Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Social Security Act 1991

No. 46, 1991

Compilation No. 180

Compilation date: 14 November 2020

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 97, 2020

Registered: 25 November 2020

This compilation is in 5 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–660M

Volume 2: sections 660XAA–1067L

Volume 3: sections 1068–1260

 Schedule 1A

Volume 4: Endnotes 1–4

Volume 5: Endnote 5

Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Social Security Act 1991 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 14 November 2020 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Selfrepealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Chapter 2—Pensions, benefits and allowances

Part 2.12A—Mature age (pre1 July 1996) allowances

Division 1—Application of Part

660XAA Structure of Part

660XAB Time limits on claims of mature age allowance and grant of mature age partner allowance

Division 2—Qualification for mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

Subdivision A—Qualification for mature age allowance

660XBA Qualification for mature age allowance

660XBB Assurance of support

660XBC Person may be treated as unemployed

660XBE Unemployment due to industrial action

Subdivision B—Qualification for mature age partner allowance

660XBI Qualification for mature age partner allowance

660XBJ Assurance of support

Division 3—Payability of mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

Subdivision A—Payability of mature age allowance

660XCA Mature age allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

660XCF Multiple entitlement exclusion

660XCG Educational and other schemes exclusion

Subdivision B—Payability of mature age partner allowance

660XCI Mature age partner allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

660XCN Multiple entitlement exclusion

660XCO Educational schemes exclusion

660XCP Commonwealth funded employment program exclusion

Division 6—Rate of mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

660XFA How to work out a person’s mature age allowance or mature age partner allowance

Division 11—Bereavement payments

Subdivision A—Person receiving mature age allowance (death of partner)

660XKA Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

660XKB Continued payment of partner’s pension

660XKC Lump sum payable in some circumstances

660XKD Adjustment of person’s mature age allowance rate

660XKE Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision

660XKF Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

Subdivision B—Death of person receiving mature age allowance

660XKG Death of recipient

Subdivision C—Continuation of mature age partner allowance where partner dies

660XKH Continuation of mature age partner allowance for bereavement period

660XKI Continued mature age partner allowance rate

Subdivision D—Person receiving mature age partner allowance (death of partner)

660XKJ Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

660XKK Continued payment of partner’s allowance

660XKL Lump sum payable in some circumstances

660XKM Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision

660XKN Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

Part 2.12B—Mature age (post30 June 1996) allowance

Division 1—Application of Part

660YAA Application of Part

660YAB Time limits on claims for mature age allowance

Division 2—Qualification for mature age allowance

660YBA Qualification for mature age allowance

660YBB Assurance of support

Division 3—Payability of mature age allowance

660YCA Mature age allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

660YCF Multiple entitlement exclusion

660YCFA Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

660YCFB Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

660YCG Educational and other schemes exclusion

660YCH Maximum basic rate and remote area allowance not payable to CDEP Scheme participant

660YCI Exclusion for nonpayment period for job search allowance, newstart allowance or partner allowance

660YCJ Allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded

660YCK Value of assets of members of couples

660YCL Seasonal workers

Division 6—Rate of mature age allowance

660YFA How to work out a person’s mature age allowance

660YGI CDEP Scheme participant may accumulate mature age allowance

Division 11—Bereavement payments

Subdivision A—Preliminary

660YKA Surviving partner and deceased partner

Subdivision B—Continuation of mature age allowance following death of recipient’s partner

660YKB Continuation of mature age allowance for bereavement period

Subdivision C—Bereavement payments for person receiving mature age allowance following death of the person’s partner

660YKC Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

660YKD Continued payment of deceased partner’s previous entitlement

660YKE Lump sum payable in some circumstances

660YKF Effect of death of surviving partner

660YKG Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

Subdivision D—Bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

660YKH Calculation of bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

Part 2.13A—Education entry payment

Division 1—Recipients of pension PP (single)

665A Payment to recipient of pension PP (single)

665B Amount of section 665A payment

665C Need for claim

Division 2—Recipients of disability support pension

665E Payment to a disability support pensioner

665F Amount of section 665E payment

665G Need for claim

Division 4—Special benefit recipients

665M Payment to a special benefit recipient

665N Amount of section 665M payment

665P Need for claim

Division 6—Jobseeker payment recipients

665U Payment to recipient

665V Amount of section 665U payment

665W Need for claim

Division 7—Mature age allowance recipient

665Y Payment to a mature age allowance recipient

665Z Amount of section 665Y payment

665ZA Need for claim

Division 8—Widow allowance recipients

665ZC Payment to a widow allowance recipient

665ZD Amount of section 665ZC payment

665ZE Need for claim

Division 8A—Carer payment recipients

665ZFA Payment to a carer payment recipient

665ZFB Amount of section 665ZFA payment

665ZFC Need for claim

Division 9—Mature age partner allowance

665ZG Payment to a mature age partner allowance recipient

665ZH Amount of section 665ZG payment

665ZJ Need for claim

Division 11—Partner allowance recipients

665ZQ Payment to a partner allowance recipient

665ZR Amount of section 665ZQ payment

665ZS Need for claim

Division 12—Recipients of PP (partnered)

665ZU Payment to recipient of PP (partnered)

665ZV Amount of section 665ZU payment

665ZW Need for claim

Division 12A—Recipients of youth allowance (other)

665ZX Payment to recipient of youth allowance (other)

665ZXA Amount of section 665ZX payment

665ZXB Need for claim

665ZXC Cessation of Division

Division 13—Protection of education entry payment

665ZY Education entry payment to be absolutely inalienable

665ZZ Effect of garnishee or attachment order

Division 14—Education entry payment supplement

665ZZA Qualification for education entry payment supplement

665ZZB Amount of education entry payment supplement

665ZZC Separate claim not needed

665ZZD Education entry payment supplement taken to be part of education entry payment for purposes of social security law

665ZZE Cessation of Division

Part 2.15—Special benefit

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of special benefit

Subdivision A—Qualification

729 Qualification for special benefit

729A Time limit on qualification for certain recipients of special benefit

729AA Effect of industrial action on qualification conditions of certain claimants for special benefit

729B Certain recipients of special benefit cease to be qualified for special benefit after 52 weeks

729C Consequence of subsection 729B(2) determination

730 Determination of period

Subdivision AA—Activity test for certain nominated visa holders

731 Application of Subdivision

731A Activity test

731B Meaning of unsuitable work for the purposes of the activity test

731D Persons in certain areas can be taken to comply with activity test

731DAA Relief from activity test—death of person’s partner

731DA Relief from activity test—domestic violence etc.

731DB Relief from activity test—people with disabled children and other circumstances

731DC Persons may be treated as actively seeking etc. paid work

731E Relief from activity test—special circumstances

731F Relief from activity test—prenatal and postnatal

731G Relief from activity test—people 55 and over who are engaged in work

731GA Relief from activity test—certain principal carers and people with partial capacity to work

731H Relief from activity test—dependent child

731HA Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 197B, 197C, 197D or 197E

731HB Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 197G or 197H

731J Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 198 or for carer allowance

731JA Relief from activity test—grant of temporary protection, humanitarian or safe haven visa

731K Temporarily incapacitated person not required to satisfy activity test

731KA Time limit for exemption—Secretary satisfied person can undertake activity

Subdivision AB—Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans for persons who are nominated visa holders

731L Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—requirement to enter

731M Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—terms

731N Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—principal carers

731P Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—people with partial capacity to work

731Q Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—revocation of requirement to participate in approved program of work

731R Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—suspension of plans

Subdivision B—Payability

732 Special benefit not payable if benefit rate nil

733 Assets test—benefit not payable if assets value limit exceeded

734 Value of assets of members of couples

735 Multiple entitlement exclusion

736 Secretary may require certain persons to attend courses or undertake work

737 Fulltime students

738 Payments under certain education schemes

739 SPB homeless person

739A Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

739B Secretary to act in accordance with guidelines

739C Guidelines for exercise of Secretary’s powers under subsection 739A(7)

Subdivision D—Situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders (administrative breaches)

745H Situations where special benefit not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements

Subdivision E—Activities that do not give rise to employment under certain industrial relations legislation

745L Activities that do not give rise to employment under certain industrial relations legislation

Subdivision F—Other situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders

745M Seasonal workers

745N Move to area of lower employment prospects

Division 4—Rate of special benefit

746 Rate of special benefit

747 Approved program of work supplement for persons who are nominated visa holders

759 Effect of industrial action on rate of special benefit payable to persons who are nominated visa holders

Division 9—Bereavement payments

Subdivision AA—Death of partner

768A Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

768B Continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit

768C Lump sum payable in some circumstances

768D Adjustment of a person’s special benefit rate

768E Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision

768F Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

Part 2.15A—Partner allowance

Division 1A—Application of Part

771 Time limits on claims for partner allowance

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of partner allowance

Subdivision A—Qualification for partner allowance

771HA Qualification for partner allowance

771HB Unemployment due to industrial action

Subdivision B—Payability of partner allowance

771HC Partner allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

771HF Assets test—allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded

771HI Multiple entitlement exclusion

771HJ Educational schemes exclusion

771HK Maximum basic rate and remote area allowance not payable to CDEP Scheme participant

771HNA Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

771HNB Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

771HNC Seasonal workers

Division 4—Rate of partner allowance

771KA Rate of partner allowance if partner is not receiving special benefit

771KE Rate of partner allowance if partner receiving special benefit

771KN CDEP Scheme participant may accumulate partner allowance

Division 9—Bereavement payments

Subdivision A—Surviving partner and deceased partner defined

771NT Surviving partner and deceased partner

Subdivision B—Person to continue to receive partner allowance where person’s partner dies

771NU Continuation of partner allowance for bereavement period

Subdivision C—Bereavement payments for person receiving partner allowance following death of the person’s partner

771NV Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

771NW Continued payment of deceased partner’s benefit

771NX Lump sum payable in some circumstances

771NY Effect of death of surviving partner

771NZ Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

Subdivision D—Bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

771NZAA Calculation of bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

Part 2.16—Special needs pensions

Division 1A—Time limit on grant of special needs wife pension

771P Special needs wife pension not to be granted after 30 June 1995

Division 1B—Time limit on grant of other special needs pensions

771PA Special needs pensions not to be granted after 20 September 2000

Division 1—Qualifications for and payability of special needs pensions

Subdivision A—Qualification

772 Qualification for special needs age pension

773 Qualification for special needs disability support pension

774 Qualification for special needs wife pension

Subdivision B—Payability

779 Special needs pension not payable if pension rate nil

783 Second special needs pension generally not payable after cancellation of initial pension

787 Multiple entitlement exclusion

Division 5—Rate of special needs pension

796 How to work out a person’s special needs pension rate

Special Needs Proportional Rate Calculator

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Australian working life residence

Module C—Residence factor

Division 10—Bereavement payments

Subdivision A—Death of partner

822 Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

823 Continued payment of deceased partner’s previous entitlement

824 Lump sum payable in some circumstances

825 Adjustment of rate of person’s special needs pension

826 Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision

827 Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

Subdivision C—Death of recipient

830 Death of recipient

Part 2.17—Economic security strategy payment

900 Qualification for economic security strategy payment

901 Amount of economic security strategy payment—general

902 Amount of economic security strategy payment—person receiving carer allowance

Part 2.18—Training and learning bonus

910 Qualification for training and learning bonus

911 Amount of training and learning bonus

Part 2.18A—Clean energy payments

Division 1—Clean energy advances

Subdivision A—Qualifying for clean energy advances

914 Recipients of certain social security payments

914A Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits

914B Disregard nil rate in certain circumstances

914C Limits on qualifying for multiple advances

Subdivision B—Amount of a clean energy advance

914D Amount of a clean energy advance

914E Clean energy advance daily rate

914F Number of advance days

Subdivision C—Topup payments of clean energy advance

914G Topup payments of clean energy advance

Division 2—Quarterly energy supplement

915 When quarterly energy supplement is payable

915A Electing to receive quarterly energy supplement

915B Rate of quarterly energy supplement

Division 4—Essential medical equipment payment

917A Definitions

917B Qualification for essential medical equipment payment

917C The medical needs requirement

917D The concession card requirement

917E The energy account requirement

917F Availability of payments

917G Amount of payment

917H Nonreceipt of social security payment

Division 5—Multiple qualification exclusions

918 Multiple qualification exclusions

Part 2.19—Carer allowance

Division 1—Interpretation

952 Carer allowance definitions

Division 2—Qualification for and payability of carer allowance

Subdivision A—Qualification

953 Qualification for carer allowance—caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children

953A Remaining qualified for carer allowance up to 3 months after child turns 16

954 Qualification for carer allowance—caring for a disabled adult in a private home of both the adult and the carer

954A Qualification for carer allowance—caring for a disabled adult in a private home not shared by the adult and carer

954B Qualification for carer allowance—receiving carer payment for caring for child or children

955 Qualification for carer allowance—hospitalisation

956 Absence from Australia

957 Effect of cessation of care etc. on carer allowance

957A Carer allowance income test

957B Adjusted taxable income

957C Accepted estimates

957D Income from longterm financial assets

Subdivision B—Limitations on payability

958 Carer allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

964 Carer allowance not payable to 2 people for the same care receiver or care receivers unless declaration made

965 Carer allowance not payable to more than one member of a couple

966 Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

967 Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

Division 5—Rate of carer allowance

974 Rate of carer allowance

Division 6—Multiple qualification for carer allowance for same care receiver or receivers

981 Secretary may make declaration where 2 people are qualified for carer allowance for the same care receiver or care receivers

Division 10—Bereavement payments (death of disabled child or adult)

Subdivision A—Death of disabled child

992J Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled child dies

992K Lump sum payable in some circumstances

Subdivision B—Death of disabled child (special shortterm assistance)

992L Continuation of qualification for carer allowance for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient’s disabled child dies

Subdivision BA—Death of disabled adult

992LA Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled adult dies

992LB Lump sum payable in some circumstances

Subdivision C—Death of recipient

992M Death of recipient

Part 2.19AA—Child disability assistance

992MA Child disability assistance definitions

992MB Qualification for child disability assistance

992MC Eligible care receivers

992MD Amount of child disability assistance

Part 2.19A—Oneoff payments to carers eligible for carer allowance

Division 1—Oneoff payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

992N Oneoff payment to carers (carer allowance related)

992O In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?

992P What is the amount of the payment?

Division 2—2005 oneoff payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

992Q 2005 oneoff payment to carers (carer allowance related)

992R In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?

992S What is the amount of the payment?

Division 3—2006 oneoff payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

992T 2006 oneoff payment to carers (carer allowance related)

992U In respect of which care receivers is the payment payable?

992V Amount of the oneoff payment

Division 4—2007 oneoff payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

992WA 2007 oneoff payment to carers (carer allowance related)

992WB Eligible care receivers

992WC Amount of the oneoff payment

Division 5—2008 oneoff payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

992WD 2008 oneoff payment to carers (carer allowance related)

992WE Eligible care receivers

992WF Amount of the oneoff payment

Part 2.19B—Carer supplement

992X Carer supplement

Part 2.20—Double orphan pension

Division 1—DOP child status

993 Double orphan—not refugee

994 Double orphan—refugee

995 Refugee child

996 Longterm prisoner

997 Patient on a longterm basis

998 Person uncontactable

Division 2—Qualification for and payability of double orphan pension

Subdivision A—Qualification

999 Qualification for double orphan pension

Subdivision B—Payability

1003 Double orphan pension not payable for child receiving a pension under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act

Division 5—Rate of double orphan pension

1010 Rate of double orphan pension

Division 10—Bereavement payments (death of DOP child)

Subdivision A—Death of DOP child (General)

1033 Continued double orphan pension during bereavement rate continuation period where DOP child dies

1034 Lump sum payable in some circumstances

Subdivision AA—Death of dependent child (special shortterm assistance)

1034AA Continuation of qualification for double orphan pension for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient’s DOP child dies

Subdivision B—Death of recipient

1034A Death of recipient

Part 2.21—Mobility allowance

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of mobility allowance

Subdivision A—Qualification

1035 Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1))

1035A Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1A))

Subdivision B—Payability

1036 Mobility allowance not payable at 2 rates

1037 Mobility allowance not payable where person receiving motor vehicle assistance

1038 Mobility allowance not payable when person is NDIS participant

1039AA Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1039AB Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

Division 2—Rate of mobility allowance

1044 Rate of mobility allowance

1044A Reduction of the advance payment period

Division 3—Mobility allowance advance

1045 Qualification for mobility advance

Division 4Continuation

1046 Continuation of mobility allowance when person ceases to be qualified

Part 2.21A—Language, literacy and numeracy supplement

Division 1—Preliminary

1047 Definition

Division 2—Qualification for language, literacy and numeracy supplement

1048 General statement of qualification

Division 3—Circumstances where language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable

1049 Language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable in certain circumstances

Division 4—Rate increase relating to language, literacy and numeracy supplement

1050 Rate increase attributable to language, literacy and numeracy supplement

Part 2.22—Advance payments of social security entitlements

Division 1—Qualification for advance payment

1061A Qualification for advance payment

Division 2—Applying for advance payment

1061B Application

1061C Form of application

1061D Lodgment of application

1061E Application may be withdrawn

Division 3—Determination of application and payment of advance payment

1061EA Secretary to determine application

1061EB Payment of advance payment

Division 4—Amount of advance payment

1061ECA Amount of advance payment—age and disability support pensions and carer payment

1061ED Amount of advance payment—pension PP (single)

1061EE Amount of advance payment—certain other social security payments

Division 5—Payment of advance payment

1061EI Advance payment to be paid to person or nominee

1061EJ Payment into bank account etc.

Division 6—Protection of advance payment

1061EK Advance payment to be absolutely inalienable

Division 7—Repayment of advance payment

1061EL Repayment of advance payment

Part 2.22A—Special employment advances

Division 1—Qualification for special employment advance

1061EM Qualification for special employment advance

1061EN Meaning of in severe financial hardship

1061EO Person not qualified in certain circumstances

Division 4—Amount of special employment advance

1061EW Where claim based on effect of unreceived income on special employment advance qualifying entitlement

1061EX Where claim based on claimant’s need for financial assistance to take up offered employment

Division 7—Repayment of special employment advance

1061EZC Repayment of special employment advance

Part 2.23—Advance pharmaceutical allowance

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of advance pharmaceutical allowance

1061F Qualification for advance pharmaceutical allowance

1061G Advance pharmaceutical allowance not payable in some circumstances

Division 3—Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance

1061JC Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance

1061JD Annual limit

Part 2.23A—Crisis payment

Division 1—Qualification for crisis payment

1061JG Qualification—release from gaol or psychiatric confinement

1061JH Qualification—extreme circumstances forcing departure from home

1061JHA Qualification—remaining in home after removal of family member due to domestic or family violence

1061JI Qualification—humanitarian entrant to Australia

1061JIA Qualification—national health emergency

1061JJ Crisis payment not payable in addition to disaster relief payment

1061JK Crisis payment not payable if assurance of support in force

1061JL Person not qualified for crisis payment if qualified for crisis payment under ABSTUDY scheme

Division 4—Amount of crisis payment

1061JU Amount of payment

Part 2.23B—Disaster Recovery Allowance

Division 1—Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance

1061KA Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance

1061KB Disaster Recovery Allowance not payable if assurance of support in force

Division 2—Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance

1061KC Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance

Division 3—Other matters

1061KD Period that Disaster Recovery Allowance is payable

1061KE Nonreceipt of social security payment

Part 2.24—Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

Division 1—Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

1061K Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

1061L Meaning of adversely affected

Division 2—Amount of Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

1061M Amount of payment for disasters in Australia

1061N Amount of payment for disasters outside Australia

1061P Determinations of rates

Division 3—Recoverable payments etc.

1061PAAA Recoverable payments

1061PAAB Recoverable death payments

1061PAAC Reports about recoverable payments and recoverable death payments

1061PAAD Review of decisions

1061PAAE Department official

Part 2.24AA—Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

Division 1—Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

1061PAA Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

1061PAB Whether a person can be qualified for more than one AVTOP in relation to the same terrorist act

Division 2—Payability of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment to secondary victims

1061PAC When AVTOP for secondary victims is not payable

Division 3—Amount of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

1061PAD Amount of AVTOP for a primary victim

1061PAE Amount of AVTOP for a secondary victim

1061PAF AVTOP Principles

Division 4—Other

1061PAG Consultation on the AVTOP Principles

1061PAH AVTOP is not compensation or damages

Part 2.24A—Pensioner education supplement

Division 1—Qualification for pensioner education supplement

Subdivision A—The basic rules

1061PA Qualification for pensioner education supplement

Subdivision B—Undertaking qualifying study

1061PB Undertaking qualifying study

1061PC Approved course of education or study

1061PD Fulltime students

1061PE Concessional studyload students

1061PF Normal amount of fulltime study

1061PG First fortnight of classes

1061PH Progress rules—secondary students

1061PI Progress rules—tertiary students

Subdivision C—Payments attracting pensioner education supplement

1061PJ Payments attracting pensioner education supplement

Subdivision D—Pensioner education supplement age

1061PK Pensioner education supplement age

1061PL When a person is regarded as independent

Subdivision E—Residency

1061PM Residency requirements

1061PN Absence of persons overseas

Division 2—Situations in which pensioner education supplement is not payable

Subdivision C—Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061PT Pensioner education supplement not payable during newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061PU Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061PV Length of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

Subdivision D—Multiple entitlement exclusion

1061PW Meaning of multiple entitlement exclusion

1061PX Multiple entitlement exclusion

Division 5—Rate of pensioner education supplement

1061PZG Rate of pensioner education supplement

Part 2.25—Telephone allowance

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of telephone allowance

1061Q Qualification for telephone allowance

1061R Telephone allowance not payable in some circumstances

Division 2—Rate of telephone allowance

1061S Standard rate of telephone allowance

1061SA Increased rate of telephone allowance

1061SB Increased rate of telephone allowance for home internet

Part 2.25A—Utilities allowance

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of utilities allowance

1061T Qualification for utilities allowance

1061TA When utilities allowance is payable

Division 2—Rate of utilities allowance

1061TB Rate of utilities allowance

Part 2.25B—Energy supplement

Division 1—Qualification and payability

1061U Qualification for energy supplement

1061UA When energy supplement is payable

Division 2—Rate of energy supplement

1061UB Rate of energy supplement

Part 2.25C—Quarterly pension supplement

1061V When this Part applies

1061VA Quarterly pension supplement

1061VB Rate of quarterly pension supplement

Part 2.26—Fares allowance

Division 1—Qualification for fares allowance

1061ZAAA Qualification for fares allowance

1061ZAAB Journey by person who is not an external student

1061ZAAC Journey by person who is an external student

Division 3—Amount of fares allowance

1061ZAAJ Fares allowance for public transport

1061ZAAK Fares allowance for private transport

Part 2.27—Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

Division 1—Qualification for and payability of Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

Subdivision A—Qualification for Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

1061ZAAL Qualification for Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

1061ZAAM Northern Territory CDEP transition day

Subdivision B—Payability of Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

1061ZAAN Northern Territory CDEP transition payment only payable if certain claim criteria met

1061ZAAO Northern Territory CDEP transition payment not payable while CDEP Scheme payments being received

1061ZAAP Northern Territory CDEP transition payment not payable if rate too low

1061ZAAQ Northern Territory CDEP transition payment not payable if compliance penalty period applies

1061ZAAR Northern Territory CDEP transition payment not payable from 1 July 2008

Division 2—Rate of Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

1061ZAAS Rate of Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

1061ZAAT Pretransition fortnightly income

1061ZAAU Posttransition fortnightly income

1061ZAAV Maximum rate of Northern Territory CDEP transition payment

Division 3—Miscellaneous

1061ZAAW Northern Territory CDEP transition payment rules

Chapter 2A—Benefits and concessions other than payments

Part 2A.1—Concession cards

Division 1—Qualification for, and issue of, pensioner concession card

1061ZA General qualification rules

1061ZB Extended qualification rule: former recipient of mature age allowance etc.

