We, Judges within the meaning of the Family Law Act 1975, make the following Rules of Court under that Act.
Warning: Please note that the Forms to these Rules are not available in this rtf document although links are provided so that they can be downloaded. You can also view the image of this document to see the Forms.
Judges of the Family Court
of Australia
Principal Registrar
Family Court of Australia
Judges of the Family Court
of Western Australia
Acting Principal Registrar
Family Court of Western Australia
Chapter 1 Introduction
Part 1.1 Preliminary
1.01 Name of Rules
1.02 Commencement
1.03 Rules in Chapter 1 prevail
Part 1.2 Main purpose of Rules
1.04 Main purpose of Rules
1.05 Pre-action procedure
1.06 Promoting the main purpose
1.07 Achieving the main purpose
1.08 Responsibility of parties and lawyers in achieving the main purpose
Part 1.3 Court’s powers in all cases
1.09 Procedural orders in cases of doubt or difficulty
1.10 Court may make orders
1.11 Court may set aside or vary order
1.12 Court may dispense with Rules
1.13 Judicial officer hearing application
1.14 Shortening or extension of time
1.15 Time for compliance
Part 1.4 Other preliminary matters
1.16 Definitions — the dictionary
1.17 Notes, examples etc
1.18 Sittings
1.19 Permission to record court event
1.20 Publishing lists of cases
1.21 Calculating time
Chapter 2 Starting a case
Part 2.1 Applications
2.01 Which application to file
2.02 Documents to be filed with applications
Part 2.2 Brochures
2.03 Preparation and distribution of brochures
Part 2.3 Notification in certain cases
2.04 Notice of Child Abuse or Risk of Abuse (Act s 67Z)
2.05 Family violence order
2.06 Notification of proceeds of crime order or forfeiture application (Act ss 79B and 90M)
2.07 Proceeds of crime
Chapter 3 Divorce
Part 3.1 Application for Divorce
3.01 Fixing of hearing date
3.02 Amendment of Form 3
3.03 Discontinuance of Form 3
Part 3.2 Response
3.04 Response
3.05 Objection to jurisdiction
3.06 Response out of time
3.07 Affidavit to reply to information in Form 3
Part 3.3 Attendance at hearing
3.08 Attendance at hearing
Part 3.4 Hearing in absence of parties
3.09 Seeking a hearing in absence of parties
3.10 Hearing in absence of parties — joint application
3.11 Request not to hear case in parties’ absence
Part 3.5 Events affecting divorce order
3.12 Application for rescission of divorce order
3.13 Death of party
Chapter 4 Application for Final Orders
Part 4.1 Introduction
4.01 Contents of Application for Final Orders (Form 1)
4.02 Filing affidavits
4.03 First court date
Part 4.2 Specific applications
Division 4.2.1 General
4.04 General provisions still apply
4.05 Application by Attorney-General for transfer of case
Division 4.2.2 Cross-vesting
4.06 Cross-vesting matters
4.07 Transfer of case
Division 4.2.3 Medical procedure
4.08 Application for medical procedure
4.09 Evidence supporting application
4.10 Service of application
4.11 Fixing of hearing date
4.12 Procedure on first court date
Division 4.2.4 Maintenance
4.13 Information to respondent
4.14 Procedure on first court date
4.15 Evidence to be provided
4.16 Application for step-parent to maintain
4.17 Maintenance orders
Division 4.2.5 Child support
4.18 Application of Division 4.2.5
4.19 Documents to be filed with applications and appeals
4.20 Application under Assessment Act s 95 (6)
4.21 Time limits for appeals and applications under Assessment Act
4.22 Time limit for appeal under Registration Act s 88
4.23 Service of application or appeal
4.24 Service by Child Support Registrar
4.25 Procedure on first court date
4.26 Evidence to be provided
Division 4.2.6 Nullity and validity of marriage and divorce
4.27 Application of Division 4.2.6
4.28 Fixing hearing date
4.29 Affidavit to be filed with application
Division 4.2.7 Applications relating to passports
4.30 Application relating to passport
4.31 Fixing of hearing date
Chapter 5 Applications in a case
Part 5.1 General
5.01 Applications in a case
5.02 Evidence in applications in a case
5.03 Procedure before filing
5.04 Restrictions in relation to applications
5.05 Fixing a date for hearing or case assessment conference
5.06 Attendance by electronic communication
5.07 Attendance of party or witness in prison
Part 5.2 Hearing — interim and procedural applications
5.08 Interim orders — matters to be considered
5.09 Admissibility of affidavit
5.10 Hearing time of interim or procedural application
5.11 Party’s failure to attend
Part 5.3 Application without notice
5.12 Application without notice
5.13 Necessary procedural orders
Part 5.4 Hearing on papers in absence of parties
5.14 Request for hearing in absence of parties
5.15 Objection to hearing in absence of parties
5.16 Court decision to not proceed in absence of parties
5.17 Procedure in hearing in absence of parties
Part 5.5 Postponement of interim hearing
5.18 Administrative postponement of interim hearing
Chapter 6 Parties
Part 6.1 General
6.01 Parties
6.02 Necessary parties
Part 6.2 Adding and removing a party
6.03 Adding a party
6.04 Removing a party
6.05 Intervention by a person seeking to become a party
6.06 Intervention by a person entitled to intervene
6.07 Notice of constitutional matter
Part 6.3 Case guardian
6.08 Conducting a case by case guardian
6.09 Who may be a case guardian
6.10 Appointment, replacement or removal of case guardian
6.11 Attorney-General may appoint case guardian
6.12 Notice of becoming case guardian
6.13 Conduct of case by case guardian
6.14 Costs of case guardian
Part 6.4 Progress of case after death or bankruptcy
6.15 Death of party
6.16 Bankruptcy of party
Chapter 7 Service
Part 7.1 General
7.01 Service
7.02 Court’s discretion regarding service
7.03 Service of documents
7.04 Service of filed documents
Part 7.2 Special service
7.05 Special service
7.06 Special service by hand
7.07 Special service by post or electronic communication
7.08 Special service through a lawyer
7.09 Special service on person with a disability
7.10 Special service on a prisoner
7.11 Special service on a corporation
Part 7.3 Ordinary service
7.12 Ordinary service
Part 7.4 Proof of service
7.13 Proof of service
7.14 Proof of special service
7.15 Evidence of identity
Part 7.5 Other matters about service
7.16 Service by electronic communication
7.17 When service is taken to have been carried out
7.18 Service with conditions or dispensing with service
Part 7.6 Service in non-convention country
7.19 Service in non-convention country
7.20 Proof of service in non-convention country
Chapter 8 Right to be heard and address for service
Part 8.1 Right to be heard and representation
8.01 Right to be heard and representation
8.02 Child representative
8.03 Lawyer — conflicting interests
8.04 Lawyer — ceasing to act
Part 8.2 Address for service
8.05 Address for service
8.06 Change of address for service
Chapter 9 Response and reply
Part 9.1 Response to Form 1
9.01 Response to Form 1 (Form 1A)
9.02 Filing an affidavit with Form 1A
9.03 Response objecting to jurisdiction
Part 9.2 Reply to Form 1A
9.04 Reply to Form 1A (Form 1B)
Part 9.3 Response to Form 2
9.05 Response to Form 2 (Form 2A)
9.06 Affidavit to be filed with Form 2A
9.07 Affidavit in reply to Form 2A
Part 9.4 Filing and service
9.08 Time for filing and service of response or reply
Chapter 10 Ending a case without a trial
Part 10.1 Offers to settle
Division 10.1.1 General
10.01 How to make an offer
10.02 Open and ‘without prejudice’ offer
10.03 How to withdraw an offer
10.04 How to accept an offer
10.05 Counter-offer
Division 10.1.2 Offer to settle — property cases
10.06 Compulsory offer to settle
10.07 Withdrawal of offer
Part 10.2 Discontinuing a case
10.10 Definition
10.11 Discontinuing a case
Part 10.3 Summary orders and separate decisions
10.12 Application for summary orders
10.13 Application for separate decision
10.14 What the court may order under this Part
Part 10.4 Consent orders
10.15 How to apply for a consent order
10.16 Order for superannuation interest
10.17 Dealing with a consent order
10.18 Lapsing of respondent’s consent
Chapter 11 Case management
Part 11.1 Court’s powers of case management
11.01 General powers
11.02 Failure to comply with a legislative provision or order
11.03 Relief from orders
11.04 Frivolous or vexatious case
11.05 Application for permission to start a case
11.06 Dismissal for want of prosecution
Part 11.2 Limiting issues
Division 11.2.1 Admissions
11.07 Request to admit
11.08 Notice disputing fact or document
11.09 Withdrawing admission
Division 11.2.2 Amendment
11.10 Amendment by a party or court order
11.11 Time limit for amendment
11.12 Amending a document
11.13 Response to amended document
11.14 Disallowance of amendment
Division 11.2.3 Small claims
11.15 Small claims
Part 11.3 Venue
Division 11.3.1 Open court and chambers
11.16 Cases in chambers
Division 11.3.2 Transferring a case
11.17 Application of Division 11.3.2
11.18 Transfer to another court or registry
11.19 Factors to be considered for transfer
Division 11.3.3 Transfer of court file
11.20 Transfer between courts
Chapter 12 Court events
Part 12.1 Application of Chapter 12
12.01 Application of Chapter 12
Part 12.2 Court events — resolution phase
12.02 Property case — exchange of documents before first court date
12.03 Case assessment conference
12.04 Procedural hearing
12.05 Property case — exchange of documents before conciliation conference
12.06 Conduct of a conciliation conference
Part 12.3 Court events — determination phase
12.07 Trial notice
12.08 Compliance certificate
12.09 Non-compliance
12.10 Conduct of pre-trial conference
Part 12.4 Attendance at court events
12.11 Party’s attendance
12.12 Request to attend by electronic communication
12.13 Failure to attend court events
Part 12.5 Adjournment and postponement of court events
12.14 Administrative postponement of conferences or procedural hearings
12.15 Adjournment of case conference
12.16 Adjournment or postponement of pre-trial conference
Chapter 13 Disclosure
Part 13.1 Disclosure between parties
Division 13.1.1 General duty of disclosure
13.01 General duty of disclosure
Division 13.1.2 Duty of disclosure — financial cases
13.02 Purpose of Division 13.1.2
13.03 Definition
13.04 Full and frank disclosure
13.05 Financial statement (Form 13)
13.06 Amendment of Financial Statement (Form 13)
Part 13.2 Duty of disclosure — documents
Division 13.2.1 Disclosure of documents — all cases
13.07 Duty of disclosure — documents
13.08 Inspection of documents
13.09 Production of original documents
13.10 Disclosure by inspection of documents
13.11 Costs for inspection
13.12 Documents that need not be produced
13.13 Objection to production
13.14 Consequence of non-disclosure
13.15 Undertaking by party
13.16 Time for filing undertaking
Division 13.2.2 Disclosure of documents — certain applications
13.17 Application of Division 13.2.2
13.18 Party may seek order about disclosure
Division 13.2.3 Disclosure of documents — Applications for Final Orders
13.19 Application of Division 13.2.3
13.20 Disclosure by service of a list of documents
13.21 Disclosure by inspection of documents
13.22 Application for order for disclosure
13.23 Costs of compliance
13.24 Electronic disclosure
Part 13.3 Answers to specific questions
13.25 Application of Part 13.3
13.26 Service of specific questions
13.27 Answering specific questions
13.28 Orders in relation to specific questions
Part 13.4 Information from non-parties
Division 13.4.1 Employment information
13.29 Purpose of Division 13.4.1
13.30 Employment information
Division 13.4.2 Non-party documents
13.31 Purpose of Division 13.4.2
13.32 Definitions
13.33 Notice of Non-party Production of Documents
13.34 Service on others affected by Notice
13.35 Compliance with Form 12
13.36 Production of documents
13.37 Copying produced documents
13.38 Costs of production
13.39 Objection to production
13.40 Stay of Form 12
13.41 Court’s decision about Form 12
13.42 Orders about non-party disclosure
Chapter 14 Property orders
14.01 Orders about property
14.02 Service of application
14.03 Inspection
14.04 Application for Anton Piller order
14.05 Application for Mareva order
14.06 Service of application or order for superannuation interest
Chapter 15 Evidence
Part 15.1 Children
15.01 Restriction on child’s evidence
15.02 Interviewing a child
15.03 Family reports
15.04 Family reports in certain consent cases
Part 15.2 Affidavits
15.05 Evidence in chief by affidavit
15.06 Reliance on affidavits
15.07 Filing an affidavit
15.08 Form of affidavit
15.09 Making an affidavit
15.10 Affidavit of illiterate or blind person etc
15.11 Affidavit outside Australia
15.12 Documents attached
15.13 Striking out objectionable material
15.14 Notice to attend for cross-examination
15.15 Deponent’s attendance and expenses
Part 15.3 Subpoenas
Division 15.3.1 General
15.16 Interpretation
15.17 Issuing a subpoena (Form 14)
15.18 Subpoena not to issue in certain circumstances
15.19 Time for issuing a subpoena
15.20 Amendment of subpoena
15.21 Limit on number of subpoenas
15.22 Service
15.23 Conduct money and witness fees
15.24 When compliance is not required
15.25 Discharge of subpoena obligation
15.26 Objection to subpoena
Division 15.3.2 Production of documents and access by parties
15.27 Application of Division 15.3.2
15.28 Service of subpoena for production
15.29 Compliance with subpoena
15.30 Right to inspect and copy
15.31 Objection to inspection or copying of document
15.32 Court permission to inspect documents
15.33 Claim for privilege
15.34 Production of document from another court
15.35 Return of documents produced
Division 15.3.3 Non-compliance with subpoena
15.36 Non-compliance with subpoena
Part 15.4 Assessors
15.37 Application of Part 15.4
15.38 Appointing an assessor
15.39 Assessor’s report
15.40 Remuneration of assessor
Part 15.5 Expert evidence
Division 15.5.1 General
15.41 Application of Part 15.5
15.42 Purpose of Part 15.5
15.43 Definitions
Division 15.5.2 Single expert witness
15.44 Appointment of single expert witness by parties
15.45 Order for single expert witness
15.46 Orders the court may make
15.47 Single expert witness’s fees and expenses
15.48 Single expert witness’s report
15.49 Appointing another expert witness
15.50 Cross-examination of single expert witness
Division 15.5.3 Permission for expert’s evidence
15.51 Permission for expert’s reports and evidence
15.52 Application for permission for expert witness
Division 15.5.4 Instructions and disclosure of expert’s report
15.53 Application of Division 15.5.4
15.54 Instructions to expert witness
15.55 Mandatory disclosure of expert’s report
15.56 Provision of information about fees
15.57 Application for provision of information
15.58 Failure to disclose report
Division 15.5.5 Expert witness’s duties and rights
15.59 Expert witness’s duty to the court
15.60 Expert witness’s right to seek orders
15.61 Expert witness’s evidence in chief
15.62 Form of expert’s report
15.63 Contents of expert’s report
15.64 Consequences of non-compliance
Division 15.5.6 Questions to single expert witness
15.65 Questions to single expert witness
15.66 Single expert witness’s answers
15.67 Single expert witness’s costs for answers
Division 15.5.7 Evidence from 2 or more expert witnesses
15.68 Application of Division 15.5.7
15.69 Conference of expert witnesses
15.70 Conduct of trial with expert witnesses
Part 15.6 Other matters about evidence
15.71 Court may call evidence
15.72 Order for examination of witness
15.73 Letters of request
15.74 Hearsay evidence — notice under section 67 of the Evidence Act 1995
15.75 Transcript receivable in evidence
15.76 Notice to produce
Chapter 16 Trial
Part 16.1 Expedited trials
16.01 Expedited trial
Part 16.2 Preparation for trial
16.02 Trial information
16.03 Notice in relation to evidence
Part 16.3 Conduct of trial
16.04 Conduct of trial — general
16.05 Trial management
16.06 Sequence of evidence
16.07 Opening and closing address
16.08 Attendance, submissions and evidence by electronic communication
16.09 Foreign evidence by electronic communication
16.10 Exhibits
16.11 Party’s failure to attend
16.12 Vacating trial date
Chapter 17 Orders
17.01 When an order is made
17.02 Errors in orders
17.03 Rate of interest
17.04 Order for payment of money
17.05 Order for payment of fine
Chapter 18 Powers of Judicial Registrars, Registrars
and Deputy Registrars
Part 18.1 Delegation of powers to Judicial Registrars and Registrars
Division 18.1.1 General
18.01 Exercise of powers and functions
Division 18.1.2 Delegation to Judicial Registrars
18.02 Delegation of powers to Judicial Registrars
18.03 Property value exceeding limit — power to determine case
Division 18.1.3 Delegation of powers to Registrars and Deputy Registrars
18.04 Application of Division 18.1.3
18.05 Registrars
18.06 Deputy Registrars
Part 18.2 Review of decisions
18.07 Application of Part 18.2
18.08 Review of order
18.09 Stay
18.10 Power of court on review
Chapter 19 Costs
Part 19.1 General
19.01 Application of Chapter 19
19.02 Interest on outstanding costs
19.03 Duty to inform about costs
19.04 Notification of costs
Part 19.2 Security for costs
19.05 Application for security for costs
19.06 Order for security for costs
19.07 Finalising security
Part 19.3 Costs orders
19.08 Order for costs
