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Manual of Standards Part 172—Air Traffic Services

Version 2.2

made under regulation 172.022 of the

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 11

Compilation date: 01 August 2023

Includes amendments up to: F2023L01044

Prepared by the Flight Standards Branch, National Operations & Standards Division, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra.


Manual of Standards Part 172—Air Traffic Services


© Civil Aviation Safety Authority


This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.


Requests for authorisation should be directed to:


 Corporate Communications

 Civil Aviation Safety Authority

 GPO Box 2005

 Canberra ACT 2601


Version 2.2: August 2023



Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

Section 1.1: General

1.1.1 Background

1.1.2 Document Set

1.1.3 Differences Between ICAO Standards and those in MOS

1.1.4 Differences Published in AIP

1.1.5 MOS Documentation Change Management

1.1.6 Related Documents

Section 1.2: Abbreviations and Definitions

1.2.1 Abbreviations

1.2.2 Definitions

Chapter 2: Operations Manual

Section 2.1: General

2.1.1 Introduction

2.1.2 Content of the Operations Manual

Chapter 3: ATS Facilities and Equipment

Chapter 4: Fatigue Management

Chapter 5: Training and Checking Program

Section 5.1: General

5.1.1 Introduction

5.1.2 Program

5.1.3 Competency

5.1.4 Training Courses

5.1.5 Emergency Training

5.1.6 Refresher Training

5.1.7 On-going Training

5.1.8 Remedial Training

5.1.9 Checking

5.1.10 Qualifications of Trainers and Checkers

Chapter 6: Safety Management System

Section 6.1: General

6.1.1 Features of Safety Management System

6.1.2 Safety Case Preparation

Chapter 7: Contingency Plans

Section 7.1: General

7.1.1 Introduction

7.1.2 Minimum Contents

Chapter 8: Security Program

Section 8.1: General

8.1.1 Introduction

8.1.2 Security Measures

Chapter 9: Documents and Records

Section 9.1: General

9.1.1 Documents

9.1.2 Records

9.1.3 Records to be Kept

9.1.4 Maintaining Records

9.1.5 Maintaining Operational Log Books

9.1.6 Voice and Data Recording

Chapter 10: Standards for the Provision of
Air Traffic Services

Section 10.1: General

10.1.1 Purpose

10.1.2 Air Traffic Services Commensurate with Airspace Classification

10.1.3 Traffic Priorities

10.1.4 Relaxation of Speed Restrictions

10.1.5 SARWATCH for IFR Aircraft conducting VFR Operations

Section 10.2: ATS surveillance systems

10.2.1 Use of ADS-B surveillance

10.2.2 Operation of ADS-B transmitters

10.2.3 Verification of level information

10.2.4 Determination of level occupancy using ATS surveillance
system-derived level information

10.2.5 Establishment of identification

10.2.6 Position information

10.2.7 Use of Speed Control

10.2.8 Termination of ATS surveillance services

10.2.9 Obstacle clearance

10.2.10 Vectoring special VFR

10.2.11 Issuing ATS surveillance system derived distance

Section 10.3: Circuits and Runways

10.3.1 Selection of Runway in Use

10.3.2 Simultaneous Parallel Runway Operations

10.3.3 Procedures for Low Visibility Operations

10.3.4 Protecting ILS critical and sensitive areas

10.3.5 Informing pilots when critical and sensitive areas are not protected

Section 10.4: Departures and Arrivals

10.4.1 Arriving Aircraft

10.4.5 Independent Parallel Visual Approaches

10.4.6 Dependent Parallel Visual Approaches

10.4.8 Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations

Section 10.5: Separation Standards — General

10.5.1 Application of Separation Standards

10.5.2 Separation of VFR using navigation aids

10.5.3 Formation or In-company Flights

10.5.4 Airspace Boundaries

10.5.5 Separation minima based on ATS surveillance systems

10.5.6 Separation between ADS-C tracks and radar tracks

Section 10.6: Separation Standards–Longitudinal

10.6.1 Mach Number Technique

10.6.2 Application of Longitudinal Time Minima

10.6.3 Cross Check Calculations

10.6.4 Longitudinal Time Separation Minima

10.6.5 Application of Time Departure Minima

10.6.6 Time Departure Separation Minima

10.6.7 Application of Longitudinal Distance Separation

10.6.8 Use of DME/GPS Separation

10.6.9 RNAV Separation

10.6.10 Longitudinal Distance Separation Using ADS-C

10.6.11 Distance Separation Minima

10.6.12 RNAV Distance Separation Minima

10.6.13 Distance Separation minima using RNAV with Automatic
Dependent Surveillance – Contact

Section 10.7: Separation Standards—Vertical

10.7.1 Vertical Buffers between Aircraft Inside and Outside
Controlled Airspace

10.7.2 Vertical Separation Below High Altitude Balloons

10.7.3 Step Climbs and Descents

10.7.4 Specifying Rates of Climb

10.7.5 Rate in Step Climb/Descent

10.7.6 Assigning Vacated Levels

10.7.7 Vertical Separation Using ADS-C

10.7.8 Transition Layer, Altitude and Level

10.7.9 Common Altimeter Settings

10.7.10 Levels Unavailable when QNH less than 1013

10.7.11 Vertical Separation Minima

Section 10.8: Separation Standards—Lateral

10.8.1 Lateral Separation Buffer

10.8.2 Application of Lateral Separation

10.8.3 Navigation Tolerances

Section 10.9: Separation Standards—Applicable to En-route Area
Navigation by Aircraft Using Inertial Navigation Systems

10.9.1 Introduction

10.9.2 Lateral Separation

10.9.3 Longitudinal Separation

10.9.4 Distance Standards

10.9.5 Explanation of Derivation of Longitudinal Separation Standards

Section 10.10: Separation Standards—Visual

10.10.1 Application

10.10.2 Separation Using Visual Observation

10.10.3 Separating Approaching Aircraft Beyond Tower View

Section 10.11: Separation Standards—Miscellaneous

10.11.1 Parachute Jumping Exercise (PJE)

10.11.2 Limitations and Extensions – PJE

10.11.3 High Altitude Balloons

10.11.4 Manned Balloon Operations

10.11.5 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)

10.11.6 ACAS/TCAS Resolution Advisory Action

10.11.7 Unspecified Operations

Section 10.12: Separation Standards—Wake Turbulence

10.12.1 Interpretation

10.12.2 Wake Turbulence Separation Minima

10.12.3 Application

Section 10.13: Separation Standards—Aerodrome

10.13.1 Taxiing and Runway Standards

10.13.2 Arriving Aircraft and an Aircraft Taking Off

10.13.3 Simultaneous Parallel Operations

10.13.4 Training Approaches

10.13.5 Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)

10.13.6 Landing Distance Required (LDR) for LAHSO

10.13.7 Letters of Agreement for LAHSO

10.13.8 Runway Separation Minima

Chapter 11: Information Provided To Pilots

Section 11.1: General

11.1.1 Take-off or Landing Information

11.1.2 Safety Alerts

11.1.3 Altimetry

11.1.4 Traffic Information

Chapter 12: Information Transfer

Section 12.1: General

12.1.1 Validity of an ATC Clearance

12.1.2 Level Assignment

12.1.3 Clearances for Special VFR Aircraft

12.1.4 Clearances Below LSALT

12.1.5 Clearance Limits

12.1.6 Clearance Readbacks

12.1.7 Transfer of identification

12.1.8 Clearance by Establishment of 2-way Communications

Section 12.2: En-route/Terminal Clearances

12.2.1 Departure Clearances

12.2.2 ATC Route Clearances

12.2.3 STAR Clearances

12.2.4 Approach Clearances

Section 12.3: Aerodrome Clearances

12.3.1 General

12.3.2 Taxi and Pre-Taxi Instructions

12.3.3 Line Up and Take-off Clearances

12.3.4 Landing Clearances

Chapter 13: Abnormal Operations

Section 13.1: Weather Deviation and RVSM Contingency Procedures

13.1.1 Weather Deviation in Oceanic Airspace

13.1.2 Aircraft Equipment Failures in RVSM Airspace

Section 13.2: In Flight Emergency Response

13.2.1 Emergency Changes of Level

13.2.2 Fuel Dumping

Chapter 14: Aeronautical Communications

Section 14.1: General

14.1.1 Acknowledging Receipt of Verbal Coordination

14.1.2 Telephony Protocols

14.1.3 Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network

Notes to Manual of Standards Part 172...................................Notes-


Suggested changes to this MOS may be sent to CASA by:


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mail:  Reply Paid, GPO Box 2005 Canberra ACT 2601.


Chapter 1:   Introduction





Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast


Automatic dependent surveillance — contract


Air traffic control


Air traffic service


Horizontal protection limit


Military low jet


Navigation integrity category


Navigational uncertainty category — position


Positive radio fix


Position symbol


Surveillance integrity limit




ADS-C agreement

A reporting plan which establishes the conditions of ADS-C data reporting (i.e. data required by the air traffic services unit and frequency of ADS-C reports which have to be agreed to prior to the provision of air traffic services).

ATS surveillance service

Term used to indicate an air traffic service provided directly by means of an ATS surveillance system.

ATS surveillance system

A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any comparable ground-based system that enables the identification of aircraft.

Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast

A means by which aircraft, aerodrome vehicles and other objects can automatically transmit or receive data such as identification, position and additional data, as appropriate, in a broadcast mode via a data link.

Automatic dependent surveillance — contract

A means by which the terms of an ADS-C agreement will be exchanged between the ground system and the aircraft, via a data link, specifying under what conditions ADS-C reports would be initiated, and what data would be contained in the reports.


See section 4.02.

Fatigue risk management system, or FRMS

See section 4.02.

Flight path monitoring

The use of ATS surveillance systems for the purpose of providing aircraft with information and advice relative to significant deviations from nominal flight path, including deviations from the terms of their air traffic control clearances.

Note Some applications may require a specific technology, e.g. radar, to support the function of flight path monitoring.


The situation which exists when the position indication of a particular aircraft is seen on a situation display and positively identified by ATC.

Position indication

The visual indication, in non-symbolic or symbolic form, on a situation display, of the position of an aircraft, aerodrome vehicle or other object.

Position symbol

The visual indication in symbolic form, on a situation display, of the position of an aircraft, aerodrome vehicle or other object obtained after automatic processing of positional data derived from any source.

Positive radio fix

(a) An NDB or locator site (when propagation is normal); or

(b) A VOR, TACAN site or marker beacon.

Procedural control

Term used to indicate that information derived from an ATS surveillance system is not required for the provision of air traffic control service.

Procedural separation

The separation used when providing procedural control.