1061ZC Extended qualification rule: longterm recipient of social security benefits

1061ZD Extended qualification rule: former recipient of disability support pension

1061ZDA Extended qualification rule: former recipient of pension PP (single)

1061ZEA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income

1061ZEB Extended qualification rule: persons with a partial capacity to work

1061ZEC Effect of compliance penalty periods

1061ZF Issue of pensioner concession card

Division 2—Qualification for seniors health card

1061ZG Qualification rules

1061ZH Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061ZI Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061ZJ Giving of copy of assessment of taxable income to Secretary

1061ZJA Modifications if person’s rate of social security pension is nil on 1 January 2017

1061ZJB Other modifications because of Veterans’ Entitlements Act

Division 3—Qualification for health care card

Subdivision A—Qualification for automatic issue health care card

1061ZK Qualification: general rules

1061ZM Qualification for health care card: employmentaffected person

1061ZMA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income

1061ZN Residence requirement

1061ZNA Effect of compliance penalty periods

Subdivision B—Qualification for health care card in other circumstances

1061ZO Qualification

1061ZP Person subject to newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061ZQ Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

1061ZR Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

Subdivision C—Miscellaneous provisions relating to health care cards

1061ZS Issue of health care cards

1061ZT Certain dependants not qualified for health care card

Division 4—Noncancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences

1061ZUA Persons to whom Division applies

1061ZUB Noncancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences

1061ZUC Extension cards

Chapter 2AA—Student startup loans

Part 2AA.1—Introduction

1061ZVAA Simplified outline of this Chapter

Part 2AA.2—Qualification for and amount of student startup loan

1061ZVBA Simplified outline of this Part

1061ZVBB Qualification for student startup loan

1061ZVBC Circumstances in which person is not qualified for student startup loan

1061ZVBD Amount of student startup loan

Part 2AA.3—Indebtedness

Division 1—Introduction

1061ZVCA Simplified outline of this Part

Division 2—Incurring SSL debts

1061ZVDA SSL debts

1061ZVDB SSL debt discharged by death

1061ZVDC Notice to Commissioner

Division 3—Working out accumulated SSL debts

1061ZVEA Simplified outline of this Division

1061ZVEB Stage 1—working out a former accumulated SSL debt

1061ZVEC Stage 2—working out an accumulated SSL debt

1061ZVED Rounding of amounts

1061ZVEE Accumulated SSL debt discharges earlier debts

1061ZVEF Accumulated SSL debt discharged by death

Part 2AA.4—Discharge of indebtedness

Division 1—Introduction

1061ZVFA Simplified outline of this Part

1061ZVFB Debts under this Chapter

Division 2—Voluntary discharge of indebtedness

1061ZVGA Voluntary SSL repayments in respect of debts

1061ZVGB Application of voluntary SSL repayments

1061ZVGC Refunding of payments

Division 3—Compulsory discharge of indebtedness

Subdivision A—Liability to repay amounts

1061ZVHA Liability to repay amounts

1061ZVHB Repayable SSL debt for an income year

Subdivision B—Assessments

1061ZVHC Commissioner may make assessments

1061ZVHD Notification of notices of assessment of tax

1061ZVHE Commissioner may defer making assessments

1061ZVHF Commissioner may amend assessments

Part 2AA.5—Tax administration matters

1061ZVJA Simplified outline of this Part

1061ZVJB Verification of tax file numbers

1061ZVJC When person with tax file number incorrectly notifies number

1061ZVJD When person without tax file number incorrectly notifies number

1061ZVJE When tax file numbers are altered

1061ZVJF When tax file numbers are cancelled

1061ZVJG Returns, assessments, collection and recovery

1061ZVJH Charges and civil penalties for failing to meet obligations

1061ZVJJ Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding

1061ZVJK Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments

1061ZVJL Administration of this Chapter

Chapter 2B—Student Financial Supplement Scheme

Part 2B.1—Establishment of scheme

Division 1—Preliminary

1061ZW Object of this Chapter

1061ZX Outline of the scheme

Division 2—Eligibility to obtain financial supplement

1061ZY Eligibility to obtain financial supplement

1061ZZ Category 1 student

1061ZZA Category 2 student

1061ZZAA Failure by person to comply with request to provide person’s tax file number

1061ZZAB Failure by person to comply with request to provide the tax file number of a parent of the person

Division 3—Decision and notice about eligibility to obtain financial supplement

1061ZZAC Secretary’s decision

1061ZZAD Revocation or variation of decision after review

1061ZZAE Transitional

Division 4—Agreements between Commonwealth and financial corporations

1061ZZAF Applications for financial supplement

1061ZZAG Agreements

Division 5—Application for financial supplement

1061ZZAH When to apply

1061ZZAI How to apply

1061ZZAJ Changing an application

Division 6—Amount of financial supplement

Subdivision A—Category 1 students

1061ZZAK Maximum amount of financial supplement

Subdivision B—Category 2 students

1061ZZAL Change in eligibility period

1061ZZAM Eligibility period (short course)

1061ZZAN Eligibility period (no short course)

1061ZZAO Maximum amount of financial supplement

Subdivision C—Provisions applying to both category 1 students and category 2 students

1061ZZAP Minimum amount of financial supplement

1061ZZAQ Person doing more than one course

Division 7—Trading in youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement

1061ZZAR Purpose of Division

1061ZZAS Reduction of youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement

Division 8—Obtaining or increasing financial supplement by trading back youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement

Subdivision A—Purpose of Division

1061ZZAT Purpose of Division

Subdivision B—When a person may repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement to obtain or increase financial supplement

1061ZZAU Election to repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement

1061ZZAV Timing of repayment

Subdivision C—Repayment

1061ZZAW Effect of repayment

Division 9—Financial supplement contracts

Subdivision A—Making a contract for payment of financial supplement

1061ZZAX Making a contract between person and participating corporation

1061ZZAY Existing contracts

1061ZZAZ Liability for money paid under a financial supplement contract

1061ZZBA Validity of financial supplement contract

Subdivision B—When a financial supplement contract can be cancelled

1061ZZBB Person has right to cancel financial supplement contract

1061ZZBC How to cancel financial supplement contract

1061ZZBD When to cancel financial supplement contract

1061ZZBE Payments made during cooling off period

1061ZZBF Person may waive right to cancel contract

1061ZZBG How to waive right to cancel contract

1061ZZBH When to waive right to cancel contract

Subdivision C—Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes

1061ZZBI Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes

Division 10—Payment of financial supplement

1061ZZBJ Payment by instalments

1061ZZBK Rounding off

1061ZZBL To whom instalments must be paid

1061ZZBM Payment into bank account

Division 11—Protection of financial supplement

1061ZZBN Financial supplement to be absolutely inalienable

1061ZZBO Effect of garnishee or attachment order

Division 12—Obligations of category 2 students

Subdivision A—Statements about tax file numbers

1061ZZBP Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of person’s tax file number

1061ZZBQ Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of parent’s tax file number

Subdivision B—Notice of events or changes in circumstances

1061ZZBR Secretary may give notice requiring information

1061ZZBS Event or change relevant to payment

1061ZZBT Formalities related to notice

1061ZZBU Validity of notice

1061ZZBV Period within which information to be given

1061ZZBW Refusal or failure to comply with notice

1061ZZBX Application overseas

Subdivision C—Notice about a matter relevant to payment of financial supplement

1061ZZBY Secretary may give notice requiring statement on matter

1061ZZBZ Formalities related to notice

1061ZZCA Validity of notice

1061ZZCB Period within which statement to be given

1061ZZCC Statement must be in approved form

1061ZZCD Refusal or failure to comply with notice

1061ZZCE Application overseas

Division 13—Early repayments of financial supplement

Subdivision A—Calculation and notification of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract

1061ZZCF Application of Subdivision

1061ZZCG Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract before 1 June in the year after the year in which the contract was made

1061ZZCH Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract at a later time

1061ZZCI Notification of amount outstanding

Subdivision B—Person’s rights to make repayments during contract period

1061ZZCJ Person not required to, but may, make repayments during contract period

1061ZZCK What happens if person makes an excess repayment

1061ZZCL Amount repaid not to include certain amounts

1061ZZCM How to work out discount

1061ZZCN Effect of making a repayment during contract period

1061ZZCO Rights and liabilities of participating corporation if repayment made

Subdivision C—What happens at the end of the contract period

1061ZZCP Corporation’s rights at end of contract period

1061ZZCQ Termination notice

1061ZZCR Secretary may give notice correcting information in previous notice

1061ZZCS Person may request notice to be corrected

1061ZZCT Effect of notices and requests

Part 2B.2—Payments of financial supplement under scheme to stop in certain circumstances

Division 1—Payments to stop at request of recipient

1061ZZCU Person may ask for payment to stop

1061ZZCV Effect of notice

Division 2—Payments to stop if the maximum amount of financial supplement is reduced to the amount already paid or a lesser amount

Subdivision A—Notice that payments are to stop

1061ZZCW Secretary must give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZCX Effect of notice

1061ZZCY This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT

Subdivision B—Original amount paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances

1061ZZCZ Secretary may give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZDA Effect of notice

1061ZZDB Transfer of corporation’s rights to Commonwealth

1061ZZDC Apportionment of financial supplement

1061ZZDD Liability of Commonwealth to corporation

1061ZZDE Liability of person to Commonwealth

1061ZZDF This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A

Subdivision C—Original amount paid because of false or misleading information

1061ZZDG Secretary may give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZDH Effect of notice

1061ZZDI Transfer of corporation’s rights to Commonwealth

1061ZZDJ Apportionment of financial supplement

1061ZZDK Liability of Commonwealth to corporation

1061ZZDL Liability of person to Commonwealth

1061ZZDM This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A

Division 3—Payments to stop if person ceases to be eligible to obtain financial supplement

Subdivision A—Notice that payments are to stop

1061ZZDN Secretary must give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZDO Effect of notice

1061ZZDP This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT

Subdivision B—Financial supplement paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances

1061ZZDQ Secretary may give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZDR Effect of notice

1061ZZDS Transfer of corporation’s rights to Commonwealth

1061ZZDT Apportionment of financial supplement

1061ZZDU Liability of Commonwealth to corporation

1061ZZDV Liability of person to Commonwealth

1061ZZDW This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A

Division 4—Payments to stop if person is found never to have been eligible to obtain financial supplement

Subdivision A—Notice that payments are to stop

1061ZZDX Secretary must give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZDY Effect of notice

1061ZZDZ This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT

Subdivision B—Financial supplement paid because of false or misleading information

1061ZZEA Secretary may give notice to person and corporation

1061ZZEB Effect of notice

1061ZZEC Transfer of corporation’s rights to Commonwealth

1061ZZED Liability of Commonwealth to corporation

1061ZZEE Liability of person

1061ZZEF Definitions

1061ZZEG This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A

Division 5—Payments to stop if person dies

1061ZZEH Secretary may give notice to corporation if other party to contract dies

1061ZZEI Effect of notice

1061ZZEJ Discharge of corporation’s liability

1061ZZEK Transfer of corporation’s rights to Commonwealth

1061ZZEL Liability of Commonwealth to corporation

1061ZZEM Discharge of person’s liability

Part 2B.3—Repayment of financial supplement through taxation system after termination date

Division 1—Purpose and application of Part

1061ZZEN Purpose and application of Part

1061ZZENA Extent of Commissioner of Taxation’s general administration of this Part

Division 2—FS debt and accumulated FS debt

1061ZZEO FS debt owed by person

1061ZZEP How to work out FS debt

1061ZZEQ Accumulated FS debt incurred by person

1061ZZER How to work out accumulated FS debt

1061ZZES Adjusted accumulated FS debt

1061ZZET Indexation factor

1061ZZEU Accumulated FS debt discharges earlier debts

Division 3—Information to be given to Commissioner of Taxation

1061ZZEV Secretary to give notice to Commissioner of Taxation

1061ZZEW Secretary to give further notice to Commissioner of Taxation

1061ZZEX Secretary to give certificate to Commissioner of Taxation

Division 4—Voluntary repayments of FS debts

1061ZZEY Voluntary repayments of FS debts

1061ZZEYA Refunding of payments

Division 5—Compulsory repayments in respect of accumulated FS debt

1061ZZEZ Compulsory payments in respect of accumulated FS debt

1061ZZFA Repayment income

1061ZZFB Minimum repayment income

1061ZZFC Repayable debt for an income year

1061ZZFD Amounts payable to the Commonwealth

Division 6—Application of tax legislation

1061ZZFG Application of tax legislation

1061ZZFGA Charges and administrative penalties for failing to meet obligations

1061ZZFGB Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding

1061ZZFGD Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments

Division 7—Assessments

1061ZZFH Commissioner of Taxation may make assessment

1061ZZFI Notice of assessment may be served

Division 8—Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment

1061ZZFJ Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment

1061ZZFK Commissioner of Taxation may amend assessment

1061ZZFL When Commissioner of Taxation must make decision to delay or amend assessment

Division 9—Review of Commissioner of Taxation’s decision

1061ZZFM Application to Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Division 10—Treatment of payments under financial supplement scheme

1061ZZFN Payments not subject to taxation

1061ZZFO Application of payments

1061ZZFP Debt discharged by death

Part 2B.4—Miscellaneous

Division 1—Application of the Bankruptcy Act 1966

1061ZZFQ Application of Division

1061ZZFR Treatment of debt

Division 2—Review of decisions

1061ZZFS What happens if a decision of the Secretary is set aside

1061ZZFT What happens if a decision of the Secretary is varied

Division 3—Transfer of rights under this Chapter

1061ZZFU Notices of transfer

1061ZZFV Transfers not subject to State or Territory taxes

Chapter 2C—Assurances of support

Part 2C.1—Giving assurances

1061ZZGA What is an assurance of support?

1061ZZGB Who may give an assurance of support?

1061ZZGC How to give an assurance of support

Part 2C.2—Acceptance of assurances

1061ZZGD Accepting or rejecting an assurance of support

1061ZZGE Notices relating to an assurance of support

Part 2C.3—Effect of accepted assurances

1061ZZGEA Assurance cannot be withdrawn once visa issued

1061ZZGF When an accepted assurance is in force

1061ZZGG Liability to pay for social security payments

Part 2C.4—Determinations

1061ZZGH Determinations

Part 2C.5—Assurances by unincorporated bodies

1061ZZGI Application of social security law to unincorporated bodies

Chapter 3—General provisions relating to payability and rates

Part 3.1—Rate Calculators (General)

1062 Steps in rate calculation

1063 Standard categories of family situations

Part 3.2—Pension Rate Calculator A

1064 Rate of age and disability support pensions and carer payment (people who are not blind)

Pension Rate Calculator A

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Pension supplement

Module C—Energy supplement

Module E—Ordinary income test

Module F—Ordinary income for the purposes of disability support pension

Module G—Assets test

Module H—Remote area allowance

Part 3.3—Pension Rate Calculator B

1065 Rate of age and disability support pension (blind people)

Pension Rate Calculator B

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Pension supplement

Module C—Energy supplement

Module E—Remote area allowance

Part 3.4A—Pension Rate Calculator D

1066A Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are not blind)

Pension Rate Calculator D

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Energy supplement

Module C—Youth disability supplement

Module D—Pharmaceutical allowance

Module F—Ordinary income test

Module G—Payments taken to be ordinary income

Module H—Assets test

Module I—Remote area allowance

Part 3.4B—Pension Rate Calculator E

1066B Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are blind)

Pension Rate Calculator E

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Energy supplement

Module C—Youth disability supplement

Module D—Pharmaceutical allowance

Module F—Remote area allowance

Part 3.5—Youth Allowance Rate Calculator

1067 Definitions

1067A When a person is regarded as independent

1067B Accommodated independent person

1067C Member of a YA couple

1067D Person required to live away from home

1067E Person living at home

1067F Long term income support student

1067G Rate of youth allowance

Youth Allowance Rate Calculator

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Energy supplement

Module C—Pharmaceutical allowance

Module D—Youth disability supplement

Module E—Person’s reduction for parental income

Module F—Parental income test

Submodule 1—Parental income test result

Submodule 2—Exemption from parental income test

Submodule 3—Appropriate tax year

Submodule 4—Combined parental income

Submodule 5—Parental income free area

Submodule 6—If person’s combined parental income exceeds parental income free area

Module GA—Maintenance income test

Submodule 1—Maintenance income test result

Submodule 2—Exemption from maintenance income test

Submodule 3—Annualised amount of maintenance income for parent of a person

Submodule 4—Maintenance income free area

Module H—Income test

Module J—Student income bank

Module K—Remote area allowance

Module L—Table of pensions, benefits, allowances and compensation

Part 3.5A—Austudy Payment Rate Calculator

1067H Definitions

1067J Person living at home

1067K Long term income support student

1067L Rate of austudy payment

Austudy Payment Rate Calculator

Module A—Overall rate calculation process

Module B—Maximum basic rate

Module BA—Pension supplement

Module BB—Energy supplement

Module C—Pharmaceutical allowance

Module D—Income test

Module E—Student income bank

Module F—Remote area allowance

Chapter 2Pensions, benefits and allowances

Part 2.12AMature age (pre1 July 1996) allowances

Division 1Application of Part

660XAA  Structure of Part

  Part 2.12A deals with 2 payment types, mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance:

 Division 1 deals with the application of this Part.

 Divisions 2, 3 and 11 are divided into Subdivisions that deal with either mature age allowance or mature age partner allowance.

 Divisions 4 to 10 and 12 also deal with both mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance. The sections in those Divisions usually apply to both allowances (eg section 660XDA). However, sometimes a section is divided into subsections dealing with only one of the allowances (eg section 660XDG).

660XAB  Time limits on claims of mature age allowance and grant of mature age partner allowance

 (1) In spite of any other provision of this Part, other than section 660XJO, a person is not to be granted a mature age allowance under this Part unless:

 (a) the person’s claim for the allowance was lodged on or before 30 June 1996; and

 (b) the person qualified for the allowance on or before that date.

 (2) In spite of any other provision of this Part or any provision of the Administration Act, other than section 85, a person is not to be granted a mature age partner allowance unless:

 (a) the person’s claim for the allowance is lodged on or before 30 June 1995; and

 (b) the person qualifies for the allowance on or before 30 June 1995.

 (2A) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), if subsection 660XCC(2) applies, the person is taken to have lodged his or her claim on the day on which the person makes his or her initial claim.

 (3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), if section 15 of the Administration Act applies, the person is taken to have lodged his or her claim on the day on which the person makes his or her initial claim.

 (4) In subsection (3):

initial claim has the same meaning as in section 15 of the Administration Act.

Division 2Qualification for mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

Subdivision AQualification for mature age allowance

660XBA  Qualification for mature age allowance

 (1) A person is qualified for mature age allowance if the person:

 (a) has turned 60 but has not reached pension age; and

 (b) satisfies the Secretary that the person is unemployed; and

 (d) has been receiving one or a combination of the following:

 (i) a social security pension;

 (ii) a social security benefit;

 (iia) a job search allowance;

 (iii) a service pension;

  for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately before a claim period day; and

 (e) has 10 years qualifying Australian residence, or has a qualifying residence exemption for a mature age allowance.

 (1B) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), if a person ceases to receive one of the following:

 (a) a social security pension;

 (b) a social security benefit;

 (ba) a job search allowance;

 (c) a service pension;

for a period of less than 13 weeks, the person is taken to have been receiving the pension or benefit for that period.

Exemption from satisfying paragraphs (1)(c) and (d)

 (2) The qualifications in paragraphs (1)(c) and (1)(d) do not apply if the person has previously received mature age allowance or mature age partner allowance.

 (4) In this section, claim period day means:

 (a) the day on which the claim is lodged; or

 (b) any other day in the period of 3 months that starts immediately after the day on which the claim is lodged.

Note 1: For pension age see section 23.

Note 5: For qualifying Australian residence and qualifying residence exemption see section 7.

Note 6: Exceptions to the qualification requirements in subsection (1) are set out in this Subdivision.

Note 7: A mature age allowance is not payable in certain situations even if the person is qualified (see Subdivision A of Division 3).

660XBB  Assurance of support

  A person is not qualified for mature age allowance on a day if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) an assurance of support is in force in respect of the person (the assuree) on that day; and

 (b) the person who gave the assurance of support is willing and able to provide an adequate level of support to the assuree; and

 (c) it is reasonable for the assuree to accept that support.

Note: For assurance of support see subsection 23(1).

660XBC  Person may be treated as unemployed


 (a) a person undertakes paid work on a day; and

 (b) the Secretary is of the opinion that, taking into account:

 (i) the nature of the work; and

 (ii) the duration of the work; and

 (iii) any other matters relating to the work that the Secretary considers relevant;

  the work should be disregarded;

the Secretary may treat the person as being unemployed on that day.

660XBE  Unemployment due to industrial action

 (1) A person is not qualified for mature age allowance on a day unless the person satisfies the Secretary that the person’s unemployment on that day was not due to the person being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or in a series of industrial actions.

 (2) A person is not qualified for mature age allowance on a day unless the Secretary is satisfied:

 (a) that the person’s unemployment on that day was due to other people being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or a series of industrial actions; and

 (b) the people, or some of the people, were members of a trade union which was involved in the industrial action; and

 (c) the person was not a member of the trade union on that day.

Note: For industrial action, trade union and unemployment see section 16.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), subsections (1) and (2) do not prevent a person from being qualified for a mature age allowance on a day that occurs after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

 (4) Where the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions is in breach of an order, direction or injunction issued by:

 (a) a prescribed State industrial authority within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009; or

 (b) the Fair Work Commission or the Australian Industrial Relations Commission; or

 (c) the Federal Court of Australia; or

 (d) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

a person is not qualified for a mature age allowance in respect of a period unless that period occurs 6 weeks or more after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

Subdivision BQualification for mature age partner allowance

660XBI  Qualification for mature age partner allowance

  A person is qualified for mature age partner allowance if:

 (a) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person’s partner is receiving mature age allowance.

Note 1: For member of a couple see section 4.

Note 2: A person is not qualified if an assurance of support is in force (see section 660XBJ).

660XBJ  Assurance of support

  A person is not qualified for mature age partner allowance on a day if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) an assurance of support is in force in respect of the person (the assuree) on that day; and

 (b) the person who gave the assurance of support is willing and able to provide an adequate level of support to the assuree; and

 (c) it is reasonable for the assuree to accept that support.

Note: For assurance of support see subsection 23(1).

Division 3Payability of mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

Subdivision APayability of mature age allowance

660XCA  Mature age allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a mature age allowance is not payable to a person if the person’s mature age allowance rate would be nil.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person’s rate would be nil merely because an advance pharmaceutical allowance has been paid to the person under:

 (a) the social security law; or

 (b) Division 2 of Part VIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act.

660XCF  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) A mature age allowance is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a service pension.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age allowance; and

 (b) another social security pension, a social security benefit or a service pension becomes payable to the person;

the mature age allowance is not payable to the person.

Note: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

 (3) A mature age allowance is not payable to a woman if:

 (a) the woman is an armed services widow; and

 (b) the woman is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act;


 (c) the woman has been receiving a payment referred to in paragraph (b) continuously since before 1 November 1986; and

 (d) before 1 November 1986 the woman was also receiving a social security benefit.

Note 1: For armed services widow see subsection 4(1).

Note 2: A widow receiving a payment under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act who is not covered by paragraph (b) may be paid at a lower rate (see subsection 1064(5)).

 (4) A mature age allowance is not payable to a man if:

 (a) the man is an armed services widower; and

 (b) the man is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note: For armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

660XCG  Educational and other schemes exclusion

 (1) If:

 (a) a payment is, or may be, made in respect of a person under:

 (i) a prescribed educational scheme other than the ABSTUDY Scheme to the extent that it applies to parttime students; or

 (ii) the scheme to provide an allowance known as the Maintenance Allowance for Refugees; and

 (b) the payment relates to a period;

mature age allowance is not payable to the person in respect of any part of the period.

Note: For prescribed educational scheme see section 5.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person may enrol in a fulltime course of education; and

 (b) a payment under a scheme referred to in subsection (1) may be made in respect of the person;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), mature age allowance is payable to the person before the person starts the course.

Subdivision BPayability of mature age partner allowance

660XCI  Mature age partner allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a mature age partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person’s mature age partner allowance rate would be nil.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person’s rate would be nil merely because an advance pharmaceutical allowance has been paid to the person under:

 (a) the social security law; or

 (b) Division 2 of Part VIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act.

660XCN  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) A mature age partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a service pension.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age partner allowance; and

 (b) another social security pension, a social security benefit or a service pension becomes payable to the person;

the mature age partner allowance is not payable to the person.

Note 1: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

Note 2: For the day on which the mature age partner allowance ceases to be payable see section 660XJB.

 (3) A mature age partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

660XCO  Educational schemes exclusion

 (1) If:

 (a) a payment has been, or may be, made in respect of a person under:

 (ii) the ABSTUDY Scheme; or

 (iii) a Student Financial Supplement Scheme; and

 (b) the payment relates to a period;

mature age partner allowance is not payable to the person in respect of any part of the period.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person may enrol in a fulltime course of education; and

 (b) a payment under a scheme referred to in subsection (1) may be made in respect of the person;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), mature age partner allowance is payable to the person before the person starts the course.

660XCP  Commonwealth funded employment program exclusion


 (a) a person receives, or may receive, income that is paid by a community or group from funds provided under a Commonwealth funded employment program; and

 (b) the income is paid in respect of a period;

mature age partner allowance is not payable to the person in respect of any part of the period.

Note: For Commonwealth funded employment program see subsection 23(1).

Division 6Rate of mature age allowance and mature age partner allowance

660XFA  How to work out a person’s mature age allowance or mature age partner allowance

  A person’s mature age allowance or mature age partner allowance rate is worked out by using Pension Rate Calculator A at the end of section 1064 (see Part 3.2).

Division 11Bereavement payments

Subdivision APerson receiving mature age allowance (death of partner)

660XKA  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age allowance; and

 (b) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (c) the person’s partner dies; and

 (d) immediately before the partner died, the partner:

 (i) was receiving a social security pension; or

 (ii) was receiving a service pension; or

 (iii) was a longterm social security recipient; and

 (e) on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday, the amount that would be payable to the person if the person were not qualified for payments under this Subdivision is less than the sum of:

 (i) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 660XKD (person’s continued rate) on that payday; and

 (ii) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 660XKB (continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit) on the partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 660XKB provides for the payment to the person, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 660XKC provides for a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the partner had not died.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age allowance; and

 (b) immediately before starting to receive the allowance the person was receiving partner bereavement payments; and

 (c) the bereavement rate continuation period in relation to the death of the person’s partner has not ended;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the remainder of the bereavement period.

 (3) A person who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

Note: If a person makes an election, the date of effect of any determination to increase the person’s rate of mature age allowance may, in some circumstances, be the day on which the person’s partner died (see subsection 660XJP(6)).

 (4) An election under subsection (3):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the person has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

 (5) If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the partner’s death, the rate at which mature age allowance is payable to the person during the bereavement period is, unless the person has made an election under subsection (3), governed by section 660XKD.

 (6) For the purposes of this section, a person is a long term social security recipient if:

 (a) the person is either receiving a social security benefit or is a benefit increase partner; and

 (b) in respect of the previous 12 months, the person:

 (i) was receiving a social security pension; or

 (ii) was receiving a social security benefit; or

 (iia) was receiving a youth training allowance; or

 (iii) was receiving a service pension; or

 (iv) was a benefit increase partner.

 (7) A person is taken to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (6)(b) if:

 (a) the person’s receipt of social security pension, social security benefit, youth training allowance or service pension, or the person’s status as a benefit increase partner, or a combination of these, was continuous for the period of 12 months; or

 (b) the person was receiving one or other of the payments referred to in paragraph (6)(b) or had the status of a benefit increase partner, or a combination of these, for 46 weeks of the previous 52.

660XKB  Continued payment of partner’s pension

 (1) If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner, there is payable to the person, on each of the partner’s paydays in the bereavement rate continuation period the following amount:

 (a) where the partner was receiving a social security pension—the amount that would have been payable to the partner on the payday if the partner had not died; or

 (b) where the partner was receiving a service pension—the amount that would have been payable to the partner under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act on the service payday that:

 (i) where the first Thursday after the partner’s death was a service payday—precedes the partner’s payday; or

 (ii) in any other case—follows the partner’s payday;

  if the partner had not died.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), if the couple were, immediately before the partner’s death, an illness separated couple or a respite care couple, the amounts are to be worked out as if they were not such a couple.

660XKC  Lump sum payable in some circumstances


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the person as a lump sum an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the person’s partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person’s partner on the partner’s payday or service payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for section 660XKD, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the person under this section.

660XKD  Adjustment of person’s mature age allowance rate


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) the person does not elect under subsection 660XKA(3) not to receive payments under this Subdivision;

the rate of the person’s mature age allowance during the bereavement period is worked out as follows:

 (c) during the bereavement rate continuation period, the rate of mature age allowance payable to the person is the rate at which the mature age allowance would have been payable to the person if:

 (i) the person’s partner had not died; and

 (ii) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple;

 (d) during the bereavement lump sum period (if any), the rate at which mature age allowance is payable to the person is the rate at which the mature age allowance would be payable to the person apart from this Subdivision.