19.09 Costs order for cases in other courts
19.10 Costs orders against lawyers
19.11 Notice of costs order
Part 19.4 Lawyer and client costs
19.12 Costs not to be charged
19.13 Steps before costs recovery
19.14 Costs agreements
19.15 Notice about costs agreement
19.16 Validity and effect of costs agreement
19.17 Setting aside costs agreement
Part 19.5 Calculation of costs
19.18 Lawyer and client costs
19.19 Party and party costs
Part 19.6 Claiming and disputing costs
Division 19.6.1 Itemised costs account
19.20 Request for itemised costs account
19.21 Service of lawyer’s itemised costs account
19.22 Lawyer’s itemised costs account
19.23 Disputing itemised costs account
19.24 Assessment of disputed costs
19.25 Amendment of itemised costs account and Form 15
Division 19.6.2 Assessment process
19.26 Fixing of date for assessment
19.27 Notification of hearing
19.28 Settlement conference
19.29 Preliminary assessment
19.30 Objection to preliminary assessment amount
19.31 If no objection to preliminary assessment
19.32 Assessment hearing
19.33 Powers of Registrars
19.34 Assessment principles
19.35 Allowance for matters not specified
19.36 Neglect or delay before Registrar
19.37 Costs assessment order — costs account not disputed
19.38 Setting aside a costs assessment order
Part 19.7 Specific costs matters
19.39 Application of Part 19.7
19.40 Costs in court of summary jurisdiction
19.41 Charge for each page
19.42 Proportion of costs
19.43 Costs for reading
19.44 Postage within Australia
19.45 Waiting and travelling time
19.46 Agent’s fees
19.47 Expenses for attendance by witness
19.48 Expenses payable to expert witness
19.49 Costs of cases not started together
19.50 Certificate as to counsel
19.51 Lawyer as counsel — party and party costs
19.52 Lawyer as counsel — assessment of fees
19.53 Lawyer as counsel — lawyer and client costs
Part 19.8 Review of assessment
19.54 Application for review
19.55 Time for filing an application for review
19.56 Hearing of application
Chapter 20 Enforcement of financial orders and obligations
Part 20.1 General
20.01 Enforceable obligations
20.02 When an agreement may be enforced
20.03 When a child support liability may be enforced
20.04 Who may enforce an obligation
20.05 Enforcing an obligation to pay money
20.06 Affidavit to be filed with application for enforcement order
20.07 General enforcement powers of court
20.08 Enforcement order
20.09 Discharging, suspending or varying enforcement order
Part 20.2 Information for aiding enforcement
Division 20.2.1 Processes for aiding enforcement
20.10 Processes for obtaining financial information
Division 20.2.2 Enforcement hearings
20.11 Enforcement hearing
20.12 Obligations of payer
20.13 Subpoena of witness
20.14 Failure concerning Financial Statement (Form 13) or enforcement hearing
Part 20.3 Enforcement warrants
Division 20.3.1 General
20.15 Definitions
20.16 Request for Enforcement Warrant (Form 16)
20.17 Validity and renewal of Enforcement Warrant
20.18 Enforcement officer’s responsibilities
20.19 Directions for enforcement
20.20 Effect of Enforcement Warrant
20.21 Advertising before sale
20.22 Result of sale notice
20.23 Payee’s responsibilities
20.24 Orders for real property
Division 20.3.2 Claims by person affected by an Enforcement Warrant
20.25 Notice of claim
20.26 Payee to admit or dispute claim
20.27 Admitting claim
20.28 Denial or no response to claim
20.29 Hearing of application
Part 20.4 Third Party Debt Notice
20.30 Application of Part 20.4
20.31 Money deposited in a financial institution
20.32 Request for Third Party Debt Notice (Form 17)
20.33 Service of Third Party Debt Notice (Form 17)
20.34 Effect of Third Party Debt Notice — general
20.35 Employer’s obligations
20.36 Duration of Third Party Debt Notice
20.37 Response to Third Party Debt Notice
20.38 Discharge of Third Party Debt Notice
20.39 Claim by affected person
20.40 Cessation of employment
20.41 Compliance with Third Party Debt Notice
Part 20.5 Sequestration of property
20.42 Application for sequestration of property
20.43 Order for sequestration
20.44 Order relating to sequestration
20.45 Procedural orders for sequestration
Part 20.6 Receivership
20.46 Application for appointment of receiver
20.47 Appointment and powers of receiver
20.48 Security
20.49 Accounts
20.50 Objection to accounts
20.51 Removal of receiver
20.52 Compliance with orders and Rules
Part 20.7 Enforcement of obligations other than an obligation to pay money
20.53 Application for other enforcement orders
20.54 Warrant for possession of real property
20.55 Warrant for delivery
20.56 Warrant for seizure and detention of property
Part 20.8 Other provisions about enforcement
20.57 Service of order
20.58 Certificate for payments under maintenance order
20.59 Enforcement by or against a non-party
Chapter 21 Enforcement of parenting orders, contravention of orders and contempt
Part 21.1 Applications for enforcement of orders, contravention of orders and contempt of court
21.01 Application of Part 21.1
21.02 How to apply for an order
21.03 Application made or continued by Marshal
21.04 Contempt in the court room
21.05 Fixing of hearing date
21.06 Response to an application
21.07 Failure of respondent to attend
21.08 Procedure at hearing
Part 21.2 Parenting orders — compliance
21.09 Duties of program provider
21.10 Relisting for hearing
Part 21.3 Location and recovery orders
21.11 Application of Part 21.3
21.12 Application for order under Part 21.3
21.13 Fixing of hearing date
21.14 Service of recovery order
21.15 Application for directions for execution of recovery order
Part 21.4 Warrants for arrest
21.16 Application for warrant
21.17 Execution of warrant
21.18 Duration of warrant
21.19 Procedure after arrest
21.20 Application for release or setting aside warrant
Chapter 22 Appeals
Part 22.1 Introduction
22.01 Application of Chapter 22
Part 22.2 Starting an appeal
22.02 Starting an appeal
22.03 Time for appeal
22.04 Parties to appeal
22.05 Service
22.06 Notice about appeal to other courts
22.07 Cross-appeal
22.08 Time for cross-appeal
22.09 Amendment of Notice of Appeal (Form 20)
22.10 Documents filed in a current appeal
22.11 Exhibits
22.12 Stay
Part 22.3 Appeal to Full Court
22.13 Application of Part 22.3
22.14 Pre-argument statement
22.15 Fixing of first court date
22.16 Filing draft index to appeal books
22.17 Attendance on first court date
22.18 Procedure on first court date
22.19 Settlement conference
22.20 Procedural hearing
22.21 Appeal books
22.22 Form of appeal books
22.23 Transcript of hearing
22.24 Preparation of appeal books
22.25 Fixing a date for appeal
22.26 Summary of argument and list of authorities
Part 22.4 Appeal from Federal Magistrates Court heard by single Judge
22.27 Application of Part 22.4
22.28 Notice of Appeal Registry and referral to Judge
22.29 Fixing of date for procedural hearing
22.30 Attendance at procedural hearing
22.31 Procedural orders for conduct of appeal
22.32 Documents for appeal hearing
22.33 Transmission of papers
22.34 Date fixed for appeal hearing
Part 22.5 Appeal from court of summary jurisdiction
22.35 Application of Part 22.5
22.36 Fixing of hearing date
22.37 Transmission of papers
Part 22.6 Powers of appeal courts and conduct of appeal
22.38 Non-attendance by party
22.39 Attendance by electronic communication
22.40 Attendance of party in prison
22.41 Short reasons for decision
Part 22.7 Applications in relation to appeals
Division 22.7.1 How to make an application
22.42 Application of Part 22.7
22.43 Application in relation to appeal
22.44 Hearing date for application
22.45 Decision without an oral hearing
Division 22.7.2 Application for permission to appeal
22.46 Time for filing application for permission to appeal
22.47 Notice to others of appeal
22.48 Orders about conduct of application
Division 22.7.3 Other applications relating to appeals
22.49 Security for costs
22.50 Expediting an appeal
22.51 Further evidence on appeal
22.52 Review of Appeal Registrar’s order
Part 22.8 Concluding an appeal
22.53 Consent orders on appeal
22.54 Discontinuance of appeal
22.55 Dismissal of appeal
22.56 Abandoning an appeal
22.57 Application for reinstatement of appeal
22.58 Dismissal of appeal for non-compliance or delay
Part 22.9 Appeal to High Court
22.59 Application for certificate to appeal to High Court of Australia
Part 22.10 Case stated
22.60 Application of Part 22.10
22.61 Case stated
22.62 Objection to draft case stated
22.63 Settlement and signing
22.64 Filing of copies of case stated
22.65 Fixing of hearing date
22.66 Summary of argument and list of authorities
Chapter 23 Registration of documents
Part 23.1 Registration of agreements, orders and child support debts
23.01 Registration of agreements
23.02 Registration of debt due to the Commonwealth under child support legislation
Part 23.2 Parenting plans
23.03 Requirements for registration of an agreement revoking a registered parenting plan
23.04 Court may require service or additional information
23.05 Application may be dealt with in chambers
Chapter 24 Documents, filing, registry
Part 24.1 Requirements for documents
24.01 General requirements
24.02 Corporation as a party
24.03 Change of name of party
24.04 Compliance with forms
Part 24.2 Filing documents
24.05 How a document is filed
24.06 Filing a document by facsimile
24.07 Filing by e-mail and Internet
24.08 Additional copies for filing
24.09 Documents filed during a case
24.10 Refusal to accept document for filing
24.11 Filing a notice of payment into court
Part 24.3 Registry records
24.12 Removal of document from registry
24.13 Searching court record and copying documents
Chapter 25 Applications under the Corporations
Act 2001
25.01 Application of Chapter 25
25.02 Application of Corporations Rules
25.03 Modification of Corporations Rules
25.04 Application under Corporations Act 2001
25.05 Transfer of case under Corporations Act 2001
25.06 Fixing a date for hearing
Schedule 1 Pre-action procedures
Part 1 Financial cases (property settlement and maintenance)
Part 2 Parenting cases
Schedule 2 Forms
Schedule 3 Itemised scale of costs
Part 1 Fees for lawyer’s work done
Part 2 Fees for counsel’s work done
Part 3 Basic composite amount for undefended divorce
Part 4 Basic composite amount for application for Enforcement Warrant or Third Party Debt Notice
Schedule 4 Conduct money and witness fees
Part 1 Conduct money
Part 2 Witness fees
Schedule 5 Experts’ Conferences — Guidelines for expert witnesses and those instructing them in cases in the Family Court of Australia
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Experts’ conference
Explanatory Guide 545
Summary of Chapter 1
Chapter 1 sets out the rules relating to:
the main purpose of these Rules, and the obligations of parties, lawyers and the court;
the court’s general powers that are to apply in all cases; and
other preliminary matters, including sittings, definitions, calculation of time and publication.
These Rules are not, and should not be read as if they were, a complete code of the court’s powers. Other powers are found in the provisions of various Acts, the court’s inherent jurisdiction and the common law.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
These Rules are the Family Law Rules 2004.
These Rules commence on 29 March 2004.
Note The Family Law Rules 1984 (the old Rules), as in force under the Family Law Act 1975 immediately before the commencement of these Rules (the new Rules), are repealed — see the Family Law Repeal Rules 2004. The new Rules apply to a case that was commenced in accordance with the old Rules and not determined before the repeal of those Rules — see rule 4 of the Family Law Repeal Rules 2004.
1.03 Rules in Chapter 1 prevail
(1) Chapter 1 sets out the general rules that the court may apply in all cases.
(2) If a rule in another Chapter conflicts with a rule in Chapter 1 of these Rules, the rule in Chapter 1 applies.
Part 1.2 Main purpose of Rules
The main purpose of these Rules is to ensure that each case is resolved in a just and timely manner at a cost to the parties and the court that is reasonable in the circumstances of the case.
Note Section 43 of the Act sets out the principles that the court must apply when exercising its jurisdiction under the Act.
(1) Before starting a case, each prospective party to the case must comply with the pre-action procedures, the text of which is set out in Schedule 1, including attempting to resolve the dispute using primary dispute resolution methods.
(2) Compliance with subrule (1) is not necessary if:
(a) for a parenting case — the case involves allegations of child abuse or family violence;
(b) for a property case — the case involves allegations of family violence or fraud;
(c) the application is urgent;
(d) the applicant would be unduly prejudiced;
(e) there has been a previous application in the same cause of action in the 12 months immediately before the start of the case;
(f) the case is an Application for Divorce; or
(g) the case is a Child Support Application or Appeal.
Note 1 The court publishes a brochure setting out the pre-action procedures for financial cases and parenting cases.
Note 2 The court may take into account a party’s failure to comply with a pre-action procedure when considering whether to order costs (see paragraph 1.10 (2) (d)).
1.06 Promoting the main purpose
The court must apply these Rules to promote the main purpose, and actively manage each case by:
(a) encouraging and helping parties to consider and use a primary dispute resolution method rather than having the case resolved by trial;
(b) having regard to unresolved risks or other concerns about the welfare of a child involved;
(c) identifying the issues in dispute early in the case and separating and disposing of any issues that do not need full investigation and trial;
(d) at an early stage, identifying and matching types of cases to the most appropriate case management procedure;
(e) setting realistic timetables, and monitoring and controlling the progress of each case;
(f) ensuring that parties and their lawyers comply with these Rules, any practice directions and procedural orders;
(g) considering whether the likely benefits of taking a step justify the cost of that step;
(h) dealing with as many aspects of the case as possible on the same occasion;
(i) minimising the need for parties and their lawyers to attend court by, if appropriate, relying on documents; and
(j) having regard to any barriers to a party’s understanding of anything relevant to the case.
1.07 Achieving the main purpose
To achieve the main purpose, the court applies these Rules in a way that:
(a) deals with each case fairly, justly and in a timely manner;
(b) encourages parties to negotiate a settlement, if appropriate;
(c) is proportionate to the issues in a case and their complexity, and the likely costs of the case;
(d) promotes the saving of costs;
(e) gives an appropriate share of the court’s resources to a case, taking into account the needs of other cases; and
(f) promotes family relationships after resolution of the dispute, where possible.
1.08 Responsibility of parties and lawyers in achieving the main purpose
(1) Each party has a responsibility to promote and achieve the main purpose, including:
(a) ensuring that any orders sought are reasonable in the circumstances of the case and that the court has the power to make those orders;
(b) complying with the duty of disclosure (see rule 13.01);
(c) ensuring readiness for court events;
(d) providing realistic estimates of the length of hearings or trials;
(e) complying with time limits;
(f) giving notice, as soon as practicable, of an intention to apply for an adjournment or cancellation of a court event;
(g) assisting the just, timely and cost-effective disposal of cases;
(h) identifying the issues genuinely in dispute in a case;
(i) being satisfied that there is a reasonable basis for alleging, denying or not admitting a fact;
(j) limiting evidence, including cross-examination, to that which is relevant and necessary;
(k) being aware of, and abiding by, the requirements of any practice direction or guideline published by the court; and
(l) complying with these Rules and any orders.
(2) A lawyer for a party has a responsibility to comply, as far as possible, with subrule (1).
Note The court recognises that a lawyer acts on a party’s instructions and may be unable to establish whether those instructions are correct.
(3) A lawyer attending a court event for a party must:
(a) be familiar with the case; and
(b) be authorised to deal with any issue likely to arise.
Note The court may take into account a failure to comply with this rule when considering costs (see subrule 19.10 (1)).
Part 1.3 Court’s powers in all cases
1.09 Procedural orders in cases of doubt or difficulty
If the court is satisfied that:
(a) a legislative provision does not provide a practice or procedure; or
(b) a difficulty arises, or doubt exists, in relation to a matter of practice or procedure;
it may make such orders as it considers necessary.
(1) Unless a legislative provision states otherwise, the court may make an order, on application or on its own initiative, in relation to any matter mentioned in these Rules.
