Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Farm Household Support Act 2014

No. 12, 2014

Compilation No. 17

Compilation date:   27 March 2020

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 35, 2020

Registered:    21 April 2020


About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Farm Household Support Act 2014 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 27 March 2020 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Selfrepealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1—Preliminary

1 Short title

2 Commencement

3 Object of this Act

4 Simplified outline of this Act

5 Definitions

6 Meanings of specified 10 year period and meets the 4 years or less requirement

6A Norfolk Island

Part 2—Farm household allowance

Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part

7 Simplified outline of this Part

Division 2—Basic qualifications of farmers and their partners for farm household allowance

8 Qualification of farmers for farm household allowance

9 Qualification of farmers’ partners for farm household allowance

10 Grace period for farmers’ partners

11 Persons with temporary incapacity exemption may be taken to meet the labour requirement

12 Persons not qualified if Secretary determines that they do not effectively control farm enterprises

13 Determination of matters relating to qualification for farm household allowance

Division 3—Financial improvement agreements

14 Requirement to enter financial improvement agreement

15 Terms of financial improvement agreement

16 Approval of requirements

17 Variation, cancellation and review

18 Notification of circumstances preventing or affecting compliance

Division 4—The activity test

19 The activity test

20 Training and advice to be provided by appropriately qualified person

21 Determining whether work is unsuitable

Division 5—Exemptions from the activity test

Subdivision A—General exemptions determined by the Secretary

22 Determination of exemption by Secretary

23 Essential farm activities

24 Domestic violence etc.

25 People with disabled children

26 Inclusion in prescribed class

27 Exemption where requirement for person to satisfy the activity test would be unreasonable

28 Special circumstances

Subdivision B—Automatic general exemptions

29 Members of Defence Reserves

30 Prenatal and postnatal exemption

Subdivision C—People temporarily incapacitated

31 Temporarily incapacitated person exempt from the activity test

32 Time limit for exemption—end of person’s maximum exemption period

Division 6—Payability

Subdivision A—Situations where allowance not payable (assets test)

33 Nonfarm assets value limit

34 Farm assets value limit

35 Meaning of farm assets and nonfarm assets

35A Meaning of water entitlement right

36 Meaning of value of assets

Subdivision B—Situations where allowance not payable (general)

37 Farm household allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

38 Multiple entitlement exclusion

Subdivision C—Situations where allowance not payable (waiting period)

39 Waiting period

42 Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

43 Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

Subdivision D—Other situations where farm household allowance not payable

48 Seasonal workers

Division 7—Overseas portability

49 Division does not affect need for qualification

50 Persons to whom Division applies

51 Farm household allowance portable

52 Amounts added to rate

53 Meaning of allowable absence and portability period

54 Secretary may extend the portability period

Division 8—Rate of farm household allowance

Subdivision A—Persons who have turned 22

55 How to work out the rate of a person’s farm household allowance

56 Maximum basic rate

57 Pension supplement does not apply

58 Energy supplement

59 Pharmaceutical allowance

Subdivision B—Persons who have not turned 22

60 How to work out the rate of a person’s farm household allowance

61 Maximum basic rate

62 Energy supplement

63 Pharmaceutical allowance

64 Youth disability supplement does not apply

65 Student income bank does not apply

Subdivision C—Income test

66 Deemed income from financial assets

67 Allowable deductions from ordinary income

Subdivision D—Estimates of business income

68 Determination of rate may be based on estimate

69 Date of effect of determinations based on estimates of business income

70 Debts arising from payments of farm household allowance based on estimates of business income

Division 9—Compliance with obligations in relation to farm household allowance

71 Qualification failures

72 Consequences of qualification failures

73 Conduct failures

74 Consequences of conduct failures

75 Revoking a determination relating to a conduct failure

76 Reasonable excuses

77 Day of determination

78 Relationship with section 80 of the Social Security Administration Act

Part 3—Activity supplement

79 Simplified outline of this Part

80 Qualification for the activity supplement

81 Electing method of payment

82 Amount of activity supplement

83 Determination of eligible activities

Part 4—Farm financial assessments

Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part

84 Simplified outline of this Part

Division 2—Farm financial assessments

85 Requirement to have farm financial assessment conducted

86 Requirement for farm financial assessment to be conducted by independent prescribed adviser

Division 3—Farm financial assessment supplement

87 Qualification for farm financial assessment supplement

88 Electing method of payment

89 The amount of farm financial assessment supplement

Part 4A—FHA supplement

89A Simplified outline of this Part

89B Qualification for FHA supplement

89C Amount of FHA supplement

Part 4B—Relief payments

89D Simplified outline of this Part

89E Qualification for relief payment

89F Amount of relief payment

Part 5—Application and modification of the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act

Division 1—Introduction

90 Simplified outline of this Part

91 Purposes of this Part

92 Further modification of the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act

Division 2—Application and modification of the Social Security Act

93 Application of the Social Security Act

94 Certain provisions do not apply

95 Modification of particular provisions

96 Application of Division 10 of Part 2.11 and Division 9 of Part 2.12 (bereavement payments) of the Social Security Act

97 References to youth allowance and jobseeker payment

Division 3—Application and modification of the Social Security Administration Act

98 Certain provisions do not apply

99 Modification of particular provisions

Part 6—Miscellaneous

100 Simplified outline of this Part

101 Delegation of powers

102 Delegation by Secretary: references to the Secretary and the Department

103 Approval of forms

104 Annual report

105 Appropriation

106 Rules


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

An Act to provide financial assistance to farmers and their partners, and for related purposes

Part 1Preliminary


1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Farm Household Support Act 2014.

2  Commencement

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  Sections 1 and 2 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent.

28 March 2014

2.  Sections 3 to 89

A single day to be fixed by Proclamation.

However, if the provision(s) do not commence within the period of 6 months beginning on the day this Act receives the Royal Assent, they commence on the day after the end of that period.

1 July 2014

(see F2014L00554)

3.  Parts 5 and 6

At the same time as the provision(s) covered by table item 1.

28 March 2014

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this Act.

 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3  Object of this Act

  The object of this Act is to improve the financial situation of farmers and their partners, who need financial assistance, by providing them with financial assistance that consists of:

 (a) farm household allowance for up to 4 years in each specified 10 year period; and

 (b) funding to engage in certain activities; and

 (c) funding to obtain a farm financial assessment.

4  Simplified outline of this Act

This Act provides financial assistance to certain farmers and their partners.

The assistance is available to farmers, and partners of farmers, who contribute significant labour and capital to a farm enterprise that has a significant commercial purpose or character.

The payments that are available under this Act are:

 (a) farm household allowance for up to 4 years in each specified 10 year period; and

 (b) funding (called the activity supplement) for undertaking activities such as receiving training or advice, or undertaking study; and

 (c) funding (called the farm financial assessment supplement) to pay for an assessment of the financial position of a person and a relevant farm enterprise; and

 (d) additional funding (called the FHA supplement) for a person to whom farm household allowance is payable at any time between 1 September 2018 and 1 June 2019; and

 (e) a relief payment for a person if 1,460 days of farm household allowance have been payable to the person before 1 July 2020; and

 (f) if the Minister’s rules prescribe other circumstances in which a relief payment may be made—a relief payment for a person in those circumstances.

The rules dealing with claims, how payments are made and review of decisions relating to payments under this Act are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act.

5  Definitions

 (1) In this Act:

activity supplement means the supplement payable under Part 3.

allowable absence has the meaning given by subsection 53(1).

Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory of Christmas Island.

Benefit Rate Calculator B means the Benefit Rate Calculator B in Part 3.6 of the Social Security Act.

business income has the meaning given by subsection 68(3).

conduct failure has the meaning given by section 73.

eligible family member has the same meaning as family member has for the purposes of subsection 7(6AA) of the Social Security Act.

farm asset has the meaning given by subsections 35(1) and (2).

farm enterprise means an enterprise carried on within any of the agricultural, horticultural, pastoral, apicultural or aquacultural industries.

farmer means an individual who:

 (a) has a right or interest in land; and

 (b) uses the land wholly or mainly for the purposes of a farm enterprise.

farm financial assessment is an assessment of:

 (a) the financial position of:

 (i) the farm enterprise; and

 (ii) the person for whom the assessment is conducted; and

 (b) options to improve that persons financial position.

farm financial assessment supplement means the supplement payable under Division 3 of Part 4.

farm household allowance means the allowance payable under Part 2.

FHA supplement means a supplement payable under Part 4A.

financial improvement agreement means an agreement entered into under Division 3 of Part 2.

former refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(1) of the Social Security Act.

maximum amount of activity supplement means the maximum amount of activity supplement prescribed by, or worked out in accordance with, Ministers rules made for the purposes of paragraph 82(1)(a).

maximum exemption period has the meaning given by section 32.

meets the 4 years or less requirement has the meaning given by subsection 6(1A).

Ministers rules means the rules made under subsection 106(1).

newly arrived residents waiting period means a newly arrived residents waiting period under section 42.

nonfarm asset has the meaning given by subsection 35(3).

period of absence has the meaning given by section 50.

portability period has the meaning given by subsection 53(2).

prescribed adviser means a person who is prescribed by the Ministers rules for the purposes of this definition.

qualification failure has the meaning given by section 71.

qualifying period has the meaning given by subsection 89B(2).

refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(6B) of the Social Security Act.

registered training organisation has the same meaning as in the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.

relief payment means an amount payable under Part 4B.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.

Secretarys rules means the rules made under subsection 106(2).

service provider for an activity means the person who provides the activity.

Social Security Act means the Social Security Act 1991.

Social Security Administration Act means the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.

Social Security Department means the Department administered by the Social Security Minister.

Social Security Minister means the Minister administering the Datamatching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990.

Social Security Secretary means the Secretary of the Social Security Department.

specified 10 year period has the meaning given by subsection 6(1).

this Act includes the Ministers rules and the Secretarys rules.

value includes the meaning given by section 36.

water access entitlement has the meaning given by section 35A.

water allocation has the meaning given by section 35A.

water entitlement right has the meaning given by section 35A.

water resource has the meaning given by section 35A.

Youth Allowance Rate Calculator means the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator in Part 3.5 of the Social Security Act.

Expressions used in the Social Security Act

 (2) An expression that is used in the Social Security Act or a part of that Act has the same meaning, when used in this Act, as in that Act or part (subject to subsection (1) and Part 5 of this Act).

 (3) The Ministers rules may prescribe expressions to which subsection (2) does not apply.

6  Meanings of specified 10 year period and meets the 4 years or less requirement

Meaning of specified 10 year period

 (1) A specified 10 year period is a period of 10 years beginning on:

 (a) 1 July 2014; or

 (b) a tenth anniversary of 1 July 2014.

Meaning of meets the 4 years or less requirement

 (1A) A person meets the 4 years or less requirement on a day in a period mentioned in section 8 or 9 if, on that day, the total number of days for which farm household allowance is payable to the person, in the specified 10 year period in which that day falls, does not exceed 1,460 days (assuming farm household allowance is payable to the person on that day).

 (2) In working out that total number:

 (a) the days do not have to be consecutive days; and

 (b) every day for which farm household allowance is payable to the person is to be counted.

Note: For paragraph (2)(b) for example, all days for which farm household allowance is payable are counted even if:

(a) the person qualifies for the allowance under section 8 for some of those days and under section 9 for others; or

(b) the person qualifies under section 9 as a partner of a farmer, and also later qualifies under that section as a result of being the partner of a different farmer.

When farm household allowance is payable for a day

 (4) Farm household allowance is payable to a person for a day if:

 (a) the person qualifies for the allowance on the day; and

 (b) no provision of this or any other Act applies resulting in the allowance not being payable to the person for the day.

