Seas and Submerged Lands Amendment Proclamation 2005 (No. 1)

Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973


I, PHILIP MICHAEL JEFFERY, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make this Proclamation under section 10B of the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973.

Signed and sealed with the
Great Seal of Australia
on 8 August 2005


By His Excellency’s Command




1 Name of Proclamation

  This Proclamation is the Seas and Submerged Lands Amendment Proclamation 2005 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  This Proclamation commences on the day the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand Establishing Certain Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries and Continental Shelf Boundaries, done at Adelaide on 25 July 2004, enters into force.

3 Revocation of previous Amendment Proclamation

  The Seas and Submerged Lands Amendment Proclamation 2004 (No. 1) made on 16 December 2004 is revoked.

4 Amendment of Proclamation

  Schedule 1 amends the Proclamation made under section 10B of the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 on 26 July 1994 and published in the Gazette on 29 July 1994.

Schedule 1 Amendments

(section 4)


[1] Paragraph (c)

omit everything before subparagraph (c) (i), insert

 (c) for the purposes of items 1, 4 (other than paragraph (a)) and 7 in the Schedule:

[2] Sub-subparagraph (d) (ii) (B)




spheroid; and

[3] After paragraph (d)


 (e) for the purposes of items 5, 6 and 8 in the Schedule, all geographic coordinates are expressed in terms of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000, as defined by the International Earth Rotation Service at epoch 1 January 2000.

[4] Schedule, item 5


5 Norfolk Island/New Zealand

  The line:

 (a) commencing at the point of latitude 305311.23 south, longitude 1711328.85 east; and

 (b) then running south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 311601.68south, longitude 17037 06.34 east; and

 (c) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 311931.67 south, longitude 1703115.10 east; and

 (d) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 3140 26.30south, longitude 1695612.27east; and

 (e) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 314723.99 south, longitude 1694425.06 east; and

 (f) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 320450.57 south, longitude 1691437.00 east; and

 (g) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 320652.74 south, longitude 1691106.79 east; and

 (h) then south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 322518.55 south, longitude 1683903.72 east; and

 (i) then clockwise westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Norfolk Island to the point of latitude 322218.95south, longitude 1665854.37 east; and

 (j) then clockwise westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Norfolk Island to the point of latitude 320922.23 south, longitude 1661734.30 east; and

 (k) then clockwise north-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Norfolk Island to the point of latitude 315349.17 south, longitude 1654620.73east; and

 (l) then clockwise north-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Norfolk Island to the point of latitude 3130 south, longitude 1651327.08east.

[5] Schedule, item 6


6 Macquarie Island

  The line:

 (a) commencing at the point of latitude 51 04 48.96 south, longitude 158 01 25.98 east; and

 (b) then running clockwise easterly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 51 01 38.44 south, longitude 15859 53.57 east; and

 (c) then clockwise easterly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 511036.30 south, longitude 16037 30.11 east; and

 (d) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 51 26 17.80 south, longitude 160 57 46.87 east; and

 (e) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 11 26.54 south, longitude 161 57 11.15 east; and

 (f) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 15 53.24 south, longitude 162 03 07.43 east; and

 (g) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 27 43.12 south, longitude 162 18 59.49east; and

 (h) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 40 46.86 south, longitude 162 36 30.28 east; and

 (i) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 46 50.62 south, longitude 162 44 42.77 east; and

 (j) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 52 47 42.61 south, longitude 162 45 53.41 east; and

 (k) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 53 42 58.16 south, longitude 164 03 13.39 east; and

 (l) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 53 50 59.84 south, longitude 164 14 42.04 east; and

 (m) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 54 13 58.99 south, longitude 164 26 41.46 east; and

 (n) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 54 40 13.65 south, longitude 164 40 40.22 east; and

 (o) then south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 54 41 43.03 south, longitude 164 41 28.44 east; and

 (p) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 54 56 14.18 south, longitude 164 39 00.39 east; and

 (q) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 55 00 11.94 south, longitude 164 38 17.35 east; and

 (r) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 55 10 06.11 south, longitude 164 36 21.26 east; and

 (s) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 55 14 12.61 south, longitude 164 35 21.12 east; and

 (t) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 55 42 50.10 south, longitude 164 26 46.41 east; and

 (u) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 55 52 23.70 south, longitude 164 23 57.71 east; and

 (v) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 56 38 56.15 south, longitude 163 56 44.86 east; and

 (w) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 56 52 19.72 south, longitude 163 44 04.71 east; and

 (x) then clockwise south-westerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Macquarie Island to the point of latitude 57 09 53.30 south, longitude 163 23 17.53 east.

[6] Schedule, after item 7


8 Lord Howe Island

  The line:

 (a) commencing at the point of latitude 32 30 south, longitude 163 06 58.81 east; and

 (b) then running clockwise southerly along the geodesic arc of radius 200 nautical miles concave to Lord Howe Island to the point of latitude 33 52 40.25 south, longitude 162 21 59.44 east.