(2) When making an order, the court may:
(a) impose terms and conditions;
(b) make a consequential order;
(c) specify the consequence of failure to comply with the order; and
(d) take into account whether a party has complied with a pre‑action procedure.
1.11 Court may set aside or vary order
The court may set aside or vary an order made in the exercise of a power under these Rules.
1.12 Court may dispense with Rules
(1) These Rules apply unless the court, on application or its own initiative, orders otherwise.
(2) The court may dispense with compliance with any of these Rules at any time, before or after the occasion for compliance arises.
(3) In considering whether to make an order under this rule, the court may consider:
(a) the main purpose of these Rules (see rule 1.04);
(b) the administration of justice;
(c) whether the application has been promptly made;
(d) whether non-compliance was intentional; and
(e) the effect that granting relief would have on each party and parties to other cases in the court.
1.13 Judicial officer hearing application
Unless a legislative provision states otherwise, if:
(a) these Rules provide that an application or appeal is to be heard by a particular judicial officer or particular class of judicial officer; and
(b) such a person is unavailable;
the application or appeal may be listed before another judicial officer who has jurisdiction to hear the application or appeal.
1.14 Shortening or extension of time
(1) A party may apply to the court to shorten or extend a time that is fixed under these Rules or by a procedural order.
(2) A party may make an application under subrule (1) for an order extending a time to be made even though the time fixed by the rule or order has passed.
(3) A party who makes an application under subrule (1) for an extension of time may be ordered to pay any other party’s costs in relation to the application.
If a rule or order requires a person to take an action but does not specify a time by which the action is to be taken, the person must take the action as soon as practicable.
Part 1.4 Other preliminary matters
1.16 Definitions — the dictionary
(1) The dictionary at the end of these Rules defines and explains certain words and expressions.
(2) Within a definition, the defined term is identified by bold italics.
(3) The dictionary is part of these Rules.
(4) A definition of a word or expression in the dictionary applies to each use of the word or expression in these Rules, unless the context does not permit.
(1) The following are explanatory only and are not part of these Rules:
(a) chapter summaries;
(b) examples;
(c) flow charts;
(d) notes.
(2) The explanatory guide at the end of these Rules is not part of these Rules and is not to be used in interpreting these Rules.
Note 1 See section 13 and paragraph 15AB (2) (a) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
Note 2 In interpreting these Rules:
Specific prevails over the general
In these Rules, if there is a conflict between a general rule and a specific rule, the specific rule prevails.
Use of ‘and’ and ‘or’ between paragraphs etc
A series of paragraphs may be joined by the word and or or, which will appear between the last 2 paragraphs only. The series is to be read as if the same word appears between each paragraph in the series — for example:
(1) This is:
(a) a paragraph;
(b) another paragraph; and
(c) yet another paragraph.
(2) This is:
(a) a paragraph;
(b) another paragraph; or
(c) yet another paragraph.
If the paragraphs are to be read as a list, the words and or or are not used — for example:
(3) A provision may include the following:
(a) a paragraph;
(b) another paragraph;
(c) yet another paragraph.
The Family Court of Australia must sit at the times and places the Chief Justice directs.
1.19 Permission to record court event
A person must not photograph, or record by electronic or mechanical means, any court event.
Note Section 121 of the Act restricts publication of information relating to cases.
1.20 Publishing lists of cases
(1) A list of cases to be heard in the court prepared by a Registry Manager may be:
(a) published in the law list in a newspaper; and
(b) made available to members of the legal profession and their employees.
Note See subsection 121 (2) of the Act.
(2) The list may contain:
(a) the family name of a party, but not a given name;
(b) the file number of a case;
(c) the name of the judicial officer for a hearing or trial;
(d) the time and place where a named judicial officer will sit; and
(e) the general nature of an application.
(1) Time in a case runs during a period when the filing registry is closed.
(2) If:
(a) the period allowed by these Rules or an order for an action to be validly taken is 5 days or less; and
(b) the period includes a day when the filing registry is closed;
that day is not counted.
(3) For the calculation of time of one day or more from a particular day, or from the occurrence of a particular event, the particular day, or the day when the event occurs, is not counted.
(4) If the last day for taking an action requiring attendance at a filing registry is on a day when the filing registry is closed, the action may be taken on the next day when the filing registry is open.
(5) Subsection 36 (2) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 does not apply to these Rules.
Summary of Chapter 2
Chapter 2 sets out rules about:
the form of application you must file to start a case in a court;
the documents you must file with an application; and
the brochures and notices that must be filed, given or served in a case.
Before starting a case, you must comply with the court’s pre‑action procedures (see subrule 1.05 (1) and Schedule 1).
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
2.01 Which application to file
A person starting a case must file an application as set out in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Applications
Item | Kind of application | Application form to be filed |
1 | Application for Final Orders (other than a consent order or a divorce), for example: property settlement parenting maintenance child support medical procedures | Application for Final Orders (Form 1) |
| nullity declaration as to validity of marriage, divorce or annulment passport |
2 | Interim order in a case | Application in a Case (Form 2) |
3 | Procedural, ancillary or other incidental order relating to an order, application or appeal | Application in a Case (Form 2) |
4 | Enforcement of a financial obligation or parenting order | Application in a Case (Form 2) |
5 | Review of an order of a Registrar or Judicial Registrar | Application in a Case (Form 2) |
6 | Divorce | Application for Divorce (Form 3) |
7 | Consent order when there is no current case | Application for Consent Orders (Form 11) |
8 | Contravention of an order under Division 13A of Part VII of the Act affecting children, for example, a breach of a contact order | Application — Contravention (Form 18) |
9 | Contravention of an order under Part XIIIA of the Act not affecting children, for example, a breach of a property order | Application — Contravention (Form 18) |
10 | Contempt of court | Application — Contempt (Form 19) |
Note 1 If a party seeks interim orders as well as final orders, the party may file a Form 2 at the same time as a Form 1.
Note 2 A respondent seeking orders in another cause of action may make an application in Form 1A (see paragraph 9.01 (3) (c)).
Note 3 For further information about:
(a) a divorce application, see Chapter 3;
(b) starting a case for final orders other than a divorce, see Chapter 4;
(c) making an Application in a Case, see Chapter 5;
(d) an application for a consent order, see Chapter 10;
(e) an application for contempt, enforcement or contravention, see Chapters 20 and 21; and
(f) an appeal or an application relating to an appeal, see Chapter 22.
Note 4 An application seeking orders under the Act may not be filed in a court of a Territory unless the applicant or respondent ordinarily resides in the Territory at the time the application is filed (see subsection 39 (8) and section 69K of the Act).
2.02 Documents to be filed with applications
(1) A person must file with an application mentioned in an item of Table 2.2, the document mentioned in the item if the document has not already been filed.
Table 2.2 Documents to be filed with applications
Item | Application | Documents to be filed with application |
1 | Application for Final Orders (Form 1) | the marriage certificate or divorce or nullity order |
2 | Form 1, in which parenting orders are sought between parties who have never been married to each other | the child’s birth certificate |
3 | Form 1, or Response (Form 1A), in which financial orders are sought, for example, property settlement, maintenance, child support | (a) for Form 1 only — one of the documents mentioned in this column in item 1 or 2; (b) a completed Form 13 (see rule 13.05) |
4 | Form 1 or Form 1A in which property settlement orders are sought, and Reply (Form 1B) responding to Form 1A in which property settlement orders are sought as a new cause of action | (a) the documents mentioned in this column in item 3; (b) a completed superannuation information form (attached to the Form 13) for a superannuation interest of the party filing the Form 1, 1A or 1B |
5 | Form 1 or Form 1A relying on a cross-vesting law, or seeking an order under Part 4.2: for a medical procedure; for step-parent maintenance, if there is consent or the application is unopposed; for nullity of marriage; for a declaration as to validity of a marriage or divorce or annulment; or relating to a passport | (a) for Form 1 only — one of the documents mentioned in this column in item 1 or 2; (b) an affidavit (see rules 4.06, 4.09, 4.16, 4.29 and 4.30) |
6 | Form 1 or Form 1A in which a Child Support Application or Appeal is made | (a) for Form 1 only — one of the documents mentioned in this column in item 1 or 2; (b) the documents mentioned in rule 4.19 for the application |
7 | Application in a Case (Form 2) other than an application seeking review of a decision by a Registrar or Judicial Registrar | (a) an affidavit (see rule 5.02); (b) for a Form 2 permitted by subrule 5.04 (3) — one of the documents mentioned in this column in item 1 or 2 |
8 | Application for Divorce (Form 3) | the marriage certificate |
9 | Application for Consent Orders (Form 11) | (a) one of the documents mentioned in this column in item 1 or 2; (b) for a Form 11 in which orders are sought in relation to a superannuation interest (see rule 10.16) — a completed superannuation information form for the superannuation interest |
10 | Application — Contravention (Form 18) | an affidavit (see subrules 21.02 (2) and (3)) |
11 | Application — Contempt (Form 19) | an affidavit (see subrule 21.02 (2)) |
(2) If an applicant is required to file a document mentioned in item 1, 2 or 8 of Table 2.2, the applicant may file an image, photocopy or certified copy of the document.
(3) If an applicant is unable to file a document mentioned in item 1, 2 or 8 of Table 2.2, the applicant must file:
(a) an affidavit setting out the reasons why the document was not filed; or
(b) a written notice containing an undertaking to file the document within the time specified in the notice.
(4) If a document mentioned in Table 2.2 is not in English, the person filing the document must file:
(a) a translation of the document, in English; and
(b) an affidavit, by the person who made the translation, verifying the translation and setting out the person’s qualifications to make the translation.
Note 1 A party must not file an affidavit with an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) unless permitted to do so by Chapter 4 or an order (see rules 1.12 and 4.02).
Note 2 A document that is filed must be served (see rules 7.03 and 7.04).
Note 3 For information about filing documents, see Chapter 24.
2.03 Preparation and distribution of brochures
(1) This rule applies to a person who:
(a) is:
(i) seeking to start a case;
(ii) a party to a case;
(iii) seeking to intervene in a case relating to children under Part VII of the Act; or
(iv) interested in the care, welfare and development of a child who is the subject of a case; and
(b) is required, under section 17, subsection 19J (2) or section 62H of the Act, to be provided with information.
(2) A lawyer representing a person to whom this rule applies must ensure that the person is given a brochure prepared by the court for section 17, subsection 19J (2) or section 62H of the Act (whichever is applicable).
Note If a person to whom this rule applies is not represented by a lawyer, the court will make the brochure available to the person as required by the Act.
(3) A person who files an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) or an Application for Divorce (Form 3) must, when serving the application on the respondent, also serve a brochure prepared by the court for section 17, subsection 19J (2) or section 62H of the Act (whichever is applicable).
Note In addition to the requirements of this rule, an applicant who has filed a Maintenance Application, Child Support Application or Appeal, or an Application for an Enforcement Hearing must serve the relevant brochure on the respondent (see rule 4.13 and subrules 4.23 (2) and 20.11 (3)).
Part 2.3 Notification in certain cases
2.04 Notice of Child Abuse or Risk of Abuse (Act s 67Z)
(1) A party who alleges that a child to whom a case relates has been abused, or is at risk of being abused, must file a Notice of Child Abuse or Risk of Abuse (Form 4).
(2) A party who files a Form 4 must serve a copy on each person to be served, including the person:
(a) who is alleged to have abused the child; or
(b) from whom the child is alleged to be at risk of abuse.
Note Section 67Z of the Act provides that, if a notice is filed under that section, the Registry Manager must notify a prescribed child welfare authority.
(1) A party must file a copy of any family violence order affecting the parties or a child of the parties:
(a) when a case starts; or
(b) as soon as practicable after the order is made.
(2) If a copy of the family violence order is not available, the party must file a written notice containing:
(a) an undertaking to file the order within a specified time;
(b) the date of the order;
(c) the court that made the order; and
(d) the details of the order.
2.06 Notification of proceeds of crime order or forfeiture application (Act ss 79B and 90M)
If a party to a property settlement or spousal maintenance case is required to give the Registry Manager written notice under subsection 79B (3) or 90M (3) of the Act of a proceeds of crime order or forfeiture application, the party must:
(a) attach to the notice a sealed copy of the proceeds of crime order or forfeiture application, if not already filed; and
(b) file the notice as soon as possible after the party is notified by the Director of Public Prosecutions under paragraph 79B (3) (b) or 90M (3) (b) of the Act.
(1) If the Director of Public Prosecutions applies under section 79C or 90N of the Act to stay a property settlement or spousal maintenance case, the Director must, at the same time, file a sealed copy of the proceeds of crime order or forfeiture application covering the property of the parties to the marriage or either of them, if not already filed.
(2) An application under section 79D or 90P of the Act to lift a stay of a property settlement or spousal maintenance case must have filed with it:
(a) proof that the proceeds of crime order has ceased to be in force or that the forfeiture application has been finally determined; and
(b) if made by a party, the written consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions under section 79D or 90P of the Act.
Note A party seeking a stay of a case or an order lifting a stay under this rule must file an Application in a Case (Form 2) (see Chapter 5).
Summary of Chapter 3
Chapter 3 sets out the procedure for obtaining a divorce. You may also need to refer to other Chapters in these Rules, particularly Chapters 7 and 24, when applying for a divorce.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
Irretrievable breakdown of marriage (Act s 48)
File Application for Divorce (Form 3) (r 2.01)
Application by both parties
Application by 1 party
28 days
Service on other party (r 7.04)
Response (if any) (r 3.04)
Hearing (Parts 3.3 and 3.4)
Divorce order (Act s 54)
1 month
Certificate of divorce issued by court (Act s 55)
Part 3.1 Application for Divorce
(1) On the filing of an Application for Divorce (Form 3), the Registry Manager must fix a date for the hearing of the application.
(2) The date fixed must be:
(a) for a joint application — at least 28 days after the application is filed; or
(b) for any other application:
(i) if the respondent is in Australia — at least 42 days after the application is filed; or
(ii) if the respondent is outside Australia — at least 56 days after the application is filed.
Note 1 A Form 3 (other than a joint application) must be served on the respondent (see rule 7.03).
Note 2 When a Form 3 is served, the respondent must also be given a brochure approved by the Principal Registrar (see rule 2.03 and section 17 of the Act).
An applicant may amend a Form 3:
(a) within 14 days before the hearing; or
(b) within any shorter time permitted by the court or consented to by the respondent.
An applicant may discontinue an Application for Divorce (Form 3) by filing and serving a Notice of Discontinuance (Form 10) at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Note The court may, at the hearing, give permission for an Application for Divorce (Form 3) to be discontinued.
(1) A respondent to an Application for Divorce (Form 3) who seeks to oppose the divorce or contest the jurisdiction of the court must file a Response to an Application for Divorce (Form 3A):
(a) if the respondent is served in Australia — within 28 days after the day when the Form 3 is served on the respondent; or
(b) if the respondent is served outside Australia — within 42 days after the day when the Form 3 is served on the respondent.
(2) If a respondent files a Form 3A:
(a) the hearing must proceed in open court; and
(b) each party must attend or be represented by a lawyer.
Note A document that is filed must be served (see rules 7.03 and 7.04).
3.05 Objection to jurisdiction
(1) If, in a Form 3A, a respondent objects to the jurisdiction of the court, the respondent will not be taken to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court by also seeking an order that the application be dismissed on another ground.
(2) The objection to the jurisdiction must be determined before any other orders sought in the Form 3A.
If a respondent files a Form 3A after the time allowed under subrule 3.04 (1):
(a) the applicant may consent to the late filing; or
(b) if the applicant does not consent, the court may continue the case as if the response had not been filed.
Note The respondent may apply to the court for permission to file a Form 3A after the time allowed by rule 3.04 (see rule 1.14).
3.07 Affidavit to reply to information in Form 3
A respondent to a Form 3 who disputes any of the facts set out in the application, but does not oppose the divorce, may, at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing of the application, file and serve an affidavit setting out the facts in dispute.
Part 3.3 Attendance at hearing
(1) A party may apply under rule 5.06 to attend the hearing of an Application for Divorce (Form 3) by electronic communication.
(2) Subject to Part 3.4:
(a) if the applicant fails to attend the hearing in person or by a lawyer, the application may be dismissed; and
(b) if the respondent fails to attend the hearing in person or by a lawyer, the applicant may proceed with the hearing as if the application were undefended.
