Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993

Act No. 97 of 1993 as amended

This compilation was prepared on 2 July 2003
taking into account amendments up to Act No. 42 of 2003

The text of any of those amendments not in force
on that date is appended in the Notes section

The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be
affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section

Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting,
AttorneyGeneral’s Department, Canberra





Part 1—Preliminary

1 Short title [see Note 1]...........................

2 Commencement [see Note 1].......................

Part 2General provisions

3 Interpretation.................................

4 Eligible money market corporation....................

5 Transferring and receiving corporations.................

6 Object of Act.................................

7 Application of Act..............................

8 Extension of Act to external Territories.................

9 Transfer of asset etc. not to require consent etc. of third party....

10 Exemption from taxes etc..........................

11 Compensation for acquisition of property................

12 Delegation..................................

Part 3—Income tax relief for transfers

Division 1—Preliminary

13 Object of Part.................................

14 Part to be treated as if it were a provision of the income tax law...

Division 2—General relief

15 Asset transfers—general..........................

16 Liability transfers—general........................

Division 3—Securities

17 Securities—adjustment of cost base....................

Division 4—Capital gains and capital losses

18 Additional rollover relief....................

19 For the receiving corporation, asset has necessary connection with Australia             

20 Transfer of net capital loss.........................

Division 5—Trading stock

21 Transfers of trading stock..........................

Division 6—Bad debts

22 Deductions for bad debts..........................

Division 7—Interest withholding tax

23 Exemption from interest withholding tax.................

Division 8—Tax losses

Subdivision A—Tax losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

24 Transfer of tax loss from transferring corporation to receiving corporation             

25 Transfer of tax loss—modification of substantial continuity of ownership test             

26 Deduction for tax loss—modification of substantial continuity of ownership test etc.             

Subdivision B—Tax losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

26A Application of this Subdivision......................

26B Transfer of tax loss from transferring corporation to receiving corporation             

26C Deduction for tax loss—easing of restrictions on transferring corporation             

Division 9—Continuity of partnerships

27 Transfer of an interest in a partnership does not affect continuity of partnership             

Schedule 1—Tax losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Subdivision 170A—Transfer of tax losses from a transferring corporation to a receiving corporation

Guide to Subdivision 170A

1701...................What this Subdivision is about             

1705............Basic principles for transferring tax losses             

Effect of transferring a tax loss

17010............When a corporation can transfer a tax loss             

17015..Income company is taken to have incurred transferred loss             

17020..................Who can deduct transferred loss             

17023When income company must maintain same owners and control             

17025.....Tax treatment of consideration for transferred tax loss             

Conditions for transfer

17028Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 must apply to asset transfer from loss company to income company             

17032.............................The loss year             

17033...........................The transfer year             

17035..........................The loss company             

17050...................Transfer by written agreement             

17055.....Losses must be transferred in order they are incurred             

17060.....Income company cannot transfer transferred tax loss             

Effect of agreement to transfer more than can be transferred

17065.......Agreement transfers as much as can be transferred             

17070....................Amendment of assessments             

Special rules for transfer from head company of consolidated group or MEC group

17075Transfer of a tax loss incurred by the head company because of Subdivision 707A             

Schedule 2—Net capital losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Part 1—Replacement of sections 170110 to 170145

Effect of transferring a net capital loss

170110......When a corporation can transfer a net capital loss             

170115.................Who can apply transferred loss             

170120....Gain company is taken to have made transferred loss             

170125Tax treatment of consideration for transferred net capital loss             

Conditions for transfer

170128Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 must apply to asset transfer from loss company to gain company             

170132............................The loss year             

170133..........................The transfer year             

170135.........................The loss company             

170140.........................The gain company             

170145...........Maximum amount that can be transferred             

Part 2—Addition of provisions at the end of Subdivision 170B

Special rules for transfer from head company of consolidated group or MEC group

170175Transfer of a net capital loss made by the head company because of Subdivision 707A             


An Act making provision relating to the transfer of assets and liabilities from and to certain financial corporations


  This Act may be cited as the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993.

  This Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.


  In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

ADI (authorised deposittaking institution) means a body corporate that is an ADI for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959.

ADI authority means an authority under subsection 9(3) of the Banking Act 1959.

asset means property, or a right, of any kind, and includes:

 (a) any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or future, vested or contingent, tangible or intangible, in real or personal property) of any kind; and

 (b) any chose in action; and

 (c) any right, interest or claim of any kind including rights, interests or claims in or in relation to property (whether arising under an instrument or otherwise, and whether liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, accrued or accruing); and

 (d) any asset within the meaning of Part IIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; and

 (e) a CGT asset within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

eligible foreign ADI means an ADI:

 (a) that is a foreign ADI for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959; and

 (b) that:

 (i) was granted its ADI authority before this Act commenced; or

 (ii) is or was granted its ADI authority after this Act commenced pursuant to an application made before this Act commenced, or made after this Act commenced but before 1 July 2003.

eligible local ADI means a local ADI that was granted its ADI authority on or before 18 June 1993.

eligible money market corporation has the meaning given by section 4.

eligible subsidiary, in relation to an eligible local ADI or eligible money market corporation, means a body that:

 (a) is incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or a Territory relating to companies; and

 (b) is a financial corporation that is a registered entity under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001; and

 (c) is a subsidiary of the eligible local ADI or money market corporation.

financial corporation means a financial corporation within the meaning of paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution.

foreign corporation means a foreign corporation within the meaning of paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution.

interest, in relation to land, includes:

 (a) a legal or equitable estate or interest in the land; or

 (b) a right, power or privilege over, or in relation to, the land.

liability includes a duty or obligation of any kind (whether arising under an instrument or otherwise, and whether actual, contingent or prospective).

local ADI means an ADI that is incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory relating to companies.

newly established local ADI means a local ADI that:

 (a) was granted its ADI authority before this Act commenced but after 18 June 1993; or

 (b) is or was granted its ADI authority after this Act commenced pursuant to an application made before this Act commenced, or made after this Act commenced but before 1 July 2003.

receiving corporation has the meaning given by section 5.

subsidiary has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.

transfer, in relation to an asset or liability, means an act as a result of which the asset or liability:

 (a) ceases to be vested in a person; and

 (b) becomes vested in another person.

transferring corporation has the meaning given by section 5.

  For the purposes of this Act, a body corporate is an eligible money market corporation if it:

 (a) is incorporated under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or a Territory relating to companies; and

 (b) is, under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001, a registered entity included in the category for money market corporations.

  If a financial corporation is proposing to transfer, or transfers, an asset or liability to another financial corporation, then, for the purposes of this Act;

 (a) the firstmentioned corporation is the transferring corporation; and

 (b) the other corporation is the receiving corporation;

in relation to the transfer.

  The object of this Act is to facilitate, in accordance with Commonwealth Government policy, the transfer of assets and liabilities from certain subsidiaries of a foreign corporation that is:

 (a) an eligible foreign ADI; or

 (b) the holding company (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001) of an eligible foreign ADI or of a newly established local ADI;

to the foreign corporation or one of the subsidiaries referred to in paragraph (b) (as the case may be) if the assets and liabilities are reasonably required to be so transferred for the proper organisation of the activities in Australia of the transferring corporation and the receiving corporation, following the grant of an ADI authority to the receiving corporation.

 (1) This Act applies only as provided in this section.

 (2) Subject to subsection (6), if:

 (a) an eligible local ADI is a subsidiary of a foreign corporation; and

 (b) the foreign corporation is an eligible foreign ADI; and

 (c) the eligible local ADI or one of its eligible subsidiaries (if any) is proposing to transfer, or transfers, an asset or liability to the foreign corporation;

this Act applies in relation to the transfer.

