................................................
3. DEFINITIONS...................................................
8. 40 mm and 50 mm ‘AUTOMATIC PIN COUPLINGS’
15. ALTERNATIVE STANDARDS.....................................
APPENDIX 1..................................................................................................................17
0.1.1. This Standard is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 – Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007.
0.1.2. This Standard may also be cited as Australian Design Rule 62/02 — Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles.
0.2.1. This Standard commences on the day after it is registered.
The function of this vehicle standard is to specify requirements for devices for mechanical connections between vehicles and their fitment, in order to ensure positive mechanical engagement for vehicle combinations and to prohibit the opening or disengaging of devices under the action of any forces to which they may be subject to during normal use.
2.1. This vehicle standard is only applicable to vehicles fitted with ‘Couplings’ that are designed to be separated in normal operation; and
2.2. does not apply to connection devices mounted to the front of a motor vehicle or devices not intended for towing trailers.
2.3. This vehicle standard applies to the design and construction of L, M, N and T category vehicles from the dates set out in clauses 2.3.1, 2.3.2, and the table below.
2.3.1. 1 January 2009 on all new model vehicles.
2.3.2. 1 July 2009 on all vehicles.
2.3.3. For the purposes of clause 2.3.1 a "new model" is a vehicle model first produced with a 'Date of manufacture' on or after the agreed date in clause 2.3.1.
2.4. Applicability Table
Vehicle Category | ADR Category Code [*] | UNECE Category Code * | Manufactured on or After | Acceptable Prior Rules | |
Moped 2 wheels | LA | L1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Moped 3 wheels | LB | L2 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Motor cycle | LC | L3 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Motor cycle and sidecar | LD | L4 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Motor tricycle | LE | L5 |
| |
| LEM |
| 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
| LEP |
| 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
| LEG |
| 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Passenger car | MA | M1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Forward-control passenger vehicle | MB | M1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Off-road passenger vehicle | MC | M1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Light omnibus | MD | M2 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
| up to 3.5 tonnes ‘GVM’ and up to 12 seats | MD1 |
| up to 3.5 tonnes ‘GVM’ and more than 12 seats | MD2 |
| over 3.5 tonnes and up to 4.5 tonnes ‘GVM’ | MD3 |
| over 4.5 tonnes and up to 5 tonnes ‘GVM’ | MD4 |
Heavy omnibus | ME | M3 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Light goods vehicle | NA | N1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Medium goods vehicle | NB | N2 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
| over 3.5 tonnes up to 4.5 tonnes ‘GVM’ | NB1 |
| over 4.5 tonnes up to 12 tonnes ‘GVM’ | NB2 |
Heavy goods vehicle | NC | N3 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Very light trailer | TA | O1 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Light trailer | TB | O2 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Medium trailer | TC | O3 | 1 January 2009** | /01 | |
Heavy trailer | TD | O4 | 1 January 2009** | /01 |
** See clauses 2.3.1 to 2.3.3
3.1. For vehicle categories, definitions and meanings used in this standard, refer to Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005.
4.1. All ‘Couplings’ must comply with the requirements of this standard.
4.2. Installation of ‘Couplings’ is:
4.2.1. Mandatory on all trailers for ‘Couplings’ which connect to the towing vehicle; and
4.2.2. optional for all other motor vehicles.
5.1. 'Couplings' designed for use between tow vehicles and trailers with an ‘ATM’ up to 3.5 tonnes must be 'Quick Release Couplings'.
5.2. The ‘Tow Coupling Overhang’ must not exceed, in the case of an NC vehicle designed for use in ‘Road Trains’, 2.7m.”
6.1. ‘Fifth Wheel Assemblies’ that have a ‘D-value’ rating of greater than 40 kN must comply with and be installed to comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4968.1:2003 Heavy-road vehicles – Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations – Design criteria and selection requirements for fifth wheel, kingpin and associated equipment1; and
6.1.1. AS/NZS 4968.2:2003 Heavy-road vehicles – Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations – Testing and installation of fifth wheel and associated equipment.
