Amending Acts 1970 to 1979 Repeal Act 2015
No. 3, 2015
An Act to repeal certain Acts, and for related purposes
Amending Acts 1970 to 1979 Repeal Act 2015
No. 3, 2015
An Act to repeal certain Acts, and for related purposes
[Assented to 25 February 2015]
The Parliament of Australia enacts:
This Act may be cited as the Amending Acts 1970 to 1979 Repeal Act 2015.
(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.
Commencement information | ||
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Provisions | Commencement | Date/Details |
1. Sections 1 to 3 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table | The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. | 25 February 2015 |
2. Schedule 1 | The 28th day after this Act receives the Royal Assent. | 25 March 2015 |
Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this Act.
(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this Act.
(1) Each Act mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed.
(2) The repeal of an Act by this section does not affect the continuing operation of any provision of the Act made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential or related to such a provision).
Table of Acts to be repealed | ||||
Item | Year | No. | Short Title | ComlawID |
1 | 1970 | 1 | Navigation Act 1970 | |
2 | 1970 | 2 | Social Services Act 1970 | |
3 | 1970 | 9 | Estate Duty Assessment Act 1970 | |
4 | 1970 | 14 | Homes Savings Grant Act 1970 | |
5 | 1970 | 18 | Dried Fruits Export Charges Act 1970 | |
6 | 1970 | 22 | Parliamentary Allowances Act 1970 | |
7 | 1970 | 33 | Defence Act 1970 | |
8 | 1970 | 34 | Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1970 | |
9 | 1970 | 41 | National Health Act 1970 | |
10 | 1970 | 42 | Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Act 1970 | |
11 | 1970 | 49 | Seamen’s Compensation Act 1970 | |
12 | 1970 | 52 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1970 | |
13 | 1970 | 54 | Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1970 | |
14 | 1970 | 56 | Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Act 1970 | |
15 | 1970 | 58 | Book Bounty Act 1970 | |
16 | 1970 | 59 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
17 | 1970 | 61 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act 1970 | |
18 | 1970 | 69 | Sales Tax Act (No. 1) 1970 | |
19 | 1970 | 70 | Sales Tax Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
20 | 1970 | 71 | Sales Tax Act (No. 3) 1970 | |
21 | 1970 | 72 | Sales Tax Act (No. 4) 1970 | |
22 | 1970 | 73 | Sales Tax Act (No. 5) 1970 | |
23 | 1970 | 74 | Sales Tax Act (No. 6) 1970 | |
24 | 1970 | 75 | Sales Tax Act (No. 7) 1970 | |
25 | 1970 | 76 | Sales Tax Act (No. 8) 1970 | |
26 | 1970 | 77 | Sales Tax Act (No. 9) 1970 | |
27 | 1970 | 78 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1970 | |
28 | 1970 | 79 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 1) 1970 | |
29 | 1970 | 80 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
30 | 1970 | 81 | Excise Tariff 1970 | |
31 | 1970 | 87 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1970 | |
32 | 1970 | 90 | Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1970 | |
33 | 1970 | 93 | Fisheries Act 1970 | |
34 | 1970 | 105 | Air Navigation (Charges) Act 1970 | |
35 | 1970 | 106 | Lighthouses Act 1970 | |
36 | 1970 | 114 | Canberra College of Advanced Education Act 1970 | |
37 | 1970 | 115 | Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Act 1970 | |
38 | 1970 | 117 | Navigation Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
39 | 1970 | 122 | Bankruptcy Act 1970 | |
40 | 1970 | 125 | Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
41 | 1970 | 126 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1970 | |
42 | 1971 | 1 | Australian National University Act 1971 | |
43 | 1971 | 6 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1971 | |
44 | 1971 | 8 | Broadcasting and Television Act 1971 | |
45 | 1971 | 9 | Overseas Telecommunications Act 1971 | |
46 | 1971 | 12 | Customs Act 1971 | |
47 | 1971 | 13 | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court Act 1971 | |
48 | 1971 | 14 | Naval Defence Act 1971 | |
49 | 1971 | 16 | Social Services Act 1971 | |
50 | 1971 | 18 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act 1971 | |
51 | 1971 | 43 | Ministers of State Act 1971 | |
52 | 1971 | 47 | Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1971 | |
53 | 1971 | 50 | Air Accidents (Commonwealth Liability) Act 1971 | |
54 | 1971 | 51 | Anglo‑Australian Telescope Agreement Act 1971 | |
55 | 1971 | 52 | Seamen’s Compensation Act 1971 | |
56 | 1971 | 54 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
57 | 1971 | 59 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Act 1971 | |
58 | 1971 | 60 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Assessment Act 1971 | |
59 | 1971 | 67 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
60 | 1971 | 69 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
61 | 1971 | 72 | Broadcasting and Television Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
62 | 1971 | 79 | Air Navigation Act 1971 | |
63 | 1971 | 85 | National Health Act 1971 | |
64 | 1971 | 86 | Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Act 1971 | |
65 | 1971 | 87 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Act 1971 | |
66 | 1971 | 88 | Railway Agreement (Western Australia) Act 1971 | |
67 | 1971 | 93 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 3) 1971 | |
68 | 1971 | 98 | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
69 | 1971 | 100 | Stevedoring Industry Act 1971 | |
70 | 1971 | 105 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 1) 1971 | |
71 | 1971 | 106 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
72 | 1971 | 108 | Excise Tariff 1971 | |
73 | 1971 | 112 | Homes Savings Grant Act 1971 | |
