1 Purpose
(1) The purpose of this Notice is to amend Schedule 5 of the National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle 4.6m High Livestock Carrier Authorisation (Notice) 2014 (No. 1) in respect of the categories of vehicles to which it applies in Victoria.
2 Authorising Provision
(1) This notice is made under Section 173, of the Heavy Vehicle National Law.
3 Title
(1) This notice may be cited as the National Class 2 4.6m High Livestock Carrier Authorisation (Notice) 2014 (No.1) Amendment Notice (No. 1).
4 Period of operation
(1) This notice commences 28 days after its publication in the Commonwealth Gazette and is in force until 9 February 2019.
5 Definitions
(1) In this notice—
Primary Notice means the National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle 4.6m High Livestock Carrier Authorisation (Notice) 2014 (No. 1).
6 Amendment of Primary Notice
(1) Schedule 5 (Victoria) of the Primary Notice is amended as follows—
(a) Omit clause 3, and insert—
‘3. Deliberately left blank.’
(b) In clause 4, omit ‘clauses 5 and 6’ and insert—
‘clause 5’
(c) Omit clause 6 and insert—
‘6. Deliberately left blank.’
(d) Omit clause 9 and insert—
‘9. Deliberately left blank.’
(e) Omit Appendix 1, and insert—
‘Appendix 1
Victorian Class 2 B-double Route Access Lists
Dated: 25 February 2022
Chief Executive Officer
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator