MOS Part 139H—Standards Applicable to the Provision of Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Services |
Version 1.2: January 2005
Made under regulation 139.712 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998. This compilation was prepared on 31 January 2005 taking into account amendments up to Manual of Standards Amendment (No. 1) 2004. Prepared by Wordware Pty Ltd for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
MOS Part 139H—Standards Applicable to the Provision of Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Services This is a CASA policy manual. It contains specifications and standards prescribed by CASA, of uniform application, determined to be necessary for the safety of air navigation. The Manual of Standards is a Legislative Instrument. This manual is incorporated in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Subpart 139.H Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Services by reference. Copies of this manual are available from: The current manual can be viewed at any time via CASA's website at This manual may be amended from time to time. Such amendment service will be provided by the Document Control Unit, Civil Aviation Safety Authority. Any comments about the content or requests for clarification or proposed changes to this Manual of Standards (MOS) should be directed to: Head, Standards Administration & Support, Aviation Safety Standards, CASA By email:, Version 1.2: January 2005 |
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................1-1
Section 1.1: General.....................................................1-1
1.1.1 Background....................................................1-1
1.1.2 Document Set..................................................1-1
1.1.3 Differences between ICAO Standards and those in MOS.............1-2
1.1.4 Differences Published in AIP.....................................1-2
1.1.5 MOS Documentation Change Management........................1-3
1.1.6 Related Documents.............................................1-3
Section 1.2: Definitions...................................................1-4
Chapter 2: Criteria for Establishment or Disestablishment of ARFFS..........2-1
Section 2.1: General.....................................................2-1
2.1.1 Standard: Category Definition for Level 1...........................2-1
2.1.2 Standards for ARFFS...........................................2-1
2.1.3 Level 1 Coverage...............................................2-1
2.1.4 Obtaining Air Transport Data.....................................2-2
Section 2.2: ARFFS Level 2 Coverage.....................................2-3
2.2.1 Standard: Category Definition for Level 2...........................2-3
2.2.2 ARFFS Level 2 Coverage........................................2-3
Chapter 3: Determining the Category of the Aerodrome......................3-1
Section 3.1: General.....................................................3-1
3.1.1 Standard: Determining Critical Aircraft.............................3-1
3.1.2 Aerodrome Category............................................3-2
3.1.3 Aerodrome Category Reductions.................................3-2
3.1.4 Advisory Circular...............................................3-2
Chapter 4: ARFFS Vehicles.................................................4-1
Section 4.1: General.....................................................4-1
4.1.1 Standard: Fire Vehicles..........................................4-1
Chapter 5: Vehicle Performance............................................5-1
Section 5.1: General.....................................................5-1
5.1.1 Standard: Vehicle Performance...................................5-1
Chapter 6: Response Time.................................................6-1
Section 6.1: General.....................................................6-1
6.1.1 Standard: Response Time.......................................6-1
6.1.2 Staffing to Achieve Response Time...............................6-1
6.1.3 Emergency Access Roads.......................................6-1
6.1.4 Difficult Terrain.................................................6-2
Chapter 7: Fire Extinguishing Agent Performance Criteria....................7-1
Section 7.1: General.....................................................7-1
7.1.1 Standard: Fire Extinguishing Agent Performance Criteria.............7-1
7.1.2 Fire Extinguisher Agent Performance Criteria.......................7-2
7.1.3 Reserve Stock of Fire Fighting Agent..............................7-3
Chapter 8: Test Equipment Performance Criteria.............................8-1
Section 8.1: General.....................................................8-1
8.1.1 Standard: Test Equipment for Operational Equipment................8-1
Chapter 9: ARFFS Provision for Published Hours of Operation................9-1
Section 9.1: General.....................................................9-1