6A  Norfolk Island

  This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Part 2Farm household allowance

Division 1Simplified outline of this Part

7  Simplified outline of this Part

Farm household allowance is payable to certain farmers and their partners. A person must qualify for farm household allowance for the allowance to be payable. The allowance is payable for a cumulative period of up to 4 years in each specified 10 year period.

To qualify for the allowance as a farmer, a person must contribute significant labour and capital to a farm enterprise that has a significant commercial purpose or character. The partner of such a person may also qualify for the allowance.

Another requirement for a person to qualify for the allowance is that the person is willing to enter into a financial improvement agreement. A financial improvement agreement sets out the activities that the person must do for the purposes of the activity test (which is a test that a person to whom the allowance is payable is generally required to satisfy). The kinds of activities that may be set out in a financial improvement agreement include receiving training or advice from an appropriately qualified person, or undertaking study.

In certain circumstances, a person may be exempt from the activity test (for example, during periods that are essential to the operation of the farm or if a person is temporarily incapacitated).

Even if a person qualifies for farm household allowance, the allowance may not be payable (such as where the value of the persons assets exceeds a certain limit, where the person receives other support under the Social Security Act or where the person is subject to a waiting period).

Farm household allowance may continue to be payable during a persons period of absence from Australia. (The period is generally no longer than 6 weeks.)

A persons rate of farm household allowance depends on the age of the person. For a person who has not turned 22, the rate is worked out using the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator in the Social Security Act. Otherwise, the rate is worked out using the Benefit Rate Calculator B in that Act (which is also used to work out jobseeker payment). Some modifications are made to the Calculators for the purposes of farm household allowance.

There are certain obligations imposed on a person to whom farm household allowance is payable. Farm household allowance may cease to be payable to a person who fails to comply with these obligations.

The rules dealing with how to make claims, how payments are made and review of decisions relating to farm household allowance are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act. (This is because Part 5 of this Act applies and modifies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act in relation to farm household allowance.)

Division 2Basic qualifications of farmers and their partners for farm household allowance

8  Qualification of farmers for farm household allowance

  A person is qualified for farm household allowance for a period if throughout the period:

 (a) the person is a farmer; and

 (b) the person contributes a significant part of his or her labour and capital to a farm enterprise; and

 (c) the farm enterprise has a significant commercial purpose or character; and

 (d) the land that is used for the purposes of the farm enterprise is in Australia; and

 (e) the person has turned 16; and

 (f) the person is an Australian resident, and is in Australia; and

 (g) either:

 (i) the person has indicated, in writing, that the person is willing to enter into, and comply with, a financial improvement agreement; or

 (ii) a financial improvement agreement is in force in relation to the person; and

 (h) the person meets the 4 years or less requirement.

Note 1: For paragraph (b), see section 11 if a person is exempt from the activity test under section 31 (temporary incapacity).

Note 2: Paragraph (f) is subject to Division 7 (overseas portability).

Note 3: This section is subject to section 12 (no effective control of farm enterprises).

9  Qualification of farmers partners for farm household allowance

  A person is qualified for farm household allowance for a period if throughout the period:

 (a) the person is not qualified for farm household allowance under section 8; and

 (b) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (c) the persons partner is a farmer; and

 (d) the farmer contributes a significant part of his or her labour and capital to a farm enterprise; and

 (e) the farm enterprise has a significant commercial purpose or character; and

 (f) the land that is used for the purposes of the farm enterprise is in Australia; and

 (g) the farmer resides in Australia; and

 (h) the person is an Australian resident, and is in Australia; and

 (i) either:

 (i) the person has indicated, in writing, that the person is willing to enter into, and comply with, a financial improvement agreement; or

 (ii) a financial improvement agreement is in force in relation to the person; and

 (j) the person meets the 4 years or less requirement.

Note 1: For paragraph (d), see section 11 if a person is exempt from the activity test under section 31 (temporary incapacity).

Note 2: Paragraph (h) is subject to Division 7 (overseas portability).

Note 3: This section is subject to sections 10 (grace period for farmers partners) and 12 (no effective control of farm enterprises).

10  Grace period for farmers partners

 (1) This section applies if:

 (a) a person was qualified for farm household allowance under section 9 as a partner of a farmer; and

 (b) the person would (apart from this section) have ceased to be qualified for farm household allowance on a day (the grace period start day) only because:

 (i) the person ceased to be a member of a couple on that day; or

 (ii) the persons partner was in gaol or undergoing psychiatric confinement on that day, and could not contribute a significant part of his or her labour or capital to a farm enterprise as a result of the imprisonment or confinement.

 (2) The person remains qualified under section 9 for farm household allowance for the period:

 (a) starting on the grace period start day; and

 (b) ending on the earlier of the following days:

 (i) the day the person otherwise ceases to be qualified for farm household allowance under that section;

 (ii) the day that is 14 weeks after the grace period start day.

11  Persons with temporary incapacity exemption may be taken to meet the labour requirement

  A person who is exempt from the activity test under section 31 (temporary incapacity) for a period is taken to contribute a significant part of his or her labour to a farm enterprise during the period if the person contributed a significant part of his or her labour to the farm enterprise immediately before becoming incapacitated.

12  Persons not qualified if Secretary determines that they do not effectively control farm enterprises

 (1) A person is not qualified, or ceases to be qualified, for farm household allowance for a period if the Secretary determines that:

 (a) during the period:

 (i) for a person who qualifies under section 8 as a farmer—the person is not effectively in control of the farm or farm enterprise in relation to which the person claims the allowance; or

 (ii) for a person who qualifies under section 9 as a partner of a farmer—the farmer is not effectively in control of the farm or farm enterprise in relation to which the person claims the allowance; and

 (b) farm household allowance should not be payable to the person for the period.

Note Some examples of cases in which the Secretary may consider that a person is not effectively in control of a farm or farm enterprise are when a mortgagee has taken possession of a farm, when a person is a bankrupt or when an eviction notice has been served on a person in respect of a farm.

 (2) A person may effectively be in control of a farm enterprise that is a designated private trust even if the person does not pass the control test in relation to the farm enterprise under section 1207V of the Social Security Act.

13  Determination of matters relating to qualification for farm household allowance

 (1) The Secretarys rules may prescribe matters the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether the requirement in paragraph 8(b) or (c), or paragraph 9(d) or (e), is met.

 (2) To avoid doubt, the Secretarys rules do not limit the matters the Secretary may take into account in deciding whether the requirement is met.

Division 3Financial improvement agreements

14  Requirement to enter financial improvement agreement

 (1) The Secretary may require a person to enter a financial improvement agreement if:

 (a) such an agreement is not already in force in relation to the person; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the person is receiving, or has made a claim for, farm household allowance; or

 (ii) the Department is contacted by or on behalf of the person in relation to a claim for farm household allowance.

 (2) The Secretary may require a person to enter into another financial improvement agreement if a financial improvement agreement is already in force in relation to the person.

Note: The earlier financial improvement agreement is cancelled in accordance with section 17.

Giving notice of requirement

 (3) The Secretary must give a person who is required to enter a financial improvement agreement written notice of:

 (a) the requirement; and

 (b) the places and times at which the agreement is to be negotiated; and

 (c) the period (of not more than 28 days) within which the person must comply with the notice; and

 (d) a description of consequences that may apply if the person does not comply with the notice.

Note: For the consequences that may apply if the person does not comply with the notice, see sections 71 and 72.

 (4) The Secretary may, in writing, extend the period under paragraph (3)(c) once by no more than 28 days.

Form of financial improvement agreement

 (5) A financial improvement agreement must be in a form approved by the Secretary.

15  Terms of financial improvement agreement

 (1) A financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to a person is to contain one or more terms (the requirements) that:

 (a) require the person to undertake activities for the purposes of the activity test; and

 (b) the Secretary regards as suitable for the person.

Note: For the activities that may be undertaken, see section 19.

 (2) A financial improvement agreement must not contain a requirement of a kind prescribed by the Secretarys rules for the purposes of this subsection.

 (3) To avoid doubt, the Secretarys rules do not limit the Secretarys discretion to exclude other kinds of requirements from a particular financial improvement agreement under subsection (1).

Optional terms

 (4) A financial improvement agreement may also contain one or more terms that the person may, but is not required to, comply with.

16  Approval of requirements

 (1) The requirements in a financial improvement agreement are to be approved by the Secretary.

 (2) In considering whether to approve the requirements in a financial improvement agreement that will be in force in relation to a person, the Secretary is to have regard to:

 (a) the persons capacity to comply with the requirements; and

 (b) the persons needs.

Matters to take into account in determining persons capacity to comply with requirements

 (3) In having regard to a persons capacity to comply with the requirements in a financial improvement agreement, the Secretary is to take into account the following matters:

 (a) the persons education, experience, skills and age;

 (b) the impact of any disability, illness, mental health condition or physical condition of the person on the persons ability to participate in activities;

 (c) the participation opportunities available to the person;

 (d) the family and caring responsibilities of the person, including whether:

 (i) the person is a registered and active foster carer of a child; or

 (ii) the person is a home educator or distance educator of a child; or

 (iii) a child lives with the person under a family law order, or other document that is prepared or accepted by an authority of a State or Territory that has responsibility for the wellbeing of children; or

 (iv) there are 4 or more children (which may include secondary pupil children), and the person is the principal carer or main supporter of the children;

 (e) the length of travel time required to comply with the requirements;

 (f) the financial costs (such as travel costs) of complying with the requirements, and the persons capacity to pay for such costs;

 (g) the state of the local labour market and the transport options available to the person in accessing that market;

 (h) any other matters that the Secretary or the person considers relevant in the circumstances.

17  Variation, cancellation and review

  A financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to a person:

 (a) may be varied (in negotiation with the person); and

 (b) must be cancelled by the Secretary if the person enters into another financial improvement agreement; and

 (c) may be reviewed from time to time by the Secretary on request or on his or her own initiative; and

 (d) may be cancelled by the Secretary after a review under paragraph (c).

18  Notification of circumstances preventing or affecting compliance

 (1) A person must notify the Secretary of any circumstance preventing or affecting the persons capacity to comply with the requirements in a financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to a person.

Note: For the consequences of failing to comply with this section, see sections 71 and 72.

 (2) The person must notify the Secretary under subsection (1) within 14 days of the circumstance occurring.

 (3) The Secretary may determine, in writing, that this section does not apply if the Secretary is satisfied that in those circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect the person to give the notification.

Division 4The activity test

19  The activity test

Undertaking activities

 (1) A person satisfies the activity test for a period if the person satisfies the Secretary that, throughout the period, the person is complying with requirements in the persons financial improvement agreement for the person to undertake any of the following activities for the purposes of the activity test:

 (a) participating in training in accordance with section 20;

 (b) receiving advice in accordance with section 20;

 (c) undertaking study;

 (d) actively seeking, or being willing to undertake, paid work in Australia (other than paid work that is unsuitable to be undertaken by the person);

 (e) undertaking any other activity.

Note 1: For determining whether work is unsuitable, see section 21.

Note 2: A person may qualify for the activity supplement by undertaking activities for the purposes of the activity test (see Part 3).

Meeting prescribed conditions

 (2) Alternatively, a person satisfies the activity test for a period if the person satisfies the Secretary that, throughout the period, the person satisfies any conditions prescribed by the Secretarys rules for the purposes of this subsection.

20  Training and advice to be provided by appropriately qualified person

 (1) Training must be provided by a person or body who:

 (a) is a registered training organisation; or

 (b) has been approved, in writing, by the Secretary.

