Manual of Standards Part 60—Synthetic Training Devices |
VERSION 1.2: february 2016 Made under Part 60 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998. This compilation was prepared on 9 February 2016 taking into account amendments up to Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 60 Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 1). Prepared by Legislative Drafting Section, Legal Branch, Legal Services Division, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra.
© Civil Aviation Safety Authority
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................1-1
Section 1.1: General.....................................................1-1
1.1.1 Background......................................................1-1
1.1.2 Document Set....................................................1-2
1.1.3 Differences between ICAO Standards and those in MOS...............1-2
1.1.4 Differences Published in AIP........................................1-2
1.1.5 MOS Documentation Change Management...........................1-2
1.1.6 Related documents................................................1-3
Section 1.2: Glossary.....................................................1-4
Section 1.3: Abbreviations and Units....................................1-10
1.3.1 Abbreviations and Units...........................................1-10
Chapter 2: Requirements...................................................2-1
Section 2.1: General Requirements.......................................2-1
2.1.1 Synthetic Training Device Qualification...............................2-1
2.1.2 Testing for STD Qualification.......................................2-1
2.1.3 Qualification Test Guide............................................2-2
2.1.4 Master Qualification Test Guide.....................................2-4
Chapter 3: Aeroplane Flight Simulator Standards............................3-1
Section 3.1: Criteria.....................................................3-1
3.1.1 Introduction......................................................3-1
Section 3.2: Validation Tests............................................3-15
3.2.1 Introduction.....................................................3-15
3.2.2 Test Requirements...............................................3-16
Section 3.3: Information for Validation Tests.............................3-59
3.3.1 Control Dynamics................................................3-59
3.3.2 Ground Effect...................................................3-63
3.3.3 Engineering Simulator–Validation Data..............................3-64
3.3.4 Motion System...................................................3-65
3.3.5 Visual System...................................................3-69
3.3.6 Sound System...................................................3-70
3.3.7 Additional Guidance Material for Validation Tests.....................3-73
Section 3.4: Functions and Subjective Tests.............................3-75
3.4.1 Introduction.....................................................3-75
3.4.2 Test Requirements...............................................3-75
Chapter 4: Helicopter Fight Simulators......................................4-1
Section 4.1: Standards..................................................4-1
4.1.1 Introduction......................................................4-1
Chapter 5: flight training devices...........................................5-1
Section 5.1: Standards..................................................5-1
5.1.1 Aeroplane Flight Training Devices...................................5-1
5.1.2 Helicopter Flight Training Devices...................................5-1
Revision History.........................................................RH-1
Australia FSD-1, Operational Standards and Requirements, Approved Flight Simulators
Canada TP9685, Aeroplane and Rotorcraft Simulator Manual
France Projet d’arrêté relatif à l’agrément des simulateurs de vol 1988
United Kingdom CAP 453, Aeroplane Flight Simulators: Approval Requirements
United States Advisory Circular 120-40B Airplane Simulator Qualification
Definition | Meaning |
Aircraft performance data | Performance data published by the aircraft manufacturer in documents such as the Aeroplane Flight Manual, Operations Manual, Performance Engineering Manual, or equivalent. |
Audited engineering simulation | An aircraft manufacturer’s engineering simulation which has undergone a review by the appropriate regulatory authorities and been found to be an acceptable source of supplemental validation data. |
Automatic testing | Synthetic training device testing wherein all stimuli are under computer control. |
Breakout | The force required at the pilot’s primary controls to achieve initial movement of the control position. |
Closed loop testing | A test method for which the input stimuli are generated by controllers which drive the synthetic training device to follow a defined target response. |
Computer controlled aeroplane | An aeroplane where pilot inputs to the control surfaces are transferred and augmented via computers. |
Control sweep | Movement of the appropriate pilot controller from neutral to an extreme limit in one direction (forward, aft, right or left), a continuous movement back through neutral to the opposite extreme position and then a return to the neutral position. |
Convertible flight simulator | A flight simulator in which hardware and software can be changed so that the flight simulator becomes a replica of a different model, usually of the same type aircraft. The same flight simulator platform, flight deck shell, motion system, visual system, computers and necessary peripheral equipment can thus be used in more than one simulation. |
Critical engine parameter | The engine parameter which is the most appropriate measure of propulsive force. |
Damping: Critical damping | That minimum damping of a second order system such that no overshoot occurs in reaching a steady state value after being displaced from a position of equilibrium and released. This corresponds to a relative damping ratio of 1.0. |
Damping: Overdamped | That damping of a second order system such that it has more damping than is required for critical damping as described above. This corresponds to a relative damping ratio of more than 1.0. |
Damping: Underdamped | That damping of a second order system such that a displacement from the equilibrium position and free release results in one or more overshoots or oscillations before reaching a steady state value. This corresponds to a relative damping ratio of less than 1.0. |
Daylight visual | A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, system brightness, contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide full colour presentations and sufficient surfaces with appropriate textural cues to successfully accomplish a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi). |
Deadband | The amount of movement of the input for a system for which there is no reaction in the output or state of the system observed. |
Driven | A test method where the input stimulus or variable is driven or deposited by automatic means, generally a computer input. The input stimulus, or variable, should not necessarily be an exact match to the flight test comparison data, but simply driven to certain predetermined values. |
Engineering simulator validation data | Validation data generated by an engineering simulation or engineering simulator. |
Evaluation | The careful appraisal of a synthetic training device by the authority to ascertain whether or not the standards required for a specified qualification level are met. |
Flight simulator | Refer CASR Part 60 definition. |
Flight simulator data | The various types of data used by the flight simulator manufacturer and the applicant to design, manufacture and test the flight simulator. |
Flight simulator qualification | Refer CASR Part 60 definition. |
Flight test data | Actual aircraft data obtained by the aircraft manufacturer (or other approved supplier of data) during an aircraft flight test programme. |
Free response | The response of the aircraft after completion of a control input or disturbance. |
Frozen/locked | A test condition where a variable is held constant with time. |
Full sweep | Movement of the controller from neutral to a stop, usually the aft or right stop, to the opposite stop and then to the neutral position. |
Functional performance | An operation or performance that can be verified by objective data or other suitable reference material that may not necessarily be flight test data. |
Functions test | A quantitative assessment of the operation and performance of a synthetic training device by a suitably qualified evaluator. The test should include verification of correct operation of controls, instruments and systems of the simulated aircraft under normal and non-normal conditions. |
Ground effect | The change in aerodynamic characteristics due to modification of the air flow past the aircraft, caused by proximity to the ground. |
Hands-off | A test manoeuvre conducted or completed without pilot control inputs. |
Hands-on | A test manoeuvre conducted or completed with pilot control inputs as required. |
Highlight brightness | The area of maximum displayed brightness which satisfies the brightness test appropriate for the level of qualification sought. |
Icing accountability | Refers to changes from normal (as applicable to the individual aeroplane design) in takeoff, climb (enroute, approach, landing) or landing operating procedures or performance data, in accordance with the AFM, for flight in icing conditions or with ice accumulation on unprotected surfaces. |
Integrated testing | Testing of the synthetic training device such that all aircraft system models are active and contribute appropriately to the results. None of the aircraft system models should be substituted with models or other algorithms intended for testing purposes only. This should be accomplished by using controller displacements as the input. These controllers shall represent the displacement of the pilot’s controls and shall have been calibrated. |
Irreversible control system | A control system in which movement of the control surface will not back-drive the pilot’s control on the flight deck. |
Latency | The additional time beyond that of the basic perceivable response time of the aircraft due to the response of the synthetic training device. |
Manual testing | Synthetic training device testing wherein the pilot conducts the test without computer inputs except for initial set-up. All modules of the simulation shall be active. |
Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) | The authority approved test guide which incorporates the results of tests witnessed by the authority. The MQTG serves as the reference for future evaluations. |
Night visual | A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, system brightness, contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide, as a minimum, all features applicable to the twilight scene, as defined below, with the exception of the need to portray reduced ambient intensity that removes ground cues that are not self-illuminating or illuminated by ownship lights (e.g., landing lights). |
Normal control | A state where the intended control, augmentation and protection functions are fully available. Used in reference to computer-controlled aeroplanes. |
Non-normal control | A state where one or more of the intended control, augmentation or protection functions are not fully available. Used in reference to computer-controlled aeroplanes. Note: Specific terms such as alternate, direct, secondary or back-up, etc., may be used to define an actual level of degradation used in reference to computer-controlled aeroplanes. |
Objective test | A quantitative assessment based on comparison to data. |
Operator | Refer CASR Part 60 definition. |
Protection functions | Systems functions designed to protect an aeroplane from exceeding its flight and manoeuvre limitations. |
Pulse input | A step input to a control followed by an immediate return to the initial position. |
Qualification Test Guide (QTG) | Refer CASR Part 60 definition. |
Reversible control systems | A control system in which movement of the control surface will back-drive the pilot’s control on the flight deck. |
Robotic test | A basic performance check of a system’s hardware and software components. Exact test conditions are defined to allow for repeatability. The components are tested in their normal operational configuration and may be tested independently of other system components. |
Snapshot | Presentation of one or more variables at a given instant of time. |
Statement of compliance | Certification that specific requirements have been met. |
Step input | An abrupt input held at a constant value. |
Subjective test | A qualitative assessment based on established standards as interpreted by a suitably qualified person. |
Throttle lever angle | The angle of the pilot’s primary engine control lever(s) on the flight deck, which also may be referred to as TLA or power lever or throttle. |
Time history | Presentation of the change of a variable with respect to time. |
Transport delay | The total synthetic training device system processing time required for an input signal from a pilot primary flight control until motion system, visual system or instrument response. It is the overall time delay incurred from signal input until output response and does not include (is independent of) the characteristic delay of the aircraft simulated. |
Twilight (dusk/dawn) visual | A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, system brightness, contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate to the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide full colour presentations of reduced ambient intensity (as compared with a daylight visual system), sufficient to conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi). |
