Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Jury Exemption Regulations 1987

Statutory Rules No. 186, 1987 as amended

made under the

Jury Exemption Act 1965

Compilation start date:  12 April 2013

Includes amendments up to: SLI No. 51, 2013

About this compilation

The compiled instrument

This is a compilation of the Jury Exemption Regulations 1987 as amended and in force on 12 April 2013. It includes any amendment affecting the compiled instrument to that date.

This compilation was prepared on 30 May 2013.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending Acts and instruments and the amendment history of each amended provision.

Uncommenced provisions and amendments

If a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by an uncommenced amendment, the text of the uncommenced amendment is set out in the endnotes.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for amendments

If the operation of an amendment is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision, the provision is identified in the endnotes.


If a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by a textual modification that is in force, the text of the modifying provision is set out in the endnotes.

Provision ceasing to have effect

If a provision of the compiled instrument has expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the instrument, details of the provision are set out in the endnotes.






1 Name of Regulations

2 Commencement

3 Interpretation

4 Exemption of certain Commonwealth employees

5 Exemptions relating to administration of justice

6 Exemptions relating to public need

7 Exemptions relating to public administration

8 Repeal


Endnote 1—Legislation history

Endnote 2—Amendment history

Endnote 3—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Endnote 4—Misdescribed amendments [none]



1  Name of Regulations

  These Regulations are the Jury Exemption Regulations 1987.

2  Commencement

  These Regulations shall come into operation on 1 October 1987.

3  Interpretation

 (1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, the Act means the Jury Exemption Act 1965.

 (2) For the purposes of these Regulations, each of the Territories is a specified Territory.

4  Exemption of certain Commonwealth employees

  A person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, an employment as a Commonwealth employee in respect of which the rate of salary equals or exceeds the rate of salary for the time being payable to an officer of the Australian Public Service occupying an office classified as Senior Executive Band 3 is exempt from liability to serve as a juror:

 (a) in Federal courts; and

 (b) in the courts of a specified Territory; and

 (c) in the courts of the States.

5  Exemptions relating to administration of justice

 (1) A person to whom this regulation applies is exempt from liability to serve as a juror:

 (a) in Federal courts; and

 (b) in the courts of a specified Territory; and

 (c) in the courts of the States.

 (2) This regulation applies to the following persons:

 (a) an officer or employee of:

 (i) a Department; or

 (ii) the Office of Parliamentary Counsel; or

 (iii) the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions;

  being an officer or employee whose duties involve the provision of legal professional services;

 (b) an officer or employee of:

 (i) the High Court of Australia; or

 (ii) the Federal Court of Australia; or

 (iii) the Family Court of Australia; or

 (iv) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

 (c) a person employed as a chemist in the Australian Government Analytical Laboratories, being a person whose duties include appearing as an expert witness in court proceedings;

 (g) a member within the meaning of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and a person employed under section 24 of that Act;

 (h) the Chief Executive Officer within the meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 and an examiner or a member of the staff of the Australian Crime Commission within the meaning of that Act;

 (j) a person not otherwise referred to in this subregulation for the time being employed by:

 (ii) the Australian Police Staff College; or

 (iii) the National Police Research Unit;

 (k) a member, or a member of the staff, of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal;

 (l) a member, or a member of the staff, of the National Native Title Tribunal;

 (m) a staff member, within the meaning of the Australian Securities Commission Act 1989, being a staff member whose duties involve:

 (i) providing legal professional services; or

 (ii) investigating matters.

6  Exemptions relating to public need

 (1) A person to whom this regulation applies is exempt from liability to serve as a juror:

 (a) in Federal courts; and

 (b) in the courts of a specified Territory; and

 (c) in the courts of the States.

 (2) This regulation applies to a veterinary officer or other person employed in the Department of Primary Industries and Energy whose duties relate to the planning, coordination and monitoring of measures to limit the importation of exotic diseases into, or outbreak of exotic diseases in, Australia.

7  Exemptions relating to public administration

 (1) A person to whom this regulation applies is exempt from liability to serve as a juror:

 (a) in Federal courts; and

 (b) in the courts of a specified Territory; and

 (c) in the courts of the States.