660XKE  Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the person dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the person’s partner before the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, as a lump sum, an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the person’s partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the partner on the person’s payday or service payday immediately after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for section 660XKD, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if the person had not died: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the period that commences on the day on which the person dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

660XKF  Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) after the person’s partner died, an amount to which the partner would have been entitled if the partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the person has not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the person or from the personal representative of the person’s partner, except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) an amount to which the person’s partner would have been entitled if the person’s partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and

 (c) the bank pays to the person, out of the account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the person’s partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the person.

Subdivision BDeath of person receiving mature age allowance

660XKG  Death of recipient

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving mature age allowance; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the person is not a member of a couple; or

 (ii) the person is a member of a couple and the person’s partner:

 (A) is not receiving a social security pension; and

 (B) is not receiving a service pension; and

 (c) the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the person under this Act on the person’s payday after the person’s death if the person had not died.

 (2) If an amount is paid under subsection (1) in respect of a person, the Commonwealth is not liable to any action, claim or demand for any further payment under that subsection in respect of the person.

Note: For death of a person qualified for bereavement payments under Subdivision A see section 660XKE.

Subdivision CContinuation of mature age partner allowance where partner dies

660XKH  Continuation of mature age partner allowance for bereavement period


 (a) a person is receiving a mature age partner allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies;

the person remains qualified for the mature age partner allowance during the bereavement period as if:

 (c) the partner had not died; and

 (d) the partner had continued to receive a mature age allowance; and

 (e) the person and the partner had continued to be members of a couple.

660XKI  Continued mature age partner allowance rate

  Where a person is qualified for a mature age partner allowance because of section 660XKH, the person’s mature age partner allowance rate is worked out as follows:

 (a) during the bereavement rate continuation period, the rate of mature age partner allowance is the rate that would have been payable to the person if:

 (i) the partner had not died; and

 (ii) where the couple had been an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they had not been such a couple;

 (b) during the bereavement lump sum period (if any), the rate of payments under this Subdivision is the rate at which a widow B pension would have been payable to the person if he or she had been qualified for a widow B pension.

Subdivision DPerson receiving mature age partner allowance (death of partner)

660XKJ  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age partner allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 660XKK provides for the payment to the person, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 660XKL provides for a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the partner had not died.

 (2) A person who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

 (3) An election under subsection (2):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the person has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

660XKK  Continued payment of partner’s allowance

  If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner, there is payable to the person, on each day that would have been a payday for the partner in the bereavement rate continuation period, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the person’s partner on that day if the partner had not died.

660XKL  Lump sum payable in some circumstances


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the person as a lump sum an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the person’s partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person’s partner on the first day that would have been a payday of the partner on or after the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount of widow B pension that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if a widow B pension had been payable to the person on that payday: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the person under this section.

660XKM  Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the person dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the person’s partner before the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, as a lump sum, an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the person’s partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person’s partner on the first day that would have been a payday of the partner on or after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for sections 660XKH and 660XKI, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if the person had not died: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the period that commences on the day on which the person dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

660XKN  Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) after the person’s partner died, an amount to which the partner would have been entitled if the partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the person has not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the person or from the personal representative of the person’s partner, except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) an amount to which the person’s partner would have been entitled if the person’s partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and

 (c) the bank pays to the person, out of that account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the person’s partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the person.

Part 2.12BMature age (post30 June 1996) allowance

Division 1Application of Part

660YAA  Application of Part

  This Part deals with mature age allowance to which Part 2.12A does not apply.

660YAB  Time limits on claims for mature age allowance

 (1) In spite of any other provisions of this Act or of the Administration Act, a person is not to be granted a mature age allowance under this Part unless:

 (a) the person’s claim for the allowance:

 (i) was lodged before 20 September 2003; or

 (ii) is taken, because of the operation of section 13 or 15 of the Administration Act, to have been made before 20 September 2003; and

 (b) the person was qualified for the allowance:

 (i) in a case to which subparagraph (a)(i) applies—on the date of lodgment of the claim; and

 (ii) in a case to which subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—on the date the person is taken to have made the claim.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not imply that a person making a claim in the circumstances referred to in subsection 35(1) of the Administration Act before 20 September 2003 will be granted a mature age allowance if the date from which the allowance would be payable to that person under subsection 37(7) of that Act would be 20 September 2003 or a later date.

 (3) Nothing in this section affects the operation of section 85 of the Administration Act.

Division 2Qualification for mature age allowance

660YBA  Qualification for mature age allowance

 (1) A person is qualified for a mature age allowance in respect of a period if the person fulfils the requirements set out in this section in respect of the period.

 (2) The first requirement is that the person has reached 60 years of age but has not reached pension age.

Note: For pension age see section 23.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), the second requirement is that either of the following paragraphs applies to the person:

 (a) the person was receiving a job search allowance or a newstart allowance immediately before the claim lodgment day and has been receiving an income support payment for a continuous period of at least 9 months immediately before the claim lodgment day;

 (b) at any time during the period of 13 weeks immediately before the claim lodgment day the person received a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement, a widow allowance, a partner allowance, sickness allowance, benefit PP (partnered) or a parenting allowance (other than a nonbenefit parenting allowance).

Note 1: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For calculation of continuous period of receipt of income support payments see section 38B.

 (4) The requirement set out in subsection (3) does not apply to a person who has previously received mature age allowance under this Part or Part 2.12A.

 (5) The third requirement is that the person satisfies the Secretary that the person has no recent workforce experience.

 (6) For the purposes of subsection (5), recent workforce experience is employment of 20 hours or more a week for a total of 13 weeks or more at any time during the 12 months immediately before the claim lodgment day.

 (7) The fourth requirement is that the person is an Australian resident.

Note: For Australian resident see section 7.

 (11) In this section:

claim lodgment day means the day on which the claim is lodged.

Note: A mature age allowance is not payable in certain situations even if the person is qualified (see Division 3).

660YBB  Assurance of support

  A person is not qualified for mature age allowance in respect of a period if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) an assurance of support is in force in respect of the person (the assuree) for the period; and

 (b) throughout the period the person who gave the assurance of support is willing and able to provide an adequate level of support to the assuree; and

 (c) throughout the period it would be reasonable for the assuree to accept the support.

Note: For assurance of support see subsection 23(1).

Division 3Payability of mature age allowance

660YCA  Mature age allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a mature age allowance is not payable to a person if the person’s mature age allowance rate would be nil.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person’s rate would be nil merely because an advance pharmaceutical allowance has been paid to the person under:

 (a) the social security law; or

 (b) Division 2 of Part VIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act.

660YCF  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) A mature age allowance is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a mature age allowance under Part 2.12A, a service pension or income support supplement.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a mature age allowance; and

 (b) another social security benefit, a social security pension, a service pension or income support supplement becomes payable to the person;

the mature age allowance is not payable to the person.

Note: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), a mature age allowance is not payable to a woman if:

 (a) the woman is an armed services widow; and

 (b) the woman is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note 1: For armed services widow see subsection 4(1).

Note 2: A widow receiving a payment under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act who is not covered by paragraph (3)(b) may be paid at a lower rate (see subsection 1068(3)).

 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply to a woman if:

 (a) the woman has been receiving a payment referred to in paragraph (3)(b) continuously since before 1 November 1986; and

 (b) before 1 November 1986 the woman was also receiving a social security benefit.

 (5) A mature age allowance is not payable to a man if:

 (a) the man is an armed services widower; and

 (b) the man is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note: For armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

 (6) A mature age allowance is not payable to a person if:

 (a) the person is an armed services widow or armed services widower; and

 (b) the person is receiving the weekly amount mentioned in paragraph 234(1)(b) of the MRCA (including a reduced weekly amount because of a choice under section 236 of the MRCA) or has received a lump sum mentioned in subsection 236(5) of the MRCA.

Note 1: For armed services widow and armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

Note 2: For MRCA see subsection 23(1).

660YCFA  Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

 (1) Subject to this section, a person who:

 (a) has entered Australia on or after 1 January 1993; and

 (b) has not been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 104 weeks;

is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who has a qualifying residence exemption for a mature age allowance.

Note: For qualifying residence exemption see subsections 7(6) and 7(6AA).

 (4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if:

 (a) the person is already subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period; or

 (b) the person has already served a newly arrived resident’s waiting period; or

 (c) the person:

 (i) has previously entered Australia before 1 January 1993; and

 (ii) held a permanent entry permit granted under the Migration Act 1958 as then in force, or a permanent visa, before the person’s last departure from Australia.

 (5) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if:

 (a) the person is a New Zealand citizen; and

 (b) the person was an Australian resident on 1 February 2000.

660YCFB  Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

 (1) If a person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period, the period starts on the day the person first became an Australian resident.

 (3) The newly arrived resident’s waiting period ends when the person has been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 104 weeks.

Note: This rule does not apply to people who were already subject to, or had already served, a newly arrived resident’s waiting period before the commencement of this rule. Clause 121 of Schedule 1A to this Act continues the application of the previous rules to those people.

660YCG  Educational and other schemes exclusion

 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a mature age allowance is not payable to a person for a period if a payment has been or may be made in respect of the person for that period under:

 (a) a prescribed educational scheme other than the ABSTUDY Scheme to the extent that it applies to parttime students; or

 (b) the scheme to provide an allowance known as the Maintenance Allowance for Refugees.

Note: For prescribed educational scheme see section 5.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person enrols in a fulltime course of education; and

 (b) a payment under a scheme referred to in subsection (1) may be made in respect of the person;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), mature age allowance is payable to the person for a period before the person starts the course.

 (3) If:

 (a) a person enrols in a fulltime course of education; and

 (b) the course is to last for 6 months or longer; and

 (c) an application is made for a payment in respect of the person under:

 (ii) the ABSTUDY Schools Scheme; or

 (iii) the ABSTUDY Tertiary Scheme; and

 (d) the person was receiving mature age allowance immediately before the start of the course;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), mature age allowance is payable to the person until:

 (e) the application is determined; or

 (f) the end of 3 weeks beginning on the day on which the course starts;

whichever happens first.

660YCH  Maximum basic rate and remote area allowance not payable to CDEP Scheme participant

  The maximum basic rate, and the remote area allowance, of mature age allowance for a period are not payable to a person who is a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the whole or a part of the period.

Note 1: For remote area allowance see Module J of Benefit Rate Calculator B.

Note 2: For CDEP Scheme participant see subsection 23(1).

660YCI  Exclusion for nonpayment period for job search allowance, newstart allowance or partner allowance


 (a) a period of nonpayment of newstart allowance or partner allowance has been imposed in respect of a person; and

 (b) the period has not ended;

mature age allowance is not payable to the person for the period.

Note 2: For the imposition of a period of nonpayment of newstart allowance see Subdivision F of Division 1 of Part 2.12 and section 634.

Note 3: For the imposition of a period of nonpayment of partner allowance see paragraph 771HC(1)(b).

660YCJ  Allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded

 (1) A mature age allowance is not payable to a person if the value of the person’s assets is greater than the person’s assets value limit.

 (2) A person’s assets value limit is calculated by working out which family situation in column 2 of the following Table applies to the person; the assets value limit is the corresponding amount in column 3.


Assets value limit table

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Assets value limit


Person’s family situation

Column 3A

Either the person or the partner is a homeowner

Column 3B

Neither the person nor the partner is a homeowner


Not member of a couple




Partnered (partner getting neither pension nor allowance)




Partnered (partner getting pension or allowance)



Note 1: For members of a couple, partnered (partner getting neither pension nor allowance) and partnered (partner getting pension or allowance) see section 4.

Note 2: For homeowner see section 11.

Note 3: If item 2 applies to a person, the value of all the assets of the person’s partner is to be taken as being included in the value of the person’s assets (see subsection 660YCK(1))—this is why the assets value limit is so high. If, on the other hand, item 3 applies to a person, the value of the person’s assets is only half the combined value of the person’s assets and the assets of the person’s partner (see subsection 660YCK(2)).

Note 4: If a mature age allowance is not payable to a person because of the value of the person’s assets, the person may be able to take advantage of provisions dealing with financial hardship (see sections 1131 and 1132).

Note 5: The assets value limits of items 1 and 3 in column 3A and item 3 in column 3B are indexed annually in line with CPI increases (see sections 1191 to 1194).

Note 6: The assets value limit of item 1 in column 3B is adjusted annually (see subsection 1204(1)).

Note 7: The assets value limits of item 2 are adjusted annually so that they are twice the corresponding item 3 limits (see subsections 1204(2) and (3)).

660YCK  Value of assets of members of couples

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person’s partner is not in receipt of an income support payment;

the value of the person’s assets, or of assets of a particular kind of the person, includes the value of the partner’s assets or of assets of that kind of the partner.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person’s partner is in receipt of an income support payment;

the following paragraphs apply:

 (c) the value of the person’s assets is taken to be 50% of the sum of the value of the assets of the person and the value of the assets of the person’s partner; and

 (d) the value of the person’s assets of a particular kind is taken to be 50% of the sum of the value of the assets of that kind of the person and the value of the assets of that kind of the person’s partner.

Note: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

660YCL  Seasonal workers

 (1) This section applies if, at any time during the 6 months immediately before the day on which a person lodges a claim for mature age allowance, the person, or, if the person is a member of a couple, the person or the person’s partner, has been engaged in seasonal work.

Note: For seasonal work see subsection 16A(1).

 (2) Mature age allowance is not payable to the person:

 (a) if the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act) and the Secretary has not made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for the person’s seasonal work preclusion period; or

 (b) if the Secretary has made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for that part (if any) of the person’s seasonal work preclusion period to which the person is subject as a result of the determination.

Note: For seasonal work preclusion period see subsection 16A(1).

 (3) If the Secretary is satisfied that a person is in severe financial hardship because the person has incurred unavoidable or reasonable expenditure while the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act):

 (a) the Secretary may determine that the person is not subject to the whole, or any part, of the preclusion period; and

 (b) the determination has effect accordingly.

Note 1: For in severe financial hardship see subsection 19C(2) (person who is not a member of a couple) and subsection 19C(3) (person who is a member of a couple).

Note 2: For unavoidable or reasonable expenditure see subsection 19C(4).

Division 6Rate of mature age allowance

660YFA  How to work out a person’s mature age allowance

  A person’s mature age allowance rate is worked out by using Benefit Rate Calculator B at the end of section 1068 (see Part 3.6).

660YGI  CDEP Scheme participant may accumulate mature age allowance

 (1) A person who is a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the whole or a part of a quarter may, by written notice given to the Secretary, choose to accumulate the amounts of any mature age allowance that become payable to the person in respect of that quarter, or any later quarter in respect of the whole or a part of which the person is a CDEP Scheme participant, and have not already been paid.

 (2) If a person to whom subsection (1) applies makes a choice under that subsection, the sum of the accumulated amounts payable to the person in respect of a quarter is to be paid on, or as soon as practicable after, the first payday after:

 (a) unless paragraph (b) applies, the last day of the quarter; or

 (b) if the person ceases to be a CDEP Scheme participant before the end of the quarter—the day on which the person so ceases.

 (3) In this section:

quarter means a CDEP Scheme quarter.

Note 1: For CDEP Scheme participant see section 1188B.

Note 2: For CDEP Scheme quarter see subsection 23(1).

Division 11Bereavement payments

Subdivision APreliminary

660YKA  Surviving partner and deceased partner


 (a) a person is receiving mature age allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies;

then, for the purposes of this Division:

 (c) the person is the surviving partner; and

 (d) the person’s partner is the deceased partner.

Subdivision BContinuation of mature age allowance following death of recipient’s partner

660YKB  Continuation of mature age allowance for bereavement period

 (1) This section applies if:

 (a) a person is receiving mature age allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies; and

 (c) immediately before the deceased partner died, the partner:

 (i) was a longterm social security recipient; or

 (ii) was receiving a social security pension, a service pension or income support supplement; and

 (d) immediately before the deceased partner died, the surviving partner was a longterm social security recipient.

 (2) The surviving partner remains qualified for mature age allowance during the bereavement period as if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) the deceased partner had continued to receive an income support payment; and

 (c) the surviving partner and the deceased partner had continued to be members of a couple.

 (3) The surviving partner’s mature age allowance rate during the bereavement rate continuation period is the rate that would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if the couple had been an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they had not been such a couple.

 (4) The surviving partner’s mature age allowance rate during the bereavement lump sum period (if any) is the rate at which mature age allowance would have been payable to the surviving partner if he or she was not a member of a couple.

Note 1: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For bereavement period, bereavement rate continuation period and bereavement lump sum period see section 21.

Note 3: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Note 4: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Subdivision CBereavement payments for person receiving mature age allowance following death of the person’s partner

660YKC  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving mature age allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies; and

 (c) immediately before the deceased partner died, the partner:

 (i) was a longterm social security recipient; or

 (ii) was receiving a social security pension, a service pension or income support supplement; and

 (d) immediately before the deceased partner died, the surviving partner was a longterm social security recipient; and

 (e) on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday, the amount that would be payable to the person if the person were not qualified for payments under this Subdivision is less than the sum of:

 (i) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 660YKB (person’s continued rate) on that payday; and

 (ii) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 660YKD (continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit) on the partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday;

the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 660YKD provides for the payment to the surviving partner, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the deceased partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 660YKE provides for payment to the surviving partner of a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the deceased partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the deceased partner had not died.

Note 3: For bereavement period see section 21.

 (2) A surviving partner who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

 (3) An election under subsection (2):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the surviving partner has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

660YKD  Continued payment of deceased partner’s previous entitlement

  If a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner, there is payable to the surviving partner, on each of the deceased partner’s paydays in the bereavement rate continuation period, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on that payday if he or she had not died.

Note: For bereavement rate continuation period see section 21.

660YKE  Lump sum payable in some circumstances


 (a) a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the surviving partner as a lump sum an amount worked out using the following Lump Sum Calculator:


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on the deceased partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount of mature age allowance that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) mature age allowance had been payable to the surviving partner on that payday; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that payday:

 the result is called the surviving partner’s notional rate.

Step 5. Take the surviving partner’s notional rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the deceased partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of the deceased partner’s paydays in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 7. Multiply the deceased partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the surviving partner under this section.

Note: For bereavement period, bereavement lump sum period and first available bereavement adjustment payday see section 21.

660YKF  Effect of death of surviving partner


 (a) a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner; and

 (b) the surviving partner dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the deceased partner before the surviving partner dies;

there is payable, as a lump sum, to any person that the Secretary thinks appropriate, an amount worked out using the following Lump Sum Calculator:


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner died if:

 (a) neither the surviving partner nor the deceased partner had died; and

 (b) if immediately before the deceased partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on the deceased partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner dies if:

 (a) neither the surviving partner nor the deceased partner had died; and

 (b) if immediately before the deceased partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: this result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount of mature age allowance that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner died if:

 (a) mature age allowance had been payable to the surviving partner on that payday; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that payday:

 the result is called the surviving partner’s notional rate.

Step 5. Take the surviving partner’s notional rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the deceased partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of the surviving partner’s paydays in the period that starts on the day on which the surviving partner dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 7. Multiply the deceased partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

Note: For bereavement period and first available bereavement adjustment payday see section 21.

660YKG  Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) after the deceased partner died, an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if he or she had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the surviving partner had not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the surviving partner or from the personal representative of the deceased partner, except to the extent (if any) to which the amount is greater than the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if the deceased partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a financial institution; and

 (c) the financial institution pays to the surviving partner, out of that account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the financial institution is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the deceased partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the surviving partner.

Note: For bereavement period see section 21.

Subdivision DBereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

660YKH  Calculation of bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

  If a benefit becomes payable under this Division in respect of a person who was a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the day on which the benefit becomes payable, the amount of the benefit is to be the amount that would have been the amount of the benefit if section 660YCH had not been enacted.

Note: For CDEP Scheme participant see section 1188B.

Part 2.13AEducation entry payment

Division 1Recipients of pension PP (single)

665A  Payment to recipient of pension PP (single)

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) the person is receiving a pension PP (single); and

 (b) a pensioner education supplement is payable to the person; and

Note: Pensioner education supplement is payable to a person even if a person’s whole payment has been traded in, or traded back, under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme established under Chapter 2B.

 (c) the person has not received a payment under this Part for which he or she made a claim in the current calendar year.

665B  Amount of section 665A payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665A is $208.

665C  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665A unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 2Recipients of disability support pension

665E  Payment to a disability support pensioner

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) the person is receiving a disability support pension; and

 (b) a pensioner education supplement is payable to the person; and

Note: Pensioner education supplement is payable to a person even if a person’s whole payment has been traded in, or traded back, under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme established under Chapter 2B.

 (d) the person has not received a payment under this Part for which he or she made a claim in the current calendar year.

665F  Amount of section 665E payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665E is $208.

665G  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665E unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 4Special benefit recipients

665M  Payment to a special benefit recipient

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) the person would be qualified for a pension PP (single) apart from paragraphs 500(1)(b) and (d) (Australian residency requirements); and

 (b) the person is receiving special benefit; and

 (c) a pensioner education supplement is payable to the person; and

Note: Pensioner education supplement is payable to a person even if a person’s whole payment has been traded in, or traded back, under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme established under Chapter 2B.

 (e) the person has not received a payment under this Part for which he or she made a claim in the current calendar year.

665N  Amount of section 665M payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665M is $208.

665P  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665M unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 6Jobseeker payment recipients

665U  Payment to recipient

 (1) A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a fulltime course of education that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY scheme or an approved course of education or study for the purposes of paragraph 541B(1)(c) or 569A(b); or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before starting the course of education:

 (i) the person is receiving a jobseeker payment; and

 (ii) the person had been receiving income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 12 months (whether or not the kind of payment received has changed over the period and whether the period or any part of it occurred before or after the commencement of this section); and

Note 1: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For the determination of whether a person received income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 12 months see section 38B.

 (c) the person:

 (i) ceases to be qualified for jobseeker payment because the person takes part in the course of education; or

 (ii) is not qualified for youth allowance as a fulltime student, austudy payment or payments under the ABSTUDY scheme because the person takes part in the course to satisfy the activity test under section 601 or to comply with a requirement in a Jobseeker Employment Pathway Plan; and

 (d) the person has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

 (2) A person is also taken to be qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) immediately before 20 September 1996, the person:

 (i) was qualified for an education entry payment under section 665Q of this Act, or under this section, as in force immediately before that date; or

 (ii) would have been so qualified if the person had, before that date, duly made a claim for the payment; and

 (b) the person has not received the payment.

Reduction of qualification period during designated period

 (3) Subsection (1) has effect during the designated period as if the reference in subparagraph (b)(ii) to 12 months were a reference to 4 weeks.

 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the designated period is the period beginning on 1 January 2009 and ending at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

665V  Amount of section 665U payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665U is $208.

665W  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665U unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 7Mature age allowance recipient

665Y  Payment to a mature age allowance recipient

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a course of education (whether fulltime or parttime) that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY schemes; or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before commencing the course of education, the person is receiving mature age allowance; and

 (c) the person has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

665Z  Amount of section 665Y payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665Y is $208.

665ZA  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665Y unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 8Widow allowance recipients

665ZC  Payment to a widow allowance recipient

 (1) A woman is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that she intends to enrol in a fulltime or parttime course of education that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY scheme; or

 (ii) she is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before she commences the course of education, she:

 (i) is receiving widow allowance; and

 (ii) is a longterm social security recipient; and

 (c) she has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

Note 1: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: Transitional provisions apply to this section for 9 months after 1 January 1995 (see section 11 of the Social Security (Parenting Allowance and Other Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1994).

Reduction of qualification period during designated period

 (2) Subsection (1) has effect during the designated period as if it were modified as follows:

 (a) by omitting subparagraph (b)(ii) and substituting the following subparagraph:

 (ii) had been receiving income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks (whether or not the kind of payment received has changed over the period and whether the period or any part of it occurred before or after 1 January 2009); and

 (b) by omitting Note 1 and substituting the following notes:

Note 1: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 1A: For the determination of whether a person received income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks see section 38B.

 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the designated period is the period beginning on 1 January 2009 and ending at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

665ZD  Amount of section 665ZC payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZC is $208.

665ZE  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZC unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 8ACarer payment recipients

665ZFA  Payment to a carer payment recipient

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) the person is receiving a carer payment; and

 (b) a pensioner education supplement is payable to the person; and

Note: Pensioner education supplement is payable to a person even if a person’s whole payment has been traded in, or traded back, under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme established under Chapter 2B.

 (d) the person has not received a payment under this Part for which he or she made a claim in the current calendar year.

665ZFB  Amount of section 665ZFA payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZFA is $208.

665ZFC  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZFA unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 9Mature age partner allowance

665ZG  Payment to a mature age partner allowance recipient

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a fulltime or parttime course of education that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY scheme; or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before the person commences the course of education, the person is receiving a mature age partner allowance; and

 (c) the person has not received a payment under this Part for which he or she made a claim in the current calendar year.

665ZH  Amount of section 665ZG payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZG is $208.

665ZJ  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZG unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 11Partner allowance recipients

665ZQ  Payment to a partner allowance recipient

 (1) A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a fulltime course of education that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY scheme; or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before the person commences the course of education, the person:

 (i) is receiving partner allowance; and

 (ii) is a longterm social security recipient; and

 (c) the person has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

Note 1: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: Transitional provisions apply to this section for 3 months after 1 July 1995 (see section 12 of the Social Security (Parenting Allowance and Other Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1994).

Reduction of qualification period during designated period

 (2) Subsection (1) has effect during the designated period as if it were modified as follows:

 (a) by omitting subparagraph (b)(ii) and substituting the following subparagraph:

 (ii) had been receiving income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks (whether or not the kind of payment received has changed over the period and whether the period or any part of it occurred before or after 1 January 2009); and

 (b) by omitting Note 1 and substituting the following notes:

Note 1: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 1A: For the determination of whether a person received income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks see section 38B.

 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the designated period is the period beginning on 1 January 2009 and ending at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

665ZR  Amount of section 665ZQ payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZQ is $208.

665ZS  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZQ unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 12Recipients of PP (partnered)

665ZU  Payment to recipient of PP (partnered)

 (1) A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a fulltime or parttime course of education that is an approved course under the AUSTUDY scheme or ABSTUDY scheme; or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before the person commences the course of education, the person:

 (i) is receiving benefit PP (partnered); and

 (ii) is a longterm social security recipient; and

 (c) the person has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

Note 1: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For benefit PP (partnered) see section 18.