Upgrade | The improvement or enhancement of a synthetic training device for the purpose of achieving a higher qualification. |
Validation data | Data used to prove that the synthetic training device performance corresponds to that of the aircraft. |
Validation flight test data | Performance, stability and control and other necessary test parameters electrically or electronically recorded in an aircraft using a calibrated data acquisition system of sufficient resolution and verified as accurate to establish a reference set of relevant parameters to which like synthetic training device parameters can be compared. |
Validation test | A test by which synthetic training device parameters can be compared to the relevant validation data. |
Visual ground segment test | Test designed to assess items impacting the accuracy of the visual scene presented to the pilot at decision height (DH) on an ILS approach. |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
AC | Advisory Circular |
AFM | Aeroplane Flight Manual |
AGL | Above ground level (m or ft) |
airspeed | Calibrated airspeed unless otherwise specified (knots) |
altitude | Pressure-altitude (m or ft) unless otherwise specified |
AOA | Angle of attack (degrees) |
Ad | Total initial displacement of pilot controller (initial displacement to final resting amplitude) |
An | Sequential amplitude of overshoot after initial X-axis crossing (e.g., A1 = first overshoot) |
bank | Bank/roll angle (degrees) |
BC | ILS localizer back course |
CAT I/II/III | Precision approach and landing category operations |
CCA | Computer controlled aeroplane |
cd/m2 | Candela/metre2 (3.4263 candela/m2 = 1 ft-lambert) |
cm | Centimetre |
daN | DecaNewtons |
dB | Decibel |
dBSPL | Decibel, sound pressure level |
deg | Degree |
distance | Distance in nautical miles unless otherwise specified |
DME | Distance measuring equipment |
EPR | Engine pressure ratio |
FAA | United States Federal Aviation Administration |
ft | Foot (1 ft = 0.304801 m) |
ft-lambert | Foot-lambert (1ft-lambert = 3.4263 candela/m2) |
FOV | Field of view |
fuel used | Mass of fuel used (kilograms or pounds) |
g | Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2 or ft/s2; 1 g = 9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2) |
G/S | Glideslope |
GBAS | Ground based augmentation system |
GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
GPS | Global positioning system |
Heavy | Operational mass at or near the maximum for the specified flight condition |
height | Height above ground = AGL (m or ft) |
HGS | Head-up guidance system |
Hz | Unit of frequency (1 Hz = one cycle per second) |
IAS | Indicated airspeed |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ILS | Instrument landing system |
IPOM | Integrated proof of match |
JAA | European Joint Aviation Authorities |
JAWS | Joint Airport Weather Studies |
km | Kilometres (1 km = 0.62137 statute miles) |
kPa | KiloPascal (KiloNewton/m2) (1 psi = 6.89476 kPa) |
kt | Knots calibrated airspeed unless otherwise specified (1 knot = 0.5148 m/s or 1.689 ft/s) |
lb | Pound |
light | Operational mass at or near the minimum for the specified flight condition |
LLZ | ILS localizer |
LOFT | Line oriented flight training |
LOS | Line oriented simulation |
m | Metre (1 m = 3.28083 ft) |
MCTM | Maximum certificated take-off mass (kilograms/pounds) |
medium | Normal operational mass for flight condition |
min | Minute |
MLG | Main landing gear |
MLS | Microwave landing system |
MPa | MegaPascals (1 psi = 6 894.76 pascals) |
MQTG | Master qualification test guide |
ms | Millisecond |
N | Normal control state referring to computer controlled aeroplanes |
n | Sequential period of a full cycle of oscillation |
N1 | Low pressure rotor revolutions per minute, expressed in percent of maximum |
N2 | High pressure rotor revolutions per minute, expressed in percent of maximum |
NAA | National aviation authority |
NDB | Non-directional beacon |
NM | Nautical mile (1 NM = 6 076 ft) |
NN | Non-normal control state referring to computer controlled aeroplanes |
nominal | Normal operational mass, configuration, speed, etc., for the flight segment specified |
NWA | Nosewheel angle (degrees) |
PANS | Procedures for air navigation services |
PAPI | Precision approach path indicator system |
PAR | Precision approach radar |
pitch | Pitch angle (degrees) |
P0 | Time from 90 per cent of the initial controller displacement until initial X-axis crossing (X-axis defined by the resting amplitude) |
P1 | First full cycle of oscillation after the initial X-axis crossing |
P2 | Second full cycle of oscillation after the initial X-axis crossing |
Pn | Sequential period of oscillation |
Pf | Impact or feel pressure |
PLF | Power for level flight |
POM | Proof of match |
PSD | Power spectral density |
psi | Pounds per square inch |
QTG | Qualification test guide |
RAE | Royal Aerospace Establishment |
REIL | Runway end identifier lights |
R/C | Rate of climb (m/s or ft/min) |
R/D | Rate of descent (m/s or ft/min) |
RNAV | Area navigation |
RTO | Rejected take-off |
RVR | Runway visual range (m or ft) |
s | Second |
SBAS | Space based augmentation system |
sideslip | Sideslip angle (degrees) |
sm | Statute miles (1 statute mile = 5 280 ft) |
SOC | Statement of compliance |
STD | Synthetic training device |
SUPPS | Supplementary procedures referring to regional supplementary procedures |
T(A) | Tolerance applied to amplitude |
T(Ad) | Tolerance applied to residual amplitude |
TACAN | Tactical air navigation |
TLA | Throttle lever angle |
T(P) | Tolerance applied to period |
T/O | Take-off |
Tf | Total time of the flare manoeuvre duration |
Ti | Total time from initial throttle movement until a 10 per cent response of a critical engine parameter |
Tt | Total time from initial throttle movement to a 90 per cent increase or decrease in the power level specified |
VASI | Visual approach slope indicator system |
VDR | Validation data roadmap |
VFR | Visual flight rules |
VGS | Visual ground segment |
VHF | Very high frequency |
Vmca | Minimum control speed (air) |
Vmcg | Minimum control speed (ground) |
Vmcl | Minimum control speed (landing) |
VMO | Maximum operating speed |
Vmu | Minimum unstick speed |
VOR | VHF omni-directional range |
Vr | Rotate speed |
Vs | Stall speed or minimum speed in the stall |
V1 | Take-off decision speed |
V2 | Take-off safety speed |
WAT | Weight, altitude, temperature |
1st segment | That portion of the take-off profile from lift-off to completion of gear retraction |
2nd Segment | That portion of the take-off profile from after gear retraction to end of climb at V2 and initial flap/slat retraction. |
3rd segment | That portion of the take-off profile after flap/slat retraction is complete |
Table 3.1‑1: Flight simulator criteria
Requirements | A | B | C | D | Comments |
1. General |
a) Flight deck: a full-scale replica of the aeroplane simulated. Direction of movement of controls and switches identical to that in the aeroplane. Equipment for operation of the cockpit windows should be included in the flight simulator, but the actual windows need not be operable. Note: The flight deck, for flight simulator purposes, consists of all that space forward of a cross section of the fuselage at the most extreme aft setting of the pilots' seats. Additional required flight crew member duty stations and those required bulkheads aft of the pilot seats are also considered part of the flight deck and shall replicate the aeroplane. | X | X | X | X | Flight deck observer seats are not considered to be additional flight crew member duty stations and may be omitted (See 1 f)) below). Bulkheads containing items such as switches, circuit breakers, supplementary radio panels, etc. to which the flight crew may require access during any event after pre-flight cockpit preparation is complete are considered essential and may not be omitted. Bulkheads containing only items such as landing gear pin storage compartments, fire axes or extinguishers, spare light bulbs, aircraft document pouches etc. are not considered essential and may be omitted. Such items, or reasonable facsimile, shall still be available in the flight simulator but may be relocated to a suitable location as near as practical to the original position. Fire axes and any similar purpose instruments need only be represented in silhouette. |
b) Circuit breakers that affect procedures and/or result in observable flight deck indications properly located and functionally accurate. | X | X | X | X |
c) Flight dynamics model that accounts for various combinations of drag and thrust normally encountered in flight corresponding to actual flight conditions, including the effect of change in aeroplane attitude, thrust, drag, altitude, temperature, gross mass, moments of inertia, centre of gravity location and configuration. | X | X | X | X | For Level A, generic ground handling, flare and touchdown effect are acceptable. |
d) All relevant instrument indications involved in the simulation of the applicable aeroplane to automatically respond to control movement by a flight crew member or external disturbance to the simulated aeroplane, i.e., turbulence or wind shear. | X | X | X | X | Numerical values shall be presented in accordance with ICAO Annex 5. |
e) Communications, navigation and caution and warning equipment corresponding to that installed in the applicable aeroplane with operation within the tolerances prescribed for the applicable airborne equipment. | X | X | X | X |
f) In addition to the flight crew member duty stations, three suitable seats for the instructor/observer and authority inspector. The authority will consider options to this requirement based on unique flight deck configurations. These seats shall provide adequate vision to the pilots' panels and forward windows. Observer seats need not represent those found in the aeroplane, but shall be adequately secured to the floor of the flight simulator, fitted with positive restraint devices and of sufficient integrity to safely restrain the occupant during any known or predicted motion system excursion. | X | X | X | X |
g) Flight simulator systems to simulate the applicable aeroplane system operation, both on the ground and in flight. Systems shall be operative to the extent that all normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures can be accomplished. | X | X | X | X |
h) Instructor controls to enable the operator to control all required system variables and insert abnormal or emergency conditions into the aeroplane systems. | X | X | X | X |
i) Control forces and control travel which correspond to that of the replicated aeroplane. Control forces should react in the same manner as in the aeroplane under the same flight conditions. | X | X | X | X |
j) Ground handling and aerodynamic programming to include: 1) Ground effect. For example: round-out, flare and touchdown. This requires data on lift, drag, pitching moment, trim and power in ground effect. 2) Ground reaction. Reaction of the aeroplane upon contact with the runway during landing to include strut deflections, tyre friction, side forces and other appropriate data, such as weight and speed, necessary to identify the flight condition and configuration. 3) Ground handling characteristics. Steering inputs to include cross-wind, braking, thrust reversing, deceleration and turning radius. | X | X | X | X | SOC required. Tests required. For Level A flight simulators, ground handling may generically be represented to the extent that allows turns within the confines of the runway and adequate control on the landing and roll-out from a cross-wind landing. |
k) Wind shear models which provide training in the specific skills required for recognition of wind shear phenomena and execution of required manoeuvres. Such models shall be representative of measured or accident derived winds, but may include simplifications which ensure repeatable encounters. For example, models may consist of independent variable winds in multiple simultaneous components. Wind models should be available for the following critical phases of flight: 1) prior to take-off rotation; 2) at lift-off; 3) during initial climb; 4) short final approach. Note: The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Wind shear Training Aid, wind models from the United Kingdom Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE), the Joint Airport Weather Studies (JAWS) project or other recognised sources may be implemented and shall be supported and properly referenced in the QTG. Wind models from alternative sources may also be used if supported by aeroplane related data and such data are properly supported and referenced in the QTG. Use of alternative data must be coordinated with the authority prior to submission of the QTG for approval. |
| X | X | Tests required. See Section 3.2 Test 2 g). |
l) Representative cross-winds and instructor controls for wind speed and direction. | X | X | X | X |
m) Representative stopping and directional control forces for at least the following runway conditions based on aeroplane related data: 1) dry; 2) wet; 3) icy; 4) patchy wet; 5) patchy icy; 6) wet on rubber residue in touchdown zone. |
| X | X | SOC required. Objective tests required for 1), 2), 3). Subjective check for 4), 5), 6). See Section 3.2 Test 1 e). |
n) Representative brake and tyre failure dynamics (including antiskid) and decreased braking efficiency due to brake temperatures based on aeroplane related data. |
| X | X | SOC required. Subjective test required for decreased braking efficiency due to brake temperature, if applicable. |