9.1.1 Standard: Hours of ARFFS Coverage..............................9-1
Chapter 10: Safety Hazard and Risk Management...........................10-1
Section 10.1: General...................................................10-1
10.1.1 Standard: Risk Assessment.....................................10-1
10.1.2 Standard: Safety Management System...........................10-1
Chapter 11: Interface Arrangements with State or Territory Fire Brigades and other Third-Party Providers.......11-1
Section 11.1: General...................................................11-1
11.1.1 Standard: Interface Arrangements...............................11-1
Chapter 12: ARFFS Operational Procedures/Safety Management.............12-1
Section 12.1: General...................................................12-1
12.1.1 Standard: Standard Operating Procedures........................12-1
12.1.2 Licence to Operate.............................................12-1
12.1.3 Response Times..............................................12-1
12.1.4 Hazard Identification...........................................12-1
12.1.5 Hazard Management Strategy...................................12-1
12.1.6 Advisory Circular..............................................12-1
Chapter 13: Ancillary Equipment..........................................13-1
Section 13.1: General...................................................13-1
13.1.1 Standard: Ancillary Equipment...................................13-1
13.1.2 Optional Ancillary Equipment....................................13-2
13.1.3 Reserve Stocks...............................................13-2
13.1.4 Ancillary Equipment............................................13-2
13.1.5 Advisory Circulars.............................................13-2
Chapter 14: ARFFS Protective Clothing....................................14-1
Section 14.1: General...................................................14-1
14.1.1 Standard: Protective Clothing...................................14-1
14.1.2 Personal Issue................................................14-1
14.1.3 Hazchem Protective Clothing....................................14-1
14.1.4 Clothing for Water Operations...................................14-2
Chapter 15: Reports of an Accident or Incident.............................15-1
Section 15.1: General...................................................15-1
15.1.1 Standard: Report Procedures...................................15-1
15.1.2 Advisory Circular..............................................15-1
Chapter 16: Quality Control...............................................16-1
Section 16.1: General...................................................16-1
16.1.1 Standard: Internal Quality Assurance.............................16-1
16.1.2 Compliance and Safety Inspection Audit Requirements.............16-1
Chapter 17: ARFFS Personnel—Recruitment...............................17-1
Section 17.1: General...................................................17-1
17.1.1 Standard: Recruitment Suitability for Employment..................17-1
17.1.2 Medical Requirements for Recruitment...........................17-1
Chapter 18: Competency Levels...........................................18-1
Section 18.1: General...................................................18-1
18.1.1 Standard: Competency Levels for Fire Fighting Staff................18-1
18.1.2 Competency Assessor.........................................18-4
Chapter 19: ARFFS Qualification Training Establishments...................19-1
Section 19.1: General...................................................19-1
19.1.1 Standard: Training Establishment................................19-1
19.1.2 Training Facilities..............................................19-1
19.1.3 Accreditation Process..........................................19-1
19.1.4 Training Establishment Accreditation.............................19-2
19.1.5 Training Programs.............................................19-2
Chapter 20: ARFFS Personnel Staffing and Training Requirements...........20-1
Section 20.1: General...................................................20-1
20.1.1 Standard: Staff Qualifications....................................20-1
20.1.2 Staffing Levels Recommendations...............................20-1
20.1.3 ARFFS Training Requirements..................................20-2
Chapter 21: ARFFS Medical/Physical Fitness...............................21-1
Section 21.1: General...................................................21-1
21.1.1 Standard: Medical Standards for ARFFS Recruitment..............21-1
21.1.2 Medical requirements for ARFFS staff............................21-1
21.1.3 Fitness for Duty...............................................21-1
Chapter 22: ARFFS Facilities..............................................22-1
Section 22.1: General...................................................22-1
22.1.1 Standard: Fire Station Facility...................................22-1