74 | 1971 | 120 | War Service Homes Act 1971 | |
75 | 1971 | 134 | Customs Act (No. 2) 1971 | |
76 | 1972 | 1 | Social Services Act 1972 | |
77 | 1972 | 5 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1972 | |
78 | 1972 | 6 | Public Service Act 1972 | |
79 | 1972 | 10 | Australian Capital Territory Evidence (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972 | |
80 | 1972 | 14 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
81 | 1972 | 16 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act 1972 | |
82 | 1972 | 22 | Excise Tariff 1972 | |
83 | 1972 | 23 | Excise Act 1972 | |
84 | 1972 | 24 | Distillation Act 1972 | |
85 | 1972 | 25 | Spirits Act 1972 | |
86 | 1972 | 26 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 1) 1972 | |
87 | 1972 | 27 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
88 | 1972 | 28 | Navigation Act 1972 | |
89 | 1972 | 35 | Dairying Industry Act 1972 | |
90 | 1972 | 38 | Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1972 | |
91 | 1972 | 46 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
92 | 1972 | 47 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 3) 1972 | |
93 | 1972 | 48 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Act 1972 | |
94 | 1972 | 49 | Broadcasting and Television Act 1972 | |
95 | 1972 | 53 | Social Services Act (No. 3) 1972 | |
96 | 1972 | 54 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972 | |
97 | 1972 | 57 | Public Works Committee Act 1972 | |
98 | 1972 | 61 | Lighthouses Act 1972 | |
99 | 1972 | 64 | Excise Tariff (No. 2) 1972 | |
100 | 1972 | 65 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 4) 1972 | |
101 | 1972 | 66 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Act 1972 | |
102 | 1972 | 67 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1972 | |
103 | 1972 | 68 | Australian Capital Territory Stamp Duty Act 1972 | |
104 | 1972 | 69 | Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1972 | |
105 | 1972 | 78 | Homes Savings Grant Act 1972 | |
106 | 1972 | 79 | Social Services Act (No. 4) 1972 | |
107 | 1972 | 83 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
108 | 1972 | 84 | Aged Persons Homes Act 1972 | |
109 | 1972 | 85 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 5) 1972 | |
110 | 1972 | 87 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
111 | 1972 | 92 | Australian Capital Territory Tax (Sales of Marketable Securities) Act 1972 | |
112 | 1972 | 93 | Australian Capital Territory Tax (Purchases of Marketable Securities) Act 1972 | |
113 | 1972 | 94 | Australian Capital Territory Stamp Duty Act (No. 2) 1972 | |
114 | 1972 | 95 | Estate Duty Assessment Act 1972 | |
115 | 1972 | 96 | Gift Duty Act 1972 | |
116 | 1972 | 97 | Gift Duty Assessment Act 1972 | |
117 | 1972 | 100 | Air Navigation (Charges) Act 1972 | |
118 | 1972 | 102 | Extradition (Commonwealth Countries) Act 1972 | |
119 | 1972 | 103 | Extradition (Foreign States) Act 1972 | |
120 | 1972 | 107 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Act 1972 | |
121 | 1972 | 114 | National Health Act 1972 | |
122 | 1972 | 119 | Excise Tariff (No. 3) 1972 | |
123 | 1972 | 124 | Seamen’s Compensation Act 1972 | |
124 | 1972 | 138 | Native Members of the Forces Benefits Act 1972 | |
125 | 1973 | 1 | Social Services Act 1973 | |
126 | 1973 | 6 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act 1973 | |
127 | 1973 | 7 | Commonwealth Electoral Act 1973 | |
128 | 1973 | 10 | Australian Capital Territory Evidence (Temporary Provisions) Act 1973 | |
129 | 1973 | 11 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Act 1973 | |
130 | 1973 | 16 | Migration Act 1973 | |
131 | 1973 | 17 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1973 | |
132 | 1973 | 20 | Excise Tariff 1973 | |
133 | 1973 | 21 | Public Service Act 1973 | |
134 | 1973 | 23 | Excise Tariff (No. 2) 1973 | |
135 | 1973 | 24 | Excise Act 1973 | |
136 | 1973 | 26 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
137 | 1973 | 31 | Defence Service Homes Act 1973 | |
138 | 1973 | 33 | Crimes Act 1973 | |
139 | 1973 | 35 | Marriage Act 1973 | |
140 | 1973 | 36 | Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1973 | |
141 | 1973 | 40 | Book Bounty Act 1973 | |
142 | 1973 | 44 | States Grants (Housing) Act 1973 | |
143 | 1973 | 46 | Superannuation Act 1973 | |
144 | 1973 | 48 | Social Services Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
145 | 1973 | 49 | National Health Act 1973 | |
146 | 1973 | 50 | Broadcasting and Television Act 1973 | |
147 | 1973 | 51 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1973 | |
148 | 1973 | 52 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
149 | 1973 | 53 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
150 | 1973 | 55 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Act 1973 | |
151 | 1973 | 56 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1973 | |
152 | 1973 | 61 | Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1973 | |
153 | 1973 | 64 | Wool Tax Act (No. 1) 1973 | |
154 | 1973 | 65 | Wool Tax Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
155 | 1973 | 66 | Wool Tax Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
156 | 1973 | 67 | Wool Tax Act (No. 4) 1973 | |
157 | 1973 | 68 | Wool Tax Act (No. 5) 1973 | |
158 | 1973 | 71 | Public Service Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
159 | 1973 | 73 | Public Service Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
160 | 1973 | 74 | Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act 1973 | |
161 | 1973 | 78 | Life Insurance Act 1973 | |
162 | 1973 | 79 | Acts Interpretation Act 1973 | |
163 | 1973 | 80 | Evidence Act 1973 | |
164 | 1973 | 82 | Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1973 | |
165 | 1973 | 83 | Superannuation Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
166 | 1973 | 84 | Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1973 | |
