
Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1984

No. 136 of 1984


An Act to amend the Overseas Students Charge Act 1979

[Assented to 25 October 1984]

[Date of commencement 22 November 1984]

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:

Short title, &c.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Overseas Students Charge Amendment Act 1984.

(2) The Overseas Students Charge Act 19791 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

Rates of charge

2. Section 6 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting $2,900 and substituting $3,350.



1. No. 119, 1979, as amended. For previous amendments, see No. 61, 1981; No. 22, 1982; No. 68, 1983; and No. 84, 1983.