22.1.2 FSCC Requirements...........................................22-1
22.1.3 Access Roads to Movement Areas...............................22-1
22.1.4 Communication Equipment.....................................22-1
22.1.5 Vehicle Maintenance Facilities...................................22-2
22.1.6 Training Facilities..............................................22-2
22.1.7 Inshore Rescue Boats..........................................22-2
22.1.8 Commissioning of a New Service or Vehicles......................22-3
Chapter 23: Change Management Systems.................................23-1
Section 23.1: General...................................................23-1
23.1.1 Standard: Safety Management..................................23-1
Chapter 24: Facility Maintenance Plan.....................................24-1
Section 24.1: General...................................................24-1
24.1.1 Standard: Appliances Electrical Ancillary BA Sets Radio............24-1
24.1.2 Engine Heaters................................................24-1
24.1.3 Battery Chargers..............................................24-1
24.1.4 Flotation Platforms.............................................24-1
Chapter 25: Interruption or Change to Level of Operational Service and Contingency Plans.......25-1
Section 25.1: General...................................................25-1
25.1.1 Standard: Change to Level of Operational Service.................25-1
25.1.2 Service Failure................................................25-1
25.1.3 Reporting Action...............................................25-1
Chapter 26: Service and Facility Management Requirements................26-1
Section 26.1: General...................................................26-1
26.1.1 Standard: Service and Facility Management.......................26-1
Chapter 27: Document and Data Control...................................27-1
Section 27.1: General...................................................27-1
27.1.1 Standard: Documentation.......................................27-1
27.1.2 Electronic Data................................................27-1
27.1.3 Amendment Control............................................27-1
Chapter 28: Records......................................................28-1
Section 28.1: General...................................................28-1
28.1.1 Standard: Record Keeping......................................28-1
28.1.2 Record Types and Retention Period..............................28-1
28.1.3 Advisory Circular..............................................28-2
Chapter 29: Applicant’s Organisation......................................29-1
Section 29.1: General...................................................29-1
29.1.1 Standard: Provider’s Credentials.................................29-1
Revision History.........................................................RH-1
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is responsible under section 9(1)(c) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 for developing and promulgating appropriate, clear and concise aviation safety standards.
CASA is also responsible under section 9(2)(b) and section 16 of the Act for promoting full and effective consultation and communication with all interested parties on aviation safety issues, and must, in performing its functions and exercising its powers, where appropriate, consult with government, commercial, industrial, consumer and other relevant bodies and organisations.
The Manual of Standards (MOS) is the means CASA uses in meeting its responsibilities under the Act for promulgating aviation safety standards. The MOS prescribes the detailed technical material (aviation safety standards) that is determined to be necessary for the safety of air navigation.
The MOS is referenced in the particular regulation. You should refer to the applicable provisions of the Civil Aviation Act and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, together with this manual, to ascertain the requirements of, and the obligations imposed by or under, the civil aviation legislation.
The MOS is a disallowable legislative instrument. This means that it is a legislative instrument that becomes effective following registration on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) and it must be tabled in both Houses of Parliament within 6 sitting days following registration and is subject to scrutiny and disallowance by Parliament.
The responsibility for the technical matters within this Manual of Standards (MOS) is the responsibility of the Aviation Safety Standards Division.
Readers should forward advice of errors, inconsistencies or suggestions for improvement to this manual to the Head, Standards Administration & Support Branch, Aviation Safety Standards, CASA (contact and address details are given on the inside front cover).
The MOS is issued and amended under the authority of the Director of Aviation Safety.
