Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens



I, MARK FLANIGAN, Delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, pursuant to subsection 303DC(1) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the Act), hereby amend the list of exempt native specimens established under section 303DB of the Act by including in the list the specimens and associated notations in the Schedule.







Dated this  7  day of   July  2005





…………………M. Flanigan………………………

Amendment to the List of Exempt Native Specimens


Specimens to which the amendment applies


Cast Bull Kelp from the Family Durvillaeaceae harvested by Kelp Industries Pty Ltd under licence from the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment under the Living Marine Resources Act 1995.

The specimen was taken lawfully.


The specimens are covered by the declaration of an approved Wildlife Trade Operation under section 303FN of the Act in relation to the harvest.