Part 3.4 Hearing in absence of parties
3.09 Seeking a hearing in absence of parties
If, in an Application for Divorce (Form 3) (other than a case started by a joint Application):
(a) no Response (Form 3A) has been filed;
(b) at the date fixed for the hearing, there are no children of the marriage within the meaning of subsection 98A (3) of the Act;
(c) the applicant has requested that the case be heard in the absence of the parties; and
(d) the respondent has not requested the court not to hear the case in the absence of the parties;
the court may determine the case in the absence of the parties.
3.10 Hearing in absence of parties — joint application
If, in a joint Application for Divorce (Form 3), the applicants request that the case be heard in their absence, the court may so determine the case.
Note The court must not determine the Application in the absence of the parties if there are any children of the marriage who are under 18 and the court is not satisfied that proper arrangements have been made for their care, welfare and development (see subsection 98A (2A) of the Act).
3.11 Request not to hear case in parties’ absence
A respondent to a Form 3 who objects to the case being heard in the absence of the parties must, at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing, file and serve a written notice to that effect.
Note 1 If a respondent seeks that a case not be heard in the absence of the parties, the court must not determine the case in the absence of the parties (see subsection 98A (1) of the Act).
Note 2 A notice under this rule must comply with subrule 24.01 (1).
Part 3.5 Events affecting divorce order
3.12 Application for rescission of divorce order
A party may, before a divorce order nisi becomes absolute, apply for the order to be rescinded by filing an Application in a Case (Form 2).
Note 1 Sections 57 and 58 of the Act set out the circumstances in which the court may rescind a divorce order nisi.
Note 2 A party filing a Form 2 must file an affidavit (see rule 5.02).
If a party to an Application for Divorce (Form 3) dies after the divorce order nisi is made but before the order becomes absolute, the surviving party must inform the Registry Manager of the death of the other party by filing:
(a) the death certificate of the deceased party; or
(b) an affidavit stating the details of the deceased party’s date and place of death.
Chapter 4 Application for Final Orders
Summary of Chapter 4
Chapter 4 sets out rules about:
the general procedure for starting a case by a Form 1 seeking final orders, for example, an Application for Property Settlement or Parenting Orders; and
the procedure for starting specific applications such as an Application relying on cross-vesting laws, for a medical procedure, maintenance, child support or a declaration as to validity of a marriage.
Before starting a case, you must comply with the court’s pre‑action procedures (see subrule 1.05 (1) and Schedule 1).
You may also need to refer to other Chapters in these Rules when making an application, in particular, Chapters 6, 7 and 24. The flow chart at the beginning of Chapter 12 sets out the procedure that applies to an Application for Final Orders, other than applications mentioned in Part 4.2.
Note This Chapter does not apply to:
(a) an Application for Divorce (see Chapter 3);
(b) an Application for an Interim or Procedural Order or other incidental order relating to an Application for Final Orders (see Chapter 5);
(c) an Application for Review of a Judicial Registrar’s or a Registrar’s Order (see Chapter 18);
(d) an Application to enforce an obligation to pay money (see Chapter 20);
(e) an Application resulting from a contravention of an order or in relation to contempt (see Chapter 21);
(f) an Application relating to an appeal (see Chapter 22); or
(g) an appeal (see Chapter 22).
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
4.01 Contents of Application for Final Orders (Form 1)
(1) In an Application for Final Orders (Form 1), the applicant must:
(a) give full particulars of the orders sought; and
(b) include all causes of action that can be disposed of conveniently in the same case.
Note Under paragraph 1.08 (1) (a), any orders sought must be reasonable in the circumstances of the case and within the power of the court.
(2) A party seeking any of the following must not include any other cause of action in the Application:
(a) an order that a marriage be annulled;
(b) a declaration as to the validity of a marriage, divorce or annulment;
(c) an order authorising a medical procedure under Division 4.2.3.
Note An application for an order mentioned in subrule (2) may only be made in a Form 1 and must not be made in a Form 1A (see subrule 9.01 (4)).
(3) Despite subrule (2), a party may seek the following orders in the same Application:
(a) an order that a marriage be annulled;
(b) a declaration as to the validity of a marriage, divorce or annulment.
Note For amendment of an application, see Division 11.2.2.
A party must not file an affidavit with a Form 1 unless permitted or required to do so by this Chapter or rule 2.02.
A party seeking property settlement or parenting orders must not file an affidavit with a Form 1.
On the filing of a Form 1, the Registry Manager must fix a date:
(a) for a case assessment conference or procedural hearing that is as near as practicable to 28 days after the application was filed; or
(b) if an earlier date is fixed for the hearing of an Application in a Case (Form 2) filed with the Form 1 — for a procedural hearing on the same day.
Note Under subrule 5.05 (4), a Registrar may, in exceptional circumstances, allow a Form 2 to be listed for urgent hearing. Chapter 12 sets out the requirements for case assessment conferences and procedural hearings.
Part 4.2 Specific applications
4.04 General provisions still apply
If a rule in this Part specifies particular requirements for an application, those requirements are in addition to the general requirements for an Application for Final Orders (Form 1).
4.05 Application by Attorney-General for transfer of case
If the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, applies for the transfer of a case under Division 4.2.2 (Cross-vesting) or Chapter 25 (Corporations Act 2001), the Attorney-General does not, by that application, automatically become a party to the case.
(1) If a party filing an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) or a Response to Application for Final Orders (Form 1A) relies on a cross-vesting law, the party must specify, in the Form, the particular State or Territory law on which the party relies.
(2) A party relying on a cross-vesting law after a case has started must file an Application in a Case (Form 2) seeking procedural orders in relation to the matter.
(3) A party to whom subrule (1) or (2) applies must also file an affidavit stating:
(a) that the claim is based on the State or Territory law and the reasons why the Family Court should deal with the claim;
(b) the rules of evidence and procedure (other than those of the relevant Family Court) on which the party relies; and
(c) if the case involves a special federal matter — the grounds for claiming the matter involves a special federal matter.
A party to a case to which rule 4.06 applies may apply to have the case transferred to another court by filing a Form 2.
Note An application under this rule must be listed for hearing by a Judge.
Division 4.2.3 Medical procedure
4.08 Application for medical procedure
(1) Any of the following persons may make a Medical Procedure Application in relation to a child:
(a) a parent of the child;
(b) a person who has a parenting order in relation to the child;
(c) the child;
(d) the child representative;
(e) any other person concerned with the care, welfare and development of the child.
(2) If a person mentioned in paragraph (1) (a) or (b) is not an applicant, the person must be named as a respondent to the application.
Note 1 Section 65C of the Act sets out who may apply for a parenting order.
Note 2 Chapter 2 provides for a Form 1 to be used to make an Application for Final Orders and the documents to be filed with that application.
4.09 Evidence supporting application
(1) If a Medical Procedure Application is filed, evidence must be given to satisfy the court that the proposed medical procedure is in the best interests of the child.
(2) The evidence must include evidence from a medical, psychological or other relevant expert witness that establishes the following:
(a) the exact nature and purpose of the proposed medical procedure;
(b) the particular condition of the child for which the procedure is required;
(c) the likely long-term physical, social and psychological effects of the procedure on the child:
(i) if the procedure is carried out; and
(ii) if the procedure is not carried out;
(d) the nature and degree of any risk to the child from the procedure;
(e) if alternative and less invasive treatment is available — the reason the procedure is recommended instead of the alternative treatments;
(f) that the procedure is necessary for the welfare of the child;
(g) if the child is capable of making an informed decision about the procedure — whether the child agrees to the procedure;
(h) if the child is incapable of making an informed decision about the procedure — that the child:
(i) is currently incapable of making an informed decision; and
(ii) is unlikely to develop sufficiently to be able to make an informed decision within the time in which the procedure should be carried out, or within the foreseeable future;
(i) whether the child’s parents or carer agree to the procedure.
(3) The evidence may be given:
(a) in the form of an affidavit; or
(b) with the court’s permission, orally.
The persons on whom a Medical Procedure Application and any document filed with it must be served include the prescribed child welfare authority.
Note For service of an Application for Final Orders (Form 1), see rules 7.03 and 7.04.
(1) On the filing of a Medical Procedure Application, the Registry Manager must fix a date for a hearing before a Judge of a Family Court.
(2) The date fixed must be:
(a) as soon as possible after the date of filing; and
(b) if practicable, within 14 days after the date of filing.
Note Under subrule 9.08 (1), a Response to an Application (Form 1A) must be filed at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing of the application.
4.12 Procedure on first court date
On the first court date for a Medical Procedure Application, the court must:
(a) make procedural orders for the conduct of the case and adjourn the case to a fixed date of hearing; or
(b) hear and determine the application.
4.13 Information to respondent
An applicant in a Maintenance Application must serve with the application a brochure called Maintenance Applications, approved by the Principal Registrar.
Note 1 Chapter 2 provides for a Form 1 to be used to make an Application for Final Orders and the documents to be filed with that application.
Note 2 The brochure required to be served under this rule is in addition to the brochures required to be served under subrule 2.03 (3).
4.14 Procedure on first court date
(1) On the first court date for a Maintenance Application, the Registrar must, if practicable, conduct a case assessment conference.
(2) If the case is not resolved at the case assessment conference, the Registrar may make orders for the conduct of the case, including the exchange of affidavits between the parties and the listing of the case for hearing.
Each party to a Maintenance Application must bring the following documents to the court on the first court date and the hearing date:
(a) a copy of the party’s taxation return for the most recent financial year;
(b) the party’s taxation assessment for the most recent financial year;
(c) the party’s bank records for the period of 12 months ending on the date when the Maintenance Application was filed;
(d) if the party receives wage or salary payments — the party’s 3 most recent pay slips;
(e) if the party owns or controls a business — the business activity statements for the business for the previous 12 months;
(f) any other document relevant to determining the income, needs and financial resources of the party.
Note 1 Documents that may need to be produced under paragraph (f) include documents setting out the details mentioned in rule 13.04.
Note 2 For variation of a maintenance order, see subsection 66S (3) and section 83 of the Act.
4.16 Application for step-parent to maintain
(1) This rule applies to an application for a child maintenance order (including an order under section 66M of the Act) if:
(a) the parties are the parent and step-parent of the child or children to whom the application relates; and
(b) the respondent consents to, or does not oppose, the order sought.
(2) The applicant must:
(a) file with the application and Financial Statement (Form 13), an affidavit setting out the facts relied on in support of the application, including:
(i) whether the parties are separated;
(ii) the financial circumstances of the parties;
(iii) the reason for seeking the order; and
(iv) the obligations, or potential obligations, of each party for child support for any other child; and
(b) serve a copy of the documents filed on:
(i) any person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of each person to be served in subrule 7.04 (4) who is to be served;
(ii) each other person who is a parent or eligible carer of the child in relation to whom the application is made; and
(iii) any other person likely to be affected by the child maintenance order sought.
The parent of a child that the step-parent has a duty to maintain and the Child Support Agency may be persons affected by the order sought.
If a court orders a person to pay maintenance or other money for the benefit of a child or a party to a marriage, the court must specify the following information in the order:
(a) the name of the person or authority to whom the money must be paid;
(b) if the maintenance is to be paid as a lump sum — the time by which it must be paid;
(c) if the maintenance is to be paid by instalments:
(i) the date by which the first instalment must be paid; and
(ii) the intervals at which the instalments must be paid;
(d) if necessary, the method by which the money must be paid or disbursed;
(e) the period for which the maintenance is payable.
Note An order made in accordance with this rule is subject to the Registration Act. For example, if the payee of the order registers it with the Child Support Agency for collection, the amount will be payable over a period specified by the Child Support Registrar.
4.18 Application of Division 4.2.5
This Division applies to:
(a) an application under the Assessment Act, other than an application for leave to appeal from an order of a court exercising jurisdiction under the Assessment Act; and
(b) an appeal under the Assessment Act or Registration Act, other than an appeal from a court.
Note 1 Chapter 2 provides for a Form 1 to be used to make an Application for Final Orders and the documents to be filed with that Form.
Note 2 Chapter 22 sets out the procedure for appealing from a decision of a court.
Note 3 The Assessment Act provides that the parties to a Child Support Application or Appeal should be the liable parent and the eligible carer. The Child Support Registrar does not need to be joined as a party but, after being served with a copy of the application, may intervene in the case.
4.19 Documents to be filed with applications and appeals
(1) A person must file with a Child Support Application or Appeal mentioned in an item of Table 4.1, the documents mentioned in the item.
Table 4.1 Documents to file with applications and appeals
Item | Application or appeal | Documents to be filed with application or appeal |
1 | All applications and appeals to which this Division applies | an affidavit setting out the facts relied on in support of the application or appeal, attaching: (a) a schedule setting out: (i) the section of the Assessment Act or Registration Act under which the application or appeal is made; (ii) the grounds of the application or appeal; and (iii) the issues to be determined in the case; (b) a copy of any decision, notice of decision or assessment made by the Child Support Registrar relevant to the application or appeal; and (c) a copy of any document lodged by a party with the Child Support Registrar, or received by a party from the Child Support Registrar, relevant to the decision or assessment |
2 | Application under section 98, 116, 123 or 129 of the Assessment Act | (a) the documents mentioned in this column in item 1; (b) a completed Form 13; (c) a copy of any relevant order or agreement |
Note The documents required to be filed with an application under this rule are in addition to the documents required to be filed under rule 2.02.
(2) For paragraph (c) of item 1 of Table 4.1, if the applicant does not have a copy of a document lodged by the other party with the Child Support Agency, the applicant may file the summary of the document prepared by the Child Support Agency.
4.20 Application under Assessment Act s 95 (6)
A person who makes an application under subsection 95 (6) of the Assessment Act in relation to a child support agreement must register a copy of the agreement with the court.
4.21 Time limits for appeals and applications under Assessment Act
A person must file an application or appeal under subsection 106 (1), 106A (1), 107 (1) or 110 (1) or section 132 of the Assessment Act within 28 days after receiving:
(a) for an application under subsection 106 (1), 106A (1) or 107 (1) of the Assessment Act — a notice given under section 34 or subsection 98ZC (2) of that Act; and
(b) for an appeal under subsection 110 (1) or section 132 of the Assessment Act — a notice given under subsection 98ZC (2) of that Act.
Note 1 A person may apply for an extension of time to file after the time limit mentioned in this rule by filing a Form 2 and an affidavit (see rules 1.14 and 5.01).
Note 2 For information about when a document is taken to be served, see rule 7.17.
4.22 Time limit for appeal under Registration Act s 88
A person served with a notice under subsection 87 (2) of the Registration Act must file an appeal under section 88 of that Act within 28 days after the day when the notice was served.
4.23 Service of application or appeal
(1) The persons to be served with a Child Support Application or Appeal include:
(a) a parent or eligible carer of the child in relation to whom the application or appeal is made; and
(b) the Child Support Registrar.
(2) An applicant in a Child Support Application made under section 98, 116, 123 or 129 of the Assessment Act must serve on the respondent, with the application, a brochure called Child Support Applications approved by the Principal Registrar.
Note 1 The brochure required to be served under subrule (2) is in addition to the brochures required to be served under subrule 2.03 (3).
Note 2 For service of an application, see rules 7.03 and 7.04.
4.24 Service by Child Support Registrar
For rules 4.21 and 4.22, if the Child Support Registrar serves a document on a person under the Assessment Act or Registration Act, the document is taken to have been served on the person on the day specified in rule 7.17.
4.25 Procedure on first court date
(1) On the first court date of a Child Support Application or Appeal, the Registrar must conduct:
(a) for an application made under section 98, 116, 123 or 129 of the Assessment Act — a case assessment conference; and
(b) for any other application or appeal — a procedural hearing.
Note The Registry Manager fixes the first court date (see rule 4.03).
(2) If the application or appeal is not resolved on the first court date, the Registrar may make orders for the future conduct of the case, including the exchange of affidavits between the parties and the listing of the case for hearing.
(1) This rule applies to a Child Support Application under section 98, 116, 123 or 129 of the Assessment Act.
(2) On the first court date and the hearing date of the application, each party must bring to the court the documents mentioned in rule 4.15 that are relevant to an issue in the case.
Division 4.2.6 Nullity and validity of marriage and divorce
4.27 Application of Division 4.2.6
This Division applies to the following applications:
(a) an application for an order that a marriage is a nullity;
(b) an application for a declaration as to the validity of a marriage;
(c) an application for a declaration as to the validity of a divorce or annulment of marriage.
Note Chapter 2 provides for a Form 1 to be used to make an Application for Final Orders and the documents to be filed with that application.
(1) On the filing of an application under this Division, the Registry Manager must fix a date for the hearing of the application.
(2) The date fixed must be:
(a) if the respondent is in Australia — at least 42 days after the application is filed; or
(b) if the respondent is outside Australia — at least 56 days after the application is filed.
