Amending Acts 1990 to 1999 Repeal Act 2016
No. 5, 2016
An Act to repeal certain amending and repeal Acts, and for related purposes
Amending Acts 1990 to 1999 Repeal Act 2016
No. 5, 2016
An Act to repeal certain amending and repeal Acts, and for related purposes
[Assented to 11 February 2016]
The Parliament of Australia enacts:
This Act may be cited as the Amending Acts 1990 to 1999 Repeal Act 2016.
(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.
Commencement information | ||
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Provisions | Commencement | Date/Details |
1. Sections 1 to 3 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table | The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. | 11 February 2016 |
2. Schedule 1 | The 28th day after this Act receives the Royal Assent. | 10 March 2016 |
Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this Act.
(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this Act.
(1) Each Act mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed.
(2) The repeal of an Act by this section does not affect the continuing operation of any provision of the Act made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential or related to such a provision).
Table of Acts to be repealed | ||||
Item | Year | No. | Short Title | ComlawID |
1 | 1990 | 3 | Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 | |
2 | 1990 | 10 | Industry, Technology and Commerce Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 | |
3 | 1990 | 12 | Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1989 | |
4 | 1990 | 13 | Overseas Students Charge Collection Amendment Act 1989 | |
5 | 1990 | 15 | Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 | |
6 | 1990 | 18 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 | |
7 | 1990 | 19 | Sales Tax Laws (Computer Programs) Amendment Act 1989 | |
8 | 1990 | 20 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 5) 1989 | |
9 | 1990 | 23 | Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 | |
10 | 1990 | 24 | Electoral and Referendum Amendment Act 1989 | |
11 | 1990 | 25 | Civil Aviation Amendment Act 1990 | |
12 | 1990 | 27 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 1990 | |
13 | 1990 | 35 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act 1990 | |
14 | 1990 | 41 | Australian Securities Commission Amendment Act 1990 | |
15 | 1990 | 42 | Bounty Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
16 | 1990 | 43 | Commonwealth Legal Aid Amendment Act 1990 | |
17 | 1990 | 44 | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 1990 | |
18 | 1990 | 45 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1990 | |
19 | 1990 | 46 | Sales Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1990 | |
20 | 1990 | 47 | Sales Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1990 | |
21 | 1990 | 48 | Sales Tax (No. 3) Amendment Act 1990 | |
22 | 1990 | 49 | Sales Tax (No. 4) Amendment Act 1990 | |
23 | 1990 | 50 | Sales Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1990 | |
24 | 1990 | 51 | Sales Tax (No. 6) Amendment Act 1990 | |
25 | 1990 | 52 | Sales Tax (No. 7) Amendment Act 1990 | |
26 | 1990 | 53 | Sales Tax (No. 8) Amendment Act 1990 | |
27 | 1990 | 54 | Sales Tax (No. 9) Amendment Act 1990 | |
28 | 1990 | 55 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act 1990 | |
29 | 1990 | 56 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
30 | 1990 | 57 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
31 | 1990 | 58 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1990 | |
32 | 1990 | 61 | Occupational Superannuation (Reasonable Benefit Limits) Amendment Act 1990 | |
33 | 1990 | 62 | Wool Marketing Amendment Act 1990 | |
34 | 1990 | 63 | Wool Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1990 | |
35 | 1990 | 64 | Wool Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1990 | |
36 | 1990 | 65 | Wool Tax (No. 3) Amendment Act 1990 | |
37 | 1990 | 66 | Wool Tax (No. 4) Amendment Act 1990 | |
38 | 1990 | 67 | Wool Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1990 | |
39 | 1990 | 68 | Commonwealth Employees’ Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Act 1990 | |
40 | 1990 | 69 | Bounty (Textile Yarns) Amendment Act 1990 | |
41 | 1990 | 72 | Remuneration and Allowances (Amendment) Act 1990 | |
42 | 1990 | 74 | Dried Fruits Levy Amendment Act 1990 | |
43 | 1990 | 75 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
44 | 1990 | 79 | Customs (Detention and Search) Act 1990 | |
45 | 1990 | 80 | Administrative Services Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
46 | 1990 | 81 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
47 | 1990 | 82 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1990 | |
48 | 1990 | 84 | Social Welfare Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Act 1990 | |
49 | 1990 | 85 | Income Tax Amendment Act 1990 | |
50 | 1990 | 86 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1990 | |
51 | 1990 | 87 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Rates and Provisional Tax) Act 1990 | |
52 | 1990 | 88 | Arts, Environment, Tourism and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
53 | 1990 | 89 | First Home Owners Amendment Act 1990 | |
54 | 1990 | 91 | Wool Tax (No. 1) Further Amendment Act 1990 | |
55 | 1990 | 92 | Wool Tax (No. 2) Further Amendment Act 1990 | |
56 | 1990 | 93 | Wool Tax (No. 3) Further Amendment Act 1990 | |
57 | 1990 | 94 | Wool Tax (No. 4) Further Amendment Act 1990 | |
58 | 1990 | 95 | Wool Tax (No. 5) Further Amendment Act 1990 | |
59 | 1990 | 96 | Wool Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
60 | 1990 | 104 | Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Amendment Act 1990 | |
61 | 1990 | 105 | Australian Citizenship Amendment Act 1990 | |
62 | 1990 | 106 | Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
63 | 1990 | 107 | ICSID Implementation Act 1990 | |
64 | 1990 | 108 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
65 | 1990 | 109 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1990 | |
66 | 1990 | 115 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
67 | 1990 | 116 | Privacy Amendment Act 1990 | |
68 | 1990 | 119 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
69 | 1990 | 120 | States Grants (TAFE Assistance) Amendment Act 1990 | |
70 | 1990 | 122 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
71 | 1990 | 123 | Northern Prawn Fishery Voluntary Adjustment Scheme Loan Guarantee Amendment Act 1990 | |
72 | 1990 | 126 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1990 | |
73 | 1990 | 127 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1990 | |
74 | 1990 | 131 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1990 | |
75 | 1990 | 132 | Builders Labourers’ Federation Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
76 | 1990 | 133 | Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1990 | |
77 | 1990 | 135 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 5) 1990 | |
78 | 1990 | 136 | Debits Tax Termination Act 1990 | |
79 | 1990 | 137 | Bounty Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
80 | 1990 | 138 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
81 | 1990 | 139 | Cattle Industry Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990 | |
82 | 1990 | 141 | Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
83 | 1990 | 144 | Live‑stock Export Charge Amendment Act 1990 | |
84 | 1991 | 1 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1990 | |
85 | 1991 | 3 | Australian Centennial Roads Development Amendment Act 1990 | |
86 | 1991 | 4 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 4) 1990 | |
87 | 1991 | 5 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Foreign Income) Act 1990 | |
88 | 1991 | 6 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
89 | 1991 | 8 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
90 | 1991 | 9 | Stevedoring Industry Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
91 | 1991 | 10 | Stevedoring Industry Levy Amendment Act 1990 | |
92 | 1991 | 12 | AUSSAT Amendment Act 1990 | |
93 | 1991 | 17 | Australian Heritage Commission Amendment Act 1990 | |
