Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
Statutory Rules No. 158, 1988
made under the
Civil Aviation Act 1988
Compilation No. 92
Compilation date: 2 December 2021
Includes amendments up to: F2021L00200
Registered: 2 December 2021
This compilation is in 2 volumes
Volume 1: regulations 1–343
Volume 2: Schedules and Endnotes
Each volume has its own contents
This compilation includes a commenced amendment made by F2019L01621
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 2 December 2021 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.
Self‑repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Schedule 5—CASA maintenance schedule
Part 1—Daily inspection
Table of checks included in a daily inspection
Section 1 General
Section 2 Additional items for agricultural aeroplanes
Section 3 Additional items for seaplanes
Part 2—Periodic inspection
Table of actions included in a periodic inspection
Section 1 The airframe
Section 2 The engine
Section 3 The electrical system
Section 4 The instruments
Section 5 The radio system
Part 3—Post inspection check
Schedule 6—CASA system of certification of completion of maintenance
Part 1—Interpretation
What is meant by the person who carries out the maintenance?
What is meant by performs maintenance?
Supervisor to be responsible for work he or she supervises
Part 2—Certification of completion of stages of maintenance and inspections under subregulation 42G(2)
What is to be certified?
Who is to certify?
Where must a certification be made?
What must be included in a certification?
Part 3—Certification of co‑ordination of maintenance
When is co‑ordination of maintenance required?
What is the responsibility of a person who co‑ordinates maintenance?
Who must co‑ordinate maintenance within a category of maintenance?
Who must co‑ordinate maintenance across categories?
When and by whom does co‑ordination of maintenance have to be certified?
What is the responsibility of a person who certifies for co‑ordination of maintenance?
Where must a certification for co‑ordination of maintenance be made?
What must be included in a certification for co‑ordination of maintenance?
Part 4—Final certification
When must a final certification be made?
Where must a final certification be made?
Who must certify?
What must be included in a final certification?
What is the responsibility of a person who makes a final certification?
Schedule 7—Maintenance that must not be carried out on a Class B aircraft by a person referred to in paragraph 42ZC(4)(b)
Part 1—General
Part 2—Maintenance of airframes
Part 3—Maintenance of engines
Part 4—Maintenance on electrical, instrument and radio systems
Part 5—Specific maintenance on manned free balloons and hot air airships
Schedule 8—Maintenance that may be carried out on a Class B aircraft by a person entitled to do so under subregulation 42ZC(4)
Part 1—Maintenance on Class B aircraft other than manned free balloons
Part 2—Maintenance on manned free balloons
Schedule 9—Maintenance control manual and maintenance controller
Part 1—Requirements for person who is a maintenance controller
Part 2—Functions of maintenance controller
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Endnote 5—Miscellaneous
Schedule 5—CASA maintenance schedule
(subregulation 2(1), definition of CASA maintenance schedule)
1.1 An inspection (in this Part called a daily inspection) must be carried out on the aircraft before the aircraft’s first flight on each day on which the aircraft is flown.
1.2 A daily inspection must consist of the making of such of the checks set out in the table at the end of this Part as are applicable to the aircraft.
Table of checks included in a daily inspection
(1) Check that the ignition switches are off, the mixture control is lean or cut off, the throttle is closed and the fuel selector is on.
(2) Check that the propeller blades are free from cracks, bends and detrimental nicks, that the propeller spinner is secure and free from cracks, that there is no evidence of oil or grease leakage from the propeller hub or actuating cylinder and that the propeller hub, where visible, has no evidence of any defect which would prevent safe operation.
(3) Check that the induction system and all cooling air inlets are free from obstruction.
(4) Check that the engine, where visible, has no fuel or oil leaks and that the exhaust system is secure and free from cracks.
(5) Check that the oil quantity is within the limits specified by the manufacturer for safe operation and that the oil filler cap, dipstick and inspection panels are secure.
(6) Check that the engine cowlings and cowl flaps are secure.
(7) Check that the landing gear tyres are free from cuts or other damage, have no plies exposed and, by visual inspection, are adequately inflated.
(8) Check that the landing gear oleo extensions are within normal static limits and that the landing gear doors are secure.
(9) Check that the wing and fuselage surfaces are free from damage and that the inspection panels, flight control surfaces and flight control devices are secure.
(10) Check that the interplane and centre section struts are free from damage and that the bracing wires are of the correct tension.
(11) Check that the pitot heads and static ports are free from obstruction and that the pitot cover is removed or is free to operate.
(12) Check that the fuel tank filler caps, chains, vents and associated access panels are secure and free from damage.
(13) Check that the empennage surfaces are free from damage and that the control surfaces control cables and control rods, where visible, are secure.
(14) Check that the canard surfaces are free from damage and that the control surfaces, control cables and control rods, where visible, are secure.
(15) Check that the flight controls, the trim systems and the high lift devices operable from the ground have full and free movement in the correct sense.
(16) Check that the radios and antennae are secure and that where visible, radio units and interwiring are secure.
(17) Check that the drain holes are free from obstruction.
(18) Check that there is no snow, frost or ice on the wings, tail surfaces, canards, propeller or windscreen.
(19) Check that each tank sump and fuel filter is free from water and foreign matter by draining a suitable quantity of fuel into a clean transparent container.
(20) Check that the windscreen is clean and free from damage.
(21) Check that the instruments are free from damage, legible and secure.
(22) Check that the seat belts, buckles and inertia reels are free from damage, secure and functioning correctly.
Section 2 Additional items for agricultural aeroplanes
(1) Check that the agricultural equipment is secure.
(2) Check that the dump and fan brake mechanisms are free from obstructions and operate correctly.
Section 3 Additional items for seaplanes
(1) Check that the hull and floats are free from damage, corrosion and water accumulation.
(2) Check that the float attachment struts, bracing wires and attachment fittings are secure and free from damage and corrosion.
(3) Check that the water rudder and its attachments are secure and free from damage and corrosion and that the water rudder has full, free and correct travel.
2.1 Subject to paragraph 2.2, an inspection (in this Part called a periodic inspection) must consist of the taking of the actions set out in the table at the end of this Part as applicable to the aircraft.
2.2 The holder of a certificate of registration for a class B aircraft may elect to have a section or sections of the periodic inspection carried out on the aircraft at a different time from the other sections.
2.3 A periodic inspection must be carried out on a private aircraft within the period of 1 year from:
(a) the day on which the aircraft’s current certificate of airworthiness was issued; or
(b) the day on which the most recent general maintenance inspection on the aircraft was completed;
whichever is the later.
2.4 Subject to paragraph 2.5, a periodic inspection must be carried out on a class B aircraft that is not a private aircraft within whichever of the following periods expires first:
(a) one year from:
(i) the day on which the aircraft’s current certificate of airworthiness was issued; or
(ii) the day on which the most recent general maintenance inspection on the aircraft was completed;
whichever is the later;
(b) the aircraft has been in service for 100 hours since:
(i) the aircraft’s current certificate of airworthiness was issued; or
(ii) the most recent general maintenance inspection on the aircraft was completed;
whichever occurred later.
2.5 In spite of paragraph 2.4, if the holder of the certificate of registration for a class B aircraft that is not a private aircraft has elected under paragraph 2.2 to have the sections of the periodic inspection carried out on the aircraft at different times, the following provisions have effect:
(a) the first carrying out of each section of the periodic inspection on the aircraft after the election is made must be carried out within whichever of the following periods expires first:
(i) 18 months from:
(A) the day on which the aircraft’s current certificate of airworthiness was issued; or
(B) the day on which the most recent general maintenance inspection on the aircraft was completed;
whichever is the later;
(ii) the aircraft has been in service for 150 hours since:
(A) the aircraft’s current certificate of airworthiness was issued; or
(B) the most recent general maintenance inspection on the aircraft was completed;
whichever occurred later;
(b) each subsequent carrying out of each section of the periodic inspection must be carried out within whichever of the following periods expires first:
(i) the aircraft has been in service for 100 hours since the section concerned was most recently carried out on the aircraft;
(ii) 1 year from the day on which the section concerned was most recently carried out on the aircraft.
2.6 In this Part:
general maintenance inspection means a regular inspection and check of a class B aircraft, its systems and components that:
(a) is required by the aircraft’s maintenance schedule to be carried out at regular intervals; and
(b) is not required to be carried out before the aircraft’s first flight on each day on which the aircraft is flown.
private aircraft means an aircraft:
(a) that is a class B aircraft; and
(b) that has a maximum take off weight of 5700 kg or less; and
(c) that is only used in private operations by:
(i) the owner of the aircraft; or
(ii) a person to whom the owner has provided the aircraft without receiving any remuneration from the person.
2.7 Unless otherwise indicated in the table, where the table requires a thing to be inspected, the inspection is to be a thorough check made to determine whether the thing will continue to be airworthy until the next periodic inspection.
Table of actions included in a periodic inspection
(1) Check the external and internal required placards.
Note: Reference should be made to the aircraft flight manual and airworthiness directives for the required placards.
(2) Take the following action in relation to the mainplane and empennage (including canards) of the aircraft:
(a) inspect the skins for evidence of wrinkles, buckles, sheared or loose rivets, corrosion, disbonds and general damage;
(b) if the skin is fabric, check the strength of the fabric;
(c) inspect the internal structures and spars;
(d) inspect the lift struts, interplane struts, jury struts, spreaders, chafing discs and bracing wires;
(e) inspect the flight control surfaces, slats, spoilers, tabs, flaps, mass balance weight attachments, hinge brackets, tracks and rollers;
(f) inspect the flight control system bellcranks, push pull rods, torque tubes, cables, fairleads, turnbarrells and pulleys;
(g) inspect the wing and empennage to fuselage attachments and surrounding structure;
(h) lubricate as necessary.
(3) Take the following action in relation to the fuselage:
(a) inspect the fuselage skin for evidence of wrinkles, buckles, sheared or loose rivets, corrosion, disbonds and general damage;
(b) inspect the areas around cut‑outs (such as windows and inspection apertures) for cracks and inspect the sealing and fit of all doors and emergency exits;
(c) inspect the interior;
(d) inspect the strength of the fabric covering on surfaces;
(e) inspect the internal structure;
(f) inspect the locks, latches and hinges of doors, canopy, windows which may be opened and direct vision windows;
(g) check that the windshields and windows are clean and free from crazing, cracking, discoloration, delamination and scratches;
(h) inspect the seats, seat attachments, seat adjustment mechanisms, seat stops, seat belts, safety harnesses and inertia reels;
(j) inspect the control wheels, control columns, rudder pedals, control levers, control system bellcranks, push pull rods, torque tubes and cables;
(k) operate all trim controls through the complete range of travel and check them for correct trim position indication;
(l) inspect the brake master cylinders, brake lines, reservoirs, parking brake linkage and mechanical brake system operating mechanisms;
(m) check the cabin fire extinguisher for correct charge, legibility of operating instructions and condition of locking pin or seal and ensure that the extinguisher has not reached its expiry date;
(n) inspect the heating and fresh air system ducting and outlets and the airflow control valves;
(p) inspect the emergency and flotation equipment and ensure that the equipment has not reached its expiry date;
(q) lubricate as necessary.
