Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Statutory Rules 1986 No. 2411


United Nations (Privileges and Immunities)

Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the International Organizations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963.

Dated 3 September 1986.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Bill Hayden

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs


Waiver of privileges and immunities

Regulation 12 of the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations is amended by omitting from sub-regulation (3) “regulation 8” and substituting “regulation 9”.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 11 September 1986.

2. Statutory Rules 1986 No. 66.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer

(S.R. 258/86)—Cat. No.                 10/11.8.1986