94 | 1991 | 19 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1990 | |
95 | 1991 | 21 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 | |
96 | 1991 | 22 | Wool Marketing (Temporary Provisions) Amendment Act 1991 | |
97 | 1991 | 24 | Australia Council Amendment Act 1991 | |
98 | 1991 | 26 | Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991 | |
99 | 1991 | 27 | Geneva Conventions Amendment Act 1991 | |
100 | 1991 | 32 | Insurance Amendment Act 1991 | |
101 | 1991 | 34 | Companies (Insolvency Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
102 | 1991 | 35 | Immigration (Education) Amendment Act 1991 | |
103 | 1991 | 36 | Pig Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1991 | |
104 | 1991 | 37 | Family Law Amendment Act 1991 | |
105 | 1991 | 42 | Australian Horticultural Corporation Amendment Act 1991 | |
106 | 1991 | 44 | Meat Chicken Levy Amendment Act 1991 | |
107 | 1991 | 45 | Dried Vine Fruits Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
108 | 1991 | 47 | Employment, Education and Training Amendment Act 1991 | |
109 | 1991 | 48 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act 1991 | |
110 | 1991 | 49 | Trade Practices Amendment Act 1991 | |
111 | 1991 | 51 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1991 | |
112 | 1991 | 52 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
113 | 1991 | 53 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1991 | |
114 | 1991 | 54 | States Grants (TAFE Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
115 | 1991 | 55 | Occupational Superannuation Laws Amendment Act 1991 | |
116 | 1991 | 58 | Customs Tariff (Uranium Concentrate Export Duty) Amendment Act 1991 | |
117 | 1991 | 59 | Crimes (Investigation of Commonwealth Offences) Amendment Act 1991 | |
118 | 1991 | 60 | Albury‑Wodonga Development Amendment Act 1991 | |
119 | 1991 | 62 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
120 | 1991 | 68 | Social Security (Job Search and Newstart) Amendment Act 1991 | |
121 | 1991 | 69 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
122 | 1991 | 71 | Sex Discrimination Amendment Act 1991 | |
123 | 1991 | 72 | Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Act 1991 | |
124 | 1991 | 76 | Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Royalty) Amendment Act 1991 | |
125 | 1991 | 77 | Departure Tax Amendment Act 1991 | |
126 | 1991 | 78 | Local Government (Financial Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
127 | 1991 | 80 | Petroleum Resource Rent Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
128 | 1991 | 81 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1991 | |
129 | 1991 | 82 | Customs Amendment Act 1991 | |
130 | 1991 | 83 | National Health Amendment Act 1991 | |
131 | 1991 | 84 | Community Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
132 | 1991 | 85 | Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Amendment Act 1991 | |
133 | 1991 | 95 | Student Assistance Amendment Act 1991 | |
134 | 1991 | 96 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act 1991 | |
135 | 1991 | 100 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
136 | 1991 | 102 | Wool Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1991 | |
137 | 1991 | 103 | Wool Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1991 | |
138 | 1991 | 104 | Wool Tax (No. 3) Amendment Act 1991 | |
139 | 1991 | 105 | Wool Tax (No. 4) Amendment Act 1991 | |
140 | 1991 | 106 | Wool Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1991 | |
141 | 1991 | 110 | Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
142 | 1991 | 113 | Courts (Mediation and Arbitration) Act 1991 | |
143 | 1991 | 115 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
144 | 1991 | 116 | Social Security (Rewrite) Amendment Act 1991 | |
145 | 1991 | 117 | Bounty Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
146 | 1991 | 119 | Health Legislation (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Act 1991 | |
147 | 1991 | 120 | Proceeds of Crime Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
148 | 1991 | 121 | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 1991 | |
149 | 1991 | 124 | Service and Execution of Process Amendment Act 1991 | |
150 | 1991 | 126 | Defence Force Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
151 | 1991 | 128 | Interstate Road Transport Amendment Act 1991 | |
152 | 1991 | 129 | Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Act 1991 | |
153 | 1991 | 132 | University of Canberra Amendment Act 1991 | |
154 | 1991 | 137 | Freedom of Information Amendment Act 1991 | |
155 | 1991 | 140 | Crimes Amendment Act 1991 | |
156 | 1991 | 141 | Social Security (Disability and Sickness Support) Amendment Act 1991 | |
157 | 1991 | 143 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1991 | |
158 | 1991 | 144 | Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1991 | |
159 | 1991 | 146 | Aboriginal Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
160 | 1991 | 147 | Student Assistance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
161 | 1991 | 152 | Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
162 | 1991 | 153 | Honey Levy (No. 1) Amendment Act 1991 | |
163 | 1991 | 154 | Honey Levy (No. 2) Amendment Act 1991 | |
164 | 1991 | 159 | Family Law Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
165 | 1991 | 167 | Electoral and Referendum Amendment Act 1991 | |
166 | 1991 | 171 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1991 | |
167 | 1991 | 172 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
168 | 1991 | 174 | Copyright Amendment Act 1991 | |
169 | 1991 | 175 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991 | |
170 | 1991 | 176 | States Grants (TAFE Assistance) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
171 | 1991 | 177 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
172 | 1991 | 178 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1991 | |
173 | 1991 | 181 | Federal Court of Australia Amendment Act 1991 | |
174 | 1991 | 185 | Television Licence Fees Amendment Act 1991 | |
175 | 1991 | 186 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1991 | |
176 | 1991 | 187 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
177 | 1991 | 189 | Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Amendment Act 1991 | |
178 | 1991 | 190 | Health Insurance (Pathology) Amendment Act 1991 | |
179 | 1991 | 193 | Health Insurance (Pathology) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
180 | 1991 | 194 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 4) 1991 | |
181 | 1991 | 195 | Australian Citizenship Amendment Act 1991 | |
182 | 1991 | 196 | Migration Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
183 | 1991 | 198 | Migration Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991 | |
184 | 1991 | 200 | Corporations (Unlisted Property Trusts) Amendment Act 1991 | |
185 | 1991 | 201 | Corporations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
186 | 1991 | 202 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991 | |
187 | 1991 | 204 | Therapeutic Goods Amendment Act 1991 | |
188 | 1991 | 205 | Public Service Amendment Act 1991 | |
189 | 1991 | 208 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
190 | 1991 | 209 | National Crime Authority Amendment Act 1991 | |
191 | 1991 | 211 | Health and Community Services Legislation Amendment Act 1991 | |
192 | 1991 | 212 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1991 | |
193 | 1991 | 213 | Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Act 1991 | |
194 | 1991 | 214 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991 | |
195 | 1991 | 216 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991 | |
196 | 1992 | 1 | Insurance Laws Amendment Act 1991 | |
197 | 1992 | 4 | General Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Act 1991 | |
198 | 1992 | 5 | Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Act 1991 | |
199 | 1992 | 9 | Bankruptcy Amendment Act 1991 | |
200 | 1992 | 10 | Australian Capital Territory Self‑Government Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
201 | 1992 | 11 | Financial Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
