National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2021 (No.1)
This Notice authorises access to specified networks by eligible Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles that hold a Vehicle Approval to operate that meet the requirements of Tier 1 General Access or Restricted Access under Part A4 of the Standards and Vehicle Assessment Rules, and that comply with the other conditions of this Notice.
Note: This Notice operates in conjunction with the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Operators Guide (the Guide).
2. Title
This Notice may be cited as the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2021 (No.1).
3. Authorising provision
1) This Notice is made under the following provision of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL):
a) Section 138 - Regulator’s power to authorise use of class 2 heavy vehicles under Gazette notice.
4. Commencement
This Notice commences on 27 October 2021.
5. Expiry
This Notice expires on 26 October 2026.
6. Definitions
1) Unless stated, words and expressions used in this Notice have the same meaning as those in the HVNL.
2) In this Notice:-
PBS A- double has the same meaning as in the National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation Notice except that the length can be longer than 36.5m, but limited by other relevant conditions in this Notice.
National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Operator’s Guide (the Guide) means the document of that name maintained and published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, as amended from time to time.
PBS network means a PBS network with the following specified characteristics:
a) Level – as per Vehicle performance level under the Standards and Vehicle Assessment Rules; and
b) Class – as per Network Access by vehicle length class under the PBS Scheme-Network Classification Guidelines.
In this Notice, the level and class of a network may be specified by interpolating these values into the PBS network name. For example, a PBS Network that is level 2 and class A can be identified as PBS 2A network, or a PBS level 2A network.
PBS Scheme - Network Classification Guidelines means the document of that name published by the National Transport Commission, as amended from time to time.
Standards and Vehicle Assessment Rules means the document of that name published by the National Transport Commission, as amended from time to time.
Total mass means the sum of the masses of all the units that make up an eligible vehicle, including any loads carried.
7. Application
1) This Notice applies to a PBS vehicle:
a) that has a vehicle approval issued under section 23 of Part 1.4 of the HVNL; and
b) the vehicle approval provides mass limits that comply with the Tier 1 Bridge Assessment level.
2) This Notice does not apply to a PBS vehicle that:
a) has been issued an exemption under section 8 or section 9 of the General Regulation; or
b) has as part of its vehicle approval an ADR exemption permitting additional axle groups or split axle groups.; or
c) has a drive axle group that is a tri-axle group.
3) This Notice applies in participating jurisdictions subject to the conditions provided in the relevant Schedule of this Notice.
4) A PBS vehicle to which this section applies is an eligible vehicle.
8. Authorisation
Subject to the conditions in this Notice, an eligible vehicle is authorised to operate on the areas and routes specified in section 9.
9. Conditions – Areas and routes
1) For the purposes of section 142(1)(b) of the HVNL, an area or route specified in a Schedule of this Notice is a stated area or route to which this Notice applies.
2) An eligible vehicle operating on an area or route specified in this Notice or its Schedules must comply with the following conditions as specified for routes and areas set out on that map:
a) Road conditions pursuant to section 160 of the HVNL; and
b) Travel conditions pursuant to section 161 of the HVNL; and
c) Vehicle conditions pursuant to section 162 of the HVNL.
10. Condition – Compliance with PBS vehicle approval
1) An eligible vehicle must comply with the requirements and conditions of the PBS vehicle approval issued to it.
2) An eligible vehicle must not exceed mass limits for Bridge Assessment level Tier 1 provided in its PBS vehicle approval, including those for axle masses.
3) If another condition of this Notice, or a condition of access to a network under this Notice, makes a requirement that is more restrictive than the vehicle’s approval then the more restrictive condition must be complied with.
11. Conditions – Mass (total mass)
1) An eligible vehicle is authorised to access the PBS networks stated under section 9 on condition that for the relevant PBS network by level and class stated in column 1 of Table 1 the eligible vehicle does not exceed the total mass stated in column 2 for all jurisdictions except South Australia, and in column 3 for South Australia.