o) A means for quickly and effectively conducting daily testing of flight simulator programming and hardware. |
| X | X | SOC required. |
p) Flight simulator computer capacity, accuracy, resolution and dynamic response to fully support the overall flight simulator fidelity. | X | X | X | X | SOC required. |
q) Control feel dynamics which replicate the aeroplane simulated. Free response of the controls shall match that of the aeroplane within tolerance given in Section 3.2. Initial and upgrade evaluations will include control-free response (pitch, roll and yaw controllers) measurements recorded at the controls. The measured responses shall correspond to those of the aeroplane in take-off, cruise and landing configurations. 1) For aeroplanes with irreversible control systems, measurements may be obtained on the ground if proper pitot static inputs are provided to represent conditions typical of those encountered in flight. Engineering validation or aeroplane manufacturer rationale shall be submitted as justification to ground test or to omit a configuration. 2) For simulators requiring static and dynamic tests at the controls, special test fixtures will not be required during initial evaluations if the QTG shows both test fixture results and alternate test method results, such as computer data plots, which were obtained concurrently. Repeat of the alternate method during initial evaluation may then satisfy this requirement. |
| X | X | Tests required. See Section 3.2, Tests 2 b) 1), 2 b) 2) and 2 b) 3). See Section 3.3.1 for a discussion of acceptable methods of validating control dynamics. |
r) Verify the relative response of the visual system, flight deck instruments and initial motion system response to ensure that they are coupled closely to provide integrated sensory cues. Visual scene changes from steady state disturbance, i.e., the start of the scan of the first video field containing different information, shall occur within the permissible delay. Motion onset shall also occur within the permissible delay. Motion onset should occur before the start of the scan of the first video field containing different information; but shall occur before the end of the scan of the same video field. The test to determine compliance with these requirements shall include simultaneously recording the output from the pilot's pitch, roll and yaw controllers, the output from the accelerometer attached to the motion system platform located at an acceptable location near the pilots' seats, the output signal to the visual system display (including visual system analogue delays) and the output signal to the pilot's attitude indicator or an equivalent test approved by the authority. The following two methods are acceptable means to prove compliance with the above requirement: 1) Transport Delay. A transport delay test may be used to demonstrate that the flight simulator system response does not exceed the permissible delay. This test shall measure all the delays encountered by a step signal migrating from the pilot's control through the control loading electronics and interfacing through all the simulation software modules in the correct order, using a handshaking protocol, finally through the normal output interfaces to the motion system, to the visual system and instrument displays. A recordable start time for the test should be provided by a pilot flight control input. The test mode shall permit normal computation time to be consumed and shall not alter the flow of information through the hardware/ software system. The transport delay of the system is then the time between the control input and the individual hardware responses. It need only be measured once in each axis. 2) Latency. The visual system, flight deck instruments and initial motion system response shall respond to abrupt pitch, roll and yaw inputs from the pilot's position within the permissible delay, but not before the time, when the aeroplane would respond under the same conditions. The objective of the test is to compare the recorded response of the flight simulator to that of the actual aeroplane data in the take-off, cruise and landing configuration for rapid control inputs in all three rotational axes. The intent is to verify that the simulator system response does not exceed the permissible delay (this does not include aeroplane response time as per the manufacturer’s data) and that the motion and visual cues relate to actual aeroplane responses. For aeroplane response, acceleration in the appropriate corresponding rotational axis is preferred. |
X |
X |
X |
X | Test required. See Section 3.2, Test 4 a) and AC 60-3 Section 11. For Level A and B simulators the maximum permissible delay is 300 milliseconds. For Level C and D simulators the maximum permissible delay is 150 milliseconds. |
s) Aerodynamic modelling that includes, for aeroplanes issued an original type certificate after June 1980, low altitude level flight ground effect, Mach effect at high altitude, normal and reverse dynamic thrust effect on control surfaces, aeroelastic effect and representations of non-linearities due to side-slip based on aeroplane flight test data provided by the aeroplane manufacturer. |
| X | SOC required. See Section 3.3.2 and Section 3.2, Test 2 f) for further information on ground effect. Mach effect, aeroelastic representations and non-linearities due to side-slip are normally included in the flight simulator aerodynamic model. The SOC shall address each of these items. Separate tests for thrust effects and an SOC are required. |
t) Modelling that includes the effects of airframe and engine icing. |
| X | X | A statement of compliance shall be provided describing the effects, which provide training in the specific skills required for recognition of icing phenomena and execution of recovery. |
u) Aerodynamic and ground reaction modelling for the effects of reverse thrust on directional control. |
| X | X | X | SOC required. Tests required. See Section 3.2, Test 2. e) 8) and 2. e) 9). |
v) Realistic implementation of aeroplane mass properties, including mass, centre of gravity and moments of inertia as a function of payload and fuel loading. | X | X | X | X | SOC required. SOC should include a range of tabulated target values to enable a demonstration of the mass properties model to be conducted from the instructor’s station. |
w) Self-testing for simulator hardware and programming to determine compliance with the simulator performance tests as prescribed in Section 3.2. Evidence of testing must include flight simulator number, date, time, conditions, tolerances and the appropriate dependent variables portrayed in comparison to the aeroplane data. Automatic flagging of ‘out-of-tolerance’ situations is encouraged. |
| X | X | SOC required. Tests required. |
x) Timely permanent update of flight simulator hardware and programming subsequent to aeroplane modification sufficient for the qualification level sought. | X | X | X | X |
y) Daily pre-flight documentation either in the daily log or in a location easily accessible for review. | X | X | X | X |
a) Motion cues perceived by the pilot representative of aeroplane motions, e.g., touchdown cues should be a function of the simulated rate of descent. | X | X | X | X |
b) A motion system: 1) providing sufficient cueing which may be of a generic nature to accomplish the required tasks. 2) having a minimum of 3 degrees of freedom (pitch, roll and heave). 3) which produces cues at least equivalent to those of a six degree-of-freedom synergistic platform motion system. |
X |
X | SOC required. Tests required. |
c) A means of recording the motion response time as required. | X | X | X | X | See Section 3.2, Test 4 a). |
d) Motion effects programming to include: 1) effects of runway rumble, oleo deflections, ground speed, uneven runway, centreline lights, and taxiway characteristics; 2) buffets on the ground due to spoiler/speedbrake extension and thrust reversal; 3) bumps associated with the landing gear; 4) buffet during extension and retraction of landing gear; 5) buffet in the air due to flap and spoiler/speedbrake extension; 6) approach to stall buffet; 7) touchdown cues for main and nose gear; 8) nose-wheel scuffing; 9) thrust effect with brakes set; 10) Mach and manoeuvre buffet; 11) tyre failure dynamics; 12) engine malfunction and engine damage; 13) tail and pod strike. | X | X | X | X | See Section 3.3.4 and Section 3.4. For Level A, effects may be of a generic nature sufficient to accomplish the required tasks. |
e) Motion Vibrations. Tests with recorded results that allow the comparison of relative amplitudes versus frequency are required: 1) Characteristic motion vibrations that result from operation of the aeroplane, in so far as vibration marks an event or aeroplane state that can be sensed at the flight deck, shall be present. The flight simulator shall be programmed and instrumented in such a manner that the characteristic vibration modes can be measured and compared to aeroplane data. 2) Aeroplane data are also required to define flight deck motions when the aeroplane is subjected to atmospheric disturbances. General-purpose disturbance models that approximate demonstrable flight test data are acceptable. Tests with recorded results that allow the comparison of relative amplitudes versus frequency are required. |
| X | SOC required. Tests required. See Section 3.3.4 and Section 3.2 Test 3. e). |
a) Visual system capable of meeting all the standards of this Section, Section 3.2 (Validation Tests) and Section 3.4 (Functions and Subjective Tests). | X | X | X | X |
b) Continuous minimum collimated visual field of view of 45 degrees horizontal and 30 degrees vertical field of view simultaneously for each pilot. Continuous cross-cockpit minimum collimated visual field of view providing each pilot with 180 degrees horizontal and 40 degrees vertical field of view. Application of tolerances require the field of view to be not less than a total of 176 measured degrees horizontal field of view (including not less than +/- 88 measured degrees either side of the centre of the design eye point) and not less than a total of 36 measured degrees vertical field of view from the pilot’s and co-pilot’s eye points. | X | X |
X |
X | See Section 3.2 Test 4. b) 1). Consideration should be given to optimising the vertical field of view for the respective aeroplane cut-off angle. |
c) A means of recording the visual response time for visual systems as required. | X | X | X | X | See Section 3.2 Test 4 a). |
d) System geometry. The system fitted shall be free from optical discontinuities and artefacts that create non-realistic cues, e.g., image swimming and image roll-off, that may lead a pilot to make incorrect assessments of speed, acceleration and/or situational awareness. | X | X | X | X | See Section 3.2 Test 4.b) 2. A SOC is acceptable in place of this test. |
e) Visual textural cues to assess sink rate and depth perception during take-off and landing. | X | X | X | X | For Level A, visual cueing sufficient to support changes in approach path by using runway perspective. |
f) Horizon and attitude shall correlate to the simulated attitude indicator. | X | X | X | X | SOC required. Tests required. See Section 3.4 Test 2. e). |
g) Occulting shall be demonstrated. A minimum of ten levels of occulting. | X | X |
X |
X | SOC required. See Section 3.4, Test 2. g) 4). |
h) Surface (vernier) resolution shall be demonstrated by a test pattern of objects shown to occupy a visual angle of not greater than 2 arc minutes in the visual display used on a scene from the pilot's eyepoint. |
| X | X | SOC required containing calculations confirming resolution. See Section 3.2, Test 4. b) 5. |
i) Lightpoint size: not greater than 5 arc minutes. |
| X | X | SOC required. See paragraph d). This is equivalent to a lightpoint resolution of 2.5 arc minutes. |
j) Lightpoint contrast ratio: not less than 10:1. Lightpoint contrast ratio: not less than 25:1. | X | X |
X |
X | SOC required. See Section 3.2, Test 4. b) 7. |
k) Daylight, twilight (dusk/dawn) and night visual capability as applicable for level of qualification sought. The visual system shall be capable of meeting, as a minimum, the system brightness and contrast ratio requirements as identified in Section 3.2, Test 4. b). Total scene content shall be comparable in detail to that produced by 10 000 visible textured surfaces and (in day) 6 000 visible lights or (in twilight or night) 15 000 visible lights and sufficient system capacity to display 16 simultaneously moving objects. The system when used in training, should provide: 1) In daylight, full colour presentations and sufficient surfaces with appropriate textural cues to conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi). Surface shading effects should be consistent with simulated (static) sun position. 2) At twilight, as a minimum, full colour presentations of reduced ambient intensity, sufficient surfaces with appropriate textural cues that include self-illuminated objects such as road networks, ramp lighting and airport signage to conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi). Scenes shall include a definable horizon and typical terrain characteristics such as fields, roads and bodies of water and surfaces illuminated by representative ownship lighting, e.g., landing lights. If provided, directional horizon lighting shall have correct orientation and be consistent with surface shading effects. 3) At night, as a minimum, all features applicable to the twilight scene, as defined above, with the exception of the need to portray reduced ambient intensity that removes ground cues that are not self-illuminating or illuminated by ownship lights, e.g., landing lights. | X X
X | X X
X | X X X
X X X | X X X
X X X | SOC required for system capability.