6.2. ‘Fifth Wheel Assemblies’ that have a ‘D-value’ rating of 40 kN or less must meet clause 6.1; or
6.2.1. meet the static strength test requirements in clause 12.3.2 or the dynamic strength test requirements of clause 12.3.3; and
6.2.2. meet the marking requirements of clause 12.4 or of AS/NZS 4968.1:2003.
7.1. Kingpins that have a ‘D-value’ rating of greater than 40 kN must comply with and be installed to comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4968.1:2003 Heavy-road vehicles – Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations – Design criteria and selection requirements for fifth wheel, kingpin and associated equipment[1]; and
7.1.1. AS/NZS 4968.3:2003 Heavy-road vehicles – Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations– Kingpins and associated equipment1.
7.1.2. The marking requirements of clause 12.4 may be used instead of those in AS/NZS 4968.1:2003.
7.2. Kingpins that have a ‘D-value’ rating of 40 kN or less must meet clause 7.1; or
7.2.1. meet the static strength test requirements in clause 12.3.2 or the dynamic strength test requirements of clause 12.3.3; and
7.2.2. meet the marking requirements of clause 12.4 or of AS/NZS 4968.1:2003.
7.2.3. Where a kingpin has been tested to clause 12.3.3, it must be installed such that the installation will withstand a static longitudinally applied force equal to a minimum of the ‘D-value’ for 60 seconds duration without separation. This requirement may be demonstrated using ‘Approved’ calculations, where the calculations take into account both strength and fatigue resistance.
7.3. ‘Skid-Plate’ assemblies of ‘Semi-Trailers’ of TD category must comply with AS/NZS 4968.3:2003 and must be designed with provision for draining the water from the space above the ‘Skid Plate’.
8. 40 mm and 50 mm ‘AUTOMATIC PIN COUPLINGS’
8.1. 40 mm and 50 mm ‘Automatic Pin Couplings’ must comply with the requirements of AS 2213 – 2001 Commercial road vehicles – Mechanical connections between towing vehicles parts 1 and 2[2]; and
8.1.1. AS2213 - 1998 Commercial road vehicles – Mechanical connections between towing vehicles parts 3 to 5.
8.1.2. The value of ‘a’ used in clause 7 of AS 2213 – 2001 part 1, must be = 2.4.
8.1.3. The marking requirements of clause 12.4 may be used instead of those in AS 2213 - 2001.
9.1. 50 mm ‘Ball Couplings’ intended for towing trailers with an ‘ATM’ of up to 3.5 tonnes must comply with the requirements of AS 4177.2 – 2004 50mm Towballs.
9.1.1. The marking requirements at clause 12.4 may be used instead of those in AS 4177.2 – 2004.
10.1. ‘Coupling’ bodies for 50 mm ‘Ball Couplings’ intended for towing trailers with an ‘ATM’ of up to 3.5 tonnes must comply with the requirements of AS 4177.3 – 2004 Coupling Body for Ball Couplings.
10.1.1. The marking requirements at clause 12.4 may be used instead of those in AS 4177.3 – 2004.
11.1. The hook part of ‘Hook Couplings’ must comply with the technical requirements of the standard referenced in clause 15.1.9; or
11.2. the dimensional requirements of the standard referenced in clause 15.1.9; and
11.2.1. clauses 12.2 - 12.4, except for clause
11.3. The towing ring part of ‘Hook Couplings’ must comply with the technical requirements of the standard referenced in clause 15.1.10; or
11.4. the dimensional requirements of the standard referenced in clause 15.1.10; and
11.4.1. clauses 12.2 - 12.4 except for clause
11.5. ‘Hook Couplings’ must comply with the 'Coupling' manufacturer’s installation instructions when fitted to a towing or towed vehicle.
11.6. For information purposes, a copy of the relevant dimensions referenced at clauses 11.2 and 11.4 are shown in APPENDIX 1.
12.1. ‘Couplings’ other than those specified in clauses 6 to 11 must comply with clauses 12.2 to 12.4 and must comply with the 'Coupling' manufacturer’s installation instructions when fitted to a towing or towed vehicle.