(4) Jack the aircraft so that the landing gear is clear of the ground and take the following action:
(a) inspect the undercarriage attachment to the airframe;
(b) inspect the structural members, drag and side braces, compression members, oleo struts, bracing struts and torque links;
(c) inspect the leaf or tube spring shock absorbing units and bungee rubber;
(d) inspect the flexible hoses;
(e) inspect the main wheels and tyres and the nose or tail wheels and tyres;
(f) clean the wheel bearings, check that they are free from scoring and brinelling, re‑lubricate them, re‑install them and adjust the bearing pre‑load;
(g) inspect the brake linings or pads and the brake drums or discs;
(h) inspect the brake lines and flexible hoses;
(j) inspect the nosewheel or tailwheel steering mechanism and the shimmy dampener;
(k) inspect the landing gear retraction mechanism, the door and the door operating linkage;
(l) carry out an operational check of the landing gear and doors and ensure that the adjustment of downlocks, overcentre links, uplocks and spring tensions are within the manufacturer’s specified limits;
(m) lubricate as necessary.
(5) Take the following action in relation to the fuel system:
(a) inspect the fuel tanks (where visible), lines, drains, vents, signs, filler caps, filler cap securing chains or cables, filler cap seals and scupper drains;
(b) inspect the fuel selector valves;
(c) inspect the fuel selector valve operating linkage.
(6) Take the following action in relation to the hydraulic system:
(a) remove, clean, and refit the hydraulic system filter element, or if it is unserviceable, install a new filter element;
(b) inspect the hydraulic system reservoirs, powerpack, accumulators, selector valves, hand pump, pipelines and flexible hoses.
(7) Inspect the anti‑icing and de‑icing systems.
(8) Inspect the air‑conditioning evaporator, condenser and compressor and the air‑conditioning ducting, pipelines and units.
(9) Inspect the pressurisation control system and indication system.
(10) Take the following additional action if the aircraft is used in agricultural operations:
(a) inspect the hopper, hopper lid and fasteners, baffles and internal braces;
(b) inspect the spreader, spreader gate and controls;
(c) inspect the spray pump fan, fan mount, fan brake, spray pump lines, booms and boom supports;
(d) inspect the emergency dump doors and dump controls.
(11) Take the following additional action if the aircraft is a seaplane:
(a) inspect the external covering and internal structure of the floats or hull;
(b) drain the bilge compartments, refit and re‑lock the drain plugs;
(c) inspect the float attachment struts, bracing wires and attachment fittings;
(d) inspect the water rudders, water rudder attachments and water rudder controls, operate and check them for full and free movement in the correct sense and for correct locking;
(e) inspect the protective treatment and finish.
(1) Check the external and internal required placards.
Note: Reference should be made to the aircraft flight manual and airworthiness directives for the required placards.
(2) Take the following action in relation to the cowls:
(a) remove, clean and inspect the cowls, cowl flaps and fastenings.
(3) Inspect, and record the compression of, each cylinder.
(4) Take the following action in relation to the engine oil system:
(a) drain the sump or tank and refit the plug and lockwire;
(b) drain the oil cooler and refit and secure the hose;
(c) either:
(i) remove, inspect, clean and refit the pressure filter and lockwire; or
(ii) remove, open and inspect the cartridge full flow filter and fit a new cartridge and lockwire;
(d) inspect the oil cooler, oil temperature control valves, oil tank and attachment fittings;
(e) inspect all oil lines, fittings, breather pipe and the oil cooler shutter;
(f) refill the sump or tank with the recommended grade and quantity of oil.
(5) Take the following action in relation to the ignition system:
(a) remove the spark plugs, clean and inspect them, check the spark plug electrode gap, test the spark plugs and renew them if required;
(b) inspect the spark plug high tension leads and ceramics;
(c) inspect the magneto housing;
(d) inspect the breaker compartment and cam follower;
(e) inspect the breaker points for serviceability and check the breaker points gap, magneto engine timing and synchronisation;
(f) inspect the switch and earth leads;
(g) refit and torque the spark plugs;
(h) refit the spark plug high tension leads.
(6) Take the following action in relation to the fuel system:
(a) place the fuel selector in the off position;
(b) remove, inspect, clean and refit the fuel strainers and screens and lockwire;
(c) drain and flush the carburettor fuel bowl and refit the plug and lockwire;
(d) inspect the carburettor or fuel injection components;
(e) inspect the throttle and mixture shafts;
(f) inspect all fuel lines and fittings;
(g) move the fuel selector from the off position;
(h) inspect the auxiliary fuel pump for operation;
(j) pressurise and purge the fuel system and inspect it for leaks.
(7) Take the following action in relation to the induction system:
(a) remove the air filters, clean them, inspect them and refit or renew them;
(b) inspect the hot and alternate air systems for the integrity of seals and for serviceability of valves, shafts, bearings, magnets and hinges;
(c) inspect the induction manifold and hoses.
(8) Take the following action in relation to the exhaust system:
(a) inspect the exhaust system;
(b) remove the muffler shroud, inspect the muffler and refit the shroud;
(c) inspect the muffler internally for security of baffle cones;
(d) inspect the cabin heat flexible hoses.
(9) Take the following action in relation to the engine cylinders and baffles:
(a) inspect the cylinder assemblies;
(b) inspect the cylinder base to the crankcase area;
(c) inspect the rocker covers;
(d) inspect the push rod housing seals.
(10) Take the following action in relation to the crankcase, accessory housing and firewall:
(a) inspect the engine for evidence of oil leakage;
(b) inspect the accessories and drive belts;
(c) inspect the engine mounts and engine mountbolts;
(d) inspect the engine mount frame;
(e) inspect the firewall, including seals and sealant.
(11) Inspect the following controls for full and free movement in the correct sense:
(a) throttle, mixture and propeller;
(b) alternate air and carburettor heat;
(c) engine bay fuel strainer controls;
(d) oil cooler shutter and cowl flap;
(e) turbocharger.
(12) Take the following action in relation to the propeller:
(a) inspect the propeller for static track;
(b) inspect the propeller hub, spinner and backplate;
(c) inspect the wooden propeller attachment bolts;
(d) inspect the blades;
(e) inspect the counterweights;
(f) lubricate the propeller hub;
(g) service the propeller hub with air.
(13) Take the following action in relation to the turbocharger:
(a) remove the heat shield and inspect the turbocharger housing for cracks and oil leaks from the inlet and outlet ports;
(b) inspect the compressor and turbine wheel;
(c) inspect the rotating assembly bearing for end float;
(d) inspect the turbocharger mount;
(e) inspect the transition assembly, the induction and exhaust components and the clamps;
(f) inspect the upper deck pressure manifold and hoses;
(g) lubricate the waste gate linkages and the butterfly valve;
(h) inspect the flexible oil lines;
(j) inspect the controllers and actuators;
(k) inspect the compressor by‑pass door;
(m) refit the heat shield.
(14) Take the following action in relation to the refitting of the cowls:
(a) check that no tooling, rags or other foreign objects remain in the compartment;
(b) inspect the latches and fasteners for correct tension;
(c) inspect the inlet and cooling air ducting;
(d) inspect the landing and taxi light wiring;
(e) inspect the cowl flap linkage and engine drain lines.
(15) Chock the wheels and check the brake operation, then set the park brake, start the engine and take the following action to determine satisfactory performance in accordance with the manuracturer’s recommendations:
(a) stabilise the engine temperatures and pressures;
(b) check the idle speed, mixture and the magneto switch operation at low engine revolutions per minute;
(c) check the carburettor heat or alternate air operation;
(d) check the gyro or vacuum pressure indication;
(e) inspect the generator or alternator;
(f) check any unusual engine vibration or noises;
(g) check the engine response to throttle application;
(h) check each magneto and propeller governor for operation;
(j) check the static engine revolutions per minute, manifold pressure and fuel flow;
(k) check the idle cut‑off operation.
(16) After taking the action described above, remove the cowls, inspect the engine for oil, fuel or other fluid leaks, then replace the cowls.
Section 3 The electrical system
(1) Check the external and internal required placards.
Note: Reference should be made to the aircraft flight manual and airworthiness directives for the required placards.
(2) Take the following action in relation to the air‑conditioning system:
(a) inspect the distribution system electrical components and interwiring;
(b) inspect the heating and temperature control system;
(c) inspect the freon system electrical components and interwiring;
(d) inspect the air cycle system electrical components and interwiring.
(3) Take the following action in relation to the electrical power:
(a) inspect the AC generation system (including the generator, invertor, regulator, interwiring, control relays and switching);
(b) inspect the AC distribution system;
(c) inspect the DC generation system (including the generator, regulator, transformer or rectifier units, interwiring, control relays and switches);
(d) inspect the DC distribution system (including the busses, circuit breakers or fuses, relays, switches and interwiring);
(e) inspect the starter generator;
(f) inspect the indication systems;
(g) inspect the batteries;
(h) inspect the external power system.
(4) Take the following action in relation to electrical equipment and furnishing:
(a) inspect the flight compartment (including any spare bulbs and fuses);
(b) inspect the passenger compartment (including any spare bulbs and fuses);
(c) inspect the buffet or galley electrical systems, the lavatory compartment electrical systems and the cargo compartment electrical systems.
(5) Take the following action in relation to the following fire protection systems:
(a) inspect the engine fire detection system;
(b) inspect any other fire and smoke detection systems;
(c) inspect the engine fire extinguishing system;
(d) inspect any other fire extinguishing systems.
(6) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the following flight control systems:
(a) the trim and flap system;
(b) the lift dump and spoiler system;
(c) the lift augmenting system.
(7) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the fuel distribution and dump system.
(8) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the main and auxiliary hydraulic systems.
(9) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the following ice and rain protection systems:
(a) the anti/de‑ice systems;
(b) the ice detection and indication systems.
(10) Inspect the systems and components that give audible or visual warnings.
(11) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the following landing gear systems:
(a) the extension and retraction systems;
(b) the wheels, brakes and anti‑skid system;
(c) the nose wheel steering system;
(d) the position and warning system;
(e) the anti‑retract system.
(12) Inspect lights in or on the following areas:
(a) the flight compartment, the passenger compartment and the cargo and service compartment;
(b) the exterior and emergency systems.
(13) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of pneumatic systems.
(14) Inspect the electrical or electronic control panels, equipment racks and junction boxes.
(15) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of passenger, crew and cargo doors.