Table 1: Total mass for eligible vehicles
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Total Mass (t) | Column 3 Total Mass (t) (South Australia) | |
Level | Class (Length) |
1 | Any | 50.5 | 50.5 |
2 | A | 68.5 | 68.5 |
2 | B | 68.5 | 68.5 |
3 | A | 110 | 110 |
3 | B | 110 | 118 |
4 | A | 150 | 136 |
12. Condition – Mass (quad axle groups)
The mass of a quad axle group on an eligible vehicle must not exceed 21t.
13. Conditions – Dimensions
1) An eligible vehicle must not exceed 4.6m in height.
2) An eligible vehicle must not exceed the length specified in column 2 of Table 2, for a corresponding PBS network level and class stated in Column 1
Table 2: Maximum eligible vehicle lengths for a specified PBS network
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Maximum length (m) | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | 20.0 |
2 | A | 26.0 |
2 | B | 30.0 |
3 | A | 36.5 |
3 | B | 42.0 |
4 | A | 53.5 |
14. Conditions – Intelligent access program conditions (IAP conditions)
1) This section only applies in jurisdictions that have an intelligent access program condition in the relevant Schedule.
2) Pursuant to s402(1)(a) and (b) of Chapter 7 of the HVNL, the following conditions of this Notice are intelligent access program conditions:
a) any condition relating to mass or dimensions; and
b) any condition relating to stated areas or routes to which the authority applies, including any relating to speed or time of travel.
3) Pursuant to s402(1)(c) of Chapter 7 of the HVNL, an eligible vehicle must be monitored by an approved intelligent transport system as set out in the intelligent access program conditions of a Schedule to this Notice.
15. Condition – Carriage of vehicle approval
The vehicle approval for an eligible vehicle must be carried when operating under this Notice and must be produced when required to by an authorized officer.
Peter Caprioli
Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
Schedule 1 Australian Capital Territory
This Schedule applies in the Australian Capital territory (ACT).
2. Condition – Stated routes and areas (Networks)
1) Pursuant to the authorisation granted in section 8 and 9 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle meeting the requirements for the PBS network levels and class in Column 1 may operate on the networks named in column 2 of Table 1:
Table 1: Australian Capital Territory networks
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Network | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | Performance Based Standards Level 1 |
2 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 2A |
2 | B | Performance Based Standards Level 2B |
2) An eligible vehicle operating at the Higher Mass Limits stated in the PBS vehicle approval issued for the vehicle may operate on any of the networks in Table 1, but only where those networks correspond with the Australian Capital Territory Higher Mass Limit (HML) Vehicles Approved Routes.
3) An eligible vehicle that is an A-double may only operate on the Performance Based Standards Level 2B network.
4) An eligible vehicle operating on a network under this section must comply with all road, vehicle and travel conditions that apply to that network at the time of travel.
Note: The networks in this section are maintained by the ACT Transport and Municipal Services and are published on its website.
5) The networks named in Column 2 of Table 1 are routes and areas under this authorisation Notice for the purposes of section 9.
Schedule 2 New South Wales
This Schedule applies in New South Wales (NSW).
2. Condition – Stated routes and areas (Networks)
1) Pursuant to the authorisation granted in section 8 and 9 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle meeting the requirements for the PBS network levels and class in Column 1 may operate on the networks named in column 2 of Table 1:
Table 1: New South Wales networks
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Network | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | Performance Based Standards Level 1 GML/CML Performance Based Standards Level 1 HML |
2 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 2A GML/CML Performance Based Standards Level 2A HML |
2 | B | Performance Based Standards Level 2B GML/CML Performance Based Standards Level 2B HML |
3 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 3A GML/CML Performance Based Standards Level 3A HML |
4 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 4A GML/CML Performance Based Standards Level 4A HML |
2) An eligible vehicle operating on a network designated as GML/CML must comply with either the general mass limits (GML) or concessional mass limits (CML) requirements of its vehicle approval.
3) An eligible vehicle operating on a network designated as HML must comply with the higher mass limits (HML) requirements of its vehicle approval.
4) An eligible vehicle that is an A-Double may only operate on the following networks:
Performance Based Standards Level 2B GML/CML
Performance Based Standards Level 2B HML
Performance Based Standards Level 3A GML/CML
Performance Based Standards Level 3A HML
Performance Based Standards Level 4A GML/CML
Performance Based Standards Level 4A HML
5) An eligible vehicle operating on a network under this section must comply with all road, vehicle and travel conditions that apply to that network at the time of travel.
