Statutory Rules

1980 No. 289


I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Defence Service Homes Act 1918.

 Dated this nineteenth day of September 1980.



 By His Excellency’s Command,



Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs




 1. Regulation 4 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended—

 (a) by omitting from sub-regulation (1) the definition of “delegate”;

 (b) by omitting from sub-regulation (1) the definitions of “Regional Director” and “the Act” and substituting the following definitions:

  “ ‘State Manager’ means a person for the time being occupying, or performing the duties of, an office in the Australian Public Service designated as—

 (a) State Manager, Defence Service Homes Corporation; or

 (b) Manager, Defence Service Homes Corporation;

  ‘the Act’ means the Defence Service Homes Act 1918.”;

 (c) by omitting from sub-regulation (2) “a husband and wife” and substituting “persons”; and

 (d) by omitting sub-regulations (3) and (4).

 Repeal of Part V

 2. Part V of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is repealed.

 Repeal of regulation 34

 3. Regulation 34 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is repealed.

 Repeal of regulation 41

 4. Regulation 41 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is repealed.

 Evidence in proceedings under section 30A

 5. Regulation 78 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended by omitting subregulation (2).

 Repeal of regulation 80

 6. Regulation 80 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is repealed.

 7. Regulation 81 of the Defence Service Homes Regulations is repealed and the following regulation substituted:

 Prescribed authority of Department of Veterans' Affairs

 “81. Each person who is a Deputy Commissioner within the meaning of the Repatriation Regulations is, for the purposes of section 47 of the Act, a prescribed authority of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.”.

 The Schedule—Form B

 8. Form B of the Schedule to the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended—

 (a) by omitting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918-19” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918”;

 (b) by omitting “Director of Defence Service Homes” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Corporation”;

 (c) by omitting “him” and substituting “it”; and

 (d) by omitting “Director” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Corporation”.

 The Schedule—Form C

 9. Form C of the Schedule to the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended—

 (a) by omitting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918-19” and substituting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918”;

 (b) by omitting “Director of Defence Service Homes” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Corporation”; and

 (c) by omitting “Director” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Corporation”.

 The Schedule—Form D

 10. Form D of the Schedule to the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended—

 (a) by omitting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918-19” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918”;

 (b) by omitting “Director of Defence Service Homes” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Corporation”; and

 (c) by omitting “Director” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Corporation”.

 The Schedule—Form E

 11. Form E of the Schedule to the Defence Service Homes Regulations is amended—

 (a) by omitting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918-19” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Act 1918”;

 (b) by omitting “Director of Defence Service Homes” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Defence Service Homes Corporation”;

 (c) by omitting “him” and substituting “it”; and

 (d) by omitting “Director” (wherever occurring) and substituting “Corporation”.

 Further amendments of the Defence Service Homes Regulations

 12. The Defence Service Homes Regulations are further amended as set out in the Schedule.


 SCHEDULE Regulation 12



Provision amended


Sub-regulation 4 (1) (definition of “authorized person”)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 4 (2)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 5

 (a) Omit “Regional Director or an authorized person”, substitute “State Manager”.


 (b) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 6

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 7

Omit “Regional Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “State Manager”.

Sub-regulation 8 (1)

Omit “Regional Director”, substitute “State Manager”.

Sub-regulation 8 (2)

 (a) Omit “Regional Director”, substitute “State Manger”.


 (b) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 8 (3)

Omit “Director”, substitute Corporation”.

Regulation 10

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 11 (1)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 11 (2)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 13

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 15

 (a) Omit “signed by the Director, a delegate or an authorized person”, substitute “given by the Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 16

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 17

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 18 (1)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 18 (2)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 18 (3)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 20

 (a) Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “him”, substitute “it”

Regulation 21

 (a) Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “him”, substitute “it”

Sub-regulation 22 (1)

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “he”, substitute “it”.

Sub-regulation 22 (2)

Omit “signed by the Director, a delegate or an authorized person,”, substitute “given by the Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 22 (3)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 23

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 24

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 26 (1)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 26 (2)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 29

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 31

Omit “Director, a delegate or an authorized person,”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 32 (2)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 35

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 36 (2)

Omit “Director or a delegate”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 38

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 39

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “he”, substitute “it”.

Regulation 42

 (a) Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “Director’s satisfaction”, substitute “satisfaction of the Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 43 (1)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 43 (2)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 43A

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Paragraph 44 (1) (a)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Paragraph 44 (1) (b)

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 44 (2)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-regulation 74B (2)

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “him”, substitute “it”.

Sub-regulation 74C (1)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 74D

Omit “Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 74DA

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “he”, substitute “it”.

Sub-regulation 74G (1)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Paragraph 75 (2) (a)

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “he”, substitute “it”.

Paragraph 75 (2) (b)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Paragraph 76 (a)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Sub-paragraph 76 (b) (ii)

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 77

Omit “Director, a delegate,”, substitute “Secretary, his delegate”.

Sub-regulation 78 (1)

 (a) Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “signed by the Director or delegate or an authorized person”, substitute “given by the Corporation”.

Sub-paragraph 78 (1) (a) (i)

Omit “Director of War Service Homes”, substitute “Defence Service Homes Corporation”.

Sub-paragraph 78 (1) (a) (ii)

Omit “Director of War Service Homes”, substitute “Defence Service Homes Corporation”.

Sub-regulations 78 (3)

 (a) Omit “Director or a delegate or authorized officer”, substitute “Corporation”.


 (b) Omit “Director or of a Regional Director, as the case may be,”, substitute “Corporation”.

Regulation 79

Omit “signed by the Director, a delegate or an authorized person,”, substitute “given by the Corporation”.

Regulation 83

Omit “Director”, substitute “Corporation”.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 26 September 1980.

2. Statutory Rules 1936 No. 74 as amended by Statutory Rules 1945 No. 202; 1946 No. 66; 1947 No. 93; 1949 Nos. 13 and 29; 1951 No. 16; 1956 No. 17; 1957 Nos. 18 and 54; 1962 No. 42; 1964 No. 55; 1969 No. 164; 1972 No. 172; 1973 Nos. 50 and 173; 1974 No. 117; 1975 No. 90.