(16) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the propeller control and anti/de‑ice systems.
(17) Inspect the electrical harnesses, excluding the ignition harness.
(18) Inspect the electrical components and interwiring of the engine fuel and engine control systems.
(19) Take the following action in relation to the ignition:
(a) inspect the electrical power supplies;
(b) inspect the booster coils, vibrator systems and high energy ignition systems;
(c) inspect the switching, including by performing an insulation check of the magneto switch leads.
(20) Inspect the engine starting system.
(1) Check the external and internal required placards.
Note: Reference should be made to the aircraft flight manual and airworthiness directives for the required placards.
(2) Take the following action in relation to the auto‑flight system:
(a) inspect the autopilot or the automatic flight control system, including the flight director and stability control augmentation;
(b) inspect the yaw damper system;
(c) inspect the speed‑attitude correction system, including the auto‑trim and mach‑trim.
(3) Inspect the flight control surface indication systems.
(4) Inspect the fuel pressure and quantity indication systems.
(5) Inspect the hydraulic power indication system.
(6) Inspect the ice protection indication system.
(7) Take the following action in relation to indicating and recording systems:
(a) inspect the instrument and control panels;
(b) inspect the independent instrument systems, including the inclinometers, indicators and clocks;
(c) inspect the recorders, including the flight data recorders, performance or maintenance recorders.
(8) Take the following action in relation to navigation systems:
(a) inspect the flight environment data system, including:
(i) the central air data system; and
(ii) the pitot/static system, including instruments; and
(iii) the stall warning system;
(b) inspect the attitude and direction systems, including:
(i) the magnetic compass; and
(ii) the vertical attitude gyro system; and
(iii) the directional gyro system, including the magnetic referenced systems; and
(iv) the electronic flight instrument system and multi‑function displays;
(c) inspect the independent position determining systems, including:
(i) the inertial navigation and reference systems; and
(ii) the ground proximity warning systems;
(d) inspect the flight management system, including the flight management and performance management systems.
(9) Take the following action in relation to oxygen systems:
(a) inspect the crew, passenger and portable systems;
(b) inspect the indicating systems.
(10) Inspect the pneumatic indicating systems, including the pressure gauge and warning indicators.
(11) Take the following action in relation to the instrument pressure or vacuum system:
(a) inspect the distribution system, including the filters, manifolds, regulating valves, check valves and plumbing;
(b) inspect the indicating system, including the pressure gauge and warning system.
(12) Inspect the engine indicating systems, including fuel flow, temperature and pressure.
(13) Take the following action in relation to the engine indicating systems:
(a) inspect the power indicating system;
(b) inspect the temperature indication system;
(c) inspect the integrated engine instrument system.
(14) Inspect the oil indicating systems, including quantity, pressure and temperature.
(15) Inspect the water injection indicating system.
(1) Check the interior and exterior required placards including frequency charts.
Note: Reference should be made to the aircraft flight manual and airworthiness directives for the required placards.
(2) Take the following action in relation to communication and navigation systems:
(a) inspect the accessible interwiring, plugs and sockets;
(b) inspect the microphones, headsets and cords;
(c) inspect the fuses for adequacy of spares;
(d) inspect the antennae and antenna insulators;
(e) inspect the Emergency Location Transmitter/Crash Location Beacon batteries for electrolyte leakage and check that the battery life has not expired;
(f) inspect the removable units, mounting racks, vibration isolators and bonding straps;
(g) inspect the switches and controllers;
(h) inspect the radio panel lamps for adequate illumination;
(j) inspect the radio indicators for legibility.
(3) Take the following additional action in relation to communication systems in aircraft equipped for IFR flight:
(a) inspect the HF communication system, including for correct performance by communication with ground stations or by other means;
(b) inspect the VHF communication system, including for correct performance by communication with ground stations or by other means;
(c) inspect the audio system, including for correct operation of all distribution and amplifying systems in all modes of operation.
(4) Take the following action in relation to navigation systems in aircraft equipped for IFR flight:
(a) check the ADF system for accuracy and correct performance in all modes of operation in accordance with the approved maintenance data for the system;
(b) check the VOR system for correct performance in accordance with the approved maintenance data for the system;
(c) check the localiser system for correct performance in accordance with the approved maintenance data for the system;
(d) check the glideslope system for correct performance in accordance with the approved maintenance data for the system;
(e) check the marker system for correct performance in all modes: an approved simulator may be used for these tests;
(f) inspect the DME system;
(h) inspect the Doppler navigation system;
(j) inspect the weather radar system;
(l) inspect the radio altimeter system;
(m) inspect the ground proximity warning system; and
(n) inspect the electronic flight instrument system.
3.1 On completion of each section of the inspection, check to ensure that all tools, maintenance equipment or rags have been removed from the aircraft and all panel, access doors, detachable fairings and fillets have been correctly secured.
Schedule 6—CASA system of certification of completion of maintenance
(subregulation 2(1), definition of CASA system of certification of completion of maintenance)
What is meant by the person who carries out the maintenance?
1.1 In this Schedule, a reference to the person who carries out the maintenance does not include a reference to a person who performs maintenance in the course of his or her employment with an employer.
What is meant by performs maintenance?
1.2 In this Schedule, a reference to the person who performs maintenance is a reference to the person who physically does the maintenance.
Supervisor to be responsible for work he or she supervises
1.3 In this Schedule, maintenance performed by a person who is permitted by paragraph 42ZC(3)(b) or 42ZC(4)(c) to carry out maintenance under the supervision of a person who holds an aircraft engineer licence is to be taken to have been performed by the person who supervised the maintenance and not by the first‑mentioned person.
2.1 A certification must be made for:
(a) the completion of each stage of maintenance; and
(b) the completion of an inspection under subregulation 42G(2).
2.2 A certification for completion of a stage of maintenance or an inspection under subregulation 42G(2) is only to be made by the person who performed the stage of maintenance or the inspection.
Note: Regulation 42ZC sets out who can perform maintenance.
Where must a certification be made?
2.3 A certification for completion of a stage of maintenance or an inspection under subregulation 42G(2) must be made:
(a) in the documents kept by the person carrying out the maintenance as a record of the carrying out of the maintenance; or
(b) in the aircraft log book or approved alternative maintenance record for the aircraft.
2.4 If completion of an inspection under subregulation 42G(2) is certified in the documents kept by the person carrying out the maintenance as a record of the carrying out of the maintenance, completion of the inspection must also be certified in the aircraft log book or approved alternative maintenance record for the aircraft.
What must be included in a certification?
2.5 A certification for completion of a stage of maintenance must:
(a) be signed by the person making the certification; and
(b) include the licence number, airworthiness authority number, aircraft welding authority number or certificate of approval number of the person making the certification; and
(c) include the date on which the certification was made; and
(e) if an exemption from or variation to a requirement is in force under regulation 42ZS in relation to the aircraft—set out details of the exemption or variation; and
(f) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, the weight or balance of the aircraft has been varied—include a record of the variation; and
(g) if a special inspection was carried out—set out what was found as a result of the inspection; and
(h) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an inspection using a non‑destructive testing method was carried out—set out:
(i) the non‑destructive testing method used in carrying out the inspection; and
(ii) the procedure used in carrying out the inspection; and
(iii) what was found as a result of the inspection; and
(j) include a list of airworthiness directives complied with in the course of carrying out the maintenance and set out any defects found in complying with those directives; and
(k) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an aircraft component:
(i) that has had maintenance carried out on it; and
(ii) that was supplied to the person carrying out the maintenance by another person;
was fitted—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the component in accordance with subregulation 42W(4);
(l) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, a time‑lifed aircraft component was fitted or replaced:
(i) identify the component and specify (if applicable) the part number and serial number of the component; and
(ii) list the airworthiness directives that have been complied with in relation to the component; and
(iii) if the component was supplied to the person carrying out the maintenance by another person—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the component in accordance with subregulation 42W(4); and
(iv) if the component has not been overhauled—set out the time in service of, or the number of cycles completed by, the component since new; and
(v) if the component has been overhauled—set out the time in service of, or number of cycles completed by, the component since its most recent overhaul; and
(vi) if the component is an engine—set out the test performance figures of the engine;
(m) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an aircraft material:
(i) that has had maintenance carried out on it; and
(ii) that was supplied to the person by another person; and
(iii) that is not a fluid;
was used—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the material in accordance with subregulation 42X(1); and
(n) if a certification is made in the aircraft log book or approved alternative maintenance record for the aircraft—set out:
(i) the time in service of the aircraft since new; and
(ii) if the person making the certification is an employee—the name of the person’s employer and the employer’s certificate of approval number, licence number, airworthiness authority number or aircraft welding authority number.
2.6 A certification for completion of an inspection under subregulation 42G(2) must:
(a) set out which system was inspected; and
(b) be signed by the person making the certification; and
(c) include the licence number or airworthiness authority number or certificate of approval number of the person making the certification; and
(d) include the date on which the certification was made.
Part 3—Certification of co‑ordination of maintenance
When is co‑ordination of maintenance required?
3.1 If more than one person performs stages of maintenance within a category of maintenance, the person carrying out the maintenance must ensure that one of the persons specified in paragraph 3.5 co‑ordinates the carrying out of that category of maintenance.
3.2 If:
(a) maintenance within more than one category of maintenance is carried out on an aircraft; and
(b) more than one person performs that maintenance;
the person carrying out the maintenance must ensure that one of the persons specified in paragraph 3.6 co‑ordinates the carrying out of those categories of maintenance.
What is the responsibility of a person who co‑ordinates maintenance?
3.3 A person who co‑ordinates the carrying out of maintenance within a category of maintenance must ensure:
(a) that each stage of maintenance is performed by a person who is permitted by regulation 42ZC to carry out the maintenance; and
(b) that a certification for the completion of each stage of maintenance is made by the person who performed the stage of maintenance; and
(c) that the carrying out of each stage of maintenance does not adversely affect another stage of maintenance; and
(d) that the carrying out of the category of maintenance is completed.
3.4 A person who co‑ordinates the carrying out of more than one category of maintenance must ensure:
(a) that each category of maintenance that is required to be co‑ordinated by paragraph 3.1 is co‑ordinated by a person specified in paragraph 3.5; and
(b) that a certification for the co‑ordination of each category of maintenance that is required to be co‑ordinated because of paragraph 3.1 is made by the person who co‑ordinated the category of maintenance; and
(c) that the carrying out of each category of maintenance does not adversely affect another stage of maintenance; and
(d) that the carrying out of the maintenance is completed.
Who must co‑ordinate maintenance within a category of maintenance?
3.5 If the carrying out of maintenance within a category of maintenance is required to be co‑ordinated because of paragraph 3.1, the maintenance must be co‑ordinated by one of the persons who performed a stage of maintenance within that category.
Who must co‑ordinate maintenance across categories?