202 | 1992 | 12 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
203 | 1992 | 13 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
204 | 1992 | 14 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1992 | |
205 | 1992 | 16 | Australian Institute of Health Amendment Act 1992 | |
206 | 1992 | 18 | Poultry Industry Assistance Amendment Act 1992 | |
207 | 1992 | 20 | Coarse Grains Levy (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992 | |
208 | 1992 | 21 | Arts, Sport, Environment and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
209 | 1992 | 22 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
210 | 1992 | 23 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
211 | 1992 | 24 | Migration Amendment Act 1992 | |
212 | 1992 | 27 | Corporations Legislation (Evidence) Amendment Act 1992 | |
213 | 1992 | 32 | Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Act 1992 | |
214 | 1992 | 35 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act 1992 | |
215 | 1992 | 44 | National Crime Authority Amendment Act 1992 | |
216 | 1992 | 46 | Ozone Protection Amendment Act 1992 | |
217 | 1992 | 47 | Taxation Administration Amendment Act 1992 | |
218 | 1992 | 50 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1992 | |
219 | 1992 | 51 | Veterans’ Entitlements (Provision of Treatment) Amendment Act 1992 | |
220 | 1992 | 52 | Remuneration and Allowances Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
221 | 1992 | 53 | Wool Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1992 | |
222 | 1992 | 54 | Wool Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1992 | |
223 | 1992 | 55 | Wool Tax (No. 3) Amendment Act 1992 | |
224 | 1992 | 56 | Wool Tax (No. 4) Amendment Act 1992 | |
225 | 1992 | 57 | Wool Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1992 | |
226 | 1992 | 58 | Wool Tax (Administration) Amendment Act 1992 | |
227 | 1992 | 63 | States Grants (Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave) Amendment Act 1992 | |
228 | 1992 | 64 | Coal Research Assistance Amendment Act 1992 | |
229 | 1992 | 65 | Coal Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
230 | 1992 | 66 | Coal Industry Amendment Act 1992 | |
231 | 1992 | 67 | Dairy Produce Amendment Act 1992 | |
232 | 1992 | 68 | Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Amendment Act 1992 | |
233 | 1992 | 69 | Social Security (Family Payment) Amendment Act 1992 | |
234 | 1992 | 70 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
235 | 1992 | 73 | Aviation Fuel Revenues (Special Appropriation) Amendment Act 1992 | |
236 | 1992 | 74 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1992 | |
237 | 1992 | 75 | States Grants (TAFE Assistance) Amendment Act 1992 | |
238 | 1992 | 76 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1992 | |
239 | 1992 | 77 | Crimes (Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Amendment Act 1992 | |
240 | 1992 | 78 | States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Amendment Act 1992 | |
241 | 1992 | 80 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
242 | 1992 | 81 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
243 | 1992 | 82 | Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
244 | 1992 | 83 | Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Amendment Act 1992 | |
245 | 1992 | 84 | Migration Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
246 | 1992 | 88 | Health, Housing and Community Services Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
247 | 1992 | 92 | Superannuation Guarantee (Consequential Amendments) Act 1992 | |
248 | 1992 | 96 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1992 | |
249 | 1992 | 97 | Local Government (Financial Assistance) Amendment Act 1992 | |
250 | 1992 | 98 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1992 | |
251 | 1992 | 101 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Self Assessment) Act 1992 | |
252 | 1992 | 102 | Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Act 1992 | |
253 | 1992 | 104 | Territories Law Reform Act 1992 | |
254 | 1992 | 106 | Trade Practices Amendment Act 1992 | |
255 | 1992 | 108 | Australian Sports Drug Agency Amendment Act 1992 | |
256 | 1992 | 109 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
257 | 1992 | 112 | Sugar Cane Levy Amendment Act 1992 | |
258 | 1992 | 120 | National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act 1992 | |
259 | 1992 | 122 | Honey Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Act 1992 | |
260 | 1992 | 123 | Oilseeds Levy Amendment Act 1992 | |
261 | 1992 | 124 | Grain Legumes Levy Amendment Act 1992 | |
262 | 1992 | 129 | Development Allowance Authority Amendment Act 1992 | |
263 | 1992 | 131 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1992 | |
264 | 1992 | 132 | Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
265 | 1992 | 133 | Social Security Amendment Act 1992 | |
266 | 1992 | 134 | Social Security Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
267 | 1992 | 137 | Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Amendment Act 1992 | |
268 | 1992 | 138 | Student Assistance Amendment Act 1992 | |
269 | 1992 | 139 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act 1992 | |
270 | 1992 | 143 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 4) 1992 | |
271 | 1992 | 145 | Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Amendment Act 1992 | |
272 | 1992 | 149 | National Road Transport Commission Amendment Act 1992 | |
273 | 1992 | 150 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
274 | 1992 | 151 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
275 | 1992 | 154 | Wheat Marketing Amendment Act 1992 | |
276 | 1992 | 155 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1992 | |
277 | 1992 | 156 | Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
278 | 1992 | 157 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
279 | 1992 | 158 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
280 | 1992 | 159 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
281 | 1992 | 161 | Aboriginal Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1992 | |
282 | 1992 | 162 | Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1992 | |
283 | 1992 | 163 | Parliamentary Presiding Officers Amendment Act 1992 | |
284 | 1992 | 164 | Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
285 | 1992 | 165 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1992 | |
286 | 1992 | 168 | Industry, Technology and Commerce Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
287 | 1992 | 171 | Broadcasting Services (Subscription Television Broadcasting) Amendment Act 1992 | |
288 | 1992 | 175 | Migration Laws Amendment Act 1992 | |
289 | 1992 | 180 | Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
290 | 1992 | 186 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 1992 | |
291 | 1992 | 188 | Pipeline Authority Amendment Act 1992 | |
292 | 1992 | 190 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment (Foreign Investment) Act 1992 | |
293 | 1992 | 191 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 4) 1992 | |
294 | 1992 | 195 | Endangered Species Protection (Consequential Amendments) Act 1992 | |
295 | 1992 | 199 | Income Tax (Dividends and Interest Withholding Tax) Amendment Act 1992 | |
296 | 1992 | 201 | Health Insurance (Quality Assurance Confidentiality) Amendment Act 1992 | |
297 | 1992 | 202 | Housing Assistance Amendment Act 1992 | |
298 | 1992 | 205 | Data‑matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Amendment Act 1992 | |
299 | 1992 | 208 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation) Act 1992 | |
300 | 1992 | 211 | Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
301 | 1992 | 212 | Coal Industry Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
302 | 1992 | 213 | Migration (Offences and Undesirable Persons) Amendment Act 1992 | |
303 | 1992 | 214 | Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
304 | 1992 | 215 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
305 | 1992 | 217 | Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Act 1992 | |
306 | 1992 | 219 | Electoral and Referendum Amendment Act 1992 | |