 (2) For the purposes of Part 4 of the Social Security Administration Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act), a decision made under paragraph (1)(b) is taken not to be a decision under the social security law.

 (3) Advice must be provided by a person who:

 (a) has a qualification:

 (i) in a relevant field from a tertiary institution; and

 (ii) that is recognised by a professional institution or body; and

 (b) is independent from:

 (i) the person (the recipient) to whom the advice is provided; and

 (ii) if the recipient is a member of a couple—the partner of the recipient; and

 (c) does not have any right or interest in:

 (i) the farm; or

 (ii) any asset that is owned by the recipient, the partner of the recipient or the farm enterprise.

21  Determining whether work is unsuitable

 (1) This section applies in determining whether work is unsuitable to be undertaken by a person for the purposes of paragraph 19(1)(d).

Matters to be taken into account

 (2) The Secretary must take into account the following matters:

 (a) any other employment of the person that does not relate to the relevant farm;

 (b) the persons education, experience, skills and age, and whether the employer for the work referred to in subsection (1) would provide training;

 (c) any disability, illness, mental health condition or physical condition of the person;

 (d) any family or caring responsibilities of the person;

 (e) if the person is a farmer—the workload associated with the operation of the farm;

 (f) any other matters that the Secretary considers relevant in the circumstances.

When work is unsuitable

 (3) Despite subsection (2), particular paid work is unsuitable to be undertaken by a person if in the Secretarys opinion:

 (a) the conditions in which the work would be performed would constitute a risk to health or safety and would contravene a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory relating to occupational health and safety; or

 (b) the terms and conditions for the work would be less generous than the applicable statutory conditions; or

 (c) commuting between the persons home and the place of work would be unreasonably difficult; or

 (d) the work would require enlistment in the Defence Force or the Reserves; or

 (e) the work would require the person to move from a home in a place to a home in another place; or

 (f) performing the work would jeopardise the current employment, or the employment prospects, of the persons partner; or

 (g) the educational, cultural or religious background of the person makes it unreasonable for the person to perform the work; or

 (h) it is more appropriate for the person to participate in training, receive advice or undertake study than to perform the work; or

 (i) the person would suffer severe financial hardship if the person were to perform the work.

Determination of additional matters

 (4) The Secretarys rules may prescribe matters that the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether, for the purposes of paragraph (2)(f), particular paid work is unsuitable to be undertaken by a person.

 (5) To avoid doubt, the Secretarys rules do not limit the matters that the Secretary may take into account in deciding whether particular paid work is unsuitable to be undertaken by a person.

Division 5Exemptions from the activity test

Subdivision AGeneral exemptions determined by the Secretary

22  Determination of exemption by Secretary

 (1) A person is exempt from the activity test for a period if the Secretary makes a determination under this Subdivision.

 (2) The Secretary may revoke a determination under this Subdivision if the Secretary is satisfied that the grounds on which the determination was made no longer exist.

 (3) Subsection (2) does not affect any operation that subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 has in relation to a determination under this Subdivision.

23  Essential farm activities

 (1) A farmer who qualifies for farm household allowance under section 8 is exempt from the activity test for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that requiring the farmer to satisfy the activity test during the period would prevent the farmer from undertaking activities that are essential to the operation of the farm.

 (2) The Secretary may, in writing, determine the period during which the farmer is exempt.

 (3) The period must not exceed 6 weeks (and must not be extended).

 (4) The Secretary may not exempt a farmer under this section from the activity test if, during the previous 12 months, the farmer has already been exempt under this section for 2 other periods (irrespective of the length of the periods, or whether farm household allowance was payable during the periods).

24  Domestic violence etc.

 (1) The Secretary may make a determination in relation to a person for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person:

 (i) is the principal carer of one or more children; and

 (ii) was subjected to domestic violence in the 26 weeks before the making of the determination; or

 (b) the person is the principal carer of one or more children, and there are special circumstances relating to the persons family that make it appropriate to make the determination.

Determination of matters Secretary must take into account

 (2) The Secretarys rules may prescribe matters that the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether there are special circumstances relating to a persons family that make it appropriate to make a determination.

 (3) To avoid doubt, the Secretarys rules do not limit the matters that the Secretary may take into account in deciding whether to make a determination under paragraph (1)(b).

Period of determination

 (4) If a determination is made on grounds referred to in paragraph (1)(a) (or on grounds that include those grounds), the period that the Secretary determines must be 16 weeks.

 (5) Otherwise, the period that the Secretary determines must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period that the Secretary considers to be appropriate; or

 (b) 16 weeks.

 (6) A period referred to in subsection (4) or (5) may be followed by one or more other periods (each of those other periods not exceeding 16 weeks) determined in relation to the person.

25  People with disabled children

 (1) The Secretary may make a determination in relation to a person for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that the person is the principal carer of one or more children:

 (a) who have a disability, illness, mental health condition or physical condition; and

 (b) whose care needs are such that the person should not be required to satisfy the activity test for the period.

Period of determination

 (2) The period that the Secretary determines must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period that the Secretary considers to be appropriate; or

 (b) 12 months.

 (3) The period determined by the Secretary in relation to a person may be followed by one or more other periods (each of those other periods not exceeding 12 months) determined in relation to the person.

26  Inclusion in prescribed class

 (1) The Secretary may make a determination in relation to a person for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person is in a class of persons prescribed by the Secretarys rules for the purposes of this subsection; and

 (b) the persons circumstances are such that the person should not be required to satisfy the activity test for the period.

Period of determination

 (2) The period that the Secretary determines must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period that the Secretary considers to be appropriate; or

 (b) 12 months.

 (3) The period determined by the Secretary in relation to a person may be followed by one or more other periods (each of those other periods not exceeding 12 months) determined in relation to the person.

27  Exemption where requirement for person to satisfy the activity test would be unreasonable

  The Secretary may make a determination in relation to a person for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that, having regard to all the relevant factors, including the following, it would be unreasonable to expect the person to satisfy the activity test for that period:

 (a) the location of offices of the Department or the Human Services Department;

 (b) difficulties with transport and communication;

 (c) the educational, cultural or religious background of the person.

28  Special circumstances

 (1) The Secretary may make a determination in relation to a person for a period if:

 (a) the Secretary is satisfied that special circumstances, beyond the persons control, exist; and

 (b) the Secretary is satisfied that in those circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect the person to satisfy the activity test for that period.

Period of determination

 (2) The period must not exceed 13 weeks (and must not be extended).

Subdivision BAutomatic general exemptions

29  Members of Defence Reserves

  A person is exempt from the activity test for a period if the person is attending a training camp during the period as a member of the Reserves.

30  Prenatal and postnatal exemption

 (1) A pregnant woman is exempt from the activity test for the period that:

 (a) starts 6 weeks before the womans expected date of confinement; and

 (b) ends on the day the woman gives birth to the child (whether or not the child is born alive).

 (2) If a woman gives birth to a child (whether or not the child is born alive), the woman is exempt from the activity test for the period that:

 (a) starts on the day she gives birth to the child; and

 (b) ends 6 weeks after that day.

Subdivision CPeople temporarily incapacitated

31  Temporarily incapacitated person exempt from the activity test

 (1) A person is exempt from the activity test for a period if:

 (a) throughout the period, because of sickness or an accident, the person is incapacitated and cannot undertake any activities for the purposes of the activity test for more than 8 hours a week; and

 (b) in the Secretarys opinion, no activities are of a kind that the person could be reasonably expected to undertake for the purposes of the activity test for more than 8 hours a week; and

 (c) the incapacity is caused wholly, or virtually wholly, by a medical condition arising from the sickness or accident; and

 (d) the incapacity is, or is likely to be, of a temporary nature; and

 (e) the person has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, given the Secretary a certificate of a medical practitioner, in a form approved by the Secretary, stating:

 (i) the medical practitioners diagnosis; and

 (ii) the medical practitioners prognosis; and

 (iii) that the person is incapacitated and cannot undertake any activities for the purposes of the activity test for more than 8 hours a week; and

 (iv) the period for which the person is incapacitated; and

 (f) the Secretary is satisfied that the incapacity has not been brought about with a view to obtaining an exemption from the activity test.

Note: A person who is exempt from the activity test under this section may still be taken to contribute a significant part of his or her labour to a farm enterprise (see section 11).

Requirements for making decisions

 (2) The Secretary must comply with any requirements prescribed by the Ministers rules in deciding the following:

 (a) whether paragraph (1)(a), (c) or (d) applies to a person for a period;

 (b) whether, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), an activity is of a kind that a person could be reasonably expected to undertake.

32  Time limit for exemption—end of persons maximum exemption period

Cessation of exemption

 (1) A person ceases to be exempt under section 31 from the activity test if the persons maximum exemption period ends.

Maximum exemption period

 (2) A persons maximum exemption period is:

 (a) if the person has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, given the Secretary a medical certificate for the purpose of enabling the Secretary to decide whether the person was required to satisfy the activity test—the lesser of the following periods:

 (i) the period stated in the certificate as the period for which the person would be incapacitated and could not undertake any activities for the purposes of the activity test for more than 8 hours a week;

 (ii) the period of 13 weeks that started or starts on the first day of the period so stated in the certificate; or

 (b) otherwise—the period of 4 weeks that started or starts on the day determined by the Secretary to have been the day on which the persons incapacity began.

Extension of maximum exemption period

 (3) The Secretary may extend a persons maximum exemption period if:

 (a) both of the following apply:

 (i) the person has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, given the Secretary a certificate of a medical practitioner that states the matters listed in paragraph 31(1)(e) and is in accordance with the form approved for the purposes of that paragraph;

 (ii) the Secretary is satisfied that the persons incapacity will continue after the end of the persons maximum exemption period; or

 (b) both of the following apply:

 (i) within 14 days after the end of the persons maximum exemption period the person gives the Secretary a certificate of a medical practitioner that states the matters listed in paragraph 31(1)(e) and is in accordance with a form approved for the purposes of that paragraph;

 (ii) the Secretary is satisfied that the persons incapacity has continued after the end of the persons maximum exemption period and that the incapacity will continue.

 (4) The extension of the maximum exemption period under subsection (3) must not be more than the lesser of the following periods:

 (a) the period stated in the certificate as the period for which the person will be incapacitated;

 (b) 13 weeks.

 (5) The Secretary may extend a persons maximum exemption period, by no more than 4 weeks, if:

 (a) all of the following apply:

 (i) the person gives the Secretary written evidence (other than a certificate referred to in subparagraph (3)(a)(i)) that the persons incapacity will continue after the end of the persons maximum exemption period;

 (ii) the Secretary is satisfied that the persons circumstances make it unreasonable to expect the person to obtain a certificate referred to in subparagraph (3)(a)(i) before the end of the maximum exemption period;

 (iii) the Secretary is satisfied that persons incapacity will continue after the end of the persons maximum exemption period; or

 (b) all of the following apply:

 (i) within 14 days after the end of the persons maximum exemption period the person gives the Secretary written evidence (other than a certificate referred to in subparagraph (3)(b)(i)) that the persons incapacity will continue after the end of the persons maximum exemption period;

 (ii) the Secretary is satisfied that the persons circumstances make it unreasonable to expect the person to obtain a certificate referred to in subparagraph (3)(b)(i);

 (iii) the Secretary is satisfied that the persons incapacity has continued after the end of the persons maximum exemption period and that the incapacity will continue; or

 (c) all of the following apply:

 (i) the person has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, given the Secretary a certificate referred to in subparagraph (3)(a)(i) before the end of the persons maximum exemption period;

 (ii) before the end of the persons maximum exemption period, the Secretary does not satisfy himself or herself that the persons incapacity will continue after the end of that period;

 (iii) the sole or dominant cause of the Secretary failing to satisfy himself or herself is an act or omission of an officer of the Department.