3.6 If the carrying out of different categories of maintenance is required to be co‑ordinated because of paragraph 3.2, the maintenance must be co‑ordinated by:
(a) if maintenance within a category of maintenance is performed by more than one person—the person co‑ordinating the carrying out of maintenance within that category; or
(b) if maintenance within a category of maintenance is performed by one person—that person; or
(c) a person approved by CASA to co‑ordinate the carrying out of different categories of maintenance.
When and by whom does co‑ordination of maintenance have to be certified?
3.7 If maintenance is required to be co‑ordinated under this Part, the person who co‑ordinates that maintenance must certify that it was co‑ordinated.
What is the responsibility of a person who certifies for co‑ordination of maintenance?
3.8 The person who co‑ordinates the carrying out of maintenance within a category of maintenance must not certify for co‑ordination of the maintenance unless the person is satisfied:
(a) that each stage of maintenance was performed by a person who is permitted by regulation 42ZC to carry out the maintenance; and
(b) that a certification for completion of each stage of maintenance has been made by the person who performed the stage of maintenance; and
(c) if the person thinks that the carrying out of a stage of maintenance adversely affected another stage of maintenance:
(i) that the affected stage of maintenance is no longer adversely affected; and
(ii) if maintenance was performed—that certification has been made for completion of the maintenance; and
(d) that the carrying out of the category of maintenance has been completed.
3.9 The person who co‑ordinates the carrying out of more than one category of maintenance must not certify for co‑ordination of the maintenance unless the person is satisfied:
(a) that each category of maintenance that was required to be co‑ordinated by paragraph 3.1 was co‑ordinated by a person specified in paragraph 3.5; and
(b) that a certification for the co‑ordination of each category of maintenance that was required to be co‑ordinated by paragraph 3.1 was made by the person who co‑ordinated the maintenance; and
(c) if the person thinks that the carrying out of a category of maintenance adversely affected another category of maintenance:
(i) that the affected category of maintenance is no longer adversely affected; and
(ii) if maintenance was performed—that certification has been made for completion of the maintenance; and
(d) that the carrying out of the maintenance has been completed.
Where must a certification for co‑ordination of maintenance be made?
3.10 A certification for the co‑ordination of maintenance must be made:
(a) in the documents kept by the person carrying out the maintenance as a record of the carrying out of the maintenance; or
(b) in the aircraft log book or approved alternative maintenance record for the aircraft.
What must be included in a certification for co‑ordination of maintenance?
3.11 A certification for the co‑ordination of maintenance must:
(a) be signed by the person making the certification; and
(b) include the licence number, airworthiness authority number or certificate of approval number of the person making the certification; and
(c) if the person making the certification is an employee—state the name of the person’s employer and the employer’s certificate of approval number, licence number or airworthiness authority number; and
(d) if the certification is for the co‑ordination and completion of the carrying out of maintenance within a category of maintenance—set out the category of maintenance; and
(e) if the certification is for the co‑ordination of the carrying out of different categories of maintenance—include a statement to that effect; and
(f) include the date on which the certification was made.
When must a final certification be made?
4.1 A final certification for completion of maintenance on an aircraft must be made when:
(a) all of the maintenance required to be carried out on an aircraft at a particular time; and
(b) if the maintenance is required to be co‑ordinated by Part 3—co‑ordination of the maintenance;
has been completed and certified.
Where must a final certification be made?
4.2 A final certification for the completion of maintenance on an aircraft must be made in the aircraft log book or approved alternative maintenance record for the aircraft.
4.3 A final certification must be made by:
(a) if one person certified for the carrying out of the maintenance—that person; or
(b) if the carrying out of maintenance within one category of maintenance only was co‑ordinated—the person who co‑ordinated the category of maintenance; or
(c) if the carrying out of different categories of maintenance was co‑ordinated—the person who co‑ordinated the maintenance.
What must be included in a final certification?
4.4 If certifications for completion of stages of maintenance are made in the documents kept by the person carrying out the maintenance as a record of the carrying out of the maintenance, a final certification must:
(a) include a brief description of the type of maintenance carried out; and
(b) be signed by the person making the certification; and
(c) include the licence number, airworthiness authority number or certificate of approval number of the person making the certification; and
(d) set out the time in service of the aircraft since new; and
(e) if the person making the certification is an employee—state the name of the person’s employer and the employer’s certificate of approval number, licence number or airworthiness authority number; and
(f) set out details of the approved maintenance data used to carry out the maintenance; and
(g) if an exemption from or variation to a requirement is in force under regulation 42ZS in relation to the aircraft—set out details of the exemption or variation; and
(h) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, the weight or balance of the aircraft has been varied—include a record of the variation; and
(j) if a special inspection was carried out—set out what was found as a result of the inspection; and
(k) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an inspection using a non‑destructive testing method was carried out—set out:
(i) the non‑destructive testing method used in carrying out the inspection; and
(ii) the procedure used in carrying out the inspection; and
(iii) what was found as a result of the inspection; and
(l) include a list of airworthiness directives complied with in the course of carrying out the maintenance and a statement setting out any defects found in complying with those directives; and
(m) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an aircraft component:
(i) that has had maintenance carried out on it; and
(ii) that was supplied to the person carrying out the maintenance by another person;
was fitted—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the component in accordance with subregulation 42W(4); and
(n) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, a time‑lifed aircraft component was fitted or replaced:
(i) identify the component and that includes (if applicable) the part number and serial number of the component; and
(ii) list the airworthiness directives that have been complied with in relation to the component; and
(iii) if the component was supplied to the person carrying out the maintenance by another person—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the component in accordance with subregulation 42W(4); and
(iv) if the component has not been overhauled—set out the time in service of, or the number of cycles completed by, the component since new; and
(v) if the component has been overhauled—set out the time in service of, or number of cycles completed by, the component since its most recent overhaul; and
(vi) if the component is an engine—set out the test performance figures of the engine; and
(p) if, in the course of carrying out the maintenance, an aircraft material:
(i) that has had maintenance carried out on it; and
(ii) that was supplied to the person by another person; and
(iii) that is not a fluid;
was used—set out the number of the document that covered the supply of the material in accordance with subregulation 42X(1); and
(q) identify the documents kept by the person carrying out the maintenance as a record of the carrying out of the maintenance; and
(s) include the date on which the certification was made.
4.5 If certifications for completion of stages of maintenance are made in the aircraft log book or approved alternative document for the aircraft, a final certification must:
(b) be signed by the person making the certification; and
(c) include the licence number, airworthiness authority number or certificate of approval number of the person making the certification; and
(d) if the person making the certification is an employee—state the name of the person’s employer and the employer’s certificate of approval number, licence number or airworthiness authority number; and
(e) include the date on which the certification was made.
What is the responsibility of a person who makes a final certification?
4.6 A person must not make a final certification unless the person is satisfied that:
(a) all maintenance required to be carried out on the aircraft has been carried out; and
(b) if the maintenance was required to be co‑ordinated by paragraph 3.1 or 3.2—the maintenance has been co‑ordinated; and
(c) certifications that are required to be made by paragraph 2.1 or 3.7 have been made.
(paragraph 42ZC(4)(b))
1.1 The inspection of an aircraft for the purpose of the issue of a maintenance release.
1.2 Maintenance involving disturbing the individual parts of an aircraft component supplied as a bench tested component where the subsequent functioning of the component can only be proved by the use of test equipment additional to the equipment used for normal functional checks and trouble shooting checks.
1.3 Maintenance involving the use of non‑destructive testing methods, but not including the use of aerosol packed materials in conducting liquid penetrant inspections.
1.4 Maintenance involving the complete jacking of an aircraft.
1.5 Maintenance involving the use of jigs, but not including the use of control rigging devices.
Part 2—Maintenance of airframes
2.1 The repair or modification of:
(a) the primary structure of an aircraft; or
(b) the seat support structure of an aircraft.
2.2 Welding, brazing, heat treating or metalizing of or on the primary structure of an aircraft.
2.3 Riveting, gluing or bonding joints in the primary structure of an aircraft.
2.4 Bolting joints in the airframe of an aircraft, where the bolting requires the use of special techniques.
2.5 Replacing a complete fabric covering of a fuselage, aerofoil or flying surface.
2.6 Balancing flying control surfaces.
2.7 Balancing main or tail rotor assemblies.
2.8 Refurbishing the interior of an aircraft.
2.9 Repainting that might affect the balance of flying control surfaces.
3.1 Disassembly or assembly of a crankcase of a reciprocating engine.
3.2 Disassembly or assembly of a crankshaft of a reciprocating engine (including removal and replacement of a connecting rod).
3.3 Disassembly or assembly of a rotor housing of a rotary engine.
3.4 Disassembly or assembly of a rotor assembly of a rotary engine.
3.5 Disassembly or assembly of a main casing of a turbine engine.
3.6 Disassembly or assembly of a rotating assembly of a turbine engine.
3.7 Balancing of rotating assemblies of engines.
3.8 Welding, brazing, heat treating or metalizing, but not including minor repairs to exhaust pipes.
3.9 Machining, other than machining using standard hand tools or valve refacing equipment.
3.10 Removal or replacement of reduction gears or accessory drive gears that are not attached to an accessory.
3.11 Balancing of propellers.
3.12 Disassembly and assembly of propeller hubs.
3.13 Straightening of propeller blades.
Part 4—Maintenance on electrical, instrument and radio systems
4.1 Maintenance of operational software and automatic test equipment software;
4.2 Initial installation of an electrical, instrument or radio system.
Part 5—Specific maintenance on manned free balloons and hot air airships
5.1 In relation to a manned free balloon or a hot air airship:
(a) the replacement of one or more panels in the upper half of the envelope; or
(b) the replacement of 4 or more panels in the lower half of the envelope; or
(c) the repair or replacement of load tape; or
(d) the repair of the suspension system; or
(e) the repair of the burner system, other than seal replacement or the cleaning of jets.
Note: For maintenance of engines of hot air airships see Part 3.
(subregulation 42ZC(4))
Part 1—Maintenance on Class B aircraft other than manned free balloons
1. Removal or installation of landing gear tyres, but only if the removal or installation does not involve the complete jacking of the aircraft.
2. Repair of pneumatic tubes of landing gear tyres.
3. Servicing of landing gear wheel bearings.
4. Replacement of defective safety wiring or split pins, but not including wiring or pins in control systems.
5. Removal or refitting of a door, but only if:
(a) no disassembly of the primary structure or operating system of the aircraft is involved; and
(b) if the aircraft is to be operated with the door removed—the aircraft has a flight manual and the manual indicates that the aircraft may be operated with the door removed.
6. Replacement of side windows in an unpressurised aircraft.
7. Replacement of seats, but only if the replacement does not involve disassembly of any part of the primary structure of the aircraft.