Note 3: Transitional provisions apply to this section for 3 months after 1 July 1995 (see section 12 of the Social Security (Parenting Allowance and Other Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1994).

Reduction of qualification period during designated period

 (2) Subsection (1) has effect during the designated period as if it were modified as follows:

 (a) by omitting subparagraph (b)(ii) and substituting the following subparagraph:

 (ii) had been receiving income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks (whether or not the kind of payment received has changed over the period and whether the period or any part of it occurred before or after 1 January 2009); and

 (b) by omitting Note 1 and substituting the following notes:

Note 1: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 1A: For the determination of whether a person received income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks see section 38B.

 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the designated period is the period beginning on 1 January 2009 and ending at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

665ZV  Amount of section 665ZU payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZU is $208.

665ZW  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZU unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

Division 12ARecipients of youth allowance (other)

665ZX  Payment to recipient of youth allowance (other)

 (1) A person is qualified for an education entry payment under this section if:

 (a) either:

 (i) the Secretary is satisfied that the person intends to enrol in a qualifying course; or

 (ii) the person is enrolled in such a course; and

 (b) immediately before the person commences the course, the person:

 (i) is receiving youth allowance; and

 (ii) is not undertaking fulltime study and is not a new apprentice; and

 (iii) had been receiving income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks (whether or not the kind of payment received has changed over the period and whether the period or any part of it occurred before or after 1 January 2009); and

 (c) the person has not, within the last 12 months, received a payment under this Part.

Note 1: For undertaking fulltime study see section 541B.

Note 2: For income support payment see subsection 23(1).

Note 3: For the determination of whether a person received income support payments in respect of a continuous period of at least 4 weeks see section 38B.

 (2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(a)(i), a qualifying course, in relation to a person, is:

 (a) a fulltime course of education that is an approved course under the ABSTUDY scheme or an approved course of education or study (within the meaning of subsection 541B(5)); or

 (b) a course that is provided for by a term (whether the term is required to be complied with or not) of the person’s Youth Allowance Employment Pathway Plan.

665ZXA  Amount of section 665ZX payment

  The amount of an education entry payment under section 665ZX is $208.

665ZXB  Need for claim

  A person is not qualified for an education entry payment under section 665ZX unless the person has made a claim for the payment.

665ZXC  Cessation of Division

  This Division ceases to have effect at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

Division 13Protection of education entry payment

665ZY  Education entry payment to be absolutely inalienable

 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) and section 238 of the Administration Act, an education entry payment is absolutely inalienable, whether by way of, or in consequence of, sale, assignment, charge, execution, bankruptcy or otherwise.

 (2) The Secretary may make a deduction from an education entry payment payable to a person if the person asks the Secretary:

 (a) to make the deduction; and

 (b) to pay the amount to be deducted to the Commissioner of Taxation.

 (3) The Secretary may make a deduction from a person’s education entry payment if the person consents under section 1234A to the Secretary making that deduction.

Note: Section 1234A enables the Secretary to recover a debt from a person other than the debtor if the person is receiving a social security payment.

665ZZ  Effect of garnishee or attachment order

 (1) If:

 (a) a person has an account with a financial institution; and

 (b) a court order in the nature of a garnishee order comes into force in respect of the account; and

 (c) an education entry payment payable to the person (whether on the person’s own behalf or not) has been paid to the credit of the account during the 4week period immediately before the court order came into force;

the court order does not apply to the saved amount (if any) in the account.

 (2) The saved amount is worked out as follows:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount of education entry payment paid to the credit of the account as mentioned in paragraph (1)(c).

Step 2. Subtract from that amount the total amount withdrawn from the account during the 4week period referred to in paragraph (1)(c): the result is the saved amount.

 (3) This section applies to an account whether it is maintained by a person:

 (a) alone; or

 (b) jointly with another person; or

 (c) in common with another person.

Note: A person affected by a garnishee order may have other saved amounts.

Division 14Education entry payment supplement

665ZZA  Qualification for education entry payment supplement

  A person is qualified for an education entry payment supplement under this section if the person:

 (a) is qualified for an education entry payment under this Part on or after 1 January 2009; or

 (b) is eligible for an education entry payment under Part VIIAA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 on or after 1 January 2009.

665ZZB  Amount of education entry payment supplement

  The amount of an education entry payment supplement under section 665ZZA is $950.

665ZZC  Separate claim not needed

  A person is taken to have made a claim for an education entry payment supplement under section 665ZZA if the person has made a claim for an education entry payment as required by this Part or Part VIIAA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986.

665ZZD  Education entry payment supplement taken to be part of education entry payment for purposes of social security law

 (1) For the purposes of the social security law, an education entry payment supplement payable to a person who is qualified for the supplement because of paragraph 665ZZA(a) is taken to be part of the education entry payment payable to the person.

 (2) Subsection (1) has effect except so far as any provision in the social security law expressly provides for or in relation to education entry payment supplement.

665ZZE  Cessation of Division

  This Division ceases to have effect at the end of:

 (a) 30 June 2010; or

 (b) if a later date is determined by the Minister by legislative instrument—that later date.

Part 2.15Special benefit

Division 1Qualification for and payability of special benefit

Subdivision AQualification

729  Qualification for special benefit

 (1) A person is qualified for a special benefit for a period if the Secretary determines, in accordance with subsection (2), that a special benefit should be granted to the person for the period.

Note: Special benefit is a discretionary benefit and is available only to a person who is not able to get any other income support payment (see paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) below).

 (2) The Secretary may, in his or her discretion, determine that a special benefit should be granted to a person for a period if:

 (a) no social security pension is payable to the person during the period; and

 (b) no other social security benefit is payable to the person for the period; and

 (bb) the person is not disqualified for a benefit PP (partnered) for the period solely because of the operation of section 500C (unemployment due to industrial action); and

 (bc) the person is not disqualified from parenting payment for the period solely because of a failure to meet the requirement of paragraph 500(1)(c) or (1)(ca) (participation requirements); and

 (bd) if the person is qualified for parenting payment but the payment is not payable because of the operation of any of the following provisions of the Administration Act:

 (i) subsection 42AL(1) (payment suspension periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (ii) subsection 42AO(1) (unemployment preclusion periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (iii) subsection 42AP(5) (postcancellation nonpayment periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (iv) subsection 42P(1) (serious failures—declared program participants);

 (v) subsection 42S(1) (unemployment nonpayment periods—declared program participants); and

 (c) the person is not disqualified for a jobseeker payment for the period because of the operation of section 596; and

 (d) if the person is qualified for a jobseeker payment but the payment is not payable to the person for the period—that result is not produced because of the operation of one or more of the following:

 (i) subsection 42AL(1) of the Administration Act (payment suspension periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (ii) subsection 42AO(1) of that Act (unemployment preclusion periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (iia) subsection 42AP(5) of that Act (postcancellation nonpayment periods—persons other than declared program participants);

 (iib) subsection 42P(1) of that Act (serious failures—declared program participants);

 (iic) subsection 42S(1) of that Act (unemployment nonpayment periods—declared program participants);

 (iii) section 631 of this Act (person failing to comply with notification requirement);

 (iv) section 633 of this Act (seasonal workers);

 (v) section 634 of this Act (move to area of lower employment prospects); and

 (da) the person is not disqualified for a youth allowance for the period because of the operation of:

 (i) section 541A (failure to satisfy the activity test); or

 (ii) section 544 (requirements relating to Youth Allowance Employment Pathway Plans); and

 (db) the person is not disqualified for an austudy payment for the period because the person fails to satisfy the activity test within the meaning of section 569; and

 (dc) youth allowance is not payable to the person for the period and that result is not because of the operation of:

 (i) section 550B (youth allowance participation failure); or

 (ia) section 551 (repeated failure); or

 (ii) section 553B (move to an area of lower employment prospects); or

 (iii) subsection 42AL(1) of the Administration Act (payment suspension periods—persons other than declared program participants); or

 (iv) subsection 42AO(1) of that Act (unemployment preclusion periods—persons other than declared program participants); or

 (v) subsection 42AP(5) of that Act (postcancellation nonpayment periods—persons other than declared program participants); or

 (vi) subsection 42P(1) of that Act (serious failures—declared program participants); or

 (vii) subsection 42S(1) of that Act (unemployment nonpayment periods—declared program participants); or

 (viii) section 81 of that Act; and

 (dd) austudy payment is not payable to the person for the period and that result is not because of the operation of:

 (i) section 576A (austudy participation failure); or

 (ia) section 577 (repeated failure); or

 (ii) section 81 of the Administration Act; and

 (e) the Secretary is satisfied that the person is unable to earn a sufficient livelihood for the person and the person’s dependants (if any) because of age, physical or mental disability or domestic circumstances or for any other reason; and

 (f) the person:

 (i) is an Australian resident; or

 (v) is the holder of a visa that is in a class of visas determined by the Minister for the purposes of this subparagraph; and

 (g) if the person is:

 (i) the holder of a visa included in a class of visas that is issued for temporary protection, humanitarian, or safe haven purposes and that is determined by the Minister to be a class of visas to which this subparagraph applies; and

 (ii) a person to whom subsection (2A) applies;

  the person meets the additional criteria set out in paragraph (2B); and

 (h) an assurance of support does not apply to the person at any time during the period (see subsection (2C)).

Note: For Australian resident see subsection 7(2).

 (2A) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(g), the holder of a visa included in a class of visas that is issued for temporary protection, humanitarian, or safe haven purposes and that is determined by the Minister to be a class of visas to which subparagraph (2)(g)(i) applies is a person to whom that firstmentioned paragraph applies only if:

 (a) the person would not qualify for disability support pension under section 94 or 95 if the person were an Australian resident; and

 (b) the person has attained the minimum age for youth allowance as determined in accordance with subsection 543A(1) but has not attained pension age; and

 (c) the person:

 (i) claims, or has claimed, special benefit on or after 1 January 2003 that is not continuous with any previous grant of special benefit; or

 (ii) if the person had not attained the minimum age for youth allowance as defined by subsection 543A(1) before 1 January 2003—is receiving special benefit granted before, or continuous with special benefit granted before, that date.

 (2B) A person referred to in paragraph (2)(g) is qualified for special benefit in respect of a period only if, in addition to meeting any relevant requirement in paragraphs (2)(a) to (f):

 (a) throughout the period, and for each period within the period, the person either:

 (i) satisfies the activity test set out in section 731A; or

 (ii) is not required to satisfy the activity test; and

 (b) at all times (if any) during the period when a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan is not in force in relation to the person, the person is prepared to enter into such a plan; and

 (c) at all times during the period when a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan is in force in relation to the person, the person is prepared to enter into another such plan instead of the existing plan; and

 (d) if the person is required by the Secretary to enter into a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan in relation to the period or a part of the period, the person enters into that plan; and

 (e) while a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan is in force in relation to the person, the person satisfies the Secretary that the person is complying with the requirements in the plan.

 (2C) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(h), an assurance of support applies to a person at a particular time if:

 (a) an assurance of support is in force in respect of the person (the assuree) at that time; and

 (b) the person who gave the assurance was willing and able to provide an adequate level of support to the assuree; and

 (c) it was reasonable for the assuree to accept that support.

Note: For assurance of support see subsection 23(1).

 (2D) For the avoidance of doubt, if, at any time during the period for which special benefit is granted to a person, the person’s circumstances change such that, if the person were to be making a claim for special benefit on the basis of the changed circumstances, the person would not be qualified for special benefit, special benefit ceases to be payable.

 (3) The Secretary is not to determine that a special benefit should be granted to a person for a period if the Secretary is satisfied that the benefit is not payable to the person for that period.

 (4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(d), a jobseeker payment is to be taken to be not payable to a person for a period because of the operation of a provision if:

 (a) the person has claimed the payment for the period and the payment is not payable to the person because of the operation of the provision; or

 (b) were the person to claim the payment for the period the payment would not be payable to the person because of the operation of the provision.

 (4A) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(dc) a youth allowance is taken to be not payable to a person for a period because of the operation of a provision if:

 (a) the person has claimed the allowance for the period and the allowance is not payable to the person because of the operation of the provision; or

 (b) were the person to claim the allowance for the period the allowance would not be payable to the person because of the operation of the provision.

 (4B) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(dd), an austudy payment is taken not to be payable to a person for a period because of the operation of a provision if:

 (a) the person has claimed the payment for the period and the payment is not payable to the person because of the operation of the provision; or

 (b) were the person to claim the payment for the period, the payment would not be payable to the person because of the operation of the provision.

 (6) If:

 (a) a person was receiving a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; and

 (b) the person claims a special benefit within 14 days of the day on which the last instalment of the person’s social security pension, service pension, income support supplement or veteran payment was paid; and

 (c) the person becomes qualified for a special benefit at some time during the 14 day period but after the first day of that period;

the person is taken to be qualified for a special benefit for the whole of the 14 day period.

Note: Subsection (6) operates when a person transfers from a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment to a special benefit and the person is not qualified for a special benefit immediately after the day on which the person’s last instalment of social security pension, service pension, income support supplement or veteran payment is paid. The subsection deems the person to be so qualified. As a result, the person may be paid a special benefit for the period beginning on the day after the day on which the person’s last instalment of social security pension, service pension, income support supplement or veteran payment was paid. The subsection aims to ensure that there is minimal disruption to a person’s payments when a person transfers from a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment to a special benefit.

729A  Time limit on qualification for certain recipients of special benefit

 (1) This section applies to a person who is receiving special benefit if:

 (a) the person’s maximum benefit period is 13 weeks or less; and

 (b) the Secretary determines that this section should apply to the person.

 (2) The maximum benefit period for a person is the period specified in the determination granting the person’s claim for special benefit as the maximum period for which the special benefit is payable to the person.

 (3) If:

 (a) the section applies to a person; and

 (b) the Secretary is satisfied that the person’s qualification for special benefit will continue after the end of the person’s maximum benefit period; and

 (c) the Secretary determines that this subsection should apply to the person;

the Secretary may determine that special benefit should be granted to the person for a period of not more than 13 weeks.

 (4) Subject to section 729B, if:

 (a) the Secretary has determined that special benefit should be granted to the person for a period of not more than 13 weeks under subsection (3) or this subsection; and

 (b) the Secretary is satisfied that the person’s qualification for special benefit will continue after the end of that period; and

 (c) the Secretary determines that this subsection should apply to the person;

the Secretary may determine that special benefit should be granted to the person for a further period of not more than 13 weeks.

729AA  Effect of industrial action on qualification conditions of certain claimants for special benefit

 (1) A person who:

 (a) has claimed special benefit; and

 (b) is:

 (i) the holder of a visa included in a class of visas that is issued for temporary protection, humanitarian, or safe haven purposes and that is determined by the Minister to be a class of visas to which subparagraph 729(2)(g)(i) applies; and

 (ii) a person to whom subsection 729(2A) applies;

is not, for the purposes of paragraph 729(2)(e), taken to be unable to earn a sufficient livelihood for the person and the person’s dependants (if any) if:

 (c) that inability arises because the person has ceased to be employed, or to be employed at a particular level of income; and

 (d) that cessation is attributable to the person’s being, or having been, engaged in industrial action, or in a series of industrial actions.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a person if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person’s unemployment or the effect on the person’s level of income was due to other people being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or in a series of industrial actions; and

 (b) the people or some of the people were members of a trade union that was involved in the industrial action; and

 (c) the person was not a member of the trade union during the period of the industrial action.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), subsections (1) and (2) do not prevent a person from being qualified for special benefit in respect of a period that occurs after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

 (4) If the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions is in breach of an order, direction or injunction issued by:

 (a) a prescribed State industrial authority within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009; or

 (b) the Fair Work Commission or the Australian Industrial Relations Commission; or

 (c) the Federal Court of Australia; or

 (d) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

a person is not qualified for special benefit in respect of a period unless that period occurs 6 weeks or more after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

729B  Certain recipients of special benefit cease to be qualified for special benefit after 52 weeks

 (1) A person to whom subsection 729A(4) applies ceases to be qualified for special benefit if the person has received special benefit in respect of the immediately preceding period of 52 weeks.

 (2) The Secretary may make a written determination that subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the Secretary is satisfied:

 (a) that the person’s qualification for special benefit will end during the next 13 weeks; or

 (b) that the person’s qualification for special benefit will continue after the end of the period of 65 weeks commencing on the person’s start day.

729C  Consequence of subsection 729B(2) determination

 (1) If the Secretary:

 (a) is satisfied of the matter mentioned in paragraph 729B(2)(a); and

 (b) makes a determination under subsection 729B(2) in relation to a person;

then the person ceases to be qualified for special benefit if:

 (c) the person has received special benefit in respect of the immediately preceding 65 weeks; and

 (d) the Secretary is satisfied that this subsection should apply to the person.

 (2) If the Secretary:

 (a) is satisfied of the matter mentioned in paragraph 729B(2)(b); and

 (b) makes a determination under subsection 729B(2) in relation to a person;

the Secretary may determine that special benefit should be granted to the person for a period.

730  Determination of period

  The period determined by the Secretary under subsection 729(2) is not to begin before the person’s start day.

Subdivision AAActivity test for certain nominated visa holders

731  Application of Subdivision

  This Subdivision applies to a person who is:

 (a) the holder of a visa that is included in a class of visas that is issued for temporary protection, humanitarian, or safe haven purposes and that is determined by the Minister to be a class of visas to which subparagraph 729(2)(g)(i) applies; and

 (b) a person to whom subsection 729(2A) applies.

731A  Activity test

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person to whom this Subdivision applies satisfies the activity test in respect of a period, whether it is the period of the grant of special benefit or a period within that period, if the person satisfies the Secretary that, throughout the period, the person is:

 (a) actively seeking; and

 (b) willing to undertake;

paid work in Australia other than unsuitable paid work within the meaning of section 731B.

 (7) A person to whom this Subdivision applies also satisfies the activity test in respect of a period if:

 (a) the Secretary is of the opinion that, throughout the period, the person should undertake particular paid work, other than unsuitable paid work within the meaning of section 731B; and

 (b) the Secretary notifies the person that the person is required to act in accordance with the opinion; and

 (c) the person complies, throughout the period, with the Secretary’s requirement.

 (8) To avoid doubt, the work that the person is required to undertake under subsection (7) may involve a number of hours per week that differs from the number of hours of work per week that the person is required to seek to comply with a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to the person.

 (9) A person cannot be taken to satisfy the activity test throughout a period if the person fails to comply with a requirement under subsection (7):

 (a) whether or not the person complies with subsection (1) or (11); and

 (b) whether or not another provision of this Act under which the activity test is satisfied, or taken to be satisfied, applies (or would apart from this section apply) to the person.

 (11) A person to whom this Subdivision applies also satisfies the activity test in respect of a period if:

 (a) throughout the period, the person complies with the terms of a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to the person; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the person is included in a class of persons specified in an instrument made under subsection (11A); or

 (ii) the Secretary determines that the person should be taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of that period.

 (11A) The Secretary may, by legislative instrument, specify classes of persons for the purposes of subparagraph (11)(b)(i).

 (12) If a person to whom this Subdivision applies fails to comply, throughout a period, with a requirement in a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to the person, the person cannot be taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of the period in spite of any compliance of the person with subsection (1).

731B  Meaning of unsuitable work for the purposes of the activity test

 (1) For the purposes of subsection 731A(1) and paragraph 731A(7)(a), particular paid work is unsuitable paid work in respect of a person if and only if, in the Secretary’s opinion:

 (a) the person lacks the particular skills, experience or qualifications that are needed to perform the work and no training will be provided by the employer; or

 (b) it has been established that there is medical evidence that the person has an illness, disability or injury that would be aggravated by the conditions in which the work would be performed; or

 (ba) the person is the principal carer for one or more children, and does not have access to appropriate care and supervision for the children at the times when the person would be required to undertake the work; or

Note: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

 (c) performing the work in the conditions in which the work would be performed would constitute a risk to health or safety and would contravene a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory relating to occupational health and safety; or

 (e) the terms and conditions for the work would be less generous than the applicable statutory conditions; or

 (g) commuting between the person’s home and the place of work would be unreasonably difficult; or

 (h) the work requires the person to move from a home in a place to a home in another place; or

 (i) for any other reason, the work is unsuitable for the person.

 (1A) A person has, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(ba), access to appropriate care and supervision for a child at a particular time if, at that time:

 (a) the child could be provided with care by an approved child care service (within the meaning of the Family Assistance Administration Act), and provision of that care would, in the Secretary’s opinion, be appropriate in the circumstances; or

 (b) the child could be provided with other care that the person considers to be suitable; or

 (c) the child could be attending school, and attendance at that school would, in the Secretary’s opinion, be appropriate in the circumstances.

 (1B) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(ba), a time when the person would be required to undertake the work includes reasonable amounts of time that would be needed for the person to travel from the person’s home to the place of work and from the place of work to the person’s home.

 (1C) The Secretary must, by legislative instrument, determine matters that the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(i), particular paid work is unsuitable for a person.

 (1D) To avoid doubt, a determination under subsection (1C) does not limit the matters that the Secretary may take into account in deciding whether, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(i), particular paid work is unsuitable for a person.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person seeks work in an area (the new area) that is outside the area (the old area) in which the person’s home is situated; and

 (b) the person is offered permanent fulltime work (whether or not work of the kind sought) in the new area;

the work offered is not unsuitable work in respect of the person because of paragraph (1)(g) or (h) unless:

 (c) the person is under the age of 18; or

 (d) the person or the person’s partner is pregnant; or

 (e) the person or the person’s partner has a severe medical condition and the condition makes it unreasonable for the person to accept the offer; or

 (f) the acceptance of the offer would jeopardise the current employment, or the employment prospects, of the person’s partner; or

 (g) the person or the person’s partner has a child under the age of 16 years who is living with them or is living somewhere else in the old area; or

 (h) the person or the person’s partner has significant caring responsibilities in the old area; or

 (i) the educational, cultural or religious background of the person makes it unreasonable for the person to accept the offer; or

 (j) it is more appropriate for the person to participate in education or training than to accept the offer; or

 (k) the person would suffer severe financial hardship if the person were to accept the offer.

 (3) A person who, when seeking employment through an employment service provider, represents to the provider that he or she is willing to undertake work outside the area in which the person’s home is situated is taken, for the purposes of subsection (2), to seek work outside the area at the time when the representation is made.

 (4) Subsection (3) does not affect what would otherwise constitute a circumstance of a person seeking work outside the area in which the person’s home is situated.

731D  Persons in certain areas can be taken to comply with activity test

  If the Secretary considers that:

 (a) it would be reasonable to assume that, at the end of a period, a person is present in an area where:

 (i) there is no locally accessible labour market; and

 (ii) there is no locally accessible vocational training course; and

 (aa) it would be reasonable to assume that, throughout the period, the person is capable of undertaking, and willing to undertake, paid work that in the Secretary’s opinion is suitable to be undertaken by the person; and

 (b) having regard to all the relevant factors, including:

 (i) the location of offices of the Department; and

 (ii) difficulties with transport and communication; and

 (iii) the educational and cultural background of the person;

  it would be unreasonable to expect the person to comply with the activity test in order to be qualified for special benefit for that period;

then, unless the person has been notified of a requirement under subsection 731A(7) in relation to the period, the person is taken to satisfy the activity test during that period.

731DAA  Relief from activity test—death of person’s partner


 (1) If:

 (a) a person makes a claim for special benefit on or after the commencement of this section; and

 (b) the person makes the claim after the death of the person’s partner on or after the commencement of this section; and

 (c) if the person is a man or a woman who was not pregnant when her partner died—the person makes the claim in the period of 14 weeks starting on the day of the death of the partner; and

 (d) if the person is a woman who was pregnant when her partner died—the person makes the claim:

 (i) in the period of 14 weeks starting on the day of the death of the partner; or

 (ii) in the period starting on the day of the death of the partner and ending when the child is born or the woman otherwise stops being pregnant;

  whichever ends later;

then the person is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of the period applicable under paragraph (c) or (d).


 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving special benefit on or after the commencement of this section; and

 (b) while the person is receiving special benefit, the person’s partner dies on or after the commencement of this section; and

 (c) if the person is a man or a woman who was not pregnant when her partner died—the person notifies the Secretary of the person’s partner’s death in the period of 14 weeks starting on the day of the death of the partner; and

 (d) if the person is a woman who was pregnant when her partner died—the person notifies the Secretary of the person’s partner’s death:

 (i) in the period of 14 weeks starting on the day of the death of the partner; or

 (ii) in the period starting on the day of the death of the partner and ending when the child is born or the woman otherwise stops being pregnant;

  whichever ends later; and

 (e) the person is receiving special benefit on the day of the notification;

then the person is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of the period applicable under paragraph (c) or (d).

731DA  Relief from activity test—domestic violence etc.

 (1) A person is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of a period that the Secretary determines under this section in relation to the person.

 (2) The Secretary may make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person:

 (i) is the principal carer of one or more children; and

 (ii) was subjected to domestic violence in the 26 weeks before the making of the determination; or

 (b) the person is the principal carer of one or more children, and there are special circumstances relating to the person’s family that make it appropriate to make the determination.

Note: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

 (2A) The Secretary must, by legislative instrument, specify matters that the Secretary must take into account in deciding whether there are special circumstances relating to a person’s family that make it appropriate to make a determination under this section.

 (2B) To avoid doubt, a determination under subsection (2A) does not limit the matters that the Secretary may take into account in making a determination under subsection (2).

 (3) The period that the Secretary determines under this section must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period that the Secretary considers to be appropriate; or

 (b) 16 weeks.

 (4) Any such period may be followed by one or more other periods (not exceeding 16 weeks) determined under this section in relation to the person.

 (5) The period that the Secretary determines under this section must, despite subsection (3), be 16 weeks if the determination:

 (a) is made on grounds referred to in paragraph (2)(a) (or on grounds that include those grounds); and

 (b) is the first determination made on those grounds (or on grounds that include those grounds) in relation to the person on or after 1 July 2010.

 (6) The Secretary may revoke a determination under this section in relation to a person if the Secretary is satisfied that the grounds on which the determination was made no longer exist.

 (7) Subsection (6) does not affect any operation that subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 has in relation to a determination under this section.

731DB  Relief from activity test—people with disabled children and other circumstances

 (1) A person is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of a period that the Secretary determines under this section in relation to the person.

 (2) The Secretary may make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that the person is the principal carer of one or more children:

 (a) who suffer from a physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability or illness; and

 (b) whose care needs are such that the person should, for the period specified in the determination, not be required to satisfy the activity test.