PSR blip

The visual indication, in non-symbolic form, on a situation display, of the position of an aircraft obtained by primary radar.

Radar approach

An approach in which the final approach phase is executed under the direction of a controller using radar.

Radar clutter

The visual indication on a situation display of unwanted signals.

Safety case

A safety case provides documented evidence and argument that a service or facility, or a proposed change to the design of a service or facility, meets safety objectives or levels for the service or facility.

Situation display

An electronic display depicting the position and movement of aircraft and other information as required.

SSR response

The visual indication, in non-symbolic form, on a situation display, of a response from an SSR transponder in reply to an interrogation.


Provision of navigational guidance to aircraft in the form of specific headings, based on the use of an ATS surveillance system.


An IFR flight with ATC authorisation to operate in VMC at or below FL180 in Class E airspace at any appropriate VFR altitude or flight level.



Chapter 2:   Operations Manual

(oa) the details of the provider’s fatigue risk management system;

Note: For paragraph (oa), Chapter 4 provides for the requirement for an ATS provider to have and implement a fatigue risk management system (FRMS).


Chapter 3:   ATS Facilities and Equipment

3.01 Scope of Chapter 3

  This Chapter:

(a) is made for regulation 172.095 of CASR; and

(b) sets out standards for facilities and equipment used to provide an air traffic service.

3.02 Definitions

  In this Chapter:

ICAO Doc. 4444 means Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Air Traffic Management (Doc 4444, PANS-ATM) approved and published by decision of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, as in force from time to time, subject to the differences mentioned in Gen 1.7 of Part 1 of the AIP.

visual surveillance system has the same meaning as in ICAO Doc. 4444.

3.03 Control towers

 Visibility standards

 (1) A control tower for a controlled aerodrome must be designed, oriented and equipped to enable a controller to maintain visual observation, achieved through direct out-of-the-window observation, or indirect observation using a visual surveillance system that meets the requirements of section 3.05, of:

(a) all parts of the manoeuvring area at the aerodrome for which the controller has responsibility; and

(b) the runway strips associated with the areas mentioned in paragraph (a); and

(c) the parts of any service roads that are within 150 m of a runway for which the controller has responsibility; and

(d) any other parts of the aerodrome movement area for which the controller has responsibility; and

(e) aircraft in flight at, or in the vicinity of, the aerodrome.

Note   See the definition of manoeuvring area in the Act and the Part 139 Manual of Standards. The terms runway strip and movement area are defined in the CASR Dictionary.

 Glare, reflection and noise

 (2) The control tower must be designed, oriented and equipped such that the impacts of glare, reflection and noise on a controller performing duties in the tower are minimised.

 Signal lamp

 (3) The control tower must have the facilities, and access to equipment, necessary to enable white, red and green light signals to be directed from a prominent place on the aerodrome.

Note   Also, subregulation 172.095 (3) of CASR provides that equipment and facilities mentioned in Chapter 6 of Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention must meet the standards of that chapter.

3.04 Detecting movement of departing aircraft at controlled aerodromes

 General application—control towers commissioned after July 2000

 (1) Subsection (4) applies in relation to a control tower for a controlled aerodrome if the control tower was first commissioned after 1 July 2000.

 Delayed application for old control towers—modified runways

 (2) On and after 20 March 2025, subsection (4) applies to a control tower for a controlled aerodrome in relation to a runway at the aerodrome, if:

(a) the control tower is not a tower mentioned in subsection (1); and

(b) the runway is modified after 1 July 2000; and

(c) as a result of the modification, a controller’s ability to maintain visual observation of the runway, or to detect the movement of a departing aircraft after the aircraft has commenced its take-off run, has been degraded.

 Delayed application for old towers—new runways

 (3) Also, on and after 20 March 2025, subsection (4) applies to at a control tower for a controlled aerodrome in relation to a runway at the aerodrome, if:

(a) the control tower is not a tower mentioned in subsection (1); and

(b) the runway was first commissioned after 1 July 2000.

 “Five-second” rule

 (4) The control tower must be designed, oriented and equipped to enable a controller to detect the movement of a departing aircraft:

(a) as soon as possible after the aircraft has commenced its take-off run; but

(b) no later than 5 seconds after the take-off run commences.

3.05 Visual surveillance systems providing aerodrome control service

  An ATS provider may use a visual surveillance system, in the provision of aerodrome control service, to perform a function listed in Section 7.1 of ICAO Doc. 4444, only if the visual surveillance system meets the standards mentioned in Section 7.12 of ICAO Doc. 4444.

Note 1   Section 7.1 of ICAO Doc. 4444 lists functions of aerodrome control towers. Under subregulation 172.075 (1) of CASR, an ATS provider must ensure that any traffic service that it provides is provided in accordance with the procedures and rules set out in ICAO Doc. 4444, as varied by Gen 1.7 of Part 1 of the AIP.

Note 2   The term aerodrome control service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 (see the definition of the term in the CASR Dictionary).

Note 3   As a system that processes or displays air traffic control data, a visual surveillance system is a telecommunication service as defined in regulation 171.012 of CASR. A visual surveillance system, therefore, is also regulated under Part 171 of CASR as a telecommunication service, including how CASA approves a person to be a provider of the service, and obligations of providers.

3.06 Displays for control towers

 (1) A control tower must have the following displays:

(a) flight data displays (for example, flight progress boards);

(b) meteorological displays which provide at least the following information:

 (i) surface wind;

 (ii) barometric pressure;

 (iii) temperature;

 (iv) if the aerodrome has runway visual range equipment—the current runway visual range values;

(c) operational data displays for the following:

 (i) other significant weather information;

 (ii) NOTAMs;

 (iii) handover/takeover;

 (iv) essential aerodrome information;

 (v) relevant maps and charts;

(d) a time display at each operational position.

 (2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1) (b) (i), if more than one surface wind sensor is used at the aerodrome, the displays must identify the sensor being used for the observation.

3.07 Control towers—requirements about aerodrome equipment and navigation aids

 Switching, monitors and controls for aerodrome equipment

 (1) A control tower for a controlled aerodrome must have appropriate switching, monitors and controls for lighting equipment installed at the aerodrome, including for the following equipment:

(a) runway lighting;

(b) approach lighting;

(c) taxiway lighting;

(d) visual approach slope indicator systems;

(e) stop bars;

(f) obstacle lighting;

(g) illuminated wind direction indicator;

(h) aerodrome beacon.

 Navigation aids

 (2) The control tower must have a means to readily recognise the failure of any navigation aid being used for the control of aircraft.

Note   Subsection (2) covers both ground-based and space-based navigation aids.

3.08 Area and approach control units

 (1) Area control centres and approach control units must have the following facilities:

(a) time display at each operational position;

(b) flight data displays;

(c) operational data displays;

(d) appropriate maps and charts.

Note   Annex 11 also contains provisions regulating facilities in relation to area and approach control units. Subregulation 172.095 (3) of CASR requires that equipment and facilities mentioned in Chapter 6 of Annex 11 that an ATS provider uses in providing an air traffic service must comply with the standards of that chapter.

 (2) Area control centres and approach control units must have a means to readily recognise the failure of any navigation aid being used for the control of aircraft.

Note 1   Also, subregulation 172.095 (3) of CASR provides that equipment and facilities mentioned in Chapter 6 of Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention must meet the standards of that chapter.

Note 2   Subsection (2) covers both ground-based and space-based navigation aids.


Chapter 4:   Fatigue Management

4.01 Scope of Chapter 4

  This Chapter sets out requirements for the management of fatigue in the provision of air traffic services by an ATS provider.

4.02 Definitions

  In this instrument:

duty means any task that a person who is employed by an ATS provider as an operational person is required to carry out by the ATS provider, including tasks performed during time-in-position, administrative tasks and training.

duty period means a period of time which:

(a) starts when an operational person is required by an ATS provider to report for, or commence, duties; and

(b) ends when that person is free of all duties.

fatigue, for an operational person, means a physiological state of reduced alertness or capability to perform mental or physical tasks, which:

(a) may impair the ability of the person to perform the person’s safety-related duties; and

(b) is caused by one or more of the following:

 (i) the person’s lack of sleep;

 (ii) the person’s extended wakefulness;

 (iii) the person’s circadian phase at any time;

 (iv) the person’s workload of mental activities, or physical activities, or mental and physical activities at any relevant time.

fatigue risk management system, or FRMS, means a data-driven means of continuously monitoring and managing fatigue-related safety risks, based upon scientific principles, knowledge and operational experience that aims to ensure relevant personnel are performing at adequate levels of alertness.

FRMS manager means the person in an ATS provider’s organisation who is appointed by the chief executive officer of the organisation to be responsible for the day-to-day implementation, management and continuing effectiveness of the ATS provider’s fatigue risk management system.

non-duty period means a continuous and predefined period of time during which an operational person is free of all duties associated with the person’s employment.

operational person, in relation to an ATS provider, means a member of the ATS provider’s personnel to whom the ATS provider gives responsibility:

(a) for an air traffic control function to be performed in connection with an air traffic service it provides; or

(b) for a flight service function to be performed in connection with an air traffic service it provides.

Note   Under regulation 172.120 of CASR, an ATS provider must not give responsibility to a person for an air traffic control function, or a flight service function, unless the person is qualified as mentioned in that regulation or is under the supervision of a person who is qualified as mentioned.

Part 65 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA under regulation 65.033 of CASR, as in force from time to time.

Note   See the definition of Manual of Standards in regulation 65.010 of CASR.

time-in-position, for an operational person, means a period of time which:

(a) starts when the person starts performing an air traffic control function, or flight service function; and

(b) ends when the person stops performing the function.

4.03 General condition on ATS provider’s approval under Subpart 172.F

  For the purposes of regulation 11.068 of CASR, it is a condition of the approval under Subpart 172.F of CASR, of a person as an ATS provider, that the ATS provider must:

(a) comply with each requirement for the ATS provider set out in this Chapter; and

(b) comply with the limits and requirements for an operational person, as provided for by the ATS provider’s FRMS; and

(c) ensure that each of the ATS provider’s operational persons, when acting as such, complies with each requirement imposed by section 14.02 or 14.03 of the Part 65 Manual of Standards on the person’s ATC licence or flight service licence.

Note   Section 14.02 of the Part 65 Manual of Standards imposes a condition on an ATC licence that requires the holder of the licence not to carry out an air traffic control function if, due to fatigue, the holder is, or is likely to be, unfit to perform the task. Section 14.03 of that Manual of Standards imposes a condition in similar terms for holders of flight service licences.