8. Repairs to the upholstery or decorative furnishings of the interior of the cabin or cockpit.
9. Replacement of seat belts or harnesses.
10. Replacement or repair of signs and markings.
11. Replacement of bulbs, reflectors, glasses, lenses or lights.
12. Replacement, cleaning, or setting gaps of, spark plugs.
13. Replacement of batteries.
14. Changing oil filters or air filters.
15. Changing or replenishing engine oil or fuel.
16. Lubrication not requiring disassembly or requiring only the removal of non‑structural parts, or of cover plates, cowlings and fairings.
17. Replenishment of hydraulic fluid.
18. Application of preservative or protective materials, but only if no disassembly of the primary structure or operating system of the aircraft is involved.
19. Removal or replacement of equipment used for agricultural purposes.
20. Removal or replacement of glider tow hooks.
21. Carrying out of an inspection under regulation 42G of a flight control system that has been assembled, adjusted, repaired, modified or replaced.
22. Carrying out of a daily inspection of an aircraft.
23. Connection and disconnection of optional dual control in an aircraft without the use of any tools for the purpose of transitioning the aircraft from single to dual, or dual to single, pilot operation.
24. Inspections or checks set out in the following documents in circumstances where the document clearly states that the maintenance may be carried out by the pilot of the aircraft and the maintenance does not require the use of any tools or equipment:
(a) the aircraft’s approved maintenance data;
(b) the aircraft’s flight manual or an equivalent document;
(c) any instructions issued by the NAA that approved the type certificate for the aircraft.
25. For an aircraft that is installed with an oxygen system for the exclusive use of ill or injured persons on an aircraft used to perform ambulance functions—replenishing the oxygen system installed on the aircraft.
Part 2—Maintenance on manned free balloons
1. The following maintenance on the balloon’s envelope:
(a) replacing envelope temperature flags (but not including replacing temperature telltale tags);
(b) removing or installing envelope temperature probes;
(c) adhesive patch repairs on envelope fabric in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions for such repairs;
(d) minor sewn fabric repairs below the first horizontal load tape as permitted by the manufacturer’s maintenance manual;
(e) adjusting, replacing or repairing control lines other than deflation lines;
(f) removing or installing karabiners;
(g) removing or installing crown line;
(h) removing or installing scoops and skirts.
2. The following maintenance on the balloon’s basket:
(a) interchanging or replacing basket in accordance with balloon operating handbook or other acceptable data;
(b) minor repairs to basket trim materials;
(c) re‑varnishing or re‑oiling basket wicker;
(d) removing or installing fire extinguishers;
(e) removing or installing burner poles;
(f) removing or installing handling line and container;
(g) removing or installing storage pouches.
3. The following maintenance on the balloon’s fuel cylinders:
(a) replacing or lubricating fuel cylinder tank inlet or outlet o‑rings;
(b) removing or replacing fuel cylinder straps;
(c) replacing fuel cylinder contents gauge glasses held in by screws (but not including replacing the whole contents gauge assembly);
(d) repairing or installing cylinder jackets;
(e) removing or installing heater pads;
(f) interchanging or replacing fuel cylinder if the cylinder is designated as interchangeable in balloon operating handbook or other acceptable data;
(g) adjusting LPG vapour regulators if the adjustment does not involve disassembly of regulator.
4. The following maintenance on the balloon’s burner systems:
(a) cleaning liquid pilot light regulators;
(b) cleaning or replacing seals in hose couplings;
(c) removing, cleaning or installing pilot light or burner jets, including filters;
(d) tightening burner parts, including heat shields;
(e) lubricating (not requiring disassembly other than removing lubrication port blanks);
(f) removing, replacing or adjusting piezo igniter system;
(g) adjusting liquid fire (whisper) or pilot light values;
(h) removing or installing burner in accordance with balloon operating handbook or other acceptable data.
5. The following maintenance on the balloon’s burner frame:
(a) removing or installing burner frame heat shields;
(b) adjusting burner gimbal friction.
6. The following maintenance on the balloon’s instruments and radio:
(a) replacing batteries;
(b) changing instrument packs;
(c) removing or installing radio if:
(i) no disturbance is required to the balloon’s instruments or electrical wiring; and
(ii) there is no need to disassemble a primary structure of the balloon.
7. The following maintenance on the balloon’s other equipment:
(a) removing or replacing other equipment if:
(i) no modifications are required to the balloon’s instruments or electrical wiring; and
(ii) there is no need to disassemble a primary structure of the balloon;
(b) removing, replacing or adjusting non‑structural standard fasteners incidental to operations.
Schedule 9—Maintenance control manual and maintenance controller
(regulation 42ZV)
Part 1—Requirements for person who is a maintenance controller
1.1 To be the maintenance controller a person must:
(a) know and understand the operator’s maintenance control manual; and
(b) know and understand the requirements of these Regulations in relation to the maintenance of aircraft; and
(c) demonstrate the required knowledge and understanding for the purposes of being approved as the maintenance controller.
Part 2—Functions of maintenance controller
2.1 A maintenance controller must perform the following functions:
(a) the control of all maintenance carried out on the aircraft, either scheduled or unscheduled;
(b) the development, organisation and supervision of all activities and procedures specified in the maintenance control manual;
(c) the transfer of an aircraft’s maintenance records to a new Certificate of Registration holder for the aircraft;
(d) the investigation of all defects in the aircraft that come to the attention of the aircraft’s maintenance organisation.
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Abbreviation key—Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.
ad = added or inserted | o = order(s) |
am = amended | Ord = Ordinance |
amdt = amendment | orig = original |
c = clause(s) | par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s) |
C[x] = Compilation No. x | /sub‑subparagraph(s) |
Ch = Chapter(s) | pres = present |
def = definition(s) | prev = previous |
Dict = Dictionary | (prev…) = previously |
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament | Pt = Part(s) |
Div = Division(s) | r = regulation(s)/rule(s) |
ed = editorial change | reloc = relocated |
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have | renum = renumbered |
effect | rep = repealed |
F = Federal Register of Legislation | rs = repealed and substituted |
gaz = gazette | s = section(s)/subsection(s) |
LA = Legislation Act 2003 | Sch = Schedule(s) |
LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 | Sdiv = Subdivision(s) |
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given | SLI = Select Legislative Instrument |
effect | SR = Statutory Rules |
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment | Sub‑Ch = Sub‑Chapter(s) |
cannot be given effect | SubPt = Subpart(s) |
mod = modified/modification | underlining = whole or part not |
No. = Number(s) | commenced or to be commenced |
Number and year | FRLI registration or gazettal and Assent | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
158, 1988 | 30 June 1988 | 30 June 1988 |
209, 1988 | 26 Aug 1988 | 26 Aug 1988 | — |
373, 1988 | 21 Dec 1988 | 21 Dec 1988 | — |
376, 1988 | 21 Dec 1988 | 21 Dec 1988 | — |
31, 1989 | 13 Mar 1989 | 13 Mar 1989 (r 1) | r 11 |
276, 1989 | 19 Oct 1989 | 19 Oct 1989 | — |
100, 1990 | 23 May 1990 | 23 May 1990 | — |
215, 1990 | 4 July 1990 | 4 July 1990 | — |
216, 1990 | 4 July 1990 | 4 July 1990 | r 23 |
258, 1990 | 9 Aug 1990 | 9 Aug 1990 | — |
260, 1990 | 9 Aug 1990 | 9 Aug 1990 | — |
289, 1990 | 6 Sept 1990 | 6 Sept 1990 | — |
310, 1990 | 28 Sept 1990 | 28 Sept 1990 | — |
331, 1990 | 18 Oct 1990 | 18 Oct 1990 | — |
332, 1990 | 18 Oct 1990 | 18 Oct 1990 | r 10 |
466, 1990 | 9 Jan 1991 | 10 Jan 1991 (r 1) | r 13 |
54, 1991 | 28 Mar 1991 | 28 Mar 1991 | r 5 |
147, 1991 | 26 June 1991 | 26 June 1991 | — |
157, 1991 | 28 June 1991 | 1 July 1991 (r 1) | — |
247, 1991 | 9 Aug 1991 | 9 Aug 1991 | — |
287, 1991 | 17 Sept 1991 | 17 Sept 1991 | r 17 |
382, 1991 | 27 Nov 1991 | 12 Dec 1991 (r 1) | r 20 |
409, 1991 | 12 Dec 1991 | 12 Dec 1991 | — |
410, 1991 | 12 Dec 1991 | 1 Jan 1992 (r 1) | — |
426, 1991 | 19 Dec 1991 | r 6–8: 1 Jan 1992 (r 1) | r 10 |
487, 1991 | 10 Jan 1992 | 1 Mar 1992 (r 1) | r 36–48 |
as amended by |
174, 1992 | 25 June 1992 | r 31 and 32: 1 Mar 1992 (r 29) | — |
36, 1992 | 7 Feb 1992 | 7 Feb 1992 (r 1) | — |
174, 1992 | 25 June 1992 | r 2–28: 25 June 1992 (r 1) | r 28 |
254, 1992 | 29 July 1992 | 29 July 1992 (r 1) | — |
258, 1992 | 7 Aug 1992 | 20 Aug 1992 (r 1) | — |
279, 1992 | 8 Sept 1992 | 1 Dec 1992 (r 1) | r 35–77 |
325, 1992 | 16 Oct 1992 | 1 Nov 1992 (r 1) | r 19–22 |
342, 1992 | 27 Oct 1992 | 27 Oct 1992 (r 1) | r 16 |
380, 1992 | 30 Nov 1992 | r 3–14, 17 and 18: 2 Dec 1992 (r 1) | — |
417, 1992 | 22 Dec 1992 | 23 Dec 1992 (r 1) | r 22–26 |
418, 1992 | 22 Dec 1992 | 22 Dec 1992 (r 1) | — |
221, 1993 | 17 Aug 1993 | 17 Aug 1993 (r 1) | r 19 |
268, 1993 | 29 Oct 1993 | 29 Oct 1993 (r 1) | — |
319, 1993 | 25 Nov 1993 | 25 Nov 1993 (r 1) | — |
368, 1993 | 23 Dec 1993 | 23 Dec 1993 (r 1) | — |
93, 1994 | 7 Apr 1994 | 7 Apr 1994 (r 1) | r 25 and 26 |
173, 1994 | 8 June 1994 | 8 June 1994 (r 1) | — |
187, 1994 | 16 June 1994 | 16 June 1994 (r 1) | — |
188, 1994 | 16 June 1994 | 16 June 1994 (r 1) | r 5 |
260, 1994 | 28 July 1994 | 28 July 1994 (r 1) | — |
294, 1994 | 23 Aug 1994 | 23 Aug 1994 (r 1) | — |
382, 1994 | 25 Nov 1994 | 25 Nov 1994 (r 1) | — |
396, 1994 | 25 Nov 1994 | 25 Nov 1994 (r 1) | — |
122, 1995 | 6 June 1995 | 12 Oct 1994 (r 1) | — |
147, 1995 | 28 June 1995 | 28 June 1995 (r 1) | — |
148, 1995 | 28 June 1995 | 28 June 1995 (r 1) | — |
224, 1995 | 6 July 1995 | 6 July 1995 (r 1) | — |
88, 1996 | 5 June 1996 | 5 June 1996 (r 1) | — |
23, 1997 | 26 Feb 1997 | 26 Feb 1997 (r 1) | — |
67, 1997 | 26 Mar 1997 | 26 Mar 1997 (r 1) | — |
111, 1997 | 21 May 1997 | 21 May 1997 (r 1) | r 5 |
139, 1997 | 23 June 1997 | 23 June 1997 (r 1) | — |
220, 1997 | 27 Aug 1997 | 27 Aug 1997 (r 1) | — |
31, 1998 | 11 Mar 1998 | 11 Mar 1998 (r 1) | — |
32, 1998 | 11 Mar 1998 | 11 Mar 1998 (r 1) | — |
219, 1998 | 7 July 1998 | 7 July 1998 (r 1) | — |
234, 1998 | 22 July 1998 | 22 July 1998 (r 1) | — |
235, 1998 | 22 July 1998 | r 9 and 22: 1 Dec 1998 (r 1.1) | — |
236, 1998 | 22 July 1998 | 22 July 1998 (r 1) | — |
288, 1998 | 1 Sept 1998 | 1 Sept 1998 (r 1) | — |
166, 1999 | 16 Aug 1999 | Sch 2 (Pt 1): 16 Aug 1999 (r 2(2)) | — |
as amended by |
262, 1999 | 27 Oct 1999 | Sch 2: 27 Oct 1999 (r 2(a)) | — |
167, 1999 | 16 Aug 1999 | 16 Aug 1999 (r 2) | — |
210, 1999 | 16 Sept 1999 | 16 Sept 1999 (r 2) | — |
229, 1999 | 29 Sept 1999 | Sch 1: 29 Sept 1999 (r 2(a)) | — |
262, 1999 | 27 Oct 1999 | Sch 3: 1 Dec 1999 (r 2(b)) | — |
353, 1999 | 22 Dec 1999 | 22 Dec 1999 (r 2) | — |
354, 1999 | 22 Dec 1999 | 1 Jan 2000 (r 2) | — |
8, 2000 | 23 Feb 2000 | 23 Feb 2000 (r 2) | — |
204, 2000 | 31 July 2000 | r 5–8 and Sch 3: 1 Oct 2000 (r 2(b)) | r 5–8 |
as amended by |
345, 2004 | 8 Dec 2004 | Sch 3: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) | — |
205, 2000 | 31 July 2000 | 31 July 2000 (r 2) | — |
227, 2000 | 17 Aug 2000 | r 4 and Sch 3: 17 Aug 2000 (r 2(b)) | r 4 |
261, 2000 | 15 Sept 2000 | 15 Sept 2000 (r 2) | — |
294, 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 (r 2) | — |
295, 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 (r 2) | — |
296, 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 | 1 Nov 2000 (r 2) | — |
362, 2000 | 20 Dec 2000 | 20 Dec 2000 (r 2) | — |
348, 2001 | 21 Dec 2001 | 21 Dec 2001 (r 2) | — |
349, 2001 | 21 Dec 2001 | r 4 and Sch 2: 1 July 2002 (r 2) | r 4 |
as amended by |
79, 2002 | 18 Apr 2002 | 18 Apr 2002 (r 2) | — |
345, 2004 | 8 Dec 2004 | Sch 4: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) | — |
167, 2002 | 3 July 2002 | r 5 and Sch 2: 1 May 2003 (r 2) | r 5 |
as amended by |
58, 2003 | 14 Apr 2003 | Sch 3: 14 Apr 2003 (r 2(a)) | — |
345, 2004 | 8 Dec 2004 | Sch 5: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) | — |
180, 2002 | 1 Aug 2002 | 1 Aug 2002 (r 2) | — |
221, 2002 | 12 Sept 2002 | 12 Sept 2002 (r 2) | — |
267, 2002 | 6 Nov 2002 | 6 Nov 2002 (r 2) | — |
319, 2002 | 19 Dec 2002 | 19 Dec 2002 (r 2) | — |
350, 2002 | 20 Dec 2002 | Sch 2 and 4: 20 Dec 2002 (r 2) | — |
58, 2003 | 14 Apr 2003 | Sch 2: 2 May 2003 (r 2(b)) | — |
75, 2003 | 1 May 2003 | Sch 2: 1 May 2003 (r 2(a)) | — |
95, 2003 | 22 May 2003 | 22 May 2003 (r 2) | — |
189, 2003 | 24 July 2003 | Sch 2: 1 Oct 2003 (r 2) | — |
201, 2003 | 6 Aug 2003 | 6 Aug 2003 (r 2) | — |
232, 2003 | 3 Sept 2003 | Sch 2: 3 Sept 2003 (r 2) | — |
240, 2003 | 18 Sept 2003 | Sch 1: 18 Sept 2003 (r 2) | — |
365, 2003 | 23 Dec 2003 | Sch 3: 1 Jan 2004 (r 2(b)) | — |
134, 2004 | 18 June 2004 | Sch 1: 15 Nov 2004 (r 2) | — |
216, 2004 | 15 July 2004 | Sch 1: 15 July 2004 (r 2) | — |
217, 2004 | 15 July 2004 | 15 July 2004 (r 2) | — |
222, 2004 | 22 July 2004 | Sch 3: 1 July 2004 (r 2) | — |
345, 2004 | 8 Dec 2004 | Sch 1: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) | — |
137, 2005 | 17 June 2005 (F2005L01485) | 18 June 2005 (r 2) | — |
242, 2005 | 24 Oct 2005 (F2005L03219) | Sch 2: 25 Oct 2005 (r 2) | — |
243, 2005 | 26 Oct 2005 (F2005L03249) | 24 Nov 2005 (r 2) | — |
321, 2005 | 19 Dec 2005 (F2005L04039) | Sch 2: 20 Dec 2005 (r 2) | — |
184, 2006 | 14 July 2006 (F2006L02309) | 15 July 2006 (r 2) | — |
70, 2007 | 29 Mar 2007 (F2007L00795) | 30 Mar 2007 (r 2) | — |
171, 2007 | 26 June 2007 (F2007L01840) | 1 July 2007 (r 2) | — |
191, 2008 | 22 Sept 2008 (F2008L03484) | 23 Sept 2008 (r 2) | — |
238, 2008 | 2 Dec 2008 (F2008L04445) | 1 Feb 2009 (r 2) | — |
272, 2008 | 18 Dec 2008 (F2008L04642) | 19 Dec 2008 (r 2) | — |
273, 2008 | 18 Dec 2008 (F2008L04585) | 19 Dec 2008 (r 2) | — |
25, 2009 | 2 Mar 2009 (F2009L00696) | 12 Mar 2009 (r 2) | — |
64, 2009 | 15 Apr 2009 (F2009L01295) | Sch 3: 1 Oct 2009 (r 2(b)) | — |
146, 2009 | 26 June 2009 (F2009L02509) | 1 July 2009 (r 2) | — |
81, 2010 | 11 May 2010 (F2010L01205) | 3 June 2010 (r 2) | — |
328, 2010 | 14 Dec 2010 (F2010L03195) | Sch 2: 27 June 2011 (r 2(a)) | — |
76, 2011 | 7 June 2011 (F2011L00968) | Sch 2: 27 June 2011 (r 2) | — |
77, 2011 | 7 June 2011 (F2011L00971) | Sch 2: 27 June 2011 (r 2) | — |
213, 2012 | 31 Aug 2012 (F2012L01819) | 1 Sept 2012 (s 2) | — |
5, 2013 | 19 Feb 2013 (F2013L00218) | Sch 2: 1 Sept 2014 (s 2) | — |
as amended by |
254, 2013 | 25 Nov 2013 (F2013L01976) | Sch 1 (items 2, 3): 26 Nov 2013 (s 2) | — |
80, 2013 | 20 May 2013 (F2013L00798) | Sch 1 (items 1–7, 124, 127): 21 May 2013 (s 2) | — |
188, 2013 | 26 July 2013 (F2013L01444) | Sch 1 (items 1–5): 1 Mar 2014 (s 2) | — |
222, 2013 | 8 Aug 2013 (F2013L01539) | Sch 1 (item 1): 1 Sept 2014 (s 2) | — |
as amended by |
254, 2013 | 25 Nov 2013 (F2013L01976) | Sch 1 (item 1): 26 Nov 2013 (s 2) | — |
274, 2013 | 17 Dec 2013 (F2013L02129) | Sch 1 (items 1–21, 465–467): 1 Sept 2014 (s 2 item 2) | — |
275, 2013 | 17 Dec 2013 (F2013L02128) | Sch 1 (items 1–8): 18 Dec 2013 (s 2) | — |
40, 2014 | 15 Apr 2014 (F2014L00414) | Sch 1 (items 1–11): 1 May 2014 (s 2 item 2) | — |
125, 2014 | 25 Aug 2014 (F2014L01122) | Sch 1 (items 1–3): 1 Sept 2014 (s 2) | — |
as amended by |
Act No 145, 2015 | 12 Nov 2015 | Sch 2 (item 6): 1 Sept 2014 (s 2(1) item 6) | — |
135, 2014 | 23 Sept 2014 (F2014L01261) | Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 5 Mar 2015 (s 2) | — |
165, 2014 | 3 Nov 2014 (F2014L01471) | 13 Nov 2014 (s 2) | — |
166, 2014 | 3 Nov 2014 (F2014L01470) | Sch 1 (items 1–3): 4 Nov 2014 (s 2) | — |
245, 2015 | 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01980) | Sch 1 (items 1–3): 15 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 2) | — |
246, 2015 | 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01992) | Sch 1 (items 39–45): 15 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 3) | — |
247, 2015 | 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01995) | Sch 1 (items 1–3): 20 Apr 2016 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Name | Registration | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 101) Regulation 2016 | 29 Mar 2016 (F2016L00400) | Sch 1 (item 4): 29 Sept 2016 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulation 2016 | 16 Sept 2016 (F2016L01448) | Sch 1 (items 1–27): 17 Sept 2016 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016 | 28 Oct 2016 (F2016L01655) | Sch 1 (items 1–12): 28 Jan 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Civil Aviation Amendment (Fuel and Oil Requirements) Regulations 2018 | 11 May 2018 (F2018L00599) | 8 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 149) Regulations 2018 | 13 July 2018 (F2018L01030) | Sch 1 (items 4–9): 14 July 2019 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Air Services Legislation (Repeal and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2019 | 25 Mar 2019 (F2019L00372) | Sch 1 (items 11–16): 26 Mar 2019 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Parts 103, 105 and 131) Regulations 2019 | 16 Dec 2019 (F2019L01621) | Sch 2 (item 1): 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 2) | — |
as amended by |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2020 | 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) | Sch 3 (item 1): 7 Oct 2020 (s 2(1) item 4) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 139 Aerodromes—Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2020 | 15 July 2020 (F2020L00913) | Sch 3 (items 2–14): 13 Aug 2020 (s 2(1) item 3) | — |
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 | 4 Mar 2021 (F2021L00200) | Sch 1 (items 1–57): 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 2) | — |
Act | Number and year | Assent | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Civil Aviation Amendment Act 1990 | 25, 1990 | 24 May 1990 | s 50: 24 May 1990 (s 2(4)) | s 50(2) |