Scene content tests are also required—see Section 3.4, Test 2. |
a) Significant flight deck sounds which result from pilot actions corresponding to those of the aeroplane. | X | X | X | X |
b) Sound of precipitation, rain removal equipment and other significant aeroplane noises perceptible to the pilot during normal and abnormal operations and the sound of a crash when the simulator is landed in excess of limitations. |
| X | X | SOC required. |
c) Comparable amplitude and frequency of flight deck noises, including engine and airframe sounds. The sounds shall be co‑ordinated with the required weather. |
| X | See Section 3.3.6 and Section 3.2, Tests 5.a), 5.b) and 5.c). |
d) The volume control shall have an indication of sound level setting which meets all qualification requirements. | X | X | X | X |
Table 3.2‑1: Table of flight simulator validation tests
Test | Tolerance | Flight Condition | Comments | A | B | C | D |
1. Performance |
a) Taxi |
1) minimum radius turn | ±0.9 m (3 ft) or ±20% of aeroplane turn radius | Ground | Plot both main and nose gear loci. Data for no brakes and the minimum thrust required to maintain a steady turn except for aeroplanes requiring asymmetric thrust or braking to turn. | C | X | X | X |
2) rate of turn versus nosewheel steering angle (NWA) | ±10% or ±2°/s turn rate | Ground | Tests for minimum of two speeds, greater than minimum turning radius speed, with a spread of a least 5 kt. | C | X | X | X |
b) Take-off
| Note: All commonly-used take-off flap settings should be demonstrated at least once either in minimum unstick speed (1.b) 3)), normal take-off (1.b) 4)), critical engine failure on take-off (1.b) 5)) or cross wind take-off (1.b) 6)). |
1) ground acceleration time and distance | ±5% time and distance or ±5% time and ±61 m (200 ft) of distance | Take-off | Acceleration time and distance should be recorded for a minimum of 80% of the total time from brake release to Vr. May be combined with normal take-off (1.b) 4)) or rejected take-off (1.b) 7)). Plotted data should be shown using appropriate scales for each portion of the manoeuvre. | C | X | X | X |
2) minimum control speed, ground (Vmcg) aerodynamic controls only per applicable airworthiness requirement or alternative engine inoperative test to demonstrate ground control characteristics | ±25% of maximum aeroplane lateral deviation or ±1.5 m (5 ft) For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: ±10% or ±2.2 daN (5 lb) rudder pedal force | Take-off | Engine failure speed shall be within ±1 kt of aeroplane engine failure speed. Engine thrust decay shall be that resulting from the mathematical model for the engine applicable to the flight simulator under test. If the modelled engine is not the same as the aeroplane manufacturer’s flight test engine, then a further test may be run with the same initial conditions using the thrust from the flight test data as the driving parameter. If a Vmcg test is not available an acceptable alternative is a flight test snap engine deceleration to idle at a speed between V1 and V1-10 kt, followed by control of heading using aerodynamic control only and recovery shall be achieved with the main gear on the ground. To ensure only aerodynamic control, nosewheel steering should be disabled, i.e., castered, or the nosewheel held slightly off the ground. | C | X | X | X |
3) minimum unstick speed (Vmu) or equivalent test to demonstrate early rotation take-off characteristics | ±3 kt airspeed ±1.5° pitch | Take-off | Vmu is defined as the minimum speed at which the last main landing gear leaves the ground. Main landing gear strut compression or equivalent air/ground signal should be recorded. If a Vmu test is not available, alternative acceptable flight tests are a constant high-attitude take-off run through main gear lift-off, or an early rotation take-off. Record time history data from 10 kt before start of rotation until at least 5 s after the occurrence of main gear lift-off. | C | X | X | X |
±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: ±10% or ±2.2 daN (5 lb) column force | Take-off | Data required for near maximum certificated take-off mass at mid centre of gravity and light take-off mass at an aft centre of gravity. If the aeroplane has more than one certificated take-off configuration, a different configuration should be used for each mass. Record take-off profile from brake release to at least 61 m (200 ft) AGL. May be used for ground acceleration time and distance (1b1). Plotted data should be shown using appropriate scales for each portion of the manoeuvre. | C | X | X | X | |
±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: ±10% or ±2.2 daN (5 lb) column force | Take-off | Record take-off profile to at least 61 m (200 ft) AGL. Engine failure speed shall be within ±3 kt of aeroplane data. Test at near MCTM. | C | X | X | X | |
±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: Column force | Take-off | Record take-off profile from brake release to at least 61 m (200 ft) AGL. Requires test data, including wind profile, for a cross-wind component of at least 60% of the AFM value measured at 10 m (33 ft) above the runway. | C | X | X | X | |
±5% time or ±1.5 s | Take-off | Record near MCTM. Speed for reject should be at least 80% of V1. Autobrakes will be used where applicable. Maximum braking effort, auto or manual. Time and distance should be recorded from brake release to a full stop. | C | X | X | X | |
±20% or ±2°/s body angular rates | Take-off | Engine failure speed shall be within ±3 kt of aeroplane data. Engine failure may be a snap deceleration to idle. Record hands-off from 5 s before engine failure to +5 s or 30° bank, whichever occurs first. Note: for safety considerations, aeroplane flight test may be performed out of ground effect at a safe altitude, but with correct aeroplane configuration and airspeed. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | C | X | X | X | |
c) Climb |
1) normal climb all engines operating | ±3 kt airspeed | Clean | Flight test data or aeroplane performance manual data may be used. Record at nominal climb speed and mid initial climb altitude. Flight simulator performance to be recorded over an interval of at least 300 m (1 000 ft). | X | X | X | X |
2) one engine inoperative 2nd segment climb | ±3 kt airspeed | 2nd segment climb | Flight test data or aeroplane performance manual data may be used. Record at nominal climb speed. Flight simulator performance to be recorded over an interval of at least 300 m (1 000 ft). Test at WAT (weight, altitude or temperature) limiting condition. | X | X | X | X |
3) one engine inoperative en-route climb | ±10% time | Clean | Flight test data or aeroplane performance manual data may be used. Test for at least a 1 550 m | X | X | X | X |
4) one engine inoperative approach climb for aeroplanes with icing accountability if required by the flight manual for this phase of flight | ±3 kt airspeed | Approach | Flight test data or aeroplane performance manual data may be used. Flight simulator performance to be recorded over an interval of at least 300 m (1 000 ft). Test near maximum certificated landing mass as may be applicable to an approach in icing conditions. Aeroplane should be configured with all anti-ice and de-ice systems operating normally, gear up and go-around flap. All icing accountability considerations, in accordance with the flight manual for an approach in icing conditions, should be applied. |
| X | X |
d) Cruise/Descent |
1) level flight acceleration | ±5% time | Cruise | Minimum of 50 kt speed increase using maximum continuous thrust rating or equivalent. | C | X | X | X |
2) level flight deceleration | ±5% time | Cruise | Minimum of 50 kt speed decrease using idle power. | C | X | X | X |
3) cruise performance | ±.05 EPR or | Cruise | May be a single snapshot showing instantaneous fuel flow, or a minimum of two consecutive snapshots with a spread of at least 3 minutes in steady flight. | X | X | X | X |
4) idle descent | ±3 kt airspeed | Clean | Idle power stabilised descent at normal descent speed at mid altitude. Flight simulator performance to be recorded over an interval of at least 300 m (1 000 ft). | X | X | X | X |
5) emergency descent | ±5 kt airspeed | As per AFM | Stabilised descent to be conducted with speedbrakes extended if applicable, at mid altitude and near VMO or according to emergency descent procedure. Flight simulator performance to be recorded over an interval of at least 900 m (3 000 ft). |
| X | X |
| |
1) deceleration time and distance, manual wheel brakes, dry runway, no reverse thrust | ±5% of time For distances up to 1 220 m (4 000 ft) ±61 m (200 ft) or ±10%, whichever is the smaller. For distances greater than 1 220 m | Landing | Time and distance should be recorded for at least 80% of the total time from touchdown to a full stop. Data required for medium and near maximum certificated landing mass. Engineering data may be used for the medium mass condition. Brake system pressure shall be available. | C | X | X | X |
2) deceleration time and distance, reverse thrust, no wheel brakes, dry runway | ±5% time and the smaller of ±10% or ±61 m (200 ft) of distance | Landing | Time and distance should be recorded for at least 80% of the total time from initiation of reverse thrust to full thrust reverser minimum operating speed. Data required for medium and near maximum certificated landing mass. Engineering data may be used for the medium mass condition. | C | X | X | X |
3) stopping distance, wheel brakes, wet runway | ±10% or ±61 m (200 ft) distance | Landing | Either flight test or manufacturer's performance manual data should be used where available. Engineering data, based on dry runway flight test stopping distance and the effects of contaminated runway braking coefficients, are an acceptable alternative. |
| X | X |
4) stopping distance, wheel brakes, icy runway | ±10% or ±61 m (200 ft) distance | Landing | Either flight test or manufacturer's performance manual data should be used where available. Engineering data, based on dry runway flight test stopping distance and the effects of contaminated runway braking coefficients, are an acceptable alternative. |
| X | X |
f) Engines |
1) acceleration | ±10% Ti or ±0.25 s | Approach or landing | Ti = total time from initial throttle movement until a 10% response of a critical engine parameter. Tt = total time from initial throttle movement to 90% of go-around power. Critical engine parameter should be a measure of power (N1, N2, EPR, etc.). Plot from flight idle to go-around power for a rapid throttle movement. | C | X | X | X |
2) deceleration | ±10% Ti or ±0.25 sec | Ground | Ti = total time from initial throttle movement until a 10% response of a critical engine parameter. Tt = total time from initial throttle movement to 90% decay of maximum take-off power. Plot from maximum take-off power to idle for a rapid throttle movement. | C | X | X | X |
a) Static control checks |
| Note: Pitch, roll and yaw controller position versus force or time shall be measured at the control. An alternative method would be to instrument the flight simulator in an equivalent manner to the flight test aeroplane. The force and position data from this instrumentation can be directly recorded and matched to the aeroplane data. Such a permanent installation could be used without any time for installation of external devices. See Section 3.3.1. Testing of position versus force is not applicable if forces are generated solely by use of aeroplane hardware in the flight simulator. |
1) pitch controller position versus force and surface position calibration | ±0.9 daN (2 lb) breakout | Ground | Uninterrupted control sweep to stops. Shall be validated with in-flight data from tests such as longitudinal static stability, stalls, etc. Static and dynamic flight control tests should be accomplished at the same feel or impact pressures. | X | X | X | X |
2) roll controller position versus force and surface position calibration | ±0.9 daN (2 lb) breakout | Ground | Uninterrupted control sweep to stops. Shall be validated with in-flight data from tests such as engine-out trims, steady state side-slips, etc. Static and dynamic flight control tests should be accomplished at the same feel or impact pressures. | X | X | X | X |
3) rudder pedal position versus force and surface position calibration | ±2.2 daN (5 lb) breakout. | Ground | Uninterrupted control sweep to stops. Shall be validated with in-flight data from tests such as engine-out trims, steady state side-slips, etc. Static and dynamic flight control tests should be accomplished at the same feel or impact pressures. | X | X | X | X |
4) nosewheel steering controller force and position calibration | ±0.9 daN (2 lb) breakout | Ground | Uninterrupted control sweep to stops. | C | X | X | X |
5) rudder pedal steering calibration | ±2° NWA | Ground | Uninterrupted control sweep to stops. | C | X | X | X |
6) pitch trim indicator versus surface position calibration | ±0.5° trim angle | Ground | Purpose of test is to compare flight simulator against design data or equivalent. | X | X | X | X |
7) pitch trim rate | ±10% trim rate (°/s) | Ground and approach | Trim rate to be checked at pilot primary induced trim rate (ground) and autopilot or pilot primary trim rate in flight at go-around flight conditions. | X | X | X | X |
8) alignment of cockpit throttle lever versus selected engine parameter | ±5° of TLA or ±3% N1 or ±.03 EPR or ±3% torque For propeller-driven aeroplanes, where the propeller levers do not have angular travel, a tolerance of ±2 cm (±0.8 in) applies. | Ground | Simultaneous recording for all engines. The tolerances apply against aeroplane data and between engines. For aeroplanes with throttle detents, all detents to be presented. In the case of propeller-driven aeroplanes, if an additional lever, usually referred to as the propeller lever, is present, it shall also be checked. May be a series of snapshot tests. | X | X | X | X |