4.04 ATS provider’s obligations

 Fitness for duty

 (1) An ATS provider must not assign a duty to an operational person to perform an air traffic control function, or a flight service function, if the ATS provider reasonably believes that the operational person is unfit to perform the function because of fatigue.


 (2) The limits and requirements that apply to an ATS provider’s operational persons must be determined in accordance with the ATS provider’s FRMS.

4.05 Requirement for fatigue risk management system

 (1) An ATS provider must have a fatigue risk management system that:

(a) is appropriate for the size, nature and complexity of the ATS provider’s operations; and

(b) includes each of the elements mentioned in subsection (2); and

(c) on and after 1 September 2024, is approved for implementation by CASA under section 4.13 or 4.14.

 (2) For paragraph (1)(b), the elements are as follows:

(a) the policy and objectives, and related documentation, in accordance with section 4.07;

(b) the practical operating procedures in accordance with section 4.08;

(c) the hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation procedures in accordance with section 4.09;

(d) the safety assurance procedures in accordance with section 4.10;

(e) the safety promotion procedures in accordance with section 4.11;

(f) the change management procedures in accordance with section 4.12.

Note   See also subsection 6.1.1 (about safety management systems). Paragraph requires the provider’s safety management system (SMS) to include processes for integrating the FRMS with the SMS.

4.06 Application for approval of FRMS

 (1) The ATS provider may apply to CASA for:

(a) a trial FRMS implementation approval; or

(b) a full FRMS implementation approval.

Note   An ATS provider is not eligible for a full implementation approval until the FRMS has been in effective operation for at least 12 months from the date of a trial implementation approval: see section 4.14.

 (2) For a trial or full FRMS implementation approval:

(a) an FRMS must include CASA approval of each of the elements of the FRMS mentioned in subsection 4.05(2); and

(b) CASA must be satisfied that the FRMS is integrated with the ATS provider’s safety management system.

 (3) Before CASA issues a trial FRMS implementation approval, CASA must be satisfied that the FRMS:

(a) comprises all of the elements mentioned in subsection 4.05(2); and

(b) is a safe, data-driven system which appears to be reasonably capable of continuously and effectively monitoring and managing fatigue-related safety risks using scientific principles and knowledge, and operational experience; and

(c) will enable the ATS provider to assess the extent to which operational persons and other relevant personnel perform at levels of alertness sufficient to ensure the safety of operations.

 (4) Before CASA issues a full FRMS implementation approval, CASA must be satisfied that the FRMS:

(a) comprises all of the elements mentioned in subsection 4.05(2); and

(b) is a safe, data-driven system which will continuously and effectively monitor and manage fatigue-related safety risks using scientific principles and knowledge, and operational experience; and

(c) will enable the ATS provider to ensure that operational persons and other relevant personnel perform at levels of alertness sufficient to ensure the safety of operations.

4.07 FRMS policy and documentation

 (1) The ATS provider must have an FRMS policy that refers to all the elements of the FRMS mentioned in subsection 4.05(2).

 (2) The policy must require that all the operations to which the FRMS applies be clearly defined in the operations manual.

 (3) The policy must:

(a) make it clear that while primary responsibility for the FRMS lies with the ATS provider, its effective implementation requires shared responsibility by management, operational persons, and any other relevant personnel; and

(b) clearly indicate the safety objectives of the FRMS; and

(c) be approved in writing by the chief executive officer of the ATS provider’s organisation; and

(d) be accessible to all relevant areas and levels of the organisation in a way that indicates the ATS provider’s specific endorsement of the policy; and

(e) declare management commitment to:

 (i) effective safety reporting; and

 (ii) provision of adequate resources for the FRMS; and

 (iii) continuous improvement of the FRMS; and

(f) require that clear lines of accountability are identified for management, operational personnel, and all other relevant personnel; and

(g) require periodic reviews to ensure the policy remains relevant and appropriate.

 (4) The policy must:

(a) be in a written statement; and

(b) require that each other element of the FRMS mentioned in subsection 4.05(2) be described in a written statement.

 (5) In addition to the requirements under subsection (4), and the relevant limits and procedures contained in the operations manual in accordance with this Chapter, the FRMS must also be supported by the following documentation, namely, upto-date identification, description and records of the following:

(a) the personnel accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities for effective implementation of the FRMS, including the FRMS Manager;

(b) the mechanisms for ongoing involvement in fatigue risk management of management, operational personnel, and all other relevant personnel;

(c) the FRMS training programs, training requirements and records of attendance at training;

(d) scheduled and actual duty and non-duty periods and break periods between periods of time-in-position in a duty period with significant deviations and reasons for deviations noted;

(e) the FRMS outputs, including findings from collected data, and recommendations and actions taken.

Note   An ATS provider’s operations manual must contain the details of the FRMS: see paragraph

4.08 FRMS practical operating procedures

 (1) The FRMS practical operating procedures must set out:

(a) maximum values for each operational person for the following:

 (i) the number of hours in a duty period;

 (ii) the number of consecutive work days;

 (iii) the number of hours worked in a defined period;

 (iv) the time-in-position in a duty period; and

(b) minimum values for each operational person for the following:

 (i) the duration of a non-duty period;

 (ii) the number of non-duty days required in a defined period;

 (iii) the duration of breaks between periods of time-in-position in a duty period.

Note   The terms duty period and non-duty period are defined in section 4.02.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the values for each operational person must be based on scientific principles and knowledge and subject to safety assurance processes.

 (3) If an ATS provider acquires data from an FRMS which indicates that the maximum and minimum values required under paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) are too high or too low, respectively, the ATS provider must amend the FRMS (in accordance with the requirements of section 4.12) to ensure that these values are acceptable.

 (4) The procedures may provide that a maximum or minimum value mentioned in subsection (1) can be varied to address sudden and unforeseen operational circumstances, if:

(a) the ATS provider records:

 (i) the reason for the deviation; and

 (ii) the extent of the deviation; and

 (iii) the date and time when the deviation took place; and

(b) the ATS provider carries out a safety assessment which demonstrates that any associated risks will be managed to ensure a level of safety equivalent to that which would exist if no deviation from the values had occurred.

4.09 FRMS hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation procedures

 FRMS hazard identification procedures

 (1) FRMS hazard identification procedures must be based on the following processes for fatigue-related hazard identification:

(a) the predictive process;

(b) the proactive process;

(c) the reactive process.

 (2) The predictive process must be capable of identifying fatigue-related hazards by examining the scheduling of operational persons and taking into account the following:

(a) factors known to affect sleep;

(b) factors known to affect fatigue;

(c) the effects of the factors mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) on an operational person’s performance.

 (3) The proactive process must be capable of identifying fatigue-related hazards within current operations.

 (4) The reactive process must be capable of identifying the contribution of fatiguerelated hazards to actual events that could have affected, or did affect, safety, with a view to determining how the effects of fatigue on each event could have been minimised.

 FRMS risk assessment procedures

 (5) FRMS risk assessment procedures must be capable of determining the following:

(a) the probability of events occurring or circumstances arising that create a fatigue-related hazard;

(b) the potential severity of fatigue-related hazards;

(c) when the safety risks associated with paragraph (a) or (b) require mitigation.

 (6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the FRMS risk assessment procedures must ensure that identified fatigue-related hazards are examined in relation to the following:

(a) the relevant operational context and procedures in which the identified fatigue-related hazard arose;

(b) the probability of the fatigue-related hazard arising in those circumstances;

(c) the possible consequences of the fatigue-related hazard in those circumstances;

(d) the effectiveness of existing safety procedures and controls.

 FRMS risk mitigation procedures

 (7) FRMS risk mitigation procedures for each fatigue-related hazard must be capable of:

(a) selecting appropriate mitigation strategies for the hazard; and

(b) implementing the selected mitigation strategies; and

(c) monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the strategies.

4.10 FRMS safety assurance procedures

 (1) FRMS safety assurance procedures must provide for:

(a) continuous monitoring of the performance of the FRMS; and

(b) the analysis of fatigue-related trends; and

(c) measurements to validate the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.

 (2) FRMS safety assurance procedures must include a formal process for managing changes to the FRMS arising from:

(a) the identification of changes in the operational environment that may affect the management of fatigue risks; and

(b) the identification of changes within the ATS provider’s organisation that may affect the management of fatigue risks.

 (3) The FRMS safety assurance procedures must include a formal process to assess:

(a) what impact a change mentioned in paragraph (2)(a) or (b) may have on the effective performance of the FRMS; and

(b) for such a change—what amendment, change or modification may be needed to the FRMS to ensure its continued effective performance.

 (4) FRMS safety assurance procedures must provide for the continuous improvement of the FRMS, by including the following:

(a) the elimination or modification of fatigue-related risk controls that:

 (i) have had unintended negative consequences; or

 (ii) are no longer required because of changes in the ATS provider’s operational or organisational environment;

(b) routine evaluations of facilities, equipment, documentation and procedures to determine their implications for fatigue-related risk management and control;

(c) identification of emerging fatigue-related risks to allow the introduction of new procedures and procedures to mitigate such risks.

4.11 FRMS safety promotion procedures

 (1) FRMS safety promotion procedures for fatigue-related hazards must include training and communication programs capable of supporting and continuously improving all elements of the FRMS in the delivery of optimum safety levels.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), FRMS safety promotion procedures must include the following:

(a) training programs for management, operational persons, and all other relevant personnel to ensure competency levels commensurate with the role and responsibility of the person under the FRMS;

(b) an effective FRMS communication plan that:

 (i) explains all elements of the FRMS to management, operational persons, and all other relevant personnel; and

 (ii) describes the communication channels which they must use to gather, disseminate and apply FRMS-related information.

4.12 FRMS change management procedures

 (1) For this section, significant change means:

(a) any increase to the values required under paragraph 4.08(1)(a); and

(b) any decrease to the values required under paragraph 4.08(1)(b); and

(c) any other change to any element of the FRMS that does not maintain or improve, or is not likely to maintain or improve, aviation safety.

 (2) The ATS provider must have FRMS change management procedures that clearly indicate how the ATS provider will amend, change or modify any element of the FRMS, consistently with the applicable requirements of this section.

 (3) Subsections (4), (5) and (6) apply on and after 1 September 2024.

 (4) The ATS provider must not make a significant change to any element of the FRMS unless an application to make the change is approved in writing by CASA.

 (5) An application for approval of a significant change must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) set out the change; and

(c) be accompanied by a copy of the part of the ATS provider’s FRMS documentation affected by the change, clearly identifying the change.

 (6) An ATS provider must not make a change to the FRMS that is not a significant change unless:

(a) the ATS provider’s FRMS change management procedures provide for nonsignificant changes; and

(b) the ATS provider makes the change in accordance with its procedures; and

(c) the ATS provider has given CASA written notice of the change and a copy of the amended part of the ATS provider’s operational manual clearly identifying the change.