Bruce Byron
Director of Aviation Safety
Note: The Legislative Instruments Act 2003 (LIA), which came into operation on 1 January 2005, replaces the regime referred to in paragraph Upon the commencement of that Act, the MOS will be regarded as a legislative instrument under section 5 of the LIA. Different rules will apply in relation to tabling; publication in the Gazette will be replaced by registration in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments). Under section 5 of the LIA: A legislative instrument is an instrument in writing:
An instrument is taken to be of a legislative character if:
Definition | Meaning |
Advisory Circulars | Guidance material on the means of achieving the minimum compliance with the CASR and MOS standards. |
AEP | Aerodrome Emergency Plan. |
Aerodrome | A defined area of land or water, including any buildings, any installations, and equipment intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft. |
Aerodrome operator | Authority to operate as per CAR 89C(1). |
Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS) | An organisation that provides aerodrome rescue and fire fighting services established under the CASA criteria. |
ACFT | Aircraft. |
AFC | Australian Fire Competency. |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication. |
Aircraft accident | An occurrence during the operation of an aircraft in which any person involved suffers death or serious injury or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage. |
Aircraft fire fighting | The control or extinguishment of fire adjacent to or involving an aircraft following ground accident/incidents. |
Aircraft incident | An occurrence, other than an accident, which affects or could affect the safe operation if not corrected and is associated with the operation of an aircraft. |
Airport Services Manual | Part 1 Rescue and Fire Fighting, International Civil Aviation Organisation (Doc 9137-AN/898) and related to ICAO Aerodromes Annex 14. |
Air transport operation | An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, for hire or reward. |
Annex 14 | Aerodromes, Annex 14, to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization. |
Appliance | A fire service operational vehicle used in response to a fire, incident or accident. |
Apron | A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance. |
AS | Australian Standard. |
ATS | Air Traffic Services. |
CARs | Civil Aviation Regulations 1988. |
CASR | Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998. |
Certificate of Competency | A Certificate issued by a Registered Training Organisation at the completion of all competency modules within a level. |
Certificate of Proficiency | Local and general competency in addition to competencies held under AFC qualification. |
Competency | Possessing knowledge, skill and judgement needed to perform specific tasks. |
Criteria | A standard to establish an aerodrome rescue and fire fighting service. |
DCP | Dry Chemical Powder. |
DoTRS | Department of Transport and Regional Services. |
ERSA | Enroute Supplement Australia. |
Facility | One or more items of equipment essential to provide a discrete technical function or amenity. A facility can be equivalent to a service. |
Flotation Platform | Any device acceptable to CASA for the support of passengers and crew in the water. |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization. |
International passengers | A passenger who flies on an international service. |
International air service | An air service that passes through the airspace of more than one country. |
Licensee | The holder of an aerodrome licence issued under Part 9 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 or an aerodrome certificate granted under regulation 139.050 of the CASRs. |
Manual of Standards (MOS) | A document that contains the minimum Standards required. |
Movement area | That part of an aerodrome to be used for take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the aprons. |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding with a third party providing a service or responding emergency services or sub-contractor. |
Must | Mandatory requirement. |
Nationality of ACFT | An aircraft registered in a contracting State (ICAO States) has the Nationality of the contracting State. |
NOTAM | Notice to airmen. A notice to airmen issued by the Australian NOTAM Office and containing information, or means instruction concerning the establishment, condition or change in facility, service, procedure or hazard. |