12.2. Locking Mechanism
12.2.1. ‘Couplings’ must incorporate a positive locking mechanism together with a separate means of retaining this mechanism in the locked position. The locking must be readily verifiable by visual examination.
12.2.2. ‘Quick Release Couplings’ must incorporate a positive locking mechanism together with a separate means of automatically retaining this mechanism in the locked position. This locking must be readily verifiable by visual examination.
12.3. Strength
12.3.1. Up to 750kg ‘ATM’
‘Couplings’ specifically designed for use between LA, LB, LC, LD category and LEM sub-category towing vehicles and trailers up to 750kg ‘ATM’ when installed in the design configuration must withstand the relevant static or dynamic forces nominated in clause or clause when these forces are applied separately at the intended ‘Coupling’ centreline, without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks or separation of components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds. Up to 750kg ‘ATM’ – Static Testing Longitudinal tension and compression of minimum (N) 1.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated; and Transverse thrust of minimum (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated. Up to 750kg ‘ATM’ – Dynamic Testing Horizontal alternating force of minimum +/- 2.52 kN acting in a line parallel to the ground and in the longitudinal median plane of the towing vehicle for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency is not to exceed 35 Hz, and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system.
12.3.2. Up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
‘Couplings’, other than those at clause 12.3.1, specifically designed for use between towing vehicles and trailers up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ when installed in the design configuration must withstand the relevant static or dynamic forces nominated in clause or clause when these forces are applied separately at the intended ‘Coupling’ centreline, without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks or separation of components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds. Up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Static Testing Longitudinal tension and compression of minimum (N) 1.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated; and Transverse thrust of minimum (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated; and Vertical tension and compression of minimum (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated. Up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Dynamic Testing Horizontal alternating force of minimum +/- 12 kN acting in a line parallel to the ground and in the longitudinal median plane of the towing vehicle for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency is not to exceed 35 Hz, and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system.
12.3.3. Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
‘Couplings’ specifically designed for use between towing vehicles and trailers over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ when installed in the design configuration must withstand the relevant ‘D-value’, or the relevant ‘D-value’ and ‘V-value’ dynamic forces nominated in clause or clause when these forces are applied separately at the intended ‘Coupling’ centreline, without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere with or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks or separation of components. Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – ‘D-value’ rated Dynamic Testing Horizontal alternating force of minimum (kN) +/- 0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) acting in a line parallel to the ground and in the longitudinal median plane of the towing vehicle for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency is not to exceed 35 Hz, and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system. Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – ‘D-value’ and ‘V-value’ rated Dynamic Testing Horizontal alternating force of minimum (kN) +/- 0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) acting in a line parallel to the ground and in the longitudinal median plane of the towing vehicle and a vertical alternating force of minimum (kN) static vertical ‘Coupling’ load +/- (0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘V-value’ (kN)) acting vertically for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency is not to exceed 35 Hz, and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system.
The static vertical ‘Coupling’ load (kN) = 9.81 x S
where: S = ‘ATM’ - ‘GTM’ (tonnes). The horizontal and vertical alternating forces must be sinusoidal in shape and must be applied asynchronously so that the difference in their frequencies shall be between 1% and 3%.
12.4. Marking
12.4.1. Up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
Both parts of a ‘Coupling’ specifically designed for use between LA, LB, LC, LD category and sub category LEM towing vehicles and trailers up to 750kg ‘ATM’, or specifically designed for use between towing vehicles and trailers up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ must be marked with the following information: The ‘Coupling’ manufacturer’s name or trademark; and the maximum allowable trailer ‘ATM’ and its units of measurement, kg for an ‘ATM’ up to 750 kg and tonnes otherwise), at which the ‘Coupling’ is rated; and the words “use with model (identified model)”.
12.4.2. Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
Both parts of the ‘Coupling’ specially designed for use between towing vehicles and trailers over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ must be marked with the following information: The ‘Coupling’ manufacturer’s name or trademark; and the words “use with model (identified model)”; and either the rated ‘D-value’, or the rated ‘D-value’ and ‘V-value’ (kN).