9) brake pedal position versus force and brake system pressure calibration | ±2.2 daN (5 lb) or 10% force | Ground | Flight simulator computer output results may be used to show compliance. Relate the hydraulic system pressure to pedal position in a ground static test. | C | X | X | X |
b) Dynamic control checks. |
| Note: Tests 2 b) 1), 2 b) 2), and 2 b) 3) are not applicable if dynamic response is generated solely by use of aeroplane hardware in the flight simulator. Power setting may be that required for level flight unless otherwise specified. |
For under-damped systems: For overdamped systems: | Take-off, cruise and landing | Data should be for normal control displacements in both directions (approximately 25% to 50% full throw or approximately 25% to 50% of maximum allowable pitch controller deflection for flight conditions limited by the manoeuvring load envelope). Tolerances apply against the absolute values of each period (considered independently). n = the sequential period of a full oscillation. Refer to Section |
| X | X | |
same as 2b1 above | Take-off, cruise and landing | Data should be for normal control displacement (approximately 25% to 50% of full throw or approximately 25% to 50% of maximum allowable roll controller deflection for flight conditions limited by the manoeuvring load envelope). Refer to Section |
| X | X | |
same as 2b1 above | Take-off, cruise and landing | Data should be for normal control displacement (Approximately 25% to 50% of full throw). Refer to Section |
| X | X | |
4) small control inputs—pitch | ±0.15°/s body pitch rate or ±20% of peak body pitch rate applied throughout the time history | Approach or landing | Control inputs should be typical of minor corrections made while established on an ILS approach (approximately 0.5 to 2°/s pitch rate). Test in both directions. Show time history data from 5 s before until at least 5 s after initiation of control input. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. |
| X | X |
5) small control inputs—roll | ±0.15°/s body roll rate or ±20% of peak body roll rate applied throughout the time history | Approach or landing | Control inputs should be typical of minor corrections made while established on an ILS approach (approximately 0.5 to 2°/s roll rate). Test in one direction. For aeroplanes that exhibit non-symmetrical behaviour, test in both directions. Show time history data from 5 s before until at least 5 s after initiation of control input. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. |
| X | X |
6) small control inputs—yaw | ±0.15°/s body yaw rate or ±20% of peak body yaw rate applied throughout the time history | Approach or landing | Control inputs should be typical of minor corrections made while established on an ILS approach (approximately 0.5 to 2°/s yaw rate). Test in one direction. For aeroplanes that exhibit non-symmetrical behaviour, test in both directions. Show time history data from 5 s before until at least 5 s after initiation of control input. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. |
| X | X |
c) Longitudinal |
| Note: Power setting may be that required for level flight unless otherwise specified. |
1) power change dynamics | ±3 kt airspeed | Approach | Power change from thrust for approach or level flight to maximum continuous or go-around power. Time history of uncontrolled free response for a time increment equal to at least 5 s before initiation of the power change to completion of the power change + 15 s. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
2) flap change dynamics | ±3 kt airspeed | Take-off through initial flap retraction, and approach to landing | Time history of uncontrolled free response for a time increment equal to at least 5 s before initiation of the reconfiguration change to the completion of the reconfiguration change + 15 s. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
3) spoiler/ speedbrake change dynamics | ±3 kt airspeed | Cruise | Time history of uncontrolled free response for a time increment equal to at least 5 s before initiation of the configuration change to completion of the configuration change + 15 s. Results required for both extension and retraction. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
4) gear change dynamics | ±3 kt airspeed | Take-off (retraction) and approach (extension) | Time history of uncontrolled free response for a time increment equal to at least 5 s before initiation of the configuration change to completion of the configuration change + 15 s. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
5) longitudinal trim | ±1° elevator | Cruise, approach and landing | Steady-state wings level trim with thrust for level flight. May be a series of snapshot tests. CCA: Test in normal or non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
6) longitudinal manoeuvring stability (stick force/g) | ±2.2 daN (5 lb) or ±10% pitch controller force Alternative method: | Cruise, approach and landing | Continuous time history data or a series of snapshot tests may be used. Test up to approximately 30° of bank for approach and landing configurations. Test up to approximately 45° of bank for the cruise configuration. Force tolerance not applicable if forces are generated solely by the use of aeroplane hardware in the flight simulator. Alternative method applies to aeroplanes which do not exhibit stick-force-per-g characteristics. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state as applicable. | X | X | X | X |
7) longitudinal static stability | ±2.2 daN (5 lb) or ±10% pitch controller force. Alternative method: | Approach | Data for at least two speeds above and two speeds below trim speed. May be a series of snapshot tests. Force tolerance not applicable if forces are generated solely by the use of aeroplane hardware in the flight simulator. Alternative method applies to aeroplanes which do not exhibit speed stability characteristics. CCA: Test in normal or non-normal control state as applicable. | X | X | X | X |
8) stall characteristics | ±3 kt airspeed for initial buffet, stall warning, and stall speeds For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | 2nd segment climb and approach or landing | Wings-level (1g) stall entry with thrust at or near idle power. Time history data should be shown to include full stall and initiation of recovery. Stall warning signal should be recorded and shall occur in the proper relation to stall. Flight simulators for aeroplanes exhibiting a sudden pitch attitude change or ‘g break’ shall demonstrate this characteristic. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
9) phugoid dynamics | ±10% period | Cruise | Test should include three full cycles or that necessary to determine time to ½ or double amplitude, whichever is less. CCA: Test in non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
10) short period dynamics | ±1.5° pitch or ±2°/s pitch rate | Cruise | CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
d) Lateral directional |
| Note: Power setting may be that required for level flight unless otherwise specified. |
1) minimum control speed, air (Vmca or Vmcl), per applicable airworthiness requirement or low speed engine inoperative handling characteristics in the air. | ±3 kt airspeed | Take-off or landing (whichever is most critical in the aeroplane) | Minimum speed may be defined by a performance or control limit which prevents demonstration of Vmca or Vmcl in the conventional manner. Take-off thrust should be set on the operating engine(s). Time history or snapshot data may be used. CCA: Test in normal or non-normal control state. | C | X | X | X |
±10% or ±2°/s roll rate For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | Cruise and approach or landing | Test with normal roll control displacement (about 30% of maximum control wheel). May be combined with step input of flight deck roll controller test (2 d) 3)). | X | X | X | X | |
±10% or | Approach or landing | With wings level, apply a step roll control input using approximately one-third of roll controller travel. At approximately 20° to 30° bank, abruptly return the roll controller to neutral and allow at least 10 s of aeroplane free response. May be combined with roll response (rate) test (2 d) 2)). CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X | |
4) spiral stability | correct trend and ±2° or ±10% bank in 20 s. If alternate test is used: correct trend and ±2° aileron. | Cruise and approach or landing | Aeroplane data averaged from multiple tests may be used. Test for both directions. As an alternative test, show lateral control required to maintain a steady turn with a bank angle of approximately 30°. CCA: Test in non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
5) engine inoperative trim | ±1° rudder angle or ±1° tab angle or equivalent rudder pedal | 2nd segment climb and approach or landing | Test should be performed in a manner similar to that for which a pilot is trained to trim an engine failure condition. 2nd segment climb test should be at take-off thrust. Approach or landing test should be at thrust for level flight. May be snapshot tests. | X | X | X | X |
6) rudder response | ±2°/s or ±10% yaw rate | Approach or landing | Test with stability augmentation on and off. Test with a step input at approximately 25% of full rudder pedal throw. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
7) dutch roll (yaw damper off) | ±0.5 s or ±10% of period | Cruise and approach or landing | Test for at least six cycles with stability augmentation off. CCA: Test in non-normal control state. | X | X | X | X |
8) steady state side-slip | For a given rudder position: For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | Approach or landing | May be a series of snapshot tests using at least two rudder positions (in each direction for propeller driven aeroplanes) one of which should be near maximum allowable rudder. | X | X | X | X |
e) Landings |
1) normal landing | ±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | Landing | Test from a minimum of 61 m (200 ft) AGL to nosewheel touchdown. Two tests shall be shown, including two normal landing flaps (if applicable) one of which shall be near maximum certificated landing mass, the other at light or medium mass. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state if applicable. | C | X | X | X |
2) minimum flap landing | ±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | Minimum certificated landing flap configur-ation | Test from a minimum of 61 m (200 ft) AGL to nosewheel touchdown. Test at near maximum certificated landing mass. |
| X | X | X |
3) cross-wind landing | ±3 kt airspeed For aeroplanes with reversible flight control systems: | Landing | Test from a minimum of 61 m (200 ft) AGL to a 50% decrease in main landing gear touchdown speed. Requires test data, including wind profile, for a cross-wind component of at least 60% of AFM value measured at 10 m (33 ft) above the runway. |
| X | X | X |
4) one engine inoperative landing | ±3 kt airspeed | Landing | Test from a minimum of 61 m (200 ft) AGL to a 50% decrease in main landing gear touchdown speed. |
| X | X | X |
5) autopilot landing (if applicable) | ±1.5 m (5 ft) flare height | Landing | If autopilot provides rollout guidance, record lateral deviation from touchdown to a 50% decrease in main landing gear touchdown speed. Time of autopilot flare mode engage and main gear touchdown shall be noted. Tf = duration of flare. |
| X | X | X |
6) all-engine autopilot go-around | ±3 kt airspeed | As per AFM | Normal all-engine autopilot go-around shall be demonstrated (if applicable) at medium mass. CCA: Test in normal and non-normal control state. |
| X | X | X |
7) one-engine-inoperative go-around | ±3 kt airspeed | As per AFM | Engine inoperative go-around required near maximum certificated landing mass with critical engine(s) inoperative. Provide one test with autopilot (if applicable) and one without autopilot. CCA: non-autopilot test to be conducted in non-normal mode. |
| X | X | X |
8) directional control (rudder effectiveness) with reverse thrust (symmetric) | ±5 kt airspeed | Landing | Apply rudder pedal input in both directions using full reverse thrust until reaching full thrust reverser minimum operating speed. |
| X | X | X |
9) directional control (rudder effectiveness) with reverse thrust (asymmetric) | ±5 kt airspeed | Landing | With full reverse thrust on the operating engine(s), maintain heading with rudder pedal input until maximum rudder pedal input or thrust reverser minimum operating speed is reached. |
| X | X | X |
| |
1) a test to demonstrate ground effect | ±1° elevator | Landing | See Section 3.3.2. A rationale shall be provided with justification of results. CCA: Test in normal or non-normal control state |
| X | X | X |
| |
1) a test to demonstrate wind shear models | None | Take-off and landing | Wind shear models are required which provide training in the specific skills required for recognition of wind shear phenomena and execution of recovery manoeuvres. |
| X | X |
Note: Wind shear models shall be representative of measured or accident derived winds, but may be simplifications which ensure repeatable encounters. For example, models may consist of independent variable winds in multiple simultaneous components. Wind models should be available for the following critical phases of flight: i) prior to take-off rotation; ii) at lift-off; iii) during initial climb; and iv) short final approach. The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Wind shear Training Aid, wind models from the United Kingdom Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE), the United States Joint Aerodrome Weather Studies (JAWS) Project or other recognised sources may be implemented and shall be supported and properly referenced in the QTG. Wind models from alternate sources may also be used if supported by aeroplane related data and such data are properly supported and referenced in the QTG. Use of alternate data shall be co-ordinated with the authority prior to submission of the QTG for approval. | |||||||