307 | 1992 | 222 | Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 1992 | |
308 | 1992 | 223 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Fringe Benefits Tax Measures) Act 1992 | |
309 | 1992 | 226 | Medicare Agreements Act 1992 | |
310 | 1992 | 227 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 6) 1992 | |
311 | 1992 | 228 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
312 | 1992 | 229 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
313 | 1992 | 230 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1992 | |
314 | 1992 | 235 | Migration Amendment Act (No. 4) 1992 | |
315 | 1992 | 236 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 | |
316 | 1992 | 237 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Car Parking) Act 1992 | |
317 | 1992 | 264 | Commonwealth Employees’ Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Act 1992 | |
318 | 1993 | 1 | Broadcasting Services Amendment Act 1993 | |
319 | 1993 | 2 | Broadcasting Services Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
320 | 1993 | 5 | Employment, Education and Training Amendment Act 1993 | |
321 | 1993 | 7 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation) Act 1993 | |
322 | 1993 | 8 | Telecommunications Amendment Act 1993 | |
323 | 1993 | 9 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1993 | |
324 | 1993 | 11 | Bankruptcy Amendment Act 1993 | |
325 | 1993 | 12 | Australian Wool Realisation Commission Amendment Act 1993 | |
326 | 1993 | 13 | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 1993 | |
327 | 1993 | 16 | Dairy Produce Amendment Act 1993 | |
328 | 1993 | 17 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act 1993 | |
329 | 1993 | 18 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
330 | 1993 | 25 | Social Security Amendment Act 1993 | |
331 | 1993 | 27 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
332 | 1993 | 28 | National Health Amendment Act 1993 | |
333 | 1993 | 29 | Health Insurance Commission Amendment Act 1993 | |
334 | 1993 | 30 | Charter of the United Nations Amendment Act 1993 | |
335 | 1993 | 31 | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Act 1993 | |
336 | 1993 | 32 | Insolvency (Tax Priorities) Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
337 | 1993 | 33 | Nuclear Non‑Proliferation (Safeguards) Amendment Act 1993 | |
338 | 1993 | 35 | Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
339 | 1993 | 36 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
340 | 1993 | 44 | Sales Tax Assessment Amendment (Deficit Reduction) Act 1993 | |
341 | 1993 | 45 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1993 | |
342 | 1993 | 47 | Customs Tariff (Deficit Reduction) Act 1993 | |
343 | 1993 | 55 | Taxation (Deficit Reduction) Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
344 | 1993 | 56 | Excise Tariff (Deficit Reduction) Act 1993 | |
345 | 1993 | 57 | Taxation (Deficit Reduction) Act (No. 1) 1993 | |
346 | 1993 | 62 | Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Amendment Act 1993 | |
347 | 1993 | 65 | Wool Legislation (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Act 1993 | |
348 | 1993 | 66 | Wool Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1993 | |
349 | 1993 | 67 | Wool Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1993 | |
350 | 1993 | 68 | Wool Tax (No. 3) Amendment Act 1993 | |
351 | 1993 | 69 | Wool Tax (No. 4) Amendment Act 1993 | |
352 | 1993 | 70 | Wool Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1993 | |
353 | 1993 | 71 | Australian Citizenship Amendment Act 1993 | |
354 | 1993 | 75 | Australian Meat and Live‑stock (Quotas) Amendment Act 1993 | |
355 | 1993 | 83 | Superannuation Supervisory Levy Amendment Act 1993 | |
356 | 1993 | 84 | Occupational Superannuation Standards Amendment Act 1993 | |
357 | 1993 | 85 | Aboriginal Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1993 | |
358 | 1993 | 86 | Australian Land Transport Development Amendment Act 1993 | |
359 | 1993 | 87 | Aviation Fuel Revenues (Special Appropriation) Amendment Act 1993 | |
360 | 1993 | 93 | Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Amendment Act 1993 | |
361 | 1993 | 95 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
362 | 1993 | 96 | Departure Tax Amendment Act 1993 | |
363 | 1993 | 98 | Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993 | |
364 | 1993 | 99 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
365 | 1993 | 102 | Income Tax (Franking Deficit) Amendment Act 1993 | |
366 | 1993 | 105 | Bounty Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
367 | 1993 | 106 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
368 | 1993 | 108 | Export Market Development Grants Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
369 | 1993 | 113 | Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
370 | 1993 | 115 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
371 | 1993 | 116 | Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
372 | 1993 | 119 | Vocational Education and Training Funding Laws Amendment Act 1993 | |
373 | 1993 | 120 | Social Security Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 | |
374 | 1993 | 121 | Social Security (Budget and Other Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
375 | 1994 | 2 | Development Allowance Authority Amendment Act 1993 | |
376 | 1994 | 4 | Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
377 | 1994 | 7 | Bounty (Ships) Amendment Act 1993 | |
378 | 1994 | 11 | Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Consequential Amendments Act 1993 | |
379 | 1994 | 12 | Health and Community Services Legislation Amendment Act 1993 | |
380 | 1994 | 15 | Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Amendment Act 1993 | |
381 | 1994 | 16 | Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment Act 1993 | |
382 | 1994 | 17 | Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Amendment Act 1993 | |
383 | 1994 | 19 | States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1994 | |
384 | 1994 | 22 | Health Legislation (Professional Services Review) Amendment Act 1994 | |
385 | 1994 | 23 | National Health Amendment Act 1994 | |
386 | 1994 | 24 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994 | |
387 | 1994 | 25 | Minerals (Submerged Lands) (Royalty) Amendment Act 1994 | |
388 | 1994 | 29 | Offshore Minerals (Consequential Provisions) Act 1994 | |
389 | 1994 | 34 | Housing Assistance Amendment Act 1994 | |
390 | 1994 | 35 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1994 | |
391 | 1994 | 37 | Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Consequential Amendments) Act 1994 | |
392 | 1994 | 42 | Australian Sports Drug Agency Amendment Act 1994 | |
393 | 1994 | 45 | Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Amendment Act 1994 | |
394 | 1994 | 46 | Industrial Relations Amendment Act 1994 | |
395 | 1994 | 49 | Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
396 | 1994 | 50 | Inspector‑General of Intelligence and Security Amendment Act 1994 | |
397 | 1994 | 54 | Military Compensation Act 1994 | |
398 | 1994 | 56 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act 1994 | |
399 | 1994 | 58 | Industry, Technology and Regional Development Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
400 | 1994 | 61 | Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Amendment Act 1994 | |
401 | 1994 | 62 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1994 | |
402 | 1994 | 63 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
403 | 1994 | 68 | Commonwealth Reciprocal Recovery Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
404 | 1994 | 72 | Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Levy) Amendment Act 1994 | |
405 | 1994 | 76 | Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Amendment Act 1994 | |
406 | 1994 | 77 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
407 | 1994 | 78 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
408 | 1994 | 79 | Employment, Education and Training Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
409 | 1994 | 82 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
410 | 1994 | 85 | Health Legislation (Powers of Investigation) Amendment Act 1994 | |