Note: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

 (3) The Secretary must make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that the person is the principal carer of one or more children, and that:

 (a) the person is a registered and active foster carer; or

 (b) the person is a home educator of that child, or one or more of those children; or

 (c) the person is a distance educator of that child, or one or more of those children; or

 (d) under a family law order that the person is complying with, a child, of whom the person is a relative (other than a parent), is to live with the person.

Note 1: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

Note 2: For registered and active foster carer see section 5B.

Note 3: For home educator see section 5C.

Note 4: For distance educator see section 5D.

Note 5: For family law order see subsection 23(1).

Note 6: For relative (other than a parent) see section 5E.

 (3A) The Secretary must make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person is the principal carer of a child; and

 (b) the person is one or both of the following:

 (i) the principal carer of one or more other children;

 (ii) the main supporter of one or more secondary pupil children; and

 (c) there are 4 or more of the children of whom the person is the principal carer or main supporter.

Note 1: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

Note 2: For main supporter see section 5G.

Note 3: For secondary pupil child see section 5F.

 (3B) The Secretary must make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that the person:

 (a) is not the principal carer of one or more children; and

 (b) is a registered and active foster carer; and

 (c) is providing foster care to a child temporarily in an emergency or to give respite to another person from caring for the child.

Note 1: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

Note 2: For registered and active foster carer see section 5B.

 (3C) The Secretary must make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that the person:

 (a) is the main supporter of one or more secondary pupil children; and

 (b) is a home educator or distance educator of one or more of those children.

Note 1: For main supporter see section 5G.

Note 2: For secondary pupil child see section 5F.

Note 3: For home educator see section 5C.

Note 4: For distance educator see section 5D.

 (3D) The Secretary must make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person is the principal carer of one or more children; and

 (b) the person is a relative (other than a parent) of a child (the kin child); and

 (c) there is a document that:

 (i) provides for the kin child to live with the person for the care and wellbeing of the kin child; and

 (ii) is prepared or accepted by an authority of a State or Territory that has responsibility for the wellbeing of children; and

 (d) the person is acting in accordance with the document.

Note 1: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

Note 2: For relative (other than a parent) see section 5E.

 (4) The Secretary may make a determination under this section in relation to the person if the Secretary is satisfied that:

 (a) the person is a person included in a class of persons specified under subsection (5); and

 (b) the person’s circumstances are such that the person should not be required to satisfy the activity test for the period.

 (5) The Secretary may, by legislative instrument, specify classes of persons in respect of whom determinations under this section may be made.

 (6) The period that the Secretary determines under this section, except subsection (3B), must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period that the Secretary considers to be appropriate; or

 (b) 12 months.

 (6A) The period that the Secretary determines under subsection (3B) in relation to the person must be the lesser of:

 (a) the period:

 (i) starting when the person starts to provide foster care to the child; and

 (ii) ending 12 weeks, or a shorter period determined by the Secretary, after the person ceases to provide foster care to the child; and

 (b) 12 months.

 (7) A period determined by the Secretary under this section in relation to the person may be followed by one or more other periods (not exceeding 12 months) determined under this section in relation to the person.

 (8) The Secretary may revoke a determination under this section in relation to a person if the Secretary is satisfied that the grounds on which the determination was made no longer exist.

 (9) Subsection (8) does not affect any operation that subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 has in relation to a determination under this section.

731DC  Persons may be treated as actively seeking etc. paid work

 (1) A person is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of the period to which subsection (4) applies if:

 (a) during the period, the person undertakes:

 (i) paid work that, in the Secretary’s opinion, is suitable for the person to undertake; or

 (ii) any other activity; and

 (b) the Secretary is of the opinion that, taking into account:

 (i) the nature of the work or other activity; and

 (ii) the duration of the work or other activity; and

 (iii) any remuneration received for the work or other activity; and

 (iv) any other matters relating to the work or other activity, or to the person’s circumstances, that the Secretary considers relevant;

  it would be unreasonable to expect the person to satisfy the activity test for the period.

 (2) However, the work or other activity must not be or include any work or other activity of a kind that the Secretary determines under subsection (3).

 (3) The Secretary may determine, by legislative instrument, kinds of work or other activity that are not to be taken into account for the purposes of subsection (1).

 (4) This subsection applies to the period:

 (a) starting:

 (i) when the person made a claim, or is taken to have made a claim, for special benefit; or

 (ii) when the person started to undertake the work or other activity;

  whichever happens later; and

 (b) ending:

 (i) if the person has been required to enter into a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan but has failed to enter that plan—when the person so failed; or

 (ii) in any other case—when the person has entered into such a plan.

731E  Relief from activity test—special circumstances

 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a person to whom this Subdivision applies is not required to satisfy the activity test for a period if:

 (a) the Secretary is satisfied that special circumstances, beyond the person’s control, exist; and

 (b) the Secretary is satisfied that in those circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect the person to comply with the activity test for that period.

 (1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to circumstances wholly or predominantly attributable to the person’s misuse of alcohol or another drug, unless the person is a declared program participant.

 (2) The period referred to in subsection (1) is not to exceed 13 weeks.

 (3) If:

 (a) the Secretary makes a number of determinations under subsection (1); and

 (b) the periods to which the determinations relate form a continuous period;

the continuous period is not to exceed 13 weeks unless the Secretary determines otherwise, having regard to the continued existence, or likely continued existence, of the special circumstances on which the last preceding determination was based.

731F  Relief from activity test—prenatal and postnatal

 (1) A pregnant woman is not required to satisfy the activity test for the period that starts 6 weeks before the woman’s expected date of confinement and ends on the day on which the woman gives birth to the child (whether or not the child is born alive).

 (2) If a woman gives birth to a child (whether or not the child is born alive), the woman is not required to satisfy the activity test for the period that starts on the day on which she gives birth to the child and ends 6 weeks after that day.

731G  Relief from activity test—people 55 and over who are engaged in work

 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a person to whom this Subdivision applies who has reached 55 years is taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of each period of 2 weeks while the person is receiving special benefit (the relevant period) if the person:

 (a) is engaged in approved unpaid voluntary work for an approved organisation for at least 30 hours in the relevant period; or

 (b) is engaged, for at least 30 hours in the relevant period, in a combination of:

 (i) approved unpaid voluntary work for an approved organisation; and

 (ii) paid work that the Secretary regards as suitable; or

 (c) is engaged for at least 30 hours in the relevant period in paid work that the Secretary regards as suitable.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a person who has reached 55, but is under 60, years of age and to a period of 2 weeks (the relevant period) if that period begins before the end of 12 months starting on the day the person starts to receive special benefit. Instead the person is taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of the relevant period if the person:

 (a) is engaged, for at least 30 hours in the relevant period, in a combination of:

 (i) approved unpaid voluntary work for an approved organisation; and

 (ii) paid work that the Secretary regards as suitable and that is at least 15 hours in the relevant period; or

 (b) is engaged for at least 30 hours in the relevant period in paid work that the Secretary regards as suitable.

Note: Because of the definition of receive in section 23, this subsection applies separately in relation to each occasion the person starts to receive special benefit.

 (2A) If special benefit ceases to be payable to a person for a period of less than 3 months (except because the special benefit was cancelled), then, for the purposes of subsection (2), the person is taken to be receiving special benefit during that period.

 (3) This section does not apply to a person in respect of a day in a relevant period if, having regard to the opportunities, or possible opportunities, for employment that become available to the person on or before the day, the Secretary considers that this section is not to apply to the person in respect of that day.

 (4) In this section:

approved organisation is an organisation that has been approved by the Secretary for the purposes of this section.

approved unpaid voluntary work, either fulltime or otherwise, is work that has been approved by the Secretary for the purposes of this section.

731GA  Relief from activity test—certain principal carers and people with partial capacity to work

  A person who:

 (a) is the principal carer of at least one child; or

 (b) has a partial capacity to work;

is taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of a period if, during the period, the person is engaged for at least 30 hours per fortnight in paid work that the Secretary regards as suitable.

731H  Relief from activity test—dependent child

 (1) A person is taken to satisfy the activity test in respect of a period when the person has at least one child who:

 (a) is a dependent child of the person within the meaning of subsection 5(2) as qualified by subsections 5(3) and (6); and

 (b) has not turned 6; and

 (c) is in Australia.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a child can be a dependent child of only one person at a time.

 (3) If the Secretary is satisfied that, but for subsection (2), a child would be a dependent child of 2 or more persons (adults), the Secretary must determine in relation to which of those adults the child is a dependent child.

731HA  Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 197B, 197C, 197D or 197E

Person taken to satisfy the activity test

 (1) A person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period during which:

 (a) subsection (2) (personally providing care to another person) applies to the person; or

 (b) subsection (3) (participating in the care in hospital of another person) applies to the person.

If subsection (3) applies to the person, subsection (4) sets out a limit on the period during which the person is taken to satisfy the activity test for participating in the care of a disabled adult in hospital.

Personally providing care

 (2) This subsection applies to the person if:

 (a) if the provisions referred to in subsection (5) were disregarded, the person would qualify for a carer payment under section 197B, 197C, 197D or 197E (whether or not because of section 197F) for caring for one or more of the following or for persons who include the following:

 (i) a child with a severe disability or severe medical condition;

 (ii) a child who has a terminal condition;

 (iii) a child with a disability or medical condition;

 (iv) a lower ADAT score adult; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the care is provided in a private residence that is the home of the person or persons for whom care is provided; or

 (ii) if a section referred to in paragraph (a) applies to the person because of section 197F—the care is provided in a private residence that is a home of the person or persons for whom care is provided.

Participating in care of person in hospital

 (3) This subsection applies to the person if:

 (a) the person is participating in the care in hospital of another person (the hospitalised person); and

 (b) it is reasonable to assume that, if the hospitalised person were not in hospital and the provisions referred to in subsection (5) were disregarded, the person would qualify under section 197B, 197C, 197D or 197E (whether or not because of section 197F) for a carer payment for caring for the hospitalised person, or for the hospitalised person and one or more other persons; and

 (c) one of the following applies:

 (i) the hospitalised person is terminally ill;

 (ii) it is reasonable to expect that, upon leaving hospital, the hospitalised person will reside in a private residence that is the home of the hospitalised person.

 (4) The period, or the sum of the periods, for which a person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test because of subsection (3) for participating in the care in hospital of a disabled adult must not exceed:

 (a) 63 days in any calendar year; or

 (b) another period that the Secretary, for any special reason in a particular case, decides to be appropriate.

Note: There is no limit for a hospitalised person who is a child.

Disregard certain provisions of sections 197B, 197C, 197D and 197E

 (5) For the purposes of paragraphs (2)(a) and (3)(b), disregard the following:

 (a) subsection 197B(3) and paragraphs 197B(4)(b), (c) and (d);

 (b) subsection 197C(3) and paragraphs 197C(4)(b), (c) and (d);

 (c) subsection 197D(3) and paragraphs 197D(4)(b), (c) and (d);

 (d) subsection 197E(4) and paragraphs 197E(5)(b), (c) and (d).

Meaning of expressions in this section

 (6) An expression used in this section that is defined for the purposes of Part 2.5 has the same meaning in this section as it has in that Part.

731HB  Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 197G or 197H

Person taken to satisfy the activity test

 (1) A person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period during which subsection (2) (personally providing care to another person) applies to the person.

Personally providing care during period determined

 (2) This subsection applies to the person if:

 (a) if the provisions referred to in subsection (7) were disregarded, the person would qualify for a carer payment under section 197G or 197H for a period for caring for one or more of the following or for persons who include the following:

 (i) a child with a severe disability or severe medical condition;

 (ii) a child with a disability or medical condition;

 (iii) a lower ADAT score adult; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the care is provided in a private residence that is the home of the person or persons for whom care is provided; or

 (ii) if the person would qualify for a carer payment because of section 197F—the care is provided in a private residence that is a home of the person or persons for whom care is provided.

Relief from activity test during all of period determined (caring for person in hospital)

 (3) A person to whom this Subdivision and subsection (4) apply is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period that does not exceed the period, or the sum of the periods, (as the case requires) determined under paragraph (4)(b).

 (4) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) the person is participating in the care, in hospital, of one of the following persons (the hospitalised person):

 (i) a child with a severe disability or severe medical condition;

 (ii) a child with a disability or medical condition;

 (iii) a lower ADAT score adult; and

 (b) the Secretary determines in writing that, if the hospitalised person were not in hospital and the provisions referred to in subsection (7) were disregarded, the person would qualify under section 197G or 197H for a carer payment for a period or periods for:

 (i) the hospitalised person; or

 (ii) the hospitalised person and one or more other persons; and

 (c) it is reasonable to expect that, upon leaving hospital, the hospitalised person:

 (i) will reside in a private residence that is the home of the hospitalised person; or

 (ii) if the carer would qualify for a carer payment because of section 197F for the hospitalised person—will reside in a private residence that is a home of the hospitalised person.

Relief from activity test during balance of period determined (caring for person in hospital)

 (5) A person to whom this Subdivision and subsection (6) apply is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period that does not exceed the balance of the period referred to in paragraph (6)(b).

 (6) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) subsection (2) applies to the person for a period for caring for one or more of the following or for persons who include the following:

 (i) a child with a severe disability or medical condition;

 (ii) a child with a disability or medical condition;

 (iii) a lower ADAT score adult; and

 (b) if the provisions referred to in subsection (7) were disregarded, the person would cease to qualify under section 197G or 197H for a carer payment for the balance of the period only because the person is participating in the care, in hospital, of:

 (i) a child referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection (the hospitalised person); or

 (ii) the hospitalised person and one or more other persons; and

 (c) it is reasonable to expect that, upon leaving hospital, the hospitalised person:

 (i) will reside in a private residence that is the home of the hospitalised person; or

 (ii) if the carer would qualify for a carer payment because of section 197F for the hospitalised person—will reside in a private residence that is a home of the hospitalised person.

Disregard certain provisions of sections 197B, 197C and 197D

 (7) For the purposes of paragraphs (2)(a), (4)(b) and (6)(b), disregard the following:

 (a) subsection 197B(3) and paragraphs 197B(4)(b), (c) and (d);

 (b) subsection 197C(3) and paragraphs 197C(4)(b), (c) and (d);

 (c) subsection 197D(3) and paragraphs 197D(4)(b), (c) and (d).

Meaning of expressions

 (8) An expression used in this section that is defined for the purposes of Part 2.5 has the same meaning in this section as it has in that Part.

731J  Relief from activity test—persons who would be qualified for carer payment under section 198 or for carer allowance

Qualification conditions for carer payment under section 198

 (1) A person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period during which:

 (a) the person meets the qualification conditions for a carer payment set out in subsections 198(2), (3) and (9); or

 (b) the following apply:

 (i) the person is participating in the care in hospital of another person (the hospitalised person) who is a disabled adult or a dependent child of a disabled adult;

 (ii) it is reasonable to assume that, if the hospitalised person were not in hospital, the carer would meet the qualification conditions for a carer payment set out in subsections 198(2), (3) and (9) for the hospitalised person or for the hospitalised person and one or more other persons;

 (iii) either the hospitalised person is terminally ill or it is reasonable to expect that the hospitalised person will reside in the private home of the carer and the hospitalised person upon leaving hospital.

 (2) However, the period, or the sum of the periods, for which a person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test by virtue of the operation of paragraph (1)(b) for participating in the care in hospital of a disabled adult must not exceed:

 (a) 63 days in any calendar year; or

 (b) another period that the Secretary, for any special reason in a particular case, decides to be appropriate.

Note: There is no limit for a hospitalised person who is a dependent child.

 (3) If subsection (1) (including any subsection of section 198 that is applied under that subsection) uses a term that is defined for the purposes of section 198, it has the same meaning in subsection (1) as it has for the purposes of that section.

Carer allowance

 (4) A person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test during any period during which:

 (a) the person meets the qualification conditions for carer allowance set out in section 953 as modified by subsection (5); or

 (b) the person meets the qualification conditions for carer allowance set out in section 954 as modified by subsection (5); or

 (ba) the person meets the qualification conditions for carer allowance set out in section 954A as modified by subsection (5); or

 (c) the person is participating in the care in hospital of another person (the hospitalised person), whether that other person is a disabled child or a disabled adult, and:

 (i) it is reasonable to assume that, if the hospitalised person were not in hospital, the carer would meet the qualification conditions for carer allowance set out in section 953 or 954 as so modified, whichever is appropriate, for the hospitalised person, or set out in both of sections 953 and 954 as so modified, for the hospitalised person and another person or persons; and

 (ii) either the hospitalised person is terminally ill or it is reasonable to expect that the hospitalised person will reside in the private home of the carer and the hospitalised person upon leaving hospital.

 (5) In this section:

 (a) a reference to section 953 as modified by this subsection is a reference to section 953, subject to:

 (i) the substitution of a requirement that care receivers be in Australia for the requirement in paragraphs 953(1)(b) and (2)(b); and

 (ii) the omission of paragraphs 953(1)(f) and (2)(f); and

 (b) a reference to section 954 as modified by this subsection is a reference to section 954, subject to:

 (i) the substitution of a requirement that the care receiver be in Australia for the requirement in paragraph 954(1)(a); and

 (ii) the omission of paragraph 954(1)(f); and

 (c) a reference to section 954A as modified by this subsection is a reference to section 954A, subject to:

 (i) the substitution of a requirement that the care receiver be in Australia for the requirement in paragraph 954A(1)(a); and

 (ii) the omission of paragraph 954A(1)(e).

 (6) However, the period, or the sum of the periods, for which a person to whom this Subdivision applies is taken to satisfy the activity test by virtue of the operation of paragraph (4)(c) for participating in the care in hospital of a disabled adult must not exceed:

 (a) 63 days in any calendar year; or

 (b) another period that the Secretary, for any special reason in a particular case, decides to be appropriate.

Note: There is no limit for a hospitalised person who is a child.

 (7) If subsection (4) (including one or more of sections 953, 954 and 954A as modified by subsection (5) and applied under subsection (4)) uses a term that is defined for the purposes of one or more of sections 953, 954 and 954A, that term has the same meaning in subsection (4) as it has for the purposes of one or more of those sections.

731JA  Relief from activity test—grant of temporary protection, humanitarian or safe haven visa

  A person to whom this Subdivision applies is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of the period of 13 weeks commencing the day after the day on which the person is granted a visa included in a class of visas that is issued for temporary protection, humanitarian or safe haven purposes and that is determined by the Minister to be a class of visas to which subparagraph 729(2)(g)(i) applies.

731K  Temporarily incapacitated person not required to satisfy activity test

 (1) A person to whom this Subdivision applies is not required to satisfy the activity test in respect of a period if:

 (a) throughout the period the person is incapacitated for work because of sickness or an accident; and

 (b) the incapacity is caused wholly, or virtually wholly, by a medical condition arising from the sickness or accident; and

 (c) the incapacity is, or is likely to be, of a temporary nature; and

 (d) the person has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, given the Secretary a certificate of a medical practitioner, in a form approved by the Secretary, stating:

 (i) the medical practitioner’s diagnosis; and

 (ii) the medical practitioner’s prognosis; and

 (iii) that the person is incapacitated for work; and

 (iv) the period for which the person is incapacitated for work; and

 (e) the Secretary is satisfied that the incapacity has not been brought about with a view to avoiding any requirement to satisfy the activity test.

 (1AA) Subsection (1) does not apply to sickness, or an accident, wholly or predominantly attributable to the person’s dependence on alcohol or another drug, unless the person is a declared program participant.

 (1A) The Secretary must comply with the guidelines (if any) determined and in force under subsection (1B) in deciding the following:

 (a) whether paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) applies to a person in respect of a period;

 (b) whether, for the purposes of paragraph (a) of the definition of work in subsection (2), work is of a kind that a person could be reasonably expected to do.

 (1B) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine guidelines to be complied with by the Secretary in making a decision referred to in subsection (1A).

 (2) In this section:

work, in relation to a person, means work (whether fulltime, parttime, permanent or casual) that:

 (a) is of a kind that the person could, in the Secretary’s opinion, be reasonably expected to do; and

 (b) is for at least 8 hours per week on wages that are at or above the relevant minimum wage.

731KA  Time limit for exemption—Secretary satisfied person can undertake activity

 (1) A person ceases to be exempt, under this Subdivision, from the activity test if the Secretary is satisfied that, although the person meets the requirements of section 731K, the person should undertake one or more activities that the Secretary regards as suitable for the person.

 (2) The cessation occurs:

 (a) if the person has been required to enter into a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan but has failed to enter that plan—when the person so failed; or

 (b) in any other case—when the person has entered into such a plan.

Subdivision ABSpecial Benefit Employment Pathway Plans for persons who are nominated visa holders

731L  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—requirement to enter

 (1) Subject to this section, if a person who is a nominated visa holder:

 (a) has made a claim for special benefit; or

 (b) is in receipt of special benefit;

the Secretary may require the person to enter into a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan.

 (2) If a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan is in force in relation to a person, the Secretary may require the person to enter into another plan instead of the existing one.

 (3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a person who, under section 731DAA, 731DA, 731DB, 731E, 731F or 731JA, is not required to satisfy the activity test.

 (3A) If, under section 731K, a person is not required to satisfy the activity test, subsections (1) and (2) apply to the person only if subsection 731KA(1) applies to the person.

 (4) The Secretary is to give a person who is required to enter into a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan notice of:

 (a) the requirement; and

 (b) the places and times at which the plan is to be negotiated.

 (5) A Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan must be in a form approved by the Secretary.

731M  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—terms

Suitable requirements

 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and to sections 731N to 731Q, a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to a person is to contain one or more terms (the requirements) that:

 (a) the person is required to comply with; and

 (b) the Secretary regards as suitable for the person.

 (1A) A plan must not contain a requirement of a kind that the Secretary determines under subsection (1B).

 (1B) The Secretary must determine, by legislative instrument, kinds of requirements that plans must not contain.

 (1C) To avoid doubt, a determination under subsection (1B) does not limit the Secretary’s discretion to exclude other kinds of requirements from a particular plan under subsection (1).

 (2) A plan must not require the person concerned to participate in an approved program of work for income support payment if:

 (a) the person has not turned 18; or

 (b) the person or the person’s partner has income; or

 (c) in the Secretary’s opinion:

 (i) it has been established that there is medical evidence that the person has an illness, disability or injury that would be aggravated by the conditions in which the work would be performed; or

 (ii) performing the work in the conditions in which the work would be performed would constitute a risk to health or safety or would contravene a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory relating to occupational health and safety; or

 (d) the person is at least 50 years of age and is not a person to whom subsection 28(4) applies.

Note: Section 731Q provides for revocation of such requirements.

Optional terms

 (2A) A plan may also contain one or more terms that the person may, but is not required to, comply with.

Approval of requirements

 (3) The requirements in a plan are to be approved by the Secretary.

 (4) In considering whether to approve the requirements in a plan that will be in force in relation to a person, the Secretary is to have regard to:

 (a) the person’s capacity to comply with the requirements; and

 (b) the person’s needs.

 (5) In having regard to a person’s capacity to comply with the requirements in a plan, the Secretary is to take into account, but is not limited to, the following matters:

 (a) the person’s education, experience, skills and age;

 (aa) the impact of any disability, illness, mental condition or physical condition of the person on the person’s ability to work, to look for work or to participate in training activities;

 (b) the state of the local labour market and the transport options available to the person in accessing that market;

 (c) the participation opportunities available to the person;

 (d) the family and caring responsibilities of the person;

 (e) the length of travel time required to comply with the requirements;

 (f) the financial costs (such as travel costs) of complying with the requirements, and the person’s capacity to pay for such costs;

 (g) any other matters that the Secretary or the person considers relevant in the circumstances.

Variation, suspension, cancellation and review

 (6) A plan that is in force in relation to a person:

 (a) may be varied (in negotiation with the person) or suspended by the Secretary; and

 (b) must be cancelled by the Secretary if the person enters into another Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan; and

 (c) may be reviewed from time to time by the Secretary at the request of the Secretary or the person; and

 (d) may be cancelled by the Secretary after a review under paragraph (c).

Circumstances preventing or affecting compliance

 (7) If a plan is in force in relation to a person, the person must notify the Secretary of any circumstances preventing or affecting the person’s capacity to comply with the requirements in the plan.

731N  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—principal carers

 (1) A Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that:

 (a) is in force in relation to a person who is the principal carer of at least one child; and

 (b) requires the person to undertake, as an activity, looking for parttime work that the Secretary regards as suitable;

must require the person to undertake looking for such parttime work of at least the appropriate number of hours per week.

Note: For principal carer see subsections 5(15) to (24).

 (2) The appropriate number of hours per week is:

 (a) 15; or

 (b) such other number as the Secretary determines to be appropriate having regard to the person’s circumstances.

731P  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—people with partial capacity to work

 (1) A Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that:

 (a) is in force in relation to a person who has a partial capacity to work; and

 (b) requires the person to undertake, as an activity, looking for parttime work that the Secretary regards as suitable;

must require the person to undertake looking for such parttime work of at least the appropriate number of hours per week.

Note: For partial capacity to work see section 16B.

 (2) The appropriate number of hours per week is:

 (a) 15; or

 (b) such other number as the Secretary determines to be appropriate having regard to the person’s circumstances.

731Q  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—revocation of requirement to participate in approved program of work

 (1) If a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to a person requires the person to participate in an approved program of work for income support payment, the Secretary may, by notice given to the person, revoke the requirement to participate in the program if the Secretary:

 (a) is satisfied that the person or the person’s partner has income; or

 (b) forms the opinion that:

 (i) it has been established that there is medical evidence that the person has an illness, disability or injury that would be aggravated by the conditions in which the work would be performed; or

 (ii) performing the work in the conditions in which the work would be performed would constitute a risk to health or safety or would contravene a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory relating to occupational health and safety; or

 (c) is satisfied that the person is at least 50 years of age and is not a person to whom subsection 28(4) applies.

 (2) Upon the Secretary so notifying the person, the requirement is taken to have been revoked with effect from the day specified in the notice.

731R  Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plans—suspension of plans

  A Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to a person is taken to be suspended during any period during which the person is not required to satisfy the activity test because of section 731DAA, 731DA or 731DB.

Subdivision BPayability

732  Special benefit not payable if benefit rate nil

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), special benefit is not payable to a person if the person’s special benefit rate would be nil.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person’s rate would be nil merely because:

 (a) an election by the person under subsection 915A(1) (about quarterly energy supplement) or 1061VA(1) (about quarterly pension supplement) is in force; or

 (b) the person has been paid an advance pharmaceutical allowance under the social security law.