Note   Under regulation 172.300 of CASR, CASA may direct an ATS provider to amend its operations manual (which must include the details of the provider’s FRMS: see paragraph of this Manual of Standards).

CASA may issue a direction to an ATS provider under regulation 11.245 of CASR if the matter affects the safe navigation and operation of aircraft. Under paragraph 11.245(2)(a), CASA must be satisfied that it would be necessary to do so in the interests of the safety of air navigation. This could include a direction to the ATS provider to amend, change or modify the FRMS.

4.13 Trial FRMS implementation approval

 (1) CASA may, on a written application made by an ATS provider, issue the ATS provider with a trial FRMS implementation approval for up to 24 months, if CASA is satisfied that each element of the ATS provider’s FRMS:

(a) complies with and meets the requirements, attributes and characteristics of an FRMS under this Chapter; and

(b) is capable of delivering:

 (i) identified safety outcomes; and

 (ii) fatigue-risk data and reports; and

 (iii) continuous improvement in the delivery of safety outcomes.

 (2) CASA may extend the duration of an approval issued under subsection (1):

(a) on application by the ATS provider; or

(b) on CASA’s own initiative, if CASA considers that aviation safety requires a longer trial FRMS implementation approval period before a full FRMS implementation approval.

 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), CASA can extend the duration of a trial FRMS implementation approval by issuing a new trial FRMS implementation approval.

4.14 Full FRMS implementation approval

 (1) CASA may, on a written application made by an ATS provider, issue the ATS provider with a full FRMS implementation approval, if the ATS provider:

(a) has held a trial FRMS implementation approval for a period of at least 12 months; and

(b) satisfies CASA, through relevant data and reports, that the FRMS:

 (i) is demonstrably delivering the safety outcomes expected when the trial FRMS implementation approval was given; and

 (ii) is capable of delivering continuous improvement in the delivery of safety outcomes.

 (2) If CASA decides not to issue the ATS provider with a full FRMS implementation approval, the ATS provider may apply again to CASA for a trial FRMS implementation approval under section 4.13.


Chapter 5:   Training and Checking Program

Note:  Competency standards for licensed functions are contained in CASR Part 65.

Chapter 6:   Safety Management System

Note 1: Guidelines for the preparation of a safety management system are published by CASA in Advisory Circular AC 172-01, as existing from time to time.

Note 2: For subparagraph (i), Chapter 4 provides for an ATS provider to have and implement a fatigue risk management system for the management of fatigue in its provision of air traffic services.

Note Guidelines for the preparation of safety cases are published by CASA in Advisory Circular AC 172-2.

Note An internal safety assessment for a change that does not constitute a variation to a service provider’s approval is undertaken in accordance with a service provider’s safety management system.


Chapter 7:   Contingency Plans

Chapter 8:   Security Program

Chapter 9:   Documents and Records

Note: Where possible, provision of synchronous integration of radar and on-screen data with related voice recordings should be facilitated. (ICAO Air Traffic Services Planning Manual, Chapter 8.4).

Note: Except when forms such as fault reports or Air Safety Incident Reports (ASIRs) must also be completed, duplication of information should be avoided.




At the commencement of each day’s operation

  • UTC date and time;
  • Where required, identification of the unit and/or the operating position.

Note: these may be incorporated in the station date stamp.

On assuming responsibility for a position

  • The UTC date and time of assuming responsibility for a position and the signature of the officer commencing duty (see also voice recordings);
  • Results of equipment checks;
  • Result of time check.

During operation of the unit

  • Air Safety Incidents, including accidents and breaches of the Regulations such as non-compliance with ATC instructions;

Note: This is in addition to the completion of incident reporting actions.

  • Actions taken in relation to any SAR activity including distress communications;
  • General notes concerning essential aerodrome information, such as the results of aerodrome inspections, closure of sections of the manoeuvring area caused by works or natural phenomena, etc.;
  • Times of aerodrome closure and reopening, with reasons for the closure;
  • Change in status of facilities, service or procedure including communication difficulties and tests;
  • Short term changes in staffing or hours of coverage, including variations to required staffing levels;
  • Any dispensation given against the Regulations
  • Status of navigation aids.

(where a separate form is not provided and kept as a record)

  • A resume of outstanding action and unusual operations which are current or anticipated, relating to the traffic display and/or SAR activity;
  • The status of communications and equipment;
  • The time of handover/takeover, against the signatures of the officers involved.

Closure of unit and/or position


  • Time of closure and conditions and actions relating to the closure, followed by changes to equipment status, and any outstanding action;
  • The time of intended reopening, and the signature of the officer closing the unit/position. The information that must be voice recorded is:

Chapter 10:   Standards for the Provision of Air Traffic Services

Note The 200 KT speed limit for Class D airspace is a CASA direction to pilots under subregulation 99AA (5) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

Note SARWATCH service is a function of the flight plan, not of the particular procedure being flown at the relevant time.


only if:



Distance between runway centrelines

Distance between edges of adjacent landing areas or runway and landing area

Single engine, propeller driven

90 m

60 m

Twin engine, propeller driven

150 m

120 m

All others

210 m

180 m

Note When LVP are implemented, the aerodrome operator is required to complete all operator preparations relevant to LVP to commence, and confirm to ATC that these preparations are complete. See also subsection 10.17.3 of Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 139 Aerodromes.


1. The relevant ILS critical area means either the critical area appropriate to the largest aircraft that uses the aerodrome, or the critical area appropriate to the particular size and shape of the aircraft or vehicle.

2. An aircraft taking off and passing over the relevant localiser is not taken to be penetrating the relevant localiser critical area.


Note Pilots are required to notify ATC of an intention to conduct a guided take-off at start up.

ATC must inform the pilot in command of the aircraft that the relevant ILS critical or sensitive area is not being protected.

10.4.5 Independent Parallel Visual Approaches Independent visual approaches may be conducted to parallel runways with centre-lines separated by at least 760 M provided that:

(a) the aircraft are making straight-in approaches commencing at the outer marker or 4 NM from the runway threshold; and

(b) a minimum 1,000 FT vertical or 3 NM radar separation is maintained between aircraft until:

(i) one aircraft is established within the furthest Initial Approach Fix (IAF), when both aircraft are established on their respective localiser in visual conditions; or

(ii) one aircraft is established on the localiser in visual conditions, and the other is established on a heading to intercept final inside the furthest IAF with the runway reported in sight; or

(iii) both aircraft are established on a heading to intercept final inside the furthest IAF with the runway reported in sight; and

(c) when vectoring an aircraft to intercept the final course, ensure that the final vector permits the aircraft to intercept at an angle not greater than 30 degrees. When an independent visual approach is anticipated, ATC must advise pilots on first contact with approach. If a pilot does not report the runway in sight by a position 3 NM from the centre-line of the adjacent parallel runway, the controller may, if necessary, vector the aircraft away from the final approach for sequencing for a dependent approach. The “VISUAL” report is the only report required when established on the localiser.

10.4.6 Dependent Parallel Visual Approaches Dependent visual approaches to parallel runways may be conducted in accordance with the procedures and requirements for visual approaches (see paragraph 12.2.4).

10.4.8 Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) may be conducted subject to the following conditions:

(a) runway centrelines are separated by a minimum of 860 M;

(b) operations are conducted in meteorological conditions equal to, or better than, the minimum radar vectoring level, or the lowest minimum commencement level for instrument approaches to the arrival runway, whichever is lower. (without prior approval, the minima shall not be less than cloud base 2,500 FT and visibility 8 KM, in the arrival and departure sector concerned);

(c) traffic information is passed to conflicting aircraft;

(d) the departure runway course diverges by 15 degrees from the approach course to the other runway. Subject to subsection, the separation minimum in may be reduced to not less than 2.5 NM between succeeding aircraft which are established on the same final approach track within 10 NM of the runway end if:

Note: The average may be established by means such as data collection and statistical analysis, or methods based on a theoretical model or both.







5 min

Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending

1. B1, B2 or B3 has maintained and will continue to maintain an IAS at least 30 kt greater than A.

2. 5 min separation has been established by the passage of both aircraft over the same positive radio fix, or the same ATS surveillance system position observed by ATC.

3. 1 aircraft maintains level while vertical separation does not exist.

4. The vertical separation at the commencement of the level change does not exceed 4 000 ft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


5 min

Aircraft climbing or descending, where:

  1. the preceding aircraft descends through the level of a following aircraft; or

2.     the following aircraft climbs through the level of a preceding aircraft

1. No closing speed (IAS or Mach No) exists.

2. The 5 min separation has been established by the passage of both aircraft over the same positive radio fix, or the same ATS surveillance system position observed by ATC.

3. The level change is commenced within 10 min of the time the second aircraft passed over the positive radio fix, or the ATS surveillance system position observed by ATC.

4. 1 aircraft maintains level while vertical separation does not exist.

5. The vertical separation at the commencement of the change does not exceed 4 000 ft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


5 min

Aircraft cruising in a continuation of Departure Standard D4

The cruising IAS of the following aircraft is at least 10 kt less than and not more than 90% of the cruising IAS of the preceding aircraft.



10 min

Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending

Frequent determination of position and speed is possible by:

1. use of navigation aids; or

2. use of LRNS (INS/IRS min. G/S 300 kt) or DME on the route sections within:

(a) CTA; or

(b) OCA as described below:

(i) BN VOR – 350 BN (outbound); or

(ii) all routes contained in the airspace bounded by: SY VOR – BN VOR – LHI NDB and Lord Howe –Sydney routes; or

(iii) PH VOR – 350 PH (outbound); or

(iv) POKIP – UPNOT (northbound); or

3. position reports from RNP10 & RNP4 approved aircraft; or

4. visual reference to the ground by day (or night for VFR aircraft).

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 min

Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending, within all CTAs and OCAs except when T2 is applicable


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


10 min

Mach No. Technique

Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending

The Mach Number Technique is used between aircraft:

(a) on the same track and the aircraft have reported over a common point and 10 min will be maintained until another form of separation is established; or

(b) on converging tracks and it is confirmed that 10 min separation will exist at the point the aircraft enter lateral conflict and 10 min separation will be maintained until another form of separation is established.

Differ­ence in Mach No

Distance to fly and separation (in min) required at entry point

000–600  NM

601–1200  NM

1201–1800  NM

1801–2400  NM

2401–3000  NM






























































9–5 min

Mach No. Technique


Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending where opening speed exists using the Mach Number Technique

1. ATS surveillance system observation or passage over the same, on-track, positive radio fix confirms that the required time interval will exist at the common point.

