Appropriation (No. 4) 1967-68
No. 21 of 1968
An Act to appropriate a sum out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, additional to the sum appropriated by the Appropriation Act (No. 2) 1967-68, for certain expenditure in respect of the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight.
[Assented to 22 May 1968]
BE it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act (No. 4) 1967-68.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
Issue and application of $31,335,000.
3. The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and apply for the services specified in the Schedule to this Act, in respect of the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight, the sum of Thirty-one million three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars.
4. The sum authorized by this Act to be issued out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated, and shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven, for the services expressed in the Schedule to this Act in respect of the financial Year that commenced on that date.
— | Total |
Part 1.—Departments and Services—Other than Business Undertakings— | $ |
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE................. | 473,500 |
DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS...................... | 213,200 |
DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL TERRITORIES.................. | 150,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH................................ | 40,130 |
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING............................... | 996,700 |
DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION........................... | 2,370 |
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR........................... | 2,106,100 |
DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT................. | 153,500 |
DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRY...................... | 21,001,600 |
PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT.......................... | 77,800 |
DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT................. | 50,600 |
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES........................ | 25,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE................................. | 14,600 |
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.......................... | 3,524,200 |
DEPARTMENT OF WORKS................................ | 1,703,600 |
Total Part 1.................................... | 30,542,900 |
The Schedule—continued
— | Total |
| $ |
Part 2.—Business Undertakings— |
postmaster-general’s department............................... | 350,000 |
broadcasting and television services............................ | 442,100 |
Total Part 2...................................... | 792,100 |
TOTAL........................................ | 31,335,000 |