Department of Health and Aged Care
National Health Act 1953
Revocation of pharmacist’s approval – Sabina Grewal (2022/09)
I, Karen Prstec, Acting Director, Compliance Enforcement and Professional Review Branch, Benefits Integrity and Digital Health Division, acting as delegate of the Minister for Health and Aged Care, have made a decision under section 134A(1) of the National Health Act 1953 (the Act) to publish in the Gazette particulars of a decision made on 8 April 2022 to revoke Ms Sabina Grewal’s approval, under section 90 of the Act, to supply pharmaceutical benefits at 316 Pacific Highway, Lindfield NSW 2070 (the approved premises). Ms Grewal’s approval number for the approved premises was 16280W.
Ms Grewal’s approval in respect of the approved premises was revoked by a delegate of the Minister for Health and Aged Care pursuant to section 133(2)(b) of the Act on the basis that Ms Grewal was convicted by the New South Wales District Court on 12 March 2021 of an offence of engaging in a course of conduct with the intention of dishonestly obtaining a gain from the Commonwealth, contrary to section 135.1(1) of the Criminal Code Act 1995.
This revocation decision means that, with effect from 8 April 2022, Ms Grewal ceased to be an approved pharmacist under the Act and was, from that date, unable to supply pharmaceutical benefits at the approved premises and be paid by the Commonwealth for the supply of a pharmaceutical benefit at the approved premises.
Note – This notice replaces the Revocation of pharmacist’s approval – Sabina Grewal (2022/04) published 4 July 2022 (Gazette – C2022G00537)
Karen Prstec
Delegate of the Minister for Health and Aged Care
Acting Director
Civil and Administrative Enforcement Section
Compliance Enforcement and Professional Review Branch
Benefits Integrity and Digital Health Division
27 September 2022