12.4.3. All markings must be stamped, moulded or printed with letters not less than 2.5mm high and must be visible when the ‘Coupling’ is installed and connected. The markings may be on a metal plate that is permanently affixed to the ‘Coupling’ or to the vehicle adjacent to the ‘Coupling’.
13.1. Up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
For vehicles with a maximum rated towing capacity of up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, the ‘Towbar’ towing bracket, towbar attachment and vehicle structure must comply with the requirements of AS 4177.1 - 2004 Towbars and towing brackets.
13.2. Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’
For vehicles with a maximum rated towing capacity of over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, the ‘Towbar’ towing bracket, towbar attachment and vehicle structure must comply with clauses 13.3 – 13.5.
13.3. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Strength
For vehicles with a maximum rated towing capacity of over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, the ‘Towbar’ towing bracket, towbar attachment and vehicle structure must withstand the relevant static or dynamic forces nominated in clauses 13.3.1 or 13.3.2, according to their maximum rated capacity, when these forces are applied separately at the intended ‘Coupling’ centreline without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks and separation of components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds. Alternatively approval may be by ‘Approved’ calculations as per clause 13.3.3.
13.3.1. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ - Static Testing Longitudinal Tension and Compression For vehicles towing trailers up to 23.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, other than ‘Converter Dollies’ a (N) 1.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated. For vehicles towing trailers over 23.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, and ‘Converter Dollies’ the lesser of 350 kN; or 2.25 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) for the ‘Coupling’ ‘D-Value’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated. Transverse Thrust For all vehicles towing trailers, 120kN. Alternatively, the following may be used: (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated; or For a ‘Towbar’ marked for towing ‘Dog Trailers’, as per clause, (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x [‘GGALR’ (kg) for the front ‘Axle Group’ of the designated ‘Dog Trailer’]. Notwithstanding the requirements at clauses and, it need not be greater than (N) {[‘Wheelbase’ (m) + ‘Coupling’ Offset (m)] /‘Wheelbase’ (m)]} x [sum of the ‘Axle Loads’ (kg) for the rear ‘Axle Group’ of the towing vehicle when at ‘GVM’].
where: ‘Coupling’ Offset is the dimension from the rear wheel centrelines of the towing vehicle (as used to determine the ‘Wheelbase’) to the centre of the ‘Coupling’ (m). Vertical Tension and Compression For all vehicles towing trailers, 120kN. Alternatively, the following may be used: (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg) for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated; or For a ‘Towbar’ marked for towing ‘Dog Trailers’, as per clause, (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x [‘GGALR’ (kg) for the front ‘Axle Group’ of the designated ‘Dog Trailer’]. Notwithstanding the requirements at clauses and, for vehicles towing trailers with hinged ‘Drawbars’ only, it need not be greater than +/- 10 kN.
13.3.2. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Dynamic Testing Horizontal alternating force of minimum (kN) +/- 0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN), for the ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated, acting in a line parallel to the ground and in the longitudinal median plane of the towing vehicle and a vertical alternating force of (kN) +/- 0.18 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (tonne), for the ‘ATM’ at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated, acting vertically for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency is not to exceed 35 Hz and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system. The horizontal and vertical alternating forces must be sinusoidal in shape and must be applied asynchronously so that the difference in their frequencies shall be between 1% and 3%.
13.3.3. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – ‘Approved’ Calculations
The strength of a ‘Towbar’ may be demonstrated for loads as per clauses 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 by ‘Approved’ calculation procedures where the calculations take into account both strength and fatigue resistance.
13.4. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Safety Chain Attachments
13.4.1. Except for vehicles designed for use in ‘Road Trains’, the ‘Towbar’ must be fitted with two safety chain attachments, mounted either side of and adjacent to, the tow ‘Coupling’.
13.4.2. Each safety chain attachment provided on the ‘Towbar’ must withstand at least the following static forces, separately applied, without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks or separation of components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds: Longitudinal tension (N) = 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg); and vertical tension (N) = 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg).
13.4.3. ‘Towbar’ safety chain attachments must be fixed to a part of the ‘Towbar’ which is permanently attached to the vehicle. Means of permanent attachment include at least either welding or bolting.