411 | 1994 | 87 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1994 | |
412 | 1994 | 93 | Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
413 | 1994 | 95 | Sales Tax (Low‑alcohol Wine) Amendment Act 1994 | |
414 | 1994 | 97 | Industrial Relations Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
415 | 1994 | 101 | Automotive Industry Authority Repeal Act 1994 | |
416 | 1994 | 102 | Pooled Development Funds Amendment Act 1994 | |
417 | 1994 | 105 | Crimes (Child Sex Tourism) Amendment Act 1994 | |
418 | 1994 | 107 | National Debt Sinking Fund Repeal Act 1994 | |
419 | 1994 | 108 | Industry, Science and Technology Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
420 | 1994 | 109 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
421 | 1994 | 112 | Evidence and Procedure (New Zealand) (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1994 | |
422 | 1994 | 113 | Environment, Sport and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
423 | 1994 | 115 | Horticulture Levy Amendment Act 1994 | |
424 | 1994 | 116 | Human Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
425 | 1994 | 117 | Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Act 1994 | |
426 | 1994 | 118 | Aboriginal Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1994 | |
427 | 1994 | 119 | Coarse Grains Levy Amendment Act 1994 | |
428 | 1994 | 120 | Grain Legumes Levy Amendment Act 1994 | |
429 | 1994 | 121 | Oilseeds Levy Amendment Act 1994 | |
430 | 1994 | 123 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 1994 | |
431 | 1994 | 127 | Australian Trade Commission Amendment Act 1994 | |
432 | 1994 | 128 | National Residue Survey Administration (Meat Chickens) Amendment Act 1994 | |
433 | 1994 | 129 | Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
434 | 1994 | 130 | Primary Industries Levies and Charges (Wine Grapes) Collection Amendment Act 1994 | |
435 | 1994 | 131 | Wine Grapes Levy Amendment Act 1994 | |
436 | 1994 | 133 | Customs Tariff (Uranium Concentrate Export Duty) Act Repeal Act 1994 | |
437 | 1994 | 134 | Excise Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
438 | 1994 | 135 | Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Act 1994 | |
439 | 1994 | 137 | Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
440 | 1994 | 138 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1994 | |
441 | 1994 | 139 | International Air Services Commission Amendment Act 1994 | |
442 | 1994 | 140 | Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
443 | 1994 | 141 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
444 | 1994 | 143 | Merit Protection (Australian Government Employees) Amendment Act 1994 | |
445 | 1994 | 146 | Departure Tax Amendment Act 1994 | |
446 | 1994 | 147 | Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
447 | 1994 | 148 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
448 | 1994 | 149 | Copyright (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994 | |
449 | 1994 | 151 | Customs Tariff (Anti‑Dumping) (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994 | |
450 | 1994 | 152 | Customs Tariff (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994 | |
451 | 1994 | 153 | Dairy Produce (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994 | |
452 | 1994 | 155 | Sales Tax (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994 | |
453 | 1994 | 157 | Social Security (New Zealand Agreement) Amendment Act 1994 | |
454 | 1994 | 158 | Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 | |
455 | 1994 | 159 | Departure Tax Collection Amendment Act 1994 | |
456 | 1994 | 161 | Social Security (1994 Budget and White Paper) Amendment Act 1994 | |
457 | 1994 | 163 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Infrastructure Borrowings) Act 1994 | |
458 | 1994 | 165 | Australian Capital Territory Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
459 | 1994 | 166 | Complaints (Australian Federal Police) Amendment Act 1994 | |
460 | 1994 | 167 | Pipeline Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
461 | 1994 | 170 | Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service (Access to Information) Act 1994 | |
462 | 1994 | 173 | Income Tax Rates Amendment Act 1994 | |
463 | 1994 | 174 | Social Security (Parenting Allowance and Other Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1994 | |
464 | 1994 | 175 | Supported Accommodation Assistance Amendment Act 1994 | |
465 | 1994 | 178 | Higher Education Funding (Student Organisations) Amendment Act 1994 | |
466 | 1994 | 183 | Student Assistance (Youth Training Allowance) Amendment Act 1994 | |
467 | 1994 | 184 | Student Assistance (Youth Training Allowance—Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1994 | |
468 | 1995 | 8 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act 1995 | |
469 | 1995 | 9 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1995 | |
470 | 1995 | 10 | Archives Amendment Act 1995 | |
471 | 1995 | 11 | Crimes Amendment Act 1995 | |
472 | 1995 | 17 | Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Amendment Act 1995 | |
473 | 1995 | 19 | International War Crimes Tribunals (Consequential Amendments) Act 1995 | |
474 | 1995 | 20 | Land Fund and Indigenous Land Corporation (ATSIC Amendment) Act 1995 | |
475 | 1995 | 22 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act 1995 | |
476 | 1995 | 24 | National Health Amendment Act 1995 | |
477 | 1995 | 25 | Environment, Sport and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
478 | 1995 | 29 | States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1995 | |
479 | 1995 | 30 | Tax Law Improvement (Substantiation) Act 1995 | |
480 | 1995 | 31 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Drought Relief Measures) Act 1995 | |
481 | 1995 | 32 | Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
482 | 1995 | 33 | Corporations Law (Securities and Futures) Amendment Act 1995 | |
483 | 1995 | 35 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
484 | 1995 | 36 | Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
485 | 1995 | 39 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
486 | 1995 | 41 | Health Legislation (Private Health Insurance Reform) Amendment Act 1995 | |
487 | 1995 | 43 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
488 | 1995 | 45 | Dairy Produce Amendment Act 1995 | |
489 | 1995 | 46 | Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Amendment Act 1995 | |
490 | 1995 | 47 | Dairy Produce Levy (No. 2) Amendment Act 1995 | |
491 | 1995 | 49 | Housing Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
492 | 1995 | 50 | Interstate Road Transport Amendment Act 1995 | |
493 | 1995 | 51 | Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Act 1995 | |
494 | 1995 | 53 | Superannuation Laws Amendment (Small Accounts and Other Measures) Act 1995 | |
495 | 1995 | 55 | Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Act 1995 | |
496 | 1995 | 56 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
497 | 1995 | 58 | Overseas Missions (Privileges and Immunities) (Consequential Amendments) Act 1995 | |
498 | 1995 | 59 | Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
499 | 1995 | 64 | Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Act 1995 | |
500 | 1995 | 65 | Passenger Movement Charge Collection Amendment Act 1995 | |
501 | 1995 | 70 | Beef Production Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
502 | 1995 | 71 | Live‑stock Export Charge Amendment Act 1995 | |
503 | 1995 | 72 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
504 | 1995 | 74 | Cattle Export Charges Amendment Act 1995 | |
505 | 1995 | 75 | National Residue Survey Administration Amendment Act 1995 | |
506 | 1995 | 79 | Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Act 1995 | |
507 | 1995 | 80 | Exotic Animal Disease Control Amendment Act 1995 | |
508 | 1995 | 87 | Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
509 | 1995 | 89 | Transport Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
510 | 1995 | 90 | Income Tax Rates Amendment Act 1995 | |
511 | 1995 | 91 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Modification (Customs) Act 1995 | |