2. The preceding aircraft is maintaining a greater Mach number than the following aircraft, in accordance with the adjacent table.


Mach No

9 min

Mach 0.02 faster

8 min

Mach 0.03 faster

7 min

Mach 0.04 faster

6 min

Mach 0.05 faster

5 min

Mach 0.06 faster

For T4 and T5, a common point is:

(a) a geographical point on the track over which both aircraft will fly; or

(b) a point along the individual track of each aircraft that is equidistant from the geographical point described in paragraph (a).


10 or 15 min

Aircraft on Reciprocal Tracks

Aircraft on reciprocal tracks

1. If lateral separation is not provided, vertical separation must be provided for at least 10 or 15 min, as applicable to the route (see T2 and T3 conditions), before and after the time the aircraft are estimated to pass, or are estimated to have passed.

2. In addition to the T2 conditions for application, the 10 minute time minimum may also be applied between aircraft equipped with approved LRNS.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing (radio fix)


Both aircraft report passing the same positive radio fix.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing (visual fix)


1. Both aircraft report passing the same visual fix, by day, or by night if both aircraft are NIGHT VFR.

2. The visual fix must be a prominent topographical feature within 10 000 ft of the levels of each aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing (sight and pass)


1. Both aircraft report sighting and passing the other by day (and in OCA by night).

2. Both aircraft are above 10 000 ft.

3. ATC ensures there is no possibility of incorrect identification by either aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing (ATS surveillance system observed)


Aircraft are observed by ATS surveillance system to have definitely passed.



15 min

Crossing Tracks

15 min exists at the crossing point

1. Each aircraft must have at least 1 of the following LRNS approvals:



(c) NAV/GPSRNAV (within Australian Domestic Airspace);

(d) MNPS;

(e) RNP10;

(f) RNP4.

2. Relevant aircraft must have a groundspeed of at least 300 kt.

3. For T8b only: Vertical separation must exist from 15 min before the estimate for B at the intersection, until 15 min after A has passed the intersection.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 min

Crossing Tracks

15 min does not exist at the crossing point

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.







Dep 1


Following aircraft climbing to a higher or lower level.

1. CLIAS of the first aircraft is at least 50 KT faster than the CLIAS of the second and at least 30 KT faster than the cruising IAS of the second; and

2. Either:

a. the bearing from a point 1 NM along the runway extension to a point 5 NM along the departure track is within 30 degrees of the runway bearing; or

b. the aerodrome controller can visually separate the aircraft until they have intercepted the departure track with the required separation.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 2/2A

2/5 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to the higher level

CLIAS of the second aircraft is at least 10 KT slower and not more than 90% of the CLIAS or Mach No. of the first aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 3/3A

2/5 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to the lower level.

1. Both aircraft report reaching the lower cruising level;

2. If the following aircraft reaches the cruising level first, another form of separation must be applied immediately;

3. CLIAS of the second aircraft is at least 10 KT slower, and not more than 90% of the CLIAS or Mach No. of the first aircraft; and

4. Cruising IAS of the second aircraft is less than or equal to the CLIAS or Mach No. of the first aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 4/4A

5/10 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to the same level.

1. Both aircraft report reaching the cruising level;

2. If the second reaches that level first, another form of separation must be applied; and

3. CLIAS and cruising IAS of the second aircraft is at least 10 KT slower, and not more than 90% of the CLIAS and cruising IAS or Mach No. of the first aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 5/5A

5/10 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to a higher level.

1. CLIAS of the second aircraft is less than or equal to the CLIAS of the first aircraft; and

2. If the turn in track is between 31 and 40 degrees, the turning point must be defined as a radio navigation aid, or radar must be used to observe the turn and ensure the departure standard does not decrease until the aircraft is established on the new track.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 6/6A

5/10 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to a lower level.

1. Both aircraft report reaching the lower cruising level;

2. If the second aircraft reaches cruising level first, another form of separation must be applied immediately;

3. CLIAS of the second aircraft is less than or equal to the CLIAS of the first aircraft; and

4. If the turn in track is between 31 and 40 degrees, the turning point must be defined as a radio navigation aid, or radar must be used to observe the turn and ensure the departure standard does not decrease until the aircraft is established on the new track.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 7/7A

10/15 MIN

Following aircraft climbing to the same level.

1. Both aircraft report reaching the cruising level;

2. If the second reaches that level first, another form of separation must be applied; and

3. CLIAS of the second aircraft is less than or equal to the CLIAS of the first aircraft.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Dep 8

Distance Determined by Speed

Faster following aircraft climbing to higher level.

1. Only useable when the first aircraft has reached 5,000 FT or above;

2. The vertical difference between the aircraft must be used to determine the appropriate distance required between the aircraft. This distance must be subtracted from the DME distance of the leading aircraft (see table);

3. The following aircraft must be instructed to reach 1,000 FT above the leading aircraft’s cruising or maintain level, by the DME distance determined at 2;

4. Where both aircraft are airborne, the DME distance and levels of both aircraft must be required. Otherwise, only that of the leading aircraft is required; and

5. When the procedure is applied to a following aircraft that has not departed, the requirement must be updated once that aircraft has departed.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Vertical Distance Between Aircraft

5,000–7,000 FT

7,001–10,000 FT

10,001–20,000 FT

More than 20,000 FT

Miles to be Subtracted









Note: Separation of not less than 15 NM is provided when the following aircraft reaches 1,000 FT above the level the leading aircraft has maintained.


Dep 8

Distance Determined by Speed (cont)



1. An F50 climbing to FL160 reports 50DME; an A320 ready for departure is required to reach FL 170 by 45 DME. After departing, the A320 reports 7,000 FT at 9 DME and the F50 65 DME, cruising FL160; the A320 may be given an updated requirement to reach FL170 by 55 DME.

2. A DHC8 reports cruising 9,000 FT at 30 DME. A B737 just departed is required to reach 10,000 FT on climb to FL250 by 20 DME.

3. An F50 climbing to FL180 reports 45 DME and is maintained at FL130. A B737 after departing and climbing through 4,000 FT is required to reach FL140 by 35 DME.

4. A C130 climbing to FL230 reports at 45 TACAN leaving 10,000 FT. An F18 ready for departure is instructed to reach FL240 by 35 TACAN.


Note: The requirement for DCPC is met by the use of Controller Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC).

This diagram illustrates that longitudinal distance separation minima may be applied between two aircraft using distance information from a distance measuring equipment (DME) beacon or waypoint:
a. directly on the track being flown by both aircraft or 
b. on one side of the track being flown by both aircraft. 
This is conditional on both aircraft reporting distance from the same DME installation or waypoint.


This diagram is a geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is when applying same direction distance separation, an off-track waypoint or DME beacon may be used provided the positions of the aircraft relative to the beacon/waypoint are such that the distance readings are together increasing or decreasing. The diagram includes an illustration showing that it is not acceptable to use the method after the preceding aircraft has passed abeam the off-track waypoint or DME beacon and its distance is now increasing, while the following aircraft distances to the  off-track waypoint or DME beacon is still decreasing.



This diagram is a geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is Where aircraft have been issued with different route clearances, and the difference in routes would apply during the period when distance separation is required, the leading aircraft must be tracking directly to the beacon/waypoint or co-sited navaid.


This diagram is a geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is Where aircraft have been issued with different route clearances, and the difference in routes would apply during the period when distance separation is required, the leading aircraft must be tracking directly from the beacon/waypoint or co-sited navaid.


This diagram is a simple geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is when 2 FANS-1/A aircraft reporting by ADS-C are flying on the same identical tracks (same or opposite direction), the measurements may be taken directly between the 2 ADS-C position symbols.

This diagram is a simple geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is when 2 FANS-1/A aircraft reporting by ADS-C are flying on track where there is a bend in track between the positions of the two aircraft, the measurements may only be taken between each aircraft position symbol and the turning point, not between the 2 position symbols for the aircraft.

This diagram is a simple geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is when 2 FANS-1/A aircraft reporting by ADS-C are flying on diverging or converging route clearances, then measurements may be either to or from a common point on the route clearances.

or taken from where the abeam position of 1 aircraft intersects the route of the other.

This diagram is a simple geometrical illustration of the requirements of paragraph – that is when 2 FANS-1/A aircraft reporting by ADS-C are flying on diverging or converging route clearances, then measurements may be taken from where the abeam position of 1 aircraft intersects the route of the other.








20 NM

Climbing (for aircraft on climb to cruise)

1. Separation must be checked at sufficient intervals to ensure minimum separation is maintained.

2. Where B is climbing to a lower cruising level or both aircraft are climbing to levels which are not vertically separated, both A and B must report reaching their cruising levels.

3. If aircraft B reports at cruising level first, immediate action must be taken to apply an alternative standard.

4. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


20 NM

Cruising (at levels not vertically separated)

1. Separation must be checked at sufficient intervals to ensure that minimum separation is maintained.

2. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


20 NM

Arriving aircraft

1. Separation must be checked at sufficient intervals to ensure minimum separation is maintained.

2. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 NM

Change of level

1. One aircraft must maintain level flight while vertical separation does not exist.

2. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


3. When using DME-derived information for level changes above FL 290, both aircraft must be on the same side of the DME beacon.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 NM

Change of level

(1 aircraft equipped with DME and non-DME aircraft climbing/ descending)

Also applicable if B is on the safe side of the aid at the commencement of level change

1. Non-DME B1 or B2 descending/climbing while A or C maintain level.

2. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 NM

Change of level

(non-DME aircraft maintains level while DME equipped aircraft climbing/ descending)

Also applicable if B is on the safe side of the aid at the commence-ment of level change

1. A1, A2 or C1, C2 climbing or descending while non-DME B maintains level.

2. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Note 1   In 4a, 4b and 4c, if the distance obtained is close to the minimum, then consideration must be given to a descending aircraft being faster than the cruising aircraft, or a climbing aircraft being slower than the cruising aircraft. ATC may impose speed restrictions or requirements to ensure the required separation is maintained.

Note 2   In 4b and 4c, if the position of 1 aircraft is determined by radar or ADS-B, the applicable ATS surveillance system minimum must be added.


15 NM

Leading aircraft descending through level of following climbing aircraft

1. The leading aircraft A is descending through the level of C (climbing).

2. DME distances must be checked in sufficient time to ensure vertical separation is maintained if insufficient distance exists to apply this standard.

3. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


4. When using DME-derived information for level changes above FL 290, both aircraft must be on the same side of the DME beacon.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


15 NM

Arriving Aircraft

Inbound aircraft to a controlled aerodrome

1. Both A and B are inbound aircraft and the leading aircraft A is within 30 NM of a controlled aerodrome with DME.

2. The aircraft are assigned levels which are vertically separated.

3. Distance information must be derived from:

(a) DME; or

(b) in CTA only:

(i) GPSRNAV; or


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


10 NM

Arriving Aircraft

Change of level

1. Both A and B are inbound aircraft and the leading aircraft A is within 20 NM of a controlled aerodrome with DME.

2. The aircraft are assigned levels which are vertically separated.

3. Both aircraft are DME equipped.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


5 NM

Arriving Aircraft

Change of level

1. Both A and B are inbound aircraft and the leading aircraft A is within 15 NM of a controlled aerodrome with DME.

2. The aircraft are assigned levels which are vertically separated.

3. Both aircraft are DME equipped.

4. Wake turbulence standards are applied.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


A DME distance proportional to the rate of closure (IAS) as deter-mined from the following DME separation tables for aircraft rate and amount of level change

Change of level

Also applicable if a non-DME equipped aircraft is on the safe side of the aid at the commencement of level change

1. One aircraft maintains level while vertical separation does not exist.

2. DME distances are checked when the aircraft are vertically separated by the minimum amount appropriate to the DME table to be used.

3. The level change is commenced within 1 min of obtaining DME distances. When the separation is on the minimum, instructions must be issued to ensure that the level change is commenced within this time.

4. Where the position of 1 aircraft is determined by an ATS surveillance system, the applicable ATS surveillance system minimum must be added.

5. When using DME-derived information for level changes above FL 290, both aircraft must be on the same side of the DME beacon.

6. When applying this separation minimum to an aircraft transiting the transition level and the Area QNH is higher than 1013 hPa, 1 000 ft must be added to the amount of level change and the applicable value in the table must then be utilised (e.g. for a 3 000 ft level change, use 4 000 ft table).

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing

10 NM

(12 NM at distances greater than
180 NM)

Reciprocal tracks and tracks differing by more than 90 degrees

Reports indicate that the aircraft have passed and DME distance is opening.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing

5 NM

Reciprocal tracks

1. Reports indicate that the aircraft have passed and DME distance is opening.

2. One aircraft is within 20 NM of the DME beacon.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Definite Passing

10 NM

Reciprocal tracks

1. Reports by reference to a prominent topographical feature by 1 aircraft and a DME beacon by the other aircraft indicate that the aircraft have passed by at least 10 NM.

2. The non-DME equipped aircraft passes over and within 10 000 ft of the topographical feature.

3. The topographical feature together with its distance from the DME beacon is specified in local Instructions.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.








Departing aircraft on climb to vertically separated cruising levels

1.  Where B is climbing to the lower level, both A and B must report reaching their cruising levels.

2. If B reports at the cruising level first, immediate action must be taken to apply an alternative standard.

3. May only be used in CTA.

4. Aircraft must be approved:

(a) AUSEP; or

(b) GPSRNAV; or


(d) RNP10; or

(e) RNP4.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Definite Passing

1. Using the same waypoint, reports indicate that the aircraft have passed and the distance between them must be opening.

2. Whenever a DME derived distance is 30 NM or less, a correction for DME Slant Range Error must be applied.

3. May only be used in CTA.

4. Aircraft must be approved:

(a) AUSEP; or

(b) GPSRNAV; or


(d) RNP10; or

(e) RNP4.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Climbing, cruising or descending

1. When both aircraft are climbing to non-vertically separated levels:

(a) both A and B must report reaching their cruising levels; and

(b) if B reports at the cruising level first, immediate action must be taken to ensure separation is maintained.

2. May only be used in CTA.

3. Aircraft must be approved:

(a) AUSEP; or

(b) GPSRNAV; or


(d) RNP10; or

(e) RNP4.

4. When using DME-derived information for level changes above FL 290, both aircraft must be on the same side of the DME beacon.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending on same track

1. Separation must be established by reference to the same ‘on-track’ waypoint, whenever possible ahead of both aircraft or by use of ADS-C.

2. Distance reports obtained by CPDLC must be sent by both aircraft at the same time or from the leading aircraft first.

3. When aircraft are at, or expected to reduce to, the minimum, speed control techniques, including assigning Mach number, must be applied to ensure that the minimum distance exists throughout the period of application of the standard.

4. If an aircraft fails to report its position within 3 min, immediate action must be taken to establish communication. If communication is not established within 8 min from the time the report should have been received, an alternative form of separation must be applied.

5. Both aircraft must be approved either RNP10 or RNP4.

6. Subject to subsection, distance reports must be obtained at least every 24 min.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Definite Passing

1. Reports (including ADS-C reports) must indicate that the aircraft have passed and the distance between them is opening.

2. Both aircraft must be approved either RNP10 or RNP4.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Mach No. Technique

Aircraft cruising, arriving and changing levels when not vertically separated

1. No closing Mach number may exist.

2. The Mach Number Technique (MNT) must be applied during the application of the standard.

3. Aircraft must be approved:

(a) AUSEP; or


(c) MNPS.

Note: The requirement for ‘no closing’ may not be waived.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.



Definite Passing


1. Using the same waypoint, reports must indicate that the aircraft have passed and the distance between them is opening.

2. Aircraft must be approved:

(a) AUSEP; or


(c) MNPS.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.







50 RNAV using ADS-C

Aircraft cruising, climbing or descending on same track

1. Separation must be established in accordance with subsection 10.6.10.

2. When aircraft are at, or expected to reduce to, the minimum, speed control techniques, including assigning Mach number, must be applied to ensure that the minimum distance exists throughout the period of application of the standard.

3. If an ADS-C periodic report is not received within 3 min of the time it should have been sent, action must be taken to establish communication. If communication is not established, or a periodic report is not received within 8 min from the time the periodic report should have been received, an alternative form of separation must be applied.

4. Both aircraft must be approved either RNP 10 or RNP 4.

5. Subject to subsection, distance or periodic ADS-C reports must be obtained at least every 24 min.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


50 RNAV using ADS-C

Definite passing

1. ADS-C reports must indicate that the aircraft have passed and the distance between them is opening.

2. Both aircraft must be approved either RNP 10 or RNP 4.

3. Before the application of this standard, a Demand Contract Request (One shot) must be transmitted to each aircraft concerned.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Table 10.71

QNH less than

Level not available

1013 HPa


997 HPa


980 HPa








500 ft

1. Between IFR and VFR flights; or

2. between SVFR flights, where SVFR clearance is due to visibility

1. Both aircraft are 7 000 kg MTOW or less.

2. Both aircraft are at or below 10 000 ft.

3. Traffic information is provided to the IFR flight, unless it is impracticable.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


1 000 ft

All aircraft

Up to and including FL 290.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Aircraft with RVSM approval, excluding military formation flights

From FL 290 to FL 410 inclusive.


2 000 ft

1. Between aircraft, when at least 1 is not RVSM approved, or

2. following pilot report of an inability to comply with RVSM, or

3. military formation flights regardless of the individual RVSM approval state of each aircraft within the formation

From FL 290 to FL 410 inclusive.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

All aircraft

Above FL 410.

In known standing wave conditions or severe turbulence

All levels.


3 000 ft

When 1 or more aircraft is operating at supersonic speeds

All levels.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Table 10.81

Ground Distance

Slant Range Correction (in NM)

< = FL150

< = FL290

< = FL460

< = FL600

3 NM





4–5 NM





6–7 NM





8 NM





9–10 NM





11–12 NM





13–14 NM





15 NM





16–24 NM





25–30 NM





31–50 NM





>50 NM





Note: Where required for a particular lateral separation problem, Local Instructions may specify a lateral separation point based on a precise slant range correction for the levels concerned.

Table 10.82

DME Equipment Error



± 0.25 NM plus 1.25% of the slant range.

Controllers may use figures from the table below.

DME Equipment Error Correction

Slant Range

300 NM or less

220 NM or less

140 NM or less

60 NM or less


4 NM

3 NM

2 NM

1 NM

Table 10.83

Navigation Aid

Tolerance for Precise Plotting

Tolerance for Manual Plotting


ILS Localiser Front Beam

± 2.4 °

± 2.5°

Within 25 NM except:

  1. Above 2,000 FT AGL, within ±5° of course line 25 NM;

2.    Below A050 30 NM;

3.    A050 and above 50 NM.

VOR radials (or TACAN)

± 5.2°

± 5.5°

Range (based on height above the navaid):

Below 5,000 FT 60 NM

5,000 to 9,999 FT 90 NM

10,000 to 14,999 FT 120 NM

15,000 to 19,999 FT 150 NM

At or above 20,000 FT 180 NM*

Note: For published lateral separation diagrams that are displayed for controller reference, a maximum range of 150 NM must be used.

The tolerance can be applied outside the listed range when an inbound aircraft has reported established on the VOR/TACAN.


± 6.9°

± 7°

Range as per ERSA.

DME arc

± 2.5 NM

± 2.5 NM

Includes DME equipment error.

Localiser Equivalence

± 1 NM

± 1 NM

The aircraft must be:

(a) established on 1 of the following approaches to a runway:

(i) Area Navigation — Global Navigation Satellite System (RNAV (GNSS));

(ii) Required Navigation Performance Approach (RNP APCH);

(iii) Required Navigation Performance Authorisation Required Approach (RNP AR APCH); and

(b) within 25 NM of the runway threshold; and

(c) at or inside the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) for the runway; and

(d) aligned with the centreline of the runway.


Table 10.8-4




1 Aircraft flight notification must indicate RNP10 or RNP4.

2 Only useable for separation with the 25 NM CEP tolerance of another RNP10 or RNP4 aircraft.

3 1 NM buffer between tolerances is not required.


1 Not useable in airspace designated OCA.

2 Aircraft flight notification must indicate AUSEP, RNP10 or RNP4.


1 Not useable in airspace designated OCA.

2 Aircraft flight notification must indicate GPSRNAV or GPSOCEANIC.

Expanding formula

1 Not useable in airspace designated OCA.

2 Aircraft flight notification must indicate:

(a) INS/IRS; and

(b) AUSEP, RNP10 or RNP4.

3 CEP tolerance is a circle of radius:

(a) 3 NM on departure, or 4 NM at each update; and

(b) expanding at a rate of 3 NM per hour since departure or update, to a maximum of 14 NM radius.

4 Any lateral separation diagram so produced must be approved by the ATS provider.

5 Unless informed otherwise, ATC may assume update when 1 of the following occurs:

(a) aircraft passage within 180 NM of 2 DME stations for a DME/DME fix where the position lines cross at an angle between 30° and 150°;

(b) aircraft passage within 25 NM of a collocated VOR/DME beacon;

(c) aircraft passage over a VOR beacon at or below FL200.