167 | 1973 | 93 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Act 1973 | |
168 | 1973 | 96 | Australian National University Act 1973 | |
169 | 1973 | 98 | Commonwealth Teaching Service Act 1973 | |
170 | 1973 | 99 | Australian Citizenship Act 1973 | |
171 | 1973 | 101 | Defence (Re‑establishment) Act 1973 | |
172 | 1973 | 103 | Social Services Act (No. 4) 1973 | |
173 | 1973 | 106 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
174 | 1973 | 110 | Immigration (Education) Act 1973 | |
175 | 1973 | 112 | States Grants (Petroleum Products) Act 1973 | |
176 | 1973 | 113 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Act 1973 | |
177 | 1973 | 123 | Meteorology Act 1973 | |
178 | 1973 | 128 | Aged Persons Homes Act 1973 | |
179 | 1973 | 130 | Air Navigation Act 1973 | |
180 | 1973 | 131 | Atomic Energy Act 1973 | |
181 | 1973 | 134 | Air Accidents (Australian Government Liability) Act 1973 | |
182 | 1973 | 135 | Superannuation Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
183 | 1973 | 136 | Sheltered Employment (Assistance) Act 1973 | |
184 | 1973 | 140 | Public Works Committee Act 1973 | |
185 | 1973 | 143 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 1) 1973 | |
186 | 1973 | 144 | Diesel Fuel Tax Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
187 | 1973 | 145 | Excise Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
188 | 1973 | 146 | Excise Tariff (No. 3) 1973 | |
189 | 1973 | 148 | Broadcasting Stations Licence Fees Act 1973 | |
190 | 1973 | 153 | Wheat Tax Act 1973 | |
191 | 1973 | 162 | Customs Act 1973 | |
192 | 1973 | 163 | Pay‑roll Tax Assessment Act 1973 | |
193 | 1973 | 164 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 4) 1973 | |
194 | 1973 | 165 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 5) 1973 | |
195 | 1973 | 171 | Extradition (Foreign States) Act 1973 | |
196 | 1973 | 172 | Extradition (Commonwealth Countries) Act 1973 | |
197 | 1973 | 174 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Act (No. 3) 1973 | |
198 | 1973 | 175 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Act (No. 4) 1973 | |
199 | 1973 | 181 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
200 | 1973 | 187 | Honey Levy Act (No. 1) 1973 | |
201 | 1973 | 188 | Honey Levy Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
202 | 1973 | 202 | National Health Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
203 | 1973 | 209 | Public Service Act (No. 4) 1973 | |
204 | 1973 | 216 | Statute Law Revision Act 1973 | |
205 | 1973 | 217 | National Library Act 1973 | |
206 | 1973 | 218 | Fisheries Act 1973 | |
207 | 1973 | 219 | Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1973 | |
208 | 1974 | 2 | Social Services Act 1974 | |
209 | 1974 | 4 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act 1974 | |
210 | 1974 | 5 | Airlines Equipment Act 1974 | |
211 | 1974 | 20 | Statute Law Revision Act 1974 | |
212 | 1974 | 21 | Extradition (Foreign States) Act 1974 | |
213 | 1974 | 23 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1974 | |
214 | 1974 | 25 | Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Act (No. 2) 1974 | |
215 | 1974 | 26 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1974 | |
216 | 1974 | 28 | Customs Act 1974 | |
217 | 1974 | 29 | Excise Act 1974 | |
218 | 1974 | 31 | Evidence Act 1974 | |
219 | 1974 | 33 | Parliamentary Papers Act 1974 | |
220 | 1974 | 37 | National Health Act 1974 | |
221 | 1974 | 38 | Commonwealth Electoral Act (No. 2) 1973 | |
222 | 1974 | 44 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 | |
223 | 1974 | 48 | Public Works Committee Act 1974 | |
224 | 1974 | 55 | Broadcasting and Television Act 1974 | |
225 | 1974 | 57 | Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1974 | |
226 | 1974 | 59 | Election Candidates (Public Service and Defence Force) Act 1974 | |
227 | 1974 | 66 | Wool Tax Act (No. 1) 1974 | |
228 | 1974 | 67 | Wool Tax Act (No. 2) 1974 | |
229 | 1974 | 68 | Wool Tax Act (No. 3) 1974 | |
230 | 1974 | 69 | Wool Tax Act (No. 4) 1974 | |
231 | 1974 | 70 | Wool Tax Act (No. 5) 1974 | |
232 | 1974 | 74 | States Grants (Beef Cattle Roads) Act 1974 | |
233 | 1974 | 78 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Act 1974 | |
234 | 1974 | 80 | Remuneration Tribunals Act 1974 | |
235 | 1974 | 83 | Australian Shipping Commission Act 1974 | |
236 | 1974 | 91 | Social Services Act (No. 3) 1974 | |
237 | 1974 | 93 | Seamen’s Compensation Act 1974 | |
238 | 1974 | 96 | Service and Execution of Process Act 1974 | |
239 | 1974 | 109 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Act 1974 | |
240 | 1974 | 111 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Act 1974 | |
241 | 1974 | 112 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1974 | |
242 | 1974 | 114 | Air Navigation (Charges) Act 1974 | |
243 | 1974 | 115 | Aged or Disabled Persons Homes Act 1974 | |
244 | 1974 | 120 | Customs Act (No. 2) 1974 | |
245 | 1974 | 121 | Excise Tariff 1974 | |
246 | 1974 | 125 | Defence Service Homes Act 1974 | |
247 | 1974 | 126 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 2) 1974 | |
248 | 1974 | 128 | Income Tax (Bearer Debentures) Act 1974 | |
249 | 1974 | 129 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Act 1974 | |
250 | 1974 | 130 | Estate Duty Assessment Act 1974 | |
251 | 1974 | 133 | Taxation Administration Act 1974 | |
252 | 1974 | 140 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Act 1974 | |
253 | 1974 | 162 | Judges’ Pensions Act 1974 | |
254 | 1975 | 1 | National Health Act 1975 | |
255 | 1975 | 3 | Fisheries Act 1975 | |
256 | 1975 | 4 | Australian Industry Development Corporation Act 1975 | |
257 | 1975 | 5 | Book Bounty Act 1975 | |
258 | 1975 | 13 | National Health Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
259 | 1975 | 15 | Sales Tax Act (No. 1) 1975 | |