733  Assets test—benefit not payable if assets value limit exceeded

 (1) A special benefit is not payable to a person if:

 (a) the person is not excluded from the special benefit assets test; and

 (b) the value of the person’s assets exceeds the person’s assets value limit.

 (2) A person is excluded from the special benefit assets test if the person:

 (a) has not turned 18; and

 (b) is not independent within the meaning of section 1067A.

 (3) A person’s assets value limit is worked out using the following table: work out which family situation applies to the person; the assets value limit is the corresponding amount in the assets value limit column.


Assets value limit table

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Assets value limit


Person’s family situation

Column 3A

Either person or partner homeowner

Column 3B

Neither person nor partner homeowner


Not member of a couple




Partnered (partner getting neither pension nor benefit)




Partnered (partner getting pension or benefit)



Note 1: For member of a couple, partnered (partner getting neither pension nor benefit) and partnered (partner getting pension or benefit) see section 4.

Note 2: For homeowner see section 11.

Note 3: If item 2 applies to a person, the value of all the assets of the person’s partner is to be taken as being included in the value of the person’s assets (see subsection 734(1)—this is why the assets value limit is so high. If, on the other hand, item 3 applies to a person, the value of the person’s assets is only half the combined value of the person’s assets and the assets of the person’s partner (see subsection 734(2)).

Note 4: If a special benefit is not payable to a person because of the value of the person’s assets, the person may be able to take advantage of provisions dealing with financial hardship (see sections 1131 and 1132).

Note 5: The assets value limits of items 1 and 3 in column 3A and item 3 in column 3B are indexed annually in line with CPI increases (see sections 1191 to 1194).

Note 6: The assets value limit of item 1 in column 3B is adjusted annually (see subsection 1204(1)).

Note 7: The item 2 assets value limits are adjusted annually so that they are twice the corresponding item 3 limits (see subsections 1204(2) and (3)).

734  Value of assets of members of couples

 (1) If:

 (a) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person’s partner:

 (i) is not in receipt of a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; and

 (ii) is not in receipt of a social security benefit;

the value of the person’s assets, or of assets of a particular kind of the person, includes the value of the partner’s assets or of assets of that kind of the partner.

Note: For social security pension see subsection 23(1).

 (2) If:

 (a) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person’s partner is in receipt of:

 (i) a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; or

 (ii) a social security benefit;

the following provisions have effect:

 (c) the value of the person’s assets is taken to be 50% of the sum of the value of the assets of the person and the value of the assets of the person’s partner; and

 (d) the value of the person’s assets of a particular kind is taken to be 50% of the sum of the value of the assets of that kind of the person and the value of assets of that kind of the person’s partner.

735  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) Special benefit is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving special benefit; and

 (b) a social security pension, another social security benefit, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment becomes payable to the person;

the special benefit is not payable to the person.

Note 1: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

Note 2: For social security pension and social security benefit see subsection 23(1).

 (3) Special benefit is not payable to a woman if:

 (a) the woman is an armed services widow; and

 (b) the woman is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act;


 (c) the woman has been receiving a payment referred to in paragraph (b) continuously since before 1 November 1986; and

 (d) before 1 November 1986 the woman was also receiving a social security benefit.

Note: For armed services widow see subsection 4(1).

 (4) Special benefit is not payable to a man if:

 (a) the man is an armed services widower; and

 (b) the man is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note: For armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

 (5) Special benefit is not payable to a person if:

 (a) the person is an armed services widow or an armed services widower; and

 (b) the person is receiving the weekly amount mentioned in paragraph 234(1)(b) of the MRCA (including a reduced weekly amount because of a choice under section 236 of the MRCA) or has received a lump sum mentioned in subsection 236(5) of the MRCA.

Note 1: For armed services widow and armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

Note 2: For MRCA see subsection 23(1).

736  Secretary may require certain persons to attend courses or undertake work

 (1) If:

 (a) a person, other than a person who is a nominated visa holder, is receiving, or has lodged a claim for, special benefit; and

 (b) the Secretary is of the opinion that the person should:

 (i) undertake a course of vocational training; or

 (ii) undertake a course:

 (A) which the person could reasonably undertake; and

 (B) to which the person has been referred by the Secretary; or

 (iii) do any work suitable to be done by the person; and

 (c) the Secretary notifies the person that the person is required to:

 (i) undertake that course; or

 (ii) do that work; and

 (d) the person does not comply with the Secretary’s requirements;

special benefit is not payable to the person for a period determined by the Secretary.

 (2) The Secretary may determine that special benefit is payable for a period for which he or she had previously determined that it was not payable under subsection (1) if, within a reasonable period, the person complies with the Secretary’s requirements.

737  Fulltime students

 (1) Subject to subsection (3), a special benefit is not payable to a person:

 (a) who has turned 18; or

 (b) who satisfies both of the following:

 (i) the person has not turned 16; and

 (ii) the person is not a SPB homeless person;

if the person is enrolled in a fulltime course of education or of vocational training.

Note: For SPB homeless person see section 739.

Period for which benefit not payable

 (2) The period for which a special benefit is not payable under subsection (1) is the period that:

 (a) starts when the person starts the course; and

 (b) finishes when the person:

 (i) completes the course; or

 (ii) abandons the course; or

 (iii) gives notice to the provider of the course that the person:

 (A) wishes to withdraw from the course; or

 (B) wishes to withdraw from such number of subjects that the person’s course will no longer be a fulltime course; and

 (c) includes periods of vacation.

Subsection (1) does not apply in certain cases

 (3) Subsection (1) does not prevent a special benefit from being payable for any period during which:

 (a) a person is enrolled in a course of study that the Secretary has required the person to undertake under section 736; or

 (b) the person is engaged in a course undertaken under a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan; or

 (c) the person has deferred a course of education.

738  Payments under certain education schemes

 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a special benefit is not payable to a person:

 (a) who has turned 18; or

 (b) who satisfies both of the following:

 (i) the person has not turned 16;

 (ii) the person is not a SPB homeless person;

if a payment has been made or may be made in respect of the person for the same period under:

 (c) a prescribed educational scheme other than the ABSTUDY scheme to the extent that it applies to parttime students; or

 (d) the scheme to provide an allowance known as the Adult Migrant Education Program Living Allowance; or

 (e) the scheme to provide an allowance known as the Maintenance Allowance for Refugees; or

 (f) the scheme to provide an allowance known as the English as a Second Language Allowance to the extent that the scheme applies to fulltime students.

Note 1: For prescribed educational scheme see section 5.

Note 2: For SPB homeless person see section 739.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person may start a course of education on a fulltime basis; and

 (b) a payment under a scheme referred to in subsection (1) may be made in respect of the person;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), a special benefit is payable to the person for a period before the person starts the course.

 (3) If:

 (a) a person enrols in a fulltime course of education; and

 (b) an application is made for a payment in respect of the person under:

 (ii) the ABSTUDY Schooling scheme; or

 (iii) the ABSTUDY Tertiary scheme; and

 (c) the person was receiving special benefit immediately before the start of the course;

the Secretary may decide that, in spite of subsection (1), special benefit is payable to the person for the period of 3 weeks commencing on the day on which the course starts.

739  SPB homeless person

  For the purposes of subparagraphs 737(1)(b)(ii) and 738(1)(b)(ii), a person is an SPB homeless person if:

 (a) the person is not a member of a couple; and

 (b) the person does not have a dependent child; and

 (c) the person meets the conditions in subsection 1067A(9) (which is about being independent).

739A  Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

 (1) Subject to this section, a person who, on or after the commencement of this subsection:

 (a) enters Australia; or

 (b) becomes the holder of a permanent visa; or

 (e) becomes the holder of a visa that is in a class of visas determined by the Minister, by legislative instrument, for the purposes of this paragraph;

is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period.

 (2) Subject to this section, if, immediately before the commencement of this subsection, a person was the holder of a visa that is in a class of visas determined by the Minister for the purposes of this subsection, the person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period.

 (3) If:

 (a) a person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period; and

 (b) before, on or after the commencement of this subsection, the person applies for a visa that is in a class of visas determined by the Minister, by legislative instrument, for the purposes of this paragraph;

the waiting period:

 (c) starts on the day on which the person applied for that visa; and

 (d) ends when the person has been in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 208 weeks after that day.

 (4) If:

 (a) a person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period; and

 (b) before, on or after the commencement of this subsection, the person was the holder of a visa that is in a class of visas determined by the Minister, by legislative instrument, for the purposes of this paragraph;

the period:

 (c) starts on the day on which the person applied for that visa; and

 (d) ends when the person has been in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 208 weeks after that day.

 (5) If:

 (a) a person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period; and

 (b) neither subsection (3) nor (4) apply to the person;

the waiting period starts on the day on which the person:

 (c) first entered Australia; or

 (d) becomes the holder of a permanent visa;

whichever occurs last, and ends on the day after the person has been in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 208 weeks after that day.

 (6) Neither subsection (1) nor (2) applies to a person if the person holds, or was the former holder of, a visa in a class of visas determined by the Minister, by legislative instrument, for the purposes of this subsection.

 (7) Neither subsection (1) nor (2) apply to a person if the person, in the Secretary’s opinion, has suffered a substantial change in circumstances beyond the person’s control after the person first entered Australia.

Note: For permanent visa see subsection 7(1).

 (8) Neither subsection (1) nor (2) applies to a person if:

 (a) the person is a refugee, or a former refugee, at the time the person made the claim for a special benefit; or

 (b) the following apply:

 (i) before the person made the claim for a special benefit, the person was a family member of another person at the time the other person became a refugee;

 (ii) the person is a family member of that other person at the time the person made the claim for a special benefit or, if that other person has died, the person was a family member of that other person immediately before that other person died; or

 (c) the person is an Australian citizen at the time the person made the claim for a special benefit.

 (9) For the purposes of subsection (8):

 (a) family member has the meaning given by subsection 7(6D); and

 (b) former refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(1); and

 (c) refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(6B).

 (10) Neither subsection (1) nor (2) applies to a person during the period covered by subsection 646(2).

739B  Secretary to act in accordance with guidelines

  The Secretary must exercise the powers under subsection 739A(7), in accordance with guidelines from time to time in force under section 739C.

739C  Guidelines for exercise of Secretary’s powers under subsection 739A(7)

  The Minister, by legislative instrument:

 (a) is to set guidelines for the exercise of the Secretary’s powers under subsection 739A(7); and

 (b) may revoke or vary those guidelines.

Subdivision DSituations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders (administrative breaches)

745H  Situations where special benefit not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements

  Special benefit is not payable to a person who is a nominated visa holder if the person refuses or fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement made of the person under section 67, 68 or 192 of the Administration Act.

Subdivision EActivities that do not give rise to employment under certain industrial relations legislation

745L  Activities that do not give rise to employment under certain industrial relations legislation

  A person who is a nominated visa holder is not to be taken to be one of the following merely because the person participates in an approved program of work for income support payment, or undertakes an activity (other than suitable paid work), in accordance with a term (including an optional term) of a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan under section 731M:

 (a) a worker carrying out work in any capacity for the Commonwealth, or an employee of the Commonwealth, for the purposes of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011;

 (b) an employee within the meaning of section 5 of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988;

 (c) an employee for the purposes of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992;

 (d) an employee for the purposes of the Fair Work Act 2009.

Subdivision FOther situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders

745M  Seasonal workers

 (1) This section applies if, at any time during the 6 months immediately before the day on which a person who is a nominated visa holder lodges a claim for special benefit, the person or, if the person is a member of a couple, the person or the person’s partner, has been engaged in seasonal work within the meaning of subsection 16A(1).

 (2) Special benefit is not payable to the person:

 (a) if the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period within the meaning of subsection 16A(1) (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act) and the Secretary has not made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for the person’s seasonal work preclusion period; or

 (b) if the Secretary has made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for that part (if any) of the person’s seasonal work preclusion period to which the person is subject as a result of the determination.

 (3) If the Secretary is satisfied that a person is in severe financial hardship within the meaning of subsection 19C(2) or (3), whichever is appropriate, because the person has incurred unavoidable or reasonable expenditure within the meaning of subsection 19C(4) while the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act):

 (a) the Secretary may determine that the person is not subject to the whole, or any part, of the preclusion period; and

 (b) the determination has effect accordingly.

 (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person during the period covered by subsection 646(2).

745N  Move to area of lower employment prospects

 (1) Subject to subsection (3), if, in the opinion of the Secretary, a person who is a nominated visa holder has reduced his or her employment prospects by moving to a new place of residence without sufficient reason, special benefit is not payable to the person for 26 weeks.

 (2) Subsection (1) extends to a person who makes a claim for special benefit on or after the day on which the person moved to the new place of residence and before the end of the period referred to in that subsection.

 (3) If a person to whom special benefit is not payable under subsection (1) for a period of 26 weeks (including that subsection as it applies by virtue of subsection (2)) does either of the following during that period:

 (a) moves back to the place of residence (the original place of residence) the movement from which resulted in special benefit not being payable to him or her;

 (b) moves to another place of residence a movement to which from the original place of residence would not have resulted in special benefit not being payable to him or her;

the period of 26 weeks ends at the time of the movement back to the original place of residence or the movement to the other place of residence, as the case may be.

 (4) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person has a sufficient reason for moving to a new place of residence if and only if the person:

 (a) moves to live with a family member who has already established his or her residence in that place of residence; or

 (b) moves to live near a family member who has already established residence in the same area; or

 (c) satisfies the Secretary that the move is necessary for the purposes of treating or alleviating a physical disease or illness suffered by the person or by a family member; or

 (d) satisfies the Secretary that the person has moved from his or her original place of residence because of an extreme circumstance which made it reasonable for the person to move to the new place of residence (for example, the person had been subjected to domestic or family violence in the original place of residence).

 (5) The Secretary may determine in writing the day on which the period of nonpayment imposed by subsection (1) commences and that day may be before the day of the determination.

Division 4Rate of special benefit

746  Rate of special benefit

 (1) The rate of a person’s special benefit is the fortnightly rate determined by the Secretary in his or her discretion.

 (2) The rate of a person’s special benefit is not to exceed the rate at which youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment would be payable to the person if:

 (a) the person were qualified for youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment; and

 (b) youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment were payable to the person.

 (3) In working out, for the purposes of subsection (2), the rate at which youth allowance would be payable to a person, disregard any amount by which the rate would be increased because of point 1067GB3A or 1067GD1 of the Youth Allowance Rate Calculator.

 (4) In working out, for the purposes of subsection (2), the rate at which jobseeker payment would be payable to a person, disregard any amount by which the rate would be increased because of point 1068B5 of Benefit Rate Calculator B.

747  Approved program of work supplement for persons who are nominated visa holders

  If a person who is a nominated visa holder:

 (a) is receiving special benefit; and

 (b) is participating in an approved program of work for income support payment;

the rate of the person’s special benefit is increased by an amount of $20.80, to be known as the approved program of work supplement, for each fortnight during which the person participates in the program unless, during that fortnight, the person subsequently ceases to participate in the program in circumstances that constitute:

 (c) a failure of the activity test to which the person is subject; or

 (d) a failure to comply with a requirement in a Special Benefit Employment Pathway Plan that is in force in relation to the person.

759  Effect of industrial action on rate of special benefit payable to persons who are nominated visa holders

 (1) If:

 (a) a person who is a nominated visa holder is receiving special benefit; and

 (b) while the person is receiving that benefit the person becomes engaged in industrial action, or in a series of industrial actions, that leads to the person’s unemployment or to a decrease in the person’s level of income;

the rate of special benefit payable to the person is to be determined as if the person had continued, for the period of that industrial action, to be employed and to receive income at the level at which it would have been received if the person had not engaged in that action.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a person if the Secretary is satisfied:

 (a) that the person’s unemployment or the effect on the person’s level of income was due to other people being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or in a series of industrial actions; and

 (b) the people or some of the people were members of a trade union that was involved in the industrial action; and

 (c) the person was not a member of the trade union during the period of the industrial action.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), subsections (1) and (2) do not affect the rate of special benefit payable to a person in respect of a period that occurs after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

 (4) If the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions is in breach of an order, direction or injunction issued by:

 (a) a prescribed State industrial authority within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009; or

 (b) the Fair Work Commission or the Australian Industrial Relations Commission; or

 (c) the Federal Court of Australia; or

 (d) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

the rate of special benefit payable to a person is to continue to be determined in accordance with subsection (1) but subject to subsection (2) until the end of a period of 6 weeks after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

Division 9Bereavement payments

Subdivision AADeath of partner

768A  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special benefit; and

 (b) the person is a longterm social security recipient; and

 (c) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (d) the person’s partner dies; and

 (e) immediately before the partner died, the partner:

 (i) was receiving a social security pension; or

 (ii) was receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; or

 (iii) was a longterm social security recipient; and

 (f) on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday, the amount that would be payable to the person if the person were not qualified for payments under this Subdivision is less than the sum of:

 (i) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 768D (person’s continued rate) on that payday; and

 (ii) the amount (if any) that would otherwise be payable to the person, under section 768B (continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit) on the partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 768B provides for the payment to the person, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 768C provides for a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the partner had not died.

Note 3: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

 (2) A person who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

 (3) An election under subsection (2):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the person has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

 (4) If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the partner’s death, the rate at which special benefit is payable to the person during the bereavement period is, unless the person has made an election under subsection (2), governed by section 768D.

768B  Continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit

  If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner, there is payable to the person, on each of the partner’s paydays in the bereavement rate continuation period, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the partner on that payday if the partner had not died.

768C  Lump sum payable in some circumstances


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the person as a lump sum an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Add up:

 (a) the amount that, if the person’s partner had not died, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday; and

 (b) the amount (if any) that, if the partner had not died, would have been payable to the partner on the partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday;

 the result is called the combined rate.

Step 2. Work out the amount that, but for section 768D, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 3. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 4. Work out the number of the partner’s paydays in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 5. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 4: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the person under this section.

768D  Adjustment of a person’s special benefit rate


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) the person does not elect under subsection 768A(2) not to receive payments under this Subdivision;

the rate of the person’s special benefit during the bereavement period is worked out as follows:

 (c) during the bereavement rate continuation period, the rate of special benefit payable to the person is the rate at which the allowance would have been payable to the person if the person’s partner had not died;

 (d) during the bereavement lump sum period (if any), the rate at which special benefit is payable to the person is the rate at which the allowance would be payable to the person apart from this Subdivision.

768E  Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the person dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the person’s partner before the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, as a lump sum, an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Add up:

 (a) the amount that, if neither the person nor the person’s partner had died, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person dies; and

 (b) the amount (if any) that, if neither the person nor the person’s partner had died, would have been payable to the person’s partner on the partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died;

 the result is called the combined rate.

Step 2. Work out the amount that, but for section 768D, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if the person had not died: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 3. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined pensioner couple rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 4. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the period that commences on the day on which the person dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 5. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 4: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

768F  Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) after the person’s partner died, an amount to which the partner would have been entitled if the partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the person has not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the person or from the personal representative of the person’s partner, except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the amount to which the person’s partner would have been entitled if the person’s partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and

 (c) the bank pays to the person, out of the account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the person’s partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the person.

Part 2.15APartner allowance

Division 1AApplication of Part

771  Time limits on claims for partner allowance

 (1) In spite of any other provisions of this Act or of the Administration Act, a person is not to be granted a partner allowance under this Part unless:

 (a) the person’s claim for the allowance:

 (i) was lodged before 20 September 2003; or

 (ii) is taken, because of the operation of section 13 or 15 of the Administration Act, to have been made before 20 September 2003; and

 (b) the person was qualified for the allowance:

 (i) in a case to which subparagraph (a)(i) applies—on the date of lodgment of the claim; and

 (ii) in a case to which subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—on the date the person is taken to have made the claim.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not imply that a person making a claim in the circumstances referred to in subsection 35(1) of the Administration Act before 20 September 2003 will be granted a partner allowance if the date from which the allowance would be payable to that person under subsection 37(7) of that Act would be 20 September 2003 or a later date.

 (3) Nothing in this section affects the operation of section 85 of the Administration Act.

Division 1Qualification for and payability of partner allowance

Subdivision AQualification for partner allowance

771HA  Qualification for partner allowance

 (1) Subject to subsections (1A) and (3), and section 771HB, a person is qualified for a partner allowance in respect of a period if:

 (a) throughout the period, the person is a member of a couple; and

 (b) throughout the period, the person’s partner is at least 21; and

 (c) the person’s partner is receiving:

 (i) youth allowance, austudy payment, jobseeker payment, special benefit, age pension, disability support pension, mature age allowance, service pension, income support supplement or veteran payment; or

 (ii) assistance under a Student Financial Supplement Scheme or an income tested living allowance under an Aboriginal study assistance scheme; and

 (d) throughout the period, the person is an Australian resident; and

 (e) the person was born on or before 1 July 1955; and

 (f) the person is not qualified for parenting payment at any time during the period; and

 (h) the person does not have recent workforce experience.

Note 1: For member of a couple see section 4.

Note 2: For Australian resident see section 7.

 (1A) If the Secretary determines under section 36 of the Administration Act that a person’s claim for partner allowance is to be granted, the person’s partner need not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (1)(c) in order for the person to remain qualified for the allowance.

 (1B) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the person’s partner is taken to be receiving jobseeker payment if the person’s partner would be receiving jobseeker payment except for:

 (a) the application of a compliance penalty period; or

 (b) the application of a period of nonpayment under section 634.

Note: For compliance penalty period see subsection 23(1).

 (1BA) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the person’s partner is taken to be receiving youth allowance if the person’s partner would be receiving youth allowance except for:

 (a) the application of a compliance penalty period; or

 (b) the application of an employmentrelated exclusion under section 553A or 553B.

Note: For compliance penalty period see subsection 23(1).

 (1BB) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the person’s partner is taken to be receiving austudy payment if the person’s partner would be receiving austudy payment except for the application of a compliance penalty period.

Note: For compliance penalty period see subsection 23(1).

 (1C) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(h), recent workforce experience is employment of 20 hours or more a week for a total of 13 weeks or more at any time during the 12 months immediately before the day the person lodged the claim for the allowance.

Person subject to waiting period or nonpayment period

 (3) If youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment is not payable to a person because:

 (a) the person is serving a waiting period; or

 (b) a compliance penalty period applies to the person; or

 (ba) a period of nonpayment applies to the person under section 634; or

 (c) the person is subject to an employmentrelated exclusion for a period under section 553B or 553C;

the person is not qualified for a partner allowance throughout the period.

Note 1: For waiting period see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For compliance penalty period see subsection 23(1).

771HB  Unemployment due to industrial action

 (1) If a person is unemployed during a period, the person is not qualified for a partner allowance in respect of the period unless the Secretary is satisfied that the person’s unemployment during the period was not due to the person being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or a series of industrial actions.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) and without limiting that subsection, a person is to be taken not to be, or to have been, engaged in industrial action or in a series of industrial actions if the Secretary is satisfied:

 (a) the person’s unemployment was due to other people being, or having been, engaged in industrial action or in a series of industrial actions; and

 (b) the people, or some of the people, were members of a trade union which was involved in the industrial action; and

 (c) the person was not a member of the trade union during the period.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), subsection (1) does not prevent a person from being qualified for a partner allowance in respect of a period that occurs after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

Note: For industrial action, trade union and unemployment see section 16.

 (4) Where the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions is in breach of an order, direction or injunction issued by:

 (a) a prescribed State industrial authority within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009; or

 (b) the Fair Work Commission or the Australian Industrial Relations Commission; or

 (c) the Federal Court of Australia; or

 (d) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

a person is not qualified for a partner allowance in respect of a period unless that period occurs 6 weeks or more after the relevant industrial action or series of industrial actions has stopped.

Subdivision BPayability of partner allowance

771HC  Partner allowance not payable if allowance rate nil

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person’s partner allowance rate would be nil.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person’s rate would be nil merely because:

 (a) an election by the person under subsection 915A(1) (about quarterly energy supplement) or 1061VA(1) (about quarterly pension supplement) is in force; or

 (b) the person has been paid an advance pharmaceutical allowance under the social security law.

771HF  Assets test—allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded

 (1) A partner allowance is not payable to a person if the value of the person’s assets exceeds the person’s assets value limit.

Note: The value of the person’s assets is only half the combined value of the person’s assets and the assets of the person’s partner (see subsection (3)).

 (2) A person’s assets value limit is worked out using the following Table:


Assets value limit table

Column 1


Column 2

Person’s situation

Column 3

Assets value limit


Person or partner a homeowner



Neither person nor partner a homeowner


Note 1: For homeowner see section 11.

Note 2: The assets value limits in column 3 are indexed annually in line with CPI increases (see sections 1191 to 1194).

 (3) The value of the person’s assets is taken to be 50% of the sum of the value of the assets of the person and the value of the assets of the person’s partner.

 (4) The amounts in column 3 of the Assets Value Limit Table are to be indexed on 1 July 1994 as if this section and items 79A and 79B of Schedule 2 had commenced on 30 June 1993.

771HI  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) A partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a service pension or a veteran payment.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a partner allowance; and

 (b) a social security pension, another social security benefit, a service pension or a veteran payment becomes payable to the person;

a partner allowance is not payable to the person.

Note: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

 (3) A partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

 (4) A partner allowance is not payable to a person if the person is receiving the weekly amount mentioned in paragraph 234(1)(b) of the MRCA (including a reduced weekly amount because of a choice under section 236 of the MRCA) or has received a lump sum mentioned in subsection 236(5) of the MRCA.

Note: For MRCA see subsection 23(1).

771HJ  Educational schemes exclusion

  A partner allowance is not payable to a person for a period if the person is receiving a payment for that period under:

 (b) the ABSTUDY Scheme; or

 (c) a Student Financial Supplement Scheme.

771HK  Maximum basic rate and remote area allowance not payable to CDEP Scheme participant

  The maximum basic rate, and the remote area allowance, of partner allowance for a period are not payable to a person who is a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the whole or a part of the period.

Note 1: For remote area allowance see Module J of Benefit Rate Calculator B.

Note 2: For CDEP Scheme participant see subsection 23(1).

771HNA  Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

 (1) Subject to this section, a person who:

 (a) has entered Australia; and

 (b) has not been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 104 weeks;

is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who has a qualifying residence exemption for a partner allowance.

Note: For qualifying residence exemption in relation to partner allowance, see paragraph 7(6AA)(f).

