Statutory Rules 1987 No. 561
Sex Discrimination Regulations2
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
Dated 13 April 1987.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Gareth Evans
Minister of State for Resources and Energy for and on behalf of the Attorney-General
The Sex Discrimination Regulations are amended by adding at the end the following regulation and Schedule:
Fees etc. in respect of attendance before the Commission
“4. (1) The fees and allowances for expenses that a person is, under subsection 75a (1) of the Act, entitled to be paid in respect of an attendance before the Commission are such fees and allowances for expenses as are fixed by the Commission, or by the member of the Commission presiding at the inquiry in respect of which the person is attending before the Commission, in accordance with the scale set out in the Schedule.
“(2) In the scale in the Schedule, a reference to the Federal Court Rules is a reference to the Federal Court Rules as in force from time to time.
“SCHEDULE Regulation 4
1. Person attending before the Commission to give evidence because of his or her professional, scientific or other special skill or knowledge—in respect of each day on which the person so attends, an amount of not less than the lesser amount specified in the Federal Court Rules in relation to expenses of witnesses possessing such skill or knowledge and not more than the greater amount so specified.
(S.R. 2/87)—Cat. No. 16/23.3.1987
2. Person, other than a person referred to in Item 1, attending before the Commission:
(a) in the case of a person remunerated by wages, salary or fees—such amount as is provided for in the Federal Court Rules in relation to expenses of witnesses so remunerated;
(b) in the case of any other person—an amount of not less than the lesser amount specified in the Federal Court Rules in relation to such persons and not more than the greater amount so specified.
3. Any person attending before the Commission, being a person who resides more than 50 kilometers from the place where that attendance is required—such amount as is reasonable:
(a) in respect of the person’s conveyance to and from the place at which the person so attends; and
(b) if the person is required to be absent overnight from the person’s usual place of residence—for meals and accommodation.
4. Person attending before the Commission in respect of more than one inquiry—in respect of each inquiry, a proportionate part only of the fees and allowances that, but for this item, the person would be entitled to receive.”.
1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 1 May 1987.
2. Statutory Rules 1984 No. 181.
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