 (3) Subject to subsection (6), if:

 (a) an eligible local ADI is a subsidiary of a foreign corporation (parent corporation); and

 (b) the eligible local ADI or one of its eligible subsidiaries (if any) is proposing to transfer, or transfers, an asset or liability to an eligible foreign ADI that is a subsidiary of the parent corporation;

this Act applies in relation to the transfer.

 (4) Subject to subsection (6), if:

 (a) an eligible money market corporation is a subsidiary of a foreign corporation; and

 (b) the foreign corporation is an eligible foreign ADI; and

 (c) the eligible money market corporation or one of its eligible subsidiaries (if any) is proposing to transfer, or transfers, an asset or liability to the foreign corporation;

this Act applies in relation to the transfer.

 (5) Subject to subsection (6), if:

 (a) an eligible money market corporation is a subsidiary of a foreign corporation; and

 (b) the eligible money market corporation or one of its eligible subsidiaries (if any) is proposing to transfer, or transfers, an asset or liability to a newly established local ADI that is a whollyowned subsidiary (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001) of the foreign corporation;

this Act applies in relation to the transfer.

 (6) This Act applies in relation to the transfer of an asset or liability only if:

 (a) the Treasurer determines in writing that the transfer is reasonably required for the proper organisation of the activities in Australia of the transferring corporation and of the receiving corporation, following the grant of an ADI authority to the receiving corporation; and

 (b) within the prescribed period (see subsection (7)) in relation to the transfer, the transferring corporation gives notice in writing of the proposed transfer, identifying the asset or liability to be transferred, to:

 (i) the Treasurer; and

 (ii) if the law of a State or Territory requires that the transfer be registered—the person authorised under that law to register the transfer; and

 (c) the transfer is effected before 1 July 2006.

 (7) For the purposes of paragraph (6)(b), the prescribed period in relation to the transfer of an asset or liability is:

 (a) if the receiving corporation was in possession of an ADI authority on the day on which this Act commences—the period of 6 months from that day; or

 (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply—the period of 6 months from the day on which the receiving corporation is granted an ADI authority.

  This Act extends to every external Territory.


 (a) a financial corporation is proposing to transfer an asset or liability to another financial corporation; and

 (b) apart from this Act, the transferring corporation or receiving corporation would be required (whether under an instrument or otherwise):

 (i) to obtain the consent or approval of a third person in a particular respect; or

 (ii) to give particular information to a third person;

  before effecting the transfer of the asset or liability;

the transfer may be validly effected without the consent or approval being obtained, or the information given, as the case requires.

  If, apart from this section, a transferring corporation or a receiving corporation would be liable to pay a tax or fee under:

 (a) a law of the Commonwealth (other than the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); or

 (b) a law of a State or Territory;

in respect, or as a result, of the transfer of an asset or liability or in respect of the registration of such a transfer, that corporation is exempted from paying the tax or fee.

 (1) If, apart from this section, the transfer of an asset or liability from a financial corporation to another financial corporation would result in an acquisition of property from a person by one of those corporations otherwise than on just terms, there is payable to the person by that corporation such reasonable amount of compensation as is agreed on between the person and that corporation or, failing agreement, as is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

 (2) Any damages or compensation recovered or other remedy given in a proceeding that is commenced otherwise than under this section is to be taken into account in assessing compensation payable in a proceeding that is commenced under this section and arises out of the same event or transaction.

 (3) In this section:

acquisition of property and just terms have the same respective meanings as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

  The Treasurer may by signed instrument delegate his or her powers under paragraph 7(6)(a) to:

 (a) APRA (the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority); or

 (aa) an APRA member, within the meaning of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998; or

 (b) an APRA staff member, within the meaning of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998.

  The object of this Part is to provide income tax relief for transfers by modifying the effect of certain provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

 (1) An expression used in this Part and in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 has the same meaning in this Part as it has in that Act.

 (2) For the purposes of the application of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to a taxpayer, the provisions of this Part are to be treated as if they were provisions of that Act.

Tax treatment of transferring corporation

 (1) In determining:

 (a) whether an amount is included in the assessable income of the transferring corporation under section 25, 25A, 26BB, 26C, 82Y or 159GS of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 or 1515 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (b) whether an amount is allowable as a deduction to the transferring corporation under section 51, 52, 70B, 82Z or 159GS of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

in respect of a transfer of an asset, the transferring corporation is to be treated as if the transfer had not occurred.

Receiving corporation not entitled to a deduction for expenditure incurred in acquiring asset

 (2) A deduction is not allowable to the receiving corporation under section 51 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of expenditure incurred in the acquisition of an asset as the result of a transfer. However, this subsection does not apply to the acquisition of trading stock.

Receiving corporation to inherit transferring corporation’s cost base

 (3) If an asset is transferred, then, in determining:

 (a) whether an amount is included in the assessable income of the receiving corporation under section 25, 25A, 26BB, 26C or 82Y or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 or 155 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (b) whether an amount is allowable as a deduction to the receiving corporation under section 51, 52, 70B or 82Z or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

in respect of the holding, or any subsequent disposal, of the asset, the receiving corporation is to be treated as if it had acquired the asset for an amount equal to what would have been the asset’s cost base to the transferring corporation for the purposes of working out under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 whether the transferring corporation made a capital gain from the transfer.

Tax treatment of transferring corporation

 (1) In determining:

 (a) whether an amount is included in the assessable income of the transferring corporation under section 25 or 82Y of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (b) whether an amount is allowable as a deduction to the transferring corporation under section 51 or 82Z of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

in respect of a transfer of a liability, the transferring corporation is to be treated as if the transfer had not occurred.

Receiving corporation not assessable in respect of assumption of liability

 (2) An amount is not to be included in the assessable income of the receiving corporation under section 25 or 82Y of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the assumption of the liability as a result of the transfer.

Assumption of liability by receiving corporation

 (3) If a liability is transferred, then, in determining:

 (a) whether an amount is included in the assessable income of the receiving corporation under section 25 or 82Y or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (b) whether an amount is allowable as a deduction to the receiving corporation under section 51 or 82Z or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

in respect of the subsistence, or any subsequent transfer, of the liability, the receiving corporation is to be treated as if:

 (c) it had been paid or given consideration for the original transfer; and

 (d) the amount of the consideration were equal to the amount (if any) of the consideration paid or given to the transferring corporation in respect of the assumption by the transferring corporation of the liability.

Adjustment where security is transferred

 (1) If:

 (a) a security is transferred; and

 (b) either:

 (i) one or more amounts (other than periodic interest) are or were included in the transferring corporation’s assessable income under section 25 or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 65 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the security; or

 (ii) one or more amounts (other than periodic interest) are or were allowable as deductions to the transferring corporation under section 51 or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the security;

those Acts have effect as if the amount that, apart from this subsection, would have been the consideration paid or given by the receiving corporation in respect of the acquisition of the security as the result of the transfer were:

 (c) increased by the amount, or the sum of the amounts, covered by subparagraph (b)(i); and

 (d) reduced by the amount, or the sum of the amounts, covered by subparagraph (b)(ii).

Adjustment where liability under security is transferred

 (2) If:

 (a) a liability under a security is transferred; and

 (b) one or more amounts (other than periodic interest) are or were allowable as deductions to the transferring corporation under section 51 or Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the security;

those Acts have effect as if the amount that, apart from this subsection, would have been the consideration paid or given to the receiving corporation in respect of the assumption of the liability as the result of the transfer were increased by the amount, or the sum of the amounts, covered by paragraph (b).


