Licence Area Plan – Ipswich Radio


made under subsection 26(1) of the

Broadcasting Services Act 1992



Compilation No. 2

Compilation date:     30 September 2017

Includes amendments up to:  F2017L01299









Prepared by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, Melbourne


About this compilation


This compilation

This is a compilation of the Licence Area Plan Ipswich Radio that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 30 September 2017 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law.  Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Federal Register of Legislation (  The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes.  For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Federal Register of Legislation for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law.  Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified.  For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Federal Register of Legislation for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

Licence Area Plan – Ipswich Radio

(1) This plan for radio broadcasting services in the Ipswich area of Queensland is made under section 26(1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.

(2) One commercial radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 1.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that are to be available in the area described at Attachment 1.1 are set out in Schedule One and Attachment 1.3 to this plan.

(3) One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 2.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications of the service that is to be made available is described at Attachment 2.1 are set out in Schedule Two and Attachment 2.2 to this plan.

(4) One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 3.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications of the service that is to be made available is described at Attachment 3.1 are set out in Schedule Three and Attachment 3.2 to this plan.

(5) A reference in this plan to a schedule or an attachment includes reference to a schedule or attachment as amended from time to time.

(Determined by the Australian Broadcasting Authority on 21 December 2000)

Schedule One

Licence Area Plan : Ipswich Radio

Licence Area : IPSWICH RA1

Service Category

Channel/ Frequency

Service Licence No

Transmitter Specification No

Attach No

Area Served


94.9 MHz





Schedule Two

Licence Area Plan : Ipswich Radio

Licence Area : ESK RA1

Service Category

Channel/ Frequency

Service Licence No

Transmitter Specification No

Attach No

Area Served


95.9 MHz





Schedule Three

Licence Area Plan : Ipswich Radio

Licence Area : BOONAH RA1

Service Category

Channel/ Frequency

Service Licence No

Transmitter Specification No

Attach No

Area Served


100.1 MHz






Attachment 1.1

Licence Area - IPSWICH RA1

Licence Area ID - 455

Commercial Radio Service Licence numbers:  SL1121

The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is: 


Area Description

Boonah (S) (LGA)

Ipswich (C) (LGA)

Laidley (S) (LGA)

Karana Downs-Lake Manchester (SLA)

QLD CD 130102

QLD CD 130103

QLD CD 130104

QLD CD 130105

QLD CD 130106

QLD CD 130107

QLD CD 130108

QLD CD 130109

QLD CD 130110

QLD CD 130111

QLD CD 130201

QLD CD 130202

QLD CD 130203

QLD CD 130204

QLD CD 130205

QLD CD 130206

QLD CD 130207

QLD CD 130208

QLD CD 130209

QLD CD 130210

QLD CD 130601

QLD CD 130603

QLD CD 130608

QLD CD 130611

QLD CD 130615

QLD CD 131101

QLD CD 131102

QLD CD 131103

QLD CD 131104

QLD CD 131105

QLD CD 131106

QLD CD 131107

QLD CD 131108

QLD CD 131110

QLD CD 131111

QLD CD 131112

QLD CD 140201

QLD CD 140204

QLD CD 140205

QLD CD 140208

QLD CD 140209

QLD CD 140210

QLD CD 140211

QLD CD 140301

QLD CD 140303

QLD CD 140310

QLD CD 142401

QLD CD 142402

QLD CD 142403

QLD CD 142404

QLD CD 142405

QLD CD 142406

QLD CD 142407

QLD CD 142408

QLD CD 142409

QLD CD 142410

QLD CD 260903

QLD CD 260905

QLD CD 260906



Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 

 (C)  =   City

(LGA)  =   Local Government Area

(SLA)  =   Statistical Local Area

(CD)  =   Collection District

 (S)  =   Shire

Attachment 1.3


Category : Commercial

General Area Served : Ipswich (QLD)

Service Licence Number : SL1121


Specification Number : TS10010256

Transmitter Site :-

Nominal location : 4QFM Site THE KNOBBY

Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 459550 6957670

Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
 (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017

Emission :-

Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM

Carrier Frequency : 94.9 MHz

Polarisation Mixed

Maximum antenna height 60 m

Output Radiation Pattern :-

Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction)

Maximum ERP

0°T - 30°T

35 kW

30°T - 85°T

5 kW

85°T - 95°T

2 kW

95°T - 110°T

15 kW

110°T - 150°T

40 kW

150°T - 210°T

50 kW

210°T - 275°T

20 kW

275°T - 360°T

50 kW


Special Conditions :-

This specification will replace the technical specification TS1121001, described under attachment 1.2, at a date not later than one year after publication of the Gazette Notice (as required by s.35 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992) that the licence area plan for Ipswich has been determined.