260 | 1975 | 16 | Sales Tax Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
261 | 1975 | 17 | Sales Tax Act (No. 3) 1975 | |
262 | 1975 | 18 | Sales Tax Act (No. 4) 1975 | |
263 | 1975 | 19 | Sales Tax Act (No. 5) 1975 | |
264 | 1975 | 20 | Sales Tax Act (No. 6) 1975 | |
265 | 1975 | 21 | Sales Tax Act (No. 7) 1975 | |
266 | 1975 | 22 | Sales Tax Act (No. 8) 1975 | |
267 | 1975 | 23 | Sales Tax Act (No. 9) 1975 | |
268 | 1975 | 24 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1975 | |
269 | 1975 | 29 | Snowy Mountains Hydro‑electric Power Act 1975 | |
270 | 1975 | 34 | Social Services Act 1975 | |
271 | 1975 | 35 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act 1975 | |
272 | 1975 | 40 | Public Service Acts Amendment Act 1975 | |
273 | 1975 | 45 | Pig Slaughter Levy Act 1975 | |
274 | 1975 | 46 | Pig Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1975 | |
275 | 1975 | 47 | Pig Industry Research Act 1975 | |
276 | 1975 | 49 | Homes Savings Grant Act 1975 | |
277 | 1975 | 58 | Health Insurance Act 1975 | |
278 | 1975 | 67 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Act 1975 | |
279 | 1975 | 72 | Dried Fruits Levy Act 1975 | |
280 | 1975 | 73 | Dried Fruits Export Charges Act 1975 | |
281 | 1975 | 74 | Urban and Regional Development (Financial Assistance) Act 1975 | |
282 | 1975 | 77 | Customs Act 1975 | |
283 | 1975 | 80 | Income Tax Assessment Act 1975 | |
284 | 1975 | 86 | Wool Tax Act (No. 1) 1975 | |
285 | 1975 | 87 | Wool Tax Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
286 | 1975 | 88 | Wool Tax Act (No. 3) 1975 | |
287 | 1975 | 89 | Wool Tax Act (No. 4) 1975 | |
288 | 1975 | 90 | Wool Tax Act (No. 5) 1975 | |
289 | 1975 | 93 | National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Charges) Act 1975 | |
290 | 1975 | 94 | Australian National University Act 1975 | |
291 | 1975 | 95 | Canberra College of Advanced Education Act 1975 | |
292 | 1975 | 96 | Defence Force Re‑organization Act 1975 | |
293 | 1975 | 100 | Papua New Guinea (Staffing Assistance) Act 1975 | |
294 | 1975 | 101 | Social Services Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
295 | 1975 | 103 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Act 1975 | |
296 | 1975 | 104 | Excise Tariff 1975 | |
297 | 1975 | 107 | Customs Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
298 | 1975 | 110 | Social Services Act (No. 3) 1975 | |
299 | 1975 | 111 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
300 | 1975 | 117 | Income Tax Assessment Act (No. 2) 1975 | |
301 | 1975 | 119 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Act 1975 | |
302 | 1976 | 1 | National Health Act 1976 | |
303 | 1976 | 5 | Air Navigation (Charges) Act 1976 | |
304 | 1976 | 16 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Amendment Act 1976 | |
305 | 1976 | 19 | Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Amendment Act 1976 | |
306 | 1976 | 20 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Amendment Act 1976 | |
307 | 1976 | 23 | Commonwealth Teaching Service Act 1976 | |
308 | 1976 | 25 | National Debt Sinking Fund Amendment Act 1976 | |
309 | 1976 | 26 | Social Services Amendment Act 1976 | |
310 | 1976 | 27 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act 1976 | |
311 | 1976 | 33 | Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment Act 1976 | |
312 | 1976 | 36 | Roads Acts Amendment Act 1976 | |
313 | 1976 | 41 | Customs Amendment Act 1976 | |
314 | 1976 | 42 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1976 | |
315 | 1976 | 43 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Collection Amendment Act 1976 | |
316 | 1976 | 48 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Amendment Act 1976 | |
317 | 1976 | 49 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Amendment Act 1976 | |
318 | 1976 | 50 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1976 | |
319 | 1976 | 51 | Superannuation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
320 | 1976 | 52 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act 1976 | |
321 | 1976 | 53 | Health Insurance Levy Assessment Act 1976 | |
322 | 1976 | 55 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
323 | 1976 | 56 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
324 | 1976 | 59 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1976 | |
325 | 1976 | 60 | National Health Amendment Act 1976 | |
326 | 1976 | 61 | Health Insurance Commission Amendment Act 1976 | |
327 | 1976 | 62 | Social Services Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
328 | 1976 | 63 | Family Law Amendment Act 1976 | |
329 | 1976 | 72 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 1) 1976 | |
330 | 1976 | 73 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
331 | 1976 | 74 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 3) 1976 | |
332 | 1976 | 75 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 4) 1976 | |
333 | 1976 | 76 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 5) 1976 | |
334 | 1976 | 77 | Dairy Adjustment Amendment Act 1976 | |
335 | 1976 | 78 | Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Act 1976 | |
336 | 1976 | 79 | Dairying Industry Research and Promotion (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1976 | |
337 | 1976 | 89 | Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act 1976 | |
338 | 1976 | 91 | Administrative Changes (Consequential Provisions) Act 1976 | |
339 | 1976 | 95 | Family Law Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
340 | 1976 | 96 | Social Welfare Commission (Repeal) Act 1976 | |
341 | 1976 | 98 | Health Insurance Levy Assessment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
342 | 1976 | 99 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
343 | 1976 | 100 | Health Insurance Commission Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
344 | 1976 | 101 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