 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if:

 (a) the person is a refugee, or a former refugee, at the time the person made the claim for a partner allowance; or

 (b) the following apply:

 (i) before the person made the claim for a partner allowance, the person was a family member of another person at the time the other person became a refugee;

 (ii) the person is a family member of that other person at the time the person made the claim for a partner allowance or, if that other person has died, the person was a family member of that other person immediately before that other person died; or

 (c) the person is an Australian citizen at the time the person made the claim for a partner allowance.

 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3):

 (a) family member has the meaning given by subsection 7(6D); and

 (b) former refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(1); and

 (c) refugee has the meaning given by subsection 7(6B).

771HNB  Duration of newly arrived resident’s waiting period

 (1) If a person is subject to a newly arrived resident’s waiting period, the period starts on the day the person first became an Australian resident.

 (3) The newly arrived resident’s waiting period ends when the person has been an Australian resident and in Australia for a period of, or periods totalling, 104 weeks.

771HNC  Seasonal workers

 (1) This section applies if, at any time during the 6 months immediately before the day on which a person lodges a claim for partner allowance, the person, or the person’s partner, has been engaged in seasonal work.

Note: For seasonal work see subsection 16A(1).

 (2) Partner allowance is not payable to the person:

 (a) if the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act) and the Secretary has not made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for the person’s seasonal work preclusion period; or

 (b) if the Secretary has made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for that part (if any) of the person’s seasonal work preclusion period to which the person is subject as a result of the determination.

Note: For seasonal work preclusion period see subsection 16A(1).

 (3) If the Secretary is satisfied that a person is in severe financial hardship because the person has incurred unavoidable or reasonable expenditure while the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act):

 (a) the Secretary may determine that the person is not subject to the whole, or any part, of the preclusion period; and

 (b) the determination has effect accordingly.

Note 1: For in severe financial hardship see subsection 19C(2) (person who is not a member of a couple) and subsection 19C(3) (person who is a member of a couple).

Note 2: For unavoidable or reasonable expenditure see subsection 19C(4).

Division 4Rate of partner allowance

771KA  Rate of partner allowance if partner is not receiving special benefit

  If section 771KE does not apply to a person, the person’s rate of partner allowance is worked out using the Benefit Rate Calculator B at the end of section 1068.

771KE  Rate of partner allowance if partner receiving special benefit

 (1) If a person’s partner is receiving a special benefit, the person’s rate of partner allowance is the fortnightly rate determined by the Secretary in his or her discretion.

 (2) The rate of a person’s partner allowance is not to exceed the rate at which youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment would be payable to the person if:

 (a) the person were qualified for youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment; and

 (b) youth allowance, austudy payment or jobseeker payment were payable to the person.

771KN  CDEP Scheme participant may accumulate partner allowance

 (1) A person who is a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the whole or a part of a quarter may, by written notice given to the Secretary, choose to accumulate the amounts of any partner allowance that become payable to the person in respect of that quarter, or any later quarter in respect of the whole or a part of which the person is a CDEP Scheme participant, and have not already been paid.

 (2) If a person to whom subsection (1) applies makes a choice under that subsection, the sum of the accumulated amounts payable to the person in respect of a quarter is to be paid on, or as soon as practicable after, the first payday after:

 (a) unless paragraph (b) applies, the last day of the quarter; or

 (b) if the person ceases to be a CDEP Scheme participant before the end of the quarter—the day on which the person so ceases.

 (3) In this section:

quarter means a CDEP Scheme quarter.

Note 1: For CDEP Scheme participant see section 1188B.

Note 2: For CDEP Scheme quarter see subsection 23(1).

Division 9Bereavement payments

Subdivision ASurviving partner and deceased partner defined

771NT  Surviving partner and deceased partner


 (a) a person is receiving partner allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies;

then, for the purposes of this Division:

 (c) the person is the surviving partner; and

 (d) the person’s partner is the deceased partner.

Subdivision BPerson to continue to receive partner allowance where person’s partner dies

771NU  Continuation of partner allowance for bereavement period

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving partner allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies; and

 (c) immediately before the deceased partner died:

 (i) if the deceased partner was receiving a social security pension, a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment—the surviving partner was a longterm social security recipient; or

 (ii) if the deceased partner was receiving a social security benefit or a job search allowance—each partner was a longterm social security recipient;

the surviving partner remains qualified for partner allowance during the bereavement period as if:

 (d) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (e) the deceased partner had continued to receive jobseeker payment, special benefit, age pension, disability support pension, mature age allowance, service pension or income support supplement; and

 (f) the surviving partner and the deceased partner had continued to be members of a couple.

Rate of partner allowance during bereavement rate continuation period

 (2) The surviving partner’s partner allowance rate during the bereavement rate continuation period is the rate of the partner allowance that would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if the couple had been an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they had not been such a couple.

Rate of partner allowance during the bereavement lump sum period

 (3) The surviving partner’s partner allowance rate during the bereavement lump sum period (if any) is worked out as follows:

 (aa) if the deceased partner was receiving a youth allowance or an austudy payment immediately before he or she died, the rate of partner allowance is the rate at which a partner allowance would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (i) the surviving partner had been qualified for youth allowance or austudy payment (as the case may be); and

 (ii) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple;

 (b) if the deceased partner was receiving jobseeker payment immediately before he or she died, the rate of partner allowance is the rate at which jobseeker payment would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (i) the surviving partner had been qualified for jobseeker payment; and

 (ii) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple;

 (d) if the deceased partner was receiving special benefit immediately before he or she died, the rate of partner allowance is the rate at which special benefit would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (i) the surviving partner had been qualified for special benefit; and

 (ii) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple;

 (e) if the deceased partner was receiving age pension, disability support pension or mature age allowance immediately before he or she died, the rate of partner allowance is the rate at which jobseeker payment would have been payable to the surviving partner if:

 (i) the surviving partner had been qualified for jobseeker payment; and

 (ii) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple.

Note 1: For longterm social security recipient see subsection 23(1).

Note 2: For bereavement period, bereavement rate continuation period and bereavement lump sum period see section 21.

Subdivision CBereavement payments for person receiving partner allowance following death of the person’s partner

771NV  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving partner allowance; and

 (b) the person’s partner dies; and

 (c) immediately before the deceased partner died, the deceased partner was a long term social security recipient;

the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 771NW provides for the payment to the surviving partner, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the deceased partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 771NX provides for a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the surviving partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the deceased partner had not died.

 (2) A surviving partner who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

 (3) An election under subsection (2):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the surviving partner has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

771NW  Continued payment of deceased partner’s benefit

  If a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner, there is payable to the surviving partner, on each of the deceased partner’s paydays in the bereavement rate continuation period, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on that payday if he or she had not died.

771NX  Lump sum payable in some circumstances

 (1) If:

 (a) a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the surviving partner as a lump sum an amount worked out using the following Lump Sum Calculator:


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on the deceased partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the deceased partner had not died; and

 (b) if immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the surviving partner’s notional rate using subsection (2), (2A), (3), (5) or (6) (whichever applies).

 Note: The subsection that you use depends on whether the deceased partner was receiving a job search allowance, jobseeker payment, special benefit, age pension, disability support pension or mature age allowance before he or she died.

Step 5. Take the surviving partner’s notional rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the deceased partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of the deceased partner’s paydays in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 7. Multiply the deceased partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the surviving partner under this section.

Deceased partner receiving youth allowance or austudy payment

 (2A) If, immediately before the deceased partner died, he or she was receiving youth allowance or austudy payment, the surviving partner’s notional rate is the amount of youth allowance or austudy payment that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s pay day immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment pay day if:

 (a) a youth allowance or an austudy payment had been payable to the surviving partner on that pay day; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that pay day.

Deceased partner receiving jobseeker payment

 (3) If, immediately before the deceased partner died, he or she was receiving jobseeker payment, the surviving partner’s notional rate is the amount of jobseeker payment that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) a jobseeker payment had been payable to the surviving partner on that payday; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that payday.

Deceased partner receiving special benefit

 (5) If, immediately before the deceased partner died, he or she was receiving special benefit, the surviving partner’s notional rate is the amount of special benefit that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) a special benefit had been payable to the surviving partner on that payday; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that payday.

Deceased partner receiving other social security payment

 (6) If, immediately before the deceased partner died, he or she was receiving age pension, disability support pension or mature age allowance, the surviving partner’s notional rate is the amount of jobseeker payment that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) jobseeker payment had been payable to the surviving partner on that payday; and

 (b) the surviving partner was not a member of a couple on that payday.

771NY  Effect of death of surviving partner


 (a) a surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the deceased partner; and

 (b) the surviving partner dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the deceased partner before the surviving partner dies;

there is payable as a lump sum, to any person that the Secretary thinks appropriate, an amount worked out using the following Lump Sum Calculator:


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner died if:

 (a) neither the surviving partner nor the deceased partner had died; and

 (b) if immediately before the deceased partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the deceased partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner died if:

 (a) neither the surviving partner nor the deceased partner had died; and

 (b) if immediately before the deceased partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

 Note: For illness separated couple and respite care couple see subsections 4(7) and 4(8) respectively.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for section 771NU, would have been payable to the surviving partner on the surviving partner’s payday immediately after the day on which the surviving partner died if he or she had not died: the result is called the surviving partner’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the surviving partner’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the deceased partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of the surviving partner’s paydays in the period that commences on the day on which the surviving partner dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 7. Multiply the deceased partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

771NZ  Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) after the deceased partner died, an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if he or she had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the surviving partner had not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the surviving partner or from the personal representative of the deceased partner, except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if the deceased partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and

 (c) the bank pays to the surviving partner, out of that account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the deceased partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the surviving partner.

Subdivision DBereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

771NZAA  Calculation of bereavement payment in respect of former CDEP Scheme participant

  If a benefit becomes payable under this Division in respect of a person who was a CDEP Scheme participant in respect of the day on which the benefit becomes payable, the amount of the benefit is to be the amount that would have been the amount of the benefit if section 771HK had not been enacted.

Note: For CDEP Scheme participant see section 1188B.

Part 2.16Special needs pensions

Division 1ATime limit on grant of special needs wife pension

771P  Special needs wife pension not to be granted after 30 June 1995

 (1) In spite of any other provision of this Part or any provision of the Administration Act, other than section 85, a woman is not to be granted a special needs wife pension unless:

 (a) her claim for the pension is lodged on or before 30 June 1995; and

 (b) she qualifies for the pension on or before 30 June 1995.

 (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), if section 15 of the Administration Act applies, the woman is taken to have lodged her claim on the day on which she makes her initial claim.

 (3) In subsection (2):

initial claim has the same meaning as in section 15 of the Administration Act.

Division 1BTime limit on grant of other special needs pensions

771PA  Special needs pensions not to be granted after 20 September 2000

  In spite of any other provision of this Part, a person is not to be granted a special needs age pension or special needs disability pension unless:

 (a) the person’s claim for the pension is lodged, or is taken to have been lodged, on or before 20 September 2000; and

 (b) the person qualifies for the pension on or before 20 September 2000.

Division 1Qualifications for and payability of special needs pensions

Subdivision AQualification

772  Qualification for special needs age pension

  A person is qualified for a special needs age pension if:

 (a) the person has not resided in Australia at any time after 7 May 1973; and

 (b) the person has turned:

 (i) if the person is a woman—60; or

 (ii) if the person is a man—65; and

 (c) the person ceased to reside in Australia after the person had turned:

 (i) if the person is a woman—55; or

 (ii) if the person is a man—60; and

 (d) the person had resided in Australia for a period that was, or for periods that in the aggregate were, not less than 30 years; and

 (e) the person would:

 (i) if the person had lodged a claim immediately before the person ceased to reside in Australia—have been qualified under section 25 of the 1947 Act to receive an age pension; or

 (ii) if the person had not ceased to reside in Australia, were physically present in Australia and lodged a claim for an age pension—be qualified under section 25 of the 1947 Act to receive an age pension; and

 (f) the person is, in the opinion of the Secretary, in special need of financial assistance.

773  Qualification for special needs disability support pension

  A person is qualified for a special needs disability support pension if:

 (a) the person has not resided in Australia at any time after 7 May 1973; and

 (b) the person is severely disabled; and

 (c) the person has turned 16; and

 (d) at the time when the person first satisfied paragraph (b), the person was in Australia or temporarily absent from Australia; and

 (e) the person is, in the opinion of the Secretary, in special need of financial assistance.

Note: A person who is receiving a special needs disability support pension may be automatically transferred to the special needs age pension if the person becomes qualified for the special needs age pension (see subsection 789(3)).

774  Qualification for special needs wife pension

  A person is qualified for a special needs wife pension if the person:

 (a) is a woman who is a member of a couple; and

 (b) has a partner who is receiving a special needs age pension or a special needs disability support pension.

Note 1: For member of a couple see subsections 4(2), (3) and (6).

Note 2: A person who is receiving a special needs wife pension may be automatically transferred to the special needs age pension if the person becomes qualified for the special needs age pension (see subsection 789(3)).

Subdivision BPayability

779  Special needs pension not payable if pension rate nil

  A special needs pension is not payable to a person if the person’s special needs pension rate would be nil.

783  Second special needs pension generally not payable after cancellation of initial pension


 (a) a special needs pension is payable to a person; and

 (b) the special needs pension is cancelled;

another special needs pension is not payable to the person unless the person is qualified to receive another special needs pension at the time the initial pension is cancelled.

787  Multiple entitlement exclusion

 (1) A special needs pension is not payable to a person if the person is already receiving a service pension or a veteran payment.

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs pension; and

 (b) another social security pension, a social security benefit, a service pension or a veteran payment becomes payable to the person;

the special needs pension is not payable to the person.

Note 1: Another payment type will generally not become payable to the person until the person claims it.

Note 2: For social security pension and social security benefit see subsection 23(1).

 (3) A special needs pension is not payable to a woman if:

 (a) the woman is an armed services widow; and

 (b) the woman is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note: For armed services widow see subsection 4(1).

 (4) A special needs pension is not payable to a man if:

 (a) the man is an armed services widower; and

 (b) the man is receiving a pension under Part II or IV of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act at a rate determined under or by reference to subsection 30(1) of that Act.

Note: For armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

 (5) A special needs pension is not payable to a person if:

 (a) the person is an armed services widow or an armed services widower; and

 (b) the person is receiving the weekly amount mentioned in paragraph 234(1)(b) of the MRCA (including a reduced weekly amount because of a choice under section 236 of the MRCA) or has received a lump sum mentioned in subsection 236(5) of the MRCA.

Note 1: For armed services widow and armed services widower see subsection 4(1).

Note 2: For MRCA see subsection 23(1).

Division 5Rate of special needs pension

796  How to work out a person’s special needs pension rate

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the rate of a person’s special needs pension is:

 (a) if the pension is a special needs age pension—the rate at which an age pension would be payable to the person if the person were qualified for an age pension; or

 (b) if the pension is a special needs disability support pension—the rate at which a disability support pension would be payable to the person if the person were qualified for a disability support pension; or

 (c) if the pension is a special needs wife pension—the rate at which a wife pension would be payable to the person if the person were qualified for a wife pension.

 (2) If:

 (a) the person was absent from Australia on 1 July 1986; and

 (b) the person commences after 1 July 1986 to receive a special needs pension; and

 (c) the person is absent from Australia;

the rate of the person’s special needs pension is, subject to subsections (3) and (4), the person’s special needs proportional rate worked out using the Special Needs Proportional Rate Calculator at the end of this section.

 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person’s special needs disability support pension if the person became qualified for the pension because the person became permanently incapacitated for work or permanently blind while the person was an Australian resident.

 (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person’s special needs sole parent pension if:

 (a) the person became qualified for the pension because of the death of the person’s former partner; and

 (b) at the time when the former partner died the former partner was an Australian resident; and

 (c) the person would, apart from subsections 249(2) and 362(2) of this Act, and section 46 of the 1947 Act as in force at any time before 1 March 1989, have become so qualified for that pension.

Special Needs Proportional Rate Calculator

Module AOverall rate calculation process

Overall rate calculation process

796A1  This is how to work out a person’s special needs proportional rate:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the period of the person’s Australian working life residence using Module B: the result is called the residence period.

Step 2. Use the person’s residence period to work out the person’s residence factor using Module C below.

Step 3. Work out the rate that would be the person’s pension or allowance rate if this Rate Calculator did not apply to the person: the result is called the person’s notional domestic rate.

Step 4. Multiply the person’s notional domestic rate by the person’s residence factor: the result is the person’s special needs proportional rate.

Module BAustralian working life residence

Working life

796B1  For the purposes of this Module, a person’s working life is the period commencing when the person turns 16 and ending:

 (a) if the person is a woman—when she turns 60; or

 (b) if the person is a man—when he turns 65.

Australian working life residence (general)

796B2  Subject to points 796B3 to 796B9, a person’s period of Australian working life residence as at a particular time is the number of months in the period, or the aggregate of the periods, during the person’s working life during which the person has, up to that time, been an Australian resident.

Calculation of number of months

796B3  If a person’s period of Australian working life residence would, apart from this subsection, be a number of whole months, the period is to be increased by one month.

796B4  If a person’s period of Australian working life residence would, apart from this subsection, be a number of whole months and a day or days, the period is to be increased so that it is equal to the number of months plus one month.

Australian working life residence (special needs age or disability support pensioner couples)

796B5  If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs age pension or a special needs disability support pension; and

 (b) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (c) the person’s partner is receiving an age or disability support pension or a special needs age or disability support pension; and

 (d) the partner’s period of Australian working life residence is longer than the period that would be the person’s period of Australian working life residence under point 796B2;

the person’s period of Australian working life residence is to be equal to the partner’s period of Australian working life residence.

Australian working life residence (member of former special needs age or disability support pensioner couple)

796B6  If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs age pension or a special needs disability support pension; and

 (b) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (c) the person ceases to be a member of a couple; and

 (d) immediately before the person ceases to be a member of a couple:

 (i) the person was receiving an age or disability support pension or a special needs age or disability support pension; and

 (ii) the partner was receiving an age or disability support pension or a special needs age or disability support pension; and

 (e) the partner’s period of Australian working life residence (immediately before the person ceases to be a member of a couple) is longer than the period that would be the person’s period of Australian working life residence under point 796B2;

the person’s period of Australian working life residence is to be equal to the partner’s period of Australian working life residence (immediately before the person ceases to be a member of a couple).

Australian working life residence (special needs wife pensioner)

796B7  If a person is receiving a special needs wife pension, the person’s period of Australian working life residence is equal to the period of Australian working life residence of the person’s partner.

Australian working life residence—second special needs pension

796B9  If:

 (a) a special needs pension is payable to a person (in this point called the initial pension); and

 (b) the special needs pension is cancelled or ceases to be payable automatically; and

 (c) another special needs pension is payable to the person (in this point called the second pension); and

 (d) the person’s period of Australian working life residence in respect of the second pension is shorter than the period that was the person’s period of Australian working life residence for the purposes of calculating the person’s initial special needs pension;

the person’s period of Australian working life residence for the second pension is to be equal to the period of Australian working life residence used in calculating the person’s initial pension.

Module CResidence factor

Residence factor (period of Australian working life residence 25 years or more)

796C1  If a person’s period of Australian working life residence is 300 months (25 years) or more, the person’s residence factor is 1.

Note: If a person’s residence factor is 1, the person’s overseas pension will be payable overseas at the full domestic rate (less any rent assistance and any and remote area allowance).

Residence factor (period of Australian working life residence under 25 years)

796C2  If a person’s period of Australian working life residence is less than 300 months (25 years), the person’s residence factor is:

Division 10Bereavement payments

Subdivision ADeath of partner

822  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs age, disability support or wife pension; and

 (b) the person is a member of a couple; and

 (c) the person’s partner dies; and

 (d) immediately before the partner died, the partner:

 (i) was receiving a social security pension; or

 (ii) was receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; or

 (iii) was a longterm social security recipient; and

 (e) on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday, the amount that would be payable to the person if the person were not qualified for payments under this Subdivision is less than the sum of:

 (i) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 825 (person’s continued rate) on that payday; and

 (ii) the amount that would otherwise be payable to the person under section 823 (continued payment of partner’s pension or benefit) on the partner’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the bereavement period.

Note 1: Section 823 provides for the payment to the person, up to the first available bereavement adjustment payday, of amounts equal to the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner during that period if the partner had not died.

Note 2: Section 824 provides for a lump sum that represents the instalments that would have been paid to the person’s partner, between the first available bereavement adjustment payday and the end of the bereavement period, if the partner had not died.

 (1A) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs pension; and

 (b) immediately before starting to receive the special needs pension the person was receiving partner bereavement payments; and

 (c) the bereavement rate continuation period in relation to the death of the person’s partner has not ended;

the person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision to cover the remainder of the bereavement period.

 (2) A person who is qualified for payments under this Subdivision may choose not to receive payments under this Subdivision.

 (3) An election under subsection (2):

 (a) must be made by written notice to the Secretary; and

 (b) may be made after the person has been paid an amount or amounts under this Subdivision; and

 (c) cannot be withdrawn after the Department has taken all the action required to give effect to that election.

 (4) If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the partner’s death, the rate at which special needs pension is payable to the person during the bereavement period is, unless the person has made an election under subsection (2), governed by section 825.

 (5) For the purposes of this section, a person is a longterm social security recipient if:

 (a) the person is receiving a social security benefit; and

 (b) in respect of the previous 12 months, the person:

 (i) was receiving a social security pension; or

 (ii) was receiving a social security benefit; or

 (iia) was receiving a youth training allowance; or

 (iii) was receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment.

 (6) A person is taken to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (5)(b) if:

 (a) the person was receiving one or a combination of the payments referred to in that paragraph for a continuous period of 12 months; or

 (b) the person was receiving one or a combination of the payments referred to in that paragraph for 46 weeks of the previous 52.

823  Continued payment of deceased partner’s previous entitlement

 (1) If a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner, there is payable to the person, on each of the partner’s paydays in the bereavement rate continuation period:

 (a) where the partner was receiving a social security pension or social security benefit—the amount that would have been payable to the partner on the payday if the partner had not died; or

 (b) where the partner was receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment—the amount that would have been payable to the partner under Part III, IIIA or IIIAA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act on the service payday that:

 (i) where the first Thursday after the partner’s death was a service payday—precedes the partner’s payday; or

 (ii) in any other case—follows the partner’s payday;

  if the partner had not died.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), if the couple were, immediately before the partner’s death, an illness separated couple or a respite care couple, the amounts are to be worked out as if they were not such a couple.

824  Lump sum payable in some circumstances


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the first available bereavement adjustment payday occurs before the end of the bereavement period;

there is payable to the person as a lump sum an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the person’s partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person’s partner on the partner’s payday or service payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday if:

 (a) the partner had not died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for subsection 825, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately before the first available bereavement adjustment payday: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the bereavement lump sum period.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable to the person under this section.

825  Adjustment of rate of person’s special needs pension


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and

 (b) the person does not elect under subsection 822(2) not to receive payments under this Subdivision;

the rate of the person’s special needs pension during the bereavement period is worked out as follows:

 (c) during the bereavement rate continuation period, the rate of special needs pension payable to the person is the rate at which the pension would have been payable to the person if:

 (i) the person’s partner had not died; and

 (ii) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple;

 (d) during the bereavement lump sum period (if any), the rate at which special needs pension is payable to the person is the rate at which the special needs pension would be payable to the person apart from this Subdivision.

826  Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision


 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) the person dies within the bereavement period; and

 (c) the Secretary does not become aware of the death of the person’s partner before the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, as a lump sum, an amount worked out using the lump sum calculator at the end of this section.


This is how to work out the amount of the lump sum:

Method statement

Step 1. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the person’s partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 2. Work out the amount that would have been payable to the partner on the partner’s payday or service payday immediately after the day on which the person died if:

 (a) neither the person nor the partner had died; and

 (b) where immediately before the partner’s death the couple were an illness separated couple or a respite care couple—they were not such a couple.

Step 3. Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2: the result is called the combined rate.

Step 4. Work out the amount that, but for section 825, would have been payable to the person on the person’s payday immediately after the day on which the person died if the person had not died: the result is called the person’s individual rate.

Step 5. Take the person’s individual rate away from the combined rate: the result is called the partner’s instalment component.

Step 6. Work out the number of paydays of the partner in the period that starts on the day on which the person dies and ends on the day on which the bereavement period ends.

Step 7. Multiply the partner’s instalment component by the number obtained in Step 6: the result is the amount of the lump sum payable under this section.

827  Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision and in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) after the person’s partner died, an amount to which the partner would have been entitled if the partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act; and

 (c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the person has not had the benefit of that amount;

the following provisions have effect:

 (d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the person or from the personal representative of the person’s partner except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision;

 (e) the amount payable to the person under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).

 (2) If:

 (a) a person is qualified for payments under this Subdivision in relation to the death of the person’s partner; and

 (b) an amount to which the person’s partner would have been entitled if the person’s partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and

 (c) the bank pays to the person, out of the account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);

the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the person’s partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the person.

Subdivision CDeath of recipient

830  Death of recipient

 (1) If:

 (a) a person is receiving a special needs pension; and

 (b) either:

 (i) the person is not a member of a couple; or

 (ii) the person is a member of a couple and the person’s partner:

 (A) is not receiving a social security pension; and

 (C) is not receiving a service pension, income support supplement or a veteran payment; and

 (c) the person dies;

there is payable, to such person as the Secretary thinks appropriate, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable to the person under this Act on the person’s payday after the person’s death if the person had not died.

 (2) If an amount is paid under subsection (1) in respect of a person, the Commonwealth is not liable to any action, claim or demand for any further payment under that subsection in respect of the person.

Note: For the death of a person qualified for bereavement payments under Subdivision A, see section 826.

Part 2.17Economic security strategy payment


900  Qualification for economic security strategy payment

Qualified if this section applies

 (1) A person is qualified for an economic security strategy payment if subsection (2), (3) or (4) applies to the person.

Receipt of certain payments

 (2) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) the person was receiving one of the following payments in respect of 14 October 2008:

 (i) an age pension;

 (ii) a disability support pension;

 (iii) a wife pension;

 (iv) a carer payment;

 (v) a bereavement allowance;

 (vi) a widow B pension;

 (vii) a widow allowance;

 (viii) partner allowance;

 (ix) carer allowance; and

 (b) except in the case of carer allowance, the person was receiving that payment because of a claim the person made on or before 14 October 2008.

Note: For receive see subsections 23(2) and (4).