Division 6Payability

Subdivision ASituations where allowance not payable (assets test)

33  Nonfarm assets value limit

  Farm household allowance is not payable to a person if the value of the persons nonfarm assets exceeds:

 (a) if the person is a member of a couple—the persons assets value limit worked out under item 2 of the table in subsection 611(2) of the Social Security Act as if the family situation described in that item applied to the person; or

 (b) otherwise—the persons assets value limit worked out under item 1 of that table.

34  Farm assets value limit

  Farm household allowance is not payable to a person if the value of the person’s farm assets exceeds $5 million.

35  Meaning of farm assets and nonfarm assets

 (1) A farm asset is any asset that is used or held wholly or mainly for the purposes of a farm enterprise, but does not include the following:

 (a) cash;

 (b) money on deposit with an authorised deposittaking institution within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959;

 (c) a farm management deposit within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

 (d) an asset of a kind prescribed by the Minister’s rules.

 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), each of the following is a farm asset:

 (a) a right or interest in land used wholly or mainly for the purposes of a farm enterprise;

 (b) a right or interest in livestock, crop, plant or equipment that:

 (i) is produce of a farm enterprise; or

 (ii) is used wholly or mainly for the purposes of a farm enterprise;

  other than any livestock, crop, plant or equipment leased out by the farm enterprise;

 (c) a water entitlement right that is used or held wholly or mainly for the purposes of a farm enterprise;

 (d) so much of a loan to which subsection (2A) applies as:

 (i) is used to purchase a thing covered by subsection (1) or paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subsection; and

 (ii) remains unpaid.

 (2A) This subsection applies to a loan at a particular time if:

 (a) it was made by a beneficiary of a trust to the trustee of the trust, or by a shareholder of a company to the company; and

 (b) the outstanding amount of the principal of the loan exceeds, at that time, the total value of all the financial investments:

 (i) the trustee has in the capacity of trustee; or

 (ii) the company has.

 (3) A nonfarm asset is an asset other than a farm asset.

Note 1: A farm management deposit (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) is an example of a nonfarm asset.

Note 2: The value of the persons principal home (if any) is not counted for the purposes of this Subdivision because of Division 1 of Part 3.12 of the Social Security Act.

35A  Meaning of water entitlement right

 (1) A water entitlement right is:

 (a) any right conferred by or under a law of a State or Territory to do either or both of the following:

 (i) to hold water from a water resource;

 (ii) to take water from a water resource; or

 (b) an irrigation right (within the meaning of the Water Act 2007); or

 (c) a water delivery right (within the meaning of the Water Act 2007); or

 (d) a right of a kind prescribed by the Minister’s rules; or

 (e) a contractual right that a person holds to all or part of another person’s right covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).

 (2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(a), that paragraph includes the following:

 (a) stock and domestic rights;

 (b) riparian rights;

 (c) a water access entitlement;

 (d) a water allocation.

 (3) A water access entitlement is a perpetual or ongoing entitlement, by or under a law of a State or Territory, to exclusive access to a share of the water resources of an area in the State or Territory.

 (4) A water allocation is the specific volume of water allocated to a water access entitlement in a given period.

 (5) A water resource is:

 (a) surface water or ground water; or

 (b) a watercourse, lake, wetland or aquifer (whether or not it currently has water in it).

An expression used in paragraph (a) or (b) that is also used in the Water Act 2007 has the same meaning as in that Act.

36  Meaning of value of assets

 (1) For a person who is a member of a couple:

 (a) the value of the persons assets includes the value of the partners assets; and

 (b) the value of the persons assets of a particular kind includes the value of the partners assets of that kind.

 (2) The value of a persons farm assets includes so much of an amount as is, because of the ownership of a farm asset, included in the value of the persons assets under Part 3.18 (means test treatment of private companies and trusts) of the Social Security Act (as that Part applies because of Part 5 of this Act).

 (3) The value of a persons nonfarm assets includes so much of an amount as is, because of the ownership of a nonfarm asset, included in the value of the persons assets under Part 3.18 (means test treatment of private companies and trusts) of the Social Security Act (as that Part applies because of Part 5 of this Act).

 (4) The value of a persons nonfarm assets includes so much of an amount as is, because of a disposal of an asset, included in the value of the persons assets under Division 2 of Part 3.12 of the Social Security Act (as that Division applies because of Part 5 of this Act).

Note: Division 2 of Part 3.12 of that Act includes in the value of a persons assets an amount if an asset is destroyed, disposed of (for example, by gift) or if its value is diminished in certain ways. If the asset was a farm asset, the amount will be included in the value of the persons nonfarm assets.

Subdivision BSituations where allowance not payable (general)

37  Farm household allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

 (1) Farm household allowance is not payable to a person if the persons allowance rate would be nil.

 (2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the persons rate would be nil merely because the person has been paid an advance pharmaceutical allowance under the social security law.

38  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) This section sets out when farm household allowance is not payable to a person because the person receives another pension, benefit, supplement or allowance.

 (2) The allowance is not payable if:

 (a) the person is already receiving age pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; or

 (b) a social security pension, another social security benefit, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment becomes payable to the person.

 (3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), the allowance is not payable from (and including) the day the pension, benefit or supplement becomes payable.

Receipt of veterans benefits

 (4) The allowance is not payable if:

 (a) the person is an armed services widow or armed services widower; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the person is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act; or

 (ii) the person is receiving the weekly amount mentioned in paragraph 234(1)(b) of the MRCA (including a reduced weekly amount because of a choice under section 236 of the MRCA) or has received a lump sum mentioned in subsection 236(5) of the MRCA.

 (5) Despite subparagraph (4)(b)(i) of this section, farm household allowance is payable to the person if:

 (a) the person is a woman who has been receiving the pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans Entitlements Act continuously since before 1 November 1986; and

 (b) before 1 November 1986 the woman was also receiving a social security benefit.

Receipt of payments for other educational etc. schemes

 (6) The allowance is not payable for a period if a payment has been or may be made in respect of the person for that period under:

 (a) a prescribed educational scheme other than the ABSTUDY Scheme; or

 (b) the ABSTUDY Scheme, to the extent that it applies to fulltime students; or

 (c) the scheme to provide an allowance known as:

 (i) the Maintenance Allowance for Refugees; or

 (ii) the Adult Migrant Education Program Living Allowance; or

 (iii) the English as a Second Language Allowance, to the extent that it applies to fulltime students.

 (7) Despite subsection (6), the Secretary may determine that farm household allowance is payable to the person for:

 (a) a period before the person starts a fulltime course of education; or

 (b) a period of 3 weeks starting on the day the person starts a fulltime course of education if:

 (i) the person was receiving farm household allowance immediately before starting the course; and

 (ii) an application is made for a payment in respect of the person under the ABSTUDY Scheme.

Subdivision CSituations where allowance not payable (waiting period)

39  Waiting period

  Farm household allowance is not payable to a person while the person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period (see sections 42 and 43).

42  Newly arrived residents waiting period

 (1) A person is (subject to subsections (2) and (3)) subject to a newly arrived residents waiting period if the person has not been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 208 weeks.


 (2) The following persons are not subject to a newly arrived residents waiting period:

 (c) a person who has a qualifying residence exemption for a farm household allowance;

 (h) a person in relation to whom all of the following apply:

 (i) the person is the principal carer of one or more children;

 (ii) the person is not a member of a couple;

 (iii) the person was not a lone parent at the start of the persons current period as an Australian resident;

 (i) a person who is a refugee, or a former refugee, at the time the person made the claim for farm household allowance;

 (j) a person in relation to whom the following apply:

 (i) before the person made the claim for farm household allowance, the person was an eligible family member of another person at the time the other person became a refugee;

 (ii) the person is an eligible family member of that other person at the time the person made the claim for farm household allowance or, if that other person has died, the person was an eligible family member of that other person immediately before that other person died;

 (k) a person who is an Australian citizen at the time the person made the claim for farm household allowance.

 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person during the period covered by subsection 646(2) of the Social Security Act.

43  Duration of newly arrived residents waiting period

  A persons newly arrived residents waiting period:

 (a) starts on the day the person first became an Australian resident; and

 (b) ends when the person has been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 208 weeks.

Subdivision DOther situations where farm household allowance not payable

48  Seasonal workers

 (1) This section applies if, at any time during the 6 months immediately before the day a person lodges a claim for farm household allowance, the person, or, if the person is a member of a couple, the person or the persons partner, has been engaged in seasonal work.

 (2) Farm household allowance is not payable to a person who is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under the Social Security Act) for the persons seasonal work preclusion period.

 (3) Despite subsection (2), the Secretary may determine that a person is not subject to the whole, or any part, of the preclusion period if the Secretary is satisfied that the person is in severe financial hardship because the person has incurred substantiated unavoidable or reasonable expenditure while the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under the Social Security Act).

 (4) The Secretarys rules may set out ways for substantiating unavoidable or reasonable expenditure.

 (5) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person during the period covered by subsection 646(2) of the Social Security Act.

Division 7Overseas portability

49  Division does not affect need for qualification

  To avoid doubt, nothing in this Division confers a right on a person to continue to be paid farm household allowance if the person is not qualified for the payment (even if the persons failure to qualify is related to the absence).

50  Persons to whom Division applies

  This Division applies (subject to section 52 (amounts added to rate)) to a person during a period (the period of absence) throughout which the person is continuously absent from Australia, if:

 (a) the person was receiving farm household allowance immediately before the period of absence commenced; or

 (b) the persons claim for such a payment is granted under the Social Security Administration Act during the period of absence.

51  Farm household allowance portable

 (1) A persons right to continue to be paid farm household allowance, throughout the persons portability period for farm household allowance, is not affected merely by the period of absence.

 (2) However, farm household allowance is not payable to the person throughout any of the period of absence that occurs after the end of the persons portability period.

Reserve service

 (3) A persons right to continue to be paid farm household allowance is not affected throughout so much of the period of absence as is for the purposes of undertaking Reserve service.

52  Amounts added to rate

  During the period of absence, rent assistance and pharmaceutical allowance are not to be added to the persons rate worked out in accordance with Division 8 after the end of the persons portability period for farm household allowance.

53  Meaning of allowable absence and portability period

Meaning of allowable absence

 (1) An absence is an allowable absence in relation to farm household allowance at a particular time if, at that time, it is a temporary absence (of no longer than 6 weeks) for any of the following purposes:

 (a) to seek eligible medical treatment;

 (b) to attend to an acute family crisis;

 (c) for a humanitarian purpose.

Meaning of portability period

 (2) A persons portability period for farm household allowance, in relation to the period of absence, is the period:

 (a) beginning at the commencement of the period of absence; and

 (b) ending (subject to section 54) at the earlier of the following times:

 (i) the first time during the period of absence at which the absence is not an allowable absence in relation to the payment;

 (ii) the end of 6 weeks.

Note: People are required (under the Social Security Administration Act) to notify changes in circumstances.