512 | 1995 | 92 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Modification (Excise) Act 1995 | |
513 | 1995 | 93 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Modification (General) Act 1995 | |
514 | 1995 | 94 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Budget Measures) Act 1995 | |
515 | 1995 | 99 | Banking (Queensland Industry Development Corporation) Amendment Act 1995 | |
516 | 1995 | 100 | Migration Legislation Amendment Act (No. 5) 1995 | |
517 | 1995 | 106 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Family Measures) Act 1995 | |
518 | 1995 | 107 | Radiocommunications (Transmitter Licence Tax) Amendment Act 1995 | |
519 | 1995 | 108 | Radiocommunications (Receiver Licence Tax) Amendment Act 1995 | |
520 | 1995 | 109 | Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Amendment Act 1995 | |
521 | 1995 | 110 | Migration Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
522 | 1995 | 111 | Migration Agents Registration (Application) Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
523 | 1995 | 112 | Migration Agents Registration (Renewal) Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
524 | 1995 | 113 | Immigration (Education) Charge Amendment Act 1995 | |
525 | 1995 | 114 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
526 | 1995 | 115 | First Corporate Law Simplification Act 1995 | |
527 | 1995 | 116 | Public Order (Protection of Persons and Property) Amendment Act 1995 | |
528 | 1995 | 117 | Superannuation Supervisory Levy Amendment Act 1995 | |
529 | 1995 | 118 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 1995 | |
530 | 1995 | 120 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
531 | 1995 | 121 | Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Amendment Act 1995 | |
532 | 1995 | 122 | Governor‑General Amendment Act 1995 | |
533 | 1995 | 123 | States Grants (General Purposes) Amendment Act 1995 | |
534 | 1995 | 124 | Ozone Protection Amendment Act 1995 | |
535 | 1995 | 127 | International Tax Agreements Amendment Act 1995 | |
536 | 1995 | 132 | Health and Other Services (Compensation) (Consequential Amendments) Act 1995 | |
537 | 1995 | 135 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
538 | 1995 | 137 | Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1995 | |
539 | 1995 | 138 | Prime Minister and Cabinet (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 | |
540 | 1995 | 140 | Family Law Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1995 | |
541 | 1995 | 142 | Customs Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
542 | 1995 | 144 | Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
543 | 1995 | 145 | Taxation Laws Amendment (FBT Cost of Compliance) Act 1995 | |
544 | 1995 | 148 | Employment Services Amendment Act 1995 | |
545 | 1995 | 149 | Human Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1995 | |
546 | 1995 | 150 | Industry Commission Amendment Act 1995 | |
547 | 1995 | 153 | Public Service Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
548 | 1995 | 154 | States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
549 | 1995 | 155 | Student and Youth Assistance Amendment (Youth Training Allowance) Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
550 | 1995 | 156 | Student and Youth Assistance Amendment (Youth Training Allowance) Act (No. 3) 1995 | |
551 | 1995 | 162 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
552 | 1995 | 163 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
553 | 1995 | 164 | Human Services and Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
554 | 1995 | 165 | Sex Discrimination Amendment Act 1995 | |
555 | 1995 | 166 | Electoral and Referendum Amendment Act 1995 | |
556 | 1995 | 169 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 | |
557 | 1995 | 170 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1995 | |
558 | 1995 | 171 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 4) 1995 | |
559 | 1995 | 172 | Income Tax (Franking Deficit) Amendment Act 1995 | |
560 | 1995 | 173 | Income Tax (Deficit Deferral) Amendment Act 1995 | |
561 | 1995 | 174 | Transport Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1995 | |
562 | 1995 | 175 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995 | |
563 | 1995 | 176 | Employment, Education and Training Amendment Act 1995 | |
564 | 1996 | 1 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1995 | |
565 | 1996 | 2 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1996 | |
566 | 1996 | 3 | Dairy Produce Amendment Act 1996 | |
567 | 1996 | 4 | Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Amendment Act 1996 | |
568 | 1996 | 5 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1996 | |
569 | 1996 | 6 | Therapeutic Goods Amendment Act 1996 | |
570 | 1996 | 7 | Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Amendment Act 1996 | |
571 | 1996 | 9 | Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1996 | |
572 | 1996 | 16 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1996 | |
573 | 1996 | 17 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1996 | |
574 | 1996 | 19 | Health Legislation (Powers of Investigation) Amendment Act 1996 | |
575 | 1996 | 20 | Australian Sports Drug Agency Amendment Act 1996 | |
576 | 1996 | 23 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
577 | 1996 | 25 | Migration Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
578 | 1996 | 27 | Australian Federal Police Amendment Act 1996 | |
579 | 1996 | 28 | Crimes Amendment (Controlled Operations) Act 1996 | |
580 | 1996 | 30 | Customs Amendment Act 1996 | |
581 | 1996 | 31 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
582 | 1996 | 32 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
583 | 1996 | 33 | Health and Other Services (Compensation) Amendment Act 1996 | |
584 | 1996 | 38 | Australian Law Reform Commission (Repeal, Transitional and Miscellaneous) Act 1996 | |
585 | 1996 | 39 | Taxation Laws Amendment (International Tax Agreements) Act 1996 | |
586 | 1996 | 44 | Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Act 1996 | |
587 | 1996 | 46 | Australian Capital Territory Government Service (Consequential Provisions) Amendment Act 1996 | |
588 | 1996 | 47 | Cattle Export Charges Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
589 | 1996 | 48 | Cattle Transaction Levy Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
590 | 1996 | 49 | Laying Chicken Levy Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
591 | 1996 | 50 | Live‑stock Export Charge Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
592 | 1996 | 51 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
593 | 1996 | 52 | Meat Chicken Levy Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
594 | 1996 | 53 | Pig Slaughter Levy Amendment (AAHC) Act 1996 | |
595 | 1996 | 54 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1996 | |
596 | 1996 | 56 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
597 | 1996 | 57 | Social Security Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
598 | 1996 | 60 | Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 | |
599 | 1996 | 62 | Wool International Amendment Act 1996 | |
600 | 1996 | 63 | Family (Tax Initiative) Act 1996 | |
601 | 1996 | 68 | Sales Tax Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
602 | 1996 | 69 | States Grants (General Purposes) Amendment Act 1996 | |
603 | 1996 | 71 | Shipping Grants Legislation Act 1996 | |
604 | 1996 | 72 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 | |
605 | 1996 | 74 | Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 1996 | |
606 | 1996 | 75 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996 | |
607 | 1996 | 76 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996 | |
608 | 1996 | 77 | Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996 | |
609 | 1996 | 78 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1996 | |
610 | 1996 | 79 | National Health (Budget Measures) Amendment Act 1996 | |
611 | 1996 | 80 | Child Care Legislation Amendment Act 1996 | |
612 | 1996 | 82 | Industry Research and Development Amendment Act 1996 | |
613 | 1996 | 83 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Further Budget and Other Measures) Act 1996 | |
