Heavy Vehicle Stated Maps – Network Suspension and Amendment Notice 2025 (No.1)


  1.        Purpose


The purpose of this notice is to amend stated networks for vehicles on the Regulator’s initiative.   


  1.        Commencement date


  1.       Suspension or amendment of the routes in Schedule 1 under section 4(1)(a) below commences immediately upon publication of this notice; and


  1.       Cancellation or amendment of the routes in Schedule 1 under section 4(1)(b) below commences 28 days after publication of this notice.


  1.        Title


This notice may be cited as the Heavy Vehicle Stated Maps – Network Suspension and Amendment Notice 2025 (No.1).


  1.        Authorising provision


  1.       This notice is made under:


  1.       Section 175, immediately suspending or amending the routes listed in Schedule 1 of this notice to prevent or minimise serious harm to public safety or significant damage to road infrastructure; and
  2.       Section 173, cancelling or amending the routes listed in Schedule 1 of this notice on the Regulator’s initiative.


  1.        Application


This notice applies in all participating jurisdictions. 


  1.        Amendments


The specified networks in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to this notice are amended as specified in Column 4 for the Road Manager’s reasons shown in Column 5.


  1.        Public notice of amendment


Any person affected by the purpose of the action they make written representation to the Regulator within 14 days of the publication of the notice about why the amendment should not be made.


Dated: 6/1/2025

Jose Arredondo

Manager Network Access Policy

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator






Schedule 1 Table of Amended Routes

Column 1

Authorising Provision

Column 2


Column 3


Column 4

Changes to Route

Column 5

Road manager Reasons for Change

s174 and s175 HVNL

Victoria Multiple Networks – Gazetted B Double Network, HML Network, Victoria’s Grain Harvest Management Scheme (GHMS) B-Doubles

Horsham Rural City Council

Restricted Access update to the following route:

-          Remove Access to the following Roads:

-          Riggs Rd

-          Slaughterhouse Ln

-          Aerodrome Rd

-          Banyena Rd

-          Gatehouse Rd

-          Moores Rd

-          O’Conners Rd

-          Rasmussen Rd

-          Reinheimers Rd

-          Rules West Rd


Long vehicles crossing over a rail crossing where there is a short stacking distance creates a significant risk of the vehicle being trapped and prevented from completion of its crossing on approach of a train.

s174 and s175 HVNL

New South Wales – GHMS Network


Transport for New South Wales

Remove access to the following roads:

Remove access to Cohens Bridge, Chandos St, Gunnedah


Works are being completed on Cohens Bridge (-30.971699685883227, 150.25419893786892), at Gunnedah from August 26 2024. These works will take approximately 2 years to complete. The restrictions are in place to prevent heavy vehicles accessing the bridge and approach roads during the maintenance works.

s174 and s175 HVNL

New South Wales – GML & CML 25/26m B-Double Routes, GML & CML 23m B-Double Routes, GML & CML 19m B-Double Routes (Over 50 tonnes), PBS Level 2, PBS Level 1, PBS Level 2A, NSW Oversize and Overmass, LLS Single Articulated Combination Network, LLS 19m B-Double Network, GHMS Network, 4.6m High Vehicles, Agricultural Network

Junee Shire Council

Restricted Access update to the following route:

HL Robinson Bridge load limited to 42.5 tonne.



This route raises public safety risks for oversize  or overmass vehicles due to the HL Roberston Bridge crossing. 

The reasons for the grounds of refusal are:

• Pose significant risk to public safety arising from heavy vehicle use that is incompatible with road infrastructure or traffic conditions.

This risk cannot be mitigated by road or travel conditions.

Findings: The bridge was assessed to have a HIGH risk of failure in Bending, by Transport for New South Wales, in February 2021 with a 26m B-Double at 68t alone and a Tri-axle Semi-trailer at 45.5t alone.

The reasons for the road manager's decision are; 

This is not acceptable on a risk basis and is likely to result in a bridge failure, which is risk the Road Manager cannot accept. 


s174 and s175 HVNL

New South Wales – NSW LLS 19m, 23m, 25m B-Double, Type 1 A Double, B-Triple, AB-Triple Networks & GHMS Network

Leeton Shire Council

Restricted Access update to the following route:

Remove the inclusion in the Farm Gate Access Program for the entire the Leeton Shire Council Area for the following Vehicle types:
AB Triple Road Train

B  Triple Road Train

Type 1 A-Double Road Train

Modular B-Triple Road Train



Leeton is an irrigation area with numerous Irrigation Crossings and narrow Structures.  Blanket approval of RAVs poses significant risk to councils narrow infrastructure as well as the significant number of 3rd Party Murrumbidgee Irrigation Structures.  Due diligence has not been undertaken by council for review of our entire road network for geometric turning movements or narrow structures.
Under section 163 (1) of the HVNL, the Council refuses/removes approval for the mentioned combinations due to an increase in damages, likely increase in damages to road infrastructure due to geometric turning movements and loads.

s174 and s175 HVNL

Queensland - B-double, up to 26m in length (no quad axle group)

Department Of Transport And Main Roads (tmr)

Remove access to the following roads:

Peak Downs Highway, Alexandra -

Peak Downs Highway, Walkerston



Access via Walkerston due to risk to public safety. Access is now via Walkerston Bypass.

This section of the Peak Downs Highway in Walkerston was identified to have a potential high safety risk, namely due to the combination of shops, schools, local community services and parking being adjacent to the road. A site visit and site specific safety review report was requested to identify any safety risks resulting from heavy vehicle movements through Walkerston.

High volume of pedestrians (including school children) and vehicles (10% heavy vehicles) resulted in a high risk environment, contributing towards the likelihood of a vehicle/pedestrian and vehicle-intersection crash occurring. The formation width does not safely cater for the combination of pedestrians, parked vehicles and through traffic. There is insufficient gaps in traffic for the right turn movements across Peak Downs Highway. During peak time the critical gap time required to cross the road was greater than the gaps between vehicles resulting in pedestrians undertake a staged crossing seeking refuge on the centre line.

s174 and s175 HVNL 

South Australia -

23m B Double (GML) & (HML)

26m B Double (GML) & (HML)

19m Network (HML)

Commodity Routes – All B Double

The Barossa Council

Remove access to the following roads: 

Duckponds Road - from Sturt Highway to Railway Terrace, Railway Terrace, Stockwell

Railway Terrace Railway Terrace, Stockwell - Full length


Remove all freight route classifications as the silo grain freight activities have ceased and the route no longer required. Further, large heavy vehicles through the Stockwell township centre impose adverse effects on the community and pose a significant risk to public safety.