Attachment  2.1

Licence Area - ESK RA1

Licence Area ID - 1036

Community Radio Service Licence numbers:  SL1150748

The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is: 


Area Description

QLD CD 130106

QLD CD 130107

QLD CD 130108

QLD CD 130109

QLD CD 130110

QLD CD 130111

QLD CD 130201

QLD CD 130203

QLD CD 130204

QLD CD 130205

QLD CD 130206

QLD CD 130207

QLD CD 130208

QLD CD 130209

QLD CD 130210



Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 

 (CD)  =   Collection District

Attachment 2.2


Category : Community

General Area Served : Esk (QLD)

Service Licence Number : SL1150748


Specification Number : TS10010272

Transmitter Site :-

Nominal location : Shire Council Telemetry Site  MT ESK

Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 445900 6988600

Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
 (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017

Emission :-

Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM

Carrier Frequency : 95.9 MHz

Polarisation Mixed

Maximum antenna height 30 m

Output Radiation Pattern :-

Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction)

Maximum ERP

At all angles of azimuth

1 kW


Attachment 3.1

Licence Area - BOONAH RA1

Licence Area ID - 1037

Community Radio Service Licence numbers:  SL1150749

The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is: 

Area Description

Boonah (S) (LGA)

QLD CD 130405

QLD CD 130406

QLD CD 130412



Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 

 (LGA)  =   Local Government Area

 (CD)  =   Collection District

 (S)  =   Shire


Attachment 3.2


Category : Community

General Area Served : Boonah (QLD)

Service Licence Number : SL1150749


Specification Number : TS1135226

Transmitter Site :-

Nominal location : Telstra Site  2 Footes Hill  BOONAH

Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 466700 6906100

Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
 (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017

Emission :-

Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM

Carrier Frequency : 100.1 MHz

Polarisation Mixed

Maximum antenna height 30 m

Output Radiation Pattern :-

Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction)

Maximum ERP

At all angles of azimuth

1 kW







Endnote 1 – About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

Endnote 2 (Abbreviation key) sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Endnote 3 (Legislation history) provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law.  The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

Endnote 4 (Amendment history) provides information about the amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level and includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law. 

It also includes information about any misdescribed amendment (that is, an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made).  If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.  If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted


am = amended


rep. = repealed

rs. = repealed and substituted



Endnote 3—Legislation history



Registration or Notification in Gazette


Application, saving and transitional provisions

Licence Area Plan - Ipswich Radio - December 2000

10 January 2001 (F2005B00768)

21 December 2000


Variation to Licence Area Plan – Ipswich Radio – No.1 of 2013

20 March 2013 (F2013L00509)

21 March 2013


Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines (Consequential Amendments) Instrument 2017 (No. 1)

29 September 2017


30 September 2017


Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Title Page …………………..

am. var. No.1 of 2013.

Page 1 ……………………...

am. var. No.1 of 2013.

Clause (1) ………………….

ad. var. No.1 of 2013.

Clause (2) ………………….

ad. var. No.1 of 2013.

Clause (3) ………………….

ad. var. No.1 of 2013.

Clause (4) ………………….

ad. var. No.1 of 2013.

Clause (5) ………………….

ad. var. No.1 of 2013.

Schedule One ……………..

rs. var. No.1 of 2013.

Schedule Two ……………..

am. var. No.1 of 2013.

Schedule Three ……………

rs. var. No.1 of 2013.

Attachment 1.1 …………….

rs. var. No.1 of 2013.

Attachment 1.2 …………….

rep. var. No.1 of 2013.

Attachment 1.3 …………….

am. var. No.1 of 2013; am. No .1 of 2017.

Attachment 2.1 …………….

rs. var. No.1 of 2013.

Attachment 2.2 …………….

am. var. No.1 of 2013; am. No .1 of 2017.

Attachment 3.1 …………….

rs. var. No.1 of 2013.

Attachment 3.2 …………….

rs. var. No.1 of 2013; am. No .1 of 2017.