54  Secretary may extend the portability period

 (1) The Secretary may extend a portability period if the Secretary is satisfied that the person who is not in Australia during the period is absent because:

 (a) the person is unable to return to Australia because of any of the following events:

 (i) a serious accident involving the person or a family member of the person;

 (ii) a serious illness of the person or a family member of the person;

 (iii) the hospitalisation of the person or a family member of the person;

 (iv) the death of a family member of the person;

 (v) the persons involvement in custody proceedings in the country in which the person is located;

 (vi) a legal requirement for the person to remain outside Australia in connection with criminal proceedings (other than criminal proceedings in respect of a crime alleged to have been committed by the person);

 (vii) robbery or serious crime committed against the person or a family member of the person;

 (viii) a natural disaster in the country in which the person is located;

 (ix) political or social unrest in the country in which the person is located;

 (x) industrial action in the country in which the person is located;

 (xi) a war in the country in which the person is located; or

 (b) under the Medical Treatment Overseas Program administered by the Minister who administers the National Health Act 1953, financial assistance is payable in respect of the persons absence from Australia.

 (2) The Secretary must not extend the persons portability period under paragraph (1)(a) unless:

 (a) the event occurred or began during the period of absence; and

 (b) if the event is political or social unrest, industrial action or war—the person is not willingly involved in, or willingly participating in the event.

 (3) If the Secretary extends a persons portability period under subsection (1), the persons portability period for farm household allowance, for the purposes of this Division, is the extended period.

Division 8Rate of farm household allowance

Subdivision APersons who have turned 22

55  How to work out the rate of a persons farm household allowance

 (1) The rate of farm household allowance for a person who has turned 22 is to be worked out using Benefit Rate Calculator B.

Note: Section 93 of this Act has the effect that a reference in Benefit Rate Calculator B to jobseeker payment is taken to include a reference to farm household allowance.

 (2) This section has effect subject to this Subdivision and Subdivisions C and D.

 (3) To avoid doubt, sections 644AAA to 653A of the Social Security Act do not apply to the rate of farm household allowance for a person.

56  Maximum basic rate

  Module B of Benefit Rate Calculator B applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has turned 22 as if point 1068B5 of Benefit Rate Calculator B did not apply.

57  Pension supplement does not apply

  The following do not apply in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has turned 22:

 (a) step 1A of the method statement in point 1068A1 of Benefit Rate Calculator B;

 (b) Module BA of Benefit Rate Calculator B.

58  Energy supplement

  Module C of Benefit Rate Calculator B applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has turned 22 as if the person:

 (a) has not reached pension age; and

 (b) is not covered by point 1068B5 of Benefit Rate Calculator B.

Note: Quarterly energy supplement is not payable to a recipient of farm household allowance (see section 94).

59  Pharmaceutical allowance

  Module D of Benefit Rate Calculator B applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has turned 22 as if paragraph 1068D2B(a) and point 1068D3 of Benefit Rate Calculator B did not apply.

Subdivision BPersons who have not turned 22

60  How to work out the rate of a persons farm household allowance

 (1) The rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22 is to be worked out using the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator, as if the person:

 (a) were independent within the meaning of section 1067A of the Social Security Act; and

 (b) were not an accommodated independent person within the meaning of section 1067B of that Act; and

 (c) were not a long term income support student within the meaning of section 1067F of that Act.

Note 1: Section 93 of this Act has the effect that a reference in the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator to youth allowance is taken to include a reference to farm household allowance.

Note 2: As the person is taken to be independent, the parental income test and the family actual means test (Modules F and G of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator) will not apply.

 (2) This section has effect subject to this Subdivision and Subdivisions C and D.

 (3) To avoid doubt, sections 556A to 559J of the Social Security Act do not apply to the rate of farm household allowance for a person.

61  Maximum basic rate

  Module B of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22 as if point 1067GB3A of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator did not apply.

62  Energy supplement

  Module BA of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22 as if the person is not covered by point 1067GB3A of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator.

Note: Quarterly energy supplement is not payable to a recipient of farm household allowance (see section 94).

63  Pharmaceutical allowance

  Module C of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator applies in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22 as if:

 (a) paragraph 1067GC1(a) of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator did not apply; and

 (b) the reference in paragraph 1067GC2A(b) of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator to a new apprentice were omitted.

64  Youth disability supplement does not apply

  The following do not apply in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22:

 (a) step 2A of the method statement in point 1067GA1 of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator;

 (b) Module D of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator.

65  Student income bank does not apply

  Module J of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator does not apply in relation to the rate of farm household allowance for a person who has not turned 22.

Subdivision CIncome test

66  Deemed income from financial assets

  For the purpose of applying Division 1B of Part 3.10 of the Social Security Act in working out the rate of farm household allowance for a person, if:

 (a) the person is a beneficiary of a trust, or a shareholder of a company; and

 (b) the person makes a loan to the trustee of the trust, or to the company; and

 (c) the loan relates to a farm asset that:

 (i) the trustee has in the capacity of trustee; or

 (ii) the company has; and

 (d) the outstanding amount of the principal of the loan exceeds the total value of all the financial investments:

 (i) the trustee has in the capacity of trustee; or

 (ii) the company has;

the loan is taken, to the extent that it relates to that farm asset, not to be a financial asset that the person has.

67  Allowable deductions from ordinary income

  For the purpose of working out the rate of farm household allowance for a person, the person’s ordinary income for a tax year, worked out under Part 3.10 of the Social Security Act, is to be reduced in accordance with Minister’s rules made for the purposes of this section.

Subdivision DEstimates of business income

68  Determination of rate may be based on estimate

 (1) If:

 (a) a persons rate of farm household allowance is required to be determined for the purposes of the Social Security Administration Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act); and

 (b) information about the amount of the persons business income needed for the determination of the rate is not available (for example, because the business income of the person cannot be known until after the end of the relevant income year); and

 (c) the person, or if the person has died, another person making a claim under that Act (as so applied) gives the Secretary an estimate of the persons business income; and

 (d) the Secretary considers the estimate to be reasonable;

the Secretary may determine the persons rate of farm household allowance on the basis of the estimate, to the extent that the rate is affected by the amount of the persons business income.

 (2) The rate cannot be determined if the Secretary does not consider the estimate reasonable.

 (3) A persons business income is ordinary income of the person in the form of profits from a business carried on by the person.

69  Date of effect of determinations based on estimates of business income

 (1) If:

 (a) farm household allowance is being, or has been, paid to a person as a result of a decision (the original decision) that was based, wholly or partly, on an estimate of a persons business income; and

 (b) the Secretary makes a determination (the new determination), relating to the allowance, under Subdivision A of Division 7 of Part 3 of the Social Security Administration Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act), whether or not the new determination is the first such determination; and

 (c) the reason, or one of the reasons, for making the new determination is that the Secretary considers that:

 (i) information about the amount of the persons business income is now available; and

 (ii) the persons business income differs from the estimate on which the original decision was wholly or partly based;

the new determination takes effect on the day the determination embodying the original decision took effect, or on the first day of the financial year to which subsection (2) applies, whichever is later.

 (2) This subsection applies to:

 (a) the financial year preceding the financial year in which the new determination was made; or

 (b) if the Secretary specifies an earlier financial year in the new determination—that earlier financial year.

 (3) This section has effect despite Division 9 of Part 3 of the Social Security Administration Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act), but does not affect the application of section 109 of that Act as so applied in relation to a review of the new determination.

 (4) To avoid doubt, a persons entitlement to the benefit of a payment, for the purposes of section 1223 of the Social Security Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act), is to be ascertained taking into account when any relevant new determinations take effect under this section.

70  Debts arising from payments of farm household allowance based on estimates of business income

 (1) If:

 (a) farm household allowance is being, or has been, paid to a person as a result of a decision that was based, wholly or partly, on an estimate of a persons business income; and

 (b) the person has not complied with a notice under section 68 or 69 of the Social Security Administration Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act); and

 (c) the notice related to the persons business income during a particular period; and

 (d) the Secretary is satisfied that, if the person had complied with the notice, information about the amount of the persons business income during the period could have been ascertained;

the amount of farm household allowance paid to the person in relation to the period is a debt due to the Commonwealth, and is taken, for the purposes of the Social Security Act, to have arisen under Part 5.2 of that Act.

 (2) This section does not limit the application of Part 5.2 of the Social Security Act (as it applies because of Part 5 of this Act).

Division 9Compliance with obligations in relation to farm household allowance

71  Qualification failures

 (1) The Secretary may determine that a person commits a qualification failure if:

 (a) the person fails to comply with a notice given under section 14 within the period specified in the notice (requirement to enter financial improvement agreement); or

 (b) the person fails to comply with subsection 18(1) within the period specified in subsection 18(2) (notification of circumstances preventing or affecting compliance); or

 (c) the person:

 (i) fails to satisfy the activity test; and

 (ii) the person is not exempt, under Division 5, from the activity test.

 (2) The Secretary may revoke the determination if the failure is rectified within the period of 13 weeks beginning on the day the failure began.

72  Consequences of qualification failures

 (1) Farm household allowance is not payable to a person during the period that:

 (a) begins on the day the Secretary makes a determination that the person has committed a qualification failure; and

 (b) ends on the day the Secretary revokes the determination.

 (2) A person ceases to be qualified for farm household allowance if:

 (a) the Secretary makes a determination that the person has committed a qualification failure; and

 (b) the failure is not rectified within the period of 13 weeks beginning on the day the failure began.

73  Conduct failures

  The Secretary may determine that a person commits a conduct failure if the person has done any of the following:

 (a) engaged in misconduct while undertaking an activity that is specified in the financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to the person;

 (b) refused or failed to accept an offer of suitable employment in accordance with a financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to the person;

 (c) an act that resulted (directly or indirectly) in the person becoming unemployed, and it was reasonably foreseeable that acting in that manner could result in the person becoming unemployed.

74  Consequences of conduct failures

  Farm household allowance is not payable to a person during the period that:

 (a) begins on the day the Secretary makes a determination that the person has committed a conduct failure; and

 (b) ends:

 (i) if the Secretary revokes the determination under section 75—on the day mentioned in that section; or

 (ii) otherwise—8 weeks after the period began.

75  Revoking a determination relating to a conduct failure

 (1) The Secretary may revoke a determination that a person has committed a conduct failure if the Secretary determines that continuing the period referred to in section 74 would cause the person to be in severe financial hardship.

 (2) The Secretary may make a determination under subsection (1) on request or on his or her own initiative.

 (3) For the purposes of subparagraph 74(b)(i), the day the period ends is:

 (a) if the Secretary makes a determination under subsection (1) of this section on request—the day before the request was made; or

 (b) if the Secretary makes a determination under subsection (1) on his or her own initiative—the day before the Secretary makes the determination.

76  Reasonable excuses

 (1) The Secretary must not make a determination that a person has committed a qualification failure or a conduct failure if the person satisfies the Secretary that the person has a reasonable excuse for the failure.

 (2) A determination that a person has committed a qualification failure or a conduct failure is taken never to have been made if, after the Secretary makes the determination, the person satisfies the Secretary that the person had a reasonable excuse for the failure.

Secretarys rules

 (3) The Secretarys rules may specify matters the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether a person has a reasonable excuse for committing a failure.

 (4) To avoid doubt, the Secretarys rules do not limit the matters that the Secretary may take into account in deciding whether the person has a reasonable excuse.

Requirements for reasonable excuses

 (5) An excuse for failing to satisfy the activity test cannot be a reasonable excuse for the purposes of paragraph 71(1)(c) unless:

 (a) before the start of the relevant activity on the day concerned, the person notified the excuse to the person or body specified in the financial improvement agreement as the person or body to whom prior notice should be given if the person is unable to undertake the activity; or

 (b) the Secretary is satisfied that in those circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect the person to give the notification.

77  Day of determination

  For the purposes of sections 72 and 74 (consequences of qualification and conduct failures), the day the Secretary makes the determination is the day the Secretary originally makes the determination (even if another decision in relation to the determination is later made on review).