4.29 Affidavit to be filed with application
An applicant must file with the application an affidavit stating:
(a) the facts relied on;
(b) for an application for an order that a marriage is a nullity or a declaration as to the validity of a marriage — details of the type of marriage ceremony performed; and
(c) for an application for a declaration as to the validity of a divorce or annulment of marriage:
(i) the date of the divorce or order of nullity;
(ii) the name of the court that granted the divorce or order of nullity; and
(iii) the grounds on which the divorce or order of nullity was ordered.
Division 4.2.7 Applications relating to passports
4.30 Application relating to passport
A party seeking an order relating to a passport must file an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) and an affidavit stating the facts relied on.
Note An application under this rule includes an application under section 67ZD, 68B or 114 of the Act. See also section 7A of the Passports Act 1938.
On the filing of a Form 1, the Registry Manager must:
(a) if the only order sought relates to a passport — fix a date for hearing by a Judge of the Family Court that is as soon as practicable after the date when the application was filed; or
(b) in any other case — fix a first court date for the application in accordance with rule 4.03.
Chapter 5 Applications in a case
Summary of Chapter 5
Chapter 5 sets out the procedure for making an Application for an Order other than an Application for Final Orders or Divorce. You may also need to refer to other Chapters in these Rules when making an Application, in particular, Chapters 2, 4, 7 and 24.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
A party must file an Application in a Case (Form 2) if:
(a) the party seeks an interim order;
(b) the party seeks a procedural order, ancillary order, interlocutory order or other incidental order relating to an application or order;
(c) these Rules provide for an application to be made in Form 2; or
(d) no Form is prescribed under these Rules for the party’s application.
Note 1 A Form 2 is used to make:
(a) an Application for review of a Judicial Registrar’s or Registrar’s order (see Chapter 18);
(b) an Application to enforce an obligation to pay money or to enforce a parenting order (see Chapter 20 and rule 21.01); and
(c) an Application for procedural orders in relation to an appeal (see Chapter 22).
Note 2 A party may ask for a procedural order orally (see paragraph (h) of item 3 of Table 11.1 in rule 11.01).
5.02 Evidence in applications in a case
(1) A party who files a Form 2 must, at the same time, file an affidavit stating the facts relied on in support of the orders sought.
(2) Subrule (1) does not apply to a Form 2 in which a review of the order of a Judicial Registrar or Registrar is sought.
Note Some rules require that the affidavit filed with the Form address specific factors (see, for example, rule 5.12).
(1) Before filing a Form 2, a party must make a reasonable and genuine attempt to settle the issue to which the application relates.
(2) An applicant does not have to comply with subrule (1) if:
(a) compliance will cause undue delay or expense;
(b) the applicant would be unduly prejudiced;
(c) the application is urgent; or
(d) there are circumstances in which an application is necessary (for example, if there is an allegation of child abuse, family violence or fraud).
Note The court may take into account a party’s failure to comply with subrule (1) when considering any order for costs (see subsections 117 (2) and (2A) of the Act).
5.04 Restrictions in relation to applications
(1) A party may apply for an interim order in relation to a cause of action only if:
(a) the party has made an application for final orders in that cause of action; and
(b) final orders have not been made on that application.
Note 1 A Form 2 may be filed at the same time as a Form 1.
Note 2 A reference to application includes a reference to cross-application (see the dictionary).
(2) A party may apply for an ancillary or procedural order only if the order sought relates to a current case.
(3) Subrule (2) does not apply if the party is seeking:
(a) permission to start a case or extend a time limit to start a case;
(b) to start a case for a child or a person with a disability under rule 6.10; or
(c) an order for costs.
(4) This rule does not apply to restrict the filing of a Form 2 by:
(a) a child representative; or
(b) the Director of Public Prosecutions when making an application under section 79C, 79D, 90N or 90P of the Act to stay or lift a stay of a property settlement or spousal maintenance case.
5.05 Fixing a date for hearing or case assessment conference
(1) On the filing of a Form 2, the Registry Manager must fix a date for a hearing, procedural hearing or case assessment conference on a date that is as near as practicable to 28 days after the application was filed.
(2) An application in which the only orders sought are procedural orders must be listed for a hearing on the first court date.
(3) If a Form 2 is filed:
(a) at the same time as the related Application for Final Orders (Form 1) — both applications must be listed for the same first court date (see rule 4.03); or
(b) after another related Application, the Form 2 may be listed for the same first court date as the related application if a Registrar considers it to be reasonable in the circumstances.
(4) The Registry Manager may fix an earlier date for the hearing of a Form 2 if a Registrar is satisfied that:
(a) the reason for the urgency is significant and credible; and
(b) there is a harm that will be avoided, remedied or mitigated by hearing the application earlier.
Note The court may order costs against a party who has unreasonably had a matter listed for urgent hearing.
(5) If a date for a hearing is fixed, the application must, as far as practicable, be heard by the court on that day.
5.06 Attendance by electronic communication
(1) A party may seek permission from the court to use electronic communication to do any of the following at a hearing:
(a) attend;
(b) adduce evidence of a party or witness;
(c) make a submission to the court.
(2) A request under subrule (1) must:
(a) be in writing;
(b) be made at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing;
(c) address each matter mentioned in subrule 16.08 (3); and
(d) set out:
(i) details of the notice in relation to the request that has been given to any other party;
(ii) whether any other party objects to the request; and
(iii) the expense to be incurred by using electronic communication.
(3) A request may be considered in chambers, on the documents.
(4) The court may take the following matters into account when considering a request:
(a) the distance between the party’s residence and the place where the court is to sit;
(b) any difficulty the party has in attending because of illness or disability;
(c) the expense associated with attending;
(d) any concerns about security, including family violence and intimidation;
(e) whether any other party objects to the request.
(5) In granting a request, the court may:
(a) order a party to pay the expenses of the attendance by electronic communication; or
(b) apportion the expenses between the parties.
(6) If a request is granted, the party who made the request must immediately give written notice to the other parties.
5.07 Attendance of party or witness in prison
(1) A party who is in prison must attend at a hearing by electronic communication.
(2) A party who intends to adduce evidence from a witness in prison must:
(a) arrange for the witness to attend and give evidence at the hearing by electronic communication; and
(b) advise the court and the other parties about that arrangement at least 2 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
(3) A party may seek permission from the court for a party or witness who is in prison to attend the hearing in person.
A party may apply for an order under subrule (3) if a prison or court has no facilities for the hearing to proceed by electronic communication.
(4) A request under subrule (3) must:
(a) be in writing;
(b) be made at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing;
(c) set out the reasons why permission should be granted; and
(d) inform the court whether the other party objects to the request.
(5) Subrules 5.06 (3) and (6) apply to a request under this rule.
Part 5.2 Hearing — interim and procedural applications
5.08 Interim orders — matters to be considered
When considering whether to make an interim order, the court may take into account:
(a) in a parenting case — the best interests of the child (see section 68F of the Act);
(b) whether there are reasonable grounds for making the order;
(c) whether, for reasons of hardship, family violence, prejudice to the parties or the children, the order is necessary;
(d) the main purpose of these Rules (see rule 1.04); and
(e) whether the parties would benefit from participating in one of the primary dispute resolution methods.
5.09 Admissibility of affidavit
(1) The following affidavits may be relied on as evidence in chief at the hearing of an interim or procedural application:
(a) subject to rule 9.07, one affidavit by each party;
(b) one affidavit by each witness, provided the evidence is relevant and cannot be given by a party.
(2) If an application is for a parenting order, the affidavit mentioned in paragraph (1) (a) must be in the form approved by the Principal Registrar.
Note 1 Subrule 15.06 (1) provides that an affidavit may be relied on at a hearing or trial only if it was filed and served in accordance with these Rules or an order.
Note 2 Section 75 of the Evidence Act 1995 provides that ‘In an interlocutory proceeding, the hearsay rule does not apply to evidence if the party who adduces it also adduces evidence of its source’. However, subject to sections 4 and 5 of the Evidence Act 1995, that Act does not apply to the Family Court of Western Australia or any other court of a State.
Note 3 Rule 15.21 provides that a party must not, without the court’s permission, request the issue of more than 3 subpoenas for the hearing of an Application in a Case (Form 2). However, a child representative may request the issue of more than 3 subpoenas (see subrule 15.21 (2)).
5.10 Hearing time of interim or procedural application
(1) The hearing of an interim or procedural application must be no longer than 2 hours.
(2) Cross-examination will be allowed at a hearing only in exceptional circumstances.
5.11 Party’s failure to attend
(1) If a party does not attend when a hearing starts, the other party may seek the orders sought in that party’s application, including (if necessary) adducing evidence to establish an entitlement to the orders sought against the party not attending.
(2) If no party attends the hearing, the court may dismiss the Application in a Case (Form 2) and the Response to an Application in a Case (Form 2A), if any.
Note A reference to application includes a reference to cross-application (see the dictionary).
Part 5.3 Application without notice
5.12 Application without notice
An applicant seeking that an interim order, enforcement order or procedural order be made without notice to the respondent must:
(a) satisfy the court about why:
(i) shortening the time for service of the application and the fixing of an early date for hearing after service would not be more appropriate; and
(ii) an order should be made without notice to the other party; and
(b) in an affidavit or orally, with the court’s permission, make full and frank disclosure of all the facts relevant to the application, including:
(i) whether there is a history or allegation of child abuse or family violence between the parties;
(ii) whether there has been a previous case between the parties and, if so, the nature of the case;
(iii) the particulars of any orders currently in force between the parties;
(iv) whether there has been a breach of a previous order by either party to the case;
(v) whether the respondent or the respondent’s lawyer has been told of the intention to make the application;
(vi) whether there is likely to be any hardship, danger or prejudice to the respondent, a child or a third party if the order is made;
(vii) the capacity of the applicant to give an undertaking as to damages;
(viii) the nature of the damage or harm that may result if the order is not made;
(ix) why the order must be urgently made; and
(x) the last known address or address for service of the other party.
Note The applicant must file any existing family violence order when filing the application (see rule 2.05).
5.13 Necessary procedural orders
If the court makes an order on application without notice, the order must be expressed to operate:
(a) until a time specified in the order; or
(b) if the hearing of the application is adjourned — until the date of the hearing.
Part 5.4 Hearing on papers in absence of parties
5.14 Request for hearing in absence of parties
A party applying for an interim order, enforcement order or procedural order may, in the application, ask the court to determine the application in the absence of the parties.
Note This Part also applies to an Application in an Appeal (see rule 22.45).
5.15 Objection to hearing in absence of parties
If a respondent objects to an application being determined by the court in the absence of the parties:
(a) the respondent must notify the court and the other party, in writing, of the objection at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing; and
(b) the parties must attend on the first court date for the application.
Note A notice under this rule must comply with rule 24.01.
5.16 Court decision to not proceed in absence of parties
Despite parties consenting to a hearing being held in their absence, the court may postpone or adjourn the application and direct the Registry Manager:
(a) to fix a new date for hearing the application; and
(b) to notify the parties that they are required to attend court for the hearing.
5.17 Procedure in hearing in absence of parties
(1) If the application is to be determined in the absence of the parties, each party must file, at least 2 days before the date fixed for hearing the application:
(a) a list of documents to be read by the court; and
(b) a supporting submission.
(2) A supporting submission must:
(a) state the reasons why the orders sought by that party should be made;
(b) refer to any material in a document filed with the application by the page number of the document, and should not repeat the text of that material;
(c) not be more than 5 pages;
(d) have all paragraphs consecutively numbered;
(e) be signed by the party or the lawyer who prepared the submission; and
(f) include the signatory’s name, telephone number, facsimile number (if any) and e-mail address (if any) at which the signatory can be contacted.
Part 5.5 Postponement of interim hearing
5.18 Administrative postponement of interim hearing
(1) If the parties agree that the hearing of an interim application should not proceed on the date fixed for the hearing, the parties may request the Registry Manager to postpone it.
(2) A request must:
(a) be in writing;
(b) specify why it is appropriate to postpone the hearing;
(c) specify the date to which the hearing is sought to be postponed;
(d) be signed by each party or the party’s lawyer; and
(e) be received by the Registry Manager no later than 12 noon on the day before the date fixed for the hearing.
(3) If a request is made, the Registry Manager must tell the parties:
(a) that the event has been postponed; and
(b) the date to which it has been postponed.
Summary of Chapter 6
Chapter 6 sets out who are the necessary parties to a case and how a person becomes, or ceases to be, a party or a case guardian.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
A party includes the following:
(a) an applicant in a case;
(b) an appellant in an appeal;
(c) a respondent to an application or appeal;
(d) an intervener in a case.
Note A child representative is not a party to a case but must be treated as a party (see rule 8.02).
(1) A person whose rights may be directly affected by an issue in a case, and whose participation as a party is necessary for the court to determine all issues in dispute in the case, must be included as a party to the case.
(2) If an application is made for a parenting order, the following must be parties to the case:
(a) the parents of the child;
(b) any other person in whose favour a parenting order has been made in relation to the child;
(c) any other person with whom the child lives and who is responsible for the care, welfare and development of the child;
(d) if a State child order is currently in place in relation to the child — the prescribed child welfare authority.
(3) If a person mentioned in subrule (2) is not an applicant in a case involving the child, that person must be joined as a respondent to the application.
Note The court may dispense with compliance with a rule (see rule 1.12).
Part 6.2 Adding and removing a party
(1) A party may include another person as a respondent by naming the person in the application.
(2) A party may add another party after a case has started by:
(a) amending the application or response, as the case may be, to add the name of the person; and
(b) by serving on the new party a copy of the application or response, and any other relevant document filed in the case.
Note 1 For amendment of an application, see Division 11.2.2.
Note 2 If a Form is amended after the first court date, the Registry Manager will set a date for a further procedural hearing (see subrule 11.10 (3)).
Note 3 A reference to application includes a reference to cross-application (see the dictionary).
A party may apply to be removed as a party to a case.
Note Rule 5.01 sets out the procedure for making an Application in a Case (Form 2).
6.05 Intervention by a person seeking to become a party
If a person who is not a party to a case (other than a person to whom rule 6.06 applies) seeks to intervene in the case to become a party, the person must file:
(a) a Form 2; and
(b) an affidavit:
(i) setting out the facts relied on to support the application, including a statement of the person’s relationship (if any) to the parties; and
(ii) attaching a schedule setting out any orders that the person seeks if the court grants permission to intervene.
Note Part IX of the Act deals with intervention in a case. Once a person has, by order or under rule 6.06, intervened in a case, the person becomes a party with all the rights and obligations of a party (see subsections 91 (2) and 91A (4), paragraph 91B (2) (b) and subsections 92 (3) and 92A (3) of the Act).
6.06 Intervention by a person entitled to intervene
(1) This rule applies if the Attorney-General, or any other person who is entitled under the Act to do so without the court’s permission, intervenes in a case.
(2) The person intervening must file:
(a) a Notice of Intervention by Person Entitled to Intervene (Form 5); and
(b) an affidavit:
(i) stating the facts relied on in support of the intervention; and
(ii) attaching a schedule setting out the orders sought.
Note For example, section 91 of the Act and section 78A of the Judiciary Act 1903 authorise the Attorney-General to intervene in a case, section 92A of the Act authorises the people mentioned in subsection 92A (2) to intervene in a case without the court’s permission, and section 145 of the Assessment Act authorises the Child Support Registrar to intervene in a case.
(3) On the filing of a Form 5, the Registry Manager must fix a date for a procedural hearing.
6.07 Notice of constitutional matter
(1) If a party is, or becomes, aware that a case involves a matter that:
(a) is within the meaning of section 78B of the Judiciary Act 1903, arises under the Constitution or involves its interpretation; and
(b) is a genuine issue in the case;
the party must give written notice of the matter to the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth, and each State and Territory, and to each other party to the case.
(2) The notice must state:
(a) the nature of the matter;
(b) the issues in the case;
(c) the constitutional issue to be raised; and
(d) the facts relied on to show that section 78B of the Judiciary Act 1903 applies.
Note Section 78B of the Judiciary Act 1903 provides that once a court becomes aware that a case involves a matter referred to in that section, it is the court’s duty not to proceed to determine the case unless and until it is satisfied that notice of the case has been given to the Attorneys‑General of the Commonwealth and of the States and Territories.
6.08 Conducting a case by case guardian
(1) A child or a person with a disability may start, continue, respond to, or seek to intervene in, a case only by a case guardian.
(2) Subrule (1) does not apply if the court is satisfied that a child understands the nature and possible consequences of the case and is capable of conducting the case.
Note 1 For service on a person with a disability, see rule 7.09.
Note 2 If a case is started by a child or person with a disability without a case guardian, the court may appoint a case guardian to continue the case.