 (3) In this section:

periodic interest has the same meaning as in Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

security has the same meaning as in Division 16E of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

  There is a rollover under Subdivision 126B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (which normally applies only to certain transfers between companies in the same whollyowned group) if:

 (a) the trigger event is a transfer to which this Act applies; and

 (b) the requirements of that Subdivision are met, disregarding:

 (i) subsections 12650(1), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of that Act; and

 (ii) section 12655 of that Act.

This is in addition to that Subdivision’s effect apart from this section.

  Parts 31 and 33 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 apply to an asset acquired by the receiving corporation as a result of a transfer as if the asset had, while it is an asset of the receiving corporation, the necessary connection with Australia.

 (1A) In addition to its effect apart from this section, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 also has the effect it would have if sections 170110 to 170145 (which are about transferring net capital losses within whollyowned company groups) of that Act were replaced by the provisions in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to this Act (which are a modified version of the rules in those sections) and the provisions in Part 2 of that Schedule were added at the end of Subdivision 170B of that Act.

 (1B) Subsection (1) does not enable a net capital loss to be transferred in the 199899 year of income or a later year of income.

 (1) In addition to its effect apart from this section, section 160ZP of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 also has the effect it would have if both of the changes set out in subsections (2) and (3) of this section were made.

 (2) The first change is that paragraphs 160ZP(7)(a), (b) and (ba) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 are to be replaced by the following paragraphs:

 “(a) assuming that:

 (i) an asset (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) had been transferred by a transferring corporation within the meaning of that Act (the loss company) to a receiving corporation within the meaning of that Act (the gain company) on the last day of a particular year of income of the loss company (the notional transfer year); and

 (ii) the requirements of paragraphs 7(6)(a) and (b) of that Act were satisfied in relation to that transfer;

  that Act would have applied to that transfer; and

 (b) the loss company incurred in respect of a year of income (the loss year) a net capital loss that, apart from this section, would be taken into account in ascertaining whether a net capital gain accrued to the loss company, or the loss company incurred a net capital loss, in respect of the next succeeding year of income; and

 (ba) the loss year is:

 (i) the year of income in which that Act commenced; or

 (ii) an earlier year of income; and

 (bb) both the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a year of income (the gain year) of the gain company:

 (i) either:

 (A) the gain year ends at the end of the notional transfer year; or

 (B) the gain year corresponds to the year of income of the loss company next following the notional transfer year;

 (ii) the gain year is:

 (A) the year of income in which that Act commenced; or

 (B) one of the 10 following years of income; and”.

 (3) The second change is that paragraphs 160ZP(7)(d) and (e) and subsection 160ZP(8) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 are to be omitted.

Trading stock on hand at beginning of year of income

 (1) If:

 (a) a transfer of trading stock occurred during a year of income of the transferring corporation; and

 (b) the trading stock was on hand at the beginning of that year of income;


 (c) section 28 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 7035 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 has effect as if the trading stock were not on hand at the beginning of the year of income; and

 (d) section 51 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 has effect as if:

 (i) the receiving corporation had incurred expenditure in the acquisition of the trading stock; and

 (ii) the amount of that expenditure were equal to the value of the trading stock as at the end of the immediately preceding year of income of the transferring corporation (being the value that applies for the purposes of section 31 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 7045 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and

 (iii) that expenditure had been so incurred immediately after the transfer; and

 (e) section 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and sections 7090 and 7095 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 do not apply in relation to the transfer of the trading stock.

Trading stock not on hand at beginning of year of income

 (2) If:

 (a) a transfer of trading stock occurred during a year of income of the transferring corporation; and

 (b) the trading stock was not on hand at the beginning of that year of income;


 (c) a deduction is not allowable under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to the transferring corporation in respect of expenditure incurred in the acquisition of the trading stock; and

 (d) section 51 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or section 81 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 has effect as if:

 (i) the receiving corporation had incurred expenditure in the acquisition of the trading stock; and

 (ii) the amount of that expenditure were equal to the amount of the expenditure mentioned in paragraph (c); and

 (iii) that expenditure had been so incurred immediately after the transfer; and

 (e) section 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and sections 7090 and 7095 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 do not apply in relation to the transfer of the trading stock.


 (1) In relation to a transfer of a debt, these rules about deductions for bad debts have effect as shown in the table:

 (a) section 2535 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

 (b) subsection 63(1A) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.


Effect of rules about deductions for bad debts



then those rules have effect as if:


the debt was included in the transferring corporation’s assessable income of a year of income

the debt had been included in the receiving corporation’s assessable income of that year of income


the debt is in respect of money lent by the transferring corporation in the ordinary course of its business of lending money

the debt were in respect of money lent by the receiving corporation in the ordinary course of a business of lending money


the transferring corporation bought the debt in the ordinary course of its business of lending money

the receiving corporation had bought the debt in the ordinary course of a business of lending money

Modification of tests for receiving corporation to deduct bad debt

 (2) In relation to a transfer of a debt, Subdivisions 165C, 166C and 175C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 have effect as if the debt had been incurred at the time of the transfer.

Note: Those Subdivisions are about companies deducting bad debts.

Easing of restrictions on transferring corporation

 (3) If:

 (a) this Act applies to one or more transfers of assets by the transferring corporation to the receiving corporation; and

 (b) an entity incurs a debt to the transferring corporation in a year of income (the debt year); and

 (c) the debt year is the income year in which this section (as originally enacted) commenced or an earlier income year; and

 (d) Subdivision 165C or 175C, or both, of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 prevent the transferring corporation from deducting an amount for the debt for an income year (the deduction year); and

 (e) the transferring corporation did not, at any time in the deduction year, derive income from:

 (i) a business of a kind that it did not carry on; or

 (ii) a transaction of a kind that it had not entered into in the course of its business operations;

  before the transfer, or the earliest of the transfers, occurred;

neither Subdivision 165C nor 175C of that Act prevents the transferring corporation from deducting that amount.

Note: Subdivision 165C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is about the conditions that a company needs to satisfy before it can deduct a bad debt.

 Subdivision 175C of that Act is about the Commissioner preventing a company from getting certain tax benefits through its unused bad debts.

Limit on deductions for partly writtenoff debt

 (4) If this Act applies to the transfer of a debt that has been partly written off, the maximum that the receiving corporation can deduct for the debt for one or more years of income under section 81 or 2535 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is worked out using the formula:


unrecouped deductions means the total of the amounts that the transferring corporation has deducted or can deduct for any year of income under:

 (a) section 81 or 2535 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (b) section 51 or 63 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936;

reduced by the total of any amounts included in its assessable income in respect of the debt under:

 (c) Subdivision 20A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or

 (d) subsection 63(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

 (1) In addition to its effect apart from this section, section 128F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 also has the effect it would have if the change set out in subsection (2) of this section were made.

 (2) The change is that paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) of section 128F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (being that section in the form that applies under item 16 of Schedule 5 to the Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997) are to be replaced by the following paragraphs:

 “(a) the liability to pay the interest was transferred to the company by another company (the transferor);

 (b) the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 applies to the transfer;

 (c) before the transfer, this section applied to interest paid by the transferor in discharge of the liability;

 (ca) the transferor issued the debentures;

 (cb) the debentures were issued on or before 18 June 1993;

 (cc) the interest was not paid in respect of a debenture resulting from a ‘rollover’, after 18 June 1993, of the whole or a part of a previous debenture;

 (cd) the interest was not paid in respect of the period of extension of the period of a debenture, being an extension occurring after 18 June 1993;”.

 (1A) This section does not enable a right to a deduction for an amount of a loss to be transferred in the 199798 year of income or a later year of income.

 (1) In addition to its effect apart from this section, section 80G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 also has the effect it would have if all of the changes set out in subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section were made.