78  Relationship with section 80 of the Social Security Administration Act

  Nothing in this Division affects the power of the Secretary to cancel or suspend a payment of farm household allowance under section 80 of the Social Security Administration Act.

Part 3Activity supplement


79  Simplified outline of this Part

A person to whom farm household allowance is payable may qualify for the activity supplement if he or she undertakes, or will undertake, an activity specified in the persons financial improvement agreement.

The person may elect to have the supplement paid directly to the person or to the service provider for the activity.

The person may be paid the activity supplement more than once. However, in total the person will receive no more than a maximum amount.

The amount of the supplement payable to the person is the cost of the activity (up to a maximum amount).

The rules dealing with how to make claims, how payments are made and review of decisions relating to the supplement are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act. (This is because Part 5 of this Act applies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act in relation to the supplement.)

80  Qualification for the activity supplement

Activities already undertaken

 (1) A person is qualified for the activity supplement for an activity if:

 (a) the person undertakes the activity for the purposes of the activity test; and

 (b) at the time the person begins to undertake the activity, farm household allowance is payable to the person; and

 (c) the activity is specified in a financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to the person; and

 (d) the activity is undertaken in accordance with the financial improvement agreement; and

 (e) either:

 (i) the activity is prescribed in, and complies with any conditions prescribed in, rules made for the purposes of section 83 (determination of eligible activities); or

 (ii) the activity is approved, in writing, by the Secretary; and

 (f) if the activity is training or advice—the activity is undertaken in accordance with section 20 (training and advice to be provided by appropriately qualified person); and

 (g) the person makes a claim for the supplement within the period of 2 months beginning on the day the invoice relating to the activity is provided by the service provider for the activity; and

 (h) at the time the person lodges the claim for the supplement, the person gives the Secretary evidence or a declaration in a form approved by the Secretary that:

 (i) if the activity is training or advice—the activity is undertaken in accordance with section 20; and

 (ii) if the person elects under section 81 for the supplement to be paid directly to the person—the person has paid the service provider for the activity; and

 (i) the total amount of activity supplement that the person has previously been paid is less than the maximum amount of activity supplement.

Future activities

 (2) A person is qualified for the activity supplement for an activity if:

 (a) a person will undertake the activity for the purposes of the activity test; and

 (b) farm household allowance is payable to the person; and

 (c) the activity is specified in a financial improvement agreement that is in force in relation to the person; and

 (d) either:

 (i) the activity is prescribed in rules made for the purposes of section 83 (determination of eligible activities); or

 (ii) the activity is approved, in writing, by the Secretary; and

 (e) it is reasonable to assume that:

 (i) the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the financial improvement agreement; and

 (ii) the activity will comply with any conditions prescribed in rules made for the purposes of section 83; and

 (iii) if the activity is advice or training—the activity will be undertaken in accordance with section 20 (training and advice to be provided by appropriately qualified person); and

 (f) the person makes a claim for the supplement within the period of 2 months beginning on the day the invoice relating to the activity is provided by the service provider for the activity; and

 (g) at the time the person lodges the claim for the supplement, the person gives the Secretary, in a form approved by the Secretary:

 (i) if the activity is advice or training—a declaration that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with section 20; and

 (ii) if the person elects under section 81 for the supplement to be paid directly to the person—evidence that the person has paid the service provider for the activity; and

 (h) the total amount of activity supplement that the person has previously been paid is less than the maximum amount of activity supplement.

Qualification despite farm household allowance ceasing to be payable

 (3) A person is qualified for an activity supplement for an activity if:

 (a) the person qualifies for the activity supplement for the activity under subsection (1) or (2); and

 (b) before the supplement is paid, farm household allowance ceases to be payable to the person.

81  Electing method of payment

 (1) A person who makes a claim for an activity supplement for an activity may elect for the supplement to be paid either:

 (a) to the person; or

 (b) to the service provider for the activity.

 (2) The person must make the election in a manner or way approved by the Secretary.

82  Amount of activity supplement

 (1) The amount of the activity supplement that is payable to a person for an activity is the lowest of the following amounts:

 (a) the maximum amount prescribed by, or worked out in accordance with, the Ministers rules;

 (b) the cost of the activity;

 (c) the remaining balance of the persons activity supplement.

 (2) The remaining balance of a persons activity supplement is:

83  Determination of eligible activities

  The Secretarys rules may prescribe either or both of the following:

 (a) classes of activities that may be specified in a financial improvement agreement for which the activity supplement is payable;

 (b) conditions that must be met for the supplement to be payable for activities or classes of activities.

Part 4Farm financial assessments

Division 1Simplified outline of this Part

84  Simplified outline of this Part

The Secretary may require a person to have a farm financial assessment conducted if the person is receiving, or has made a claim for, farm household allowance.

A farm financial assessment is an assessment of the financial position of a farm enterprise, and the person for whom the assessment is conducted, and options for improving that financial position.

A farm financial assessment must be conducted by an independent prescribed adviser.

If a person has a farm financial assessment conducted, he or she may qualify for a farm financial assessment supplement, which may be paid directly to the person or to the adviser.

The amount of the supplement is the cost of the farm financial assessment (up to a maximum amount).

Farm household allowance may not be payable if a person fails to comply with a requirement to have a farm financial assessment conducted.

The rules dealing with how to make claims, how payments are made and review of decisions relating to the supplement are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act. (This is because Part 5 of this Act applies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act in relation to the supplement.)

Division 2Farm financial assessments

85  Requirement to have farm financial assessment conducted

 (1) The Secretary may require a person to have a farm financial assessment conducted if the person is receiving, or has made a claim for, farm household allowance.

 (2) The Secretary must give a person who is required to have a farm financial assessment conducted written notice of:

 (a) the requirement; and

 (b) sufficient information for the person to organise the assessment; and

 (c) a description of the farm financial assessment supplement; and

 (d) the period within which the person must have the farm financial assessment conducted; and

 (e) a description of consequences that may apply if the person does not comply with the notice.

 (3) The Secretary may, in writing, extend the period under paragraph (2)(d) once by a specified period.

 (4) A farm financial assessment must be in a form approved by the Secretary.

 (5) A notice given in accordance with this section is taken to have been given under subsection 63(2) of the Social Security Administration Act.

Note: Farm household allowance may not be payable if a person does not comply with a notice (see section 64 of the Social Security Administration Act).

86  Requirement for farm financial assessment to be conducted by independent prescribed adviser

  A farm financial assessment must be conducted by a prescribed adviser who:

 (a) is independent from:

 (i) the person (the recipient) for whom the farm financial assessment is conducted; and

 (ii) if the recipient is a member of a couple—the partner of the recipient; and

 (b) does not have any right or interest in:

 (i) the farm; or

 (ii) any asset that is owned by the recipient, the partner of the recipient, or the relevant farm enterprise.

Division 3Farm financial assessment supplement

87  Qualification for farm financial assessment supplement

  A person is qualified for farm financial assessment supplement if:

 (a) the person has been given a notice in accordance with section 85 requiring the person to have a farm financial assessment conducted; and

 (b) the assessment was conducted in accordance with section 86; and

 (c) the assessment has been provided to the Department in the approved form; and

 (d) the person makes a claim for the supplement within the period of 2 months beginning on the day the invoice for the assessment is provided; and

 (e) at the time the person lodges the claim, the person gives the Secretary, in a form approved by the Secretary, evidence that:

 (i) the assessment was conducted in accordance with section 86; and

 (ii) if the person elects under section 88 for the supplement to be paid directly to the person—the person has paid the prescribed adviser who conducted the assessment.

88  Electing method of payment

 (1) A person who makes a claim for farm financial assessment supplement may elect for the supplement to be paid either:

 (a) to the person; or

 (b) to the prescribed adviser who conducts the farm financial assessment.

 (2) The person must make the election in a manner or way approved by the Secretary.

89  The amount of farm financial assessment supplement

  The amount of farm financial assessment supplement is the lesser of the following amounts:

 (a) the maximum amount prescribed by, or worked out in accordance with, the Ministers rules;

 (b) the cost of the farm financial assessment.

Part 4AFHA supplement


89A  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part is about the FHA supplement. There are 2 payments of FHA supplement. A person qualifies for the first payment if farm household allowance is payable to the person at any time between 1 September 2018 and 1 December 2018. A person qualifies for the second payment if farm household allowance is payable to the person at any time between 2 December 2018 and 1 June 2019.

A claim is not required for FHA supplement. The rules dealing with how payments are made and review of decisions relating to the supplement are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act. (This is because Part 5 of this Act applies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act in relation to the supplement.)

89B  Qualification for FHA supplement

 (1) A person is qualified for FHA supplement for a qualifying period if farm household allowance is payable to the person for at least one day in the qualifying period.

 (2) Each of the following periods is a qualifying period for the purposes of subsection (1):

 (a) the period starting on 1 September 2018 and ending on 1 December 2018;

 (b) the period starting on 2 December 2018 and ending on 1 June 2019.

89C  Amount of FHA supplement

 (1) The amount of FHA supplement for a person for a qualifying period is:

 (a) if the person’s rate of farm household allowance at any time in the qualifying period is calculated by reference to the person being a member of a couple—$3,000; or

 (b) otherwise—$3,600.

 (2) If:

 (a) an amount of FHA supplement is paid to a person; and

 (b) the amount should not have been paid to the person;

the amount is not a debt due to the Commonwealth.

 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to an amount of FHA supplement obtained by fraud.

Part 4BRelief payments


89D  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part is about relief payments.

A person qualifies for a relief payment if 1,460 days of farm household allowance have been payable to the person before 1 July 2020.

The Minister’s rules may also prescribe circumstances in which other relief payments may be made.

A claim is not required for a relief payment. The rules dealing with how relief payments are made and review of decisions relating to relief payments are found in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act. (This is because Part 5 of this Act applies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act in relation to relief payments.)

89E  Qualification for relief payment

 (1) A person is qualified for a relief payment if 1,460 days of farm household allowance have been payable to the person before 1 July 2020.

 (2) A person also qualifies for a relief payment in the circumstances (if any) prescribed by the Minister’s rules.

89F  Amount of relief payment

 (1) The amount of relief payment under subsection 89E(1) for a person is:

 (a) if the person’s rate of farm household allowance on the 1,460th day that farm household allowance was payable to the person was calculated by reference to the person being a member of a couple—$6,500; or

 (b) otherwise—$7,500.

 (2) The amount of relief payment under subsection 89E(2) for a person in circumstances prescribed by the Minister’s rules is the amount prescribed by the Minister’s rules for the relief payment for those circumstances.

Overpayments of relief payments are not debts

 (3) If:

 (a) an amount of relief payment under subsection 89E(1) or (2) is paid to a person; and

 (b) the amount should not have been paid to the person;

the amount is not a debt due to the Commonwealth.

 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply to an amount of relief payment obtained by fraud.

Part 5Application and modification of the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act

Division 1Introduction

90  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part notionally modifies how the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act operate, so that those Acts can apply in relation to payments made under this Act.

Farm household allowance is generally treated in the same way as jobseeker payment and youth allowance. This means that where there is a reference in those Acts to jobseeker payment or youth allowance, it is as if there were also a reference to farm household allowance. Similarly, where there is a reference to a concept that is defined to include jobseeker payment or youth allowance, such as “social security benefit” or “social security payment”, it is as if that concept were also defined to include farm household allowance.

The farm household allowance, the activity supplement, the farm financial assessment supplement, the FHA supplement and a relief payment are all treated as if they were social security payments. As a result, the general rules in the Social Security Act and Social Security Administration Act relating to claims, how payments are made and review of decisions apply in relation to payments under this Act.