345 | 1976 | 103 | Television Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1976 | |
346 | 1976 | 105 | Handicapped Persons Assistance Amendment Act 1976 | |
347 | 1976 | 107 | Australian Film Commission Amendment Act 1976 | |
348 | 1976 | 108 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 3) 1976 | |
349 | 1976 | 109 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 3) 1976 | |
350 | 1976 | 110 | Australian Film and Television School Amendment Act 1976 | |
351 | 1976 | 111 | Social Services Amendment Act (No. 3) 1976 | |
352 | 1976 | 112 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
353 | 1976 | 113 | Australia Council Amendment Act 1976 | |
354 | 1976 | 114 | Homes Savings Grant Amendment Act 1976 | |
355 | 1976 | 120 | States Grants (Advanced Education) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
356 | 1976 | 124 | Air Navigation (Charges) Amendment Act 1976 | |
357 | 1976 | 125 | Airports (Surface Traffic) Amendment Act 1976 | |
358 | 1976 | 126 | Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Amendment Act 1976 | |
359 | 1976 | 127 | Air Accidents (Commonwealth Government Liability) Amendment Act 1976 | |
360 | 1976 | 138 | Air Force Amendment Act 1976 | |
361 | 1976 | 143 | Income Tax Laws Amendment (Royalties) Act 1976 | |
362 | 1976 | 144 | Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 1976 | |
363 | 1976 | 145 | Customs Tariff (Coal Export Duty) Amendment Act 1976 | |
364 | 1976 | 150 | States Grants (Beef Industry) Amendment Act 1976 | |
365 | 1976 | 152 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
366 | 1976 | 157 | Federal Court of Australia (Consequential Provisions) Act 1976 | |
367 | 1976 | 158 | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court Amendment Act 1976 | |
368 | 1976 | 161 | Bankruptcy Amendment Act 1976 | |
369 | 1976 | 162 | Patents Amendment Act 1976 | |
370 | 1976 | 163 | Trade Marks Amendment Act 1976 | |
371 | 1976 | 164 | Judiciary Amendment Act 1976 | |
372 | 1976 | 165 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment (Jurisdiction of Courts) Act 1976 | |
373 | 1976 | 168 | Seamen’s Compensation Amendment Act 1976 | |
374 | 1976 | 169 | Estate Duty Assessment Amendment Act 1976 | |
375 | 1976 | 172 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Amendment Act 1976 | |
376 | 1976 | 173 | Roads Acts Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
377 | 1976 | 174 | Customs Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
378 | 1976 | 175 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1976 | |
379 | 1976 | 176 | Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 1976 | |
380 | 1976 | 177 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 4) 1976 | |
381 | 1976 | 178 | Stevedoring Industry Amendment Act 1976 | |
382 | 1976 | 179 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
383 | 1976 | 180 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
384 | 1976 | 187 | Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
385 | 1976 | 188 | Broadcasting Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1976 | |
386 | 1976 | 189 | Television Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
387 | 1976 | 193 | Public Service Amendment Act 1976 | |
388 | 1976 | 194 | Public Service Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 | |
389 | 1976 | 200 | Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Amendment Act 1976 | |
390 | 1976 | 205 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 3) 1976 | |
391 | 1976 | 209 | Marriage Amendment Act 1976 | |
392 | 1977 | 3 | Royal Australian Air Force Veterans’ Residences Amendment Act 1976 | |
393 | 1977 | 4 | Defence Amendment Act 1976 | |
394 | 1977 | 6 | Public Service Amendment (First Division Officers) Act 1976 | |
395 | 1977 | 7 | Crimes (Aircraft) Amendment Act 1976 | |
396 | 1977 | 9 | Extradition (Commonwealth Countries) Amendment Act 1976 | |
397 | 1977 | 10 | Extradition (Foreign States) Amendment Act 1976 | |
398 | 1977 | 13 | Defence Force (Retirement and Death Benefits Amendments) Act 1977 | |
399 | 1977 | 14 | Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Act 1977 | |
400 | 1977 | 20 | Defence Amendment Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
401 | 1977 | 26 | Commonwealth Teaching Service Amendment Act 1977 | |
402 | 1977 | 31 | Insurance Amendment Act 1977 | |
403 | 1977 | 32 | Life Insurance Amendment Act 1977 | |
404 | 1977 | 39 | Housing Loans Insurance Amendment Act 1977 | |
405 | 1977 | 41 | Roads Acts Amendment Act 1977 | |
406 | 1977 | 44 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 1) 1977 | |
407 | 1977 | 45 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
408 | 1977 | 46 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 3) 1977 | |
409 | 1977 | 47 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 4) 1977 | |
410 | 1977 | 48 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 5) 1977 | |
411 | 1977 | 56 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act 1977 | |
412 | 1977 | 57 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1977 | |
413 | 1977 | 58 | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Act 1977 | |
414 | 1977 | 60 | States Grants (Advanced Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1977 | |
415 | 1977 | 61 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1977 | |
416 | 1977 | 66 | Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Amendment Act 1977 | |
417 | 1977 | 70 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1977 | |
418 | 1977 | 71 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Collection Amendment Act 1977 | |
419 | 1977 | 75 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1977 | |
420 | 1977 | 76 | Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Amendment Act 1977 | |
421 | 1977 | 77 | Stevedoring Industry Charge Amendment Act 1977 | |