Operational Vehicle | An ARFFS vehicle that responds airside in an emergency and is fitted with rotating beacon, emergency alerting device and operational radio. |
Provider | A legal entity (individual or company) nominated by the airport owner, and certified by CASA, to provide an aerodrome rescue and fire fighting service at the nominated aerodrome. |
Representative | An individual who is legally responsible for the management of the aerodrome rescue and fire fighting service delivery and is identified to CASA by the airport owner, and who will be the focal point for day to day dealings with CASA. |
Regulations | Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998). |
Safety Case | Defined in CASA Advisory Circular |
Service delivery | The act of allocating aerodrome rescue and fire fighting service facilities, equipment and resources to support the infrastructure and activities of a Provider. |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures. |
Statement of Attainment | Formal recognition of CASA required competency within a level. |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.710, 139.755, 139.765, 139.795 and 139.800 |
Note: The disestablishment of ARFFS may be considered when the number of annual passengers on air transport falls below 300,000 and remains below this level for a 12-month period. The ARFFS provider shall provide CASA with a Safety Case which should justify the closure of the ARFFS. |
Minimum Number of Vehicles | |
Airport Category | ARFFS Vehicles |
1 to 5 | 1 |
6 to 7 | 2 (min) |
8 to 10 | 3 (min) |
Note: The disestablishment of a service can occur at any time subject to advice to CASA, NOTAM action, (NOTAM advice to remain in force until ERSA has been amended) and notification to all other regular users of the aerodrome and advice to ERSA of the withdrawal of service. |
Minimum Number of Vehicles | |
Airport Category | ARFFS Vehicles |
1 to 5 | 1 |
6 to 7 | 2 (min) |
8 to 10 | 3 (min) |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.712, 139.715 and 139.755 |
Aerodrome Category | Length of Aircraft | Maximum Fuselage Width |
1 | 0 m up to but not including 9 m | 2 m |
2 | 9 m up to but not including 12 m | 2 m |
3 | 12 m up to but not including 18 m | 3 m |
4 | 18 m up to but not including 24 m | 4 m |
5 | 24 m up to but not including 28 m | 4 m |
6 | 28 m up to but not including 39 m | 5 m |
7 | 39 m up to but not including 49m | 5 m |
8 | 49 m up to but not including 61 m | 7 m |
9 | 61 m up to but not including 76 m | 7 m |
10 | 76 m up to but not including 90 m | 8 m |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.795, 139.800 and 139.805 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.795, 139.800 and 139.805 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.710, 139.755, 139.771, 139.772 and 139.800 |
Note: Optimum visibility and surface conditions are defined as: day time, good visibility, no precipitation, with normal response route free of surface contamination; ie, water, ice or snow. |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.785 and 139.795 |
Aerodrome Category | Foam Meeting Performance Level A | Foam Meeting Performance Level B | Complementary Agent | ||
| Discharge rate foam solution | Discharge rate foam solution | Dry chemical powder | ||
| Water | Discharge rate | Water | Discharge rate | DCP |
| litres | l/m | litres | l/m | kg |
1 | 350 | 350 | 230 | 230 | 45 |
2 | 1000 | 800 | 670 | 550 | 90 |
3 | 1800 | 1300 | 1200 | 900 | 135 |
4 | 3600 | 2600 | 2400 | 1800 | 135 |
5 | 8100 | 4500 | 5400 | 3000 | 180 |
6 | 11800 | 6000 | 7900 | 4000 | 225 |
7 | 18200 | 7900 | 12100 | 5300 | 225 |
8 | 27300 | 10800 | 18200 | 7200 | 450 |
9 | 36400 | 13500 | 24300 | 9000 | 450 |
10 | 48200 | 16600 | 32300 | 11200 | 450 |
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.825 |
Note: Should there be no Australian Standard (AS), other recognised International Standards will apply. |
CASR References: | Paragraph 139.712 (f), regulations 139.770 and 139.775 |
CASR References: | Paragraph 139.712 (f), regulations 139.765, 139.890, 139.895 and 139.900 |
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.780 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.850, 139.855, 139.890, 139.895 and 139.900 |
CASR References: | Subregulations 139.795 (4) and (5), regulations 139.800, 139.805 and 139.810 |
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.815 |
Note: AS 4602 refers to tabards colour identification at major disasters. |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.865 and 139.875 |
CASA must be provided with a hard copy of the form format.
CASR References: | Regulations 139.850, 139.855, 139.890 and 139.900 Australian/New Zealand Standard ISO 9000 Series Quality systems model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing. |
Note: This section forms part of the Safety Management System (also see Chapter 10). |
CASR References: | Regulations 139. 840 and 139.845 |
CASR References: | Subregulation 139.705 (2), regulations 139.712, 139.765, 139.773, 139.845 and 139.915 |
(1) AFC Certificate 2 | (fire fighting operations) |
(2) AFC Certificate 3 | (fire fighting operations) |
(3) AFC Certificate 4 | (fire fighting supervision) |
(4) AFC Diploma | (fire fighting management) |
(5) AFC Advanced Diploma | (fire fighting management). |
Note: AFC qualifications are the CASA recognised standard. However, a new qualification set by the Industry Advisory Training Board is pending and may supersede the recognised CASA qualification on its introduction. |
Certificate II | Certificate III | Certificate IV | Diploma | Advanced Diploma |
1.01 Health & Fitness 1.02 Preparation cleaning & Maintenance of Equipment, appliances and facilities 1.05 Alarms & Sprinklers 1.06 Occupational Hazards 1.07 Personal Protection 1 1.10 Building Structures 1 1.11 Urban Fire Suppression 1 1.15 Open Circuit Breathing Apparatus 1.16 Casualty Assistance 1.17 Emergency Care 1.22 Fire Service Awareness 1 1.23 Work Teams Communications 2.05a Emergency Life Support Techniques 2.15a Salvage & Overhaul 2.15b Ventilation 2.16 Dangerous Substances 1 2.34 Aviation Fire Suppression 1 | 1.04 Driving Vehicles 1 1.19 Communication Systems 1.21 Workplace Communications 2.02 Inspect & Test Equipment 2.03a Drive Vehicles on Road 2.03b Drive Vehicles off Road 2.04 Operate Pumps 2.05b Operate Life Support Equip 2.07 Occupational Hygiene 2.08 Detection & Suppression Systems 2.09 Building Evacuation Systems 2.10 Mechanical Venting & Air Handling 2.11 Building Structures 2 2.12 Structural Fire Behaviour 2.13 Fire Suppression 2 2.20d Foam/Water Tender 2.21 Fire Prevention 1 2.24 Fire Agency Awareness 2 2.25 Present Information (Public Education) | 3.01 Occupational Health & Safety 3.04 Fireground Operations 3.06 Aviation Fire Suppression 2 3.07 Dangerous Substances 2 3.09 Workplace Trainer Category A 3.10 Writing Workplace Documents 3.12 Dealing with Conflict 3.13 Negotiation Skills 3.14 Leadership 3.15 Supervising Teams 3.21 Introduction to Fire Law 3.22 Workplace Assessment 4.04 Incident Control Systems – Agency Specific | 3.05 Building Fire Safety 1 4.02 Pre Incident Planning 1 4.03 Operational Management *4.07 Fire Prevention 2 *4.08 Building Fire Safety 2 *4.09 Building Fire Service 4.11 Communication 1 4.12 Interviews 4.13 Workplace Trainer Category B 4.16 Leadership & Team Management 4.18 Human Resources Management 1 5.02 Incident Planning 5.03 Logistics Management 5.04 Incident Management Skills 5.05 Operational Analysis | 4.01 Resource Evaluation 5.01 Resource Upgrading and Development Management 5.06 Project Management 5.07 Communication 2 5.08 Public Relations B 5.09 Team Performance 5.10 Managing Finance-Budget 5.11 Human Resource Management 2 5.12 Planning and Managing Change 5.13 Occupational Health and Safety Management 6.01 Pre-Incident Planning 2 6.02 Major Operations Management |
Note 1: Hazmat responses will require additional Modules 2.06 – Personal protection 2.
Note 2: Inshore rescue responses will require additional Modules 2.20d. Part A – IRM and 2.20d, Part B – Launch and Operate IRB | Note 1: Module 3.09 – Workplace Trainer Category A allows for training on a one on one basis. For Training programming and design, Module 4.13 – Workplace Trainer Category B must be achieved. | Note 1: For the development and management of a fire station Advanced Diploma Modules: 4.01 - Resource Evaluation 6.01 - Pre-incident Planning 2 6.02 - Major Operations Management are mandatory requirements.
