Customs Act 1901 – Part XVB
Exported from Thailand
Findings in Relation to a Review of Anti-Dumping Measures
Public Notice under subsection 269ZDB(1) of the Customs Act 1901
The Anti-Dumping Commission (previously the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service) has completed its review, which commenced on 19 December 2012, of the anti-dumping measures applying to consumer pineapple (“the goods”) exported to Australia from Thailand.
Recommendations resulting from that review, reasons for the recommendations and material findings of fact and law in relation to the review are contained in International Trade Remedies Report No. 195A (the variable factors review) and 195B (the revocation review in relation to exports from Thailand by Thai Pineapple Canning Industry Corp Ltd) (REP 195A and 195B).
I, Jason Clare, the Minister for Home Affairs, have considered REP 195A and 195B and have decided to accept the recommendations and reasons for the recommendations, including all the material findings of facts or law set out in REP 195A and 195B.
Under subsection 269ZDB(1) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act), I declare, for the purposes of the Act and the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act 1975, to the extent that anti-dumping measures concerning the goods involved the publication of a dumping duty notice that, with effect from the date of publication of this notice, the notice is to be taken to have effect or to have had effect in relation to exporters of consumer pineapple from Thailand as if different variable factors had been fixed in respect of those exporters.
The export prices, normal values and non-injurious prices will be varied as a result of this review. To preserve confidentiality, the revised variable factors will not be published. Bona fide importers of the goods can obtain details of the new rates from the Regional Dumping Officer in their respective capital city.
The interim dumping duty payable is an amount which will be worked out in accordance with the combination of fixed and variable duty method as outlined in the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Regulation 2013.
REP 195A and 195B has been placed on the Anti-Dumping Commission’s public record, available at Alternatively, the public record may be examined at the office address below during business hours by contacting the Case Manager on the details provided below.
Interested parties may seek a review of this decision by lodging an application with the Anti-Dumping Review Panel, in accordance with the requirements of Division 9 of Part XVB of the Act, within 30 days of the publication of this notice.
The Anti-Dumping Review Panel can be contacted by mail, phone, fax or email:
Anti-Dumping Review Panel
c/o Legal Services Branch
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
5 Constitution Avenue
Phone: +61 2 6275 5868
Fax: +61 2 6275 6784
Enquiries about this notice may be directed to the case manager on telephone number 02 6275 5675 fax number 02 6275 6690 or
Dated this 10th day of July 2013
Jason Clare
Minister for Home Affairs