Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000
Subregulations 12.23A(3), 12.42(1), 12.55(4)
I, Judy Swirepik, Acting Director of National Parks, acting pursuant to subregulations 12.23A(3), 12.42(1), 12.55(4) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000, having taken into account and being satisfied that prohibiting access and activities to certain areas in the Kakadu National Park (Park) is necessary for Aboriginal cultural purposes, HEREBY PROHIBIT the activities and the use of roads and tracks in areas of the Park specified in the Schedule of this prohibition, by persons specified in Schedule, and with effect from the time specified in Schedule.
Dated: 16 April 2021
Judy Swirepik
Acting Director of National Parks
SCHEDULE – Particulars of prohibition
Oenpelli Road between the turn off to Cannon Hill Road and Cahills Crossing.
2. Prohibited Activities
All activities on all areas that comprise the East Alligator River, to the extent the East Alligator River is located in the Park.
3. Prohibited persons
All persons
Note: Certain classes of person will be exempt from this prohibition by operation of subregulations 12.06(1) and 12.23(2) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000.
4. Prohibition commencement
At all times that this prohibition is in effect, and for that purpose this prohibition commences on the date and at the time on which this prohibition takes effect pursuant to law and ends at 11:59pm CEST on 27 April 2021.