Each Special Account mentioned in Schedule 1 of this instrument and contained in Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 - Initial Determination to Establish Components of the Reserved Money Fund (31/12/1997) is abolished on the earlier of: (a) the time when its balance reaches zero; and (b) 30 June 2012. The Australian Archives Projects and Sponsored Activities Special Account contained in Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2006/59 - Australian Archives Projects and Sponsored Activities Special Account Establishment 2006 is abolished on the earlier of: (a) the time when its balance reaches zero; and (b) 30 June 2013. The Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board Special Account contained in Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2008/18 - Office of the Australian Accounting Standards
Each Special Account mentioned in Schedule 1 of this instrument and contained in Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 - Initial Determination to Establish Components of the Reserved Money Fund (31/12/1997) is abolished on the earlier of: (a) the time when its balance reaches zero; and (b) 30 June 2012. The Australian Archives Projects and Sponsored Activities Special Account contained in Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2006/59 - Australian Archives Projects and Sponsored Activities Special Account Establishment 2006 is abolished on the earlier of: (a) the time when its balance reaches zero; and (b) 30 June 2013. The Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board Special Account contained in Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2008/18 - Office of the Australian Accounting Standards