1937. No. 21.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Air Force Act 1923.

Dated this seventeenth day of February, 1936.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Signature of the Minister of State for Defence.

Minister of State for Defence.


Amendment of Air Force Regulations.†

1. Regulation 65 of the Air Force Regulations is amended by inserting at the end of sub-regulation (1.) the following sentence:—

“The relative efficiency of officers for the purposes of this sub-regulation shall be decided by the Air Board.”

2. After regulation 68 of the Air Force Regulations the following regulation is inserted:—

Promotion whose age for retirement extended.

“68a. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, an officer, whose age for retirement has been extended as prescribed by sub-regulation (2.) or (3.) of regulation 88, shall not be eligible for further promotion in substantive rank in the Active Force.”

3. Regulation 77 of the Air Force Regulations is amended by omitting the words and figures “Regulations 73 and 75” and inserting in their stead the word and figures “regulation 75”.

4. Regulation 163a of the Air Force Regulations is amended by inserting after the words “reimburse the Commonwealth” the words “, a canteen, mess or other semi-official institution”.

5. Regulation 469 of the Air Force Regulations is amended—

(a) by omitting from paragraph (a) of sub-regulation (1.) the figures and word “55 years” and inserting in their stead the figures and word “53 years”; and

(b) by omitting from paragraph (a) of sub-regulation (1.) the figures and word “40 years” and inserting in their stead the figures and word “45 years”.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1937.

† Statutory Rules 1927, No. 161, as amended by Statutory Rules 1928, Nos. 52 and 109; 1929, Nos. 75 and 114; 1930, Nos. 77, 94 and 135; 1931, Nos. 3, 78, and 115; 1932, Nos. 9, 63, and 133; 1933, Nos. 16, 46, 58, 82, 89, and 117; 1934, Nos. 25, 51, 74, 81, 122 and 125; 1935, Nos. 32 and 98; 1936, No. 17—Twenty-ninth amendment.

4284.—7/13.1.1937.—Price 3d.

6. Regulation 546 of the Air Force Regulations is repealed.

7. Regulation 546b of the Air Force Regulations is repealed.

8. Regulation 553 of the Air Force Regulations is amended —

(a) by inserting in paragraph (a) beneath the words and figures “Fitter, grade II.;” the words —

“Flight fitter;

Flight rigger;”;

(b) by inserting in paragraph (a) after the word “musterings:—” the words “Drill instructor;”; and

(c) by omitting from paragraph (e) the words “telephone attendant” and inserting in their stead the words “telephone operator”.

9. Regulation 594 of the Air Force Regulations is amended—

(a) by inserting after the words “to be rationed” the words “and/or quartered”; and

(b) by inserting after the words “and when rations” the words “and/or quarters”.

10. Regulation 603 of the Air Force Regulations is repealed and the following regulation is inserted in its stead:—

Recreation leave Fares.

“603.—(1) In the case of members of the Permanent Air Force stationed in localities classified for the purposes of district allowance, partial reimbursement of fares paid by those members for themselves, their wives and families, when travelling on recreation leave or on long service leave, may be approved by the Air Board subject to the following conditions:—

(a) A married member whose family resides with him at his station may, provided his wife and children (if any), under the age of fourteen years, travel with him on his recreation leave or long service leave, be granted—

(i) in the case of an officer an amount equal to the excess beyond £15 on first class return fares between his station and the nearest capital city or other destination of less distance;

(ii) in the case of an airman an amount equal to the excess beyond £10 on second class return fares between his station and the nearest capital city or other destination of less distance.

(b) A married member travelling alone or an unmarried member journeying on recreation leave or long service leave may be granted—

(i) in the case of an officer an amount equal to the excess beyond £10 on first class return fares between his station and the nearest capital city or other destination of less distance;

(ii) in the case of an airman an amount equal to the excess beyond £6 13s. 4d. on second class return fares between his station and the nearest capital city or other destination of less distance.

(c) A member who elects to travel, while on recreation leave or long service leave, a greater distance than is represented by the distance between his station and the nearest capital city, may be granted the amount which would have been allowed him had he elected to travel only to the capital city.

(d) A member, appointed or transferred to a locality classified for the purpose of district allowance for a definite period of three years or less, shall not be granted partial reimbursement of fares under this regulation.

(e) Partial reimbursement of fares in accordance with this regulation shall not be granted to a member more than once in every three years.

(2.) Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, if a member, whose period of transfer to and service at a locality classified for the purpose of district allowance is not less than three years, proceeds on recreation leave or long service leave, the cost of fares to and from the capital city of the State in which he was stationed prior to such transfer, in excess of the amounts specified in paragraph (a) or (b) of sub-regulation (1.) of this regulation as the case may be, may be granted to him subject to the approval of the Air Board provided that the member returns at the expiration of his leave or long service leave for a further period of duty at the locality from which his recreation leave or long service leave commenced.”

11. Regulation 635 of the Air Force Regulations is amended—

(a) by omitting the proviso from sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (d) of sub-regulation (1.); and

(b) by inserting in paragraph (d) of sub-regulation (1.) after sub-paragraph (ii) the following sub-paragraph:—

“(iii) An officer attached to the Air Ministry for further experience or instructional duties on completion of his course at the Staff College, Andover, shall, in lieu of the allowances mentioned in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph, continue to draw the allowance provided under paragraph (b) of this sub-regulation.”.

12. Regulation 650a of the Air Force Regulations is repealed and the following regulation is inserted in its stead:—

Pay of Chaplains.

“650a. A chaplain who is detailed for duty at an air-force station or unit or at a camp of continuous training shall be paid at the rate of £1 per day for each day of his authorized attendance not exceeding 25 days in any financial year.”

13. Regulation 655 of the Air Force Regulations is repealed and the following regulation is inserted in its stead:—

Air gunner’s pay.

“655. Air gunner’s pay at the rate of sixpence per day may be paid within the authorized establishment for a maximum of 25 days per annum to an air gunner of the Citizen Air Force, while so appointed.

A member shall be allotted as air gunner member of an aircraft crew and shall be required to requalify annually in the manner laid down by the Air Board. When detailed by a commanding officer as a member of an aircraft crew for a particular operation and his services are necessary for the safety of the aircraft or for the efficiency of the operation or if he is undergoing specific air training, an air gunner of the Citizen Air Force may be paid while so employed crew pay at the rate of 2s. per day.”

14. Regulation 659 of the Air Force Regulations is repealed.


By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.