6.09 Who may be a case guardian
A person may be a case guardian if the person:
(a) is an adult;
(b) has no interest in the case that is adverse to the interest of the person needing the case guardian;
(c) can fairly and competently conduct the case for the person needing the case guardian; and
(d) has consented to act as the case guardian.
6.10 Appointment, replacement or removal of case guardian
A person may apply for the appointment, replacement or removal of a person as the case guardian of a party.
Note 1 Chapter 5 sets out the procedure for making an Application in a Case (Form 2).
Note 2 An application in relation to a case guardian may be made by a party or a person seeking to be made the case guardian or by a person authorised to be a case guardian.
6.11 Attorney-General may appoint case guardian
(1) The Attorney-General may appoint, in writing, a person to be an authorised person for this rule, either generally or for a particular person.
(2) An authorised person is taken to be appointed as the case guardian of a person with a disability if the authorised person files:
(a) a consent to act in relation to the person;
(b) a copy of the notice of appointment of the person as an authorised person; and
(c) a Notice of Address for Service (Form 8).
Note A consent to act must comply with subrule 24.01 (1).
6.12 Notice of becoming case guardian
A person appointed as a case guardian of a party must give written notice of the appointment to each other party and any child representative in the case.
Note The case guardian may also need to file a Notice of Address for Service (Form 8) (see rules 8.05 and 8.06).
6.13 Conduct of case by case guardian
(1) A person appointed as the case guardian of a party:
(a) is bound by these Rules;
(b) must do anything required by these Rules to be done by the party;
(c) may, for the benefit of the party, do anything permitted by these Rules to be done by the party; and
(d) if seeking a consent order (other than an order relating to practice or procedure), must file an affidavit setting out the facts relied on to satisfy the court that the order is in the party’s best interests.
(2) The duty of disclosure applies to a case guardian for a child and a person with a disability.
Note 1 The court may order a case guardian to pay costs.
Note 2 Rule 13.01 sets out the elements of the duty of disclosure.
The court may order the costs of a case guardian to be paid:
(a) by a party; or
(b) from the income or property of the person for whom the case guardian is appointed.
Part 6.4 Progress of case after death or bankruptcy
(1) This rule applies to a property case or an application for the enforcement of a financial obligation.
(2) If a party dies, the other party or the legal personal representative must ask the court for procedural orders in relation to the future conduct of the case.
(3) The court may order that a person be substituted for the deceased person as a party.
Note 1 The court may make other procedural orders, including that a person has permission to intervene in the case (see rules 1.12 and 6.05).
Note 2 For the effect of the death of a party in certain cases, see subsections 79 (1A), 79 (8), 79A (1C) and 105 (3) of the Act.
(1) If a party to a property case or an application for the enforcement of a financial obligation is, or becomes bankrupt, the party must:
(a) notify the other party, in writing, of the bankruptcy; and
(b) serve a copy of the application, response, and any relevant documents, on the trustee of the bankrupt party’s estate.
(2) A party may apply for procedural orders for the future conduct of the case.
Note Under section 35A of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, if a case is pending in the Federal Court, the Federal Court may, on the application of a party to the case or on its own initiative, transfer the case to the Family Court.
Summary of Chapter 7
Chapter 7 sets out the rules for serving documents and proving service.
When a court determines a case, the judicial officer must be satisfied that all the documents filed that are to be relied on in the case have been served or otherwise brought to the attention of the other parties to the case.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
Service of a document may be carried out by special service (see Part 7.2) or ordinary service (see Part 7.3) unless otherwise required by a legislative provision.
Note Certain applications must have other documents served with them. For example, an Application for Final Orders (Form 1), when served, must be accompanied by the brochure mentioned in subrule 2.03 (3); when a subpoena is served, the witness must be paid conduct money.
7.02 Court’s discretion regarding service
(1) A court may find that a document has been served or that it has been served on a particular date, even though these Rules or an order have not been complied with in relation to service.
Note Rule 7.17 also sets out when a document is taken to have been served.
(2) The court may order a party, or a person applying to intervene in a case under rule 6.05, to serve a document or give written notice of a matter or case to a person specified in the order.
A person must serve a document in the manner set out in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Service of documents
Item | Document | Form of service |
1 | Application for Final Orders (Form 1) | Special service |
2 | Application in a Case (Form 2) filed at the same time as a Form 1 | Special service |
3 | Form 2 fixing an enforcement hearing | Special service |
4 | Application for Divorce (Form 3) | Special service |
5 | Subpoena (Form 14) | Special service by hand |
6 | Application — Contravention (Form 18) | Special service by hand |
7 | Application — Contempt (Form 19) | Special service by hand |
8 | Document mentioned in item 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Table 2.2 in rule 2.02 that must be filed with a Form mentioned in this Table | The form of service set out in this Table for that Form |
9 | Brochure required by these Rules to be served with a Form mentioned in this Table (see rules 2.03 and 4.13 and subrules 4.23 (2), 15.28 (1) and 20.11 (3)) | The form of service set out in this Table for that Form |
10 | Order made on application without notice (see rule 5.12) | Special service |
11 | Offer to settle (see subrule 10.01 (1)) and Withdrawal of offer to settle (see rule 10.03) | Special service |
12 | Document that is not required to be served by special service. For example: a Form 2 (other than a Form 2 mentioned in item 2 or 3) and any document filed with it a document filed after a case is started a notice required to be given under these Rules | Ordinary service |
7.04 Service of filed documents
(1) A document that is filed must be served on each person to be served:
(a) as soon as possible after the date of filing and within 12 months after that date; or
(b) if a provision elsewhere in these Rules specifies a time for service — within the specified time.
Note If a document is not served within the time required, service after that time is ineffective unless the court otherwise orders (see rules 1.12, 7.02 and 11.02).
(2) Despite subrule (1) and rule 7.03, the following documents do not have to be served on any other party:
(a) a joint application;
(b) an application without notice;
(c) a copy of a marriage or birth certificate, order or decree filed under rule 2.02;
(d) an Affidavit of Service (Form 7);
(e) a document signed by all parties;
(f) an affidavit seeking the issue, without notice, of an Enforcement Warrant under rule 20.16 or a Third Party Debt Notice under rule 20.32.
Note A draft consent order signed by all parties does not have to be served on the other parties to the application. However, if an order is sought affecting a superannuation interest, it must be served on the trustee of the superannuation fund in which that interest is held (see rule 10.16).
(3) If a document or notice is served on or given to a party under these Rules, a copy of the document or notice must also be served on or given to any child representative.
(4) For subrule (1):
each person to be served, for a case, includes:
(a) all parties to the case;
(b) any child representative; and
(c) any other person specifically required by a legislative provision or order to be served in the case.
Note Special service of a document may be performed by delivering the document:
to the person to be served by hand (see rule 7.06) or by post or electronic communication (see rule 7.07); or
if a lawyer representing the person undertakes, in writing, to accept service of the document, by delivering it to the person’s lawyer (see rule 7.08).
A document that must be served by special service must be personally received by the person served.
Note For proof of service, see Part 7.4.
(1) A document to be served by hand must be given to the person to be served (the receiver).
(2) If the receiver refuses to take the document, service occurs if the person serving the document:
(a) places it down in the presence of the receiver; and
(b) tells the receiver what it is.
(3) A party must not serve another party by hand but may be present when service by hand occurs.
7.07 Special service by post or electronic communication
(1) A document may be served on a person by sending a copy of it to the person’s last known address:
(a) if in Australia — by post; or
(b) if outside Australia — by airmail, unless a legislative provision provides otherwise.
(2) A document may be served on a person by sending it to the person by electronic communication.
(3) A person serving a document by post or electronic communication must include with the document:
(a) an Acknowledgement of Service (Form 6) for the person served to sign; and
(b) for service by post within Australia — a stamped self‑addressed envelope.
Note Subrule 24.07 (3) does not apply to a Form 6. If an applicant wants to prove service by electronic communication (other than by facsimile), the applicant must still produce a signed Form 6. This means that the person served will need to print out and sign a hard copy of the Form 6 and arrange for the signed copy to be returned to the applicant in a form in which the applicant is able to identify the signature on the signed copy as that of the person served (see note to rule 7.14).
7.08 Special service through a lawyer
A document is taken to be served by special service on a person if:
(a) a lawyer representing the person agrees, in writing, to accept service of the document for the person; and
(b) the document is served on the lawyer in accordance with rule 7.06 or 7.07.
7.09 Special service on person with a disability
(1) A document that is required to be served by special service on a person with a disability, must be served:
(a) on the person’s case guardian;
(b) on the person’s guardian appointed under a State or Territory law; or
(c) if there is no one under paragraph (a) or (b) — on an adult who has the care of the person.
(2) For paragraph (1) (c), the person in charge of a hospital, nursing home or other care facility is taken to have the care of a person who is a patient in the hospital, nursing home or facility.
Note If a person with a disability wants to start, continue or respond to, or seek to intervene in, a case, the person may do so through a case guardian (see rule 6.08).
7.10 Special service on a prisoner
(1) A document that is required to be served by special service on a prisoner must be served by special service on the person in charge of the prison.
(2) At the time of service of an Application, Subpoena (Form 14) or Notice of Appeal (Form 20) on a prisoner, the prisoner must be informed, in writing, about the requirement to attend by electronic communication under rule 5.07, subrule 12.12 (4) or rule 22.40 (whichever is applicable).
7.11 Special service on a corporation
A document that is required to be served by special service on a corporation must be served in accordance with section 109X of the Corporations Act 2001.
Note A subpoena must be served on the proper officer or other person entitled to accept service of a subpoena for a corporation (see subrule 15.17 (3)).
If special service of a document is not required, the document may be served on a person:
(a) by any method of special service;
(b) if the person has given an address for service:
(i) by delivering it to the address in a sealed envelope addressed to the person;
(ii) by sending it to the address by post in a sealed envelope addressed to the person; or
(iii) by sending it to the facsimile or e-mail address stated in the address for service by electronic communication addressed to the person (see rule 7.16);
(c) if the person has not given an address for service:
(i) by handing it to the person;
(ii) by delivering it to the person’s last known address or place of business in a sealed envelope addressed to the person; or
(iii) by sending it by post in a sealed envelope addressed to the person at the person’s last known address or place of business;
(d) if a lawyer representing the person agrees, in writing, to accept service of the document, by sending it to the lawyer; or
(e) if the person’s address for service includes the number of a lawyer’s document exchange box, by delivering it in a sealed envelope, addressed to the lawyer at that box address, to:
(i) that box; or
(ii) a box provided at another branch of the document exchange for delivery of documents to the box address.
Service of an application is proved:
(a) by filing an Affidavit of Service (Form 7);
(b) by the respondent filing a Notice of Address for Service (Form 8) or a Response; or
(c) if service was carried out by giving the document to a lawyer — by filing an Acknowledgement of Service (Form 6) that has been signed by the lawyer.
(1) This rule applies if a document is required to be served by special service and the applicant seeks to prove service by way of affidavit.
(2) If service was by post or electronic communication, service is proved by:
(a) attaching to a Form 7, a Form 6 signed by the respondent; and
(b) evidence identifying the signature on the Form 6 as the respondent’s signature.
Note If a person serving a document seeks to prove service under this rule, an Acknowledgment of Service (Form 6) must be signed by the person served with the document. However, if the Form 7 with the Form 6 is filed by electronic communication, subrule 24.07 (4) applies to the original affidavit and the signed acknowledgment.
(1) A statement by a person of the person’s identity, office or position is evidence of the identity, the holding of the office or position.
(2) Another person may give evidence about the identity, office or position of a person served.
A person may give evidence about the identity of another person by identifying:
(a) the signature of the person served on the Acknowledgment of Service (Form 6);
(b) the person served from a photograph; or
(c) the person when accompanying the process server.
Part 7.5 Other matters about service
7.16 Service by electronic communication
(1) Service of a document may be carried out by facsimile only if the total number of pages (including the cover page) to be transmitted:
(a) is not more than 25; or
(b) if the person on whom the document is to be served has first agreed to receiving more than 25 pages — is not more than the number of pages agreed to be transmitted.
(2) A document served by electronic communication must include a cover page stating:
(a) the sender’s name and address;
(b) the name of the person to be served;
(c) the date and time of transmission;
(d) the total number of pages, including the cover page, transmitted;
(e) that the transmission is for service of court documents;
(f) the name and telephone number of a person to contact if there is a problem with transmission; and
(g) a return electronic address.
7.17 When service is taken to have been carried out
A document is taken to have been served:
(a) on the date when service is acknowledged;
(b) if served by post to an address in Australia — on the third day after it was posted;
(c) if served by airmail to an address outside Australia — on the fourteenth day after it was posted;
(d) if served by electronic communication — on the day when it was sent;
(e) if served by delivery to a document exchange — on the next working day after the day when it was delivered; or
(f) on a date fixed by the court.
7.18 Service with conditions or dispensing with service
(1) A party who is unable to serve a document may apply, without notice, for an order:
(a) to serve the document in another way; or
(b) to dispense with service of the document, with or without conditions.
(2) The factors the court may have regard to when considering an application under subrule (1) include:
(a) the proposed method of bringing the document to the attention of the person to be served;
(b) whether all reasonable steps have been taken to serve the document or bring it to the notice of the person to be served;
(c) whether the person to be served could reasonably become aware of the existence and nature of the document by advertisement or another form of communication that is reasonably available;
(d) the likely cost of service; and
(e) the nature of the case.
(3) If the court orders that service of a document is:
(a) dispensed with unconditionally; or
(b) dispensed with on a condition that is complied with;
the document is taken to have been served.
Note An application under this rule is made by filing a Form 2 and an affidavit (see rules 5.01 and 5.02).
Part 7.6 Service in non-convention country
7.19 Service in non-convention country
(1) A person seeking to serve a document on a person in a non‑convention country must:
(a) request the Registry Manager, in writing, to arrange service of the document under this Part; and
(b) lodge 2 copies of each document to be served, translated, if necessary, into an official language of that country.
(2) If the Registry Manager receives a request under subrule (1), the Registry Manager must:
(a) seal the documents to be served; and
(b) send to the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department:
(i) the sealed documents; and
(ii) a written request that the documents be sent to the government of the non-convention country for service.
Note Regulation 12 of the Regulations deals with service of documents in convention countries.
7.20 Proof of service in non-convention country
(1) This rule applies if:
(a) a document is sent to the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department for service on a person in a non‑convention country; and
(b) an official certificate or declaration by the government or court of the country, stating that the document has been personally served, or served in another way under the law of the country, is sent to the court.
(2) The certificate or declaration is proof of service of the document and, when filed, is a record of the service and has effect as if it were an affidavit of service.
Note If service cannot be carried out under this rule, the applicant may apply for an order dispensing with service (see rule 7.18).
Chapter 8 Right to be heard and address for service
Summary of Chapter 8
Chapter 8 sets out rules about:
the people who may be heard by the court and the requirements for their address for service;
the appointment of a child representative; and
lawyer’s conflict of interest and ceasing to act.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
Part 8.1 Right to be heard and representation
8.01 Right to be heard and representation
(1) A person (other than a corporation or authority) who is entitled to be heard in a case may conduct the case on the person’s own behalf or be represented by a lawyer.
(2) A corporation or authority that is entitled to be heard in a case may be represented by a lawyer, or an officer of the corporation or authority.
Note 1 For the right of a lawyer to appear in a court exercising jurisdiction under the Act, see Part VIIIA of the Judiciary Act 1903.
Note 2 A party may apply to appear at a hearing or trial by electronic communication (see rules 5.06 and 16.08).
Note 3 A party is not entitled to be represented by a person who is not a lawyer unless the court otherwise orders. The court will give permission for representation by a person other than a lawyer only in special circumstances.
(1) A party may apply for the appointment or removal of a child representative by filing an Application in a Case (Form 2).
Note A party may ask for a procedural order orally (see paragraph (h) of item 3 of Table 11.1 in rule 11.01).
(2) If the court makes an order for the appointment of a child representative:
(a) it may request that the representation be arranged by a legal aid body that is a relevant authority within the meaning of subsection 116C (5) of the Act; and
(b) it may order that the costs of the child representative be met by a party.
Note Section 68L of the Act provides for the separate representation of children.
(3) A person appointed as a child representative:
(a) must be aware of and have the guidelines for child representatives published by the court;
(b) must file a Notice of Address for Service (Form 8);
(c) must comply with these Rules and do anything required to be done by a party; and
(d) may do anything permitted by these Rules to be done by a party.
(4) If a child representative is appointed, the parties must conduct the case as if the child representative were a party.