 (2) The first change is that paragraphs 80G(6)(a), (b) and (ba) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 are to be replaced by the following paragraphs:

 “(a) assuming that:

 (i) an asset (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) had been transferred by a transferring corporation within the meaning of that Act (the loss company) to a receiving corporation within the meaning of that Act (the income company) on the last day of a particular year of income of the loss company (the notional transfer year); and

 (ii) the requirements of paragraphs 7(6)(a) and (b) of that Act were satisfied in relation to that transfer;

  that Act would have applied to that transfer; and

 (b) the loss company is taken to have incurred a loss for the purposes of section 79E or 80 in a year of income (the loss year); and

 (ba) the loss year is:

 (i) the year of income in which that Act commenced; or

 (ii) an earlier year of income; and

 (bb) both the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a year of income (the income year) of the income company:

 (i) either:

 (A) the income year ends at the end of the notional transfer year; or

 (B) the income year corresponds to the year of income of the loss company next following the notional transfer year;

 (ii) the income year is:

 (A) the year of income in which that Act commenced; or

 (B) one of the 10 following years of income; and”.

 (3) The second change is that paragraphs 80G(6)(d) and (e) and subsections 80G(7), (8), (10) and (14) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 are to be omitted.

 (4) The third change is that paragraphs 80G(6)(f) and (g) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 are to be replaced by the following paragraphs:

 “(f) if the loss year is the same year of income as the income year—the year of income immediately preceding the loss year; or

 (g) if the income year is a year of income later than the loss year—the loss year.”.

 (1) This section applies if, under subsection 80G(6) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (as that subsection has effect because of this Division), a loss, or a part of a loss, is taken to have been incurred by the income company in a particular year of income (the normal year).

 (2) For the purposes of the application of section 80A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to the income company, the loss, or the part of the loss, as the case may be, is to be treated as if it had been incurred in the income year instead of in the normal year.

 (3) In this section:

income company has the same meaning as in section 80G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (as that section has effect because of this Division).

income year has the same meaning as in section 80G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (as that section has effect because of this Division).

 (1) If:

 (a) this Act applies to one or more transfers by the transferring corporation to the receiving corporation; and

 (b) the transferring corporation is taken (otherwise than because of section 80G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) to have incurred a loss in a year of income (the loss year) for the purposes of section 79E, 79F, 80, 80AAA or 80AA of that Act; and

 (c) the loss year is the year of income in which this section commenced or an earlier year of income; and

 (d) section 80A or 80DA, or both, of that Act prevent a deduction from being allowable under that Act to the transferring corporation for a year of income (the deduction year) in respect of that loss; and

 (e) the transferring corporation did not, at any time in the deduction year, derive income from:

 (i) a business of a kind that it did not carry on; or

 (ii) a transaction of a kind that it had not entered into in the course of its business operations;

  before the transfer, or the earliest of the transfers, occurred;

sections 80A and 80DA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 do not prevent a deduction from being allowable to the transferring corporation in respect of that loss.

 (2) This section does not apply to assessments for the 199798 year of income and later years of income.

  This Subdivision applies to assessments for the 199798 income year or a later income year.

  In addition to its effect apart from this section, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 also has the effect it would have if Subdivision 170A (which is about transferring tax losses within whollyowned company groups) of that Act were replaced by Subdivision 170A (which is a modified version of the rules in that Subdivision) in Schedule 1 to this Act.

 (1) If:

 (a) this Act applies to one or more transfers by the transferring corporation to the receiving corporation; and

 (b) the transferring corporation is taken (otherwise than because of a transfer of a tax loss under section 80G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or Subdivision 170A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) to have incurred a tax loss for a year of income (the loss year); and

 (c) the loss year is the income year in which section 26 of this Act commenced or an earlier income year; and

 (d) Subdivision 165A or 175A, or both, of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 prevent the transferring corporation from deducting an amount of that tax loss for an income year (the deduction year); and

 (e) the transferring corporation did not, at any time in the deduction year, derive income from:

 (i) a business of a kind that it did not carry on; or

 (ii) a transaction of a kind that it had not entered into in the course of its business operations;

  before the transfer, or the earliest of the transfers, occurred;

neither Subdivision 165A nor 175A of that Act prevents the transferring corporation from deducting that amount.

Note: Subdivision 165A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is about the conditions that a company needs to satisfy before it can deduct a tax loss from an earlier income year.

 Subdivision 175A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is about the Commissioner preventing a company from getting certain tax benefits through its unused tax losses.

 (2) Subsection (1) operates on the basis described in subsection (3) if:

 (a) the head company of a consolidated group or MEC group incurred a tax loss because of Subdivision 707A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and

 (b) the company (the real lossmaker) that incurred the tax loss apart from that Subdivision is a member of the group in the deduction year; and

 (c) disregarding section 7011 (the single entity rule) of that Act, this Act applies to one or more transfers by the real lossmaker to the receiving corporation.

Note: In certain cases, Subdivision 707A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 treats the head company of a consolidated group or MEC as incurring a tax loss actually incurred by an entity that becomes a member of the group.

 (3) Subsection (1) operates as if:

 (a) the head company were the transferring corporation in relation to each transfer described in paragraph (1)(a) and this Act applied to each of those transfers; and

 (b) the head company incurred the tax loss for the income year for which the real lossmaker incurred it (apart from Subdivision 707A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and

 (c) each reference in that subsection to Subdivision 165A of that Act were a reference to that Subdivision as its operation is affected by Subdivision 707B of that Act, and by Subdivision 719F of that Act (if relevant).

Note 1: Subdivision 707B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the operation of Subdivision 165A of that Act in relation to the deduction of a tax loss incurred by the head company of a consolidated group or MEC group because of Subdivision 707A of that Act.

Note 2: Subdivision 719F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the operation of Subdivision 165A of that Act in relation to the deduction of a tax loss incurred by the head company of a MEC group because of Subdivision 707A of that Act.

 (4) An expression used in this section and in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 has the same meaning in this section as it has in that Act. This subsection does not apply to the expressions deduction year, loss year, this Act and transfer.

 (1) This section applies if an interest in a partnership is transferred.

 (2) For the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the transfer does not affect the continuity of the partnership.

Schedule 1Tax losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997


Subdivision 170A—Transfer of tax losses from a transferring corporation to a receiving corporation

Guide to Subdivision 170A

A transferring corporation (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) can transfer a tax loss to a receiving corporation (within the meaning of that Act) so that the receiving corporation can deduct it. The corporations must be related in such a way that that Act would apply to a transfer of assets from the transferring corporation to the receiving corporation.

Table of sections

1705 Basic principles for transferring tax losses

Effect of transferring a tax loss

17010 When a company can transfer a tax loss

17015 Income company is taken to have incurred transferred loss

17020 Who can deduct transferred loss

17023 When income company must maintain same owners and control

17025 Tax treatment of payment for transferred tax loss


Conditions for transfer

17028 The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 must apply to asset transfer from loss company to income company

17032 The loss year

17033 The transfer year

17035 The loss company

17050 Transfer by written agreement

17055 Losses must be transferred in order they are incurred

17060 Income company cannot transfer transferred tax loss

Effect of agreement to transfer more than can be transferred

17065 Agreement transfers as much as can be transferred

17070 Amendment of assessments

Special rules for transfer from head company of consolidated group or MEC group

17075  Transfer of a tax loss incurred by the head company because of Subdivision 707A

1705  Basic principles for transferring tax losses

 (1) A transferring corporation (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) can transfer a tax loss to a receiving corporation (within the meaning of that Act) so that the receiving corporation can deduct it.

 (2) The corporations must be related in such a way that that Act would apply to a transfer of assets from the transferring corporation to the receiving corporation.

 (3) The receiving corporation need not have enough assessable income to offset the transferred tax loss.

 (4) The tax loss is transferred by an agreement between the 2 corporations.