In order for those Acts to operate appropriately in relation to this Act, some provisions of those Acts are notionally turned off, and the text of other provisions of the Acts is notionally changed.

The modifications of concepts in the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act flow through to other Acts, such as the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 as a result of this Part.

91  Purposes of this Part

 (1) This Part modifies the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act so that those Acts apply in relation to payments made under this Act.

 (2) The modifications apply for the purposes of the following Acts (including any regulations or other legislative instruments made under those Acts):

 (a) this Act;

 (b) the Social Security Act;

 (c) the Social Security Administration Act;

 (d) any other Act that refers to the Social Security Act or the Social Security Administration Act.

 (3) To avoid doubt, when an Act (the relevant Act) other than the Social Security Act:

 (a) uses an expression that is also used in all or part of the Social Security Act; and

 (b) gives the expression the same meaning as in that Act or part; and

 (c) the expression is modified by section 93 of this Act;

the expression when used in the relevant Act has the modified meaning.

Example: Subsection 3(2) of the Social Security Administration Act gives expressions used in that Act the same meaning as in the Social Security Act. So, for example, a reference in the Social Security Administration Act to a social security payment is taken, as a result of this Part, to include a reference to farm household allowance, activity supplement, farm financial assessment supplement, FHA supplement and relief payment.

92  Further modification of the Social Security Act and the Social Security Administration Act

 (1) The Ministers rules may provide that:

 (a) this Part; or

 (b) the Social Security Act; or

 (c) the Social Security Administration Act;

has effect for the purposes set out in section 91 of this Act with any modifications that are prescribed.

 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Ministers rules may:

 (a) prescribe additional provisions of the Social Security Act or the Social Security Administration Act that do not apply, or that apply with modifications that are prescribed, in relation to the operation of this Act; or

 (b) prescribe provisions referred to in section 94 or 98 of this Act that, despite those sections, apply in relation to the operation of this Act; or

 (c) make further modifications of provisions already modified by section 95 or 99 of this Act.

Division 2Application and modification of the Social Security Act

93  Application of the Social Security Act

 (1) This table modifies (subject to this Division) the operation of the Social Security Act.

Note 1: Certain provisions of the Social Security Act do not apply as a result of section 94 of this Act. Sections 95 to 97 modify particular provisions of the Social Security Act.

Note 2: Division 8 of Part 2 of this Act (rate of farm household allowance) also modifies the Social Security Act for the purposes of determining the rate of farm household allowance.


Modification of the general operation of the Social Security Act


The Social Security Act applies (subject to this Division) as if a reference in a provision of that Act to …

included a reference to …


jobseeker payment

farm household allowance, to the extent that it relates to a person who has turned 22.


youth allowance

farm household allowance, to the extent that it relates to a person who has not turned 22.


an income support payment

farm household allowance.


a social security benefit

farm household allowance.


a social security entitlement

farm household allowance.


a social security payment

farm household allowance, activity supplement, farm financial assessment supplement, FHA supplement and relief payment.


the Minister (within the meaning of that Act)

the Minister (within the meaning of this Act), to the extent that the application of the provision is solely in relation to a payment under this Act.


subject to subsection (3), the Secretary (within the meaning of that Act)

the Secretary (within the meaning of this Act), to the extent that the application of the provision is solely in relation to a payment under this Act.


the Department (within the meaning of that Act)

the Department (within the meaning of this Act), to the extent that the application of the provision is solely in relation to a payment under this Act.


the purposes of the Social Security Act

the purposes of this Act.


the social security law

this Act.


a payment under the Social Security Act (however expressed)

a payment under this Act.


Part 2.11 or 2.12 of the Social Security Act

Part 2 of this Act.


youth allowance newly arrived resident’s waiting period under section 549D of the Social Security Act

newly arrived resident’s waiting period (within the meaning of this Act), to the extent that it relates to a person who has not turned 22.


jobseeker payment newly arrived resident’s waiting period under sections 623A and 623B of the Social Security Act

newly arrived resident’s waiting period (within the meaning of this Act), to the extent that it relates to a person who has turned 22.


a temporary incapacity exemption under section 542A of the Social Security Act

an exemption from the activity test under section 31 of this Act.


Subdivision BA of Division 1 of Part 2.12 of the Social Security Act

Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 2 of this Act.


section 544B or 606 of the Social Security Act

section 15, 16, 17 or 18 of this Act.


a Youth Allowance Employment Pathway Plan or a Jobseeker Employment Pathway Plan

a financial improvement agreement.


the purposes of the assets test

the purposes of Subdivision A of Division 6 of Part 2 of this Act.


Subdivision AB of Division 2 of Part 2.11

Subdivision A of Division 6 of Part 2 of this Act.


sections 611 and 612 of the Social Security Act

sections 33 and 34 of this Act.


section 612 of the Social Security Act

subsection 36(1) of this Act.


the youth allowance assets test or the jobseeker payment assets test

the tests in sections 33 and 34 of this Act.


the youth allowance liquid assets test or the jobseeker payment liquid assets test

the test in section 33 of this Act.


section 547AA or 615 of the Social Security Act

section 72 of this Act, as it applies as a result of paragraph 71(1)(a).


Division 2 of Part 4.2 of the Social Security Act (overseas portability)

Division 7 of Part 2 of this Act.


subsection 42P(1) of the Social Security Administration Act

sections 73 and 74 of this Act.


subsection 42P(2) of the Social Security Administration Act

section 74 of this Act.

Note: Item 11 is subject to subsection 20(2) (training and advice to be provided by appropriately qualified person).

 (2) For the purposes of the table in subsection (1):

 (a) item 12 of the table applies only in relation to a general reference to a payment under the Social Security Act and not to a reference to a specific payment under the Social Security Act; and

 (b) item 13 of the table applies only in relation to a general reference to Part 2.11 or 2.12 of the Social Security Act and not a reference to a specific part of that Part.

Note 1: For example, item 12 of the table would not apply in relation to a specific reference to austudy payment under the Social Security Act.

Note 2: Other items of this table translate references to a part of Part 2.11 or 2.12 of the Social Security Act into references to parts of Part 2 of this Act.

 (3) Item 8 of the table does not apply in relation to the following provisions of the Social Security Administration Act (as those provisions apply as a result of subsection 3(2) of that Act):

 (a) subsection 127(3) (decisions that are not reviewable by the Secretary);

 (b) section 234 (delegation).

94  Certain provisions do not apply

  The following provisions of the Social Security Act do not apply in relation to the operation of this Act:

 (a) section 28B (approved training courses for training supplement);

 (b) Divisions 1, 2 and 5 of Part 2.11 (youth allowance), except section 557;

 (c) Part 2.11B (scholarship payments for students);

 (d) Divisions 1 and 4 of Part 2.12 (jobseeker payment), except section 646;

 (e) Part 2.13A (education entry payment);

 (f) Division 2 of Part 2.18A (quarterly energy supplement);

 (g) Part 2.21 (mobility allowance);

 (h) Part 2.22A (special employment advances);

 (i) Part 2.24A (pensioner education supplement);

 (j) Division 1 of Part 2A.1 (qualification for, and issue of, pensioner concession card);

 (k) section 1061ZM (qualification for health care card: employmentaffected person);

 (l) section 1061ZMA (further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income);

 (m) Division 1AB of Part 3.10 (working credit accrual and depletion rules and their consequences);

 (ma) section 1073K (seasonal horticultural work income exemption);

 (n) Division 4 of Part 3.16 (indexation—adjustment of other rates);

 (o) Part 4.2 (overseas portability);

 (p) Schedule 1A (savings and transitional provisions).

95  Modification of particular provisions

  This table modifies particular provisions of the Social Security Act.


Modification of particular provisions of the Social Security Act


The following provisions of the Social Security Act:

apply as if …


subsection 8(8)

that subsection included a reference to an adjusted disability pension (within the meaning of section 118NA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act).


paragraph 1061SB(2)(c) (increased rate of phone allowance for home internet)

the words “has reached pension age and” were omitted from that paragraph.


subsection 1192(1)

the reference in that subsection to the Social Security Act included a reference to this Act.


sections 1118 and 1118B

a reference in those sections to the value of a person’s assets (however expressed) included a reference to:

(a) the value of a person’s farm assets; and

(b) the value of a person’s nonfarm assets.


subsection 1118AA(2)

the reference in that subsection to the value of a person’s assets were a reference to the value of a person’s nonfarm assets.


subsections 1118AB(2) and 1118AC(2)

the references in those subsections to the total value of the person’s assets were references to the total value of the person’s nonfarm assets.


section 1120C

that section applied for the purposes of Subdivision A of Division 6 of Part 2 of this Act (assets test).


section 1121

a reference in that section to an asset were a reference to a nonfarm asset.


section 1121A

the content of that section (after the heading) were replaced with:

(1) If there is a charge or encumbrance over any of a person’s farm assets, the value of those farm assets for the purposes of this Act is the result of the following formula (but not less than nil):

(2) The Secretary (within the meaning of the Farm Household Support Act 2014) may decide when, and the extent to which, a liability is related to a farm asset for the purposes of subsection (1).


section 1122

the content of that section (after the heading) were replaced with:

(1) The value of a person’s farm assets for the purposes of this Act includes so much of an amount lent by the person, for spending relating to farm assets, as remains unpaid.

(2) The value of a person’s nonfarm assets for the purposes of this Act includes so much of an amount lent by the person that:

(a) is not covered by subsection (1); and

(b) remains unpaid.

(3) For the purposes of this section, disregard any amount payable by way of interest.


sections 1131 and 1132

a reference in those sections to an assets test included a reference to a test in Subdivision A of Division 6 of Part 2 of this Act.


paragraphs 1231(1)(e), (f) and (g)

each reference in those paragraphs to social security payments did not include a reference to FHA supplement or relief payment.

96  Application of Division 10 of Part 2.11 and Division 9 of Part 2.12 (bereavement payments) of the Social Security Act

 (1) To avoid doubt, a person continues to be qualified for payments under Division 10 of Part 2.11 or Division 9 of Part 2.12 (bereavement payments) of the Social Security Act to cover the bereavement period even if the person ceases to receive farm household allowance because the person does not meet the 4 years or less requirement.

 (2) To avoid doubt, a persons rate of farm household allowance continues at the rate worked out under section 567G or 660M (continuation of allowance on death of a child) of the Social Security Act (as modified by Division 8 of Part 2 of this Act) even if the person would otherwise cease to receive the allowance because the person does not meet the 4 years or less requirement.

97  References to youth allowance and jobseeker payment

 (1) In relation to references to youth allowance, disregard any requirement or condition that a person:

 (a) is or is not undertaking fulltime study; and

 (b) is or is not a new apprentice.

 (2) In relation to references to either jobseeker payment or youth allowance, disregard any requirement or condition that a person has a partial capacity to work.

Division 3Application and modification of the Social Security Administration Act

98  Certain provisions do not apply

  The following provisions of the Social Security Administration Act do not apply in relation to the operation of this Act:

 (a) section 45 (payment of youth allowance to person under 18);

 (b) section 56 (failure to nominate parent);

 (c) Divisions 3AA and 3A of Part 3 (participation payments);

 (d) Part 3B (income management regime);

 (e) Part 3C (schooling requirements);

 (f) section 241 (annual report);

 (g) section 242 (appropriation).

99  Modification of particular provisions

  This table modifies particular provisions of the Social Security Administration Act.


