Heavy Vehicle National Law

Heavy Vehicle Stated Maps – Network Suspension and Amendment Notice 2023 (No.10)


  1. Purpose


The purpose of this Notice is to amend stated networks for vehicles on the Regulators initiative.   


2.       Commencement date


1)      Suspension or amendment of the routes in Schedule 1 under s4(1)(a) below commences immediately upon publication of this Notice; and


2)      Cancellation or amendment of the routes in Schedule 1 under s4(1)(b) below commences 28 days after publication of this Notice.


3.       Title


This Notice may be cited as the Heavy Vehicle Stated Maps – Suspension and Amendment Notice 2023 (No.10).


4.       Authorising provision


1)      This Notice is made under:


a)      Section 175, immediately suspending or amending the routes listed in Schedule 1 of this Notice to prevent or minimize serious harm to public safety or significant damage to road infrastructure; and

b)      Section 173, cancelling or amending the routes listed in Schedule 1 of this Notice on the Regulators initiative.


5.       Application


This Notice applies in all participating jurisdictions. 


6.       Amendments


The specified networks in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Notice are amended as specified in Column 4 for the Road Manager’s reasons shown in Column 5.


7.       Public notice of amendment


Any person affected by the purpose of the action they make written representation to the Regulator within 14 days of the publication of the notice about why the amendment should not be made.


Dated: 23/10/2023

Jose Arredondo

Manager Network Access Policy

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

Schedule 1 Table of Amended Routes

Column 1

Authorising Provision

Column 2


Column 3


Column 4

Changes to Route

Column 5

Road manager Reasons for Change

s173 and s175 HVNL

Victoria –

Multiple Networks –

All Class 2 B-double networks.

Hepburn Shire Council

Remove the following roads:

Route Planner ID UWIE-7 -

Allendale-Kingston Road, Allendale (from Creswick-Newstead Road to Grays Road)

Grays Road, Allendale (from Allendale-Kingston Road to Allendale-Kingston Road)

Allendale-Kingston Road, Allendale (from Grays Road to Kingston Road)

These roads were the appropriate heavy vehicle route prior to the upgrade of Kingston Road between Werona Kingston Road and Creswick Newstead Road. They are now unsuitable to remain gazetted due to the overall condition, narrow width, and poor intersection alignment. The council will still give consideration to the use of the roads in any future permit applications.

s173 and s175 HVNL

Victoria –

Multiple Networks –

All Class 2 B-double and A-Double networks.

Greater Shepparton City Council

Remove the following roads:

Fryers St between Midland Hwy - Welsford St

Welsford St between Fryers St - Knight St

Knight St between Welsford St - Wyndham St

B-doubles cannot negotiate through the slip lane from Knight St to the Goulburn Valley Hwy (Wyndham St) with appropriate clearances.


B -doubles cannot negotiate through the slip lane from Knight St to the Goulburn Valley Hwy (Wyndham St) without mounting adjacent kerb or island.