422 | 1977 | 87 | Diesel Fuel Tax (No. 1) Amendment Act 1977 | |
423 | 1977 | 88 | Diesel Fuel Tax (No. 2) Amendment Act 1977 | |
424 | 1977 | 91 | Air Navigation Amendment Act 1977 | |
425 | 1977 | 94 | Broadcasting Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1977 | |
426 | 1977 | 95 | Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Act 1977 | |
427 | 1977 | 96 | Television Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1977 | |
428 | 1977 | 98 | National Health Amendment Act 1977 | |
429 | 1977 | 100 | National Health Acts Amendment Act 1977 | |
430 | 1977 | 102 | Family Law Amendment Act 1977 | |
431 | 1977 | 103 | Customs Tariff (Coal Export Duty) Amendment Act 1977 | |
432 | 1977 | 104 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1977 | |
433 | 1977 | 114 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Amendment Act 1977 | |
434 | 1977 | 116 | Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
435 | 1977 | 118 | Governor‑General Amendment Act 1977 | |
436 | 1977 | 120 | Stevedoring Industry Charge (Termination) Act 1977 | |
437 | 1977 | 126 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
438 | 1977 | 127 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 3) 1977 | |
439 | 1977 | 134 | Income Tax (International Agreements) Amendment Act 1977 | |
440 | 1977 | 136 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
441 | 1977 | 137 | States Grants (Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave) Amendment Act 1977 | |
442 | 1977 | 142 | Homeless Persons Assistance Amendment Act 1977 | |
443 | 1977 | 148 | Brigalow Lands Agreement Amendment Act 1977 | |
444 | 1977 | 153 | Australian Shipping Commission Amendment Act 1977 | |
445 | 1977 | 154 | Customs Amendment Act 1977 | |
446 | 1977 | 159 | Social Services Amendment Act 1977 | |
447 | 1977 | 160 | Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act 1977 | |
448 | 1977 | 161 | Defence Force (Retirement and Death Benefits Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1977 | |
449 | 1978 | 1 | Industries Assistance Commission Amendment Act 1978 | |
450 | 1978 | 3 | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court Amendment Act 1978 | |
451 | 1978 | 8 | Control of Naval Waters Amendment Act 1978 | |
452 | 1978 | 14 | Evidence Amendment Act 1978 | |
453 | 1978 | 21 | Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act 1978 | |
454 | 1978 | 22 | Estate Duty Assessment Amendment Act 1978 | |
455 | 1978 | 23 | Estate Duty Amendment Act 1978 | |
456 | 1978 | 24 | Gift Duty Assessment Amendment Act 1978 | |
457 | 1978 | 25 | Gift Duty Amendment Act 1978 | |
458 | 1978 | 29 | National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act 1978 | |
459 | 1978 | 31 | Atomic Energy Amendment Act 1978 | |
460 | 1978 | 33 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1978 | |
461 | 1978 | 34 | States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1978 | |
462 | 1978 | 35 | Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 1978 | |
463 | 1978 | 39 | Statutory Rules Publication Amendment Act 1978 | |
464 | 1978 | 40 | Seat of Government (Administration) Amendment Act 1978 | |
465 | 1978 | 48 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1978 | |
466 | 1978 | 50 | Broadcasting Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1978 | |
467 | 1978 | 51 | Television Stations Licence Fees Amendment Act 1978 | |
468 | 1978 | 52 | Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act 1978 | |
469 | 1978 | 55 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Amendment Act 1978 | |
470 | 1978 | 56 | Aboriginal Councils and Associations Amendment Act 1978 | |
471 | 1978 | 57 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1978 | |
472 | 1978 | 59 | Ashmore and Cartier Islands Acceptance Amendment Act 1978 | |
473 | 1978 | 60 | Remuneration Tribunals Amendment Act 1978 | |
474 | 1978 | 62 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
475 | 1978 | 63 | Ombudsman Amendment Act 1978 | |
476 | 1978 | 65 | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Act 1978 | |
477 | 1978 | 66 | Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Amendment Act 1978 | |
478 | 1978 | 67 | Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Amendment Act 1978 | |
479 | 1978 | 69 | Air Accidents (Commonwealth Government Liability) Amendment Act 1978 | |
480 | 1978 | 70 | Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act (No. 3) 1978 | |
481 | 1978 | 72 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 1) 1978 | |
482 | 1978 | 73 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
483 | 1978 | 74 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 3) 1978 | |
484 | 1978 | 75 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 4) 1978 | |
485 | 1978 | 76 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 5) 1978 | |
486 | 1978 | 82 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1978 | |
487 | 1978 | 83 | Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
488 | 1978 | 88 | National Health Amendment Act 1978 | |
489 | 1978 | 89 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1978 | |
490 | 1978 | 90 | Health Insurance Levy Assessment Amendment Act 1978 | |
491 | 1978 | 92 | Trade Union Training Authority Amendment Act 1978 | |
492 | 1978 | 94 | Dairy Industry Stabilization Amendment Act 1978 | |
493 | 1978 | 95 | Dairy Industry Stabilization Levy Amendment Act 1978 | |
494 | 1978 | 99 | Fisheries Amendment Act 1978 | |
495 | 1978 | 100 | Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Amendment Act 1978 | |
496 | 1978 | 103 | Re‑establishment and Employment Amendment Act 1978 | |
497 | 1978 | 107 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1978 | |
498 | 1978 | 109 | Bounty (Books) Amendment Act 1978 | |
499 | 1978 | 110 | Excise Amendment Act 1978 | |