 (5) Special rules extend the scope of this Subdivision to let the head company of a consolidated group or MEC group transfer in some cases a tax loss the company incurred because of Subdivision 707A. The rules do this by modifying the basis on which other provisions of this Subdivision operate.

Effect of transferring a tax loss

17010  When a corporation can transfer a tax loss

 (1) A transferring corporation within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 (the loss company) can transfer an amount of its *tax loss for an income year of the loss company (the loss year) to a receiving corporation within the meaning of that Act (the income company) if the conditions in this Subdivision are met.

 (2) The amount transferred can be the whole or part of the *tax loss.

Note: A PDF cannot transfer a tax loss, except one for a period before it became a PDF: see section 19510.

 (3) However, the *loss company cannot transfer so much of the *tax loss as the loss company has deducted, or can deduct, for an income year before the one in which the amount is transferred.

17015  Income company is taken to have incurred transferred loss

 (1) If an amount of a *tax loss is transferred, the *amount is taken to be a tax loss incurred by the *income company in the *loss year.

 (2) However, if the *loss year is the same as the income year of the *income company for which the amount is transferred (the transfer year), the *income company is taken to have incurred the *tax loss in the income year before the loss year.

Note: This rule is needed because Division 36 allows a tax loss to be deducted only if it was incurred in an earlier income year.

17020  Who can deduct transferred loss

 (1) If an amount of a *tax loss is transferred, the *income company can deduct the amount in accordance with section 3615 (which is about how to deduct a tax loss), but only if Subdivision 165A (as modified by section 17023) and Subdivision 175A do not prevent it from doing so.

Note: Subdivision 165A is about the conditions that a company needs to satisfy before it can deduct a tax loss from an earlier income year.

 Subdivision 175A is about the Commissioner preventing a company from getting certain tax benefits through its unused tax losses.

 (2) The *loss company can no longer deduct the transferred amount and is taken not to have incurred the *tax loss to the extent of that amount.

17023  When income company must maintain same owners and control

 (1) Ordinarily, Subdivision 165A prevents a company from deducting for an income year (the deduction year) a tax loss if there has been a change in the ownership or control of the company between the loss year and the deduction year.

Note: Subdivision 165A is about the conditions that a company needs to satisfy before it can deduct a tax loss from an earlier income year.

 (2) However, subsection (3) modifies that Subdivision so that the *income company is prevented from deducting for the deduction year a transferred amount of a *tax loss only if there has been a change in ownership or control in the income company between the transfer year and the deduction year.

 (3) That Subdivision applies to the transferred amount as if all references to “*loss year” in that Subdivision were references to “*transfer year”.

17025  Tax treatment of consideration for transferred tax loss

 (1) If the loss company receives any consideration from the income company for the amount of the tax loss:

 (a) that consideration is neither assessable income nor exempt income of the loss company; and

 (b) the loss company does not make a capital gain because of the receipt of the consideration.

Note: However, the consideration may affect how section 170210 modifies the cost base of direct and indirect interests in the loss company.

 (2) If the income company gives any consideration to the loss company for the amount of the tax loss:

 (a) the income company cannot deduct the amount or value of the consideration; and

 (b) the income company does not make a capital loss because of the giving of the consideration.

Note: However, the consideration may affect how section 170215 modifies the cost base of direct and indirect interests in the income company.

Conditions for transfer

17028  Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 must apply to asset transfer from loss company to income company

  If it were assumed that:

 (a) an asset (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) had been transferred by the *loss company to the *income company on the last day of a particular income year of the *loss company (the notional transfer year); and

 (b) the requirements of paragraphs 7(6)(a) and (b) of that Act were satisfied in relation to that transfer;

then it must be the case that that Act would have applied to that transfer.


17032  The loss year

  The *loss year must be either:

 (a) the income year in which the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 commenced; or

 (b) an earlier income year.

17033  The transfer year

 (1) The *transfer year must either:

 (a) end at the end of the *notional transfer year; or

 (b) correspond to the income year of the *loss company that next follows the *notional transfer year.

 (2) Also, the *transfer year must be one of the 10 income years after the income year in which the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 commenced.

17035  The loss company

  If the *loss year and the *transfer year are the same, it must be the case that the *loss company was not required to calculate the *tax loss under section 16570 or 17535.

17050  Transfer by written agreement

 (1) The transfer must be made by a written agreement between the *loss company and the *income company.

 (2) The agreement must:

 (a) specify the *transfer year (which may be earlier than the income year in which the agreement is made); and

 (b) specify the amount of the *tax loss being transferred; and

 (c) be signed by the public officer of each company; and

 (d) be made on or before the day of lodgment of the *income company’s *income tax return for the *transfer year, or within such further time as the Commissioner allows.

Note: The agreement will usually be made in the next income year after the one in which the tax loss is transferred.

17055  Losses must be transferred in order they are incurred

 (1) If the *loss company has 2 or more *tax losses (other than *film losses) that it can transfer in the *transfer year, it can transfer them only in the order in which it incurred them.

 (2) If the *loss company has 2 or more *film losses that it can transfer in the *transfer year, it can transfer them only in the order in which it incurred them.

17060  Income company cannot transfer transferred tax loss

  The *income company cannot transfer an amount of a *tax loss transferred to it, or any part of the amount.

Effect of agreement to transfer more than can be transferred

17065  Agreement transfers as much as can be transferred

 (1) If the amount specified in an agreement exceeds the maximum amount that the *loss company can transfer to the *income company in the *transfer year, only that maximum amount is taken to have been transferred.

 (2) One reason why an agreement might specify more than can be transferred is that an assessment has been amended since the agreement.

17070  Amendment of assessments

  The Commissioner may amend an assessment to disallow a deduction for a transferred amount of a *tax loss:

 (a) if the agreement to transfer the tax loss is ineffective because the *loss company did not actually incur the loss; or

 (b) to the extent that section 17065 reduces the transferred amount of a tax loss because the loss company did not actually incur some of it.

The Commissioner may do so despite section 170 (Amendment of assessments) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

Special rules for transfer from head company of consolidated group or MEC group

17075  Transfer of a tax loss incurred by the head company because of Subdivision 707A

 (1) The other sections of this Subdivision operate in relation to the actual or proposed transfer of a *tax loss on the basis described in this section if:

 (a) the *head company of a *consolidated group or *MEC group incurred the tax loss because of Subdivision 707A; and

 (b) the company (the real lossmaker) that incurred the tax loss apart from Subdivision 707A is a *member of the group at the end of the income year for which it is proposed to transfer the loss under this Subdivision.

 (2) The other sections of this Subdivision, except section 17028, operate as if:

 (a) the *head company were a transferring corporation within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993; and

 (b) the head company had incurred the *tax loss for the income year for which the real lossmaker incurred the tax loss (apart from Subdivision 707A).

Note: This has the effect that (because of subsection 17010(1)) those sections operate as if the head company were the loss company and the loss year were the income year for which the real lossmaker incurred the loss.

 (3) Section 17028 operates as if:

 (a) the real lossmaker were the *loss company; and

 (b) section 7011 (the single entity rule) could not affect whether the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 would have applied to the transfer described in section 17028.

Schedule 2Net capital losses and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997


Effect of transferring a net capital loss

170110  When a corporation can transfer a net capital loss

 (1) A transferring corporation within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 (the loss company) can transfer an amount of its *net capital loss for an income year of the loss company (the capital loss year) to a receiving corporation within the meaning of that Act (the gain company) if the conditions in this Subdivision are met.

 (2) The amount transferred can be the whole or part of the *net capital loss.