 (2) This regulation applies to:

 (a) the Official Secretary to the GovernorGeneral; and

 (b) a person performing duties as Secretary to:

 (i) a Royal Commission; or

 (ii) a Committee of Inquiry established under an Act; and

 (c) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following positions in relation to a Minister of State:

 (i) Principal Private Secretary;

 (ii) Principal Adviser;

 (iii) Senior Private Secretary;

 (iv) Senior Adviser;

 (v) Private Secretary;

 (vi) Adviser;

 (vii) Press Secretary; and

 (e) the Industrial Registrar, and any Deputy Industrial Registrar, within the meaning of subsection 62(2) of the Workplace Relations Act 1996; and

 (f) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following offices in the Department of the Senate:

 (i) Clerk of the Senate;

 (ii) Deputy Clerk of the Senate;

 (iii) ClerkAssistant (Table);

 (iv) ClerkAssistant (Procedure);

 (v) ClerkAssistant (Management);

 (vi) ClerkAssistant (Committees);

 (vii) Usher of the Black Rod;

 (viii) Principal Parliamentary Officer, Table Office;

 (ix) Secretary to a committee established by the Senate, or jointly by the Senate and the House of Representatives, including a committee established by an Act; and

 (g) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following offices in the Department of the House of Representatives:

 (i) Clerk of the House of Representatives;

 (ii) Deputy Clerk of the House of Representatives;

 (iii) First Clerk Assistant;

 (iv) Clerk Assistant (Procedure);

 (v) Assistant Secretary (Committees);

 (vi) Clerk Assistant (Table);

 (vii) Assistant Secretary (Corporate Services);

 (viii) SerjeantatArms;

 (ix) Director (Programming), Table Office;

 (x) Director (Legislation and Records), Table Office;

 (xi) Secretary to a committee established by the House of Representatives, or jointly by the House of Representatives and the Senate, including a committee established by an Act; and

 (j) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following positions in the Department of Defence:

 (i) Deputy Director, Defence Signals Directorate;

 (ii) DirectorGeneral, Alliance Policy and Management;

 (iii) Deputy Chief of Facility, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap;

 (iv) Australian Chief of Security, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap;

 (v) Engineer Class 3, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap; and

 (k) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, the position of Parliamentary Liaison Officer in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

8  Repeal

  Statutory Rules 1970 No. 131, 1971 No. 73 and 1972 No. 61 are repealed.



Endnote 1—Legislation history

This endnote sets out details of the legislation history of the Jury Exemption Regulations 1987.


Number and year

Gazettal or FRLI registration date

Commencement date

Application, saving and transitional provisions

1987 No. 186

18 Sept 1987

1 Oct 1987


1989 No. 185

6 July 1989

6 July 1989

1990 No. 205

4 July 1990

4 July 1990

1992 No. 123

14 May 1992

14 May 1992

as amended by




1992 No. 289

11 Sept 1992

11 Sept 1992

1997 No. 316

17 Nov 1997

17 Nov 1997

2002 No. 326

20 Dec 2002

1 Jan 2003 (see r. 2)

2004 No. 221

22 July 2004

22 July 2004

2005 No. 199

2 Sept 2005 (see F2005L02330)

3 Sept 2005

51, 2013

11 Apr 2013 (see F2013L00649)

Schedule 1 (item 66): (a)

(a) Section 2 (item 2) of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia Legislation (Consequential Amendments) Regulation 2013 (No. 1) provides as follows:

 2 Each provision of this regulation specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




2.  Schedule 1

Immediately after the commencement of Schedules 1 and 2 to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia Legislation Amendment Act 2012.

12 April 2013


Endnote 2—Amendment history

This endnote sets out the amendment history of the Jury Exemption Regulations 1987.


ad. = added or inserted    am. = amended    rep. = repealed    rs. = repealed and substituted    exp. = expired or ceased to have effect

Provision affected

How affected

r. 1.....................

rs. 2002 No. 326

r. 4.....................

am. 1992 No. 123; 1997 No. 316

r. 5.....................

am. 1992 No. 123 (as am. by 1992 No. 289); 1997 No. 316; 2002 No. 326; 2004 No. 221; No. 51, 2013

r. 6.....................

am. 1992 No. 123; 1997 No. 316

r. 7.....................

am. 1989 No. 185; 1990 No. 205; 1992 No. 123; 1997 No.  316; 2005 No. 199


Endnote 3—Uncommenced amendments [none]

There are no uncommenced amendments.


Endnote 4—Misdescribed amendments [none]

There are no misdescribed amendments.