500 | 1978 | 111 | Pig Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1978 | |
501 | 1978 | 112 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Amendment Act 1978 | |
502 | 1978 | 114 | Homeless Persons Assistance Amendment Act 1978 | |
503 | 1978 | 116 | Wheat Tax Amendment Act 1978 | |
504 | 1978 | 123 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
505 | 1978 | 128 | Social Services Amendment Act 1978 | |
506 | 1978 | 129 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act 1978 | |
507 | 1978 | 130 | Trade Marks Amendment Act 1978 | |
508 | 1978 | 131 | Patents Amendment Act 1978 | |
509 | 1978 | 132 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
510 | 1978 | 133 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
511 | 1978 | 134 | Health Insurance Commission Amendment Act 1978 | |
512 | 1978 | 137 | Defence Service Homes Amendment Act 1978 | |
513 | 1978 | 138 | Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Amendment Act 1978 | |
514 | 1978 | 140 | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 1978 | |
515 | 1978 | 143 | Science and Industry Research Amendment Act 1978 | |
516 | 1978 | 144 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 1) 1978 | |
517 | 1978 | 145 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
518 | 1978 | 146 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 3) 1978 | |
519 | 1978 | 147 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 4) 1978 | |
520 | 1978 | 148 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 5) 1978 | |
521 | 1978 | 149 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 6) 1978 | |
522 | 1978 | 150 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 7) 1978 | |
523 | 1978 | 151 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 8) 1978 | |
524 | 1978 | 152 | Sales Tax Amendment Act (No. 9) 1978 | |
525 | 1978 | 158 | Weights and Measures (National Standards) Amendment Act 1978 | |
526 | 1978 | 159 | States Grants (Roads) Amendment Act 1978 | |
527 | 1978 | 168 | Maternity Leave (Australian Government Employees) Amendment Act 1978 | |
528 | 1978 | 169 | Superannuation Amendment Act 1978 | |
529 | 1978 | 170 | Public Service Amendment Act 1978 | |
530 | 1978 | 171 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 3) 1978 | |
531 | 1978 | 172 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 4) 1978 | |
532 | 1978 | 176 | Air Navigation (Charges) Amendment Act 1978 | |
533 | 1978 | 177 | Life Insurance Amendment Act 1978 | |
534 | 1978 | 178 | Remuneration Tribunals Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
535 | 1978 | 179 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1978 | |
536 | 1978 | 180 | Live‑stock Export Charge Amendment Act 1978 | |
537 | 1978 | 182 | Atomic Energy Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
538 | 1978 | 183 | Customs Amendment Act 1978 | |
539 | 1978 | 184 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
540 | 1978 | 189 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 3) 1978 | |
541 | 1978 | 192 | Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 1978 | |
542 | 1978 | 196 | Dried Fruits Export Charges Amendment Act 1978 | |
543 | 1978 | 197 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 1) Amendment Act 1978 | |
544 | 1978 | 198 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 2) Amendment Act 1978 | |
545 | 1978 | 199 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 3) Amendment Act 1978 | |
546 | 1978 | 200 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 4) Amendment Act 1978 | |
547 | 1978 | 201 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 5) Amendment Act 1978 | |
548 | 1978 | 202 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 6) Amendment Act 1978 | |
549 | 1978 | 203 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 7) Amendment Act 1978 | |
550 | 1978 | 204 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 8) Amendment Act 1978 | |
551 | 1978 | 205 | Sales Tax Assessment (No. 9) Amendment Act 1978 | |
552 | 1978 | 209 | Trade Union Training Authority Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
553 | 1978 | 210 | Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act (No. 2) 1978 | |
554 | 1978 | 211 | Industrial Research and Development Incentives Amendment Act 1978 | |
555 | 1979 | 1 | Quarantine Amendment Act 1979 | |
556 | 1979 | 3 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act 1979 | |
557 | 1979 | 4 | Poultry Industry Assistance Amendment Act 1979 | |
558 | 1979 | 5 | States Grants (Urban Public Transport) Amendment Act 1979 | |
559 | 1979 | 6 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands Amendment Act 1979 | |
560 | 1979 | 7 | Postal Services Amendment Act 1979 | |
561 | 1979 | 9 | Patents Amendment Act 1979 | |
562 | 1979 | 10 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Amendment Act 1979 | |
563 | 1979 | 11 | Excise Amendment Act 1979 | |
564 | 1979 | 12 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1979 | |
565 | 1979 | 15 | Defence Force (Retirement and Death Benefits Amendments) Act 1979 | |
566 | 1979 | 16 | National Fitness Amendment Act 1979 | |
567 | 1979 | 19 | Jurisdiction of Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1979 | |
568 | 1979 | 20 | Poultry Industry Levy Amendment Act 1979 | |
569 | 1979 | 21 | Poultry Industry Assistance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
570 | 1979 | 23 | Family Law Amendment Act 1979 | |
571 | 1979 | 26 | Remuneration Tribunals Amendment Act 1979 | |
572 | 1979 | 27 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
573 | 1979 | 32 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 1) 1979 | |
574 | 1979 | 33 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
575 | 1979 | 34 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
576 | 1979 | 35 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 4) 1979 | |