Note: A PDF cannot transfer a net capital loss, except one for a period before it became a PDF: see section 19530 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

 (3) However, the *loss company cannot transfer so much of the *net capital loss as the loss company has applied, or can apply, in working out its *net capital gain or *net capital loss for an income year before the one in which the amount is transferred.

170115  Who can apply transferred loss

 (1) If an amount of a *net capital loss is transferred, the gain company can apply the amount in working out its *net capital gain for the income year of the gain company for which the amount is transferred or for a later income year. The income year for which the gain company applies the amount is called the application year.

Note: A company’s net capital gain or net capital loss for an income year is usually worked out under section 1025.

 (2) The loss company can no longer apply the transferred amount and is taken not to have made the *net capital loss to the extent of that amount.

170120  Gain company is taken to have made transferred loss

 (1) If an amount of a *net capital loss is transferred, the amount is taken to be a *net capital loss of the gain company for the capital loss year.

 (2) However, if the capital loss year is the same as the application year, the amount is taken to be a *capital loss of the gain company for the application year.

170125  Tax treatment of consideration for transferred net capital loss

 (1) If the loss company receives consideration from the gain company for the transferred amount:

 (a) the consideration is neither assessable income nor exempt income of the loss company; and

 (b) the loss company does not make a *capital gain because of receiving the consideration.

Note: However, the consideration may affect how section 170220 modifies the cost base of direct and indirect interests in the loss company.

 (2) If the gain company gives consideration to the loss company for the transferred amount:

 (a) the gain company cannot deduct the consideration; and

 (b) the gain company does not make a *capital loss because of giving the consideration.

Note: However, the consideration may affect how section 170225 modifies the cost base of direct and indirect interests in the gain company.

Conditions for transfer

170128  Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 must apply to asset transfer from loss company to gain company

  If it were assumed that:

 (a) an asset (within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993) had been transferred by the loss company to the gain company on the last day of a particular income year of the loss company (the notional transfer year); and

 (b) the requirements of paragraphs 7(6)(a) and (b) of that Act were satisfied in relation to that transfer;

then it must be the case that that Act would have applied to that transfer.

170132  The loss year

  The *loss year must be either:

 (a) the income year in which the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 commenced; or

 (b) an earlier income year.

170133  The transfer year

 (1) The *transfer year must either:

 (a) end at the end of the *notional transfer year; or

 (b) correspond to the income year of the *loss company that next follows the *notional transfer year.

 (2) Also, the *transfer year must be one of the 10 income years after the income year in which the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 commenced.

170135  The loss company

 (1) It must be the case that the loss company was not required to calculate the *net capital loss:

 (a) under section 165114 (because of a change in ownership or control); or

 (b) under section 17575 (because of an injected capital gain or loss).

 (2) Also, it must be the case that neither Subdivision 165CA nor Subdivision 175CA would have prevented the loss company from applying the *net capital loss in working out its *net capital gain for the application year if it had made enough capital gains in that year.

Note 1: Subdivision 165CA deals with the consequences of changing ownership or control of a company. Subdivision 175CA deals with using a company’s net capital losses to avoid income tax.

Note 2: A company’s net capital gain or net capital loss for an income year is usually worked out under section 1025.

170140  The gain company

 (1) If the capital loss year and the application year are not the same, the gain company must not be prevented by Subdivision 165CA or 175CA from applying the transferred amount in working out its *net capital gain for the application year.

Note 1: Subdivision 165CA deals with the consequences of changing ownership or control of a company. Subdivision 175CA deals with using a company’s net capital losses to avoid income tax.

Note 2: A company’s net capital gain or net capital loss for an income year is usually worked out under section 1025.

 (2) If the capital loss year and the application year are the same, it must be the case that the gain company was not required to calculate its own *net capital gain or *net capital loss for the application year:

 (a) under Subdivision 165CB (because of a change in ownership or control); or

 (b) under section 17575 (because of an injected capital gain or loss).

Note: In deciding whether paragraph (b) applies, remember that the transferred amount is taken to be a capital loss of the gain company for the application year (because of subsection 170120(2)).

170145  Maximum amount that can be transferred

Loss company can only transfer what it cannot use itself

 (1) The amount transferred cannot exceed the amount of the loss company’s *net capital loss that, apart from the transfer, the loss company would carry forward to the next income year after the application year.

Note: If the capital loss year and the application year are the same, the loss company would carry forward the whole of the net capital loss, because section 1025 does not allow a net capital loss to be applied in the income year in which it was made.

Example: In the application year the loss company has:

 Of the $25,000 loss, the loss company can transfer to the gain company no more than:

Part 2—Addition of provisions at the end of Subdivision 170B


Special rules for transfer from head company of consolidated group or MEC group

170175  Transfer of a net capital loss made by the head company because of Subdivision 707A

 (1) The other sections of this Subdivision operate in relation to the actual or proposed transfer of a *net capital loss on the basis described in this section if:

 (a) the *head company of a *consolidated group or *MEC group made the net capital loss because of Subdivision 707A; and

 (b) the company (the real lossmaker) that made the net capital loss apart from Subdivision 707A is a *member of the group at the end of the income year for which it is proposed to transfer the loss under this Subdivision.

 (2) The other sections of this Subdivision, except section 170128, operate as if:

 (a) the *head company were a transferring corporation within the meaning of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993; and

 (b) the head company had made the *net capital loss for the income year for which the real lossmaker made the net capital loss (apart from Subdivision 707A).

Note: This has the effect that (because of subsection 170110(1)) those sections operate as if the head company were the loss company and the capital loss year were the income year for which the real lossmaker made the loss.

 (3) Section 170128 operates as if:

 (a) the real lossmaker were the *loss company; and

 (b) section 7011 (the single entity rule) could not affect whether the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 would have applied to the transfer described in section 17028.

 (4) Subsection 170135(2) operates as if the reference in it to Subdivision 165CA were a reference to that Subdivision as it operates given the effect of Subdivision 707B, and Subdivision 719F if relevant, on the operation of Subdivision 165A.

Note: Subdivision 165CA determines whether a net capital loss can be applied by reference to whether Subdivision 165A would permit the deduction of a tax loss for the same income year as the net capital loss. Subdivisions 707B and 719F affect the operation of Subdivision 165A in relation to losses made by a company because of Subdivision 707A.

Notes to the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993

Note 1

The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 as shown in this compilation comprises Act No. 97, 1993 amended as indicated in the Tables below.

For application, saving or transitional provisions made by the Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001, see Act No. 55, 2001.

For all relevant other information pertaining to application, saving or transitional provisions see Table A.

Table of Acts


and year

of Assent

Date of commencement

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993

97, 1993

22 Dec 1993

22 Dec 1993


Income Tax (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997

39, 1997

17 Apr 1997

1 July 1997

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997

95, 1997

30 June 1997

S. 4 and Schedule 5 (items 14–16): Royal Assent(a)

S. 4 and Sch. 5 (items 15, 16)

Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997

107, 1997

30 June 1997

Schedule 4 (items 1, 1A): 22 Dec 1996 (b)
Schedule 4 (item 2): Royal Assent (b)

S. 2(2A) (ad. by 24, 2000, Sch. 5 [item 2])

as amended by





Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000

24, 2000

3 Apr 2000

Schedule 5 (items 2, 4): 30 June 1997 (c)

Tax Law Improvement Act 1997


8 July 1997

Section 4:Royal Assent (d)
Schedule 2 (items 38, 39): (d)
Schedule 5 (items 95–99): (d)
Schedule 8 (item 52): (d)

S. 4 and Sch. 5 (item 99)

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998

16, 1998

16 Apr 1998

Schedule 9: Royal Assent (e)

Sch. 9 (item 2)

Tax Law Improvement Act (No. 1) 1998

46, 1998

22 June 1998

Schedule 2 (items 540–545): (f)
Schedule 3 (items 22–24): (f)