h) Flight and manoeuvre envelope protection functions |
| Note: The requirements of this paragraph are only applicable to computer-controlled aeroplanes. Time history results of response to control inputs during entry into each envelope protection function, i.e., with normal and degraded control states if function is different, are required. Set thrust as required to reach the envelope protection function. |
1) overspeed | ±5 kt airspeed | Cruise |
| X | X | X | X |
2) minimum speed | ±3 kt airspeed | Take-off, cruise and approach or landing |
| X | X | X | X |
3) load factor | ±0.1 g normal acceleration | Take-off, cruise |
| X | X | X | X |
4) pitch angle | ±1.5° pitch | Cruise, approach |
| X | X | X | X |
5) bank angle | ±2° or ±10% bank | Approach |
| X | X | X | X |
6) angle of attack | ±1.5° AOA | 2nd segment and approach or landing |
| X | X | X | X |
As specified by the applicant for flight simulator qualification | Not applicable | Appropriate test to demonstrate frequency response required. See also Section | X | X | X | X | |
As specified by the applicant for flight simulator qualification | Not applicable | Appropriate test to demonstrate leg balance required. See also Section | X | X | X | X | |
As specified by the applicant for flight simulator qualification | Not applicable | Appropriate test to demonstrate smooth turn-around required. See also Section | X | X | X | X | |
d) Motion effects |
| Refer to Section 3.4 subjective testing |
±0.05g actual platform linear accelerations | None | Ensure that motion system hardware and software (in normal flight simulator operating mode) continue to perform as originally qualified. Performance changes from the original baseline can be readily identified with this information. See Section |
| X | X | |
f) Motion cueing performance signature | None | Ground and flight | For a given set of flight simulation critical manoeuvres record the relevant motion variables. These tests should be run with the motion buffet module disabled. See Section | X | X | X | X |
g) Characteristic motion vibrations The following tests with recorded results and an SOC are required for characteristic motion vibrations, which can be sensed at the flight deck where applicable by aeroplane type. | None | Ground and flight | The recorded test results for characteristic buffets shall allow the comparison of relative amplitude versus frequency. For atmospheric disturbance testing, general purpose disturbance models that approximate demonstrable flight test data are acceptable. Principally, the flight simulator results should exhibit the overall appearance and trends of the aeroplane plots, with at least some of the frequency ‘spikes’ being present within 1 or 2 Hz of the aeroplane data. See Section |
1. thrust effects with brakes set | n/a | Ground | Test should be conducted at maximum possible thrust with brakes set. |
| X |
2. landing gear extended buffet | n/a | Flight | Test condition should be for a normal operational speed and not at the gear limiting speed. |
| X |
3. flaps extended buffet | n/a | Flight | Test condition should be for a normal operational speed and not at the flap limiting speed. |
| X |
4. speedbrake deployed buffet | n/a | Flight |
| X |
5. approach-to-stall buffet | n/a | Flight | Test condition should be approach-to-stall. Post-stall characteristics are not required. |
| X |
6. high speed or Mach buffet | n/a | Flight | Test condition should be for high speed manoeuvre buffet/wind-up-turn or alternatively Mach buffet. |
| X |
7. In-flight vibrations | n/a | Flight (clean configur-ation) | Test should be conducted to be representative of in-flight vibrations for propeller driven aeroplanes. |
| X |
| |
1. latency
Or | 150 milliseconds or less after aeroplane response 300 milliseconds or less after aeroplane response | Take-off, cruise, and approach or landing | One test is required in each axis (pitch, roll and yaw) for each of the three conditions compared to aeroplane data for a similar input. The visual scene or test pattern used during the response testing should be representative of the required system capacities required to meet the daylight, twilight (dusk/dawn) and night visual capability. Response tests should be confirmed in daylight, twilight and night settings. |
X |
X | X | X |
2. transport delay | 150 milliseconds or less after controller movement 300 milliseconds or less after controller movement | Pitch, roll and yaw | One separate test is required in each axis |
X |
X | X | X |
| |
1. continuous collimated cross-cockpit visual field of view
| Continuous, cross-cockpit, minimum collimated visual field of view providing each pilot with 180 degrees horizontal and 40 degrees vertical field of view. Horizontal FOV: Not less than a total of 176 measured degrees (including not less than ±88 measured degrees either side of the centre of the design eye point). Vertical FOV: Not less than a total of 36 measured degrees from the pilot’s and co-pilot’s eye point. | Not applicable | Field of view shall be measured using a visual test pattern filling the entire visual scene (all channels) consisting of a matrix of black and white 5° squares. Installed alignment should be confirmed in a Statement of Compliance. |
| X | X |
5° even angular spacing within ±1° as measured from either pilot eye-point, and within 1.5° for adjacent squares. | Not applicable | System geometry shall be measured using a visual test pattern filling the entire visual scene (all channels) consisting of a matrix of black and white 5° squares with light points at the intersections. The operator should demonstrate that the angular spacing of any chosen 5° square and the relative spacing of adjacent squares are within the stated tolerances. The intent of this test is to demonstrate local linearity of the displayed image at either pilot eye-point. | X | X | X | X | |
Not less than 5:1 | Not applicable | Surface contrast ratio shall be measured using a raster drawn test pattern filling the entire visual scene (all channels). The test pattern shall consist of black and white squares, 5° per square with a white square in the centre of each channel. Measurement shall be made on the centre bright square for each channel using a 1° spot photometer. This value shall have a minimum brightness of 7 cd/m2 (2 foot‑lamberts). Measure any adjacent dark squares. The contrast ratio is the bright square value divided by the dark square value. Note. During contrast ratio testing, simulator aft-cab and flight deck ambient light levels should be zero. |
| X | X | |
4. highlight brightness | Not less than 20 cd/m2 (6 ft‑lamberts) on the display | Not applicable | Highlight brightness shall be measured by maintaining the full test pattern described in 4.b) 3) above, superimposing a highlight on the centre white square of each channel and measuring the brightness using the 1° spot photometer. Lightpoints are not acceptable. Use of calligraphic capabilities to enhance raster brightness is acceptable. |
| X | X |
Not greater than 2 arc minutes | Not applicable | Vernier resolution shall be demonstrated by a test of objects shown to occupy the required visual angle in each visual display used on a scene from the pilot’s eye-point. The eye will subtend two arc minutes (arc tan (4/6876)x60) when positioned on a 3‑degree glideslope, 6 876 ft slant range from the centrally located threshold of a black runway surface painted with white threshold bars that are 16 ft wide with 4 ft gaps in-between. This should be confirmed by calculations in a statement of compliance. |
| X | X | |
6) lightpoint size | Not greater than 5 arc minutes | Not applicable | Lightpoint size shall be measured using a test pattern consisting of a centrally located single row of lightpoints reduced in length until modulation is just discernible in each visual channel. A row of 48 lights will form a 4° angle or less. |
| X | X |
Not less than 10:1 Not less than 25:1 | Not applicable | Lightpoint contrast ratio shall be measured using a test pattern demonstrating a 1° area filled with lightpoints, i.e., lightpoint modulation just discernible, and shall be compared to the adjacent background. Note: During contrast ratio testing, simulator aft-cab and flight deck ambient light levels should be zero. | X | X |
X |
X | |
Near end: | Trimmed in the landing configur-ation at 30 m (100 ft) wheel height above touchdown zone on glide slope at an RVR setting of 300m (980 ft) or 1200 ft (365 m). | Visual Ground Segment. This test is designed to assess items impacting the accuracy of the visual scene presented to a pilot at DH on an ILS approach. Those items include Note: If non-homogenous fog is used, the vertical variation in horizontal visibility shall be described and be included in the slant range visibility calculation used in the VGS computation. | X | X | X | X | |
| All tests in this section shall be presented using an unweighted 1/3-octave band format from band 17 to 42 (50 Hz to 16 kHz). A minimum 20 s average shall be taken at the location corresponding to the aeroplane data set. The aeroplane and flight simulator results shall be produced using comparable data analysis techniques. Refer to Section 3.3.6. |
| |
| |
1) ready for engine start | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to engine start. The APU should be on if appropriate. |
| X |
2) all engines at idle | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
3) all engines at maximum allowable thrust with brakes set | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
4) climb | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | En-route climb | Medium altitude. |
| X |
5) cruise | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Cruise | Normal cruise configuration. |
| X |
6) speedbrake /spoilers extended (as appropriate) | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Cruise | Normal and constant speedbrake deflection for descent at a constant airspeed and power setting. |
| X |
7) initial approach | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Approach | Constant airspeed, gear up, flaps/slats as appropriate. |
| X |
8) final approach | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Landing | Constant airspeed, gear down, full flaps |
| X |
| |
1) ready for engine start | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to engine start. The APU should be on if appropriate. |
| X |
2) all propellers feathered | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
3) ground idle or equivalent | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
4) flight idle or equivalent | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
5) all engines at maximum allowable power with brakes set | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Ground | Normal condition prior to take-off. |
| X |
6) climb | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | En-route climb | Medium altitude. |
| X |
7) cruise | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Cruise | Normal cruise configuration. |
| X |
8) initial approach | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Approach | Constant airspeed, gear up, flaps extended as appropriate, RPM as per operating manual. |
| X |
9) final approach | ±5 dB per 1/3 octave band | Landing | Constant airspeed, gear down, full flaps, RPM as per operating manual. |
| X |
±5 dB per 1/3 octave band |
| Special cases identified as particularly significant to the pilot, important in training, or unique to a specific aeroplane type or model. |
| |
d) Flight simulator background noise | Initial evaluation: not applicable. Recurrent evaluation: |
| Results of the background noise at initial qualification shall be included in the QTG document and approved by the qualifying authority. The simulated sound will be evaluated to ensure that the background noise does not interfere with training. Refer to Section The measurements are to be made with the simulation running, the sound muted and a dead cockpit. |
| X | X |
e) Frequency response | Initial evaluation: not applicable. Recurrent evaluation: cannot exceed ±5 dB on three consecutive bands when compared to initial evaluation and the average of the absolute differences between initial and recurrent evaluation results cannot exceed 2 dB. |
| Only required if the results are to be used during recurrent evaluations according to Section The results shall be acknowledged by the authority at initial qualification. |
| X | X |
T(P0) ±10% of P0
T(P1) ±20% of P1
T(P2) ±30% of P2
T(Pn) ±10(n+1)% of Pn
T(An) ±10% of A1
T(Ad) ±5% of Ad = residual band
Significant overshoots first overshoot and ±1 subsequent overshoots
Note: Dynamic sweeps may be limited to forces not exceeding 44.5 daN (100 lb).
Figure 3.3‑1: Underdamped step response
Figure 3.3‑2: Critically damped step response
A dedicated test should be provided which will validate the aerodynamic ground effect characteristics.
The selection of the test method and procedures to validate ground effect is at the option of the organisation performing the flight tests; however, the flight test should be performed with enough duration near the ground to sufficiently validate the ground-effect model.
If other methods are proposed, rationale shall be provided to conclude that the tests performed do validate the ground-effect model.
The objective validation tests presented in Section 3.2 are intended to qualify the flight simulator motion cueing system from a mechanical performance standpoint. Additionally, the list of motion effects provides a representative sample of dynamic conditions that shall be present in the flight simulator. A list of representative training-critical manoeuvres that shall be recorded during initial qualification (but without tolerance) to indicate the flight simulator motion cueing performance signature has been added to this document. These are intended to help to improve the overall standard of flight simulator motion cueing.