Modification of particular provisions of the Social Security Administration Act


The following provisions of the Social Security Administration Act:

apply as if …


subsections 10(2) and (3)

the words “(but not Part 2 of the Farm Household Support Act 2014, as that Part applies because of Part 5 of that Act)” were added after “1991 Act”.


subsection 64(2)

were omitted.


subsection 69(6)

the words “more than 13 weeks before the giving of the notice” were replaced with the words “before the day the first claim for farm household allowance was made”.


paragraph 81(1)(a)

the words “(other than jobseeker payment)” were omitted from that paragraph.


subsections 110(1A) and (2A)

the words “who has not reached pension age” were omitted from those subsections.


paragraph 110(3A)(b)

that paragraph was replaced with:

(b) unless the partner is receiving farm household allowance—the partner has not reached pension age; and


subsection 118(2A)

the words “who has not reached pension age” were omitted from that subsection.


subparagraph 118(2B)(b)(ii)

the words “has reached pension age and” were omitted from that subparagraph.


subsection 118(5A)

the words “who has not reached pension age” were omitted from that subsection.


subparagraph 118(5B)(b)(ii)

the words “has reached pension age and” were omitted from that subparagraph.


paragraph 118(6A)(b)

that paragraph was replaced with:

(b) unless the partner is receiving farm household allowance—the partner has not reached pension age; and


subparagraph 118(6B)(g)(ii)

the words “has reached pension age and” were omitted from that subparagraph.


section 125

the words “or the Farm Household Support Act 2014” were inserted after “1991 Act”.


clause 5 of Schedule 2

subclause (1B) of that clause were omitted.


clause 5A of Schedule 2

the words “(other than farm household allowance)” were inserted after “participation payment”.

Part 6Miscellaneous


100  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part deals with miscellaneous matters, such as delegations and rules.

101  Delegation of powers

 (1) The Secretary may, by signed writing, delegate to an officer of the Department all or any of his or her powers or functions under this Act, or the Social Security Act or the Social Security Administration Act (as those Acts apply because of Part 5 of this Act).

 (2) The Secretary (the Agriculture Secretary) may, in writing, delegate all or any of his or her powers or functions under this Act, or the Social Security Act or the Social Security Administration Act (as those Acts apply because of Part 5 of this Act), to:

 (a) the Social Security Secretary; or

 (b) an SES employee or acting SES employee in the Social Security Department; or

 (c) the Chief Executive Centrelink; or

 (d) a Departmental employee (within the meaning of the Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997).

102  Delegation by Secretary: references to the Secretary and the Department

 (1) This section applies if, under section 101, the Secretary (the Agriculture Secretary) delegates a power or function to:

 (a) the Social Security Secretary; or

 (b) an SES employee or acting SES employee in the Social Security Department; or

 (c) the Chief Executive Centrelink; or

 (d) a Departmental employee (within the meaning of the Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997).

Requiring persons to produce or give documents to the Social Security or Human Services Department

 (2) A person who is delegated a power or function to require another person to produce or give any document or information to the Department (the Agriculture Department) may instead require the other person to produce or give the document or information to the Human Services Department or the Social Security Department (as the case requires).

 (3) A person who complies with a requirement under subsection (2) is taken for all purposes to have complied with a requirement of the Agriculture Secretary to produce or give the document to the Agriculture Department.

 (4) A person who does not comply with a requirement under subsection (2) is taken for all purposes not to have complied with a requirement of the Agriculture Secretary to produce or give the document to the Agriculture Department.

References to Secretary or Department

 (5) The Secretarys rules may provide as set out in subsection (6) if, as a result of a delegation, a reference (however described) to the Agriculture Secretary or the Agriculture Department in a provision of this Act, the Social Security Act or the Social Security Administration Act, or in any instrument made under those Acts, is inappropriate (whether for administrative reasons or any other reason).

 (6) The Secretarys rules may provide that the provision is to have effect as if:

 (a) the reference to the Agriculture Secretary were a reference to the Chief Executive Centrelink or the Social Security Secretary (as the case requires); or

 (b) the reference to the Agriculture Department were a reference to the Human Services Department or the Social Security Department (as the case requires).

The provision has effect accordingly.

103  Approval of forms

  The Secretary may, in writing, approve a form for the purposes of this Act.

104  Annual report

 (1) As soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, the Secretary must give to the Minister a written report on the administrative operation of this Act during the financial year that ended on that 30 June.

 (2) The Minister is to cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the Minister receives the report.

105  Appropriation

 (1) Payments of all amounts which are payable to or in relation to a person because the person qualifies for farm household allowance under section 8 or 9 are to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly.

 (2) To avoid doubt, subsection (1) applies in relation to any supplement, payment or allowance that is payable under the Social Security Act as a result of a person qualifying for farm household allowance.

 (3) Payments of all amounts which are payable to or in relation to a person under Part 3 (activity supplement), Division 3 of Part 4 (farm financial assessment supplement), Part 4A (FHA supplement) or Part 4B (relief payment) of this Act are to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly.

106  Rules

Ministers rules

 (1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make Ministers rules prescribing matters required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed by the Ministers rules.

Secretarys rules

 (2) The Secretary may, by legislative instrument, make Secretarys rules prescribing matters:

 (a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed by the Secretarys rules; or

 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

    cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

    commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3—Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Farm Household Support Act 2014

12, 2014

28 Mar 2014

s 3–89: 1 July 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)
Remainder: 28 Mar 2014 (s 2(1) items 1, 3)


Farm Household Support (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014

13, 2014

28 Mar 2014

Sch 2 (item 142) and Sch 3 (item 1): 1 July 2014 (s 2(1) items 7, 10)

Sch 3 (item 1)

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (2014 Budget Measures No. 6) Act 2014

122, 2014

26 Nov 2014

Sch 1 (items 284–288): 20 Sept 2014 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (item 1): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 4)

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

59, 2015

26 May 2015

Sch 2 (items 156, 157): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 5)
Sch 2 (items 356–369): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 2 (items 356–369)

as amended by





Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016

33, 2016

23 Mar 2016

Sch 2: 24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)

Budget Savings (Omnibus) Act 2016

55, 2016

1 Jan 2017

Sch 4 (items 8, 13) and Sch 10 (items 84–90): 1 Jan 2017 (s 2(1) items 5, 12)

Sch 4 (item 13) and Sch 10 (item 90)

Farm Household Support Amendment Act 2017

23, 2017

4 Apr 2017

5 Apr 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 8) and Sch 2 (item 5)

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Seasonal Worker Incentives for Jobseekers) Act 2017

54, 2017

22 June 2017

Sch 1 (item 8): 1 July 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (item 10): 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)

Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Veterancentric Reforms No. 1) Act 2018

17, 2018

28 Mar 2018

Sch 2 (item 44): 1 May 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)

Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Act 2018

26, 2018

11 Apr 2018

Sch 1 (items 211, 342–354): 20 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 15 (items 2, 39–41): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) item 18)

Sch 1 (items 342–354) and Sch 15 (items 39–41)

Farm Household Support Amendment Act 2018

62, 2018

29 June 2018

Sch 1: 1 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 13)

Farm Household Support Amendment (Temporary Measures) Act 2018

87, 2018

24 Aug 2018

Sch 1 and Sch 2 (items 18): 25 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 1)

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Promoting Sustainable Welfare) Act 2018

168, 2018

10 Dec 2018

Sch 2: 1 Jan 2019 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 2 (item 3)

Farm Household Support Amendment Act 2019

60, 2019

7 Aug 2019

8 Aug 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (items 4, 5)

Farm Household Support Amendment (Relief Measures) Act (No. 1) 2019

104, 2019

28 Nov 2019

Sch 1, Sch 2 (item 1) and Sch 3 (items 1–8): 16 Dec 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)

Farm Household Support Amendment (Relief Measures) Act (No. 2) 2019

117, 2019

11 Dec 2019

Sch 1, Sch 2, Sch 3 (items 1–10, 13) and Sch 4 (items 1, 2): awaiting commencement (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (item 3), Sch 2 (item 6), Sch 3 (item 13) and Sch 4 (item 2)

Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020

22, 2020

24 Mar 2020

Sch 11 (items 1–5): 25 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 7)

Farm Household Support Amendment (Relief Measures) Act (No. 1) 2020

35, 2020

26 Mar 2020

Sch 1 (items 1–5): 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (items 1–3): 27 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 1 (item 5)
and Sch 2 (item 3)


Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


s 3.....................

am No 62, 2018; No 104, 2019

s 4.....................

am No 62, 2018; No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019

s 5.....................

am No 59, 2015; No 55, 2016; No 23, 2017; No 62, 2018; No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019; No 117, 2019; No 35, 2020

s 6.....................

am No 62, 2018


ed C10


am No 104, 2019

s 6A....................

ad No 59, 2015

Part 2


Division 1


s 7.....................

am No 26, 2018; No 62, 2018; No 104, 2019

Division 2


s 8.....................

am No 62, 2018; No 104, 2019

s 9.....................

am No 62, 2018; No 104, 2019

Division 6


Subdivision A


s 33....................

rs No 117, 2019

s 34....................

rs No 87, 2018; No 60, 2019


rep No 117, 2019

s 35....................

am No 23, 2017

s 35A...................

ad No 23, 2017

s 36A...................

ad No 117, 2019

Subdivision B


s 38....................

am No 17, 2018

Subdivision C


Subdivision C heading........

rs No 23, 2017

s 39....................

rs No 23, 2017

s 40....................

rep No 23, 2017

s 41....................

rep No 23, 2017

s 42....................

am No 55, 2016; No 23, 2017; No 168, 2018; No 22, 2020

s 43....................

am No 55, 2016; No 168, 2018

s 44....................

rep No 23, 2017

s 45....................

rep No 23, 2017

s 46....................

rep No 23, 2017

s 47....................

rep No 23, 2017

Subdivision D


s 48....................

am No 22, 2020

Division 8


Subdivision A


s 55....................

am No 26, 2018; No 35, 2020

s 58....................

am No 122, 2014

s 59A...................

ad No 117, 2019

Subdivision B


s 60....................

am No 35, 2020

s 62....................

am No 122, 2014

s 65A...................

ad No 117, 2019

Subdivision C


s 67....................

rs No 60, 2019; No 104, 2019

Subdivision D


Subdivision D.............

rep No 35, 2020

s 68....................

rep No 35, 2020

s 69....................

rep No 35, 2020

s 70....................

rep No 35, 2020

Part 3


s 82....................

am No 117, 2019

Part 4


Division 1


s 84....................

am No 117, 2019

Division 2


s 85....................

am No 35, 2020

s 86....................

am No 117, 2019

Division 3


s 87....................

am No 117, 2019

s 88....................

am No 117, 2019

s 89....................

am No 117, 2019

Part 4A


Part 4A..................

ad No 87, 2018

s 89A...................

ad No 87, 2018

s 89B...................

ad No 87, 2018

s 89C...................

ad No 87, 2018

Part 4B


Part 4B..................

ad No 104, 2019

s 89D...................

ad No 104, 2019

s 89E...................

ad No 104, 2019

s 89F...................

ad No 104, 2019

Part 5


Division 1


s 90....................

am No 26, 2018; No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019

s 91....................

am No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019

Division 2


s 93....................

am No 23, 2017; No 26, 2018; No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019; No 117, 2019

s 94....................

am No 122, 2014; No 54, 2017 (Sch 1 item 10); No 26, 2018; No 22, 2020

s 95....................

am No 13, 2014; No 122, 2014; No 55, 2016; No 87, 2018; No 60, 2019; No 104, 2019

s 96....................

am No 62, 2018; No 104, 2019

s 97....................

am No 26, 2018

Division 3


s 98....................

am No 26, 2018

s 99....................

am No 26, 2018

Part 6


s 105...................

am No 87, 2018; No 104, 2019