Note 2: * Denotes Modules that are required if aerodrome facilities are established and are location Specific. |
Note: Local competencies that cannot be specified within the above AFC modules (ie aircraft familiarisation, topography, FSCC and any specific fire fighting vehicle, rescue or emergency medical service equipment) must be developed by the provider having jurisdiction of the ARFFS. |
CASR References: | Subregulation 139.705 (2) and regulation 139.845 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.705, 139.773, 139.835, 139.840, 139.845 and 139.915 |
Local competency requirements must include:
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.840 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.715, 139.760, 139.772, 139.805, 139.820, 139.825, 139.830, 139.860, 139.885 and 139.895 |
Note: All training facilities must conform to the Local, State and Federal Government Environmental Laws. |
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.895 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.870 and 139.885 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.855, 139.860, 139.870 and 139.910 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.772, 139.885, 139.890 and 139.90 |
CASR Reference: | Regulation 139.875 |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.865 and 139.875 Australian Standard 4390.1-6,1996 |
Record Type | Time period |
Aircraft rescue and fire fighting report | 2 years |
Airways operational journal or computer print out | 3 months |
ARFFS equipment maintenance records | 5 years |
ARFFS facility fault register | 2 years |
ARFFS Incident report | 2 years |
ARFFS staff development appraisal | 1 year |
Building fire report | 2 years |
Certificate of Proficiency Life of employee at location |
Competency based training records | 5 years |
Equipment maintenance | 3 years |
First aid | 5 years |
Fire Station Communication Centre computer print-out (if applicable) | 3 months |
Fire Station Communication Centre voice recordings | 30 days |
Hazchem reports |
Staff involved (OH&S requirement) | 5 years |
NOTAM action | 3 months |
Personal protective equipment | 1 year |
Register of staff competency | 5 years |
Fire station training programme | 7 years |
Vehicle maintenance records | Life of vehicle |
Validity check of competency | 90 days |
Vehicle inspection and tests | 5 years |
Note: This is not a comprehensive list, other areas may be added to the list at the discretion of the provider. |
CASR References: | Regulations 139.880 and 139.905 |
Notes to Manual of Standards Part 139H
The Manual of Standards Part 139H (in force under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) as shown in this compilation comprises Manual of Standards Part 139H amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Table of Manual of Standards and Amendments
Year and | Date of Gazettal/ | Date of | Application, saving or |
MOS Part 139H | 1 May 2003 (see Gazette 2003 No. S. 136) | 1 May 2003 |
MOS Part 139H 2004 Amendment No. 1 | FRLI 21 January 2005 (see F2005L00113) | 22 January 2005 (see s. 2) | — |
Table of Amendments
Note The Revision History shows the most recent amendment first. Scroll down the table to view details of previous amendments.
Version | Date | Chapter/ Section | Details |
1.2 | Jan 2005 | Foreword | Changed. |
| | “ARFFS stated in this Part will be established by Civil Aviation Regulation 139.H, which reflects” replaced by: “Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (ARFFS) reflects”. |
| | Changed completely. |
| | Changed completely. |
| (a) and (b) | Relevant subparagraphs substituted.. |
| | “and disallowance” inserted and new note added at the end. |
| | Deleted. |
| | |
| | “Regulations” replaced by “CASRs”. |
| | Changed. “Manual of Standards (MOS)” replaced by “MOS”. |
| | “Manual of Standards (MOS)” replaced by “MOS”. |
| | “intimated” replaced by “initiated”. |
| (c) | “9002: 1944” deleted. |
| 1.2 | A number of changes made and following new definitions added: “Appliance”, “Flotation Platform”, “Operational Vehicle”. Definition of “Licensee” changed. |
1.2 | Jan 2005 | Chap 2 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “criteria Level 1 or Level 2” replaced by “Level 1 in accordance with paragraph 139.755 (2) (b)”. “critical aircraft using the aerodrome within a period not exceeding 12 months” replaced by “aircraft using the aerodrome”. |
| Chap 3 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “ensue” replaced by “ensure”. |
| | Text after “Chapter 25” changed. |
| Chap 4 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “ADR” replaced by “Australian Design Rules (ADR)”. |
| Chap 5 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| Chap 6 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “at the aircraft or site of the incident or accident” inserted. |
| | “off aerodrome” replaced by “off-aerodrome”. |
| | “On aerodrome” replaced by “On-aerodrome”. |