Criminal Code Amendment (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Act 2000 | 137, 2000 | 24 Nov 2000 | Sch 2 (items 130, 418, 419): 24 May 2001 (s 2(3)) | Sch 2 (items 418, 419) |
Civil Aviation Amendment Act 2003 | 105, 2003 | 21 Oct 2003 | s 4 and Sch 2 (item 2): 21 Oct 2003 (s 2(1) items 1, 12) | s 4 |
Provision affected | How affected |
Part 1 |
r 1..................... | rs No 235, 1998 |
r 2..................... | am No 216, 1990; No 258, 1990; No 332, 1990; No 466, 1990; No 157, 1991; No 287, 1991; No 382, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 258, 1992; No 279, 1992; No 325, 1992; No 342, 1992; No 380, 1992; No 221, 1993; No 319, 1993; No 93, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 111, 1997; No 139, 1997; No 219, 1998; No 234, 1998 (disallowed); No 235, 1998; No 288, 1998; No 166, 1999; No 167, 1999; No 262, 1999; No 353, 1999; No 354, 1999; No 8, 2000; No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 1 disallowed); No 294, 2000; No 295, 2000; No 349, 2001; No 350, 2002; No 95, 2003; No 189, 2003; No 201, 2003; No 232, 2003; No 240, 2003; No 134, 2004; No 216, 2004; No 217, 2004; No 222, 2004; No 345, 2004; No 243, 2005; No 70, 2007; No 171, 2007; No 273, 2008; No 64, 2009; No 81, 2010; No 328, 2010; No 76, 2011; No 77, 2011; No 213, 2012; No 5, 2013; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 40, 2014; No 125, 2014; No 247, 2015; F2016L01448; F2018L01030; F2019L00372; F2021L00200 |
r 2AA................... | ad No 70, 2007 |
r 2A.................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 76, 2011; No 77, 2011 |
r 2B.................... | ad No 187, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013 |
r 2C.................... | ad No 235, 1998 |
| am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010 |
r 3..................... | am No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013; F2019L00372 |
Part 2 |
r 4..................... | am No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013 |
r 4A.................... | ad No 122, 1995 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 5..................... | am No 289, 1990; No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013; F2016L01448 |
r 5A.................... | ad No 187, 1994 |
| am No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013 |
| rep F2016L01448 |
r 6..................... | am No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 6A.................... | ad No 289, 1990 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 67, 1997; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 7..................... | am No 287, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 224, 1995; No 23, 1997; No 345, 2004 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
Part 3................... | rep No 134, 2004 |
Division 1 heading.......... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 1................ | rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
r 7A.................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 349, 2001 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 8..................... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 9..................... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 2 heading.......... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 2................ | rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
r 10.................... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 11.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 12.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13.................... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13A................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13B................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 3 heading.......... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 3................ | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13C................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13D................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13E................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13F................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13G................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13H................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13I.................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
Division 4................ | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13J.................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13K................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13L................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13M................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13N................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13O................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13P................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13Q................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13R................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 13S................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 5 heading.......... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 5................ | rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed) |
r 13T................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 13U................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
r 14.................... | rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 4 disallowed); No 134, 2004 |
Division 6 heading.......... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
r 15.................... | am No 204, 2000 (Sch 3 item 5 disallowed) |
| rep No 134, 2004 |
Division 7................ | rep No 204, 2000 |
r 16.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 325, 1992; No 221, 1993; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 16A................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 16B................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 17.................... | am No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 17A................... | ad No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 18.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 325, 1992 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
r 19.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 325, 1992 |
r 20.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 325, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 204, 2000 |
Part 4 |
Division 1................ | rs No 235, 1998 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 20A................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 20B................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 21.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 235, 1998; No 166, 1999 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 21A................... | ad No 166, 1999 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 22.................... | am No 332, 1990; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22A................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22B................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22C................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22D................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22E................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 287, 1991; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 22F................... | ad No 332, 1990 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 23.................... | am No 332, 1990; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
Division 2................ | rep No 235, 1998 |
r 24.................... | am No 332, 1990; No 487, 1991; No 325, 1992; No 221, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 25.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 332, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 325, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 26.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 27.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 325, 1992; No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 28.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
Division 2 |
r 29.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Division 3 |
Division 3 heading.......... | rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 93, 1994 |
r 29A................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 30.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 221, 1993; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 166, 1999; No 201, 2003; No 328, 2010; No 188, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015 |
r 30AA.................. | ad No 246, 2015 |
r 30A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 77, 2011 |
r 30B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 31.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 426, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 396, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 31A................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 31B................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 31C................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 31D................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 32.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 328, 2010 |
r 32A................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 32B................... | ad No 426, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 328, 2010 |
r 33.................... | am No 93, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 328, 2010 |
r 33A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 33B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 93, 1994; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 328, 2010 |
r 33C................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 33D................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 33E................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 33F................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 33G................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 33H................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 77, 2011 |
r 33I.................... | ad No 93, 1994 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Division 4 |
Division 4 heading.......... | rs No 487, 1991 |
r 34.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 35.................... | am No 332, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 73, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 36.................... | am No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 36A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 37.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 76, 2011; No 80, 2013 |
Division 5................ | ad No 487, 1991 |
| rep No 267, 2002 |
r 37A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 267, 2002 |
Part 4A |
Part 4A.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
Division 1 |
Division 1 heading.......... | am No 224, 1995 |
r 38.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Division 2 |
Subdivision 1 |
r 39.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
r 40.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
Subdivision 2 |
r 41.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 42.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 42A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42C................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42CA.................. | ad No 235, 1998 |
| am No 350, 2002; F2016L01655 |
r 42CB.................. | ad No 235, 1998 |
| am No 350, 2002 |
r 42D................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42E................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42F................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
Subdivision 3 |
r 42G................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 382, 1994; No 396, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004; No 274, 2013 |
r 42H................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
Division 3 |
r 42J.................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42K................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42L................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 42M................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42N................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42P................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42Q................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
r 42R................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42S................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42T................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
Division 4 |
r 42U................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 166, 1999; No 201, 2003; No 76, 2011; No 245, 2015 |
r 42V................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
r 42W................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; No 76, 2011; No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 40, 2014; No 166, 2014; No 245, 2015 |
r 42WA.................. | ad No 227, 2000 |
| am No 345, 2004; No 274, 2013 |
r 42X................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
r 42Y................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42Z................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 42ZA.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZB.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
Division 5 |
r 42ZC.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 93, 1994; No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 396, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; No 328, 2010; No 274, 2013; No 246, 2015 |
r 42ZD.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Division 6 |
Subdivision 1 |
r 42ZE.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 328, 2010 |
r 42ZF.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42ZG.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42ZH.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42ZJ................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZK.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42ZL.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 42ZM.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
Subdivision 2 |
r 42ZN.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Subdivision 3 |
r 42ZP.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
Division 7 |
r 42ZQ.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 262, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 76, 2011; No 245, 2015 |
r 42ZR.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42ZS.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42ZT.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 345, 2004 |
r 42ZU.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
Division 8 |
r 42ZV.................. | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 111, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZW.................. | ad No 111, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZX.................. | ad No 111, 1997 |
r 42ZY.................. | ad No 111, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZZ.................. | ad No 111, 1997 |
| am No 210, 1999; No 201, 2003 |
r 42ZZA................. | ad No 111, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
Division 9 |
Division 9 heading.......... | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 43.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 166, 1999; No 201, 2003; No 80, 2013; No 40, 2014; F2016L01448 |
r 43A................... | ad No 174, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 43B................... | ad No 342, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
r 44.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 45.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 224, 1995 |
r 46.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
r 47.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 76, 2011; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 40, 2014; F2016L01448; F2016L01655 |
r 48.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; F2016L01448 |
r 49.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| am No 328, 2010; No 40, 2014 |
r 50.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 325, 1992; No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
Division 10 |
Division 10............... | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 50A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| rs No 342, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 50B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 50C................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 50D................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004 |
Division 11 |
Division 11............... | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 50E................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013 |
r 50F................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
r 50G................... | ad No 146, 2009 |
Part 4B |
Part 4B heading............ | ad No 487, 1991 |
r 51.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 51A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 51B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 52.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
r 52A................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
r 52B................... | ad No 487, 1991 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
r 53.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
Part 4C |
Part 4C.................. | ad No 167, 1999 |
r 54.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 487, 1991 |
| ad No 167, 1999 |
| am No 350, 2002; No 345, 2004 |
| rs No 76, 2011 |
Part V................... | rep No 279, 1992 |
r 55.................... | rs No 216, 1990 |
| am No 426, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 167, 1999 |