± 30 NM Cross track

Aircraft flight notification must indicate:

(a) INS/IRS; and

(b) AUSEP, RNP10 or RNP4.

±15 NM Cross track

1 Aircraft flight notification must indicate:

(a) INS/IRS; and

(b) AUSEP, RNP10 or RNP4.

2 The update interval (that is, the flight time since departure or a waypoint suitable for updating present position) does not exceed:

(a) for aircraft equipped with single INS/IRS — 3 hours; or

(b) for aircraft with 2 or more INS/IRS — 5 hours.


Table 10.84



By day—powered aircraft

0 to 2,000 FT AGL

±1 NM

2,001 to 5,000 FT AGL

±2 NM

5,001 to 10,000 FT AGL

±4 NM

By day—non-powered glider aircraft

0 to 10,000 FT AGL

±5 NM

By night

0 to 2,000 FT AGL

±2 NM

2,001 to 5,000 FT AGL

±3 NM

5,001 to 10,000 FT AGL

±5 NM

By day and night

10,001 FT AGL to FL200

±8 NM

FL201 to FL300

±12 NM

FL301 to FL400

±16 NM

Table 10.85

Means of Position Fixing



Navigation Training


Flight Notification specifies SAN/NAVEX or FTS/NAVEX.

Allows for along track and cross-track errors.

Dead reckoning

± 12°



± 9°

Initial track guidance has been provided by NDB, VOR, or TACAN and there is no subsequent change in track.

Flight path monitoring

± 9°

1. Aircraft is observed on the ATS surveillance system to maintain track.

2. Tolerance applied from the edge of a circle of 5 NM centred on the last observed position.

3. When using radar, the distance from the radar site is less than 200 NM. For lateral separation the across-track tolerance to be applied is to equal the CEP of the INS/IRS-derived position plus the FTE. The CEP is determined from the following:

(a) at departure point the INS/IRS position can be assumed to be within a circle of radius 3 NM;

(b) the INS/IRS position can be assumed to be within a circle of radius 4 NM at a designated waypoint suitable for updating inertial present position;

(c) the CEP of the INS/IRS position expands at a rate corresponding to an increase in radius of 3 NM per hour (e.g. for a groundspeed of 300KT, divergence is 1 NM per 100 NM track flown). The FTE when the autopilot is not coupled to the INS/IRS for steering guidance is ±2 NM across track. Within the coverage of a short-range radio navigation aid (e.g. VOR, NDB, DME) defining the route, the tolerance applicable to that aid is to be used if it is less than that of the RNAV system.

Tsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root begin bracket begin bracket d times 60 over ground speed end bracket squared plus three squared plus two squared end bracket end bracket plus three MIN,


d = magnitude of the CEP (NM) and

G/S  = minimum groundspeed (KT).

begin bracket square root two times square root begin bracket d squared plus begin bracket dc end bracket squared end bracket end bracket plus db nautical miles


 d = magnitude of the CEP (NM)

 dc = ‘closure’ distance of each aircraft owing to TAS variation

  = 3 NM for initial climb

  = 6 NM for cruise, arrival and change of level

 db = buffer

  =10 NM (except in case of R2)

  = 0 (R2 only).

± 8.5 NM along track up to 1.5 hours

± 12.4 NM along track up to 3 hours

± 18.2 NM along track up to 5 hours

± 12.9 NM along track up to 5 hours

± 27.7 NM along track up to 12 hours

± 6 NM.

For flight times exceeding 1.5 hours, INS/IRS tolerances are the largest.

Tsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root begin bracket begin bracket d times 60 over ground speed end bracket squared plus three squared plus two squared end bracket end bracket plus three MIN,


 d = magnitude of the CEP (NM)

 G/S  = minimum groundspeed (KT)

Alternatively, the equation can be expressed as:

ground speed equals 60 times d begin bracket square root begin bracket tsep minus three end bracket squared minus thirteen over two end bracket to power minus one knots

G/S = 219 KT.

G/S = 322 KT.

G/S = 228 KT.

G/S = 490 KT.

G/S = 97 KT.

G/S = 142 KT.

G/S = 101 KT.

G/S = 216 KT.

G/S = 65 KT.

 G/S = 95 KT.

G/S = 67 KT.

G/S = 145 KT.

Rsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root begin bracket d squared plus begin bracket dc end bracket squared end bracket end bracket plus db nautical miles


d = magnitude of the CEP (NM)

dc = closure distance of each aircraft owing to TAS variation

 = 3 NM for initial climb

 = 6 NM for cruise, arrival and change of level

db = buffer

 = 10 NM (except in case of R2)

 = 0 NM (R2 only)

Rsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root five squared plus three squared end bracket plus ten nautical miles

=18 NM.

Rounded up R1 = 20 NM.

Rsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root twelve point nine squared plus six squared end bracket nautical miles

 = 20 NM = R2.

Rsep equals begin bracket square root two times square root twenty-seven point seven squared plus six squared end bracket nautical miles

 = 40 NM = R2A.

A 3Ddiagram of a cylinder of airspace with a radius of 1 NM centred on a target. The vertical dimension are from ground level extending vertically upwards.

Diagrams in both plan and 3D view of an ellipse or oval of airspace around a target with the closest edge of the ellipse/oval being 1 NM from the target and the outer edge of the expanded side being a pilot specified distance. The vertical dimension are from ground level extending vertically upwards.


3D Diagram of an ellipse-shaped  drop zone where part of the outer limit is defined by a line feature like a river or road. The vertical dimension are from ground level extending vertically upwards. The diagram includes text stating 'target 200m from the line feature'. There is also this note: 'Parachutists will remain within 1 NM of the target on the same side of the line feature'.



Full length or crossing runway operations, or crossing flight paths

Aircraft Categories

Separation Minima

Leading aircraft


Departure (Minutes)

Arrival (Minutes)


















MEDIUM fixed-wing aircraft with MTOW of 25 000 kg or more, and all MEDIUM helicopters




A diagram of airplanes on a runway  A diagram of airplanes on a runway


Intermediate Departures

Aircraft Categories

Separation Minima

Leading aircraft

Following aircraft






Intermediate Departures minima must be applied when a following aircraft will commence take-off from an intermediate part more than 150 m after the take-off commencement point of the preceding aircraft, using the same runway or a parallel runway separated by less than 760 m.










MEDIUM fixed-wing aircraft with MTOW of 25 000 kg or more, and all MEDIUM helicopters



A diagram of airplanes on a runway


Displaced Landing Threshold

Aircraft Categories

Separation Minima

Arriving aircraft

Departing aircraft














MEDIUM fixed-wing aircraft with MTOW of 25 000 kg or more, and all MEDIUM helicopters



A diagram of airplanes on a runway


Opposite Direction

Aircraft Categories

Separation Minima













MEDIUM fixed-wing aircraft with MTOW of 25 000 kg or more, and all MEDIUM helicopters



A diagram of airplanes in flight



Distance-based wake turbulence separation

Aircraft Categories

Separation Minima

Leading aircraft

Following aircraft
















MEDIUM fixed-wing aircraft with MTOW of 25 000 kg or more, and all MEDIUM helicopters



Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Note: For paragraphs (d) and (e), the pilot in command of the aircraft is responsible for ensuring that the spacing from a preceding aircraft of a heavier wake turbulence category is acceptable. If it is determined that additional spacing is required, the flight crew may inform ATC accordingly, stating their requirements.

Note Intermediate point is explained in subsection 10.12.1.

Table 10.131: Landing Distance Required



30° and Below

Above 30°


RWY Status






Headwind (KT)

LDR in Metres





















































































  1. These figures apply only to aerodromes 0 to 500 FT.
  2. For operations at aerodromes between 500 and 2,500 FT the LDR is calculated by multiplying the figure obtained from the table by a factor of 1.2.
  3. For QNH below 997 HPa, multiply the LDR by a factor of 1.1.
  4. Interpolation is permitted between rows and columns (for similar conditions of temperature and runway status) for each aircraft PC.
  5. The table must not be used when the runway slope exceeds one percent down.






Take-off behind a preceding departing aircraft

Fixed Wing Aircraft

A departing aircraft must not be permitted to commence take-off until the preceding departing aircraft:

1. has crossed the up-wind end of the runway-in-use; or

2. has commenced a turn; or

3. is airborne and has reached a point at least 1 800 m (6 000 ft) ahead of the following aircraft, the runway is longer than 1 ,800 m (6 000 ft) and the distance can be readily determined; or

4. is airborne and has reached a point at least 600 m (2 000 ft) ahead of the following aircraft, and:

(a) the preceding aircraft has a MTOW of 7 000 kg or less; and

(b) the following aircraft has an MTOW of less than 2 000 kg; and

(c) the following aircraft is slower than the preceding aircraft; or

5. is airborne and has reached a point at least 600 m (2 000 ft) ahead of the following aircraft, and both aircraft have an MTOW of less than 2 000 kg.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Take-off behind preceding landing aircraft

Fixed Wing Aircraft

The departing aircraft must not be permitted to commence take-off until the preceding aircraft has vacated and is taxiing away from the runway; and, if applicable, the appropriate wake turbulence separation has been achieved.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Take-off behind landing or departing aircraft on intersecting runways

Fixed Wing Aircraft

A departing aircraft must not be permitted to commence take-off until:

1. a preceding departing aircraft on an intersecting runway has crossed the intersection; or

2. an aircraft landing on the crossing runway has either crossed the intersection or stopped short.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Take-off after an aircraft has departed in the opposite direction

Fixed Wing Aircraft

A departing aircraft must not be permitted to commence take-off until:

1. the preceding aircraft has crossed the point at which the following aircraft will commence take-off; and

2. if applicable, the appropriate wake turbulence separation standard has been achieved.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Take-off behind a previous departing helicopter

Helicopters departing from an HLS

Helicopter (1) may be cleared for take-off when a preceding departing helicopter (2) has departed the HLS, or a preceding arriving helicopter (3) has moved clear of the HLS.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Helicopter taking-off behind a preceding departing aircraft

Where the helicopter uses a runway for a take-off roll

A departing helicopter must not be permitted to commence take-off until:

1. the preceding departing aircraft is airborne; and

2. ATC ensures visual separation is in place; and

3. if applicable, the appropriate wake turbulence separation standard has been achieved.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing behind a preceding landing aircraft

Fixed Wing Aircraft

A landing aircraft must not be permitted to cross the runway threshold until the preceding aircraft has vacated and is taxiing away from the runway.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing behind preceding departing or landing aircraft

Fixed Wing Aircraft

A landing aircraft must not be permitted to cross the runway threshold unless, in the opinion of the tower controller, no collision risk exists, and:

1. the landing aircraft has an MTOW below 3 000 kg and is a Performance Category A aircraft; and

2. the preceding aircraft has an MTOW of 7 000 kg or less, and:

(a) if landing, will vacate the runway without backtracking; or

(b) if departing, is at least 1 000 m from the runway threshold, and has commenced its take-off run.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing behind a preceding departing aircraft

Fixed Wing Aircraft

The landing aircraft must not be permitted to cross the runway threshold until the preceding aircraft is airborne and:

1. has commenced a turn; or

2. is beyond the point on the runway at which the landing aircraft could be expected to complete its landing roll and there is sufficient distance to enable the landing aircraft to manoeuvre safely in the event of a missed approach.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing after intersecting runway traffic

Fixed Wing Aircraft

The landing aircraft must not be permitted to cross the runway threshold until a preceding departing or landing aircraft on an intersecting runway has either crossed the intersection or stopped short.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing Helicopter Landing – HLS


A helicopter (1) may be cleared to land when a departing helicopter (2) has left the HLS, or a preceding arriving helicopter (3) has moved clear of the HLS.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Helicopter Landing – Runway


A landing helicopter may be permitted to land when:

1. the preceding landing or departing aircraft is at least 300 m down the runway from the landing threshold; and

2. in the opinion of tower controller, no collision risk exists.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.