Table 3.3‑1: Tests required for initial qualification
No | Associated Validation Test | Manoeuvre | Priority | Comments |
1 | 1 b) 4) | Take-off rotation (Vr to V2) | X | Pitch attitude due to initial climb shall dominate over cab tilt due to longitudinal acceleration |
2 | 1 b) 5) | Engine failure between V1 and Vr | X |
3 | 2 e) 6) | Pitch change during go-around | X |
4 | 2 c) 2) and 2 c) 4) | Configuration changes | X |
5 | 2 c) 1) | Power change dynamics | X | Resulting effects of power changes |
6 | 2 e) 1) | Landing flare | X |
7 | 2 e) 1) | Touchdown bump |
Table 3.3‑2: Tests that are significant but are not required to be run
No | Associated Validation Test | Manoeuvre | Priority | Comments |
8 | 1 a) 2) | Taxi (including acceleration, turns, braking), with presence of ground rumble | X |
9 | 1 b) 4) | Brake release and initial acceleration | X |
10 | 1 b) 1) and 3) g) | Ground rumble on runway, acceleration during take-off, scuffing, runway lights and surface discontinuities | X | Scuffing and velocity cues are given priority |
11 | 1 b) 2) and 1 b) 7) | Engine failure prior to V1 (RTO) | X | Lateral and directional cues are given priority |
12 | 1 c) 1) | Steady-state climb | X |
13 | 1 d) 1) and 1 d) 2) | Level flight acceleration and deceleration |
14 | 2 c) 6) | Turns | X |
15 | 1 b) 8) | Engine failures |
16 | 2 c) 8) | Approach-to-stall | X |
17 |
| System failures | X | Priority depending on the type of system failure and aeroplane type, e.g., flight controls failures, rapid decompression, inadvertent thrust reverser deployment. |
18 | 2 g) 1) and 2 e) 3) | Windshear/cross-wind including de-crabbing | X | Influence on vibrations and on attitude control |
19 | 1 e) 1) | Deceleration on runway |
| Including contamination effects |
Measurement shall be made on the centre bright square for each channel using a 1 degree spot photometer. This value shall have a minimum brightness of 7 cd/m2 (2 foot-lamberts). Measure any adjacent dark squares. The contrast ratio is the bright square value divided by the dark square value. Minimum test contrast ratio result is 5:1.
Lightpoint contrast ratio shall be not less than 25:1 when a square of at least 1 degree filled, i.e., lightpoint modulation is just discernible, with lightpoint is compared to the adjacent background.
These limits are for unweighted 1/3 octave band sound levels. Meeting these limits for background noise does not ensure an acceptable flight simulator. Aeroplane sounds, which fall below this limit require careful review and may require lower limits on the background noise.
Table 3.3‑3: Example of recurrent frequency response test tolerance
Band Centre Freq. | Initial Results (dBSPL) | Recurrent Results (dBSPL) | Absolute Difference |
50 | 75.0 | 73.8 | 1.2 |
63 | 75.9 | 75.6 | 0.3 |
80 | 77.1 | 76.5 | 0.6 |
100 | 78.0 | 78.3 | 0.3 |
125 | 81.9 | 81.3 | 0.6 |
160 | 79.8 | 80.1 | 0.3 |
200 | 83.1 | 84.9 | 1.8 |
250 | 78.6 | 78.9 | 0.3 |
315 | 79.5 | 78.3 | 1.2 |
400 | 80.1 | 79.5 | 0.6 |
500 | 80.7 | 79.8 | 0.9 |
630 | 81.9 | 80.4 | 1.5 |
800 | 73.2 | 74.1 | 0.9 |
1000 | 79.2 | 80.1 | 0.9 |
1250 | 80.7 | 82.8 | 2.1 |
1600 | 81.6 | 78.6 | 3.0 |
2000 | 76.2 | 74.4 | 1.8 |
2500 | 79.5 | 80.7 | 1.2 |
3150 | 80.1 | 77.1 | 3.0 |
4000 | 78.9 | 78.6 | 0.3 |
5000 | 80.1 | 77.1 | 3.0 |
6300 | 80.7 | 80.4 | 0.3 |
8000 | 84.3 | 85.5 | 1.2 |
10000 | 81.3 | 79.8 | 1.5 |
12500 | 80.7 | 80.1 | 0.6 |
16000 | 71.1 | 71.1 | 0.0 |
| Average | 1.1 |
Figure 3.3‑3: 1/3 Octave band frequency (Hz)
Table 3.4‑1: Table of functions and subjective tests
Functions and Subjective Tests | Level A B C D | |||
a) Preparation for flight 1) pre-flight. i) accomplish a functions check of all switches, indicators, systems and equipment at all crew members’ and instructor’s stations and determine that the flight deck design and functions are identical to that of the aeroplane simulated | X | X | X | X |
b) Surface operations (pre-take-off) 1) engine start i) normal start ii) alternate start procedures iii) abnormal starts and shutdowns (hot start, hung start, etc.) 2) pushback/powerback 3) taxi i) thrust response ii) power lever friction iii) ground handling iv) nose-wheel scuffing v) brake operation (normal and alternate/emergency) vi) brake fade (if applicable) vii) other | X | X | X | X |
c) Take-off 1) normal i) parameter relationships ii) acceleration characteristics iii) nose-wheel and rudder steering iv) cross-wind (maximum demonstrated) v) special performance vi) instrument take-off (low visibility) vii) landing gear, wing flap, leading edge device operation viii) other 2) abnormal/emergency i) rejected ii) rejected special performance iii) with failure of most critical engine at most critical point along take-off path, take-off continued iv) with wind shear v) flight control system failure modes vi) other | X | X | X | X |
d) In-flight operation 1) climb i) normal ii) one or more engine(s) inoperative iii) other 2) cruise i) performance characteristics (speed versus power) ii) turns with/without spoilers (speedbrake) deployed iii) high altitude handling iv) high IAS handling v) Mach tuck and trim, overspeed warning vi) normal and steep turns vii) performance turns viii) approach to stalls, stall warning, buffet and g-break (cruise, take-off, approach and landing configuration) ix) high angle of attack manoeuvres (cruise, take-off, approach and landing configuration) x) in-flight engine shutdown and restart xi) manoeuvring with one or more engines inoperative, as appropriate xii) specific flight characteristics xiii) manual flight control reversion xiv) flight control system failure modes xv) other 3) descent i) normal ii) maximum rate iii) manual flight control reversion iv) flight control system failure modes v) other | X | X | X | X |
e) Approaches 1) precision approach and landing procedures, e.g.: i) PAR ii) ILS/MLS/GBAS (a) normal (b) engine(s) inoperative (c) Category I published approach (1) manually controlled with and without flight director to 30 m (100 ft) below CAT I minima (2) with cross-wind (maximum demonstrated) (3) with wind shear (d) Category II published approach (1) auto-coupled, autothrottle, autoland (2) all engines operating missed approach (e) Category III published approach (1) with generator failure (2) with 10 knot tail wind (3) with 10 knot cross-wind (4) one engine inoperative 2) non-precision approach and landing procedures (a) NDB, VOR, DME ARC, TACAN (b) ILS LLZ only, BC Note: BC approaches are not included in PANS-OPS (Doc 8168). (c) RNAV (GNSS, VOR/DME, DME/DME) (d) ILS offset localizer (e) direction finding facility (f) surveillance radar For (a) to (f) above assess the following: (1) manoeuvring with all engines operating (2) landing gear, operation of flaps and speed brake (3) all engines operating (4) one or more engines inoperative (3) Approach procedures with vertical guidance (APV), e.g., SBAS (4) missed approach procedures i) all engines operating ii) one or more engines inoperative (as applicable) | X | X | X | X |
f) Visual segment and landing 1) normal i) cross-wind (maximum demonstrated) ii) from VFR traffic pattern iii) from non-precision approach iv) from precision approach v) from circling approach vi) without glide slope guidance 2) abnormal/emergency i) engine(s) inoperative ii) rejected iii) with wind shear iv) with standby (minimum) electrical/hydraulic power v) with longitudinal trim malfunction vi) with lateral-directional trim malfunction vii) with loss of flight control power (manual reversion) viii) with worst case failure of flight control system (most significant degradation of fly-by-wire system which is not extremely improbable) ix) abnormal wing flaps/slats x) other flight control system failure modes as dictated by the training programme xi) other | X | X | X | X |
g) Surface operations (post landing) 1) landing roll and taxi i) spoiler operation ii) reverse thrust operation iii) directional control and ground handling, both with and without reverse thrust iv) reduction of rudder effectiveness with increased reverse thrust (rear pod-mounted engines) v) brake and anti-skid operation with dry, wet and icy conditions vi) brake operation vii) other | X | X | X | X |
h) Any flight phase 1) aeroplane and powerplant systems operation i) air conditioning ii) de-icing/anti-icing iii) auxiliary power unit iv) communications v) electrical vi) fire and smoke detection and suppression vii) flaps viii) flight controls ix) fuel and oil x) hydraulic xi) landing gear xii) oxygen xiii) pneumatic xiv) powerplant xv) pressurisation 2) flight management and guidance systems i) airborne radar ii) automatic landing aids iii) autopilot iv) collision avoidance systems v) flight control computers vi) flight display systems vii) ground proximity warning systems viii) head-up displays ix) navigation systems x) stall warning/avoidance xi) stability and control augmentation xii) wind shear avoidance equipment 3) airborne procedures i) holding ii) air hazard avoidance iii) wind shear 4) engine shutdown and parking i) engine and systems operation ii) parking brake operation |
X |
X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
| |
a) Functional test content requirements 1) Levels C and D Note: The following is the minimum airport model content requirement to satisfy visual capability tests, and provides suitable visual cues to allow completion of all Functions and Subjective Tests described in this Section. Operators are encouraged to use the model content described below for the Functions and Subjective Tests. If all of the elements cannot be found at a single real world airport, then additional real world airports may be used. The intent of this visual scene content requirement description is to identify that content required to aid the pilot in making appropriate, timely decisions. i) two parallel runways and one crossing runway displayed simultaneously; at least two runways should be lit simultaneously; ii) runway threshold elevations and locations shall be modelled to provide sufficient correlation with aeroplane systems, e.g., HGS, GPS, altimeter; slopes in runways, taxiways, and ramp areas should not cause distracting or unrealistic effects, including pilot eye-point height variation; iii) representative airport buildings, structures and lighting; iv) one useable gate, set at the appropriate height, for those aeroplanes that typically operate from terminal gates; v) representative moving and static gate clutter, e.g., other aeroplanes, power carts, tugs, fuel trucks, additional gates; vi) representative gate/apron markings (e.g., hazard markings, lead-in lines, gate numbering) and lighting; vii) representative runway markings, lighting, and signage, including a wind sock that gives appropriate wind cues; viii) representative taxiway markings, lighting, and signage necessary for position identification, and to taxi from parking to a designated runway and return to parking; representative, visible taxi route signage shall be provided; a low visibility taxi route, e.g., surface movement ground control system, follow-me truck, daylight taxi lights) should also be demonstrated; ix) representative moving and static ground traffic, e.g., vehicular and aeroplane; x) representative depiction of terrain and obstacles within 25 NM of the reference airport; xi) representative depiction of significant and identifiable natural and cultural features within 25 NM of the reference airport; Note: This refers to natural and cultural features that are typically used for pilot orientation in flight. Outlying airports not intended for landing need only provide a reasonable facsimile of runway orientation; xii) representative moving airborne traffic; xiii) appropriate approach lighting systems and airfield lighting for a VFR circuit and landing, non-precision approaches and landings, and Category I, II and III precision approaches and landings; xiv) representative gate docking aids or a marshaller. |
| X | X |
2) Levels A and B Note: The following is the minimum airport model content requirement to satisfy visual capability tests, and provides suitable visual cues to allow completion of all Functions and Subjective Tests described in this Section. Operators are encouraged to use the model content described below for the Functions and Manoeuvres Tests. i) representative airport runways and taxiways; ii) runway definition; iii) runway surface and markings; iv) lighting for the runway in use including runway edge and centreline lighting, visual approach aids and approach lighting of appropriate colours; v) representative taxiway lights. | X | X |
b) Visual scene management 1) runway and approach lighting intensity for any approach should be set at an intensity representative of that used in training for the visibility set; all visual scene light points should fade into view appropriately 2) the directionality of strobe lights, approach lights, runway edge lights, visual landing aids, runway centre line lights, threshold lights, and touchdown zone lights on the runway of intended landing should be realistically replicated. | X | X | X | X |