614 | 1996 | 84 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1996 | |
615 | 1997 | 1 | Defence Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
616 | 1997 | 3 | Customs Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
617 | 1997 | 6 | Student and Youth Assistance Amendment (Waiting Period) Act 1997 | |
618 | 1997 | 7 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (1996‑97 Budget Measures) Act 1997 | |
619 | 1997 | 8 | Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 1997 | |
620 | 1997 | 9 | General Insurance Supervisory Levy Amendment Act 1997 | |
621 | 1997 | 10 | Marine Personnel Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
622 | 1997 | 11 | Bankruptcy Amendment Act 1997 | |
623 | 1997 | 14 | Civil Aviation Amendment Act 1997 | |
624 | 1997 | 15 | Road Transport Reform (Dangerous Goods) Amendment Act 1997 | |
625 | 1997 | 19 | Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
626 | 1997 | 20 | Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
627 | 1997 | 21 | Farm Household Support Amendment Act 1997 | |
628 | 1997 | 22 | Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
629 | 1997 | 23 | Public Service Amendment Act 1997 | |
630 | 1997 | 24 | Sydney 2000 Games (Indicia and Images) Protection Amendment Act 1997 | |
631 | 1997 | 25 | Family Law Amendment Act 1997 | |
632 | 1997 | 28 | Trade Practices Amendment (Industry Access Codes) Act 1997 | |
633 | 1997 | 29 | Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | |
634 | 1997 | 30 | Aviation Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
635 | 1997 | 32 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
636 | 1997 | 34 | Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
637 | 1997 | 45 | Health Legislation Amendment (Private Health Insurance Incentives) Act 1997 | |
638 | 1997 | 46 | Corporations Law Amendment Act 1997 | |
639 | 1997 | 48 | Telecommunications Amendment Act 1997 | |
640 | 1997 | 54 | Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Act 1997 | |
641 | 1997 | 56 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Private Health Insurance Incentives) Act 1997 | |
642 | 1997 | 58 | Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 1997 | |
643 | 1997 | 62 | Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | |
644 | 1997 | 64 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
645 | 1997 | 77 | Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Amendment Act 1997 | |
646 | 1997 | 78 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
647 | 1997 | 79 | Petroleum Excise (Prices) Amendment Act 1997 | |
648 | 1997 | 80 | International Tax Agreements Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
649 | 1997 | 83 | Australian Animal Health Council (Live‑stock Industries) Funding Amendment Act 1997 | |
650 | 1997 | 84 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
651 | 1997 | 86 | Wine Export Charge (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | |
652 | 1997 | 87 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Simplification Measures) Act 1997 | |
653 | 1997 | 91 | Industry, Science and Tourism Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
654 | 1997 | 92 | Migration Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1997 | |
655 | 1997 | 95 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
656 | 1997 | 97 | Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
657 | 1997 | 99 | Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Act 1997 | |
658 | 1997 | 104 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Infrastructure Borrowings) Act 1997 | |
659 | 1997 | 105 | Bounty Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
660 | 1997 | 106 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Activity Test Penalty Periods) Act 1997 | |
661 | 1997 | 107 | Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997 | |
662 | 1997 | 108 | Wool International Amendment Act 1997 | |
663 | 1997 | 110 | Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Amendment Act 1997 | |
664 | 1997 | 113 | Aged Care (Compensation Amendments) Act 1997 | |
665 | 1997 | 114 | Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Act 1997 | |
666 | 1997 | 116 | Therapeutic Goods Amendment Act 1997 | |
667 | 1997 | 118 | Environment, Sport and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
668 | 1997 | 119 | Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
669 | 1997 | 120 | Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
670 | 1997 | 122 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
671 | 1997 | 123 | Carriage of Goods by Sea Amendment Act 1997 | |
672 | 1997 | 124 | Income Tax Rates Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
673 | 1997 | 125 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
674 | 1997 | 127 | International Monetary Agreements Amendment Act 1997 | |
675 | 1997 | 129 | Health Insurance (Pathology Services) Amendment Act 1997 | |
676 | 1997 | 130 | Transport Legislation Amendment (Search and Rescue Service) Act 1997 | |
677 | 1997 | 131 | States Grants (General Purposes) Amendment Act 1997 | |
678 | 1997 | 134 | Franchise Fees Windfall Tax (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | |
679 | 1997 | 135 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 3) 1997 | |
680 | 1997 | 136 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 3) 1997 | |
681 | 1997 | 140 | Sales Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1997 | |
682 | 1997 | 141 | Television Licence Fees Amendment Act 1997 | |
683 | 1997 | 142 | Radio Licence Fees Amendment Act 1997 | |
684 | 1997 | 145 | Radiocommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
685 | 1997 | 146 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
686 | 1997 | 147 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1997 | |
687 | 1997 | 155 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Foreign Income Measures) Act 1997 | |
688 | 1997 | 156 | Vocational Education and Training Funding Amendment Act 1997 | |
689 | 1997 | 157 | Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Compensation Measures) Act 1997 | |
690 | 1997 | 158 | National Road Transport Commission Amendment Act 1997 | |
691 | 1997 | 161 | Excise Tariff (Fuel Rates Amendments) Act 1997 | |
692 | 1997 | 162 | Customs Tariff (Fuel Rates Amendments) Act 1997 | |
693 | 1997 | 167 | Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
694 | 1997 | 168 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 4) 1997 | |
695 | 1997 | 169 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 4) 1997 | |
696 | 1997 | 170 | Native Title Amendment (Tribunal Appointments) Act 1997 | |
697 | 1997 | 171 | Student and Youth Assistance (Sex Discrimination Amendment) Act 1997 | |
698 | 1997 | 172 | Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment Act 1997 | |
699 | 1997 | 174 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 4) 1997 | |
700 | 1997 | 175 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Male Total Average Weekly Earnings Benchmark) Act 1997 | |
701 | 1997 | 177 | Snowy Hydro Corporatisation (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | |
702 | 1997 | 178 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997 | |
703 | 1997 | 179 | Farm Household Support Amendment (Restart and Exceptional Circumstances) Act 1997 | |
704 | 1997 | 180 | Broadcasting Services Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
705 | 1997 | 181 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 5) 1997 | |
706 | 1997 | 182 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 5) 1997 | |
707 | 1997 | 186 | Superannuation Contributions Tax Imposition Amendment Act 1997 | |
708 | 1997 | 188 | Termination Payments Tax Imposition Amendment Act 1997 | |
709 | 1997 | 191 | Superannuation Contributions and Termination Payments Taxes Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
710 | 1997 | 192 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
711 | 1997 | 193 | States Grants (General Purposes) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
712 | 1997 | 197 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Parenting and Other Measures) Act 1997 | |