13.5. ‘Towbars’ – Over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ – Marking
13.5.1. Except where an integral part of the vehicle the ‘Towbar’ must be marked with the following information: The ‘Towbar’ manufacturer’s name or trade mark; and the “make and model” shown on the ‘Compliance Plate’ or trailer plate fitted to the vehicle for which it is designed, or the manufacturer’s part number; and The maximum rated capacity at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated and which must not exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s rated capacity. This must be the ‘ATM’ in tonnes where determined using the static requirements of clause 13.3.1, or the maximum ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ in kN where determined using the dynamic requirements of clause 13.3.2. In addition, where the maximum rated capacity has been determined using clause the maximum ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ must form part of the required markings. Notwithstanding the requirements of clause, where the transverse thrust has been determined using clause or the vertical tension and compression has been determined using clause, the maximum rated capacity marked must not exceed the ‘GGALR’ for the front ‘Axle Group’ in tonnes at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated. However, the ‘Towbar’ may carry all of the following additional marking:
“Dog Trailers Only ATM = (the maximum rated capacity without regard to the ‘GGALR’ for the front ‘Axle Group’ in tonnes at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated)”; and
“Front Axle Group Load Limit = (‘GGALR’ for the front ‘Axle Group’ in tonnes at which the ‘Towbar’ is rated)”. Where the vertical tension and compression has been determined using clause, the ‘Towbar’ must also be marked with “Hinged Drawbar Only". All markings must be stamped, moulded or printed with letters not less than 6 mm high. Where the information required at clause 13.5.1 is not visible when the ‘Towbar’ is fitted to the vehicle, an additional plate clearly and permanently marked and in a conspicuous position must be affixed to the vehicle adjacent to the ‘Towbar’ showing the maximum rated capacity of the ‘Towbar’ and the information required by clause and if applicable.
14.1. The ‘Drawbar’ must be securely attached to a substantial structural member of the trailer. The strength of the ‘Drawbar’ and its attachments must comply with either Clause 14.2 or the standard referenced in clause 15.1.11.
14.2. The ‘Drawbar’ including the connections between the ‘Drawbar’ and the trailer must withstand at least the relevant static or dynamic forces nominated in clauses 14.2.1 or 14.2.2 when these forces are applied separately at the intended ‘Coupling’ centreline without incurring any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks and separation of components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds. Alternatively approval can be by ‘Approved’ calculations as per clause 14.2.3.
14.2.1. ‘Drawbars’– Static Testing Longitudinal Tension and Compression For trailers up to 23.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ other than ‘Converter Dollies’, (N) 1.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg). For trailers over 23.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ and all ‘Converter Dollies’, the lesser of 350 kN or 2.25 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) for the ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ at which the ‘Drawbar’ is rated. Transverse Thrust For trailers up to 4.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg). For trailers over 4.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ without dolly locking devices, 120 kN. Alternatively, the following may be used: ‘Single Axle’ trailer or a ‘Dog Trailer’ with a ‘Single Axle’ front “Axle Group’, (N) 11 x M/(DL). ‘Tandem Axle Group’ trailer or a ‘Dog Trailer’ with a ‘Tandem Axle Group’ front “Axle Group’, (N) 18 x M/(DL-1). ‘Triaxle Group’ trailer or a ‘Dog Trailer’ with a ‘Triaxle Group’ front “Axle Group’, (N) 24 x M/(DL-1.6)
where: M is the ‘GGALR’ (kg) for the front ‘Axle Group’ of ‘Dog Trailers’ or the ‘GTM’ (kg) for other trailers.
DL is the ‘Drawbar Length’ (m) For trailers over 4.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ with dolly locking devices, (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg). Vertical Tension and Compression: For trailers up to 4.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, (N) 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg). For trailers over 4.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, 120 kN. Alternatively, the following may be used: Rigid ‘Drawbar’ trailers, (kN) 2.25 x ‘V-value’ (kN), where the ‘V-value’ is as calculated in AS 2213.1:2001 using the equations in clause 7 of the standard with ‘a’ = 2.4. Hinged ‘Drawbar’ trailers, +/- 10 kN.