| am No 221, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 55A................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 174, 1992; No 342, 1992 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 221, 2002 |
| rep No 76, 2011 |
r 55B................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
Part 4D |
Part 4D heading............ | rs No 245, 2015 |
Part 4D.................. | ad No 204, 2000 |
r 56.................... | am No 31, 1989; No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 350, 2002 |
r 57.................... | am No 31, 1989; No 216, 1990; No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003 |
r 58.................... | rs No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
r 59.................... | am No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
r 60.................... | am No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
r 61.................... | rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 204, 2000 |
| am No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004 |
| rep No 245, 2015 |
r 62.................... | am No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 63.................... | rs No 216, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 64.................... | am No 216, 1990; No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 65.................... | rep No 279, 1992 |
r 66.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 426, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 67.................... | rep No 279, 1992 |
r 68.................... | rs No 216, 1990 |
| am No 426, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 69.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 70.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 71.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72.................... | am No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72A................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 287, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72B................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72C................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991; No 157, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72D................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 147, 1991; No 157, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72E................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| am No 287, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 72F................... | ad No 216, 1990 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 73.................... | rep No 279, 1992 |
r 74.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
Part 5 |
Part 5................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
| am No 274, 2013 |
Division 5.1 |
r 5.01................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 288, 1998; No 240, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
| am No 125, 2014; F2021L00200 |
r 5.01A.................. | ad No 32, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.01B.................. | ad No 32, 1998 |
| am No 294, 2000 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 2 heading.......... | rs No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.02................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.03................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
Division 5.2 |
r 5.04................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 232, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.05................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.06................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 232, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.07................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
Division 5.3 |
r 5.08................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 139, 1997; No 353, 1999; No 273, 2008; No 80, 2013 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.09................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.10................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.11................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.12................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.13................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 354, 1999 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.14................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 354, 1999 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.15................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.16................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.17................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.17A.................. | ad No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.18................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.19................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 354, 1999; No 5, 2013 |
r 5.20................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.20A.................. | ad No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.20B.................. | ad No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.20C.................. | ad No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.21................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.22................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.23................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.24................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.25................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.26................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.26B.................. | ad No 261, 2000 |
| am No 362, 2000 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26D.................. | ad No 261, 2000 |
| rep No 362, 2000 |
r 5.26F.................. | ad No 261, 2000 |
| am No 362, 2000; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26G.................. | ad No 362, 2000 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26GA................. | ad No 362, 2000 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26H.................. | ad No 261, 2000 |
| am No 362, 2000 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26J................... | ad No 261, 2000 |
| am No 362, 2000 |
| rep No 184, 2006 |
r 5.26L.................. | ad No 261, 2000 |
| rep No 362, 2000 |
Division 5.4 |
r 5.27................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.28................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.29................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.30................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.31................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.32................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.33................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.34................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.35................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.36................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.37................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.38................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 187, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 319, 2002; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.39................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 187, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 319, 2002 |
Division 5.5 |
r 5.40................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.41................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 273, 2008 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.42................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 77, 2011 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.43................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.44................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.45................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.46................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.47................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.48................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.49................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 5.50................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.51................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 354, 1999; No 261, 2000; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.52................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.53................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.54................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 80, 2013 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.54A.................. | ad No 5, 2013 |
r 5.55................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.56................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
Division 5.6 |
r 5.57................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.58................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.59................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 354, 1999; No 261, 2000 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.60................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 3................ | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 5.7 |
r 5.61................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.62................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.63................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
Division 4................ | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.64................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.65................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.66................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.67................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.68................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.69................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.70................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.71................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.72................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.73................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.74................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 32, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.75................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.76................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 5................ | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.77................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.78................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.79................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.80................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998; No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.81................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.82................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.83................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.84................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.85................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.86................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 6................ | am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.87................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.88................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.89................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.90................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.91................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.92................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.93................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.94................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 7................ | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.95................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.96................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.97................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.98................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.99................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.100.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.101.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.102.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.103.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.104.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.105.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.106.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.107.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998; No 354, 1999 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.108.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.109.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.110.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.111.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.112.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.113.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.114.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.115.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 288, 1998; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.116.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.116A................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.117.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.118.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.119.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 9................ | am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.120.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.121.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.122.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.123.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.124.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.125.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.126.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.127.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.128.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 10............... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.129.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.130.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.131.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.132.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.133.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.134.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.135.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.136.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.137.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 11............... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 5.11 |
r 5.138.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
| am F2016L01448; F2021L00200 |
r 5.139.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.140.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.141.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.142.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.143.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
| am F2021L00200 |
r 5.144.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.145.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.146.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.147.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