S. 4, Sch. 2 (item 545) and Sch. 3 (item 24)

Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998

48, 1998

29 June 1998

Schedule 1 (items 48–63): 1 July 1998 (see Gazette, 1998, No. S316) (g)

Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1998

54, 1998

29 June 1998

Schedule 18 (item 46): 1 July 1998 (see Gazette 1998, No. S316) (h)

New Business Tax System (Integrity and Other Measures) Act 1999

169, 1999

10 Dec 1999

Schedule 5 (items 16–19): 22 Feb 1999 (i)

Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000

24, 2000

3 Apr 2000

Schedule 4 (items 1, 3): 1 July 1998 (j)
Schedule 4 (items 2, 4–6,
8–11): 22 Dec 1998 (j)
Schedule 4 (item 7): Royal Assent (j)
Schedule 12 (items 1–3): 3 Apr 2000 (j)

Sch. 12 (items 1–3)

Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001

55, 2001

28 June 2001

Ss. 4–14 and Schedule 3 (items 187–189): 15 July 2001 (see Gazette 2001, No. S285) (k)

Ss. 4–14

Financial Sector (Collection of Data—Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2001

121, 2001

24 Sept 2001

Ss. 1–3: Royal Assent
Remainder: 1 July 2002 (see s. 2(2) and Gazette 2002 No. GN24)

Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Amendment Act 2002

33, 2002

30 May 2002

1 July 2001

New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act (No. 1) 2002

117, 2002

2 Dec 2002

Schedule 14 (items 1, 2): (l)

New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act) 2003

16, 2003

11 Apr 2003

Schedule 20 (items 1–8): (m)

Sch. 20 (item 8)

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment Act 2003

42, 2003

24 June 2003

Schedules 1–3: 1 July 2003 (see Gazette 2003, No. S230)
Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch. 3

(a) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 5 (item 14) only of the Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

(b) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 4 only of the Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997, subsections 2(1) and (2A) of which provide follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

 (2A) Items 1 and 1A of Schedule 4 are taken to have commenced on 22 December 1996.

(c) The Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997 was amended by Schedule 5 (items 2 and 4) only of the Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000, subsection 2(5) of which provides as follows:

 (5) Items 2 and 4 of Schedule 5 are taken to have commenced on 30 June 1997, immediately after the commencement of section 2 of the Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997.

(d) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 2 (items 38 and 39), Schedule 5 (items 95–98) and Schedule 8 (item 52) only of the Tax Law Improvement Act 1997, subsections 2(1)–(3) of which provide as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

  (2) Schedule 1 commences on 1 July 1997 immediately after the commencement of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

 (3) Each of the other Schedules (except Schedule 12) commences immediately after the commencement of the immediately preceding Schedule.

(e) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 9 only of the Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

(f) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 2 (items 540–544) and Schedule 3 (items 22, 23) only of the Tax Law Improvement Act (No. 1) 1998, subsections 2(1)–(3) of which provide as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

 (2) Schedule 2 (except item 3 of it) commences immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1.

  (3) Schedule 3 commences immediately after the commencement of Schedule 2 (except item 4 of it).

Schedule 1 commenced on 22 June 1998.

(g)  The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 48–63) only of the Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

 (2) Subject to subsections (3) to (14), Schedules 1, 2 and 3 commence on the commencement of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998.

(h) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 18 (item 46) only of the Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1998, subsection 2(2)(p) of which provides as follows:

 (2) The following provisions of this Act commence on the commencement of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998:

(p) Schedule 18, other than the items amending the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998.

(i) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 5 (items 16–19) only of the New Business Tax System (Integrity and Other Measures) Act 1999, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

 (2) Schedule 5 is taken to have commenced on 22 February 1999.

(j) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 4 only of the Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000, subsections 2(1), (3), (4), (5) (12) and (13) of which provide as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

  (3) Items 1 and 3 of Schedule 4 are taken to have commenced on 1 July 1998, immediately after the commencement of items 51 and 58 of Schedule 1 to the Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998.

 (4) Items 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Schedule 4 are taken to have commenced on 22 December 1998.

 (5) Items 2 and 4 of Schedule 5 are taken to have commenced on 30 June 1997, immediately after the commencement of section 2 of the Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997.

 (12) Part 1 of Schedule 12 commences:

 (a) after all of the Acts listed in subsection (13) have received the Royal Assent; and

 (b) on the day that is the last day on which any of those Acts received the Royal Assent.

 (13) These are the relevant Acts for the purposes of paragraph (12)(a):

 (a) this Act;

 (b) each of the Acts referred to in the definition of Validation Act in item 1 of Schedule 12 to this Act.

(k) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 3 (items 187–189) only of the Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001, subsection 2(3) of which provides as follows:

 (3) Subject to subsections (4) to (10), Schedule 3 commences, or is taken to have commenced, at the same time as the Corporations Act 2001.

(l) The Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 was amended by Schedule 14 (items 1 and 2) only of the New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act (No. 1) 2002, subsection 2(1) (item 9) of which provides as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the day or at the time specified in column 2 of the table.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




9.  Schedules 6 to 15

Immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the New Business Tax System (Consolidation, Value Shifting, Demergers and Other Measures) Act 2002

24 October 2002


(m) Subsection 2(1) (item 13) of the New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2003 provides as follows:





13.  Schedules 20 to 23

Immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act (No. 1) 2002

24 October 2002


Table of Amendments

ad. = added or inserted     am. = amended      rep. = repealed      rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

S. 3....................

am. No. 107, 1997 (as am. by No. 24, 2000); Nos. 46 and 48, 1998; No. 24, 2000; Nos. 55 and 121, 2001; No. 33, 2002

S. 4....................

am. No. 24, 2000; No. 121, 2001

S. 6....................

am. No. 48, 1998; No. 55, 2001

S. 7....................

am. No. 107, 1997; No. 48, 1998; No. 24, 2000; No. 55, 2001; No. 33, 2002

S. 10...................

am. No. 39, 1997

S. 12...................

am. No. 54, 1998; No. 42, 2003

S. 13...................

am. No. 39, 1997

S. 15...................

am. Nos. 39 and 121, 1997; No. 46, 1998

Ss. 16, 17................

am. No. 39, 1997

S. 18...................

rs. No. 46, 1998


am. No. 117, 2002

S. 19...................

rs. No. 46, 1998

Heading to s. 20...........

rs. No. 46, 1998

S. 20...................

am. No. 46, 1998; No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002; No. 16, 2003

S. 21...................

am. Nos. 39 and 121, 1997

S. 22...................

am. No. 121, 1997; No. 16, 1998

S. 23...................

am. No. 95, 1997

Heading to Subdiv. A of
Div. 8

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 24...................

am. No. 39, 1997; No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002

S. 26...................

am. No. 39, 1997

Subdiv. B of Div. 8
(ss. 26A–26C)

ad. No. 39, 1997

Ss. 26A, 26B.............

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 26C..................

ad. No. 39, 1997


am. No. 16, 2003

Schedule 1...............

ad. No. 39, 1997


am. No. 169, 1999; No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002; No. 16, 2003

S. 1701 .......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 1705 .......

ad. No. 39, 1997


am. No. 16, 2003

S. 17010 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17015 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17020 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17023 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17025 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997


rs. No. 169, 1999

S. 17028 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17032 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17033 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997


am. No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002

S. 17035 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17050 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17055 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17060 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17065 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17070 ......

ad. No. 39, 1997

S. 17075......

ad. No. 16, 2003

Schedule 2...............

ad. No. 46, 1998


am. No. 169, 1999; No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002; No. 16, 2003

Heading to Part 1.......

ad. No. 16, 2003

S. 170110 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170115 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170120 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

Heading to s. 170125  

am. No. 169, 1999

S. 170125 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998


am. No. 169, 1999

S. 170128 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170132 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170133 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998


am. No. 24, 2000; No. 33, 2002

S. 170135 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170140 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998

S. 170145 .....

ad. No. 46, 1998


am. No. 169, 1999

Part 2................

ad. No. 16, 2003

S. 170175.....

ad. No. 16, 2003

Table A

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1997 (No. 95, 1997)

4  Amendment of income tax assessments

Section 170 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 does not prevent the amendment of an assessment made before the commencement of this section for the purposes of giving effect to this Act.