Landing behind a preceding landing aircraft

Applies only where:

(a) the following landing aircraft has an MTOW of 2 000 kg or less; and

(b) the preceding aircraft has an MTOW of less than 7 000 kg.

The landing aircraft must not be permitted to cross the runway threshold until the preceding aircraft:

(a) has landed; and

(b) has passed a point at least 600 m from the threshold of the runway; and

(c) is still in motion; and

(d) will vacate the runway without backtracking.

Image illustrating the information in the adjacent text.


Chapter 11:   Information Provided To Pilots

must be provided with:

Note Provision of traffic information is based on flight category, and not on the chosen procedure at the time of the request.

Chapter 12:   Information Transfer

Note: Attention must be given to any errors which might occur due to parallax effects.

Note: Caution must be exercised before transferring identification using this method, particularly if other position indications are observed on similar headings and in close proximity to the aircraft under control. Inherent radar deficiencies, such as inaccuracies in bearing and distance of the radar position indications displayed on individual situation displays and parallax errors, may cause the indicated position of an aircraft in relation to the known point to differ between the 2 situation displays.

Note: Use of procedures (g) and (h) requires prior coordination between the controllers, since the indications to be observed by the accepting controller are of short duration.



1 If ATC responds to a radio call with the aircraft identification (generally including an instruction or report requirement), 2-way radio communications have been established and the pilot can enter the Class D airspace.

2 If ATC responds to the initial radio call without using the aircraft identification, 2-way radio communication has not been established and the pilot may not enter the Class D airspace.

3 If workload or traffic conditions prevent immediate entry into the Class D airspace, ATC should expressly instruct the pilot to remain outside the Class D airspace.

4 The pilot of an aircraft is required to comply with any instruction that ATC includes with the establishment of 2-way communication, including an instruction to remain outside the Class D airspace.


Chapter 13:   Abnormal Operations

Note Position may be expressed as direction and distance, or actual or estimated location or ATS route/ track code.

Note: RVSM separation may still be applied in this instance.

Chapter 14:   Aeronautical Communications


Notes to Manual of Standards Part 172

Note 1

The Manual of Standards Part 172 (in force under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) as shown in this compilation comprises Manual of Standards Part 172 amended as indicated in the Tables below.

Table of Manual of Standards and Amendments

Year and

Date of notification
in Gazette/
registration on FRLI/FRL

Date of

Application, saving or
transitional provisions

MOS 172

1 May 2003

1 May 2003

MOS 172 2005 Amendment No. 1

FRLI 15 September 2005
(see F2005L02651)

16 September 2005 (see s. 2)

MOS 172 2006 Amendment No. 1

FRLI 28 March 2006
(see F2006L00929)

29 March 2006
(see s. 2)

MOS 172 2008 Amendment No. 1

FRLI 19 November 2008
(see F2008L04329)

20 November 2008 (see s. 2)

Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment (No. 1) 2010

FRLI 31 May 2010
(see F2010L01259)

03 June 2010
(see s. 2)

Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment (No. 1) 2011

FRLI 29 April 2011
(see F2011L00659)

s. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Schedule 1 (items 1-6, 8, 9) and Schedule 2: 30 April 2011

Schedule 1 (item 7): 02 June 2011

Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1)

FRLI 23 December 2013
(see F2013L02178)

01 January 2014
(see s. 2)

Manual of Standards Parts 139, 171, 172 and 173 Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 1)

FRLI 13 January 2016
(see F2016L00042)

3 March 2016
(see s. 2)

Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment Instrument 2019 (No. 1)

FRL 14 August 2019
(see F2019L01064)

15 August 2019
(see s. 2)

Part 172 (Air Traffic Service Providers) Amendment (Facilities & Equipment) Manual of Standards 2023

FRL 13 July 2023
(see F2023L01008)

14 July 2023
(see s. 2)

Part 172 (Air Traffic Service Providers) Amendment (Fatigue Rules) Manual of Standards 2023

FRL 31 July 2023
(see F2023L01044)

1 August 2023
(see s. 2)


Revision History

Note:  The Revision History shows the most recent amendment first.  Scroll down the table to view details of previous amendment information.






1 August 2023


Refer Part 172 (Air Traffic Service Providers) Amendment (Fatigue Rules) Manual of Standards 2023

Subsection 1.2.2, table

Added definitions for Fatigue and Fatigue risk management system, or FRMS

After subsection

Inserted subsection

After paragraph

Inserted paragraph (oa)

At the end of subsection

Inserted a note

Chapter 4




After paragraph

Inserted paragraph

Subsection 6.1.1, note



14 July 2023


Refer Part 172 (Air Traffic Service Providers) Amendment (Facilities & Equipment) Manual of Standards 2023

Chapter 3



27 February 2020


Refer subsections and of Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment Instrument 2019 (No. 1)

Subsections 10.4.9, and



15 August 2019


Refer Manual of Standards Part 172 Amendment Instrument 2019 (No. 1)

Subsection 10.4.9

Inserted after subsection 10.4.8



Substituted with new subsections,, and a Note


March 2016


Refer Manual of Standards Parts 139, 171, 172 and 173 Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 1)





Subsection 10.3.3, heading


Subsections and

Substituted with new subsections, and

Subparagraph (b) (ii)


Paragraph (b)







1 January 2014


Substituted “that;” with “that:”


Refer Amendment (No. 1) 2013


Inserted after



Omitted (c)

Substituted (d)




10.2.12 and 10.2.13



1.7 contd and


Inserted after




Substituted “EGAVI” with “UPNOT”




Substituted “Aircraft with RVSM approval, except military formation flights operating in airspace in which a Class A service is being provided” with “Aircraft with RVSM approval, excluding military formation flights”, Table 10.8-3

Inserted a new row pertaining to “Localiser Equivalence” at the end of the table





Substituted the text under the subsection title




Substituted “Full Length operations” with “Full length or crossing runway operations, or crossing flight paths”

Substituted original diagram with two diagrams (b)

Substituted “not more” with “less”




Substituted “When TAR” with “For subsections and, when an ATS surveillance system suitable for 3 NM separation”




Substituted table row “Take-off Helicopter” with two table rows “Take-off behind a previous departing helicopter” and “Helicopter taking-off behind a preceding departing aircraft”


June 2011

Refer Amendment (No. 1) 2011


Schedule 1 and Schedule 2

Chapter 1

After subsection 1.1.6. insert heading “Section 1.2: Abbreviations and Definitions” (table)

Inserted abbreviation for “positive radio fix”



Renumbered 1.1.7 as 1.2.1, and as


Chapter 1

Substituted heading “1.2.1: Introduction” with “1.2.2: Definitions”



Renumbered as



After subsection 10.3.2, inserted new subsections 10.3.3 (Implementation of low visibility operations; 10.3.4 (Protecting ILS critical and sensitive areas); and 10.3.5 (Informing pilots when critical and sensitive areas are not protected) (e) (i)

Omitted “PRF” and inserted “positive radio fix”

1.6 contd.


Confirmed the following provision numbers:,,,, and



Confirmed provision number



Confirmed provision number 10.13.8



Confirmed the following provision numbers: 11.1.1,,,,,,,, 11.1.2,,, 11.1.3,,, 11.1.4,, and


May 2010


Refer Amend-ment (No. 1) 2010


New abbreviations added

New definition added



New subsections 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 added





New paragraphs and added



New paragraph added



The table, Minima for T7c, Second condition: text substituted












All words before paragraph (a) substituted












Last table row substituted











New paragraph added




New subsection 12.1.8 added




New paragraph added

1.5 contd













November 2008 (c)

Paragraph (c) substituted and paragraphs (d) and (e) added






April 2006

New abbreviations added


Refer Amendment No. 1 – 2006, 21 Mar 2006


Schedule 1 and Schedule 2

New definitions added



Heading changed


10.2.1 and

New section substituted


10.2.2 and subsection

Moved to 10.2.7 and new Section 10.2.2 inserted


10.2.3 and subsection

Heading changed and moved to 10.2.8 and new Section 10.2.3 inserted


10.2.4 and subsections

New text substituted, moved to 10.2.9 and new Section 10.2.4 inserted



10.2.5 and subsection

New text substituted, moved to 10.2.10 and new Section 10.2.5 inserted



10.2.6 and subsections

New text substituted, moved to 10.2.11 and new Section 10.2.6 inserted



10.2.7 and subsection

Moved to 10.2.12 and new Section 10.2.7 inserted



10.2.8 and subsections

Moved to 10.2.13 and new Section 10.2.8 inserted

New text substituted

“radar” omitted

New text substituted

New text substituted

“radar standard” substituted with “ATS surveillance system separation minimum”




Heading changed

“displays” replaced with “displays, and”

New paragraph inserted and rest renumbered

New text substituted

New text substituted

New text substituted

1.3 contd.


In table 10.6.4 text

Following replaced as shown:
“radar” “ATS surveillance system”
“Radar observation: replaced with “ATS surveillance system observation”
”5-minute” replaced with “5 min”
”One aircraft” replaced with “1 aircraft”



In table 10.6.4 diagrams

“PRF/ATC Radar Posn” replaced with
”PRF/Posn (see text)”