Allocation Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1)
Aged Care Act 1997
I, JULIE BISHOP, Minister for Ageing, make these Principles under subsection 96‑1 (1) of the Aged Care Act 1997.
Dated 19 December 2005
1 Name of Principles
These Principles are the Allocation Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1).
2 Commencement
These Principles commence on 1 January 2006.
3 Amendment of Allocation Principles 1997
Schedule 1 amends the Allocation Principles 1997.
Schedule 1 Amendment
(section 3)
[1] Before paragraph 4.70 (2) (a)
(aa) the extent to which, after the variation, current and future recipients in the region in which the service operates will have access to respite care; and