14.2.2. ‘Drawbars’– Dynamic Testing For ‘Drawbars’ for ‘Pig Trailers’ up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’ and hinged ‘Drawbars’ for other trailers, a horizontal oscillating force of (kN) +/- 0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) in the longitudinal direction concurrently for at least 2 million cycles. The frequency must not exceed 35 Hz and must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequencies of the system: For rigid ‘Drawbars’ for ‘Pig Trailers’ over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, a horizontal alternating force of (kN) +/- 0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘D-value’ (kN) acting in the longitudinal axis of the ‘Coupling’ and a vertical alternating force of (kN) static vertical ‘Coupling’ load +/- (0.6 x ‘Coupling’ ‘V-value’ (kN)) in the vertical axis of the ‘Coupling’ asynchronously for at least 2 million cycles.
The static vertical ‘Coupling’ load (kN) = 9.81 x S
where: S = ‘ATM’ - ‘GTM’ (tonnes).
The frequency of the longitudinal and vertical forces must differ by between 1% and 3% and are not to exceed 35 Hz, but must be chosen so as not to coincide with any natural frequency of the system.
14.2.3. ‘Drawbars’ – ‘Approved’ Calculations
The strength of a ‘Drawbar’ may be demonstrated for loads as per clauses 14.2.1 or 14.2.2 by ‘Approved’ calculation procedures where the calculations take in to account both strength and fatigue resistance.
14.3. ‘Drawbars’– Safety Chains
14.3.1. Safety chains must be affixed to a substantial structural member on every trailer that is not fitted with an ‘Emergency Brake System’ in accordance with ADR 38/… Trailer Brake Systems and on every ‘Drawbar’ of a rigid ‘Drawbar’ trailer except a ‘Converter Dolly’. For trailers over 2.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, there must be two safety chains fitted for connection to the towing vehicle. Each safety chain must meet separately the strength requirements of clause or For trailers up to 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, the safety chain must comply with AS 4177.4 - 2004 Safety chains up to 3500 kg capacity; or be a safety cable with a certified load capacity not less than that of a chain complying with AS 4177.4 - 2004. For trailers over 3.5 tonnes ‘ATM’, the safety chain must be made from steel of a minimum 800 MPa breaking stress, conforming to the mechanical properties of Grade T chain as specified in AS 2321 - 2001 Short Link Chain for Lifting Purposes and must be of a size such that the minimum breaking load exceeds the ‘ATM’, or a size as shown in Table 1.
‘Aggregate Trailer Mass’ (tonnes) | Chain Size (millimetres) | Minimum Chain Breaking Load (tonnes) |
Over 3 .5 and up to 5.0 | 6 | 5.1 |
Over 5.0 and up to 8.0 | 8 | 8.2 |
Over 8.0 and up to 12.5 | 10 | 12.8 |
Over 12.5 and up to 21.5 | 13 | 21.7 |
Over 21.5 and up to 32.5 | 16 | 32.8 |
Over 32.5 | 19 | 46.5 |
Table 1: Safety Chain Size Selection
14.4. ‘Drawbars’ – Safety Chain Attachment Points
14.4.1. Any safety chain attachment point affixing a safety chain to a ‘Drawbar’ must be located as near as practicable to the ‘Coupling’. Where two points of attachment are required they must be mounted one on either side of the centreline of the ‘Drawbar’.
14.4.2. Any safety chain attachment point affixing a safety chain to a ‘Drawbar’ must withstand at least the following forces, separately applied, without incurring either any residual deformation that would interfere or degrade the function of the assembly or any breaks, cracks or separation of the components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10 seconds: Longitudinal tension (N) = 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg); and vertical tension (N) = 0.5 x 9.81 x ‘ATM’ (kg).