c) Visual feature recognition Note: Tests 2. c) 1) to 2. c) 6) below contain the minimum distances at which runway features should be visible. Distances are measured from runway threshold to an aeroplane aligned with the runway on an extended 3-degree glide slope in suitable simulated meteorological conditions. For circling approaches, tests 2. c) 1) to 2. c) 7) below apply both to the runway used for the initial approach and to the runway of intended landing. 1) runway definition, strobe lights, approach lights and white runway edge lights from 8 km (5 sm) of the runway threshold 2) visual landing aids from 8 km (5 sm) of the runway threshold 3) visual landing aids from 5 km (3 sm) of the runway threshold 4) runway centre line lights and taxiway definition from 5 km (3 sm) 5) threshold lights and touchdown zone lights from 3 km (2 sm) 6) runway markings within range of landing lights for night/twilight scenes or as required by the surface resolution test on day scenes 7) for circling approaches, the runway of intended landing and associated lighting should fade into view in a non-distracting manner |
X X X X X |
X X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
d) Airport model content Minimum of three specific airport scenes as defined below. 1) terminal approach area: i) accurate portrayal of airport features is to be consistent with published data used for aeroplane operations; ii) all depicted lights should be checked for appropriate colours, directionality, behaviour and spacing, e.g., obstruction lights, edge lights, centre line, touchdown zone, VASI, PAPI, REIL and strobes; iii) depicted airport lighting should be selectable via controls at the instructor station as required for aeroplane operation iv) selectable day, twilight and night airport visual scene capability at each model demonstrated; 2) terrain i) appropriate terrain, geographic and cultural features 3) dynamic effects i) the capability to present multiple ground and air hazards such as another aeroplane crossing the active runway or converging airborne traffic; hazards should be selectable via controls at the instructor station 4) illusions i) operational visual scenes which portray representative physical relationships known to cause landing illusions, for example short runways, landing approaches over water, uphill or downhill runways, rising terrain on the approach path and unique topographic features Note: Illusions may be demonstrated at a generic airport or specific aerodrome. |
| X | X |
e) Correlation with aeroplane and associated equipment 1) visual system compatibility with aerodynamic programming 2) visual cues to assess sink rate and depth perception during landings 3) accurate portrayal of environment relating to flight simulator attitudes 4) the visual scene should correlate with integrated aeroplane systems, where fitted, e.g., terrain, traffic and weather avoidance systems and head-up guidance system (HGS). 5) representative visual effects for each visible, ownship, aeroplane external light 6) the effect of rain removal devices should be provided |
X X X X X X |
X X X X X X |
f) Environmental effects 1) the displayed scene should correspond to the appropriate surface contaminants and include runway lighting reflections for wet, partially obscured lights for snow, or suitable alternative effects 2) weather representations which include the sound, motion and visual effects of light, medium and heavy precipitation near a thunderstorm on take-off, approach and landings at and below an altitude of 610 m (2 000 ft) above the aerodrome surface and within a radius of 16 km (10 sm) from the aerodrome 3) in - cloud effects such as variable cloud density, speed cues and ambient changes should be provided 4) the effect of multiple cloud layers representing few, scattered, broken and overcast conditions giving partial or complete obstruction of the ground scene 5) gradual break-out to ambient visibility/RVR, defined as up to 10% of the respective cloud base or top, 20 ft ≤ transition layer ≤ 200 ft; cloud effects should be checked at and below a height of 610 m (2 000 ft) above the aerodrome and within a radius of 16 km (10 sm) from the airport 6) visibility and RVR measured in terms of distance. Visibility/RVR should be checked at and below a height of 610 m (2 000 ft) above the aerodrome and within a radius of 16 km (10 sm) from the airport 7) patchy fog giving the effect of variable RVR 8) effects of fog on aerodrome lighting such as halos and defocus 9) effect of ownship lighting in reduced visibility, such as reflected glare, to include landing lights, strobes, and beacons 10) wind cues to provide the effect of blowing snow or sand across a dry runway or taxiway should be selectable from the instructor station |
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g) Scene quality 1) surfaces and textural cues should be free from apparent quantization (aliasing) 2) system capable of portraying full-colour realistic textural cues 3) the system light points should be free from distracting jitter, smearing or streaking 4) demonstration of occulting through each channel of the system in an operational scene 5) demonstration of a minimum of ten levels of occulting through each channel of the system in an operational scene 6) system capable of providing focus effects that simulate rain and light-point perspective growth 7) system capable of six discrete light step controls (0-5) |
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h) Instructor controls 1) environmental effects; effects described herein should be selectable via controls at the instructor station, e.g., cloud base, cloud effects, cloud density and visibility (kilometres/ statute miles) and RVR (metres/feet); 2) dynamic effects including ground and flight traffic; 3) aerodrome selection; 4) aerodrome lighting including variable intensity. | X | X | X | X |
3. MOTION EFFECTS Note - The following specific motion effects are required to indicate the threshold at which a flight crewmember should recognise an event or situation. Where applicable below, flight simulator pitch side loading and directional control characteristics should be representative of the aeroplane as a function of aeroplane type. |
a) Effects of runway rumble, oleo deflections, ground speed, uneven runway, centreline lights and taxiway characteristics 1) After the aeroplane has been pre-set to the take-off position and then released, taxi at various speeds, first with a smooth runway, and note the general characteristics of the simulated runway rumble effects of oleo deflections. Next repeat the manoeuvre with a runway roughness of 50%, then finally with maximum roughness. The associated motion vibrations should be affected by groundspeed and runway roughness. If time permits, different gross weights can also be selected as this may also affect the associated vibrations depending on aeroplane type. The associated motion effects for the above tests should also include an assessment of the effects of centreline lights, surface discontinuities of uneven runways, and various taxiway characteristics | * | X | X | X |
b) Buffets on the ground due to spoiler/speedbrake extension and thrust reversal 1) Perform a normal landing and use ground spoilers and reverse thrust—either individually or in combination with each other—to decelerate the simulated aeroplane. Do not use wheel braking so that only the buffet due to the ground spoilers and thrust reversers is felt. | * | X | X | X |
c) Bumps associated with the landing gear 1) Perform a normal take-off paying special attention to the bumps that could be perceptible due to maximum oleo extension after lift-off. When the landing gear is extended or retracted, motion bumps could be felt when the gear locks into position. | * | X | X | X |
d) Buffet during extension and retraction of landing gear 1) Operate the landing gear. Check that the motion cues of the buffet experienced are reasonably representative of the actual aeroplane. | * | X | X | X |
e) Buffet in the air due to flap and spoiler/speedbrake extension 1) First perform an approach and extend the flaps and slats, especially with airspeeds deliberately in excess of the normal approach speeds. In cruise configuration verify the buffets associated with the spoiler/speedbrake extension. The above effects could also be verified with different combinations of speedbrake/flap/gear settings to assess the interaction effects. | * | X | X | X |
f) Approach to stall buffet 1) Conduct an approach-to-stall with engines at idle and a deceleration of 1 knot/second. Check that the motion cues of the buffet, including the level of buffet increase with decreasing speed, are reasonably representative of the actual aeroplane. | * | X | X | X |
g) Touchdown cues for main and nose gear 1) Fly several normal approaches with various rates of descent. Check that the motion cues of the touchdown bumps for each descent rate are reasonably representative of the actual aeroplane. | * | X | X | X |
h) Nose-wheel scuffing 1) Taxi the simulated aeroplane at various groundspeeds and manipulate the nosewheel steering to cause yaw rates to develop which cause the nosewheel to vibrate against the ground (‘scuffing’). Evaluate the speed/nosewheel combination needed to produce scuffing and check that the resultant vibrations are reasonably representative of the actual aeroplane. | * | X | X | X |
i) Thrust effect with brakes set 1) With the simulated aeroplane set with the brakes on at the take-off point, increase the engine power until buffet is experienced and evaluate its characteristics. This effect is most discernible with wing mounted engines. Confirm that the buffet increases appropriately with increasing engine thrust. | * | X | X | X |
j) Mach and manoeuvre buffet 1) With the simulated aeroplane trimmed in 1 g flight while at high altitude, increase the engine power such that the Mach number exceeds the documented value at which Mach buffet is experienced. Check that the buffet begins at the same Mach number as it does in the aeroplane (for the same configuration) and that buffet level are a reasonable representation of the actual aeroplane. In the case of some aeroplanes, manoeuvre buffet could also be verified for the same effects. Manoeuvre buffet can occur during turning flight at conditions greater than 1 g, particularly at higher altitudes. | * | X | X | X |
k) Tyre failure dynamics 1) Dependent on aircraft type, a single tyre failure may not necessarily be noticed by the pilot and therefore there should not be any special motion effect. There may possibly be some sound and/or vibration associated with the actual tyre losing pressure. With a multiple tyre failure selected on the same side the pilot may notice some yawing which should require the use of the rudder to maintain control of the aeroplane. |
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l) Engine malfunction and engine damage 1) The characteristics of an engine malfunction as stipulated in the malfunction definition document for the particular flight simulator should describe the special motion effects felt by the pilot. The associated engine instruments should also vary according to the nature of the malfunction. | * | X | X | X |
m) Tail and pod strikes 1) Tail-strike can be checked by over-rotation of the aeroplane at a speed below Vr while performing a take-off. The effects can be verified during a landing. The motion effect should be felt as a noticeable bump. Excessive banking of the aeroplane during its take-off/landing roll can cause a pod strike. The motion effect should also be felt as a noticeable bump. If the tail and/or pod strike affects the aeroplane’s angular rates, the cueing provided by the motion systems should have an associated effect. | * | X | X | X |
a) The following checks should be performed during a normal flight profile with motion 1) precipitation 2) rain removal equipment 3) significant aeroplane noises perceptible to the pilot during normal operations 4) abnormal operations for which there are associated sound cues including, but not limited to, engine malfunctions, landing gear/tyre malfunctions, tail and engine pod strike and pressurisation malfunction. 5) sound of a crash when the flight simulator is landed in excess of limitations |
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a) Braking dynamics 1) Representative brake failure dynamics (including antiskid) and decreased brake efficiency due to high brake temperatures based on aeroplane related data. These representations should be realistic enough to cause pilot identification of the problem and implementation of appropriate procedures. Flight simulator pitch, side loading and directional control characteristics should be representative of the aeroplane. |
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b) Effects of airframe and engine icing See Section 3.1 Requirement 1 t). |
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* For Level A, an asterisk (*) denotes that the appropriate effect is required to be present. |
Notes to Manual of Standards Part 60
The Manual of Standards Part 60 (in force under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) as shown in this compilation comprises Manual of Standards Part 60 amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Table of Manual of Standards and Amendments
Year and | Date of making/ | Date of | Application, saving or |
MOS 60 | 28 Feb 2003 | 28 Feb 2003 |
MOS 60 2008 Amendment No. 1 | FRLI 30 May 2008 (see F2006L01328) | 31 May 2008 (see s. 2) | — |
MOS 60 2016 Amendment No. 1 | FRLI 4 February 2016 (see F2016L00087) | 5 February 2016 (see s. 2) | — |
Revision History
Note The Revision History shows the most recent amendment first.
Version | Date | Chapter/ | Details |
1.2 | February 2016 | (b) (b) (b) | Paragraphs substituted. |
1.1 | June 2008 | Paragraphs substituted. | |
1.0 | February 2003 | All | First issue of MOS Part 60. |