r 5.148.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 80, 2013 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 12............... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.149.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.150.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.151.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.152.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.153.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.154.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.155.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.156.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.157.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.158.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.159.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.160.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.161.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.162.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.163.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.164.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 13............... | am No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.165.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.166.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.167.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.168.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.169.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.170.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.171.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.172.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.173.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003; No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 14............... | am No 288, 1998; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.174.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.175.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.176.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 380, 1992; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.177.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 32, 1998; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.178.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 418, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.179.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.180.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.181.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.182.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.183.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.184.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.185.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.186.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.187.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 16............... | am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.188.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.189.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.190.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.191.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.192.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.193.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.194.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003; No 240, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 17............... | ad No 139, 1997 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195A................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195B................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| am No 294, 2000 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195C................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195D................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195E................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.195F................. | ad No 139, 1997 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.196.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.197.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.198.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 77, 2011 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.199.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.200.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.201.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.202.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.203.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.204.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.205.................. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Division 19............... | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.206.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.207.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.208.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.209.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.210.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.211.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.212.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.213.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.214.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.215.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.216.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.217.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 5.218.................. | ad No 273, 2008 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
Part 6................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.01................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.02................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.03................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.04................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.05................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.06................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.06A.................. | ad No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.07................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.08................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.09................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.10................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.11................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.12................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.13................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.14................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.15................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.16................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.16A.................. | ad No 221, 1993 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.17................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.18................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.19................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.20................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
r 6.21................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 232, 2003 |
Part VI.................. | rep No 279, 1992 |
r 75.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
r 76.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
Part VII heading............ | rep No 279, 1992 |
Part 7 heading............. | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Part 7................... | rep F2021L00200 |
r 77.................... | am No 216, 1990; No 147, 1991 |
| rep No 279, 1992 |
| ad No 70, 2007 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 78.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 79.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 80.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 81.................... | am No 289, 1990 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Part 8................... | rep F2021L00200 |
r 82.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 77, 2011 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 82A................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 83.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 288, 1998; No 201, 2003 |
| rs No 5, 2013 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 83A................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 83B................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 83C................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 83D................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| rep No 77, 2011 |
r 83E................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 83F................... | ad No 279, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 84.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 382, 1994; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 85.................... | am No 289, 1990; No 353, 1999 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Part IX heading............. | rs No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Part IX.................. | rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 1 heading.......... | rep No 417, 1992 |
r 86.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 87.................... | am No 417, 1992; No 319, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Part 9 |
Part 9 heading............. | ad No 417, 1992 |
Division 1................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 88.................... | am No 147, 1991 |
| rs No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89.................... | rep No 247, 1991 |
| ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 2................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89A................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89B................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89C................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 167, 2002; No 75, 2003 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89D................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89E................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89F................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89G................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 3................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89H................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89I.................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89J.................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89K................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89L................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 4................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89M................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89N................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89O................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89P................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89Q................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89R................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 294, 2000 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89S................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89T................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89U................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89V................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 5................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89W................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 221, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89X................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89Y................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89Z................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 6................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89ZA.................. | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89ZB.................. | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89ZC.................. | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 7................ | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
r 89ZD.................. | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 58, 2003 |
Division 8 |
Division 8 heading.......... | ad No 417, 1992 |
r 90.................... | rep F2020L00913 |
r 91.................... | am No 80, 2013 |
| rep F2020L00913 |
r 92.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 247, 1991; No 417, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; F2020L00913 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 92A................... | ad No 417, 1992 |
| am No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; F2020L00913 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 93.................... | am No 80, 2013 |
Division 9 |
Division 9 heading.......... | ad No 417, 1992 |
r 94.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 417, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 353, 1999; No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
Division 2 heading.......... | rep No 417, 1992 |
r 95.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; F2021L00200 |
r 96.................... | am No 247, 1991; No 417, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; F2020L00913 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Part 10 |
Division 3 heading.......... | rs No 382, 1991 |
| rep No 417, 1992 |
Part 10 heading............. | ad No 417, 1992 |
| rs No 221, 1993 |
Division 1 |
Division 1 heading.......... | ad No 221, 1993 |
r 97.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 98.................... | am No 466, 1990; No 382, 1991; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 99.................... | am No 466, 1990 |
| rs No 382, 1991 |
| am No 319, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 99AA.................. | ad No 382, 1991 |
| am No 319, 1993; No 382, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; F2016L01448 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 99A................... | ad No 466, 1990 |
| rep No 342, 1992 |
| ad No 319, 1993 |
| am No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 100.................... | am No 466, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 294, 2000; No 201, 2003; F2019L00372 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 101.................... | am No 294, 2000 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 102.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 382, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 294, 2000 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 103.................... | am No 466, 1990 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 104.................... | am No 216, 1990; No 260, 1990; No 279, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 105.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 201, 2003; No 345, 2004; F2021L00200 |
r 106.................... | am No 382, 1991 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 107.................... | am No 216, 1990; No 279, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 108.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 382, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
Division 4 heading.......... | rep No 382, 1991 |
r 109.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 110.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 111.................... | rep No 382, 1991 |
r 112.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 382, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 113.................... | am No 382, 1991 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 114.................... | am No 373, 1988; No 216, 1990; No 260, 1990; No 279, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 115.................... | am No 345, 2004 |
r 116.................... | am No 382, 1991 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 117.................... | rs No 373, 1988 |
| am No 216, 1990; No 279, 1992; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
r 118.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 382, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 167, 2002 |
Division 5 heading.......... | rep No 221, 1993 |
r 119.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 2 heading.......... | ad No 221, 1993 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Division 2................ | rep F2021L00200 |
r 120.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Division 6 heading.......... | rep No 221, 1993 |
Division 3 heading.......... | ad No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 3................ | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 121.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 122.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 123.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 124.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 7 heading.......... | rep No 221, 1993 |
Division 4 heading.......... | ad No 221, 1993 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 4................ | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 125.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 126.................... | am No 221, 1993; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 127.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 128.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 129.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
r 130.................... | rep No 224, 1995 |
r 131.................... | am No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 224, 1995 |
Division 8 heading.......... | rep No 221, 1993 |
Division 3 heading.......... | ad No 221, 1993 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Division 3................ | rep F2021L00200 |
r 132.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 201, 2003; No 80, 2013 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
Part 11.................. | rep F2021L00200 |
r 133.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 487, 1991; No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 353, 1999; No 204, 2000; No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003; No 80, 2013; F2016L01448 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 134.................... | am No 209, 1988; No 147, 1991; No 410, 1991; No 174, 1992; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 235, 1998 |
r 135.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 166, 1999; No 201, 2003; No 247, 2015 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 135A.................. | ad No 166, 1999 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 136.................... | am No 224, 1995; No 80, 2013 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 137.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rep No 349, 2001 |
r 138.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 174, 1992; No 342, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 167, 1999 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 139.................... | am No 216, 1990; No 147, 1991; No 174, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 235, 1998; No 167, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 201, 2003; No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013; F2016L01448 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 140.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 294, 2000; No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 141.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 279, 1992; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 295, 2000 |
| am No 201, 2003 |
| rep No 5, 2013 |
r 142.................... | rep No 215, 1990 |
r 143.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 201, 2003 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 144.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995 |
| rs No 95, 2003; No 201, 2003 |
| am No 272, 2008 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 145.................... | am No 353, 1999 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 146.................... | am No 353, 1999 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 147.................... | am No 353, 1999 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 148.................... | rep Act No 25, 1990 |
r 149.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 173, 1994; No 224, 1995; No 353, 1999; No 201, 2003; No 5, 2013 |
| rep F2021L00200 |
r 150.................... | am No 147, 1991; No 380, 1992; No |