(5) The appointment of a child representative ceases:
(a) when the Application for Final Orders (Form 1) is determined or withdrawn; or
(b) if there is an appeal — when the appeal is determined or withdrawn.
Note 1 If a document or notice is served on or given to a party under these Rules, the document or notice must also be served on or given to any child representative (see subrule 7.04 (4)).
Note 2 This rule applies unless the court orders otherwise (see rule 1.12).
8.03 Lawyer — conflicting interests
A lawyer acting for a party in a case must not act in the case for any other party who has a conflicting interest.
Note This rule does not purport to set out all the situations in which a lawyer may not act for a party.
(1) A lawyer may cease to act for a party:
(a) by serving on the party a Notice of Ceasing to Act (Form 9) and, no sooner than 7 days after serving the notice, filing a copy of the notice; or
(b) with the court’s permission.
(2) If:
(a) a party’s address for service is the party’s lawyer’s address; and
(b) the lawyer ceases to act for the party;
the party’s last known residential address is the address for service until the party files a Form 8.
(1) A party must give an address for service if:
(a) the party files or responds to an application; or
(b) the party seeks to be heard by the court.
(2) A party must give only one address for service for each application filed.
(3) A party may give an address for service:
(a) in the first document filed by the party; or
(b) by filing a Notice of Address for Service (Form 8).
(4) An address for service:
(a) must be an address in Australia where documents may be left or received by post; and
(b) may include a facsimile number and an address for service by electronic communication.
(5) A party may include an address for service by electronic communication only if documents sent to or from that address can be read by the computer software of each party and the court.
Note If an address for service includes a facsimile number or an address for service by electronic communication, documents served on the person by that method are taken by the court to be served on the person on the day when the documents were transmitted to that address (see paragraph 7.17 (d)).
8.06 Change of address for service
If a party’s address for service changes during a case, the party must file a Form 8 within 7 days after the change.
Note 1 A new address for service will be needed if a party:
(a) acts in person and changes address;
(b) initially acts in person and later appoints a lawyer;
(c) initially appoints a lawyer and later acts in person; or
(d) changes lawyers during the case.
Note 2 Until a Form 8 is filed and served, the previous address remains on the court record as the address for service and all documents will be served at that address unless subrule 8.04 (2) applies.
Summary of Chapter 9
Chapter 9 sets out the procedure for:
responding to a Form 1 (known as a Response (Form 1A));
responding to a Form 2 (known as a Response (Form 2A)); and
replying to a Form 1A seeking orders in a cause of action other than one mentioned in the application (known as a Reply (Form 1B)).
Note A Form 3A is used to respond to a Form 3 (see rule 3.04).
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
9.01 Response to Form 1 (Form 1A)
(1) A respondent to an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) who seeks to oppose the orders sought in the application or seeks different orders must file a Response to an Application for Final Orders (Form 1A).
(2) A Form 1A must state:
(a) the facts in the application with which the respondent disagrees;
(b) what the respondent believes the facts to be; and
(c) the orders the respondent wants the court to make.
(3) In addition to the matters in subrule (2), a Form 1A may:
(a) consent to an order sought by the applicant;
(b) ask that the application be dismissed; or
(c) ask for orders in another cause of action.
(4) A Form 1A must not include a request for any of the following orders:
(a) a divorce order;
(b) an order that a marriage be annulled;
(c) a declaration as to validity of a marriage, divorce or annulment;
(d) an order under Division 4.2.3 authorising a medical procedure.
Note If:
(a) a Form 1A includes a request for orders in another cause of action; and
(b) documents would be required to be filed under rule 2.02 to support that cause of action;
the respondent must file with the Form 1A the document required under rule 2.02 to be filed for that cause of action.
9.02 Filing an affidavit with Form 1A
A respondent must not file an affidavit with a Form 1A unless required to do so by item 5 or 6 of Table 2.2 in rule 2.02.
Note A Form 1A may be filed to respond to a special application mentioned in Part 4.2, including an Application relying on a Cross-vesting Law, a Medical Procedure Application, a Child Support Application or Appeal, an Application for an Order that a Marriage is a Nullity, an Application for a Declaration as to the Validity of a Marriage, Divorce or Annulment of Marriage, and an application relating to a passport.
9.03 Response objecting to jurisdiction
(1) A respondent seeking to object to the jurisdiction of the court:
(a) must file a Form 1A; and
(b) is not taken to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court by seeking other orders in the Form 1A.
(2) The objection to the jurisdiction must be determined before any other orders sought in the Form 1A.
9.04 Reply to Form 1A (Form 1B)
An applicant must file a Reply (Form 1B) if:
(a) in the Response to an Application for Final Orders (Form 1A), the respondent seeks orders in a cause of action other than a cause of action mentioned in the application; and
(b) the applicant seeks:
(i) to oppose the orders sought in the Form 1A; or
(ii) different orders in the cause of action mentioned in the Form 1A.
9.05 Response to Form 2 (Form 2A)
A respondent to an Application in a Case (Form 2) who seeks to oppose the Application or seeks different orders must file a Response to an Application in a Case (Form 2A).
9.06 Affidavit to be filed with Form 2A
(1) A respondent who files a Form 2A must, at the same time, file an affidavit stating the facts relied on in support of the Form 2A.
(2) Subrule (1) does not apply to a Form 2A filed in response to an application to review an order of a Judicial Registrar or Registrar.
9.07 Affidavit in reply to Form 2A
(a) a respondent files a Form 2A seeking orders in a cause of action other than a cause of action mentioned in the Form 2; and
(b) the applicant opposes the orders sought in the Form 2A;
the applicant may file an affidavit setting out the facts relied on.
9.08 Time for filing and service of response or reply
(1) A party may respond to an application by filing and serving a Response (Form 1A) (and any affidavit filed with it) at least 7 days before the date fixed for the case assessment conference, procedural hearing or hearing to which the response relates.
(2) If a party wishes to file a Reply (Form 1B), the party must file and serve the reply as soon as possible after the response is received.
(3) All affidavits in a case started by an Application in a Case (Form 2) or a Response to an Application in a Case (Form 2A) must be filed at least 2 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Note The affidavits to which subrule (3) applies include those affidavits that must be filed with the application or response and any affidavit by the applicant responding to the orders sought in a new cause of action in a Form 2A.
Chapter 10 Ending a case without a trial
Summary of Chapter 10
Chapter 10 sets out how a party may resolve a case without a trial and the procedure to end a case, if agreement is reached.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
Note Each party is encouraged at all times to make an offer to settle to the other party in an effort to resolve a case. This Part sets out the rules that apply to offers to settle in the Family Court. Part 10.1 contains two Divisions.
Division 10.1.1 applies to all offers to settle and provides for:
(a) how an offer is made;
(b) the form an offer is to take;
(c) how an offer is accepted or withdrawn;
(d) the timing of acceptance or withdrawal; and
(e) what to do when an offer is accepted and a case is resolved.
Division 10.1.2 applies only to offers to settle in property cases in which an offer to settle must be made after a conciliation conference.
(1) A party may make an offer to another party to settle all or part of a case by serving on the other party an Offer to Settle (Form 60) at any time before the court makes an order disposing of the case.
Note See also paragraph 117 (2A) (f) and section 117C of the Act in relation to offers to settle.
(2) A party may make an offer to settle all or part of an appeal by serving on the other party an Offer to Settle (Form 60) at any time before the court makes an order disposing of the appeal.
(3) An offer to settle:
(a) if made under subrule (1), lapses when the court makes an order disposing of the application; or
(b) if made under subrule (2), lapses when the court makes an order disposing of the appeal.
(4) A party may make more than one offer to settle.
Note A later offer to settle has the effect of withdrawing an earlier offer (see subrule 10.03 (3)).
10.02 Open and ‘without prejudice’ offer
(1) An offer to settle is made without prejudice (a without prejudice offer) unless the offer states that it is an open offer.
(2) A party must not mention the fact that a without prejudice offer has been made, or the terms of the offer:
(a) in any document filed; or
(b) at a hearing or trial.
(3) If a party makes an open offer, any party may disclose the facts and terms of the offer to other parties and the court.
(4) Subrule (2) does not apply to:
(a) prevent the filing of an Offer to Settle (Form 60), a notice withdrawing an offer or an acceptance of an offer;
(b) the inclusion of a reference to a without prejudice offer in a document:
(i) mentioned in paragraph (a); or
(ii) filed with an application relating to an offer or an application for costs.
Note Subrule (2) does not apply to an application to extend the time in which to make an offer under Division 10.1.2.
10.03 How to withdraw an offer
(1) A party may withdraw an offer to settle by serving a written notice on the other party that the offer is withdrawn.
(2) A party may withdraw an offer to settle at any time before:
(a) the offer is accepted; or
(b) the court makes an order disposing of the application or appeal to which the offer relates.
(3) A second or later offer by a party has the effect of withdrawing an earlier offer.
(1) A party may accept an offer to settle by notice, in writing.
(2) A party may accept an offer to settle at any time before:
(a) the offer is withdrawn; or
(b) the court makes an order disposing of the application or appeal.
(3) If an offer to settle is accepted, the parties must lodge a draft consent order.
Note 1 The draft consent order should set out the orders agreed to by the parties and must be signed by both parties. Once lodged, it will be considered by the court under rule 10.17. The parties may agree to the dismissal of all applications.
Note 2 Paragraph 6.13 (1) (d) requires that, if a party seeks a consent order and a case guardian has been appointed for the party, the case guardian must file an affidavit stating why the consent order is in the best interests of the party, and any other matter the court may require.
A party may accept an offer to settle even though the party has made a counter-offer to settle.
Division 10.1.2 Offer to settle — property cases
10.06 Compulsory offer to settle
(1) This rule applies to a property case.
(2) Each party must make a genuine offer to settle to all other parties within:
(a) 28 days after the conciliation conference; or
(b) such further time as ordered by the court.
(3) The offer to settle must state that it is made under this Division.
The offer to settle must include a statement along the following lines:
‘This offer to settle is made under Division 10.1.2 of the Family Law Rules 2004.’.
Note 1 For rules about making, withdrawing and accepting an offer, see Division 10.1.1.
Note 2 An offer to settle is a factor that may be taken into account when the court exercises its discretion in relation to costs (see paragraph 117 (2A) (f) of the Act).
Note 3 Rule 11.02 sets out the consequences of failing to comply with these Rules.
A party who withdraws an offer to settle made under this Division must, at the same time, make another genuine offer to settle.
Part 10.2 Discontinuing a case
In this Part:
case includes:
(a) part of a case;
(b) an order sought in an application; and
(c) an application for a consent order when there is no current case (see Part 10.4).
(1) A party may discontinue a case by filing a Notice of Discontinuance (Form 10).
(2) A party must apply to the court for permission to discontinue a case if:
(a) the case relates to property of the parties, or a party, and one of the parties dies before the case is determined; or
(b) in an Application for Divorce — there are less than 7 days before the date of the hearing.
Note Under subsection 79 (8) of the Act, a party may continue with an application for property even if one of the parties has died.
(3) Discontinuance of a case by a party does not discontinue any other party’s case.
Note If one or more joint applicants, but not all, discontinue a case, any discontinuing applicant becomes a respondent.
(4) If a party discontinues a case, another party may apply for costs within 28 days after the Form 10 is filed.
(5) If:
(a) a party is required to pay the costs of another party because of the discontinuance of a case; and
(b) the party required to pay the costs starts another case on the same, or substantially the same, grounds before paying the costs;
the other party may apply for the case to be stayed until the costs are paid.
Part 10.3 Summary orders and separate decisions
Note An application under this Part is made by filing a Form 2 and an affidavit (see rules 5.01 and 5.02).
10.12 Application for summary orders
A party may apply for summary orders after a response has been filed if the party claims, in relation to the application or response, that:
(a) the court has no jurisdiction;
(b) the other party has no legal capacity to apply for the orders sought;
(c) it is frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process; or
(d) there is no reasonable likelihood of success.
10.13 Application for separate decision
After the final resolution event, a party may apply for a decision on any issue, if the decision may:
(a) dispose of all or part of the case;
(b) make a trial unnecessary;
(c) make a trial substantially shorter; or
(d) save substantial costs.
10.14 What the court may order under this Part
On an application under this Part, the court may:
(a) dismiss any part of the case;
(b) decide an issue;
(c) make a final order on any issue;
(d) order a hearing about an issue or fact; or
(e) with the consent of the parties, order arbitration about the case or part of the case.
Note This list does not limit the powers of the court. The court may make orders on an application, or on its own initiative (see rule 1.10).
10.15 How to apply for a consent order
(1) A party may apply for a consent order:
(a) in a current case:
(i) orally, during a hearing or a trial;
(ii) by lodging a draft consent order; or
(iii) by tendering a draft consent order to a judicial officer during a court event; or
(b) if there is no current case — by filing an Application for Consent Orders (Form 11), and attaching a draft consent order.
Note 1 See rule 24.08 for copies required.
Note 2 A case guardian for a party seeking a consent order (other than an order relating to practice or procedure), must file an affidavit setting out the facts relied on to satisfy the court that the consent order is in the party’s best interests (see paragraph 6.13 (1) (d)).
(2) A draft consent order must:
(a) set out clearly the orders that the parties ask the court to make;
(b) state that it is made by consent; and
(c) be signed by each of the parties.
(3) Paragraph (1) (b) does not apply if a party applies for a consent order:
(a) for step-parent maintenance under rule 4.16;
(b) relying on a cross-vesting law;
(c) approving a medical procedure;
(d) for a parenting order when section 65G of the Act applies; or
(e) for an order under the Assessment Act or Registration Act.
(4) A party applying for a consent order in a case mentioned in subrule (3) must file an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) as soon as the consent is received.
Note If a child representative has been appointed in a case, the court will not make a consent order unless the child representative has also signed the draft consent order (see paragraph 8.02 (3) (c)).
10.16 Order for superannuation interest
(1) This rule applies if:
(a) a party intends to apply for a consent order in relation to a superannuation interest (the order sought); and
(b) the order sought will impose an obligation on the trustee of the eligible superannuation plan in which the interest is held (the trustee) to take particular action in relation to the interest (for example, under a splitting order).
(2) At least 28 days before filing the Form 11 or lodging the draft consent order, the party must serve the following documents on the trustee:
(a) a copy of the draft consent order that the parties intend to apply for, signed by the parties or the parties’ lawyers;
(b) a written notice stating that:
(i) the parties intend to apply for the order sought if no objection to the order is received from the trustee within the time mentioned in subrule (3); and
(ii) if the trustee objects to the order sought, the trustee must give the parties written notice of the objection within the time mentioned in subrule (3).
(3) If the trustee does not object to the order sought within 28 days after receiving a notice under subrule (2), the party may file the application.
(4) Despite subrule (3), if, after service of the draft consent order on the trustee, the trustee consents, in writing, to the order being made, the parties may file the Form 11 or lodge the draft consent order.
10.17 Dealing with a consent order
If a party applies for a consent order, the court may:
(a) make an order in accordance with the orders sought;
(b) require a party to file additional information;
(c) dismiss the application
Note A party applying for a consent order must satisfy the court as to why the consent order should be made.
10.18 Lapsing of respondent’s consent
A respondent’s consent to an application that an order be made in the same terms as the draft consent order attached to a Form 11 lapses if:
(a) 90 days have passed since the date of the first affidavit in the Form 11; and
(b) the Form 11 has not been filed.
Summary of Chapter 11
Chapter 11 sets out the ways the court may manage a case to achieve the main purpose of these Rules (see rule 1.04), including:
making procedural orders;
limiting the issues in dispute;
permitting amendment of applications or documents to clarify the issues in dispute;
using simplified procedures for small claims; and
changing the venue of a case.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
Part 11.1 Court’s powers of case management
The court may exercise any of the powers mentioned in Table 11.1 to manage a case to achieve the main purpose of these Rules (see rule 1.04).
Table 11.1 Court’s powers
Item | Subject | Power |
1 | Attendance | (a) order a party to attend: (i) an information session; (ii) a procedural hearing; (iii) counselling or mediation; |
| (iv) a conference or other court event; or (v) a specialist family court program or post‑separation parenting program; (b) require a party, a party’s lawyer or a child representative to attend court |
2 | Case development | (a) consolidate cases; (b) order that part of a case be dealt with separately; (c) decide the sequence in which issues are to be tried; (d) specify the facts that are in dispute, state the issues and make procedural orders about how and when the case will be heard or tried; (e) refer a particular case or a part of a case for special management by a judicial officer; (f) with the consent of the parties, order that a case or part of a case be submitted to arbitration |
3 | Conduct of case | (a) hold a court event and receive submissions and evidence by electronic communication; (b) postpone, bring forward or cancel a court event; (c) adjourn a court event; (d) stay a case or part of a case; (e) make orders in the absence of a party; (f) deal with an application without an oral hearing; (g) deal with an application with written or oral evidence or, if the issue is a question of law, without evidence; (h) allow an application to be made orally; (i) determine an application without requiring notice to be given; (j) order that a case lose listing priority; (k) make a self-executing order |
Note 1 The powers mentioned in this rule are in addition to any powers given to the court under a legislative provision or that it may otherwise have.
