1971 No.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924-1966.

Dated this nineteenth day of August, 1971.

Paul Hasluck


By His Excellency’s Command,

Sgd. Ian Sinclair

Minister of State for Primary Industry.


Amendment of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations†

Regulation 4a of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—

Products prescribed as dairy products.

“4a.—(1.) For the purposes of the definition of ‘dairy produce’ in section 3 of the Act—

(a) each of the following products is a prescribed product:—


ammonium caseinate

calcium caseinate

potassium caseinate

sodium caseinate

ghee; and

(b) subject to the next two succeeding sub-regulations, each of the following products, namely, butter oil, dry butter fat, dried skimmed milk and dried buttermilk (whether or not any other substance is added to it) is a prescribed product.

“(2.) A product consisting of butter oil or dry butter fat and another substance or other substances is not a prescribed product for the purposes referred to in the last preceding sub-regulation unless the product contains not less than forty per centum by weight of butter oil or dry butter fat.

“(3.) A product, not being a product consisting of dried skimmed milk and dried buttermilk but no other substance, consisting of dried skimmed milk or dried buttermilk and another substance or other substances is not a prescribed product for the purposes referred to in sub-regulation (1.) of this regulation unless—

(a) the product contains not less than ninety per centum by weight of dried skimmed milk or dried buttermilk; or


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on     1971.

† Statutory Rules 1955. No. 38, as amended by Statutory Rules 1957, No. 50; 1958, No. 29; 1962, Nos. 11 and 16; and 1965, No. 27.

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(b) the product contains dried skimmed milk, dried buttermilk and another substance or other substances and does not contain more than ten per centum by weight of a substance or substances other than dried skimmed milk or dried buttermilk.”.

Printed by Authority by the Government Printer of the Commonwealth of Australia