Instrument No.54 of 2001


Amendment of Statement of Principles





ICD-10-AM CODE: H11.0

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

1. The Repatriation Medical Authority amends, under subsection 196B(3) of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 Instrument No.46 of 2001 by:


  1. in clause 8, omitting the words “acquired cataract” wherever they appear in each of the definitions of “total lifetime UV damage factor”, “non-service UV damage factor”, “[MED cum (a,T)]”, “PAE” and “T” and inserting in their place the word “pterygium”.


2. The amendments made by this instrument apply to all matters to which Instrument No.46 of 2001 and section 120B of the Act apply.



Dated this  Seventeenth  day of  July 2001



The Common Seal of the    )

Repatriation Medical Authority   )

was affixed to this instrument  )

in the presence of    )