Note 2 Rule 1.10 provides that a court may make an order on its own initiative and sets out what other things the court may do when making an order or giving a party permission to do something.
11.02 Failure to comply with a legislative provision or order
(1) If a step is taken after the time specified for taking the step by these Rules, the Regulations or a procedural order, the step is of no effect.
Note A defaulter may apply to the court for relief from this rule (see rule 11.03).
(2) If a party does not comply with these Rules, the Regulations or a procedural order, the court may:
(a) dismiss all or part of the case;
(b) set aside a step taken or an order made;
(c) determine the case as if it were undefended;
(d) make any of the orders mentioned in rule 11.01;
(e) order costs;
(f) prohibit the party from taking a further step in the case until the occurrence of a specified event; or
(g) make any other order the court considers necessary, having regard to the main purpose of these Rules (see rule 1.04).
Note This list does not limit the powers of the court. It is an expectation that a non-defaulting party will minimise any loss.
(1) A party may apply for relief from:
(a) the effect of subrule 11.02 (1); or
(b) an order under subrule 11.02 (2).
(2) In determining an application under subrule (1), the court may consider:
(a) whether there is a good reason for the non-compliance;
(b) the extent to which the party has complied with orders, legislative provisions and the pre-action procedures;
(c) whether the non-compliance was caused by the party or the party’s lawyer;
(d) the impact of the non-compliance on the management of the case;
(e) the effect of non-compliance on each other party;
(f) costs;
(g) whether the applicant should be stayed from taking any further steps in the case until the costs are paid; and
(h) if the application is for relief from the effect of subrule 11.02 (1) — whether all parties consent to the step being taken after the specified time.
Note 1 This list does not limit the powers of the court. See also subrule 1.12 (3).
Note 2 A party may make an application under this rule by filing a Form 2 or, with the court’s permission, orally at a court event.
11.04 Frivolous or vexatious case
(1) If the court is satisfied that an applicant has frequently started a case or appeal that is frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process, it may:
(a) dismiss the applicant’s application; and
(b) order that the applicant may not, without the court’s permission, file or continue an application.
(2) The court may make an order under subrule (1):
(a) on its own initiative; or
(b) on the application of:
(i) a party;
(ii) for the Family Court of Australia — a Registry Manager; or
(iii) for the Family Court of a State — the Executive Officer.
(3) The court must not make an order under subrule (1) unless it has given the applicant a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
Note Under section 118 of the Act, the court may dismiss a case that is frivolous or vexatious and, on application, may prevent the person who started the case from starting a further case. Chapter 5 sets out the procedure for making an application under this rule.
11.05 Application for permission to start a case
(1) This rule applies if:
(a) the court has made an order under subsection 118 (1) of the Act or paragraph 11.04 (1) (b); and
(b) the person against whom the order was made applies for permission to start or continue a case.
(2) The application must be in Form 2 and must be made without notice to any other party.
Note An applicant must file an affidavit stating the facts relied on to establish the need for the orders sought (see rule 5.02).
(3) On the first court date for the application:
(a) the court may dismiss the application; or
(b) the court may:
(i) order the person to:
(A) serve the application and affidavit; and
(B) file and serve any further affidavits in support of the application; and
(ii) list the application for hearing.
(4) The court must not grant permission to start or continue a case unless it is satisfied that the case has a reasonable likelihood of success.
11.06 Dismissal for want of prosecution
(1) If a party has not taken a step in a case for one year, the court may:
(a) dismiss all or part of the case; or
(b) order an act to be done within a fixed time, in default of which the party’s application will be dismissed.
(2) The court must not make an order under subrule (1) unless, at least 14 days before making the order, the court has given the parties written notice of the date and time when it will consider whether to make the order.
(3) If:
(a) an application is dismissed under subrule (1);
(b) a party is ordered to pay the costs of another party; and
(c) before the costs are paid, the party ordered to pay them starts another application on the same or substantially the same grounds;
the other party may apply for the case to be stayed until the costs are paid.
Note This rule applies unless the court orders otherwise (see rule 1.12).
Note To reduce cost and delay, parties are encouraged to make admissions in relation to facts and documents. The admission is for the purposes of the case only, in order to narrow the issues in dispute. A party should give the other party written notice of any admissions as early as practicable in the case. For example, if admissions are made before the disclosure process, disclosure may be able to be limited and the costs of the case reduced.
(1) A party may, by serving a Notice to Admit on another party, ask the other party to admit, for the purposes of the case only, that a fact is true or that a document is genuine.
(2) A Notice to Admit must include a note to the effect that, under subrule 11.08 (2), failure to serve a Notice Disputing a Fact or Document will result in the party being taken to have admitted that the fact is true or the document is genuine.
(3) If a Notice to Admit mentions a document, the party serving the Notice must attach a copy of the document to the notice, unless:
(a) the other party has a copy of the document; or
(b) it is not practicable to attach the copy to the Notice.
(4) If paragraph (3) (b) applies, the party must:
(a) in the Notice:
(i) identify the document; and
(ii) specify a convenient place and time at which the document may be inspected; and
(b) produce the document for inspection at the specified place and time.
11.08 Notice disputing fact or document
(1) If a party who is served with a Notice to Admit seeks to dispute a fact or document specified in the Notice, the party must serve on the party who served the Notice, within 14 days after it was served, a Notice Disputing the Fact or Document.
(2) If a party does not serve a notice in accordance with subrule (1), the party is taken to admit, for the purposes of the case only, that the fact is true or the document is genuine.
Note Section 191 of the Evidence Act 1995 sets out requirements about agreed facts as evidence in a case. However, subject to sections 4 and 5 of the Evidence Act 1995, that Act does not apply to the Family Court of Western Australia or any other court of a State.
(3) If:
(a) a party serves a Notice Disputing a Fact or Document; and
(b) the fact or the genuineness of the document is later proved in the case;
the party who served the Notice may be ordered to pay the costs of proof.
Note Sections 48 and 51 of the Evidence Act 1995 set out requirements about proof of documents. However, subject to sections 4 and 5 of the Evidence Act 1995, that Act does not apply to the Family Court of Western Australia or any other court of a State.
(1) A party may withdraw an admission that a fact is true or a document is genuine only with the court’s permission or the consent of all parties.
(2) When allowing a party to withdraw an admission, the court may order the party to pay any other party’s costs thrown away.
(3) In subrule (1):
admission includes an admission in a document in the case or taken to be made under subrule 11.08 (2).
Note The court may, on application, order that a party not pay costs (see rule 1.12).
11.10 Amendment by a party or court order
(1) A party who has filed an application or response may amend the application or response:
(a) for a case started by an Application for Final Orders (Form 1):
(i) within 28 days after the final resolution event; or
(ii) at any later time, with the consent of the other parties or by order;
(b) for an Application in a Case (Form 2):
(i) at or before the first court date; or
(ii) at any later time, with the consent of the other parties or by order; and
(c) for all other applications — at any time, with the consent of the other parties or by order.
Note An amendment of an application may be necessary to ensure that the court determines the real issues between the parties or to avoid multiple cases.
(2) A party who:
(a) has filed a Form 1 or Form 1A; and
(b) seeks to add or substitute another cause of action or another person as a party to the case;
must amend the Form in accordance with this Division.
(3) If an amendment mentioned in subrule (2) is made after the first court date, the Registry Manager must set a date for a further procedural hearing.
Note A reference to application includes a reference to cross-application (see the dictionary).
11.11 Time limit for amendment
A party who has been given permission by the court to amend an application must do so within 7 days after the order is made.
Note The court may shorten or extend the time for compliance with a rule (see rule 1.14).
A party must amend a document by filing a copy of the document:
(a) with the amendment clearly marked; and
(b) if the document is amended by order — endorsed with the date when the order and amendment are made.
An amendment may be made by:
(a) placing a line through the text to be changed; and
(b) underlining the new text or using a different type-face to indicate the new text.
Note Rule 13.06 sets out the requirements for amending a Financial Statement (Form 13).
11.13 Response to amended document
If an amended document that has been served on a party affects a document (the affected document) previously filed by the party, the party may amend the affected document:
(a) in accordance with rule 11.12; and
(b) not more than 14 days after the amended document was served on the party.
11.14 Disallowance of amendment
The court may disallow an amendment of a document.
The court may disallow an amendment if it is frivolous, vexatious or not in accordance with these Rules or an order.
(1) Subrule (2) applies if the court determines that:
(a) a case is to be determined as a small claim; and
(b) it is not appropriate to transfer the case to the Federal Magistrates Court for hearing (see rule 11.19).
(2) At the trial:
(a) the parties must not call witnesses, other than the parties themselves, without the court’s permission;
(b) evidence must be given orally; and
(c) each party must produce all relevant documents.
(3) The following rules do not apply to a case that is to be determined as a small claim:
(a) Chapter 12;
(b) Chapter 13, except Part 13.1;
(c) Parts 15.4 and 15.5;
(d) Part 16.2.
Note 1 The type of case that the court may decide to determine as a small claim includes:
(a) a dispute about an item of property, such as a car or furniture;
(b) a case in which there is minimal property or only personal property;
(c) some specific issues in a parenting case; and
(d) a dispute about the time or place of collection of a child for contact.
Note 2 A lawyer may recover 80% of the scale for costs in a small claim (see subrule 19.40 (2)).
Division 11.3.1 Open court and chambers
(1) Subject to subrule (2), a court may exercise its jurisdiction in chambers.
(2) A trial must be heard in open court.
(3) A judicial officer who determines a case in chambers must:
(a) record:
(i) the file number;
(ii) the names of the parties;
(iii) the date of the determination; and
(iv) the orders made; and
(b) sign the record.
Note 1 An order made in chambers has the same effect as an order made in open court.
Note 2 The court may make orders about who may be present in court during a case (see subsection 97 (2) of the Act).
Division 11.3.2 Transferring a case
11.17 Application of Division 11.3.2
This Division does not apply to:
(a) a case raising, or relying on, a cross-vesting law in which a party objecting to the case being heard in the Family Court applies to have the case transferred to another court; or
(b) the transfer of a case under the Corporations Act 2001.
Note Division 4.2.2 deals with cross-vesting laws and Chapter 25 deals with cases under the Corporations Act 2001.
11.18 Transfer to another court or registry
A party may apply to have a case transferred to another registry or court exercising jurisdiction under the Act by filing an Application in a Case (Form 2) in the registry in which the case was started.
Note A party may make an oral application to have a case heard at a different place within the same region, that is, to have the hearing transferred from a circuit centre to the place where the filing registry is located.
11.19 Factors to be considered for transfer
In deciding whether to transfer a case to another registry or court, or to remove a case from another court under subsection 46 (3A) of the Act, the court may consider:
(a) the public interest;
(b) whether the case, if transferred or removed, is likely to be dealt with:
(i) at less cost to the parties;
(ii) at more convenience to the parties; or
(iii) earlier;
(c) the availability of a judicial officer specialising in the type of case to which the application relates;
(d) the availability of particular procedures appropriate to the case;
(e) the financial value of the claim;
(f) the complexity of the facts, legal issues, remedies and procedures involved;
(h) the adequacy of the available facilities, having regard to any disability of a party or witness; and
(i) the wishes of the parties.
Note Subsection 33B (6) of the Act provides that, in deciding whether a case should be transferred to the Federal Magistrates Court, the court must have regard to:
(a) any rules of the court applying to the transfer of cases;
(b) whether cases in respect of an associated matter are pending in the Federal Magistrates Court;
(c) whether the resources of the Federal Magistrates Court are sufficient to hear and determine the case; and
(d) the interests of the administration of justice.
Division 11.3.3 Transfer of court file
If an order is made to transfer a case from a court to another court, the Registry Manager, after receiving the file, must:
(a) fix a date for a procedural hearing; and
(b) give each party notice of the date fixed.
Summary of Chapter 12
Chapter 12 sets out rules about the events that parties to an Application for Final Orders (Form 1) may be required to attend during the course of the case. These include a case assessment conference, a procedural hearing, counselling and mediation, a conciliation conference, a pre-trial conference and a trial.
The rules in Chapter 1 relating to the court’s general powers apply in all cases and override all other provisions in these Rules.
A word or expression used in this Chapter may be defined in the dictionary at the end of these Rules.
| Comply with pre-action procedures | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Start of case (Chapter 2) | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| 28 days |
| Counselling in application for parenting order | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||
| First court date (hearing, procedural hearing, case assessment conference) | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
| Property |
| Parenting order | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
| Conciliation conference | Final resolution event | Counselling | ||||||||||
| |||||||||
| Trial notice issues | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Pre-trial conference | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Trial | ||||||||||||
Part 12.1 Application of Chapter 12
12.01 Application of Chapter 12
This Chapter applies to all Applications for Final Orders (Form 1), except:
(a) a Medical Procedure Application;
(b) a Maintenance Application;
(c) a Child Support Application or Appeal;
(d) an application for an order that a marriage is a nullity or a declaration as to the validity of a marriage, divorce or annulment;
(e) an application in which the only order sought is about a passport; and
(f) a case to be determined as a small claim under rule 11.15.
Part 12.2 Court events — resolution phase
Note 1 When a Form 1 is filed, the Registry Manager will fix a date (the first court date) for:
(a) a procedural hearing; or
(b) a case assessment conference and procedural hearing (see rule 4.03).
Note 2 A lawyer for a party has an obligation to advise the party about costs before the first court date and each subsequent court event (see rule 19.04).
12.02 Property case — exchange of documents before first court date
At least 2 days before the first court date in a property case, each party must, as far as practicable, exchange with each other party a copy of all of the following documents:
(a) a copy of the party’s 3 most recent taxation returns and assessments;
(b) if relevant, documents about any superannuation interest of the party, including:
(i) if not already filed, the completed superannuation information form for the superannuation interest; and
(ii) if the party is a member of a self-managed superannuation fund — a copy of the trust deed and the 3 most recent financial statements for the fund;
(c) for a corporation in relation to which a party has a duty of disclosure under rule 13.04:
(i) a copy of the financial statements for the 3 most recent financial years, including balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, depreciation schedules and taxation returns;
(ii) a copy of the corporation’s most recent annual return that lists the directors and shareholders; and
(iii) if relevant, a copy of the corporation’s constitution;
(d) for a trust in relation to which a party has a duty of disclosure under rule 13.04:
(i) a copy of the financial statements for the 3 most recent financial years, including balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, depreciation schedules and taxation returns; and
(ii) a copy of the trust deed;
(e) for a partnership in relation to which a party has a duty of disclosure under rule 13.04:
(i) a copy of the financial statements for the 3 most recent financial years, including balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, depreciation schedules and taxation returns; and
(ii) a copy of the partnership agreement;
(f) for a person or entity mentioned in paragraph (a), (c), (d) or (e) — any business activity statements for the 12 months ending immediately before the first court date;
(g) unless the value is agreed — a market appraisal of the value of any item of property in which a party has an interest.
Note All parties have a general duty of disclosure (see Chapter 13). For examples of the type of property about which disclosure must be made, see rule 13.04.
12.03 Case assessment conference
(1) A case assessment conference must be held in the presence of a Registrar, mediator or both.
(2) The purpose of a case assessment conference is:
(a) to enable the person conducting the conference to assess and make any recommendations about the appropriate future conduct of the case; and
(b) to enable the parties to attempt to resolve the case, or any part of the case, by agreement.
(3) If the case is not settled by the end of the conference, the parties must immediately attend a procedural hearing.
Note 1 A party and a party’s lawyer must attend a case assessment conference and a procedural hearing (see subrule 1.08 (3) and rule 12.11).
Note 2 A party to a parenting case must disclose a copy of an expert’s report no later than 2 days before a case assessment conference (see paragraph 15.55 (1) (a)).
(1) At a procedural hearing, the court:
(a) may investigate the possibility of settlement of any issue in the case; and
(b) must:
(i) consider any recommendations made at the case assessment conference;
(ii) make orders in relation to the future conduct of the case;
(iii) list the case for the next appropriate court event; or
(iv) make a consent order.
Note 1 The next appropriate court event may be a conciliation conference in a property case, mediation in a parenting case, a procedural hearing, a hearing or a trial.
Note 2 The orders the court may make at