577 | 1979 | 36 | Wool Tax Amendment Act (No. 5) 1979 | |
578 | 1979 | 38 | Judiciary (Diplomatic Representation) Amendment Act 1979 | |
579 | 1979 | 40 | States Grants (Schools Assistance) Amendment Act 1979 | |
580 | 1979 | 41 | States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Amendment Act 1979 | |
581 | 1979 | 42 | National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act 1979 | |
582 | 1979 | 43 | Income Tax (Rates and Assessment) Amendment Act 1979 | |
583 | 1979 | 44 | Atomic Energy Amendment Act 1979 | |
584 | 1979 | 50 | Excise Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
585 | 1979 | 53 | Health Insurance Amendment Act 1979 | |
586 | 1979 | 54 | National Health Amendment Act 1979 | |
587 | 1979 | 59 | Taxation Administration Amendment Act 1979 | |
588 | 1979 | 60 | Estate Duty Assessment Amendment Act 1979 | |
589 | 1979 | 61 | Gift Duty Assessment Amendment Act 1979 | |
590 | 1979 | 62 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
591 | 1979 | 63 | Pay‑roll Tax Assessment Amendment Act 1979 | |
592 | 1979 | 64 | Pay‑roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
593 | 1979 | 67 | Wine Grapes Charges (Repeal) Act 1979 | |
594 | 1979 | 69 | Bounty (Books) Amendment Act 1979 | |
595 | 1979 | 73 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Amendment Act 1979 | |
596 | 1979 | 74 | Live‑stock Slaughter Levy Collection Amendment Act 1979 | |
597 | 1979 | 75 | Live‑stock Export Charge Amendment Act 1979 | |
598 | 1979 | 76 | Australian Meat and Live‑stock Corporation Amendment Act 1979 | |
599 | 1979 | 79 | Bounty (Bed Sheeting) Amendment Act 1979 | |
600 | 1979 | 81 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act 1979 | |
601 | 1979 | 83 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
602 | 1979 | 85 | Northern Territory Supreme Court (Repeal) Act 1979 | |
603 | 1979 | 86 | Judiciary Amendment Act 1979 | |
604 | 1979 | 87 | Federal Court of Australia Amendment Act 1979 | |
605 | 1979 | 91 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
606 | 1979 | 92 | Customs Amendment Act 1979 | |
607 | 1979 | 94 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
608 | 1979 | 96 | Albury‑Wodonga Development Amendment Act 1979 | |
609 | 1979 | 98 | Navigation Amendment Act 1979 | |
610 | 1979 | 99 | Lighthouses Amendment Act 1979 | |
611 | 1979 | 101 | Sea‑Carriage of Goods Amendment Act 1979 | |
612 | 1979 | 102 | Seamen’s Compensation Amendment Act 1979 | |
613 | 1979 | 103 | Passports Amendment Act 1979 | |
614 | 1979 | 105 | Quarantine Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
615 | 1979 | 107 | Ombudsman Amendment Act 1979 | |
616 | 1979 | 108 | Remuneration Tribunals Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
617 | 1979 | 109 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Amendment Act 1979 | |
618 | 1979 | 112 | Seamen’s Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
619 | 1979 | 115 | Telecommunications Amendment Act 1979 | |
620 | 1979 | 116 | Customs Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
621 | 1979 | 117 | Migration Amendment Act 1979 | |
622 | 1979 | 118 | Migration Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
623 | 1979 | 121 | Social Services Amendment Act 1979 | |
624 | 1979 | 122 | National Health Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
625 | 1979 | 123 | Health Insurance Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
626 | 1979 | 124 | Repatriation Acts Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
627 | 1979 | 125 | National Labour Consultative Council Amendment Act 1979 | |
628 | 1979 | 126 | Coal Industry Amendment Act 1979 | |
629 | 1979 | 129 | Crimes (Aircraft) Amendment Act 1979 | |
630 | 1979 | 131 | Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment Act 1979 | |
631 | 1979 | 132 | Defence Amendment Act 1979 | |
632 | 1979 | 133 | Naval Defence Amendment Act 1979 | |
633 | 1979 | 134 | Air Force Amendment Act 1979 | |
634 | 1979 | 135 | Defence Force (Retirement and Death Benefits Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
635 | 1979 | 136 | Remuneration Tribunals Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
636 | 1979 | 138 | Judiciary Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
637 | 1979 | 139 | Evidence Amendment Act 1979 | |
638 | 1979 | 141 | Ministers of State Amendment Act 1979 | |
639 | 1979 | 142 | Air Navigation (Charges) Amendment Act 1979 | |
640 | 1979 | 143 | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Act 1979 | |
641 | 1979 | 146 | Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 4) 1979 | |
642 | 1979 | 155 | Australian Federal Police (Consequential Amendments) Act 1979 | |
643 | 1979 | 156 | Snowy Mountains Hydro‑electric Power Amendment Act 1979 | |
644 | 1979 | 157 | Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
645 | 1979 | 164 | Excise Tariff Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
646 | 1979 | 165 | Excise Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
647 | 1979 | 176 | Customs Tariff (Coal Export Duty) Amendment Act 1979 | |
648 | 1979 | 177 | Customs Amendment Act (No. 3) 1979 | |
649 | 1979 | 180 | Customs Amendment Act (No. 4) 1979 | |
650 | 1979 | 181 | Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Act 1979 | |
651 | 1979 | 182 | Australian Security Intelligence Organization Amendment Act 1979 | |
652 | 1979 | 185 | States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Amendment Act (No. 2) 1979 | |
653 | 1979 | 186 | Homes Savings Grant Amendment Act 1979 | |
654 | 1979 | 189 | Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act 1979 | |
655 | 1979 | 190 | Australian National University Amendment Act 1979 | |
656 | 1979 | 191 | Canberra College of Advanced Education Amendment Act 1979 |
[Minister’s second reading speech made in—
House of Representatives on 22 October 2014
Senate on 30 October 2014]