Pension age and receipt of other payments

 (3) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) the person reached pension age on or before 14 October 2008; and

 (b) the person was receiving one of the following payments in respect of 14 October 2008:

 (i) a parenting payment;

 (ii) austudy payment;

 (iii) special benefit;

 (iv) a payment under the ABSTUDY Scheme that includes an amount identified as living allowance; and

 (c) the person was receiving that payment because of a claim the person made on or before 14 October 2008.

Note: For receive see subsections 23(2) and (4).

Qualified for seniors health card

 (4) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) on or before 14 October 2008, the person made a claim for a seniors health card under Division 1 of Part 3 of the Administration Act and had not withdrawn that claim on or before 14 October 2008; and

 (b) on 14 October 2008, the person was qualified for the card.

One payment under this section only

 (5) A person cannot receive more than one payment under this section, regardless of how many times the person qualifies under this section.

 (6) Despite anything else in this section, a person who is eligible for a payment under section 118ZZQ of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act is not qualified for a payment under this section unless the person is so qualified because he or she was receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008.

901  Amount of economic security strategy payment—general

 (1) The amount of a person’s economic security strategy payment under this Part is the amount, specified in column 3 of the following table, that corresponds to the family situation, specified in column 2 of the table, that applied to the person on 14 October 2008:


Amount of economic security strategy payment


Person’s family situation on 14 October 2008



Not member of couple






Member of illness separated couple



Member of respite care couple



Partnered (partner in gaol)


Note: For member of couple, partnered, illness separated couple, respite care couple and partnered (partner in gaol) see section 4.

 (2) However, this section does not apply to a person if he or she is qualified under section 900 for an economic security strategy payment because he or she was receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008.

902  Amount of economic security strategy payment—person receiving carer allowance

 (1) If a person:

 (a) is qualified under section 900 for an economic security strategy payment because he or she was receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008; and

 (b) would not be so qualified if he or she had not been receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008;

the amount of the person’s economic security strategy payment under this Part is the amount worked out under subsection (3) for the person’s carer allowance.

 (2) If a person:

 (a) is qualified under section 900 for an economic security strategy payment because he or she was receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008; and

 (b) would be so qualified even if he or she had not been receiving carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008;

the amount of the person’s economic security strategy payment under this Part is the sum of the amount worked out under subsection (3) for the person’s carer allowance and the amount that would have been worked out under section 901 for the person if subsection 901(2) had not applied.

 (3) Subject to subsection (4), the amount for a person’s carer allowance is worked out by adding together the amount applicable under this section for each person (care receiver) whose care qualified the person for carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008.

 (4) If subsection 953(2) applied in relation to the carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008, the 2 disabled children whose care qualified the person for carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008 are to be treated as if they were a single care receiver in relation to the person qualified for the economic security strategy payment.

 (5) Subject to subsection (6), the amount applicable for a care receiver is $1,000.

 (6) If the rate at which carer allowance in respect of 14 October 2008 was paid took account of a determination under subsection 981(1) of a particular share (being a percentage or proportion) in relation to a care receiver, the amount applicable for the care receiver is that share of $1,000.

Part 2.18Training and learning bonus


910  Qualification for training and learning bonus

Qualified if this section applies

 (1) A person is qualified for a training and learning bonus if subsection (2) or (4) applies to the person.

Receipt of certain payments

 (2) This subsection applies to a person if the person was receiving one or more of the following payments in respect of 3 February 2009:

 (a) youth allowance;

 (b) austudy payment;

 (c) special benefit;

 (d) sickness allowance;

 (e) a payment under the ABSTUDY Scheme that included an amount identified as living allowance;

 (f) an education allowance under section 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or 3.6A of the Veterans’ Children Education Scheme;

 (g) an education allowance under section 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme.

 (3) However:

 (a) paragraph (2)(a) does not apply to the person unless the person was receiving youth allowance on the basis that, on 3 February 2009:

 (i) the person was undertaking fulltime study; or

 (ii) the person was qualified for a youth allowance under section 540AA; and

 (b) paragraph (2)(c) does not apply if the person had reached pension age on or before 14 October 2008.

Person entitled to family tax benefit Part A

 (4) This subsection applies to a person if:

 (a) on 3 February 2009 the person was entitled to family tax benefit; and

 (b) the rate of family tax benefit payable in relation to that day consisted of or included a Part A rate greater than nil worked out taking into account at least one FTB child who was aged 21 or more and less than 25 on that day; and

 (c) the person would have been entitled to a back to school bonus under section 95 of the Family Assistance Act if any such child were aged 4 or more and less than 19 on that day.

One payment under this section only

 (5) A person cannot receive more than one payment under this section, regardless of how many times the person qualifies under this section.

No qualification under subsection (2) in certain circumstances

 (6) Despite anything else in this section, a person who is:

 (a) an FTB child in respect of whom another person is entitled to a back to school bonus under section 95 of the Family Assistance Act; or

 (b) entitled to a back to school bonus under section 98 of the Family Assistance Act;

is not qualified for a training and learning bonus under subsection (2) of this section.

911  Amount of training and learning bonus

 (1) The amount of a person’s training and learning bonus is:

 (a) if the person qualifies for a training and learning bonus under subsection 910(2) but not under subsection 910(4)—$950; or

 (b) if the person qualifies for a training and learning bonus under subsection 910(4) but not under subsection 910(2)—$950 for each FTB child because of whom the person so qualifies; or

 (c) if the person qualifies for a training and learning bonus under subsection 910(2) and also qualifies under subsection 910(4)—the sum of:

 (i) $950; and

 (ii) $950 for each FTB child because of whom the person so qualifies.

 (2) Despite paragraph (1)(b) and subparagraph (1)(c)(ii) of this section, subsections 97(3), (4) and (5) of the Family Assistance Act apply in relation to the amount of a person’s training and learning bonus in relation to an FTB child in the same way as they would apply in relation to the amount of a back to school bonus under that Act.

Part 2.18AClean energy payments

Division 1Clean energy advances

Subdivision AQualifying for clean energy advances

914  Recipients of certain social security payments

Qualification for days 14 May 2012 to 30 June 2012

 (1) The Secretary may, on a day during the period starting on 14 May 2012 and ending on 30 June 2012, determine that a person is qualified for a clean energy advance if, on that day:

 (a) the person receives one of the social security payments set out in subsection (4); and

 (b) the person’s rate of payment is greater than nil; and

 (ba) the person is residing in Australia; and

 (c) the person is in Australia.

Qualification for days 1 July 2012 to 19 March 2013

 (2) The Secretary may determine that a person is qualified for a clean energy advance if, on a day during the period starting on 1 July 2012 and ending on 19 March 2013:

 (a) the person receives one of the social security payments set out in subsection (4); and

 (b) the person’s rate of payment is greater than nil; and

 (ba) the person is residing in Australia; and

 (c) the person is in Australia.

 (3) A determination under subsection (2) must specify the first day during the period set out in that subsection for which the person:

 (a) satisfies paragraphs (2)(a), (b) and (ba); and

 (b) is in Australia, disregarding any temporary absence from Australia for a continuous period not exceeding 6 weeks.

Clean energy qualifying payments

 (4) The social security payments (the clean energy qualifying payments) are as follows:

 (a) age pension;

 (b) benefit PP (partnered);

 (c) bereavement allowance;

 (d) carer payment;

 (e) disability support pension (other than for a person who is under 21 with no dependent children);

 (f) newstart allowance;

 (g) pension PP (single);

 (h) partner allowance;

 (i) seniors supplement;

 (j) sickness allowance;

 (k) special benefit, whose rate is worked out as if the person were qualified for newstart allowance;

 (l) widow allowance;

 (m) widow B pension;

 (n) wife pension.

914A  Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits

Qualification for days 14 May 2012 to 30 June 2012

 (1) The Secretary may, on a day during the period starting on 14 May 2012 and ending on 30 June 2012, determine that a person is qualified for a clean energy advance if, on that day:

 (a) the person receives one of the social security payments set out in subsection (5); and

 (b) the person’s rate of payment is greater than nil; and

 (ba) the person is residing in Australia; and

 (c) the person is in Australia.

Qualification for days 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013

 (2) The Secretary may determine that a person is qualified for a clean energy advance if, on a day during the period starting on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013:

 (a) the person receives one of the social security payments set out in subsection (5); and

 (b) the person’s rate of payment is greater than nil; and

 (ba) the person is residing in Australia; and

 (c) the person is in Australia.

Qualification for days 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2013

 (3) The Secretary may determine that a person is qualified for a clean energy advance if, on a day during the period starting on 1 July 2013 and ending on 31 December 2013:

 (a) the person receives one of the social security payments set out in subsection (5); and

 (b) the person’s rate of payment is greater than nil; and

 (ba) the person is residing in Australia; and

 (c) the person is in Australia.

First day of qualification under subsection (2) or (3)

 (4) A determination under subsection (2) or (3) must specify the first day during the period set out in that subsection for which the person:

 (a) satisfies paragraphs (a), (b) and (ba) of that subsection; and

 (b) is in Australia, disregarding any temporary absence from Australia for a continuous period not exceeding 6 weeks.

Clean energy qualifying payments

 (5) The social security payments (the clean energy qualifying payments) are as follows:

 (a) austudy payment;

 (b) disability support pension for a person who is under 21 with no dependent children;

 (c) special benefit, whose rate is worked out as if the person were qualified for austudy payment or youth allowance;

 (d) youth allowance.

914B  Disregard nil rate in certain circumstances

 (1) For the purposes of section 914 or 914A, a person is taken to receive a social security payment at a rate greater than nil even if the person’s rate would be nil merely because:

 (a) an election by the person under subsection 1061VA(1) is in force; or

 (b) the person has been paid an advance pharmaceutical allowance under the social security law.

 (2) For the purposes of section 914 or 914A, if a social security payment is payable to a person because of subsection 23(1D), the person is taken to receive that payment at a rate greater than nil.

914C  Limits on qualifying for multiple advances

 (1) A person cannot qualify for more than one clean energy advance under section 914.

 (2) A person can qualify for at most 2 clean energy advances under section 914A:

 (a) one under either subsection 914A(1) or (2); and

 (b) one under subsection 914A(3).

 (3) A person who has qualified for a clean energy advance under subsection 914(1) or 914A(1) cannot qualify for a clean energy advance under the other of those subsections.

Note 1: Further limits may be determined under section 918.

Note 2: Topup payments of clean energy advance may be payable under Subdivision C if the person’s circumstances change during the person’s clean energy advance period.

Subdivision BAmount of a clean energy advance

914D  Amount of a clean energy advance

 (1) On the day (the decision day) that the Secretary determines that a person (the recipient) is qualified for a clean energy advance, the Secretary must work out the amount of the advance.

Note: The advance will be paid in a lump sum as soon as is reasonably practicable (see section 47D of the Administration Act).

 (2) The amount of the advance is the result of the following formula rounded up to the nearest multiple of $10:

914E  Clean energy advance daily rate

 (1) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out as follows:


Working out the recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate


If the recipient’s clean energy qualifying payment is:

Use this provision:


(a) age pension; or

(b) bereavement allowance; or

(c) disability support pension to which neither subsection 1066A(1) nor 1066B(1) applies; or

(d) wife pension; or

(e) carer payment; or

(f) seniors supplement; or

(g) widow B pension; or

(h) another payment, and the recipient reached pension age on or before the decision day

subsection (2)


one of the following payments, and the recipient is under pension age on the decision day:

(a) newstart allowance, if the recipient’s maximum basic rate is worked out under point 1068B5;

(b) pension PP (single);

(c) youth allowance, if the recipient’s maximum basic rate is worked out under point 1067GB3A

subsection (3)


one of the following payments, and the recipient is under pension age on the decision day:

(a) newstart allowance, if the recipient’s maximum basic rate is not worked out under point 1068B5;

(b) sickness allowance;

(c) partner allowance;

(d) widow allowance;

(e) benefit PP (partnered);

(f) special benefit, whose rate is worked out as if the recipient were qualified for newstart allowance

subsection (4)


disability support pension to which subsection 1066A(1) or 1066B(1) applies

subsection (5)


one of the following payments, and the recipient is under pension age on the decision day:

(a) austudy payment;

(b) youth allowance, if:

(i) the recipient’s maximum basic rate is not worked out under point 1067GB3A; and

(ii) the recipient’s rate of youth allowance is not worked out by adding a youth disability supplement;

(c) special benefit, whose rate is worked out as if the recipient were qualified for austudy payment or youth allowance

subsection (6)


youth allowance, whose rate is worked out by adding a youth disability supplement

subsection (7)

Note: For recipient and decision day, see subsection 914D(1).

Rate for payments set out in item 1 of the table

 (2) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the total of:

 (i) double the maximum basic rate under Pension Rate Calculator A, worked out for 1 July 2012 for a person who is partnered; and

 (ii) the combined couple rate of pension supplement for 1 July 2012; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of $5.20 (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of $5.20 but is a multiple of $2.60); and

 (c) adding $5.20 to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) applying the applicable percentage in the following table to the result of paragraph (c); and

 (e) rounding the result of paragraph (d) up or down to the nearest multiple of $2.60 (rounding up if that rate is not a multiple of $2.60 but is a multiple of $1.30); and

 (f) dividing the result of paragraph (e) by 364.


Percentage to be applied


Recipient’s family situation on the advance qualification day

Use this %


Not a member of a couple






Member of an illness separated couple



Member of a respite care couple



Partnered (partner in gaol)


Note: This subsection covers payments covered by Pension Rate Calculator A, B or C, seniors supplement, recipients of other payments who have reached pension age and recipients of pensions covered by clause 146 of Schedule 1A.

Rate for payments set out in item 2 of the table

 (3) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the total of the maximum basic rate, and the pension supplement basic amount, for the clean energy qualifying payment, worked out:

 (i) for 1 July 2012; and

 (ii) for a person in circumstances the same as the recipient’s on the advance qualification day; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of $2.60 (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of $2.60 but is a multiple of $1.30); and

 (c) adding $5.20 to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) dividing the result of paragraph (c) by 364.

Rate for payments set out in item 3 of the table

 (4) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the maximum basic rate for the clean energy qualifying payment, worked out:

 (i) for 1 July 2012; and

 (ii) for a person in circumstances the same as the recipient’s on the advance qualification day; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of 10 cents but is a multiple of 5 cents); and

 (c) adding 20 cents to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) dividing the result of paragraph (c) by 14.

Rate for payments set out in item 4 of the table

 (5) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the total of the maximum basic rate, and the youth disability supplement, for the clean energy qualifying payment, worked out:

 (i) for the first day of the recipient’s clean energy advance period; and

 (ii) for a person in circumstances the same as the recipient’s on the advance qualification day; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of $2.60 (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of $2.60 but is a multiple of $1.30); and

 (c) adding $5.20 to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) dividing the result of paragraph (c) by 364.

Rate for payments set out in item 5 of the table

 (6) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the maximum basic rate for the clean energy qualifying payment, worked out:

 (i) for the first day of the recipient’s clean energy advance period; and

 (ii) for a person in circumstances the same as the recipient’s on the advance qualification day; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of 10 cents but is a multiple of 5 cents); and

 (c) adding 20 cents to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) dividing the result of paragraph (c) by 14.

Rate for payments set out in item 6 of the table

 (7) The recipient’s clean energy advance daily rate is worked out by:

 (a) working out 1.7% of the total of the maximum basic rate, and the youth disability supplement, for the clean energy qualifying payment, worked out:

 (i) for the first day of the recipient’s clean energy advance period; and

 (ii) for a person in circumstances the same as the recipient’s on the advance qualification day; and

 (b) rounding the result of paragraph (a) up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if that result is not a multiple of 10 cents but is a multiple of 5 cents); and

 (c) adding 20 cents to the result of paragraph (b); and

 (d) dividing the result of paragraph (c) by 14.

914F  Number of advance days

  The recipient’s number of advance days is the number of days in the recipient’s clean energy advance period that are on or after:

 (a) if the recipient qualifies for the clean energy advance before 1 July 2012—1 July 2012; or

 (b) otherwise—the advance qualification day.

Subdivision CTopup payments of clean energy advance

914G  Topup payments of clean energy advance

 (1) The Minister may by legislative instrument determine that persons:

 (a) who have been paid the amount (the original payment) of a specified clean energy advance worked out under Subdivision B in relation to a clean energy qualifying payment (the original qualifying payment); and

 (b) whose circumstances change, within a period specified in the instrument, in a way that is specified in the instrument and is covered by subsection (2) or (3);

qualify for a further payment, of the amount worked out in accordance with the instrument, of clean energy advance.

 (2) This subsection covers a person’s circumstances changing in a way such that:

 (a) on the day (the change day) the change happens, the person was still receiving the original qualifying payment; and

 (b) had the amount of the original payment been worked out by reference to the person’s circumstances on the change day (rather than those on the advance qualification day), a greater clean energy advance daily rate would have been used for working out that amount than the rate actually used for working out that amount.

 (3) This subsection covers a change in a person’s circumstances that, apart from a multiple qualification exclusion, would (if any necessary administrative decisions were made) qualify the person for a clean energy bonus, under an Act or a scheme, relating to a payment other than the original qualifying payment.

 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a multiple qualification exclusion is an instrument that:

 (a) provides a person is not qualified for a clean energy bonus under an Act or a scheme because of the person’s qualification for or receipt of the original payment or the original qualifying payment; and

 (b) is made under:

 (i) section 918; or

 (ii) section 424L of the MRCA; or

 (iii) section 65A of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act;

  or is an instrument establishing qualifications for a clean energy bonus under a scheme.

 (5) An instrument under subsection (1) may provide for:

 (a) different periods for changes in circumstances depending on different changes in circumstances; and

 (b) different ways of working out further amounts of the original payment depending on different changes in circumstances.

Division 2Quarterly energy supplement

915  When quarterly energy supplement is payable

  Quarterly energy supplement is payable to a person for each day for which an election by the person under subsection 915A(1) or 1061VA(1) is in force in relation to a social security payment the person is receiving.

Note: Section 918 may affect the person’s qualification for quarterly energy supplement.

915A  Electing to receive quarterly energy supplement

 (1) If:

 (a) Part 2.25C (about quarterly pension supplement) does not apply to a person in relation to a social security payment the person is receiving; and

 (b) energy supplement is used to work out the rate of that social security payment;

the person may, in a manner or way approved by the Secretary, make an election to receive the person’s energy supplement under this Division as a separate social security payment.

Note: The person could make an election under subsection 1061VA(1) if Part 2.25C applies to the person in relation to the social security payment. That election would cause quarterly energy supplement to be payable (see section 915).

 (2) An election comes into force as soon as practicable after it is made.

 (3) An election ceases to be in force if the person ceases to receive a social security payment (a main payment) calculated using a Rate Calculator that has an energy supplement Module.

 (4) The person may, in a manner or way approved by the Secretary, revoke an election. A revocation takes effect as soon as practicable after it happens.

915B  Rate of quarterly energy supplement

 (1) The person’s daily rate of quarterly energy supplement, for a particular day, is:

 (a) if the Rate Calculator for the main payment received on that day produces an annual rate—1/364 of the amount that, apart from this Division, would be the person’s energy supplement for that day; or

 (b) if the Rate Calculator for the main payment received on that day produces a fortnightly rate—1/14 of the amount that, apart from this Division, would be the person’s energy supplement for that day.

 (2) This section has effect subject to subsection 1210(3A).

Division 4Essential medical equipment payment

917A  Definitions

  In this Division:

EMEP residence has the meaning given by subsection 917C(1).

essential medical equipment payment:

 (a) means an essential medical equipment payment under this Division (except in section 917F); and

 (b) in section 917F—has the meaning given by that section.

medical equipment, in relation to a person who satisfies the medical needs requirement under paragraph 917C(1)(b), means the heating or cooling system (as the case requires) of the residence described in that paragraph.

person with medical needs has the meaning given by paragraph 917C(2)(b).

917B  Qualification for essential medical equipment payment

 (1) A person (the claimant) is qualified for an essential medical equipment payment for an income year if:

 (a) the Secretary is satisfied that the claimant satisfies each of the following on the EMEP test day:

 (i) the medical needs requirement in section 917C;

 (ii) the concession card requirement in section 917D;

 (iii) the energy account requirement in section 917E; and

 (b) a medical practitioner has (subject to subsection (2)) certified that:

 (i) the claimant meets the medical needs requirement under subsection 917C(1) on a day; or

 (ii) another specified person meets the medical needs requirement under subsection 917C(1) on a day;

  (as the case requires); and

 (c) the claimant is not prevented from receiving an essential medical equipment payment by section 917F; and

 (d) the claimant is not a dependent child of another person on the EMEP test day; and

 (e) the claimant is in Australia on the EMEP test day.

 (2) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply if the Secretary is otherwise satisfied that the claimant or another specified person meets the medical needs requirement in section 917C.

Meaning of EMEP test day

 (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the EMEP test day is either:

 (a) the day in the income year referred to in subsection (1) on which the claimant makes the claim for the payment; or

 (b) an anniversary (in the income year referred to in subsection (1)) of the day on which the claimant made a claim for the payment if:

 (i) the claimant made the claim in a previous income year; and

 (ii) since the claimant made the claim, the Secretary has not determined that the claimant has ceased to be qualified for the payment.

Note 1: Under section 11 of the Administration Act, a person is required to make a claim for a social security payment.

Note 2: For additional rules relating to the claim, see section 19 of the Administration Act.

Determining qualification for later income years

 (4) In determining whether a person is qualified for an essential medical equipment payment for an income year after the income year in which the claim for the payment is made, the Secretary:

 (a) may act on the basis of the documents and information in his or her possession; and

 (b) is not required to conduct any inquiries or investigations into the matter or to require (whether under this Act or otherwise) the giving of any information or the production of any document.

 (5) Despite subsection (4), the Secretary may require a further certification for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), or further information or a further document for the purposes of subsection (2), in an income year after the income year in which the claim is made.

917C  The medical needs requirement

Person who has medical needs

 (1) A person satisfies the medical needs requirement on a day if:

 (a) the person has a medical condition on that day, and as a result:

 (i) the person requires the use of specified essential medical equipment in a residence (the EMEP residence) that is the person’s home and is either a private residence or a specified residence; and

 (ii) the person uses that equipment in that residence; or

 (b) the person has a specified medical condition on that day, and as a result:

 (i) the person is unable to regulate his or her body temperature; and

 (ii) additional heating or cooling is required, in a residence (the EMEP residence) that is the person’s home and is either a private residence or a specified residence, to manage the person’s condition; and

 (iii) the person uses additional heating or cooling in that residence.

Caring for a person who has medical needs

 (2) A person (the carer) also satisfies the medical needs requirement on a day if:

 (a) the carer provides care and attention on a regular and ongoing basis for a person; and

 (b) the person (the person with medical needs) satisfies the medical needs requirement under subsection (1) on the day; and

 (c) the person with medical needs is specified in the certification under subparagraph 917B(1)(b)(ii) or is the person specified for the purposes of subsection 917B(2) (as the case requires); and

 (d) the carer’s home is the EMEP residence that is the home of the person with medical needs.

Legislative instrument

 (3) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, specify:

 (a) essential medical equipment for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a); and

 (b) medical conditions for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b); and

 (c) residences for the purposes of paragraphs (1)(a) and (b).

917D  The concession card requirement

  A person satisfies the concession card requirement on a day if:

 (a) the person is a holder of a concession card, or the person’s name is included on a concession card, on that day; or

 (b) both of the following apply:

 (i) the person satisfies the medical needs requirement under subsection 917C(2) (caring for a person) on that day in relation to a person with medical needs;

 (ii) the person with medical needs is a holder of a concession card, or the name of the person with medical needs is included on a concession card, on that day.

917E  The energy account requirement

 (1) A person satisfies the energy account requirement on a day if:

 (a) on that day, the energy account for the relevant EMEP residence is in the name of that person; or

 (b) on that day, the energy account for the relevant EMEP residence is in the name of that person’s partner; or

 (c) the person contributes (whether wholly or partly) to paying the energy account for the relevant EMEP residence; or

 (d) if the person is not the person with medical needs—the person with medical needs contributes (whether wholly or partly) to paying the energy account for the relevant EMEP residence.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an energy account for a residence means any account for:

 (a) electricity; or

 (b) any other specified form of energy;

that is supplied to the residence.

 (3) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, specify forms of energy for the purposes of paragraph (2)(b).

917F  Availability of payments

 (1) No essential medical equipment payment may be made for an income year in relation to medical equipment that is used in an EMEP residence if an essential medical equipment payment has already been made for that income year in relation to the same equipment and the same residence.

 (2) No more than 2 essential medical equipment payments may be made in relation to the same medical equipment for an income year (subject to subsection (1)).

 (3) Essential medical equipment payments for an income year may not be made, in relation to a person with medical needs, in relation to more than 2 EMEP residences.

Meaning of essential medical equipment payment

 (4) In this section, an essential medical equipment payment means an essential medical equipment payment under this Division or Division 3 of Part IIIE of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act.

917G  Amount of payment

  The amount of an essential medical equipment payment for an income year is $140.

Note: The amount specified is indexed on each 1 July (see sections 1190 and 1191).

917H  Nonreceipt of social security payment

 (1) This section applies for the purposes of a provision of this or another Act if:

 (a) the provision provides a benefit (whether the benefit is a pension, benefit, payment, supplement or any other sort of benefit) if a person meets specified criteria; and

 (b) one of the specified criteria is that the person is receiving a social security payment, or is a recipient of a social security payment.

 (2) For the purposes of the provision, a person is not taken to be receiving a social security payment, or to be a recipient of a social security payment, merely because the person receives an essential medical equipment payment.

Division 5Multiple qualification exclusions

918  Multiple qualification exclusions

 (1) The Minister may by legislative instrument determine that persons in circumstances specified in the instrument cannot qualify for a clean energy bonus under this Act that is specified in the instrument.

 (2) Those circumstances must relate to persons’ qualification for or receipt of one or more of the following:

 (a) a clean energy bonus under this Act;

 (b) a clean energy bonus under the MRCA;

 (c) a clean energy bonus under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act;

 (d) a clean energy bonus under a scheme (however described), whether or not the scheme is provided for, by or under an Act.

 (3) An instrument under subsection (1) has effect according to its terms, despite any other provision of this Act.

Part 2.19Carer allowance

Division 1Interpretation

952  Carer allowance definitions

  In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

Adult Disability Assessment Tool has the meaning given by subsection 38C(3).

care receiver has the meaning given by subsections 953(1) and (2), 954(1) and 954A(1) and section 954B.