| | “include” replaced by “require”. |
| Chap 7 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “production” replaced by “discharge”. |
| | Replaced. |
| | Replaced. |
| Chap 8 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “be” inserted before “regularly”, “operation” replaced by “operational”. |
| | All words after “list” replaced. |
| Chap 9 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| 9.1.1 | Heading changed (“— Level 1” added). |
| | “transport” inserted after “air”. |
| | Replaced. |
| Chap 10 | Chapter Title changed. CASR References in headings changed. |
| 10.1.1 | Chapter Title changed. to “Standard: Operational Risk Assessment”. |
| 10.1.2 | New subsection added. |
| Chap 11 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| Chap 12 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “and local competencies” inserted. |
| | Deleted. |
| Chap 13 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| Chap 14 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “operate.” replaced by “operate, including:”. |
1.2 | Jan 2005 | Chap 15 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “Procedure” replaced by “Procedures”. |
| Chap 16 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “must be” inserted. |
| | “Civil Aviation Act” replaced by “Civil Aviation Act 1988”. |
| | New note added. |
| Chap 17 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| Chap 18 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “programme to ensure that core competency” replaced by “in accordance with a program to ensure that core competencies”. |
| | “Officers” replaced by “An officer”. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “crew” replaced by “staff”. “Modules, and” replaced by “Modules.” |
| | “a crew” replaced by “staff”. |
| | “prerequisite” replaced by “”prerequisites. |
| Chap 19 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| (b) | “must have” replaced by “and which has”. |
| | All words after “audit” replaced by “showing that it has rectified the items of non-compliance.”. |
| Chap 20 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “to use a” replaced by “use of a”. “crew” replaced by “staff”. “aircraft accident” replaced by aircraft accident or incident “”. |
| | Replaced. |
| | “Aerodromes” replaced by “At aerodromes”. “the schedule aircraft arrival and must” replaced by “the scheduled aircraft arrival and staff must”. |
| | “crew” replaced by “staff”. |
| (e) | “programme to ensure that core competency” replaced by “in accordance with a program to ensure that core competencies”. |
| (a) | “appliance” replaced by “vehicle monitor”. |
| (d) | Replaced. |
| (f) | “appliances” replaced by “vehicles”. |
| (h) (iv) | “branch’s” replaced by “branches and”. |
| (j) | “ICS” replaced by “Incident Command System (ICS)”. |
| | “program.” replaced by “, in particular:” (and subparagraphs added). |
| | “them” replaced by “these”. |
| | “an” deleted. |
| | Note 2 (after paragraph) deleted. |
1.2 | Jan 2005 | Chap 21 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| | Replaced. |
| | Added. |
| Chap 22 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “(where not provided)” deleted. |
| | “a FSCC” replaced by “an FSCC”. |
| | “”Fire Station Communication Centre (FSCC) replaced by “FSCC”. |
| | “Two-way activation of facilities is required.” inserted. |
| | All words after “provided” replaced by new text. |
| | “radio’s” replaced by “radios”. |
| | “After (fire service) use areas for vehicle” replaced by “After fire service use, areas for vehicles”. |
| | “appliances” replaced by “vehicles”. CASR References in headings changed. After subparagraph (c), new subparagraph (d) added. |
| | “proved” replaced by “provided”. “the Local, State and Federal Government’s” replaced by “Local, State and Federal Government”. |
| | Replaced |
| | “floatform platforms/life rafts” replaced by “flotation platforms or life rafts”. “manufacturers” replaced by “manufacturer’s”. |
| 22.1.8 | “Vehicles” replaced by “Vehicle”. |
| (a) | “MOS” replaced by “this MOS”. |
| Chap 23 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | “their provision of service” replaced by the level of service provision “”. |
| | “defines” replaced by “defined”. |
| (a), (b) and (c) | “who” replaced by “that”. |
| Chap 24 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| 24.1.1 | Subheading changed. |
| | Replaced. |
| Chap 25 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | Replaced |
| Chap 26 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| (a) | “configuration. This” replaced by “configuration, that”. |
| Chap 27 | CASR References in headings changed. |
| | After “system” (first occurrence), “must be available” inserted. |
| | Replaced. |
| Chap 28 | CASR References in headings changed. |
1.2 | Jan 2005 | | “A recognised” replaced by “Recognised”. “store” replaced by “store,”. |
| | All words after “by” replaced with new text. |
| 28.1.2 | |
| ||