713 | 1997 | 198 | Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1997 | |
714 | 1997 | 199 | Corporations Law Amendment (ASX) Act 1997 | |
715 | 1997 | 201 | Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 | |
716 | 1997 | 202 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Family and Other Measures) Act 1997 | |
717 | 1997 | 208 | Beef Production Levy Amendment Act 1997 | |
718 | 1998 | 2 | Flags Amendment Act 1998 | |
719 | 1998 | 8 | Customs and Excise Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 | |
720 | 1998 | 9 | Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Amendment Act 1998 | |
721 | 1998 | 12 | Criminal Code Amendment Act 1998 | |
722 | 1998 | 13 | Child Care Legislation Amendment Act 1998 | |
723 | 1998 | 17 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Trust Loss and Other Deductions) Act 1998 | |
724 | 1998 | 18 | Social Security Legislation Amendment (Youth Allowance) Act 1998 | |
725 | 1998 | 19 | Health Legislation Amendment Act 1998 | |
726 | 1998 | 23 | Commonwealth Places (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998 | |
727 | 1998 | 27 | Indigenous Education (Supplementary Assistance) Amendment Act 1998 | |
728 | 1998 | 28 | International Monetary Agreements Amendment Act 1998 | |
729 | 1998 | 29 | Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1998 | |
730 | 1998 | 30 | Medicare Levy Consequential Amendment (Trust Loss) Act 1998 | |
731 | 1998 | 31 | National Residue Survey Administration Amendment Act 1998 | |
732 | 1998 | 34 | Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment Act 1998 | |
733 | 1998 | 35 | Insurance Laws Amendment Act 1998 | |
734 | 1998 | 36 | Trade Practices Amendment (Fair Trading) Act 1998 | |
735 | 1998 | 37 | Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998 | |
736 | 1998 | 39 | Law Officers Amendment Act 1998 | |
737 | 1998 | 40 | Student and Youth Assistance Amendment Act 1998 | |
738 | 1998 | 43 | Interstate Road Transport Amendment Act 1998 | |
739 | 1998 | 44 | Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Act 1998 | |
740 | 1998 | 47 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1998 | |
741 | 1998 | 61 | Company Law Review Act 1998 | |
742 | 1998 | 62 | Managed Investments Act 1998 | |
743 | 1998 | 63 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Company Law Review) Act 1998 | |
744 | 1998 | 64 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 | |
745 | 1998 | 66 | Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Act 1998 | |
746 | 1998 | 67 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Pension Bonus Scheme) Act 1998 | |
747 | 1998 | 68 | Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Amendment Act 1998 | |
748 | 1998 | 69 | Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment (Male Total Average Weekly Earnings Benchmark) Act 1998 | |
749 | 1998 | 73 | Customs Tariff Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 | |
750 | 1998 | 75 | Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 | |
751 | 1998 | 77 | Cheques and Payment Orders Amendment (Turnback of Cheques) Act 1998 | |
752 | 1998 | 79 | Customs Legislation (Anti‑dumping Amendments) Act 1998 | |
753 | 1998 | 80 | Customs Tariff (Anti‑Dumping) Amendment Act 1998 | |
754 | 1998 | 82 | National Road Transport Commission Amendment Act 1998 | |
755 | 1998 | 84 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Retirement Assistance for Farmers) Act 1998 | |
756 | 1998 | 85 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Farm Management Deposits) Act 1998 | |
757 | 1998 | 86 | Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 1998 | |
758 | 1998 | 90 | National Measurement Amendment Act 1998 | |
759 | 1998 | 91 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Landcare and Water Facility Tax Offset) Act 1998 | |
760 | 1998 | 93 | Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1998 | |
761 | 1998 | 96 | Crimes Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Act 1998 | |
762 | 1998 | 100 | Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 1998 | |
763 | 1998 | 105 | Copyright Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998 | |
764 | 1998 | 106 | Trade Practices Amendment (Country of Origin Representations) Act 1998 | |
765 | 1998 | 108 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Film Licensed Investment Company) Act 1998 | |
766 | 1998 | 110 | States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1998 | |
767 | 1998 | 111 | Data‑matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Amendment Act 1998 | |
768 | 1998 | 112 | Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1998 | |
769 | 1998 | 115 | Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Act 1998 | |
770 | 1998 | 116 | 1998 Budget Measures Legislation Amendment (Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements) Act 1998 | |
771 | 1998 | 117 | Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 | |
772 | 1998 | 118 | Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1998 | |
773 | 1998 | 119 | Telecommunications Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998 | |
774 | 1998 | 120 | Child Support Legislation Amendment Act 1998 | |
775 | 1998 | 122 | Aged Care Amendment (Accreditation Agency) Act 1998 | |
776 | 1998 | 124 | Wool International Amendment Act 1998 | |
777 | 1998 | 125 | Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 1998 | |
778 | 1998 | 127 | Private Health Insurance Incentives Amendment Act 1998 | |
779 | 1998 | 128 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Private Health Insurance) Act 1998 | |
780 | 1998 | 132 | Payment Processing Legislation Amendment (Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements) Act 1998 | |
781 | 1999 | 3 | Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment Act 1999 | |
782 | 1999 | 5 | Australian Sports Drug Agency Amendment Act 1999 | |
783 | 1999 | 9 | National Measurement Amendment (Utility Meters) Act 1999 | |
784 | 1999 | 10 | Rural Adjustment Amendment Act 1999 | |
785 | 1999 | 11 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1999 | |
786 | 1999 | 12 | Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Amendment Act 1999 | |
787 | 1999 | 14 | Bounty (Ships) Amendment Act 1999 | |
788 | 1999 | 16 | Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999 | |
789 | 1999 | 17 | A New Tax System (Fringe Benefits Reporting) Act 1999 | |
790 | 1999 | 21 | Health Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1999 | |
791 | 1999 | 26 | Customs (Anti‑dumping Amendments) Act 1999 | |
792 | 1999 | 27 | Customs Tariff (Anti‑Dumping) Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999 | |
793 | 1999 | 28 | National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Amendment Act 1999 | |
794 | 1999 | 29 | National Residue Survey (Excise) Levy Amendment Act 1999 | |
795 | 1999 | 33 | Sales Tax Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999 | |
796 | 1999 | 35 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 1) 1999 | |
797 | 1999 | 36 | Ozone Protection Amendment Act 1999 | |
798 | 1999 | 37 | Migration (Visa Application) Charge Amendment Act 1999 | |
799 | 1999 | 38 | Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 1999 | |
800 | 1999 | 39 | Taxation Laws Amendment (Software Depreciation) Act 1999 | |
801 | 1999 | 41 | Income Tax Rates Amendment (RSAs Provided by Registered Organizations) Act 1999 | |
802 | 1999 | 43 | Criminal Code Amendment (Bribery of Foreign Public Officials) Act 1999 | |
803 | 1999 | 53 | Telstra (Further Dilution of Public Ownership) Act 1999 | |
804 | 1999 | 56 | A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Administration) Act 1999 | |
805 | 1999 | 58 | A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999 | |
806 | 1999 | 59 | A New Tax System (Indirect Tax Administration) Act 1999 | |
807 | 1999 | 61 | A New Tax System (Trade Practices Amendment) Act 1999 | |
808 | 1999 | 69 | A New Tax System (Personal Income Tax Cuts) Act 1999 | |
809 | 1999 | 70 | A New Tax System (Closely Held Trusts) Act 1999 | |
810 | 1999 | 82 | A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Consequential and Related Measures) Act (No. 1) 1999 | |
811 | 1999 | 83 |