Note: The networks in this section are maintained by Transport for New South Wales and are published on its website.
6) The networks named in Column 2 of Table 1 are routes and areas under this authorisation Notice for the purposes of section 9.
3. Intelligent access program conditions (New South Wales)
1) Pursuant to section 14 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle operating on a network under this Schedule must be enrolled in and comply with the following approved intelligent transport system, approved by Transport Certification Australia:
a) For vehicles operating up to the GML or CML mass limits as specified in the PBS vehicle approval issued to that vehicle:
Road Infrastructure Management (RIM)
b) For vehicles operating above the GML or CML mass limits and up to HML mass limits specified in the PBS vehicle approval issued to that vehicle, either:
Intelligent Access Program (IAP); or
Telematics Monitoring Application (TMA)
Schedule 3 South Australia
This Schedule applies in South Australia.
2. Condition – Stated routes and areas (Networks)
1) Pursuant to the authorisation granted in section 8 and 9 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle meeting the requirements for the PBS network levels and class in Column 1 may operate on the networks named in column 2 of Table 1:
Table 1: South Australia networks
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Network | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | Performance Based Standards Level 1 |
2 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 2A |
2 | B | Performance Based Standards Level 2B |
3 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 3A |
3 | B | Performance Based Standards Level 3B |
4 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 4A |
2) An eligible vehicle that is an A-double may only access the Performance Based Standards Level 3A network.
3) An eligible vehicle that is an A-Double may only operate on the following networks:
Performance Based Standards Level 3A
Performance Based Standards Level 3B
Performance Based Standards Level 4A
4) An eligible vehicle operating on a network under this section must comply with all road, vehicle and travel conditions that apply to that network at the time of travel.
Note: The networks in this section are maintained by the South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport and are published on its website.
5) The networks named in Column 2 of Table 1 are routes and areas under this authorisation Notice for the purposes of section 9.
3. Condition – Limitation on twin steer prime movers
Combinations that include a twin steer prime mover may only operate on the State controlled roads of the PBS Level 3A network.
Schedule 4 Tasmania
This Schedule applies in Tasmania.
2. Condition – Stated routes and areas (Networks)
1) Pursuant to the authorisation granted in section 8 and 9 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle meeting the requirements for the PBS network levels and class in Column 1 may operate on the networks named in column 2 of Table 1:
Table 1: Tasmania networks
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Network | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | Performance Based Standards Level 1 Performance Based Standards Level 1 (HML Layer) |
2) An eligible vehicle operating at the HML mass limits specified on a PBS vehicle approval issued to it may only operate on the ‘HML layer’ of the Performance Based Standards Level 1 network.
3) An eligible vehicle operating on a network under this section must comply with all road, vehicle and travel conditions that apply to that network at the time of travel.
Note: The networks in this section are maintained by the Tasmanian Department of State Growth and are published on its website.
4) The networks named in Column 2 of Table 1 are routes and areas under this authorisation Notice for the purposes of section 9.
Schedule 5 Victoria
1) This Schedule applies in Victoria.
2) This Schedule only applies to an eligible vehicle and combination operating in Victoria that is:
a) a prime mover towing a semi-trailer; or
b) a B-double; or
c) a rigid truck; or
d) a combination consisting of a rigid truck towing a pig trailer, tag trailer or dog trailer.
2. Condition – Stated routes and areas (Networks)
5) Pursuant to the authorisation granted in section 8 of this Notice, an eligible vehicle that has a PBS vehicle approval meeting the requirements for the PBS network levels and class in Column 1 may operate on the networks named in column 2 of Table 1:
Table 1: Victoria networks
Column 1 PBS Network | Column 2 Network | |
Level | Class (Length) | |
1 | - | Performance Based Standards Level 1 |
2 | A | Performance Based Standards Level 2A |
6) An eligible vehicle operating on a network under this section must comply with all road, vehicle and travel conditions that apply to that network at the time of travel.
Note: The networks in this section are maintained by the Victorian Department of Transport and are published on its website.
7) The networks named in Column 2 of Table 1 are routes and areas under this authorisation Notice for the purposes of section 9.