
An Act to abolish the Norfolk Island Public Hall Trust

 [Assented to 18 August 1989]

BE IT ENACTED  by the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island as follows —


 1. This Act may be cited as the Rawson Hall Trust (Abolition) Act 1989.

 2. This Act comes into operation on a date fixed by the Administrator by notice published in the Gazette.

 3. In this Act, “the Trust” means the same as in the Norfolk Island Public Hall Act 1951.

 4. The Norfolk Island Public Hall Act 1951 is repealed.

 5. On the commencement of this Act, the assets (other than real property) and liabilities of the Trust become assets and liabilities of the Administration.



Notified Gazette No. 37, 24 August 1989.

Commenced 24 August 1989 (Gazette No. 37, 24 August 1989).

Printed on the authority of the Administrator.


© Norfolk Island Government 2012

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