15.1. The technical requirements of ECE Regulation No. 55/01 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Mechanical Coupling Components of Combinations of Vehicles shall be deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this standard as applicable to:
15.1.1. Class G50 standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel couplings and class H fifth wheel coupling pins, 50 mm diameter;
15.1.2. Class G50-X non-standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel couplings if the manufacturer can demonstrate that they can be reliably coupled to class H fifth wheel coupling pins, 50 mm diameter;
15.1.3. Class H50-X non-standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel coupling pins if the manufacturer can demonstrate that they can be reliably coupled to class G50 standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel couplings;
15.1.4. Class C drawbar couplings with a 50 mm diameter pin and class D drawbar eyes having a parallel hole suitable for a 50 mm diameter pin;
15.1.5. Class A50-1 to A 50-5 standard 50 mm coupling balls with flange type bolted fixing;
15.1.6. Class A50-X non-standard 50 mm coupling balls and brackets if the manufacturer can demonstrate that they can be reliably coupled to class B coupling heads fitted to the drawbar of trailers for connecting to the 50 mm diameter coupling ball;
15.1.7. Class B coupling heads fitted to the drawbar of trailers for connecting to the 50 mm diameter coupling ball, but excluding class B50-X, non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling heads;
15.1.8. Class B50-X non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling heads if the manufacturer can demonstrate that they can be reliably coupled to class A coupling balls and towing brackets employing a 50 mm diameter spherical device;
15.1.9. Classes KA1, KA2 or KA3 hook type couplings;
15.1.10. Classes L1, L2, L3, L4 or L5 toroidal drawbar eyes;
15.1.11. Class E drawbars, but excluding their installation.
Dimensional Requirements for ‘Hook Couplings’
Refer Clause 11.6
The following has been reproduced from ECE Regulation No. 55/01 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Mechanical Coupling Components of Combinations of Vehicles, incorporating Corrigendum 1 to Revision 1 of the regulation.
Class | K1 | K2 | K3 | K4 | KA1 | KA2 | KA3 | Remarks |
e1 | - | 83 | 83 | 120 | 120 | 140 | 160 | + 0.5 |
e2 | - | 56 | 56 | 55 | 55 | 80 | 100 | + 0.5 |
e3 | 90 | - | - | -. | - | - | - | + 0.5 |
d2 | 17 | 10.5 | 10.5 | 15 | 15 | 17 | 21 | H13 |
c | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | Min. |
f | 130 | 175 | 175 | 180 | 180 | 200 | 200 | Max. |
g | 100 | 100 | 100 | 120 | 120 | 140 | 200 | Max. |
a | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | + 1.6/- 0.0 |
L1 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 250 | 300 | 300 | Max. |
L2 | 74 | 74 | 63 | 74 | 90 | 90 | 90 | Max. |
L3 | 110 | 130 | 130 | 150 | 150 | 200 | 200 | Max. |
Figure 1. Dimensions for Class K hook type couplings (mm)
Class | L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5 | Remarks |
a | 68 | 76.2 | 76.2 | 76.2 | 68 |
b | 41.2 | 41.2 | 41.2 | 41.2 | 41,2 |
c | 70 | 65 | 65 | 65 | 70 | Min |
Figure 2. Dimensions of Class L toroidal drawbar eyes (mm)
This compilation of Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 includes all the instruments set out in the Table of Instruments. The Table of Amendments provides a history of clauses that have been amended, inserted or deleted.
Table of Instruments
Name of Instrument | Registration Date | Commencement Date |
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 | 18/07/2007 | 19/07/2007 |
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | 04/02/2010 | 05/02/2010 |
Table of Amendments
Clause affected | How affected | Amending instrument |
5.2 | ad | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 |
Table 1 | ad | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 | | am | Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007 Amendment 1 |
ad = added or inserted
am = amended
del = deleted or removed
rr = removed and replaced
= clause renumbered. This takes the format of old no. new no.
[*] UN ECE Vehicle Categories are provided for information and as reference only. The category code may also be in the format L1, LA etc.
[1] Determination of the ‘D-value’ in clause 6 of AS/NZS 4968.1:2003 and clause 7 of AS/NZS 4968.3:2003 is relevant to vehicle combinations only and so is not required under this Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 – Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007.
[2] Determination of the ‘D-value’ in clause 6 of AS 2213.1– 2001 and determination of the ‘V-value’ for the towing vehicle in clause 7 is relevant to vehicle combinations only and so is not required under this Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 62/02 – Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles) 2007.