Schedule 5

15  Application of amendments to post1995 debentures

The amendments made by this Part apply in respect of a debenture issued on or after 1 January 1996.

16  Transitional—continued application of old law to precommencement debentures

Without limiting item 15, if:

 (a) a debenture was issued on or after 1 January 1996 but before the commencement of this Part; and

 (b) assuming section 128F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 had not been amended by this Part, that section would apply in respect of interest paid in respect of the debenture;


 (c) that section applies in respect of the interest as if the section had not been so amended; and

 (d) section 159GZL of that Act applies in respect of the interest as if it had not been amended by this Part.


Tax Law Improvement Act 1997 (No. 121, 1997)

4  Application of amendments

An amendment made by an item in a Schedule (except Schedule 1) applies to assessments for the 199798 income year and later income years, unless otherwise indicated in that Schedule.

Schedule 5

99  Application of amendments

 (1) The amendments of section 21 of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 apply in relation to years of income after the 199697 year of income.

 (2) However, the amendments of paragraphs 21(1)(e) and (2)(e) apply in relation to years of income after the 199596 year of income.


Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 1) 1998 (No. 16, 1998)

Schedule 9

2  Application of amendment

The amendment made by item 1 applies to assessments for the 199798 year of income and later years of income.


Tax Law Improvement Act (No. 1) 1998 (No. 46, 1998)

4  Application of amendments

An amendment made by an item in a Schedule (except an item in Schedule 1 or in Part 1 of any of Schedules 2 to 8) applies to assessments for the 199899 income year and later income years, unless otherwise indicated in the Schedule in which the item appears.

Schedule 2

545  Application

The amendment made by item 541 applies to a transfer in the 199899 income year or a later income year.

Schedule 3

24  Application

The amendment made by item 23 applies to assessments for the 199798 year of income and later years of income.


Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000 (No. 24, 2000)

Schedule 12

1  Definitions

In this Part:

Collection Act means the Financial Institutions Supervisory Levies Collection Act 1998.

deferred payment day means the day that is 6 weeks after the day on which this Part commences.

Imposition Act means any of the following Acts:

 (a) the Authorised Nonoperating Holding Companies Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998;

 (b) the General Insurance Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998;

 (c) the Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998;

 (d) the Retirement Savings Account Providers Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998;

 (e) the Superannuation Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998.

levy paying entity has the same meaning as in the Collection Act.

Validation Act means any of the following Acts:

 (a) the Authorised Nonoperating Holding Companies Supervisory Levy Determination Validation Act 2000;

 (b) the General Insurance Supervisory Levy Determination Validation Act 2000;

 (c) the Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Determination Validation Act 2000;

 (d) the Retirement Savings Account Providers Supervisory Levy Determination Validation Act 2000;

 (e) the Superannuation Supervisory Levy Determination Validation Act 2000.

2  Deferral of date for paying levy

(1) This item applies to a levy paying entity if, because of section 4 of a Validation Act:

 (a) the entity is liable to pay levy imposed by an Imposition Act; and

 (b) the levy payable by the entity would, apart from this item, have been due and payable under section 9 of the Collection Act before the deferred payment day.

(2) The levy payable by the entity is taken to be due and payable on the deferred payment day, despite section 9 of the Collection Act.

Note: This provision affects the calculation of late payment penalty (if any) under section 10 of the Collection Act.

3  No retrospective criminal liability

Nothing in this Part or the Validation Acts is taken to make a person criminally liable in respect of acts or omissions of the person before the day on which this Part commences, if the person would not have been so liable had this Part and the Validation Acts not been enacted.


New Business Tax System (Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2003
(No. 16, 2003)

Schedule 20

8  Application

(1) The amendments of the Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993 made by this Schedule apply to assessments for the income year including 1 July 2002 and later income years.

(2) In this item:

income year has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment Act 2003
(No. 42, 2003)

Schedule 3

1  Definitions

In this Schedule:

amended Act means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 as in force after the commencement of the amendments.

commencement of the amendments means the commencement of the amendments made by Schedule 1.

old Act means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 as in force immediately before the commencement of the amendments.

2  APRA’s corporate existence is continued

(1) The body corporate that was, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) continues in existence after that commencement by force of this item under the corporate structure provided for by the amended Act.

Note: Rights, liabilities and obligations as between APRA and other people, and things done by or on behalf of APRA, or in relation to APRA, are therefore not affected by the restructure of APRA.

(2) However, this does not imply that any person who, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, was a member of APRA’s Board, or was APRA’s Chief Executive Officer, continues to hold office after that commencement.

Note: These people cease to hold office on the commencement of the amendments because of the repeal of the provisions under which they were appointed.

3  Continued protection from liability

Section 58 of the old Act continues to apply in relation to conduct, before the commencement of the amendments, of APRA’s Board, a member of APRA’s Board or an agent of a member of APRA’s Board.

Note: The reference to a member of APRA’s Board covers APRA’s Chief Executive Officer.

4  Continued effect of certain delegations

(1) A delegation in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under subsection 15(1) or (2) of the old Act continues to have effect after that commencement as if it were a delegation under APRA’s seal under that subsection of the amended Act. If the delegation was to one or more members of APRA’s Board, it continues to have effect as if it were a delegation to any APRA member.

(2) A direction in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under subsection 15(3) of the old Act continues to have effect after that commencement, in relation to a delegation to which subitem (1) applies, as if it were a direction given by APRA under that subsection of the amended Act.

(3) A delegation to one or more members of APRA’s Board in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under a provision amended by Schedule 2 continues to have effect after that commencement as if it were a delegation under the amended provision to any APRA member.

Note: Delegations in favour of APRA, or APRA staff members, are not affected by the Schedule 2 amendments.

5  Continued effect of determinations of terms and conditions for staff and consultants

A determination of terms and conditions in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under subsection 45(2) or 47(2) of the old Act continues to have effect after that commencement as if it were a determination by APRA under that subsection of the amended Act.

6  Continued effect of approvals under paragraph 56(5)(b)

An approval in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under paragraph 56(5)(b) of the old Act continues to have effect after that commencement as if it were an approval by APRA under that paragraph of the amended Act.

7  Continued or extended effect of certain regulations

(1) Regulations in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under paragraph (k) of the definition of Act covered by this section in subsection 56(1) of the old Act continue to have effect after that commencement as if they were made under paragraph (o) of the definition of prudential regulation framework law in subsection 3(1) of the amended Act, but only as that paragraph applies for the purposes of section 56 of the amended Act.

(2) Regulations in force, immediately before the commencement of the amendments, under paragraph 56(5)(a) of the old Act have effect after that commencement (in addition to the effect they continue to have for that paragraph of the amended Act) as if they were also made under subsection 10A(1) of the amended Act.

8  Delegations by ASIC to APRA staff members

(1) Subsection 102(2A) of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 has effect after the commencement of the amendments as if the reference in that subsection to the Chief Executive Officer of APRA were instead a reference to APRA.

(2) For the purposes of that subsection as it continues to have effect, an agreement to a delegation, in force under that subsection immediately before the commencement of the amendments, continues to have effect after that commencement as if it were given by APRA.